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ODD FELLOWS Members 01 other lodges who are how liv ing in the vicinity of Patch- ogue are requested to communicate with the Recording Secretary of I; Brookhaven Lodge No. 80, I.O.O.F., Henry W. Horsefield , 150 Jayne ave- ¦ riue, Patchogue: Phone GR 5-1550. Middle Island Mm. Dorothy Kannin . SE 2-.1S50 Cub Scout Pack 1G5 will meet tomorrow night at St. Frances Cabrini R. C. church hall. The theme of th»- meeting will lie "Th? Nativity. " Tho Northside Civic association : met Saturday. The association will , not , as originally planned , spun- ; sor the home decoration Christ- mas award, due to the unsuccess- ful attemp t to obtain judges re- siding outside Middle Island. Af- ter' a short business meeting, the members held their annual Christ- mas party. The Patchogue Advance is on sale at Hoffman ' s, Wall' s Grocery and PfeilTer ' s General Store in Middle Island.—Adv. Todav . the second grade of the West .Middle Island school will help Robert Kannin celebrate his birthday with a little party in the classroom. Robert has reach- ed the ri pe old age of seven years. The Holy Trinity Lutheran church will have a Sunday school children ' s Christmas service at 4 p. m. Sunday on Vaphank road. The program consists of recita- tions by the children and the singing of hymns. On Christmas eve. a Candlelight service will be held at 10:30 p. in., and on Christ- mas day, a festivial service will be held " at 10 a. m. Medford Woman , 90 Years , Feted by Four Generations FOUR GENERATIONS were ^tt^inZK, Med ford celebrate? her ninetieth birthday at the home of her son-in-law and daughter , Mr . and Mrs. " Gustave Zeidler, Jr. , of Medford. Honored guest is in middle of photo, while holding cake, directly in front of her , are Pat Crean and Muriel Ann Crean. gr?at grandchildren. Also pictured are her daughters . Mrs . Gustavo. Zeidler and husband ; Mrs . Joseph Jimeniz ' and husband of Parkchester; her son . Fred Kunkel and wife. Anna, of South Ozone Park; her grandchildren . Richard Zeidler and wife. Ruth , and Robert Zeidler and wife, K.ithi?rine , all of Patchogue; Miss Marie Jimeniz of Parkchester; Mrs . Muriel floppier and husband. Fred , of Valley Stream ; her great grand - children , Diane Zeidler , Dickie Zeidler . Barbara Zeidler. Raymond Zeidler , Lynda Zeidler and Katherine Zeidler . all of Patchogue and Donald Crean of Valley Stream. —Glen K. Parker Photo A youthful smile crep t over the face of Mrs. Marie Kunkel Sunday when she marked her ninetieth birtJiday with a party at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs . Gustave Zeidler , Jr., of Medford. Four generations were on hand to help her celebrate the occasion and a large birthday cake , engrav- ed "Happy Birthday, Grandma , " completed the picture. When Mrs. Kunkel and her hus- band first came to Medfo rd -10 years ago , they owned a bakery called Kunkel' s bakery which was located close to the Medford rail- road station. ! After the death of her husband , I Mrs. Kunkel took up residence with | her daughter and son-in-law on : Route 112 in Medford . That was I 34 years, ago. j Today, with an appearance that : holies her true age, .Mrs. Kunkel | is still reliving the eventful birtli- : day celebration which brought to- gether the four generations. Helping to mark the occasion i with her were her daughters , Mrs. Gustavo Zeidler and husband; M' . -s. Joseph Jimeniz arid husband of Parkchester; her son , Fred Kunkel and wife , Anna of South Ozone Park : her grandchildren , Richard Zeidler and wife , Ruth , and Robert Zeidler and wife , Katherine , all of Patchogue; Miss Marie Jimeniz of Parkchester; Mrs. Muriel Hoppler and husband , Fred , of Valley- Stream: her great grandchildren , Diane Zeidler , Dickie Zeidler , Bar- bara .Zeidler , Raymond Zeidler , Lynda Zeidler and Katherine Zeid- ler. all of Patchogue; and Pat Crean. Muriel Ann Crean and Don- ald Crean , all of Valley Stream. Also attending the festivity were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson ol" Rich - mond Hill. Unable to attend were iier granddaughter, Dorothy and husband , Charles , and their two childre n , Jirniny arrd Michael. A toast to Mrs. Kunkel inaugu- rated tho event. Then the guest- of-honor opened her manv gifts. News Items of the Ridge •rae« Fetanon. T«L Yacosu 316* James P. White , Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. White , Sr., a freshman in electrical engineering at the University of Dayton . Ohio , returned home tljis week for tho Christmas holidays. A childre n ' s Christmas party, sponsore d by the Volunteer fire - men , will be held Saturday at tne new firehouse on .Middle Country- road. All children residing within the fire district are invited. Those up to 1'2 years of age . inclusive , will receive gifts from Santa Claus and older children are invited to enjoy tho refreshments arrd fun. The time 'is from 2 to 5 p.m. The Ladies ' auxiliary of Ridge Volunteer Fire department held the last meeting of 1956 in the school December 12. The meeting was followed by a Secret Pal party. Those exchanging gifts and choosing new Pals for the New- Year were Mesdames Gloria Riley , Helen Pheiffe r , Mary DickolF . Marie James , Helen Eckio , Louise Mooney, Kthel Rurke, Betty Triola , Kthel Champness , Mammie Dick- off, Genevieve White , Gwendol yn Dickon " , Tina Schaaff , Rose Stasey and Grace Peterson. Mrs. Jori'-s received the surprise gift donated by Mrs. Riley, president of tho auxiliary. Mrs. Champness , Mrs . Schaaff , Mrs . Triola and Mrs. Ri- ley were hostesses. Those on tire and coffee' duty are Mrs. Helen Eckie and Mrs. Ethel Champness , night duty, and Betty Triola and Gloria Riley, day. The next meet- ing will be held January 2. The Patchogue Advance is on sale at Wattle' s, Liberty Restau- rant and the Post Office in Ridge. —Adv. The Fire department and their wives were entertained at a Christ- mas party Saturday in the new firehouse given by all the mem- bers of the Ladies ' auxiliary. Mrs. Helen Pheiffer was chairman. A buffet supper of roast beef , ham and many other good things to eat. was served. A large Christmas tree and many decorations gave the firehouse the flavor of the Christmas spirit. Everyone wa.; supplied with a gift , from the gra b bag. After the supper there was dancing and fun. The auxiliar y- president , Mrs. Riley, welcomed everyone and wished Chief Steve Triola many happy returns of tho day for everyone. John S/.ommers was master of ceremonies. Reasonable prices and quality work set the highest standards for wedding invitations and an- nouncements. The P a t c h o g u e Advance, 11 North Ocean Ave nue. —Adv. Many families have childre n ill at homo with whooping cough. Other shut-ins are Mrs. Fannie F. Hills , Miss Overton. Mrs. Edward | Searles and Mrs. William Fetter. ] Mrs . William Fetter , Guildip J road , was saddened last week by I the news of the death' of her broth- er , the late Charles Hild. In the - same week, she became a grand- mother again. Her son-in-law and ! daughter , .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aiello , of Guildip road , are the parents of a daughter. Di ane Ma- rie , born December 1 1 at South- side hospital. The infant weighed ¦ 7 pounds and 1 ounce. The coup le | also have a son James, 2 years old , l and a daughter. Linda a 1-, year s j old. Mr. Aiello is employed by th« ! Brookhaven Town Police dopai t- ! merit. ! ST. MARK'S XMAS WEEK Many events mark the Christ- mas week at St. Mark' s Lutheran church , Upton road: Sunday, at 10:30 a.m., Sunday school ; 12 noon , service of divine worshi p, sermon theme , "Life in Kingdom of God , " sermon text. St. Matthew 11:11-10 , a Gospel for the fourth Sunday in Advent: Sunday- school presentation of "O Wor ship rh? King " at 7 p.m . followed by a Christmas party in the social hall of the church ; Monday, 11 p.m. a Christmas eve candlelight service of divine worship, sermon theme. "Emmanuel, God With Us , " ser- mon text. St. Matthew 1:18-2. " ) , anthem "Canthiue de Noel" sung by the choir a c c o m p a n i e d b y George Sylvester Carl , organist, who will also play an organ pre- lude and direct the choir. This service will be conducted by the •Rev . George K. Swartzfager , pas- tor of the Luthera n Church of Our- Savior- , Patchogue. Every- one is welcome. On Tuesday the church will be open for private devotions from 10 to 12 a.m. Choir rehearsal will take place at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Hit Show Wows Hospital Folk At Holtsville I HOLTSVILLE Patients and . staff at the Suffolk sanatorium i opened one "Christmas package " j early this yea r and were aJl tho I happier for having gotten the ! jump on Santa. The " package " ; was a variety show presented De- comber 12 under sponsorshi p of | the Third division of the Suffolk j County American Legion , with i the Selden American Legion post j supplying the acts. j The show featured , among other I things , a "hot mandolin " pc-rform- i mice by Bob Perry, master of j ceremonies. ! Boh , who has appeared on stage I and TV , had his audience in non- medical stitches when , in tho mid- I die of his act, an attractive young ] lady- pranced out in back of him with a dance routine that brought, forth loud app lause . Bob' s act was to respond as if the acclaim was intended for him. Much was his pretended chagrin when ho found his act being stolen b y Miss Jac- kie Cassese of Ronkonkoma. j Other troupers performed with j great gusto to an appreciative au- dience. They included Mary Mag- liulo who sang to her own guitar accompaniment , tenor Howard Pratt with sweet Irish melodies , the Rast sisters of Selden who rocked the audience with their rock ' n roll numbers and Johanna Ebiling, tap dancer of Selden. Selden Post Commander Ray- mond Magliulo directed tho show , and host to the per formers was Sanatorium Administrator James Watson. Cont ' d from pasr o I ihi- < <vi inn gaudy -15.S per cent accuracy. He was not without aid. A pair of Johnnies—Conntiesr and Capute—turned in brilliant performances for Coach Carl < »i- ~on a" ihe Raiders mi.!p ihe. form book look lik-i :; propaganda, ler. fret. Conquest , a rebounding demon . turned in what was probably tho finest achievement of his still young career. Although no re- bounding totals were maintained , it can be estimated that hf? pull- ed down a minimum of 20 caroms off the boards for PUS. The pluc- ky eager also potted seven of 11 free throws and added a pair of floor shots to wind up with 11 markers —quite a night ' s work. Capute Ignites Rally Capute—a reserve with