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teV, P p rr. «.W .14th S? amp -I * /gr/ • i i Dec. 20 Last Day For Your Milestone Glossies Anchor Election Soon Think! Volumt XXXVII Hope College. Holland, Michigan, Dec. 12 1928 Number 71 Degree Is Conferred On Our Guests NETHERLANDS AMBASSADOR AND OTHERS ENTERTAINED AT BANQUET A TRUE KNIGHT NEW ANCHOR STAFF TO BE VIOLINS "Nature Talks" On Tuesday evening, December 4, Hope College was greatly honored by having His Excellency, Dr. Jan Herman van Roijen, am- bassador of the Netherlands to the United States, representing Queen Wilhelmina of Netherlands at Washington, D. €., as a guest. His Excellency was honored by an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws as were also William Leverich Brower and Charles A. Hunk, eld- ers of fhe consistory of the Colleg- iate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of New York City. Dr. Van Roijen delivered an address on the League of Nations in which he praised the work of the League, and hoped that the United States would join it soon. Rev. Dr. Mal- colm J. McCleod, President of the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America and Pastor of the St. Nicholas Collegiate Church of New York City, spoke on the Christian College, which stands for culture. Dr. Edward D. Dimnent presided at the meeting, and con- ferred the degrees before a gather- ing of over 1000 guests. Before the evening meeting, a banquet was held at the Warm Friend Tavern at which the facul- ties of Hope College and Western Theological Seminary, invited guests, and Council Members at- tended. Charles M. McLean of Hol- land, vice-president of the board of Trustees of Hope College officiated as toastmaster. The speakers in- ^clujled Dr. John Vander Vries, a Hope graduate" and now dfttrtct manager of the United States Chamber of Commerce at Chicago, Mr. John Vennema and Attorney Gelmer Kuiper of Chicago, former- ly of Grand Rapids, all graduates of Hope College. The Dining Hall was very beautifully decorated with the American and Dutch flags. About 150 guests were in attend- ance. Other distinguished guests who came from the east with Dr. Van Roijen and Dr. McCleod were Rev. Albertus T. Broek, of Tarrytown, N. Y., President of the Board of Education of the Reformed Church in America, Dr. Willard Dayton Brown, secretary of the Board of Education, and Rev. Cornelius B. Muste of New York City, educa- tional Secy, of Hope College in the East. Hope was greatly honored by the presence of these distinguished guests and honorable graduates on her campus. Gov. Fred W. Green, Senator Arthur Vandenberg, and Mayor E. C. Brooks of Holland, sent their congratulations to Dr. van Roijen which Dr. Dimnent read at the convocation Tuesday night. "— And a knight came riding." Only, as Mr. Brower said it wasn't on a horse. The glee club girls had quite a thrill when they discovered that the kindly old man sitting be- tween Mr. McLean and Rev. Ha- ger at Convocation was a full fledged Knight of Orange Nassau, so made by no less than Queen Wilhelmina herself. A number of the girls sought to learn something of the cross which Dr. William Leveredge Brower wore during the ceremonies, and uncovered a fairy tale come true. Sir Knight re- membered the visit of Hope's Glee Club to New York City a few years ago and said he'd like to borrow this year's club. Alth6ugh eighty- two years old he is a youth in spirit. His smile is enough to belong to any maiden's gallant hero. o Enthusiastic Crowd Greets Farbman ELECTED AFTER HOLIDAYS NEW SYSTEM OF ELECTION IS PLANNED The following are the nomina- tions for the next Anchor Staff as it now stands: Editor-in-chief: Earle Langeland Russell Smith Gordon Van Ark Henry Steffens Associate Editor: Alice Brunson Paul Brower Leonard Willett Myra Ten Cate Donald Wade Sport Editor: Bernard Arendshorst Dorothy Haan E. Vander Belt Alumni: Bemardine Sieber Margaret Westveer Humor: Myron Leenhouts W. Kuiper L. Hogenboom T. Beaver Wilhelmina Walvoord Campus: Suzanna Schoep Evelyn Steketee Exchanges: Donald Martin Louis Scudder Business Manager: Lois De Wolfe Raymond McGilvra Assistant: L. Damstra W. Meengs Subscription Manager: H. K. Smith R. Notier C. Van Leu wen Further nominations can be made by submitting a name whose nomi- nation is supported by twenty sub- scribers. The election will occur immedi- ately after the holidays. It has been proposed that the* Student Council appoint the Staff, because of former lack of support on elec- tion night, but this has not been decided upon. Consider well! YOUNG VIOLINIST CARRIES CROWD TO ENCHANT- MENT Dr. Nettinga Gives Lecture Carnegie Hall was well filled when the music lovers of Holland welcomed the return of Harry Farbman on December sixth. Mar- garet Engler accompanied the vio- linist ably at the piano. The art- ist's program consisted of three groups — the first, Ciaconna, by Vitali and Bach's Prelude E Major, for violin alone; second from Con- certo E Minor by Mendelssohn, Allegro, molto appassionato and Andante and allegretto non troppo, Alkgio miilto-vlvaee; Oird, Noc- turne by Chopin, Guitarre by Mos- kowski-Sarasate, Achron's Hebrew Melody, and Spanish Dance by Sar- asate. The fourth number on the Ly- ceum course will be on Thursday, December 13, and will be presented by the Hungarian National Or- chestra. A. D. D's. Don New Sweaters The Lyceum Course brought many to hear Harry Farbman. There were, of course, hundreds who know little about the violin, but the audience was made up mainly of violinists and musicians, both teachers and students. An interesting incident called the at- tention of many when a feeble old man, a teacher, and a small pupil of seven years made their appear- ance on the campus. Both were bent on hearing the instrument they loved well played by an art- ist. The older perhaps had once held as much attention with his precious well used instrument. The young boy saw beautiful dreams of the time when he should hold great audiences spell bound by his skill, indeed he longed for the day when he would be large enough to dis- card his miniature and play a reg- ular size violin. Age was puzzled, had lost its way and the child was leading him to Carnegie Hall. Which of the two appreciated the music more in comparison to his capacity is hard to say. But both left that night with a smile on the lips and a tear in the eye. God had given both a love for the beau- tiful. CHRISTMAS CARDS "Eclectic Lights y Wednesday, Dec. 12 Cosmopolitan "La- dies' Night." Thursday, Dec. 13 8 P. M., Lyceum Course: "Royal Hungarian Orchestra." Hope Versus Kazoo at Kazoo. Friday, Dec. 14 7:30, Societies meet Tuesday, Dec. 18 7:00, Y. W. C. A . - M How May Others Know I am a Chris- tian"—Martha Van Buren. Y. M. C. A.—"How Shall We End the Year"—H. Freeman ALWAYS The directors of the College Glee Clubs were unfair in deciding there should be no State Glee Club con- test this year because "Hope Al- ways Wins." Who ever heard of such a ridiculous argument? Fol- lowing this we could easily say: "Here we won't play Football any- more." However, there is one other scheme which will meet the ap- proval of all thoughtful men. Why not have a Fall Football Festival where each team can practice on the field, being restricted only by a time limit. After the practice all the teams will go through one play in unison. The separate teams will then be given a written criti- cism prepared by a single compe- tent critic and which will not desig- nate any superiority or inferiority because according to the other di- rectors, "Hope Always ..." * * * CHAPEL NOTES From all appearances we are go- ing to have a girls' Dormitory in the tower of the Chapel, else why are they screening it in? * * * WE HOLLANDERS were disappointed in one phase of the convocation. There were many students of note present just itching for an excuse to "get their Dutch up." * * • THE NEW YORKER There are ladies left in this world of bustling business women. One such was entering a subway train the other day when a guard shout- ed in her ear, "Step lively!" She gave him a proud look. "I have no wish to tarry, sir," she said, and entered with dignity. • • « MAURICE MARCUS wishes to announce through the columns of the Anchor that he will have his reply ready for the trium- virate next week he has ap- pointed Miss Heyboer as his Secre- tary. To the Home Volunteer Group last Friday evening Dr. Nettinga gave the first of two lectures on the Reformed Church in America. His subject was "The Origin and Growth of the Reformed Church in America." The history of our church, while not spectacular, is very interesting. The present Re- formed church is the union of two movements of immigration. The first group of immigrants came in the flisi half of the 17lh ctniury and the second group in the mid- dle of the 19th century. The first group settled in New York and in New Jersey and the second in western Michigan, Illinois, and Iowa. The churches of these two groups were united by Dr. Van Raalte and the leaders in the East. Those who settled in the East came mainly for economic reasons, while those who came to the West came seeking religious freedom. He also gave several reasons for the slow growth of our church. His lecture was one which brought much enjoyment and knowledge to those who were present. This week he will lecture on the char- acter and