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12 Critical Chain Project Management

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7/23/2019 12 Critical Chain Project Management http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/12-critical-chain-project-management 1/50 CRITICAL CHAIN PROJECT MANAGEMENT CRITICAL CHAIN PROJECT MANAGEMENT (CCPM) (CCPM)
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Let us start….

  – Time and Cost Overruns

•• But Why?But Why? – Tight deadlines

 – oo many comp ex t es

 – Too many uncertainties


 – Poor training…..

•• How to solve?How to solve? – Address these issues

 – Provide cushions

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Reasons for variabilityReasons for variability


 – – Lead time variability is more dangerous than long leadLead time variability is more dangerous than long leadtimestimes

 – – Uncertain short deliveries leads to more buffers thanUncertain short deliveries leads to more buffers than

known long deliveriesknown long deliveries – – A project with very high (and equal) asset utilisation & A project with very high (and equal) asset utilisation &

tight planning will have more variability and costtight planning will have more variability and cost

  – – TreatTreat Variability Variability as the most important performanceas the most important performance


 – – Develop systems that minimise variabilityDevelop systems that minimise variability

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How much buffer in project planning?

How do we estimate project duration?How do we estimate project duration?

•• Past DataPast Data•• o Down or Bottom u a roacho Down or Bottom u a roach

•• Cushions for uncertaintyCushions for uncertainty

•• Activit recedence network techni ue Activit recedence network techni ue

•• the activity??the activity??

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How much buffer in project planning?

•• How confident do you feel about the taskHow confident do you feel about the task

es ma es you ma ees ma es you ma e

 – 30% sure

 – 50% sure

 – …

•• Most people would like to beMost people would like to be atleastatleast 80% sure80% sure

of delivering on their commitmentsof delivering on their commitments

•• at oes t at mean or tas est mat onat oes t at mean or tas est mat on

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What does that mean for task estimation?

•• means every as as some sa e ymeans every as as some sa e y

•• “If you want your estimates to be reliable and career “If you want your estimates to be reliable and career

safe then have safety incorporated in the activity” safe then have safety incorporated in the activity” 


task, the greater safety is incorporated in your task.task, the greater safety is incorporated in your task.

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This is What a Project Looks like?

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ro ect urat on


6 10 146 10 141212

•• What is the effect?What is the effect? ActualActual

8 10 308 10 302626

The effect is that the typical cushions you provide onThe effect is that the typical cushions you provide on

Each activity as high as 120Each activity as high as 120--180%180%

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 given during planning is only around 15-20%,studies have shown that normall much hi her

buffer… even up to 200% is given

• Where are those buffers? – Why projects delay even after these buffers?

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Why Failures?Why Failures?



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as ageas age


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Reasons for wastage


 – Wrong choice

•• Com letel unrelated to strate & oals of  Com letel unrelated to strate & oals of or anisationor anisation 

 – Mismatch between market & process structure

 – Misalignment with organisational strategies – Behavioral issues

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Behavioral Realities in Project Environment

  – Commitments of duration and total cost of a project are based upon adding up the

duration and cost of individual tasks

’ ’

 – Work expands to fill its time

•• 33--Minute EGG RuleMinute EGG Rule – t s not qua ty t s n s e e ore t me s up

•• Self  Self--protectionprotection – People fail to report early finishes out of fear that management will adjust their future

stan ar s

•• Dropped batonsDropped batons – Early finishes may not lead to the start of next activity as people assigned next activity

are engage somew ere e se

•• Student syndromeStudent syndrome-- delay the start of tasks until you absolutely have todelay the start of tasks until you absolutely have to

•• Hockey Stick SyndromeHockey Stick Syndrome

 – – Waiting to start a task due to more important work at handWaiting to start a task due to more important work at hand

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Contradictions in Project Management

What we want... ...and what we actually do

To finish projects on time We try to finish separate tasks on


To take more projects; We try to make our people more


To decrease the time for project


We try to decrease the time for task



comparatively small costs;

To make customer happy; We fight with each other on resource

In this column we have only

global, company-In this column we have

level factors; 


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Project Dilemma

 Avoid Effect of Avoid Effect of





without bufferswithout buffers



ea meea me (safety)(safety)


Ensure ProjectEnsure Project



Provide forProvide for



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o ern ro ec anagemen :

Critical Chain Project Management

• The TO philosophy applied to project

management attempts to remove the

, - ,

under-performance projects) by attacking

• What is TOC Philosophy?

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Theory of Constraints

•to a process improvement philosophy)

• Organizations live or die as systems, not as

processes• Success or failure is a function of how welldiff t t i t t  ifferent component processes interact wone another

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eory o onstra nts

• Systems are analogous to chains, ornetworks of chains

• Like a chain, a system’ s performance is


• The weakest link is the system’ sconstraint 

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Theory of Constraints

  – A large number of undesirable effects will be caused

by a relatively small number of core drivers

 – Eliminating a very few core problems can result in ahuge improvement 

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TOC and Projects

  –• Repeating a basic principle of TOC


by a relatively small number of core drivers – Eliminating a very few core problems can result in a

huge improvement 

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Critical Chain Project Management

• Uncertaint alwa s resent – it doesn’ t o awa • Take the safety out of each of the critical path tasks and lump

them into a safety net at the end of the project 

tasks that can suffer from the constraint (constraints = time andresources)


resources are available

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Theory of Constraints

 1. Identify the system constraint 


3. Subordinate everything else4. Elevate the constraint 

5. Go back to Step 1, but beware of “inertia” 

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Why after all these cushions project get delayed?Why after all these cushions project get delayed?

