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1.0SAP Enterprise Struture

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How to Create a Company in SAP | Define Company in SAP FICO The following tutorial guides you how to define company in SAP step by step with screen shots. Let us discuss briefly about company. Define Company in SAP About Company in SAP :- Company is the organizational unit for which individual financial statements can be drawn according to the relevant commercial law. A company can comprise of one or more company codes. A Company has local currencies in which its transactions are recorded. All company codes within a company must use the same transaction Chart of accounts and the same Fiscal Year. Creation of company in sap is optional. Path to Define Company in SAP :- SAP IMG Path: – SPRO –> Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial Accounting –> Define Company Transaction code to “Define Company in SAP” :- OX15 Steps for creation of Company: – Step 1 :- Enter Transaction Code SPRO in the commend field and press enter on the Keyboard
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How to Create a Company in SAP | Define

Company in SAP FICO

The following tutorial guides you how to define company in SAP step by step with screen shots. Let us discuss briefly about company.

Define Company in SAP

About Company in SAP:- Company is the organizational unit for which individual financial statements can be drawn according to the relevant commercial law. A company can comprise of one or more company codes. A Company has local currencies in which its transactions are recorded. All company codes within a company must use the same transaction Chart of accounts and the same Fiscal Year. Creation of company in sap is optional.

Path to Define Company in SAP :-

SAP IMG Path: – SPRO –> Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial Accounting –> Define Company

Transaction code to “Define Company in SAP” :- OX15

Steps for creation of Company: –

Step 1 :- Enter Transaction Code SPRO in the commend field and press enter on the Keyboard

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Step 2 :- Next Customizing execute project screen select SAP Reference IMG

Step 3 :- After Selecting SAP Reference IMG, a new screen IMG Path will be displayed. Select Define company execute icon for creating a company

Next Screen will be displayed after selecting the define company execute icon

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Step 4:- Now Select New entries icon and enter the company details

The following details are to be entered for creating a new company

1. Enter 6 character alphanumeric code key that represents the group of company

2. Enter name of your company3. In the Detailed information update the address – Street

name, PO Box#, Postal code, City.4. Enter Country Code of the company5. Enter language key6. Enter local currency for the company (also known as

Company code currency)7. Click on Save icon or CTRL+S after updating the required


Thus new Company ADARSH is created in SAP.

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How to Create Company Code in SAP | Define

Company Code in FICO

The following tutorial guides you how to define company code in SAP FI step by step with screen shots. After configuring company, next step is to configure the company code. Let us discuss briefly about company code.

Define Company Code

About Company Code :- Company Code in SAP is the smallest organizational unit of Financial Accounting for which you draw individual financial statements like Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account for purpose of external reporting. The Creation of company code in sap is mandatory

PATH :- IMG Reference –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial Accounting –> Edit, Copy, Delete Company Code

Transaction code to Define company Code :- OX02

Steps to Define Company Code: -

Step 1 :- Enter Transaction Code SPRO in the commend field and press enter

Steps 2 :- In customizing execute project screen select SAP Reference IMG

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Step 3 :- In next screen select Edit, Copy, Delete check Company Code

Step 4 :- The below screen displays after selecting Edit, Copy, Delete Company Code ( Define Company Code )

we can create company code by selecting above two options. By selecting first option copy, Delete, company code all the configuration and tables get copied automatically along with assignments.

Here we are creating company code manually configure all the assignments by selecting second option Edit Company Code Data . Double click on Edit Company Code Data

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Step 5 :- Click on New Entries and update the following details

1. Update new Company code key AD06

2. Give the company name Adarsh Technologies for identifying the company code key

3. In Additional Data update the details of City, Country, local Currency of company, Language.

Click on Address and Update the following fields

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After updating

Address enter Click on Save icon Thus the company code AD06 is created in SAP

How to Assign Company Code to Company in SAP

Assign Company Code to Company

Menu Path :-

SPRO –> IMG Reference –> Enterprise Structure –> Assignment –> Financial

Accounting –> Assign Company Code To Company

Transaction Code :- OX16

The following are the steps to Assign the Company Code to Company in SAP


Step 1 :- Enter the T-Code SPRO in the commend field

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Step 5 :- Update Company ID in Company field and click on save icon