accomplishment of the Reformed church. o The Athletic Debt Diggers after just having emerged from a most successful football season have plunged into the basketball sea- son with much enthusiasm. Through their untiring efforts during the past season they made enough money to give amply to the Athletic Association besides buying sweaters for themselves. Their plans for the coming sea- son are being laid along similar lines and with the aid and co-op- eration of the HOPE Basketeer fans, much HOPE is being held for the swelling of HOPE's Athletic Fund. The girls in their new orange sweaters with blue "H's" looked very becoming and prosperous at the game Monday nite, all will agree. The best wishes of the student body is with you, "GIRLS," so "go to it!" Before you buy your Christ- mas cards, be sure to look over the supply carried by the Y. W. C. A. You will not be sony. The "Y" girls are selling beautiful cards at reasonable prices. YNTEMA, TANIS HEAir PRATERS F. S. SERENADES GIRLS' DORMITORY AT LATE HOUR Rev. Muste 4 4 Y" That "Y" is a very active organ- ization on Hope's Campus is very much evidenced by the inviting an- nouncements that are given in re- gard to the meetings as scheduled for each week. Newcomers in a college often are under the impression that Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. are groups of "goody-goodies" who gather to dis- cuss some uninteresting topics of the day. However,' after listening to the announcements as given in chapel one readily concludes that Hope's "Y's" are not only very active and alert, but also very up- to-date in handling^modern youth's problems. Leads Chapel Rev. C. B. Muste, educational secretary of Hope College who is in charge of Hope's interests in the East, and pastor of the "Re- formed Church on the Heights," of Brooklyn, led in the chapel services Wednesday morning. Having read the chapter con- cerning the rich young man who came to Christ and yet let one thing keep him from entering the Kingdom, he referred in a short but very inspirational message, to Achan who, he said, measured by his beautiful garment and wedge of gold, not the value of his God, but of himself; and to Judas whose thirty pieces of silver was not his valuation of Christ, but of him- self. Mr. Muste was also herd to give the convocation address at the be- ginning of the year. The annual "Fraternal" serenade was made at Voorhees Dormitory last Friday, when the Fraters sang fine romantic selections to the peer- ing heads above. Beneath the chilly stars rang out "Sweetheart of Sig- ma Chi," "Sonny Boy," and sim- ilar dramatic hits of the season. The Tremolo on the violin was no exaggeration, for the temperature was far better for radio broadcast- ing than for nocturnal vocalizing. The event being celebrated was the election of society officers for the second of the three terms. "Fraternals" new officials are: Otto Yntema, president; Nellis Tanis, vice-president; Bernard Arends- horst, secretary; and Henry Stef- fens, treasurer. These will offici- ate until the end of the next twelve weeks. Titus Van Haitsma, a Hope- ite who enrolled from the distant land of Zeeland, now reigns in splendor as "Janitor." He ad- dressed the Dorm girls during the "serenade, making a brief but force- ful speech. The "Fraternal Home" now has a candy store where members and visitors can procure all the well known bars. MR. TOONIN FROM MESOPO- TAMIA NOTES NEW FREEDOM EASTERN STUDENT COMPARES HIS COUNTRY WITH MICHIGAN dates and grapes. Hundreds of people are seasonably occupied in picking, sorting and packing dates, one of the chief products of the country. Mr. Toonin remarked about the new freedom of the country in many ways; he considered the bet- ter educated classes much more tolerant of the Christians, and new customs, such as the Europe- anizing of the Moslem women's dress. He was greatly surprised here, however, at the remarkable freedom of the women in the col- lege. In his country coeducational schools are unheard of, and women never travel about in the evening, even in groups, without escorts. Incidentally, Mr. Toonin believes that the Eastern women in Euro- pean garb compare most favorably with the best of America, Mr. Kamil Toonin, Hope fresh- man from Basrah, Iraq (formerly Mesopotamia) has some interest- ing comparisons to make between Holland, Mich., and his native country. Winter is not as cold as in Michigan there, and most of the people have never seen snow, but the weather is usually a disagree- able damp cold. Once in a few years in a severe cold spell, people will die from the cold, mainly due to lack of protection. At this season most of the peo- ple will have returned to the towns and cities after the harvest season, in September and October, for Emersonian Election Emersonian Literary Society held its winter election Friday, and after the meeting had officers' treat at the Green Mill Cafe. New officers are: President, Clarence Diephouse Vice-Pres., Herman Harms Secretary, Earle E. Langeland Treasurer, Elwin Van den Belt Sergeant at Arms, Chas. E. Ro- zema Keeper of Archives, Harry K. Smith Addisonian Election At the Addisonian Society meet- ing, Friday, officers for the second term were elected. They are: President, Donald Hicks Vice-Pres., Sidney Hiersma Secretary, Henry Bast Treasurer, Jack Gulick Custodian, Miles Peters Keeper of Archives, Edward L Swarthout "He laughs by the summer stream. Where the Lilies nod and dream; As through the sheen of water cold and clear. He sees the chub and sunflsh darting sheer." I think I shall never forget the first time I read the delightful poem of Maurice Thompson's en- titled "The Kingfisher," from which the above lines are taken. Perhaps because it represents associations so vivid and undying to me, per- haps because the poet has voiced a bit of the unutterable felicity of the woodsy unblighted freedom of the hills and streams where the kingfisher dwells perhaps, well, as a Spanish would say with an eloquent shrug, "quien sabe?" (who knows?). At any rate I learned the poem and many, many times I have repeated it to myself, al- ways with the keenest exhilaration of the spirits, for always I am car- ried in memory to the hills and valleys of New York State, where flows the French Creek of histori- cal fame, winding its way through the fertile farmlands toward the distant Allegheny river. The creek, as I have known it, is not merely a stream of water, rough or smooth as the case may be, but is a live, animated creature, a thing of moods, of passions, and so many of its qualities are so es- sentially human that it well re- pays a careful study, not as one would study a biological specimen, let us say, but as one studies un- knowingly perhaps, a close and much loved friend. There are stretches of water in the old creek that represent it in a quietly pensive mood when it moves along with scarcely a rip- ple, lapping the blue flags and ar- ro# lemf «t it^ -mai^nt with un- conscious intimacy, reflecting the movements of the clouds in its depths like a serene mind taking cognizance of hallowed reflection a little of the intangible essence of life to guide when rougher ele- ments intrude and chafe the spirit. Even so is it with my friendly old creek. Oh, I have lived with it and loved it too long not to know — for again, leaving behind all of its poise it takes a leap down- ward and flashes against a preci- pice in a sudden unrest of spirit the waters become turbid, they whirl about uncertainly, something has upset the evenness of the way, and if perchance a bowlder pro- trude its head, the waves play over it petulantly, as if seeking a defi- nite cause for their unrest, yet not sure just where lies the snag that has caused the commotion. The precipice itself looms cold and un- perturbable, a hundred feet of al- most perpendicular clay and bowl- der towering above the flood and looking down with calm indiffer- ence upon the turmoil below. Yes, the creek and the cliff have become very real and quite human to me. But the mood changes again, and the creek slips quietly beneath the outspread branches of some giant sycamore to form a still, dark, pool, where the light is toned to a mellow gray effect, and the sun- shine stealing through the broad leaves of the sycamore, dapples the surface of the water and lends an atmosphere of misty enchantment to the place. The water is very dark and cool here and though it is apparently so quiet, yet the dark depths teem with life; there are big yellow bass who waty for their prey and waterboatmen ply their trade on the surface, or a solemn waterskater takes his way along the margin of the pool. However, the world is too full of interest- ing things to allow of too long or deep brooding, and suddenly, with a boisterous, carefree laugh the stream springs from the cover into the sunlight, and such a rollicking, gushing old stream it now appears! Seldom does one see a more spon- taneous gaiety, the whole tenor of its way is simply a buoyant. light heartedness, as though it revelled in its very wildness and freedom with an exultant gladness that knows no bounds, and at such times the blue of the York State skies is re- flected back with the warm rich- ness of a- thousand sapphires, and .the water as it dances over the bowlders and pebbles that mark its way throws into the air tiny rain- (Continued on Pa«e 4)
Page 1: 12-12-1928

