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>11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP...

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LATE BULLEI WASHmGTON. Jnlj *3 W7-S 9. Ecclc*. former chairman of lhe rctcrvc board, told tcnalor* t»d»y tloa It "Cfruinljr join* to have i He (aid that he did nol know whe Uon—which he aald he preferred ln»tead of -bM f—wonld set In. or drrrte. VOL. 81, NO. 105 ^Blockade England Its Den LONDON. July 29 (U.PJ—P j I^ition program has been stop; Foreign Secretary Ernest Be At tho snme time Bcvin of: UuBsia on nn overall Europcnr ade of Berlin is lifted. Rcvin hinted thnt if the bl would be made for a mectinjf eipn ministers. In an.swer to a que.<ition he mnde a .some- what cryptic sUitement: "All wc have to do In Mcu.cow 1« remove olxitncles to dlsciv-^lons. luul wllll grcai nioclciiy ncKollniloii.i thrn probnbly will bc dlscu.v.cd on Uin hlRhcsi level." Dfivlii mnde n stntement In Uie houso of commons on forplKu nJ/nlrfl Debate which hni been schnliiled wn.1 cnncflllctl. ^ Bevln toia commons the iorth- "com liiff tlirec-i>owcr npjironch lo the krcmlln wna cle.ilRned lo find oul ‘•whether there i' any pro.'.pcct of rcmovlnc obslnclcn which have arL";cn, wlili u vIca- to a soltlement which hu mnjMiy's ROvemmeni hope mlRhl Ii-iid to pc.-icc and ae- curiiy in Europe for aU of U4.~ Ho Mid dcmoblllZAllon of "cer- tain proups" of tho roynl nir force had been uloppcd beeansc of the nighl of r.uppllc< Into Berlin. Btctxi aro bclnK Uiken to defer dcnioblllt.i- tlon of other forccs. Uovln added. Dcvln cnmo closer lhan any oUior hl«h official yet to jtaylng the RuMlan policy In Berlin, If pursued, would lead lo war. And ho tidded tho Britlah government was "de- tprmlncd to take any meaaurea dermrd fit to tneel the .slluaUon.- Ho «ald he always had realized thnt tho alluaUon In Berlin and Germany mlRlil become difficult be- cau.10 of Soviet policy. But ho con- tinued: "I mU3l confcss that in our cal- culations wo did not AMume Umt the pollo' of our wnrtlme allies wouW lo a .sllunUon which might In- Tvolvfl tlio u-'t of force." Delay Tactics Begin on Poll Tar>.-^MeasKre WASHJtJGTON. Julj- 33 (/P>—With E'-nnt/ff Stennlr:. D„ Miss., as Jend- off mr.n. Boulhemer# plunged inlo «i HOiMlc lalWe.il today dealsnert to bnr acUc-ft on luiU-poU t-n or any other "clvU rlKhW” IcBblailon. 7t wns louehcd off when 6iniator W nero'. U-. Itebr,, mwcd to lako i:p the houso piuBcd ontl-poU tax bill. Stenrls Rot the floor an<J chaJ- lcni;r(I the right of congreaa to ittsa the bill. Tlie MljuUsslppi senator rjild ho would tnllc nboul two hours. For Un> Ume being. Bouthemer.s wero not ncknowledglng a lUlhuater. 8enalor RuaseU, D„ On!, said they wero Ju.it oul to mnko sure the eountrj- imdcrslanda the tnc.riurc. Riir.:;c!l Is Kcnerallng tho southern flRht aRalnsi Uic bill. Stcnnls lold hla colleagues thnt "low pollUcal expediency" brouaht Uie bill before tho «cnnt«. BoUj publicans and the admlnlsLraUcm. hc nald. wwo out to win votM by ^icklnpr the measure. It Is one of »o "civil rlRlilfl" IftWB nskcd by rtc.sldcnl Tmmnn. 11 also 1* en- dor.sed In both DcraocraUc and Re- publican plnUorms. II was evident that Ihls first mea- sure to Bct con.sldemUon In the spcclal congress sewlon would draw a lol of talk, bul probably no acUon. Proripeclj were no brighter, elUier, for President Trumnn's anU-lnfla- Uon proRmm. Paul Porter. lormcr OPA-BdmlnLstrnlor. look a detailed bill embrnclng the proffram before Uir hniise banking commlllce. A storm of OOP hoaUllly greeted Porter and lhe bill. Chnlrrnan Wol- cott, R-. Midi-, said the admlnUlra- Uon hnd pOTcr.s It was not using. He niso nMrted ihnl President Truman broke "the prlco line" by encouraclnK n wage Increase for steel workers nenr the end or tho war. ___________________ Three Operators Of Punchboards Fined $227 Here n . O. Thomp.son, R, w . P^wler and Henchel Choraller wero cited Into Justice court Wednesday oa chat^es of operating punchboards without Itate tax stamps. Tho threfc paid aiM^ggregaU total of »227 ^ rises and coRts. ^ BUj Io tax officers wasted lltUo Ume In filing complaints Jn the of- fice of Everett M. Sweeley. Twin Falb eounty prosecutor, after the clly of T»-In Palla fined pxinch- board la* evaderi lu city court. Thompson was chnrged with op- eraUnfr two boards, one 10*ccnt -aoney b o ^ , »nd one ICMrcnt mer- <hnndlso R>ord. He wns fined MO . 1 the flrat board. on the sec- ond board and assejsed JIO.80 in tcurt cosU. The boards were oper- and al the Military Inn. Fowler was fined for Uie lUrgal fir.-m'Jnn nf a li-ccnt money board tn Sawyer's Bar-£,.C|. j-.'Ud a fine of MO and c t j t costa of «.40. Cherallcr. Echo Sandwich Shop. », iras charftd with opcraUng one 25- o cent moDcy l»ard and ona iire-c<ot money board. H*.pald • iInt of ISO » cm IhB rimt board. «35 on thv iec* d ond board aod 110.60 eourt OMts. ' 0 ETIN I , av-SUrtiner f the federsl >d»7 this na- - lave a bn»t." _ W W T when defla- erred to nse n, or (o what A R ofn<i.i cit» C<WDt7 e Causes id to Curb ^mobilizing —Part of Great Brituin’s demobil- stoppcd because of the Berlin crisis, ; Bevin announced today, n offered to besin discussions with penn settlement if the Soviet block- le blockmic is rnised, nrranKcmenla itinjf of the big four council of for- r to * * * * Berlin Coimcil lion." 1 Red Members d on : Uie Quit Conclave jJ5iea DEltLIN, July 30 (U.R)—Commun- I.H members of Uie Berlin clly ju- )rth- vnlked out of a meeting to- J the before tho jwi.senibly aj>- Dut. “ rc.'.oluUon condemning the , RuMlan blockado of Berlin, ave communist a.wcmblymen __„f look a wnlk after Ihelr spokesman. Tirni Llttke. wa.-$ shouted down Tor trying to lntro<lucc a counter- ; ■ resoluUo;! while the a.'.sembly wns prrpnrlng lo vole. Blockade Ijibclrd "Crime" The remaining non-communbt ,, dclegnle-s. aboul 100, pa.«ed Uic resolution, apparently unnnliTiou.sly. It called the blockade of Berlin iiin,. "® aKalnat humanity" and do- mnnded that It bo removed. walkout re-cmpha.sl7«d the lUM. ,pin ,n guj, ftdininisu-nnon uucu uiQ pf between th« east and the west. An' anU-com- “rea munlst i>ollce chief set up hcacl- on. quarters tn Uie V. B. scclor, while In nzea i^o Soviet rono the communlat chief continued In office. ■«- Air Vlolatluns Charsed con- Outildo the admlnlatratlve field Britlah auUiorUtlcs chnrged tho cal- 6o\’lcts wlUi vlolaUnc nir safety -the regulatloai three Umes todoy In ould th» corridor to Hamburg. They pro- In- tested, nnd received Soviet as- surance UiAt the pUot.s, If found gullly, would bo dealt with severely. Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half tho cmpJoyM of Uie old hendqunrtcrs I had reported to Uio new. But alt Ll Ujo rccordi lemalned st tho old headquarter Jn the Soviet wne, ”c UI.K WaralBf Cloud* Meet ««»W y met under tht ena- cloud of a Soviet warning in tlie t« » pre.*a that the mecUnic might pro- provoeauons.“ It waa tiior heJrt In Uie heart of tho soviet see- tor. where communist-led deraonstr- ntor atora started trouble at an assembly 1^0 mceUng on June 33. “X TMay'e meeting opened unevent- ta Envoys’Visits g To Russ May u's Set up Parley MOSCOW. July 23 </7>-Inrormod Lhftt said today a four-power i«ht fonfertnce, poaslbly of foreign mln- liters, may result from tnlk-i of lem American and BrltLsh rcpresenUi- by H'” '’ ;’' Soviet Foreign Minister » of Molotov, by Ambaisador Waller Bedell ea- Smith returned by plane to Mo.scow ^ ‘^ ‘1 London. With him wa.1 Frank Roberw. lea- British minister to Moncow the 2^'* secretary to Brltl.sh raw Secretary 'Emeat Bevln. Ion. conversations hero prove her, and a conference !s fla- the Informants sny c^'anee the meeUnKs lied Purls, ftbout the •oro irae of the next United Natloiw ^em bly meeUng, which will open Ited foi- ob-servers said they are nol pcsslmlsUc about Uie chancc.s of such a gcl-together on Uie oues- ent of «hd tho future of j_ Germany ns a whole. for Informanta said SmlUi nnd pra»«wy «in lalk lnroni.r,lly With Uie French ambassador before jLsklag to se. Molotov. There 1^ no indlcaUon yel when Uio ta lti will start or when Molotov wUl be able to see Uic western repreaentaUvca. , However. II Is reporUd no time wlU I Coal Cooperati Dealers t lUo forming ot a coal eoopemUve of- lervlce for resldenu of Magic VaUey ' fla was announced Thursday by retell coal dealer, of the arta. -niB group , was Incorporated as the Coal Heat- on- i?" or Magic Valley wllh i Twin P^la. aa , president. ] Warberg said Uie non-profit or- > ganlzaUon was formed to provide i In ^oitseholdera In heaUns their homes. j «■ Services wlU Include advice on ob- 1 talnin* more heat at leas cost, regu- . lar nnd thorough cleaning and con- ’ « of pre.senl coal heaUns fft- 1 » cmues, guidance la selecUng new 1 equipment when neccssapy, and 24- 1 3P. hour service, excluding coal delivery, l !5* on furnacc*. boilers and atockers. 1 «t ResJdenU _nitty oliWln emergency 180 nrrlce at ftU houn Including Sun- 1 «* days-and holidays by c:aUlni Suhl \ et,BiaIcgr;47a-j.jeroins&3W»Uur> i A Resional Newspaper ScirlnsT Clt7 Ihj N.w.p.,,r Prize I sPB 'zW'- HH n'lth ock- ■ & ’— tnls '■ for- ; - ‘ A il - m ve 1 nun- ^ ' 1 * 3 J f r 0.1- to- .•men ir*^ '"J';'; Shown nliove with their dolls i * ^ Hay. from left to ritht. tho girls i w-M pholo-engravlnK) Discovery of ‘I S; Here Believe 1 do- Whnt wn.s believed to be anoU the tJil' afiernoon by deputy sheriffs Itlon fchoii# fnll.i pnrk to inve.silgnte th( tho Tlie deputies rcturnL-d the ob :om- I t wa.s dr;;orlhcd m belnR two binc cad- o r live inches thick nnd held lOR le In are about twn feet In diameter, uniat A coppor tube. nppnrenUy Intc protrudM out nbout 30 Inches. Fi heatlnK element wire stretch to tl tlcld. menls Include a porcelain light S' tho D.i.sortcd hit.s of wiring. *fcty A Mr. Dl.sbee reported dlscoven In been found by the pnrk cnrelnke pro from ilie object had been broken ' Kround. ^i^nd A nlmllnr hoax here last July rti Kators flylnK to Twin Falls, tho — -------------------------------------------- ------ ;SCrews Proi " ^ Of Plant tht LUDWIGSHAFEN, July 2 ^ pleted their mission in Ludw WM French army and German clvi see- viclima in the smoking wrcckn plant. "U. S. arm y officials o.stimat) eat- injured in the explosion. Thej > minor injuries in the ficric.s of spr.-iwlinfT p la n t and d;imaf.rc(l hniuiqunrters announced thnt nil Amfrican troops and equiiuncnt hnd been with- Relnhardl Goldberg, a director of > y the chcmlcal plant, ould n-i.cur J workers hnd recovered several «core med botlifi from the debrW, nnd mnny more ,tm were burU-il. Offlrliils reported that nbout hnlf lUi- ” ’'■ rn'Pioyc!! relum ed ^o wliat s t e r "'',•1 Pl'Uit todny nftrr n cnll Irom Uic mnnngcmrnt fnr work- dcll a ehcck on tho c o " “’l i r " ’"' Ion. T^ree American soldier.^ were ho.s- •rw. Pllnllrcd for sever© bunw suffered c<5w ‘■iifliis Uie re-scuc work Involving U.sh "'"■rly J-MO U. S. troops. Tlic explo.slon levelled nn arc.\ ovc of 12 Hjunre blocka along Uie lUilne iB rivcr from. Flnmes tUll licked at say tho w ckase. The acrid ^tcnth of nsa' fl'cmlcals filled the air. How niujiy the I'V <3f^d In the wreckage could not oiM ^••■tlmnted. pen Frrnch and Germnn police cor- doncd off a large nrca along llic not nhlne. la-Jde the bftrrlero, Amerlenn of engineers hnd worked with ncety- ipj. lone torches to free the victims of Some of the engineers wore gas ma.-ilta to filler death-dealing fumes nnd rl'.liiK from burning clicmlcals. nlly Medics with stretchers worked be- ore tide Uie engineers, s e a r c h in g no through tho add-covered rsIim nnd ft-lll rubble for bodies of victlmji and the ible Injured. w. Germans from all over tow lined «1U up nt first aid ataUons outside the cry harrier, walling for trealmcni of Injuries. itiye Service Re to Provide Ser Jvo uugh so. Rupert a«. Twin Palis Hey 982-R, or W endell 2M3. Watberg uTll In announcing plans for the new JUP s^lCB. Warberg urged realdenla of nt- Uie volley lo aecmo ihelr winter coal ■llh iuppllM early this year. Ho pointed aa out tliat when Idaho'* beet crop Is harveited, a Bhortaga of rallrond ?I" f!f“ to transport coal Into Ido thlfi .section of tho elate, tng Area coal dealer* coopeniUng In tlie program Include. R. D. Alkcn Jb- Home Lumber and Conl company: :u- I H. Shields. Jr, Shields-, and H. W. m - WrlKht. Wright PVel company, fa- Buhl; Joe Peuira, Peters Feed and ew ^el company, Burley: William Morffan and'C. J. Undwy. Morgan- ry, Lindsay wholesale, and August Detlilefs, Declo Elevator, Declo. icy John Pickering.' BoUe-Payette in- ^ b e r company, olenna Perry: ihl W. K. Shlllingfon. Heybum Peed IT- lod Milling compoay. Heybunj; K. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO eWiimers for Doll V i' iia - 3IIS anu buicien are inur glrl:i who won ti irts are Urenon Sue Walton. Dianne Culli ‘Flying Saucer’ i^edAnother Hoax inoUier flying saucer hoax was reported Tiffs after Uicy were called to tho Slio- e the strange-iippenrlng object. ? objcct to the nherlff'B offico here, blnck porcelain-finished dLic.s nbout four I lOKcther by a chromc strnp. The discs Intended to bo mLslaken for an aerial, J. From the lop of ths aerial, lengths of to the edge of lhe nffnlr. OUier atUch- ht socket with a broken globo In It and over>- of the disc about 2:20 p.m. It had laker. A smnll tree nboul 13 feet uphill ken otf nboul six or seven feet above tha y resulted in FBI men nnd nrmy Investl- )be Rubble it for Victims y 29 <U.R) American troops com- JdwiRshnfen todny and left to tho civilians the continuinff search fot cckaKc of the I. G. Fnrben chemical mated that J?00 were dead and 2,500 I'hey enid thousand.s more suffered -s of e.Kplosion.s whicii flattened the if-rcd mnny other buildinK.s. Army L b n t------------------------------------------ ith! Chances Dim For Okay on Wheat Ti-eaty WASHINGTON. July 20 a->- hnlf ChaiicM for Kcnnte npproval of Uio n'liat Inlcrnallonnl wheal njrrecment dur- rr n UiR the spcclnl r.c.-.slon of con^rMS •ork- dimmed Uxlny nfter a mectlnt of tliB the scnnte foreign relations commit- tee. ho.s- Tlie commltUe ndJourne<l unUl ered Mondny when .Set'rrUo’ of Agrlciil- vlng lure Charles Bwnnnn -.vlll ir.siify at a clof.ed sc-wlon. area Brannan'K teMlmony, hoftcvcr. Is hliie not expectcd to rpur the lU-publl* I at c;in dominated committee to nctlon II of nlthouHh Brnnnnn l.s u eUong advo- iiiiiy CMC of Uie wheat nRreenicnt. Pres- ” ot Idcnt Trumnn In hl.s mc.s.iaRc to con- cre.M Tue.vlny nsked senate rntlflcn- cor- tlon of the trenly. llie A commltteo member who nsked Icnn Uiat hla name nol be u.sed told re- ety- porters action by the .senate now 1ms. would "la effect reopen n Uchnlc.illy Kas closed book In the hope Umt tho inies i American signature would revive In- terest among the nntloas that hnvc bc- wlUidrawn from the ngreement." 1 li g One Rcpublicnn senalor jwlnted nnd out Umt five naUons Including Aus,- the irnlla nnd New Zealand hnve wlth- dmwn from Uie usreemenl. Ined Before the committee met. Sena- the lor Young, R.. N.D.. hnd snld If It . of approved the ngreement, thero was n good cliance the aennte also would. leported by srvice in Valley rails V. Hamilton. Bolae-Payctt* Lumber berg compnny: Clifton Sheppard, Jerome Lumber company, and W. W. Welgle, new North Sldo Lumber and McrcanUlo a of company, Jerome, coal Dick Dlel, Farmers Seed and ntc|d Eupply company, Murtaugh; J. J. Every. Bolae-Payettc Lumber ■ona company; Alvin McBride, McBride's. R. L. Cully. Rupert Storage com- . pnny. and W ard Wollford, Wollford L MIU and Bovator, Ttupert; Wilber C. Brown, BOl.sc-PAyctte Lumber _ compnny, shoslione; R. A. Benson, nj,y* Bonsoa Coal and Service company: Guy Ryman, Homo Lumber Did lam company; 0. E. Nye. Mngl^ ;an- City Puel company: H. L.AlasworUv just MeCoy Coal and Transfer company, and George W arberg. Warberg ette Brotherff Coal and Trtuafer com* rry: P*ny. Twin Fnlls. and L. E. Nlchol- ■eed son. BolscTPayetlo Lumber cera- K. pony. WendeU, IIO, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 19.18 >11Parade .... J 'st..!, on priiM in jnr doll parade here Wednes- L^uucr, oiiaion Mehan and Loretta Bryan. SOOChildien X Participate in Parade Even! ere. A doll and buggy parade, ena our prlM.s for winning conteaunla, an Lscs Ice cream featured Wednesday aft ernoon entertainment nt the cit •lal. park for more thnn 600 Tain Pall s of children. ch- Tlie event, sponsored by the Twi md Falls Mcrehnnfs bureau In cn opernUon with lh# city recrcaUo had department—wna planned lo sho' hill clUldrcn n good tlmo while parent tha wero shopping. Approximately 150 girls pnrUclp sti- nted In the parade, exhibiting doll In six divlslotu. Theso Include ____ foreign dolls, standing dolls, bnb dolls. Bmnllcst dolls, story book doll and oldest doILs, The dolla were Judged and prize awarded ia first, second and Uilti placo In cach fllvlsloa. Pi»seiitatloi I O ' of prizes vrna made at the par: lo baiidahcll by Kerrolt Perrins, cll: recreation director. ° ■ ' Prlie-wlnnenj In the six division; tnti ^-crc: Foreign dolls—Slinron Ma' fo r Mohan, first; Lee Lake, second, anc ii»nl Edna Stokes, Uilrd. Standing dolla DoroUiy Llghtfoot. first; Bhlrle’ Kelley, second, nnd Dlnne CuUcr ,500 Uilrd. Bnby dolU, Loretta Br^’an •red Brenda Sue Wiitson, second iL and Colleen O’llalloran/ third emallc.'st dolU, Kay Lnke, first; Aa fniy nn Lou Mounce. sccond. and Knrcr ------ Rno Noble, third. Slorj' book dollii Jackie SmlUi, first; Vickie Siwni I Tlirelkeld, second, nnd Ruth Ant ^ Brown, third. Olde.st dolla. Rae Lake first; Nnoml Brown, second, ant Colleen Ilryan. Uilrd. Following presentation of prises , children fomied seven lines In fron |,Y ot the bnndshell and received frci J Ice cream treats. . la behnlf of tho recrcnUoa dc w'D pnrtment, Perrins Uinnked Un dur- Judges In the parede, M n. Bob Me ;res.s cracken, Mrs, Henley II, Payne » Mrs. Lyons SmlUi and Doris Young He also thnnked the Roynl radU .service for fumhhlng a sound cai unUl for music In Uie pnrnde, and th< Iciil- Twin Pnlls police departmeni, foi y al blocking traffic during the pnrndt and furnishing a motorcycle escort S Robins and Walsh Sifting Draft Plan :icn- BOISE. July 20 (/TV-Gov, C. A Robins' first nppolntment todny wns sked to tlbcusa Idnho drnfl prcpnratlon.i re- wllh Brlg,-Gen. John E. WaJsh. Idn- now hohdjutant general. :.illy The governor and Wnl.sh, i.tate se- llio lecjve dlrecV^r. dlsciw.scd nppolnt- ; In- me»t of members of the Idaho draft invc bontds to bc fct up In cach counly nted ------------------------------ - Baseball Scores From AP and UP Reports if li NATIO.VAI, LEAGUE wan RHE lUld. ‘’u rs h ___ 001 000 OOO— 1 7 1 ----- Boi aa ---------- no 000 OOx— 2 8 0 Qicen, Hlgbo and Riddle; VoUelle and Snlkcld. RHE St. ,ouia ____ 100 aoi OOI— 0 c I y Bro kb-n ____ 400 220 O lx - 0 B 1 i: Ijcson. SUIey, Wilks, Brazle and Balfe; Bamey. Belirmna aad Cam- nber ome RHE igie, Cln InnaU __ OOO ooo 000— 0 T o itilo York 500 000 OOx— S 7 0 R ffensbergcr, Burkhardt, Peter- .nrt ers< I and Lamnnno; Koslo and j_ Coo er. iber RHE rt... Chi ago .... „.no 010 1 0 0 - 4 10 I Phi delphla ...300 301 OOx— 7 11 1 ford ^ Chipman. Dobemlc. Borowy. ibcr “'><1 McCullough; Ro«e, Du- bell md Semlnlck. . AMERICAN LEAGUE Shd ‘‘t DelrolL night game, ogl^ scheduled. iny, ^ 'd lB IN E T LIST GIVEN lerg >fe^N K I, Plnlaad. July 28 OD— uni* I ^ i u e r Kail August Pagerholm titJ* prtfeted to President Juho Paasl- era- kivj today a one-party list ot social dedocraU u the new cabinet. Nine IrxlRnlcd Idaho Com 9.18 - Price ] I Last I Sou| |H WASHINGTON. July 29 ( to roll back prlcc.s on cs.scntl .B or the nearest “appropriate p fl Mr. Truman .sent Pnul Port «■ whnt be wanta. Porter wenl * * * * i. Rise Since J Totals 4. WASHINOTON. July 50 (,IV-L1> ivSi »>“tl*tlcs, advanced 4.1 per c 5V*3 June. 104a, Pre;ildcnt Trumnn asked congre.sa proposing Uie level of November, 10 1” profits, emits, speculative fluctut EHtiai Thus tho roll-bnck wouldn't nec In-,. Increaso In living costa shown by Tlief,e figures aliow tlinl wlillo tl cent between November. 1047, nnd 3-9 per ccnt. Aclunlly Uie ahnrpe.st Increases I vember, 1047. I Between June. 1048, whea wnrUn 1047, living costs edvnnced 23.7 pei vanced 30.a per ccnt. Tlio consumers' price Index Ijsuci tlsllts stood nl 171.7 on Juno 16 U “‘’i s high. y lll T l« Index la November, 1047, sto The yw ra 1035-39 equal loo In th cnsh ' , and vi Annual Va 51 ShowBe^ irenta The fifth nnnunl Mapic V the Frontier Ridinp club, wil ticlp- tier field for the first of thrc luded ^-<^PProximately 175 horses bnby tho annual event. Their owne dolls competing for ?C,100 in prir Early this mominff Uilrd . i'i'v y "S Some in Draff"' Islon; May Get Fast iS Foreign Posts “rley WASHINGTON, July 28 (UJ5-Th< uuor, army Indicated todny some mer rj’an. cnlled up under Uie new pencellmt cond, drnft mny bo on Uiclr wny overscan third. 10 to 12 weeks after donning uni- An- forms. rtnn? estimate was included In ai official draft circular sent by ihi Misnn arm y to ita advisory boards through- Ann out the country. Locnl draft bonrdi L»*o. are expected to start drafung mer and io-through-25 about Oct. I. ■rises Demand May Drop jront Lleut.-aen. Willard S, Paul jyjj army personael chief, hinted Iht army may not need aa manj draftees aa originally e.stlniated, Ii lhe amiy seta enough volunteers, hi Me! *'*’'1;."'''® probably won’t draft any- ?un^' circular aald eacl: ratlin “rafteo will rccclve eight week: I car *"'l'l*ry training nflcr ho ha; . been processed and nsslgned. Aftci thnt he may be sent abroad, te iVade ^ P®*ts In Uils counlr)-. icorL t to « Weeks Proceulnt During tho war, ll took from twc L lo four weeks to process and equip II a soldier and send him to camp. Figured on this bscls, tha annr* o r» statement meana that drafteea could be on Ihelr way overseas in from A. 10 to 12 weeks, was pauj told newsmen 32,000 new re- tlons crults algned up In June, and 15.085 Idn- volunteered Uio first two weeks of July. ^ Tlie army needs roughly J0.400 men a month to reach nnd msln- tain lls authorized strength of 750.- uniJ ooo offlcera nnd men. 11 Uie July cnlLsiment rato were mnlnUilned, the nrmy would need only obout 14,400 ^ drafteea a month. DEWET AID IlFJECTED WASHINGTON, July 29 (,?)- H E Prer.ldent Truman replied with nn 7 1 cmphaUc ao today when asked 8 0 whether he will aeek Gov. Thomna sclle E. Dewey's help townrd getUng nntl- latlailon leglslaUon from congresa. H E —— Ll Shortage of Wai „ E In Closing oi ^ ^ Shortage of storof o water nnd Uio Mer- minor repairs haa forced and closing of tbe municipal twl<n* ' ming pool lor tlio balance of Uils H E week and Uie first of next week. It 0 1 waa announced Thursday by Parks 1 1 Commlaaloner O. H. Coleman. RecenUy developed leaks in Uie Du. swimming pool will bo plugged dur- ing the nest few days, and the pool *111 not be completely filled again until W ednesday or Thur«d»y, Colo- ;. man aald. Pilling tho pool will be started Monday, but- because of shortage of water In stcmge st Uie mimlclpal filter plant, sereral dsya will bc taken. The swimming pool haa'a capacity lolm of approximately 1,000,000 gallons, lasl* Storage capacity at the fflter plant >clal Is 5.000^)00 gallona. Because of the watar ohortage, the swimming pool 1 [bounties _____ Roll-Bai Noveml Ight by 1 29 (/P)—PrcHidcnt Trumnn today ns icntlal cost-oMivIng Uema to the lc\ ito period.” Porter, former OPA ndminlstrntnr, 1 ivont before the houso bnnkinR co: * tl * * e November 4.1 Per Cent i-Livlng costs, meiLsured by tho bureau ol per ccnt between November, 1047, and mid- grc.s.1 todny for authority lo roll back priccs, •r, 1047, wllh consldernUan given to changes uctuaUons nnd olher factors since then. neccsanrlly equnl the exact percentage of I by the bureau's flgurc-s. llo thn cost of living ndvnnccd only 4,1 per nnd mid-June, 1D4B. food pricea advanced ses In the living coata occurred before No- nrUmo price control.s ended and November, 7 per ccnt. In Uiat period food prlcca ad- Ijsucd monthly by the burenu of labor sta- 16 thU year. This Is Uio Inat flgur* avall- r, stood at IM.0. In tho Index. ^alley Horse egins Tonight c Vnlley horae .show, Aponsored by , will open at 8 p.m, todny nt Fron- thrce ni}?hts of performnnccs. rses have arrived in Twin Fnlls for WMrs. representinB nine 8tat«s, are ^^3 n i o ^ y a ^ trophies.. ' show. s t W. L. Bllzard. deM and director of Oklahoma A cf,-. train Uila S ts s s , '“h.™”L .;r.ru S : . KlPPy Burmlster will act as spoclnl u«l* Portions of the show each night In nnnounced by radio staUon n an KTFI. General Chalrmnn C, R. Nel- <wW. Tonlglil'a broadcnat from onrtfl J. ,1*® " highlighted min championship evcnla. Prldny roch and Snturdny broadcasu will bo made from 10 to 10:30 p.m. MerchanU Donat* Paul. Offlclnls of the PronUer Riding I the club todny paid tribute to local mnny merchants who have donated cn.sli ■d. If nnd .ipeclol prizes lo make the rs. he sliow por,slble. nny- Tlie following merehanta conlrJ- hutcd: Snowbairs Sport aliop. T«,-ln each Title nnd Trust comp.iny. a-ecks J- L. White agency, Glen Jenkins e has Chevrolet garnge, Rogerson hotel. After Coronet Jcwelcri, Browning Auto d. to company. Independent P a c k in g Itr)-. company. Union Motor eompam-. r^lk'a Senra and Roebuck, Pork .w o 2 More Districts Report in Cassia 15.085 Area School Vote 0 of BURLEY, July 30—Reports from two more school districts partlclpat- S0 400 'h the school rcorganli-itlon vote nsln- Cn.s.sln county Tue.iday havo 750.- P ‘> -‘ 'hcd the total voto to 304 In favor July o' P'"" ‘‘"d 149 ngalnst Uio U- 1 the Alton Mnrllndnle, luperlntcn- moo Mhool sold. The two new dliUicta nro Spring- dale. IB yes and 11 no, nnd SUirrh's Ferry. 7 yea. Six districts out of the 10 participating In tho vole have not -V>— turned In reauiu. MarUndalo aald. :i n n He euld the remaining districts aked do not hnve enough votes to change 5mna the outcome of lha elecUon. Ho la sntl- confident the measure will be ap- rresa. proved. J^ater Is Blamed ; of Swimming Pool I Uio ha.s been filled every other week In- jrced «''ery week, aad Its use haa , been curtailed. .Ul" Pl'5®rrlm, filter plant roper- Intendent, aald that average dally !k. It water coaiumpUoa during the part ’arks week or 10 daya haa been 7,7(0.000 gallons. Por the first time this sum* Uie mer. tho water In storage eould not dur- be buUt up over week-ends. Dally pool capacity of the filler plw t la 0.000,- igaJn 000 gallons. _ :olo- Storage readings are taken at 8 II be r m. doily, when storage Is at Its ! of highest, and again between 7 and , the 8 p. m„ when heavy consumption daya has lowered the reservoir. During lhat period tho iverage daily loss nelly cf atornge water hoa been 1,000,000 Ions, gallona. The 0 a. m. reading haa ar- ilant erased awJ.OOO gaHoBs and the p. m. reading bas beea arasd&g pool 1,500,000 fiUohs. FINAL CITY EDITION PRICE 5 CENTS ack to 3 iw Ulrf -w - jrU soi nbcr • .aloUnos TVumfi J03 SJfT .1 ay nskcd conprcss to rI vc Mtnsp^exJ hc level of pricea in Ull js a&li oJ tnr, to the capitol witbsidoW ln totf R committee w ith thd W ftlifffifll'S proposnia prepa^jffiift form of a bill, siidixj im* .* ^ Tho bill propostbuaM powera between Jun# 30 1050: , orfT J - T o raUon a,jfow,<prQ4uftis jte • ^ M ahort aupply. ".sfdajiup, l l L ,J- “«‘*«riCB=inr nm aM ite the manufacture af eau of PrJco control. ,ij«im ivfjo hna J mid- Il«»‘oraLlon of ,fHt rs M itoiE len. WASIIINGTW^yuTWagZU^ ngo of rollback In prUyj^ffle^^ danced nlor Tnylor re No- «lve pnrty. -ber. I c l U r r g S S S ca ad- N. H., of commmee, TOUBo4»»«i:Sf«iha ir eta- «3»y by Tnylor-*BglOfttoIrjB» avail- ^ Taylor 8al4<2»e3loiW«Uim«>la be accompankdedlyarallctfilwJeit meat. He alao rrnprorti-tnnTrnrtiG prices of indiotrikla<t(a>a * r --------- GO dnys. fo U m ad « :^ rU m iU u - a t levels w h M Md£itn*enS^ flow of Industrial \y -f LLI/ by trols over conamef .rr^qr, Pron- reatralnts £ o n a £ £ S 9 lt VblKxIt 4. Direct ■uttiorl^'to r S S X !« fo r iM W W W fltt »- - ^ , ‘J lo nsbn»tipjl rtJoB. ipoclnl By XfldaRjayffl ^ ' materials aiiJ tUUUtitH . u u u ' u r t , wage boosLsTliXte^ t K ^ ^ I snnd.1 of workWmJa xabnuffT elda er pricea waa rtriaflo4*rt«»a«Ifc a number of nSXIUIXA cuts. ^dlng N.Y.. marked VoaiMiottttvMta^f local m eat alx to 10 tmia ^BuuMd.nMi 1 ca.sli Chicago. Uie A iCjMs e the announced cutn oeSXaiint^VWMId In aleak prices. V riJuH :U96n9W :onld- D un nnd Brndilre<Vo|<>p(t^}il|rpa«' Tft-ln wholesale food prJrtn<aiia*T?Biu% ipany, cenu lo J7.18 UilsHWek, down 12 enk na centa from last wecX Adainnjfcla kiag But Uie decline sllljnfirtLj;^ ipany. 1m., than two and one-half ptf^ W t ^wk Jn Ihc aum total ot wholffnilo priccs ’, Van of 31 foods In general i» . It was •> nccounted for prlnclpallf by lower grain nnd menl priccs. and some J food prices conUnued ti'V;P‘TO,. ' On the other sldo .of 6iW ||5ttfe Jrt were incrca.se3 of two cerfls^SfiBM let In lead ond three cents'^^iT*4lJ!^ ^4-^ widely used in making ^ - O ic sumer goods—and ea Amtdcan To- from company price boost exflciMd clpat- to make itfi clgoreltea cost im «H A t 1 vote ^ P"'!' relnll. Phlll^TflJ}^ and company nnd Reynolda ffr^loml favor Pr'“ liicreaao VB«ina ho U- hnme brand cigarettes. \ ""g :nlcn- The dnc nnd-lead lncreaae*23. lowed by less than a week a stMl irlng- price boost of tt u> »ia a ton. H ^ orrh'a ever, Uie Belhlehem Sleel companor it Uie today announced cuts of <1 to ^ re not a Uin on a selected Hat of ila steel aid. (Coaitnatd .n p.s. j, C«Isaa H itrlcla r --------- ------------------ - 5?,^ Clerk Corrects ' Addresses of 2 Vote Registrars Addressea of reglstran lor two ^ I n Palls preclncta were rsrbed 1 ^ u rs d v by county^cieik Charles viilch appeared in a previously put^ A In- Itahed list of reglslrarv. He said his le has office bad receivad a number of calls because of the erroneous addresset uper- and telephone numbers. daUy Registrar for Twin Palls precinct I part No. B ts Mrs. Louis Hahn. vbOM (0.000 correct address U'44Q3 Poplar ara- sium- nue. Her telephone number , li 3T. d not Mrs. Maxine Mocn !• Uie recUtrar Dally for Twin Palla precinct No.. U. Her I.OOO,- c o r r e c t address la 113S Slmberljr _ road and ber telepbcnt &tnnb«r la at 8 1856-J. . . ' , ftt Its 'Vot«n required to ntUtar^^ for tta r and Aug. 10 prlmaty •IwtloL toolnda ipUon those who haw nofe voted prtrloiiair urlng at elecUms hen, (how «bo taUod r loss to vote at tba 1948 gesttal deetlOD 00,000 and those wbolxaTeoQWd fro a oo*. la av- piednet to aaofbemna ElTtrS »«nw. I — — — ........ sdng ReglstraUoa .tfOM; "4t I iF. ab Aug.:. •. _______ j____________________ _________________ i
Page 1: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

LATE BULLEIW ASH mG TO N . J n l j *3 W 7-S

9 . Ecclc*. form er c hairm an of lh e rctcrvc board, told tcnalo r* t»d»y tlo a I t "Cfruinljr jo in * to have i He (aid th a t he did no l know whe Uon—which he aald he preferred ln»tead of - b M f —wonld s e t In. o r d rrr te .

VOL. 81, NO. 105

^Blockade England Its Den

LONDON. July 29 (U.PJ—P j I^ ition program has been stop; Foreign Secretary E rn e s t Be

A t tho snme time Bcvin of: UuBsia on nn overall Europcnr ade of Berlin is lifted.

Rcvin hinted thn t if the b l would be made for a mectinjf eipn m inisters. In an.swer to a que.<ition he mnde a .some­w hat cryptic sUitem ent:

"All wc have to do In Mcu.cow 1« remove olxitncles to dlsciv-^lons. luul w llll g rca i nioclciiy ncKollniloii.i t h r n probnbly will bc dlscu.v.cd on Uin hlRhcsi level."

Dfivlii mnde n s tn tem ent In Uie houso of commons on forplKu nJ/nlrfl Debate which h n i been schnliiled wn.1 cnncflllctl.

^ Bevln toia commons the io r th - " c o m liif f tlirec-i>owcr npjironch lo the

krcm lln wna cle.ilRned lo find ou l ‘•whether there i ' any pro.'.pcct of rcm ovlnc obslnclcn which h a v e arL";cn, w lili u vIca- to a so ltlem ent w hich h u mnjM iy's ROvemmeni hope mlRhl Ii-iid to pc.-icc and ae- curiiy in Europe for aU of U4.~

Ho M id dcmoblllZAllon o f "cer­ta in proups" of tho roynl n ir force h a d been uloppcd beeansc of th e n ig h l of r.uppllc< Into B erlin . Btctxi a ro bclnK Uiken to defer dcnioblllt.i- tlon of o th e r forccs. Uovln added.

Dcvln cnmo closer lh a n a n y oUior h l«h official ye t to j t a y l n g th e RuM lan policy In Berlin, If pursued, would lead lo w ar. And ho tidded tho Britlah governm ent w as "de- tprm lncd to take any m eaaurea derm rd f i t to tneel the .slluaUon.-

Ho «ald he always had realized th n t tho alluaUon In B erlin and G erm any mlRlil become d ifficu lt be- cau .10 of Soviet policy. B u t ho con­tinued:

" I mU3l confcss th a t in o u r ca l­culations wo did no t AMume U m t th e pollo ' of our w nrtlme a llies wouW

lo a .sllunUon w hich m ig h t In - Tvolvfl tlio u-'t of force."

Delay Tactics Begin on Poll Tar>.-^MeasKre

W ASHJtJGTON. Julj- 33 (/P>—W ith E'-nnt/ff Stennlr:. D „ Miss., a s Jend- o ff mr.n. Boulhemer# plunged in lo «i HOiMlc lalWe.il today dealsnert to bnr acUc-ft on luiU-poU t-n or a n y o ther "clvU rlKhW” IcBblailon.

7t wns louehcd off w hen 6 iniator W nero '. U-. Itebr,, m w cd to lako i:p the houso piuBcd ontl-poU ta x bill.

S ten r ls Rot th e floor an<J chaJ- lcni;r(I the r igh t of congreaa to ittsa th e bill.

T lie MljuUsslppi senato r rjild ho would tnllc nboul two hours. For Un> Ume being. Bouthemer.s wero n o t ncknowledglng a lUlhuater. 8 enalor RuaseU, D„ On!, sa id they wero Ju.it oul to mnko su re the eountrj- im dcrslanda the tnc.riurc. Riir.:;c!l Is Kcnerallng tho sou thern flRht aRalnsi Uic bill.

S tcnnls lold hla colleagues th n t "low pollUcal expediency" b ro u ah t Uie bill before tho «cnnt«. BoUj publicans and th e admlnlsLraUcm. hc nald. wwo ou t to w in votM by

^ ic k ln p r th e measure. I t Is one of » o "civil rlRlilfl" IftWB nskcd by

rtc.s ldcnl T m m nn. 11 also 1* en- dor.sed In bo th DcraocraUc a n d R e­publican plnUorms.

I I was evident th a t Ihls f i r s t m ea­su re to Bct con.sldemUon In th e spcclal congress sewlon would draw a lo l of talk , bul probably no acUon.

Proripeclj were no b righ ter, elUier, fo r P resident T rum nn 's anU -ln fla - Uon proRmm. Paul Porter. lo rm cr OPA-BdmlnLstrnlor. look a de tailed bill embrnclng the proffram before U ir hniise banking com m lllce.

A storm o f OOP hoaUllly g reeted P o rte r and lhe bill. Chnlrrnan Wol­cott, R-. Midi-, said th e adm lnU lra- Uon hnd pOTcr.s It was n o t using. H e niso nM rted ih n l P residen t T rum an broke " the prlco line" by encouraclnK n wage Increase for steel workers nenr the end or tho w ar.


Three Operators Of Punchboards

Fined $227 Heren . O. Thomp.son, R , w . P^w ler

and H enchel Choraller wero cited Into Justice court W ednesday o a c hat^es of operating punchboards w ithout I ta te tax stam ps. T ho threfc paid aiM^ggregaU to ta l o f »227

^ r ise s a n d coRts.^ BUj Io ta x officers w asted lltUo

Ume In filing com plaints Jn th e of­fice of E verett M. Sweeley. Twin F a lb eounty prosecutor, a f te r the clly of T»-In Palla fined pxinch- board la* evaderi lu c ity court.

Thom pson was chnrged w ith op- eraUnfr tw o boards, one 10*ccnt -aoney b o ^ , »nd one ICMrcnt m er- <hnndlso R>ord. H e wns fined MO . 1 th e flrat board. on th e sec­ond board and assejsed JIO.80 in tc u r t cosU. T he boards were oper­a n d a l the M ilitary Inn .

Fowler was fined for Uie lUrgal fir.-m'Jnn nf a l i - c c n t money board tn Saw yer's Bar-£,.C |. j-.'Ud a fine of MO and c t j t costa o f « .40.

Cherallcr. Echo Sandw ich Shop. », iras c h a rftd w ith opcraUng one 25- o cen t moDcy l» a rd a n d ona iire -c < o t money board. H *.pald • i I n t o f ISO » cm IhB rim t board. «35 on th v iec* d ond board a o d 110.60 e o u rt OMts. ' 0

ETIN I ,a v -S U r tin e r f th e federsl>d»7 th is na - -lave a bn»t." _ W W T■ w hen defla-e rred to nsen , o r (o w hat


ofn<i.i cit»C<WDt7

e Causes id to Curb ^mobilizing—P a rt of G reat B rituin’s demobil- stoppcd because of the Berlin crisis, ; Bevin announced today, n offered to besin discussions w ith penn settlem ent if the Soviet block-

le blockm ic is rn ised , n rran K cm en la itin jf of th e b ig fo u r council o f fo r- r to * * * *

Berlin Coimcillion." 1 Red Membersd on

: Uie Quit ConclavejJ5iea DEltLIN, Ju ly 30 (U.R)—C om m un-

I.H members of Uie B erlin c lly ju - ) r th - vn lked ou t o f a m eeting to -J th e before tho jwi.senibly aj>-

Dut. “ rc.'.oluUon condem ning the, RuMlan blockado of Berlin,

a v e com m unist a.wcmblymen__„f look a wnlk a fte r Ih e lr spokesm an. Tirni L lttke. wa.-$ shouted down Tor

trying to lntro<lucc a c oun ter- ; ■ resoluUo;! w hile the a.'.sembly wns

prrpnrlng lo vole.Blockade I jib c lrd "Crim e"

T h e rem ain ing non -co m m u n b t ,, dclegnle-s. aboul 100, pa.«ed Uic

resolution, apparently unnnliTiou.sly. I t called th e blockade of Berlin

iiin,. "® aKalnat h um an ity " a n d do-mnnded th a t I t bo removed.

w alkout re-cmpha.sl7«d th elUM. ,p in ,n guj, ftdininisu-nnonuucu uiQ pf betw een th«

e ast and the west. A n' anU -com - “ rea m unlst i>ollce chief s e t up hcacl- on. quarters tn Uie V. B. scclor, while In nzea i^o Soviet rono th e com m unlat

chief con tinued In office.■ « - Air V lolatluns C harsedcon - O utildo th e adm ln la tratlve field

Britlah auUiorUtlcs chnrged tho c a l- 6o\’lcts wlUi vlolaU nc n ir safety

- th e regu la tloa i th ree Umes todoy In ou ld th» corridor to H am burg. T hey p ro -

In - tested, nnd received Soviet a s ­surance UiAt th e pUot.s, If found gullly, would bo dealt w ith severely.

Johannes Blumm, Uio W est's chief, enid a t noon th n t. h a lf tho cmpJoyM of Uie old hendqunrtcrs

I had reported to Uio new. B u t a lt L l Ujo rccordi lem alned s t th o old

h e a d q u a rte r Jn th e Soviet w ne,

” cUI.K W aralB f Cloud* Meet

« « » W y m e t u nder t h t ena- cloud of a Soviet w arning in tlie t« » pre.*a th a t the mecUnic m ig h t p ro -

provoeauons.“ I t waa tiior heJrt In Uie h e a r t o f th o so v ie t see-

tor. where com m unist-led deraonstr- n to r atora s ta rted trouble a t an assem bly 1 ^ 0 mceUng on Ju n e 33.“ X TMay'e m eeting opened uneven t-

ta Envoys’Visits g To Russ May u's Set up Parley

MOSCOW. Ju ly 23 </7>-Inrormod Lhftt sa id today a four-pow eri« h t fonfertnce , poaslbly of foreign m ln -

liters, m ay resu lt from tnlk-i o f lem American and BrltLsh rcpresenU i-

by H'”'’;’' Soviet Foreign M in ister » of Molotov,

by A m baisador W alle r Bedelle a - Sm ith retu rned by p lane to Mo.scow

^ ‘ ‘1 London.W ith him wa.1 F ra n k Roberw . lea- B ritish m in iste r to Moncowth e 2^'* secre tary to Brltl.shraw Sec re tary 'E m eat Bevln.Ion. “ conversations hero prove her, and a conference !sfla- the In form ants sny

c^'anee th e meeUnKs lied Purls, ftbout th e•oro i r a e of th e nex t U nited N atloiw

^ e m b ly meeUng, w hich will openItedfoi- ob-servers said they a re n o l

pcsslmlsUc about Uie chancc.s o f such a gc l-togethe r on Uie oues-

e n t of «hd th o fu tu re ofj _ G erm any ns a whole. •

fo r Inform anta sa id SmlUi nndpra»«wy «in lalk lnroni.r,lly

With Uie F rench am bassador before jLsklag to s e . Molotov. T here 1 no indlcaUon y e l when Uio t a l t i will s ta r t or when Molotov wUl be able to see Uic w estern repreaentaU vca.

, However. II Is reporU d no tim e wlU

I Coal Cooperati Dealers t

lUo form ing o t a coal eoopemU veof- lervlce for re s ld en u of M agic VaUey ' f la was announced T hu rsday by re te ll

coal deale r, of th e a r ta . -niB g roup , was Incorporated as th e Coal H ea t­

on- i? " or Magic Valley w llh i T w in P ^ la . aa ,

president. ] W arberg sa id Uie n o n -p ro f it o r - >

ganlzaUon was form ed to provide i In ^oitseholdera In h eaU ns

the ir homes. j «■ Services wlU Include advice on ob- 1

ta lnin* m ore h e a t a t leas cost, reg u - . la r nnd thorough clean ing and c o n - ’

« o f pre.senl coal heaU ns fft- 1» cm ues, guidance la selecUng new 1

equipment w hen neccssapy, a n d 24- 13P. hour service, excluding coal delivery, l!5* on furnacc*. boilers and atockers. 1 « t ResJdenU _nitty oliWln em ergency180 n r r l c e a t ftU h o u n Including S u n - 1«* day s-an d ho lidays by c:aUlni S u h l \

e t,B ia Ic g r;4 7 a-j.je ro in s& 3 W » U u r> i

A Resional N ew spaper ScirlnsT

Clt7 Ihj N .w .p .,,r



s P B' z W ' - H Hn 'lthock- ■ & ’ —

t n l s '■for- ; - ‘ A

il- ■ mve 1n u n - ^ ' 1 * 3 J fr 0.1-

to -

.•men i r * ^'" J '; '; Shown nliove w ith th e ir dolls i* ^ Hay. f ro m left to r i th t . tho girls i

w-M pholo-engravlnK)

Discovery of ‘I S; Here Believe1 do-

W hnt wn.s believed to be anoU th e t J i l ' afiernoon by deputy sheriffs

I tlon fchoii# fnll.i pnrk to inve.silgnte th( tho Tlie deputies rcturnL-d the ob

:om - I t wa.s dr;;orlhcd m belnR two binc cad - o r live inches th ick n n d held lOR le In a r e about twn fee t In diam eter, uniat A coppor tube. nppnrenUy Intc

p ro trudM out nbout 30 Inches. Fi heatlnK elem ent wire s tre tch to tl

tlcld. m e n ls Include a porcelain lig h t S' tho D.i.sortcd hit.s of wiring.

*fcty A Mr. Dl.sbee repo rted dlscoven• In be en found by th e pnrk cnrelnke p r o from ilie object h a d be en broken '

Kround.^i^nd A nlmllnr hoax here la s t Ju ly rti

K ators flylnK to Tw in Falls ,

th o — -------------------------------------------- ------

;S Crews Proi " Of Plantth t LUD W IGSHAFEN, July 2

^ pleted th e ir m ission in Ludw WM French arm y and German clvi see- viclima in th e sm oking wrcckn

p lant."U. S. a rm y officials o.stimat)

eat- injured in th e explosion. Thej > m inor in ju ries in the ficric.s of

spr.-iwlinfT p lan t and d;imaf.rc(l hniuiqunrters announced thn t nil A m frican troops and equiiuncnt hnd been with-

R e ln h a rd l G oldberg, a director of > y the chcmlcal p la n t, ould n-i.cur J workers hnd recovered several «core

med bo tlifi from th e debrW, nnd mnny m ore , tm w ere burU-il.

O fflrliils repo rted th a t nbout hnlf lU i- ” ’'■ rn'Pioyc!! re lu m e d ^o w liat s te r "'',•1 Pl'U it todny n ftrr n

cnll Irom Uic m nn n g c m rn t fnr work- dcll a ehcck on thoc o " “’l i r " ’"'Ion. T ^ re e A m erican soldier.^ were ho.s- •rw. Pllnllrcd for sever© bunw suffered c<5w ‘■iifliis Uie re-scuc work Involving U.sh "'"■rly J-MO U. S . troops.

T lic explo.slon levelled nn arc.\ ovc of 12 Hjunre blocka along Uie lUilne

iB r iv c r from . F lnm es tUll licked at say tho w c k a s e . T h e acrid ^ tcnth of nsa ' f l 'cm lcals filled th e air. How niujiy th e I'V <3f^d In th e w reckage could not oiM ^••■tlmnted.pen F r rn c h a n d G erm nn police cor-

doncd off a la rge nrca along llic n o t n h ln e . la -Jde th e bftrrlero, Amerlenn

o f engineers h n d w orked w ith ncety- ip j . lone torches to fre e th e victims

o f Som e of th e engineers wore gas ma.-ilta to f il le r de ath -d ea lin g fumes

nnd rl'.liiK from bu rn in g clicmlcals. nlly M edics w ith s tre tch e rs worked be- o re tide Uie eng inee rs , s e a r c h i n g n o th rough tho add -covered rsIim nnd

ft-lll rubble for bodies o f victlmji and the ible Injured.w . G erm an s from a ll over t o w lined «1U up n t f irs t a id ataU ons outside the c ry ha rrier, w alling f o r trea lm c n i of


itiye Service Re to Provide Ser

Jvo u u g h so. R u p e r t a « . T w in P a lis Hey 982-R, or W ende ll 2M3. W atberguTll

I n announcing p la n s fo r the new JUP s ^ lC B . W arberg urged realdenla of n t - Uie volley lo aecm o ih e lr w in te r coal ■llh iuppllM early th is year. H o pointed a a out tlia t w hen Idaho '* b e e t crop Is

h a rveited , a Bhortaga o f rallrond ?I" f!f“ to t r a n s p o r t coal IntoIdo thlfi .section of th o elate, tng A re a coal dealer* coopeniUng In

tlie p rogram Include . R. D . Alkcn Jb- H om e Lum ber a n d Conl com pany: :u - I H . Shields. J r , Shields-, a n d H. W . m - W rlKht. W rig h t PVel company, fa - B u h l; Joe Peu ira, P eters Feed a n d ew ^ e l com pany, B urley : W illiam

Morffan a n d 'C . J . U n d w y . M organ- ry , L indsay w holesale, and August

D etlilefs, D eclo E levator, Declo. icy J o h n P ickering.' B o U e -P ay e tte in - ^ b e r com pany , o le n n a P erry : ih l W. K . S h lllingfon . H eybum Peed IT- lo d M illing com poay . H eybunj; K .


eWiimers for Doll

V i '

i i a -3IIS anu buicien are in u r glrl:i who won ti irts are Urenon Sue W alto n . D ianne Culli

‘Flying Saucer’ i ed Another HoaxinoUier flying sauce r h oax w as reported T iffs a fte r Uicy were called to tho Slio- e the strange-iippenrlng object.? objcct to th e nherlff'B offico here, blnck porcelain-finished dLic.s nbout four

I lOKcther by a chrom c strnp . T he discs

Intended to bo mLslaken for a n aerial, J. From the lop of th s a erial, leng ths of to the edge of lh e n ffnlr. O U ier a tU ch - h t socket with a broken globo In I t and

over>- of th e disc about 2:20 p.m. I t had laker. A smnll tree nboul 13 fee t uphill ken otf nboul six or seven fee t above tha

y resulted in FB I m en nnd nrm y Investl-

)be Rubble it for Victimsy 29 <U.R)— A m erican troops com- JdwiRshnfen todny an d le ft to tho civilians the continuinff search fot

cckaKc o f the I. G. F nrben chemical

mated th a t J?00 w ere dead and 2,500 I'hey enid thousand.s more suffered -s of e.Kplosion.s whicii flattened the if-rcd mnny o th e r buildinK.s. Army L b n t------------------------------------------

ith! Chances Dim ” For Okay on

Wheat Ti-eatyW ASHINGTON. Ju ly 20 a -> -

hnlf ChaiicM fo r Kcnnte npproval of Uio n'liat Inlcrnallonnl w h ea l njrrecm ent dur- r r n UiR the spcclnl r.c.-.slon of con^rMS •ork- dimmed Uxlny n f te r a m ectln t of

tliB the scnnte fo re ign rela tions commit­tee.

ho.s- T lie com m ltU e ndJourne<l unUl ered Mondny w hen .Se t'rrU o’ of Agrlciil- vlng lure C harles B w n n n n -.vlll ir.siify a t

a clof.ed sc-wlon. a rea Brannan'K teM lmony, hoftcvcr. Is hliie not expectcd to rp u r the lU-publl*I a t c;in dom inated com m ittee to nctlonII of nlthouHh B rn n n n n l.s u eUong advo- iiiiiy CMC of Uie w hea t nRreenicnt. Pres-” ot Idcnt T rum nn In hl.s mc.s.iaRc to con-

cre.M Tue.vlny nsked senate rntlflcn- cor- tlon of the tren ly . llie A com m ltteo m em ber who nsked

Icnn Uiat hla na m e n o l be u.sed told re- e ty - porters action by th e .senate now 1ms. would "la e ffec t reopen n Uchnlc.illy Kas closed book In th e hope Umt tho

inies i American s ig n a tu re would revive In­terest am ong th e nn tlo a s th a t hnvc

bc- wlUidrawn from th e ngreement."1 li g One R cpublicnn se n alo r jwlnted nnd ou t Umt five naU ons Including Aus,- th e irnlla nnd New Z ea lan d hnve w lth-

dmwn from Uie usreem en l.Ined Before th e com m ittee met. Sena- th e lor Young, R.. N .D .. hnd snld If It

. of approved th e ngreem ent, thero was n good c liance th e aenn te also would.

leported by srvice in Valleyrails V. H am ilton. B olae-P ayctt* Lumber berg compnny: C lifton S heppard , Jerome

Lumber com pany, a n d W. W. Welgle, new North Sldo L um ber a n d McrcanUlo a o f company, Je rom e, coal Dick Dlel, F a rm e rs Seed and ntc|d Eupply com pany, M urtaugh ; J . J.

Every. B olae-P ayettc Lumber ■ona company; A lvin M cB ride, McBride's.

R. L. Cully. R u p e r t S torage com- . pnny. and W ard W ollford, Wollford L MIU and B o v a to r , T tupert; Wilber

C. Brown, BOl.sc-PAyctte Lumber _ compnny, sh o s lio n e ; R. A. Benson, nj,y* Bonsoa C oal and Service company:

Guy R ym an, H om o Lum ber Did lam com pany; 0 . E . Nye. M ngl^ ;a n - City Puel com pany: H . L .A lasw orU v ju s t MeCoy Coal and T ra n s fe r company,

and G eorge W arberg . Warberg e tte Brotherff C oal a n d T r tu a fe r com* rry : P*ny. Tw in Fnlls. a n d L . E . Nlchol- ■eed son. BolscTPayetlo L um ber cera-

K . pony. WendeU,


>11 Parade

. . . . J

' s t . . ! ,on priiM in jn r doll parade he re W ednes- L^uucr, oiiaion M ehan and L oretta Bryan.

SOOChildien X Participate in

Parade Even!ere. A doll and buggy parade, ena our prlM.s for w inning con teaun la , an Lscs Ice cream fea tured W ednesday aft

ernoon e n te rta in m e n t n t the cit •lal. park fo r m ore thnn 600 T a in Pall s o f children.c h - Tlie event, sponsored by the Twi m d Falls M c re h n n fs bureau In cn

opernUon w ith lh# c ity recrcaUo had departm ent—wna planned lo sho' h ill clUldrcn n good tlmo while parent tha wero shopping.