a bun- dle of determination—came off the bench to ignite tho Red Raider second period offense which left the Wildcats nine points in ar- rears , 32-23, after an extremely tight firs t quarter. Having limit- ed experience fro m last year, Ca- pute showed that he has really come of age. Workin . T astutel y under th*» basket, he poure d in five: straight buckets without a miss in the second stanza as the Patchogiiers be . Tan their offensive puth. Conquest's two - handed driv- shot , in the wake of a fine as sist by Rooney, proved to be th' j bucket that gave tho locals a 12- 10 edfre at the conclusion of thf : initial stanza. Then Capute began firing. . . and South Huntington berran to wilt. He traded jumpers with the Wildcats' Ron Lockhart to make it 14-12. After Bob Stellato ' s out- side set knotted the count. Ca- pute srrabbed the rebound of a Pete Chamberlain-missed foul shot , and rammed it back inside the hoop to make it 16-14. Moments later, the slender re- serve dropped in another jumper, as did Rooney. to give the Raid- ers the advantage. 20-17. The Wildcats remained close via Stel- lato' s one-hander, but Capute rose :.. ;h- oeca-ion ::•¦ -:!') v .i-ii hi fourth i v. o-pointer ¦• , ' :ln- •• ¦ --!•• :; '< ar> ISallle I tack Tib- 'Cats ball!,.! !.:¦ . -!, on Lock hart ' s pair* of charity '0--0- , Mi: fell he for. - •• j o l iiii :i.- -.,ii-:i;.. --;i.o - . " as Ca . nu' c « lit- .-h-ii arntt:.d fi-- ' i . u r.derrioath !•» make i. " >- " for . . :i ¦ quarter. Roon.-y ;.!- -v. hoi <\>i - :i drive to UP it t" 'Js-21 for a S' V - TI point btilg- , l:ir-. ' i " -t o f til. - ••am. al thai point for I'llS. Seconds before th- ' i-c:' ./ .er . Kno- . ney ' s clever . -tea! and on iiine ; lay- up trot the rnarr 'iii to :!' _ ' ' _ ' ¦ ';. Running the visiio. -s jnto ,h. boards in the sWuird ha 'f , Pau-h- ogue built an insurmountable lead during the third period , tall ying; 23 points to so ahead .Vr-as . This time it was the preci-ion jump shot of Rooney 's which, led the ; seorintr attack , hot. as a trop ical heat wave , throughout the .-iuht- m i nitio quarter. Midway through tho period, uhen the Raiders hail assumed a comfortable 45-.14 advantage , par- tially on the strength of three picturesque jumpers I y Rooney, Patchogue reeled off six straight points to sink whatever chance Coach Frank Gugliatta ' s charges might have had. A three-point play by Capute , still in the thick of the scoring, made the tally 4S- . -U for a 14-point «;a|». Then Rooney, with 1 :02 left , canned a free throw ami went all the way through to hit on a drive for a 51- .,-1 lead. Rooney. Tedaldi hit Stellate dropped in a set , but Rooney and Ken Tedaldi waxed hot for goals and a 55-. ">t> mar- gin. Stellato , carrying the South Huntington offense almost single- handedly during the period , popp- ed in a jump shot as the third session became history. Coach Olson substituted freely in tho final period , but still the Raiders outs-cored their adversa- ries , 16-13, over the eight min- utes. Conquest , with seven tallies in the early part of the canto, topped the scorers in this quarter. The loudest cheer , however, was reserved for Art Balbire r whose two free throws in the waning minutes pushed the Patchogue to- tal over the 70-point mark. In winning, Patchogue hit for a. 44.1 per cent shooting accu- racy, while the Wildcats had :S4.7 j per cent. In that hig third quar- I tor , the Raiders dumped in eight I of 17 shots for better than 50 per! cent of their shots. For South Huntington , Lock - ; hart fired six goals in 11 shots ! and added six of 10 gratis shots j for 18 points. Stellato had 13 ! markers . ; The scoring: ; I' ilrha^ue ( 71 > ' l*l«>«r s-t IV fta ftm pf j <' Millie I" , \ ' - ' 14 4 j Hlltlil It ll ll O | 1 , Kulbirer D ll 2 2 _ > r I rtiamlH-rlain 2 r :* , "2 4 1! I ' oniim-r li 2 11 7 II :i j Jorii-s i:t I 2 2 in I t Kooney 24 11 . " , 1 2:! 2 \ DeV'ioi li II 1 il n i) j Div r ilit> ll u ll i) it w j Itrirh . ll il 1 0 II u j K. T.-.lal.ii :, 2 4 . " . 7 :; I Total* . " >!> :<:¦ , Id 71 IU i StiiK.titi-j p*:rxontr.t:t- ;i.l per i-enl. ; South Huntinrton ( * il > | rla>rr »t f>r fta ftm tp pf 1 l!llsi -h 1 1 1 0 2 4 1 Itof S 1 •> 1 S 3! Limit m:iti n l i o n 2 :l : D. -mni'im 2 1 2 2 4 :i ! I.i«khnit ii i; in •: is 2 | tvhn l II ii « ' o l ; Sr.-ll.iti. II :. •; :i l:i 2! Stitmpf " 2 7 S 9 * I N-, T II ii 'I II ll 0 i Total* 4' . ) 17 L'S 17 . " ,1 21 i Shooting |'*-iV(-n::ij?i _ —:: t.7 per t-vnt. ! ST—shots taken : '<; fic-M Ki«ils : FTA j —free thr.nv -i nttemnled ; FTM - free , throws made ; TP- -total points; PF -per- ! HO rial foul. -. 1 Score by periotls: ! Pntchoiiue 12 32 35 71—71 | S. Huntinrrton 1ft 2:1 3S 51—51 j Official*—Touch nm! O'Donnfll . I Raiders Rout W Wm^ki I * I ' " 9 1 \ ^-^\^F^Jm\S WWW /* ¦ <*** / '"% >' 5 * \ l^SSPv |/PKIlfl?K ' I \ wslK xiCi UUUCu \ 11 (j feetas 1 " Vj and every V good % j 9 AJ>J i 5 % <%9f * Wl ^ l or the coming year ' i\ I r$ PATCHOGUE FORD I! 5 %#* 501 MEDFORD AVENUE jj | 25 i lK> PATCHOGUE , N. Y. GRover 5-1133 £ V X »^S^%»^S;>d»9l^93%3i^%%%^^%%^>)»^><9l%>»»%»»»93»»%%»^3»aQ>)»)9}9a *\* * . , .* _ - ' . - - - , , - , A M AAAV WAx A9 ^k K ¦ ^^^^^^^^^ I^^^^^^^^^ K :f ^''^ **" 2£!jz * *%!