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RULING PLANETS ASTRO SECRETS PART - VI BY K. SIJBRAMA,'IIAM 5/0 . (idle) SothlCa /oMr>I\ln, .iyothilh Manhilnd Prof: K.S. KRISHNAMURT. KRISHMAN & CO (K. P. ASTROLOGY) 1<10 ISh , ... n. kl h, Buil d, "{II 1\<1' Sir""!. '$1 fie.'" MCd,u ", My'apo,e. .• Ph' I 421412e9 Moo". 'n . ,1 o"tl'4"''' " ,.m _ c"," I kp .. " ...... oum URL ..... w

    PART - VI BY

    K. SIJBRAMA,'IIAM 5/0. (idle) SothlCa /oMr>I\ln, .iyothilh Manhilnd





  • CONTENTS LOTTERY AND LLCK ... . .. ........ ... _ .. .... " ... .............. .. """ " .... ... 1

    RUliNG PLANET5 NEVER. ERR . ... . ......... 5

    TetE CELESTIAL STARS ""'ROUGH 1(.1> .. ' .. ...... .. """ .......... ..... 9

    AR E WE GOJNG ABROAD BY llIE NEXT fLlGI1T7 ..... ... 13

    A PEEP ... T THE MAAAAA. STH ANAS AND THE BAOHAKA S'THANA .... ....... ..... , .... ...... _ ........ ........ . 15

    K.P. A~A.I.'r'SIS REVALUATIOtl Of UNIVERSITY EXAM MARSKS .... ........ "" .... ....... """ "'" 19


    K.P, ANA1.YSIS G.IIS cONNEcnOrl . "', ...... " .................... ...... .. 29

    AQUIsmON OF XlB ' AS PER KP , R.P ... .... ....... ..... ... ... ])

    SHALL WE GET SUCCBS' _ .... "" ...... ...... ...... . "" ...... .... ...... ,,)7

    BRfAK IN PAATliERSHIP AND DJVl5 [0HS0F INDUSTRIAL UNIT _ . ", ............... ...... -. ... ... _ ...... ..................... 'Il

    WHICH MEDICINE WILL sum AYURVEDiC (OR) I10MECPATHIC ............... ........................... _ 51

    SON ALIVE OR DEAC ..... " "".55

    PUROI.t.Sf OF lAND ; KRiSriNAHURn pAOtt)tI.\n PROVIOf.S CLUE. ........ ......... ...... 59

    A FEW Iili'lTS_ ... ", .... "",, ..... ... ....... ,,', .... , ... , "', ... " ............. f>9

  • CHILD BIRTH - HeMRY ... . .... ............................. .... .... ..... 7J

    FOREIGN TRAVEL - WHEN? ..................... ............................. 79

    RULING PLANETS NEVER ERR ........ . . ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... ... 83

    ASTRDLOGlCAc ANALYSIS OF ASSCONDlriG CHILD AND SAFE ROlJRN ............. . ............................................... 37

    5TE"LlAR ASTROLOGY RP ........................ . . ..... 91

    THE REAl. APPROACH TO K.P. HORARY ....... .. . .


    INTERVIEW ..... ... .......... . ....... ................................. 109

    APPUCATION OF RULING PLANETS .................................... 113

    RULING PLANETS NEVER FAll ............................................ 117

    RULING PLANETS - MINOR EVENTS ................................... 121

    FOONG OF MARRIAGE WITHOUT EXAMINlriG THE HOROSCOPES K.P Oi'iLY ANSWER ................. ............. 127

    K.P. STANDS THE TEST WHEN IT 1S CHALLENGED! ............... 133

    PURCHASE OF VEHIUE THROUGH BANK ............................. 139

    CONSIDERATION OF RUllNG PLANETS . .............. .. . . 145


    OVERSEAS TRAVEL .......................... . ............. .. 159

    PLEASE TELL ME THE WHEREAB0ur5 OF MY FATHER'S CASH ........... ............. 169

  • IS lOST PROPEKTY RECOVEAAEIlf1 ................................... 113

    OiA.HGE Of RESIDENCE TtlROUGH K.P ................................. 179

    KP OJSPAl DAS.-. SYSTEM RESEA!\CH m DY ... ............... 183

    FLIGHT OF 9.V J. ........ ............................................... IS9

    llME ry RESTClRAnON Of El ECTRICTN RUlING PLANETS REVEAl. .. ................ 195

