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sr 111 I J q- 1IIE IW 0 I I SUN SUNOAY MAROH 19J83 M 114 girt hnd Oitt01tf THE LOOM IN EASTERN ART II A GREAT AUCTION SALE TDOMAS It Kincr AUCTIODEEK On Tiieadny next Mnrch Ul anil four following lays nt 2O ooloclt AT TilE American Art Galleries 6 East 23d St Madison Square 1 A Remarkable Collection of moro than ONE TIIOUSArVD Orientalnntl Rugs CllRIErSR- AnI QUALITY BKAVT1FI7L- nii 1ESIGSS iEtusiE SIZES Including a number ot tt SUPERB SILK ROYAL RUGS IRtKCTKU DCRt1 THn PAST TOUR VRARS BT AK- EXIEKr AND MERCHANT IMPORTER OV THIS CIT OFFICIAL EXHIBITOR FOR IERHU T TUB t WORLDS COLUMBIAX 11 A IrlST MENT OF TUB CUUMtRBIOXKRGRXRRAL RKPRE- SENTINU mi IMPBKIA1 iliJtSTT TUK lUAU OF- PEUSIX THIS COLLECTION DAR BKEX MADS WITH A VIKW TO ILLUSTRATE TO TUP FULLEST EXTENT POSSIBLE TIlE ART OF TUB LOOM IN TUB EAST AND I BUC1I i TO APPEAL T TUB CONNOISSEUR AMATEUR AND TUB WHOLE runuo CATALOOUES WITH 1LLCSTRATIOKB AND AN 1N- TBREBTINO ARTICLE ON ORIENTAL RUGS BT I I O W ErJAMlN PUBLISHED flY COURTEBT OF TIlE COSMOPOLITAN MAILED ox APPLICATION AMERICAN ART ASSN MANAOEHS S BAIT 2fD ST MADISON SQUASH SOUTH n A ltou PAINES 0 wll known fof nearly forir TUMI 1 lbs but plc 10 ottatn a thoruuftti BUSINESS 4 ne at Ion at the least expanse anti hort ittlm >o k- ktentnff wrltmr aritbmetir curriipODdtnr ipvUln- laujrht iDJilJully alimtrlctly priratt Ldlud art in ant itparatr T- lioCOLLEGE r eroi are ovn ra1 and erenmir A tboronrtt coflra- of phonoiraphr HU prlrate leiioni typewrltlni the nntfer luoreinent Iorrtfiixmdenre manlfaldlni sndMiral w rk 0 UDWKKV COHNKR CANAL KT- iur fan 107 WEST 34TH ST UORXER IIROAPW- ATOowo3 D L HEALTH EXEROIBBK icr DrizEInk 1 h 1 I Send tor lUd circa lI- Or nrll 10 1rr D BlcnlUlc 1Ia hmtoned by ten nhyil clam flend for circular mititionini etauunerlnz PROF CEO S HILLIARD the wellknown limruclor In elocution 235 IT 34lhit WALWORTH BUSIMtS AND 1 nTFffUUUAPUlU cor ios AXW IIOKAMT lasrii ST Bookkeeping iliorinand and nudiei that are of rr day uie nail prods taught thoroughly Day and evening iiMioni Individual i Ihiltuctlon circular I us- ppitcatlon NEW y V 50LEGE ef > n boOr rexet like lint educational adrantaiae at the I loweit cost Acadeuilo and commercial studies boi Vkee lnir Lorllinui anl lypewrltlnit day and evening ifjiioni Call ur aildrena chad olrcalai- vBANJa Wanted ladiei itentlemin to complete banjo for banjo concert Chlckertng Hall April B InstructIon Apply at one DOHM1N IJU7 liroadway near Inlh it DANJO piano guitar I maudoilu Imnju and gutIsj- 4eCteeTV > lri VfAttMOK ale A Hart it Brooklyn BANJO mandolin guitar l Inilrnctlon prlvata lei I UUK HIuniKRi bUU GUs av cltn 03 Klalbuib ar BrookDu- BANJO mandolin mm and dance Jlc ant noi dane circular J IUKIAX m ad ay BANJO and JulrIrrlIun HENRY i DUlT l2iU nro tay Inllve bell banjo DA jl I Of MUSIC rrcilvel pupils lor all brandies n4 allgradeauf ciuilct lerini- lu It ndaiice accompanlmtnlalauthi 12a W2ad I DOUBLE lNIIvTiooKKItEllNU taught lu leiioni Wllol private luitruciloni evening clanei- UEINEMAK b eitlllhit t HOW TO iiKI HTRINIGo tnWnte nai i 2it I I h it 11Ald eiteltIig roaa mol bandhal bll Ac iiltun tree NtOLhcfElTEDUCATION hnglili grammar read IIDI Ille hllory arithmetic Ac low PAUL 128 10123Jt S FNHINU piano violin guitar banjo cornet elocu lion iII dramatic action circular- KNICUkllUOfKliHCONHlllVATOKY44 Welt 141bltC- HOKTIIANH Henn FHmani Now V ork bcbuoliday- I o and I AMIXANDER Principal 124 West 2MiU SffnirfllAMirirpiBrirrnir practTetl Individual In 1AASJ IIA1 0- TI ropohian School II iiUav Circular HAltllYITbUXIMKR ART rCHHOL at lnOI Iart Karatoga county wilt oVen June 1 I 1bb3 beautiful icrnery excellent facllltlei for outdoor ketchliig Id all uiber brancbei or an Irof Jerome A liarhydl I principal rorfull l pirllenlari- addreri HAIIIIYDT ART eUlluOl 4 and U Well 14lh it New York ly- TIOllOI1 HLblNESS COIIEHK and InstItute Blenoiirapiiy and TypewritlnK28th > ear item riddled each department i In charge j of a ptciallit I until other chooi thu college hai more liutiiieti i demand for Hi gtailuatci than It can lupply- t all day or e enlng M 4lh K r opp fooutr Institute fliI iiijjf ut IQUAllf IAMIUUE VALTZ OUARANfEUD In alit print leiioni with I V tniiilr 95 Ladlei I and gcnttetnena afternoon clailei Tuidare and 1 Thursday 33O to f3u hoses Illgglnal Or Iaig ACanemy 184141 Sit 23d It 1 monthly lMaiiei tlonday Tuesday Thuriday Friday 73O to 1050 1rlvale lessons l Tlckeii tied at- coovenliBce or pvplli Clanei fur beglnnerit tour I lee tMi Iii LusTier 24leiaoni 5 1 Lady aiilitanti lie ceptlon t iaturdaya lint iisona private WANTKli Endlih governeiie with French Oer trench non and nursery gavin else with aud traener ttutiu guitar and uaddiilnt teuftn 10 I lean cltyt tfon1 lalarlei rem inernal Itarhert MIRIAM roYRIEKEU AgkDcy Hook liullllturlM Mb aV corner 2Oth it ZIflIE1tTborsugb- alriufl Initruononi ahlIrl A DANIELS BII1 lUIIt tldCUliCS AIn 04 faihlonabe dancei laughtt p KehtVKUUOEUt and cUialemn rliculara S iiJUlATOflT4lITatl4lb I J t M d 0 Ji UalJ- CAE QIAte ut url a jOHNion JRSP- ROTECTLD rtAo BY DECISION OF SUPREME COURT NOV 13th 18S- IIUAI I Tjj DONT IMITATE FLAG WEEKLY OF REAL RALF FATE A CHANCE TO PROFIT nr TUB PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF NEW UTRECHT TO BROOKLYN POSITIVE AUCTION TUESDAY MARCH 21 189 AT 13 OCLOCK NOON IS Till imniiRirv HEAL ESTtTi laciiAfrnx 183 AND mi MntrAIIUI hT AMI 144 AND ISO rniiiKioNT BT BROOKLYN THE 70 BEST LOTSI- N TUE WHOLE Town of New Utrecht LOCATED OX 13TII lTI irTH OVINIITON I AND OAT RIDGE AND I10TII HIST H2D 72D AND 7UTI MS The e lrtlM art the but In the Town ot New ahl luln are ottered tn rlo o Ilnl m lercita Ild will lie told fur whale er tlie7 H II huul AM TITIKH IKKDHRD MirieandaAilltlnnallnririnaiKin Irnm JFRG JOHN IiNJriU Lihrrtr 1 New York nod 1SU aud 101 Montnaiie CL lirimkl- yiiPETEB P MEYER Auctioneer WILL SELf AT AUCTION ON TUESDAY March 28 1893- At 13 odorU nt the Nrv York ICed l r lisle Hulcmrooin 111 Ilnd- EXECUTORS it SALE ii OflflEft OP PA1 run TXEUTIH 01- iiIOllts OF 101 CHOICE AND VALUABLE LOTS UN St Nicholas Place and Haoombs Dam Road Avenue St Nicholas Edgecomb Bradhurst- and Eighth Avenues 152d and 153d Streets Tlitu property Ia mauled within aye tam n ntca nnlk or the Elevated HtmlpnB at 14Oth Sad 1111th Ktrer Knit aSo l vrlllitn u nhart- ll tiiT of the new VIaduct sand Mncomb Shunt J3rldr TO PEI CENT NAT REMAIN ON BOND AND NOR G OR B 5 PElt CNN TITLKX MA fgN TIlE LAWYERS tTI CIIASKR INSUllANCU CO FIG TO KACH For tinokinapa term and partIculars I apply at the Anctlnneertonice Ill llroadvar roomaDand E- baiement fn1 CjJtnle got MORRIS PARK SOL11 ORDER Of- WM ZIEGLER EIQ AND JLBT BEYOND BROOKLYN STANDS EVERY TEST THE PRUDENT MAN MAKES WHEN BUYING A HOME SITE I FREE PASSES AGENT ON PROPERTY- EVERY DAY JERK JOHNSON Jr CO Liberty it Nov York anl 180 and 1W1 Montague it Brooklyn LI EA E t Y J RJtII E O E Nr JSlht av bargains In 234 04 ai property a ipeeialiy in bi5 paylap oats Will I located atoalt baltic and desirable lois Intl- Slats lmIii down town lelcig5itSr lirukIrij I ttats- or tonctlcut Miirhuaetts anti oIlier vropnirg- itod rorinYreItnenh and speuItion I Call Ion tartlen- lanaafld w trill pies ou best atlttIln N I liLawb- usinvis to all II branches b7 ail coIned promptly I luolsU I- AIREFLOR1BAHOtIESEEKER Trill of cheapest route hotel board hers to locate for health I and truSt M here to buy homes un IL aid tip monthly payments IbIS uombi for 1O centa Kample tree THE IK0L01JIEXT CO tu KUANCLIN Nf 1 v Roosli- iT NIAOARA FALLS DKITW RUFFALO N V AX Ktrain rout 175 per ton elecinu power mud cheaper inlendld altei for nianufacturlng establIsh menu Adore TOWER 14 MThlli building Bnffaln y V U f NOLifIDElllgniy l Improved l farm i ISMIS scrip vo raliirated lame rod rich rlvrr bottotni ba anceHfiodlnndi land ¬ ed to Irail uttti fruit texclaDlfi feIgn river mind iprlng brooki ulee rrildence ample ratio biilldlmri rterylhing gunU repair large user two railroads climate eminently mid healthy entire lean bolt markeia ii1g price cheap labor tine tlmliillnnt I I tiinnir I uarllculnra addr WIRTllitOIUIlPIA bTKVlNg lluulou Va RIVER FAKMRTlilrtr ncrei I2M 40 acrei 450 acres 12M 1H acres 51UW 120 icrei 21st J I arm Book free I I r cilAMBjilii Federaliburg Md THE SUBCRIIAN UlAI STATE CXCHANQE CO 171 and I 171 llroadway Hell and I lean couniry pmpurlyi hletstf 8 agents te ni or to h Set = ton Gi n- NHaMiiiiNrri IU I TO LKT New ten room home turn ire water gai two mluulei rrollll and rDnnll1 and beach IL per l OIClto lu 1t 3j flN Dur4 40 Murray it N Y- ON AND NEAR THE OREAT SOUTH BAYFOJ collagei Cutainiruei frio C J h IOUTANT hut mint r I n 100lB AND WRSTIIA1110N I IIFurnllb cot tars frm 16 to 1Y C UO Jet irsean ontft jur 1 uarlu 1 bVIURD4 lILA t ITATE RXLflANmlE t0 177 aud lip Broadway NY tit r 1hR FULLERi fetus 74 Varlak corner j CaniltlOldilillOgmtIItscialtyI eti II Jup T BEhT SR oi THB mRIDn- Ol lang T fittest loweit priced flritclaii cimceruIn fitalea extracting with lone trail gallutads on the premliei erery ln too without gaa2Sc rilling eon 0c up gold u IIr eer Closed ilay night or ouoday IIANXH DENTAL ACMlClATIONl New York 3O1 libar Orl doorbelowtitaii lrk1n11 rullon it Lear Lint place cuJar Urn It 0- ndtrr c JTI nnd furniture mId nothing down j long r I Urjg baTioi Agent fur aclonei yii Wit JI ji4 JRrat le o ttfl I tnt Qtnle 1 fU- j m OO c WEiir3- 0 EX2ET CENTS FARE ONK HIOCK TO NOHTI 1tIZAmTJ UKPOT- SIBBTATVTIAI BRICK SEWER GIAnCD ITIUF r CVRRINU CITY WATER TI1K 1MI 9175 A MT 1 150 A rrIon Then 81 a Week These lot are naw wnntt 100 We bought Ibm bl wIll he wirib 1 000 In thre Hni No JtstltL siiJi SAFE r When your lot 11 paid I mrO1 arrange lo itenr reD a loan to build j our houie leJAJN EXCURSIONS EVERY SATURDAY AT 230 P M- ulTnxcunj7i11rorT3rr Mmindny JlElI Mift 31APs P St Z0W From K1A Vortlunmjt ti over Pena WM H MOFFITT em inltniH AV KTIZAIIUTII CO LiBERTY HT Nsw Tnntr SOUTH LAKOOfl PARK- Ha THE PINESI- n the hietrt nt this celebrated tine Wit inirronndlnff- exteudlog the South I Inkxrnnd Itallruad Depot anti to the now < AMINO Fully OcreiojitJ carefully rtitrlrttd tItles inatan- tril Hcvernl coltnqc built aiil other undo Way We take rmi frMii N tV 10 our property and return FICIiK- Hrnil for our iirltatlcallr l Illnalrnted- nlroTHuiitU onv uUeuuoil I awls PICK A Finiii Rot JinoAUWVT XKW TOKK CITY V I DLVAI MANAOrK- ClllrKliN FARM boute barn Inculiator nuthonaet row 3i horse vratoni hattie U- mthlhln tnoiqultnrii rnl et a inrrlnrel 41 mIle vtL icruntasy l 10 Aildrrta I 1 B AntwrlU X J- IJnR RALK Vlncland New J r eyi SO ncrem IOry hout H Amnno lam cliukcn I lion e out liotiveii iioo cant Uilanrtto It A Jilrex J fcTrlgo Couimuulpaw av Jer mId CII 1 J L UNn lintels IIIIANC1I or- m1IIA1 N Jalo rent excbanne COaail LANK 310 Rroartwar I on Itrancli OANUI X J Mnnntaln utatlon Modern rell- dene I o 12 ronnie all improvement ieam neat- ntnttuiy nluintiinz Intel itabtr heated nbunlanrr of- olosmie liit 1tX21 linmeillale po ullon prim rOK 1 UUIIKIIT AriLRTON Jr brick ttatlon East Orange NJ ur Equitable build luff New lurk h ei ntt Of o tttrctj i TTY llii IITIIouiei of all descriptIon J- VrR8VV tram Sill IIP Kali sill apartment from Hl up lit jna plots for lale from 8JOO up houses for ia e frnmtzutxi up HC k 1K2 Jncknon at oppoille station Newark anti 1 N V IL red whIte I and I blue urns glrnl Cftnte tor atflltla 4100O Knrlheit corner Southern Boulevard I A Tan Alexander av fltaitory large corner store and doubts llf I rooms each Orocerle southeast corner AIundo ar and I BOl it HTeetory tore and ft rrom best location for a urilclasi grocery itore confectIonery 272 Alexander AT adjoIning corner 13Utu it aTe itory Ion and doubla flats Bakery in Alexander ar adjoining corner South