teV, P p rr.

« . W . 1 4 t h S ? a m p - I * /gr/ • i • i

Dec. 20 Last Day

For Your

Milestone Glossies

Anchor Election



Volumt XXXVII Hope College. Holland, Michigan, Dec. 12 1928 Number 71

Degree Is Conferred On





On Tuesday evening, December 4, Hope College was greatly honored by having His Excellency, Dr. J an Herman van Roijen, am-bassador of the Netherlands to the United States, representing Queen Wilhelmina of Netherlands a t Washington, D. €., as a guest. His Excellency was honored by an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws as were also William Leverich Brower and Charles A. Hunk, eld-ers of fhe consistory of the Colleg-iate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of New York City. Dr. Van Roijen delivered an address on the League of Nations in which he praised the work of the League, and hoped that the United States would join it soon. Rev. Dr. Mal-colm J . McCleod, President of the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America and Pastor of the St. Nicholas Collegiate Church of New York City, spoke on the Christian College, which stands for culture. Dr. Edward D. Dimnent presided at the meeting, and con-ferred the degrees before a gather-ing of over 1000 guests.

Before the evening meeting, a banquet was held a t the Warm Friend Tavern at which the facul-ties of Hope College and Western Theological Seminary, i n v i t e d guests, and Council Members at-tended. Charles M. McLean of Hol-land, vice-president of the board of Trustees of Hope College officiated as toastmaster. The speakers in-

^clujled Dr. John Vander Vries, a Hope graduate" and now dfttrtct manager of the United States Chamber of Commerce at Chicago, Mr. John Vennema and Attorney Gelmer Kuiper of Chicago, former-ly of Grand Rapids, all graduates of Hope College. The Dining Hall was very beautifully decorated with the American and Dutch flags. About 150 guests were in attend-ance.

Other distinguished guests who came from the east with Dr. Van Roijen and Dr. McCleod were Rev. Albertus T. Broek, of Tarrytown, N. Y., President of the Board of Education of the Reformed Church in America, Dr. Willard Dayton Brown, secretary of the Board of Education, and Rev. Cornelius B. Muste of New York City, educa-tional Secy, of Hope College in the East.

Hope was greatly honored by the presence of these distinguished guests and honorable graduates on her campus. Gov. Fred W. Green, Senator Arthur Vandenberg, and Mayor E. C. Brooks of Holland, sent their congratulations to Dr. van Roijen which Dr. Dimnent read at the convocation Tuesday night.

"— And a knight came riding." Only, as Mr. Brower said it wasn't on a horse. The glee club girls had quite a thrill when they discovered that the kindly old man sitting be-tween Mr. McLean and Rev. Ha-ger at Convocation was a full fledged Knight of Orange Nassau, so made by no less than Queen Wilhelmina herself. A number of the girls sought to learn something of the cross which Dr. William Leveredge Brower wore during the ceremonies, and uncovered a fairy tale come true. Sir Knight re-membered the visit of Hope's Glee Club to New York City a few years ago and said he'd like to borrow this year's club. Alth6ugh eighty-two years old he is a youth in spirit. His smile is enough to belong to any maiden's gallant hero.


Enthusiastic Crowd Greets




The following are the nomina-tions for the next Anchor Staff as it now stands:

Editor-in-chief: Earle Langeland Russell Smith Gordon Van Ark Henry Steffens

Associate Editor: Alice Brunson Paul Brower Leonard Willett Myra Ten Cate Donald Wade

Sport Editor: Bernard Arendshorst Dorothy Haan E. Vander Belt

Alumni: Bemardine Sieber

• Margaret Westveer Humor:

Myron Leenhouts W. Kuiper L. Hogenboom

T. Beaver Wilhelmina Walvoord

Campus: Suzanna Schoep Evelyn Steketee

Exchanges: • Donald Martin Louis Scudder

Business Manager: Lois De Wolfe Raymond McGilvra

Assistant: L. Damstra W. Meengs

Subscription Manager: H. K. Smith R. Notier C. Van Leu wen

Further nominations can be made by submitting a name whose nomi-nation is supported by twenty sub-scribers.

The election will occur immedi-ately af ter the holidays. It has been proposed that the* Student Council appoint the Staff, because of former lack of support on elec-tion night, but this has not been decided upon. Consider well!


MENT Dr. Nettinga

Gives Lecture Carnegie Hall was well filled

when the music lovers of Holland welcomed the return of Harry Farbman on December sixth. Mar-garet Engler accompanied the vio-linist ably at the piano. The art-ist's program consisted of three groups — the first, Ciaconna, by Vitali and Bach's Prelude E Major, for violin alone; second from Con-certo E Minor by Mendelssohn, Allegro, molto appassionato and Andante and allegretto non troppo, Alkgio miilto-vlvaee; Oird, Noc-turne by Chopin, Guitarre by Mos-kowski-Sarasate, Achron's Hebrew Melody, and Spanish Dance by Sar-asate.

The fourth number on the Ly-ceum course will be on Thursday, December 13, and will be presented by the Hungarian National Or-chestra.

A. D. D's. Don New


The Lyceum Course brought many to hear Harry Farbman. There were, of course, hundreds who know little about the violin, but the audience was made up mainly of violinists and musicians, both teachers and students. An interesting incident called the at-tention of many when a feeble old man, a teacher, and a small pupil of seven years made their appear-ance on the campus. Both were bent on hearing the instrument they loved well played by an art-ist. The older perhaps had once held as much attention with his precious well used instrument. The young boy saw beautiful dreams of the time when he should hold great audiences spell bound by his skill, indeed he longed for the day when he would be large enough to dis-card his miniature and play a reg-ular size violin. Age was puzzled, had lost its way and the child was leading him to Carnegie Hall. Which of the two appreciated the music more in comparison to his capacity is hard to say. But both left that night with a smile on the lips and a tear in the eye. God had given both a love for the beau-tiful.


"Eclectic Lights


Wednesday, Dec. 12

Cosmopolitan "La-dies' Night."

Thursday, Dec. 13

8 P. M., Lyceum Course:

"Royal Hungarian Orchestra."

Hope Versus Kazoo at Kazoo.

Friday, Dec. 14 7:30, Societies meet

Tuesday, Dec. 18

7:00, Y. W. C. A . -MHow May Others Know I am a Chris-tian"—Martha Van Buren.