&&m I^^E^^^^^I a^^^^^^K V 7 ^ ¦ A\ mm± A\ M mwi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B^^^^H^^^^B? _>4 FINEST QUALITY GAS and OIL UNITS Full y automatic , easy conversion to gas or oil , and sturd y construction make Thermo , the one for your home to insure lasting com- fort. If you are thinking of winter heating or summer cooling, ^ --— ^ think of us! /mw ^Sf ^\ Thermo-Products Inc. n^^^v) "THE «0O0 IUSINESS LINE" \^0^g^/ HUGH KING I F. E. KIX G & Devon Road, AmaganseU Amagansett 7-3870 I Sa C Harbor 5-0329R LANM BROS. Slontauk Highway, Shirley ATlantic 1-9503 BLACKMAN-KLEIN CO., INC. \ % - gefif W% m$ I j These greetings extend (Hr^ wT w lA i | the warmest wishes of 3^7n <^HK \ i the season to all. j| J J ^'^^ S^ j \ **^ &M? \ DALE'S * | I CURTAINS | 5 36 EAST MAIN STREET PATCHOGUE 5 : CMJU5WS Mf ] 0/ , 6 / y w* x<^ <^f & » n T j he season of rejoicemen t is here ^ ^ ^^ ^ | and we extend to you our sincerest wishes \ j for a cheerful and k 0/ | •/• pewful Yule tide. W s AjJfL/ Js | I ^ wsff imPmhrif' Ammr ' v <s^w? ^* «W; -Jm7&& *€-- y ^ \^> 1 l <*^g J ^mW 'Jm M *Mr m^ S <tt^& W " wT^^ v^ r^A ^^ Amf z^W ^uJ^&£ ^W AT » ^^m7-^AmV\9 V '*^ <£5$8g~&. ! ¦B&- mma ^ wAArV' ' /n^KT s- i South Bay Fish and Fruit Market 290 EAST MAIN STREET PATCHOGUE I j GRover 5-1595 I 1 ^i cS We Send [ \ ,^^^ J^^^, . SEASON'S I f^ rt^ Cl pwt^ , BEST WISHES and to You A Happy New Year ROBERT S. MIRABELLI REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 1. - .2 WEST MAIN ST.. _ PATCHOGUE CKorer ri-0762 \ 'nllaMlallaBllalH,llllaa ^HallllHlaHBIlallHna HM**BB*B* Bi^i^B* >>V^^^BM^MHPMHH^aHpa^^ PELCO Aids in Storm Help s Upstate County: A tive-inair t-r\-\v from the I' ati -hojrue Electrro l. iirht cmtipany withstooi! a jevt- iv sleet storm earl y this week to aiil a sirrulf lii 'ars^e tounty i-Diiimuriity to M-store eleetrioa! serviee to its residents . The hei- ou- serviee was pei-rormed after PKl. Cd hail received a call Saturday i' rinii J..seph I' riee . opr-ratiiiir manasrfi' of the (Irti MTf and Kmkland l- ' .leetrie <-<ii>i| --ariy at *" " i . Vii.iiri e . a. -^kinri ' for as sistance in ) the form of a line ert-v. ' to help I : his company re-tore service to its [ ; customers. ! I'Kl. l ' l) iininciiiah iy ai 'ran . f . 'ed i to have a five-man crew sent to Monroe in a fully equipped truck " , j Harold Sylvester , supervisor of; ¦ . -cr\ iro for- 1'Kl. l 'O . after KfttinR ; the ure.-n litfht fi-.m W. S. Oxley. manafrer of operation. -; and Leslie Weiss, president, contacted Henry Morris of Uluc Point , Larry San- wald and .lack Barry of ParchoRue. William (iross of Shirley and Charles Buckheit of Moriches , all of whom volunteered to make the " This crew left the PELCO •¦•araire at 4 a. rn. Sunday and upon arrival at Monroe wer e im- mediately put to work on the lines. Mr. Sylvester checked with Mr. Price on Monday and was told the men had worked until midniffht Sunday and their serv- ices would probably be required until Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Price complimented Mr. Sylvester orr the quality of the men that PEL- CO was able u> send to their assistance. The Patchogue Electric Light company is an active partici pant in the Mutual Assistance Coordin- ation irroup of the Edison Electric ii stitute , which covers the eastern half of the United States , and who are pjedtred to aid other utility companies in cases of dis- aster. 'i "Huy Christmas seals . . . and : . u-e them to s.-nd a message of i health and hap- iti. -v ¦ - . " was the ; |-Yuletii|e appeal addresser! to cili- ! i zi-ns of Suffolk countv this week j ; by the commiltee of volunteers j who are c.-nductirr-r the fiftieth ) ! annua! Seal - -ale for the Suffolk ' ! Tuberculosis i- Public Health as- [ socintion. : Sfieakinu' for the committee , its ! chairman , Dr . Lewis K. Koster of ' Center Moriches , said every effort i is beinsr made to r aise the $75 . - ¦ 000 needed to underwrite an ox- i paniiiiifr pruKiam of free chest ! X-r;rys . public a n d professional education ami a wide variety of ' j services to tuberculosis patients . ! ' He disclosed that contributions j totalin . tr $52 ,7-10 have been receiv- j : ed to date. ; j Many of the Suffolk families j ! tc whom Christmas seals were : mailed at the opening of the sale , : November 15, have recentl y re- ! ceived reminders , invitinji their j {rifts. In some cases , reminders ¦ and contributions have crossed in : the mails. ; i "If this should happen , please j consider the reminder simply as ; j an expression of thanks for your l j irift and your interest in the as- ! sociation ' s work ," Dr. Foster de- I dared. "If you have not sent in j your contributions , please do so, j and be sure to attaeh Christmas : j seals to your Christmas cards and j ] trifts. There is no better way to ! I si nd a message of health and i j happine. - 's. " | Christmas Seal Purchase Urged By TB Leader ! ^Jf immmW f ^ r J &m&l^^ t Wvm ** * .^.mAmmmmmm ^SF^ m^ AVF^ Aj Am ^ m\m\\m\\\m\\\\m\\ \W * * i &M&M^y * ' "Cz^ViJ^ ! . nmmm? \ - ~2&jj h£: I JOHN'S | BARGAIN STORE j 65 SOUTH OCEAN AVE. j ' PATCHOGUE fl^^^^i lL I UTTIE WANT ADS IMi^M I ser. _^_ pM>i I A& A A T r T L ^A m l / l i? Wi 'JJw^TOvJ ^JV T VSM S H! I 1K^ II
Page 1: 11 (jfeetas 1 - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1956-12-20/ed...located close to the Medford rail-road station.! After the death of her husband, I