    K. P. SYSTEM WONOfR Of RUUtlG P\..AN1"S ................... 197

    TRUNK CALl ..... ....... ..... ... ........................................ 19D

    COLLEGE AD~1tSSJO~ AND K.P. ............................................ 203

    RfT\.IIIN OF ABSCONDED TOlW'lG PE~ 11[AAQ.f Of STEI.l..AA ASTROLOGy ......... ... ....... ........... . 207

    APl'Al SUCCESSfU.. OR NOT .... " ............... ... .... ............. 217

    ON ATTAINING PUBEfm" .............. . ........................... 221

    WHEN I SHAll. HAVE MNmAL BUSS' IS IT ARRA.~GED OR lOVE'....... ....... .. . ... 227

    SUOCfSS IIj EX.\M1NATIO ... ................................................. 235

    YOUNG BROTHER'S ADMISSION .......................................... 243

    PlJACHAS ,\,,'10 ARRIVAL Of COW WHEN? .. ............ ....... 149

    WHETH ER MY PRESE'H POS"!"WU,l BE CONFIRM ED? IF SO WHEN? ................................ .. ...................... .. ... .... 2SS

    FQ;!f IGN ASS1GNt-lENT ......... ... ........................ ......... ........ 259

  • LOTTERY AND LUCK (node Stronger than Planets; 5ublord Confirms)

    The natal horoscope of ~ IUf.ky pcrson is given below:

    '1111 2 3'a~'

    ., "'"

    \12&'00' FC1~ ... 10'57'

    ~ .. C!oIBir1l 27'SI 80'(8 E

    :rre 0'12' ~~~ 1ST 0.t~11 1S46 Ar",,;n~ 'lJT11

    r/:b1l9' s.... 1~'4~'

    Guru 23"09'

    S;ri 1~'~1' L.;rI.l ,B"a9'


    -~ 16'36' [Ii U l l

    Balance of Guru dasa (Vimsho~ari) at birth 0 Year, 11 Months, 8 days.

    In tile

  • , ~IJIING ~LANT This native had Wllll a prize in the lottery. (His ticket

    No.022220) . It was 011 23-12-1969. He was running Budha oosa, Ketu bhukti, Semi anthra at that time. Ketu bhukti started on 10-3-1969 aM ended on 7,]-1970.

    Kctu is in the constellation of Budha lord of 12. Budha, Dasanat:tkl, Is lord of 12. Soltum, is in 12-''' bhava. According to Hindu traditional astrolugy, the occupant of 11


  • IIRISHNA.MURTI PIIDIIOI~: I 3 l zY ana a Pianel i[1 the oonst..:llatlon Of the Lon:I of the 10" I.e. MOOll .

    y-ethu Is in th..: ~fl owaed by Venus, Ketu is aspect(! by moon. Lord of the Iff" hmlSE! and by Satu'"n, ~ signlflator of 3" and 12'" house,

    As the sigro methods and both h~ ... e to be scrutinized.

    (il) Note the ruling plaflel.S at the time of .lsdqement. (bl Note the Sub lord of the signl ft cators. If the Sub Lord is

    one of the Signifi cators then the pllU't deposited il'l 9Jch a SUb Is bcn efici~I, otherwise oot

    Ruling Planets (11.3S a.m. (IST) on 7'2' 1971)

    "'" Lo

  • , RUUNGPLANT Sun r.ra IlSits in Venus ~j9n (The Si9n occupied bv KeN at

    the time cr birJl) in Moon !.la~ (Lord of the CQIlSteliaLlon In Y,'hlch the bhukthinatha, Mercury Is posited) between 25-5-71 anC 86-7\. MOOfl will be in t~ars sign - Mercury star on 8"" and 9'" June 1971, Ketu 'Nil l be in Moon ~gn - Mercury star. So I expect that tl-,e native must be transferred by 2'" week of June 1971, which come very correct.


    (based on Krlshnamurtl padhdhatl)

    Om Gurubh)'o Namah. On Ganpataya Namah. The oorl cept ~nd prinC:pies of Ruling Planets, to judge the

    da)'-to-da'( events ~s w,,11 as tr.e nctivity. pmpounded by our revered GUfuji Solh id~mannan Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti, ~re free frem any doub15 ~nd complicat ions and are ind ic~ting the resu lts clearly if they are applied propeti). This article is neither testifying nor in testimony of the principles, bul is Just to shew the miraculous and marvel lous resul15.

