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11-K Memory Lapse and Monkey Business · !Ten Commandments–given by God –for all people–all...

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11-K Memory Lapse and Monkey Business International English Version B 1 (Appeal song: “I Will Follow Thee, My Savior”) !Topic: “Memory Lapse and Monkey Business” 1 !You’re camping high–in–mountains, –far from any cities, and it’s–crystal-clear moonless night. 2 –You look up–sky–canopy ablaze with bright lights –stretching–horizon to horizon. The stars breathtaking in their beauty overwhelming in their abundance. –You feel awe–wonder–your own smallness –as you take–spectacular evidence –just how big–universe is. !All through time, human beings looked up at–sky –wondered. –Because–sky seems–hold–promise –answers to–three biggest questions we all face: 3 –Where did we come from? –Why are we here? –And where are we going? –Somehow–is almost instinctive that –if–can find–know–answer to–first question 4

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(Appeal song: “I Will Follow Thee, My Savior”) !Topic: “Memory Lapse and Monkey Business”


!You’re camping high–in–mountains, –far from any cities, –and it’s–crystal-clear moonless night.


–You look up–sky–canopy ablaze with bright lights –stretching–horizon to horizon. –The stars –breathtaking in their beauty –overwhelming in their abundance. –You feel awe–wonder–your own smallness –as you take–spectacular evidence –just how big–universe is. !All through time, human beings

–looked up at–sky –wondered. –Because–sky seems–hold–promise –answers to–three biggest questions we all face:


–Where did we come from? –Why are we here? –And where are we going? –Somehow–is almost instinctive that –if–can find–know–answer to–first question


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–Where did we come from? –that we’ll know then–answers to –other two as well.


!When men invented telescopes–sky drew nearer. –And then in–60s, we left–home planet– –ventured out–explore beyond Earth.


–In 1969, we walked on–moon. –Now–dream–traveling–Mars –even beyond–own solar system. !Why? We hope that we’ll find something out there –tell us how we got here –how life began. –That is–urgent, driving priority–science. –We examine moon rocks for signs–life.


–We comb through–information –sent back from Mars–other planets, –from unmanned probes, –for signs–life.


–We peer into–depths of–universe –through–Hubble and other telescopes, –for signs–how–universe began. –Every new day, you can find–latest results– –earth’s scientists in their efforts –learn from looking up at–night sky how we–got here –how–universe itself got here.


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!Well, friends, do you see–tragedy of–this? –Do–sense how sad–lonely–pathetic we are –in our human search for our roots? –Because–answer is found

–very first words of–God’s Word

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” –Yet nearly–whole human race, including–best scientists, –chooses–ignore those words–

–treat–as if –part of–child’s fairytale. –We go right on trying–figure out we got here –where–stars–planets–we ourselves–came from, –when God Himself–told us–answer.


!Why have we forgotten? –Why–memory lapse when–comes to our roots? –Why–we prefer–believe–“monkey business”–evolution, –that teaches–we all descended from monkeys–apes, –rather than from–hand of God? –There’s–reason we’ve forgotten, friends. –And tonight we’ll learn–reason. –You see–God knew we’d tend–forget –would forget Him as–Creator–everything, –unless we had–regular reminder.


–So right–creation itself,–gave us one. –He created–entire day–be set aside each week for us –connect with–Creator–remember His creative power. –On–seventh–last day–creation, He gave us–Sabbath.


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!But from–first, Satan–enemy hated–Sabbath. –He knew its power–remind us–God’s power –create us–and then, after sin–recreate us –from–inside out in–image –His own character. –So He worked hard –get people–forget–Sabbath.


!Have you heard of–way some people try–remember things –by tying–string around their finger? –When they look at–string, it’s supposed–remind them –of what they–supposed to remember: –maybe–birthday–anniversary–important appointment. –Sabbath–like that string that says, –“Don’t forget–Creator.” –So from–first, Satan has tried his best –get us–forget even–string around our finger– –weekly Sabbath reminder–God’s creative power.


!why, nearly 2,500 years after God gave us–Sabbath, –nearly everyone on earth–forgotten–Sabbath. –Which meant they had forgotten God. –So now–worshiped gods–wood–stone. 15

–They even worshiped–planets–stars –instead of–One who made them. –So when God gave His Ten Commandment law, –He began–Sabbath commandment with–words: 16

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“Remember–Sabbath day...” –Friends, today–world has largely forgotten–Sabbath again. –Satan–determined to keep–Sabbath hidden –keep people forgetting it, ignoring it, –or convinced–no longer applies. !That’s why today, we’re like–planet of orphans. –We’ve forgotten we have–Father.