ODD FELLOWSMembers 01 other lodges who are

how living in the vicinity of Patch-

ogue are requested to communicate

with the Recording Secretary of

I; Brookhaven Lodge No. 80, I.O.O.F.,

Henry W. Horsefield, 150 Jayne ave-

¦ riue, Patchogue: Phone GR 5-1550.Middle Island

Mm. Dorothy Kannin. SE 2-.1S50

Cub Scout Pack 1G5 will meettomorrow night at St. FrancesCabrini R. C. church hall. Thetheme of th»- meeting wi l l lie "Th?Nat iv i ty . "

Tho Northside Civic association :met Saturday. The association will ,not , as original ly planned , spun- ;sor the home decoration Christ-mas award, due to the unsuccess-ful a t t emp t to obtain judges re-siding outside Middle Island. Af-ter' a short business meeting, themembers held their a n n u a l Christ-mas party.

The Patchogue Advance is onsale at Hoffman's, Wall's Groceryand PfeilTer's General Store inMiddle Island.—Adv.

Todav . the second grade of theWest .Middle Island school willhelp Robert K a n n i n celebrate hisbir thday with a little party inthe classroom. Robert has reach-

ed the ri pe old age of sevenyears.

The H o l y Trinity Lutheranchurch will have a Sunday schoolchildren 's Christmas service at 4p. m. Sunday on Vaphank road.The program consists of recita-tions by the children and thesinging of hymns. On Christmaseve. a Candlelight service will beheld at 10:30 p. in., and on Christ-mas day, a festivial service willbe held " at 10 a. m.

Medford Woman, 90 Years,Feted by Four Generations

FOUR GENERATIONS were tt inZK,Med ford celebrate? her ninetieth birthday at the home of herson-in-law and daughter, Mr . and Mrs. "Gustave Zeidler, Jr., ofMedford. Honored guest is in middle of photo, while holdingcake, directly in front of her, are Pat Crean and Muriel AnnCrean. gr?at grandchildren. Also pictured are her daughters.Mrs. Gustavo. Zeidler and husband ; Mrs. Joseph Jimeniz ' and

husband of Parkchester; her son. Fred Kunkel and wife. Anna,of South Ozone Park; her grandchildren. Richard Zeidler andwife. Ruth , and Robert Zeidler and wife, K.ithi?rine , all ofPatchogue; Miss Marie J imeniz of Parkchester; Mrs. Murielfloppier and husband. Fred , of Valley Stream ; her great grand -children, Diane Zeidler, Dickie Zeidler. Barbara Zeidler. RaymondZeidler, Lynda Zeidler and Katherine Zeidler. all of Patchogueand Donald Crean of Valley Stream. —Glen K. Parker Photo

A youthful smile crept over the face of Mrs. Marie KunkelSunday when she marked her ninetieth birtJiday with a party atthe home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. GustaveZeidler, Jr., of Medford.

Four generations were on hand to help her celebrate the occasionand a large birthday cake, engrav-ed "Happy Birthday, Grandma,"completed the picture.

When Mrs. Kunkel and her hus-band first came to Medfo rd -10years ago, they owned a bakerycalled Kunkel's bakery which waslocated close to the Medford rail-road station.

! Af ter the death of her husband ,I Mrs. Kunkel took up residence wi th| her daughter and son-in-law on: Route 112 in Medford . That wasI 34 years, ago.j Today, with an appearance that: holies her true age, .Mrs. Kunkel| is still reliving the eventful birtli-: day celebration which brought to-gether the four generations.

Helping to mark the occasioni with her were her daughters , Mrs.Gustavo Zeidler and husband; M'.-s.Joseph Jimeniz arid husband ofParkchester; her son , Fred Kunkeland wife , Anna of South OzonePark : her grandchildren , RichardZeidler and wife , Ruth , and RobertZeidler and wife , Katherine, all ofPatchogue; Miss Marie Jimeniz ofParkchester; Mrs. Muriel Hopplerand h u s b a n d, Fred, of Valley-Stream: her great grandchildren ,Diane Zeidler, Dickie Zeidler, Bar-bara .Zeidler, Raymond Zeidler,Lynda Zeidler and Katherine Zeid-ler. all of Patchogue; and PatCrean. Muriel Ann Crean and Don-ald Crean , all of Valley Stream.

Also attending the festivity wereMr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson ol" Rich -mond Hill . Unable to attend wereiier granddaughter, Dorothy andhusband , Charles, and their twochildre n , J i r n iny arrd Michael.

A toast to Mrs. Kunkel inaugu-rated tho event. Then the guest-of-honor opened her manv gifts.

News Itemsof the Ridge•rae« Fetanon. T«L Yacosu 316*James P. White , Jr., son of Mr.

and Mrs. James P. White , Sr., afreshman in electrical engineeringat the University of Dayton. Ohio,returned home tljis week for thoChristmas holidays.

A children 's Christmas party,sponsored by the Volunteer fire-men , will be held Saturday at tnenew firehouse on .Middle Country-road. All children residing withinthe fire district are invited. Thoseup to 1'2 years of age. inclusive,will receive gifts from Santa Clausand older children are invited toenjoy tho refreshments arrd fun.The time 'is from 2 to 5 p.m.

The Ladies' auxiliary of RidgeVolunteer Fire department heldthe last meeting of 1956 in theschool December 12. The meetingwas followed by a S e c r e t Palparty. Those exchanging gifts andchoosing new Pals for the New-Year were Mesdames Gloria Riley ,H e l e n Pheiffer, Mary DickolF.Marie James, Helen Eckio, LouiseMooney, Kthel Rurke, Betty Triola ,Kthel Champness, Mammie Dick-off, Genevieve White, Gwendol ynDickon", Tina Schaaff , Rose Staseyand Grace Peterson. Mrs. Jori'-sreceived the surprise gift donatedby Mrs. Riley, president of thoauxiliary. Mrs. Champness, Mrs.Schaaff , Mrs. Triola and Mrs. Ri-ley were hostesses. Those on t i reand coffee' duty are Mrs. HelenEckie and Mrs. Ethel Champness ,night duty, and Betty Triola andGloria Riley, day. The next meet-ing will be held January 2.