Boulevard oTFFft DRO 030 rent 188th it near itallcneleyated road A d I < lAtIN me following ir 7 EAST IIOT1 OT- oner S10 000 120OU mail or more 4 itury single lIar lit tlxOtxltX Idled order fully rent u 112500 easy tenth Gitory b > single Ila near Central lank 7 borne and bmh im I1D5OO rent 2t 5 story double tenement 2 itoreDt 14 rooms on minor nearndar- llany other barealut Call or write for bariKalara- rieme mention this piper FOR HAIr The new and decant Illoop none and terra Oottalront house IOS iT PilANI 1 m WEST MTH ST built in the moil inbilantial thInner by days work UAtdwood trimmed parquet llourlni upeti I plumblnir tiled bathruoluft nlt Now utica Apply to estate of I IX AlURIUII 2m roadway I TIlE MODEl APARTMENT MOUSES- IJMh el Bin 612 Lit Veit between Amsterdam Iv and Uoulevnrd one hlocL fnim lltverilde DrUe relit for 8000 write f3UUU Apply to CAllitOLL i- DELAUhV UOU Columbus av antI 4stony private PoLar corner onIWh A 1 e w Endac Ittlil iid 10410 I coin lug rablonabie quno mmmlii delightful locality un lihand view or lb Ilumisnu bloc n lahalan n tim aol Itandsointly decorated prm below bought at mince P cIiiolhtll 7117 IVeet End an NUMBER of threeitory guecn Ants ItOutee A antique anti tpeclaldeilini I ten and eleven room each all modern improvement cabinet nnliti rlo- Applr 110 KXJ terms to suit to N IlIKTll builder 070 East lacth IIAIHIAIN Twentyfourth ward ten room house A 1modern Imprumemnents lro h h 1 Naat CHOICE PLOY for ialeilx I lots louthweit corn A 103d St and Manhattnn nr hlifh pround natural grade below curb jolt the plate lor mal houses easy liberal loan- CIIAItLLSBUEK url 504 Colambiuar car 724 = ARGAINSilIOhl DRIDiiK eight minute walk B uth ar eleratet utallfdi homier 10 rom all 1m crovement full l lot price Jllr H halt cash lUith it near Jerome av 3 I its 511st SI Don iali pretty cottage 11 rla nil ImproTeinenli ke er lull lot mince 54COO each Ilivll llrlilile old Hone u- Ul lots irico 132011 K U IUI1 Hllllll IGZd It Jerome AV or i lleulumn Click tenement Weit 60tll it S12GOO BARGAIN I1 CHXI rnlIll 10rl hAULKI 210WetOld It = non HALE ANT and compare before l youdecldel lfriirt UN IIASU a FINK assortment tf new frame private nttd nlora- bniie for one or two familen latent Improvement LOW JHHKS term deicrlptioni tent mall JullN IFt 1 builder ooico JJ ar I fhl Jdllt It UI SVJIA 1 AV 1203 ntr 1bI lilglit rooms FRANKLIN nicely ilfAKl K I IIROKN A EONS real eitate tt42I av ioar IQiltti It F OR f ALE fereralYery mieelrmilie plccci of down town luieitraent property Apply to SII l AIITEAItnB 171 IlrrajwayI- jlTRTTFk ceveral cbolce boaierfo7 iilel23d it Jrl near7tbar I28d t near Munhnttan ar 1 711 it nor Lelnlol art idIot it nar Lenox 13J at Mount Uorrl Irk AC reason aIls and easy teruj Imo WATFAfl- Rill Ilroadway ealtllde 130 felt north of lnd it JhltOMKAV ir xluo level with curb no rock tries el3oU great bargain easy terms THON U1UC1IAIL 1 SOT W et 142d It balance25 n month 0 a orT WAIII5r- h 21 2uxlou all Improvement 847 Concord av near 14lit 11 Hike Ubtliit 1 cur loW Harlem bridge c c A MIT owner JIMI Fortl A h cilKltUY uearlearlJacauti yxiM tllun 4 ens terms bllWIN lLV loa llold It 1 > OI KT ax 40 AND 42 WKhrlitiiratile brown it i sInus dwelling decorated nnd In rxirllent- iiranlnii 3l2uoMi Hi Immuat be sold uisy be seems a an > limo Inquire at Nil till i 1 IAr IftTII mITew Yti ikllrlrl leDemenl 111 21 II 17r iKi rentifurelViU tier nllr laallnlrl at 41i pr cent male Otter T lory and haemrui bnmmmitiomte elllnuon Held ac near LXlnct m av HruuLiim liandmiiuely dec- orated lot ZMvilu mutt I ha saId Lull tiitnlm ii make otter asking I 57lMi j termite enoy I U J HIMIKE- Keal Estate mtl l Court st 1rookIYI 07 OUt Ftlit lnTlooM browmistmmts houie WI I lmproeiuenti irood Dollborlout i 14 am sail 8Ctli >1 L nation termite H illLMIItT i7Wankfort i- tc9 500 rhrreitiry and Imienienl brown itone- e dHelllnir tiiorlern iiiiproveiaenti per lilt order apply on premuti alii 1 1 Iait77lhn UIUi > > tIIlIIS- ttdirat ILl IIR PiMIIlI lEt J4MI 1STII HT MarUJav nation private dliraiei haIti sizes 40 eari blood skIm glet atrlvlure bladder klJueya been IUHRI my uiethoiix only otis known that cIrca nervous dihliiiy weakness iou muuhool i jouthfui- irrori ih neiitiaddremui aricoceEe writ itirunken organ imptdiuitnt lumarrlaie utold I medkal a < en- clei C9iniianier Intlutei I rleclricity belt humbuirp- iltichaDfei stopped at once mlvlce free auy discus Utoli > u charge unleu cured A1ICNTII > N1IU ttltrY 3 jearaa ipvctuiut In dmeiiel of men onlr Ulcer I liKlinrir irleet milcluren lilood ikln kidney blail Omit uriruulo urakntn ncrroui debility errori of 3 loutu hall drum lost milanliomd sitrutilems ream ito Hilluienti tu marriage all diseases I quIetest ierina- tieut curt guaranteed Office iner JA eari at I 120 Fast 17th it lIar Pun square Hour 1to lit Kundaye U- 1t111 illon his clmrirci are limo loirm Advice tree So cure no pay No ry untilcur- edAlTKNTIONOlll Kit llIIIMIIi Graduate Inlrcnity i tty ut New York Ueitlcal Depart bent 31 cnri dueaie If men omy sores nlcuri chin r dlldlntl irliet itricliirr kidney bladder i unlive cure for nmnuiiUbilH nn pediment I to marrlate nriranlu weaknen Hr moitiN 1 LK guarantee pitch permanent mire in all diiemei peculiar lo men omceotcr I 12 yean at 171 111 Ulli 54 n1n Omit suit 7th avi I luirrt cbarfei advice free Hour UtoJ buu li i U lu 4 UtoB Noctiorj- unlcn cured a = A AOIIHKKSI PKKMANKNT A e ciiti Ght itANrrii in diomaos ot- mem daiitfvruui cases ullllId relef at oum 0 first rlae I arlrlitlnn treatment only the leading ipeclallit jim linSMMILH 3i Uc > f7lU It Ulu3 010 I 11 liatur dayitu II V ZAHR i roNIUU Ladiei Phyilclan treau with A e perfect success sal safety all feinalo complatnli Primate lanitanuui 2V4 Uit lUlls au lloun Id ta- TiSOFM Send itamp for buok LAPIEscpmpalnli IrrrguterllleTtrrated with per rorlutlrolfular pbv livlan new inetbodeand lauiiarlum uoaorabto trcattnentt latiiUcllon guaratv toed DrlloVTaM enl6th t UKUIIITY IN Mffi WUKV NntVULH by Hr IIKATIF 1U4 tall 2UIU II 1mw York with local application or medicos after baying lufiered years untlir other treatment proving that aiomacb medioinei alone cannot curs suns mime liar Tlce JO merniug totereiilnn aid Hunday forenoon irkYr7AS > VnAHrnhaia iprculut ID duuaieiof A1VF heart luniri itomacu liver klaueya bladder Ac Vr aKOUQUTUM OU Vtit 1111 cuaiuitttloo fri t fl u n WIIKN TOP IIUY IOTH AT LA EVVOC D Dont buy them mile below Litkewood or south of Lakewood but IN LAKEWOOD TOWNSHIP That WllhllK tbey are valuable WhEN TOU nvr LOTS AT T t A ff 3E1 W CJOJDD- ont buy them In the tcrpti oaka the corBaeldg ot within sIght of pint but IW THE PINES TH ATS VUEItItthey are healthful We sell loti muting doth reqnlremtnli and convey you rr to examine them 100000 ipeiit by ui In Improrementi Inoladlnf Llerlrto liirht Vater8upplrand Ibetiinerbtailna THE LAKEWOOD HEAL ESTATE CO 171 riROADWAY NEW YORK OltANUE N J this vicInity ipeclaltrXBargalm for I P HA MllfON It CiJI 101 llroadwar X V TWO SMALL FARMS near WtatfltMl about twenty In eecim I price very tact hiilldinii In food condition AdJrex Ws eiirield > J C r tort niILDINO LOTS nt Od Drlngi Ncwleriey yjU3j tnula front New lork TennntUanla Kallrnad i opulAtlou hoot Horn church schools mantilactur Dma Indutrlra battng Itching Initalluienti taken agunll wanted Hi Ilne It- PrtfRV tor jc or o gftIDtlV trGtt- tA IAHK N J Denlrable fumlibea cottages aiidboardlUKhoupl Ltiti MILAN ios Aibnry rank X J LAROi FARM IIOlBK with ihadyliwn table > car lioti and laundry will rent cheap to puny giving good ntirence r O bOlt 77 KI port X J LOS RRANCH ViriNITYIo let furnlihed cot six to roll NOn l ILLI AM 1AXF Longrrnnch N td I t8tC r 21c3krcg itj0- C CTTAtR 7 roomi two acres liloomflrld Orange N J city a ater on hathrooin furnace abun ilarce trait large ihade i tree Stable hennery l sale lowdown balance nioriitage mlirht rent COMiICT owner 1 Montgomery it Jersey City fntf T tc for 1l1C3rooItjjl0 3100 mrs handsome frame honnea thoroughly well bnlll 0 rcomi and hath furnace and Cabinet mantcli ready April 1 two block from Union Elevated R R nation itreeti paied lc Mi caih Other house from 2OUU upward on eaiy terms LOTS 225 rAYABLE AT 5 MORTIILT ROBERT WHEELANATL- ANTIC AXD VAX SICKLES ATB BROOKLYN FOR NAI1 IOMEnREKEri ATTENTION I hxarnlne those tonSil houieiMii IMII INS ahd 1W Covert Brooklyn Two lory and tA mrnt 12 room > arranzeJ for two antI lIes Allnnproveineililn each apartment IncluJInu bath roomn o ptone waihtub gas ilxtiirc electriu ueiiLcaomel trim Ac These Houiei are nicely located comenienttothe UnIon hievated r It anti vMIUiua stones throw 01 the nsw electric road on ientral ar II III be old on a small cash payment baiauca In quarterly initallmenti or otherwIse for key or further Information apply to THOMAS lilhllbQN lie Covert It- BAITRAIN 1 1 Twofamily home SOiVJilCO eleven and two bathroom 40OO trIms tn soil aeen today FA iT1fttROiBo 1179 slates ar near Buihwlck ar Uruoklju near Uattg av nation 1UY BROOKLYN RBMIDEKCE8 ruldentlal Iniur- ance L1 mortgage loam through L A Illul A CO in Broadway New York CANT III IiOrLIOATKb Eight fonritory Ander brick front slnmciemtatm Seven roomi and bath handiomn entrance pate glut doors chamlvlieri tub military pluuibtngt decorated halts andtain carpeted prae 1U5UO pa > e 11 percent Hera I li the proof Annual rent ooS110- 1a 5110 Naler 23 Illlrreiton5uOO 275 Janitor 48 538 Net Income Mil ororcr 1I1r cent on IIOOO lureited hate three of emit In I III veil one or all huutfi U37atli AT cor Od St Brooklyn I1 Hit RALE llOlSEfl Twnitory and bailment ii from hou < ei newt bnlll for two firulllei ronrenl emit healthy and beautiful location louth aide Forty ilxthL lietween rtn aud nth ai houth llrookltu will exchange Halligber I on preniliei UJ BANDS 1221 Fulton it Brooklyn t > OR m11 will payou tu look nt Ihe 2K end 3 L roar fancy mont itune notice all unprovrinenti ImaiClOtotilU Ililiiam av l handy I lo evated and soiree cars oem location in zyu ward terms to nut InquIre of buIlder on premltci- iTR MIE HOUIVI not built In row htmL iletachll A truly home Hrooinn all Improvemrnli model Hi itylo and nulih price laiurt Part place near Ltlca ar T iAJJS owner on preoLus If OK mIAIcnsrgaln twotorynnd batement house JlGrrelorolr two famlllei near l aratiiga itatlon KiDffi County I alwaii accelble owner on premi see 24 Ituiell place I ilroolljii- Ij oil HAInllojei elrgnnt artltllc itcne hard A wood cheap Oi5JeHeriou av T W EWIMM nillder- I J Olsr8 FOR HALE and to lit In oil pert ot the city Ii Apply to ItiJimTiN 5 lttJiiliIN reai eslale AfoOt 44 Court flrmmoklyn PIltTTV TWO hTOKY FLAT all Hutiravementi con In Klnioand Union eleratMl 11 Inmllroant UiC prontajle l property just the thiig iniuble ten M IT milinlher plaie b11IK1l1l IiOil tmmmproveumtgmts for Iwo fatumlieg i1 JbUU Stdtimdwim HhTCIIAM A pJja ieyju near Broadway S2 ifln081000 Morigaije at 5 Ior CenTH llKAnltwiliirv mid baietnent brotvn itoiitt house R rooii and hall all improvementi a bargain KAUTblt Hi nth av car 3d ii ljrookiy- iiOl ttIIl HlV 1I1lIliiOlijb O1 iflO > ivlr known BI 77 Meeker ar near Hum liuldi it Brook yim N T t houie In good con III mmmt 12- nree roomi I pan In deiirlng to purchase will apply dl rrtilylo UUNUIIon I premise anti secure tbsir owe ColUIUlMlOll I Stn mirIck iiireeiioryiiniile rat on high I jUUU rt iroiind I In Hroolin all Implore lueul alt iix10xlUU morlgae i 1 TfAl Aildreli OHSflt hot IU7 sun i ottlc- eat r i ct Zojgtt g r i i1JlJ POI LttASF31ercIantlorss foot Van Drke Tt I boOth IlrooKlin couiirlmg eight nritclan hrict- fuarehuuiei piers iiml huh alo about nrtr tacinl lot In rear > iiltabl for yardage purpotti dockage wanted Apply to II D jlitOOKMtN43 Exchange place N NAIL TilE rNTRAXn fir Till UROOKLYN HltiniiK a large corner