    At the outset I recall the dio;cussions held in the First ever All Incia Seminar en K.P. Astro logy on Sub-Sub Lord -

    in~ugurated by Sothidama:-nani Sri K, Subramanlam S/o. Late Jyotish marthand Prof. 1(,5. Krishnamurti on 20th r-lav, 1990 at Pune, convened by Prcf. Dad" a lias G.V. Hasabnis of the Shree Phal Jyctir.lidya ~landi r. Bombay. Throughout the day, the Semina r was conducted I;nder the Chairmallship of Shri K. Suhraman!"m, Editor, K.P. & As::ralogy

    On 20'" May, 1990 the r~ooll was trans it ing in uttara Bhadrapada (Uttrattathi ) star ~u:ed by Saturn. Since Saturn w~s represen:ed by R~hu. bei.1g in the Sign of Saturn and Saturn be ing retrograde, the node Rahu w~s strongest Ruling Planet among J Upiler Mean sign Io~d). s,'ltllm (~kon St;Jr Lord) to show ~nd depid :he minds ef de:egates as well ~s the discussior..;.

    While pres;ding overthe rrst session cfthe Seminar wherein research p~pers were prese.-Jted by Prof. Hasabnis, and others on the Sub-Sub Lord ~nd i15 effec1.5, I found that in all the cases studied the R~ l i ng PI~Ilt.s ' Rahu' \'las present even on the date of discussion.

  • , ~UL t-GP\.AfH The same'. I t
  • I'IR~~.I.I>'.Ulm PAOIlDHAlI 7 will have a ~ppy journey on 21-05-90 and thereon.

    The ligna Lord for the hOfary number was M~rwry with Moon as Its star lord ~nd Venus as its sub-Locd.

    The Ruling pt~net5 at the tin'le of Judgement Wf!fT!, lagnVenus, the sub lord of Horary nun1ber also associ

  • 8 T1,'h, if !t;.oplte::: prop

    TIle ~1.R .F. Cooducted a series of matches in Cricket, last ye~r lind people all ov~ were glued to their televi~on sets. The whole nation was caught with Oicket feveI".

    There IS 11 populilr saying ~Cr1~t is a 9'l01e of Iud;". Though the saying is populThe question she a9

  • " --.--PI,met Star Lord Sec R
  • KR:Sfjr,AMllfiTI f'AOO[)HATI " India

    (a)Lagna cu~p S'JC lord Sun in V in the star of Rahu in IX representing Satur-n in VI! and Mars in V is definitely ir, favour of the opponents. V, IX & VI! naturally bein

  • " The decision

    Quite r.c.tlrdl'y I said "Plkistan wil, .... .; n declsivety~ ;lnd thry won ae.::sively by a margin of 36 runs.

    1 1'1',,$ quite hilp;r{ ilt the efld of the match :hat [ have leamt "K.P" which :5 Or'l 5ciencll that is Sl.:re in 'the wor ld and I repeat my pr.,nams to Lord Lkhista M~haganap~:ny, Sri K.S.K. our Guruji and livir.g 9U1de in the umpteen doubts th


    My ... Ife and I, ~ ! ong ,-" llh my daugl1 \er aged 5 yea~ went to the Saha.- Airport i1 Bombay to tak~ the Sabella Roya l Belgian l\:r1ines' Night ttl Smgapore at 4.00 a.m. 00 16-3-90. The Iligll\ was overbooked and since .... 'e did not have confirmed seats on ~ fl ight vie 'Nae dMied the dlance. NallJrally. lIIe wa e f rustrated.

    I had a standby tid

  • " AUlIN::;P\.JoHT


    VII! 2J.~ 1 :xn;: 1 X 24 -21 Jupll ,7-19 SU1 1 ~ 1 AI ;:421

    . .

    M"o: .. rt K!I1~ 2'';-55

    -No.r:UI l00 XII 1411 \~124..o1h\I 2t-!'5 Irf ih'Ille~ I-;tt?

    . ;4-00 , \"', :612 , , , ~: :Ir' ~-4~ , _ .. '


    s... 2~-46 IV 2-Hl '.'.o:;ol 12Hl V 2~21 2!t-24-'5



    On 1:2"990 Sri Gop~lan, my colleague ~nd my intimate friend brought one of our col leagues for astrological advice. Smt. Vyjayanthi wanted to know if her younger sister's

    husb~nd, suffering from throat cancer and undergoing treatment at Bombay would recover and live long.

    At the outset I suggesled that a number betvlieen 1249 be obtained from her younger sister. But Smt. VyJayanlhi preferred to give the number herself as her sister could not be cootacted on phone becausE' they were in Bombay ooly fo r ttlis hospitalildtion having (ome from Ahmedabad_

    "Though it would De round-aoout and cumbersome, owing to the help l e~s situaUon I agreed, a:1d she gave the number "107".