Thus company code AD06 was assigned to Company ADARSH

How to create Plant in SAP MM | Define Plant

This tutorial guides you how to create/Define Plant in SAP

Steps to Define Plant :-

IMG Menu Path :-

SPRO > SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) > Enterprise Structure > Definition >

Logistics – General > Define copy, delete, check plant

Transaction Code to Define Plant :- OX10

Step 1 :- Enter Transaction Code SPRO in the command field and press enter

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Step 2 :- Click on SAP Reference IMG

Step 3 :- Follow the Menu Path as per below screen shot

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Step 4 :- Click on Define Plant

Step 5 :- Click on New Entries

Step 6 :- Enter new plant code and update the name of the Plant and press enter

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Step 7 :- Update the address of the plant and press enter

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Step 8 :- After updating all mandatory fields click on save icon

Thus Plant was successfully configured in SAP

Assign Plant to Company Code | SAP OX18

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Assign Plant to Company Code configuration steps :-

Transaction code Assign Plant to Company Code :- OX18

IMG Menu Path :- SPRO > SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) > Enterprise

Structure > Assignment > Logistics – General >Assign Plant to Company Code

Step 1 :- Enter Transaction Code SPRO in the command field and press enter

Step 2 :- Click on SAP Reference IMG

Step 3 :- Follow the Menu Path as per below screen shot

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Step 4 :- Click on New entries

Step 5 :- Update Company code in cocd field,and update plant code in plnt field and press


Step 6 :- Click on save icon

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Thus Plant is successfully assigned to Company code.

How to Create Storage Location in SAP MM

Tutorials Guides you Step by Step how to create storage location in SAP

Transaction code :- OX09

IMG Menu Path :- SPRO> SAP Customizing Implementation Guide >Enterprise Structure

Definition > Material Management > Maintain storage Location

Step 1 :- Enter Transaction Code SPRO in the command field and press enter

Step 2 : - Click on SAP Reference IMG

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Step 3 :- Follow the menu path as per below screen shot and click on maintain storage


Step 4 :- Enter the Plant key where the storage location is to be maintained and press enter

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Step 5 :- Click on new entries for creation new storage location

Step 6 :- Enter Key in Sloc and description of storage location

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Step 7 :- Select storage locations and double click on address of storage locations

Step 8 :- After double click on address of storage locations, click on new entries and give 1 in

NO field.

Step 9 :- Update the address of the storage locations

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After updating address click on save icon.Thus New storage locations are configured.

How to Maintain Purchasing Organisation in SAP


This Tutorial guides you how to Maintain Purchasing Organisation in SAP MM

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Create Purchasing Organisation in SAP Step by Step

IMG Menu Path :- Customizing Implementation Guide > Enterprise Structure > Definition >

Material Management > Maintain > Maintain Purchasing Organisation

T Code for Maintain Purchasing Organisation :- OX08

Step 1 :- Enter T Code SPRO in the SAP Command Field

Step 2 :- Click on SAP Referrence IMG

Step 3 :- Follow the menu path as per below screen shot for creating new purchase


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Purch.Organisation :- Enter 4 digits Key that identifying the purchase organisation

Purch. Org. descr. :- Update the description of the purchase organisation

Step 6 :- Click on save icon

Thus Purchasing Organisation is successfully configured in SAP Material Management

How to create purchasing groups in SAP

The following tutorial guides how to create purchasing groups in SAP MM step by


A purchasing group is a unit of a purchasing organization which is responsible for

day to day certain buying activities and control a particular type of procurement

activity based on some classification.

Steps to create purchasing groups

SAP IMG Path: - SPRO >> SAP Reference IMG(F5) >>Materials Management >>

Purchasing >> Create Purchasing Groups

Transaction code: – OME4

Click on new entries to create new purchasing groups

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In next screen enter the following data.

In the purchasing group field enter the three digits purch. group key

In the desc. pur. grp field enter the description of purchasing group

Enter the telephone contact details and press enter to continue

After updating all the required information, choose save icon to save the entries.