building niltable for lintel and saloon tuirpees lernn tuoUerate Apply orrm Atlantic tvrmmue H I o Molltnguo I and i CiiiiCun all rpoL > TlHI > K 7U Halier it Hrnoklyn neirMarcy J av t In rxcelient condition thorouirhly anltir open grain ami furnace warn I In liner nml html In minuter convenient in Noitrnml av btalion Kltiiri fouiiir levatod iivrXiii mi Hancock it Brook a- rf or 2211 Water st New York city LIT A tilcelouie II room water sad a nice garden fur IIltI all i a iloor ot r roomi water for llU one block from elevated Apply to nwner 24ii Klion it bet Liberty arid Allanilu its I VOlli ward Brooklyn OOM IIANforK HT Three norlfi ami baiemiut iilHoiu 1IIHX4IK10I 212 OIIIIIM stthre stories end liMiuent brick 2Ux4uxlK OWNt u 00 I llaiKcU- it HriHkl n or 227 W oter it tttv lurk 1f11 ISliltc lot snlt oll ll1n11 flllimfl I VIFH AND rillllHIFX touailindrfliirk I A AOl irom contagUillldlea new Welbtillt cot time 7 rooma nttlf cellar ground UiiHo S a uniuieriinr AlxlnMol price f lS iil nun lola forikle Trrlni eay end lor circular to llhlBAUH KlLLV kAMIlf I nalitudurl Iark I aliey Blrejuu L- BlUIUHSll I llflldi I 14 room i acre Tr trre1 handy to buy ami uvioi islam limbed b year lor tale r rent furnlbrd- U K litili ANT Blue Point LI VlATltnioilT IOMI IKLANiiCoiiage IN rooms 1 1 HHI leet shire front for residence or boarding haiti J4M chcan Jf i LKW I IH 2CllimberiltS- IYFVIIOUU t NllflllIIIIT us iIGiio rroDI VII tor w jlO II LFWIN 21 Chambers n MOISI tlion and manyolher bar 2 J HAMILTON Corona ixion island mllOSIAfcTON llIRIIIjtMH OKOREAT NECK con Ji maiidiurf mew of Ixiiig lilandiound and Manbanet thy I fully l rritncteil three new B and lu room cOlin for iae Oo1Irolloh down 40 to SA monthly Apjily to Y C DENMAN Thomatton K 11 or R E C Ut New sorb TEN 1 IIIJLhINl I LOTS 25x10 Ronkontema Long IJU fill Iiontage on railroad f KWraib Log bargain J K UYKNfc 232 3d ar N Y 700 llllroom houie lot uOxlW balance monthly J 407 Broadway gttnl ii tllt Vnutf4 roohtllUa I HAVE SEVERAL PABTIEH who wish la buried real In llrooklyn If you bays anything send s- hIll Iartlcuatl Lad I will dsspoee OlIn Ir L jrHUBEK 1 ilial- Ud na Ohirl st oIti1Io t 10 4 get Cor ut Uqf sf L 5t for usintI urp- If I X U to- w 9 l w- q o- i i t s r ° 01 ° m ol r rir 1OlllS 2 r R ru CI1 g UIm 13- Bc it2 a 0 IJ i Qt J4 S a Ie if c- w D- a a Ii w 8 Xl m ro- IS LI i u I PJ1 a rp iJD 1 tLITAT- tIn 1SN i1r tiQ fi1- m o- t iu r- g renal r CORRIDOR iuei1 i a z 1 lhI- t 11 tI P rr Z PI 1 Z 0 I 0 ro I ii ru I X IJ N r > o W 0- I1uJv ru 0 N f N 8 I UASSAU GTREET VANDERBILT BUILDINGNas- sau and Beekman Streets NEW 14STORY EXTENSION SUNNY OFFICES TO LET Building contains emery modern tlerlct for the comfort of Unanti and I li absolutely flrtproof Offices solo dIvided to suIt tenants Eirrlrlo Hithtn aurplleil No citriC of soy kill ktura and buemeut on Beekinaa it new wlnr about 430O square feet eaeli and lubbaienitnu FOR lAIATICrLAJLN APPlY Tn Antaie nnnv n kLDRICK S S- QWMBIABUlLDING cu4Ry 45 Broadway 29 Broadway 2 4 and 6 Morris St OFFICES In both uf these buildings TO LET A Lawn Coitus for Wine or ntarncr POUR RAtIO 1ZIIVATOR3 IS EACH RUILDIN- OrIECTHIC IIOKTH DAY AMI MO11T NO EXTHA CHVRUnw Apply lit pit III rr hulldlnp to H IT < Flt ATnniCH Private Office Desk Room TO nrNTO- B yearly less Arply on prttnlacl 1505 Broadway or C80 Ctb av near J2J it DIILniNOS TO LET STdHKHAND I ILUiADtVHITINUOF- FICEtI Apply to ti Beckman kt WHOLE HOUSE AND STORE S85 fermontit 403 3dur next uuor to Mutton Fbrancu Apply at 2011 nln lon ar hear flirt AT 13 WEPT 27TII ST t b5twsen 5th ar antI Broad way n lance well Us It ted and ipclou floor for- Ollicelmig light busltissa porpumea THIS WEST ITHLIS1IIXO CO AIRXANDKH AV M U COR 1J1HTM HT Two line stores iiiliablv jar barber ireiitifurnUblne or any nice item tuinei good vroMiur neirhbor hood Inquire nil pmreimiius I V P TIII1UK j 1EoIllAIllE niOTOrltAllIGAUERV with dwell A IDle anartntentii Md nr near 1 matlon rent low UI BKCMVN A OOMI real mate S4I4 aj ai near lMaiiif 41 IOKTLANKThTHrel tinge lisbt new loft A i4x7l LIlA o IoIIILJ11 lmt Haliau It UEEiniTdRK for any burineii with Iwo back A roomi Ut Apply 4ar IVeat Jiitli it ln grocery BROADWAY litit above Union finnan Two floors to UKAJ HI4 KroadMray- Ml ST 8i ANI I 1111 l < in rent CliNTHL IIINKV IVIIirilvJIiiltfc Liberty it STOI1E 10 LET OX70 nortliweit cornerEd CORMIll luutint Inquire otuwner A hMlT 84 lit It LASh ST 42 Kecond loft In let f21 per annum D J II TIIKM < NI1I lleriyjit n ION 11411 Elm 111111 ul FYI lE mme of nnlirooui sUIt X1 able lor I lawyer Room 04 171 llruadaat Realty rnonouomv PXERY AVIDO Stronneit city Office Desk ten Broadwa- forSUGthar corntrdrrenwlch corner IlfBIKhH corainrtalile tzM Hrnadnay ttttcIttrr for git groprrty NEW AMSTERDAM PARKSI- X iiioviand magnificent New York Rapid Depot liraithleit both wIth thusl- miuimringqutrio traiupurlatlon anti Iron your there NOW to you looking and healthful ipot near York 10 lull each This being season ofll special lu- flritclas ducrnienti 3O3 lypr1 will reap profit from advancei cent after until at bellevlnt allow and NEW L JJAICOlM niKrr- 1O1 HROIDWAV Net ROCHELLE PARK an 1IlhrU r home ettterofnt Rochelle on tin I I Net nmil from i ib I ahI Dept Oaths dally rt u- hunday it I It plots Lame dwellmm oecnpird people last iniection ai null ai III the luuroer time eteryililnir I at lmntle you It anti may be tot lUllar- FUIJnJIICK JENKINS Poll Ofllce UnllJInc New Rochelle ta OJj3tnt- cAIONIY TO LOS Bond and 1IY TIlE EOVITABLK ASSURANCE SOCIETY No for Examining JOKKAN ComptrnllcrE- ijuitable llutldluir Uroadwa New York BUILOYOURHOMH- ESI IAR will contract to lunlil your > e or work alone city plant drawing charge I titan eliewuere lo ui to give yuu an eillinat- eAltClIlTlXT ANW 11UIIUKRA- RCIIIIUALU A DO Lawrence Brooklyn nl Cutatc for cinle or 3xchntic 0 8 PLATS OP LOTS 8 containing three and four each 78lh antI FOols Including corner depth natural formatloti clear uu uieiiuienli tu- cuiiie easiest tsrws zclmaigs rails bam rnt- lculart KoglNHUM Broadway- a IKXANUEU AND HOfTIIKKN HOULEVAR- Ilt uonhweat cornr51 itory norii and double Oats rroperty north lbs Itni ihr uppuilte proposed New Haven Irodure Market will take irptcia5s firm or mntleinani New enor Harlem Kallruad- In nart payment JOhN MONAUUAS OBO lB it mar station 1 rued EXCIIANOE KUACRK HICHK FARM tl railroad depot rlverand creek lend nose I room healthy title perfect fiuilcuTara UIIArm ftlchniona VII1CIMA HOS4ESTKAD Iwelllug located In banaieme grove forest treet watered and railroad depot noted health farm well adapted to Hack I ptrfeot rerllculara tdren BOllAtrlS Kichmnnd t 8atory ilngle 1 flat free clear ev food Brooklyn corner properly will Add ox take vaab- BAUTKR BIT Sib iv Brookly l FLOORS TO LETw- ith rower the Metropolitan Building Fihcpiioor- Monl will tOENII1NCLtlm- vsrlng 10000 HttAKB nET 14 high frontlni 204 feet lbs 111110K LYN flRIlOE rr le ton hotli Ibiiganit HI lIam M ON KOUK SIDES lighted hellequipped balldinv In thll RULAND WHITINC g Hrrkp N- tFr rate Room TO nEST yearly I Apply on premise 12C5 near 320 it 0 FEEs KENT Broadway corner Liberty it A deilrable Suite Hoomi sIngle will fireproof building eliraton to aldewalki servIce excellent O II RENNET Agent room 1- LrIlIo12r northeast and lard clone 1 bailment at4T3- ureeiiwicli at tr Apply at 187 Kultoni- tNOIIUAXD UBRRTT ST oppoiTie l Neal Estate i> ffw small I tu 25 pin lunntli w adapted for real mOat tm or I lawytra Apply to JKRE JOIISBOS Liberty NY- S TURKS FOR EYEleT In block new tinny nat junction iiniton tIdi av lmldtlm living Hpartlnenta low renti tailor cigar lardwar mucri wautod hee janitor In corner SibRKSANIi LOFTS large dim flnlcliis neigh beat and eleratnr Apply promises emItter 1earlit or at 83 Walker ic TOIJTThUI choir Ttore72O rnlton t7Vuperb tatlnr hatter or tenl fur niihinffn Immediate possessIon Apply on premliei- eac week dy from In ft I 1- 4riiiritntm rod eiiarat incle nf fire very rent aud IIU K year IMeane apply to the jantlo- rfflII1Tltenutifutofiiee the balldlnit SO White A hall it newly papered and decorated Apply to janItor T O LKT Three lljtlit lofta W Walker LeTUFTSr- OI > AMII ir LlitlKNAlll hT8iore baiement O 25x100 four loll roxlo earn elevator cheap rem 1IASS 14TII ST it3 to Bieiant store amid br > enient < mimic light lofia to nil buildlnir 7riHK- ifuniur death neat power alio l Him limIts now bullillnir 30 lion it elevator neat power ApplY limwirn M antI II r U in I I A UERATV llooin 104 1 I Broadway 26 IAHK PLACE racing elerated aatlon Elegant store basement and cellar tunable Luiineii 1LAXH 234 llroadom- ySTAnlK tIIIICd for uLnrj fPO WANTED About CO stall anti wagon room wtgmra must be between 211 and oiuli iti and 4th Mth stale location rent Addreii It J hUll uiluwn ofHre 12B6 ri Sropcrnj I StwtrhrjJto Co 1 r j CT bullulnc loti i pen and Harlem Transit mInutes from Rrand Central absolutely the I loci lion for HOME KITES north the Harlem lOver The lull are located on udeiof the railway trucks a haiidniiiK new depot on tbe property to home 1 o lumbering old busies needed You get Ibu main and on are If are really for a bright ai our prlcen New on a filch locate Wu ran Suit yon both m to prices and terms T0 am really worlu f the we a lll inako fur this next beginning thirty day XV e 1111 ii a 2XIOO for the remarkably I IUA price of 81 wall who buys mow a Iubitantlal no to 100 I per cent ai the T RUHi Ten per cent down C per there paid CALL any our ofllcei fur mapi and titketi- erly Ai acting la we prater to you the prop let you judge AMSTERDAM REA ESTATK ASMOCIATI K 8 MILLS 17 EAsT 4Tii ST W II M JOhN II CLAIl fO Wttt 4OU HI T COIIALAN ifUJ JD AV York In at New time Ha eu 17 iiillen with 113 and timer time Ieen sold slid 45 br WalnUte no w ben Hi best- 21y bott ito IMrtvill tell about lul the He 9 ON Mortgage IIIU Charge Titles- Apply to T II 120 FOR CIRCt- Ve the In the suburbs Hie and free of for lass you can 1ual tail ulluw 103 two tots sip Amsterdam ar cellar and 511 or J H owner 145 AV new lire beet builneit of liar Country Seat on line rt lla 11 East I lh elevated SALE UR FOR iisi acre Sat dwelling location R A CO Va J Elegant of well timbered near location for title 11 hIRES and e- cBann for cor 84 it st In J h i storm nn eta on TO ICO of lire and Rooms an Htbtid strictly Vea omit lurnliheil 02 otlc el JR flO it five and it MttarheU p wer 3u3 12 245 ay throe X 3w In it sod 214 Mil o lot and rieiliifile anti A nny and nm and box llil Broadway 45 of are 200 of lot of of or tlu of or all boo or lur pu 11 BAKOAI > B IN MOUNT MiHMIN ANII itlV Rtt Uodern house ten ruoui emit or rent nan location yuacrei Hound Knciielle nultable it iir roriubimiilon A Jickiuant city- rbulcmsdifc B RAUTfKitiAKir IItlKK7wrcreV i ouuiry ttoriubdnlilun IIIIHI- ATttATKR I I171lberlyit- WrllITK pYAIXS ASIi VICINITYfountryleaiT and turn all price J V ATrtATKR U7 Ilbiriyil ljpFiiila nooii bulldlniii fort eliOt lalltilrom bariialn ls ohms etm < JllTIIAM WAKKMAN Jeney City ji f Citntr fot gnlt = COUB t I SULLIVAN COUNT 24 12 ACRES OF IMPROVED PROPERTY Large home II mount burn and all the necenarr outbnuiei In umHUti onler eiiltaile I lor auintner Limrdlnir hopie intnt bi slId on nr bfore Ainl H Call vr nUdren JOHN IIUbl JD ht MiUulai sy ton 121st ii LtltuEN- Esit JIIACali 111111 HVITAIIIlt IOlC NVIlJIVlM10vj MtILA at PAVIIFI EQUITMI1- EF 1111101110 I U IIIIIIAIIA- Ii ° SAIE 4 lsumi or JUt acres land uihoamed mti a lmtmbllm r AI omit titlles OrJUOd hay statmom lIIehllwlI1 smmI Itoili Ole It it all l Improved by a boos semem rmmmmis Iorll hire Jsnuse jmlemmtr of mtak plmie nllIhory a Ilmltimduml Orchard of all kinds hr Iruor amulet 1eeche 1slns prlol 504 nrrlul sill tutu irrmmc mlmis me 000otly oil tmiccmlt a imemtllty shlmalei I will Five buyer two plimmgl