    I investigated this QUery at 3-35 p.rn. the same day at Madras. The cuspal ilnd pl

  • n


    Mars VEnus

    VII 1.~20

    '/1 " - ~7

    R,w 11 16 " fJ-57

    ! S.1 .11 23 K.'.u 11 16


  • KP.'$HNAMURTl rAJHDHATI Mars i n s~eac' signifies the 7'" a~d 12."' I)()u,>,=s there being no ~anets in V'ischika or Mesha,
  • RULING PlAN, -~--~--

    Mercury the sub :o-d ofVer~s hits the fata~ blol'l oy terk'nting again a venus;an star.

    i sadly went a~o~ l the RulinCl Planets at 8.35 p.m. for the t iming. They were as follows :-

    lagna sub lagna star lagna l o rd Moon Star

    f~oon Rasi Doy

    Jupiter Kethu Mars Mesha Mars Mercury

    f~ erCll ry

    I agna sub !o~d Jupiter's oa:upatian of Moon sub indir-

  • ,---~~~~~~-----,



    Miss Suruchi is studying in th ird ye~r engineer ing degree course. She has f

  • co RUl iNG PLA~'T

    IX 11" S X 8" S' XI 10'18' XI11': id' M",,,21'19" Ver 69'


    .!up :r25' VII: e"8 1\>(;.1020' 4-8-1 '-"..

  • KRISHNAMURTl P~C+lDr:;.TI " ~lercury Venus Venus Jupiter Saturn(R) Silturn Venus Jup iter r-ierrury 5.,tum(R) Seo Sm

    R~hu Mcoo Rahu Kethu Saturn(R) R~hu

    Hc. J!e P:J~t5 f'lanet5 In - Co,,, Planet::; in

    XCLJootian coo5!el:"tlon C'lnstelation of occupant

    , Sun Satum:R) M~ eo,," Ke!.IlJ

    ; Mer,u'i Su n , V"r'JIJ, Moan, M",.5,

    Me,-:;ury S 'm ~'" Ju";ler Ven"s

    Satum(R) l upitr, kethu , Jup;~r VenU5 H Venu, ~1Q"n. Ma".


    Analysis I tried to so lve this problem in the following manner

    A. To c!leck whether her arnbition will De fulfilled or noL B. The fulr:l lment of a~b:tio n sllould be connected with 4"

    house which denoles eduulion

    C. To check whether she w' ll win thb litigation. I considered this querry as !it iga\iOll. The reason islh2lshe h.:s applied for reva l u~Uon of her mark!; in 2 p~per. which has already been asse~~ed OIlce by the ex;;miner and ",t the request of Miss Smuc'l i, University will not e mploy the services of another examine; for the reassessment of the paper. In other words the 2sses~ment h

  • If afl the above points cvme in ner riJ'Jour then I must tie-up the ~ with "I'oooarallh""- Y(J()a. as S
  • KRlSfflAMURT! PADtiOliAn 23 sua:ess only ~fter few attempts. Then how to combine all these points together. University Is not going to examine the papers agIn due course of t ime she received the I~er from the University saying th~t there is not change in marks after verifICation of marks, hO.~ the paper.; dre in the poxess of revaluation and the outcome .... il l be informed shortly.

    Rnal"" she received another letter on 13-1290 saying that after revaluation her mark5 have been increased from 2


    CONNECTION The advanced stellar theory of Astrology known as K.P:

    has revolutionised tI1e whole predjctive Astrology and it is a definite Improvement over the old traditional system of predictions. It has given a new vision to the astrologer and It 15 only after the introduction of K.P. that we call Astrology a sdence. But the masterpiece of the whole work of ShrJ K.S.K. is the invention of Rul ing planets. The ruling planets can better be named as the master key which can be fitted to any problems, which one may face in any walk. of life. May be it is a question related to one's marriage, ch ild birth, receipt of gas cylinder or Restaration of power supply etc. whether it may De a major or a minor event the Ruling planets is infallibly helpful in cotTectly fixing the time of that event.

    I am narrating here one such example out of many where tl" Ruling planets have Deen correctly used to:1X up the time of occurance of an ellnt.

    I constructed my ne\\I house and occupied the new premises on 2.6"10-90. I gave application for the supply of domestic power supply (electricity) to the concerned offic ials, well in adl/ance I.e. during the 1"" week of oct. 1990. I was told by the offidals that the power supply wi ll be given within a month. But no response to me t il l the first week of November and again I contacted the offiCia l and was told that the meter has gone to Lab for testing and wi ll be received shortly. I did not receive the power supply li ll the 1" week of December 90. I was vedxed by the officials of Electricity Board and finally ru lmg planets of our sub lord theory only came to my rescue.