Y. M. C. A.—"How Shall We End the Year"—H. Freeman


The directors of the College Glee Clubs were unfair in deciding there should be no State Glee Club con-test this year because "Hope Al-ways Wins." Who ever heard of such a ridiculous argument? Fol-lowing this we could easily say: "Here we won't play Football any-more." However, there is one other scheme which will meet the ap-proval of all thoughtful men. Why not have a Fall Football Festival where each team can practice on the field, being restricted only by a time limit. After the practice all the teams will go through one play in unison. The separate teams will then be given a written criti-cism prepared by a single compe-tent critic and which will not desig-nate any superiority or inferiority because according to the other di-rectors, "Hope Always . . . "

* * *


From all appearances we are go-ing to have a girls' Dormitory in the tower of the Chapel, else why are they screening it in?

* * *


were disappointed in one phase of the convocation. There were many students of note present just itching for an excuse to "get their Dutch up."

* * •


There are ladies left in this world of bustling business women. One such was entering a subway train the other day when a guard shout-ed in her ear, "Step lively!" She gave him a proud look. "I have no wish to tarry, sir," she said, and entered with dignity.

• • «


wishes to announce through the columns of the Anchor that he will have his reply ready for the trium-virate next week he has ap-pointed Miss Heyboer as his Secre-tary.

To the Home Volunteer Group last Friday evening Dr. Nettinga gave the first of two lectures on the Reformed Church in America. His subject was "The Origin and Growth of the Reformed Church in America." The history of our church, while not spectacular, is very interesting. The present Re-formed church is the union of two movements of immigration. The first group of immigrants came in the flisi half of the 17lh ctniury and the second group in the mid-dle of the 19th century. The first group settled in New York and in New Jersey and the second in western Michigan, Illinois, and Iowa. The churches of these two groups were united by Dr. Van Raalte and the leaders in the East. Those who settled in the East came mainly for economic reasons, while those who came to the West came seeking religious freedom. He also gave several reasons for the slow growth of our church. His lecture was one which brought much enjoyment and knowledge to those who were present. This week he will lecture on the char-acter and accomplishment of the Reformed church.


The Athletic Debt Diggers af ter just having emerged from a most successful football season have plunged into the basketball sea-son with much enthusiasm.

Through their untiring efforts during the past season they made enough money to give amply to the Athletic Association besides buying sweaters for themselves.

Their plans for the coming sea-son are being laid along similar lines and with the aid and co-op-eration of the HOPE Basketeer fans, much HOPE is being held for the swelling of HOPE's Athletic Fund.

The girls in their new orange sweaters with blue "H's" looked very becoming and prosperous at the game Monday nite, all will agree.

The best wishes of the student body is with you, "GIRLS," so "go to it!"

Before you buy your Christ-mas cards, be sure to look over the supply carried by the Y. W. C. A. You will not be sony.

The "Y" girls are selling beautiful cards at reasonable prices.





Rev. Muste

4 4 Y " That "Y" is a very active organ-

ization on Hope's Campus is very much evidenced by the inviting an-nouncements that are given in re-gard to the meetings as scheduled for each week.

Newcomers in a college often are under the impression that Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. are groups of "goody-goodies" who gather to dis-cuss some uninteresting topics of the day. However,' af ter listening to the announcements as given in chapel one readily concludes that Hope's "Y's" are not only very active and alert, but also very up-to-date in handling^modern youth's problems.

Leads Chapel Rev. C. B. Muste, educational

secretary of Hope College who is in charge of Hope's interests in the East, and pastor of the "Re-formed Church on the Heights," of Brooklyn, led in the chapel services Wednesday morning.

Having read the chapter con-cerning the rich young man who came to Christ and yet let one thing keep him from entering the Kingdom, he referred in a short but very inspirational message, to Achan who, he said, measured by his beautiful garment and wedge of gold, not the value of his God, but of himself; and to Judas whose thirty pieces of silver was not his valuation of Christ, but of him-self.

Mr. Muste was also herd to give the convocation address at the be-ginning of the year.

The annual "Fraternal" serenade was made at Voorhees Dormitory last Friday, when the Fraters sang fine romantic selections to the peer-ing heads above. Beneath the chilly stars rang out "Sweetheart of Sig-ma Chi," "Sonny Boy," and sim-ilar dramatic hits of the season. The Tremolo on the violin was no exaggeration, for the temperature was far better for radio broadcast-ing than for nocturnal vocalizing.

The event being celebrated was the election of society officers for the second of the three terms. "Fraternals" new officials are: Otto Yntema, president; Nellis Tanis, vice-president; Bernard Arends-horst, secretary; and Henry Stef-fens, treasurer. These will offici-ate until the end of the next twelve weeks. Titus Van Haitsma, a Hope-ite who enrolled from the distant land of Zeeland, now reigns in splendor as "Janitor." He ad-dressed the Dorm girls during the "serenade, making a brief but force-ful speech.

The "Fraternal Home" now has a candy store where members and visitors can procure all the well known bars.




HIS COUNTRY WITH MICHIGAN dates and grapes. Hundreds of people are seasonably occupied in picking, sorting and packing dates, one of the chief products of the country.

Mr. Toonin remarked about the new freedom of the country in many ways; he considered the bet-ter educated classes much more tolerant of the Christians, and new customs, such as the Europe-anizing of the Moslem women's dress. He was greatly surprised here, however, a t the remarkable freedom of the women in the col-lege. In his country coeducational schools are unheard of, and women never travel about in the evening, even in groups, without escorts. Incidentally, Mr. Toonin believes that the Eastern women in Euro-pean garb compare most favorably with the best of America,

Mr. Kamil Toonin, Hope fresh-man from Basrah, Iraq (formerly Mesopotamia) has some interest-ing comparisons to make between Holland, Mich., and his native country. Winter is not as cold as in Michigan there, and most of the people have never seen snow, but the weather is usually a disagree-able damp cold. Once in a few years in a severe cold spell, people will die from the cold, mainly due to lack of protection.

At this season most of the peo-ple will have returned to the towns and cities af ter the harvest season, in September and October, for

Emersonian Election

Emersonian Literary Society held its winter election Friday, and a f te r the meeting had officers' t reat at the Green Mill Cafe.

New officers are: President, Clarence Diephouse Vice-Pres., Herman Harms Secretary, Earle E. Langeland Treasurer, Elwin Van den Belt Sergeant at Arms, Chas. E. Ro-

zema Keeper of Archives, Harry K.


Addisonian Election

At the Addisonian Society meet-ing, Friday, officers for the second term were elected. They are:

President, Donald Hicks Vice-Pres., Sidney Hiersma Secretary, Henry Bast Treasurer, Jack Gulick Custodian, Miles Peters Keeper of Archives, Edward L


"He laughs by the summer stream. Where the Lilies nod and dream;

As through the sheen of water cold and clear.

He sees the chub and sunflsh darting sheer."

I think I shall never forget the first time I read the delightful poem of Maurice Thompson's en-titled "The Kingfisher," from which the above lines are taken. Perhaps because it represents associations so vivid and undying to me, per-haps because the poet has voiced a bit of the unutterable felicity of the woodsy unblighted freedom of the hills and streams where the kingfisher dwells — perhaps, well, as a Spanish would say with an eloquent shrug, "quien sabe?" (who knows?). At any rate I learned the poem and many, many times I have repeated it to myself, al-ways with the keenest exhilaration of the spirits, for always I am car-ried in memory to the hills and valleys of New York State, where flows the French Creek of histori-cal fame, winding its way through the fertile farmlands toward the distant Allegheny river.

The creek, as I have known it, is not merely a stream of water, rough or smooth as the case may be, but is a live, animated creature, a thing of moods, of passions, and so many of its qualities are so es-sentially human that it well re-pays a careful study, not as one would study a biological specimen, let us say, but as one studies un-knowingly perhaps, a close and much loved friend.