oe cutator sill a ymiutmf > Ukeul steers not broken i an other farm finiieiiienii title lUOt I OOO raib hat alln oaI t a p three jean for further jiimruiara end fur paintiblet Addreii JOHN J uitf EN oreeu Hay 1 Irtncellilit urdu BUiiiy a- AltMir oil eli m Illaire houiei reaionabie Kockl land and llirkUionutiei call tOCWUNDkx 34 ier < r- ot n ulwrt n- uRUTHERFORD ifttul Q llur- J IlSDHUKST AND CINOBLAKD N J nine mllei or twentyfire minute from New I orb thirty train each way by Erie and U- Kandvt Itallruad uiarailaiulnd I nrrti electric light city cater iewer Miii0Oi- 5and cIiorehisf all ri iioralnalon Jer illy llobokeo and liutlierford eleclrio air loath li ex pet ted In olerammonin a short time I 1110 lota inoit be told before thai 11BHS ai i from IIVI le 855 a city tot 1C rash balance groin II I to K dipiithly Money loaned for laUdIng Apply or lend for maps li D- If CUIIUTmI 34 droadwa lIttus 44 fot Jjak or io rtl ullUJ B IIVIONL1To rent fornlibld e tarn on and Uear the Uretl South Day Bead far list l ItOEBIXI O- Qpf Oo 4 u j tJ ultrtttmtnt WORLDS FAIR PROPERTY t 1 < W- I5OOXO OTrtER RXrrHSE forabnIMinf l lnI35g 100 feet IB Jaekion Pack Addition This beautiful fc addition warranted lilgh antI dry and on the main line ot the I C t 1011 R H on the uhonee ot Lake Mtpht iran with depot and telegraph nine I la well favored la- H location covered with a tine growth of Ire sod In f plain sight nf Horldi Fair biilidlngi and 0010 Chime gn one of the gritsot manufacturingiHitrlcti the world whtre hots In years lold at AOUU Mallo today are worth 100 loot With smith el SplendId locAllen and the wonderful growth of the city southward I li no wonder that over 4OO I lIS irs al- ready > oU Year of experience enable roeto Mltoi I Property that under my lyntem meets wIth rapid eat nr limited capital For Inveitment you cannot nnd Its equal will pellet choice l location for v partlei wlinlng lo purchase nntaMe I nf this city riar your mossy around IHICAUU THE VltlDB Of M aMERICA anti dont delay J A WEBO UI Mark it Chle- agcaGREATEASTERN = Bt La reuc ar and COlh it 1 Chicago Largeil hotel In the worM 1100 room will open War 1 lracllealy fire proofh only three Mnrlei high Fronlh log lootlu Talk and ttaihlngton Iark Driving Clnbi only two block from Midway Ilaliance entrant Ia 14 World Fair I convenient I te elevated cable and elec- tric ¬ ran an Ideal summer hotel Eoropean plant tlM j A each pet > nnt nriLclaii rcitanrant lufereacea Atlae National Hank lInk of toinmerie National Hank ot time Itepubllc antI National Hank of Illinois Room should be engigrd early Addreii COPELAND TOWNSEND Mgr 3 Temporary tIErs 42 llnnkery fhlcero ° WORLDS FAIR CHICAGO SUtfen furnished houses to rent within three bloctf- of main entrance rf the Ki oltlon for a ptrlodiOf t trim tine to eta aO1i > Tb above are new delacheil utone front reiliJlliee- ot t 12 room each flnlihed finest style anti areorTereA only lo private famlllei who dlr superIor accomn- dalloni PrIce COO per month etch o Addreu WALTER C NELSON Owner Icy Waihlngnn it room 1007 Chicano t EENTCHICAGO HOTEL DURING WORLDS FAIR l One if the 101 private hotelS In Hie cltyof Ctilcaje- routalnlnir I about I mImils rooms ilumtril oh A cnrneror llchlin llouleriuU within one bluclc nf the great An It dltorlliui lintel nml linllll A ruuiuinnolnit view of C Late Mlehlini anil the liuulriord I in ImnUjorntlr for Illlbea situ III nalronn urn nf tiis i tiiit tn it n nntAf ixiuldmnkiAiplindidnnnex tor mini New Vork hotel i- to send their frleniJi nnt I iiuem uhn Intend Milting I the great World Coin and who desire Hflrntclaa Ills a home none bill responsible lucllrsmld or unqueitlone4 A need apply Soc pnIII rail n- liv0fe II It lhimml tol Iim York city or WAIIRB 1 UI iIarlmnrmm nt UIicmsmm 1 lit t = gORyDDImCIII l- vImie new rullry town on iii Cimhcimgim alit rlhwI II- f t tIme I Wicniistmi Central anti time urIhenn laulllS I f ltatlwmpm 14 immllso front time tlmelcm un lImus 4U it thInners ride rrolll the ciOt 40 trmmus daisy lsmls 1200c- miii uimwacml eay I imaymIemmu hi i lie inspectil- abolt durIng to wet iCmiolm drainCe oerfect scumS I for lbs tSnrtIe rAlroUYllilrAnd limte liittJCK IAltP- AbHucIATIUS hiM N TUINU iemratar lingo In brine buildIng mthleamm lIt I PRIVATE RESIDENCt TO gIG f PVHINO WOKEDHi KAIII < >t lay to Nov t lHl to one or inure tirht fnnuil fur ulitied or iiiirurnmifd II room tmth And tuodrra convenIences witliln H tninutrn rile 15 ranutet walk main ntntncn I to Ixiiottiton itriHiiiJu rreftra one tenant wt ul 1 lint rent for I hems loom weeks Iff- CKtlon coti enlnt in city t hot millet nnl 1 liffittfuU liars thane tmmrsresdsmed family tim rIIIY horns tom t fort dnrtnir WorMft Fair wlitmut nnlnir exorbitant liolelbliN AddretA i OWNKlt cat A II URAVEIf lO4- Uwitgt Kuliainp Vhlcairo HOTEDELAWAREU Comm Otis srmYe ams n l1l4lhI mhiCsgmi 1 Only minute from tU WorMt Fair Klrntcta European Rttes moderate Iteferencei blest Nallontl Hank VurIdi ColambUa j Expoitllon fiend non catalogue 4 WM X IELOUZE hupl W K CLARK lgt ARE YOU GOING TO THE WORLDS FAIR 5finn r rnlltieil rooms In prhute famlllei lo to mlnutei rlile of PaIr Crunndi ncn 4 tare lm 13 Mi per dny nKriitu wnnti l urKKN A en Borite Pair Uumu Keutinn Agency 8142 cottan UroCa am tilIvego WORLDS FAIR DWELLINGS Torrent May 10 November nr ehnrier purloil largest I lints lien Incattn a all linre HIKlOks IAUTLOW hVUM < ll rl siajmr lllocli Cliiratn III A FEW CHOICE ROOMS for Wcirmle Kalr perwl ten 11 lulnutii naik of main entrtnre to irrMinda handy to elivattd clrlc ami rable rmei l clinlce location primate fnmtiy or t CIHII roirtl In immediate vicinity 4 elltfatfeiuvliU uiay be maile now K li IIARllUNnROO- Kl2n < Wooillawn ar ChicagO II- IDUIttNll WiillLDNFAlRntrrent romforlably fop 0 liouec In flue reiudrnretllntriri on the 100th i side rontetneiu lo sIt rouiri in Uxpoiiifnn irroundif nut rounif musl anil gas ran ei and all ntber luodern ° linpiorrineilti- leiponIiiie 4 pnrtlei only ni ftc nt- AcMrrn II ml l raro ul Cbs putter AdrertUlaW Agenoy 5llmioar II- IFUHMIIUI 11 IIUlHi1 AMJ AlAIUMUN tu rent IM 0 Aildmon Kr r rnom nat SIEt per montti dl Addison ar tl romn tiM iHp4 r toontli t Jw rlh vials it 7rmim Mai U1 itor month a Lincoln ar lOrixim buuie lto per tuuutu Yale M i io in imiur 53X > per Instill Alto loan niluTi I In gmnl locality 0000 TtL003MCS pan nu ee itrnrei free 01 cimrxe nc lint Aew York otnce of the ibica ii lEviitlnv ALuiry r oui44U94 llruadwii I OIAHK ifhrul Ateni- fi I tt itlIltYFroim July 1 t Ort 1 a beiiniiriillyfiii1- nlilieJ liounv rituatc t lu tin must ilrMnlile nelitli IOiuood uflli both Hide near time lake ihorn Comm talus 17 ronnm uitli piunn mrgmm tliunrd table sod all cf menli nrf a lerKlitful liouie fur a faintly a iinliiK to prill ilirr iiiuMlnln riiirauii ilurluxtD Worlda fair lot iiiRruiaiion allreue- IJiiAllLit II lANA Owner 1U Male kt IliiLnro JDOR ItrNT ltlilii llirte quarters of mali ut maIn entrance tn WorH1 I ran crmi U an eight roointd Imuic lu go U miff I nrily furnished with batlironui LOAIII cold cItes furnace Ar Oocupftllon given on May 1 nfxt t rcpoi Mc prlMile party nnly- AiMrMt W O 2i hluhm rt tM4iHf- liATM > ltOllMSAM BAth strammi IjTnl K im lAnv A nil Indliina av Itf liloikv from I roil l sitmiuis I front WortiiD Kiif mir tie u i IUAM hiiii I iialrvu tn i bt UAkoti but TxtlittMie ilikirict nti r it rL rrmmml Mlt tilv n buu VKrJ ill St iiuur i lincoln cii rAilAmIinso- ii I p mntl- ihX MiuOdlc Truiplc tlilrfttto I I OK UINT Of I Ml PtfVrn rioimm litMinr woo ciT lets Ami tnrii aV if n romn I n i vl i 11I oirntta j loth mmli mire Mm ltD melt fuar block f uin hhoritis hair utliicttfj nl moUfri- iitlMlUin to HII NOKR- s Petrtforn nl mom I it t urmo- J 4 HfilK7hi ClifrAo for II inn ntn tnin Mir iTTl- tfnnt lie i I furni tira ytvluti Nni in tilt rttli nil smiielmcee in best resitiem mii ri t on 3Us- aitmi t two stamps fur phutii and diHTiiMim- iMIIIUTIIY 1427 MlcliiffJlli mm Cltirairo- IJIIR iirN fTiuiViiif i 1slO nomn TAII 1lthi c A Olirnr mIte luo t Urllnlilfi lliixlirti IIIILIC jIm the lilllthtldg l large Kruuud lImo brick slubie nSNhit mint IMullt linl Lll OmI I OK NTAll Kroum Mat 3 mil Irolili arcuni- plrtel fllTllllliril clilni Illlrll nad ullrrr hiosier don IwuirdUlrly aOl until n I rmlsomo isle reniaU Address rllANUIEK A JLO HO Drarhtirii at Chlrag- nIIIR niNTLnrire II t of f uTnliliril in ueilii private A partie I urinv at i a innnlhof ra IHUIO looailou- ainntenitiutii 4 lair irrouiidi JHiTV IIIIOK A lOKDdV I ion Vn > lilucton II Chrairx 13 OR IIKNT AnHrninin < i aixl rains t foiTT- plelely furniKlied china linen ninl mlttr poicc- plon immi tnt dai ely soil unul IKI I rinnablr lental AildrenCllAMiLKft A Ct I lu UrarLoro si i i liiiait- oIIATHtilr II mtilNlltilJtD Iaki cVlil rommsg fholcetlooatlnn lo minute rite to rulr ejcr lent girl will remain JJtt HKI1KR4M 4l hatt t llfrte larL Chlrulf- iPIIH I RIvrKleyantli furnUlird iiiiu lomenleiTt t JMo lili tsic ililT CAIIIIIII jr i ii tao PKIVATK nKSlllKMi1 lit rnniil riirnilbed large Tour blr ckit trot Kalr Brnuiil 1 Mr > DOIINKLU Anita Flats 441 lit rnlcajro 1 RnnVi roil 1 IIP MllImsi I nnl I lie lunt In the ehy uo ruining to tl u Inlr louk out rorrooinita- autanceor o ois a Hl eeli Iclt Vrlie for clrcultr that will rile you all Information neieiur- ytt feut 5 named OMIMVOIn I A HIIDKII- tos floral I liihuiainv Iliiiulinv 4hlragn t IKllMINs wlltihiir irry dellrable room lit fhtrairudurlnirtlie Uiiriln I sir I In harm ti mr iniftl e linuie elegantly furiiliied une block fluiu gluuiil Ii cm nrrMirr by nddretinr uwncr- T I II HrKNHIITJill 21 jniinirat CKIrag- oTTilli NT rlirnlhcdTorttond fair ifr term or fur cole wiiu lease until Arrliuo 1HU4 a inoilrrn 4 tory ami tiaiemeni brick hour with barn on AluhUati ai uear lilth thus main aFter mit Hie bouletard yiieiu reachlnir tu th vtorliTa Kalrgrounde- eleiaiitiv fiirnihed richly arapml out Ihoraugbir equipped wn or nnhout parlor icand piano picture brn abrnc bel l and table Ilnru ilirr plate cutlery i bit n and glain ere for lurlii rp < rtlcuiari and term aiMrtf Iok limo fTC Chicago HI and lutf World Hullling N V If > cu rare lu lulrrttew them flu HUNT Furnlihed real iemo Une locationover J I looking Hie iSle large lot anl itajle contenlent to all Imei of tranitiortatloii six month from May lr 1 I lor urllnie tammy nnlv- WALlKlll ULNN 87 WllhlLgton t Chicago IIKNT JoMforldfiTalr ierlntnlnngnJanjjiTo- imnl lignite alilo and buieiurnt urulibed or un rurnUlHxI If minutes Horn Pair HO from city fare i genIe Address Ilna 1 JK BLOAN lOT Chennut t Engltweod lit rpo LfAn louiei and apartmenii for World fair A priod longer W A 1IiIDllUllli CuttigeQrove ar iornir 47th it Chlcogq I > oUclior nritclni To handle me Official Directory and Reference husk at lee Vtorldi folumblan K p > iltlon profusely Illaitraled liandwinclr bound Cia at popular price pars gool ruiiimuiiuui erirrboJy ueedi it lull at thIs lImos and wilt buy Hi exrluilr territory given lend torbaud sums descriptive circular W B CUNKiivjx > roblliheir Chleaaro Ill Ii WORLtiSPAIItVIHITOKRlHuy Initea InC I renting modern conveni sore iplndid conditnui dnelr located ussr take maul bOulevards lu to BC ralnulei via steam and cable front FaIr Helling 10 ixrcenLi only TUOO Wdowa balance lo lull xf rare of Lord A Tbomaa Chicago III W ORIDri PAul ACCUUMOUAUuMa ou UI venue at Onereiiaenoe ef prominent newspaper ma- aW artinolars and sugalenuente lii sdvang by Lddresulog E IS VltLllillIE 31502 lrairb lv Cbtcuro Ill ANTED Immediately antvlati cartiagi paui i good wEdes Apply loC l IlWilLLZk I rlI carftI4I lI4w CAlSIj i 0 4
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1893-03-19/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · sr 111 I J q-1IIE IWI 0 I SUN SUNOAY MAROH 19J83 M 114 girt hnd Oitt01tf THE LOOM