–So our scientists let dust pile up on–Bibles –as they continue–look in vain–sky and–stars –find out how we all got here –how life on earth began –whether we’re all alone in–universe or not. –It’s sad beyond belief!


!If we all remembered–Sabbath –celebrated it each week as–Bible tells us –be no need–look to space to find how life began –Be no atheists. –Without this memory lapse, this “monkey business” –Evolution–never have arisen.


–Science–be focused on uncovering–evidences –God’s creative power, rather than on trying –find evidences of our origins. !Tonight, turn with me–God’s Word as–look–how –Sabbath itself–given–us at creation. –There in–first week, God gave us–reminder –of His power as–Creator–everything.


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!Genesis 2:1-3: “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work,…”


“…which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made…”


“…And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” !Notice–Bible says God “sanctified” the seventh day. –That means He made it holy. –He set–apart for–holy use.


–He “reserved” the Sabbath–His weekly reminder to us–His power as–Creator. –And He also reserved–time–spend with us. !But as we’ve said, as time went on, men and women –forgot the Sabbath.

–And when they forgot the reminder of God, –they forgot Him too. –2,500 years later, He gave His Ten Commandments –reminded mankind of–Sabbath:


!Bible says–Exodus 20:8-11: “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work,


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“…but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work:…”


“…you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.”


!Why worship him on that day? “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them and rested the seventh day….” 28

“… Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.”


!Remember–Revelation 14:7: “...Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of his judgment has come;...”


“...and worship him who MADE heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” !John in Revelation –paraphrasing the fourth commandment 31

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–John says–last days–will be a judgment hour –will be a call–worship the Creator


!When God says, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” –Given for all mankind –That’s what Jesus said...


!Jesus said–Mark 2:27: --“The Sabbath is made for Man.” –Jew and Gentile alike


!The Sabbath is God’s love gift to the entire human race


!Every seventh day –palace in time–descends from heaven –Twenty-four hours–God says–flee from stress –Come–get connected–God of the universe –Come find belonging–rest–purpose–refuge !The Sabbath–given in Genesis –2,300 years before–Jewish race existed


!At creation, God said, let there be light –And there was light


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!Bible says–God separated the waters –and dry land appeared


!Then God made the firmament. –Wrapped the earth–air fresh and pure to breathe !God said–waters and the tides –come no further–that’s far enough


!He, God–Let the earth bring forth... –flowers –fruit in abundance –be covered with living green


!God said, Let the waters abound –What a wonderful God! –Could have made all fish one color –Made them beautiful–for us to enjoy


!God said–Let the birds fly in the air


!God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures. –living creatures–dotted landscape


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!Then Genesis 1:26, 27 records, God said: “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness...in the image of God He created him;...” “...male and female He created them.” 44

!Finally–after six days of creation–God said... –I will create a sanctuary–a refuge –I will give–symbol–reminder–I created them –Never forget–I am Creator !First full day–Adam’s and Eve’s life–a Sabbath


!Genesis 2:1 says: “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.”


!Genesis 2:2 continues: “And on the seventh day God ended his work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.” –On which day did God rest? The seventh. 47

!Genesis 2:3 says: “Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all his work which God had created and made.”


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Bible says–God did three things–the seventh day !First, God rested on the seventh day. –we rest on the seventh day–we love Jesus –acknowledge He created the world –Sabbath–symbol–rest in His love and care !Second, He blessed the seventh day. –God put–blessing in–seventh day –didn’t put in any other day –Can be blessed–worship–2nd, 3rd, 1st days –like these meetings –If–want Sabbath blessing–get it worshiping only –the Sabbath day. !Third–God sanctified the seventh day. –Sanctify means–“set apart for a holy purpose” –Same word–woman set aside for one man


!Suppose–my wedding day–I’m at the altar –See my beautiful bride coming down the aisle. –heart beats faster–hands are shaking –Preacher says we’re married –After reception–I’m in car–ready for honeymoon !One of her six bridesmaids–jumps in the car –Says, “Let’s go!”–I say, “Nothing doing –I didn’t marry you–Your sister is my wife.” !“One in seven. What difference does it make?” –Makes a difference to me–to my wife!