A pproximately 150 girls pnrUclp sti- nted In th e parade, exhibiting doll

In six d ivlslotu. Theso Include____ foreign dolls, standing dolls, bnb

dolls. Bmnllcst dolls, story book doll and o ldest doILs,

The dolla w ere Judged and prize awarded ia firs t, second and Uilti placo In cach fllvlsloa. Pi»seiitatloi

I O ' of p rizes vrna m ade a t th e par: l o baiidahcll by K erro lt Perrins, cll:

recreation director.° ■ ' P rlie-w lnnenj In th e six division; tn t i ^-crc: Fore ign dolls—Slinron Ma' f o r M ohan, f irs t; Lee Lake, second, anc

ii»nl E dna Stokes, Uilrd. S tanding dolla DoroUiy Llghtfoot. f irs t; Bhlrle’ Kelley, second, nnd Dlnne CuUcr

,500 Uilrd. Bnby dolU, L oretta Br^’an •red B renda Sue W iitson, secondiL and Colleen O’lla llo ra n / third

emallc.'st dolU, Kay Lnke, f irst; A a fn iy nn Lou Mounce. sccond. and Knrcr------ Rno Noble, th ird . Slorj' book dollii

Jack ie SmlUi, first; Vickie Siwni I T lirelkeld, second, nnd R u th Ant Brown, th ird . Olde.st dolla. Rae Lake

f irs t; Nnoml Brown, second, ant Colleen Ilryan . Uilrd.

Following p resen ta tion of prises , children fom ied seven lines In fron | , Y o t th e bnndshell and received frci

J Ice cream trea ts . .l a behnlf o f tho recrcnUoa d c

w'D pnrtm ent, Pe rrin s Uinnked Un dur- Judges In the parede, M n . Bob M e ;res.s c racken , Mrs, Henley II, Payne » Mrs. Lyons SmlUi and Doris Young

H e also thnnked the Roynl radU .service for fu m h h ln g a sound cai

unUl for music In Uie pnrnde, and th< Iciil- Tw in Pnlls police departm eni, foi y a l blocking tra ffic during th e pnrndt

and furn ish ing a motorcycle escort

S Robins and Walsh Sifting Draft Plan

:icn- BOISE. Ju ly 20 (/TV-Gov, C. A Robins' f irs t nppolntm ent todny wns

sked to tlbcusa Idnho d rn fl prcpnratlon.i re- wllh Brlg,-G en. John E . WaJsh. Idn-

now h o h d ju ta n t general.:.illy The governor and Wnl.sh, i.tate se-

llio lecjve dlrecV^r. dlsciw.scd nppolnt- ; In- me»t of m em bers of th e Idaho d raftinvc bontds to bc f c t up In cach counly

nted ------------------------------

™- Baseball ScoresFrom A P a n d UP R eports

if l i NATIO.VAI, LEAGUEwan R H ElUld. ‘’u r s h ___ 001 000 OOO— 1 7 1----- B oi aa ---------- n o 000 OOx— 2 8 0

Qicen, Hlgbo a n d R idd le; VoUelle and Snlkcld.

R H ES t. ,o u ia ____ 100 aoi OOI— 0 c I

y Bro kb-n ____ 400 220 O lx - 0 B 1i: Ijcson. SU Iey, W ilks, Brazle and

B a lfe ; B am ey . B elirm na a a d Cam-nberome R H Eigie, Cln InnaU __ OOO ooo 000— 0 T oitilo Y ork 500 000 OOx— S 7 0

R ffensbergcr, B u rkhard t, P e ter- .n rt ers< I a n d L am nnno; Koslo and

j_ Coo er.iber R H Ert... Chi ago .... „ .n o 010 1 0 0 - 4 10 I

P h i de lph la ...300 301 OOx— 7 11 1 ford ^ C hipm an. Dobem lc. Borowy. ibcr “ '><1 M cCullough; R o«e, D u-

bell m d Semlnlck.

. AMERICAN LEAGUEShd ‘‘t D elrolL n ig h t game,ogl^ scheduled.

iny, ^ ' d l B I N E T L IST GIVEN lerg > f e ^ N K I , P ln laa d . Ju ly 28 OD— uni* I ^ i u e r K a i l A ugust Pagerholm titJ* p r t f e te d to P re sid e n t J u h o Paasl- era- kivj today a one -p a rty lis t o t social

dedocraU u th e new cabinet.

Nine IrxlRnlcd Idaho Com


- Price ] I Last I Sou|| H WASHINGTON. July 29 (

to roll back prlcc.s on cs.scntl . B o r th e nea rest “appropriate p

■ f l Mr. T rum an .sent Pnul Port « ■ w hnt be wanta. Porter wenl

* * * *

i. Rise Since J Totals 4.

W ASH IN O TON . July 50 (,IV-L1> i v S i »>“ tl*tlcs, advanced 4.1 per c5 V * 3 Ju n e . 104a,

Pre ;ildcn t T rum nn asked congre.sa proposing Uie level of November, 10 1” p rofits, emits, speculative fluctut

EHtiai T h u s tho roll-bnck wouldn't nec In - , . Increaso In living costa shown by

Tlief,e figures aliow tlin l wlillo tl cen t betw een November. 1047, nnd 3-9 p e r ccnt.

A clunlly Uie ahnrpe.st Increases I vem ber, 1047.

I B etw een Ju n e . 1048, whea wnrUn1047, living costs edvnnced 23.7 pei vanced 30.a pe r ccnt.

T lio consum ers' price Index Ijsuci tls llts stood n l 171.7 on Juno 16 U“‘’i s high.

y l l l T l« Index la November, 1047, stoT h e y w ra 1035-39 equal loo In th

cnsh ', and

vi Annual Va 51 ShowBe^irenta T he f i f th nnnunl Mapic V

th e F ro n tie r Ridinp club, wil tic lp - t ie r field fo r the f irs t of thrc luded ^-<^PProximately 175 horses bnby tho annual event. Their owne dolls com peting fo r ?C,100 in p r i r

E ar ly th is mominffUilrd . i ' i ' v y

"S Some in Draff"'Islon; May Get Fast iS Foreign Posts“ rley W A SH IN G T O N , Ju ly 28 (UJ5-Th< uuor, a rm y Ind ica ted todny some mer rj’an . cnlled up u n d e r Uie new pencellmt cond, d rn f t m ny bo on Uiclr wny overscan third. 10 to 12 w eeks a fte r donning uni-

A n- form s.rtnn? e s tim a te was included In ai

official d r a f t circu lar sent by ihi Misnn a rm y to ita advisory boards through- A nn o u t th e coun try . Locnl d raft bonrdi

L»*o. a re expected to s ta r t drafung mer an d io -th ro u g h -2 5 abou t Oct. I.

■rises D em and May Dropjro n t L le u t.-a e n . W illard S, Paul

jy j j a rm y p e rso n a el chief, h inted Iht a rm y m ay n o t need aa manj d ra f te es aa o riginally e.stlniated, Ii lh e a m iy se ta enough volunteers, hi

M e! *'*’'1;."'''® p robably won’t d ra ft any-

?un^' circular aald eacl:ratlin “ rafteo w ill rccclve eight week:I c ar * " 'l 'l* ry tra in ing nflcr ho ha;

. been processed and nsslgned. Aftci th n t h e m ay be sen t abroad, te

iVade ^ P®*ts In Uils counlr)-.icorL t to « W eeks P roceu ln t

D uring th o w ar, ll took from twc L lo fou r w eeks to process and equipI I a so ld ier a n d send him to camp.

Figured on th is bscls, tha an n r*o r » s ta te m e n t m eana th a t drafteea could

be on Ih e lr w ay overseas in from A. 10 to 12 weeks,

was p a u j to ld new sm en 32,000 new re- tlons c ru lts algned u p In June, and 15.085 Idn- volun teered Uio first two weeks of

Ju ly . T lie a rm y needs roughly J0.400

m en a m o n th to reach nnd m sln- ta in lls au th o rized strength of 750.-

uniJ ooo offlcera nnd men. 11 Uie July cnlLsim ent ra to were mnlnUilned, the nrm y would need only obout 14,400

^ drafteea a m on th .

D E W E T AID IlFJECTED W A SH IN G TO N , Ju ly 29 ( ,? ) -

H E Prer.ldent T ru m a n replied with nn7 1 cm phaU c a o today when asked8 0 w h eth er h e w ill aeek Gov. Thomna sclle E. D ew ey's h e lp townrd getUng nntl-

la tla ilo n leglslaU on from congresa. H E — —

Ll Shortage of Wai „ E In Closing oi^ ^ S h o r ta g e o f s to ro f o w ater nnd Uio Mer- m in o r repairs haa forcedand c losing o f tb e m unicipal twl<n*

' m ing pool lo r tlio balance of Uils H E week a n d Uie f ir s t of next week. It0 1 waa a n n ounced T hursday by Parks1 1 Com m laaloner O . H . Coleman.

RecenU y developed leaks in Uie D u . sw im m ing pool will bo plugged dur­

ing th e n e s t few days, and the pool *111 n o t b e com pletely filled again u n til W ednesday o r Thur«d»y, Colo-

;. m a n aald . P i llin g tho pool will be s ta r te d M onday , but- because of sho rtage of w ater In stcm ge s t Uie m im lclpal f ilte r p lan t, sereral dsya will bc ta k en .

T h e sw im m ing pool h a a 'a capacity lolm of a pp rox im ate ly 1,000,000 gallons, lasl* S to rage c ap a c ity a t th e fflter p lan t >clal Is 5.000^)00 gallona. Because of the

w atar ohortage , th e swimming pool


[bounties _____

Roll-Bai Noveml

Ight by 129 (/P)— PrcHidcnt Trumnn today ns icntlal cost-oM ivIng Uema to the lc\ ito period.”Porter, fo rm er OPA ndminlstrntnr, 1 ivont before the houso bnnkinR co:

* tl * *

e November4.1 Per Centi-L iv ln g costs, meiLsured by tho bureau ol per c c n t betw een November, 1047, and m id-

grc.s.1 todny fo r au thority lo roll back priccs, •r, 1047, w llh consldernUan given to changes uctuaU ons n n d o lher factors since then .

neccsanrlly equnl th e exact percentage of I by th e bu reau 's flgurc-s. llo th n cost of living ndvnnccd only 4,1 per nnd m id -Ju n e , 1D4B. food pricea advanced

ses In th e liv ing coata occurred before No-

nrUmo p rice control.s ended and November, 7 pe r ccn t. I n U ia t period food prlcca ad-

Ijsucd m o n th ly by th e burenu of labor s ta - 16 th U year. T h is Is Uio Inat flgur* a vall-

r, stood a t IM .0.In tho Index.

^alley Horse egins Tonightc Vnlley horae .show, Aponsored by , will open a t 8 p.m, todny n t F ron- th rce ni}?hts of performnnccs. rses have arrived in Twin Fnlls fo r WMrs. representinB nine 8tat«s, a re ^ ^ 3 n i o ^ y a ^ tro p h ies ..

' show.s t W. L. B l lz a rd .

de M a n d direc tor of O klahom a A c f , - . train Uila

S t s s s , ' “h.™” L . ; r . r u S :

. K lPPy B urm lster will a c t as spoclnl

u«l* Po rtions of the show each n ig h t In nnnounced by radio staU onn an K T F I. G enera l Chalrm nn C, R . Nel-

<wW. Tonlglil'a broadcnat from onrtfl J. ,1*® " highlighted

m in cham pionship evcnla. Prldnyroch and Sn tu rdny broadcasu will bo

m ade from 10 to 10:30 p.m . M erchanU Donat*

Paul. O fflclnls of the PronUer Riding I th e club todny pa id tribu te to local m nny m e rc h an ts w ho have donated cn.sli ■d. If nnd .ipeclol prizes lo m ake the rs. he sliow por,slble. nny- T lie following m erehanta conlrJ-

hu tcd : Snow bairs Sport aliop. T«,-ln each T itle nnd T rust comp.iny.

a-ecks J- L. W hite agency, Glen Jenk in s e has C hevro let garnge, Rogerson hotel. After C o rone t Jcw elcri, Browning Auto d. to com pany . Independent P a c k i n g Itr)-. com pany. U nion M otor eompam-.

r^ lk 'a Senra and Roebuck, Po rk

. w o

2 More Districts Report in Cassia

15.085 Area School Vote0 of BU RLEY , Ju ly 30—Reports from

two m ore school d istricts pa rtlc lpa t-S0 400 'h th e school rcorganli-itlon votensln- Cn.s.sln county Tue.iday havo750.- P‘>-‘'h c d the to ta l voto to 304 In favorJu ly o ' P '" " ‘‘" d 149 ngalnst Uio U-

1 th e A lton M nrllndnle, lupe rln tcn - moo M hool sold.

T h e tw o new dliU icta nro Spring­dale. IB yes a n d 11 no, nnd SU irrh's Fe rry . 7 yea. Six districts out of the 10 p a rtic ip a tin g In tho vole have no t

-V>— tu rn ed In rea u iu . MarUndalo aald.:i nn H e euld th e rem aining d istric ts aked do n o t hnve enough votes to change 5mna th e outcom e of lha elecUon. H o la sn tl- co n fid e n t th e m easure will be ap - rresa. proved.

J ater Is Blamed ; of Swimming PoolI Uio ha.s be en filled every o the r week In- jrced « ''ery week, a ad Its use haa

, been c u rta iled ..Ul" Pl'5® rrlm , f ilte r p lan t ro p e r-

In ten d e n t, aald th a t average dally !k. I t w ater coaium pU oa during the p a rt’arks week o r 10 daya haa been 7,7(0.000

gallons. P o r th e f irs t tim e th is sum*Uie m er. th o w ater In storage eould n o t

dur- be buU t up over week-ends. D allypool cap acity of th e filler p lw t la 0.000,- igaJn 000 ga llo n s. _:olo- S to rage read ings a re taken a t 8II be r m . doily , w hen storage Is a t Its ! o f h ig h e s t, and again between 7 and , th e 8 p . m „ w hen heavy consum ption daya h a s low ered th e reservoir. D uring

lh a t period tho iverage daily lossnelly c f a to rnge w ater hoa been 1,000,000Ions, ga llona. T h e 0 a. m . reading haa a r -ilan t e ra se d awJ.OOO gaHoBs and

th e p . m . rea d in g b as be ea a ra s d & gpool 1,500,000 fiU ohs.




ack to 3iw Ulrf

- w - jrU so i

n b c r• .aloUnos

T V u m f iJ03 SJfT .1

a y n s k c d c o n p r c s s to r Ivc M tn s p ^ e x J h c le v e l o f p r ic e a i n

Ull j s a&li oJtn r , t o t h e c a p i to l w itb s id o W ln totf R c o m m i t t e e w i t h t h d W ftl iff f if ll 'S

p r o p o s n ia prepa^jffiift f o r m o f a b i l l , siidixj im * .*

^ T h o bill p ro postbuaMpow era between Jun#30 1050: , orfT

J - T o raU on a,jfow,<prQ4uftis j t e •^ M a h o r t aupply. „ " .sfdajiup , l l L , J - “« ‘*«riCB =inr n m a M ite

th e m a nu factu re af eau of PrJco control. ,ij« im iv f jo hna J m id - Il«»‘oraLlon of ,fH t

r s M i t o i Elen. W A S IIIN G T W ^ y u T W ag Z U ^ngo of ro llback In p r U y j ^ f f l e ^ ^

danced n lo r Tnylor

re No- «lve pnrty.

- b e r . I c l U r r g S S S ca a d - N . H., of

com m m ee, T O U B o 4 » » « i:S f« ih a ir e ta - «3»y by Tnylor-*BglOfttoIrjB»av ail- ^ T ay lo r 8al4<2»e3loiW «U im «>la

be accom pankdedlyara llc tfilw Jeit m e a t. He alao r r np ro rt i-tnnTrn r tiG p rices of in d io t r i k la < t (a > a * r

--------- GO dnys. f o U m a d « : ^ r U m i U u- a t levels w h M M d £ i t n * e n S ^ flow of Industrial

\ y - fL L I /

b y tro ls over c o n a m e f .r r^ q r,P r o n - r ea tra ln ts £ o n a £ £ S 9 l t V blK xIt

4. D irect ■ u t t i o r l ^ ' t o r S S X!« fo r i M W W W f l t t » -

-^ , ‘J lo n s b n » t i p j l rtJoB .

ipoclnlBy X f l d a R j a y f f l

^ 'm a te r ia ls a iiJ tUUUtitH . u u u ' u r t , w age b o o sL sT liX te ^ t K ^ ^ I

s n n d .1 of workWmJa xabnuffT elda

e r p ricea waa r t r i a f lo 4 * r t« » a « I f ca num ber o f nSXIUIXA cuts.

^ d ln g N .Y .. m arked V o a iM io tt t tv M ta ^ flocal m e a t alx to 10 tm ia ^B uuM d.nM i

1 ca.sli C hicago. Uie A iCjMse th e announced cutn oeSX aiint^V W M Id

In a leak prices. V riJuH :U96n9W:o n ld - D u n nnd Brndilre<Vo|<>p(t^}il|rpa«'

Tft-ln w holesale food prJrtn<aiia*T?Biu%ip an y , c e n u lo J7.18 UilsHWek, down 12enk na cen ta from la s t wecX A d a in n jfc la

k i a g B u t Uie decline s l l l j n f i r t L j ; ^ ip an y . 1m., th a n two and one-half pt f ^ W t

^ w k Jn Ihc aum to ta l o t wholffnilo priccs’, Van of 31 foods In general i » . I t was•> nccounted fo r prlnclpallf by lower

g ra in nnd m enl priccs. a n d someJ food prices conUnued ti'V ;P‘TO,.' O n the o th e r sldo .of 6 iW ||5 t t f eJ r t w ere incrca.se3 of two cerfls^S fiB Ml e t In lead ond th ree cents'^^iT*4lJ!^^ 4 - ^ widely used in m aking ^ -O i c su m e r goods—and e a A m tdcan T o -

from com pany price boost exflciMdc lp a t- to m ake itfi clgoreltea cost im « H A t1 vote ^ P " '! ' relnll. P h l ll^ T flJ} ^

a n d com pany nnd Reynolda ffr^lom lfavor P r '“ liicreaao VB«ina

ho U- hn m e b rand cigarettes. \ " "g:n lcn- T h e d n c nnd -lead ln c re a a e * 2 3 .

low ed by less th a n a week a stM lirln g - p rice boost o f t t u> » ia a ton. H ^o rrh 'a ever, Uie Belhlehem Sleel companorit Uie to d a y announced cu ts of <1 to ^re n o t a Uin on a selected Hat of ila steela id . (Coaitnatd .n p .s . j, C«Isaa Hitrlc la r --------- ------------------ -

5?, Clerk Corrects ' Addresses of 2

Vote RegistrarsA ddressea of reg ls tra n lo r tw o

^ I n P a lls preclncta were r s rb e d 1 ^ u r s d v by c o u n ty ^c ie ik C harles

v i i l c h appeared in a previously p u t^A In - Itahed lis t of reglslrarv. He said h isle has o ffice b a d receivad a num ber of calls

be ca u se of th e erroneous addresset u p e r - a n d te lephone numbers. daUy R e g istra r fo r Twin Palls prec inct

I p a r t N o . B ts M rs. Louis H ahn. vbOM (0.000 c o rre c t address U'44Q3 Poplar a ra -sium- n u e . H er telephone number , l i 3T. d n o t M rs. M axine M o c n !• Uie recU tra rD ally fo r T w in Palla precinct No.. U . H er I.OOO,- c o rre c t address la 113S Slm berljr

_ ro a d a n d b e r te lepbcnt &tnnb«r laa t 8 1856-J. . . ' ,

ftt Its 'V o t« n required to ntUtar^^ fo r t t ar a n d A ug. 10 p rlm aty •Iw tloL toolndaipUon those who h a w nofe voted p rtr lo iia iru r ln g a t e lecU m s h e n , (how « b o taUodr loss to vo te a t tb a 1948 g e s tta l deetlOD00,000 and those wbolxaTeoQWd froa oo*.la av- piednet to aaofbem naElTtrS »«nw. I — — — — — ........s d n g R eglstraU oa .tfO M ; "4t I iF. a b

A u g . : . •._______ j____________________ _________________ i

Page 2: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

Truman Asks Prices Cut to November ’47

(m * r*»« o».)u nder re n t eelUnss tf U deem i It o e ca ew y .

In rc n io rr CentroU Inventory control of K arce

eommodltlfa which bwlcnlly eff«ct th e csaentlal IndustrlaJ producUon, o r tho ca»t^f«llvUig. and the r l j h t to ration them to inda^trles.

Po rte r aold rcpo rt*n ti »eparBt« blU win bfl *cnl to conRfcrsa propoji- tng the restoration of the w ar tim e . cxcM j proflta taxes. « "

Evenfcefore the prosram waa p re- V • c n te d ^ e p u b l lc a n leaders had de* [ _ clnrcd would n o t approve »ueh controLi. ^ m e (»ld It would m ean |U ft -police atntc."

Ccllinc Time Set |n n ifc tau re Po rte r prearnted

| r J j e l l l n g t may be pu t cn

1. The commodity U Im portan l I t o 1ft»qe|»iW f-llvlng. o r of produc- In^

hiui rL'Jrn or th rea ten s Ing lo rliie ftl lea.1t 20 per c rn t above rcq ttiD riijltob lB W . level or nearest »aj

pftttlcflT le W S ^ n fo rce n b e. trai. T he public Interi'st u ili be Uti

taeU M ls f « u a lu rrTUlallon. oU,• r tu t l> f*C e!l«kllr F air- I

T he m ea/ure say i price celilngn Hoe• i l atouM noiewetcnerally fa ir aoid tha

a ulU ble." and mii.u take Into con- | nleMOttV) ttrtcO ftitlve fiuctuntlomi, T h

n*finin1”Tn‘ TiTi». Mtinnnr- In pmfltn fic(a n d o ther relaUve factors since pWWMltaM, J»W. ^9 by

iiioiilil— p«cmlt a tem porary he[reere of price* M ndln« Induetry $37x in a u lla ^ l ^ a ^ ^ 0 ould provide for cou

dUm axim um ch«

by the aec-

o v tr 5"e X Iu tfU a ma:(tmum n 1prtitoaUlSir«e«aa<lt«97l3hed affecUng th a -e m p lo y r ts l to O '^ h e n th e em- pW sbn^Q w itoiD B dk^ th e wage a d - V ]O stisa tito lin«T 4iaM rfor teeU ng a Idn itnafcM SD Q tm i o.

i A V JC*}kaftCA tm tld b« created,to rule on 3

'<WatM»«flPi)R)MatStwaBe Increase lei U h J i dei

^Ine^e^aaei p ij

.^^^^^Autos £i

T r u u i t c g m iw tr. a t t e n t e d to p a u

th * le ft f ro n tJa n d e r of Uio H atfie ld

B oth T ro n j-^ n d en of the HaU leld

ZStfwaibBK J,;■ E 3 S S t a i |™

J sH Ulll w u o u n j 'iB l . ' J -J,,- ix A ia c s v W ^AmOtJtr « U « avtUI- •b le T hursday a tm tte Twtn r a i l s

. f V J I to ]|» tH M fo U 4 « n 8 houni a re j ^ s m 9 lo f* i>iultfltt» s p. m . V ,

.tlin AnW IX SEO .nM H ioQ an tdd A :S e a . Mrs. R alph h>, ^ •iM acH aiK tN tliio IC arl D unn a n d ^

aU T w in FnlU: c a •K O aQ 0M l<>lQ ]r«M n. E den; W. E. X , t> ift< M w 4 } n a a n « : H. M. Moon. ^ W endell; R u th W ltto and I jm e tta n j,

«Aq«l{N>qi)toU»9iSuhl. and Joanne S^fft^4* lafen i«B rly .CI tTWOb ,i»W 8M ISBED a l r A ^ l l ^ A y a rr lll. Mrs. J . A. Roe 1T

Jo C laire U oyd a n d me o b 'i . Howard B lack arul son. a ll

,Jp 5j^ f j f t l l | ; a n d Jim m y M itchell11/ ]

• s s l iq eii^ ^ ---------------------- J aS«/tfWeatIier ?h'a ad tis leK y—G ener- Hli

^ j | , l ^ l f ( j p n l < h t a n d Friday. R ia lo t i— H lfh yesterday It,

Ihts n o m ln g 47, ( a . m.

M .. Mln rrrp

S ^ = i i^ ^ ;!r.^=— ii *

P iS -I i£ E = ;i s■aiak-t=z=:i; !i „

p = E HMericB In Car*—Uc

FAMILY NITAdmission $1M $

A L L T H E P E O P L I •j C A N C A R R Y F O R




K e e p th e W h ite F lag F o f S a fe ty F lying

N ^—\ try

15.C\ ®*‘ '

» *”; }^ow 11 d ays w ith o u t a of■ tr a ff ic d e a th in o u r M agic f

: ______________ \Z' Man Is Held for S I ObtainingMoney “■ On False CountsI I-awrence O. Darby w as a rraigned -o«. In p robate c o u rt WedncMlay a fte r- £

noon on a felony charge of Obtain- qj,I ing money u n d e r false pret«w ea. He |(je. rcquc.Hed a prelim inary hearing and j jg t was rem anded to the custody of the

sheriff tn lieu of 11,000 bond. j» Police officer* .lay the m an le ft a ver

tra il of worthle.'ji checlM In Idnho. ho]! U tah, N orth DaUotn, Ind iana . Illln- cro

oU, W lscoruln. Nevada and M ontana, le.vHe waa w anted by Tw in Falls po- Prt:

» Iloe on a felony w urran t eharRlngI th a t he had pre.iented a check for k■ i n s to th e n d c l l ty NaUonal bank. ^ , T he check w aa no l good, police of- ] i> flcera sa id . J t Federal a g m ta apprehended D ar­

by Juno * In S t. Paul. Minn., wheref he a ttem pted to cash a check for C' t3TW>. Me w as retu rned to the op<r county by federa l auUiorlUes. dec► His p rocedure here and elsewhere tra

waa lo depoalt a large check on a terl’ d istan t bank and cash aa m any ing) checks aa poaalble w ith m erchanta het' before b ank offlclala could c lear the C* f irs t check, officers said. of

He usually would m anage t« lenve heitown before Uie lo»es could be dl^- pincovered. M any of hla o riginal checka for

depo.ilted w ere for am ounts between om' t l ,000 a n d »3.000, according to police, boI ------------------------------ ------------- P t

I Work Openings in ,, Area Drop to 188 Z1 M sgle Valley Job opentnga to u le d J?,. 8 168 W ednesday, showing a continued

decline In em ploym ent since com* _ ‘ '• pletlon of J u n e beet thinning. A. J .- Meekj, m a n ag e r of th e Twin Falla P*"'0 office o f th « Idaho sla te employ- 'T"- tnen t service, aald T h u n d ay . No> T ha p re se n t tuU in agrleultural* labor dem and U accompanied b>- U

th* v irtu a l com pletion of beet and X bean hoeing. Meeks said th e lue of m achinery ta hay work will keep dem and a t a m inim um . ^

- O penlngi f o r 35 ex tra-gang work- o ,,1 era a t B u rley for tho U nion Pacific “ ‘ . railroad com prised th a only Increafie ^ , . o f labor dem and tn th e area, he said- ^

_~ i 1 *

r I .. I,. I . I I . . 1I ROPERT—P uneral aerrices fo r hlaL’ M rs. L u la A nn H acker will he held Do5 a t 3 p. m . S a tu rd ay In the Goodman lo t„ m ortuary w ith tho R«r. John Mc- on

Clure. p a sto r of tha ChrlsUan idjJ church. offioiaUng. B srla l will be i, made In th e R u p e rt c snete ry . U)1 --------- Ca:

R I c n F m iD —Funersl services for M n'. Eva C a r te r will b« held a t 3:30 p . m. S a tu rd ay In tho PJchfleld to*-n auditorium w ith tho Rev. WUllamFrank , p a a to r of the M ethodist , church. offlclaUng. D u rla l. will be

■ made In th e foch fle ld c'emelery. ^

® BURLEY — Puneral services for M rs. r.Hclle aiephenso:^ wUI be held '** a t 3:30 p. m . Friday i t the MeUio- “"J d ls t church w ith Uw Rev. J . O. ‘

“ R e u u . E piscopal a ln ls te r from : C anada. o fnciaU ng. Members o t ^ 7 “ th e E aatem S ta r win conduct the _ *• aenicr.i. In te rm e n t wnll be made In . ® th e Burlej- cem elen '. ^

TW IN F A I I jB—P uneral «rv lcea fo r Harold C . W heeler wUl be held

; a t 3 p. m . F r id a y a t the Twin Falla i* m ortuary chape l.-B u ria l wUl be In

Sunset M em orial park.

FA IRPIE L D —Funeral lervlcea for Joseph H . “n iu r b e r will be held a t 2 p jn . F r id a y In the Fairfield LOS church. B u ria l will be made In RIcWleld, UtAh.

'I DANCE I5 Saturday Night


HOT SPRINGS Contact, Nevada

S p e c i a l

a—U nder fhe Star*

ITE-TONITEK> p e r C a r L o t i d !I P L E Y O U R C A R F O R A D O L L A R

a n d FR ID A Y

aEfflffscoir W * t


Food’s Price Dips; Others

Show Boosts ~(rt«M r*ut» oti«>

producU - to m eet ciOTpcUUon." CsNew wage lncrcn.-,ca Included 1

boosts of 10 to 15 ccnin nn hou r for &amoro lh a n 20.000 New Y ork tU le a ttruck drivers. 13 c e n u a n hou r for Bt15.000 Blcel workcrn In M asaachu- of s e tu . New Y ork a n d Colorado. 11cents nn hour for 3.&00 rubber w ork- Prera in Ohio a n d Texna. nrwl 10 ccnU 1an hour for a n tin.ipcclfled num ber av.of a irc raft workers in Califo rn ia. mi

A New York s tn te shoe firm gave rejlU 18.000 employc.n a n e ig h t per cen l re<boi)iL<i in llcu of a wage increase. A a t seven centa an h o u r wage increasewas rejected by 38,000 workera of CtBcthk'hem Steel. Hiil <7.000 Ki>r- ;menl w prkrrs in New Y ork ngreed fr<to a new th ree -yea r c o n tra c t w llh <isno wage lncrea.ie. b u t w ith an e.im- pe

I la ior clause perm itU ng demancU for op'mor# pay aa th e coat of living Inde* thi

• goes up.D tsplle the conUnucd prlco climbs Dl

■ on m osl fronts, M orris S ayre, pres- 1 ' Ident of the N ational A .uoclnllon of »u ' ManufacUirera. sounded a n opllm ls- H(’ Uc note. lo

Sayre U;ld th e a n n u a l L ioa i con- Tl'I vention in N rw Y ork the re U renl of. hojv; of lower prices, w ith bumper toi• cropi In prospccl he re a n d abroiicl.. le.wened dem and abroad , ond more V(, production a t homo. ;

■ Bid Opening SetBy State Of ficials

; For TB Hospital• OOODINO. Ju ly 23—Bid.1 will bo ca > opened by Uie s la to public works

departm ent in Boise Aug, 30 on con- BI irocta to pa in t and renova te Uie in - f I terior of live M-mporary fram e build- ’ ing a t th e s la te tuberculoela hospital I hera.I Charles H. C lark, supe rin tenden t ’

of buildings, aald construcU on of a ad) healing p lan t and InstallaU on of tnc• plumbing, wiring and w ater systems ch I for tho leinporary bulldiiigu Is aboul mr I on»-thlrd eom pleled. In tcn n o u n U ln it. Boiler a n d H eaim g conipany. Twin j

Palls, waa aw arded a ^7 .313 con- t }it r a d fo r the Job la s t M ay. po

Reynolds a n d W alker, Tw in Falls, wl

i were awarded a n (S.7S4 co n tra c t on ccithe heaUng p la n t bu ild ing . Tlio Job ini

, is atMUt one-foU rth completed, rls I Clark snld.\ Tho fram e bulldliiHs. moved to ^oi■ Ooodlng Insl year Irom th o old Pavd

prisoner of w nr com p, ahould be j,o. rendj- fo r occupancy by about ;

Nov. I. cei1 ------------------------------ ml

! Former Resident If, i Passes on Coast S

W ord has been received here of ' Uie deaUi o t A lbert Van Enton. Jr.. 9 ’ son of M r. a n d M rs. B ert Van Eaton. A ’ Fairfield . CaUf., fo rm er resldenU of• Tw in Palls.

• Ue died T uesday a l Fairfield foi- I q n in f a sh o r t llhies.'i. 1110 ynuih ‘w m b o m M ay 38. 1034. in l*n’lii D- PallfcV, . Of

fiurrtTors ineludo h is paren ts, one el*t«r, LaVon Jncohw n. Cnllfornln; c r

• h l l m a tern a l g randm oiher. .Mra. Etl th I Domroae, D uhl: h u p n tc rna l gnuicl- M<I la th e r . W ade Van Eiiton, lt<iKcr?.on, t»• and several aunl.^ and unclt'.i inI Idaho . f f! F unera l servlce.i and burial will jpi

tako place S a turday W Ontario, ba Calif,

--------------------- -------- nn; Complaint Filed to ^! Quiet Title a t Buhl »'I I ra A. Plesalnger a n d Irene Ples-■ singer, h ts w ife, filed a com plain t to

QUlet UUe Weilne.-vUny in dlr>trlct ^. court ag a in s t C lara U. D oricy. sur-; vlvlng widow of O eorge A. Dorsey. VI; and 11 heirs. ml

T lie property in (juesUon Is lo u co• No. 35 and JO. block 80. in the town- co . site o t Buhl. T h o Ples-Mngers nre rep- co ; resented by J . W. T aylor. Tl

J t o a t i a IT ii« r» ie tn * n in i (


j--------------------------------- PLUJCHAPTER 13 of “THI




| i S >



T w i n Falls NeVaeaU oniar VI

Mr. and M rs. H erschel Cobb are; vacaUonlng a t th e Shore lodge o a an

Payette lakes. a r

California VUitora1 Mr. and M rs. Irving K aufm an. Blr Kan Fernando, Calif., a re visitors5 a l Uic home of M r. and Mr.i. D. H. Mr Beus. Mrs. K au fm a n is a nleco ar• of Beus. Dl I — r - ”- Promoled to M ajo rs Leonard T . M oore. 119 SovenUi w r avenue east. ha« been prom oted to

m ajor in th e U . S, m arine corpa V/e reserve, accordinjr to InformaUon PiI received from m a rin e headquarte r! M\ a t SeatUe. W aah. ca

( Church SocUl P lannedAn Ice c ream social will be held Tl

I from 3 p m . u n til 10:30 p m . to-> day by tho M ethod ist sen ior Y outh cli• Fellowship. T h o aoclal. w hich will be »o f open to tho public , will bo held o a hj t the church law n.

» DlToree SoughtSuit for d ivorce waa filed In d ls-

f s tric t court T hu rsday by D ualno• Helsley ag a in s t L enora M. Helsley, “

to whom h e w aa m arried J a n . 18. Jf- Tlie divorce la sough t on groundsI o t extreme crue lly , Helsley'a a t- «« r tomey Is J . W . T aylor. Buhl.

---------------------------------MI) Viilt From llllBota »"

Mr. and M ra. Henry Anderson P ' and Mr. and M rs. Bill R agner. Rock-ford. III., a re vlslUng this week a t .the homo o f M r. and M rs. Carl ” Anderson. H enry Anderson Is abrother of C a r l Anderson and ^

1 Ragner Is h is nephew . T h e groupspent tha p a s t w eek a t th i Anderson hi

e cabin near S tan ley . ‘JI ------------------------------- H

; Plan Svdtched to S i Avoid Bid ‘Chill’ “I W ASHINOTON. July 29 (-^V Tho i ndm lnlstratlon awltchetl i ts plans f tndny lo sh u t o ff the th rea t of a s chill being p u t o n President T ru - i mwi'.? an tl-In fln tlo n program beforo of \ il could get aym patheU c airing . - la 'i Federal R eserve Board Chftlrm an P '• Thomas D. M cCabe, a T ru m an ap-

polnt^e, waa shoved in as th o f irstI, wline.u before th o senate bankingI committee. T h e com m ittee is aiudy- *•''0 ing Mr. T ru m an 'a proposnl.i lo h a lt " 1. rising pricea. ”

Thia speedup la plans cam o a fte r p, committee C h a irm an Tobey, R .. ‘

N.H., anid th o f ir s t wilne.sa would ^ ® bo M arrlner S . Eccles of Ogden.1 Dy squeezing In McCiibe, w ho sue-

ceedrd Eccles a s FTIB chief, th e a d - j . mlnlsiraUon aough t lo aaaure th e ~ fim t licks would be In sup p o rt of Mr. T ru m an ’a p la n . Eccles, montha

t ngo. said M r. T ru m an ’s program ‘ might curb h u t n o l euro InflaUon. ^

2 B-29s to Go on S ’ With Global Trip SI TUCSON, A r i t . Ju ly 39 (;p>—Tu’O I B-29S will con tinue th o lr flight q

around Uio w orld while th o search e goe.% on fo r m oro vieUma of th e - ; CMSII of a sla te r SuperfortreM oft ' I 1 the .loiith c o as t of Arabia. Dnvis- . Moiithnn ftlr forco ba.-(e announced I, today.T T he planes probably will tnke off

from Aden to d ay , the public Infor- » 1 mntlon office of th e bom bers' home ^ ,, base snld,

T he base haa announced the namea of five crewm en killed, six ” mJ.ialng and one survivor. T h e D-IO. which fell in to th o sea abo u t a mile

1 off Aden T uf.sday n ight, b believed to ha\-e h a d a c rew of 17 o r 18 men. P'

? VISHINSKY G O ES TO PARLEY- PRAOUE. J u ly 20 (U.PJ — Andrei m

Vlshinsky, Sov iet deputy foreign lij minister, a rriv ed by a ir from .Mo«- te

•s cow today en ro u te to th e Danube bl- confercnce in Belgrade despite Uie —- comlnform's batU o wlU\ M arshal .

T lto of Yugo.ilavla.


^ \ T H E R J A C K H O L T

ffCE THE T H R H l S l , , ^ m i g

L U S ------------------------------------------ 1“THE SEA HO UN D - N E W S- SHORT




REDSKELTOH( B r u s i ^ IAN ML a L A l R ^ i


»Iews in Brief ^Visitor* From CaUfemU

I Mr. and M m . Douglas W lillam and daughter. Peggy, Roscoe. Calif.. ar» TislUng U r. and U rs . H arry. Nel­son and Mra. Merle Stoddard.

, BlrUis WI D aughters wero bom to M r. and gi , Mrs. W arren Waters. Twin Falls , tlI and M r. and Mrs. Howard P a rish , u

Duhl. W ednesday a t tho Tw in FaUa t tcounty hospital. n-

I a iarrlago Licenses It > M arriage licenses wero UsuedI W ednesday a t Uie courthouse to fcI Pred D. O renr. Filer, and B eatrice 01I Morris, Tw tn Falls; and to a Jerom o yi

couple. Oeorgo Reynolds and R u th hSchuU. J,

I P lan Social ^Members of Uie American Pension r>

, club No. 1 will hold a n Ico c ream b ) social a t 7 p. m . Friday a t th e , homo of Mrs, O. E. Sm ith . 120

Sidney street. Members and friends are invited. Ir

. VUlt ReUUre* fl, Betly Jean Taylor. T opeka Kana , U spending a monUi a l Uie homo ^

of h e r uncle and aun t. M r. a n d J Mra, R. O. Taylor. Miss T aylor re - E' . celved Uie degree of bachelor of

music Ulls spring from W aahbum M unicipal university, w here she majored in piano. She waa vice

p resident of Sigma A lpha lo la . P . music honorsrj-, a t Uie unlverslly. «'

1 Uolml>crra Learo a:I A fter 35 yeara’ resldento in T w in <« 1 Falls. M r. and Mra, Oscar H olmberg,, route 3. departed W ednesday a f te r -, noon for LIndsborg. K ans,, w here ci

they will make U itlr home. M rs. uHolmberg: traa bom and rea red mthere. Ho waa fomierly la buslneaa viin U iat city. Holmberg. who haa been eean electrician here, said h e would le

’ mlas Magic Volley’s climate. tf

Traffic Fines “01A sh a rp Increase in t h e num ber rt

of overUmo parking flnca—p a rtlcu - dilarly for overtime parking In th e lapostofflce lone-^was noted W ednca- bi day nnd Thursday in c ity court.

K enneth W, Snyder waa fined 115for speeding und Henry O .K noepfel trw ss fined $10 for failure to atop a t ^a traffic light. BoUj were ow esied ftS3 co u n costj*, ^

Fines of <3 each for overtim e mparking in the poBtofflce to n e were nipaid by R. A. Briger. a Mrs, Perklna ^ nnrt Tony Takemoto. Flnea in Uiosamo am ount for Improper iMirklng tjwero paid by W, T . Kneeves, Jam es d K loppenburg, Eldon Johnson . LewClemens and R. B, F raser. j,

Ovprtlme parking fine.*; of $ l qjapiece were paid by O. O. Taylor. J . d McDaniel. Oem Trailer com pany. Clarence Nye. Mra. R ichard B arton.F. E. Drake. O len Falrbank.s. Mrs. f Fred M en lit, Larry Laughrldgp, Mrs. J- C, Blair. Mllrded Corum, Bernard MarUn. Chcm Sluder. L. H.

I nnm .i. E. T, MaretU. W. F . Cucas.Hny Deal, C. Magtl, C, W. W erner, , ,

' a Mrs. M altey, Ida Perrins a n d Cliff u]\ Owens. ^

' Housing Measure “ ‘ Lacks 63 Signers oI W ASinN O TO N . July 20 lU.PJ—Rep.. Helen O ahagan Douglas. D.. C a lif , Jf g told th e hou.ie todsy only 63 m ore ^

names nre needed on a peUtlon to 5 force Uio Tnft-EH ender-W egner long ^ If range housing b ill lo a final vote. i_ She sa id if a ll the D em ocrats w ho V (. liav# n o t already done eo will algn J the petition , the T-E-W bill ean be t=

paa.ied desplto opposition of O O P lenders.

Tlie senate hns passed Uie bll]. The house banking commltteo al.so

I npproved it. I t did no t get a green 1 light from tho house rules com m ll- • te. I f 218 members dem and It, th e 3 bill comes to the floor anyway.

^ f W

'* a FlJtfuI of Ooujh an Armful' o fD am ss and a Skinful

» o f G angster Tfouhlel


A * A T iA M

JOSEPH CALLEIA • Lyti i i < thdMj>ciHafl

r -^i STA R TIN G

K m y K lfh t O nr L ost Cwnpto


Coimty Agent Asks Control .

’ Of Spud Bugs J;AlUiough Colorado poU to bug* “

are no l p revalent. C ounty A gent O.W. Dalgh Is advising farm ers a n d “

J gardeners to be on th e lookout fo r ^ I. them and to toko Im m edialo atop# “ I. to control them . D algh po in ted o u t a th n t control m easures become m uch ?

more d ifficu lt and expensive If th e f" bugs are allowed to becomc preva - * lent.

1 Ho u ld th o bugs usually are t> found on a few Tines a t th e edgea 0 of large fields. M ost o f his calls thU .t0 year hav# been from persons who _ 3 havo a few potntoea p lan ted in J ,

gardens. I f thero a re rw t too m any _ bugs, hand control m ethods will k usually be effecUve. he sa id , b u t

1 poison ahould be used w here m aayA bugs sre found. y,* Eaay to IdenU fy Jc , T he adu lt po ta to bug is » p lum p SI

Insect about th ree -e ig h th s o f a n n< inch long. I t can be IdenUfled by H. five black and five yellow lines ru n - jjf nlng lengthw ise on each wing cover. «

p The adult h lb e m a t« in th o soil during tho w in ter. T hera a re two S"

. genernUons cach year, bu t on ly the ,l flrsl is of economic Im portance In C n th is area. C0 Clusters of yellow eggs a re laid on f Uie underside of leaves on th e

plant.? affected. T lio larvae are aboul half an inch long a n d have a hum ped-back appea rance . They are brick red wlUi black spoU

, on tho back.Heavy E a te rs ™

Both Uie adulta a n d th e larvae m* cauM extensive dam age by eaUng

the ieavea and vines of po ta to plant.ia and sim ilar vegeta tion. T hey are a voracious eaters , D algh aald . and to1 can completely s tr ip a p la n t of lU d leaves in a sho rt Ume. Because of

the ir heavy eaU ng hab its, stom ach ?! poisons aro used to control tho In-

Control m easures Ineludo th o uso of five per cen l D D T du st a l Uie _

r rate of 30 pounds p e r acre. D D T 1.- dusting and sp ray ing for earwigs 1- e Is nLso helpful in contro lling potato- bugs.

O the r Poiaona* OUicr poisons for po ta to bug con- _

trol Include calcium a rsenate , lead ^t nrsenato nnd rotenone. T h# In* d feated vines can be dusted w ith P*

n m ixture o f ono p a rt calcium e arsenate or lead a rse n a te a t th e ra te P’ ® of four pounds p e r 100 gallona of a WBier.B Liberal applica tion of d usts con- n K talning rotenono a lso a ra effecUve, “

D algh said. T lie p la n ts should be trea ted soon a fle r th e la rvae have hatched and a re l>eglnnlng to feed.

I ond before they causa appreciable '■ damage.I • tji

; Argentine Plane !: Crashes; 18 Die »

BUENOS A IRES. Ju ly 29 UP) ~■■ M arlllm e police snld 18 person.^ were ‘ killed today nnd four in ju red ta tho ^

era.'.h-landing of a flying boat.Alfa alrllnea, ArKpnilno opera tors

of th e four-engine plane, snld 18 pa.<scngers a n d five crew m en wero aboard when the sh ip le ft Rosario.

5 One pa .^enger was im hurt.T h e plane apparcnU y m ade &

_ forced landing In th e fogbound . P la tte river.o AuthorlUes w ithheld d e ta ils of the- accident.. M aritim e police ordered divers to " tho w en# to try to recover tho „ bodies._________

P I BEER & DANCINGE v e r r N ight Except Sunday*

’■ Open DnUl 1 A ,M —

: KLOVER KLUBe O ppeslU F tra SU U on

LAQtTuON rfius

. LE0K*ERf«0L • CATHY DOWNS a ia n M w » i« n ti i t i r i i i te n . m


B p l ^ Blicnv B U r ts A f U r l t i S

Seen Today ^W hIU Une* pa in ted on court-

j houao stepa to m ake them more ^ vUIble . . . Severa l g e n u experi- f , menU ng wlUi park ing m e ter and 3 succeedmg in geiU ng twico th o timo 3 they ahould fo r tw o c c n u . . . Je rry „

and Irene W ickland driving th e ir 5h ^ W35 C hevro let dow ntow n a n d la te r J, H driving a new ahiney lOiO model

car hom e . . . L . T . D olphine looking happy oa ho rc lum n from fishing n , tr ip . . . P o u r Jun ior baseball p lay- ' ers. w ith g ray a n d red uniform s, red S and blue caps nnd orange and black u, socks preaen ting colorful sigh t aa S, they p a ra d e th ro u g h tow n . . . Mrs.

" H elen BaUey avoiding overtim e . ® parking U cket by holding h e r hand " over p a rk ing m e ter as policem an ^ ■y passes by . y . E lliabeU j ReUly and “ E arl H ofe ld t vj-lng fo r leadersh ip “

In pancake capacity con test o t d in - hv ' ner p a rty . . . J u s t seen : H elen ^

Young. E m m a W agner. Mr. a n d Mrs. Jo h n L udln. L a rry W illiam s. Jo h n l.i

p S tephans. H ow ard Allen. Bob D e- Ju n nolt. Sonny H lskey a n d M rs. Edy H arper, J r . . . . A nd overheard : Side-

line genera l com m enting, “You ' r. know, if they h a d th e en tire Tw in 11 FalU team p lay ing In th a t a ll-s ta r 0 game, it m ig h t havo been d ifferen t."

” Slavs Repudiate | ” Cominform Blast ^0 BELGRADE, Y ugoslavia, Ju ly 33 ar y <(T/—Y ugoslav com m unbU rcpudl-

atcd th e com lnform 's a tu c k a on d l the ir leaders today by e lecting P rc - tn- mler M arshal T lto and h is en tire la list of c an d id a te s to th e pa rty 's 03- ao

e member c e n tra l com m lilee. bu;8 'N ewspaper# d id n o t glvo th o ac-

iual vote w hich took placo a t tho , « close of Uie Y ugoslav p a rty 's ho i-0 toric conference.

T lto ’a re-e lec tion as p a rty general dj J secretary — tho rolo S ta lin fills in " the Russian p a rly — was expectcd

m om enU rlly . T h e new cen tral com m iltfe 'a f i r s t ta.sk will bo to _

■* elect officers, BalloUng on th e com - p iS m lttee lis t w en t on a ll n igh t, as the ” Insl Item of buslnew for a wcck-

long po rty congress in Belgrade.

OIL OU TLO O K ••GOOD'*, W ASH IN O TON . Ju ly 30 (/?>— u W nlter B. H nllanan . chalrm nn of

the NnUonnl Petro leum council, re- j. ported today th o general ouUook ^ for heatin g o ik nex l w in te r has Im- . . proved considerably, nnd u n d e r'n o r-

m al conditions no serloua fuel oil shortages n re llkel}',

g Worry of

1 FALSE TEETHle SUppinR o r Irrita tin g ?

Don't b* cmbarraMxS br Ioom U«Ui tlippla*. droBpIn* or w»bblln* wh«a roo •au lAjk or lauih. Juii iprlnkK > llttjt PASTCETII oa rour ThU pMuantcwodtr il>«* • rnnsrUbI* mhm

e amnfon tnd ••curio br boldinf pUtM | nur* rirnl7. No guBmr, eoo<r. ptitr UiU or (Mllnt. ll'a alkaline (noD.«el<]l

_ (;«t FASTeCTII a t an/ dmc «(sr^—Ad> L




★ ★ L A U G H H r

J ■irs^ IIMETO

j i S

★ ★ L A U G l f h l

9 B P 'gU dU jiM

S riia « i


n Berlin Council J Red Members S! Quit Conclave*’‘1 (Fr»» Tmt* 0«*«>

fully. Twelve a rm e d policem en ^ patrolled outalde th e building, a n d

the broad s tr e e t waa alm ost deserted.

O rdered to R ep o rt ,T h# British-licensed newspoper

D er Tag directed a ll Soviet sector police who are m em bers of tho ChrisUaa Dem ocraU c un ioa *nd/-ih havo been discharged by M arkgraf

“ to report a t onco lo CDU headipinr- ters.

T he sU U m en t gave no reason for th e move. Some th o u g h t the d ia-

^ chafged polleo would be reemployed In the police d e p ar tm e n t being

“ P organlied In tho w estern aectors by Slumm.

Mayor Louis Schroeder defied n Russian order to reinaU to M arkgraf,

n n whose discharge by th e c ity council ^ th o SovleU refu sed to recogniie.

1“ ‘Warm’ Welcome Promised Taylor |

MARION JU N CTION , Ala., Ju ly ' 20 <,?)—A cheering barbecue crowd heard Police Com m issioner Dull C onnor of B irm ingham promise to

a f- toM Sen. Olen H. T nylor of Idnho In Jnll if h e re tu rn s to BU-mlngham

23 and causes any m ore trouble, j l . Tnylor, th e vice presldenU al c a n ­on didato on H enry A. W allace’s P ro - rc- grcsslvo pn rty U cket. wna arrested Ire in Birm ingham la a t Mny after ho

aought to uso a N egro en trance to n building where ho w aa scheduled to

. . speak. • K- Tnylor wa.s In ter f ined »i0 a n d )«. Riven a six m on ths ' suspended aen>*M

tence. He sa id in P h llndelph ln l a a ^ week th a t ho p lanned to return to Birm ingham , in ____ ___________

Eels wera a dellcncy am ong th* Rom nra.


n iE A T R E —K IM DEH LY '

E n d s T o n ig h t |

I -« llO A iY J« W C lU E l^ .V

^O PEN 2 :C

S T A R T S 3:00


HIT NO. 1 ★ ★ f


TOURSDAT, JU LT 29, 1948

Page 3: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

Boyle Relates K'Sorry Tale of rBui'iied Toast s

o r UAL B o n n " J NEW Y O RK . Ju ly 23 VP)—T his Is

lh e Uie of the piece of bu rned ^ n jtO M t th fll back llrcd . Woi

WUbur Peebles awoke w llh a bad joteta.Mo In hla rnoulh. U w as la l* . str)

- Ju s t c IV w l e o n t o e 8 " W ilbur uyaw ned . b c « lln 8 for Ws »hower. *jj«

H li loving »pouae. T rellU M ae. couM irn iu la led th is to m e an h e r w u l- ^ trl

d id n 't w ant lo w ait fo r h la w itu:>ual ham and suf:fRK9. She Im d Use 7 e o n c e jlccunlns H K T - < '^ Hrea d y w hen h e h it J 1

tonntcr wu.i ntuck. In t G u ip i

ImpaUcntiy- L it 'U o curls ot cmoke ^ VI

lo u s t tr . T lic ii u p l 0 3 - ' » - —cllekea tlic ton-it, jB u r n e d . T o o Wr burned to c a l. B ut th e re waa no tim e to w ait to r m ore. Ue gulpedhi.’, cotree a n d le tt. g ta

W ilbur mLssed h ls to ta l. H a itl l lh n d Lhe bud t« lo In h is mouUi, a n d gn a Ue drove to work lila nnnoynnce , Krcw I t d id n 't liclp a n y when liU .'ccrcUiry. M ice Squclch. roochcd th eo frice 15 n Jn u lc s Inte. „

••I don 't rnlnd your n o l Icnowlni; J h ow to spcH." W ilbur firccted her.••but a re n 't you old enough to tellt im e yet either?'" jjq,

llrcaV s Offlcc IIuImM ist S(lUL-lcli dlilii’i lui.iivcr. She joicf

Ju-M tlounccd down to Iho dniK- uoi- iv o re to Bct soinc orniiKC Juice and n,ci 'P b f fc e —tiBnlnr.t all otflco n ilts,

••Out lni« w ith your boy trlcnd la st nlR lii?’" M ill the counlcrm nn clicer- lu lly .

•'S.'vve tii i i t Kulf for your wUc, biildy," siitippod Ml;» Squi'Ich.

TJie co iin iennun vlcloualy bansed -som e dlslics on llie t in d ra in . H e ' looked In th e m irror n t U ie bald u p o t on liL' head. W hen the dnlry- m o ji cnme in nn hour la lc r to deliver h ln milk, th e counterm an bawled h im out for being allvo.

S p reads T hrou{h P a rAnd.iio It spread from person to «

p e rso n .th ro u g h o u t the day. “Sometime a fte r noon th e da iry - C'

m a n dropi>ed a case of m ilk on Uie fo n t ot till! m a n who ow n« l a i>ro- c r ry ito re In the suburbs, th e store w here Mrs. Pecblea tm d e d . T he ow iier Inter bawled o u t hU deliveryboy, *

SilU sm artlnR . Uie deUvery boyhonked hla h o rn sharp ly as h e sped ^a crcw a n in tersec tion . T h e tra ffic trc op . nerve* U ngllnj. lenped th ree JuIe « t In th e » lr as the truck w hirred **’p a s t. . «

^ OceejTe* IU U « “In h la offico som elh lng hnd 1

huiiiH'iied to cliniiKe W llbiir Peebles’ stw holf outlook. T he boss hnd called P'h im In nnd Kivcn him n ra b e . f*'

W ilbur cnme ou t s rln n ln g , h la Inhf^:xri full or Kood will. R«

•T jlte tlic rc.1t of the day o tf . M ba "cSfiiiclch." ho wild cheerfully . "I'm dcgoinn home curly.” ni

•Tm KlvlnK niy two weeks' no tice ll:now ," «iie reto rted , b<

lleljound n e tln * bt Wlien W ilbur p-iused dow a^ta lri

fo r ft soft d rink , tlie dniK.^'toro coun- prtcriTiivn told him .lourly: st

•‘Awrlclit. m l’iler. you see I only pig o l two hand.v don 't you? '’ fo

A l h e rcnched an in tersec ilon trn e n r h is hom e W ilbur Jailed to aee gith e ll([ht WM thanBliiK. T lie traffic Itc o p blew h im to a Imlt. ai

"AnoUier wise cuy.” ••'aid th e cop. hith e j:unc one starUed by th e Kro- Wieery inick'* horn. "M aybe a ticket P,w ill ilow you-dos.T>," Ai

G iven T icket aiW ilbur meekly look th e U cket and fe

drovfl on. As he pa rked before h is Mhom e, th e delivery boy cmerRed. eo

■'Oood a ftem oon ," wild W libur. M■^Vhftfs good about I t? - snJd th i cr

boy.W hen he en tered h is door. W ilbur wi

m e t a baleful glare from T rellis M ae. hiCunscd by Kpousa P<

•*rhat sm iirt-nleck deUvery boyl^’s h e exclaimed. "Always full o f lip . ca^ i d now I suppose i havo to drop I'IIpi-rj-ihlnK nnd Ret you r d inne r. P(%Vliy don 't you comc hom o a t th o (ttsiin ie Ume every day—like a no rm al pr h iisb in d ? -

W ilbur wa-n a little ovcrnlielm ed.H la good will evaporated.

•TVhat's th a m a tte r w ith r re ry - jtbody today?” ho dem anded c ro ttly . ui'H a s th e w orld gone eraey?" j .

H o d id n 't even rem em ber th e .p,piece of bu rned loa^t th a t stn rted n

___________________ c,KANSAS v i s r r o n s t ,

y iL E R . Ju ly 23—Mr. and Mrs, O. W n m er and .inn, M ankalo . K ana..a r c vklUng Mr. and Mra, Dave (I ln U h . I___


w m

m m f ie re 'i t}H S i rSK 1 9 /^ >~eat wes

B r o ■ ■ W onderf v m ' B 9 fam ons ] p n tateTtalz

THURSDAY, IV tY 29, 1948

Kennecott Miners H Approve Walkout /

SALT I*AKE c n v . Ju ly 39 VP) — ^ B n p lo jfs o f th e K ennecott Copper corpor»Uon In tw o s u te s took a

’ s trike vote yesterday In a n elecUonw here the resulU w ere already „ determined.

Member* of the Intem aU onal >'“O nion o t Mine. Mill and Bmelter pubW orken In U tah and A rl«m » bai- jng

‘ loted on w hether to au tho rlie a atrlkc.

However, employes tn New Mexicoalao affilia ted w ith the K ennecott com

• coimcil a lready hava a u th o riu d a * u■ i tn k e vole. Thla declalon, coupled Der > with th a t o t Nevada m em ben. Is waa I sufficient to carrj- over a ll elecUon. rh a I Tw o (jueaUona a ru e oa the union Iocs I plans Its stra tegy. Tlicy a re : w

I. W heUier the lUMMSW will ho«I deem It feasible to call a strike, and fiUrI 3. I t a strike La called w hether the dayI Intem aU on union can mualer y I StrenBth to force Uie Usue.