The Patchogue Advance is onsale at Wattle's, Liberty Restau-rant and the Post Office in Ridge.—Adv.

The Fire department and theirwives were entertained at a Christ-mas party Saturday in the newfirehouse given by all the mem-bers of the Ladies' aux i l i a ry . Mrs.Helen Pheiffer was chairman. Abuffet supper of roast beef , hamand many other good things to eat.was served. A large Christmastree and many decorations gavethe firehouse the flavor of theChristmas spirit. Everyone wa.;supplied with a gift , from the gra bbag. Af te r the supper there wasdancing and fun. The auxi l iar y-president, Mrs. Riley, welcomedeveryone and wished Chief SteveTriola many happy returns of thoday for everyone. John S/.ommerswas master of ceremonies.

Reasonable prices and quali tywork set the highest standardsfor wedding invitations and an-nouncements. The P a t c h o g u eAdvance, 11 North Ocean Avenue.—Adv.

Many families have childre n il lat homo with whooping cough.

Other shut-ins are Mrs. Fannie F.Hills , Miss Overton. Mrs. Edward |Searles and Mrs. William Fetter. ]

Mrs. William Fetter, Guildip Jroad , was saddened last week by Ithe news of the death' of her broth-er , the late Charles Hild. In the-same week, she became a grand-mother again. Her son-in-law and

! daughter, .Mr. and Mrs. JosephAiel lo , of Gui ld ip road , are theparents of a daughter. Di ane Ma-rie , born December 1 1 at South-side hospital. The in fan t weighed

¦ 7 pounds and 1 ounce. The coup le| also have a son James, 2 years old ,l and a daughter. Linda a 1-, year sj old. Mr. Aiello is employed by th«! Brookhaven Town Police dopai t-! merit.


Many events mark the Christ-mas week at St. Mark' s Lutheranchurch , Upton road: Sunday, at10:30 a.m., Sunday school ; 12noon , service of divine worshi p,sermon theme , "Life in Kingdomof God ," sermon text. St. Matthew11:11-10 , a Gospel for the fourthSunday in Advent : Sunday- schoolpresentation of "O Wor ship rh?King " at 7 p.m . followed by aChristmas p a r t y in the social hallof the church ; Monday, 11 p.m. aChris tmas eve candlelight serviceof d iv ine worship, sermon theme."Emmanuel , God With Us," ser-mon text. St. Matthew 1:18-2.") ,an them "Canthiue de Noel" sungby the choir a c c o m p a n i e d byGeorge Sylvester Carl , organist,who will also play an organ pre-lude and direct the choir. Thisservice wi l l be conducted by the

•Rev . George K. Swartzfager , pas-tor of the Luthera n Church ofOur - Savior- , Patchogue. Every-one is welcome. On Tuesday thechurch wil l be open for privatedevotions from 10 to 12 a.m. Choirrehearsal wil l take place at 7:30p.m. Wednesday.

Hit Show WowsHospital FolkAt Holtsville

I HOLTSVILLE — Patients and. staff at the Suffolk sanator iumi opened one "Christmas package"j early this yea r and were aJl thoI happier for having gotten the! j ump on Santa. The "package"; was a variety show presented De-• comber 12 under sponsorshi p of| the Third division of the Suffolkj County American Legion , withi the Selden American Legion postj supplying the acts.j The show featured , among otherI things, a "hot mandol in " pc-rform-i mice by Bob Perry, master ofj ceremonies.! Boh , who has appeared on stageI and TV, had his audience in non-

medical stitches when , in tho mid-I die of his act , an attractive young] lady- pranced out in back of him

with a dance routine that brought,forth loud app lause. Bob's act wasto respond as if the acclaim wasintended for him. Much was hispretended chagrin when ho foundhis act being stolen by Miss Jac-

kie Cassese of Ronkonkoma. jOther troupers performed wi th j

great gusto to an appreciative au-dience. They included Mary Mag-liulo who sang to her own guitaraccompaniment, t e n o r HowardPratt with sweet Irish melodies,the Rast sisters of Selden whorocked the audience with the i rrock 'n roll numbers and JohannaEbiling, tap dancer of Selden.

Selden Post Commander Ray-mond Magliulo directed tho show,and host to the per formers wasSanatorium Administrator JamesWatson.

Cont 'd from pasr o I i h i - < <vi inn

gaudy -15.S per cent accuracy.He was not wi thou t aid.A pair of Johnnies—Conntiesr

and Capute—turned in b r i l l i an tperformances for Coach Carl < »i-~on a" ihe Raiders mi.!p ihe .form book look l ik - i :; propaganda,ler. fret.

Conquest , a rebounding demon .turned in what was probably thofinest achievement of h i s st i l lyoung career. Although no re-bounding totals were maintained ,it can be estimated that hf? pull-ed down a minimum of 20 caromsoff the boards for PUS. The pluc-ky eager also potted seven of 11free throws and added a pair offloor shots to wind up wi th 11markers —quite a night 's work.

Capute Ignites RallyCapute—a reserve with a bun-

dle of determination—came off thebench to ignite tho Red Raidersecond period offense which leftthe Wildcats nine points in ar-rears, 32-23, after an extremelytight firs t quarter. Having limit-ed experience fro m last year, Ca-pute showed that he has reallycome of age. Workin .T astutel yunder th*» basket, he poure d infive: straight buckets without amiss in the second stanza as thePatchogiiers be .Tan their offensiveputh.

Conquest's two - handed driv-shot, in the wake of a fine assist by Rooney, proved to be th' jbucket that gave tho locals a 12-10 edfre at the conclusion of thf :initial stanza.

Then Capute began firing. . .and South Huntington berran towilt.