sr 111I J q-


IW 0




girt hnd Oitt01tf





On Tiieadny next Mnrch Ul anil fourfollowing lays nt 2O ooloclt


American Art Galleries

6 East 23d St Madison Square

1 A Remarkable Collection

of moro than


Orientalnntl Rugs




iEtusiE SIZESIncluding a number ot















nA ltou

PAINES0 wll known fof nearly forir TUMI 1 lbs but plc

10 ottatn a thoruuftti

BUSINESS4 ne at Ion at the least expanse anti hort ittlm >o k-

ktentnff wrltmr aritbmetir curriipODdtnr ipvUln-laujrht iDJilJully alimtrlctly priratt Ldludart in ant itparatr T-

lioCOLLEGEr eroi are ovn ra1 and erenmir A tboronrtt coflra-of phonoiraphr HU prlrate leiioni typewrltlnithe nntfer luoreinent Iorrtfiixmdenre manlfaldlni




Send tor lUd circalI-Ornrll 10 1rr DBlcnlUlc 1Ia

hmtoned by ten nhyilclam flend for circular mititionini etauunerlnz

PROF CEO S HILLIARDthe wellknown limruclor In elocution 235 IT 34lhit


1 nTFffUUUAPUlU corios AXW IIOKAMT lasrii ST

Bookkeeping iliorinand and nudiei that are ofrr day uie nail prods taught thoroughly Day andevening iiMioni Individuali Ihiltuctlon circularI us-


NEW y V 50LEGEef> n boOr rexet like lint educational adrantaiae atthe Iloweit cost Acadeuilo and commercial studiesboi Vkee lnir Lorllinui anl lypewrltlnit day andevening ifjiioni Call ur aildrena chad olrcalai-vBANJa Wanted ladiei itentlemin to complete banjo

for banjo concert Chlckertng Hall AprilB InstructIon Apply at one

DOHM1N IJU7 liroadway near Inlh itDANJO piano guitarI maudoilu Imnju and gutIsj-

4eCteeTV> lri VfAttMOK ale A Hart it Brooklyn

BANJO mandolin guitarl Inilrnctlon prlvata leiI UUK HIuniKRi bUU GUs av cltn 03

Klalbuib ar BrookDu-

BANJO mandolin mm and dance Jlc ant noi danecircular J IUKIAX m ad ay

BANJO and JulrIrrlIun HENRY i DUlTl2iU nro tay Inllvebell banjo

DA jl I Of MUSIC rrcilvel pupilslor all brandies n4 allgradeauf ciuilct lerini-

luItndaiice accompanlmtnlalauthi 12a W2ad IDOUBLE lNIIvTiooKKItEllNU taught lu leiioni

Wllol private luitruciloni evening clanei-UEINEMAK b eitlllhit

t HOW TO iiKI HTRINIGo tnWnte naii 2itI Ih it 11Ald eiteltIigroaamol bandhal bll Ac iiltun treeNtOLhcfElTEDUCATION hnglili grammar read

IIDI Ille hllory arithmeticAc low PAUL 128 10123JtS FNHINU piano violin guitar banjo cornet elocu

lion iIIdramatic action circular-KNICUkllUOfKliHCONHlllVATOKY44 Welt 141bltC-

HOKTIIANH Henn FHmani Now V ork bcbuoliday-

Io and

I AMIXANDER Principal 124 West 2MiUSffnirfllAMirirpiBrirrnir practTetl Individual In


TIropohian School IIiiUav Circular

HAltllYITbUXIMKR ART rCHHOL at lnOIIartKaratoga county wilt oVen June 1

I 1bb3 beautiful icrnery excellent facllltleifor outdoor ketchliig Id all uiber brancbei or anIrof Jerome A liarhydlI principal rorfulll pirllenlari-addreri HAIIIIYDT ART eUlluOl 4 and U Well 14lhit New York ly-

TIOllOI1 HLblNESS COIIEHK and InstItuteBlenoiirapiiy and TypewritlnK28th

> ear item riddled each departmenti In chargej of aptciallitI until other chooi thu college hai moreliutiiietii demand for Hi gtailuatci than It can lupply-t all day or e enlng M 4lh K r opp fooutr Institute

fliI iiijjf utIQUAllf


VALTZ OUARANfEUD In alit print leiioni withI V tniiilr 95 LadleiI and gcnttetnena afternoon

clailei Tuidare and1 Thursday 33O to f3u hosesIllgglnal Or Iaig ACanemy 184141 Sit 23d It 1

monthly lMaiiei tlonday Tuesday Thuriday Friday73O to 1050 1rlvale lessons l Tlckeii tied at-coovenliBce or pvplli Clanei fur beglnnerit tour IleetMi Iii LusTier 24leiaoni 5 1 Lady aiilitanti lieceptlon t iaturdaya lint iisona privateWANTKli Endlih governeiie with French Oer

trench non and nursery gavinelse with aud traener ttutiu guitarand uaddiilnt teuftn 10 Ilean cltyt tfon1 lalarlei reminernal Itarhert MIRIAM roYRIEKEU AgkDcy HookliullllturlM Mb aV corner 2Oth itZIflIE1tTborsugb-


Initruononi ahlIrlA DANIELS BII1 lUIIttldCUliCS

AIn 04 faihlonabe dancei laughtt p

KehtVKUUOEUtand cUialemn rliculara

S iiJUlATOflT4lITatl4lb I J

t M d0 Ji


CAEQIAte ut url a




NOV 13th 18S-





nr TUB




AT 13 OCLOCK NOON IS TillimniiRirv HEAL ESTtTi laciiAfrnx




Town of New UtrechtLOCATED OX


7UTI MSThe e lrtlM art the but In the Town ot

New ahl luln are ottered tn rlo o Ilnl mlercita Ild will lie told fur whale er tlie7 H IIhuul

AM TITIKH IKKDHRDMirieandaAilltlnnallnririnaiKin Irnm JFRG JOHNIiNJriU Lihrrtr 1 New York nod 1SU aud 101

Montnaiie CL lirimkl-yiiPETEB P MEYER Auctioneer


TUESDAY March 28 1893-At 13 odorU nt the Nrv York ICed l rlisle Hulcmrooin 111 Ilnd-


SALEii OflflEft OPPA1run TXEUTIH 01-

iiIOllts OF



St Nicholas Place andHaoombs Dam Road

Avenue St NicholasEdgecomb Bradhurst-

and Eighth Avenues152d and 153d Streets

Tlitu property Ia mauled within aye tam nntca nnlk or the Elevated HtmlpnB at 14OthSad 1111th Ktrer Knit aSol vrlllitn u nhart-ll tiiT of the new VIaduct sand Mncomb




For tinokinapa term and partIcularsI apply at theAnctlnneertonice Ill llroadvar roomaDand E-


fn1 CjJtnle got







EVERY DAYJERK JOHNSON Jr CO Liberty it Nov York anl

180 and 1W1 Montague it Brooklyn

LI EA E t YJ RJtII EO ENr JSlht av bargains In 234

04 ai property a ipeeialiy in bi5 paylapoats WillI located atoalt baltic and desirable lois Intl-Slats lmIii down town lelcig5itSr lirukIrijI ttats-or tonctlcut Miirhuaetts anti oIlier vropnirg-itod rorinYreItnenh and speuItionI Call Ion tartlen-lanaafld w trill pies ou best atlttIln N IliLawb-usinvis to all II branches b7 ail coIned promptlyIluolsU I-

AIREFLOR1BAHOtIESEEKERTrill of cheapest route hotel board

hers to locate for healthI and truStM here to buy homes un IL aid tip monthly paymentsIbIS uombi for 1O centa Kample tree


iT NIAOARA FALLS DKITW RUFFALO N VAX Ktrain rout 175 per ton elecinu power mudcheaper inlendld altei for nianufacturlng establIshmenu Adore

TOWER 14 MThlli building Bnffaln y V

U fNOLifIDElllgniyl Improved lfarmi ISMIS scrip vo raliirated lame rod richrlvrr bottotni ba anceHfiodlnndi land ¬

ed to Irail uttti fruit texclaDlfi feIgnriver mind iprlng brooki ulee rrildence

ample ratio biilldlmri rterylhing gunU repair largeuser two railroads climate eminentlymidhealthy entire lean bolt markeia ii1g pricecheap labor tine tlmliillnnt II tiinnirI uarllculnraaddr WIRTllitOIUIlPIA bTKVlNg lluulou Va

RIVER FAKMRTlilrtr ncrei I2M 40 acrei 450acres 12M 1H acres 51UW 120 icrei 21stJI arm Book free I Ir cilAMBjilii Federaliburg Md


Hell and Ilean couniry pmpurlyi hletstf 8agents

te ni or toh

Set=ton Gi n-

NHaMiiiiNrriIU ITO LKT New ten room home turn irewater gai two mluulei rrollll and rDnnll1

and beach IL per l OIClto lu1t 3j flN Dur4 40 Murray it N Y-

ON AND NEAR THE OREAT SOUTH BAYFOJcollagei Cutainiruei frioCJ h IOUTANT hut mint rI

n 100lB AND WRSTIIA1110N I IIFurnllb cottars frm 16to

1YC UOJet irsean


1 uarlu1 bVIURD4 lILA t ITATE RXLflANmlE t0177 aud lip Broadway NY


1hR FULLERi fetus 74 Varlak cornerj CaniltlOldilillOgmtIItscialtyI eti IIJup


lang T

fittest loweit priced flritclaiicimceruIn fitalea extracting withlone trail gallutads on the premliei erery ln toowithout gaa2Sc rilling eon 0c up gold uIIreer Closed ilay night or ouodayIIANXH DENTAL ACMlClATIONl

New York 3O1 libar Orl doorbelowtitaiilrk1n11 rullon it Lear Lint place

cuJar Urn It0-

ndtrrc JTI nnd furniture mId nothing down jlongr IUrjg baTioi Agent fur aclonei yiiWit JI


JRrat le o ttfl I tnt Qtnle 1 fU-



TI1K 1MI 9175 A MT

1150 A rrIon Then 81 a WeekThese lot are naw wnntt 100 We bought Ibm bl wIll he wirib 1 000 In thre HniNo JtstltL siiJi SAFE rWhen your lot 11 paidI mrO1 arrange lo itenr reD a loan to build j our houie leJAJN


ulTnxcunj7i11rorT3rr MmindnyJlElI Mift 31APs

P StZ0WFrom K1A Vortlunmjt ti over Pena



Ha THE PINESI-n the hietrt nt this celebrated tine Wit inirronndlnff-

exteudlogthe South IInkxrnnd Itallruad Depot anti tothe now < AMINO

Fully OcreiojitJ carefully rtitrlrttd tItles inatan-trilHcvernl coltnqc built aiil other undoWayWe take rmi frMii N tV 10 our property

and return FICIiK-Hrnil for our iirltatlcallrl Illnalrnted-


uUeuuoil I awls



ClllrKliN FARM boute barn Inculiator nuthonaetrow 3i horse vratoni hattie U-

mthlhln tnoiqultnrii rnl et a inrrlnrel 41 mIlevtL icruntasy l10 Aildrrta

I1 B AntwrlU X J-

IJnR RALK Vlncland New J r eyi SO ncremIOry hout H Amnno lam cliukcn Ilion e

out liotiveii iioo cant UilanrttoIt A Jilrex J fcTrlgoCouimuulpaw av JermId CII 1 J




N Jalo rent excbanne COaailLANK 310 Rroartwar I on Itrancli

OANUI X J Mnnntaln utatlon Modern rell-dene

Io 12 ronnie all improvement ieam neat-ntnttuiy nluintiinz Intel itabtr heated nbunlanrr of-

olosmie liit 1tX21 linmeillale po ullon primrOK 1 UUIIKIIT AriLRTON Jr brick

ttatlon East Orange NJ ur Equitable buildluff New lurk

hei ntt Of o tttrctj iTTY llii IITIIouiei of all descriptIonJ-

VrR8VVtram Sill IIP Kali sill apartment from Hl up

lit jna plots for lale from 8JOO up houses for ia efrnmtzutxi up HC k 1K2 Jncknon at oppoille stationNewark anti1 N V IL red whIteI andI blue urns

glrnl Cftnte tor atflltla4100O Knrlheit corner Southern BoulevardI

A Tan Alexander av fltaitory large corner storeand doubts llf Irooms each

Orocerle southeast corner AIundo ar and I BOlit HTeetory tore and ft rrombest location for a urilclasi grocery itore

confectIonery 272 Alexander AT adjoIning corner13Utu it aTe itory Ion and doubla flats