GOP Women Elect £ I Dubois Resident Ito I

DOI8E. Ju ly 29 (;p)—Mra. Earl 8 . c WrlKht of Dubois will be d ia lrm an iica

, of tho nomlnaUng committee for tho biennial m eeting of th s Idaho

I E taU Federa tion o t Republican Women'a clubs.

She waa aelecUd a t a m setlng of : llie execuUve board yesterday.; Tlio biennial mecUng will bo held■ here Aug. 27. the day before the , Republican p la tfo n n convenUon.

O ther membeni nam ed to the : nom inating com m ittee wer* Mra.‘ George B a rre tt of Caldwell and Mrs,

Home SeltlB o t Payelte..Mr.i. Ro.ie G ore M ayes o t K el-

’ loicK. pre.^ldent of th e sU te ledera- Uon. presided a t the exccuUva meeUng.



SA Y S, No. 1 of a lerle* on w hy POPPA


Idoho Com Crown in Idaho 1 bu Idaho fanntrt

You've h e ard of coursc. why a ll •'coin ol tll# realm " Is round; to keep 'em rolling . . . circulating.

1 W hen circu la tion atopo every- , th ing stops , . . It dies. And th a f s I Jusl w hafa happening to the

industry o f POPCORN GROW- INO by M aglo V alley fanners;Uie profit o t ft popcorn crop

1 •'ha th gone fo rth " to a d is tan t sta te , or sta le s. You Mr. Corn

1 Popper, h a th taken your round dollar and rolled I t to a jobber

I In a d is tan t land fo r a sack of g rain U iat waa grown In still a

I •’dh tnncered" land . . . a n d your I dollar HAS NOT re tu ra ed ; hence.

no clrculaUon. W ebster Ulla us ! th a t clrculaUon, like blood, m ust

bo som ething th a t goea around back to 'th e stnrU ng p o in t

T lia t do llar., a n d lls com­panions. th a t w ent w ith 11, will stny In U ia t f a r country to Im­prove th a t s ta te and city and farm and achool. I t will help the trucking o u tfit th a t hau led th a t

I g rain from fa rm to your Jobber; i t will he lp th e Jobber and aUll ano ther transportaU on o u tfit to

, hau l It from him to you. BO T It w on't do Mr. M agic Volley PARMER a smell worUi of good.And when you g e t U a ll popped and boM d, w ho you lookin' to fellow to buy th a t com ? , . . why.

I .Mr. Magic V alley Farm er, of course, Punny . you know, bu t Mr.M. V. Fa rm er d id n 't sell h is com crop laat year. H e lo st a ll th a t . . . your dollara aro elsewhere

• working . . . so M r. M. V. Farm er h a sn 't any money to buy th a l - t- popped eom of yours.

Reciprocation, th e book people' call It; you sc ra tc h m y back and r i l scratch yours, o thers aay . . .Poppa B aker Ju s t calls I t dum

I g o ^ buslne.u acum en, and H E pracUce* It. too.

We buy IDAHO com grown In IDAHO by IDAHO farm ers and keep our dollars rolling w ithin IDAHO ao they keep com in i back . . . p a r t o f ’em a t le a s t . . . to buy and buy and buy th a t now T^-ln Fall* T ra c t fam oua POPPA B A im f S IDAHO M AID PO P­CORN iold only a t th e


On tfl* Fixsd fo Iht Cgmtlgriet

on Out

re's th e place to rea lly e n - youraelf In th e m ids t o f

] w estem atm ospherv . . . nderfu l food too from Ui* ions B rand R oom a n d top erta lnm en t In th a Lounc*.

g i i t l M i T :


Hoover Era’s A Chief Senator , Passes at 84

W A SinN O TO N . Ju ly 39 (/n — tog Jam ea Eli W ataon of Ind iana , R o- J publican leader o f Uie senate d u r- ^ Ing P realden t Hoover's adm lnlstra- ^ Uon. died today a t Uie age of 84. j

T h e colorful Hooaler served In n,n congrcsa u n der e igh t P residents b u t a i waa sw ept out o f office by th o t « ' D em ocratle land.Mlde of 1032. l ie wli wa* str icken w ith Internal hcm or- — rhaves on O ct. 13 and taken to a , local hospital.

W atson was able to re tu rn home, however. In D ecem ber and recoveredfairly good health . T lie end cam e to - __day a t h ts home.

W atson m ain ta ined a law of­tlce here a fte r leaving the scnnte.His ta ll, spare figure wns a fam iliar s ig h t a round the cnpltol e^'cn a t Uie la s t session of congress. Ho liked jn to re tu rn to th e senate to listen to m ajor debates. ^

O ne of the "old guard'* Rcpub- llcana of a by-gone era, h e wns

e . 0saf u :


S a v e 20c yd. Heavy I



1 ,3 9 j d . . . , ................ I• HaciUant woifl* typ* jw d d i• In 9 a n d 12 loot widlha• A dds y a o n to lha Uia o i yc

an dctx ipe la• T ough a n d lon^ 'W aoringl

S o v e S 3 .00 Ofl H e a v y *


R E G U U R t

1 6 , 9 5 .......................... B i

• 9x12 feo liix *• lU dU ao l he ir a n d |u l* t r

. . . F in i QuoUlY• TIm b a d in ro ftm en t y o u c(

to o d d Uia to you r ea rp a ts

. Reg. 2"* CheiR U G S 1 UI* I

• P r te td .

• Foaoos Wdoo »»Tei»Ible Chi

• la baauUlul floRddwIgns < bhM.rOM.tKL

• ’L o r^ W xiV akH.

*0010*1 B ln tliis k m n d o u s


Area Kiwanians Fi Hold Joint Picnic

M em bers of Uie Buhl. Burley. D F iler . Ttt-ln Pnlls Klwanla clubs m e t In t ’iuc.'.dfty evening a t the Filer fa ir- S:ir ground.i to hold the ir annual ge l- r ii- to g e th e r and picnic. ii'x-

A lthough scheduled for an out- doo r barbecue, Uie wlndatomi fore- ed th o 300 a ttending members in - * doot^.

E. O. Walter, Filer. w i« toast- ... m a s te r. UlRhllKhl of the a ffa ir wiui ^ a p rc-.itom i soflbnll game between T tt'ln Palls and Burley, Twin Palls w inn ing M-10.

e lec ted In lao i to lhe house, where he served for 13 years. H c wn.i e lcc tcd to Uip .lenale In 1010 nnd se rved unlll 1933.

m t40,50,G O ?” I—Han, You’re Crazy i

ftt IVftlcrr^ri'f ftnil Trollncrr'*.

^ D E R S t f n

[ G U S T[ B N I TN ’TIL

Sav ilO.00v y R ug

M A T -

1 R E G U U R

4 9 . 6 0 ...................

• 252 coll*. H o o v• 33-lb. cotlon. S'• Iiuior-rcU conali

o l y o u r ruga • F in t qu a lity , nC. C A sdarao r

;ngl • A tru ly g ro a t m

v y 4 0 -o x . S o v « lO e ]


69c yJ..........• S tu rd y lell-boa

tu r ia c a . 6 lo o t ':• ty p * pedM • P o p u la r Uia lo r

• M csblaixod a n i ou c a n m aka ioua p o tia m a a rpal* • All fliat q u a lity

hcnilic199■ PR IC ED

O n l l .....................It ChtnlllM.-

, • W i l l o a o n d A j

• N«w m ( hoitno •.A H w ith thick,

n iiv d u * . . < ha fw * a n ce n i


Former T. F. Boy S Is Rail Operator iS

Billy D uiika. 15, U all set to follow “ , hi the fooLilctw of Ciwcy Jones. T lio , S:in G ab rie l l:nl, who wa.i bom and riil-pd 111 T w in Full.i. U chief engl- ii 'x r ot th e l-'un1iind nillroad's C a- •'rv Jo n e s spcclnl, San Oabrlel, Cnllf.

The m ln liiliu e triiln Is modeled 3 tllri-cUy n f te r old-tim e tnilnn nnd Ja^ Billy 1.1 responsible lo r keeping th e via ennliie f ired , oiled, nnd In conUn- an

I'—'I U

i B A L L POrI WITH A 10 YlAI W t im

B f S —

S w r it cs t o s y i a i s w iH TU4 <w>»m ftnd ~>T llv M lllla U atir I■ Ull (»t.l ^ <ILM *1 tm C.ft-l Knlik. M ai lok . ImI

■ llmli><L A*k Im rmUw pm a i■ ■ ■ ■ ■ SAV - MOR

H U R r

rU B E9 P.M

).00. Pormo-Rcif •T T R E S S

39'" :e a v y B lue flo ral lick C1. Sw iaa b o r d e r . • l l >nalruction ^y. m o d * e sp o d a llv lo r O ^ g r»on C o . ^ JIt m a ttr a a s b u y ! O

De y d . L in o le u m •

D G O O D S •

..59' :•baaa— G ra n ilo -h a rd •oo t w id th s _• lo r Id tch o n a • VI a n d flo ral* in hairaonl- n a a n d co lor* • *a lity. M a d iu m w a lg h t u,

A D L O O M •

9*5: R

1 A x n io a la r ty p a a ^i t t f u l l ^ p a M t n i i 0i t n o n b n s c o lo n * qic k . h t o r y oQ-wool • S t

____________ I* .13

ual servlea. T h a ro u te th s train vmiraveU Is In m in ia tu re , rcpra- VfsenUng scen ic parta o t Uie west, and Qtraveling across a h ig h treeUa qbridge. o

Billy u th e aon of M r. and M n- nHnrold A. D unks, form erly of Tw in OFalU, nnd th e g randson of Mra. J . nN. B u rr , T w in Palls. S

BLACKFOOT VIBITOBB Q F IL E R . Ju ly 29—M r. and Mr*. 8

Jam es M cKee. Blackfoot, recenUy Q vU lled M r. a n d M rs. K . D. Abel a and o th e r frlcnda he re . m

z o s E i t i B y o i elUNfO P U U X U ■ — - 1 0


S WtTMOOT R IH U IH a ' S |■fir U ItM IftiMB ■XlMftllr U n rtb U ■ K M «ftlM>. flsMlk-afvlmc. »rir»ln> ■ Q

iMlwM tfrrtoB. MakM • to t cwtoa B nmU MXal <■». LMki Uk* • ItM * »M. ■ Q tr t«a A M IW u«n> . o-mh- p B

)R D R U G ■ ■ ■ ■ &


MORE Exciting A


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: s f l iI. FRID


R E G .129^^3• Bocm tiiu l w a ln u t w alarfo ll ityling• S a t in c lu d e a : 4/6 b « d • 5 d raw er clisil• 4 d r a w e r < lrop-canler vonity wilh land• A d d it io n a l p ie ce s : R eg . 8.95 b a sch 7.SI


R e g . 2 1 9 °°• F o ia o u * " n a m a ” w cH onola . . . lha la

l i r in g ro o m n » w th ro u g h chonga an o n• B e o u tifu lW a r* e o v o r* •Y o u rc h o ic ae• ‘'C u ib io o ix a d “—th e m oat «ansaUonal <

u p h o ls te r e d iu m ltu re . So* this *•( (od<


R e g . 1 3 9 “ S(• K w b T d a T - i > * d b y o l g b l . 8oio-«ril

• C a m io t lo b U d o M d c n ra ro c lw . * H a ir• S « l* et c iualitT c o ra r s in b * a n ^ b ^ w t

o n d b lu * .• FA Y O N LY 12.3$ D O W N ' . . . conT *alw t

— — T

' ,Two Ser‘ F o r Y o t r

D R Y C L E ,; Sure! We Offer Yo p i c k Iu p a n d d :


I C l e a a e r s i

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es and Floor Coyerlngs

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° 3 - P c . S E C T Ih a la tas t w o y to k # « p you r srcm gam anla>iea ol stu n n in g n * w co lo n ^nal comfort dova lopm en i in t todayl


S O F A B E D & Ia-»rilh r o o n ^ b» d d to ff eom -

H a iilI« c p a d d » d a n B S Hi p w tr r flo ra ls o ib * ig * ,« I a a I

Q lw t mo&lhly p o y n w ^

P A G B T H B E B ]

tervices IY e a r I

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Page 4: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

U s T j ' s - s S /S -. ' ^ '" h s : s ^ ; ';PQt.ll*h.i d.117 4rvd SuDd.» •« IM »«»•<'

r t J k Wmh*. br U.. Tim—N.«,o S J t t L « l

. BUnscnirTJON h attsDT CmillKIl—rATAnLE IN *D

Bt Ib* monUi . . .Ot lh r~ nai-tti . ----------

I dJ a . »«» ......... ........

f n r «A it^PA T*ni.K in k o n, Wllhln Idiko >nd CU* Counlr. N^tadsi

Dr - ■' ■• - dJ •l.^%.OllLht---------------------------- — —D, ih« m r - - ■0>i.l<I. flui. «fDr lha mcplli - . ___ — ............... . ........uJ ^ t ’monlL ■ —

All notk*. rwjslMd b» Uw «» kr «rt»T U «ftUdl£ticn la b« n b lk M oxklr. '•H>

ar»<Ur U>ai el ihU pap«r pur*ui>nt tn Scctli in : . — tb«Trta by CbtaUc It*. m » S i


<26 U itltt lilTMl. U«n (ran«bce.

DIXIECRATS AND RABBLE No sooner h ad H en ry W allaci

h is th ird p a r ty th a n th e comi ncloptcd It. Now th e D lx lc c ra ts ( r ig h ts m ovem ent h av e p lc k e a U] u nsavory pack. A nd. tiko th e th e D lx lccra ts n re golnB to h.-ive j sh a k in g th e ir unw elcom e n tte n d

T lie lr p re sid en tia l c a n d id a te . C T h u rm o n d o t S o u lh C a ro lin a . 1 shoo th em off. "W e do n o t Invlti need , the su p p o rt or G e ru ld L. he sa id , "or nny o th e r ra b b le rou, rnce p rejud ice a n d clos.i h a tre d th e em ollon.s of o u r peop le .”

G overno r T})urniond nJ.$o n-xsci m ovem en t w hich ho h e a d s "15 n ra c ia l h a te no r ra c ia l p re ju d ice ." bea rs o u t th a t a s se r tio n oa fa r so n a lly , l.s concerned . H e a fi Ings a n d of poll taxe.s. h ow ever m ay ob jec t to fed e ra l su p p o r t ol tlon b y law.

Som o of th e g o v e rn o r 's fe llo ’; seem to havo g iven th e ra b b le rc f e r e n t Idoa. P e rh a p s i t w as sta i th a t o f Gov. F ie ld in g W rig h t. Gov m o n d ’s n m n ln g m a te , w ho to ld of M ississippi In a ra d io ad d re ss e x p ec ted .social e q u a lity w ith wl ta u ro n ts a n d fichools th e y h a d tho s ta te ,

O r I t m ig h t h a v e b een som o ( con v en tio n speech es t h a t s e t t rab b lo rousers y lp p ln g a t th e h ee ls , apeeches lik e th e o n e by F ra n k M. D ixon o f A lab am a , t h a t p assage of th e civil rlgh i w ould force th e In te rm ln R lln g c “ m ak e S o 'u tb em eri In to a m ong r ace ."

So th e Q erald L . IC. S m ith s o m ig h t be fo rg iv en fo r in fe r r in g sp eech es o s th e se ' t h a t t h e s t m o v em en t b a d a t le a s t a t in g e oi Jud icc , a n d p e rh a p s a t r a c e o f n

A t a n y r a te , B r o th e r ^ m l th 'wair T cn tlon , as a de lega te . A n d I t v

_ t h a t som e 20 m o re n o te d K li SemltcH, an ti-N eg ro es, o n t l - f o n s im ila r ra g ta g a n d b o b ta il w e re o tiv e b o th o n th o f lo o r a n d b eh in d

T h a troub le Is t h a t d e n u n c lt p a r ty lead e r a re n o t e n o u g h . I tr ie d to re je c t co m m u n is t su p p o i b u t s o r t of wny. N o one, how ovei a conce rted howl of p ro te s t a t th Is ts ’ s u p p o r t from th a * ra n k a n d W allace pn rty . S im llla rly , w e h a th e ch am pions of s ta te s ’ r ig h ts th u n d e ro u s "A m en” to G o v e rn o r ' b la s t a t th e .yabb le rousers .

T h e two n ew p a r tie s h a v e f u rth c th e v ag u en ess of th e i r s ta n d . J s ay s h e Is a loyal A m erican a n d : Y e t h e seem s to fa v o r ap p c a se m e i even if It m eans t h a t a ll o f Eure con q u ered b y com m unism . Gove m o n d seem s to fa v o r civil r i g h t s < s e g re g a te d basis, b u t o n ly o p tio n a l f o r t h e .states a n d n o t a fed e ra l o f th o se r lR h ti Im p lic it In th e c

I t Is n o l h a rd to see, th e n , w h m u n ls ts an d th e A n tis m ig h t t h in h a d Jo ined u p w ith th e r i g h t o u tfl te d h o w m uch th e le a d e rs o f th e ; sh a k e th e ir fis ts a n d y e ll ’‘S c a t! "

“ BLACK EY ES” FOR ID; D u rin g th e Inst y e a r o r so Idahi

In ior m oro th a n Its s h a r e o f b.ii A y e a r ago wo h a d th e a u to l l

w ith i t s m uch -c rltic lsed s k ie r w o u t-o f - s ta te r s rid icu led a s "look g ra ssh o p p e r.” In s te a d o f le a m lr f ro m t h a t m istake, Id a h o followec! lic en se p late w hich th is y e a r is pr m ore ab su rd —th e b u t te re d potn s a n d s of Id ah o an s on v aca tio n ; s ta te s have lea rn ed to th e i r emb, t h a t people e lsew here r e g a rd o a d o rn e d license p la te a s q u ite a J a c tu a l ly laugh r ig h t in o u r face.s!

N ex t com cs ou r S en . G len Tay fro m a l l p a r ts of th e c o u n try look w o n d e r w h a t k ind o f zan ie s w e i s e n d th e likes of T ay lo r to t h e Un s e n a te ! T hey’re conv inced w e ca,n'i s o a ll th e ta lk in g in th e w o rld v, a n y good. I t ’s b e s t J u s t t o a c t s a y n o th in g .

O f cou rse w e h a v e n ’t a n y m onop ro ad s , b u t Id a h o h a s b een recelvl n ln g f ro m one end o f th e c o u n try t th i s y e a r bccause o f th o c o n d itio n i w ays.

T o d a y , e ls e w h e re o n t h i s p a g e , u o f O th e r s , w e r e p r o d u c e o n e d i t t h o M ilw a u k e e ( W ls .) J o u r n a l i n w a n d - p a r t i c u l a r l y T w in F a l l s co i s e r i o u s c r i t i c i s m o v e r - s l o t m a c h lm o t h e r e x a m p le o f t h o k i n d o f p i a r e g e t t i n g .

Let’s hope th a t d u ring th e n« o f tho s ta te legislature som e caps eom m lttee is on th e lookout for Jokers th a t will give Idaho a black t

You con blapie i t on h u m a n n: doing rig h t would be m uch m ore I t were w ronj.




&SHS W H IS m cJiwinr***' W A S im iO T O K -r AjrU I, l»l». u I** D ouglM h«8 d im

*• PTMlCjCTllinl POMlbl’ th a t be w nj the f

s^D V A N ca nooM velUan bN AOVAHcn ^ P h ilad e lp h ia convI — I titl) a l to b«en metiUo

-----W hite hope for U___________________ M r. T ru m n n shoulc

----------------------- - tJa rc tl-h ftlrcd Ju rlsfi! unpopu ln rlty w llht (loa th e p a rty h u been c

m ortem converaallc— » »•?; of F rnn ltlln D Roo

t yoe T r u irn n and th e ,- nn ’ivi proponed him aa

------------------------------ » tllu to a f te r Gen.>r U m r t ot faU cd them .Ill u pubii.sjd In I t 1* a rnre itn r

L .» . oj mJ wT W ith undersundnb l------------------------------ m e n t c an oTerreaciTATlVEa

rtbce. 'c iiit. MAHKED—When C onnecticu t brougl

3LE ROUSERSi l l a c e a n n o u n c e d h e a r t. H « markedc o m m u n i s t s h a d wa* n o t Jons befma t s o f t h e s t a t e s ’ <'ccurltlcs and exc'.a u p a n e q u a l ly jq35 °t h e W a lla c c U c s , w iie n thU eounl)

,'IVC a to u g h t im e w anted Jiwtlce Doi c n d a n t s , J " " '” r . Byrm

Im portnn t post IntD, G o v . J S t ro n .n a . h a s t r i e d to dunca, h e fdi. itien v l tc , n o r d o w c rcp rescn la tlvo whod L . K . S m i th ," ‘‘‘o cmerKcncy Rro

r o u s e r s w h o u so . t r e a to

L xscH cd t l i n t t h e d e a l Tite juri»i'I s n o t b a s e d o n w ith th e worUmoIce .” H is r c c o r d contldftni.i. a :f a r a s h e n c r - tJeftinnds Ui blunt t.a f o r o M y S .

e v e r b i t t e r ly h o la t ic r did not ru r l o f h i s o p p o s l- Uouae M ipporl for

A nyw ay, the deal «n ilnde< i r o n 'a fav

e l lo w D lx le c r a U th « conTentlon woul lie r o u s e r s a d l f - h a d i t n o t been fc

S t n t e m e n t s llk o to th # earlie r reqi G o v e r n o r T h u r - U « t nooeev(

r e s s t h a t I f t h e y m an 'a na m e wlUi th. h w h i te s I n rcfi-tia d b e t t e r le a v e S A C B in c E —juat

choice fo r tlia vlcim o o f t h e r u m pie t t h e p a c k o f w u h h im . h « becgi

t h e D ix l e c r a t s ’ W hlta Kouao Interr,) b y f o r m e r Q o v . J u r u t hnd left the in , w h o w a r n e d "°rthw eat.r l s h t s p ro p o s a l . , i,n g o f r a c e s a n d accepicd ir u w.-re in o n g r c l . I n f e r i o r c rn u h a d nny chnnc

h s a n d t h e r e a t ^ a p p e a l s —pcb- m ■ring I r o m j u c hs c fn » r .'. tHcrVtfa " la «plfU Of llble s t a t e s r i g h t s th a tlm en require Jg e o f r a c i a l p r e - he ad of th e ticketo f r a c i a l h a t e . pJeadin**.I w a s a t t h e c o n -

I t w a s r e p o r t e d a n c u i. l o u to DouglK lu x e r s , o n t l - b rm ia n t Jcsal exper

- f o r e i g n e r s a n d quc*uons, ho j r e o n h a n d , a c - h t a a t h o » o e „ „ .m c l a t l o n s b y a h e vearica of the hi, :h . M r. W a lla c eip p o r t In a y e s - r a o D L E M S - a o v ./o v e r , h n s h e a r d ofKaiUsnilon p I t t h o c o m m u n -nnH flln n t tnw U iatic a n d amool

h e m c e u Ih e w dlffUe h a v e n t h e a r d executive h e win bJ h t s s h o u t i n g a W hite Houae.n o r T h u r m o n d ’s of u>9

w ltlc a a n d dlssenatoh i - I eo«ntrj-. T h o D uff ai

i r t h e r t r o u b le I n fo r in stance , imve na . M r . W a lla c e Cllutlon. G ov. Dwlghm d a c a p i ta l i s t . '“ I 'a n cc m cn t to th e ip m e n t o f R u s s ia broughi E u r o p e 15 to boS o v c r n o r T h u r - Sp«»ictr W u k oih t s o n a s o r t o f j « » t y . l ^ d e r H all*■onnl c iv il r tg h t a Philadelphia ,i c r a l g u .n > p to o ; S “ ” ‘ o S r S 2h e c o n s t i t u t i o n . M ost of these meji. w h y th e c o m - lo th e D ew ey-W arrert h i n k t h n t t h e y T h a t wn.n to be cx]o u t l l t s . n o m a t - S ' ” h' s . '" ,k ' t h o n o w p o r l lo st t l" G overnor Dowey can

V IE W S[ d a h o h a s c o m o x k jf b .id p u b l ic i ty . t u o s e s l o i

to l ic e n s e p ln tei r w h ic h m a n y tr ii ih ;,t ' t h / ' i i o t - v ''lo o k in g l ik e a oi eusy revenue for i m l n g a le s s o n eovem m enU .o w e d u p w i th a . T*’'. s p r o v in g o v o n S I * "p o t a t o l T h o u - hnve collected «everal t l o n s In o t h e r ^ e r y b o d y who caJ e m b a r r a s s m e n t wiUj thla a itt

; a Jo k e . T h e y e u n d for in th e pa*ic o s! however, n re beulnnlT a y lo r . P e o p le p ic tu re. They lo o k a t u s a n dw e m u s t b e to u n d e ^ t h e ifw . ths U n i te d S U tc s «nd a n o th e r J 12S forc a n ' t b e b r ig h t , m nchlno. T here ■id w o u ld n ’t doa c t d u m b a n d Z ' S . ' S S l , L %

K) l 2.aso a y e a r beforejn o p o ly o n p o o r «>nie of th# Idac e lv ln g a p a n - requW ns tha

• V , '; ' m ”. " S “ o” “ c f r «.Io n o f I t s h i g h - pecla th e slots to ne t city fa th e rs ar« delli

r e . u n d e r V ie w s ine d i to r i a l f ro m and

in w h ic h I d a h o th e ir Kovemmenta jc o m e In f o r bnndltJi." if there Li to

:h ln e ? . I t ’s a n - f to be l a s t ;if T5ubll('ltv WA ' ^ P'’II p u D llc ity we m unicipality ree elm .

T h ere la th e furth t e n e x t s e s s io n »n ero else, th e people c a p a b le s i f t in g n o t tho»« who hav

r o r a n y m o roi c k e y e . o the rs have n o t had t-------- . In busiccM a a d th e la.n n a t u r e t h a t b* a y«lo ro p o p u la r I I

1 U U w sn k u CWIL). Jou


[IRLIGIGO K -A M oclaU d Juatlc* W llUam O rrtU a eliminated hlmaelf u a D cm ocratlo

3«slblllty for aU tim e, dcsp lta tb e f a c t the favorite of Preaident T n im a n and an bloc fo r aecood apot a t th o re c e n t convention. He enUoned a i a or the Z^vmocratahould lose next :

tory ol Uie y o u n s l « h . H g ^ V 9 ^ ^ ^ 9 Ist'f t e l f > m a n l p u l a t e d B r ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ H : w ith all facUona <}een obtained tn p o e t - iraa tlon i w ith f r l e n d a ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ i

Roceeielt. P r e t l d e n t ^ ^ H H ^ ^ H ^ B f ith e ADA trroup w h o ^ ^ ^ ^ K £ Z S i

aa a T n im nn » u b - | len. “Ike" EUtenhower ^

ito ry of how a b rillian t yoong m a n : iidnble ambltlona for political a d v a n c t- Tcach himself.

AThen Uie late Sen. P ra n k M aloney o f !rought Douglas to W aah lo ston Iro m ' r In th# early new denl daya, F D R Im -d him up a s a m an a f te r h la ow n !irked Douelas for prom otion, a n d Is ‘before tho la tte r became he ad o f th e 1

exchnnKC comml.'jlon. a n d th e n a 'Itooscvelt supremo court. T lia t w as In j

ountr>- entered Uie war, M r.' R oosevelt ' e Dougins to qu it tlie h ig h tr ib u n a l. ' Qyrnc« luhw quenuy did, and ta k e a n ' I In one of the w ar agencle*. I-c.-.iilcnl noo.-.evelt never defined th e ' . tlie need of a personal, conflden tln l

who would keep In touch w ith a ll ■ Broupj and make periodical r e p o ru llouxe.to have been an A&alslant v lce-P resl- <

■* becamo la ter. (

Jurl»t, however. Irled (o m nko a deal Imo President, according to th e ln t- ‘ V Although Dougina did n o t voice hla * j n t terms, be InU m nted 'tha t h e w ould tho bcnch only If he wero naaured th a t ' DR'fl running-m ale In 1 0 « . o r. If tho I run. th n t lie would hnve W h ite * for tlie presidential nom lnntlon. deal fell through. Even go. Dougina

a favorite fo r VP when ho le arn ed Uint , would no t accept H arry W allace . D u t ,

en for tho Douglas refu sal to accede ' request, h l i would been th o on ly

(osevcit p resented to th e convention , perm itted th# bod*«*-Plynn. lla « u e , tan—to persuad# him to b rac k et T ru ­th th a t pouBla*. and th e re s t la h la tory .

-JUatieo DouBlaa waa Mr.- T ru m a n ’a I vlce-pre*ldentlal nom ination a t th e i Uon. and tho P resident tr ied a fia ln i

get tho W aalilngton m an to ru n i begged him to take eecond place a t . aterrlew f, and on tho phone a f ta r th e v th# cnpltnl for h lf m oun ta in r e tr e a t

:st.refujed and refused. AccordlnK to

Uic T rum an people, h# would havo ,’i're not fo r liLi doubt U iat th e D cm o- Oinnc* of victory thla year. |

Or I lm llar reasons h a tu rned down th e I :#velt-Uender*on ADA. D esplta appeaU f llberaUsm, and the a rgum en t th a t lire him Instead of lY um on a t th e ' Icket, ho wotild n o t lis ten to th e ir <

tlons a re especially resen tfu l because llclal Job would n o t o n u il a n y f in - Douglas. As ono of the no tlon 'a m eat ^ sxperts on fltyinijrs. corporutloii.i and •, ho could earn tlSO.OOO a y ru r w ith law firm . n

a If th e boyish, likable BUI wlU w ear ^110 tow n th e rest of hU life, un less *> 10 h igh bench and benchen .

• . . 1: ■Oov. n io m a s E. Dewey h as m nnyon problem a and controverslea w hich „jeforo ho can organlic a siiuppy. eti- nimooU i-runnlng cam paign eelup. Itow i, dlfflculUea will show w hnt kind of an111 be If and w hen he reaches tho p

r the convenUon balUe, th e re a re r l - ^ snslona In alm oat ever?' section o f tho irIff and M arU n forcc.i m Pennsylvan ia , „ ve no t ye t entered into a full recon -iw lght O reen of nilnola, who owes h is lith e anU-Dewcy McCormick preaa, haa UJURht In to cnmp. Unless S ena to r T a f t IrInlo th e figh t w hole.hcw tcdb-. O hio -’• IIn o f M a m c h u ic iu and H ouse M a- - Salleck of Ind iana , who were anub-w la. m ust b# brought around- I n fac t, fr

O O P 'm ajo r ity in thn house backed ’ th a n th e winner.meji, naturaU y. have pledged su p p o r t , Ja rren ticket and promised to w ork for ni >e M pectcd. B u t whipping or Inspiring [ th e ir coals and ties and hu.itle andsrd workers Into action betw een now « y Is an o th er th ing again, and on lrc an do t h a t • '

S O F O T H E R S '>SLOT MACHINES P< IDAHO *1047. slot machlne-i have been legal 5wero legalized by n IruW uturo w hich *:ot.i" could be made to J iin ib h a lo t ffo r th e eU te. the counUcs nnd th e *

t*. j®collected more than a h a lt mlUIon i :

i law w en t Into effeci. T he counUes }’I# sam e am ount. Local gO'^emmenta }•veral tim es th a t sum. us can n o t see very far ahead Is de - ” I s ituation—especially the pollUclajis.le to appropria te money fo r goT em - a riff»" w hich the taxpayer w ould n o t "»■I pasL T h e more thoughtful people, f.ig inning to look a t tbe o the r .Mde iT hey arc beginning to no lc th e t r e - I"Ig las.ics which m ake up Uie proflLs J "

». the s ta te collect.i *123 for Itself 1 fo r the eounty of locaUon for every rhcre Is a local llcen.ie o f no t lew kn allowable m axim um of *2JOO. In «< s a federal tax of IIOO. E ach slo t ‘ re. m ust “n ick- tho playera fo r WOO sp efore It can pay o u t any w innings.) Idaho clUes. ordinances have been ( th a t. In addlUon, th e s lo t m a eh lso . J nde his - tak e " 8O-S0 wlUj tho m unlc l* - i —Twlfl Palis. populaUon 11.831—« i - »■*>> n e t Uie c ity 1330500 a year. T h o

delighted w llh th e prospect o f so Tnng In "w ithout oost to th e taxpayera ." r# n o t stopped to figure o u t th a t , by « w m have to lose twice aa m u c h a s ui< Ita gain from these “one a rm e d Ll to be n profit. Moro th a n a do lla r lost for every m an, w om an and c h ild tbt 0 produce th e "e»sy" revenue t h a t » •

u r th e r f a c t th n t. In Id ah o o r a n y -eople who h a u n t the gam bling p la ce s Inr> have money to w u te bu t ih o te w lio " le to provide proper living. “ uslow sm m , th e social Trorlceri a n d n» lad Ume yc l to to la l up th # decrease ^ h e Increase In h um an m isery. W h a t S a year from now? au a rule, can n o t go ou t and get som e-.g. N either c an K o re m m m ts^ T b a I. Joum aL ■ _


P o t;i; S h o t s ^ ^ict

n t

1 ^ BETTER E^^^EBTAINME^^T H A nent the s » Question. U ke It■ from a guy who haa lived tn tome■ larger midwest cities th a t had o r■ tried to m aintain zooa—Uiey arc■ too much of an expense. I I la rger ;■ cities can’t support them , th e n most' m certainly a boo would b e loo m uch o f , E j ■ financial burden to T w in PalU . I I taxpayers. Especially w hen we a re >■ faced with so m a n y expensive '■ growing pains.

Yes. I think a cann ing k itchen . would be oven be tter e n te rta in m e n t

m fo r somo of tho specta tara .« . 6e ea I t


^ P o t Shots:Tft'o dogs to be given away to

^ someone who will give them a nice ^ home. One Is a ha lf-grow n collie,

th s o lher U a full-grow n b ird dog., Both are males and a ro genUe. T hey

,n would make good pcta fo r children.^ Phone 1I37-W or call n l house. 100

Quincy *trcet. In lh e n flem oon or ,] evenlnR, They w ant lo give them

nway a.' nooiwyi po.\alble because Uie peoplo do 'flfftliave a yard nnd the doss are uncomforinble.

Tessle '

lU'UGLAU r itO O F ^ Wo don't dare m ention th e gcnt’c .

nnme. bul we borrowed hln c a r th e ■ 1- oU irr dny. He handed u.i th e key.i,

told IIS where we could find Uie '

Wc foimd the n i/ich ire w ithout ' any trouble and stnrlod lo open th o ,

^ door. Tlie door wan locked. Closer IJ InspecUon rot-ealed Ih n t every door ,‘ t w as locked. '

But every window wns ro lled a ll 'tho way down! j

FAMOUS LAST LINE ^ " . . . D on't you da re oome In th e

boose arU fl w ith aU Ih a t. t a r on , f t yoor f e c i r


l \ BOB H Q P i^ is ir Thom as Beechnm. fam ous '

>» British conductor, believes the re Is . ri n o rea«m for mualclan.^ to tjo stuffy.* H e says nn orangutan cnn p lay boUi , ‘t Ul# French hom snd th e flu te , andi« h e personally h as seen a monkey ,

^ ^ ^ g ^ ^ g _ p l a y tho piano,

, . ho" Ll already

mo nk e V a.

e now . . . 'swing:a ^ H S ^ ^ ^ ^ H a n d sw oon w ith ' ,t th e baboon."

^ i S 9 I P l R ! B l b ^ tree s In the* B m Pftlndlum.

«rp . W hen a monkey ‘,t b an d s ta r t Jumping a n d swinging ^rt . . . look out. . • ‘tl Of course, a ll the o rg an grinders’

monkeys are In the m oney . . . with r th e tr experience ihey 're becoming, bandlraders, 8

I understand P ra n k B uck Js nowIn A frica rounding up a few mu- ‘ niclans.

y A te rrlb li th ing happened In one ■' all-m onkej’ band . . . A monkey

* picked up a piccolo a n d trle<l lo " ' peel It,’ Now when you w an t to h e n r Uio «® phU hannonie on Sundays . . . you'll ^

h ave to go to the zoo. IAnd when they play LoUn ma-Jc. a

* ln.\tead o_f nmracc(is, they 'll -iisn y ^ coconuts. c:

B ut my brolher bas h a d several ns lucraUve offers to plny w ith onn of Iti Uieae bands . . . an anen l saw him <It In an angora nweatcr. 1<


TWIN FALU, n v iN FALLS. " 1 .';'«:•>] likla. In duptk-*u. iub)«ct to Ui«

condlltoT.1 tonulnrt h»r.(n, »III h. j„t 1: r nlihinf all Ubsr *0.1 m*url>W *n<I t>fr-f a:1 .n ‘l r\lilniVf.^lT 6f ri’ ro».l In from of A«ltn1nUtr»»lon Hullilltis c<, -h. ClW T-lh r.lU « IU m»nlclr.l j,.

to{k ^ r. i l o l l , , - . ' BlUm l>fv-rliilk.n Quintllr h

! s'. 1- ^»Uil.''<>mBMl«l 8uIk ' bu* i;SO r.j.

' 5 : S - S ; , r s ' , . . ,I T. K0-* :ioo e>i.. Y' S:5c'rp“m.''^"®"'“ *’ rJ'.'i'Z "’ lo! CoDcrtU Curb Tio'ft

Il.T U D 'ion i 4] *•,-); A

' \ i li" CW i!J 51;I Ij! gmmoK Eif«v.t!oa “ ' r. ^

’ is! U^«n7n««^ Iron i Slc«l SU Ih! ^« Wh«r» foplw of pUtt4 snd •p«:iriniloi» m ' ar* r«su«M . t rhars* of I9.M »lll K« n |; nmd. PM rtl. kr <SkK to Iloffnun a ^

ru k ., CoMullIn* ZnsluMTt, 10« Soulh “I <iu>r*nlM wlll'b* r«Qulr«l with ••tb bl,| —! lm o |iri^o ? t^ \l7 “j5! u t ^

rcffortniBt. bond will T««alrwl for la ' amoanl not !«• thiR o( contrtft. I»

bond will b« f»r in■mount nol l« . ihta M% e t <ontr*«.

t.kuM«l«I J .m tst f«r <I«U7 will b« $ ja « P«r worklr* d«r.

l*»rtui P»rm.nl will b* m><l« m.rlhl, FIIn anordutra wllb ptrasriph o(

Arlkl. <m ii.UnU will b« m.d« f tr t of Ui« (ontrKL

UMi » u .t b. .ubmlttrf u»«n Ih . tland. Iu•rd Tam el Ilk] and Ih. tuc«««ful blM.r thiwJII b . r»)Blrtd to .iM'ut. ta* SitniUH <laV om e t C«nlrMl for C<initnxtloii. T)i« obiEl«nd»4 rotm of Contr.^1 m>r U h.:■ mitwd at lh« Offlc. of ih . City Cirri. ih<Twio r»n». Idabo or at th* o« lf . <t t>i^ tS.

Ulnlmun Wax. |U t« u MUbliaM tr “ th*. R*er«iar7 et Ubor and Isctndxl |n th« i *r-«clfl«alls» ar. to coT.rn on thli prnj. ].samlDad tbU «ch.daf. o/'wafi«* a i* ih“ Tll tfaa rrW« ar. bu«i,eB aucb MUtII>h«l hm* * ^ . 'V ? h t •« U.. Ii!.r„t V .

w r»)«rt aM^IUmj ^ a n r bl*."un^.‘ .” fb m.bid ll eoallXM br ipMlfla llmJUUot. ■ «U

EnT.k>PM conUlelBK bIJa m u t b* »al.<l. ahrmarbad and addrMMd aa follewi i .b< ' ‘fTwin Ftlli Uunlrlpal Airport tht

To b. , t T:M o'«lock P. « . iA'lXtiat ». l»4«, it.

ciVy o r - t w in falu^PON.STANCr. J . LE18IR.

, ruUlaks Jsbr » , A w . I. IM I. m




PEGLER’lf W ASmNOTOM — T h a t year we

certain ly looked like f l n t division, bu t you absolutely can n o t n m a balU club accord-

_ _ Ing to democracy or you will wind up like wo did.

I t Ctiarllo D iuen - he a t go t us together l B & i y 8 a P f o r a rea l good troupe I | k X A | B M

th a t spring, tmt '^r ftiong tow ard the

fourth of Ju ly tlie ^ ■ g B 3 3 | H 9 m ayor began to get D e m o c r a t i c

^ Ideas and h e sen t H H I B S U H'■« for poor old C har- _ _ .

Be. ,rc™ 1» the J " grasa above lilm , w ith all b is faults

he was Uie sw eetest soul you ever met.

" I d o n 't like th is dlscrlmlnaUon on your club." th e m ayor said to him . ••It U un-A m ericaa tho wny you Ignore th e principles o f fa ir em ­ployment.’'

to “Well, how do you like Uiat7“ ce charllo said. "I>o I try to U ll you e. who to hire fo r Judges a n d w ater-

>8- works commlasloner nnd how would you like lo m ind your own busl-

■n- ne.'ji?”"O h. very well," th e mayor .-.aid.

^ "If Him 15 tho wny you fed . It ^ jiouiuls like the rankest kind of

Wnll B trtc t fu!cL-an to m e and you will ?,oon find th a t hum an righ ts come before corporate greed.

"If ynu don 'l comply by 10 o'clock tomorrow m om lng w ith the peo-

, pic’s Ju.ll dem ands, be prepared to nn t plny nny m ore gumca n t h« n e

° bccauic Uic overwhelming growih • of our Breat c ity ha.i created a ptirk-

Ing problem th a t la a hazard to pub- 11c safe ly.- lie aald.

“Roll tlie dice.'* C harlie said. J" "W hat U your po in t?"

“My point Is th n t aa m ayor of*our grea t meUopolls by virtue of my

„ emergency powers wo will have to condemn your ba ll-yard fo r a park­ing lot." hla h ono r aald to Charlie. ''E llhor U ial o r democracy."

m democracy w as th a t regard­less of how good wo ore going, C har­lie had lo break u p the club and advertise In Uie papers fo r a whole nex bunch. Ju s t like you would hire so m any guys to dig a hole. T h# mayor said, th e people dem and equal opportunity a n d no more of th is un-

J American W all s tre e t dlacrlmlnn- ,1. '. I l w ai Uie m ost te rrible thing

lh;ti ever hnppened In Uils world.>• Charlie got on the telephone Uiat

niKlit and Veeek and HarrL-» thought he was craxj-. T hey grabbed Uie whole club betw een them on Uie

, iDng-dl.',lance nnd th e next moriilng , there b a te rrib le m ob scene nround Z otir clubhou:io door. T here nre n l

IriiM 10,000 guys nnd even glrb, shoving nround o u l there,

jjj Charllo D lssenat go l on th e loud- speaker nnd hollered ou t; " i w ant n cn tcher f irs t of n lll C atchers front nnd een lerl"

^ Well, tho f lrs l guy n l Uio gate wna j_ an old bum nnd he gavo th e name of ^0 P ranela X . Healy, age 60.

‘T h ro w h im a couple.'* Charlie 5y said to me. “b u t U ke It cat>- because

he la n 'l u n der con trac t and If you kill h im wc a re n 't covered by Insur-

,• ance." h ^ . • • •, j So we w ent ou l and I wn.s Ju.u

getting on th e rubber when I looked V nnd w hat do I see bu t he hnn gol I. the m it t on h is r i s h l liaii.i.

you nlw.tys caich ic tt-hond- .0 rd ? ’' C hnrlle n.'.ked, y " I don’t know," th e old bum said0 “I never tried before,"

So C harlie nald "Ret out cf there" fl nnd th e old guy le t out a terrible 11 howl,

I "If the re l.t nnyUilng I hnte in thU world, it l.i bigotry." this H ealy

e yelled. "H 1., tJie m ost un-dem o- crailc. un-A m uriean poison sw irling ,

ll nround Uie m iiln-sprlng of o u r free * if InsUtutlons. : know my rlKhU, you n (Ilrly APA nml I will su(* you bow-

ICRKNI for dl/icrlmlnnlloni You and * ; your K u K lux K litn l" J3 Chnrllo a-ould have brained h im '- w ith a b a t If ou r law yer d id n 't ru sh , o u t Ju st Uien w ith a con tract s a d

a fountain pen.• "Ju sl sign h ire , Mr. Healy.” the p lawj'cr sa id . "And repo rt In the elub- _ house for a locker iind a suit."- "W ho do you th ink I am. you dirty1 am bulance-chaser?" Uie old bum , roared, and I Uinughl our chief t counsel would blow a because ■! he Is none o lhe r Uian old JaiU ce

Burble, He I;; a bite RepuUllcan and r he f^rved on ou r suprem e court for

15 years.

! "D on 't try no n i.ih act « i me. you r '• cheap shyster." Uio old bum said, f '■ “ W hal abou t n bonus Jor signing?, You d o n 'l pick up major league• cn ichers every day In Uie week.' especially the rnre-left-hnnded kind.■. A good c a tc h er Is worth a »25.000• bonus on the hoof, snd for a salary r I w on 't _ u k e n dollar under IKI.OOO

"B ut M r. Healy." Uie old JusUce• said. "How do wc know you wlU i m ako good a.i a catcher? We can 't• pay a bonus w ithout we see you ; catch a few games."

“D o n 't give m o th a t." the old bum



, . . ^ 0 . r „ > , n „ n „ . . u s r , „ 0 , ™ .

1 'V 'o 'i K o S . n . 'e . p , ? ? . ™ - *noY iiow A itn. dcVend ant .IJndtr and by vlrtaa e t aa E<*nU»B

' luu.d oot of th* abor*'«ntitl.d Cotsrl. la• th . abo». rntltlKj B<tloo. dat*] tba Uth I .lar of Ju l,. im i. whtr.ln Iba plalnUff I obtilpad M Judjmrat ajtalnat th. d.(*adaat : Ih.'*^S'm“Bf 'lJts'.C. 'a'u

IS ' ritbt. till*. In u m t and dilm of aald d.f.ndant. of. In and la tb* (ollowlat daatris.4 r*f»ooal Prfip«tr. to-witt

Otl. 181» Chrr>l>r ••Un, Uotar nufflb.r m t tx e i . Idaho l.kcni. No,

_ ^ ru n u c NOT^B IS HEliEBY CIVINi hnur Sf { :(?)'o'.l^k ?■. M“‘ «oanUli; *-0 0 .! nf laU dar. a t th* North door of tb* Twin Falli Counlr Court Hou.t. County of Twin KalU. 6lai* of Idabo. I wlU, tn ob*!l,a«. lo .aid 0rd .r of Sal.. .,ll at rullle aurtlon tn ih . blsbnt bkbUr for

. i i - s

l.fr .aid Jad,n..nt to ,.lh « .11 . “ S that ba.o accnMd or laar aecni.,

Da'fl at Twin Fall.. Idaho, on Ihla iltfa day ol Js lr . IMt. /[iinoDA n nAvnORH. a

c ^ « « . jU : ’“rabUtbi Jafar M, lUS. ^



.’S ANGLEwe said. “U you d id n 't U ilnk I eould

ion. catch w ould you Iw ta «uch a heUI a of a h u rry lo sig n m e up . before _ Bucky H arris c an k e t a look a t m e?" H "B ut." th e Justice ' aald, "wo ooly■ w anted to algn you because « w as■ a fra id }-ou w as going to m ake a beef■ to the fa ir em ploym ent m uggs abou t H dlscrlm lnsU oo.M " I t Is cheaper to c arry you a ! ■ monU i a t a m odera te sa lary th a n for H Mr. D lsaenat lo spend aU h b tlm ; H In c ou rt w hen ho o tig h t to l>e ru n -■ n lng th e ball-club."■ ; "W hy, you d irty , eoonlrlng , u a -■ A m erican w all s tr e e t crooka," old

H ealy hollered. "W a lt tUl I te ll my friend, th e m ayor, alw ays figh ting

,H j to r Uuf poor m a n 'a batU os again st ver Uio oil monopolies a n d th e d irty ro t­

ten B rlllsh w arm ongers a f te r w h at Ion they done to poor Pa lestine ,

to “W alt Ull I te ll h im you were fix - ' ■ay ing to evade th is beauU ful dem o- j j j . cra tlc f a ir em ploym ent gimm ick by

tricking m e w ith a bum co n tra c t t 7- and Uicn dum p m e o a th o hum an i,ou sc rap -heap like an o ld , b roken down g - . cart-ho rse a f te r g iving you tbe best uld yenrs of m y Ufe.[jg. r r h n t ll a g a in s t th e law absolute­

ly. I t la piinlahable by a fine o t $10,- 000 for each offense a n d /o r five yenrs for each defendanU And th a t

of m eans you. loo. you bigoted baboon." /ou be yelled lo m e, a lthough I was Just

a coach to hen t up th e pllc lie rs and help ou t a round.

K k . . .eo- II was terrible, I tell you. They

to fJii.\lly pnld him h is 135.000 bonus mo and his *20,000 sa lary and I t w asn 't i'lh u n til Jitnl before giun# tim e th a t rk - Charlie rounded up th e la s t of the Jb- new tenm.

Wo h a d a ll no tions nnd complea- Jd . Ions and. fo r f irs t base, we even had

a g rea t, big. sk inny dam e from Vaa- )ur snr college a n d we h a d a terrible my lim e persxiadlng h e r to d ress In th e to ladles' pow dering room.

-k- She w anted 6> dress w ith th e reat lie. of us because th a t la th e way the

Russian.^ do and . a f te r a ll. she said, wo ore a ll a d u lts in a m odem world

■d- and the re la n o th ing to be asham ed tr - of In th e h u m a n body. Although, nd personally, U I was a dam e and I ote had a chassy Uko hers. I would b« Ire so asham ed I would go and take gas. l ie Poor old C harlie s ta r te d to go in l n u ts th n t very d a y . W e finished in- absolutely la s t a n d th e club lost in- more ihnn a m illion dollars, b u t th#

m ayor got elected to th o U nited n g S ta le s senate . T ho n e x t day. C har- Id. lie a te u p a ba r o f soap a n d com- la t m ltted suicide, poor fellow, green b# [h i lhe g rass above h im .-ho • * •J ie Correction : I n a rec en t column I ,ng referred lo a r io t In w hich union nd goons rocked nnd atoned nn au to- n l mobile In W heeling, W. Vn.

rb , A aslln Wood, ed llo r of th e W heel­ing N ew s-Reglstcr. p ro tests. He aa>3

:d- no th ing of th e k ind happened lo in i W heeling.m t H e Is rig h t. T h e rio t took place

In C liarleston. W , 'Va.,-na —of M B IT IN U K ITV

tJN rrY . Ju ly 08—M r. and Mrs. A lvla C oilre l, D raper, tJU h , re- cenUy vlalted Blahop and M rs. L. E. C rane whUe eo rou te to Sun Vnlley.

L E G A L A D V E R T I S E M E N 'T Sw t ORDINANCE NO. TMed AN ORDI.VANCE OF TIIE CITY OF- r c \ ‘.s- . . ' . s ? , ; 5 !a - ;!!!■ i';> i v ' / s i g s


lU T itr nuii,uiNOBly . IS c o n d u c te 1 ^ " ^ a n d ° nrl^^At.VNG0- ALL I‘ROVlHION-5 OF OltDINANCES 12 IN CONFLICT IIEHKWITJI.I I TiZ IT OHDAINUD IIY TJIU MAYOIl

r - .•'«tlon 1. That S«-. :(b) nf Chantw rv, Arlkl* I. of th* Cod* of J9i3. aat r l f ^ T i ^ n °F ll.".‘ rd lb ^ “.B5”.n ; 'o .J '^

m orUlnan<~ am.nrfatory th.r«if. b . and ,w Ih. »«m« b*r.br U aiB.n<l.<l aa followai “ Sae. 3(b). Th. boundariM .of tb.

Id afomatd dUtricU ar* Uld out and ahown tipon a tnap d.alnatad ZO.*JB

. . MAI’, data] J a n . «. I«4>. fllad In >h*

prop.nyf dialrkta. bouixJart«. armlwla [V and l«TOdi abowB th .r« n j r * h.r^hr

d«lar«l lo b . a pan of thla ordlnanr.. m SiM Zm . Map .hall b« k.pl on fll. ef In .\h. oftlc. *r Ih. City Cl.rk of ,e 'rwln Falli. Idaho, at all lim .i. and

Id In'^bl*. '^ f 'i^ /'w 'i'?* Th".)T »am. may b* ln .p« trt br Ih* publl.

durlns hualnwa huura. T)>. Zenn on“ .^t "n ThTl SfJtlnn 7 'of Ch.pl.r

P:'.' *** 'harthr l i ’am.n5«daa*f<.°iow.!*" '* * * “ * ,

:? Srr, 7(a). NON - CONKOfeWINOJ? if^'fSitl'o'n s “^ * 'th “ <! J*lnaB<iI‘'lb i 'd! l r u i u . “: t ' i . ^ ‘» , b " S5Jpttn .X) tJjU oHJcia^n«.^bui nol wnformjnc

;e t.anf« erf Cltr**r.?a"*n^ to \ro•11 atrloUy tompllrf^wlth. provldwl. how. ' t €>t,T. that If auch buUdlar. M pr««ntlr

lU eonitnielKl. It cloitr to th . front. .Id* '■ and rmr pftrt>»Tty IIm> than aUowad by ; ofdltume*. and iseb waa tha eaa. at

Tl th . tlm. Ih* orljlnal aonlnr law waaflr»t «naet*d. lucb bulldin* may b. I

g altarvl or rrpalrad ae lont aa ^

N bl% m ar.‘a to r U . '^ '^ ‘ (Kg‘Bd *tha'n •N pr«..Btlr conat«<t«d. •e Ib) Aar bulldlna rmialalna .a u n t tE for a fonUnooui p.rlod of mor* than ’

two fl) yaara ahall aot a«aln V. oo-1- etipl.d .ae.p t br a eonformlnr u ... <

(e) A BonKonfarvInc u * aball not <b« ebansvi n w p t lo a h(sh*r um. and ta TtoB^oflfrnlns ua.. If chansa In a >

IB coBfonBlBs tu*. aball oot th.iwalMr bo > Ib eaaBs.d ba<k to a ara^ietiforralas a>*.lb A non-coBfomiln* a ... If chanrvi to a tff hlsbar nentoBforalfts lu .. ahall sot >It th.rM fUr b« ehansad un l.n to a atlU Irr hisbtr ttaa. ;Id fiartlenal pJrt*of^ a”"bu«dlai* or* lot It ahall not ba »U nd.d lo ^ n s l t th.

earrylnt m of aay trmdfc bB»ln»a. , rn fm lo a or oeenpalloa nol p.r> > mlltwS undw Ih* Ordlnane.. ef aald elty r«rtalnltu te tb« trp« of trad..

'■ biiilnna profaailon or oeespaltoa .* whlrh mar b« earrlad on la tb . aon* 1

K S ' " . s ' U T . r 3 : : S i » ; : ; JIt por'od of en. (I) r .a r from Uw dalo c >r r t ^ * ‘I''* ordlnaneaj^ .

.. p r« ilr n»oal«l. II- rASSCO BT 'n i t COUNCIUa jm .T II. IMS. (

fSEAT.) II. e . LAUTERBArn.I. Attoiti - Major

c p ^ m N C E J . L II8E*. raU khs 'jiU j t*. Itt* .

. . . 1"


E N o n c s roK p u s u c a t io m o p r a nA P P O lm ^ O ^ H O V lN O

IK TJI* PaODATk c o u r t o p tw in PALLS COUNTT, STA'rS OP IDAHO.


neU CEAIXD.iforo PvaoaBI to aa ardar af tha Jadsa et ne?" *»>d Cosrt. mad* en lh« ila t d a r el Julr, Q-Ty l»«l, notle* ta b.rahr (l.aa that Ta>a>

day, the td day of Aticml. l t« l . a t Ub o-eloth A. M. ef aald dar, a l tho Coart

beef R o ^ of aald Ccert. a t ^ Court Houa*In Twla Falla. CevBly ot TWla ralla. StaU e< Idaho, baa bo«e appeUtod aa Um tlm*

L ,U « , T -t««nU rT . .j» l . . .*un- lotaratod aay a^pMLt aad aoetaat

Oatad Jsly lU t. m i .““ ’'■“ “ f c

m y ftib.1 Jair t i . i i , ab«. i . im«._______^ N O TId OP nEAWNC ON PK tm ON In s t POB PKOBATS OP WILL AND FOB ro t- L E T T B B O OF ADMINIBTBATION h a i ANNBXKD.

D< t o e PROOATB COURT OP JZM- „ , „.OME COUNTf, STATE OP IDAHO, f ix - IN p i t M A -rnk o r t h e x s t a t e o fBO- t>«Vl*a«. alao kaowa aa A. W.: torac t Puraaaat to aa order of tka Juds. of

S tRoom of aald Coort. <a tho Coanty Coert Ilouaa. Ib tha Cllr of JareoM. Coaaty od Ito - e u u of Idabo. b a t. boaa ap^la t.

10,- and flaad aa th. Um. and plae. fer five ArU W. V |«.r. h a t and for byaila* th.'p.tlUoa o f 'ja n a l D. )n . v iii .r asd C. J. D. Vlw.r tor th* has-

and .aid nUU. Whm asd wh«-o u y pmou lnUrHt«l siay appear »r>d •oetaat tha

Dalad tbia lIUi dar of Julr. l « l .

S n , se7 m **Altoraar fer Prtltlorv.n,RrtUlnr at Twin Fall*. Idaho, rub.l July i f : Am. s. i i , i i t i . ,

lea- ---------- in vitation ron~ nrDB-----------'« * ^*LL8- t w w PALLI.Ible .S.alKl bidi, aubjMt te th . apMlflcatloaa th e prnvklad, will bo r*ed*M) at tho offI«*

of th . Cttr Clerk. TwIb FaJU. Idaho. OBtll th . hour of t o'.lock P. H. oa th. tUi

rest dar of Aufuit. 1I4I. and wUl thrn and th e Ihtr* tx putilkly npraad and rMd. for

furetahlas •qulpm.nl for th« manklpal awlmnlBS pooL Kajor Itrnia to ba far-

>rld nlabad a r. aa follewai

'8 ^ CoplM of ih . 8p«ifleaUona aro a<all- d I ahl. a t th. otn** ef th . City CUrk. Twin

b« Fall.. Idaho, for naalnaUon. QuaUri.d . . . btd<l.r> may m . l . . coplM of Ih . .p«'lll<a- {as. t*]uMt aceompaol«l by a

go dn>oalt ot lie.00. which will U r.lum«i tied Uia bidder whM Uia f>*clfkatlona ara i„ ,f retumMl in tood order.‘J” '' Did* .Kail b* lubiDlttod span tha blddoi th # .laiidard propoial form, which ahall .iMrly ted IndkaU firm tuas aam p r k a for tha

«’h..lul.. r « o « lJ . F.O.D, .T - ln Kalli. Idaho. d .Ilrn r daUaj and tnformaUca

>m- perulnlns lo tha .«ulMn.nl off.r«l la , t)# laffklent d.Ull to pan&lt eempariaoa wjtb

th* SpMllleatlona.Tb. rlih l U rm tn ti to r«]Kt any or all

Mdi to walr. any Informality In blda tl X rMcUod. or to aecept er rajKt any i<b«l> ‘lo a C1« of T w V rii "m ar’Ito- RnTilopn eontalnlns blda muat ba

.aalad. narkK] and addraia^I aa fellewiiTwln‘'FaIU 'M ^M pirV oel

aM To bo Op«n«] TiM a'eloek P. U. la A uro t ». l* * J^ FALLS.