  • RUUNGPlANT 1 wanted to know the exact date of the receipt of pawe'r supply to my new house w:th the help of ruling planets

    1 wartted to test the theory of Rulirtg planets and I took up the matter for ca lculation 0 11 3-12-1990 Monday, the time of calculation 8-47 p.m. 1ST at Madras 13,()4' N Lat f AlPl7"E Lang. Ayanamsa used 23"37" (K.S.K.). The ruling planets arc asunder :-

    The Moan was trans iting in Gemi,i in Mrig~sira star (6614') The ascendatnt was rising in C~ncer sign in Jupiter star (Punar.'asu) (91uQ7'). So the Ruling planets are: Day Lord - Moon (~londay)

    ~1oon ~gn lord - MerD..lry (Gemini) ~loon star lord - Mars (R) (Mrigasira) Asc. Sign lord - Moon (Cancer) Asc. Star lord - Jupiter (R) (Punarvasu) Asc. Sub lord - Mars (R)

    Kethu w~s transiting the sign of cancer ruled by Mon. So l~e Ruling planets arc Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and

    Kethu. .

    With this Ruling Planets I war;ted to ~ndout simply the date of power connection from E.B. At this jun.cture r reproduce here what our Late Guruji Sri K.S.K. ~as told about the Ru ling Planets on Page 131 of Horary Astrology.

    If a matter is to be mater:a~ i ze d in days, and within a month, you may tal

  • KRI5HN,'\MURTI PADHDHATI " If one wants to know when tile Gas L)'linder wi ll be received

    or arrlvel of a frlen';; or a relat:o,.. , receip:' of postal letter or Restoration of power supply etc. move the ~loon. If it is expected 011 the some ('av take the lagna likewise we ilave to judge according to the nature of Query.

    In our present example the rece'pt the Elect;ic power supply connection to my house is alrea':v over due. Hence, this matter has to be fruc':ified with in ~ ccpule of ';;ays, Hence we have to move the Moon to the sensitive points governed by the Ruling planets for fixing tile correct date of givirrg tile power supply to my new house.

    PO\\ler supply when'

    On the date of judgement on 3-12-90 ~'oon was transiting In the star of Mars. The time was

  • 28 IICIIN(;Pl il'lT planet and Moon was lagna lurd at the time of judgemet\t

    Hen;e I decided ttit the E.S. offi(lals will CIlr.Ie ,,:w;I !Jve Elet! r1, i.'Ie r supp;y connetlon on that day on 11 1290, Tuesda\'. Hasthened to be my birth day. Hence 1 was sure t~at my prediction will not go wrMg.

    Results : As ;:.redicted b\' pe the


    One of my relatives Is from Bombay. He has gat a flat in Bombay and he and his bratl1er's family were staying together for more than 15 years. In the course of time botl1 tl1e families inceased in numbers and tile flat which was initial ly suffici'cnt fur both, fell sm rt for comfortable staying. Ultimately one had to find out another place and had to be shifted to other house. Vl/hile vacating the brother who left the house, took away the gas which was registered in his name. r.s there was DIlly one gas, the family who stayed behind had no gas. We can imagine nowadays in a place like Bombay if there is no gas, the t rouble for a house wife for cooking specially when she is a working lady also. So DIle day his wife sent me a message tllrough her husband tIl find out when she C

  • ., RWNOPI.AA"l

    05 M~ Mars (R) 06 "he Venus 07 Mercury Venus 08 V'"~ Suo 09 Mooo l~ars (R) 10 Rahu Jupiter (R) II "rum Mooo 12 V,;o~ Mooo

    )(111'52' )(II O"DI' N< U IS'. T , 20'16-4(1"

    -- ~.

    Ke 6'5, XO'}'14' 111 11"1"

    K.' ~.36 ~.., 16'41' D~I~6- ' 29 0 J;~ (R) 1 9'~' ~-.. -- 3-OJ P,M.

    Ill: 11'0:,,- 18'3\' N 13'55' E

    -= 11.' 09'14'

    . .


  • KI
  • RULING PI '.m Actual Result :

    Although dllE! to petroleum crises the new gas OOI1ne


    My friend Mr. MuraU came to me on 27-1-1987. He had just completed the M.Tech. In fact he was not believing astrology and he was a believer of effort.