There are stretches of water in the old creek that represent it in a quietly pensive mood — when it moves along with scarcely a rip-ple, lapping the blue flags and ar-ro# lemf «t it^ -mai^nt with un-conscious intimacy, reflecting the movements of the clouds in its depths like a serene mind taking cognizance of hallowed reflection a little of the intangible essence of life to guide when rougher ele-ments intrude and chafe the spirit. Even so is it with my friendly old creek. Oh, I have lived with it and loved it too long not to know — for again, leaving behind all of its poise it takes a leap down-ward and flashes against a preci-pice in a sudden unrest of spirit — the waters become turbid, they whirl about uncertainly, something has upset the evenness of the way, and if perchance a bowlder pro-trude its head, the waves play over it petulantly, as if seeking a defi-nite cause for their unrest, yet not sure just where lies the snag tha t has caused the commotion. The precipice itself looms cold and un-perturbable, a hundred feet of al-most perpendicular clay and bowl-der towering above the flood and looking down with calm indiffer-ence upon the turmoil below. Yes, the creek and the cliff have become very real and quite human to me.

But the mood changes again, and the creek slips quietly beneath the outspread branches of some giant sycamore to form a still, dark, pool, where the light is toned to a mellow gray effect, and the sun-shine stealing through the broad leaves of the sycamore, dapples the surface of the water and lends an atmosphere of misty enchantment to the place. The water is very dark and cool here and though it is apparently so quiet, yet the dark depths teem with life; there are big yellow bass who waty for their prey and waterboatmen ply their trade on the surface, or a solemn waterskater takes his way along the margin of the pool. However, the world is too full of interest-ing things to allow of too long or deep brooding, and suddenly, with a boisterous, carefree laugh the stream springs from the cover into the sunlight, and such a rollicking, gushing old stream it now appears! Seldom does one see a more spon-taneous gaiety, the whole tenor of its way is simply a buoyant. light heartedness, as though it revelled in its very wildness and freedom with an exultant gladness that knows no bounds, and a t such times the blue of the York State skies is re-flected back with the warm rich-ness of a- thousand sapphires, and

. the water as it dances over the bowlders and pebbles that mark its way throws into the air tiny rain-

(Continued on Pa«e 4)

Page 2: 12-12-1928

P a g e T w d T H E A N C H O R


Editor Associate F.ditor9

11 umor

Alumni - - — Campus ——— Sports — Exchanges

,Eva Tysse

Current K f e n t s . —

.. .Earle Langeland, Russell Smith

. Ida Townsend, Menry Steffens. Evelyn Welmers

Eleanor Ver Wey John Nauta .

Leonard Willett Evelyn Steketee

W - A N D

^ mq w & & m a & A

^ b i t Gmmr mm-otor o f W t j o i j E N n

R E P O R T E R S (revised)

Head ReporWr, GorJun V . n A r k ; Reporters, Pau l Brower, Alice

Masselink, Cynthia Palmer , Margaret B e a c h ^ William Clough, H . K. Smith,

ar t in.


Business Manager " Z Z Z Z - Z Z Lois D e Wolfe, Raymond McGilvra m w . f «m 0 Assis tan ts—

Circulat ioa Manager.


Herman Krui/enK". mind McGilvra .Harman Lang Harry Smith


Had Diogenes v is i ted Washington and Lee universi ty in

search for an hones t man, the Greek philosopher would have

Husband: "I wonder when youH "Well, I've found a penny to-learn to make a cake like mother ward it," said the old man. used to make?" "Do you know," said a man on

Wife: "Probably about the time the train, "I 'm beginning to be-you make an income like father Heve in fortune telling?" used to make." "Why," asked his companion,

• • • "did something come t rue?"

Motor Cop: "Say, I've chased "Yes," was the reply, "the other

you over a mile to tell you that 'hiy you're going-over sixty."

Motorist: "Bad news travels fast, day, after paying my wife s dress-doesn't it." maker's bill, I've just thirty-seven

. . * cents left."

a fortune teller told me I would have money left me, and to-

and I like 'lo<'s batteries,

staying 1 don't

ended" his j ^ ' a n d found del ight in t h e confidence the ^ A H t t l e boy, just - t u r n i n g ho,ne » - r a f ^ ^ . ^ w e a r ,

s tudents have in their fel low men. asked how he liked to go to school. » u t

A midnight lunch table, well s tocked and bearing a card H e repiied: "I like to go

with a schedule of prices, is maintained in a dormitory. In to come, but it's the stayi

the morning the table is bare except for a c igar box of coins like." t ^

which the s tudent owner collects. I t i s all profit, f or there "Say, old fellow, it's strange to investment banker worth many mil-is no overhead. see you going around in that old lions — has a brother uptown in

Barrels of apples and boxes of peanuts are l ikewise sold l i g h t c o a t this chilly weather, while the cloak and suit trade. The two f W H p l n v n n r s p l f " c lans bv s tudents working their way your wife is wearing a swell new brothers see very little of each

© ' d

One of the partners in a big Wall Street banking house —- an

Gems of Literature

(Continued from last issue)

By 0 . Y.

on the "help yoursel f" plans by ; o t h e l . a l t h o u g h t h e c l o a k a m l

o— - , , .u tfiocnn -wel l , an I have to do is to suiter often calls at the office of . . losses attributed to the f t . Football badges worth $ « . o f h e r f u r c o a t a n j i m m e ai - his more prosperous brother. The knglam anc con men

After Shakespeare comes Bacon Francis Bacon — who did for

refusal to leave his private office France the first genuine scien ... u;.„ iK,, ,.i„nb nmi anitor tist — the first real exponent of

through college. The owners report good profit wjth^ no f u | ' 1 ™ e ^" a U

, l l u l 1k of her fur coat and Immedi- his more prosperous brother. The rwigiuim unu *T.". were sold during one game and the money stood unattended a t p l y l s t a r t p c r spi r ing." other day, annoyed by his brother's thought what ^ Vo a^irej^ ^

. • • •

foi many 0U1S. f oovprnl m o n t h s Commercial Traveller (to propri- s e e him, the cloak and suiter , „ . , A n overcoat hung in a cloakroom for s e ^ J ; e t o l . h e f o u n d p l a y i n g checkers i n s i s t e d o n S p e a k i n g to him on the reason following the dull, scholas-

it was taken down, dusted and replaced. I h e ownei f r . e n d . n b a c k o f s t o r e ) ; „ D o l e h o n e ; tic canonical superstition of the Middle Ages. Yet a man like Bacon could write in his "Essay on Adversity," — "Virtue is like pre-cious odors, most fragrant when they are incensed or crushed, for prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover

virtue." How true it is as Lord Byron so

E a c h day i t w a s laKen aowii , uuoccu a im — - - w i t h f r i e n ( 1 i n b a c k o f s tore) : - u o telephone

would come for it some day. you know there are two customers "i s that you, Sidney?" asked the That honor code was establ ished at the school by Gen. in the store?" cloak and suiter.

Robt E Lee when he became president in 1869. Under i t Merchant (who keeps right on . . Y e S | j a n l Mr came

s tudent s are le f t t o themse lves d u r i n g examinat ions and can C , S S

come and go at will. Cheating on examinat ions is un nown. g 0 a w a y ." "You may not remember me;

Perhaps this is bringing up an old and discarded issue, * * * . , t this is your brother Nathan. I

but neverthe less there can be no h a m in bringing th i s true J ™ " J S u ( 1 . met you in our father's house." ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

and perfect example before the reading eyes of Hope s - d e n I y a c o i n w h d to drop An ^ ^ ^ n o t u p m u s i c a l l y e x p r e s s e s 5 t i n h i s . , s t a n .

dpn t bodv old man stooped and picked it up. , . . n for Mimic" ueut uuuj'. . i , , ^ i n o» u to date these days. There was a 7 ' a s i o r music, It is someth ing well worth a f e w minutes of reading and "Has anyone lost a dollar, lie 8 u d d e n c r y f r o m l h e g a r ( i e n f where "There's not a joy the earth can

oondering. Can Hope be cited as an example of a perfect ly inquired anxiously. b w a s l a i n . . M o t h e r G e r . give like that it takes away, F 6 _ j . ; i i Nine passengers hurriedly ' , , , , T * j u- 11 ,

•ched. their pockets and shouted; aid's crashed, shouted his older

Coats Furs


working Honor Code, or even though the code is verbal, of an

Honor and Code? o

sean "1 have." brother.


