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12 steps to eternal life

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12 Steps to Eternal Life Exactly How to Get Into Heaven and Know That You Know That You Are Going to Go
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12 Steps to Eternal Life

Exactly How to Get Into Heaven and Know That You Know That You Are

Going to Go

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This is How You Get into Heaven

• The entire planet has made eternal life, getting into heaven much more complicated that it is.

• I speak from my experience and those many others, hundredsof millions of people in fact, who have had a similar experiences…

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Here are the 12 Steps to Heaven

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Step 1: Get concerned about life after death, very concerned.

• If you don’t understand the concept of heaven and hell, just use your imagination. – Ask inside yourself about the


• Do you have that yearning, that deep down ache to figureout heaven and hell, to figure out what’s going to happen to you after you die?

• Oh, yeah, dying… not a fun topic.

• But we all have to deal with death and it is very smart to deal with it as soon as possible.

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Step 2: Admit there is a God and He created you.

• Believe this is so.• Believe as a verb even

though you may have doubts due to variousideas and information you’ve heard over your life span.

• You’ll soon discover that God made you for a reason and that He indeed has a plan for your life.– And that plan:

• is for good• involves you loving and being loved• involves you being totally satisfied

and happy• involves you having a loving

relationship with your Maker and many, many fellow people such as yourself.

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Step 2: Admit there is a God and He created you.

• God has a plan to bless you richly, abundantly.

• But there is a certain way to obtain this wonderfulness, a way that makes it good, right and meaningful.

• “I have come that they may have life, and that they mayhave it more abundantly.” – John 10:10 NKJ

• “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters orfather or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’ssake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” – Matthew 19:29

• You’ll understand more how this works through the following stepsand through your reading of the Bible.

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Step 3: He gets to choose

• Understand that if God made you and made Heaven, He gets tochoose who He wants around Him for eternity.

• And why would God want anyone around Him for an eternity who doesn’t like Him, who doesn’t love Him, who isn’t thankful for his life and all God has done for Him, who doesn’t respect Him and accept Him for who He is and who doesn’t’ even acknowledge He exists?

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Step 4: God made the rules

• Conclude that God makes the rules and if you want to live in His eternity you need to do what He says.

• So, let’s do the intelligent thing and find out God’s rules for eternal life in heaven and what we need to do to get into heaven!

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Step 5: God’s laws

• Find out about God’s laws and requirements from reading the Bible if you don’t already know.

• Although we’ll tell you the steps here you really should confirmthem by reading the Bible yourself since this is ultimately between you and God.

• Keep in mind that there are rules and laws that God requires youto obey and not break from your efforts.

• And then there arerules and steps to directly obtaining eternal life which allowyou to be free from trying to achieve heaven by your efforts, presented to you as a free gift called the “Good News”.

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Step 6: Sin• Understand, that you have not

performed all His rules and have broken many (that’s also called “sin”)

• It is designed so you can’t be perfect by your own works, your own deeds, your own performance so you wont be able to tell God that you don’t need Him.

• Don’t panic yet because the Bible says: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”– Romans 3:23

• So we’re all in this same ‘boat’ together. And too bad this boat has a hole in it!

• It sounds like trouble isn’t it. It is trouble! We have a problem!

• So you, me, even the best person you know who does the most good can’t get into heaven by being good enough.

• That is bad news, yet there good news when you get to know the ‘secret’ of getting into heaven.

• So there is hope. • And this hope is a really, really good

deal! • And if you like goodness and love, if

you want to be around goodness and love for eternity there is hope for you!

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Step 6: Sin

• Plus get this! • You can’t be bad enough to keep you out of heaven

with this new good deal that God has offered! • You can’t be bad enough to keep you out of heaven from your

past! • That’s a big road block for a lot of people. • They think they are too ‘bad’ for God to care about them. • But there’s good news ahead! • And you, yes you, worst of sinners sitting in prison for crimes

I can’t even mention can be forgiven and actually get into heaven!

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Step 7: The Meaning and Reason

• Understand the meaning and reason for creation, your creation is so you can genuinely, like, love and Seek God and actually have a loving relationship with God, the Maker of the universe!

• Pretty neathuh! You’ll see, understand how this is true after you read the Bible a few times

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Step 8: The Two Greatest Commandments

• Understand that the two greatest commandments of God are to Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength.

• And love your neighbor as yourself

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Step 9: Seek Him for who He is

• So now since you can’t do anything in terms of being good, going to church, praying 5 times a day, helping the poor even as much as mother Theresa (in deeds), donating to charity, loving your friendsand family, being kind to people, building a church or rescuing someone from a fire… (and there is an endless list of good deeds)

• And you’ve already broken God’s laws, the 10 commandments multiple times by lying, cheating, lusting, gossiping, slandering, hating, cursing, having idols (athletes, movie stars, money, politicians etc…)

• You’re hosed! You’re going to hell.

• That stinks doesn’t it! It’s not fair!

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Step 9: Seek Him for who He is

• Ok. • Don’t worry. • We told you that there is good news

so let’s get onto helping you get out of this mess, this hell bent dilemma we all had to face.

• “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshiperswill worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father isseeking such to worship Him.” – John 4:23 NKJ

• God wants people to genuinely like and love Him for who He is.

• He wants us to seek after Him. – But wait a minute! – Don’t you want that too? – Don’t you want people to like and love you

for who you are? – Don’t you want people to seek you out

and want to be with you, around you, talk to you and enjoy your presence?

• Thinking like this will help you make sense of what is going on here so you can understand how salvation works and why it works this way.

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Step 10: God created a way for us to have a loving relationship with Him.

• But God is Holy, that means He is without sin and He can’t have it around Him because it contradicts His nature.

• Think about it. • If God holds everything in the

universe together His standard of perfection is just.