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ower o ggrega onower o ggrega on

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Remove safety time from individual activities

Conventional Project Schedule Task buffers(safety time) are hidden

• Safety buffers

Job 2

Job 1within individual activities

Job 4


Critical Chain Schedule


Buffers are pooled,

and made explicit

Project Buffer ,


to protect the completion date of the project.

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• Feeding buffer on the non-critical path

Critical Chain



Feeding Buffer Project Buffer 

If Slack remains,then schedule as

late as possible


delays on non-critical paths

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• Resource buffers

 –critical tasks

 – Scheduled idle time can provide better info about resource’s


r ca a n

 Alert Wkr A

ProjectBuffer  Alert Wkr B

Buffers Alert Wkr C

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Critical Chain Project Management

•   ritical hain- set of tasks which determines overall project

duration, taking into account both precedence and resource

dependencies; improvement along Critical Chain will likely resultin improvements to the project as a whole; improvements

• Project buffer - protects project commitment dates from

 fluctuations on the Critical Chain

Feeding buffer  eeding buffer -

 feeding tasks; provides the possibility for Critical Chain tasks to

start early

• Resource buffer -esource buffer  

availability of required resources; also provides the possibility forCritical Chain tasks to start early

C iti l Ch i P j t M t

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Critical Chain Project Management

Original Critical Path


1 2 3 4 Project Buffer  



(Safety removed from individual tasks)

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C iti l Ch i P j t M t

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Critical Chain Project Management

• About Buffers – Identify the points at which to place project, feeding,

 – Buffer sizes determined approximately, based either onaverage task duration estimates, or a combination of

average and worst-case duration estimates – Individual buffer sizes can be adjusted based on

intuitive assessment of risk

 – Buffer insertion may cause the Critical Chain, and

hence the project completion date, to be pushed later

Critical Chain Project Management

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Critical Chain Project Management

 helps minimize project duration and WIP, and

maximize the chance of on-time com letion

• Simple project with critical path

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• Simple project with critical path

6 8 4 10


8 6 12 108

C F I L6 10 16 6 Calculated critical path is

C-F-I-L-M = 46 days


6 8 4 10


Activity H and I

cannot be done


MB E H K  8 6 12 10

6 10 16 6

Suppose H & I share a common resource?Suppose H & I share a common resource?

C F I LCalculated critical chain is

B-E-H-I-L-M = 56 days

• Simple project with critical path

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• Simple project with critical path

6 8 4 10


8 6 12 108

C F I L6 10 16 6 Calculated critical path is

C-F-I-L-M = 46 days

• Realistic critical chain for the ro ect 


6 8 4 10


Activity H and I

cannot be done


MB E H K  8 6 12 10

6 10 16 6

C F I LCalculated critical chain is

B-E-H-I-L-M = 56 days

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Replacing safety time with Buffers

• Critical chain with appropriate project and feeding

buffersGoldratt suggests that a rough ruleof thumb to assume safety time

equals about half of an activity’s

A D G JFeeding


=7 days

completion time

MB E H K  Feeding






4 3 6 54


Feeding Critical chain B-E-H-I-L-M = 28 days3 5


=4 days

13Slack = 1 days

ro ect u er = ays

Project completion deadline = 42 days

Critical chain process

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Critical chain process

 “ ”  “ ”of completionof completion


•• Add Add project buffer  project buffer at the end of the project.at the end of the project.

•• Add Add feeder buffersfeeder buffers where nonwhere non--critical paths mergecritical paths merge

with the critical chainwith the critical chain•• Add Add resource buffers resource buffers 

•• Schedule nonSchedule non--critical activities at their latest startcritical activities at their latest start

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• ene s o r ca a n – Better project status info allows managers to set clear


 – u er managemen e ps resource manager o a oca e

resources to those projects most in need – Focus on the key tasks and resources

• a enges o r ca a n – Doesn’t provide any objective basis of determining buffer size

(include risk management) – r ca a n pro ec managemen presen e as amethodology

• Culture change may be difficult


applicable to your environment within border projectmanagement methodology

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 Air Control Project—Critical Path Network

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 Air Control Project Gantt Chart

Air-control project - Resources

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 Air control project Resources




Connor Connor RyanRyan




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  —With Resources Limited

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 Air Control Pro ect

Schedule With Resources

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 Air Control Project—Critical Chain Network

“ ”

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 Air Control Project—Critical Chain Network

Find theFind the critica c aincritica c ain

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 Air Control Project—Critical Chain Network

AddAdd ro ect bu er ro ect bu er at the end of the ro ect.at the end of the ro ect.

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 Air Control Project—Critical Chain Network

AddAdd feeder buffers feeder buffers where nonwhere non--critical aths mer e with the critical chaincritical aths mer e with the critical chain


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 Air Control Project—Critical Chain Network