Publljhi July » . Ab«. s. m * ._________INVITATION POR niDS

CITY o r TWIN FALLS, TWIN PALLS,Irs . S*alad 'blda. aubjaet to Iho oosdlUonare - eonUlnM h.reln. wll] bo r*e«lTod untU Ip. o'ekKk r . M. (UST) Ausuit ». I t i t . and

; ^ then Publkir for furabhlna allley. labor and materUli. and perfomln* all

~—■ ineluded in thla w«rk aro ai fnllowaiHorn No, 1. DwertpUoni rum p SUlloa

OF Inkt SUuetur. and rsmpbouao Includlni INO Wirlni lo and Ineludlnc tho ZMranea

>KD Iv4ulpmr<t. Includlnr Tanli. Pumpa and,NY Motofi, Compr.u.r and Molor. ConUoli,lU r IVialpment Wlrlns, Valeu. F l itln n and•NO I'Iplnr to OuuUa I*Bmphoo»a walla, fur-:.SH, nlih and plaea, QuanUIri 1. UnltilAL Lump Sum.r.w I lm No. I. pMcrlptloni I" TUw WaUr•HE Idaln. In riae.. IncIudlBi TT.nehlna andAU Ilaekfiltlna. QuanUty: U nlti Lin.lOB Ft. ' /JSE Hem No. 4. Daerlpikn: t " Calr. Pip.. ^I.SG In Mae.. Includlni Trmchlni and Daek.:C9 fllllnc. QuanUtr: 171. Ualti Lin. Ft.

Item No. I. ai" Cal.. Plpa. tn PUea,’o n Includlnt Tr.nrKln* and lUckfllllni.OF Ouantllri IM. Unlll Lin. FX.

Item Nn. (. Dncrlpllons Flro llrdranUnrr with Val.M. In Tlacfc Quantltr! ».

aa Unltl Ea,h.tho lUm No. 7. D-crlpUeni PUUr Tlanl

:her Itulldinx. Drick Conitruetion Includlnsand Drain to B.-er and all WIHn« «oept

rump SUR«r. QoaaUtyt I. U nlli LwbP,d Item No. 7A. DwcrlpUonl fAIUreatal B Flllar Plant nulldlo*. Cindar Blotk Con-

itruftlon. Ineludlrf Drain toSowor and all r WJflna^.jcepl Tump Starter. QuanUtyl LII lUm N^ I. D«erlplkinl Plltor Plant t r.<i<ilsmmi. Ineludtnf ChralcAl PMda,.. CMoflnator. Flllm. Backwaah Taoka and

rK ™ L a','.--w '’.K T M '’K r . ,S . ? * S , t :d ll*. rumlih and P ta « Q un tlly i I.k tJnlti Lump Sum.p W h.r. copla of plana and apoeifkaUon.* a r . reoueal«l a depeall of JIOJO will b«a r«ulr*I lo Inaur* th.lr rrturn.n Clii.ranlM will b. rMolrwl wtlh aaeh

bid IB an amount to S% of th.11.r luul amount of ih* bid. In tha fom of th . bid bond, crtlfled or eaibl.^a chaelu,m. r.iformane. bend will bo raqtilrod far an

amDunl nnt In . than *0% of eontraet.0 Paym.nl b«nj wH| b* r.>julrod for an1 am^wnt twt !.« ih.a »«% por cenl of

• jjI-Jouldalrf for "Jalw »IH h*r I'artfal' payment "’in i b . nada monUilyn In ae«)rdanr. wllh parasrapb *0.0* of: Epaclfk.Uona.I. ^A rtkl* on^palenla will bd mado part of

nidi mual b* lubmliud open th* Stand- « ard (orm ef Did and th* auceMifuI blildir

will L. r.quir.d to . skuu the 5tand.rd y Form of Conlfact tor Conitruetlon. Th.0 Sundard Form of Conlraet m ar b . . . . r City Ctrk. t Twin Fall.. Idaho or a t Uo offk* of a Airport EnilB«ar, CAA. BoUa.

* '* “■•t U>« aeh^lul. cf n Minimum Wa*. R.Im aa atablUh*! hy1 U>. .‘!«:r.u rr of Lator aad loeludMl In ih.« .PKlfkatkB. ar. te rorarn an thla proi- t eel. and Ih* Bidder eiTtlflea tha t h* haa

..amlnod Uili eehwiul. of w a«* and Ihat; s ; , r i ; r : . " -- . 1 ^ .t r.jcet any and all blda. lo ‘w al.a'anyj Infomallty la b l^ raeal>*d. and to aoc.pl; i“s

F.ralopM eontaJnlac bid. muit h* aaalaL I marhad and addrMiwS aa followai t Hid f .r Waur Supply Sninn I for Ih. Twin Fall. Mcnklpal Airport

To b. op.nad at IiM o'clock P. U. t, A un.1 9. HU.t CITY OF TWIN FALLS.■ c fw ^ * k '^ '^; Publbhl July » . A us.'t . 1141. ,I NOTICE OP BLECnONI Publle noUe. t( banby (Iren *f tha> Primary riaeUoB I n Bomlull«n of Na-

I Twin Falla, on A ar» l 10. IML Th« pella I will b* OPM b«tw*«B Um hosra ot twalra> o'elock tMoa and alibi o'eloek In tht

*r«nlB« os Ih* aaU day at th* Mlllniof plaeiB dMlinalad aa poUlas plaaw tv th.» • hoard of County ComBla.k>BeT> ot Twin

Falla Cousty, Idaho.IU ----------


. a r p R M s i m m ^ y x M N C H ts#

cm s. inrtK xWb: r

ra n CTAT1 nPR X IB K TA TTmC. L. OaimanB. Dahl

C. ff. ColB«r. Twin Palla TWIN OUtIb. TwIb Fall*

* .7 m.“ m5 ^ i. tCu r l i t* 5 6 . COUNTT COUMISdlONBB. . L. W.T'awklnl. FilarV . r c o u n ty com m im ioneb

tHoeand Dlilrict)U Ub 6«>rfa A. Ckllda. TwIb PalU

w m u«*w “ “ 8 b i ^ ^ i r ‘raihSUU COUNTT ASSESSOR _

I Urn* O. J. S.llwood. Twla Pallar aald Qlfford Tbompaoa, Twin ralbd fer a n u ip pt - l l - T. J. O o ik n " Twla FallaI- ef BroU R. Ilafborn, Twin Falla« Cla»l. Wll.,, T rla Palla

COUNTT TREASURE* W fBoao J. Wllaoa. Bohl

— j . ' i “ a n s 5B.-T. lUallion. ^ I B Palk


FOB PUBLIC INSTRUCTION,nON Dorta fltradl.y. Twla Falla

PBOStCUTINO ATTOBNET i n . Graydoe W. Salih. TwIb Falto

,5“ COUNTT CORONER%'OP *• 'Woodaen CrMd. U. D . TwIb Palbt ' i f c o u n ty s u b v e to b

" • Floyd Joaa Mmr. TwIb Falla -.■H JUSTICE OF THE PEACB

c. Z. Rudy. Dab!SUBla, A. W.bber. Bohl

■ 11^ llaxi H. LaanlBi. Filerl«t«8 - Dorothy Bonk, Twin Palla

Bay F. I'oiUr. KimberlyC l i f f o e 5 « . '” 5Smb.rl,

5 “ 'l^ru"bfc°Co^'?J.‘n '“F S i'l a v Twin I'll!* Pr«iBet tJ n S : SHvi J.lIlaoB Oeyan. Twla PalU M O. Twin FalU PrKlnet I

Jay M. M.rrlll. Twin PaiaiorTrB‘"c^rj:‘m . " i : i r r i i u

MTaen Twin Falla Prvlnct II tha Paul Warberi. rwla Palla

Twin FalU Praclnrt S K. C, WInUrholer. Twin Falla

CIC. Twin Fall. Pr«lnct »gf th. Cm. P. Sehol.r, Twin Falla

Twin FalU Pr.elnct 7 M. V . llnnt. Jr.. Twin Fall.

Twla FalU Precinct 7 CUgd. K. 0.{w.JI.f. Twin FalU

TwIb PalU rrKlnct I » . F. IVlter, Twla FalU

------ TwIb PalU PiMinet 0*4w.rd R. Bmlth. TwIb FaU* A )

iLUL . TwIb FalU PrKlnet • wUayy E. 0.tra.M).T. Twla Falla

klpal •T * '" Pr«lftrt U

a.all- TW.»a R. WhUa, TwIb FalUV : ‘ Twin Falla Preclnet 14

^ wVb “ T lV > i^ ln c t 'u ‘*

r ra d V nJ.ilp l"T v !o FaJU• Twin FalU Ptoelftct I4d

' '“ " .K J i r s . - . a . " . '* ' ', 2eaa 0. Eaatman, DuUK.ll,. D a^ Klui’"lluhl

Bohl Praelnft S wiLk ChamUrUIn, Duhl

DuKI Pr^inel I I, Leonard A. Alm^uUt. Duhl

' U lll^ LUtomV d' uU, V, CloT.f Pr«:lne\i-» .. “ '’I' Comi.. Buhl*“*“ D.O Cr«k 1-r.einct 1,

• L«T.'rVS'p?;cl«t'U n. Martin Miller. Ca.lI.ford ,

C-U.ford P r« :l« t T / 1*■ r , 'T :

LyB.ilI. Brown. Filer ___ Filer PrKlnct 9

rrk“ ‘ J“ lto^y',"ril«-H aro lw S ^ ia^ 'T w U Palla

ThomeU Pr«lnet r .11 Kunk.I. llolllaUt

S.,-.';iS^’l l* .f^?u '’lM ^ i^ S !“Kimb.rly‘ • Jtlab.rly I 'm lnet I

. Cuba Ann Proetor. Kimb.rlr*.. . Klmb.r!y Pr«lnct ]

nmim PItkrtt. Murtaaik '' ■' Uurugih Preelnel

' - S E s 'wX t - ■liBiK 0« r* . A. U cC rw r. Twin Palla

Oertir'fraclnel '* “ J E. L Rajborn. Twin PalUJl'® Uerier PrKlnet


tSKoBd C*flfrM.loBaI DUlrtel)Aia.I Lrman. Uccbunt

- J .T ':? .“ '« " ; s ' a s ' ; a ' v - i .« »• Harold IK CUrk. TwIb FalU[’if,".* COUNTY ■ COM"MISfllON*E"R !


, , (Sacond DlilrtellI. T. (PeUl Cr**d. Twin PalU

V ” . . . . . . c‘.” K ," T . , . r . , u1- John C, LeW . Twin FalU t e

JUSTICE O I^ 'h E PEACBS K ;" Y Alfrwl Weeka. Twin FalU *• •• Twin P.IU rr*cln<t S,, Dan J. Ca.anaih. Twin FalU

. Twin Pall. PrKlnet ICharlM 11, Rharp. TwIb Fallt

» TwIb FalU I‘r*e|nn » (a « Cwtrud. Walur Johnaen. TwIb PalU

- Twin PalU Praelnct I• »" Gilbert JI«iry Uank.r. J r , Twla PalU

Twin FalU PrKlnet «' •" Aaa M. BoIiob. TwIb FalU‘ ” TwIb FalU PrKlnet 7I . Ralph Shaffer. TwIb FalU' “• Twin FalU PrKlnet 7

, ZUIe H. Monheuia. Twin FalUTwin FalU PrKlnet I

‘ O' W, A Mlnnkk. T-ln FalUTwin PalU I’reclncl ll

®‘ Beb Summ.rll.ld, Twin ValUT-ln Falli fr«-ln<t ll

C. W, Cr.«l. T-ln Falla Twin FalU PrKlnet 1*

J. B. SU.l.. Twin PalU Twin Palli P rK l« t 11 „

,” * V nrent A. Smata . Tw n FaUaTwla FalU Praclnel IS

' M. X. Paekatt. Twla PalU Twin Palla PrKlnet ll

Le* U khllur. Twin PalU• e‘ All«ndale PTKlaet

JohnV. »’»u'!“ « ean U Thom'p^. Buhl

Buhl Traelort (Clo.er PrMlBct

r. to TboBtaa Kajtaan.k. BuU *»"» D*^ CrMk PrKlnet

JtBM* Vocers, Duhl

Caitl.ford PrKlnet Dale D. Soalt, Plln

Piter PrKlBcl I Cr SlBliman. FlUr

Pller l-raelnet l Warn, a Jlonler. Filar

; Filar PrMlset J»• U irl. Alllion, PlUr

Fll.r Pr^lnat 1 - Aadra t . Road. PUer

Haroa PrKlBct CU9d* Urwn. Filer I

“J I. b* IUIU.Ur Pr^nVt .- ot U. W. Cral*. Kl«b«tlr I

PrKlBrt I ;•alra W. B. SaTa*., KlaiberlF '1, ^ Elabetly l-rKlnet *“ i f •*'^■3 C~frear. Roaaraea

J.DerrrrprK lart


THimSDAY, JULY 29, 1948


Page 5: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

USAF Talies Wraps From j|

. Stored B-29s ITUCSON. A r l t . Ju ly 20 (/IV -Su- ■

pcr/orlrc.'.Ae5 a rc comlnK out of ih c lr B cocoons Bl DiivLn-Monlhan ftlr force M bAse here . B

T he bajfl pub lic rclntlens offlccr B hns revcttlcd t h a t IncrttiMnft num - B bers of lh e blK bombcr.i nre beliiic B nlrlpped of proUxUve coatings luid B rcndlcd for fllR>>t.. E

Col, N. n . LllUKlllllh0U^c, In clinrRO |B 9 nf Uie D nvlS 'M onlhnn «lornHO areas. BL

.wys lh e n u m b e r of planes being h rendlcrt co n lln u es to bo (lecrel In- B form iitlon. U e nulU p lnnci nro being B callcd from sloriiKC by /-.erlnl num - B bers .'.ent from Wti.ihlnKion. |g i

Fcllowliif: ficn.-lce In Pacific area.-j M nnd on tlie hom e fro n l during W W orld w nr I I th e plnnes w ent Into Inactive du ly . A llllle over a yenr K BKo 101 technlcliinx w ent to work n l Rk D^vls M on thnn prur,cr\’lnB unneed- K cd D-2D?i, K

Ln.nt full tw o Superfortrcs.^P3 n dny flU were belntj neiilcd to prevent dnm - g i nue from h c n t n n d cold. ®

The to tn l n u m b e r ot planes pu t R In the i>Ift.nic cocoons hero was nev­er officially rclco.-'ed, i—

>/. V- * * •»

Military Planes to Aid in Mammoth _ Flight Exhibition I cNEW Y O R K . July 29 M '^-From

n lr bn-ic» ncrof>3 the couniry. mill- A' U ry plnnes w ill cotiverKe on New " bi York C lly S alu td tiy to tuke p;irt In '>c” the blRKP. t demon.-'LTiiUon of Amcr- H>e lean .llr pow er -•.Ince the war. It e

P residen t T riin iiin . oiiljliiri incm- H ' f i b e r s . H epubllcan pre.iidentlnl cnn- bii(i( " d l d n t e T liom iis K. Uewcy. hlKh nrmy nnd

ofllcliils nnd n ho^ t of furi-lKn emls- A: earlcs will w ntch fho dl.^plny. m nr

Tlie .ihow In In oti'crvancc of the se.vi openlnc o t New Yorl: Intcm atlonnl bnt. airpnrl. the w orld ',1 larKC .t, how

Pliincs of th o navy, m arine corp.i, cau; n lr nfttlonnl Kimrd nnd a ir force will f-raj pnrllclptvto in th e show. opet

SlaBlnK lls f l r s l m nrj review since unification of lh e nrmed Rrrvlce, the s t Independent n lr force will pu l 703 plnne;; In th r itlr. Including iilinosi IOO B-20s o rdered hero from points j,„(j as fnf n.1 New Mexico nnd Arizona.

N a v and m a rin e corps fighlcra nnd torpedo bom blns c ra ft will be p art of th r fo rce of more than 1,000 nlrpliincs ih n t -will rendezvous over Uir AilunUc. a n d then roar In over , I/iiiK Islnnd,

Lula Ann Hacker In Passes in Rupert

flU PEIlT . J u ly 20 -M rs . Llila Ann L, Ilneker, U3, d ied of a henrt nllack ’n ie nl 4 n.m. niUT3<lny. the

^ She was b o rn Aug. II. ItUH. n t wm “ nrokrn Bow, N ebr., nnd cnme to d u I

nup rrl w ith h e r hiwband. A, W. , Hncker, from T w in Fall.i two years nt:o. He Ir. tuannK er of the Y service .-.CUlon here.

111 .iddltlon to h r r h i t buud. i.he ‘ J In .lurvlvrd by her moUicr, Mrs.Mnry Brown. Idnho Falls, nnd her M.iirr, M rs. Jo h n Thomp;.on, Idnho Falb, _ N ;

F uneral service.i will br held nl 2 p m. Saturdny In tho Qooilnian m or- f tunr^- w tili th s nev . John McClurc. J f ’ pn.iior of th e C h ris tian church, offl- elnUng. B urlnl will b« mnde In the P'’’’" Hui>ert c e in tlcry . In t

___________________ plnr

Boise Gains Plant On Concrete Pipe U.

n o iS F , Ju ly 2!) (,T)-A new con- e rrle pipe fnclory Ir. pinnned fnr Hmre w ith ll.s flr.it Job Io -supply pllir for the new sewaRe dtipo:.al Tl sysirni. hm-

W. .S. M onrr of Nnmpn, on-ner of a ^n li company ope rn tln n there. Cnidwrll. rtoul .Snlt Lake C liy . Provo and OKden. s.\lri the p ln n l mny bo locnted on B Oowcn flrld site. nlrp

•O ur p lnn l w ill nm nufnclurr c rn - '-• IrlfUKal sjMin e o n c rrle plpr." he .-.aid. >nn! •'II will be th e only operntlon of lt.i kmd wc.1t of S a l t Lnke City and norlh of Los A nnrles, I t will be J^ il locnied here pernum rnU y nfter our contrncl w ith th e city Ls fulfilled.

^ He team ed w ith the Interm oun- P>‘T ^ I n Plum bing conpany In a bid to wltl

lay aewer llnea lo th* disposal p lar plant. this

' nnd

20 B-29 Bombers Leave on Flight

BPOICANE. Ju ly 29 Sixteen D-20 bom bers le f t Spokane n lr force bft-18 thLs m orn ing and nno thrr 28 V, were rcheclulr<l to Irav ^U ils ofter- noon on Uif flr.'.t leg of n fllK'ht to New Y ork C lly fo r an aerial review by P resident T n jm a n Sunday. ]

Aboard tho f lr a t fligh t were 150 a ir resePi'lsta receiving train ing a t the Spokane a i r forco base,

Tlio Spoknne-bnsed plnnes .will Join mllllnr>' .•xircrnft from nil over ■ the nnUon In a mammoUi review In R New Y ork. '—

t i i l l i i — -—

* Silj^^oTemirtM f l ' t e i ' f j l o n t h e p ri

. h = c u s ,o „

sp en d \'l




Next Chapter: p ‘Return of Bat’ -

-----------------------------------------------------^MCity officia ls are fenrlng the "fle-

lu rn of Uie Bnt."At the In.sl two coiyicl! meetlnKS,

ft bal hns flown Inlo council clinm- , hers. T lie flrM Ume. Uie bal circled the room am i lefl. T lie iicrond Ume.It elected lo .'.tny. For lUs trouble ‘‘J ' It wns ch.u;e<l. knorked oui nnd biiHRi'd by T ru m an T. Crccnhalgli il nnd Jo h n S tcp h ea i. Mn*

After notic ing Uie fun Council- ‘J’’’ m nn G recnhnlsh hnd n l th e council sc.vslon in U ireatcnlng W relen;.n the bnt. S tephens kepi Uie bat to see M how m uch e xcllem rnl he could In 1 cau.'ie the nex t dny. He hoped sleno- ihn! ftraphern would he curious enough to lnlc open Uie box hc p u t on the ir ricjiks. ml. T liey w eren’t. s:

Stym ied. S iep h rn s took th r box ler.i b.ick In to Uif office where he count-s Coli parking m cler revenue. While h<- of t had his buck turned, the bm c:.- pnl cni>ed th rough nlr-holcs Sleplicni « hnd punched In Uie box. Clly of- flclnls believe Uie bnl worked ll.s wny Into the clly building a ltlc . iind _ a re nfrnld It will eome forth ncatn a t th e ncxl council nieetuiH.

Indonesians Quit Talks With Dutch SS

LAKB SUCCBSS. July 29 (,1-) —’Hie Indonr:ilun republic notified the United N ations todny It Imd l> . wlUidrawn from Uie deadlocked ^ ' D ulc h-Indoneslnn pcnce tilk.s.

L- N. Pnlnr, Indonc.'.liin rcprc- .scnutlvc, told Uie ;;ecurlty council Iiidoiiej.lnn nrcotlntor;; hud brcn ordered lo rem ain in Joi:jnknrln, cnpltnl of lh e republic, luiill lhe D utch nre rc.idy lo m akr eoncrs- slnn.i.

NcUierlnnd.1 rcprcsenlnUve Dr. nc,, Ecelo N. \-nn K leffcns expre.ved .iur- inie prl.'.p n l Ih r decl.'.Ion of ihi; republic Cou Uj su.'.pcnd th e tnlk.s. l i r snld the Ji D ulch hnd delayed th e tnlks tem -jc:ite pornrlly becmwe of expccted chnncrs ■ trip In th e D utch rovem m ent. bul luid tenm pinnned to rc.sume th e negotlntl^ns ' Innt!

------------------------------ nnd

UAL Reports Big ll;: Air Traffic Boost i;™;

l l i e num ber of pnMengrr;; travel- ed. hm- to nnd from Twin FalL^ on United Air lines plnnrs more thiui wm.-. doubletl In Ju n e com pared w ith the same m onth lor.t year, when Twin FnlLi pn-ssengcrs used Uie Ooodint; nlrport. ,li

C. I.. Pnlm er. U nllr<ri .itaiion — ninnancr here , nddwl th a l the Jiinr flKure wns n i j>er r r n i nbove ilir fluure for Mny, first monUi thut Jo il ln field wns In opcrntion.

During Ju n e , he pointed out. 2!U pn.vienger.1 boarded and 280 dr- plnncd a l Joslln field, compared with 133 boarding and 13S de­plan ing in Ju n e 1047. D uring May th is year, 232 passenger* boarded nnd 200 deplaned.

QUICK MUtf HffTH y-— b c T(M H K IH O U n iM

X Sy . 1 IRRfTATCO Broj men

T ^ L \ I — 1—1' ® . \ BASUR M

T— r ' M g j

iMEMTHOUtTUM.-------- --------------------------------------------- s - a


n t f r c o r g a f i i z a t i o n is b u i l t

= p r in c i p l e ■ t h a r y o u — S

is c o m c r — a r e c n c u lc d t o ^

- a lu c f o r e v e r y d o l l a r y o u

d 'v i t h u s f o r a u to m o b i l e s ,

:JSO ries a n d s c rv i c c . a s

OTOR CO.•ORD Dealer ......................‘ ____


win Falls Mountet

Member* Of the Tw in F a lli m ounted posse la scheduled to parU clpate In I the lin rse show will be held l-'riday nn In aw ards. T lie sIidw each n ic h t will a

Mrs. Stephenson F Taken by Death i

BURLKY. Ju ly :0 — t.tc llo S le- phcn-'.on, wife of Chester J . S lc- phcn;ion. dlcil Wrdiiesdny m orning < n t h r r hnm e following nn e.xtcnded dl<: lllner.i. Fa

ifr.T, tf(cpht;ii;rt3n born a t F o rt MndL-.on. In.. and ai>ent m uch of he r early life In Chlengo where she aU cnd rd th r Aciidrmy of Fine ArLs.She wnj. well kno’« i na an artUit. ^

Mrri. S trp h riu o n cume to Curley In 1913 wiicn ;h e ntnrrled. P rior to i.V lhn l tim e •lie liad ;orvcd n;i sui>er- In tem leiil of the Twin Falls ha ip l-

She WlU- n n irm lirr of (he D nugh- inster.i of th e A m rrlran RcvoUiUon. th e nniColonial nan ii-., K vcrgrrrn chnpter tof Uir iUvNti rn Star and the Eplsco- lodpnl e liu rrh . P n

Survivor;., In luldliion to h e r hu.i- bntrd, n re L'ao r,l.-,trr;., Helen John -soil nnd Vivian Johii.'«n, Chicago, I’"''!

Funeral :.i'i-vli:i-.-, will be lirld n t2:30 p. m , Krliltiy lU ihc M ethodlat ^ ,rhu rch w ith the Itev. J , C. Heu-',i, ‘i;pl::copnl m ini;,ler from Cnnadu. of- " 'i 'ticlntlng. MembiTs of the E nstrrn 11SUir will conduct the .-enlce;'. I n tr r - 'm cnl W’lll be mnde In ih r Burley _crm eter)’ under dlrertlon of the M f- P Cullocll funeral home.

Pocatellan Hurt As Plane Crashes l l

MINIDOKA, July 23 - K enneth t ‘" ' Jorgeii. n i . i:i. P.'ealello. recclveil ii ll»: l.rokin collar bnne n t 10:311 n .m . Wedni Mliiv w hen the ny .m prim nry trainer ;.lrpliinr h r wii.i flying c'® cru;.hed e igh t mllr;, exM ot Mlnldokn nc.ir the U nion P;iclflc Mllroad ' trnek;;, aecordlJiK lo Minldnkii Couiily S heriff Hwi H auki- '"''‘I

Jrrt;rn.-.en wil-i rn route lro:ii Pn- j ciitelln , to Gooding on n Inir.lnp.'.s ■trip when Ihe prniKller ot Uir plnne „ tcnm r o tf nnd he ni:idr n force<l B S I landhuj.

The pl.me Ijouiited llirrr tline.i nnd no’.ed over In rounli nre:v where the lamllnit was nttcnipted. Jn ire ii- ,'i'n walkitl nix or e igh t mllr.i, to n fiirm hou;r nnd obLiilned ftan.\- porl.^Hmi to lhe Huperi Krmrnl hn.'.pl!al, a ttend ing phyjilcianr.

'"'.Slieiitl'.s officers ^ald llir pl.ilie

Discharges.lohii' R . T lm m rrm an .

T h is W eek ’s Sll R e c o rd L in e u p "°'

POPULARWe h.ivo n Inrge selecllnn of Irr. Brown reco rds Including lur. .Sn-.ii- m rn tn l Jo u rn ey Album,1—TEX BEN EK E:

Men<lowlnnds:Mftkln Love M ountain Slvle '.Se u^f

2—FItKDDV MAIITJN: • lor Snbre D ance Boogie;A tter Y ou've Gone.................... 7.'.r


Ilnppy B i rth d a y Polka:Cnllro A pron and G ingham Gown .......... - ........ .......... .... J...... 75r

4—C f.IFF lE STONE- If You K new Susie':Silver S w rs . Purple Snge,Eyes of B l u e _____ _________ 7nr 1


SonKs from clghl of Roy’s Movies Includes—S n n Fernando Vnllcy, Yellow Rose o f Texas, Don’t F rnc rMe I n a n d o thers ....................Si.OO N

C—KING COLE FO B K ID S : Spr Songs for children by the K ing Cole T rln Includes — Tlie T liree Trees. (G o to Sleep) My Sleepy Head, nnd o th e r s __________$4.00

O BO EB B T ftlAILCTIp th is ad . Cheek th e number* w anted, a n d send w ith your re- , V., m itlance. Include 17c for post- sge a n d insurance.

" A t Your Convenient Rccord Store"

Claude Brown I Music Co.

------ lU-M AlN-AVENt>&-EA8T---------------1

ed Posse to Perfori

n ted poiue take tlmo ou t from drilling lo In I h r fifth Bniiu;ii .iiajtin Vaiiry iiorip r n n d S.Tlunlay n ljl i ts w ltli en tries frnm rill a la r t a t R o’eloek. (Shnrk le tl |iha(n.>(.i

Fairfield’s lOOF Ji Group to Receive

Degrees at RitesGOODI.S-CJ. Julv 2!i-F lcvcn ru n - ■>

dldate;; Itinn the iiewlv reorKixnIreil I "a: F a irfield Odd l-ellow.s lodge will r e . ' . ’.ii cejv r D)r Ji.-i!;;!'’.-. 'eeWKl l)(>;rcf i l l , '' I ' / th e annual .il-cciiuI degree nieelliiK ' 'I A ug. 3 n t Uend Horse cave 11 mile;. norlhw e.''i o( here.

C, A. lleyi'.uUI, Ooodlng, seerelary f" o f th r Vcrlcho Dend ilor.se Ciivr ' n.-.-:oclutlim, r.nid enndldnle.s from E den, I'a lrtleld. Gooding, Hurli'y, — IJnKerniaii. Jeronu- nnd .Sho.shoiie will reeelM' dewier ttnrk.

T h e .•e.--'!on will Mnrt n t n:30 p. m. InsU-ad nt 2;.10 p. m. ns previously nniKiunei d. Ke>ni>Ul-. .-aid.

Sum m er plnn.-, tor the Fnlrfleld lodge j.Uirieil when G rand Secretary Pre.-.ley F, lioriir nnd Pii;.t Oriuid M iv.ter N- H. SiiiHh, Nanipn, m e t w ith n groilp ot Odd Fellows n l j Fnlrfle ld , 'n ... IoiIkc wa^ rencllvnied J w ith four former member.s ot lh e I g roup neerpiiiii; Ihe old rhnrter. I

P e titio n ' ot new members were r nc ted liiiiiii and the liilMntorv niicl J flr;,t dej;ri e;, w.Te eonlerred by th e \i lln lley nnd Kelchiun lodties. \

Export of Forage Seeds to Continue ,

BO ISI:. July i'j f.Tr—T he V. S, dep artm e n t ot ngrlculiure has In- fornii-d th r Unlver;.lly of Idaho ex- ten;.Ion ;''rvlee Hint export nlloca- tlo ii eimtroLi will be continued du r- hu ; l'J^;l. la for ; Ix forage nnd covcr jiucd er>ip-.. *

T hey nre crlm 'on, red nnd nb lke I clover,H. eonunon nnd hairy vetch I nnd AUiU-lan winter jh-ius. I

T lie dep;irtm eiil ^alll the ?j 11 I co it'e rvaiion proiiram probably will I recudre moM ol the winter eover crop .-erds th a l wlil be available for ' p lan tin g nex t fnli.





$3.952 PC . SU ITE S I

2 O nly. Two-piece Living Room I:,ulien. D avenport mnkes n full ^lrc Ibrd. in blue or ru st color;;. D aveil- Iport nnd cluilr .specially priced iiL I

$139-00ONE ONLY

Used tw o-plren living room fu lle lo r enly

$79.00 Is tu d io L o u n g e I

T w o Only. Nrw SImmnn.'i studio I inunge.i. Regulnr price $n!i..'iO, To be I c Io ;rd ou t a t I

^69.50 '

M e ta l B e d S e t -New M elal Bed nnd Simmons Coll I

Sprlni? w llh a ll cotton m n tlre sj, ■

$33.5® IVI.',it ou r Bargain Basem ent fo r I sp c c la l Prices on nil kinds of f ln - L’.hed nnd unflnh.hed che.--ts of d raw ers, tables, ele.



)rm a t I l o i ’ s e SIiom

a ^ jM AIT \o pose for m r nnove phnlo. T no — ^ e Miow M arling icimsiu. Kvenis in ■ .im nine s ln l r i e i.n ip rlln t for SC.IOO o->l.ift rncrn%liii:i

- - .............. ....................................... bC'

Judgment, Decree » warded by Court i '"A Judgm ent nnd dei'rw In fa v o r ' ,

of A L. Gurley, Jr., n itahr.t Jo h n .W .alh e rb lr nnd Don U n a n e - l l '

jua.. a,VIU ded \Vei!ne;.;lav In .hulKe 1 ° I.I.ime-; W, l-orter'.i <ih!r1et courl hy i

' 'Mie e .iu rt nw.irded Gurley $«.- ■ti;:;i:;i Iirlncipal, ln ie re :i nniounllng 1(1 !J.-|S.07. S.')00 n tlom ey fer.i and CO t;. and dl.-.bur.-ement.s of *18. Jo

I'lie e ou rt al.-:o ruled property con- an i.f inig of lol •C.' block 103, o riginal Irl

a M a s io rc ra li

| B E S T F A N B l9 Wido chromoHeavy chtomt silent mo

S-'^ 'her! ^ 1 0 - in c h . . . 6.95 -

r , , » . . . I r rr tn

1 2 3 c M o i s M c x

i 125 FEET mI OF WAX mI PAPER ^i I S CHIi sll

A mI 1 9 c T u b e o f ^

i ZINC # 1 OXIDE i1 O in tm e n t 1

I -i" I■ W o n d e r R

i II I

J 5 0 c B o t t f o B

I PHILLIPS’ I I MILK OF I■ magnesia II 3 9 " I

J F o u n t a i n S p e c i

II 25«?

■ FormuliI ■ S p t.J y Cl!I S H A I W IH -V t«nolin-nch .B 4-ownco i»f ■


Twtn Falls town;ilte; T lie Keyhole,130 Hhi'.'.hfine r.troel we;.I; bnck b a r; '

• beer ha r; tmotlLi, signs; beer cool- gn ers; drnuidii beer box; eonipre.isors; nnd nil per-onal p roperty Is lo be .'.old n t piililie auction bv th e .sheriff

■ ■ in o rder lhn l G urley m ig h t be ixild.J T ile Ju<!Kment cam e ns n resu lt

of n coinplalnl filed J in ie 0. lOlIl,I r.rekhu: paym ent on a promi.'.iory ; note of .lignrd tiy W eather- —' ble, and iijxm w hich tw o paym ents

were made.

n ilT V ltN I 'ltO M UTAHi FlL K it. .July 29—M r, nnd Mr.s.

John Ilnrlnw nnil <laUjihtcra, M artha• and Ellrab.-iii, liave re tu rn e d from a j 1 trip to Sialt i.ake C ity. [_


uno b l a d e s V om o g u a r d ^ m o to r H ON s a u m o io r j m THURSDAY

I A O Pf}IDAY| O y H r SATurjDAY

1 0 0 -n M ir r iii i s -g r a i n

l i lD G l l I .A R .‘>c C

'.Jndy Dept. Buy! f l

CH U C K L E S- L i p t 3 3 ' WORTH! ^6 laiiy O O c S O A P . REGUL>

fV m o n o y - s a v c r .

I S3 N o M o re ri'nng S to o p /n j. . .

I * 1 . 3 9 S T E P -O N I K B T C H E N C A N

Inner-Pail for e a iy 4 1 9emptying. Endmolcd . . Jm



( x ______I;'iill sizt

Triple Enameled

Big 4-Cup ;f(,Dripolator

Leakproof Pouttpoul! Eafy-to-Clttn Finish! M rtiwge

98<?A lu m in u m l id a n d S-/ooJ

in t e r io r i i l t i n ^ s . tubing , .

jcidlich JBHfflEffl

■ 3 7 .W rllP

I I p a c k o f 2 0 ^

kRMnsi ■ ( j i l lE T T I

I . BLUE IVIPOO ■ b l a d e s


I m p o r t a n c e o f D

W e e d C o n t r o l ^

I s E m p h a s i z e d o;IDAHO FA IX S. Ju ly 20 <,r)—T lie

Importnnce n( weed elimUiailon nnd the Bdviinl;«Ke of early planUiig and early IrrlgnUon o t sugar, beet flelda were emphnslicd W ednesday a t » „ dUUict meeUng of th e U tah-Idnho '/ u '’' Stigar company offlclal.i. ’-9"

Dlscu5.ilons followed u day-long lour ot th e conip.iny's plot.') In th e . . . . upper Snnke river vnlley. i ^ ,

"In the United S tates, Icxss from weeds b. eitlm nted lo bo g rea ter ' thnn lo:.ses from pests nnd d ls- enrj- combined." Wlllinm Derge.ion, Sugnr Clly field m nn told the group. V He iwlntwl out th a t wep<Li decrease fnrm liuid value nnd crop yields, th n l they Increase farm expen.se . nnd decrenje the m arket vnlue ot mnny crops.

Opening lhe dLscaislon was L, J . Arnold, ugrlculiiiral dlstrlcl supe r- ^ h itend rn t from lhe O unnlw n, U lnh, dlMrlct.

I-.'mphaj.lr.lng th e Importance of wred control In order to conserve on field Inbor In spring and sum m er ^

- work. Arnold urged elimination of wec<is on Irriga tion dltclici and D

■' tencellncs. | j; ’Hie value of p re-enirrgrncy Irrl- _ , . gnllon wa;, utre.v.cd by Elwood I I . MlcheUell, Lehl. Ut.-Ul. L !j DIoii Tolm an. y^ilt Lnke Clly, gen - s k { erni ngrlcullur.il superintendent, K j_ pre.'.liled. nnd rejvorl.n. from lhe vurl- “

ou;i dlMdcIs were pre.'^cnlcd.

y HEAD T IM ES-N EW S WANT ADS. ^. - , - ------— ------------ pal» GUARANTEED LOW COST Vn

R a d i o S e r v i c e “ A n d e r s o n R a d i o " i

■ S a l e s B S e r v i c e S '717 Mnln A renne West ^

“ Prom pt Plck-ap — Phono 2205

li i n iTTSn

TWIN FALLS1 0 2 ’M a in N o r l h P h o n e 60

ASPIRINA IN T A B L E T S (L im n ■ ) ......................

idy Bars5c BARS ..............- ........... .:............

EBUOy.U L A R S I Z E ( U i m „ 3 ) ............................

0,1 W jJg iccn 's lot Q w jiily I’lf.Io .I-in ishm j

Specials |ON

” SiN D B R U S H B U Y ! ^go iiz o ; w o o d b o c k . .

P E R N A P K I N Sp e n s e r b o x o f 8 0 lo r . X X

SII CLOTHSI s i z e .......................................... O C

m g tr Stylo Handy AluminumB A T H L E M O N

> P R A Y S Q U E E Z E R

Spring^ O Q c>!7 .. O c jc r /o n . .

2 0 I S O c S fze


Dworshak Takes Issue With Straus

I On 80th CongressI 8PO K A N E Ju ly 29 — Sen.

H enry C. Dworshak, It.. Ida., and J n eclam atlo n Commissioner Michael J S tra u s don ’t sec eye lo eye on ac-

com pllslim enu of Uie BOth congress.D w orshak »nld yesterday h e be­

lieved th e consrcss was generoux to th e Pnclflc northw est In th e m a tte r o t flood control, Irrigation and rec- lam ntlon . He took exceptions to

® s ta tem en ts mado by Strnu-s a t Boise lo st week.

'J " I t Is un fo rtunate th a t S lra iis haa teen f ll to be crIUcal of congrcss be-

■ catLie o t lUi alleged failure to pro- vide adrriuflte funds for reclam allon

• In fl.scal year Uie senator “ rold.' Dworshak snld the reclamaUon

b u rea u ’s 1049 appropriation Is mor« th n n $100,000,000 larger th a n any

. p rev lo iu annual approprlnllon.,J T lie senator, who TlJe.^dny n t-• ten d ed Uic Intcrnnllonal Joint com-■ nibwlon hearing a t Bonners Fcrrj-,. Ida ., le ft here for Wa.ihlngton, D.

, C.. nnd tho sjwcliil congre.yJonal .J. se.s.slon.


BE DANGER SIGNOf Tired Kidneys

tVTirn <iU<irI»f of lliinrr fnn«toni>»fmIt»- poJ.onou. TMUrr li. r«n»ln In jo«r bJood.

• I t tnar *»U»« naawnj rhtuauUo X pain*. Ira pain*, louof PfP •Bd •n ttr r ,« -

MantT iwxuiiri «llh im vdnt anil bumtssfomctlmci il.owi Ui«r« ll tomodiliK wmoc With rnur kldntrt or bUtlUtr.



. 6 0 QUANTlTIEi

N 8 «5 °17 ,

3i27<lis h in c J l RcJ»onal>le Pcict*.

m 2 S c B c tt io I


1 6 * = I(U m il i] B

'’aclto/s IBlue-Jay ■ CORN I

plasters I 2 9 ^ [



2 y I


i 2 i i n

■ .......: ......- '


Page 6: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

S p e c i m e n s o f V

I d a h o ’s B i r d s

G i v e n D u s t i n gB 0I6E . July 20 (UJ’3—Some SOO oi>

• blrcli. rnnKlnR Irom tiny Mar>‘lnnd SK. yellow Ih ro a u to lhe h u se tn im p t le r *n• flwan. Are Rettlns « thnrousli clenn- bn

Inc nnd moUiprooflng # l th f tr per- j m iinen t pcr«hM on Uic fourth floor p r o f the W nho cnpltol. mr

M ounted In 100 Rlnss cnsea, the iippclinens reprM cnl ihp m ost com- j ,

. p lete collcclKm of Idnlio'a winged vlldllfe. T lie b:\ck nf encli cnse la , a lanrt.'cnpe prvlntlns of the bird'* ..j, n a tura l environm ent- T he display y , 3iBa Ions been n ccnter of In lercJt to •la te lioiise vUltom, mi

Tlie b irds nre belnz clcancd by jo, the tnxlil'Tiiil.'.l who mdunletl them n „ nnd cauRht or !;hot about hiilf tlie < dlnplay—O . V. J rn k l:a , n allm wiry — Rian who h a i long been « t th e f“ trnde.

One Specie! In le re itln j Jenkln.1 la partlculflrly interested

In one Rpecles—\Vll.'on'« thalrope.H c explained th a t the femalo th a l- rope cotnldcr.i h e r Jnb completely flnlr,lied n fte r j.he la>vi the crb. From i.h rrr im o tii .ihe has nnUiliiE to do w llll liiT fnmlly. H er "husband" geta Miick w ith the Job of slU lru on the e(!S un'-ll It hfttchcj. W hen the young break ihe lr ahella, they ktart chirping for food and ll'f the male'a Job 10 CO oul and RCt It.

Jrnk lna . now worklnc axaln for th e fUh and wildlife aen'Ice, ex- p b ln n l th a t not a ll tlie birds In the ca.'Sfa nre natives of Idaho. Ue sa id some of Uicm Juat happened to | • to p over lo r f h o r t vlslta "during ' mlgraUon periods."

All ro u n d in Idaho However, he added, there Ixn't a

b ird In th e collection tlia l hasn 't been picked up In Idaho.

Some o f Uie m ounted blrd« are •o ld by experli n o l to exist in Idaho.B u t J e n k ln i found them and m ount­ed them .

•Thla one li »ery rarely found anym ore,” h» »»ld. polnllng to a trum pe ter swan.

T hen h« p o tn u d to two itu ffed (andhU l cranes and recollected “ w hen the ro used to be thousands o f them w hen I waa a kid In this eountry,"

B u t one bird. Clnrk'a nutcracker, o r "camp robber" U loo plentiful In Idaho.

•TheyY* really camp robber*, loo. T h e y ll s te a l a flapjack rl<ht o u t of your frying pan."

Jerome Rotarians Hear Pastor Talk

JERO M E. Ju ly 28 — TIib Rev. Jam es R . Crowe, paator o f the R upert M clhodlxt church. Bpoke on lh a “Y outh of A mcrlca" a t Uie regu lar luncheon m eetlns Tuesday of the Jerom s Rotary club.

T he Rov. Mr. Crowe al.io told of h is experlrncrs aa a c linplnin In W orld w ar II. T om M ahan wa.-* pro­Brnm clm irm an.

Wilson C liurchm an. club vire p rc^ den t. presided a t th e meelluR In tho afcpnce o f Pre.ildent John

^ llcum nn. C lu irchm an announced Uie L annual flah fry nponsored by Uuhl W R o larlnns will bo held Aug. IB a t

C lea r lakes.VlsltlnR R oU rlnns were Dewey

K ing , D anvers, M ass.; l« o n Week-i,, BoUe. and John O ’llangnn . John

Tliom as a n d M. W. King, nil of Shanhone. DIalne SlniOM, Snlt Lake C ity , was also a ftucst.


Reuben W eber hnve lefl on a vnca­Uon tr ip to Lo* Angeles, Calif. ,

K i n g s b u r y ' s



KALART CAMERAA m w h Bm rrmnxmw M o f ■tawofiw * hotmm

B l« « tric B r a l a — L om lnoD i Vktw- P i n d a r — D o i l t ' in R a o s * F in d a r ,

Focoapot, Viaw F ln d w latd Spood F W h aqu ip m eo t— A utom atic T rnck L o c k - B u i l t - ia H a n d G rip a -T rip W E x t«oa io s BeDcnra. Daea aUxtdard

X 4 H •beet film or flbn p « :k . R e co rd la w o f w b at o u a e ra yoa

ttow OWD, yoo ow e i t to youraeW lo com a b a n d ae« th a K A LA R T.

C ow pJrt* w ith flash reflector find tM tteriea. a a d equ ipped w ith W ol. l e a n k / / 4 . 6 , 127 g iia . R a p ta r co«led Jenafai B a p t t x a h u t t « r . * _ _ _ ___P ric* . lacL F ed . t f t i . . . $ 3 7 9 . 5 0

■ ---CAMERArr- p, H E A D Q U A R T raa F O a ..

• Bell and Howell• Argufl • Graflex• Realist * Rever*• Kodaka ________ _ __


— - ■•li ~


Watermaster Is •* Named by North

Side Canal F irm ;;r JEROM E. Ju ly 2t>—C. F . W llrnnib a ? wUl bc w aterm a.iter tn c h n rre nf the 0 o|>rraUiiR d e p ar tm e n t of th e North d a ide ^ a n a l com pany Biiiuliiy, it w.in bj ■r announced T liuradny by J . H. S l l- ]c l - baugh, a r . com pany president. j 'i '

R . R . Upde(n-nff will berom c «u- i '*■ pe rln tendent of opera tion n n d !

m nlnlcnonce. I t wna reporlcd,® T he new j>er»nnnrl nppolnlm eiii.i w ■ l i p a r t of n plan approved n y ra r j. “ ftRO by canal director*.

Sllbaugh aaM th e cannl Ixijird."• "fully Bppreclnlcn the cffnrt,-( ot y U pdegraff In the fin e Joh hn Ims ® done and Uie coopcrntlnn slvcn th e ,

m anngem ent du rln it the period w il- y comb WM iKcomlnK nctiualntcd wllh

th e system . o.i® Charlea H. W eltcroUi will rem ain I ccy ----------------- ------------------




• F C

. . . a b r a w a n t CH ere's biff ne\vg for cn.il com fort in a new home! urcn now nnnonncc lhe ING SERV ICE.” n co.ii: ized lo provide new -sorv heatinjr . . . surpassinj: j offered before. Tlielr h gram o f scrvicc now mali lo en joy Rrculcr cunifo venicnce . . . nnd groaler . . . lhe low-cosi fuel. C on (hla pnRc fo r your no Mnke n note of lhe .‘ pcci N um ber ll.slcd for yom Conl H catlnc Scn-ice en pape. Then look for it I t’s a rem inder for you lhe spcclnl serviccH Hk Rtinrnnlee uf Die hi^ SERVICE!

O r dN O ^

Don't be caught wilh “ Ir rniry delnys. When Id there 'll hc ano ther shoi T hnt m eans unccrlain tle tie.s In siipplIc.H of the s R ich t now, ca rs are avai and Rootl variety n t Coal nut thi» nren. Cnsh in ( you’ll enjoy more Win fnvorite Coal HenlinR S T ertlsem en t. . . NOW!

W lirrever ; you’ll f ind yonr AVlnte


E l

Jerome Man Found ] Innocent of Charge

JH IOM E. July 33—E dw ard Spen- [l rer. Jerome, rharRcd w ith dlaturblnR “ th r peace, wnn found n o l a u llty a t » lb a Jur>' irlol W rdnradny m o m ln g bc- le f 'lrr Probiile Judge W. O . Com slock. ^ h Accorcliiis to u c om pln ln t signed “ in by nirlm ril IlurkB, Spencer waa ci I- iclmrv'-d wiUi m.lni; "vile a n d offcn-

I •■he InnuunRr" In th e p rcscnce of ^ j Mr;,. Rk-lmrd 13urk.i. V

VISIT CAHTLEFORD oC.Vb-rijn^OnD. Ju ly 20— Mr. nnd d

Mrs, Olen HowplLiind c h ild ren . 8po- kanc. Wubh.. nni vlslUng M r. nnd - .Mr:i. I'cicrson.

If i\ b rr could live t h n t lonR, llwoiilil t;ii:r him 04 years to m ake (iiKt jwiunj of honey.

h0.1 ^r<•rrtnry•mnnnEtT of th e cnnal

11 I comp.iny.


> N V E I

D R Y i

and N ew C o m f o r t a lcn.il users and for you w ho plan ci

lie! — Lendinfi: conl m erchnnts of 11 lhe eslahli.shment of “ C O .\L HE/\ coi)|ieralivc, local corporation orgt-si’rviccs for be tter homo ____inj: nny fuel scrvicc ever lir hitrhly orRnnizcd pro- makcs it possible for you tniforl . . . Krcuter cnn- aler cconDmy wilh COAL I. Chcck lhe re ta iler ]i.‘;t ir Kource of local scrvlce. ^'Pccial EmcrKcnry Phone Jyour town. Inspccl th e e emlilem shown (in th is r it in ynur community.I'ou lo make Ihi* mo.st o f tyI liKlcd here. It’s your ^

hiKhe.st Btaniiarcis of

l e r' W !1 “ last-m inutc worrlc.s'* and unneci t Idaho’s heel crop s ta r ts rolllr BhortaRC of railroad ca rs ns usu ntlc.s in coal .«;hipmcnLs . . . uncerlni hc size nnd kind of conl you'll nci availalilc. You’ll find cood (luantiti Coal llentinR Service y ard s Ihroufi in on Summer Rervice now . . . a

SVintcr comfort latiT.— Flionc yo iR Scrvicc dcaliT. listed in this n W l

ver yon see th is emblem fin d srnu lne Interest In

V inter welfare!

lATINC Ip r~ f

Rupert Firm Files ® Court Complaint S]'(, DOISE. July 20 (j!>-A com plain t lj nt was on llle today In federal d U trlc t . . court lilting Uie Ju llon Clawson k Farm s. Inc.. of R uperl aa p la in tiff •rt a salnsi a Wnshlnjtlon well d rilling ja compnny. \J- T in cuiiipluint charged Ih n t A. «

A. D urand nnd son of W alln W alla. Wash., fulled to carry oul th e ir * con tract for well d rlllln s opera tions " on the Clawson fnrm s in M lnl-

id dokn counly.>. Tlie cBJiiplalnl alleges th e de-id „■ -------- , J I



" STRAIN PRODUCE CO.*' so Jb4 «• <



f Service t sbBy Heatcin conl n t th is lEAT- orgnn-

CasU In (1 Co«I //filling

I K iperl ad ilce nn any ques­tion! nbout le l t ln s more ram - forl n t Icks cost w ith roni . . .In e ither your presen t or newIiomr.

Z ltr tu ln r. Iho rau jh clrnnlnit and rniidlllontnc of your pre>* eni roai lieaU nj system for » rea trr erflrleney . . . morr beat . . . lower fuel bills.

i, •____-■__ '■ V.

I o o l _nccc«-oiiinK, Lowest Cusunl. Ojrinin- Uniform F-

n e e d . No •clillly !n-hrlv

n t i t i e g •

roosh- Most Adapt, n n d Automatle, mmil-aulr

manu.->lly firn your ^

is ad - . . gAbundai

O ver 3,000 years’ •

SafestLowest en U e accid

••BU am lnous Co»l,

' Coke. O rlqueta.

fo r


fcnrtent fnllcd to fu m la h nectssnry eijulpm ent wt r.pcclfled In th e con-

t tr a c t nnd Uiat the well drllU ng firm owes the Clawson Farina, Inc., t3.600 In repaym ent because tb o co n tra c t

! ' w asn 't fulfilled.

KASTERN V ISITO R S J HAILEY. July 20—Mr. nnd Mrs.

jo£cph .McClunK a n d son . R ichard . Morguniown. W. Va.. recen tly v ls-

X lied Mra, McCluns’a pa ren la , M r lr and Mrs, VIrgll D ickinson.


C E &

\ N H O

t o oBS wh< :e d H o m e s

in m i/oiif iiru; aikatilnnrs. Cnll nnt; n ice retailer nr Ernrrncncy Phe>n» Utlnl!

3 GnMance In selectloE new coal heatinc rqulpm cnl to b rlns you, m ost efficiently, nny de- ■rre of aulam allc coal lie.nt you wiali.

4 : t - l i r . (nllf, Sunday, holldayl tx p e r l Service un yuur fu r­nace, boiler, s taker (no t coal dellTery). Call your E m er- geney rhone llsled below.

^ BUFEmer



DECI H eat Emerhrlxverns": M


ip tab le p . , Iaulom allc or ■ A \ l l


la n tr»’ supply! GLE

Emerist Ikccldent toll!


l h

' B e tte i

Chick Output Do^vn ;rm UOISE, Ju ly 30 (/7V -Idaho com - 100 nierclal Im tcherlca produced IBO.OOO i jc t chicks In June , th e t; . S . d e p a r t , l

m ent of ag ricu ltu re repo rts . Thl* figure compares w ith 303.000 a year n«o nnd 349,000 fo r tho 10«2-40 five- i ycnr average. Among average pricea i


- WARNINC^ T here a rc only 3 d

a E m p i r e A

J $5,000.00 V a c aa e t your en try blanks from any 1

^ D u t Bct I t now l Tlm


1 E C C

' U S E

l O


l.ook (nr thU s lfn o f Tro munlty! Call any retalle

JH Lnergency Phone 6fi

Home Lumber & Coal Co.Shields’WriRht Fuel Co.

JRLEYncrgency Phone 472-J

Peters Feed & Fuel

ECLOlergency Phone Rupert 216

Morsan-Llnd.say Whsc.Dcclo Elevnlor

AIRFIELDlerjfcncy Phone, Wendell, 2(15

Cnmas Prairie Gr. Gro\vcr.s, Inc.

LENNS FERRYlerpency Phono Buhl 66

Boise Payelte L br. Co.

EYBURNlergency Phone Rupert 216

Heyburn Feed & Mlllinff

ir H o rn


■t received by ha tchc rlc* were >10 for p* slralRhl run hcn>-y breeds and J17.50 im - fo r llRhl and cro.-w breeds. Light ,000 and cross breed sezed pu llcu . r t . brought 138 pe r h u nd red .---------: hi* =«n- O n ju .nel.10H 8 th e re were 1U 87,- ,‘'c* 000 persona a t w ork on form.i In Uie ,ce* United Slale-v

IGIy 3 days left to e n te r f.

! All* t i n e s j

c a t i o n C o n t e s t 1in y leading store In tlie com m unlly- | T im e U gettlDff a h o rti ^



E A T iW

1f r ro rap t. Efficient Servleo In yoi:r com- - e taller (or emergency N o.| lliteil below ;

JEROMEEmergency Phone 52

Boi.se P ayetlc Llir. < •Terome Lumber Co. N o rth Sido Lbr. & P

MURTAUGHEmergency Phone 50

F arm ers Seed & Suj

RUPERTEmergency Phone 21

Hoi.sc P ayette Lbr. < P McUridc'fl^ R u p ert SlnraRC Cn.

Woolford Mill & Elc

SHOSHONEEmergency Phone Je

Boise P avette Lbr. (

TWIN FALLSEmergency Phone 98

Ben.son Coal & ScrvI Home Lbr. & Coal C Jlnp ic City Fuel Co. McCoy Coal & Tran; W arberR Bros. Coal

WENDELL6 Emergency Phone 26

Boi.se P ayette Lbr. (

Te H e a l




- j ROOFS■ ■ i: BRiCE I

SIDING liLowest Prtee» to V ea n ^8e« Ol Dafsr* Yao O v

■ I ■ -


M [

l e 5 2 .3 - JLbr. Co. r Co.-. & Merc.

Hl e 5 0Si Supply '3

l e 2 1 6 Lbr. Co.

! Co.S: Elevator

JC J e r o m e 5 2 3 - JLbr. Co.

LSl e 9 8 2 - RScrvlce Co.,’oal Co.;l Co.Tran.sfcr Coal & Transfer

l e 2 6 8 2 Lbr. Co.


i t in g

Page 7: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

9 o f F a r b e n ’s C h ie fs ‘G u ilty ’Of P h m d e r in gN U ER N BERG . July 20 A U-

H. mllUnry tr ib u n a l today ncqulttcd nil 2 i d irec to rs of lh e glanl I. O. F w b c n c licm lcnl combine of plot- tln s ond w og lne o8i:resslvo w ar, but convicted n ic e of them of leollnB In c oun tries overrun by HItler'a narJs.

T ho *prav,ll»K Knrben p lun t a t ^ LunwlKsIinfen. tleatli txnp for prob- 9 nbly 300 o r m ore OemiMis In yc.i-

terclay'a m a m m o th fxploslon, 1^7*” - • fmolderlnK m ln ns th e court de- clrtrd th r fnte o f Uie m rn wlio dl- ffsrted F n rb rn . th f tiymbol of nnil Gcrmnny'B Ind iislrlnl miftht.

T w n M ore CounK nndlnR.n on tw o more c o u n t.i- ln -

volvlHR crltiic .1 iiRalnst humnnlty— will be (Icnlt w ith tomorrow.