    He knew about some of my forecast hence he asked me to g ive forecast regarding his job as per Horary.

    Date and Time ofQuestioll : 27+1987 at lZ048'Ni 75"42'E; at 9-41 a.m. 1ST

    Question - Willi get job within one month? Horary chart fur the date and time of question : Cusp and Planel:clry position at the time of question:

    Ra~2t'ln9' '"

    rv ,'5(] 38" MJr 19"2719' 115'04'2n' Log 0'24'44' 5"10'02' V 2B"01'14"

    Jupiter " 28'42':3' lWayC~OIt 20'W;>0'

    K,P, Ayanar:r;a 2711987

    XII2S'SO'2I)" 23'34'23' Mer 22'57'00-S'J 1,J"O'j:lI.r


    XI 26'01'14' IX 5'10'OT "' ,~ V~n 2e'2Q'2O" "" 0'2"'44'

    9'12'55' S'Vo\'ZO-'" X 1'50'38" S

  • Ruling planets : Lal:jna - Ju~te r, Jupiter; ~loon

    ~100n - Jupiter, Kettlu, Jupiter D

  • KR:SHNAMURTI PAQMOHA11 0( Job I.e. he rcccl~ed appointment tetter on 4" Fctl . '87 I.e'. In the transit of Moon in Mars sign Kcthu star. SO, he didn't for the' same anc! he \'Iai1:C'
  • (~H~LL WE GET SUCCESS?) The doctrine of Astrology is that our destiny written in the

    stars only, closer union between the mental reflection of man and his cel ~stial prototype. Th~ less dangerous are extemal conditiOns and subsequ~nt reincamations. TIlere must be some ttling vital in ttle theory of rrincornatiOIlS and also some groulds for the tllief in karma or self create fate and destiny. There

    ar~ external and internal conditions which affects the detffiTlination of our wil l power upon our acti~ through horary astrology. Though, man, cannot escape his ruling destiny, he has moke of two paths, it is in his purview to follow either or anyone. Those who believe in karma thmry, have to b~l i ~v~ in destiny too, which prevail from birth to death. The d~stiny is governed by the voice of celestial heavenly bodies, th~ invisible prototype by our iJ'ltim~te astral friends.

    One day my two colleagues came to me for astrological cOUllsel ling when r was busy in my dam~stir routine. Th~y were interviewed for promotion and want to know their resu lt . Actually both came to me before the interview for the resu lt through hor

  • RULING rt..oJIIT Day lord Sun Asc. Mercury, Moon, sat\lm

    ~1 00n, Moon, Mercury, Venus

    ., 1957.()9

    XI , IH7-OO !

    X21 579 HcplRi 1\4 .


    "', MoM Mars Mertury Jupiler Venus Satum "h, Uranus Neptunf' Planets

    I Il

    I'l-::-O I II 2.~-09 IV .AI &-o7(Ii: I 11 .. !JI.IJ9_ +_"_"5_'"_'_1

    u.;,;R)19-C IX 27-5H)9

    s..~2G-57 VIl12-.51.ai1

    '" 0.00

    , 17574:9

    , !.l oon 21-OC

    , Veil 5-Sl 1 S..., ~5l

    1Aa- &37 Me

  • KmS I ~A.'>1URTI rADHDi IATi J9 -

    III Venus Mm Satun IV Mercury Jupiter Saturn V Mooo Mercury !>'.ercury VI Suo r"lars Rahu Vll Venus venus Mercur)' VIII

    ""'" J~E!"

    ""'" IX P.", Mereur)' saturn X Jupiter venus SatU'n Xl

    "'"m Mooo M""'.., Xll Uranus "'h" Mars

    Balance of Vimshotta ri : ~1e rrury I Veou~ IIY-'lM50 lntervlew me~ns discussion between two persons Which pert.; ln~ to third hou!;e, ni:"leth house .;00 elevrntn house. ~ tIllrd hotr.;t" is the house parakrama, o:Iceds dOf"le by one

    self, the nineth house S~(M'S agreement betwee rJ themse!'ies, the eleventh house is universal house of fulfill;neot of desire. It mel!ns for the wccess, soo lord of the t!"md house should be the strong significator of eleventh house and nlneth as