The average American of today protests that the cares

of ordinary subsis tence take so much t ime that he has none

le f t for thought . And now we find the student , whose busi-

ness it is to think, complaining that he, too, is overburdened

with routine. In ant i thes i s to these claims of busyness , there

comes the s ta tement published recently in a magazine of sci-

When the plow of early thought declines in feelings dull decay,

— T i s not on youth's smooth cheek, the blush, alone which fades so fast,

friendship that America had shown B u t t h e t e i u j e r b i o o m 0 f a heart

"Comfort! Comfort scorned of devils!

This is the truth the poet sings. The sorrow's crown of sorrows Is remembering happier things." Such is Tennyson's interpretation

of sorrow — joy and happiness. One of the greatest lyricists of

Letter Tells of toward China in the past and, espe- jg K o n e »e re y o u t h itself be past."

( ^ V r i n ( r p H A t t i t l l H P S cially, during the year which had How lacking we are in the ap-V l u l l ju s^ c | o s e ( j Then he asked the preciation of our comforts, our

whole audience to rise to show to friends, or our dear ones until they Changsha, China, u s w ho were Americans the grati- are gone and we can live up to October 12, 1928. tU ( j e 0f china for these recent tok- them no more. How would it be

Dear Friends: ens of friendship. After this one possible to enjoy happiness with-

^ ((rp ^ t h p Qiirmlv nf ava i l - T h i s h a S b e e n a W C e k o f , r a t h c r of us was asked to make a brief, out first experiencing. ence that Today, Til the L r t l m F S t a t e s , t h e suppl> ot unusual events and I thought you r e s p 0 n s e perhaps, this means lit- — Sorrow! able energy is equivalent to s i x t y man-power for every man, might be interested to know that t l e t o y o u^ b u t i t m e a n g m u c h t o

woman and child. There is now leisure for all to think, but October tenth of 1!>2S vsa.s far dif- ut{ w | 1 0 g ^ | | remember the bitter

the millions prefer the movies ." f e r e n t f r o m l h a t o f t h . c u ' 0 p , e c ( ' ( 1 ' attitude of the past months.

How can we ever expect t o mainta in our position among 'n ( ? ^ a r 8 - ^ h l l e t h i ' ' ; " ^ I" the afternoon we were greatly r day of the Chinese Republic, is ob- l,rivii<.„tHi t o kg invited to a recen-t h e n a t i o n s a s t h e f o r e m o s t in t h e sciences , a r t s , a n d in gen - s e l . v e i i c v o l , y y e a r throughout the [ i H n .ft t h e g o v e r n o r . s y a m e l l

eral civilization if we are too lazy to th ink? No really crea- i a n d , the nature of the festivities -phere, in the presence of thou-t ive work has resulted from a n y t h i n g except the very hardest differs materially from time to s a n ( j s 0f p r0minent Chinese, all the kind of conscious thinking. And ye t the American public t i m e - T h e n ' t

t00» t h c celebration is foreigners resident in this com- all time, with the exception pos-

a , , •« 11? i.u i •!. • 4- ; 4-u« <1/iViinovi* rvf different in different paits of the munitv were uubliclv received by sibly of Henrich Heine, is Thomas flatters itself that it can mainta in the intricate machmery of c o u n t r y T h i s w a s t h c flrst t i m e - ' ; > v £ ^ o r ^ ^ t h a t > t h e a u t h o r o f , . T h e P r u p h e t

civi l izat ion i t s h a r d - t h i n k i n g a n c e s t o r s h a v e bui l t up, w i t h , h a d s p e n i i h h holiday in Chang- w a s h i s ( i e s i r e t h a t f r iendly rela- of the Khorassan," "Lalla Rookh,"

only ea t ing , a n d d r i n k i n g , a n d n o t w o r k i n g . sha, the capital of our province, t j o n s b( l restored and perpetuated and numerous other famous Per-It has been said that the "greatest thrill in the world and it was the most wonderful between our countries and China, sian lyrics.

comes with an inspiration." The American youth claims he is holiday eve. observed here in this | ! e g r e a t , y deplored the fact that Here is a tale of love, of human .• , 1 . . . f . i : f 0 u n f i *uQf fViora i« no thr i l l Ipfi c l t y " 10 10 Kl w a s the rise of Communism had led to devotion — free from superfluous satiated with the affairs of life, and that there is no thi HI lett. u n i t e d un(lel. t h e N a t i o n a l i s t flag. m u c h ( l e s t r u c t i o n of foreig]1 p r o p . p a a s i o n and i d e a l in i t s divine,

Perhaps if he tried a little conscious c ieat ive thinking, he ^nd every effort was made to !?af? i r t y a n ( | ^hut many of us had been aesthetic blindness of the lover,

might find the thrill he is seeking. the people to rejoice in the hope obliged to leave China for our "It was a scene of mirth that

The reason we do not think more may be due to our in- ° f a * r e a* a n d4 w o n d e r f u l n f o r f safety. But, now that war was drew a smile from even the Saint

. . --I i• i • j umi • future. We Americans naturall\ over it was the desire of the Chi- Banou, herent laziness. Thomas Edison has said There is no expe- w e r c t h i n k i n K o ( o u r o w n F o u r t h ^ / s h o u l d work and live As through the hu.sh'd admiring d i en t t o which a m a n will not r e s o r t to obv ia te t h e necess i ty 0f July a n d various emotions bere in peace and quietness. I wisn throng she went with stately steps of hard thinking." Are we really as lazy as all tha t? thrilled our breasts. Rather than y o u c o u i d h a v e s e e n aii t h e ( i e c o r a . along.

W i t h o u t t h e d r e a m e r t h e wor ld would cease t o ex i s t a s theorize about the importance of t j o n s a n ( | ^ e thousands that came And counted o'er that all might

such. We speak not of the pure vis ionist but rather of the t h e , , a > \ 1 a m4 ^ ^omg to tell l o r;..cc. t ! l 0 n e w g o v t ,nor . CCC the rubies of her rosary.

dreamer with enough cold, logical thought behind his dreams ^ ^ ^ V l o ' d r a w your P t f o u r o c l o c k i n t h ( ? a f t c r n ( ) o n u t n o n e m , g 1 M'1' 1 e ^ 0 , ( >

to make them a reality. When he dreams th ings are created. „wn conclusions. But

And dreaming is the most pleasant kind of thought . elusions will mean more

The thinking man is happiest when alone, for solitude y o u t h a t f o r >

two > ' e a r s t h , s c ^ y Changsha met in a prayer and w a i t h e r blessing at the temple's gives him t ime to think. Perhaps this explanation will serve a n ( l t ^ l s ,)r<)vni(.e have been t e p r a ; s e s e r v i c e T h c p r a y e r service g a t ^ —

to indicate the reason whv the American oeonle prefer the ^ ^ . a n t l - f ° r e , K n f c e l i nK a " d last d an hour and a half but there w h a t hol>' man would ever run to indicate the leason w h j t h e American people preter t n t t h a t j t a r t h fore.gners who w e [ ; n o e m b a a s s i n M o s t to kiss the ground she knelt upon,

crowded places. He IS afraid to be alone With himself for were in the city found it wise to o f t h e ! , e pu, e s e Christians h a v e If once by luckless chance he

fear that he might have to think. Of this , Aristot le has said, remain in hiding, so strong was seen rt a n t di ys of i)ersecution and k n e w s h e lookt*(1 and smiled as "The man of no virtue or abil ity is his own worst enemy, and ^he f e e j , n » against all the so-called t h e : . a r . , (|L.epiy grateful to God for o t h o r s ( , o !"