Successfully you have configured purchasing groups.

Assign Purchase Organisation to Company Code

This Tutorial guides you the Configuration Settings for the assign purchase organisation to

Company Code

Steps to Assign Purchase Organisation to Company Code :-

IMG Menu Path :-

SPRO > SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) > Enterprise Structure > Assignment >

Material Management > Assign Purchase Organisation to Company Code

T Code Assign Purchase Organisation to Company Code :- OX01

Step 1 :- Enter transaction code SPRO in the command field and press enter

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Step 2 :- Click on SAP Reference IMG

Step 3 :- Follow the IMG Menu Path and click on Assign Purchasing Organisation to Company


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Step 4 :- Click on Position and update the desired purchase organisation code to find out

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Step 5 :- Update the company code in the CoCd field and press enter

Step 6 :- Click on Save icon

Thus successfully purchase organisation is assigned to company code.

Assign purchasing organization to reference

purchasing organization

Reference purchasing organization is that purchasing organization where the

procurement done for all the plant of purchasing organizations. Reference

purchasing organization is used in the case of global contract preparation which can

be referenced by any local purchasing organization.

IMG Path: SPRO >> SAP Reference IMG(F5) >> Enterprise structure >> Assignment

>> Materials Management >> Assign purchasing organisation to reference

purchasing organization

Click on “New Entries” and make the entries for assignment

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In next screen, enter the following information

In the purchasing organisation field enter your purchase organization code

Enter the reference purchase organization code

Release order specifies that release orders issued against contracts set up by

the reference purchasing organizations

Conditions under reference data check the conditions of the reference

purchasing organization to be accessed.

Choose save icon to save the configured data.

Assign Purchase Organisation to Plant in SAP

This Tutorial guides you the Configuration Settings for the Assign purchase organisation to Plant

in SAP step by step

Steps for Assign purchase organisation to Plant

IMG Path :-

SPRO > SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) > Enterprise Structure > Assignment >

Material Management > Assign Purchase Organisation to Plant

T Code for Assign purchase organisation to Plant :- OX17

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Step 1 :-

Enter T Code SPRO in the command field and Press Enter on the Key Board

Step 2 :-

Click on SAP Reference IMG

Step 3 :-

Follow the menu path as per below screen shot for Assign Purchase Organisation to Plant

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Step 4 :- Click on new entries

Step 5 :-

Update the following data and press enter

POrg :-

Update Purchase organisation that you want to assign to pant

Plnt :- Update the Plant key

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Step 6:-

Click on Save icon

Thus successfully Purchase Organisation is assigned to Plant

How to Create Company Code in SAP | Define

Company Code in FICO

The following tutorial guides you how to define company code in SAP FI step by step with screen shots. After configuring company, next step is to configure the company code. Let us discuss briefly about company code.

Define Company Code

About Company Code :- Company Code in SAP is the smallest organizational unit of Financial Accounting for which you draw individual financial statements like Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account for purpose of external reporting. The Creation of company code in sap is mandatory

PATH :- IMG Reference –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial Accounting –> Edit, Copy, Delete Company Code

Transaction code to Define company Code :- OX02

Steps to Define Company Code: -

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Step 1 :- Enter Transaction Code SPRO in the commend field and press enter

Steps 2 :- In customizing execute project screen select SAP Reference IMG

Step 3 :- In next screen select Edit, Copy, Delete check Company Code

Step 4 :- The below screen displays after selecting Edit, Copy, Delete Company Code ( Define Company Code )

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we can create company code by selecting above two options. By selecting first option copy, Delete, company code all the configuration and tables get copied automatically along with assignments.

Here we are creating company code manually configure all the assignments by selecting second option Edit Company Code Data . Double click on Edit Company Code Data

Step 5 :- Click on New Entries and update the following details

1. Update new Company code key AD06

2. Give the company name Adarsh Technologies for identifying the company code key

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3. In Additional Data update the details of City, Country, local Currency of company, Language.

Click on Address and Update the following fields

After updating

Address enter Click on Save icon Thus the company code AD06 is created in SAP