He traded jumpers with theWildcats' Ron Lockhart to makeit 14-12. After Bob Stellato 's out-side set knotted the count. Ca-pute srrabbed the rebound of aPete Chamberlain-missed foul shot,and rammed it back inside thehoop to make it 16-14.

Moments later, the slender re-serve dropped in another jumper,as did Rooney. to give the Raid-ers the advantage. 20-17. TheWildcats remained close via Stel-lato's one-hander, but Capute rose

:.. ;h- oeca-ion ::•¦-:!') v . i - i i hif o u r t h i v. o - p o i n t e r ¦• , ' : l n - •• ¦- - ! • • :;

'< a r> ISa l l l e I tackTib- 'Cats ball!, . ! !.:¦ .-!, on Lock

har t 's pa i r* of c h a r i t y ' 0 - - 0 - , Mi:f e l l he for . - •• j o l i i i i : i .- - . , i i - : i ; . . -- ;i .o -. "as Ca .nu ' c « li t - . - h- i i a rnt t : .d f i - - ' i

. u r .derrioath !• » make i. •">- •" for .. :i ¦quarter. Roon.-y ;.!- -v. hoi <\>i - :idrive to UP it t " 'Js-21 for a S' V - TIpo in t bt i lg- , l:ir-.'i " -t o f t i l . - • •am .al t h a i po in t for I ' l lS .

Seconds before th - ' i-c: './.er . Kno-. ney 's clever .-tea! and on i i i n e ; l ay-

up trot th e rna r r ' i i i t o :!'_'• '_'¦';.R u n n i ng the visiio. -s j n t o ,h.

boards in the sWuird ha 'f , Pau-h-ogue built an insurmountab le leadduring the third period , t a l l ying;23 points to so ahead .Vr-as. Thist ime it was the preci- ion j u m pshot of Rooney 's which , led the

; seorintr a ttack , hot. as a tr op icalheat wave, th rou ghou t t h e . - i u h t -m i nitio quarter .

Midway through tho period,uhen the Raiders hail assumed acomfortable 45-.14 advantage, par-tially on the strength of threepicturesque jump ers I y Rooney,Patchogue reeled off six s t ra igh tpoints to sink wha teve r chanceCoach Frank Gugliat ta 's chargesmight have had. A three-pointplay by Capute , st i l l in the thickof the scoring, made the tally4S-.-U for a 14-point «;a|». ThenRooney, w i th 1 :02 left , canned afree throw ami w e n t al l the waythrough to hi t on a drive for a51-.,-1 lead.

Rooney. Tedaldi hi tStellate dropped in a set , but

Rooney and Ken Tedaldi waxedhot for goals and a 55-.">t> mar-gin. Stellato, c a r r y i n g the SouthHuntington offense almost single-handedly during the period, popp-ed in a jump shot as the thirdsession became history.

Coach Olson substituted freelyin tho final period, but still theRaiders outs-cored their adversa-ries, 16-13, over the eight min-utes. Conquest, with seven talliesin the early part of the canto,topped the scorers in this quarter.The loudest cheer, however, wasreserved for Art Balbire r whosetwo free throws in the waningminutes pushed the Patchogue to-tal over the 70-point mark.

In winning, Patchogue hit for

a. 44.1 per cent shooting accu-racy, while the Wildcats had :S4.7 jper cent. In that hig third quar- Itor , the Raiders dumped in eight Iof 17 shots for better than 50 per !cent of their shots.

For South Huntington, Lock- ;hart fired six goals in 11 shots !and added six of 10 gratis shots jfor 18 points. Stellato had 13 !markers. ;

The scoring: ;I' ilrha^ue ( 71 > '

l*l«>«r s-t IV fta ftm t» pf j< ' Millie !« I", \ '-' 14 4 jHlltlil It ll ll O || 1 ,Kulbirer D ll 2 2 •_> r Irt iamlH-rlain 2 r :*, "2 4 1 !I 'oniim-r li 2 11 7 I I :i jJorii-s i:t I 2 2 in I tKooney 24 11 .", 1 2:! 2 \DeV'ioi li I I 1 il n i) jDivr il i t> ll u ll i) it w jItrirh . ll il 1 0 II u jK. T.-.lal.ii :, 2 4 .". 7 :; I

Total* .">!> 2« :<:¦, I d 71 IU iStiiK.titi-j p*:rxontr.t:t- ; i . l per i-enl. ;

South Huntinrton ( *il > |rla>rr »t f>r fta ftm tp pf 1l!llsi-h 1 1 1 0 2 4 1Itof S 1 •> 1 S 3 !Limit m:iti n l i o n 2 :l :D.-mni'im 2 1 2 2 4 :i !I . i«khnit i i i; in •: i s 2 |tvhn l II ii « ' o l ;Sr.-ll.iti. I I :. •; :i l:i 2 !Stitmpf <¦" 2 7 S 9 * IN-,T II ii 'I I I ll 0 i

Total* 4'.) 17 L'S 17 .",1 21 i

Shooting |'*-iV(-n::ij?i _ —:: t.7 per t-vnt. !ST—shots taken : !¦'<; fic-M Ki«ils : FTA j

—free thr.nv -i nttemnled ; FTM - free ,throws made ; TP- -total points; PF -per- !HO rial foul.-. 1

Score by periotls: !Pntchoiiue 12 32 35 71—71 |S. Huntinrr ton — 1ft 2:1 3S 51—51 jOfficial*—Touch nm! O'Donnfl l . I

Raiders Rout

W Wm ki I * I ' "9 1 \ - \ F Jm\S WWW / * ¦<***/ '"%>' 5

* \ l SSPv |/PKIlfl?K 'I \ wslKxiCi UUUCu \

11 (j feetas 1j» "Vj and every V good % j9 A J >Ji 5% <%9f * Wl lor the coming year 'i \