Bakery in Alexander ar adjoining corner SouthBoulevard oTFFft DRO

030 rent 188th it near itallcneleyated road

A dI < lAtINme followingir 7 EAST IIOT1OT-

onerS10 000 120OU mail or more 4 itury single lIarlit tlxOtxltX Idled order fully rent u112500 easy tenth Gitory b > single Ila near

Centrallank 7 borne and bmh imI1D5OO rent 2t 5 story double tenement 2

itoreDt 14 rooms on minor nearndar-llany other barealut Call or write for bariKalara-

rieme mention this piper

FOR HAIrThe new and decant Illoop none andterra Oottalront house

IOS iT PilANI 1 m WEST MTH STbuilt in the moil inbilantial thInner by days workUAtdwood trimmed parquet llourlni upetiI plumblnir

tiled bathruoluft nlt Now utica Apply toestate of I IX AlURIUII 2m roadway


TIlE MODEl APARTMENT MOUSES-IJMh el Bin 612 Lit Veit between Amsterdam

Iv and Uoulevnrd one hlocL fnim lltverilde DrUerelit for 8000 write f3UUU Apply to CAllitOLL i-DELAUhV UOU Columbus av

antI 4stony private PoLar corneronIWhA 1 ew Endac Ittlil iid 10410 I coinlug rablonabie quno mmmlii delightful locality un

lihand view or lb Ilumisnu bloc nlahalann tim aol Itandsointly decoratedprm below bought at mince

P cIiiolhtll 7117 IVeet End an

NUMBER of threeitory guecn Ants ItOuteeA antique anti tpeclaldeiliniI ten and eleven roomeach all modern improvement cabinet nnliti rlo-

Applr110 KXJ terms to suit

to N IlIKTll builder 070 East lacthIIAIHIAIN Twentyfourth ward ten room houseA 1modern Imprumemnents lro hh 1NaatCHOICE PLOY for ialeilxI lots louthweit cornA 103d St and Manhattnn nr hlifh pround natural

grade below curb jolt the plate lor mal houses easyliberal loan-

CIIAItLLSBUEKurl 504 Colambiuar car 724 =ARGAINSilIOhl DRIDiiK eight minute walkB uth ar eleratet utallfdi homier 10 rom all 1mcrovement fulll lot price JllrH halt cash lUith itnear Jerome av 3 Iits 511st SI Don iali prettycottage 11 rla nil ImproTeinenli ke er lull lotmince 54COO each Ilivll llrlilile old Hone u-

Ul lots irico 132011 K U IUI1 Hllllll IGZd ItJerome AV or i lleulumn

Click tenement Weit 60tll it S12GOOBARGAIN I1 CHXI rnlIll10rl hAULKI 210WetOld It=non HALE ANT and compare beforel youdecldel lfriirt UN IIASU a FINK

assortment tf new frame private nttd nlora-bniie for one or two familen latent ImprovementLOW JHHKS term deicrlptioni tentmall JullN IFt 1 builder ooico JJ ar I fhlJdllt It UI SVJIA 1

AV 1203 ntr 1bI lilglit roomsFRANKLIN nicely ilfAKl K I

IIROKN A EONS real eitate tt42I av ioar IQiltti It

FOR f ALE fereralYery mieelrmilie plccci of downtown luieitraent property Apply to

SII lAIITEAItnB 171 IlrrajwayI-

jlTRTTFk ceveral cbolce boaierfo7 iilel23d itJrl near7tbar I28d t near Munhnttan ar 1 711it nor Lelnlol art idIot it nar Lenox13J at Mount Uorrl IrkAC reasonaIls and easy terujImo WATFAfl-

Rill Ilroadwayealtllde 130 felt north of lnd itJhltOMKAV ir xluo level with curb no rock tries

el3oU great bargain easy termsTHON U1UC1IAIL1 SOT W et 142d It

balance25 n month 0 a orTWAIII5r-h21 2uxlou all Improvement847 Concord av near 14lit 11 Hike Ubtliit1 cur loWHarlem bridge c

c A MIT owner JIMI Fortl Ah cilKltUY uearlearlJacauti yxiM tllun4 ens terms bllWIN lLV loa llold It

1 > OI KT ax 40 AND 42 WKhrlitiiratile brownit i sInus dwelling decorated nnd In rxirllent-iiranlnii 3l2uoMiHi Immuat be sold uisy be seems aan > limo Inquire at Nil till

i 1 IAr IftTII mITew Ytiikllrlrl leDemenl111 21 II17r iKi rentifurelViU tier

nllr laallnlrl at 41i pr cent male OtterT lory and haemrui bnmmmitiomte elllnuon Heldac near LXlnct m av HruuLiim liandmiiuely dec-orated lot ZMvilu mutt Iha saId Lull tiitnlm ii makeotter askingI 57lMij termite enoy IU J HIMIKE-

Keal Estate mtll Court st 1rookIYI07 OUt Ftlit lnTlooM browmistmmts houieWI I lmproeiuenti irood Dollborlouti14 am sail 8Ctli > 1 L nation termite

H illLMIItT i7Wankfort i-

tc9 500 rhrreitiry and Imienienl brown itone-e dHelllnir tiiorlern iiiiproveiaenti per

lilt order apply on premuti alii1 1Iait77lhnUIUi> > tIIlIIS-ttdirat

ILl IIR PiMIIlI lEt J4MI 1STII HTMarUJav nation private dliraiei haIti sizes 40

eari blood skIm glet atrlvlure bladder klJueyabeen IUHRI my uiethoiix only otis known that cIrcanervous dihliiiy weakness iou muuhooli jouthfui-irrori ih neiitiaddremui aricoceEe writ itirunkenorgan imptdiuitnt lumarrlaie utoldI medkal a < en-clei C9iniianier IntluteiI rleclricity belt humbuirp-iltichaDfei stopped at once mlvlce free auy discusUtoli > u charge unleu cured

A1ICNTII > N1IU ttltrY3 jearaa ipvctuiut In dmeiiel of men onlr UlcerIliKlinrir irleet milcluren lilood ikln kidney blailOmit uriruulo urakntn ncrroui debility errori of3 loutu hall drum lost milanliomd sitrutilems ream itoHilluienti tu marriage all diseasesI quIetest ierina-tieut curt guaranteed Office iner JA eari at I120 Fast17th it lIar Pun square Hour 1to lit Kundaye U-

1t111 illon his clmrirci are limo loirm Advice treeSo cure no pay No ry untilcur-

edAlTKNTIONOlll Kit llIIIMIIiGraduate Inlrcnity i tty ut New York Ueitlcal Departbent 31 cnri dueaie If men omysores nlcuri chin r dlldlntl irliet itricliirrkidney bladder iunlive cure for nmnuiiUbilH nnpedimentI to marrlate nriranlu weaknen Hr moitiN1 LK guarantee pitch permanent mire in all diiemeipeculiar lo men omceotcr I12 yean at 171 111 Ulli54 n1n Omit suit 7th avi I luirrt cbarfei advicefree Hour UtoJ buu li i U lu 4 UtoB Noctiorj-unlcn cured

a =A AOIIHKKSI PKKMANKNTA e ciiti Ght itANrrii in diomaos ot-

mem daiitfvruui cases ullllId relef at oum 0 firstrlaeI arlrlitlnn treatment only the leading ipeclallitjim linSMMILH 3i Uc > f7lU It Ulu3 010 I11 liaturdayitu II

V ZAHRi roNIUU Ladiei Phyilclan treau withA e perfect success sal safety all feinalo complatnliPrimate lanitanuui 2V4 Uit lUlls au lloun Id ta-

TiSOFM Send itamp for buok

LAPIEscpmpalnli IrrrguterllleTtrrated with perrorlutlrolfular pbv

livlan new inetbodeandlauiiarlum uoaorabto trcattnentt latiiUcllon guaratvtoed DrlloVTaM enl6th t

UKUIIITY IN Mffi WUKVNntVULHby Hr IIKATIF 1U4 tall 2UIU II 1mwYork with local application or medicos after bayinglufiered years untlir other treatment proving thataiomacb medioinei alone cannot curs suns mime liarTlce JO merniug totereiilnn aid Hunday forenoonirkYr7AS > VnAHrnhaia iprculut ID duuaieiofA1VF heart luniri itomacu liver klaueya bladder AcVr aKOUQUTUM OU Vtit 1111 cuaiuitttloo fri

t fl

u nWIIKN TOP IIUY IOTH ATLA EVVOCDDont buy them mile below Litkewood or south of


That WllhllK tbey are valuable

WhEN TOU nvr LOTS ATT t A ff 3E1 W CJOJDD-ont buy them In the tcrpti oaka the corBaeldg otwithin sIght of pint but

IW THE PINESTH ATS VUEItItthey are healthful

We sell loti muting doth reqnlremtnli and conveyyou rr to examine them100000 ipeiit by ui In Improrementi InoladlnfLlerlrto liirht Vater8upplrand Ibetiinerbtailna


OltANUE N J this vicInity ipeclaltrXBargalm forIP HA MllfON It CiJI101 llroadwar X V

TWO SMALL FARMS near WtatfltMl about twentyIn eecimI price very tact hiilldinii In food

condition AdJrex Ws eiirield > J

C r tort niILDINO LOTS nt Od Drlngi NcwlerieyyjU3j tnula front New lork TennntUanla Kallrnadi opulAtlou hoot Horn church schools mantilacturDma Indutrlra battng Itching Initalluienti takenagunll wanted Hi Ilne It-


tor jc or o gftIDtlV trGtt-

tA IAHK N J Denlrable fumlibea cottagesaiidboardlUKhoupl LtitiMILAN ios Aibnry rank X J

LAROi FARM IIOlBK with ihadyliwn table > carlioti and laundry will rent cheap to punygiving good ntirence r O bOlt 77 KI port X J

LOS RRANCH ViriNITYIo let furnlihed cotsix to roll NOn

l ILLI AM 1AXF Longrrnnch N

tdI t8tC r 21c3krcg itj0-

C CTTAtR 7 roomi two acres liloomflrld OrangeN J city a ater on hathrooin furnace abunilarce trait large ihade itree Stable henneryl salelowdown balance nioriitage mlirht rentCOMiICT owner 1 Montgomery it Jersey City

fntf T tc for 1l1C3rooItjjl0

3100mrs handsome frame honnea thoroughly well bnlll

0 rcomi and hath furnace and Cabinet mantcli readyApril 1 two block from Union Elevated R R nationitreeti paied lc Mi caih Other house from

2OUU upward on eaiy terms




FOR NAI1IOMEnREKEri ATTENTION Ihxarnlne those tonSilhouieiMii IMII INS ahd 1W Covert Brooklyn Twolory and tA mrnt 12 room > arranzeJ for two antIlIes Allnnproveineililn each apartment IncluJInubath roomn o ptone waihtub gas ilxtiirc electriuueiiLcaomel trim Ac These Houiei are nicely locatedcomenienttothe UnIon hievated r It anti vMIUiuastones throw 01 the nsw electric road on ientral arII III be old on a small cash payment baiauca Inquarterly initallmenti or otherwIse

for key or further Information apply toTHOMAS lilhllbQN lie Covert It-


11Twofamily home SOiVJilCO eleven

and two bathroom 40OOtrIms tn soil aeen today FA iT1fttROiBo 1179slates ar near Buihwlck ar Uruoklju near Uattg avnation1UY BROOKLYN RBMIDEKCE8 ruldentlal Iniur-anceL1 mortgage loam through

L A Illul A CO in Broadway New York

CANT III IiOrLIOATKb Eight fonritory Anderbrick front slnmciemtatm Seven roomi and bath

handiomn entrance pate glut doors chamlvlieritub military pluuibtngt decorated halts andtaincarpeted prae 1U5UO pa > e 11 percent Hera Ili theproofAnnual rent ooS110-1a 5110Naler 23Illlrreiton5uOO 275Janitor 48 538

Net Income Milororcr 1I1r cent on IIOOO lureited hate three ofemit In I III veil one or allhuutfi U37atli AT cor Od St Brooklyn

I1 Hit RALE llOlSEfl Twnitory and bailmentii from hou < ei newt bnlll for two firulllei ronrenlemit healthy and beautiful location louth aide FortyilxthL lietween rtn aud nth ai houth llrookltuwill exchange HalligberI on preniliei

UJ BANDS 1221 Fulton it Brooklyn

t> OR m11 will payou tu look nt Ihe 2K end 3L roar fancy mont itune notice all unprovrinentiImaiClOtotilU Ililiiam av lhandy Ilo evated andsoiree cars oem location in zyu ward terms to nutInquIre of buIlder on premltci-

iTR MIE HOUIVI not built In row htmL iletachllA truly home Hrooinn all Improvemrnli modelHi itylo and nulih price laiurt Part place nearLtlca ar TiAJJS owner on preoLus

If OK mIAIcnsrgaln twotorynnd batement houseJlGrrelorolr two famlllei near l aratiiga itatlon

KiDffi County I alwaii accelble owner on premisee 24 Ituiell placeI ilroolljii-Ij oil HAInllojei elrgnnt artltllc itcne hardA wood cheap Oi5JeHeriou av

T W EWIMM nillder-I J Olsr8 FOR HALE and to lit In oil pert ot the cityIi Apply to ItiJimTiN 5 lttJiiliIN reai eslale AfoOt44 Court flrmmoklyn

PIltTTV TWO hTOKY FLAT all Hutiravementi conIn Klnioand Union eleratMl 11 InmllroantUiC prontajlel property just the thiig iniuble tenM IT milinlher plaie

b11IK1l1l IiOil tmmmproveumtgmts for Iwo fatumliegi1 JbUU StdtimdwimHhTCIIAM A pJja ieyju near Broadway

S2 ifln081000 Morigaije at 5 Ior CenTHllKAnltwiliirv mid baietnent brotvnitoiitt house R rooii and hall all improvementi abargain KAUTblt Hi nth av car 3d ii ljrookiy-

iiOl ttIIl HlV 1I1lIliiOlijbO1 iflO> ivlr known BI 77 Meeker ar near Humliuldi it Brook yim N T t houie In good con III mmmt 12-nree roomi Ipan In deiirlng to purchase will apply dlrrtilylo UUNUIIonI premise anti secure tbsir oweColUIUlMlOllI