    "'" In the CO:1cemed chart query is viv id. Tl1e third Muse sub lord Is Satum occupant of scorpio the eighth house, wtlidll$ twelfth trom nineth, a houst" of negation . The Saturn is 5Igr.ifylr.g nincth ~nd eleventh houses as 9" starts from 27 of scorp;o and it Is the OI'lne~ of eleve~ house. As per a~e IlJle (h~rt shoWs success. But house ~t negation also plays an important roil', lle;:;ause it is cne of the rnalefk house among 6, 8, 12. Hence chart shoW!. no 2,tisfactory agreement between themse~"es, but Saturn Is strong ~gnificator of eleventh reveo!l~ fulfi llment de!;ire. Betrlg the malefic saturn promotion will be delayed, and I boldly predicted that there is fulfillment of desire, The .~oon str.JeX my brain to cned: her in fluence, I abrlJptdly asked.....r..ot is yOlJr desire, spootaroeovsly he replied thal' , do not want to get success'. Mer ded~ratlon of reSlJlt he came to me and ~aid that there Is no fulfillment of ~re but r got fai lure 1 told him that OIl the very SiII7Ie day you ~rd that your desire was also not. to get su-:re

  • 40 RUliNG PI..ANf that it was fun. But plaru:tary confll}uratillfl reflects the mind, have no challCe of fun at all said I. Horary No,2

    Gi~n No. 154 on 23887, 10.'10 a.m. Gwal ior 7B"'10'E 26' 14'N Aynam5a : 23 ' 34'51" RUI :n

  • KRISH~A\oIURTI ?AOODHi,TI " Rahu Neptune Saturn ;."

    Kethu Mercury Moo' Moo, Uranus "~o Mercury Saturn Neptune Jupiter Kethu Mercury

    Houses Sign Lrod Star Lord Sob A~. "~o Saturn Se, II Jupiter kethu Venus III Saturn Moo, Jupiter IV Ura,1us Rahu Mo", V Neptune Mercury venus VI Ma rs Venus Ma rs VII Venus Moo, M~ V11I Mercury Rahu 5.:itum IX Moo, Saturn Rahu X Se, Venus Rahu XI Mercury Moo, Venus XII Venus Rahu Sec

    Vimshottar' balance: Mercury I Sun lOY-1M-20D Half an hour elapsed in discussion, then I took second

    horary for discussion and analysed as undr :-

    In this case th ird sublord is benevolent Jupiter which is retrograde and occupant of fiery and barren sign Ar;e; on 6th house (as percuspal pOSition it is in 5" ) the sixth house Is also a malefic noose among others. Ely any means Jupiter IS not connected to nineth and eleventh houses. Which are the houses of agreement and fulfilment i$ desire re~pectively. As per K.P. reader 6" page No.146, if the horary pianet is retrograde arnJ deposited in direct motion pla net's star indicated after so many obstacles matter will materialize. If it is in conslellalion of retrograde planet never success. The principle shows that Rahu and Kethu Should not be treated as retrograde. In this case Jupiter is deposited in the star of Kethu ever sho ...... s retrograde motion and not connected to nineth and eleventh houses, hence one should not hesitate to predict the failure .


  • The bless:ngs of astrology comes from u ni ty, every horoscope ha~ some p:anets and tvl-e've signs in various u)lT.l:i"latln~~ in cne a'ld ai!, differ from pef!;OO to person sho .... 'S diITefent destiny, b'cau~e Vie all are sons of God entilled to a devine inheritance.

    The doctr:tl of K.P. system Is prc;pounc'ed by our revered Guruj; is astround;ngiy givt'5 correct results in horary.

    OIn. Gam. 1Jd"'l:sht ~lail~ g


    One of my friends, who happens to be my good critic also, got o::!ccp interest and fa ith in Krishn imurtl Padhdhati. He wli argue out for a case, if date given by Horal)' map, falls, and I used to cany out recheck of Horary chart to locate the fau lt if at all, in se lection of significators. Rechecking significators, ruler of time period for happening of matter, if it is delayed helps Ill2 a lot to reach nearer to cufred selectioo of siglificators of EVents, and more dose to COffect time prediction in the First week of May, 1982., he came to my house, witl1 a persoo, whom he introduced as Managing Director of one of the leacing Pharmaceutical Units based at Bombay. That gentleman wanted to knol'v Astrologica lly, whether partnership in Industrial set up wil l continue or it will lead to separation of tile units owned by present management? He gave no, S4 (out of 249). This qUEstion was judged by prindplEs laid down by Prof. Kri sh n~murli, for Horary Astr~ogy. The de1:ilils of the Ho,ary chart is as given below.

    No. 54, 14-5-1982, 10.15 A.M. (1ST), Friday, Surat. look at the Moon. Moon is in the 7th house (lord of Il). ~1oon is in constell~tion of SUn (SUn is lord in III in XI), and sub of Kemu (Kcthu is in 71"). It shows question regarding bUsiness, partnership (7) and about continuation of it (11).