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!What difference does a day make? --Does it make a difference to God? –If human beings–try to make holy –day God never made holy –He called us–worship Him –day He sanctified–made holy


!Proverbs 14:12 says: “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” !Satan–garden of Eden–said to Eve: –What difference does tree make–All the trees are the same !Today Satan–tells people –Days don’t make a difference–All days are the same !Tree–set aside for Adam and Eve–as a test –The test–wasn’t the tree or the fruit –Real test–would they submit –to God’s sovereign authority !When–ate forbidden fruit–rejected sovereignty of God –set their opinions–higher authority than God’s


!Professor E. W. Thomas noted: “Man could not keep the original Sabbath and forget God.” –Yes, the Sabbath connects us with God


!Throughout the Old Testament, the Sabbath was a sign between God and His people.


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!Bible says–Abraham kept God’s commandments –Sabbath–given in Genesis–before any Jews –Sabbath–kept–God’s people through the ages


!When Moses–Israel out of Egyptian bondage –in wilderness–God fed–people–with manna–heaven !Manna fell–six days –seventh day–manna didn’t fall –God supplied–double portion on Friday –Any other day–manna would rot –tried to keep it–one day to the next !God performed–double miracle –No manna–falls on Sabbath –double portion falls on Friday


–Gather double portion Friday –2nd day’s supply–won’t spoil–Sabbath –any other day–extra manna spoils


!Exodus 16:26 says: “Six days you shall gather it, but on the seventh day, which is the Sabbath, there will be none.” !When Israel–went to gather manna on the Sabbath God said–Exodus 16:28: 58

“...How long do you refuse to keep my commandments and my laws?”


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!Ten Commandments–given by God –for all people–all times–in all places


!Scripture says–Exodus 20:10: “...the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God...”


!In the Old Testament–Sabbath was a sign –of allegiance–of loyalty–of obedience –A sign–I’m connected with my Creator


!Ezekiel 20:12 says: “Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them.”


!Some Christians–are confused –Think–Jesus came–do away with the law –do away with the Bible Sabbath


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!On the contrary, Jesus said in Matthew 5:17: “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.” !Did Jesus come to destroy the law...thou shalt not... –commit adultery?–kill?–steal? –Remember the Sabbath?–Not at all !Did Jesus keep the Sabbath or did He destroy it?


!Luke 4:16 says: “And He [Jesus] came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and, as His custom was,...”


“...He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read.” !Sabbath–Jesus announced He was the Messiah –reading from Isaiah !Wouldn’t Jesus have done away with Sabbath–in His life –if He–planned to destroy the law –OR–introduce a new day–worship?


!Jesus Himself kept the Bible Sabbath. –Adam and Eve–Sabbathkeepers –Abraham was–Sabbathkeeper–as were... –Moses–Isaiah–Jeremiah–Daniel !Jesus told–disciples –keep the Bible Sabbath even after His death


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!Jesus said–disciples–John 14:15: “If you love Me, keep My commandments.”


!Jesus gathered disciples –talked about–destruction of Jerusalem –Roman armies–destroy Jerusalem and temple


!Jesus said to his disciples–Matthew 24:20: “But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day.”


!When was Jerusalem destroyed? Jerusalem was surrounded by Roman armies and destroyed by Titus in A.D. 70. Why would Jesus encourage His disciples to pray that their flight be not on the Sabbath, if at that time they wouldn’t be keeping it? 72

!Pray that Titus’ attack doesn’t come–Sabbath. –Because–Christians–worshiping God–Sabbath –He would destroy–would be together –Any other day–gates open–people in fields !Jesus intended–Christians–keeping–Sabbath


!New Testament–84 times–disciples–kept Bible Sabbath. The disciples love Jesus enough to obey Him.


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!Acts 13:14–speaking of the disciples–Bible says: “...They...went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down.” !Paul–went to synagogue–convert the Jews 75

!Acts 13:42, 44 clears this up: “the Gentiles [not the Jews] begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath.” –Gentiles said–we want to worship Jesus too


!“On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God.” !If disciples–keeping first day of the week –And Gentiles said, “We want to hear this message too.” –The disciples would have said –come back tomorrow–first day –Bible says–next Sabbath –whole city came–hear the word of God.


!That experience--happened in Antioch !In Antioch–will find today–ruins of two churches –The first–early Christian –where Sabbath was exalted 78

!In another part of the city –ruins--another temple–erected–days of Rome –Roman sun god–God of Sun-Day


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!Antioch–see the contrast –temple to the sun–worshiping–day of the sun –pagan god–on the first day of the week –Christian church–worshiping on–Bible Sabbath !Some places–no place to worship–on Sabbath –Paul–to countryside–small bands of believers


!Acts 16:13 says: “And on the Sabbath day we went out of the city to the riverside, where prayer was customarily made;...” !In both Old and New Testaments –God’s people–worshiped on–Bible Sabbath !Acts 18:4 says:


“And he [Paul] reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded both Jews and Greeks.”