Stn mirIck iiireeiioryiiniile rat on highIjUUU rt iroiind IIn Hroolin all Implorelueul alt iix10xlUU morlgae i 1 TfAl AildreliOHSflt hot IU7 suni ottlc-

eatr i ct Zojgtt g r ii1JlJ

POI LttASF31ercIantlorss foot Van Drke Tt

I boOth IlrooKlin couiirlmg eight nritclan hrict-fuarehuuiei piers iiml huh alo about nrtr tacinllot In rear > iiltabl for yardage purpotti dockagewanted Apply to

II D jlitOOKMtN43 Exchange place

N NAIL TilE rNTRAXn fir Till UROOKLYNHltiniiK a large corner building niltable for linteland saloon tuirpees lernn tuoUerate Apply orrm

Atlantic tvrmmue H I o MolltnguoI andi CiiiiCun allrpoL>TlHI> K 7U Halier it Hrnoklyn neirMarcyJ av t In rxcelient condition thorouirhly anltiropen grain ami furnace warn IIn liner nml html In

minuter convenient in Noitrnml av btalion Kltiirifouiiir levatod iivrXiii mi Hancock it Brook a-

rfor 2211 Water st New York city

LIT A tilcelouie II room water sad a nicegarden fur IIltI all i a iloor ot r roomi water forllU one block from elevated Apply to nwner 24iiKlion it bet Liberty arid Allanilu its IVOlli wardBrooklynOOM IIANforK HT Three norlfi ami baiemiutiilHoiu 1IIHX4IK10I 212 OIIIIIM stthre storiesend liMiuent brick 2Ux4uxlK OWNt u 00 IllaiKcU-it HriHkl n or 227 W oter it tttv lurk

1f11 ISliltc lot snlt oll ll1n11

flllimflI VIFH AND rillllHIFX touailindrfliirkI

A AOl irom contagUillldlea new Welbtillt cottime 7 rooma nttlf cellar ground UiiHo S auniuieriinr AlxlnMol price f lS iil nun lola forikleTrrlni eay end lor circular to llhlBAUH KlLLVkAMIlfI nalitudurl Iark I aliey Blrejuu L-



llflldiI 14 room i acre Trtrre1 handy to buy ami uvioi islamlimbed b year lor tale r rent furnlbrd-

U K litili ANT Blue Point LIVlATltnioilT IOMI IKLANiiCoiiage IN rooms1 1 HHI leet shire front for residence or boardinghaiti J4M chcan Jfi LKW IIH 2CllimberiltS-



NllflllIIIIT us iIGiio rroDI VII torw jlO II LFWIN 21 Chambers nMOISI tlion and manyolher bar

2 J HAMILTON Corona ixion islandmllOSIAfcTON llIRIIIjtMH OKOREAT NECK conJi maiidiurf mew of Ixiiig lilandiound and Manbanetthy I fullyl rritncteil three new B and lu

room cOlin for iae Oo1Irolloh down 40 toSA monthly Apjily to Y C DENMAN Thomatton K11 or R E C Ut New sorb

TEN1 IIIJLhINlI LOTS 25x10 Ronkontema LongIJU fill Iiontage on railroad f KWraib

Log bargain J K UYKNfc 232 3d ar N Y

700 llllroom houie lot uOxlW balancemonthly J 407 Broadway

gttnlii tllt Vnutf4 roohtllUa

I HAVE SEVERAL PABTIEH who wish la buriedreal In llrooklyn If you bays anything send s-

hIll Iartlcuatl Lad I will dsspoee OlIn IrL jrHUBEK1 ilial-Ud

naOhirl st oIti1Io

t 10 4

get Cor ut Uqf sf L 5t for usintI urp-


I X Uto-w9 l w-

q o-

iit s r ° 01

°m olrrir 1OlllS 2

r R ruCI1 g

UIm 13-


it2 a0 IJ i Qt J4S a Ieif




a aIi

w 8 Xlm ro-


a rp



1SNi1r tiQfi1-mo-

tiu r-g renal r


iuei1 i az 1lhI-t11 tI Prr Z

PI 1 Z0 I0

ro I ii ru I X IJ N r> o W 0-

I1uJvru 0 N f



VANDERBILT BUILDINGNas-sau and Beekman Streets

NEW 14STORY EXTENSION SUNNY OFFICES TO LETBuilding contains emery modern tlerlct for the comfort of Unanti and Ili absolutely flrtproof Offices solo

dIvided to suIt tenants Eirrlrlo Hithtn aurplleil No citriC of soy kill ktura and buemeut on Beekinaait new wlnr about 430O square feet eaeli and lubbaienitnu




cu4Ry45 Broadway

29 Broadway2 4 and 6 Morris St

OFFICESIn both uf these buildings

TO LETA Lawn Coitus for Wine or ntarncr


NO EXTHA CHVRUnwApply lit pit III rr hulldlnp to

H IT < Flt ATnniCH

Private Office Desk RoomTO nrNTO-

B yearly less Arply on prttnlacl 1505 Broadwayor C80 Ctb av near J2J it


Apply toti Beckman kt

WHOLE HOUSE AND STORE S85fermontit 403 3dur next uuor to Mutton Fbrancu

Apply at 2011 nln lon ar hear flirt

AT 13 WEPT 27TII ST tb5twsen 5th ar antI Broadway n lance well Us It ted and ipclou floor for-

Ollicelmig light busltissa porpumeaTHIS WEST ITHLIS1IIXO CO

AIRXANDKH AV M U COR 1J1HTM HTTwo line stores iiiliablv jar barber ireiitifurnUblne

or any nice item tuinei good vroMiur neirhborhood Inquire nil pmreimiius IV P TIII1UKj

1EoIllAIllE niOTOrltAllIGAUERV with dwellA IDle anartntentii Md nr near 1 matlon rent lowUI BKCMVN A OOMI real mate S4I4 aj ai nearlMaiiif

41 IOKTLANKThTHrel tinge lisbt new loftA i4x7l LIlA o IoIIILJ11 lmt Haliau ItUEEiniTdRK for any burineii with Iwo backA roomi Ut Apply 4ar IVeat Jiitli it ln grocery

BROADWAY litit above Union finnan Two floors toUKAJ HI4 KroadMray-

MlST 8i ANII 1111l < in rentCliNTHL IIINKV IVIIirilvJIiiltfc Liberty itSTOI1E 10 LET OX70 nortliweit cornerEdCORMIll luutint Inquire otuwner

A hMlT 84 lit ItLASh ST 42 Kecond loft In let f21 per annumD J II TIIKM < NI1I lleriyjit

n ION 11411 Elm 111111 ulFYI lE mme of nnlirooui sUItX1 able lor Ilawyer Room 04 171 llruadaat


AVIDOStronneit city

Office Desk

ten Broadwa-forSUGthar



corainrtalile tzM


ttttcIttrr for git groprrty

NEW AMSTERDAM PARKSI-X iiioviand magnificent New York Rapid

Depot liraithleitboth wIth thusl-

miuimringqutrio traiupurlatlon anti Iron yourthere

NOW to you looking and healthful ipot near York10 lull each This being

season ofll special lu-


3O3 lypr1 will reapprofit from advancei

cent after untilat bellevlnt allow





ROCHELLE PARKan 1IlhrU r home ettterofnt Rochelle on

tinI I Net nmil from iibIahI Dept Oaths dally rt u-

hunday it I It plots Lame

dwellmm oecnpird people lastiniection ai null ai III the luuroer

time eteryililnir I atlmntle you It

anti may be tot lUllar-FUIJnJIICK JENKINS

Poll Ofllce UnllJInc New Rochelle

ta OJj3tnt-


Bond and1IY


No for ExaminingJOKKAN ComptrnllcrE-

ijuitable llutldluir Uroadwa New York


will contract to lunlil your > e or workalone city plant drawing

charge I titan eliewuerelo ui to give yuu an eillinat-


nl Cutatc for cinle or 3xchntic0

8 PLATS OP LOTS 8containing three and four each 78lh antI FOols

Including corner depthnatural formatloti clear uu uieiiuienli tu-

cuiiie easiest tsrws zclmaigs rails bam rnt-lculart KoglNHUM Broadway-

a IKXANUEU AND HOfTIIKKN HOULEVAR-Ilt uonhweat cornr51 itory norii anddouble Oats rroperty north lbsItni ihr uppuilte proposed New Haven IrodureMarket will take irptcia5s firm or mntleinani

New enor Harlem Kallruad-In nart payment JOhN MONAUUAS OBO

lB it mar station 1 rued


tl railroad depot rlverand creek lendnoseI room healthy title perfect

fiuilcuTara UIIArm ftlchnionaVII1CIMA HOS4ESTKAD

Iwelllug located In banaieme groveforest treet watered and railroaddepot noted health farm well adapted toHackI ptrfeot rerllculara tdrenBOllAtrlS Kichmnndt 8atory ilngle1 flat free clear

ev food Brooklyn corner properly willAdd ox take vaab-

BAUTKR BIT Sib iv Brookly



ith rower theMetropolitan Building

Fihcpiioor-Monl will

tOENII1NCLtlm-vsrlng10000 HttAKB nET14 high frontlni 204 feet lbs111110K LYN flRIlOErr le ton hotli Ibiiganit HI lIam

M ON KOUK SIDESlighted hellequipped balldinv In thllRULAND WHITINC

g Hrrkp N-

tFrrate RoomTO nEST

yearly I Apply on premise 12C5near 320 it


Broadway corner Liberty itA deilrable Suite Hoomi sIngle

will fireproof building eliraton to

aldewalki servIce excellentO II RENNET Agent room 1-

LrIlIo12r northeast andlard clone 1 bailment at4T3-

ureeiiwicli at tr Apply at 187 Kultoni-tNOIIUAXD UBRRTT ST oppoiTiel Neal Estate

i> ffw smallI tu 25 pinlunntli w adapted for real mOat tm or IlawytraApply to


STURKS FOR EYEleT In block newtinny nat junction iiniton tIdi av lmldtlm

living Hpartlnenta low renti tailor cigarlardwar mucri wautod hee janitor In cornerSibRKSANIi LOFTS large dim flnlcliis neigh

beat and eleratnr Applypromises emItter 1earlit or at 83 Walker ic

TOIJTThUI choir Ttore72O rnlton t7Vuperbtatlnr hatter or tenl fur

niihinffn Immediate possessIon Apply on premliei-eac week dy from In ft I 1-

4riiiritntm rod eiiarat incle nffire very rent aud IIU

K year IMeane apply to the jantlo-rfflII1Tltenutifutofiiee the balldlnit SO WhiteA hall it newly papered and decorated Apply to


T O LKT Three lljtlit lofta W WalkerLeTUFTSr-

OI > AMII ir LlitlKNAlll hT8iore baiementO 25x100 four loll roxlo earn elevator cheaprem 1IASS14TII ST it3 to Bieiant store amid br> enient

< mimic light lofia to nil buildlnir 7riHK-ifuniur death neat power alio l HimlimIts now bullillnir 30 lion it elevator neatpower ApplY limwirn M antI I Ir U in

II A UERATV llooin 104 1I Broadway

26 IAHK PLACE racing elerated aatlon Elegantstore basement and cellar tunable Luiineii

1LAXH 234 llroadom-


tIIIICd for uLnrj fPOWANTED About CO stall anti wagon roomwtgmra must be between 211 and oiuli itiand 4th Mth stale location rent AddreiiIt J hUll uiluwn ofHre 12B6

ri SropcrnjI StwtrhrjJto Co 1 r j CT

bullulnc loti i pen and Harlem Transit mInutes fromRrand Central absolutely the Iloci lion for HOME KITES north the Harlem lOver Thelull are located on udeiof the railway trucks a haiidniiiK new depot on tbe property

to home 1o lumbering old busies needed You get Ibu mainand on are

If are really for a brightai our prlcen New on a filchlocate Wu ran Suit yon both m to prices and terms T0 am really worlu f the

we a lll inako fur this nextbeginning thirty day XV e 1111 ii a2XIOO for the remarkably IIUA price of 81 wall who buys mow a

Iubitantlal no to 100 Iper cent ai theT RUHi Ten per cent down C per there paid

CALL any our ofllcei fur mapi and titketi-erly

Ai acting la we prater to you the proplet you judge



In at Newtime Ha eu 17 iiillen

with 113 andtimer time Ieen sold

slid 45 brWalnUte no

w ben Hi best-21y bott ito IMrtvill tell about

lul the

He 9



Charge Titles-Apply to T II


FOR CIRCt-Ve the

In the suburbs Hie andfree of for lass you can 1ualtail ulluw


two totssip Amsterdam ar cellar

and511 or

J H owner 145AV

new lirebeet builneit of liar

Country Seat on line rt lla11 EastIlh elevated

SALE URFORiisi acre Sat

dwelling locationR A CO Va

J Elegant ofwell timbered near

location fortitle


hIRES and e-

cBann forcor 84 it


In J


storm nn





of lire and Rooms anHtbtid strictly




JR flO itfive

and itMttarheU

p wer3u3

12245 ay throe

X 3w




Milo lot

and rieiliifileanti



and nm andbox llil Broadway







tlu ofor






BAKOAI > B IN MOUNT MiHMIN ANII itlV RttUodern house ten ruoui emit or rent nanlocation yuacrei Hound Knciielle nultableit iirroriubimiilon A Jickiuant city-

rbulcmsdifcBRAUTfKitiAKir IItlKK7wrcreV iouuiry ttoriubdnlilun IIIIHI-ATttATKR


I171lberlyit-WrllITK pYAIXS ASIi VICINITYfountryleaiT

and turn all priceJ V ATrtATKR U7 Ilbiriyil

ljpFiiila nooii bulldlniii fort eliOt lalltilrombariialn ls ohms etm <


ji f Citntr fot gnlt=COUB t I

SULLIVAN COUNT24 12 ACRES OF IMPROVED PROPERTYLarge home II mount burn and all the necenarroutbnuiei In umHUti onler eiiltaileI lor auintnerLimrdlnir hopie intnt bi slId on nr bfore Ainl H Callvr nUdren JOHN IIUbl JD ht MiUulai sy ton121st ii

LtltuEN-Esit JIIACali111111



1111101110 I U IIIIIIAIIA-Ii° SAIE 4 lsumi or JUt acres land uihoamed

mti a lmtmbllm r A I omit titlles OrJUOd hay statmomlIIehllwlI1 smmI Itoili Ole It it all l Improved by a boos

semem rmmmmis Iorll hire Jsnuse jmlemmtr ofmtak plmie nllIhory a Ilmltimduml Orchard of all kindshr Iruor amulet 1eeche 1slns prlol 504 nrrlulsill tutu irrmmc mlmis me 000otly oil tmiccmlt aimemtllty shlmalei I will Five buyer two plimmgl oecutator sill a ymiutmf > Ukeul steers not brokeni another farm finiieiiienii title lUOtI OOO raib hatalln oaIt a p three jean for further jiimruiaraend fur paintiblet Addreii JOHN J uitf EN oreeuHay 1Irtncellilit urduBUiiiy a-

