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12 laws of the universe

Date post: 28-Nov-2014
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12 Laws of the Universe It’s time to learn the truth
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12 Laws of the Universe

It’s time to learn the truth

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Everything in the universe is energy and this energy vibrates at a frequency. Energy cannot be destroyed it can only be transformed from on state to another which is gas, liquid or solid. Your thoughts, body, environment, economy and social structures are energy in a state


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The universe have three types of energy positive, negative and neutral energy. All these energy can use the laws of the universe to manifest and create whatever they want. Positive energy uses these laws for self empowerment, growth, creation and love. Negative energy uses these laws for control, poverty, destruction and hate. The neutral energy uses these laws to ensure that there is a balance between negative and positive energy.


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Everything around you is energy in a combined to form a different aspect. The human body consist of energy is three states your organs are solid, your blood is liquid and soul is gas. Combined these energy vibrates at a frequency which can be negative or positive. This is why you have negative and positive people. Positive people have a high frequency and you can know them by there characteristics the care about humanity, love, empower others and are extremely creative. Negative people have a low frequency they have fear, feel like a victim, hate others, criticize, manipulate and control others.


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This Law explains that everything in this world is connected to everything else. Anything we believe, think, do, or say affects the world and the universe around us.

Law of Oneness

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This Law describes that everything in the Universe vibrates. This law holds true in every aspect of life. Vibration is in the physical world, within our thoughts, feelings, desires, and dreams. Every vibrational frequency has a unique vibration.

Law of Vibration

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Action brings results, manifesting different results, depending upon our thoughts, dreams, emotions, and words. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support those thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.

Law of Action

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This Law places us in the drivers’ seat of our own life. Your outer world will be a direct reflection of your inner world, accepting responsibility for your life. This law takes us out of the victim role making us the sole creator of our own life. “The world is a reflection of us.”

Law of Correspondence

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This Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. For this law we look at every action. This is because every action has an appropriate reaction. This law means we have to take responsibility for every that happens in our lives. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.”

Law of Cause & Effect

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This Law is an arm from Cause and Effect being applied to abundance and blessings that come into our lives. Compensation is the visible effects of our deeds; it can show up as gifts, money, friendships, or any other blessing given to us due to our actions.

Law of Compensation

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This Law creates things, events, and people that come into our lives, through our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. All these thoughts and actions are energy that we place out to the world attracting like energies. In other words placing a negative energy out to the world will attract other negative energies and putting out a positive energy will attract other positive energies.

Law of Attraction

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As energy we all have the power to change any condition in our lives. Producing a higher vibration consumes and transforms lower ones. This means we can change the negative energies in our lives by focusing on positive energies.

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

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Nothing is good, bad, big, small, etc. until it has been experienced and compared to something else. Nothing in life has any meaning, except for the meaning that we give it. Light only exist because we compare it to dark.Each of us will receive a series of problems to strengthen the energy within us or lower it based on how we percieve the problem. We can perceive a challenge as and opportunity for growth or something that brings pain. Our perception determines if we improve or fail.

Law of Relativity

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This Law states that everything has an opposite. Light has to have dark in order to understand each. We cannot have a left without right, we cannot have up without down and we cannot have success without failure. We can suppress and transform an undesirable negative thought by focusing on a positive thought.

Law of Polarity

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This Law describes to us that everything vibrates and moves to a rhythm. Each rhythm establishes seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Whenever you do an activity continuosly it becomes a rhythm called habit then it is permanent. If you don’t use your mind you become apart of the rhythm in the environment.

Law of Rhythm

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The law of gender manifests in all things as masculine and feminine. It is this law that governs what we know as creation. The law of gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. This law decrees everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.

Law of Gender