!Revelation, the Bible’s last book, calls us to obedience–to worship the Creator


!Revelation 14:12 says: “Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.”


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!In the last days–God will have–a people –love Him enough to obey Him –love Him enough to keep commandments


!Bible says–Isaiah 66:22: “‘For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain before Me,’ says the Lord, ‘so shall your descendants and your name remain.”


“‘...from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come to worship before Me,’ says the LORD.” !Notice–from one Sabbath to another –shall all flesh come to worship before me... –If–worship Him on Sabbath up there –isn’t it a good thing to start down here?


!Some say, Pastor, can we really be sure which day the “seventh” day is? –hasn’t the calendar been changed? !Would God give a command –so complicated–nobody could keep it? 88

!Bible–tells us–what day the seventh day is –Astronomy–tells us–what day seventh day is –Language–tells us–what day the seventh day is –History–tells us–what day the seventh day is !Absolutely no question–which day is seventh day 89

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!Remember–story of crucifixion–Luke 23:54-56z; “That day [the day Christ was crucified] was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew near.” !Christ–crucified–day–Bible calls–preparation day !Bible says:


“And the women who had come with Him from Galilee followed after, and they observed the tomb and how his body was laid...”


“...Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils.”


!Bible continues, “and they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.” !Preparation day, the day Christ died !Next day–Sabbath–rested –Ladies wouldn’t–embalm His body –Obvious–commandments weren’t nailed to the cross. –Closest followers–rested–according to commandment –Christ rested on Sabbath in life –rested on Sabbath in death


!Bible describes–happened--third day “Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them,...”


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“...came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared...”


“...But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb.”


!Now notice - Friday –preparation day–the day Jesus died


!Next day –Sabbath day–Saturday –women rested–Christ rested –according to the commandment


!First day–Sunday –Christ rose from the dead –You have three days in succession !Do we know what day Jesus died? –We call it “Good Friday”–preparation day !Next day–women rested –Sabbath day–English–called Saturday !First day–Sunday–third day !Sabbath–day between–Friday and Sunday !Bible clear–so are most common dictionaries


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!Dictionaries...say: “The seventh day, Saturday, is the seventh day of the week.” 100

!Astronomy –knows which day–seventh day of the week is !Ask astronomers


!United States observatory said this: “We have had occasion to investigate the works of specialists in chronology. And we have not found one of them that ever had the slightest doubt about the continuity of the weekly cycle into the Christian era.” 102

!British Royal observatory–Greenwich, England confirms the authenticity of the weekly cycle.


–Saturday–indeed is the true Bible Sabbath !Common calendar–most of the world –Saturday, is the seventh day


!Most European calendars list Monday as the first day of the week. This change was made recently in the 1950s and the 1960s. Calendars before this time accurately placed Saturday as the seventh day, and Sunday as the first day. !European friends–if you consult the orthodox religious


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calendar –Saturday–always is the seventh day –Catholic country–Saturday is the seventh day –The change was relatively new !It’s part of–master mind–world away–Bible Sabbath –predicted in Daniel 7:25–enemy would

–think to change the times and laws –Daniel predicted–attempt to change the times –confuse people


!Over 105 languages–word for seventh day –Sabbath–not Saturday !In Ghana, West Africa, many tribes call Saturday –Memeneda, which means “I AM THAT I AM’S DAY” –Or, “The day of the I AM” –Jesus, of course, called Himself the “I AM” in Exodus 3:14 !Among Akan-speaking people of Ghana, –Memeneda–seventh and last day of–week –is day assigned to God (Onyame) –Because this day was special day–worship

–was called Memeneda Dapaa (“Saturday, the good or precious day”) –On this day, personal–everyday activities like –Saturday market days or funerals –were discouraged


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–Wars could not be declared or fought on this day –Since God’s day–Saturday –And since every male child born on this day –(or who claims–day as his own) –is called Kwame –God is also called Onyame Kwame

–(“the God of Saturday” or “the God whose day is Saturday”)

!Sabbath was observed long before the birth of –Prince Henry the Navigator–Portuguese –explorer who later, in 15th century, –landed Roman Catholic priests– –missionaries–for–first time in Ghana –Ever since then, all white people–called –Kwasi Broni (“Sunday whiteman”) –after those Sunday-keeping – white missionaries who tried to – introduce Sunday worship in place – of Saturday worship.