is afraid of solitude." Are you afraid of sol i tude? v l ^ ' n m m i n i 1 1 ^ - n r k i n ^ t h e q u :" t 1,11(1 p e n c o o f t h e s e p r e s " 1r e a l l ^ I c M®o r e 18 i n h ' s

year communism was still hoiking e n t d a y g Refreshments followed betrayal of blind, fanatic devout-havoc in many a Chinese home as t h e m e c t ; ness. "Truth and Beauty—Beauty well as in schools, ho.spitals, and . . " . . t . and Truth," as Keats savs, "that is

Not so in 1928. L a t l m t h e e v c n i n ^ t h e r e w e r e SEVEN—ANCHOR—W

Cloak Store


Practice Has

Started at


^ ^Outfit Yourself at

we were present at a big union smile that lurked beneath her veil

Where All Sports-

men Meet.

Arnolds Confectionery

T r y our

hot Fudge

Sundaes these con a ; e r m e e t i n g i n the city church " ' e

if I remind . „ , ^ . T- ^ Allah forbid! where all of the Christians of A l l l ' h f o r b i d ! F o r w h o w o u l 1 1


" I hardly know whether you would ..like m y wri t ing to churches. vou* ve t I feel stromrlv disposed so far to presume on the W e w e r e e a r l y r i 8 e r a o n O c t o - word® l f l-1. ,' ! (' w ° r k s l{n{j th® all you know on earth, and all you y o u , ye t i teel s trong y disposea so i a r to presume on m e b e r ^ a n ( i ^ ^ c r o w d 8 thronged the streets that n c e d t 0 k n o w ! „ K e a t 8 t h e r i c h

old relation which existed between us as to express m y earn- g r o u p s o f 8 t u d e n t s h e i . e o n t h e wer2 sc gay with lanterns and col- l ) o e t i c g e n i u s w h o c o m p o s e ( 1 4 4 E n d y .

e s t hope that you will not a t tach too much importance to campus in the ceremonies attend- o m l fi S c h o o l R n a v c b e e n mion," "Ode to a Nightingale," . . . your disappointment, whatever it may have been, at t h e re- ing the raising of the Nationalist c ' 0 i 3 d th/eo days and every- .«The s a m e t j l a t o f t t i m e s hath

cent examinat ion. I believe that 1 attach quf te u s much fla^ Then there was singing of 1 o f c ! l a r ! r - e d m a B i c c a s e m c n t s 0 P e n i n ^

value as is reasonable to univers i ty dist inct ions; but it woudd n a t l o n a l a n t h c m s an(l tliiee rousing pe0pie. Posters decorate all o n t h e f o a m . . , . .. . . , . • * , ^ T cheers for the new China, ending i n e PeoP ie- uecorau, an Q f p e r i | o u s s e a g | i n f a i r y i a n d s

be a grievous evil if the good of a man S reading for thr^e what was formerly reserved w a l 1 ^ a n d ^ a t € 8 ' b u t n o l o n ^ r forlorn," years were all to depend on t h e result of a single examination, for the Emperor, the "Wang Shui" t h o s e d r e a d f u l - anti-foreign ones. , t , a n d t h e «0de to a Grecian

Quality Shoe Reparag That's Oar Bnsiiess

"Dick" the Shoe Doctor

Electric Shoe Hospital D. Schaftenaar, Prop.

Phone 5328 13 E. 8th St.

We Call For and Deliver

affected as that result m u s t ever in some degree be by causes "Wang Shui," which means "may P u l > l i c "fat"" lecture on street U n ^

independent of a man's intellectual excellence. I am say ing the country flourish for ten thou- ^ n l t i o n a l sins dem.unced^n P u " " ¥

nothing but w h a t you know quite well a lready; still a momen- ^ " d J e ® ' s i ' ' | J l ^, p r l , n c ' p a l . o f t,h.c He. Perhaps it is too early to con- t h ° s e u n h c a rl

d ' J4 uh-siang High school was in Lni- a

Heard melodies are sweet, but

Are sweeter, therefore ye soft

Hope College Fellows

. V

W e appreciate your patro-tary fee l ing of disappointment may tempt a man to do him- c a g 0 , a s t y e a r a s h e l e d t h c gratulate China, but those of us, o n ; „

self great injustice, and to think that his efforts have been cheers with great enthusiasm, we who have experienced something T h e n w e h a v e S h e l l the great- ' T " " , j " !

attended by no proportionate frui t . I can only say, f o r one, 'night have imagined ourselves on o f t h e h a l ^ ®J,S o f t ^ e p a s t 1 ree eat poet of English literature, to n . a g e l " , ? r e [ e a y t j

that as far as the real honor of Rugby is concerned, it i s the <" ">at American Uni- ^ ™ t h e o f «"• P ® . t h e B e 8 t , n Q u a I , t y a n d

effort, a hundred t imes more than fte ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ S e r V , ' C e -

i s in m y judgment a credit to the school, inasmuch as i t At nine o'clock there was a big o f t h e . " e " r e P u b l i ^ " M a y d i v i r f d e L ' w i t h " t h e most tatellec6-shows that t h e men w h o go f rom here to the Univers i ty do patriotic meeting at the church and C h i n a

Mf l o u n 8 h f o r ^ t h o U B a n < , tual vocabulary. We have his

their duty t h e r e ; and that is t h e real point which alone t o m y representatives of the school sang y e a r 8 * , "Ozymandias," a marvelous satire mind reflects the honor e i ther on individuals or on soc ie t i e s : a n d d e l i v e r e d "^dresses. Theipas- With sincere greetings and good l n v e r 8 4 ! j . . E n g l a n d o f i819," his

and if such a f ru i t is in any way traceable to Kugby, then I g a V e , ^ ^ 1 0 1 t ^ 1.1 i,r..i i. — I • j , .. „ sum^ of the history of China dur- g ' "Indian Serenade." But the most am proud and thankful to h a v e had such a man as m y pupil.

Thomas Arnold (Let ter to a Student . )

history ing the past eighteen then at some length

Experts a Hat Cleaning

Colombia Hat-Suit CLEANERS

* i


i t

( *

and the

Yours truly,

Nettie R. De p e r f e c t ^ allUsp^ms, the most H W. 8Ul St. PhODC 4656

Page 3: 12-12-1928

T H E A N C H O R Page Three


' *


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MORE AND MORE Hope Students have proved to themselves beyond their own expectations that "the Paris way" offers a better cleaning service

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* *


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Money may talk, but it nevei gives itself away.

* * *

"That, my boy," said the forger of coins to his son as they passed the Mint, "is my principal com-petitor."

We Cuf Your Hair the Way You Like I t FORTNEY'S BARBER SHOP

R t i r of O l l l . t Call S704 lor Appo ln tmont

First and foremost we congratu-late the student body on its suc-cess with the faculty concerning the matter of Christmas vacation. Seventeen whole days! — and we trust , they won't be wasted.

« « *

For the benefit of those kind people whose sympathy is contin-ually being displayed toward Voor-

heesites we wish to announce that the dorm indulged in two Thanks-giving dinners. Two good meals a year, Mr. Diekema!

* * *

While we are at the subject of the vacation tha t is past we will say also that Miss Essie Eerie of Cincinnati was the guest of Miss Gibson. A luncheon was given in her honor by Miss Gibson, and Miss Boyd entertained at dinner.