T h e c o u rt found th a t the blamo for plottlHK n n d wiiRliiK w ar lay. clrarly . w ith llif* pollilclaiis nnd the _ m llltarW .i o t IlU U r's th ird Reich. g '

T h e opin ion , delivered a fte r nn 11-month trin l. d rn lt with fivo roiint-\ nRfilnr.t F iirbcn’s boanl of ill-

'H ie court J.nld evidence Jailed lo su p p o r t the pro.MCUtlonx on fit* o f th o count,'. dpftllnR wlUi .iq- grc.ialve w nr. i

T h ird C harce Proved •A th ird c ount, ."ipollatlon nnd ^,'5

plunder o f occupied countries, t.m tu ] nmply proved, th e JuriKinent rnm. nKiiln.-.t D irector.'' I lr in ian n .Schmltr. K S OforK von Schnltr.lrr, Fritr. i M err, Ern.‘<t Ceurbln, Pnul HnrfllRcr. l-,» Mnx lls n e r . PrlM lrich .J.iehnr, Hei rlrh O ster nnd H ans KuKsler. i 'i-

Sen tencM wlH be lmpo?rrt irmo row, t j~

T lie p lu n d e r d m rce dei\lt wlui A Fnrbcn’fl nc tlv ltlr.i in Frnnce. Nor-

wny. Po lnnd n n d Ri:v>1n. K iP lanned ■ n u n ilrn "

Ifcre, tl ie eourt fnimd. Furbcn nf- flclnlB prr-rrdcd the nriuy nnd Inld f e i pbn.% befnrn i h r war to tnke over •nd o p era te variou* Indujtrle.i. I

Btich plnnnlnff imd cBrT>-lnic out >5I« of Buch p la n s, the frlbtinal ruled, i'h' eonntltutcfl a "w nr crime." c“ l

'T h e re c n n bn on doulit th n t theoccupied terrltorle.i were w t e - -----mntlcally plundered ,” llie opinion said. "Fft-rben mrfdn far-renchInK ^ plan.i to p n rtlc lpn le In thl.i plunder »nd spoliation." clni


Filer’s Residents ™ Report on Visits

n u m , Ju ly a o -M r . and Mm. ' B. n . M cGlanl.i fire upendlwi a vnca- tinn Jn YHIou-.<»tono national piuk.

Mr, ond M rs, K enneth Medford ^ and E, N . Jftcobs recently visited In Dol.ie,

M nrjorle Rnybom , who la ftttend- Ins th s H e n e sa r bu.-.liir.-.'i college,

g l P.ilt Lake C lly. recently visited her “ pnrrntr.

Curl Pool. R. W , T rou t aud Geort;e „ i W.nlktT h.ave retun ii-d frum a busl- i,i re'.', trip IVizrmiin, Mont. J

Mr. and Mr.^. Melvin Smith, Mont- p 'll 'T . n rr vU itlnc her parent.% Mr. nnd M rs.L . Clbulk.i.

.Mr. and Mrji. V. A. Alll;^ii and i;rnnd.'.on». G ary and Eddlo Amson. l-!iv.« left fo r Se.atlle, Wnsli., to VLilt ^ re la tiv e . »

Mr, snd Mra. Dale Admns and Mr. Olid M rs, H . J . Ebersolo havo ^ retuniK l from a vacation a t Payeita lakr.1.

Nfr. mid Mrn. Jam es Bowen. Po- l'« calrlln, a rc vlriltlnc hU'. parn iU , Mr. SH ami Mr.i. A . C. Bowen. Q

W illiam Steve, Novnto, Cnllf Li M TljitlnB ftt Uie homo of his nunt. fe?, Mrs. G lenn Davl.n. y

Boise Gives Jobs |UOrSE, Ju ly 20 (UP)—C. 13. Coil- F

•tructln s com pany . BoLie. ye.itcrday Hwa.1 aw arded principal contrnct of 5,IDMJ74 fo r the clty'.i proposed new k('ett-nsc dlApaial p lant, P

lu tc rm oun tn ln Phmiblnu com- b|psny. Dolr.c, wn« awarded a -second- R ar>- con trftc t fo r laylnR lewer lines on a low b id o t 8257.844,

I g o ld e nsuggestioni

I g o l d e ndelight!

I^ o l d e a

U e d d ttia^ OA..tcUhK,.


H o r s e s h o e M ate

' f t

iew!^T.'..... ''’j&ra

R onald R red. Alljton. le ft, and Ree K d isp lsy ln r the ir cham pionship form u « ahoo tou rnam en t held ree rn lly a t tlio I ca lton . Thn ivlnneri defeated David Rot R arley , fn r the ehamplon^hlp. (S ta ff ei

Tax Load Higher ,B O ISE . Ju ly 20 (>T^Tlie Aisn- M r

clate<l Taxpayer.i of Idaho rci>orled '■ todny th e ta x load on Id ah o a a i has — lncrea.v?d 373 per ccu t r.liico 1040.T h e on fan ln iilon fmid Tdahonn.-; piild $92,000,000 m ore In 1017 than In 1010 lu t.ixe.-'. ^^le Lix load Jum p­ed $23,000,000 In 1047 over 1040.

R EA D TIME8-NE:WS W ANT AD3. . , j '" ■■■ ~’"i iTi ' rci



By m en th a t knnn how—baeked Ji'"by year* of :.ctual experience In ,irl ReeoHnB - K ebnltdlnj — Ro-pairing all U nds o t Radiator*. nni

BENTON'S 7G L A S S & R A D I A T O R ; nk'

S 9 2nd Ave. £. rh o n o 183 W

w 100%

9 ' X 1 2

^ o ^ 'T i ^ d s o m ' e n S t u r d y : c

i / u w r y a n d l o n g e r ^ w e a r K

J w o m w t '" r f e i t g n * ; * ( A ) S

b l u e / t ^ s e ; w i n e o :

c o l o r t F I o r a l i l n b I u e ; ^ r o

g r o u n d ^ ^ H e r p ^ f n o ' w 0 .v

w a i t i n g f o r ; - . ' , o n l y $ 2 9 . 9


207 Shoflhone N orth

teh Champions I

■ c iDlRttoiIn;ScticIn

» th

■' Al‘In

• to


ci^ iiiaaE r: . JL-

‘ -}>■ -


re Keller, Gnmllni, nre ihow n ahovn n used to win tlio In tram nm l ha rse - tlip Southrrn Idaho C ollrse o f E dit- ) R o u , Allilon. and Jay L ^ ra u n esM , iff engm vlnsi

R i;T t UN I HOM T ll i p MURTAlJOir, ,Iuly la - Mr, nnd

Mra. K. 5. T rue h;ivc- r e tu rn n l fm m ft tr ip lo ttii'ir rjibJn on Bnker crrek.

, • -------------

Einls Bad Case of Coiislipatioii

I “ I U£C(! to havo to tako 3 o r 4 pills rcfTularly for constipation. T hen 1

: madeKKiJ.ofx'.'iAl.i^iiHANmj brcak- t;uit c«ca! and it proved to bo a real reculatorl" If your d ie t laden built for norma! e lim i-p — ----------1

onncf of Ki'lloix'a

(lay in milk—anil ^ ^ • s V , '!■Irlnk |d<nty of ^

10 d“ - s ! t l i o

tho Krlloi;;' Co.,: BatUn Crfcl:, Mich., nncl cot HOL'lii.i]

Yon: jioNKv lUL-K. Order K LUoaii’a *LL-imA.S today.


«23 |85

l y : a l l . w o b r j o i a ' l o r

i r J C u i h t q h y j u t «

10 o r g r e o n . - '( B ) M u l l f :

r r o j e , l a n o ^ g r a e n

'9 , v t ^ 8 ^ y o u l v e ; b e e n



Phone 151

Horseshoe Tourii In SICE’s Inti

S O im iK R N IDAHO COLLEGE i miO F EDUCATION, Albion. Ju ly 2 ;) - toDee Keller, OoodlnK. aud Ronald in Rce<l, Albion, won the ho ‘>e^hootoun ia n ie n l champlon.-dilp hi;ld dur- mInc the Bummer /•e.vilon of the inSoulhiT ii Idaho ColU-ne o t Fducii* bytlon . T h e sport was one of th e nm iy tliIn tram ural nctlvltle.i n t Uie collCKe mth is ^umIner. m

T h e w inners defeated Dnvld Ho.-s, to Albion, luid Jiiy ijiJeune.isc. Durlt-y.•In th e be.M three ou t o f five matchr;,

• lo (M ulutr the title, ;,i;'I'.'.r iiro.-rani, f r i up under super-

vl.'.loii of Ernie C raner. saw 30 men 1 piitiu-lpiiiinn 111 ;i Miu;|e cllinlnatlini 1 p rogram , l-jicli elluilniitlon wiui dc­clded by the b rsl tw o out of three

Progressives Get s Extra Radio Time

NKW YORK. Ju ly 2D uV ^-lV o I

S network.', havr ulvon Ilcnry A. W ai- h lacn and Hen. Olen T aylor of Idaho 'i rad io tim e lo dJ.icUM Pre.«ldent T r«-

• m nn'.i m r^ a se to th e spcclnl .ics- *1 fjo n of coiiKie'.-.,

N n c .viKl W allacr, the ProRre^.* H• Alve |).iriy> p reild riitla l cnildldate, "

will .'iirak a l 7 p.m . I'MilKlit it^STi. MTnylur, .'.peakliiK from G rand »

Rnpld.'., .Mich.. Ulll ko on the air ll I S u tu rdav a t D p. m . <KST> o \< t nl j ABC. Taylor Li lho parly '* vice J pre;.l<leiitlnl caiulldatr, I

T lic ratlin time offer:, were msrte ! n f te r W allnre hnd dcmnndtvl "equal ■ V’l

I tim e to reply" lo M r. T rum an 's i t.' 1 ftddrc.M. at


I ulrt of ^


m\W- WvV'.vYM '


/ ,' 1 rr..« trf H,.U 0 . . . ( {/ . y 2 '

B151 MAIN AVE. W. ;



rnainent Staged 1 itramural Sportsitn istchc.i. S tu d en t m anager for tho• tou rnam en t wns Dee Keller, Good-I llltT. t' 'h ie liitriimurHl prtitran i Included *• men'.i so ftba ll w llli more than 100 "• m rn parU clpatlnK, which was won ^• by the D owntown M iller hall lenm : *■ ihrec tc n n ts toiim:unent.s liicludlnff *- mrn'fl slnKle.s, womcii's slnRlei and I

mixed doubler., and a RlrLi' softball. tounia inciit. "•

A ccordlna to C raner Uia prosrnm *■' tta-1 tli r nu>:.t .niccc.isful alaiicd M a ‘

sum m er se.vjon of SICE. <- - - ■ J

I Purchasing Office ; Sells ,3 Used Cars !

HOISF:. Ju ly 29 (dV-Tile sUito , piirrhn.slnK office 1im announced Uie ‘ sale of th ree u.ie<l po-s.ienger cars

, ni;d nve u.ied tn icks to five blddera ‘• fnr },%,9.’i3.:i0. '> I 'I't-.e velilelr:, raiii;cd In aRe from• .l^.n moJcLs lo 1010. Fourteen bids> ri-relvcd, h irluded hi llie sale• iifflce equipm ent which sold for . »i-.t : o.

i’iirclia.-^r.i of th e vehicles were• 111-' Urook.s tiale.i rom pany of Cald- , >n'll. Die WlWnn DoiIrc comp.itiy o t . .M'MuiUiln H omr, Vern Jewell of 1 ilriisr, n , H. Ruileilge of DoUe nnd- ll'itiinniiA Floor Covering company: n: ilolr.r.

I tT A H VISITORS■ ! I’N1T\-. .luly 20.-M r- and Mr*.I ■ VcTii Ivrrscni and children. S pan- I I t-li Fnrk. U tah , ree rn lly vLilted Mr.

at..! M r.. A rt MrCiiL'tlan,

Va - /

1 W2

^ “ Wb

Engineer & FieldBOOTS

» F in e .< ; t O i lw l L e a t h e r

• L o g g e r H e e l

• ( ^ o o c ly o n r W iO t C o n . ' J t n i c t i o n

Yell C fiii But/ C'lirapcr liool.w.. Ihit Sono1 ^ Ih-llrr

3 $ 1 4 - 9 5


*• 5 ...............................

" ' ' F E ae

I J i r 10

E C K- J



Fire Precautions 5 Radio Show Set !

By U. S. ServiceJ. BURLEY. Ju ly 2&—A5 a n e ffo rt

to atop forest fires before they s ta r t.■a the U. 8. fore.1t eervlco Is sponsoring 30 n program. “lU nger Dili." over tho

NnUonnl BroadcaatlnB com pany netw ork. A. E. Brlgga. supervisor o t Uie M inidoka na tional fo rest, re*

Id ported.,11 T lie first tn a serlcd of b ro n d cu U

v-ill be heard over rad io sUiUon in K TTI, T*'in t'a lls. a t 8 a jn . S a tu r- K dny. Tlie proeram will bo b roadcast

ever>- Saturday unUl Sep t. 4. Briggs •laid.

Aim of Uie program Is to reduc# mnn-cau-ied fires by re-enacting true Morles o f adventurea In th e

'§ lives of forest rangers.T eh forest supe rv lw r reportod

th a t core lciuneu cau iod th re# otll ^ of four fires In Id ah o la s t year. Ue j, urged r t i ld e n u to tu o c a re w ltii

nifttches. c lsare ltes and cam pflrco. m ~VT-■ ■■ . . . _ _ds


or OWL CAFEofid far

GOOD POODSClRars - Soft Drlnlci - Beer


131 Shoshono S. T ir ls Polls

j j | r t h a t .

STAR BRa n d



A To(


i ^wn>m ^yUi t’

’/I / / / « f|

' •I

; s S I*‘The Frien'dlg Shoe Siort

. . I ---------------------------------

V ISIT TAKIMA FIL E R . July 25 -M r. a ad M rs.

Paul Pstterson and family h avo L. W t on a tr ip to Yaklflia. W ash . i t

e I---------------------------->rt ^

ng T T

s ^ ’ H O R S E ^ *

>st > g 2 » ^ Args


R e»erred X ^ ' ‘

S rO R T E R

T h u r s d a y - F r i d i

AdmlfuilonHe»erTfd Seats ______ 11.20nifaeher* -------------------,ooChildren ......................... .60

Pricea Include T os

r . B e c A i s i s N o wDISTRIBUTOR FOR T

ALL NEW 1949 BRAND WORK SHOESand to acquaint more men with rAR BRAND SHOES we arc t


Ju ly 30 m d Slst

looled W estern Steerhide Ranch Style Buckle

/ith the Purchase o f Every



• Oiled Uppers• Double or SInglfl

Soles• Reinforced Seams


^ 1 1 9 5 E■ ■ and tip

Sites e to 13



f - R K t e to IB

H O Ee*


COAIPXXTE V ISIT IS . DECLO, Ju ly 2 » -M r. a n d M n . A . ‘ vo L . T u rn e r havo retim ied Xroia % Tl»-

U w ith relntlves In Oraco.



W IG H T 3

U j j r S ^ S l a r t i n s

8 : 0 0


*5 5 l h A n n u a l

L I 'I n g ic V a l le y

a V HORSE SHOWSponsored by Frontier Biding CIsk

ridgy - SaturdayF r o n t i e r F ie ld

I At CUy lim lU OffBias U k e« North

‘ $ 6 , 1 0 0 A '’X


w i t h t h e s e

a r c g i v i n g


,ide Belt and Me

rery P air of





3 MENVN ANY OTHER Built for Service Sturdy Composi­tion SolesSolid Leather Uppers

L ComforfahJe ^

$ 5 -9 5V n a op


--- ----------- ^ ' ' 1

Page 8: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

“E a sy ” M o n e y , F o r e ig n T r a d e c. H a n d e d B la m e

blWASHINOTON. Ju ly 29 (U.fD - „

C halrm nn Jr.-.v: 'Wolcott of lh# house banking commltlcc paltl tixlny iJiKli lirlcM ore due lo "llio Pii.\v money pollry o t lhe Kovemmciit ntnl . iinm uttl forelen dem and for Aiiieri- can commodllics In Aliorl eupply.”

W olcott lold r rp o r ic n Uie adm in- I U lratlon h*.n ndcqu^ite a u ttio rlty to “‘• 1 Unbfllte prices It l l nould e.xercUe °>

Uiem. He nald tills nutliorlly In- •;* e luded: ‘‘f

1. Power to coiiiro! exporta for Uio purpoft o f ‘bnlaiiclnK domestic m »t«hlllfy nsulnr.t fo rdc ii dem and. to W olcotl Mill the U nltfd S l jie n will Ol export only nboul $8,000,000,000 nn- dt' der th e lorclitn a id proKrani but L _ th n t goodj shipped alirond will be fa r more thnn thn t. L:\.\t year the T [ U. S. shipped about *10,000.000,000 U u o r th o l goodn obroad, ho «Rld.

E m ertenry Could De Set fi. P ovcr to conlrol coni.unier '•

credit by dccinrlns “n emergency. -i Consre.'..s \c:-tc(l thl-. power in tiic I P residen t w hen ll repealed liv.tall. r ie n t buyln j contxols e.sinbll.'.lied a/ durlnK th e w ar lay executive order, p f,]

3. Power to recomnienrt to the federal r e i r n r board thnt it tlKhtnji up crrd lt. W olcott poljitcd out lli;il th e board tou ld Increti-'e tJip rrd i-- count rates on roU.iieral It tnUr.i i 5„r| from bnnk.i. T h r rcd l'cou :it rale b now 1‘, per c rn l and lin-i bren M h lsh n.t seven p e r cen t. W olcoll ,,,i j,•Bid.----------------------------------------------------- -[

1,'p no.erve Ilecjuifrm m U (i,ui Hi* (u*hl fonsre ',1 would look Inv. tlf;,,

nrnbly on riiy proitn.Mil to liicri'a.-.<' and le r im l r<'.'rrve rrfiuircmciit.'. 'l l ir tn <i; bonrd now refiuire/. th r full rc.-.crvi- "V nllowi'cl bv law CM-rpt ftir llie (•cu- (,'iirl fra ; ri-:.ri iV of .Vcu- r-^r); ,u.-fl u n - Chlcnxo. The nitixlnium nll(iw;U)lr c-un rn te for tlirm lr. 35 per cen t und Uie "S dn le now tipplled h 24 per cent. lln.^ i

W olcott snld nlm ost every bill tn S :i1i1ch liM p aved coiiKre:s ^lncc Nntii 1033 hs^ tnidert lo mnke c rrd lt ens- n -ln ler. Now Is th l' time to tlt;h ten np eorm a n d ninltp borro-*lii;j niurr e .\|iriy lvo th a t nnd lendhiK moro difficult, he aald, rh-i :

----------------------------- Tl-

Payment of Debts Sought in 3 Suits ""

T hree .Milt.s lo collect nllesedly comi p ast due dfbU were tiled Tlmr.idny till;. In Jufitice court by I I . L- ArmMron(r n ret a n d T . M. KnlRtii. dolnj; bii.-hirsj ot *: ae th* A and K M arket, T hey alv? M' (lerk >t.itutor7' IntercM nnd courl costj^, ducf

Suit, was brouclii ajalii.-.t Janie.i L . Blselc}' to r paym ent for J45-10 w orth of Krocerle.'i and o th e r m rr- chandl.<8 nllegedly bousht, between M u c h 20 and April IS; a g a ln s l John Ik Boehm, for JM.60. betw een O ct. 9 1947. and M arch 13; anrl ns.ilnst M erl C h rb tm .'en . fo r M3.H7. between Nov. 1. 1047. and April 10. Jolni

A ttorney for ths grocery ito re Is upon J . H. E ^ e * . ;,cho.

‘Family Quarrel’ ^ Leads Into Court „

W hat offllcen described ns n f f "* fiunlly quarreJ wound up in JiLitlce

c ou rt T hu rsday wlUi Mniide E dna •M ays n iln f chnrRr.x of b n tte o ' 4 »gnln.^t h»r husbnnd, J.nmr.s F.Mays. 263 Diamond nlrcet. and he r 'idauehtfr-ln -lftw , M aude Irene Mays. )rou le 3. /

Maudo Irene Mays pleaded Riilltv.e ;ie wa.1 relenftd on l i r r own ,recognizance to appear In ter w hen 1th e c o n n will e n te r jiidBmenu JJam es P. Mays plriidetl n o t Rulllv / / Ho. posted a $100 bond to np p e irRt a. tr ia l get for a la ter da te by /th e couru A

Famed UP Ciiief Passes in Denver

DENVER. Ju ly 30 OI.FO—WlUiatn H . Oulld. 65. vie# p resid en t of the Union Pacific railroad a n d widely known uestern. tran spo rta tion e-X'-c- uilv-e, died today « t D en'-er'a M erry hosp ital foUowlni a audden h eart attaelc.

Oulld had bo in %1e« p re jld en t w ithout portfolio since Fob. l . J048. I Prevlouily. he had been vice presi- , d e n t in charcc of opera tions. Earlier.O ulld was gcntT.il m a n asc r of tha . aouth-cen lra l U P d is tric t w-JUj hoad- q ua rte rs In S.Ht Lake C ity and ex- ^

, eoitlvo a iils to n t to th» president, w llh olflccs in Lo.'* Ancele.i. i

Tlie veternn ra ilroader wa.^ born In 4 O m aha. Nebr.. Feb. i ; \ 1833. Hc ^

• Welding* Blacksm ithing

• TRUCK BODY j• t r a i l e r and J• FARM REPA IR I


* a Secocil A re. So.

P U /

R E P A IWa m u n ta ln & complelj m a in ta in a s d repair any syjwan.

We Stock the 1

t D O M E :


t a d can a a k a immediate M th sa J\-u lZ 8 d plpo

, t i a s b j


' ~ 1

Olympics Begin ^LONDON. July 20 lU-P.t-KUiB (

OeorRe Vf. offlctally opened th e k. n th O lympiad toduy In a ;<'cnc cf pomp And splendor.

S tanding in th e royal box, a blue-fenced eiiclo;;uro bearing tlie royal In.nlgnla In gold, lh« king ,

’ esid:- I pro«.-lalni open tlir Olympic .,

Kmnes of ixindon ce lcb iailng tlie fourteenUi 01>Tnplnd o l th e mod-

Drcr,f!cd In Ihr bluo nnllo rm ot w,*; adm iral of th e flee t and flanked ^ by Queen E llrabelh nnd Prince;,.-! , , M argaret no.‘<-. th e king nrt- drc.wcd Uie approxim ate 6.000 p„j ftUilctei from 5!) nation;; and the Mtlmated crowd of 75,000 s w r ta - tor.-, n tte r n hn lf-hou r jiarartr up , . Olympic way to W cniblry ;,t«- j.L.' dlum.

^---------------------------------- ------------------- )wr

U ta h B o o s t in g i'i O u tp u t o n O il, 5" E x p e r l A v o w s ™

SALT LAKE C m '. Jelly 20 ..T’,— S . D rilllnp for oil Li u nder wn> ni 13 counties of U tah , nn oil firm offlclnl ;.;ikl intlay.

•Mme tliiiii rnmpaule.'. nre rx- NptorlllK fnr ml in th e Mat.', ;,:.1(1 DHiirlcin W. M u v -r, c en rra l rouii«el «;r.and n illrrclor ot tho tJtah Oil He- rlulIliillii; i-onipaiiy. in a spcech prcp.ir- v n'.rd for a Lion;, rlub m eeting. „un

-I 'm Inrcr cornp.Hilrfc.iirr a,:Mially — -ciillUnx for oil lu ll- ( lif f / rrm coun- f ” tie;., all wllh m odern rlR.V hn nnld. and n in r nrii.-r firni.n n rr obllK.iletl tn .Irlll w llhlli a vrnr.

"WUhlM Ihe la-1 tew wrr);,.! the _(.■art.T o n .•o:ii|uu.y li:.v pr.)d«<-f.l a Nir rv -.afl-'.fiu;!..!-.- .•./lu'.v in Lfmtali «c am tv ciiMr V r.iia l)," ' ia id . ^

"Siaiiollnd Oil nnd C.a\ compnny jB )hn.^ produced la r^ r q n a n llilrs of g.i.i B111 Snn Junri rouiity , T lic W estern I BNnlural ti.is com pnny hn.i pvodiiced Va-lnrR e Kn.i well In th e ;;oiilhen8l W ,co rn rr of the .••tnle. U Is esilmnte<I | Xth a t th'-rn l.s a iiillluii cubic tre t of B S gu.1 in the field,"

Tlirre nre 10 produclnc g m wrlKItnd four produclnc oil vxrllr. In U tah . l\vMu-uer added th n t lh e oil well* nen r 8 'flf- Ororge are n n t com m erclnl pro- }

Wlien (he Snlt Lake ne tln lngcompany's plniii l i r r r lr, ronip le lrti / a till;, fall, retlnrrtr.-. m lhe .Salt, Lakn ^n re t will have a production rapnclty / “ ol 43,.->0[) hnrrei.-t of Rn;;ollne dnilv.

Mu.'.;.rr .-.aid lir wns eon tlden t SUtnh will brcnm e n com m ercial pro- Mducer o f petroleum . K

?tO N rA N A V ISITO R S ^ALBION. Jub - :0—Mr. and Mrs.

Clifford ^lar.^hIlll and .«oii. Sheroii, ijii nnti Llnne.^ M ai.'ln ll. D in ir. .\jont , rccenlly vl.-,li»(l Mr. and .Mrs. K rn - n r th M arshalL if;i i

Joined th*' U nion Pacific rallro.id Bupon his K radti.ition Irom lilRli Rschool In I8D0 nnrt apen t tlir res t iof 1U.S life In scrvkn of th e railroad IilirouBhoul th e w rjt, I

VOTED BESJ!F or C o l t /e n - C r u s te d 1

D ig e s t ib le G o o d n e s s ! ^

. . . But T ak o a D ozon H o m o T o d a y a n d Y ou Be T ho J u d q o l

Amofleo'* FinoU ^Food Confoellonl »



The Spudnut ShopL57 Sccond Ave. East

LJMPM R I N Gnplele pump dep artm e n t to any tj-pa of dotnesUc w ater

lh e Famous F&W |

)MESTIC __ _ ■

\ SYSTEMS IedlaU ImiaUaU oa com pleia g

( R E N G E L 'C IIN C O B PO aA T E D H

r s n a At*. & T w ta PalU. Ida. K

Annual Horse ‘1 Show Begins " Here Tonight „

irrcffl Tm * Otxt hL:EiiRelrti'f. J . C, Penny com pnny, Frank Judd P a ris company, llu d - P" r.on',-, ;.hoc store, D uite r-K rus t Dread, T lir .Sixsrier. D iamond H ard - ware compnny, Tr'Ui FalU Feed and Ice compnny, 'I'ft’ln t'alU F lou r 1" MilLi, b tr r lln s Jewelry com pany. B r

D uffy need con-itrucllon com pany, Idaho PsrklnB compnny. Tho Vogue. P o ; , s M iuiufncturlng com pany. 1°'' Pn rbU n Lniindry. Inc,. Tw in F a lls I Coc.i-Cola Bottling com pany. D el- rea w eilrr DroUiera. Inc.. Drs.. D. A. and *>® 1, M. J.icUroii. veterinarians. T w in of ya lls livrr.tock Comml.'jlon company, n o 'coe W agner Livestock TTarui- **8 jw rt.itlon Coinp.\ny. T a in FalLi ‘ B.TJik and Trii.-;i compnny. Fidelity dci Nntlonal Dank. The Briuitwlck. Troy N ational L.tm;dn’. Max’s H arnr.ss t'H' .•hop. Pepsl-Cola Bottling com- pnn;,. O range T rniisportntlon com ­pany and fitockgrowers Commission comi>;iny.

S. L. Man Named S On Lions’ Board piu

Ni:\V YOftK. July 21 (/T,-.Melvin da ' B. V.’rlclit of S a lt Lake City t<iday Igri «a.-. iiauKd chn lnnan of the Lions rlul) boarrt of Kovrrnor.n. The acllon bul wn;. taken n t th e orKnnliatlon'a a n - Job nual convrnllon, fro


L o o k A t T hlsl

D «U j x o R o a r Vk>W

M I R R O RBrtqkt cJitom* - J 1 9 ;wHh 4" mlnw j L .iflc«. n t* oar I


t a w L o w P r tc a l

1 0 ”


O F fE E M A K E R



‘Eventual’End for r Segregation Seen In Armed F orces..W ASHINOTON. July 20 (-M —

' P residen t T rum an /.aid todny th a t si h is o rd rr for rf|Ual trra tm e n l of a ll

, m en In th e arm ed ;.ervlces an tlc l- , p n trs nn evrntiinl end to race ll.

srg reR n tlon .. T lie President nm de . th is cleas n t a nrw,r conference w hen

h e was (|u rntluned nboul a recen t n> • Inter^'lew given by Qen. Omar N. ■-»

B radley, a rm y ch lcf of sta ff. B rad - Jj] Jey waa Quoted ns advocating separ- a te w hite and N egro un its In th e

[ low er levels of Uie nrmy. *'*M r. T m m nn said th a t he hnd no l

rend Bradley 's ttu lcm e n l. but, th a t i’.‘ h e waa Informed by Uie MCTrtary o t th e arm y th a t Bradley mado no a ta te m e n i oppoelng an end to pi! segrcRBtlon. •

A rej)orlcr then asked Uic P resl- d e n t w hrther Ihe e.xccutlve order Itsucd M onday envisioned the even­tu a l end of lestrcBailon In the nrmed services. He replied Uial ll did.

Coal Ignites SW orkm en .it th e Swlfl and Com -

p a n y p la n t a t 204 Fou rth avenue ^ r.ouUi are doing a w in ter Job in aum m er—shoveling coal. The flro ^ d e p ar tm e n t was called to tho com ­pany 's coal shed a t 7:50 a. m . T lm ra- d a y and found th e coal hnd been Ign lird I).’- .-iKiniancour. combustion.

T tir conl shed wns undam nged. ' b u l tto rkm rn nre having n w arm j Job in srparaU ng smoldering conl from unbnrned coal.


I i l W I

SAVE! f«,P f ^ S A V E l

k Yqu C a n 't B e a t ,

SEATJ Y«» air — thooo >jam , Jl covois wo soU rc

rool booulios li plaidfl wilh fuU 1. olosUc ohouldors oil otrain points

1 ^ ^ ^ ^ your car a t thio

* ’ -50 Saving,


HI Feilowi



J b a l » < l « o Du Poi


\ by g o o d ,il You can Insto l tb«M i

I w ithout ch o a g b g wb&


I O a H rm s m

. i

" \V h trc Y our129 THIRD AVENUE NOR”:

wirffiWfliiWtefrtwitfa nvd


I S N A K E R I V E R R E P O R T |


• r.vloilt*! H^ur*rr •ndIns p.rllM.l t Sl.Uluii Dl.-orCon,^ Klojrt Nor. .

• ll"*"'" 9.i!?l5u) 1

I .''^}:!ioo*** B.oii J• "■ '■’I 'l 'o '* ' I i• Mlnldpk* I,JJO 1.3S0 «! »llln»r S. K c:.ii.i J,'«IO t in ; :.'«o

»Uh..r Lo» l.ift , ia» lat 0 ‘

1 Pi! l'h!‘u r-n ;icift f iJn *;;to [*■» A*'rA-f««T. ntl'.r oijantitiM In «».,vn<I.I .i,H 1 } i.iiii I

Di.lrict Kntlnwr. .

' VISIT IN DKCLO .DECLO. Ju ly 20—Mr. and Mrs.

Devon Clark a n d fnmlly. Colorado; ^Ir. a n d .Mn.. We.-,lfy Clcrlc, Khim-

, a th F.ilLs. Ore.. nnd M rs. Maclno , D ent, E^mmrtt, recenUy visited Mrs.I T eresa Clark.

‘ [ d r . GEO. P. SCHOLER. iI o rfO .M E T R IS T . I v iiu .il Ajialvsla—C o n iac t Lcn.'.esj ' Phone 210S 114 M ain No.

1 T w in FalU |

R'S 50th ANI

B P " ....

l U

I t A Buy L tk e T h ls l

rCOVERS <>00 o ro the aom o fin® quality U reg u la rly a t 14,951 T hoy’ro a . In g a y b!u» o r m crooa lU loatherollo trim a n d him ky dors. E dgo i o ro tum od and Jits roinlorcod. Gol a so t for this mcmoy sav in g pdcol


I 2 .8 9\ l £ ^ D UO-RAY


C l ty p o Iltjlil. dl

w% • H ere 's A Borgaln!


B 90T- d u ia b ls R»g. M e* laI Pom Dulu> cad 44.9S SU» ehrew* tite . •>' o '';'*2A- modalU Low A l t . 2 5 A W e e k


f m M m

D ^ E A K JM ■oftoT riding tiroo ' T kivboels c r rima. ' - V\ • A— --------------------------- v > <


1 9 5 1 I

j|jBK||BB| :L AUTOo u r D o lln rs . \ r c Made o f R u b b e r’ O R TH


I Commission Firm „ Reports 750 Head ; •• Sold for $117,000 !

Tlir livestock m a rk e t W ednesday saw 750 head bring ing »tl7.000. ac-

ijo cording lo T om C allen. ci>-oftTier o f ' th e Tw in Falla Llvealock Com mls- '

‘f? slon company.iro . No g rain fed .Meers were offered,

“b u t fat grass fed s teers brought »23 to J32JiO; Rood feeder a tee n . heavy, i $27io to »r»; ligh t. *23 to J2fl, and

0 common. SIS to $34.Good cows b rough t 121 lo *22.50; (

medium, *18 to »20J 0 ; canners and J cutlers. *15 lo *17iO. and feeders. ,

;o: *17 10*18.Voting feeder cows brought *18

5 to $:o. good heifers 130 to *30.60. | ,n feeders *33 to *23.73, common *16 • ■‘o lo <1

nullri were priccd from *IB to o J2G.50 nnd veal calves brought *18 lo I

. *27.50. '

= h e a r i^ o o f i n g | :and S

” INSULATION CO. ‘A atborlted Applleatora fi

_ Tabco Boortfigi »


nOCK WOOL INSULATION i r n o N E H U \1 724 Shoa'.nn* SL a

■{ _______ U»»lil»iif> rh«n» itli.X f PJ -

n n i v e r s a r T ] ?


1 0 ’ 5Y o u » o v e 4 .0 0

tur ■•"1 O" «-i*r Iscy Pmf r iaa . . . * 1 .U • w*«k.

O o l t . r , , L o o t A t T M ,B « |o w P o , p , , „ | „

B o b b y C r u lc lc a h a n k "

® O l F B A L I

5 9 ' / ^ Ii v k . I f;

A -Tin- ban t l' »Uh k>t> oi

dlatonea. JT,*

Don't M l» Thlsl *J

Powerful 3-Coll m'FLASHLIGHT |

A •cr«s3UaM WUh i L Q C l>xp r r t o c x ^ loDg. 7 .r .ioa9« beam. j


H i


[ o a i iP H O N E 640 [ 1 u S

10 a

ADERDEZN VISITORS ]HAILEV. Ju ly » - M r . and Mr# -

I Jum es K lrUey and Mr. and Mra. "II KenneUi H a rrfi and family, A ber- ft k /\ deen. recenUy vb lted Mr. ar«l Mr».IU Vlrsll D ickinson. *■;lay ^

T h e eel is one of lha favorite •<o j kinds of edible fish eaten tn west- *'jis- te m Europe._______________ .

fd. L E G A L A D V E R T I S E M E N T S «



nd pi*iatiff. J;HANNAH UAE^OSOORN. abo known At

IS u^^IUnnih U ctnlrr.. Ui« sbot. Bim«l •<

to puini hM liln*'’fluS‘’Mlri!i,i‘*rM*ln'*” « u* nuu ltl :i

- .1

•gmnunt: and /eu funht, no(lII*d ikdial uni** n u M> ip p u t (Dd pl«*4 lo •«••U eompIUnt within th . Ctm* b«riln olISM. lh« plilntUf '•111 Uk. ;gdim.pt arU .lm t roa m In uM *>mpUlnt .1

-ef m»Ulmon» hctWMn th. pUlntlK sod eo tb* <li{.n<l>nt abo«. nimvi.

Wlin«, my h.nd and th« Mat ef th . e|, D ljlrlu Court ihli ]«ih dar of Jun.,

r . A. RUM,tS. CItfk fJ Bt DORIS OLIVER. D«0t7. ij,

JAnjlY^KKENAN. ROBERTSON l'; Allornrrt fo*r Plaintiff.n«H lm I t T -ln rail.. W.h». - **

p I'ub.i Julr 1 .1. i». J9. UII. *J— OnnlNANCR NO. T»i I"




?»'llon 1- D*/lnlllnni. Th. follswlnr.h ill aprl/ In lh. Int»rpr*ta- fsi

.n.1 th . .Bfonr.o^il of thl. ordi- “ ,1A, RwUur.nt. Tht Urm ••r«»l*ur«nl" iii

• hill RKin rnuurah l. ro llt. tiiof. <■(•.• fn, »«T!dwi<h .Itnrl ind. (ounUIni and to! all olh.r ..U nc nt drirkln* •tabll.b . [J] nunU. a . •••II a> kiwS.n* rr oth»r pl»<.««In -hlch fond or drink t. p r.p .,.5 fo,

R. Itinerant rtiUurant. Th. Urm -‘Itln-• il»r f-r a t.mporarr^ P«rlc«J ln''Mnn»*'

'*cl'’cm?in“ l..°Thi ‘ l™ri‘‘^w*p“ ''J."*;ha:i "TrlJk 5"?ln»*7f,r»"atr ^'“‘ r '^ 'rr.l 'j^ "f,

l“ -hVh’ fISd or'drlnk*” ‘’Jrr’.r'irJd , J l>, -U l.n .lli- .h.ll^ ln<li.d.

fiNirm'ni « h h ' -hlch f«ii or drink 'l3J fnriM in ^nnuri dgflni .W x r, pr»r*ri- p .,

-tfi-.r"**hall 'n^l'n*^h7*’s.B'^tan• t^ ^ io ».r «f th. <.|ty of T«(n fal>. IdiJis, or hU• uil.0Tit«.l r.[.rri.nUllv», ^

r, I’.n^n. TS. --.H " r.n m " ih.ll ” prr.nn. I.rm corpor»li«r or a i.^ia-

P .,« ,u . I. .h .n h. unlawful


Int an'^nn.T* n^*rwt»yrani*»h’.’’ll Su<h a ptrmli tnar b . Umportrllr n t - m«f

P.r>d.d '’“ '[Ij oflk.r upon Ih. j,

■ nf crad. t>olk». C»»rv tfsltufant ihaM ' 7*,dljplar .1 .11 Km.. In a dMl«ntt»l H.ih, ih« h»Uh o/Ik'.r, a r.mici tprrs>.4 hy cnnIhr h/.IKi r.ff|,.r. itaiinc th. frad. of app

S^‘ l*n '•.'""V tm h.llon and cond.m- ZVi n.tl,.n . f nr i4>jll«raU4 fond anr

m.r b . /~ .r...ry *for th. rfIT.et).n o l" ^ ! hMt „nd’l ^ “ a'n3' f.rtld pl.®;

S«rtion », lD.p»:tlon of riiUunBU. XX tatiI .tii onr« *«'rr ali mantkt Ui« At«Uh caUofflrtr ihtll IntrMi .irary rMtaurant 1 af ir.tH within .h . of T-ln r*'!*. I4sbo. WIn . . . . th. h„Iih o f/k« d K o .t,i th . , a ,TloUtloB •B)' lUm ol lanlutlon »*• a tiiuli>d f .r IS. cradt th.n h.ld, ht .b .ll .f f tmikt a t.cond In.ptcllon all»r Ult lap*, vltl.«f . ’ich lln . » ht dt««a nKMurr for IS. farrd«r> t to h. rtrnHM. and th . In- a r.ip^lloB ihall b. u(H In dtUrralnlM com- dltl<si: ' . ' , , ™linn of thl» "rdlflinc. on «i|«h Mcond In- rra-tfKtton th.ll call fer lmm.4ltt< d ttrtd- rixviInc or tu(r«nttiin of ptrmlU btc^

On. (opr of Olt lnip«ilnn ftpori ihall b.Inild. -all of Iht r.Tlaura'nl rnd^Tld *n" Tom .p«:U0B r»po,i thall n . | b . difac*! or dli.r.mo^ad br any p.risn nr«nt lh. h.ilUi rw l• Ulf.r. Ar«<h«r oapy rl th» ln.p»;lJon ra- or i p«rt than b. fllH wltl th. r.<or* ot a . - l i l

pmon lh-^r«Uurtnl .htU ?h«‘

ordi of f[>od Purcha.»i. hMlT.".-;';."*;. sir.rwwuranu. All »rad. A r.iUurant. (hall fiemcomp))- with all of Ihc tollotrlni Urm. of anr lanlutlon,In -htch ff...l or drink It tlortd. rr»r»f«d. a llor irrvtd, or In -hlch ulanilU ar. wathtd. rwti’uUr Vd*“'h »a t« b . lh .h. kn>t ritan and In fond r*p»‘lr. spin

Ii.m S. Walt* and c»lllni». Wall, and m»drtlllnct of all rnomi ihall b. krpt elt.t) aivd• nd In i~v| Mpalr.^^All -a ll . and ctll- axar

llrhl color.*" T>. -a ll . all t« M la hra*• hich (ood «r drlBk It prmrwi or ul.n. t«TT> .lit ar« watbMl shall ha*« a tiaoolh, w.ih* .djt] aW. .urfa(. up lo tht 1...1 r»<b.d bj Cod.

and -lAdo-t. Wh.n f l l . ihSj! I t . pr»».!tni. all op.olnrt Inlo th. oul.r CI& air ahall b. .ffw tly.lr acrt«nrt and d'»r» cod.(k.n b« Mlf'Clo.ln(. tinlw. nlh.r .lf« tl.« boraffi.int pro.ld»j to pm tn t th. «b- b.trtnc. of fll... vloli

Itrm 4. LIthUnx. AU r»oa« In which ahallM cc drink la .to ,H or pr.par*j er In (1 ,^ -liKk uUBtlla a r . wtak*l .hall b« wtllItchtnj. eoini f J d '" r d' l 'k "u ^<3*or In nh^h uUMllt ar« -a .b r t. .kill b^ paW

T olit fatllltlw. t r .r7 r«U«f- rant thall h. pro.Mad - 1th ada.i>iii* and locaa'.Bl.Bilr lorat.^ tolut f»cimi« for lu All ■.mpIo,,M. conformtne -Hh Iht nrdln.ncai confl

thill sot rp*n dlro«tlr Into anr mcm In darwhich food, drink, or uUn.Ua «r. kandlod SoOf I1.T.J Th. door* of all UH«t room. fSouah.ll b. (tU-cltttloc. TalUt nona-ahaU cUiub« k.pl In a «ltan condlUon. Is tonri r tir .pair, and ..11 lUhUd and TtntUaud. Hand- rtU>wathlnc tlcni thall b . )>e.ud la Mch M* ahallI.t room uMd br om pler*. Is e t.. pti*- P /I*, er aarth <loa.u ar. p.rmlttad and IPOuitd. th tr •hall b . t.raraia from th. tra- s rtasr.nl bulldlnr, a»d tStll b« Af a tani- 1941. tarjr trp« eonjtnjctod and opfratod lo ccrv-fornilU’ wllh lh* (taadtr<a et tha tu t* i mbo«rd_of ------------------------------------------- -A»»«i■” T1«™ :, Wat.r tMpplr. Rgnnlna watar CCuad.r prta«ir* ahall b« m iU; aMMlbh IM aU nm * to HJ»i«fc toad «• f n a a m er tu il


u tn il lt era waih«J. and tho -alar tup. oir .hall h« adntiau. and of « «»f^ .i».

« r - fury aualltr.Irs . Km 1. Laralory faclIlijM. Adoiulo aM

conxnln l hand-wathlnx ftcllltla. thall b. pro<i<Irj. Including hot tnd cold runnint watOT. soap, and apprornl aantUw tot-

rlte .I t. Th. ute ar a coiBinoa Lo-.l Li «ro-a fu r ulnc lhH‘'lo^iIi U fa wiuiMt ’fl’nl waihlna hi* hand..

---- II.C ». Contlroctlon of ut.nill, tn4

t n . th .ltn . Ubin. rtf>ltar«tln( .<)ulp* mtnl. ilnkj. and othtf nulpoant or ults-

'SJ 'H irk .r t In eo.Hl r.palr, Ulm.lla cnulnltir or plat*] -1U< cadmium or Uad thall nol b . uaodi Trovldtd, that aold.r coalalnlu

, „ iMd mar b. uik) (or loln tlu . ^' I l.n 10 Clt.nlnc and b.cUrtetdal tr«t> ““ J: mln*.*lncludl‘n«‘ dUplar^eaT.a'* w*»in’do''it

coMnUrt. ahJita. labln. rafrlxcraton.^ J l« " ;n d 7 f i f"m dw l^dlru 'lnM ^ Vnd*,1,. ut«d br -.II.M . ch.f. and olhor •mplorm

U.‘!l b i'u .liT nIr o'nc*.’" “ " '* "tB«d All mulU'Uj. Mllnc and drinking uUn.

in fl!. ih.II b . Ihoroushir citan.d and tf-lint rM.tI<alr tubjMtad lo an approvtd bact*r-thU kidal prof«. al^.r aach^u..*.. All ^mulil-

lo a.p-ln* of food and drink ah*ll b. tho:- )«c. oufhtr cltanvl and aff.cllt.lr aub]tct«d ton t a l.ir follo«lnf Ih. day', op.ratlnn. Pr>-

lnt^cloU.1. If « *"nda No arllclt. poltih. or olh.r lutMUnra

er pohonout mtl.rlal .hill b. uttd tor° k( th . Cltanlns or poluhln* of ulcnilli. int. Ham ll. I lo f . . . and h.ndllnr .( ul.n-

till and oQulrmtni. Alter ht<i.rlcldi( Irrtlmaol ulroilli .hall b< .alotti] In a

h.ndird*'*n a'uc"h iT*mVnn"‘r a.' to*p*re»tn*conlAmlnatMin u far a . (TactlcabI*. SInfl*. t .rr lc . uuntll. ihall h . pursha.*! only l»

--- In a eUan?'dry"pViJcJ ifllil*uJ..l!’'.i,d Vfiil__ be h«ndl«] In a lanitary m.nntr.

. h i i r b e ' ^ o & v r 'W t .nd tra.h '.hall b. kcpi In .gltibi;

‘TS JJJ ?‘r'n"'u‘nc''‘''‘ **■

I|;?g H|>n -julpin.nl ,h .ll b . r re lw rl / 'ib j 'lr t—

tlon. All milk, ” g*d ”rnlllf” *rod"u.'*'"ka IN *"'* fronn d » .a ru t.r 'v l'N- .h .u b . from tPpro.M .=urc«. Milk andnn Ink’ll,!;'!! o'rTji'ni* '^ n U l^ .jr^ ’l? -h'^hIN Ih-T « .r . r«.lT.J from th. dlai.ibgior rt , fmm a hulk ronUlnrr «iulpp«d «ltb, an

approrH dl»p«n.|nc davlr.. |‘mv|d»j. Ihit thU r..iulramntt ihall not apply lo cr.an. which mtr b. a«rv.d from th. flrlclnal bot-MP." ''°AII *o»UM ” Jl«‘w ” « ^ d “"uthJil'V . from'Vpp;n%'U*“ c ‘ « . 3 " i *.huekH .ball b. kept unlll u .r t In Ihi

'n" fontalnttt In »hkb th « w.rw pltced tl *'>• lh . ihufkln* planu

|l.m U. Slor.ct. dlipltr and tarrtrc of food tnd drink. All food and drink ahall

. b. w alorrj. dliplarH. .fid •«•*< a . I"I be protwl^ from fll#., r.tm ln. dtpr.Hi.

tlon and pollution b» rt»linlj. unn^^iarr handlint, droiOil lnf»;tlon, n.rrh.M lr»l. act. .nd olh.r conumlnillon. Ne .nlmili

or i r “ loAdr All rnt.na’’ n K -ta r j Vo7*lh^ .llmlnailon of fllM. roacliii, and rod.nii

"r thall b. u.td.•d h^ir*"''"***i All

’<!• timrt* thll»**?n*.»H " ’’fi.Hd**!!,* fcJ<, drink, ui.ntlli or nulpmint. Emnlortn

'• r th .ll nol .ipoctnr.t. or utt tobacco In a n rn ^ fnfB Ib nwma In -hick food U p it-^

n.m tl. MlK.llanMua. The r r t n l .o of ^ tll rn u u r.n u thall bt ktpl cIms andOi' iJItio",!. conir^r.d™-'’''^ '

be conduclaii In anr rouRi uied ai llvlt'i •11 or .l».rln» .ja trl.f.. Adnuala locknt nr »• druttnc ic-oma ihall bo rro*ldod fer em-

l-In,.u ' clelhlrx and .htll h. k.pi cl.an.^ kept Ib contalofti prtrvHid for UU. pu>

ilj wllh all” cVh.r " u m i aanlt«ii^n*"J”''V r .d ." c Vitlur.nu,'*o':*.dlr’o r«uoT-

b« anu . r . Iho.. which fall lo eompl, with .Ither lb. crade A or tht crtde D reaulr.-

J . llln .r.n t r.iUumnU. lUntratiU rtaiau- JJ rant* thall b . conilruct»l tnd ef>«m*d In

ftctlon 7. CradM 'of rt»uu^«nu whifh

>d Idaho, or Ita pollc. Jurlj/lcllnn. unleia Ittf ’'l li’n'M ? '* '’* u

n- wh.n anr ra.Uur.nt fatl'i to outllir f-'r3 aTh^tiMd"* d*’*h*'*‘"^ l”*'" I**<• II.U Ih.rMf to dcfrade tht TMiaurtnrand•a permlU operation durlnr a limporarrT period net axcndlnr ihlrty daya..;• sactlon I. R.ln«ui.B>.nl of pornlt; auB-Id pitm tnurr r.xradlnt. Anr r au u r in l. th.>r irad t of -hlch haa b*.n law.rsd tnd all>* aradt dliplirt bar. b ..n .karcad accord-

Indr. or ih. parrall o( -hlch hu botn

o( lh. ranBlt.». Wllhia oaa W,.k , ( , „ lha racalpt ofla a aallifactory arflijailon. tocomstBUd by»• a tlalamtnl tIcnH by Ibt tPpIUanLla lhaII .ffact Ihal Iba rlnlaiod provlilon er pro),>a vltlon. of thl. ordlnanc. htv. be.n | o ^la farm*! -llh, th . h.alth offlcr ahtll maUW'• a relntPKilon. and thtreafi.r aa nunf ad-I* dlilonal r.ln>p.cilen. aa h. mtx dMsi n t"9f eMary Ia auure himielf that tha apell-la cant It aaain cotrplrlna w|U> th . klsK.rI ' In*. InaicaU cumpllanc. ihtll a -trd th.

btxh.r iTsd. or r tln iu u Iht parmluII Kt.;tlon 9. DIJiMa lenlrol. Ho p«n»in -no ll alfect.d with anr dUoait In a!• fommuncl.hl. form or la a carrier of tuch>r illtet.. ahall -erk in any rt.i(rani, tnd noh retuuranl ihall .mploy inr auck urvon» or any pmen tuipaeled ef beinc tl(*:t«l. with any dlMaa. In a ooamunleaM. form

or of b.inr a c .rr i.r of tuch dU .u.. II11 the rMUurani minas.r au>p*:u ihtl anrIt empIorM ka. conlrattad any diaaait In a» rltr of auch dlitue -ha .hill n.ilfr th.

hoalth offic.r Immtdlatalr. A ptacird cen- >. U lnlni ihU ••clIOB ahaU b. poatad la all

&.<Uon It. Frecadure whin Infoclien luvA pocud. Wh.s auiplclon ail.ia a . to OmII poaalbllllr of Uanimiulon of InfacUcm fran■f any r«l.u ran i raplorte tht baalUi offi­

c.r I. aulhorlMd to r«)ulr. anr or all ofi tha follo-Inc maa.ur.tl (I) t»i» Imm^ll.. a u axclutlon of lha ampkiTao from allI. rv u u ra n u ; (]) lhe lmm«lUu «loainr of ;e the rMlaurSnl cenc.mod unlJI no furth.r11 danr.r of dlt.aa. oulbratk exUla. Is,u>., opinion ef Iht h*alih otflc.r: (I) .d^«<ad m^lral aiamlnallons ef th a ,-» n ; l^ cn aivd or hll ai.ocl.Ufc with .uch-Jataf.ioryI- axamlnalloni aa may be Indlcatod.■ Section ll. Enforcement Inlerrr.UUrn.n Thl. ordinance ahall b« tnferred hr ihta hrallh ofneer In accordanc. - I t i ih, tn-<• t«TT>reUllona Ih.rtof conuln^l In ika |»4i<• edition ef the V. S. Public KMllh.Sirrluy Code RaculaUns taU nr and Drlnkl>f Xa>

UbllfhtsenU. a c.rtlflH <opr ofa .ball b . en n i. a t th . office ef t>ar CItT Cl.rk la Twin Talk. Idaho, ehkha code la by thU refaren.. laada a p .r t

te tio a IJ. rmalllea. Any p.raw w h a ilvlolfttaa aay prerUIon ef thl. ar4i>.nca^

n ahall ba'rillty ef an cfftni. an<] lUU be

I ‘faI?»” V ' ; . ^ ^ « W l 5 ‘.^ l® i|• '^ i. rasj45.'s:-7 .“s.'?,. rale of S1.M ser day unUI auch fine ta I paW In (ull. Zut, and wrr^ rk^laita «f '



- -At*«tli -----—____________ _r CONiTAKCE J. t .y ir rp , ----------------I CIO’ CItlk.r eBbiwii Jin i a . i i u .

THUESDAY. JU tY 20. 194S


Page 9: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

Results Told For 13 Games

In Loop PlayT h i r t e e n »ere played

W ed n c sd ty In the T im e s-N e » » K n o th o le Q u i e b u tf ia ll series.

I n th e M a]3r league, tho Ideal M & rkct team outaeored the Tw in F»ll.i Home and Auto itanK n -6 . T « te h i t a lio in r run. Tlie wlnnlnR p itc h e r waa K rl th D ltUr and Snel- 5on p itc h ed for th e lo.’.crs,

Electric* Win A I n an e liihl-lnnlnE some, the “ Electrlc.1 burclv topped the Eden

L lona C tfv a nptl Dfngle h i t .d oub lca ■ for tlie Electrics, whllo B lack lil t n trip le »nd T horton a doub le for th e Lion.v NleLion was the W lnnlnK pltchc.* and Sm ith was d m m e d w llh th e dekul.

T lie th ird M ajor lencue Rame waa , a m n k e -u p eao ie . with the Llona r o w ln e over th e Ideal M arket T ig e rs 13-3. L ottlnier and Blade h i t th rfc -b aa e rs for the U ons. and H e n ry . Lions, and Day. 'n(jpr!i, h it d o u b lrs . S m ith was Uie winning p itc h e r . B itte r pitched for lhe T lgcr.i.

Gaznb CanMlIrd T h e Kelly*CraBg»-01anta game

Ti,a5 cancelled, w ith tho G ian ts taK- InR tim e ou t (or vacation.

In th e M inor Icajue. tho KVMV P lrtiir .i /ell before the P an thers .I1-2. Hnn-ien. KVMV, .icored th e only rioiible. We.iicrRren pitched a one* h i t t e r fo r th e vlctor.v Losing p itcher " r wivs D ontnn . I :

T h e second sam e s:iw Itic Scotties to p th e Cowboy.i. 16. 10. Oriis Bow­ler. Cowboy, homered, and Hill h it A tr ip le and Luke a double for the lo.-!er7i. Jed h i t a triple anil Perrin.'. S te r lin g (two! and Crl.M iloubied 1 tor the Scoltlr.^, Tlie n'lnnfnff Pa

A i l t c h e r waa Q reen. snd lhe losmg ap; l ^ l t c h e r waa Luke. for

Hlch Scorn anT h e final M inor league conleat mn

WM a. h lgh-scorer. with the O rl« ly cer B enr< defentlnc tbe Pepal-Cola em Squirt.^ 2(1-1S. Five home n in s , a «ev tr ip lr . nnd rcvrn double.-, a ld rd the ' Dear.'i score t h d r win. Ste^eIl^ wm C- ihe wlnnlnK p itcher. Stocker pllcherf set for th e Sfiulrts. Ha

A close gnme hearted off th e ser MldKCt IfBRue series, with the Y a n ts mn Sfjueerlng o u t a IT-lfl victory over I the B<». Dlcns and Bowles bo lh lOfl h ll hom e runs. Lanthorno. a trip le . He and O lcus, KllllnKor and Fletcher, sgi double-i. 01cua w ai aed lle d w ith joj tlm vlctarj-. while Hall pitched fe r br( Bn'd. J

An e a ile r win came lo tlie Ju n io r «ir Cow boys who felled the Y ankees Hip IBM. A irlpl>> w ent to Biiehannn, f r . and doubles to Shepparrt, Lulcs, R ich a rd and Jones, all Jun ior Cnw- hoy*. T h e w inning pitcher waa Sho- w aiter , and fiklnner pitched for the Ynnkeea.

T h e Ju n io r Plremen also h a d a *” ' »lt1i* m arg in over the Ptrales. lB-7, .

^ n th e final M idget leigu* game,Johnson had th e lone

tr ip le a n d P ira te s Bulx and S la te r n the tw o doublej. Rile hurled for IT the Ju n io r r ire m e n . and B u ts for IhB P lra tw .

KUlera Wla I n th e girls' A loop lofiball games, file

th e K U lera lived u p lo their n a m is dei by h a n d in g a 34>4 d if ta t to th e Uni B peedballi, Morrison locked a bul h o m er nnrt n trip le and Nelson h it a t a tiottble. m e w inning pitcher wn.i j, i le ln r lc h . and the loser waa W nr- nuf berg. of

T h e Sophs forfeited a gime to the Hnt Hohoe.n to round ou t the le sfue ac- s tn tIvlUe.i.

I n th e girls' B Jeajue. tha 'W ild- M cal.% su n k th d r c law i into the Ju n io r — CowKlrla, ao-ie . Johniton h i t a double . M lnso was the wlnnlnit N* p itc h e r and A nderson the lojlns one.

T h e final conflict between the Pl SlusscTB and tho Sparklea saw the SluKffcra em erslng victorious 12-4. M organ aocked a triple nnd a double, ant! L uke a tr ip le ..p itc h in g for Uie i E lugears was Morgan, while Luke A ^ i i p l e d th e m ound for the S p a r- M

Washington Solon " Seeks Flood Help ,

W A am N O T O N . July » ( / ? > , _ iS e n a to r M agnuion. V-. Wash.. a.sked Ithe h o u se and senate approprlaUona ^

^ '^ i m l t t e e today to make US,000.000 > W a lla b ic for RranUi to communities and public agencies for dlfiaatcr relief.

T h a t a m oun t wea approved by these n a te in the iic o n d deficiency ap- ip rop rla tlon bill a t the lai>t ses.nlon •of concraM . b u t w as illm lnated by W"-a eonrarence com m ittee whose house H im em bera oppoaed It. tw i

T h e m oney would hava been a p - 'p ro p rla te d to th e bureau of commu- i J i 'iiifv fac lllt le i o f the federal works «i>»agency . I t was tentatively aereed f c 't i- ii iu ; .'.rnair con.ilderatlcn th a t lm41.'.,00b,000 of th e am ount waa for iv trrelief o f Pacific northw est communl- n . tle i u n a b le to repair damage doneby C o lum bia river floodi, r —

I/A teat thing designed for baby la a n electric food warmer to be u ie d In car*: i t can be a tU ched to tlio a tee rln g post and operated off

jD7 S b o sh o n a N . 3 ^

______________ T w in TTnlU__________ 1

THXmSDAY, JULY 29. 1948

Twin Falls K L I X K V M

T (1340 K ILOCYCLES) *UDS iloi r •AOC Uuuouli lltSO KILOC

XaUBflDAT TUUnSD.d ».a. p.n.ra 5 '^ '“ , D»vl»

ll *'o« i Tn t i t s eiDsln' S«n ;'s9 ‘ruUoii 'i.ii 7i»0 •rton l r»*« ;.(5 roitprlnt. 18- liM •C«l'<1id MlVt ,1;00 r*.iln* r«

loiofl Tomorrow 51MlOiia ftbj-OitM m i lUjmt UiOasUn^*tfi i l S f f l n . f " ' , ’. .