!Thousands–studying their Bibles–conclude... –seventh day–God’s true Sabbath –they must follow Jesus all the way !To follow Jesus–Jesus beyond tradition –beyond what preachers teach –beyond what religious books teach –Must follow–God’s Book teaches


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!I think of Anna–studying her Bible–studying–Bible Sabbath –Became troubled –I don’t want to know–my church teaches. –I want to know–God’s Word teaches. !She called her pastor–I have a question to ask you. –I’ve been studying Bible–regarding the Sabbath –Sabbath–given in the garden of Eden –God rested on the Sabbath –God blessed and sanctified the Sabbath –God gave–hundreds of years before there were any Jews –I read in my Bible that –Abraham kept the commandments –Commandments–written God’s finger–tables of stone –Ezekiel said–Sabbath–a sign between God and man –Jesus kept the Sabbath every week –that the disciples would keep the Sabbath –that Peter and Paul kept the Bible Sabbath –that we will keep the Sabbath in heaven !Anna said, I have a question to ask you –I want to know–true “Lord’s day” is –some Christians say–Jesus rose–first day –we should keep that day. –But my Bible never said–Jesus rested on the first day –Doesn’t say Jesus sanctified the first day !Although man says–worship–the first day –I don’t find that in my Bible. –Pastor–I want to know about the true Lord’s day –Why is it–some things are in the Bible more than once.


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!Pastor was very wise. He said... –Some things–in the Bible–more than once –God wants to emphasize it –If you miss it in Matthew–you get it in Mark


!She said–Pastor–I only want to go by the Bible –I want–light of Christ–shine from God’s Word


!She said, Pastor, I read in Revelation 1:10: “I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day...” –I want to know what is the true Lord’s day


!I read in Matthew 12:8: “For the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” !Mark 2:28 says:


“Therefore, the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.” !And Luke 6:5 says the same thing: “Therefore, the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” !Pastor–if the Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath


–the Sabbath is the Lord’s day !The truth is–the expression “Lord’s day” –mentioned only once in the Bible. !Revelation 1:10:


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“I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day.” !John is simply saying –I had a prophetic vision–day the Lord set aside –the day Lord created–symbol of His love and refuge –He’s saying, I had a vision on the Sabbath. –Let Jesus define what day the Lord’s day is. !When Jesus says –The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath –I believe it. Don’t you?


!Anna sensed–Sabbath is the true Lord’s day –She asked her pastor–What should I do? –Pastor said, I counsel you to follow Jesus.


!Friend of mine –I don’t know what church you were brought up in. –I don’t know what your preacher says. –You may leave here –and friends–try to talk you out of following Jesus –I can only counsel you–follow the Bible–follow Jesus


Would you like to tell Him tonight as you bow your head as _____ sings, “I Will Follow Thee, My Savior”?


!Lord, I love You so much. I want to...

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–worship You as Creator –find refuge in You –obey what You wrote with Your own finger: –“Remember the Sabbath”

!Lord, I will follow You. Even if it means making a change in my life !Tonight as we bow our heads to pray –would you like to say, –Jesus, I really want to follow You –Including keeping Your holy Sabbath !I love You enough to follow You

1) I will follow Thee, my Savior, Wheresoe’er my lot may be Where Thou goest I will follow; Yes, my Lord, I’ll follow thee Chorus: I will follow Thee, my Savior, Thou didst shed Thy blood for me; And though all men should forsake Thee, By Thy grace I’ll follow Thee. 2) Though the road be rough and thorny, Trackless as the foaming sea, Thou hast trod this way before me, And I’ll gladly follow thee. 3) Thou I meet with tribulations, Sorely tempted though I be; I remember thou wast tempted, And rejoice to follow Thee. 4) Though Thou leadest me through affliction, Poor, forsaken though I be; Thou wast destitute, afflicted, And I only follow Thee. 5) though to Jordan’s rolling billows, Cold and deep, Thou leadest me, Tou has crossed the waves before me, And I still will follow Thee.

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–Please, quietly, raise your hand to heaven right now–and say –Jesus, give me the strength to follow You !You’re saying, “Lord, I love You. I know I can only find my refuge in You. –I can only find my security in You. I can only find my true worship in You. I can only find my true Sabbath rest of body and soul in You. –Lord, I love You enough to follow You” !Dear Father, thank You for Jesus. Thank You that in Him we find rest and refuge and security. Thank You for the Jesus who set aside a special day for us to have fellowship and worship Him. And tonight, I pray that You would enable us to follow Christ. You’ve set aside the seventh day of the week as your Sabbath. Lord, we love You and have decided to worship You on the day You set aside. And we choose tonight to follow You, in Christ’s name. Amen.