• * •

Other guests a t Voorhees Hall were Kay Mentink, '28, and Vio-

• lette Koeppe. * * *

Oh yes! Voorhees Hall helped to entertain about twenty of the fel-lows attending the older boy's con-ference. It is said tha t some of our younger dormites exhibited un-usual interest.

* * *

Ruth Kennell has heard that she is going to have a surprise for Christmas. She hopes it is a dog but is af ra id that it 's a diamond. Everything considered we can't help but hope it's the latter for surely tha t would be the less harm-ful for the rest of us.

* * «

The men have had their turn, so now it is up to the girls to amuse. Yes, the girls ' societies are holding their initiations this week. Didn't you enjoy tha t little added amuse-ment at the game Monday night?

• » •

Several students went to Grand Rapids, Wednesday evening to hear Sousa's Band.

» • »

An honored dinner guest at Voor-hees one evening last week was Master Junior Lubbers. Come again, Bobby, maybe Grace will have another aeroplane then.

• • »

We are glad to see Miss De Pree back again in the library. No, we can't get along without her.

» • »

We hope to see soon all the stu-dents who've been indulging in the flu, too.

* «> •

You didn't know some of our fa -culty were going on the stage, did you? We are assured that if you had seen Mr. Lubbers and Mr. Raymond at the last meeting of the Century Club, you would believe it. What will the constituency say?

» • •

Have you noticed the relieved and happy expressions on the faces of some of the Seniors recently, and also quite the opposite in others? It is merely tha t the first twelve weeks of practice teaching is over and the second begun.

• • •

We thought Voorhees wasn't go-ing to have any more serenades. But the Fra ters fooled us and came around with a fine one Fri-day night.

• • «

Miyo Tase has received a g i f t of one hundred beautiful Japanese

•5» prints, copies of the old masters. Of course, we envy her.

• • »

Onions, onions, who wants an onion ? No, not one, but to the consumer of twenty goes the first prize with twelve ranking second. This was the record set in Voor-hees dining hall.


• T o orove Parker

1 0


D E L U X E yeeyerjee*.

' l o pro ' Duofold it a pen of lifelong perfection, we oner to make good any defec t , provided complete pen U Knt by the owner direct to thc factorr with 10c for return pottaac t o d Inmraoce.

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Non-Breakable Barrel-— Pressureless Touch and * Guaranteed Forever Against All Defects

Here ' s a n e w De Luxe Duofold Pen in Black-and-Pearl , offering the handsomest wri t ing equipment any lady or gent leman can possess.

Crystals of silvery pearl and P a r k e r Pe rmani t e Material (Non-Breakable) m u s t be delicately a r -ranged to produce t h e modeme effect of this unique design.

Costly to produce—though not high-priced to you —and very beautiful.

N o t d u p l i c a t e d a n y w h e r e else . A m a s t e r l y achievement in a pen. Senior size, $10; Junior Size, $8.50; Juniore t te or Lady , $7.50. Pencils to match, $3.50, $4 and $5.

Dealers a re showing the n e w pens and pencils separately and in perfectly matched pairs, for t he first time this year .

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The structural steel worker is dropping his clattering ham-mer for the elearic arc. Silently, swiftly, rigidly, economically, buildings are being fabricated by electric welding, which knits steel with joints as strong as the metal itself.

Building silently! Nothing seems impossible in this elec-trical age.

Not only in building construc-tion,but in every human activity, we instinctively turn to electric-ity to add to the comforts of life and to eliminate the wastes of production—another evi-dence that the electrical industry is maintaining its leadership in this changing world.


Not only industrial equipment, but electric refrigerators, MAZDA

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Page 4: 12-12-1928


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Hope Wins First Game

of the Season

P I C K - U P S By Percy Kuted



In the first game of the 1928-29 court season the Hope basketball teams defeated the Seventh Re-formed Church of Grand Rapids by a score of 28-14. The game, al-though not particularly closely con-tested, was interesting enough to watch. The Hope College squad had an immense advantage in that they had available over twenty men, any of whom could be substituted at any time.

The first team that appeared for Hope was made up of Martin, Van Lente, Klay, De Pree, and De

Velder. This proved to be the fast-est combination of the evening and considerable of the scoring was done by this aggregation. How-ever, in a short time a second team consisting of Tigelaar, De Young, Vanderbush, Becker and Cook, ap-peared and made a splendid effort to continue the fast work of the former team; and they succeeded in a very creditable manner. From this time on the various combina-tions of men were tried.

The first half was characterized by swift, smooth, steady playing by the Hope squad, while the Grand Rapids group seemed to be ut a loss to cope with the speed of thc Hope men. However, at the begin-ning of the second half the Grand Rapids group seemed to rally, and did some very clever, and rapid scoring for several minutes. But in a short time the Hope team sub-dued our visitors, and the game ended as Indicated by the score.

The Hope scoring was as follows: Floor Shots Fouls

Martin ? Van Lente De Velder Cook Becker De Pree 1 Vanderbush 0

Our city correspondent has noti-fied us that the sport-writer of one of the city dailies has pub-lished an all-city team. We wonder in silent awe at his audacity; how-ever, we understand that he is a College Freshman — that may ac-count for his lack of convention.

• • »

The cheering problem for the year has been solved. One moment of listening to the yelling of Hicks and Co. at the last game was enough to convince anyone of the superiority of that group. Boys, the apple dumpling is yours.

* « *

It is a pleasure — a very great great pleasure — to note that two members of our faculty are not Scotch. For fur ther information see the Junior who put up chairs or Mr. Laughlin.

* * «

Our representative in Copenha-gen informs us that Nurmi has turned pro. This takes one of the best distance men out of the ama-teur field and we sure hate to see him go. Professionalism seems to take the kick out of athletics be-cause we look down upon the fel-low that turns his athletic ability into money; and we admire the fel-low who turns his musical ability or any other ability into ready cash. Is our attitude really fa i r?

• • •

"Heinie" Steffens was selected as center on the second M. I. A. A. eleven. Martin, Japinga, Klay, and Cook were given honorable mention. There were some good results of the past football sea-son, it seems.

» • »

The basketball team will be leav-ing for their pre-Xmas trip in a few days. We certainly wish the boys lots of luck and hope that they won't be lost in the primitive wilds of Iowa.

Fairbanks Gift Shoppe 254 River A v e .

The Gift Shoppe that is really one. Full of gifts of every description. Com and see, before you buy.


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(Continued from page 2)

ecstatic, the most beautifully con-structed of them all is the "Sensi-tive Plant," a delicate, fragile de-scription of human emotions. "And when evening descends from

the Heavens above. And the earth was all rest, and

the air was all love, And delight though less bright

was far more deep, And the day's veil fell from the

world of sleep. • • •

Then the pied-wind flowers, and the tulip tall

And narcissi, the fairest of them all,

Who gaze with their eyes on the stream's recess,

Till they die of their own sweet loveliness."

. . . a superb and almost divine inspiration of twilight in a garden of Nature's own.

What a wealth of beauty and power would Shelley have expe-rienced had he lived at Nishapur with its hanging flower gardens and the splendor of the Oriental East!

(To be continued)

* # i i i C. » M „

Nature Talks

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You Must Visit Our

"Gift Shoppe"

Huizinga's Jewelry


J e w e l e r s s i n c e 1900

(Continued from Pu^e I.

bows of an iridescence only match-ed by the superb coloring on the neck and back of the starlings that search for food on the banks. We wonder what we will find around the next bend — see, — there where the pine tree to.wers — and we wonder as we turn away what it is that the stream whispers to the pine as it washes against its roots, something delightful I know — and next time we come for a hike, perhaps we shall have time to stop and listen and so learn the secret.


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