IP FRIDAT »,oo Vtlltj r»rt

” ? '* * J*"'- V it

I ' i J ‘ MtnlB Atc»<ukr 7.«J M.Wr It.na I lie Ntwa FriDk lUm'' ;;s‘4 *iM ‘ UrMliftit In ir;:r»'U 9 ,» •lliarl't D.

»:J0 *Trt ,o :« .K .l. Smtu^ «:IS ‘ Wnlirr KWnm.. io-|J Ch.I Wl'h

ttiOO •Daukhii* T»Ikin» 10;30 J. |<i|| , i o ^ , ' i ‘i i ‘•hlto.ophM l l ; M l .« n n .a .11IJO •&!/Tr«t Slorj ll;15Tufn«r, Of■lc ll :J« Jt»rrlnslo(iaI t [■*« Art B.krr i;,jo c.Jrl« Fo*lg t:JO •.K.eon.) llornrmoon lli45 •N tw H»11« tiHiii.'",;. s„ ,.d 15! i'SiZ

JiJJ Mctnlyr. 1:«» Tlm. to 5hlI ’l l *Elai«r Omrlt }:}o Mvi<!« nt ll«;3fl r»4Bk DiiVol Otth. t i l l K««i l i t I

Junuu Shinn 4ila Miul« from:- TilS BlntlB* Sim S :It •Ckandu lb

>:)0 *Tn« !)h*rlfr S:>4 5u»cmtny «.«! Mlchi.l S h u n . I;»0 N .»ip.r-rV «:Jn •Crlmlni.l Ctxbook 7;M G.brltl IU.S. »;00 ‘Th. F .l U*n T;3fl •ruhnn Lr y l;JO •Ttilj I. Yotir FBI ' l:>0 DtMb.U

' Ex-UP Agent in 1 I; Twin Falls Gets ' District Position „(i BO ISE. Ju ly -0 cu.P)-The Union ff Pacirie ra ilro a d today announced the g appoin tm ent of F rank E. Hnnscli,

form er frelK ht n se n l n t Twin Kalla and Pocatello , as frelKht j.en'lce

t manaRcr for th e com pany's south- y cen tral a n d northw pJt d istricts. ? ft em bntelni: ra ilroad operations In It seven we.Uern sta tes, .e T he app o in tm e n t wa.< m ide by

C- C. W fcd ln . O m aha, N ebr. c l 1 Keneral fre lR ht .«ervlce mnnsRcr, th

naasch , wht> h a s been In the U P nii e sen-lco fo r nenrly 33 years, will pii a m a in ta in headquarte rs In Boise. ' to: r H aaich Joined the U P in Ociobcr,1 1000. as te lep rophcr a t Knmcin, O re, th

He »er\'ed aa te legrapher and local ha a gen t in Tdaho and Oregon un til jei

■> JD27, w hen h e w as appointed fre igh t loi f a g en t a t T «-ln Falls.

In 1D30 ho becam e supervUer of R-1 [ sta tion le rv ice for Idaho stations of — " the compan.v. A frrr .'everal y rnrs as• frelKht aReiit a t Pofnlello. Hnnr.ch ■ ’ was nppotntert .itatlon .'upervlsor for 8

thi* com pany 's southcentra l rti.Mrici 1 . In JM6 h e we* prom oted to freight

service a g e n t fo r th e southcentral J and no rth w est dlitrict.i.

H aasch h as h a d h is hesdquarter* hero fo r ih e p a i t year.

s ------------ ——■ Permit Asked on

Roofing Projectau lid Jng p e rm it application was I

. filed W ednesday w ith Uie c ity 9 i cleric by th a Ta-ln ra llj-W elU S tase | > llna to re - ro o f a 35 by iBO-foot building a t 158 Second avenue no rth

• a t an e stim a te d cost of J37S.■ I-iDell M. L arson. 132 Main ava-• nue Jiorth . r tvU ed th a dlmenilona

ot a b rick-vcneer one-fsm lly dwel-' ling he p lans to build on Locust• atreo t n o rth . T h e dim enslom were m

changed from 30 by 48 feet to 33 by ^• 50 feet.



Niw PoaiT-mi pemui *vtAm m m cein im nun

HEATS FAST AS GASM«^jr pUe* • pMUbl. fAST.WAY.W.ur liMl.r In t t»c»pi»f|« c«al.lBl>i ».itr, Tltj*


S a - a O i H S - S S

Price H ardw are, 147 M ain A te. W . Fo: D outlaa U ardvrare, T uttle, Ida,

you RUIiojoyan aeUvt tIfeWm with the SPORTSMAH^ TRUSS I r : : :


• tfutt♦«l«nllon wirh rael (onrcft. Th« ipof e r milel pwtt to gevg* «, p .rf l> Y.fc end a CAN7 SUfPB4 [, ^"«>»** with Ih* M r . n* Sj-jrtvnon

oom oefMJy, e ttf ., ^C esstde r tb i i * • l u a t

• SdMtlfially Dulffttd ! • b« ii« Self-fiUjnj , ij

• Mufmom Prrtidjefl g

Na Panaad Flnlsg TtJu I

PERRINE PHP«rrin« Hotel C


a d io S c h e d u le s 'VMV K TPI-AM -™ILOCYCLES)" NUc' K lL O -aa? MLC) UnSDAT ' TrtUKSDAT• Itxhl nd Kll>.r «.m ' lArmr noU CU /p ;S M frln» nn .Su;[>«r Club L1* r.r»J« » ill Nin»->'ifn«a EJIUUO 'll l>op. 0 iM iMr D A.• II 10.90 «l)is Siorr 1; ntr rniDAT . RIDAT ..n . \

• KTFI F.rm .r 0' F«rm Jogrnnl IH4 il.ulo V»i:»r Aift.I Ntw. Tlli u r ..k r ..l tdlllon ,> JourntI l;00 i»r«ri W.rihi.1 S<-or«)>c«rd 1:30 llutln.u » .n '. t i . IIr.hoti H.rrar,ntrt S:IS tnild* Sl..»)r cI [(.neb »:uO <Nor« Dr.ka

I L m ln i.., 9::0 .J « k ll.rrh Sho«fu l Jl».-Illn»r IO;Oa iilllchin’ Timt O.1 Tlm» Tr.lU 11:00 Dr«.ra l!"urf t D»lt« tl;:o litoUri StcCoraUk ,Smflii ll;«l »Uob ^

n ia ? ? ! " .* i':"> xNoob n . wi. iu»v«i»nslod SInff. J'.tO n for n D .r iN>»i Sutnn.n’' Futl.r t:IS Alrl.na M.iodlf.■ U .rkfl. :>:U i.V.n,. af World

U.SU. C.ni. S 'll 111, V. -K.IUnbamI trOO [llg> n.rregtn Shin* l:i& r.li-FirtMn CdltlaBnf U.r T:i il iKInl ri.nn Qu.rl.tfro'm U.nd.t«ml l;C() Mr^.rn Cni\c«ft It.ll

>du Ib. M .ilcl.n 1:30 ^ . n Sons>.sos ..

iMU.l’Mr''^ xT^?*’T^ln'M.n111 Lr»li, Jf. in.oo J.

Troubles Fade in I Ohio Lens Strike

DAYTON. July 20 (/r>-PlcVeta ■I m arched niul r.liouted •'.•cab" today B n b u t nn hc;i'l:, v .rrr cTftckcil a t the■g MrDce-boiind Univis L*n.i epmpany , p lan t,

W llh ir< pcUcciiirn In tU lit lines nn du ty , ilir r.xpected violence dicl n o t m atcriiilize ns th e eye gla /s I

, com pany r.-oiirnrtl ILs p lan t fo r lhe "• fo u rth co.•l^<•cullve dny.

A ma.15 plcliei line repre:enta tlve of a ll CIO Inrnl.'. m MoiitRoniery c ounty Wil’. m ilii* plm u. Police C hief Rutl'ilph W ur.'trn rr rpporteil t h a t a T.^:, s. m . there were 189

P m en and womm on the movingII picket line nml .ibuui 3,100 spccta-• tors a t the norili .Mde fadorv .r. By 8:1S n. m. polue lalrt 411 of r. the p la n t's 10') production worker.s ll had cnlere<l- iiiimolsted 'but with 11 jeera of •'s r.iir and ”»kuifV" fol- ,t lowina: them in ihe lr benchci.






< W

UNION i MOTOR CO.Ford LintMln Mercury i

u P T u u m

r ; r r ; $ 9 . 5 0IOrMaiitrl«f.aM. s in ,|,j ,,„*i« ltT>»------J19.50• n tl poiilbt* to e*l neilfflum I ipemman Imi hO i»««i bondi >1. Tk.r» It ralhlnfl to btod. E««ryrr SUM Whyl | .e o « , tN l» . r ' !on, »«I» lh« «ft, pltobl* trm. jIvnan pfO»t<(.« msUnura rtl.'n- jmlaioMwoo'rallpgndwtfr.^. v»fy«Joy itr.IcMna gnd i>MdIna.■ U B tb l f ta lB ra t• Btil Comfort Without Ffictiwi• l( ll UncoAdiUoully

Guirinleid rdb Homi.p>t Oa eai FW|M Ym t Rvptw il

•HAKMACYtel C orner _________j

' 3 Men Killed j As Blast Hits ' ' DuPont Plant

NEMOURS. W. V.. Ju lj ' 29 (U.P)- An f.iplw ion ripped U uouBh the ' E. I, Dti Pont de Heniour.s nnd c « n - , pany p lan t here todny. P inn t M an- iiRor T . A, O 'O urr said th ree w ork- , er.-. were killed. |

T he cou?r an .l unknow n. O 'n .tr r ll.ite.1 th e (lead ts: David H- Nrll, Jr., 37. Hotturd Ollle.iple, 27. and Jamr.n Tobor, 36.

O 'D nrr 's itl d ie e'cploslon c>cciirretl i In a .’■mail build lre ii.'ecl fn r prer;.'.- i ing b ind: iH)x<ler for .w ft rock nnd con! bhi'.tins.

He *:ild lhe three m en w ere Uie i only perinnr, in the 30 by 40 feet i .•frucliir'- nt tlin time, O llir r biUld- I Ings e.-.cnped dajiiiKe. bu t o p e ra - i

"■ F r e e IEV ER Y SA

NIGI■ M a b l e W a l k e i

P a l a c eg BELLEVU1-:

Ha B M H | H iH H I M EBhH H H n H H ■ ■ I P H n ^ 9 | B M B H p

B 9




1(> in. Skinlpx


$ 4 . 4 9

She h t s an a ll r \ib b ir bod>' and moves h e r a rm i and legs. Her head li new plastic w ith m o v .Ing eyes nnd Ushes. rea l akin, and w ashable Latex body. L it- tie clrls c an tr e a t her lik e a real baby because she 's m ade of lo f t. life-like. ••Skintex."

D o l l s O n l


$•(.98P a n d a B ear, Q ep h a n ts . a t]d M onluj-s; Every one U & lovely , hugablo individual w ith a llf e - UkB c h arac te r to faacJnato b o th old u d young,

T W I N F A I .I

TIMES-NEWS. TWIWIN FALLS, IDAHOtioiL-, wero hailed pend ln s an in- ' vcrtlgntlon, I

Only one [vrioii b nonim lly e:n- l'l')>ccl In the oj>eratlon. Ulllespic

Ihc rrsuliir employe while Nell'-..IS III till! Inillilliii; (111 liiiiK.'jllciH

. 1, tl iorciii,in. T;ibur wu?, brliiniiiK llu- ■ l l pimdcr there to br prtwe.wnl,

’Hlu pliuit noiiuiilly employs ijo . P'-i.'on;,, O 'n.iir /.oJcl,

He de:.cill)i',l tlir b h iit u.% '•nut ar, 'cvpic a.'. !,uch c.xplcxjlon.'. ii:.u:illy

■ ‘Itr.- I t till- first rxplu. Km ut l - r p lan t .'llicc ll«, rrcctlo il In IDOti,

.rr 0'i^^rr.^nld.•11,nd coMrLim.s V ISIT

OAKLKY, .(uly : 9 - A lf r r d tio r- etl niiKc llir, returned frc in 11 tu p 10

tialmon w hnp hr \b l t c d rclatUc:..i!d -----------------------------

O-.lo. llic Nor'\ri!ian eaplliil. v.i\s Jie loiinded in lOin, (:c;.troyc<l bv lire ■•t n:ul rebuilt Iti lo :i , rrn .in ied C l in - tl- t.:iiii:x and Him iilvcn h;. ornrinal a- i;:iii,r bar',: In I3:i,

D a n e eiATUBDAYGHTker Orchestra

E C l u bUK, in .M io

- K I N G ' S

5 FRIDAY-LASTS Al 'I PARADE A T KINC— s g M u i i f n u a g B a r a r y i



I l l i l s doll c o m e tI Irom the famousI -D ick Trncy" Com- K?/I Ic S trip 6hr's a **■'I 14" beautiful flibyI O lrl, S p a r k l e Is . a wiI dreaaed In a lovelyI baUirobf. Elie can SheI be b a t h e d nndI powdered. E v ery -1 little slrl wtll inveI her.


Sale From the^ Ilu lii jc r ISodv


. * 3 - 9 8a H as Jointed (irms nnd Irj.:.B movable htflrt, alccpin;: ejc?'.6 n n d mov;ible lashe.v f h e U

a blBidoll for h ttle Mothrr.r.__a* real ns t ib y ilM er. i.ott

• SrHJ-oitulrtlcy; w cu her dla- .1 p e r. drinks lier bottle, and l j eoes to ilrep.

C h o o s e F r o mn n[ .I .S , B U R L E Y , ]

FlLttt visitors'I rJL E R , Ju ly : e - M r . and M rs. B.

n - w , M Uuan havo returned to Idaho >ie K»ll.i iifier vLiltlnR M r. in it M rs. U d l M. bm lth .

II A luzy la k e an d a fino

^ T lll:i IS P A JiT 0 1

F n jo r a sm o o th afttl a Rtnooiii (irink— K c a t t i c k j Hill an rt H ill. I t* » tru Jy —



\Y-A-W)ALL NEXT W E E K .. . •IG'S . . . LAY-AWA^

11 in. .Ml Rubber

m iN K AND W ET D p t

$ | . 9 8

R e g u l a r $249 o n S a U

A w onderful companion to charm chlldrei

She lo()!;.i a n d behnve.i like k rea l baby. H«

'k in 1. s u tt and reallsLle. Slie’s cuddle;

I r ln la h e r bollle, a n d weU her d iapers.

■ a B B B a e B a a B M ^ H K O H n H B i


I “HorHmnn’s Car

BOY-GIBL a n d 1

$ 2 .

th e fainoua C an ipbd l’.n Kid* C of hiird-to-breiak com pojltloni Jointed arm s ftn i Jegs. twivel af.iorted Cook. Doy a n d Q lrl eo

' h o n e y “ LO U "CLO TH E Non*BrcaknbIe—Durable, C

b e W o r l d ! s L a i23 Inch


$ 5 - 9 8

I lo rsm ao 's famous soft t>od7 Baby OoU U la r ja In alze, a n d will fascinate your U ttia Bin. She haa a p retty o r - Bandy drew and bonnet, ru b b er panUe.-!. ahoes a n d itocJdngs.

> m B i g g e s t S t o c k i n O i

mB U H L , J E R O M

COMPLETE V ISIT B . HAILEY. July 2 » -M r. and Mra.

Iho H enry Steffens h a ie returned to j U S a lt L ik e Clly a f te r vlalUn* Irlcnda a

and rela tlvc j in H ailey. «

I n o W

roF J


1 ; I KiiT S COlU'OIlA'nON, NEWYOHK • 66 pnoOF



1 7 1 N .HORI p L L D O U H


Plasllo ■ ■ A rm s and L « n

, 1. 5 4 - 9 8 ^Or’u i 'l buutlful- ' /lldren. i , ig fjn, qii. iiw j A .

or»«ni(r with l .f i f ' y. H er irlm, Sh. h .i & «rr- '

In* »ol«, nr« tjrp. , fl.ill.l. flnir*f», .nd

E - l I r a


C n m p b c ll K ld .V


>.39■ caeli 4

sle accu ra te reproducU ons ofid* C h a rac teri; m ade enUrelytlon. T hey are 13" ta ll, hava'ivel head, and ora dreised in ^rl cMtumea. .

DrH DOLL ^ ^ A taclc, C u te ......9 2 * 2 9

. WD

g r g e s t M a n u f a18 Inch Dressed


$ 1 - 9 8 IT hese dolls have da in ty p in k E*a n d blue d r e a a e i w ith t ^m atch ing orgiuidy bonoet*. j ; . 'T liey have so ft bodies, com - f . ’position a rm s a ad leffa. T h is L;-.' la m trem endoua value, la •larga doll a t a low price. | H

Our History! ^

g C o . iM E , G O O D IN G ,

CALIFORNIA V IS IT O aS .Ira. OAKLEY, Ju ly 2(>-M r. nnd Mr*.

to J e rry re r ia n lc , San M ateo. C alif, nda a re viiltUig T erla n t« ’a p a ren ts , Mr.

and Mra. E ugene Emery.

p n o o F • « ; CRAIN .V E irm .\L s p ir it s

m am am am uB^



, , 'V? ‘‘i

MONEY" ! !

16 in . D r c s s c t l



$ 3 . 4 9

n i l s doll is a trem endous Baby Doll value a t a low price. She has a crj'lng voice, aleeeplng eyes, and rubber a rm s nnd leca. Drewed in pink arjd blue w ith lace trim m ed bonnet to m atch , has ahoes and stockings. C hil­d ren will be th rilled w ith thla w onderful doll.

i f a c t u r e r s ! !


$ 3 - 9 8A beautifully dressed g n iu ln s H orsmao Baby DoU. w hich h a i alecplnc eyes, t o d o stura l-U ks baJr. You Ju st cao ’t-b e lp lo r- Ing IbU wooderfoJ OoO.

B, * U P E ] ^ ^


Page 10: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

U.N. Worried G« By New South Africa Moves

n y J . nO D ER TS, JHAP Forrlim A tralni A nalrat

T he ntnioapliere in the U. N. ■ ■tnu teM hlp council v m n o t im rtl- B Mcularly unreiO. unlf.w you knew. |H M

R eprueiilA tlv« of neven nations ■ ■took the floor to crlllclze South ■ ■Afrlcft's odm lnbtru tlo ii of ilie B l JorTOcr Q ennan colony of Soulli-WfUt Africa. Tlicy w an ln l Imprcft'B- M Mm ent of na tive conditions. ^ H |

Several month* aro South Africa refused to accept U. N. nucRe.'tlonifor tru.ner-slilp nnd cbniige.n In ■ ■mcUiods. and tlelerm lnrd to con- B |D tlniie untler the Rha-.t-llke Lenfiueof Nftiloii-n m andate fo r Uie JK) per i n |cent black area. IB W

Annexation D lscuued | B 9T hat wag durlnt; th e com pora- U B

lively- llbern] ndm lnlstratlon of fnm-oi« old Jan Sm utn. S ince then ft 1BK1group of anll-NcRro. an tl-B rltlxh fg WnntlonalljU have U ken over th e I I HSouth A frlcaji Rovemment. Tlie B B Southwe.n A frican <iuc.Ulon haspsMed beyond the Held of truatec- { W |Ahlp.1. m andatrx nnd civil tIrIi Ia i a n | for the natlvc.-i. I t Is now. unlcj.i nometlllnt; hnpiirns. n qiirrttlon nf w hal form outrlRhl annexation willtake. 1

BeporU Indicate th a t nfttlonBlLit . .Prem ier M aliin Li movlnR rapidly tD:3,to Increoie hln hnid on pnrllanieni. blrtlwhere he now hn-i only a *mnll (Stamajority, by such nnnrxfttlon. ’I l i e --------Oermon.i of Southwr.H Africa, al-ready In aym pathy w ith the Mnlan I J t « program, are reporlrd rendy to urnilWl a ll-nstlona llst delcBntlnn lo /

parliam ent, ^End N ailre I 'a rtlc lpa llan SAI

SoutJiwrsl A frlra ',1 noti-whlte.i A cinwould, of cour.ic. have noUihiR to in Ul«ay about It. Ono of tiic prime otafoU alan objectives la lo end native nftcrnparticipation In Soulh A frican leKls- coimt;lailve proceedlnra. too. klllcrt.

Tlie nntlonnll«t.i nre tolklnn noftly siiiinow about Uielr lonR•.■ lnl)ll1^K de- BrrRlielre to eut lhe rom tnonw enlth’.s in i-fft it s w ith D rttatn, U ut lhe »queete Is adequbfRlnnlnR. propei

Small but Brewing world prew ure Dcrifor Improvement of th e native *tatu.s ihrnuinnally brought Uie Southwe.?t u in hAfrica, <juesUon to th e U nited Na» of hcltlons. More com plicated now than ntopp<ever, l l U expectcd to prove one nf been ith e m ost embarroM lnc tjueaUons on ' Tlioth e 'general a.<.sembly «8fnda a t dorsecI>ftrU In September. comm

Television’s Costs Exceeding IncomeLOS ANOELES. Ju ly 29 OJ.fO —

TelevWon staUon.i probably won't teven break even flnonclnJly for ’two three m ore years, Sidney N. s H jS t ro t i rice jiresldcnt In charRe of nJr tttelevision for th e N aUonal B road- n ficreaatins company, said today. and a

Tho hidustry l.i auftcrinR “rtow- portctIn s palna," said S tro tz on h ls re tu rn Tliofrom a tour of hla f lrm ’.i television of Lcfacilities lh th e mldwc.it nnd e;i.it. Amer:

•'People w ho say Uicy're makJnK .ikiesmoney In television ore klddlnR Chinethemsclvea." h a anld. “1 don’t believe Tsinath ere U a television slAUon In the Witcountry maWnic money, o r broaklnR Into t even for th a t m a tte r—a n d they Tliew on't for tu'o or th ree year.i.’" n lr Ir

Stro tz predicted U iat th e num ber tlrrdof television se t ow ners probably will nault.double everj- elx m on tha for some ciclenttim e to come. plane,

Henry, Flying Ove Other Regions, (

By nE N R T McLEM OIlE Cllppt SOMEWHERE. S o m w h e re — Alp.v

ThM ’a o m ighty poor dfttclliie for f''"« newspajwrman of 30 years' ex- Uiose p trtenee to tiae. —

I waa weaned on th # w here- when-whftt ochool ■■ ■ . - — , *'P of Joumallim. a n d |

S a n la be able to ' 1tell you readers, Irigh t off. where I

AlfT know' ior! T a P a n ‘ Ame“t1- '"I’lL''’c a n C l i p p e r yleMitnamed Pnul Jone.1. Is bu lbound for 1-iUnbul from London. nnd I am irj-lng to w rite th is J'’-'' column on s typcwTlter th n t r r s u 5'*'“ K' cn my lap, bul< doesn’t rest.

Maybe It would b« am art to mak* *A sort of d iary o u t of th is tr ip . city tl

Okoy, le t’s trj-. G urrrlDoTi-n below Li blue wnter, w ith griefn

white caps ruffllni! Ita face. DawT h at m m t b# th e channel. T lie Mor.

ehannel th a l hna caiued m ore eco- sulMcrlsickness than any o lh e r body of ---------w ater In the world.

I look a t my m ap. I f I can read K m ap a t all. th e C lipper will h it R-ance rig h t amacV a t D unkirk.

The capU ln cornea back. A big, blond boy from Tucson, nam ed m I E m enon .

•T h afa D unkirk," he aaya. " I hope S w ell make th e Alps Ju s t about aim - Vj down." ™

T here la a sto p a t Qrui.ieU.Oos. oU. m o to r eheck fo r th e (

plane. Beer, beef, a n d Belgian f im llea from th e Belgians. V

Continuing th e dlar>-: A coll comes / fo r all Pan A m erican par.iengcrs to v fall la line and follow th e aRent. ( Je an , m y wife, fa lls In lln*. T here ' » re obout 45 of us. m arch ing along Tv, tow ard th e custom s gate. The m an ; In fro n t of Je an tu rn s to h is left. L Je an . beauUfuUy rcglm ent<d, tu rn s ile ft . She finds herse lf In a Brus- 'scla m en’s room.

T hen th e take-off.Ju a t u sundow n cIo m s tn the


WALL TILE ’ • • •

U t Ca E M p T oo D M lca T o a r neam.

“SpwUUtinK I n F lo o r O oT B lncs”

G .& G . FLOORSm S b M iro B c lt ~ P b e a * S 7 »

■ ' i


Gooding Resident 100th Aiiniveri

100 Years Old

MRS, N E t n r ^^:T C A L F 'J*'. , . re tld rn t of Goodlnc "Ince ‘

1D:3, who will e rleb ra lr h f r m oth r rl birthday annlveni.iry T u c a d a y . fr'-il'; (Sl.-»ff rngr.ivlnsl

Utah Imposes Ban On All Air Shows ;:';f

SALT IJIKF. CITY. Ju ly 30 lU.R)— ..vju, \ cinnplcic l):iTi on nil n lr ;.how.in Ulnh Wio lmpi>'.i'd today by Uic inm;!itafo ftcronautlcn commlw lon n.i an ,„nvcifte rm n th of Sunrtfty's S a lt Unke j,]„„p ;oimty ahow where two m rn were{lllcrt. liiiiiM

Sliile A croiinutlca D lrrr lo r Joe |, JcrRln K.ild the bun would rrm n ln . . n i-ffcct im lll ways and n irn n s of idequ.itely protectliiR Uves and " “ x o p e rty can bo worked ou t. [’‘‘' ’P''

D crcln advl^rd n lrport ope ra to rs JirouRhout the s ta te th a l recen t □ lah ahow,i havn h indered In.Mcad "Df helped aviation, m they nro being *“"* ilopped unU l n complete s tudy has aeen mnde. {y °

'Tlio comrolMlon's o rder wns en - ‘" f'’" lorsed by the aeronnullcal iiafety :nm m lltee of the .U tah SafM y coun- In :ll, which n l a IcinR m rethiR la te nolw; tTsterdny al.'o urRrd nil U lnh pln tir JIoiw 3v,Ticri to Install wanihiK dcvlcc.^. prldr

Chennault Plane s',;;' Crashes; 19 Dead ..“S

SHANOHAI. July 20 (-T)—A civil nt UinJr trn a ip o r i C-40 crm lied Jiliortiv tw o.a fle r IU"! TulnRlan takeoff Inte Wdtiy. O o<kIand a ll 10 persona aboard were re - bnl, ?ported killed. wliorr

Til# pilo t wns n ich ard E. T a r lir l iiuini3f LoRnn, U lnh. Hc wan th r only WiuliAmerican aboard, T l ie . olherji, b i- lunr.ikle.i a Chln^•^c co-pllot, w rrc <-liil<iiChlneae aoldlera being n lrllfted to 7(i. wrs ln a n . All

Wltnr.v-.es said the plnne went wUhInlo a sp in n t 100 feet, pif

Tlio plane belonged lo Ihe C lilncre nrrn.i air tnxnsixirl line opera ted liy re- tired U. S. MftJ.-Grn C lnlre C hen- nnult. U wns the first fnlnl n r-:lclenl involving n C hennnuli lines jjp[)lnne. . P r le '

vcr Alps and ^ s. Get ConfusedClipper crosses th e h e a r t of the \lp.i.

Nn wonl.i can Klve n p ic tu re of • ] hose heavcn-niadt* .- iiirc.i w h rn th e ,un sl.irt.i lo. *ny KixxInlKtit. Call ill th e colors you knox. T h en mnke ip some. And you'll still be ,ihy of I decent de.';rrlptlnn. Tlie Alps poked ip tlielr .m ow lnrlrn head-, nn litKh Ul Ifi.OOD fert. Tlie C on^tl•llalInn inared h lsh nbnve them, l lw - e of IS In the plane looked dow n on lomelhlng we never eoidd linve seen in<! nol m an—the m an of todny— ., aid. " I.r i's try."

N ote; T he only a lrplatie w hlrh ■ros«e,i the Al|i.'. wniioiit lI. lnl; Uie E 5aMes—tho only iilrplane w hich • ^hallence.i th e irencherou.i and iin- •leldlUK flniters of «now and le t— s bu ilt In lh e United Stau-.v

Nole: Kxciue pnirlnti.'im. plea.-.e. W t Ju.-it KroWN on you Ihc fa r th e r i l g ou Ret from hnino,Rome. T h e Clipper 5lt\ down fo r ^ while. “Athens. ’The Clipper nklrts the

lly thftt Rnve the world so m uch, jiierrlllas, nnti-iU rcralt. a ll lh o <rlefs of n hnrd-w nn pence,

D awn—and I.'Manlnil.More tomorrow if you nre s till a H H


Yoe—daya, wooks freabcr frotn toaatiog oven to y o u r tab let

M oth er Knowi

nt to Observe Si ersary Tuesday ]>

By L tm tA T E ST E R tiO O O D IN a. Ju ly 20—M rs. NetUe l l

Mi tcnlf. n residen t of a o o d ln g flhice IP25, will crlcbralc he r lOOlh blrUi- dny nnnlvcrsary on Tue.iday, nn ncliltvemi-iil seldom n tln ln ed by others. »»'»'

Friends uf Mrr,- M elcalf have .icnl word to Uie "Dreakla.'it C lub” pro- Tl Kriim In Hollywood tellhiR of lho evciil. n ie y tii.pe II will reach Uic " f ' protrriicu In Unn: lo r 1L» usunl Rlfl of nn orilild to uny ono celebrnling their hundredU i Ulrlhdny ojuil- Li versary. Potl

.Mr.', M 'lca lf a l p rese n t In living n l the .Ir.v.lo Woody hom e fo r eld- erly ix-'ij)!!- hi Uoi;,c, W hen h r r 1/ duiiKhtcr, .Mr;,. H. J . Leysoii. Oood- mer iRn. w ith whom she lia s m ndc he r chni home .ilnce 1033. subm itted to a m n- pubi Jor ni»-ratlon In A pril, l l become Ei nccr.-.Miry for Mr.i. M elculf to e n - Stat KT the luiiiie. Mr. . Lcy.-.on will b# the on in I>Heniber of thl.i year. Since nskf her niHTaUoii :.he Im;. n o l been con; able to care for h e r nioU icr. cr.i

M n. .Melcnlf Is th e olde.it of the P'’®* Rrmip who nre n l th e home, nnd ‘ takn, pride In Unit dIsUncUon.I-'.ieed wltli the nrcev .lly to make llir cliiuiKe In llviiiK "he nccepied the rn a li tr calm ly a n d ki happily ^ ‘ .ill',i:vied. , ^

P rlend i of the fam ily cnll on h e r frrciunitly to keci) th e m other- d.uu;lit(-r t ie i i.rcure whllo Uie <li>ij7lii.r 1.1 Ki'hiUiR bnck her

. J.Mr.i, Melciilf wns bo rn In Jnme.i-

lo-.m, N, V.. AuH, 3, ifn a . a n d lived UiiTr un til nboul 10 years old. Sho ic-iiilb iiiaiix early dny experiences •.vuh Indlan.i. fihe witn ninrrled n l HiL.tnn, .Minn., llvlnK fi>r a while In I'iilladclphla. Pn.. irtid In IDOO they moved to lown. T hey were true Iilnoerr.i w ht«e nen re sl nclRhbors wrre five nihf.i awny. lived In a sckI ■ lii>ii-.r and <lld tno.ll of Ihelr trnvcl- | liiij hy ox tenm.

l.r f i with iwii Kiialt ch ild ren and nn unborn baby, and n o l ye l 30, Rho prepnred heraelf fo r teach ing . Slie lived In tt school hou.ie nnd taught a cnim trj’ sehool. L a te r ahe taught nl Newell. In.. f r r *evernl yenr.n. In IfWl .lhe wns m arried lo M r. Mel- enlf. w ho died In 1000, Tliey lived a t S torm Lnke. Ia.. w here sho lived Ihroiigli the S p irit lake Ind ian mas-

In h e r youth Mra. M elcalf wa.i noted ns the "bf.it looking Rlrl" in 5I<)ii.iion county. ^ Jlnn . And her pride In Rofxl RroominK still U one of her chnracterlsU c.1 today. Beauty culture nnd personal g room lns are a dally ’'mu.1t.”

Slie ntiend 'x l th e U niversal church n t S iom i Lnke. nnd wn.i a member nf Uie Ex'-lem S tn r the re . S he hiui iw o.llvlnR clilldren. Mrs, Lcy.ion. Cto<KllnK. and S. A. H nrper, H ann!- bnl, Mo.: six RrnndchJldrcn, two of whom nre well know n In IhLs com- iium liy: Mr;:. Don Be.il, 'i’aklma, Wiuih., nild Howell Lcy.ion, Jr., Je r- iiine. T here nre nine Krent Rrnnd- flilk lren. Hiid .ihe hn.i one brother,Tli. who lives n l Lnke City, K nm .

AllhoiiRh .M rs, lcy.ion ennnot be w llh h e r m other on h e r birthday.I* plfl pncknKe will be aen l for Uie orrn.ilon. na well nn miiny bc.tl wbhc.i frctii Uie com m unity.

V ISIT D A llfJH TERDF.CLO. Ju ly 3!)-M r. nnd Mrs.

Pele Morlen.ien, F lathead , Mont.. rue vl.iliinK tlielr daURhler. Mrs,Jack Stevens ami family.


R e a l-G e n u in e C e ra m ic T ile




TILK CO.232 M ain Avenue Snulh

PHONE 2 2 5l . 'i? S « o n c l . \ v c . W .

^ U U I U B A H

S E R V IC E ^

iwsy\ B e s t ! ,I


State Chamber B Names 2 New Men to Boai-d „jBOISE, Ju ly 20 (/D — Tw o new

members have been e lec ted lo the Idaho Slate C ham ber o f Com merce l>“ r

■bonrd of direclor.i, H n rry Elcock. president, said loday, ha.s

TJl© two new m em bera a re O tto , Leu.ichel of t>ewLslon n n d J . E . Berg ' of Wnll.iee. ’fh ey succeed C. L. B ll- ^^2 lings nnd Leo J . H obnn, bo lh de- ‘“ 1 cenAcd.

Lueschel Li nenernl m iinnger ot jl'i,' Potlatch ForesUi, Inc.. nnd B erg Is * ^ m nnager of the F e d e ra l M ining compnny.

Local Idaho C luim bcrs nf Com - — merce nre belns urged by the slnto “ cham ber to m ako nn nnalysla c f the public school progrnm .

E arl W. .Murphy, aec re tary of the S ta le Chamber of Com m erce, aald th e local orKnnlzntlon.1 arc being asked to mnko th e s tu d y ihrouRh consulnUon w ith educntloim l lend* cr.i to de iennino how m uch of a problem Uiere la In ench com m unity to Justify federal nld.

A fter earh local chnnibiT mnke.t ILi study U will p repnro a w rlllen stu ln iien l of th e re.iult.i nnd fen d 11 lo the .St.ile C ham ber o f Commerce, M urphy lald.

FORDMoving & Delivery

ServiceLocal and Long O tilane*

MoTlng and n a o U n i

PHONE 2 2 7T w in F ^ la

D r \ T RA N SFE R Ar W n i i ^ STO RA G E CO.

...SO Y O


W h e rev e r you resu lt from pn Insist th a t you w hy trot buy a

Y ou S E E ABOVE how S: waste from rib roasi

o ther cuts in s im ib r f spccial rcquifcmcnts. '. of Safcrray’3 Goarant« trim o a r mc.its this wa

fFhctt yon compare Safev^ay's prices ahxay free o f excest bont, ma

I f ever yo u 'll not sal Safeway is trimmed the



Bank Resources ti For State Show 5 j

Million Increase ™BOISE. July 20 (4^— T ouil re - .i.

i;ourcM of Id ah o stn to banks on J u n e 30 t.howcd u n liicrcnsc of moro -n- th a n five million dollnrs n.i com- purcd w llh the flame dnle n year L , nKO, the >,t;iic d e p u rtm en t of finance ha .s announced.

Tol.il re.-.ourtes of a tflte bunks on J u n e 30 th l i year wns llnled a t ID8.- 302,103.10. On J u n e 30, 1M7. the lo- Pn tn i wn-s S0;’.9(;a.042.<5. Mti

Idnlio na tional bnnk.i on Ju n e 30 hr th l.i year showed rc.iources lo in lln s 1 $320j0a,243.53, Ulo d e p a r tm e n t anld ho

Demnnd deponlU fo r a ta te banks to toinlccl »7l,(m.f)00, uh llo Umo de- ou poMU loU led J21,3(iO,B10. Demnnd ne

ROOTc S 5 , :

I'llKEv— J u n i o r S iz e ( i l a s s ol n u o l l{ c c r f o A ll C h i ld rc r

A c c o m p a n ic d b y P a r e n t s .


C h o lc c S t c a k u — S a n d w ic h c


> U S A V E M l



by S a few ay b e fo re w c w eij; y o u r n b ro.ist (w c sell these shoi r ifp separa te ly , a t a low er pric p e r p o u n d ) . Your Safcivay ri ro.Tit inc ludes on ly the tende ccn tc r po rtio n th a t w ill roi? ju s t r ig h t '

- :j»w

, , , \ •

'■ ' '

5U buy m ea t you a r iroper trim m ing o f )u r b u tc h e r trim thi a t a m arlcet w here

f Safeway removes excess bone : )asts before weighing. Wc prep r f.ishion — cach according to 5. 'I'his w.iste-frcc cutting Ls p intced M eats plan. We rcgula way.are meat priccSi rememher- i. tays are on the T R J^I> {E iD c majU oJul fa t, ready fo r cooii satisfied that the m eat yoa buy th e mooey-savinc way wc say, j


IN FALLS, IDAHOdepoaiu fo r naU ocal bonks tota led$230,sa7,848 a n d Umo depoait4 t^ l,^ }340,450. Sn

Loans nnd discounU .totaled « 8 . - tui002.7<0 for Btote bank* ond MO,- wh

. 878,408 for naU onal banks.T lilrty-U iree *taU> banka were In ­

cluded In th e combined a tn lcm en l C■ along wllh tw o a u u s branch banksi. Mr ' Tlierc were I I national bnnk.i r e - vlll

porting nnd 43 branch nnUonu! heibank:;, —

Tot Is DrownedBOISE. Ju ly 20 OiPJ —R onald t

Pavrlec, nRcd IH , wn.i drowned In a Jsmall Irrigation d itch near his hom e g

■ here In it n igh t, aFiremen worked for nenrly fou r /

hours w ith a resa ic llalo r In e ffo rt Ito revive the child, ’Hie body floated Inul from a culvert under th e rond \near lhe Pnvelec home. I


r s LUNCH 4 5 c I i

ichc.s— F o i in ln in S c r v ic e :



H H Hpricey rib / t 4 'v J

f t -


are entitled to m one )f each cut before it i: this way. I f he refuse re this kind of trim n

ne and t^how it to the managerepare l)ought i t I f your Sa

to its N O T trimmed as shs p art ■ roasts without a pcnn>'ularly o r argument!)

Safeway buys noth:r- ihas gradesof beef (al! bccD cul, menl graded)'. . . notoktng. lamb, pork and veaLbuy at Comc prove for yoiy, just a t less cost in Guaran


CANADIAN Visrr RE.DURLEY, Ju ly 20—M rs. John D . -----

Snow nnd daugh ter, M arr, have re - M tu rned from PcnU clon, Canada, H w here Uiey vlalted relaUves. W

COM PLETE %isrr ^C A S I.,; lU .i U. , -.ily -D -M r. Mid

Mr.i. Val .Sniii;,- : v Icfi fo r O ro- | Cvllhr. C a :ir . Itlng relutlve.i vh e re for a few weeks. \

y r So1er\der.,,SoS>fjei

I PicrSmI Jl’i ihic *rond«rfut, ftn li fromI make* everybody- crive PiftS»«V . your»e!f—uk« your pick with Pic

withn e y - s a v i n g s t h a t J ”

t is weighed.y w *

uses, 'n m i n g i s d o n e ?

lager of tJie Safe%vay store where ; • Safeway rib roast (for example^ ; shown above — you get T W O :nny‘s extra cost (and tvilhQiU quih

othing less than the top govemm beef sold at Safeway is U.S. Gove nothinc less than the top grades

:aL' yourself— there's more good-eat irantecd M eats from Safewayl


r a

SwegtSoGood fo'Eat

't u P m .

:> from dio e*rd«i ifiJt 1PiftSwMf P»*». Find out (or t.iihP ic tS w « iT O D /lV / M

fm B n


BONE REMOVEDSafcw aj' ( and replaced

w ith a U y cr o f iat, Eght in w tig h t, to seal rn m eat ju ices) before w e y o n r r i b r o a s t o n th e m arLct tcaJca. i t grvcs ^ m ro ast th a t cooks and o j i a b e tte r j

here you■nple) is ^W O rib ' quihbl*

cmmcnl Govctd- rades oi

d-eating lyl

tr ^ i s■ mArirtr it g.

raURSDAY, JULT 29, 19^8


Page 11: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

x ''^ . evenl9 i .< : - y

^ •- L‘> f pveiilH K * V r.V , ' Be: .1 K^inctiB B R l's . J- ' i „ T u-fr

MKS. KENNKTII WKUB 5 'J J (Uoillry p lio to -aU ff en jrav lnf)

* * * * be he

L o ca l S e rv ic e iU n i te s N a o m i

P a g e , K. W eb b gj*N/ioml Pncc. tia u sh te r of Mr. and

Mrs, F rnnk PftRe. H hjpUoii. Knnfl.. -.fift b«came th e hrldn of K enne th W«bb. X J w (ion nf Mr, nnd Mr«, K, A. Wibl), KviTloii. ^!o., li) IX iiunUiil cMdiiony fc iS ; perform ed » t 3 p m. Sutidiiy. Jti!y 3S. In U;e r i r s t B ap tis t ehvircli. Twin I A S Fallit. ^ 6

T h e nev . H rrm -in Rlre. pastor W jjp offlclaied n t lt:c <l(y.ib1e rliitr mtvIcp. iB B i T ll# vows V.-CTP .-(pnkrn bc-fnre nn f t g j »!tnr dfcor.T.V<I u-JJh Lm,-1{c;.v ot R M

r tjf t’h lte nnd Milinon i:lu(ll<Ul and » 6 ^ • ^ n r t l c n - flowiT,'., fliiiiktsi l>y t;vll

cnnilclahra.T ho bride. (vcn tn niiirrlai;e by

her fu llirr , wore ti wiilit’ crepc wccl- ding BoMi nnd ti whltn atrnw hut. ^ She cnrrlc-<l a wlilt/> niblp lopix-il ^w ith ft whltp firrhlcl tlpd w tth whltfl ia iln Btrcnmrm.'

Rrxmlip PiiRr. Hnselton. Knns,. nlfltrr of the bride. scr\’ed ns maid ‘ of honor. Sho wore ft blue Uncn J'>* suit nnd n in tc h ln s navy stm w hnt.Her flowers w ere n .'.houlder eor- anRB of R urdrn las nnd sp ilt cnr* n n io n s . I.Ioj'd K uykendall. Twin I FnlLi. waa b w t miin. i - U <

Chnrles Culvert, orRanlst. fur- \A n lshrd tho mii,'lc for the wcilillna V' profpsslnanl und reccs-nlonnl. Phil McMuIllii .■innK "O Proml.io Mr." "ncciiiL-.e" nnd 'T l if ' Lord's Prnycr.’'Tl!8 cnndlen w ere Ilahled by Mm. |,avo l.loyd K uykendnll nnd Mrs. Cdrllnn McMullln. Tw in FnlU. coiLilns of tlic ^ o n li brlrtc. E i,n „

Tho bride's m otlier wa.i ftltlred In T lif nsvy blue crcpe wlUj mntchlnR n r- lo in cfjinrlM nnd n shouW cr bouquet of T hf

^ I n k nlndloll. w llh 1* Aftpr th p crrcm ony n rpcrpilon Mu::tf

Klven for th e iiewlvwrds by Mr. <hr bnnd Mrs, R. C. McMullln niid Mr. I'l'vyand Mr?, n . O . Kuykendnll n t Iho I ' nml.MrMiiIIln^ coun try homo. Tha »nil llbride lr. th e n lc r r nf ^Tr, nnd Mr.% TheMrMullln (\nd Mr. nntJ Mm , Kuy- Onkin kfiidnll.

Inim edlnlely follOTVlnR ihp rocep* hom f tlon Uie couplB Ic/t fo r Uie coast.For irAVclins tJie bride cho.-.e n blue \ ^ f .pn.ili'1 su it wlUi nnvy blue accr.i- VVl»i Borlrs and a w h ltc 'o rchu i corsnKP.

Mr,i. W rbb Attended K nrsna Stnlncollr^-fl and wu.s KmUuatcd w llh Uia j.;mliciTc- of hnchi'Ior o t /^leiico in .m ic ihome econoniiCA. Kdna

Thp brlclcfjroom ser\-cd four years (lemoiIn !hp nrm y a ir force prior to his j: mnrrl.-\Re.

FollflwlnR ft nho rt wcddlne trip toUip con.1t the couple will be n t homo -nil in Sllv rrton . O re.-------------------------------:---------------------- .rpecln

M a r ia n M a rtinIhclr

P Q » e rn -J ;.

i f from 3II ¥< iA \ •• ««>I ■ i V W nrd

(I • / ^ ^ W p \ '

I ' ■ *'

i ' -I■ M l

9 4 2 o / ; f 3 ■' 1SIZES J , , j cd a t

. 0 - , .Eltlx ^

A FO R RWEETnF.AnT.S li/ilc .• Teener! W an t lo bo The G irl of

ht-i tlrcMn.1? Bcw p n tle rn 0420—your ^ >'- <lrenm come tru e too, tn cither ver-.ilon. Boat ncckllne. Rrent i.klrt nnd r,*"^ “pert bu itlo bow a t the bnckl ‘

T his p a tte rn gives pcrfec t fit, I.n “ cnsy to use. Com plete, lllur.trniedsew ch.nrt shown you evcr>- step . tnlned

P.-vllem 0430 comes In tcen-BgetU 'S 10. 12. 1«, ifi. SIM 12. A <"ly ,i‘ynrd-'. 25.Inch; ' j y a rd contm st. pa tsy

Spnd tw en ty .flvo ccn ta In coins tu r l r sfor ihLi p a tte rn to TUncs-Ncws p:\t- lernooi te rn departm en t, T w in Falls. Ida.P rin t plainly nw ne. a d d r f j , sone, a*l.-e nnd s ly le num ber. P

Teeners! Seo m oro of ther.c spe- jvnjpcial tpen-sew fash ion* In our M arian too meM artin p a ltc m book for sum m er of th e 'T »lc« as cxcJLlnfi a s ever, th la c a u - rcccnUlog of ne«-»-making foahlona Is yours ’M rs 'Vfe r fifteen centji m ore. P rin ted H ght h u n t aIn the book. ■ fre e p a tte rn and dl* followprccUonj for a btacli*uilIU y bagi outdooi


A n n u a l P ic n ic s P la n n e d , H e ld k

In T w in F a lls ^P la itt fo r Uio nnnual picnic o f thn

T w in F a lls com m unity cliolr wero m nde n t a nieeUtiK of the group a t e p jn . Tue.iday a l the homo of Tom / f l j O ray . pre.«ldenU - B

T lie p lenlc will .sinRed n t tho ■ picnic g rounds locntcd a l T w in - fpll.i .five miles norlh of th e city on Auk. 1C.

T h e com m lltee nppoliited for - . ^ p rcpa rn tlon liicludc Mrs. D onnld ' - D ictr, M rs. Ediin Miller. Mr.i. W il­la rd McMn-iU-r « id .Mrs. T. W. Hicks.

rrc -S flioo l PTA M em bers of the Prc-Sehool P a r-

e n t-T c ac h e r n.i.^oclsllon entertatne<l *1' * th e ir rh lld ren n i a picnic Tuew lay . evenlnK n t Ifarinoii jnirk. -- —f

FoIIowlniT lhe picnic ."lupper tho > evening wn.i apciit .loclnlly, with i:nine.i nnd come.il.^i for tho children. Tw enty persotis wrre present. Mrs. ;Fxl T inke r and Mrs. Hnrold G ales wero In rh n rse of nrrnngement.i. (n

TJir nex l m eeting of tho group will bo held Sepu 38 In tha YWCA rooms.

W ed R e c e n tly

nounr J lh jU H E iS proftir i a a o t ^ u r . :bJL?*M W of


Th" J j j j W K l Sunti

MRS. HU GH M OSTCOM ERV B l (R andall phnto-sU ff rncrav lng) Stan

thfl r* * * * Mne.

L o c a l R e s id e n t ■m' W e d s B uhl G irl |™

In M a y N u p tia lMr. nnd Mra. Nick Shaver. DuhJ. 104n,

liavo announced iho m arriage of in tUielr daugh ter, Yvoinie. to H ugh pleteMonlKomery. sun of Mr. nnd Mrs. and ;Elmer M ontgom ery. Tw in Fall;i, wnr

T lie m arrlnge was perform ed May n t U10 In W cndovcr. Nev. coupl

T hp bride 1* m aking her home R’llh M ontgom ery’n sW er, Mrs. John Mu::tgrave. In O akland. Cnllf,. nnd;h r brUIegroom U serving w ith tho ttinavy nlw ard Uie USS Boxer. w hIeh ^..H innklng nin.i between th is eoiintry gj.nii»ni! the H awnli:m lsland.i. Ench

T h e coupln spent a honeymoon In madrDnklnnd before Oif USS Boxer „px t<nlle<!. T liey plnn lo mnke the ir heldlom e th e re noon, „ i «.•

¥ * * have

W o m en A t te n d '"S C lo th in g C la s s E".

KUKN. Ju ly 20- A clolhlng con- Mruclion daj--; Ls lielng conducted by ■* ildna W elgen, Jerom e county home Z :lemon.itratlon agent, th is week In :lie Ivden h igh achool home cco- Kunlcs room fo r women In th a t

T h is la a cla:.s .similar to th e one Jf* •nnductcd bj- Alice Rigby. cloUilng ^pcclalbt, In Jerom e liu.1 Mny.

TJio w omen are learning how to ;nko th e ir niea.surirments. chcck Ihclr p n ttc m a fo r correc t f i t nnd Ti.-iko th o necessary alterntlons. New Tifihods In d ress construction nre ,j,.. r iL-.o K trcued by M lu W elgen. ohui,

W omen enrolled in th e e la is nre Mrs. Bam T hom lon , Mrs. Pau l nr Swenson. M rs. Jun io r Leoney, M rs. of tb' s.irl P e tc rjo n . Mr*. M ltehell, Mra.Morris L alllm er. Mra. Rubon S tein- n e ts nnd M rs. B urton. v_/l

S tinllnr elasse.s will bo held In n u Irrnrno and H arelton Inter In tho o ie V nim m er. Anyoile In terc ited In a t- ;endlng thn da .nea !« rcqucste<l to u'hen rnnlnct th e hom e dem onstration ^ver 'g e n f .i offlco In tho Jerom e cou rt their

* Mo;

M iss R ic h a rd s o n Chhl!

T e l ls B e tro th a l - ^BURLKY. Ju ly M _ M r. and Mrs,

:-iu rrl _ H. Rlchnrtlson li.ive nn- lounccil th e cngaRcment ot t li r i r j Inughler, M ntlle. lo Denn C, M artin , on o( Mr, nnd Mr*. W. P. M artin ,5iirley, o f Mr

Ml;.i RIchard,ion was graduated rom Durley h igh nchool In lOIB. nnd r. employed n t the M ontgom ery Vnrd s to re here, MaxUn. a B urley Johnj ilgh school graduate In 1047. ha* leen a tlnnd ing fiouUiern Idaho Col- rg o ,o r F-ducatlon a t Albion. H o la low 'Em ployed a t H aight M olor inlrj. SnydfT h e w edding will take p lace In

icptem ber. n* ♦ ♦ 1%

M u r ta u g h P a r t ie sMTO TAU Q H . J u l , ! D _ M r . „ „d

lr». E J c i r W. M oorman tn lre U ln - d a t d in n e r Sunday. O ut-of-tow n uests p rese n t were M r. and M rs r m M oorm an. PorU and. Ore.; Mrs.Itn M. A rnold. O rnnsevllle; L nu ra P ? ‘ Inle nnd M ay lln le. Salem. O re., P ’? '’*, nd Mr. ond M rs. Lex K unau . B u r- '

M rs. E dw ard M archam was hos- ,vi to th e F rlcndahlp circle n t her

omo recen tly . Mrs. j . E. N eum ann a.1 a ss is ta n t hosU ss, T h e a fie m o o n 'V alla nn sp e n t .'oclally. M r aiMrs, L crny C hrlslofferson e n te r- —

lined a t n blrUidny p a rty Sundny flcrnoon honoring tho fif th b ir th - E ay ann iversa ry of h e r daughter. atsy. O am ea and refreshm ents fen- irlng a b irthday enke were th e a t - .‘r r , •rnoon'a ftcUvltics.

* * *

A t t e n d S ocio lM URTA U GH . Ju ly 20—Moro th a n n p » m e m b en of th e M urU ugh w ard : th e LD S c hu rch a ltended a aoclal iccnUy a t th o homo of Mr. and Irs. V lrgcl Johnson . A ecavnnger nn t a n d co n tes t gamea were held , illowrd by n welner ro asl w e r Uie itdoor fUcplnc*.

T o W ed G(



' -I • ■ • lacer - » V


(Kelker p h o to - ila ff e itr sv ln { ) yx

* * * * Nnn

S h ir le y M e n c k Ki T e l ls B e tro th a l uJ

T o J o h n R o g e rs ^Mr. nnd M rs, Ray MtncJc an-

nounce the engagem en t |tn d a p - .p. proachlng m nrrlage of tlitlr d a u jh - ' te r. Shirley, to John Rxjgeri. Jr.. son CL. o f Mr. and M rs. Jo lm Rogers, all o f T w in Fulls.

MI.13 .Mcncfc a tten d Twin Falls h igh cclJool during th o p a a t year , ond U now em ployed In U ie Job • p rin tin g depnrtm ent o f th# TUjici- f^ews. ^

RogcM WIU g rad u a ted from Tft'ln FiUU hlKh jchool In 1047 and I t now " „ as-'cclntcd w ith hU father n t the no g ers sheet m elal w orb .

Th# wedding has been s e t fo r _ Sunday . Aug, 8, T ho couple will S c rc-ilde In T n m Falla,


B u rley C o u p le J I

W ed s a t E lkoBURI.KY, Ju ly 2 » - M r. a n d Mr.i.

S tan ley .Mnrchont hnve snnounced thfl mnrrlage of the ir daunlite r, Lula , ’ Mne. lo Ivan L. D oggett. «on of Mr. mill Mr.i, E. c , Doggett, Burley,'i’he ceremony took placo A pril 23, a t Elko. Nev,. w ith Oeorae R. B ouchrr. Ju.itlco of Uio pesce, per- form ing Uio ceranony . W ill

Mra. DosRclt Li u grsduntfl o f C. V, Burlcy hlRh dtrhnol w llh ttie c lw s of Wr.-(. 104n, a n d U an nu tstandln j vocill.it In tho community. D ogje tt com­pleted h is schooling h e r e i n 1941. C ; and ,',<Tvrii 111 lhe n.avy during World • I w'nr I I . He tl em ployrd u chem is t f i n l Uio Burley Flour M llli, n n d tho o n b coupio is ri\.ldlnc herp.

* * * * pi(

S ew in g C lu b r„mEDEN. July 2 0 -T li« I.iiclcy Clov-

e n 4*H s'-alng srw tnc cluh m e i re* , - , i „ ccnlly fnr nn n ftem onn nt srvi-itif:, L , ‘ Ench Rlrl inld uhivt a r i l r l r i s h p hsd , mado In an iw rr In ro ll rail. T in , J nex t m prdni; o f th.- groiir will bfl held n l lhe linme of Evelviiup Bnurr,111 whirl) limp rnch mriiibor U to hnve (Inrned a aock n n d lU rtc J an apron. o i

T lir Plnn tind Nepdlen 4-H rlub .vioiii held the ir m retlng a t the hutiii! ot Mn,. th e lender. M argare t M llrliell, Tlie pjcnl srnu;) workrd on te a during t u i-.sUie nflrnioon a n d .ita rted |>ot Iwlil- ers which will be flnlBhrt! n t the next meeting.

* * * H f

P lan P a rty uJEROME, Ju ly 30 — PUns for a V. L

party for tho moU iers o f club mem- rlnge Dcrs were made a t a mceilrig of iho barn Nlfly S lltch rm 4-H club recently. Mrs. rjie jmrly will be held Auj, 5 . wa-i

Tlio p rn ld e n t . J e a n Har„ipn. »p- Uip 1 poltjtetktho following commliici.-s Inr , the event: Jo a n R lgney and Dcri>- thy Diehl, refre .ihm ents, and Luclla , i ,- i BhuUen and V erla Nielson, jirogram.

Refre.shmenta were served b y I/iii- Iflp nnd Je an e tte Llekley al th e cloao 3f tbo meeting.

« « « FII

O u td o o r M e e tin g "irfDURLEY, Ju ly 30~M enibtT» of

Uie W nhanka C am p F l ro sroup had an nutiloor meBtlng Monday nlRht, when 13 glrbi cooked their niipiicrover th e fireplace a t th e lionu' of -,__thPlr guard ian , Mrs. E m m Strel- r f smith, -~H

Monica D uRloU. Sweden, whn Is ^ lislUng her cousin. Maty Ellen Chisholm, was a guest. TTie - tra il- f v iccker" rank w as sw arded to Hf.i- O nor Single. V em a Ju n e Coltf'y and If!^ Aloha Taylor, :.\}i

* * ¥

M e e t S o c ia lly wJKROME, Ju ly 30 — The h ime

Jf Mr,v A, W. H a r t Wna th t ^c•cIle of M n forlnl held by member o f the r5 Jerome O range recently , Vurlous V jamea supervised by Mrs. Arvlcl ^ Johnson and Mrs. Henry Efreliis .vere enjoyed, ro llo w ln g llie Knmes I hnm burger frj- wns lirld. Mri.■Inrt WM chalrm nn of the ocn lng ;om m lttee will Mr. a n d M rs. liUl Snyder In chnrgc of rcf«ah inenu .