• “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”– Matthew 5:48 NIV

• Yet again, we’re not perfect. We’re flawed. We’re sinners sinning all over the place. So we’re hosed again! We can’t be around God as we are!– What do we do now!

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Step 10: God created a way for us to have a loving relationship with Him.

• Well, thankfully, God is kind, good and very merciful. • He created a solution that will allow us to be around

Him in a loving relationship with God retaining His still unchangeable qualities.

• This solution will give us eternity with God in goodness, peace, riches, love, friends in addition to new super bodies plus many other incredible benefits associated with heaven.

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Step 11: The Great Cover Up• The only way to heaven is through you

getting ‘covered up’.• This covering is through the belief in

Jesus the Messiah.• When you believe that Jesus is the Son of

God and that God the Father raised Jesus from the dead after Jesus descended from Heaven to become a man, experience what we experience, and then die as the one and final sacrifice for our sins, to cover ALL of our sins – See the old testament Leviticus, Numbers

and Deuteronomy regarding sacrifices of animals to cover sin.

• You will be “born again”, born into the Family of God, given the Holy Spirit who will live inside of you, claiming you “signed, sealed, delivered…” for eternity in heaven with God (The Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and with hundreds of millions of others who have sought God and believed in Jesus consequently becoming born again.

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Step 11: The Great Cover Up• “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in

Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” – John 3:16 NIV

• “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”– Romans 3:23

• “The wages of sin is death” [spiritual separation from God]– Romans 6:23

• “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”– Romans 5:8

• “Christ died for our sins…He was buried…He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures…He appeared to Peter, then to the twelve. After that He appeared to morethan five hundred…” – 1 Corinthians 15:3-6

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Step 11: The Great Cover Up

• “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me’” – John 14:6

• “As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name”– John 1:12

• “By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast”– Ephesians 2:8,9

• “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him”– Revelation 3:20

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Step 12: The Final Step• Let go. • Give up the old ways and beliefs that

bind you.• And receive the FREE Gift of Eternal life!• Have you ever heard of the expression:

“Stop, Drop and Roll”?• That’s what they tell people who have

caught on fire, literallycaught on fire.

• In a similar way you need to stop your current way of thinking.

• Drop your current way of thinking. • And roll with God’s new plan!

• Well, in essance, your current path, of good works, relgiosity,or bad works, ignoring God, pushing God away personally have you on the path of the literal flames of hell as mentioned in the Bible.

• You may not like the concept of hell or even believe in it butyou can’t prove it’s not true.

• Plus you certainly don’t want to wait until after you die and find your self on fire in hell just to prove a point, or not deal with the possibility now!

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Step 12: The Final Step• Hell is incredible pain, separation from

God, separation from love, torture, misery, poverty, desperation and everything else you can think of that would make you miserable plus more. – Why gamble with hell!

• No matter how bad you are or think you are you have a chance to escape NOW!

• But you must take action now. – Charge, trample on your fears and

courageously accept and believe in God’s plan!

• Well. What are you waiting for?• The next step?• Alright, here it is. • Here is the next and final step which I

did and hundreds of millions of others have done to get into Heaven, and know for sure.

• You’ll know that you know, on your insides and you’ll be filled with a peace and a joy in addition for an awesome huger for the presence of God.

• Get ready because this is awesome!

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Step 12: The Final Step

• This will help you. This is a similar prayer that I said from my heart directly, yes, directly to God, our Maker and Jesus His Son.

• You need to pray directly to God and sincerely– it’s ok to pray directly to God. – He wants you to do so

• You need to believe with your heart and really mean thisor even make your self believe as best you can.

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Step 12: The Final Step

“God I want you. I want to become one of your children in heaven. I want to be right with you. I want you love you and I want you to love me. I believe that you sent Jesus to die as a sacrifice for me and cover my sins and that you raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus, I want you to be my Lord, the Lord of my life. Thank you for dying on the cross for me. I believe in you! I open the door of my heart and receive you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you. Take control of my life and make me how you want me to be. Reveal yourself to me Lord Jesus, Heavenly Father so I may know you personally. I love you.”

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Step 12: The Final Step

• If you said this prayer from your heart with utmost seriousness and sincerity believe that you will be saved and born again into the Kingdom of Heaven!

• Awesome! • And congratulations

brother, sister.

• We’re going to be friends for a very long time and I want you to come greet me in a hundred years, 500 years, 10,000 years from now, although preferably sooner than later.

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Step 12: The Final Step

• If you haven’t said that prayer from your heart yet because you feel like you are not ready believe me – I understand!

• I was scared out of my wits for at least a month to finally commit and go directly to God after repeated encouragement by others. – This is a BIG DEAL. – This is about you and eternity!

• Yes I know you maybe scared and worried. – Worried about misinformation. – Worried that ‘wait a minute! how come

no one else ever told me about this’.– Troubled that no one, including your

religions leaders never told you about this.

• Not to worry! – You can help them too. – Since God seeks the genuine, the heart

level liking, respect and love it’s a challenge for all humans.• And it’s a beautiful challenge.

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Step 12: The Final Step• But I do urge you to get aggressive in getting

answers to you questions and doubtsyou may have by asking God directly.

• Go to God directly! – Yes deal with God directly and understand those

who don’t know God may discourage you because they don’t know or they are afraid too.

• Remember, THIS is the most important decision of your life!

• Go directly to God.– It’s amazing! – He’ll answer you! – So go for it and smash through your fears.

• Pursue God quickly! – Hey, we really never know what’s going to

happen tomorrow do we…

• Also know that you’re not signing up for any many made religious organization.

• There are no commitments to us, to any church.

• We ask for nothing! – No money.– No sign up. – Nothing.

• Although we would love for you to becomeour brother or sister in Christ.

• We love you!