AltMir oil eli m Illaire houiei reaionabie Kocklland and llirkUionutiei call

tOCWUNDkx 34 ier < r-ot n

ulwrt n-


ifttul Q llur-J


nine mllei or twentyfire minute from NewI orb thirty train each way by Erie and U-

Kandvt Itallruad uiarailaiulndI nrrtielectric light city cater iewer Miii0Oi-5and cIiorehisf all riiioralnalon Jerilly llobokeo and liutlierford eleclrio airloath li ex pet ted In olerammonin a short timeI

1110 lota inoit be told before thai 11BHS aiifrom IIVI le 855 a city tot 1C rash balancegroin III to K dipiithly Money loaned forlaUdIng Apply or lend for maps li D-


CUIIUTmI 34 droadwa lIttus 44

fot Jjak or io rtl ullUJ

B IIVIONL1To rent fornlibld etarn on andUear the Uretl South Day Bead far list


QpfOo 4

u j tJ ultrtttmtntWORLDS FAIR PROPERTYt

1 < W-

I5OOXO OTrtER RXrrHSE forabnIMinf l lnI35g100 feet IB Jaekion Pack Addition This beautiful fcaddition warranted lilgh antI dry and on the main lineot the I C t 1011 R H on the uhonee ot Lake Mtphtiran with depot and telegraph nineI la well favored la-H location covered with a tine growth of Ire sod In fplain sight nf Horldi Fair biilidlngi and 0010 Chimegn one of the gritsot manufacturingiHitrlcti theworld whtre hots In years lold at AOUUMallotoday are worth 100 loot With smith elSplendId locAllen and the wonderful growth of the citysouthward Ili no wonder that over 4OO IlIS irs al-


oU Year of experience enable roeto MltoiI

Property that under my lyntem meets wIth rapid eatnr limited capital For Inveitment you

cannot nnd Its equal will pellet choice llocation for v

partlei wlinlng lo purchase nntaMeI nf this city riaryour mossy around IHICAUU THE VltlDB Of MaMERICA anti dont delay


Bt La reuc ar and COlh it1 ChicagoLargeil hotel In the worM 1100 room will open War1 lracllealy fire proofh only three Mnrlei high Fronlhlog lootlu Talk and ttaihlngton Iark Driving Clnbionly two block from Midway Ilaliance entrant Ia 14World FairI convenient Ite elevated cable and elec-


ran an Ideal summer hotel Eoropean plant tlM jAeach pet > nnt nriLclaii rcitanrant lufereacea AtlaeNational Hank lInk of toinmerie National Hank ottime Itepubllc antI National Hank of Illinois Roomshould be engigrd early Addreii

COPELAND TOWNSEND Mgr 3Temporary tIErs 42 llnnkery fhlcero °

WORLDS FAIR CHICAGOSUtfen furnished houses to rent within three bloctf-

of main entrance rf the Ki oltlon for a ptrlodiOf t

trim tine to eta aO1i >

Tb above are new delacheil utone front reiliJlliee-ot t12 room each flnlihed finest style anti areorTereAonly lo private famlllei who dlr superIor accomn-dalloni

PrIce COO per month etch oAddreu

WALTER C NELSON OwnerIcy Waihlngnn it room 1007 Chicano tEENTCHICAGO HOTEL

DURING WORLDS FAIR lOne if the101 private hotelS In Hie cltyof Ctilcaje-

routalnlnirI aboutI mImils rooms ilumtril oh A cnrnerorllchlin llouleriuU within one bluclc nf the great An It

dltorlliui lintel nml linllll A ruuiuinnolnit view of CLate Mlehlini anil the liuulriordI in ImnUjorntlr forIlllbea situ III nalronn urn nf tiis itiiit tn it n nntAfixiuldmnkiAiplindidnnnex tor mini New Vork hotell i-

to send their frleniJi nntI iiuem uhn Intend Milting Ithe great World Coin and who desire Hflrntclaa Ills ahome none bill responsible lucllrsmld or unqueitlone4 Aneed apply Soc pnIII rail n-liv0fe IIIt lhimml tol Iim York city or WAIIRB 1UI iIarlmnrmm nt UIicmsmm 1lit t


vImie new rullry town on iii Cimhcimgim alit rlhwI II-f

ttImeI Wicniistmi Central anti time urIhenn laulllSIfltatlwmpm 14 immllso front time tlmelcm un lImus 4U it

thInners ride rrolll the ciOt 40 trmmus daisy lsmls 1200c-miii uimwacml eay IimaymIemmu hi i lie inspectil-abolt durIng to wet iCmiolm drainCe oerfect scumS I

for lbs tSnrtIe rAlroUYllilrAnd limte liittJCK IAltP-AbHucIATIUS hiM N TUINU iemratar lingo Inbrine buildIng mthleamm lIt I


PVHINO WOKEDHi KAIII <>tlay to Nov t lHl to one or inure tirht fnnuil furulitied or iiiirurnmifd II room tmth And tuodrraconvenIences witliln H tninutrn rile 15 ranutetwalk main ntntncn Ito Ixiiottiton itriHiiiJu rreftraone tenant wt ul 1 lint rent for Ihems loom weeks Iff-CKtlon coti enlnt in city thot millet nnl1 liffittfuUliars thane tmmrsresdsmed family tim rIIIY horns tom tfort dnrtnir WorMft Fair wlitmut nnlnir exorbitantliolelbliN AddretAi OWNKlt cat A II URAVEIf lO4-Uwitgt Kuliainp Vhlcairo

HOTEDELAWAREUComm Otis srmYe ams n l1l4lhI mhiCsgmi 1

Only minute from tU WorMt FairKlrntcta European Rttes moderateIteferencei blest Nallontl Hank VurIdi ColambUa jExpoitllon fiend non catalogue 4WM X IELOUZE hupl W K CLARK lgt


5finnr rnlltieil rooms In prhute famlllei lo tomlnutei rlile of PaIr Crunndi ncn 4

tare lm 13 Mi per dny nKriitu wnnti l urKKN Aen Borite Pair Uumu Keutinn Agency 8142 cottanUroCa am tilIvego

WORLDS FAIR DWELLINGSTorrent May 10 November nr ehnrier purloil largest Ilints lien Incattn a all linre HIKlOks IAUTLOWhVUM < ll rl siajmr lllocli Cliiratn III

A FEW CHOICE ROOMS for Wcirmle Kalr perwl ten11 lulnutii naik of main entrtnre to irrMinda handyto elivattd clrlc ami rable rmeil clinlce locationprimate fnmtiy or t CIHII roirtl In immediate vicinity 4elltfatfeiuvliU uiay be maile now

K li IIARllUNnROO-Kl2n< Wooillawn ar ChicagO II-

IDUIttNll WiillLDNFAlRntrrent romforlably fop 0

liouec In flue reiudrnretllntriri on the 100th iside rontetneiu lo sIt rouiri in Uxpoiiifnn irroundifnut rounif musl anil gas ran ei and all ntber luodern °linpiorrineilti-

leiponIiiie 4pnrtlei only ni ftc nt-AcMrrn II mll raro ul Cbs putter AdrertUlaW

Agenoy 5llmioar II-


IIUlHi1 AMJ AlAIUMUN tu rent IM0

Aildmon Kr r rnom nat SIEt per montti dlAddison ar tl romn tiM iHp4 r toontli tJw rlh vials it 7rmim Mai U1 itor month aLincoln ar lOrixim buuie lto per tuuutuYale M i io in imiur 53X > per InstillAlto loan niluTi IIn gmnl locality0000 TtL003MCSpan nu ee itrnrei free 01 cimrxe nc lint Aew Yorkotnce of the ibica ii lEviitlnv ALuiry r oui44U94llruadwii I OIAHK ifhrul Ateni-fiI tt itlIltYFroim July 1 t Ort 1 a beiiniiriillyfiii1-

nlilieJ liounv rituatc t lu tin must ilrMnlile nelitliIOiuood uflli both Hide near time lake ihorn Comm

talus 17 ronnm uitli piunn mrgmm tliunrd table sodall cf menli nrf a lerKlitful liouie fur a faintlya iinliiK to prill ilirr iiiuMlnln riiirauii ilurluxtDWorlda fair lot iiiRruiaiion allreue-

IJiiAllLit II lANA Owner1U Male kt IliiLnro

JDOR ItrNT ltlilii llirte quarters of mali utmaIn entrance tn WorH1I ran crmi U an eightroointd Imuic lu go U miff Inrily furnished withbatlironui LOAIII cold cItes furnace Ar Oocupftllongiven on May 1 nfxt t rcpoi Mc prlMile party nnly-AiMrMt W O 2i hluhm rt tM4iHf-


ltOllMSAM BAth strammi IjTnl K im lAnvA nil Indliina av Itf liloikv from I roil l sitmiuisIfront WortiiD Kiif mir tie u iIUAM hiiii I iialrvu tn i btUAkoti but TxtlittMie ilikirict nti r it rL rrmmml Mlt tilv nbuu VKrJ ill St iiuur ilincoln cii rAilAmIinso-

ii Ip mntl-ihX MiuOdlc Truiplc tlilrfttto

II OK UINT Of I Ml PtfVrn rioimm litMinr woo ciTlets Ami tnrii aV if n romn I n i vl i11I oirntta jloth mmli mire Mm ltD melt fuar block fuin hhoritis

hair utliicttfj nl moUfri-iitlMlUin to HII NOKR-

s Petrtforn nl mom Iit t urmo-

J4 HfilK7hi ClifrAo for II inn ntn tnin Mir iTTl-

tfnnt lie i I furni tira ytvluti Nni in tilt rttli nilsmiielmcee in best resitiem mii ri t on 3Us-

aitmi ttwo stamps fur phutii and diHTiiMim-iMIIIUTIIY

1427 MlcliiffJlli mm Cltirairo-IJIIR iirN fTiuiViiif i1slO nomn TAII 1lthi cA Olirnr mIte luo t Urllnlilfi lliixlirti IIIILIC jIm thelilllthtldg llarge Kruuud lImo brick slubie

nSNhitmint IMullt linl Lll OmI

I OK NTAll Kroum Mat 3 mil Irolili arcuni-plrtel fllTllllliril clilni Illlrll nad ullrrr hiosierdon IwuirdUlrly aOl until n I rmlsomo isle reniaUAddress rllANUIEK A JLO HO Drarhtirii at Chlrag-nIIIR niNTLnrire II t of f uTnliliril in ueilii privateA partie I urinv ati a innnlhof ra IHUIO looailou-ainntenitiutii


lair irrouiidiJHiTV IIIIOK A lOKDdV Iion Vn > lilucton II Chrairx13 OR IIKNT AnHrninin < i aixl rains t foiTT-

plelely furniKlied china linen ninl mlttr poicc-plon immi tnt dai ely soil unul IKI I rinnablr lentalAildrenCllAMiLKft A Ct I lu UrarLoro sii i liiiait-oIIATHtilrIImtilNlltilJtD Iaki cVlil rommsg

fholcetlooatlnn lo minute rite to rulr ejcrlent girl will remain

JJtt HKI1KR4M 4lhatt t llfrte larL Chlrulf-iPIIH


RIvrKleyantli furnUlird iiiiu lomenleiTt tJMo lili tsic ililT CAIIIIIII jr i ii taoPKIVATK nKSlllKMi1 lit rnniil riirnilbed large

Tour blr ckit trot Kalr Brnuiil 1Mr > DOIINKLU Anita Flats 441lit rnlcajro

1RnnVi roil 1 IIP MllImsiI nnl I lie lunt In the ehyuo ruining to tl u Inlr louk out rorrooinita-

autanceor o ois a Hl eeli Iclt Vrlie for clrcultr thatwill rile you all Information neieiur-ytt feut 5 named

OMIMVOInI A HIIDKII-tos floral Iliihuiainv Iliiiulinv 4hlragn t

IKllMINs wlltihiir irry dellrableroom lit fhtrairudurlnirtlie Uiiriln I sir IIn harm

ti mr iniftl e linuie elegantly furiiliied une blockfluiu gluuiilIi cm nrrMirr by nddretinr uwncr-

TI II HrKNHIITJill 21 jniinirat CKIrag-

oTTilli NT rlirnlhcdTorttond fair ifr term orfur cole wiiu lease until Arrliuo 1HU4

a inoilrrn 4 tory ami tiaiemeni brick hour with barnon AluhUati ai uear lilth thus main aFter mit Hiebouletard yiieiu reachlnir tu th vtorliTa Kalrgrounde-eleiaiitiv fiirnihed richly arapml out Ihoraugbirequipped wn or nnhout parlor icand piano picturebrn abrnc bell and table Ilnru ilirr plate cutleryi bit n and glain ere for lurlii r p < rtlcuiari and termaiMrtf Iok limo fTC Chicago HI and lutf WorldHullling N V If > cu rare lu lulrrttew themflu HUNT Furnlihed real iemo Une locationoverJ Ilooking Hie iSle large lot anl itajle contenlentto all Imei of tranitiortatloii six month from May lr 1Ilor urllnie tammy nnlv-

WALlKlll ULNN 87 WllhlLgton t ChicagoIIKNT JoMforldfiTalr ierlntnlnngnJanjjiTo-

imnl lignite alilo and buieiurnt urulibed or unrurnUlHxI If minutes Horn Pair HO from city fare igenIe Address

Ilna 1 JK BLOAN lOT Chennut t Engltweod litrpo LfAn louiei and apartmenii for World fairA priod longer W A 1IiIDllUllli CuttigeQrovear iornir 47th it Chlcogq

I > oUclior nritclni To handle meOfficial Directory and Reference husk at leeVtorldi folumblan K p > iltlon profusely Illaitraledliandwinclr bound Cia at popular price pars goolruiiimuiiuui erirrboJy ueedi it lull at thIs lImos andwilt buy Hi exrluilr territory given lend torbaudsums descriptive circular

W B CUNKiivjx > roblliheir Chleaaro Ill IiWORLtiSPAIItVIHITOKRlHuy Initea InCI renting

modern convenisore iplndid conditnui dnelr located ussr takemaul bOulevards lu to BC ralnulei via steam and cablefront FaIr Helling 10 ixrcenLi only TUOO Wdowabalance lo lull xf rare of Lord A Tbomaa Chicago III

W ORIDri PAul ACCUUMOUAUuMa ou UI venueat Onereiiaenoe ef prominent newspaper ma-


artinolars and sugalenuente lii sdvang by LddresulogE IS VltLllillIE 31502 lrairb lv Cbtcuro Ill

ANTED Immediately antvlati cartiagi paui igood wEdes Apply loC l IlWilLLZk IrlI carftI4I lI4w CAlSIj i

0 4