* * it-

R e b e k a h s M e e tEDEN, July 20—T ho R ebekah club '

n e t Tue.iday evening a t the lOOF \ vlining hall w llh M ra. EllxnbcUi 'Oiiolyneitu and Mrs. Deasle Cooiier. > lOstMses. T h ree U b les of briiiRe vere In play, wlUi prtee* fo r liiKh ind low acorea going to Mrs. Jo^loDavldaon and M rs. l^orene Lanre. arrnvellng prlie wna rccclved b y Mra. Ix>la Knlfong. M

CO.MPLETE VISIT FILER, Ju ly 2 0 - M r . and Mr*.

>nle Iloiih have re lu m ed to Walla ,Valla a fte r visiting h is paren ts, dr and Mr*. P a u l H aah .

DO YOU KNOWth a t Chl.*opraeUe a n d P h y s ic therapy brtng w onderful a id to iboso auffertng trom b ljb blood pressure? G ood b e a ltb c an b«

’°” PHONE 2383D R , M . H . M A C D O N A L D

CW roprM tlo PbyBlcUn C A T H E R I N E *

M A C D O N A L D jP h y a le tb e n p ls t - - J

HO Main Are. Norlh -**»

■ »

G a r d e n R ite s Bi U n ite C o u p le h

A t K ing Hi l lK IN O HILL. July 3»—An In- n 1

form al garden wedding perform ed IOC Sundny a l K ing Hill united Ileno Sur S undvall, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. t & n e .it Eundvnll. nnd Pfc. Lovello ijor C ouller. Aon of F . A. Coulter, all of ccn K in g Hill. • frn,

T lie Rrv, Mr. O llrmnii o f th e c I.t Episcopal rhuri'li ut Cilrniis Ferry , aim rend th e m arrlnge vowa In n -irt- tin g o t sum m er flowers a t Uie Bund- vail re.Milrncr. , , ‘

T h e brlili- wore n while nflem oon dre.is aiylril w ith a full sk ir t and w -. lace Insertlorvi.

M aid of honor wils Vnunn P riirtt .K in g Hill, who wore nn afternoon d rew of ch llfon nnd Ince. M iin 'ln j.j^, C rockett. UILm . uncle of th e brtdge- grooni, i.ci ved a.i bc,M man.

M rs. Jo h n IJaptIr played the wed- * d ing m arch nnil accompanied M lsi P ru e tt nnd Audrey M rM llIan, who sa n g "1 Lovo You ^ u ly ."

Pollow ing the ccremony a wedding d in n e r u in jr rv rd tn 5.') gucst-s. Mr.s. N nncy FclLi .lupervLird Uie ser\'lng. A.-..sLitcd by Retiy F rlti. M argare t B arnes niul Audrey McMlllnO.

Till) bride nnd bridegroom cut Uie wedding cnke nl the conclualon o t th e tllniier,

FoIlowitiR the dinner th e new ly- j w eds I rf i on n wedding tr ip of u n - , know n deM lnsllon. *

T h e hririp waa graduated from ; K ing Hill high .school In 1048 and ' hna been employed a.i a bookkeeper ] by Montgomery' W ard nnd com pany. i Boise. The brldugri)om waa g rad u ­a te d from King Hill h igh school In J047 nnd was employed by the K in g Kill ralirond section before e n te r in g th e a ir corw th is spring .

Coulter will rciHirt fo r duty In N ew Vork (his wcr^. The bride will rem a in In King Hill un til fnll, w hen slie will Join h e r husband.

¥■ « ¥

S e r ie s o t P a r t ie sG iv en a t J e ro m e

JERO M R. July 2 0 -M rs , W . A.Hel.vi find Mrn. Jiielln Mooro were, hoLStmrH a t n srrlr* of parU es thn pn.st week a t thp homo ot Mrs. Helss. D essert limclipoiw were a rranged wlUj bridge and pinochle bring plnyed. T liry nir.n en terta ined n t dessert brldgp. Sum m er flowers w ere used In tnble nnd room dec- oratlon.1.

P r lr r s were won bv Mrs, C. Y. W llllniii.'.on. Mr;. S, G, Davls, Mr.i.C. W . Clrrbolh. Mr.i, Oeorge Lawr.hr.Mtx. W llllnm Spaeth, ar,. nnd Mra.Joo Shirley, f

* * * '

F ile r P icn ic s H e ld |FH .K n , .Iiilv :n -M r . nnd Mr.i. I

G ilbe rt Plnk-ston nnd M;-. and Mr.s. L eh m an E dw ardi and fam ljy held a picnit; d inner Sunday n t th e Ruhl p a rk III honor of Mr, nnd Mra. Tom S nillh , 1.01 Clala ', Cullf.

^Ir^, J or Lu* en terinlned w llh a sw im m ing pan y nnd picnic lunch Tue.iday n t th» Ruhl park to cele- b rn te the l l t h hlrthilny nnnlverfnry of he r da iig litrr. Rsrtinrn. CItiests were -Io:.n Willinmr.nii. B rltv K uris . N orm a Ncalr. Phylllr. W llllnmson and D ora A nn W nltrrs,

O lo sn c r girls o t th r United M is. ’ Nioiinry church ami th r lr teacher. j Mn,. Ifcm er Schnell, a ttrn d rd a 1 picnic d in n e r nnd w rtn rr rou:,i I Tur.sdny pveiiing n t the I 'rcd Jesser I home. i


H o n o r N e w ly w e d sU N IT Y . Ju ly 2 9 -M r. nnd Mrs, n .

V, Luke hnve nnnouneed Uir m n r- rlnge of th e ir son, HsI Luke, to B ar- Oarn Gnnable.i. dauRhter o t Mr. and Mrs. G eorge O annblrs, T he wedding !va.i pe rform ed Frldny. Jul>‘ 10. a t UiP LD S tem ple In Logan. U tah.

A wedding recepUon honoring tlie newlyweds will bc held ton lnh t In Llic U nity w.ird hall.

» ♦ ¥

F e te G u e s tsF IL E R . Ju ly 20—Mr. nnd Mrs. D.

II, Jihower# entertn lned for Mr, ond Mrs. T om Owen, and Mnry Owen, Sealtle. W nsh, Mrs. Owen nnd Mrs. Showers w ere girlhood friend* when Ihry lived a t Baker. Ore.

ExcU isivcly A t

^ im m erm an 'Lj l^ F e h e sh o n o S t N, • Fbene IM


B u s in e ss M e e tin g ~ H e ld by R e b e k d h s _JEROM E. Ju ly 25-M em bera of 1

the Hyrlngn Rebcknh lodge held h tin brief bu.ilneis mecUng a l th e ntlO O F hnll. w ith Noble Grntid H asel nreSum m er presiding. nni

Tlinnk-yoii le tte rs In apprecla-iloii of 35-year pins received during Irereraonlcs held recenUy were read amfrom Mra. India Silllwcll. Mra, P ea rl staClnyiim. Mr:,. Uor«;hcl Kennedy, orlianil Mrs. Mnr^' D. H offmnji. Urt

Meinbcm nro requc.itcd lo brUig hai clothing for Uio SalvaUon Army lo th e home of Mrs. W . D. Sum mer. Rrclpea nre al.’.o lo he lum ed In lo•Mrs, Sum m er before .Monday. M em - r b e n wLihlng to sub.icrlbo lo tho IiiiiTnntlnnal ilrb ck ah nre n^kcd to■-nn!,-iri Mr.v Mnbel Young and M rs. ..nr Jp ii Sm ith.

i:)ri;i m frtlng wn.1 held W ednejday ofa t the lO O F hnll. B l,

Br . ' . V B B h H A m a K B m

a r m l e s s d i v a i

5 7 .8 8Picturs ih li beouty In your hom ol SI

ern llne t . . . hon d to m e endu ring i

i perm onenlly bulll<m com forti

Ihe rugged 124 coll ip ring constrvcl

ileop relax ing b e d o t nlghl. S e a thli

beau ly o l S o o n todoy l

i! ■ , ,. ■ —

IH a n d s o m e \

V e n e e r B e d rH a rm o n y H o u se 3-f

So righ t fo r your bed ro o m . ; . w a te rfa ll styling, and a t S e a ru b b e d s trip ed w alnut v e n e e r the u p p e r d raw ers . Gumwo< 39-In. b e d , d re s se r a n d vonll

him llar lo III

S e a r s T h rifty A ll W o o l P

9 X 1 2 - f t . S i z e

R ep lace th o t w orn c a rp e t-—covi o n e o f these h andsom e w ool S e a rs th rifty p rice . B eautiful ci com bined co lors to b len d with y th e rug to fit y ou r ta jto , y o u r r


ROCKWe have an ex tra nice selection of thi in various colors, fab rtts and ityles.

i ' [ S i a S i i i f i i e m t f * t a t


C a le n d a rT lie Emnnon club picnic will be j

held a t 1 p jn . Sunday a t Uie hom e meint M ri. c . E. Grieve. All membera honnre requested to bring card U b lfs enj'nnd Ublo service. gar

¥ * * lowLD S fireside cho t officer* have Jen

announced th e postponem ent o t Uie aslake M-Men and G leaner dance dueoriginally scheduled to be held Sal* Th(u rday evening a t the s take taber- andnacle In Ttt-ln Falla. for

¥ « ¥

LDS P icn icEMERSON. Ju ly 2»—A n all*d»y

p icnic was held by m em ben o t tho Emerson LDS w ard a t Howell can ­yon. Sports Including horae.\hoe* nnd ba,ieball w err Uio recreation of th ^ afternoon, following a lunch a ln o o n .

t l ^»l S leek , mod*'

Ing u p h o lilery f '

o rtiY ou 'H Ilk* V■frwctlon, largo


! W a f e ^ i ^ l l ^ ' I r o o m S u i te3-pc . 9 4 . 5 0 ^

. ; . th e ro u n d o d loveliness of .S e a rs low p rice , too! H and- |ie e r s e t o ff b y b o tt w alnut on hiw ood b a s e . Includes 5 4 o r ean ity w ilh m irrors, ond chest. t

0 IlluatraU oo /

Fty B o y s In P i le R u g s

5 9 9 5

co v e r th a t b a r e fioorl S e lec t *001 p i le A xm inster m g s a t * ul d e s ig n s in so ft tostefu lly ' ith y o o r room schem e. S e lec t < ' •ur ro o m a t S e a r s now l


CERSif these popular roclcer*etfered S / I rles. P rices n u ig e frem — ^ •

- ............. 1 - — r - ^

H a m b u rg e r Fry H e ld b y G ro u p

JEROM E. July D - O m m . B h o 2 ? “ member* were enterU lned a t the home of P n t W ellerolh. T he group enjoyed a hnm burger fry In th e m r* garden of Uio WclteroU» hom# fo i. lowing a awlmmlng p a rty a t tho Jerom o mtinlclpal pool.

A brtef builness meeUng wa* con- f ' ducted by pre.ildent Ella Jean Thom ason. pian.i were dLicu.wd and finnl arrangem enia wero mndo ^ for nn outing a t Easley h o t springs. r

Members attend ing included: P a t- V


K N lT -N -8T IT C H -f?llO rrE Across From lloo iler Fum llo re o/

r h o n t 1700

f c s # ?T - ^ ‘o r , ^

, i i E g

■ ~

D o u b l e D e c k E C o n v e r t s t o

T o u g h E n a m e l Finish

Id e a l fo r th e lim ited s p a c e o f sun lo d g e o r b o y s ’ room . S tu rdy Iror e te d {oints, built-in link fab ric t o g e th e r secu re ly . 7 6 -in . long, 3 0 A lso m a y b e u sed a s Individual s

D e e p , R ic h ly F B e l f a s t B ro c

9 -fo o » W id th , N o w

H arm o n y f^ou8e finest Axmlnste e x q u is ite p a tte rn s . S p rin g y p ile , w o o l p ile f a c e g iv es y e a r s oi C om e In to S e a r s — s e le c t luxurii

59.95 usB-ljgte SEiVRS O M

76.95 B A S YT E R M S M '

t r J«CH S, K a r S tdhU r, B U J « tn T hom ason, O harlo tt* H enry, Z>oto- Uiy Dlohl, P a t ty Lavens, E lalo* LundquU t, P a t ty H ouston. D orothy M ataon, J a a le Brownl&g, D oris Fos> ter, P a t T ortel, a n d M rs. Ja ck

' U etuor, adrlcer.


^ Bttp r e lm •! MOIfTRUT^

F E M A L EC 0M PL A IN 1SA rt you troub led b r d tit re i* of KmaU fimetlonal pertooio Olsturb* ftnoM7 Does Ulll mak* you luAcr rrom p»ln. fMl no nm «u<, tIr«S— a( >ucn Ume*} Than bo try Lydia ■. I’mkhain't Vesitable Compound ta n l l t rs (Uch (ymptoms. rink tu u n l h u & rru id toothing aSeet on one 01 i.-onuin't moji Imponant o rro u f

H tD IA E.PIH K H A H 'SB 5gS^

^ =- . » / <»

% 4 . 7 j

^ B u n k B e d I T w in C o tsish 6 9 - ^ 1

of sum m er c o t ta g e , hunting y iron b e d f r a m e h a s riv> ab rlc s tee l sp rings. Bolts ig, 30-in , w id e , 6 0 - in . hi^fb Jual sing le b e d s .

f P a t t e r n e d 'o a d l o o m

» 8 - ” -

nlnster b ro a d lo o m fn e ig h t p ile , close , firm w o v en oQ

jrs o f sa tis fa c to ry se rv ic d luxurious p o t te rm cut to flt.

1 6 4 0T W l N ' F A L t S " ~ ~

- .......................

vx(m s l s v e h ^

Page 12: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

NORTH S“Red” Jessen For South in ]

G R E A T F A L I ^ . M o n t. , J u ly 20 ■ ta r tc c l r o l l in g in t h e f i f t h in n ii iR S o u t h squud 10 to 3 itl th e 1048 P B tn r p n m c W o iin c s iiu v n i^ 'li t.

Some fans were on liiincl— witness n bnseliall jfamc in G reat Falls—ns the Northern team posted cnn of the most j lopsided fjames in the history of the all-.s(ur series. s..u.h

T he victorloiis norllicrii wnr. mnde up of plnycrs trmii Oreat FftlLi nnrt In M ontana, nnd J~.»>Iiialio Falls nn<l Poc:»Ip1:o In Mnho. Plnylnc for Ihc jo u lh were nil- mmv, Mura rrotii S.ill I-nke C ity mid 0 «- »:.mn (Icn. In Aiuili, nnd Boise and T ain m ils . In Idnlin.

T he Ki'inr ninvert fmoothly nnd U*ni' w ithout n *core UuoukIi Ui« fourtli frftmr. Kurhi

T hrfo In Fiflh T lie lads from llio niirlh talllNl t.,i-

llu cc In tliP llf ih , three more m the . - s n ftlxth. one Jn th r -<evcnlh nnd an- o the r t h n r hi the el«h(h. Tlie vie- to rj' Knve llicm a -'>•2 edRe In Itie .^iivrt .•cvcn-namc ri'rles -.vhich i.l:iricd in 1039. Tlie win nt-arly rcvrr:.ed tlie

. 10-2 .'.core by whieh th e -soiilh iv„n Kr.ti. •VlnM jo a r n l -I'A'ln I.';';;,';;

T h e tlKht ball Knmc tiucWli-d In th e fUlh wlirn llllli- Teddy Savn- rene, port-.Ider for th e Salt Lake whn. Bee.-., look ovci-'Uie'niciiinrt for tlir !ini~. rm ith. Savare.M' nnd the bnll clul) behind him promplly f rll npnrt.

Tlic J.otithcrner:. were able to wore ^ 1.1. two Jn tho wxih nnd nnollier In N..rih th e *e%-cnlh. ^^iiun

.Six Soulhem nrror» v " S "81.-: S a iith rn i errors coiipl.-d with •‘Y V '

ft JO-hlt K orih tn i n ttn rk boa-.ted filoek: for th e winner.*.. Kc.iir

And mennwhlle the Soulh wiu nble to collect six hlLi from ths ffferlnitA of North mounrtsmen. nn h»i Tliey were biinchcd In ono frnme— •• ''j thB «lxlh.

Svcnd Jesscn. hnrd hlltlng T a in i..tUi r n l l s utar. claimed m ost of the lj*’'*'* offeii.'ilvo Rlory for th e Bouth. Tlio o"f*p Cowboj- first b.uernnn. who Ii hit- : in : tin s .347 In resu lar lenpiie piny, f '" ," ' blnrtecl ou t three hlL^ on four trijv. to the pliite. I lc Mored two of the n,n. th ree South riin.i.^ •

K rftU nr AIM I lo m rnJcflion i« led R home m n in the J L / (

flK htii wlUi none nboard. Jim Kent- ^ Int;, G rcn t Falls, rapped out a two- W | . run four-basKcr for M nnager Ilol- O l land LeBlnnc'a N ortherners the ^ «ame Innlns. I r

A ll of tlic 33 ntnrs w.iembled for th s gnme w hich hiRhllRhts play in g p th e cln.vi C loop iaw action. 2 ^ ^

Five hurlera for cnch «qund look ^ th e ir tu rn s on tho mound. John -niirtj Stlhvell. 131!llng'/i rlK hthnnder. who i_ n was th e th ird hurler fo r the win- nera. wa» credited w llh the victory. > .-1 Savnrc 'c, n lio num ber th ree on tho 5 ., mound, wiw tho loslnR chuclter.

K cutlnc poled h is hom e run bnll Wllh one nboard. P y .

. Sooth G els Six l i l t i sea.'oT ha no rthern mound alaff—Adol- ,

pho Ttirrefl. Pocntello; Bob White.G re a t m il s ; SUlwell, nnd Mel Wa- ter« a n d K en Lelimnn. Idaho F a lU - held ManuKcr Charley Mctro'.n rebel r-qund to tlx r.;tfctle.i Including the th ree by Jen.cn.

T h e winner* sm.Mlicd ou t tlielr 18 blowa from tho offerlnKS of Dill New rra n k ;i. Dnl-.e; A rl Kuehl. Tn’ln I 'l i lb : Savnrese nnd J im llobert-wn. ■ OKdcn. R ich Colombo, Dobe the fif th South chucker. saw nctlnn a.? a tl p inch h itte r In the n in th . H’" C

m th e lai* eavarene w m tnRRed *e re fo r elRht h its In two nnd one-thlrd Innlnps. P l l l I

SavnreKC I lll H ard FHT ho iio rlhe rn team broke Uie

deadlock w lih a tlircc-nm outbur.ri f'’**" In th« I lfm Innlnfr. Sevare.ir took over motm d chorca for tlie Southern team nnd John Stilwell, nillinRs pitcher, fldv.-\nced to flrr.t when he wax h i t by a pltc)ie<l ball. Les nnrnea . BllllnRfi. bunted nnd Sav- nreao threw high to Gl! McDougald.Tw in Falla, p loylag second biuo for _Usa Southern team . B olh runner* f t T r were s o f t on th e play. i» l .v

M nton Joffe. Bllllnfra. then atruck T <mu Ed MIckelBOn. Pocntello. follow- J-<C ' ed him to Uie p late nnd Rrounded rxT, ou t to McDouKald. forclnit Bame*. I W StllweU Bdranced to th ird on th# m e play. cAUaa

Al K»U. Poca.t«no outfielder and i„ th e league's leadlnK b a tte r wllh a m m Ic hefty JB5 murk, then Itneil ti slnRlo over th ird ba.re to ^core Stilwell. Mlckel-'on w enl to »econd on tlie fm ir t piny. K eating walkad to flU the e „ lt b a ^ . Dlek Brtakey. G reat Palls. r i i , walked to force In MlckeUon. L an y Poto.,i Bwederakl. Pocntello. drew a pn.v and Nell cnme home. John Wll- ” ^ j bum . G rcal l-’nlla, bntlliiR for Lu- Uier Tnpi>. Idnho F«1L% filed ou t to

f“ f“*t . , U . lU lU .. '

T he South team bounded b.vk In Lunue th e dlxth Innlnc with a pa ir of nin.i V era < on two hlU nnd tin error. WUh Mri placed W ntrrfl, Idnho Fnll., on the mound le .^ue lo r th e N orth. Ray Medertos, Bol»e, *a larr • tn rte d thlnffs moTlng w hen ho drew • wnlk. J im Dnnlels, Bolso outfield- i i t » i e r, n ie d out. Je.wen slnpled to riRht WlJ rield. Reno Chcso, S a lt Lnke City, ^ followed w llh a no ther MnKle over 1 I n i th ird b « e to score Mederlos and nd- ,.* il Yunee Jensen to th ird . Baum er filed ou t In deep le fl field and Je.-jen eam o hom e w ith the aecond run.

T h ree more N orth runs crewed In — th e »ixth .lnn lnK .-B nrne«-lrip !ed-to

deep cen tc r and scored when E.irl , s ilv c r th o m , Id ah o Pnlls. singled , ' over M cond base. S llverthom ad- ^ '8hU vanced to th ird on a a error and Ja ck Calvey, U m ings. .Icg lcd SU- ^ v e rth o m hom e. Nell lived when f*,® B aum er dropped hL'? fly ball. K eat- Ine singled and Cnlj'ey waa ou t a t th e plaW . K ea ting , try ing to steal. _ w as c a u g h t betw een f ir s t and eecond I h < and NcU acored on th e n m down.

Brlskey acored th e lone n m for th e N orth In tb o «<venth on Leb- m an 's tlng lel n«o4m

In th e e lc h th J e s so i poled bU rmrk*. hom a n to fo r th e th ird Bouth icore. ’ L a te r la th a t Inn ing K eatlnff came th ro u g h - w ith bU fou r baceer to A atr b r tn f la two nin* . Briakey la te r « » k . • w e d w hen sw c d e n U po u n d e d * n ; , u



SLUGGER!n Homers ^ 1 Eighth Ty 29 (i'p)— The N orthern lenm ; I iiiiiK and went on to rout tho t m ‘18 Pioneer baseball league all- 1 ^

nd—tho lai'Kcnt crowd ever to ^ , * * * * ,

All-Star Box '

iii;r7~;Tn ^C'lin.i. Halt 1,.k<- inir. ib ... .. I I A 0

tiuDi, Osilan. It .....— ..... ...... : 0 fl 0......................... •. n « :7 "l H

Sllv';ih"rn"Vi.f.' .... ‘j i - II AmMkl,-l.on. II, ......... 1 I a Hai

..... ........... t J 'i «

Swr.l.r»M. r .p l 'n i i . .in ......... • I. : Ihti

‘i'.iff". p ..........— fl fl 0 fl alio


L.'r In t.Ilek.l.nn: »tun>hr t/> denti'n’htl'u‘l''o‘ci Tnt*r«’’l.%?ll^V^’’K"sui»Vl!

•!rn« J. Knbal^on 7, I.«hm>n 1. ri'iinl » till

s o i r n a 's . I(r.l>rrUon 9. Uhm’an 1. Il'ltl tlatc(

In :. ltf.W u.,n S l„ l>,. I.-fl n„ I ....,: ycnii

Dodgers Drill)St. LouisCards, 12 to 4 =

' Ha:BROOKLYN. Ju ly Sfl I.r»-Tlie ],ivc.i

Brooklyn Dodger.i Wedne.vlay roul- churc ed the S t. Loul.i C ard inal^ 12-4. to .lolldlfy tlie lr grip on second plnce '| In Uie N ntlonnl lengue. Tho Cards W ir l’ dropped In to a ih ird placo tie with Now York. -

Et'erj' D odger h i t la fe lj t i the Brooka Juisaulled four Cardinal pitchers fo r 15 h l u Inoludliif Tom- m y Brow n's sccond hom er ot the

T lie ' Dodgem Jumped on Ken ’ John ion . recen tly recalled frctii R ochester of Use Intem atlonnI „ J lenRur. fo r two n ia i In the first Inning nnd they wero never headed,

HAKTUNO 1IUIU.S HHtJTOUT NE^V Y O RK . July 30 (fl’r - l l i e

Nrw Y ork G ln n u tied tha St. " " Ix>iiJ.i C nrdlnnU for Uilrd place In th e Nntlonnl IcnRiio |>ennnnt rnre M C Wedne.idny a.i C lin t H artuns iiitch- 9 | cd the a in tiia to n 4-0 victor)’ over . W th e C lnrlnnnll Red.i while the Cards were trounced by Brooklyn. p a M

p i in .U E S HEAT cnn .'j PHILADELPHIA. July 29 M'.- Rr-

relvInK fine -iupport n l the plnlc froen hla m ntea. rlKht ha iidrr V rrn M«h.. nickforil weaUiere<l U o rhiiky In- 'nins* W ednesday nnd pitched Bor- I!:,., to n ’s NftUonnl Ifague leading Drave.i huui to an 8-2 tr ium ph over tlie PlttA- *’"•* biirph Plrnte.i before lan.r. 'Hie vlctor>- wa.1 th e seventh ngaln^i two d e featj fo r frealunan Bickford. Uo.i.,

___________________ llrooki

Mexican Baseball |r^ League Drops si" Two More Squads

M EXICA C IT Y , Ju ly 20 (U.PJ—Be- M»*i«r :aus« th# A m ericnn dollar *en l up In valu# aou th o t the border, the yA i i Mexlcnn baaebnll Irap io was operat- tm « i ng In ono p a rk W ednesday-mlnu-i :wo of u.l nienibcrs. leuvlng only t-hi<«i four team s In th e once-fnbuloiis clr- :ult.

L atest to d e p ar t were Snn Louis i_ ?otosl and T am pico. leavlnR only iir~ik’ Uexlco CUy. V era Cruz, Monterey m d Puebla w hich will play the ir ' ramea a l M exico C ity under a rc- ^bcd schedule which cnlli for fiw in rame# W ednesday through Sundny mtU O ct. 34. Cnopar

I n a n o th e r mo^-e, Cuban Adolfo -utjue wa.n rem oved oa m anager of /e ra C r ia by lengue bigwlpi nnd re- rhiud, ilaced w ith "C hile" Gome*. Tlie i fn i eapue sold It would pay Luque's C-nnri Alary.

Willie Pep Flattens ,!H Opponent in First

U -nCT. N . Y.. Ju ly 30 ( -r> -re a lh - NV- V ■rwelght cham pion WUll* Pep mocked o u t Y oung Jun io r Wednes^ p h .lir ' lay In 2:«S of th e first round of alon -tltlc .bout._____________________ .

Jun ior, Springfie ld . Ma.ij.. lalled c h k i£ n to Pep n t the s ta r t w ith sharp llu.i. IghU to tho body, bu t Uie champ ountcred w llh a scries of lefl Jabs.L lefl hook to tho Jaw sen t Junior B«u.n eellnR a n d a r ig h t to the Jaw fin- 'h e d h im . Pep weighed 131 and n.,,* . unlor 133H.

rhe Big Six »•!.r« . .Uk n AB m n p<i. » ' ym ui.^ lud 11.1 .J l m « m j n — =Iaa4n*>. IndU ni.lt 9Ii I t i n 111 t T ’mrk*. Ci Im _____|< n t 13 112 .l i t _ ■i t i . |?» «: ‘m J i


*NnlUnt> tMsoi> X l»r. ririlM, n , \— Ml»». 6I. Btai M,---------- ■ —

WIN FFound Guilty

I S I B B n Car■ 3 toI H B ■

‘ ■ du r

D cllii:______

lllL L McGOWAN . . . who naa suirpenctrd by

American leasue IT ea lden l UUI go ’H arrldse Ju ly 20 fo r th e u.vt of nth'lirnfaiir lancuaKC a n d for thri»*- fomInir IhhiR^ a t a p layer. i!arrl<l|ie ellci»alil W ednesday th e charce* had nnd l>rrn Hubitantlalecl and M rCnw -nn ’>. iDiiM-nxInn hnd co st lilm ,\'Saboul S.-.00. ^

* * * * Pill

Ciiarffc Against ;S Bill McGowan Substantiated

CHICAGO. July 20 (,T ,_Pre.sl- den t Wlllii.ni HarrldKe of th e f '' ‘ Amrrlcnn leiiKUe nm iouiiced W ed- nesday iliai. the charRes nRalii.it umpire Bill McGownn nrlaUiK oul of a turbule iil nlRht gam e n t W anh- liiKton. July 10, "have beeu xub-slati- * tlatert." C:

.McGowiin WII.I ftuspenrled .luly 20 f’"'' a fte r offleliih of Ihc Wii;.!i|iiRt<.n '>!' Kcniitors hud pioterilcd H int .Mr- Ciowaii h.id cUr.ied und ih n m n a biuieball a l one p layer.

Ixi-irs $500 H;irrldK<i .vild th n t McGownn wn.i Mnc

Misj>ended w ithou t aalnry for 10 for day.i nnd would be eligible to re tu rn Tl lo acllon Friday . Ju ly 30. McCiow- dial an'.'i aa-.iHW.loii cast him " app rox - rhih mialely S.'>00," lhe A m erican lenRiie n to uJflce mild. » o

H arrldge nald " a f le r «i thorough "Kn' Invc.'iUfiallon, I f in d th n t th e :hixrRe.i filed nKnlii.il W llllnm Mc- SHI L^owan fo r hla conduel nnd u^n of ST. Dad liiiuiilage on th e bnll field a t McC Wii.-.hlnRton have 1>.tii Mib.-.umtlat- in tl ' ‘I '" She!

“ H e tre tta b lr" YnnHn .mid It wa.-, " reK re tU ble- lh a t Uroi

an umpire hhould be Involved In >n t vuch nn Incldcnl "bccaa-.c hc la aUc the IcuKue represen ta tive on th e Rey; Jiill field c lothed w llh nb:;ohila nu- Ihorlty nnd should n t all ilinc-i r.-;il- » / lie nnd apprecia te h la re/ipon.ilhlllty j^ S :o baseball."

T lie head of the A tiierlcim lenKur I J 'a id hc acted "a^ 1 would have If j t> ;he .'.Ituatlmi had bi-cii rcver;.i-d and dn illn r chargea had been filed by 1 ^ , in iiniplre ngaliLM n player." I ’


n o s r E R i.EAfiiT with

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J L ou H e lle r ^J" FIR E and AUTO *■

! INSURANCE <y OrpbeniH B onding ^ ___



Tigers End Winning Str

D i m i o r r . July 23 (/I-)—T h e D etro it T day to Ihr 13-R.<nie wlnnlnK a ire ak of th pltclKTA I<'r 11! hitr. to M ibnicrge-tlie Am

Pnul <Dl/7y) Trovil a tlfled tho Sox wll them hy Dominic DIM iikkIo—aa th e Tig. wor.it IftcinK of th e yenr. —

T he |l)^ wa« lhe flr.it for Joe .Me- _ Carthy'n Rang sInre D etro it won n 1^ 3 to I derision In Boaton Ju ly 17.

B u t even Jn de feat tlic Red Sox ~ clung 10 fir^l place by n na rrow I margin of four perceutnge poInU ovrr the I’h llndelphia A lhletlca. who cllinbrd l;nrk Inlo sccond by bciitUiR I Cleveland.

Trout, L-ollarliiR th e Boiiox w iin .. tb i'lr tillh .'.hutout of lh e ;,en- *on, pcnnlltcd only one ru n n e r to «o n.l lar n-s th ird bii.ic und tw o !, othera to touch ;.ec(md. D l/.y fanned four ntid walked th ree n.. hc lev- elled hlfi r.rnM.n record a t 10 wlna nnd 10 ;,etbarka.

A'S Iu:.\T I.K.MON J.-,'CLiCVKLAND. .lulv 20 11’l — T lie l i r

PMlladclphlii Alhlcuc-. gained a n i,v even lirc;ik In th e ir lwo-i:nmc h i- liir rlea wUli tlie Cleveland Indlaii.i in tVedne-.i'iiy by pll^llln(f f.vo iin e u rn - m.. r<l run .1 iicro.-,'. In the e ig h ih Inn ing un lo heat Hob Lemon 4 to 3. j

n i e Tribe iK.undcd ta ll Dick (|iu Fowler’s r lrh -h a n d offering;, for 10 of •latile'.. including Alllr C lark 's fo u rth ;,n h n n e r of th e i.ear.oii. hai

Hut a ml.-.judKnient by < en tcrfle ltl- « er t.n r r j Doby on Don \V lilte> fly int In th e elKhth c0.1i two run.i nnd e n - * nl)le<l F.uvler to ehalk up hla 10th hn- v leloo ivgalnM two defe.it.a. „ ir

p iK U K rn sT O Prt c n i s ( j . \CHICAGO. Ju ly 23 i.T ^-M nrlno t n

Plereitl iiirned in a .-.ix h llle r RKulnM “ ' i till foinier Wu.-=hlnKinn bcn n to t tfjim m ates before 3.lfi0 ivr.ion-i Wi-diiivdny 10 lead Ihe C hicago ■ ; White .Sox to n 2-1 iriiinipli,

IL Win the tiny riK hthanders

Mnc‘ro'rimig'\o a lIcuR o 'in 'exclm nge for pitcher Earl H nrrbu

Tlio victory enabled th e c e lla r- f ehalned W hite Sox to hwei-p tho twn V Rame ,'erle.'. from the S ena to rs . I t nL'o provided the W hll.- Hox w ith . a 0-H edge In the .iea;;nnal MTle.n . . . l a , . ™

SlIKA BLANKH BROW NSST. I.OUIS. Ju ly 2D (,V ;-G eorge McQulnn doubled hnme tlirce ruii.s v ii In th e .•.eveiith Inning to back l-Yaiik Shea's U ircc-hltlor n.s th e New Y ork „r Yankeea .ihut p u l th e S t. I.oiila Urown.1 i to 0. S hea wa.i iiiken o u t , , in th e n in th Inning w ith none ou t , nflcr he had walked i\vo m en. Allle ,, Reynolda fln l:hed th e ra ine .

Zale-Cerdan Bont Slated r, For Sept. 23 u,;

NEW YORK. Ju ly Sfr f/7'. P ro - | motcr .Midy N lr<lerr.'iier o! t h e ' '>f T ourn iiinn il of Chaniiilon.s W'rdi;,-..- , bac day niin.miicrd Sept. 1:3 n l ln)l)rl.-, : F Held n.i llie len tallve d» te f,.r i lir and Tonv 7,nI.--M..r.-pl C efdan mlcldh- I wUl welKhl title hotit n fler n co n frre n er I r.ea: with A rihur M ann. a.^.s!.iiant tn | IM: branch ltlei;ey. Brooklyn Dod^.-r.-. ' liresldeiit. , A

Nlederreller raid It -Aould hr im - exp IlO-..Mhle lo liolil th r binil >.L Kl)l,rls Held In early .':c.i,i,.riil»T a.i o rurinal- the ly planneil. He lulded tlm t Hoo-,,-veil pur •il.Mllum in Jerrey City rcninlned a IioMlbimy 111 <M.’,e filial nrRoliati„ii.-. iMdi lhe iir. oklvii m ntianrm i-mbr.ike douii. ' . 'V,',

•n ie T uen tii th C entury Ki.oriitiK I J,.l elub Ll trying to line up an nil- .., heavyweight ?how for th e Y ankee j sladluni. Sept. 2J. Sol Stmuj-s. ne t- * ' ' ' Itig prom oter. W edneadny ta lked by , ‘ phone wllh T ed B rondrlbb. m aiiag- er of p e d d le .Mill.-., newly rr.uviird

■ ItKht heavyw.'iKhl chaniplun. .M1II1 wn.1 offered an overw eight boui wiih his pick of Jer-ey Joe W nlcott, r.z- sard Charles, Lee Snvold or .loe O l Boksl. Brondrlbb promL-.ed • nn ^

Promoter Asks Louis to Verify S His Retirement

WAS1HNG-1X)N. .lulv J-'Iei .Mntchmnker Onbe M enendr.- look J e n atrn leh t to Joe Louis Wertiie.-dny Tthe question w hich m oy di>clde nnd whether th e comlns Chft^le^-Klvlnsbout win decide a new world heavy- * 1welRht chnnipion.ihlp, AJ

He lelegrnphed Louln n;.i;inK If ^CiRriarxl Chnrleg. C incinna ti, th e Al

No, 1 contender, and Jim m y liivlns, enui Cleveland, nre slated lo m r ,t In end G riffith htndlum here Auc. 0 . 1 F h l ' .Menendcr ha., n iked the N ational I m rn Boxing »;.soclallon to give t h r ><Tap > sn tf Ulle atnius, ! r e il

He dliclo.ied W ednesday th a : Abe Greene. Pnter.ion. N. J .. NBA ^re.^l- n p ident.repllfd th n l.th ls -w o u ld t.f Irn- ___poVlble becau.*e Louis li a tlll rhnm - plon and hu.i no t retlreil.

So M enende: p u t th e big (jUf.ilon up to Louis.






I Boston’s I creak at 13 \lit TiRer.' pu t ft violent end W ednes- if the llt.Mon Hed Sox, ahellliiK th ree Ameriean league leaders 13 to 0. nil

t with ;.lx scattered .iln g le .i- th rce of Tiger.n pounded Uic Boslona to th e ir "

Eagle Hatchery ,I, Chief Moved I To Twin Falls "

•I-raii:.!Lr of K. O. Bailey, i,uperhi- "v.triid rn ; o! lhe :.talc tLih liaw liery la;a l Katilr irj a .Mmllnr iw.sltlon n t Wthe Twin Falla ha tchery , wm. nn- vl.noiiiierd Wrdnr.Mlay by T . D. .Mur- <ruy. diirc t.ir of the fiMi and game Olili-iianiiiriit. and Jam es C. SJmixson, l-ofL.h culm rl.l, da

nallrv ha;, liceii In charge of Uic th l-;a:.-le natchery Mnce 1030, P rio r toth a l tiiiie he had been employed bo by th r <:epar:nient fo r 10 yeara inIhe nnidui-tion of bircin and fLsh ruIII ollirr parl.'i o t th e Mate. Hc Is de nicivir.i: lo Twin l-’alla lliLi week nndwill a-.Miine hln new dutle;. Aug. 2, 'nl

H.illry will .Mjcet.xl H enry D ahl- be(11ll. t Uho ha.s been gn in ted n lenve ofof abM-nrr, H urt Bowlden. tem ixjr- ce'anlv 111 Chnrce of th e Twin l-'iUI.', a<-hairlirry . will re tu rn to H agerm an '>>

■» 1„„ No M ircrvor lo B.illey n l Kaiile

hn., hrrii n ;i,.a 'd . Until the appo in t. iiiriit- IS uniiounced C larence Br.vi. 0 ‘ fonr.iriy ;.upi rm te n d en t a t th e Hay Spur ha lch iry . G aim ett, and re- criitiv a.'..M.Manl a l Kagle. will bc ariiiiR Mi[>erlii!.'iident iinUl Bailey':; O ' .MKrr-.Mir 1.-, nnnicd.

F(!lh^i-^s' i: May Be Result Of Bad Muscle »

CI.KVIXAND. Ju ly 23 |/T> - A b.ilir.-.tllrr W ednesday .lald n ha rd - ene;l nm.^rle wa.s the an.iwer to why tin Bobbv Keller hn.in't been able to|<'l<' flash h!.-, ciisloniary fonii for ib e '" '! : Clevelaiiil Indian;. Ulla vear, ; •

A, I,. Au-.tln. whom 1-Vller cirdi:., v.Uh fii-.M hrlpiiig him back in 1DJ7. | ’ 'U wlini Jir [.lit,-reil a l th e begiiitu:;^: ' of hln rarecr. a l 'o w auled th a t the | hurler mlnht hr tlirounh unle;.;. i : i r i “ “ tnvihlr 1.1 corrected. i- '" '

He ;..ild ;i m a .rir in llie r iK li t r '' : h a n d rr s rlLilil ;l,ou lder li:id lia id - I

t,„;ri.M dt of o v r r . | ' ' ’j

I.IIie fluh lirr Hniiil I"ll'.i Ilkr a n ib lirr hand ih a l ha-i !

■been .ntreiehed too far and loo | P "

i Paliinii'I'd pnl'rll'iionvl'n'i i.lrJli'.uVo 'j ".\ly flnger.s a re M i.-.iinr a n d 1 know how to uel .l,r*n iir„j v,urk V

'o n the iiui.^cle." he de rlam i. - r i i r e e " or four ireatmeiii-. M l „ iu ll back 111 ^lla|>.• akMln-'

i : \p e r t i I-allA niiin!-rr a! |.hy.Mrlari.s i.iid -a rm ‘'i l'

expert;.-Ih rti l,:,d l:,il,M |. , ;„ lv c the i;'“ .lUMrry ol Ahv h - w;,;.i,'t tlirowli.R th e f.jime n.....rinieni of bjiffllng pltehe;. for th.' liu 'ian.i Dial year i— Ihn l he dJd the .irasoii before,

•T liere | i iidt liic .v|i«iii.” t doubt Ih a l Aastiii Ill-Ill,-,i i.-,.:i,.r ;,„iri. "llcfore 1 went to him mv elbow h u r l c iery time I threw the bnll.

••Ho popped aomeihlng and w ith ­in 2« hours I wn.1 a.i good as ever."

Peller denle<l We<lnc.'dny th a t hl.i Inte.U vlMl wni nnyllil.ig ,„r,re thnn roiKine and .«.ild th.-re w.ts uQttilng , wrong w ith h h urm. i

Sterling Edges Jerome Club, :!-l |

Sterling Jewelry, T aiii I-'alLs ' scorcd nil Il.l ruiLs ii; the llr.st iwri lnnl^R;.Tue^day n luht to the Jero.no foftbnll team 3 to 1. T horpe held the lowers to one hit. a n d he . . ih m them out until the 'Inal fram e. j',

l.ine .reore: R » ti-''erhnK . . 2in ory 0 - 3 iJ ‘-rome ............... 000 0c « l - l i

•niorpe and Doughuii Ihomrv'-on nnd Wllllnmi-

-------- — _________ t

Albion Fisherman pCatches 6-Potmder

ALBION. July 29-D lIl SatchA’cU caught a alx pound trou t ln.it week­end while fishing a t G lffonl springs. F ishing WIL.1 reported goo<l nnd o th e r inen ibea of th e partv wrre Mr.i, Snteliwell. Mr. a n d Mr*. Carl B a r­re t t nnd Heber D anner, fl


I N -







Big Ceremony Will Open Olympic Games

, L O N D O N . July 39 (-T) — T lie twmlKhllesl sporla carn ival Ip hLMory •*'c

• will open here T liu rsdny In colorful S». eeremonle.i brlnglnt: 5,000 n th le tra Jn

from 58 nations together In O lympicrlv;ilry, pr

•; Ten mlniite.H of pngcantry Is n il po, thi re la o f the openlnR progM tn. laiT he only running will l>c done ^y •men bearing th e .symbolic flnm e on wcIt.s ln.1t inp from G reece. dc

However, n crowd of fiO.DOO apec- Hilatorr, Ll expected for the ;.how. bo

A cheering we.Mhcr foreciisl of '•warm nnd ; ,n n n y toiiehwl off a last m inute rui.h ot ticket buying

, Wednr;;day n.', nUild old London Yielded a t ia.'.l to Uie Olympic fever.

Crowd.s stayed awake to chee r the■ Olympic toreh on lt.i way to-*’ard f, London. T he torch landed W cdne.i- V-

day eienliig a l Dover n fter pasnlng 'V

, If tiie ilnitng la r ig h t ll will he ■*; borne Inlo the atadliim nt precl.-.elv IV , 4:07 p.m . m:07 a .m .. M.ST) hy n , r iinn rr wlw;.r Identity was .11 UI h id- „; lien W.-<liiesdny. V<

HI-, a rrival will clim ax those 10 , ininiilr.i of ceremi.ny Into u lilch will

be packed all the colorful .tymboliMn of Ihc Ramcr.—pre-ieri’i'd through eeiilurle.s and .itaged by the world's

, a<-knciwli-dt;ed nia..lcr;! of pageantry , ‘ th r n n il.h . tll'

j King tin irg e Vt will la a r t the show al 1 p .m . 12 n .m .. M S T i.'

-1 priH-laim opm the Olymple ’'?• c-anies of l!Hn eelebrntliiR th o H lh Olvnipalit o t Ihe m odern e ra ,- hc will ;.ay. •llieii 5.000 b righ t elad a th lrtea from all over the world will fll,- [1X11 him In th e irndltlonnl Olympic parnde, ""

Jii.1t. before the to rch bear.T races In and elrcle.i lhe b righ t red n in- iiliig irark . 7.000 pigeons will be T liHi iil Into the air na svinlwlr. of 1 . pc-.iee. and a 21-gun sa lute will be Iirrd. , 1

, vawait the opening of conip<>ililon on Friday m orning.

Amerira-a powerful conU ngent of ^ men and women star.-, gnthL-red a l

. U.ilini!v:e Wedne:.,iay to rchrar.ic th r lr p a rt In Mir piirn<li- iinil to de- ' <-l<lr In wliat order the varlou.1 Icnma

I win niarrli. W'; A fhud .iiirvcv of the j,everal W,

A nien ian Il.iltiUiK canip:i fulled tc [ tiu-n up a shigie in jury nr Ilhu-;jt of ■any lluiiorM nir. U ncle Ham'a nth- I lrl,-s have rcaehrd n iM-ak o f form '1'“'; i.i„i i „ i „ , . II";;.lve train ing under a ho i r.tm. nnd

Uiry will have no alibi;,.I T he Itaek and firld ace;i merely ' tapered off W.-dnr-.tlav nt, Uxbridge.I Coaeh Bob KIphulh';; m en swim- I nier.i nnd diver:; r.m In to a Jam of ! a th letes w hrn they a ttem p ted to 1 pm etlce Jlt lhe W rinhley pol. j j Tlie lowrrlm: Amerieuii bn:.kttbnll I players relum ,-d Irom an exhibition ; lour Ilf K,-oti,uid to fiiKl th a l no pro- I vL.lnii hail b,-eti iii.idr for them to

practice on Ihe Olympic floor n l I H arrlngny nrenn. T h a i ineanr. Uiev I will piny the ir opening game ngaln.it | th e Swiw on l-Virluv m orning w ith- | o u l having te- ii-d m e cham pionship : boiirdn.

T O P .STARS I.OSr SiCA BRIGHT, N. J.. .Inly 20 (-7*1-

1*wo top-seeded pl;iy.T:i. Boh Falk- eiibiirn nnd Dorothy H ead, were e lim inated We<hir;.d..y In th e .Se.i B righ t U w n T .iiiils and Cricket chib'a fioth Invitation tourney . j-

— , , , — ■ t


RADIATORsniivicn11.ill...ut, (••luiS anil R«.l-«uL

H . M ^ i r ■■ 111, n " r III f i n* I

The Radiator ShopU ! In d ATf. a Phono 2319

Get Youi- Farm Machir

H arvestKronRer.9 cnn iie lp y o u now t

p e t th n t m ach in e ry rc n d y be fo r th e ni.^h s ta r ts . T im e is m one w h en th e tseason p e ta u n d e r w aj

W eld irK R E N G E L ' C

INCORPORATED ^—tlt-S nd -A T e . .1. -T w in Fall*. Ida .

5TAR GADI FuU Card Aji I For Monday’- TJie I'econd big outdoor boxing ahow ot

Jnycee field M ondny under the sponsorsh V eterans of Fore ign W ars. Tommy M a malchtnakcr.

■I1ie card la headlined by a lO-round boi Wciscr. nnd Wlllle Pnrker. 159. Lo.i AnRel. Twin Falla Ju ly 7 ,‘ i-hlle P n rker will be r

T ile fight th a t will hold lhe In- ; Icrrat of m any Mnglc Vnlley fans. P ” ' liowcvcr. Ll th e <>lx-round tu-'.sle be- fl R tween iv.o h a rd -h ltlln g heavy- / •Aclghts. Billy Pappas, IBS. rugged 1 Han Francl.-co G reek, will oppo.-.o le r, Jny LcNoll. 103. O gden, U ta h . ^: In a Klx-roiind special event. J'

Frunklo M ontoya, popular 125- '• I pounder from S a lt Lnke Clly. will " .. taiiRle with K lkl G arcia, 12C, Ogden. f "Pepper” M nrlln . Tw lh Fall:; light- » welRht W’hn m ade hU profe.ialonnl

debut here In Ju ly , will be n flc r his JO: . Ihlrd knockout In as m nny pro • h

bouts when h e slugs ll ou l wlUi Loi f •-Kid'- U on . 135. S n lt L.ake City w u . leather pu.iher. j,ov, The bout will open w llh a four- of , round prelim inary. In w hich two gal<

young fighters will be m atched .: ------------------------------ RE

! Oldsters Defeat ~ ; Youngsters in Golf •] ; Match Wednesday •] T lie Oldsters team defeated the '

Youngsters Wedne.iday In a spcclnl 5 golf m nteh during U d fc .i' dny ] neilvltlei n t the m unicipal golf , cour.ie. n i e O ldsters hnd a net 1 .rcore of 783. compnred to a tally of , a:2 for the Y ouns.itera.

Reba Henry of th e O ldsters hnd the low n e t .icore of tlie dny, a

, :i5. E lizabeth Tool.son. tc.im cap la ln .Ie<l th e Y oungsters w ith a n e t of fB

. -IQ. 'I lielm n TooLion. Old.iter.i enp taln H j nl'o had a n e t of 40. «

T hicty-four women pa rticipa ted \ I In th e touninm enl, nnd nboul 55 J J women took p a ri in nil Ladles’ dny i > nctlviile.i. Prof.-;.-.lonal Zeke Brow n- F

Ing'.i free Rolf clinic fo r women wns \ , n ttended by e igh t golfers. '

; Lewiston to Get ’ 1949 Idaho State ; Women’s Tourney

IDAHO PALLS, Ju ly 20 (/P) — f LewLnton hn.i been .iclectcd aa the I ;ilte fo r the 10-10 Idnho women's atnte . Rolf tournam ent.; Lewlaion nnd Tw in FalLi subm ll- , ted bid-1 fnr the to u rn am en t n l tha

, Wednesday n igh t w ith th e bid of LewL'iton being nccepied.

f T)ie annual tou n in m en t grta . underway here T liur.uiay wllh , qiinllfylng rounds a n d will c tm tlnue . through Sundny. O ther buslneja I eoii.ildered n l the m eeting was tho

;.election of a nom inating and rules -IJ , coinin lllee ./E lec llon of offlcer.i la


• You'll IiiKl I t pnvs to sec your Ford Dealer F irs t for dependable trnaiporin tlon .

47—M ereury To»en fiedan 41—Mercury Fordor Sedat 41 -F o rd S.D. tfordor Sdn.40—C het. Tndor 4{^S tode Cham p. T udor40—Ford Dlx. Fonlor 30—Mercury Fordor 3fi— Ford DIx. Coape41—Studebaker 1-Ton Truek44— Fnrd V-R 2-T on 2 Spd. Tik.45—Mack 2-3 Ton T ruck



U N IO N M O TO R CO.F o r d - L in c o l n - M e r c a r j

. ... f'whmery Keady for the

t Season

ng . r ^d o n e p r o m p t ly , a n d

^ m o r e im p o r t a n t , p r o p -

^ c r ly a t K r e n R c r s .da . Sill

| K ir


LME 10-3Announced ly’s Fightshow o t the sum m er will b c p rtse n ted a t insorshlp of Uie T w in Fall.i poat of the ny M artin wlU serve aa prom oter nnd

ind bout between Joh n n y Jertnlngs. IGO, Angeles, Calif. Jenn ings won a bout I n f r

111 be making his f lrs l appea rance here.

i: Managers Meet•d Manngera of m en ’s softball;.,c le.ims who will play In th o dis­

tric t tournam ent he re nex t week,, will meel a t H arm on pa rk a li 7:30 p.m. Friday . offlclaU snldm We<Inr.idny. -n ic m anngera willJ, co«iiplete plana for the lournn-

t- ^

,1s JO E IX)V'IS PUVNS TOURro • NEW YORK. Ju ly 20 (/P)-JoaJ l Louis Intends to m ake a tour ofty souUicni citle.i figh ting four-round

bouUi with the leading hc.ivywclKht.ir- of the area thin la il. H arry .Mendel• 0 aald W ednesday.


Si; //■ Y.ki;Jr 1

W h e n 'th e m nn b e h in d tho counter ask.n • 'W h ic h will i t

- Ho?” . . . you ’ll Imvo to maka I ' up your own m ind wlirU ier

y o u p r e f e r r ich . fu ll.b o il ie d I. Kl.NSKY -GoUr or lig h t, mei- 10 low KIN.‘?EV •■Silirr.'' B u t no

n ia tle r which onn you c l i ^ e ^. . .y o u g e t fn m o u s K in se y

I, q u a lity . , , nndnlw hiskey lh n f« h n . sm o o th o n d d o lic io u n ns le they como.

rhat Noble, Noble Flavorl

Take your choice—cnch is unexccUcd

in its pricc cinsa:


“ Gold” [ “ Silver”fM .6otii'fd Alcilow

\Vhiskie<»-Both 8S.S Proof.M d : G6% G ra in N e u tra l Spirita.S i/irr; 72Wr. G ra in N e u tra l SpW tj.

I K in*eyD utL ilincC orp .,L iafl« ld .F a.


Page 13: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

r a B B B I f f i r a r o gACROSa »»- 0 " * “

I. W «ton IT. ULfDoadU I . Cr»»r ir*«n». «uiln«»» J). iR ipteicr cf

. . . . . - S l . ." “ 'S S S . .T ! tU. Orad* •l»clrod»1«. Conatractlr* ‘J- F™*ni«nt11 N*«Bp iT. TranftlAlei M. Ii>er»i«a „ from clphtr

■mount mounlIt, n n w ia U ^ eeta S|.**■ nrl*nt“eMnr«t l . Former f»ne!ne ^ol« ot lti«

aumitiT .IT. PIlotM lllu.llo* g

F u . AppUuJ ««. »»• S’*I t TMSfy nt «£ m t oMh* «7»

e(i»le*t:onr ^

' I K 1^ 1 h ;rs---------------------75 1.

>S------------------ ,;■> S

E --------n " ~ 2 r ----------- 3 - r : ^ 3 5 - -

5r“ a i? ” r ^ 5

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TT ’TTSa 33 S3 u 25

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^ ----------— --------- a r -

So” ~ ~ Ea* £

C ----------T T C ■ ’ S T “

Er-------------1 | 5 T --------------- S T '

‘ A> N>wt/*atw<i

BOARDING HOUSE 1I M£AR 'rtJU'Ve R006 A LOT OF W AVJWHO H055Efe,AiAaciR'WE6ar A . ^ e s ;COLT HECE named'VOUCAfJO* r f 6 6 TKAT OUSHTTOBeASeASYPOR \ \O n - Voo AS OME O' 1rtEK\ MERRY-60- \ } ^ (?OOMO f ^ iE S — HOWD Voua a = a s _ , . p r> t o scEA^c mw

IKj FOC A LITTL5 Wj-1^.^


“ W h ere is th e co m p la in t


rm m sD A Y , ju l y as, W48

^ H r

w i g g i i S s i i S 3 ^

i i i M I tBolutlon ef Y eitarday’t P u u tv . a

s. a*nus of 1. DlmlntihD r i ' r * " *• I

DOWN ^ I*■ ™ !: K m . . . . - 3 ■ :-'iT h >■ i S . ' - . r r ^' ' : ;5-------------lo! ^

______ _ 11. n»rd f»t ,J7 IT. SummitL . __________m

:i! MiSe’’*3 5 - ------------ r r « . AifS^f.« ^

tumx . ___________: j. jinticiwt»a s * '

. . . J r r * _iS jfc JJ. cn iiu c* ia

JL r iu ti.] c t i— ,..Lj;."sr”’

_______________ II. EfTPtUa<0. saa

.; «l. Showltiit tr»«»i - 3 r s r p < i . c £ . £ | 7

5- 2 = “ “ * " — . _'T«'nP**t"U S(. Foitpon*B5. R*nown

r r ------------------- »». CIreuUr“•• !r:aie»l»r

. _ ___ ___ II, non«ni»n'itt . n»^or«

- ~ J — I /-----1 (1. Salutalles7-a»

MAJOR HOOPLE AV^PF.SPlJTT-TT.^?J F Vou T ESAO.ZEUE.'TO WCAM R iD&6 6 s u re .'v o o 'b e t) ) o l d



SAVirJG/— UM? WuSHTfOiWG * - IF 1 CWAtJGe > V • ^ tH E SUB3ECT ^

_______ By NEHER ,.-


l in t d e p ftr tm c n tT H ’’ th i

fN O W W H E R t'y ^ ME'8. r « FOP. -mAT NEW ^ MOWHEPff ~ GUARD/ I UAvr J AROUND ' ^

OUT OUR WAY,/ HJ. e n p p y / I SAW . \ 7-m A T/ v o o T IRW U P MEAH \ I FUSTI AM I o u s t DROPPEP I > T H ISV O P T O S » y <SOOO y I OVER—. MAWNiNV r-^ V VEAJ

^ J ( r c y, y ._ . ^ W e OLPFEOP


J . !

1M4 »TiC>or>et. oie.T. li

“ I nprrcQ Muriel is a popular s i r very frifudly—my m other ia alwj I be like hcrl”

CARNIVAL________ B

^ M 3

4,«c>«.iM«rf»a>tt»v>;t.L.«:.T.u »te »■■■»

“ I f y o u ’r e th o mnnnKor, you oui th e younff m a n in th e f ro n t s e a t i th in g s be fo ro in h is l ife !”. — . B yM y T D o o iV X ^ t r ru.