I r$ PATCHOGUE FORD I!5 %#* 501 MEDFORD AVENUE jj |25 i lK > PATCHOGUE, N. Y. GRover 5-1133 £V X»^S^%»^S;>d»9l^93%3i^%%%^^%%^>)»^><9l%>»»%»»»93»»%%» 3»aQ>)»)9}9a

*\* * .,.*_

:¦- '

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HUGH KING I F. E. KIX G &Devon Road, AmaganseU

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\ % -gef if W%m$ Ij These greetings extend (Hr^ wT w lA i

| the warmest wishes of 3^7n <^HK \

i the season to all. j| JJ ^' ^S^ j

\ **&M? \DALE'S * |


: CMJU5WS Mf]0/ , 6/y w* x < ^<f & » n

Tj he season of rejoicemen t is here ^ ^^ |and we extend to you our sincerest wishes \ j

for a cheerful and k 0/ |

•/• pewful Yule tide. WsAjJfL/ Js |I wsff imPmhrif' Ammr'v <s w? *«W; -Jm7&& *€-- y \ > 1l<* g J^mW'JmM *Mrm S<tt^&W"wT^ v •r A Amfz^W uJ &£^WAT »^ m7- AmV\9 V '* <£5$8g~&. !¦B&- • • mma wAArV' ' /n^KT s-

i South Bay Fish and Fruit Market290 EAST MAIN STREET • PATCHOGUE I

j GRover 5-1595 I

1 ^icS We

Send [

\ ,^^J^^ , . SEASON'S I• f^rt^ Clpwt^ , BEST WISHES

and to YouA Happy New Year


1.-.2 WEST M A I N ST.._ PATCHOGUE CKorer ri-0762 \'nllaMlallaBllalH,llllaa ^HallllHlaHBIlallHna HM**BB*B*Bi^i^B*>>V^^^BM^MHPMHH^aHpa^^

PELCO Aids in StormHelps Upstate County:

A t i ve- inai r t-r\-\v from the I'ati-hojrue Electrro l. iirht cmt ipanywithstooi! a je vt-iv sleet storm earl y this week to aiil a s i r ru l fl i i 'a r s ^e t o u n t y i -Di i imur i i ty to M-store eleetrioa! serviee to its residents .

The hei- ou- serviee was pei-rormed a f t e r PKl . Cd hail rec eiveda cal l Sa tu rday i'r in i i J..seph I'riee . opr- ra t i i i i r manasr f i ' of the (Irti MTfand K m k l a n d l-'. leet r ie < -<ii>i| --ariy at *" "

i .V i i . i i r i e. a.- k i n r i' for as sistance in )t he form of a line ert-v.' to help I

: h i s company re - to re service to its [; customers. !

I 'K l . l ' l) i i n i n c i i i a h iy ai 'ran .f.'ed ito have a f ive-man crew sent toMonroe in a fu l ly equipped truck", jHaro ld Sylvester, supervisor o f ;¦ .-cr\ iro for- 1'Kl. l 'O. after Kf t t i nR ;

the ure .-n l i t fh t f i - .m W. S. Oxley.manafrer of operation.-; and LeslieWeiss, pres ident , contacted HenryMorris of U luc Point , Larry San-wald and .lack Barry of ParchoRue.Will iam (iross of Shirley andCharles Buckheit of Moriches, allof whom volunteered to make the"This c rew left t h e PELCO

•¦•araire at 4 a. rn. Sunday andupon arrival at Monroe wer e im-mediately put to w o r k on thelines. Mr. Sylvester checked wi thMr. Price on Monday and wastold the men had worked unti lmidn i f fh t Sunday and their serv-ices would probably be requiredu n t i l Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Pricecomplimented Mr. Sylvester orrthe qua l i ty of the men that PEL-CO was able u> send to theirassistance.

The Patchogue Electric Lightcompany is an active partici pantin the Mutua l Assistance Coordin-ation irroup of the Edison Electricii s t i t u t e , which covers the easternhalf of the United States, andwho are pje dtred to aid otheru t i l i t y companies in cases of dis-aster.

'i "Huy C h r i s t m a s seals . . . and :. u - e them to s.-nd a message ofi health and hap- i t i . -v ¦ -• ." was the ;| -Yule t i i |e appeal addresser! to cili- !i zi-ns of Suf fo lk c o u n t v th is week j; by the c o m m i l t e e of volunteers j

w h o are c.-nduct i r r -r t h e f i f t i e t h )! annua! Seal --ale for the S u f f o l k '! Tuberculosis i- Publ ic Hea l th as-[ socintion.: Sfieakinu' for the committee, its! cha i rman , Dr . Lewis K. Koster of' Center Moriches , said every efforti is beinsr made to r aise the $75.-¦ 000 needed to underwrite an ox-i paniiiiifr p ruK iam of free chest! X-r ;rys . public a n d professional

education ami a wide variety of 'j services to tuberculosis patients . !' He disclosed that contributions j

to ta l in .tr $52,7-10 have been receiv- j: ed to date. ;j Many of the Suffolk families j! tc whom Christmas seals were: mailed at the opening of the sale ,: November 15, have recently re-! ceived reminders, invit inji their j{rifts. In some cases, reminders ¦and con t r ibu t ions have crossed in

: the mails. ;i "If this should happen , please jconsider the reminder simply as ;

j an expression of thanks for your lj irift and your interest in the as- !

sociation 's work ," Dr. Foster de- Idared. "If you have not sent in jyour contr ibut ions , please do so, jand be sure to attaeh Christmas :

j seals to your Christmas cards and j] trifts. There is no better way to !I si nd a message of health and ij happine.-'s."

| Christmas SealPurchase UrgedBy TB Leader

! Jf immmWf r J&m&l tWvm** * . .mAmmmmmm SFm AVFAj Am

m\m\\m\\\m\\\\m\\ \W * *

i &M&M y * '"Cz^ViJ^! . nmmm? \ - ~2&jj h£:



fl ^ ^ilLI UTTIE WANT ADS IMi^MI ser._ _ pM>i I

A& AAT r TL ^Aml/ li? Wi'JJw^TOvJJV TVSMSH! I

