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12.20.11 classwork tuesday

Date post: 21-May-2015
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Max David Cameron Brian Linder Joey Alan Andres Matthew Angel Alan Joshua Eric Adolfo Christopher Ryan Johnny Ramon Ricardo Jose Christian Carlos Emma Cincere Massire Roxana Natalie Sualee Mitzy Nyashia Gia Crystal Brianna Elizabeth Writing Journal: Create a new family tradition for celebrating the holidays. Explain what would make this tradition so special to your family.
  • 1. WritingJournal:Createanewfamilytraditionforcelebratingthe holidays.Explainwhatwouldmakethistraditionsospecialtoyourfamily. Brianna JohnnyMitzy JoshuaRoxana Joey Emma Max NyashiaEric AlanCincere Ricardo RamonNatalieChristian Jose Gia Adolfo David AndresMassire CameronElizabeth CarlosAngel MatthewLinder BrianCrystal Christopher RyanSualee Alan

2. Make a list of all the giftsyou could give that costone dollar or less. Thentell whom you would givethem to. Write neatly, skipping a line, and use loose-leaf (lined) paper. Hand in once you are finished. The work will be graded. 3. Zoey Chase is on theCase! - Handout Worksheet will be graded. Write yourname and number. 4. Reading - Paul Reveres Ride (page 284)PoetryNarrative Poetry is poetrythat tells a story or gives anaccount of events.WhydoesPaulReveresfriendhavetouseasecretlanterntosignaltogivehiminformationabouttheBritishtroops? 5. Reading - Paul Reveres Ride (page 284) Connect and Compare Answer the questions in your notebook using complete sentences. 1. What is another example of alliteration in this poem?2. Compare this poem with Sleds on Boston Common. In both thepoem and the story, the authors describe the British. How arethe descriptions similar? How are they different? 6. Reading - Paul Reveres Ride (page 284)Reading HomeworkPractice book, page 79 7. Language - Irregular Verbs (page 188)RulesAnirregularverbisaverbthatdoesnotadddoredtoformthepastorthepastparticiple.PresentTense: AnnaandEthanbegintheirdebatetoday.PastTense: TodandDonnabegantheirdebateyesterday.PastParticiple: KendraandKylehavebeguntheirdebatealready. 8. Language - Irregular Verbs (page 188) 9. Language - Irregular Verbs (page 188) 10. Language - Irregular Verbs (page 188) 11. Language - Irregular Verbs (page 188) 12. HomeworkSummaryTuesday,December20,2011Reading1.Practicebook,page79 13. KEYScorePayment03: $10debit45: $5debit6: $0N/A 7:8:9: $2credit $3credit $4credit 10: $10credit 14. MondayMondayThursday ThursdayTuesdayTuesday Friday Friday Spellingtest Mathtest WednesdayWednesday Saturday SaturdaySunday SundayNOTESNotes 15. Class JobsTeachers Assistant -$15/pay periodTextbook Assistant - $10/pay periodBanker/Cashier - $20/$15Cell Box Carrier - $4/dayLiner Leader - $4/dayCaboose -$3/daySubstitute - $2/daySnacks Leader -$4/dayHomework - $3/checkReminder - $2/dayHonor Roll - $30Math Achievement - $25Language Achievement - $25Citizenship -$20Birthday - $15 16. Attachments imgres