_________________________________ B


T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N

iy WILLUMS■ ' \ HE sMo I yu s r CAR IM \tw eN 1H 'H O S S ^

n ^ T O i R r r y / A N 'H e s s n a . -A 6 a ^ TTWIM' TO _

. ' ^ N T r r r A SHOW/’EM . r— — i r^ V UP WfTH y z

\ ^ ' ' i y L\ _ I


^ 8 |



i ’ i

i ^I '4 I (f L

fe T. M. ata 0.«. rn. orr: Efflrl a ll r i^ 'h t, b u t w o’re n o t

alwayK a.'^kinjr mc u h y c a n ’t


i f f 1 1

^ ^ 8 I i t e ^ ^

-S # '

; ou R h t to know t h a t 1 th in k -p ;a t n e v e r d rove one o f th e s e


By FRED HARMAN ^ ' 'T ^ n T r o p 'w F o F T w '" ” ^


a^PTgN PEg/

^ }


B S H liB B E ------------ EBy WALT DISNEY ^


I -x l L ^ L




6lMaiOUS.AHO RICH/ TVnHKS^VM^ p MMT nss 00 voo 1 TRYWa TO Kill •■ iKHO W A W rH IRtA THATSWHY



1 U i ^ H L - _ 3 S i y i K i

fT»lUCKVVOl) '"y w eM U S T T R M 'l _ _ 60TtHMSWlNI>UlC»/ H£IP PAtK*** fOR W CARNUMBER.CA!tOl.lT>tE»WOlEUNfO(r

. HR.McKEE 5 t!H 9 VCPlSODe.VlAOHlA M a.tW lM tO .W fi ------




T f-B E s y i ^ i f T / w yB ■ H f T 7 4 n ,A / Js \

< s > H i s

v^w' . fk I n v n '. Ioo. fc »fr,u’.ao\c\<*. I _ ____J HM

o f f i i S 'I i f l l ^ m K

II ■ ' ® | / 5; i - , : n l


E 15 J =

V’ mI .

n n o c E ^ j p o ]

T \< S R £A T /NJT . KffS WEAKENINS, MJiS. \ I ' t i . PU'T I cw < p ..noL O k/iM K e A±* ■ O IC ^L O O K VJBLL, A N O '• ^ F E ^ HE 8AIDKS OIDrrr FEEL W E u X uIMp





G1 .ivy^cS


A m rn Z . y ji

N i W S - 'a i ^ A l

•'P f f y T lf fl AMP FBnM-THIS LfTTLE m B OL- C«iAR-UG.^TEff'5KWI»^

L B W i t . . _______

L B I S i 9 M B Se I B W h H ^ ^



itcnolnmy|K*KRnMvio«MARDM0\ /


JfV) KILL HER. ' y


J f O t^ M E i MR. BtKECl) M«KtE. NOW Tt m e *B0UT tm a

:-------- MOTORPUELOf3 iH c n m jR f 'o o


frw-w .v \V i -XAI. ^ v o o 'aHKt. A<> MNW VlNOt o v tw ‘bVACl*PA •^V*,V'aoo> O O t'o.I.sV’OQKWiW)^

H ^ B , V Birr WHEN BUfllNEe« ■ u& V B ^ ■ BE<3IN4 «LOWINO ^

■ ■ DOWN- A s r r VOU H

t/ n o w p o u t ic a l . c A M P A ia r J j s„PUT IM TAKING yOUft STREWOTH~ ' A N O * N O "D O N T T R 'f.^FEW TO MON/e, OARl IN G -

s p i r i p i f iI J=A M 1LY ---Z/J «

■ f ^ K iMUST BE


•-M-HO ^ TOO &OOC?ris-

i i S io v ^ B U T OUT f C R c X T w HTO ^ IMTM’ CK/U&MT, —I [__

/ \

^ CSeanwhltoTaffyhaJshjmWadontaa ^ cunom <toieIop<Tient tg her undet gtutfy.


^ Ca^JKJ KlO TD VcNMX«UreK4VE •^ ^ S ^ O R S f u : A J ^ a o e ^ unduly '

piesTT CHiMYsTAU* ITarr-■^lrr5»HC «N.MR.\BEeKTK-lrOH0m ^ ^ r U R T H E RfWTaLUuouTtCNoiMo H lB .C H P « w n•TMAT TORVI7U11-K.ER. B f lH W a UiniEL O f /I^RWDfimiCilDINEE'CO / PBOVEOABIT'AH* I j i i ^ i / 7 ) '^nzD/ DisNppoiUTiUGi D U ^ r \^ < !k m !» ro R O E T f«

w _1_j1B. JHxy.^iOOTi'V \ aai^<i. c^vifT w o o o o n » w * , n A i .lo-Q 'J\ \ \ \-OOXfc CpC^VV\ ,KV%. K4U\<1 ^ y6A ^ n v 4 v a I ^rjr

n woo KV40 iT V T P W i lli

"W f ? UNCLE WALT l» A \ I \Z Z M { BENEVOLENT L E N P-a, \■ BUT't UEAM:tO kEEPON ) ^■ PAVINC MIM WKAT ( S ■B HOUflE.^ r a

a e r W

s iwM-

l iS W; '«5UR. < ^> r—L— >— PAPPY

g a a @ f c


ib a riweiuo/TsowBoertiRviMSIUitjy. ANDVrtWTlTOWiaHTENVOU,— ™ w ctiiow V T H ift-«a.w t«rB OSB ' CUU THEM? i w o VWNT TO SEE J IPTS MS ABOUT

T a HOTMSCUS5 ITKKV f c i l i jftiijfll IRTMCRiMR.eeeKERlI * 3 S 5 5 @ S 3 MCMFIHneLY LOST

IHnRE5T IU n ! f l RUT THE I ^ , ■“ ^ i n T o w r p r ^ P ! TWIN®( W W ^ E H A V E N n i r i

im auv *jf>vo •iHi cnuv\w\^^T I M** STc''^'*'



RESERVE f i : N C e . ^ f l H

f.Mu, 'V g5^5^:?i^l’ B ETr£> I ’




Page 14: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

1 M a r k e t* * * *

StocksM A R K E T S A T A G L A N C E . . I

hfoVlnr. rain burin*.Chlftfoi ,,'iCorn—E»*ri dftiund for <*«h

,-,„u‘ l.i£hcV: 1..I. >30.:5. <••[' lo 10 f.nu

STW VOIIK. Jul, l i ( .n - n i . ii-ov >3

2 fi:

S I S i S ' S i a I

s i ® ' ' " 1 1

l i liS ! S2 f t , . 1 1 “ i i : £

, = & - i " i = ~ j ' s ;

i f i P

i S j j f e jstock Averages Si

i i i i 1 1 i j I Potatoes-Onions | p?

B u tte r and E g g s ■ BXV niANCISCO

■ AN niASXlSCO. Julr :a (UD —But- I-5M

* Hiil i f

CHICAGO chnlf#

; i ;

■■ — —

^ p S iS lr r i:wSfhU Si-*S: iu<V,‘ sVjS; TmWlu'^h'l* H«lf»ne Ib.. undrr :5-»0. T.t C<

BatlHi Ormi« AA 9I.M: ir»J» A I9-»11 V ..;,nCTB<J* B SZ>U. CaiUn,- - ____ Y~HliSprln*

Potato and Onion Futures

. (Coort«a7 B. W. McE«b«rU a n d toc.i r, OoiapMjy, Elka CUg. Phon* 990)

J IUrl.7.■ • POTATOM O * ,^ 'NoTcab«r—li.Ts uk td . MJO kU. iTs

**'**' ""OMONI^ .a « ,» a - ^ U l^ M f h , »1.T» Jot,

r»bTn«ry—TVo eatm Mtd « t K.Ot. Or»«t ^ ^ r « ^ b « r - I I ^ U s b . IIJ* Jaw. l U t o r S l j

- b»Zml l u n o r th e r s U ghts ora caused by

U l elec trica l d lso h arc i passing ► ilji'’ tbroQ Sb t h i r c ry lo«r-pros»urt a ir n o m ftt f tlU to d a Irom 50 to 600 fee t above }«<« th » M Tth-i aurlae* . >

i ■


;ts and Fi* * ' * *

L ives tockDKNven

Df.SVEn. Jolr t i W7—(UHDA)—C»lil»• .n<l I,,1.1 ioo; <sWr« •ilabt* .n.lI..1*1 L<1: .U u^iUr claura (.Ir)/ .tlU t

;'".|«J-:U..^U «1.»I to rln.if» h f .rr tUusSier II..L’> iil.hu 'jbO : tiiul I’.OOO: ■•n>rillr "

i M s £ s ^ i = ' i

i s m im

S S i i l

I H i i i - i

B l l l i i l lKWp 3U0; .'ptlni V.mU .Inmc I„ tn 11

. J


m m a iK i i / S E r ^ B T S Z

i i p i t a i

i i f i f S S ;

B i p I18

I.OS ANCEI.KA I.OS ANnKt.r.S. Julr sn m —(FSMNI —

l.:oo Ib. M •t««n •tranr . ( aa.tS; nilirr IXV“ i'*7^u?»’ 'w w /*"s*M -’ *orrin‘" \ ' ’ i™r. 'irsnTi^w 'f ‘ ."u/i'r'l icniiS'n‘“s" io""’ •■“ iln * .'« U h l. SOO; . ( . .d r : rwxl .t,d , rhnlf* Ib. trurlilrv. M.OO; tup-IIuiti fant:»nrt rood J70- :jo Ih.. I7.J0-:».M; U l Ih., for:n.Sfl: HJ-JIi Ibt. JI.UkM.OO; Mtnmnn rne~>| MW. 10.00.ta.t0 i fholf« f .-) ,r rl«. . Ji.oo. comi

iiiUIil* 75:_^.^lr;^m»^lura .nd ll(« J llnsa IN.^0; medium •ml *ood No..w » ioj;b. iBlncc


Cbolf. bBl,:her.. ISO-SJO 11*. ------- 130.00 ,d..OT.nr.Isbl botch»r» .■•a«« r« k ln f b«.r7 i -nun r»fkltii »o-i. llshl _____________ .KIJO

lOn. dMl.t usoUd) Color.___________________ |:J.0«-8J.00 ^ 1 > o

>'•1'"- ~ .-.V '/i- 'i 'f. CttJof.F«t Cowi . _ . ,., ., ll7.0O.K.0a L«no

-------- et*S*CoiUn « i. >1 i« »/■ Color*U»h, -------------------------- I50XK) l^ ho ,

Sprls* Ucab. T** Dn'U(Om d u l.t aoo(«!) Cm*.

■CSARt IRwl*0“ f T bu.h.1 ---------------- 11.71

}u«l«7 U d oala D .rtirt n sc ta iu . with r i j ” wtlfM drr d«>.Bd. NoeBl(oRi.lly I. d*il7 i 1 „ !

(Tl., • E,'/,’ !Uml CloTW, JOO ________ Ko Qoou

) r« l Nortbna (Oa. 5.J-J Na. * Z Z i T l l l l t l i M, 0«««d» TV.Itull r*d. N(V 1 «. . . .«« . th . Idll»^n r*U No. 1 , t iM •»! N

le m No. t ^>’,1 T - „ ,(Om dMlw 4ooud| MWluB

^ D a d«al<r qooUbb H« towrr es ibuII Mfdiun

■ h

i ' i n a n c e

Grain jCinCAliO, Julr i'l 1-1')—n i. ir.nd In

I, Ki.in. mu . hit l.;«.r^^u.dy. U . .«

", Vl"' ^

, - , r . . I., rr,,.. I..W„. .Sur,mb«r :.77. ^

ii.1 ^■,rr„"’';li'." i''';.-IN ,- I.IT-H; No. J. "

; : s £ ; : ; r ........... - :

: £ “■' l i ; I I - Iiii i - : “

i f i f : i l ; i l l M

: f i i I:; I I .: fc’ 1;S'’ 1;8» !:!! li! II

' i £ ..... i:; SI li” r i :

: f ' II i II i sKASSA«” nTV (IIIAtS

i i i i s i i =I ■ ■ ; - ?;

..ss"'..=■ “■■"•■ ■■■■"«■,. .............S

H r :y:-;"S£r:,:g- - i


“Farm Forestry” “ Expert Appointed


Nominations Sent J Despite GOP Ban s

^ W A S H I ^ T O N . .luly :o „ r , _ ^

In thn tn rc o f ^

OcorKn WntL^worUi o t Nrw York.

bn.wi(lor lo T lirliry . nna JUUvimrn, 5 D mllry o f New York lo bc m lnlaler 5 to L lbfrln. g

18 More Stricken i By Polio in L. A. j

LOS ANOEX£S,' Ju ly 23 OJ.PJ— ^ E lK htrrn new cn.'r.i of polio were y rc!>ort«d In Ia-* AtiKcliv. connly yc.i- ^ Icrdny, brlnidiiK llic m ontir.i to la l > lo 331. ;vV?

T he Nutlonn] Foum liitlon for In - — fantllo P.vnlyiiln presciitrci & chcck for 15,000 to th e coim ty to off.net th e cost o f pxtrn ntir.-;cs nfcclr<l lo combnt polln. T lie founci.iUon rUo hM ftrmniftHl to pny th r raM of cnr- InR fnr 153 polio vJclitn.i stricken since Ju n e 1.

s M a r k e tsPOTATOPM (D.IIt. i^ )

aa< «uoUof. .usplj tr»tik».irron.),

LIVB rOOLTRTColorrf fowl. 4 Ibk tsd »»« _______ rttL « W » f o w l_____ _______________ Id,M a ^ hn^t'^r.L.tnoni brolltn, trjnm

(Swift and CotaMHT pr1»«*'

U rs . irmJ. A A ------ , ■„,________U t» . «r.<l. A' __ r.i.L«r». s r .,I . n ____________ ■»-tftdium r r .d . A _________________ i-.cim.ll srad. A _____________ L_ in.3r».l. C ________________________Ite '

(Swlfi aod Companr prit« ):«». 1a lr« I. Ilars.l -----

( n r . d«*lm qoot«Ji

^ 1 n tu rf(Oa. d*»Iar Qootodl

TV. foUowlas'*^° h. I^bo E«»”pr.Sn<«M of TV*rT-»l5 f«•ool Ho. M iJg lr IS J l) . “^ rj.A ^ * t t .

--------------- l E ^ i g j

Wallace Incensed By Description in Magazine Article

VJAhhfiCK. Ju ly 20 (/D — The Chnm bcr of Commerce fccl.i Wnllnee Is like Brooklyn—n tree (jrows here,

^ For thl5 reiiRon. the cham bcr has 7 , iixked the Policc O nrcttc to apolo- ->1 Rlie for lU jlur<! on Wnllnee. b ir th -

pince of Lann T urner, u lio nlong with nllvcr nnd lend U one of the boniiled jirodticU of thla m ln lns

^ eommimlly.'i,' I t wns nn nrtic le on MLi» T u rner lu llm l «lrre<l th e cham bcr lo ncllon.!;• Tlie n rllde ioiiche<l on th e nctrcsa''■ b;irkKrotmd mill described Wnllnee

nn n "bieiik. d rub tow n im rroiinded by iiKly nri^-flllcd moimtnlnK. Its hw ues covrrrd w llh conl diinl, nnd

J- n little nicirr tlioroiiKhly before In-

;; Employes Receive ‘ Newspaper in Will -

lj ^^WASIIINGTON, ^Ju ly^ -

Ihn Wn^hltl ,■ton TlmM -H ernld, '^lett

In w h ld i '" 'l i |T ‘'publLi^ ^ ^ Kws"ln

m ChlciiKoy'csterdny.^*'' '

N .Y iR ed Leader E Himself up

• s• by n fcdrrnl Krnnd Jury Irvn w.^ek.

; iJ f '

: llirc'mClTu"tpnr\‘y%hf;ti' ^ liiuii^ y.. I-Vslcr. hnve surrendered

Ilip U. S.*Bo%''n'mt-nLI

. iV\AX\V«SN^^««SX\XVCi%NXV\>

: I W egener’s GJ ANNOUNCE-K|.-!-|',C

j N E W H<$ OPEN 6 A . M . -^ DAILY EXCEPT S


thi'" nil "th ' 1 " '*"

II W egener’s

Kimberly Road—Kasi ilv\v o a c \v v vvogiAaa^vcxN\\XN^x?

REGULAR Siw w i m

HulH IS A L E,We Have Buyers for


THIS W EEK— Wo will hav of nil kinds of stock.



[ r a o N z E

Cl.rde Holden


S t a m p s H o n o r ]

e'* llonorlnc the m em ory o f K an- '« »a* pub lllh rr W illiam Allen ^ W hitt, the purple 3 -ee n l lU m p

a t r i r h l WlU r o on sa le Ju ly 31. i» A nottier 3 .een l lU m p . below, will >* be iu o e d two day* ta U r, (o com- ' • m rm arate “a cen tu ry of friend*Iff Khip bftweeii C anada a n d th r IC U »lltd .SlalM. K in i aale will be IS a t 'N bcara Falls. N. V.

■t1. ‘ a*;e<1 ___________________________________

d A C E N T U R ' ^ O I

- U N I T E D S T A T E

J I B ' I B -

e J m

' Hungry?(U.PJ—A llfv-.y m nn held ovcn ilch l

• III S<itiiiTviIle police hciidfiuiir- i ' irrn iiui.''t Imvc la il II bel. offlccr.'i ]

}le .'Ilf iiU penrl crcy tcdom { hrit^n ll l)ut th r brim.

Piilirr rclrii,-.ril him In tlie m orn- thiK wuiioii!, pre%ilnn clinrRf.i. [

; Theft of Auto Is , Verified by Police; A irlfKrivm from nu thorltlca In 1 .MctnpliL'.. Tcnn.. W edne.iday, cori-

flrm rd the ulivtement of Frnnk M llirr, 21, th n l the 1047 sedan he had hcen (IrivinR wili sto len . I t wn.i tnken June 13. necordln« to Mcm-

» Miller wa.,' n iprchondcd by stntet poller •llie.idny nlKlit on ft tnifftc. vlolntinii nnd tnken to th e Kim berly1 poller vlnilon. There, of/icern voleedI tliclr ("Usiilclon lhe cnr m lR ht hnvr _ bern^sUjlrii. He is b d m j held in the



Geodlnc 47 — R upert &3 , Twtn FalU 314 ■?



Coffee SJio|> \■I'XTIVE AT ONCE |

IQ U R S .... I :. TO 12 P. M. I ■T S A T U R D A Y S ^ ‘

r s O P E N T O 1 A . M . I

■tlNH A T 5 P-M. ||J I

•1 of ou r new bushierj deslrr to cur.tomers for th r lr fine p n tron - JII continue to mnke rvrry e ffo rt 1—

offer only the bi;.l po;.;.ible m g o ? :

Hoffee Shop ^•;asl E dK C of C i ty J


I ^for All T3T)e Stock. — LTR CATTLE mTOP PRICES

have our u-sunl large run *i


R O W E R S i S IO N C O . j« BM j ^

W ayne BeTI


r Editor, Canada

O F F R I E N D S H I P \T E S - C A N A D A •

8 - 1 9 4 8 .

Price for Copper J Is Hiked in East NKW Y oinc . July 20 (,Vr-M clnI

triiik- .•■(lurcr-.i rcix>rltd lodny n r.riiiill,'* hii;li-co:,i producer hnd ,vjld cnppcr

nt -Jn'j c rnt-vn jw in d , Conncciicut ‘ vnUry Ijiuie.

n il.s wn.-, lu o cents n pound h h ilirr • Umn llio prlcr (juo ttd -by thir hirKc prodticrr.'i ; tncp M nrch 3. 1047.

e W e Pay IS*?in P e r I.b.



i' C o t t o n•d -----------------------------------------


Ovcrall.i, lrou:.cr». nnd o lhe r rx tra lie.ivy plcce.i not nrci p t- nble. l’lca.-;c remove a ll buttono.

Classified .I f WANT AD RATES ff< lD4..d OG C«i.p.>..ord)5 I d * » ________________ So [Mr word, I d u . -------------- U p.r won] p.i d .ri • d4urm --------------:* P.I word p.r d»rJ (A BilnlaDcn of IC -onU h t«ulr»3 la anr oo. rlu .IfM .d.l _

' I 1 «!»» ' ~T37;W I 'fT!.?."

I I5 UibA c».rS 'o .t Trd*. '' DBADl.INU for Clwiirin] onbi i1 ^»d«r.'**l’ 'i i tu n j^ ” m « p.ptf rM.rr«< Ui. nsht le *111

; <in,l in j cIu jKImI .J.c«ll*lus.; ~l)llBd Adi' t r . lUleUr coan,lcnll*lJ asd no ln(onD.lloii n n b« (loan la jrr

S l - E C I A L N O T I C E S ^

■ T H A V m ^ K E S O I t r S — 1

^ P i



! » A tiALLON. l>owtilRCi qakkrr. .sioolh-j »f. <htitxr tptmr tulntlns. C.II OiSl-Jl,

- hou>. cicJ-.vtllns. Kor ln(or-'. j rtiMlon plr.i« phon. la iW . Twin T.ll...•j ALTEUATIONS. »#wln«. Il»>. ^our (ally i-lothw lcn«lh>f,>t BOW. fhon. .

COMMKJICIAL htulinc; ruitom h>r rhop-!’i9j » Vii'

Custom h .r u iinc br ..iM rin s b.i.r;T .llo eailom tomblaln*. anr anvoont.Th- n. oama.

a i w l ; <rrw ^W.nr.


cTllTrAiNj*„h«l .nd .UeU-l,r.l ter Olin- l^^um t>i«rsf. In . Knoj. ISII aih A..nu.

CiJsroM 'st.iB l.in.Unr'; n.w J„hn U*-.r«‘li *

?ril'.nd'* 1**^*'*' r a l^ P«ul

1 ‘''iU r“ “sopp?„'’g"'.7d o '. .n ‘ n. •_ Wrren-, n i,r Phon. 110.JH.

i i ; , fKOKKlCCJ. r.lnlinc and d .ror.Ilnr All work Kuir.nlm), I'm frulpp^I wllh

iI CAIir>;NTKIt work, femrni work, kv.l

or l.it'f .IliUnc* h.ullns. Tr~» Uk.n •Mil ..r lr>prol. Ruhhtiti r»mo»«I. c .ll

I «l -IV Hlh A».BU. \V«i .I iT vVIM; finl.h'>.l our cnn.r.ct In ' wTT

clover. Ill.h. <r. . r . nnw arall.i.U (orL i n V j - l ' r 'nwi?k/n"V-h.^'''‘t5-0*J


>L • s n i , \ r o u nim sH w ouk• INTKIllnit I>KCOUATINn I

•‘l n m m i:i; k ;;tim a tk ;! w uiTn ilc; C. C. JU LIA N & SONu t I’, o. nox 351. iitini.

rr -----— --------------------------------Kc I

CEMENT WORK^ SUew.ll. . Kl.«ir. . V.t,r« . I'orchr.

Kl"uh'"M.^h!n\""v.rrk Fiir.f; r.sTiMATM

PHONE 0!j88-Rl2





lU'JI.P WAN'I'L'U— Ffc:M~ALl: ^


i»ri r Iloliurii'^^* ** 1“’ . ta ll ^

* Iy''fer c’°.!” T i" *'Alirr,,-. sui.l.ly. Ii.,1 '.-1 ," .S'nl,',"” " l.Ul,'."* _!


Mtorr, »:*'< ..Uirr lot.llilr., 110,000 cap.

l<iatr,li,<r«n. lac., Uoi SOCI. Cr.at______________ ITJ


; » P ^ r f k # l i V ’i>OUTUNiTiES

■ w S S S i .

| - j = 5 ^ s | r





s » s r


1T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 2 9 , 1 9 4 8

D B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N I T I E SlUas. KUK BA l^i btor* t>ull,Ilax ta b* aoTttt

TTi. FO R RENT^ l-AHQE O FFIC E 6PACB1. ik; Uptown On U.Iri A rnot^ is . SU Room. Uodern

C ould 0 . U .«l for I or r T.naat. n(of BETSg U. WILUAUS

127 Sho.bon« M.

-hop- ---

_ — F o r Lease —oVnL MODERN STATION


'orih (JU.ST COiirLCTKD) )On hlshw.7 Ul In Twin y.ll.

AN OrrO[lTU.VITT r o n TAim- WlTll riNANCIAt


1*^ Contnct





All K.w and Mclirti r/juipni«l

i OWNEIt s a y s OVKR |:,M9 I AVF.itAOK MO.VTllI.V Cimssj Oood I . . . . . on ilrltk llulldlns


— ' ■ 4a---- A.NU MANY OTIKII ntlSlNllSS 'Woi-i-onTUNrrif:.4 ^F o r Salo by


' ” T = 'v ,;¥ '^ :S flS i


«ih'*Ar*"“ I 'flrau «oir»ne«.

II^IIIIOUSI. l.iih and in lrinf.

^ ‘■'"prh ir ,;::: ' YoJnr’ m'.T on^ m r »»<-nu. norlh, l-hon. ;;8«W.

F U R N I S H E D A I> T S .-------

— ‘"j' Hrirn^'ro'riiUh^ '"jll^AddUon'wliu» J n.in. «,.,T- ~ UNKUKNISHED API'S.

Z ~ t - t J H N I S i iE ir i lW E S— .V.Tlh 'W.ihlni.-U,"i. T-il.''7'.ll’.‘ ‘‘'" '

^ ~ U M ^W lS H ~ E D HOUSESrn! fllli IlhNT: N.w :-l.rdroon, hnm.. Jl.rd-- rr. "I'^l fluuw, lt„iulr. at Itg Qulner,

— WANTED TO KENT. L E .isC3 cnil.UKH.S »n,l p .r .nu n...! :-Wr.>')m

h<mi«. llc.inTi.hlr. C1ii»r»nt». srwd t.ra.. .. J- tow .m -lU h-H nlt. _____________

WANTKDi c;.)o.l ^0 or I:o to rrnt. N.w trtrUir.r'iuliimrnt and (In.nr.. Krfrr- rncr., I'hon. n:a>-J6,

> ld.nU."cl'ri'l70*l^t'wJ].n aV niM r*mmK. .I,»rtm«ii or aeruK., Ilmland.

—I wl(. .nd rhlM. a s . t. lUfcrrnrn. 4— monOm .,Ivanr. renl. Phon. ftSl-n.

MDVlNli I., !;.li I..V.T Will rin t on n -rh.t'K. h i'Ii or Ira.l. wllh p .r lr who hu


By 8 Adults:s; j ’ ‘ n jnN isiiE D apaht-

— PH O N E 2535^ MEDICAL ARTS BLOCK= I______ __________



c ^ ^




Page 15: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

THURSDAY, JU L Y 29. 1948


LOANS & f7naN C 1N G IOH


- 1 CH

REAL ESTA TE W A NTEp" J |-------------- --------------------------- I j JmI


^ )ln } kftn. Goo-I l»cmh>ii. ISOO I't'" |ne«m.. •« .« » . Ttrm*.KEN NETH CHAPMAN

ISO Blu* Nurll. P,|.• _____________ * Util

— HOUSE WANTED — 1—W« b»< S eu»ii'm«r« fnr *uur ct fl*i room h!u«. < l« . IB ."'I Pr'f*' • ' l!,0fl0.«0 I" IB.OOO.OO. W«rl boun I" I loixl conUtlioD.

F. C. GRAVES & ;


Ji i

= g j S ; p ^ - a -

u _ ; a K , . . , . n .

“ r . ; ' S “ . r v i ; ; £ f ; ' ! r . - i

A SPEY REALTOR -----“ PH O N E 313 •




- ■ - - RANCHO STYLE ?.‘J


Box 2S-B Timns-News----- ’ Bi




C. A. ROBINSON. Rcnitor ^

JIM M A I ^ 0 I 7 - u " ' " M I------

g ^ P = | S

: £ - E = . a = = S : S i ;

C. E . ADAMS MtoA N P G rE ^ E Y ^ IE R


p$1,900 DOWN ' m ^




Phone t 38 I

REA L ESTA TE FOK SALE I1 c lio ic n bulldinr k.u In mirth pirt nf •

‘“ - i ; ; . i fv.u i.ft In lh. „ o t« , f th. «it7. lu s ; ;A.t»r. fl.>ltn, _______________ ^


•r»nlhln» " • 6»liB “’’rm”” " L«l«rl i i <1u«b

PHONE 5011


PHONE 2506-M

'— ' - - | | AI

A T T n A C n V E 1 .

i s g P ' s Lu«u i^ C. -lONIiS^





• On.^mllWrurn^T-lT. f'-lli. ^




H g § H

80 ACRES ^


i P N a c r e s




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^ S C s¥ i; .......r , r L ! ............... -

I FARMS FOR SA LE«e ACKUl undrr 'm e., too-) bulldlnn. 'VJ

(ood will. Will turn rrflft anii •tnck t ir prt(«rr»l. C nii1« HuthMit KInc i ,lllll. R«t>i Wrxt. I

M“ 6 5 T 'r itr« .u of lh. .I tr P.rn cm ilT lIlstiliBd ATinu.. Nolila's o.w toMM- ,w”"w U*hV *"s* **m1* —

80 ACRES dNorth Ik!.. Includlni <ro[x. SO «h>rM '

I w»l»r, tnod.rn hotn*. p-'Ulo «ilUr. ■ ixaistlon. O vn.r .Ick.

«u>l quit farmlni. All (or tll.M0.00.

J . E . W H ITE AGENCYleO Uilt> N, Jo .rtU lr. i'hon. « J , - J



2 . 4 - D J



r ” : a g y ; r " - i , .


. ^ ¥ m ~ if



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ? ! ” FARM IM PLEM ENTS „

i’l,.. .,,,1 cl.ivM nr. TT

AI.I.tS-'.-IIAI.MKUS f,g ~lil. I.n- _ j

S|.cci«l.,! p


M ,. . ' t L 'A . . , . L








111!: . PSPUD D la O E R S I

r,,„>V., »O W K „. CULT,V»,„«:-. L


HAY. GRAIN y i P F E E iT ^^C«jl f l j« n t< IH-J. ,


GLOBE ~_ SEED & F E E D CO. ~' _________ °°* *** I rji



I F I E P r A

LIVESTOCK— POULTRY\VKA.S’CI( pill (ur l i l t , lulph UMr, 1 J

i(t)AN tprir.crr cc». t i l l t>*Cnr. 10 Inmnrnln*. : itiIIm »Mt. % *o<ith ot South __


I t«,p m..niln ol.l rtxUt.rai Cu«rn»»r l>itU n ir . an.) ulhfr >i<rlti|«r K »l. i'KoB< U«-J.____________GOOD THINGS TO EAT p

. r . r . ^ r

PKACHCOTS L•V.’- n.;.r .,,,1 ll.,ull(ull)- Col.ir^l ~

! KKXVON GREEN. I S - , . t . 1. ,„v,,K Twin r . l l .

i TRY, A L U 'X D A IRy_M ILK ..

TODAYS-MILK TODAY!1 ^ 1 ■■A..K A V .:.U .‘ CAM. ,.0 « I


■ ' V^^NTliP TO BUY L

: ‘T A \fjn \h . M w . i i . . r h ^ .

■ o iju ■.';ou.".n‘ H -.irr T i. J . . . J u ^ .

l i ™ ™ ,

r : S i i ™ I ‘


. s i S i i f e JHARRY KOPPEL CO. *=',


| p i i 5 5 i _B U S I N E S S A N D P l

D I R E C ^• ATTOflNEyS___________________ •

‘'^a' . o' : . ^

• V u jo n SANUJNC------------------ —

• - m m r r T O W A K ---------------------


\ D V E R T

_____MISC. FOR SALE | F}>1N(1I.K hnn. tr .tl.r , tiock brlil«. I —

l*>lh.F halt.r>. Com! coniiltlon. Dion* !_ ;-»i-w.___________________________Fult SAI.£| J tti.7 milk, mini o » i coin

. K0J.5"aI.k'! 1 nmk-o t'lnW VJo. t t M'.rl. l i t m»chln«. 11.100.00. I tH ruble (oot I 'x r r poruhl. air rooM remrtauAr. mou^t.»l on 40-l» CUlr.o «»l«rpllUr. II.-•I N.w n«r.*M1nr .ItM n illi'upJr.hr> Thornlr'ti, lltllt.u^. Utho.______

N E W S U P P L Y O F I .1S«5“ Mild njbt.*f »hc.l* ”witb I lr tll rallrr bM rlsn

B n T t e i ' S ' * 'Alrplin. I.4n4lnK M>U '


J. A. CKrl.lophmon. Uar. [_

I S P E C I A L I “W H I L E T H E Y L A S T !


5 0 c A H U N D R E D _ L


G E T Y o u n s E A R L Y n t tho

T I M E S - N E W S -


P O R C H And S T E P







F U R N n U K K i A P P U A N C I S S

l i l g r : : ; : : :

S B S 2 S



• S i r . . * .• On. 1. (~,l C-..;.|.p-l “


AT4 :U0 yharp Satunlay

AT n iF :C & I I



: t o r y I• MlMEOCnAPHlNG____________

Twin r . l l . Cr^lIW O M«la*'6!!‘ rh!*mo.

• PLUHniNG & HEATING :Mom, l-lumbln, and li« . Co. I'bonTm:KXPtttT >»rr.ac< «J^nln«. |-|iob; >i77.

^ s l u s s a SH ow cA nus

» VEWCTIAW y jn U S ,



• R«nl 8.1wlln« ■ ' •• • ITIcd to 8»ll

• All Wllh lh. T. A. C. 7 T—I.J. appn’Y.'l .n J rti»r»nl.tJ


. RISER-CAIN 1 Arrplinnccs

t u Main A>a. S. Flian* tilt ll

SU R PR ISE! SURPRISE ' I E veryday Is1 Surpriflc Snlo Day


- " S P E C l A L l i E l t y L t : E S ~

In o


~ i{ A D fO -A N D MUSIC—


n i ^ F .



CASH? FO R YOUR CAR" \v>: iitJY -- SKI.I. - h im h ; Ld BALLENG ER'S I^ USED CARS ^


S M cRAE M 6T 0R CO.




' 1 S =

S l f S r v ; ; !

. ______ ..

1038 D U IC K

; I S s . . , .

n i i i i i k .I I , Several Other . C ara i T ruckj


l \ '

Phone 38 • J

S AUTOS FOR SALE"* Cash rui roui f .r s.?m oa •<«<>■ aaiM T III nil^d A»«io» W»L Phon. ti»«.W

tliO^OLUU.VUUlLK >.3iinV^.ie.^m( eon- |

li^n i-I’ASMr.NOCU CtnTTol.tr~«ie.U.ai 1 rondltlnn. ll.Ui.OO. Idibo Uotor S .rv I IM. Dahl. I

m . 1-O^TlAC ■ .danttt* OTU ISOO.0011 OBd.r d.al.r. V.rr food w-idltlon. lUdln. hMUr. >i: 7th A«.BU. North.

l / i cood nikh,;. m Addl.” r

i« 7 c i iE v n o u rr «-ioot MdanT _ ron.llllon throiifhoul. Motor rM ntlr _ o««rhaul.d. uphoUltr? Ilk. b.w i coo.1 “

Him. r.ain .nd hMt.r. Sm i t U l 4th pBorth.______________________







Z i«» ciiEvnoi.n t-ict


^ ^ .U A .A » ^ n :n » A e Q u y .. .E A ,^

• G IiIN E R A L M O T O R S


Another General Motor.i

P roven Automobile:


. Jlo re People Dnvo . Chevrolet

T han Any Other C ar:1917 CHEVROLET


=1 ^ 1911 CHEVROLET '


You G et Every Opiiceo t ProU ctlon "

y c a iu res Pioneered b y ' ^




Henry’s Pride and Joy—


1 9 4 7 M E R C ^ Y CLUB COUPE . N

g | g : ; p .

'■You’ll Like hO ur Way

O f Doing Business’' . U


I • :dp


“ AUTOS FOR SALE ■rOB SA U i ^11* to o t «n»!U T

lei? ciiEvnoLET ritHmSim iSw o~!^ ■

= UPTOWN AUTO_ SALES'S l* n n u ic c floidaaiur. black.— I8<« CIIEVnOLrr FImUIb., m rara .«»■ lU J CIIEVKOLET Moor Mdan, blMk

llii_ 1»(A rLYMOUrn roup., irar}!IJr v I t u i’LTUOUTII |.door (MltB. c n rU ll rOIlO l-door Mdao. r r m

M o sT o rT jre s s CAM Ana rth. EQUirrED W m i RADIOS AHO «T< HRATTRS

UPTOWN AUTO SALES*01 Isd At*. 5. fhosa UM

~I t i l u rn cu itY <onr«

---- •«4« CHEVROLrr to«n m<I>b

" 1 ' » » ** **| | | |



. ' " ' S e s S —


T-W-I-N F-A.L-L-S M-O-T-O-R I-N-C.






Thnn Any Plnco |± ] in Magic Valley ^

i s e ' ^

i s g i s r s , ’* . ' . " " ’ (COMMERCIAL UNITS '


Page 16: >11 Parade - Price ]Roll-Baiack to England I Last Noveml sP ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Johannes Blumm, Uio West's chief, enid at noon thnt. half

Plans Mapped To Help Boys Held by iJ. S.

W ASHINOTON, July (U.F3-A croup ot WnahlnBlon cltUcfi.i and

• otIlcltiLi mnppr<l plans todny- to •widen frlcndalilps niid fu ture oppor- tunltJM for "atudcnta" a t the na- Ilonal trstn ln ii scliool !ot boy*.

T lie school currently haa 330 youtli.1 rniiKiiiK In nRC tro‘n 14 to 10. Tlicy are there to r vnrloiui pcriotla o t detention because they have vlo- JaUd federal laws, E>-ery s ta te In tlie union and m o« of the tcrrU torles and po.i.''c.\ilons a re repro* Rented. T lie governm ent Buppllea ad* vbors nml coiiii.^cllor.^ io r Uielr elA.vsroom work and vocaUoiint In- slniclloii,

K rlpnd»T cm eilN e«d 'B u t a grc.-vt m any people, Incliid­

inK Bovcmmont officials, think thc;.e boy* ree d somcUUng el.%f—n i friend.

Wlllle m any pcr;.oiis and orunii- J&\Uon-i In tlK- WiL'.lilngton area ‘ ImvD offered frlendMilp and help to i Uie.ie boys ovrr Uio year.i, the effort hn,^ Ijcen r.iwrudlc and on an Indl- ^ldunl bn.'.ls, Yr;.lcr<lny aflrriioon, tlic.'ic Kruiiiv. and IndlvlduitLi were broiiRlit toK itlier in the (ifllrra of A ttorney O cnural Tom C. Clnrk. J

•T y p lra r Itepori O lren •T lie sf?.-Jon, si>oiisored by Miiurlcc

B bsyer, exociillvr .ni-cret;iry of the ' nntlonnl U'N;il i l ’rltli. uncovrrrd UUs . typical r<'i>ori.

In only iiUuut 50 per ccn t of tbo r ea.-'c.i Is th rro an n m rr re.’ponsa 1 to the invitutlun for a d inne r in a ^ p rivate home, or w the bnnpliall r Rnme. or a fWilnn trt]). V;

I B ut In nearly ivll c.iM-.'. the jdiinR- j,/.ter apprrcliue.i havliiK r.nmcl)o<ly to ^ tnlk to—prorJcicfJ Ih;i£ .lo.'jiebody In nol a policeman. And an Interest j| In hU lioliljy nlwas'n cct* n rc.iixjn.sB. (,

Yearn for Friend* I.Many ronie from broken home.?— I.

practically a ll Imve exjicrlenred i' «omo form of " re ji'cilon ;" hence a deep-.seated yearnlnK for acccplanco by Bctneone who bellL'Ve.i Uiey can do T better. If Riven th e opportunity. J .

T lie group tentatively orxanlzed y t.tc rd ay will work w llh a minimum o t fanfuro to Interest nub.ilanUal citizens In glvlnK -wnic of thc lr time to being friends w ith Uie boys o l na tional, to use the ir Influence In

t, up Jobs w hen Uie boys are. to lenve Uie school, lo be Uie

.^ ^ y a ie b o d y who will "be Uierc" lo , '• ‘tu rn to when th e going geia tough.

Florence Quereau E Paid Final Honor

OOODINO. J u l y 30—Funeral *ervleei for M ra Plorenco A nnelto ' Quercau, 10, were held a t 3 p m . ice Thursday Jn th e Tliomp.win chapel i,e] ■with Uie H er. W illiam J . L am bert- Ha *on. pastor of Uie M ethod lit church. R f

I OfflclaUng. cln'k Mnu Quercau, who wn.^ bom Jn aui ■ Octobcr, 1870. died T uesday evening r

In n Pocatello hospital. Slie wna n , ^married to Oeorge Q uereau Ju n e 22. m1i

1000, In Frem ont. N ebr. T liey moved ii»i I to O oodlni la te r In 1009. Mrs." Q uereau Wna a violin m usic teacher , , f . \ In GoodJng for 33 yenrs. f V'

' She Is survived by a. daughter, k Mr®. Rodney W ebster, Pocatello; a ^^ brother, Wllllnm Ynkl.sh. M adison-

vlilp, Tex., and a g fandson . i-Vank , \ .Webster, Pocatello. J- '

H er husband proceeded he r In deaUl Dec. 25, 1035.

Maslc n t th e funeral services was provided by Mrs. H elen L. Smitli.

Pallbearers were E. L. Stilaon, H erbert Meyer. R o b e r t Lyon, M V.-elllver Miller, George Wedgwood a n d Harold Bright. -'lde

Burial ^03 made In the Elmwood eem etco '. wns

Payment of $400 |~ Sought in Court 1

Seeking to collect 1400 allegedly M duo them for labor perform ed. Dll! " A ustin and Oeorge Young filed suit a gainst E. A. Boone In jiro b a tc court T W ednesday, *■

T lie coaiplalnt charges U ia t Boone W h ired AusUn and Young on Ju n e 5, ij 1045, to move e igh t bulldlng.i from th e R upert prisoner-of-w ar cainp to Twin Pulls nnd agreed to puv them \ \ 17 104^ '" completed Ju n e ”

I t wn.s s ta ted th a t WOO had been paid. T he two m en nre a.iklng for a t tJie rem ainder due them , Jnlerest a n d attorney feei. Tliey a rc repre- S' O ^ fn g ^ ^ ' Jw nes,

i-----------------------------24In one old P rench recipe, eels were

drowned In wine, and then atewed.

Genuine B.F.Go

Tho N ew Del------------------

lfad « 1« ghr* you Ute t n a t e i t • * tir« a t th l i law prie*. ImprM KivM g r e a te r b ru lM M isU n e e . f o r th a th r if ty bu^or.

a a a B405 M ain A ve . E .


>■'' The Twfn Fatf* m en abown ahorc an tbe ISih bom bardm ent squadron (rery

■>- tra ln ln r period, they v l l l mako a flirt IJoyd Crayblll, MaJ. Jo h n nryan i, Kir.

- M fut. W illiam Clalbom , MaJ. Roser t <1 Malley. (Htaff e n fra v in ;)

* * * *

° Lo(;al Aii'men to 1 :i In B-29 riigh

Forty officers nnd m en o t the I5Ui i n bombardm ent squadron (very heavy) lug p left PocaUllo by a ir enrly th is weelc of Q for Spokane, W nsh.. w here the re- tnl g servlst* will receive tw o weeka of pni , training aboard D-30 bombers.---------03ii

----------------------------------------------------- I

Raymond Walker i f Honored at Rites -8 HAILEY, Ju ly 2 0 - P u n e m l serv- I. Ices fo r Raj'mond C. W nlker were I held a t 2 p. m . W ednesday a t the■ Hallcy Com munlly c h u rc h wlUi the . Rev. G ordon C arder, pastor, offl­

clnUng. He wna asslstcri by the Rev.1 Augusta Jackley, S a l t L ake CUy.' Pnllbenrers were Jo h n Seymour,’ R. O. Price, H u n te r N cbon, Ted • Nelson. Hnrold B uh ler nnd Arthur > Hail.: n o K cr girls were Jenn Blunken-■ ship. Jenn Buhier. M i.rlene Hemo- B

vltch. Mnry Foster. D iane Savnria,' Ina Mne Cutler. D elores Wiggins, Sf' ; all Hnlley. nnd Ju n e K ing, Buhl.

Attending frotn o u t of tow n were — J . H. Lumper, R a lph nnd QeriUd Lumiicr, Cocur d ’Alene: M r. and Mrs. OcorRO H, Scholer. D urlcy: Dr. George Scholer, Tw in PnlLi; Mrs Ell7.abcUi Erwin, H om edale, and Mr.’ and Mrs. MnrUn C urrnn, H agerm an.

Members o t the P ra tc rn a l Order o t E ng lu were In charge of grave- .■<lde sen-lces. P ray er wna offered by the Rev. Miss Jackley. In term en t wns made In th e H ailey cemelery.


H o b b yLADIES\Vc H nvc a L a rp c Soloc- tioM o f U n p a in te d P'ip- tirincH,

W c w ill tcnch y o u how, aii(i fu rn ish th o p a in t nm i bruflhc.<i w h ile you a rc Icnrninff.

See O ur Finished D isplay a t

TOT & T EEN241 Shoshone No.

For Info. C all 1212M

Goodrich Tire

T H V W ^ 4-00-14

t e f l a n c e

U D o « m - 1 . 1 I a W M V 13UH a n«w 6.00-16 ^«fianM e a yew r m v

it«*t Tihi* • r* r boflt tirto aproT td U gh-U tirilt Aord ano®. A r*»l •eenom r

______________P h o n e _ 4 2 3 _ _____

»ts Leave for Train

'■ f 0

re are parU clpatlne Jn a two-week tnilnlni (Tery heavy), they will reeelve trah ilng a

flight lo New V ork. L efl to right, a lrr , First Meut. G ene H ull. Seeonil Meut. Se je r Cartw right, f ligh t leader; Capt. V int

* * * *

0 Participate " ght to New York1 Included nm ong Uie 40 m rn Ii-av-1 Ing Pocatello were m any re.sldent.H ^ { of Mnglc Vnlley. .T lie group wa.i • taken to Spoknne In tw o C-47 irnn.i- fu t ports. T lir m sn will trn ln wlUi lhe

D2nd bomb g roup of tlie a ir forcc. ,. th irlng th e trn ln lng period, rc- l5-

ccrvlsw will m an B-30 Supcrfc.r- _ tre-ises for n f lig h t to New York. .. Reserve a irm en Irom nil pa rts of the

, U ,8. will pnrtJclpnta In sim ilar > — ■


SlaughteringCulling - WroitphiK - Ci/ntig


CARTER PACKING CO.rhono 0381R1 '

Slalo Jruj,cctcil }'ich-up Scrvica I

Lady, That,s A CInsUiIlcd in your klichen sink, comi am azing new npplinncc elim inates nl No moro paper bags full of drlppln« th rough th e rnln tnil to the contain Uie po tn to pcfls in ll inlo the d ra in c In le ttuce leaves, fruli.i i>eels, pits , t rood wn.ite.v W hrn you're rendy, pu t Sire ft Blnglo tw h t to the left, tu rn on

■ aeconds and whLskJ—food wastes arc

PITS ALMOST AT lie Dlipo.<inll canno t opernf* tmless flow 1* presen t, and then only If Uie ' locked. H and* nnd fingers cannot ge

E A S Y T E R M S - l M M E D I A T l

JPETl-------- O P PO H iT E -PO ST O m C E ~ "

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I

ining Period

I • ■ ' /!■*■«‘J W ■ riW \ a f I. . m t

H H '

M U M ? rjW jH n

lining period a t Kpokane. Merabem of ng aboard 11-20 b o m le n . During the 7 a irm en a r r . fro n t row, F lrrt UeuU

I. Kelilon K au frm an : bark nur, First “ V inton .Stanfield and Capt. I.nrtift

fllghi.s lo New Y'oiK for an aerlnl

A mong tliB Airmen leaving Poca- . Irllo were M ajors Jo h n A. Brj’nn l k. nnd no fter A. Ctl^l^vrlRhl. both Twin , Fall.i; Cnplnlns Lom e U;illey, Hnn-* . c•n: Vliilon L, Stanfield. Twin

P.ilLs; P lrs t Lleulennni-s Robert A. S aviirla , W llllnm L. Clalb(inie. Lloyd

* W. O rnyblll and W llinrd G. Hull, all0 Tw in Palla : Lex O. Crnmicy, Bur-* ley a n d Second LletiU Seldon G,■ K iiiiffniiin , Tw in Fnll.v


Guaranteed Tl

ALLISON FLY!F ile r Phone ‘17

fhatkii'HapfHanee'' ' '

k G e n e ra l Electric Dicom pletely out of Bight, th lies nil y o u r Karbng* problem.*. tiplng Bixrbnge, No more trips Q lS tainer n t Uie alley. Ju.v. lei TOlln open ing in your sink. P u t W ,Its, bones, scraps a n d sinilhtr jf—. p u t In th e Safety Tft'iMop— If—n on th e cold w ater for n lew H1 a rc gone. r -

' A N Y S I N K 1

n l« 8 a sufficien t cold-w.iter IUie T w lstop Safety rontrol U I!t g e t In to tlie m aclilnery. I



C i ' i m e S t u d e n t

G e t s P r a c t i c a l

‘ T e s t ’ i n U t a h

SA L T LAKE CITY. Ju ly 20 (UFD- M llllcen t M cConnell, criminology

' nnd sociology sUident a t Ui« Unl-■ ver.slty o f W isconsin, today had some

'- p racU cal crim e experience tQ go H With h e r tex t book education.I MIs.-» M cConnell and two friendsI from S t. Croix F a lli , W ls.. ConaleI W lrdc rho lt nnd Mr*. ConstnnccII ElllngsworUi, atopped In S a lt Lako 11 City Jo-M w eek-end wlUIe touring. I ' S a tu rd ay n ig h t they w en t to look ^ over th e s la te capitol. W hile they

were In the capitol, th ree nullcn.ies,~J a lia tbox. ovcn ilgh t cii.sc, Jacket nndi d lsh-fllled cnnily box were stolenH from tlie lr car.I Ix>n ReportedH Tlie KlrLs reported th e ir lo.«,■ valued n t WOO. to S a lt Lnke Clly3 police, ^^lc-n th ry s la rled nleulhlngI tlieni;ielv('.^.I Tliey found tlie Jacket nnd twoI .lullfa.'eri In u remole c o m cr of UieI capitol Rrounds la le Sundny. ,R Tlien they began a hoiise-io-hoiwe9 canva.ss of th r capitol hill re,^l-H driiU al u rra , tryhlK to flml .•omrone3 who niltTlit know wlicre th e rest ofI Uielr .stuff w;.s.I Doy G ained Ueward3 W hen ih ry retu rned to th r eapliolI ground-., a l.^-year-old boy told UiemI where lie h.ul .ven Uic th ird Milt-I ea.'.e. H e le<l them to It—nnd theI glfLi gave him ii SS rew ard.I Dul Ml;.j McConnell rccoRnlzedI the youth n.s n boy she 'd seen a lI oni' of th e I10U.1C;; she’d vi.slted—I Hlthoiinh hc «.ive a tllffercn t n;mi(.'I nnd iid<lrr.-i lit ncci'pUng th e reward.

.She tJ'ld i>ollce of h e r ihrory. Tliey n rrc s in l the boy lajit n lgb t nnd

' he udm ltled th e thefts.


U-DRIVEt B c c L in e T r u c k R e n ta l

Varloua typo Irtieki for a n yoar * needs - tlrlvo it yonneir. Sara

Money. K ates ReM onable — Na lj Hand Required.

' n i a k c U ro s . M o b il S c r v ic c , 5 r o ln t j Ea<t rb o n o 1411


YING SERVICEIluh l Phono 02S9R .1



f i '

| i j D isp o sa l U nit


R ' S !P H O N E 8 0 9 ■ '


; Two Teen-Agers 1 Hurt When Auto 1 Rolls at Richfield- U RICH FIE L D . Ju ly 20 —T »‘o p e r- « « m s w ere In jured when a e a r con - oirv “1* t«en-agcra overtu rned. twice a t 8:45 p.- m . Wedne.iday tw o

nnd one-ho lf mllea west o f here . T h e in jured , W nyna D Iucmer. 17.

“ n ic h fle ld , and Je o n Bym ea. 17 Dolse, were ta k en to a Shoshone physic ian for em ergency tre a tm e n t

aio nnd th e n released. D Iucmer r c - « c celved o broken nose a n d MLss ‘ 1 0 D rynes wna trea te d lo r euUi, bruises ng. a n d shock.» k B ruce So reaion , 17, d river of th e ley c ar. told D eputy Sheriff Russell les, RoberU, who InvesUgated th o m la- ,nd hap . th n t his c a r slid In som e loose len griivel nnd ove rtu rned in to a bor­

row pit. T lie c a r waa badly dam aged .O th e r occupnnU of th e vchlcle

were R oberta Cooper. 17. Payett«- Hazel Wood. 10. R ichfield, a n d

hy Doyd Johason , 18, R ichfield. iiK T lie injured w ere ta k e n - to E ho-

.'.hone by Eldon Vaughn.


we -

9 Hey! KidsG et Y our School Pcncll*

J Im p rin ted W ith

™ Your Name3 for 25C-C lo r COc

A Dozen for Ju s t Sl.OO

J . H iLLno U nder B ank 6i T m s l — Pho . 450d. |L _ __Iy . = —Id I

■ ieK elfl ■SHIWiil mSU

M O R E B A E G A I I ; R e m o d e l i n g c o n t i n ur o d d s a n d e n d s=j C L E A R A N C E F R I


Women’s Cotton Blouses

3 .00CrL'.p w hite cotlon blou.ses In m nny alyles. Som e hnve frilly tr im , some n r r p lain. Sizes 34- 30. Big ReducUon.


W o m e n ’s S h o e s

$2 $4All sum m er tw o-tone combl- na tiu n s ila i.lird lo r Immediate nale. Al:>o sm a rt plain colors In brown, r rd . blnck, navy blue. . All la test r.lyles.


R o c h e t T h r e a d

1 5 c b„M200 nnd 250 yd. spool.i. Ecru color. G reatly Reduced.


T W n X S L A C K S

1 . 0 0Ea-'iy lo launder. All hava colorful em broidered design. Sizes 3-4-S yrs. Buy several a t th is am azing low price.

G I R L S ’ S K I R T S

$ 1 $ 2 $ 3G ay colorful plaids, plains, a n d fancy pa tlcm cd ekirts. C otton , rayon , rayon pabnr- dlnc , and woobi, A large group from wlilch to dioose. Sus* pender* and regu lar styles.14 ycar.s.

T o d d l e r s S u n - s u i t s w i t h

B o n n e t

1 . 0 0M ade from sheer cool m ateria l w ith frilly w hite orgnndy ta m . Sizes 3-3-4.



1 . 0 0S lashed for Im m ediate Bale. 6iy lea ond colors th a t will please you. Sizes 38-38.


D r e s s S t r a w H a t s

$ 1 $ 2Conr.f r^-aUve g o o d looking sum m er straw a. T ak ing a

------- f lr a iU e ^ u E


I W ABDINGTOK T R IP1 FILER. Ju ly 2 » -M r, and M rs. A.

A. Davis a n d daughter. Mrs. WUllam Q Radke. N am pa, have le ft on a tr ip

to Yoklnia. W ash., to visit re la -

ild _________p e r- v i a r r r e l a t i v e s;o n - PILER. Ju ly 29—Mr. and Mrs.

Jam es Dailey and family hove re- tw o ‘Urned from a visit w ith relaUves lere. Ogden and o the r U tah towns., 17. -

17, Puerto lUco. about th ree Umes tholone of Rhode lahind. U about 100 le n t mhes long and from 30 to 40 milesr c - »lde.

^ILis : . '.................. ..................... ...........................lis ts * ................................

ARMY SI n ew . P A i

F o r G . I . Trucfis; cKAn AssRMni.irji

DS. STEEnJNC GEAR Afi.SEMnLIES___ '*r »I1 tjp« anar lr»ckt= '1 _ AXI.K SnAPTSFor n . . t .11 ,yp. K. t „ , i ,

rnONT AXt.Kfl ' r« r j^ p t.’ DnivK finA nrs kor


r . , . V s H . " . . '

Twin Falls iJfl Kimberly Roitd

a i n s f o r y o u — s a v i n g s

i n u e s s l o w l y , p a i n t e r s a n d c a r p i tl.5 D R A S T I C A L L Y R E D U C E ? R I D A Y a n d S A T U R D A Y .

Styled right, priced low.

W O M E N ’S Hs Odds and ends, pastel nnd da rk

all lovely styles. OuLMandlng V

i? W O M E N ’S• Rich fine fabric. Plnlc and ta r

Don’t m l.u th l i eensaUoniUIy fum m cr gloves.

S l l "Z< ONI

W O M E N ’S C O T ''le Plnlas, stripes, fancy p n tte m

fancy trim m ed sk irts a ll pt IP rock bottom low. Your chnnc

save and save, sizes 24-23.


? _________ K I T C H E I L S A S lCrisp, sm art, fre.sh as dnW es. Ci

. to brighten th a l special roon ■“ 27x15. G reatly Reduccd.

G n t L S ’ P L A! Cunning cute red, blue, and

checked plnysults. D etachable Sirr.s 3-Cx. Really wonderful b th is low price.

ru I ' - ■ —G I R L S ’ P E D A I

A N D K N E E»

Q rand selection of colors t styles. All have handy pock* Sanforized, Renl Values,

5. — ----- ----

" C H I L D R E N ’ S

Elastic topa. Sizes 6-7-8 Ajist. A1.-50

14 ONL


1 So ca.'»y to cnro for. A b a r s'• mu.st not miss. Sizes 2-3-4-I

W O M E N ’ S B A S T ]t B rnutlful floral p a tte rn w ith eyeh

fancy braid trim . Cool, aheer, cor able. P riced to please your budgt

C U R T A I NOdds nnd Ends—plain colora and w ith dots and fancy I lp ir ts . Bu;while 60 yd*, lost.

S U N V I SIdeal fo r nil outdoor o r Indoor u i t Is desirable to .shade th e e

;_________JusUblo to f it an y head lixe. O r

^ A. M osquito Bites“IX • ■*" W h e r e„ ia - Mosquitoes Abound Say .

“ Emerald Oil Is G reat”**M7 cuitomm Inilal on Uklos It » |ik

th»m OB TKaUuB <»niplBi nr tkh-Inf.- Mr* on* Ktw Jiratr Not

Mrs. nnlr <1»M r.mtnU OII lUip U» luhlns tnd . re - tb* •willinx i.ut it «Im> h tln talives ••'lou* InrKllnn.T .k . h AloKK MClONrRS. on Yoor N « t • EHKnAI.D •

Trier—t'rrl tur* OIL) lh e Perrino riia rm a ey

100 T ro lln rer'a Pharm acy Ad?.nlles ------------------------------------------------------



^ R T S ^jcfis-Cars-Trailcrs |

TIJANSMISnin.S'H tHad*. K „ .«d < .| *

“ WINCHES *TKANKrrii CAsr-n t

I Far J»*pk l(«rnni and 4-4 fCha'nUli *

^ HA.*;T iACHi:T.‘» J

JKKP w iii:ki.s *CRBA.1K .SCAI.!! t

A r*n<r1«l* •l<Kk «f n t- iroM tr iti iI tt *11 SHipBUr (trar ^KiioNT a nKAii r s n AF.'ii:Miii.iFj t

f>r n>d|. Ilxcni I

5 A u to P a r ts :Phone 137 J

J G S P R E S C R I B E D c a r p e n t e r s i n o u r h a i r U C E D f o r a F I N A L { .

5 H A N D B A G S1 d a rk shndes. ^ ^ '

ling vnlues. j | 0 ^ 1 1

r s G L O V E Snd ta n colors only, .niUly low price on

14 O N LT

O T T O N S K I R T Ss tte m and ^


A S H C U R T A I N Slies. C u rtn ln s ^

1 * 0 0

• L A Y S U I T Sand w h ite —

:hable sk irt, r a Crfu l buys a t “

> A L P U S H E R S


alors a n d ^ ——

I . O O

f S A N K L E T S

6.7.8, D ark J


U R I N K L E C R E P E r s u i T s

barsn in you ^•-S-4.5.G. /

. S T 1 S T E . G 0 W N S f-" -h eyele t a n der. com fo rt- C I b Bb u d ie t. i b r a W


. m S C R I Ma a n d w hite

v i s o r slo o r use whereth e eyes. Ad- f m ^« . O reaU y tc -