    KctI1u is in Sagitil rrius, rcpresCI"Its Jupiter (in 4"' and lord of 7 & 10), which also shows the problem in home, family due to status I business (10), partnership (7), Kethu also represents Venus, Venus is lord of 5 & 12, sitting in 9. Hence it indicates change of professioo (9), worries for separation to querist (12) ami its releation to first chi ld (5).

  • Moan i~ ~Iso a sublord of i"
  • ~ i'/A\lCRTI P"'DHDII~"'C' .","'.,,:::; :-:",,,,,""::-,e,,",c',,,;' tie i.e. illdicator of b-e(!.k:n frierld~ hip. Now (,uestion le:1ls of n:trograe>e S;;!l;urfl. SCirum is also In 4'" house. Satum is in the hi:!r:ll01Y I'.~!h sublorG of r cusp, Ril hu to signfy the ~arr.e natter, wh;.:h strl"::1gtMr:ns the flCgaliOl1 of p!lTlanent t ,,"s.

    Oesi~ I (judged) Rahu, rc~~t fwo its ~ lola. Rahu is In GEmini sign. He"lC Rat"1 u w:ll signify Mercur{. ~lercury is In 12 hO\JS (on the 11'" Cusp) Mercury, is il"l Moon tOflste' lat:on, (I'juon In 7 is lord of 2) lond su:J of Kef.lu (Ketn:J in 7). Kethu is s;gn lord Jup.ter i5 in 4 and Kethu'sroos tEllation lord Venus IS in 9 (Is ,yd of 2 &5). Hence ~te rcur;' sitting in 12 s!.rongly Signify'" ho'-'Se and Ke.hu its subiord is relate(l to 4"' hous.e. Hence MercurI, In 12'" ShO .... 5 negative continue oartnership.

    Heno:!, I de~ that p ~rt'\ershi p rr,ust oceak.. And sublord of 7'" c.JSp Rahu, a sign'.rlCatOf of 12"' house. (I~ahu's Sign lord. ~lercurl in 12"'" hIJuse). Heoce cueris.t 'Hill Insist for

    sep ~ ratlon ~nd he I'li ll get separated. Constella tion lord and sublord of RGhu (JU~f and 5

  • Moon : (aprirum Pl' As::endar,t COI:5te1krtion Lord - Jup:ter Sign 100d - P.laro.:r(. r1om: C:onstell ~tion lord - Sun, Sigr l[}fd - Sacum, D.1y lord

    - Venus Jupi ter and Sa~urn both rel rogradr. arc c,lncelled fronl

    sign:flraIOry. R\Jl ing pla'lcts 9ave Sun, ~' e rcury ant: venus as sjgnlflc~ tcry.

    Mars aspeMI ll 8" aspe

  • K"I:$HNAMLJRTI PADHCW.-I 47 thiS e,/ent I .rled to 1Hl~1r.>C chart in dr.1~-ls ano transit position in October '82 ~rd JuncJ .. I}' lSi63. The points gi'l('n bo:!IO',",' ue to el
  • ..

    Transit: B In OCtober, 1982, ~el>'lrat;OI1 of the partnersl'ip took place.

    Oils.< perioo of norary chart S~n ca...,., Ve'lLS b/)ukti. Ve'lu; ant!

  • Klb$ltIIoI.-"U/U1 P!WHOHATI 49 r:or&ellation. Sun dl!;o trano;lt in Ra'lU (onstellil1lOll from 12th nouse. Hence I! Io.i!d"1 that learned ~Iowers of ste llar Astro logy o;hauld keep open mind to accept and veO',' thf failures. This only c,~n lead us to reach the cea l goal for which Prof. Krish'1~murtl has laid a founc!Jtkln ~tone.


    x 1 "~l llr , xr 1~'4 r1 8" )(~ 16"59 n ' .4.",,-~'ftno" , .. r.le'wv 1 ~'64(l'

    "", lr2~'n ' "'" ,,- 19 4~'~- 22".>" 41" -, - '-'~" j K~'~'I CIlart " : t~llan l l , ~ . b" !4"5 ~ i ~' 1~ 1 51 m

    \'JI ;1Ilaj.. Sml II ~"(I$- 21'N '2: ' !iE !iZ u

    ~- A}"aI\UI'lJ , lI~r" s " 0."00 ' , ,

    -- --


  • 53 RULING PLANT CUSp Sign lord Star lord Sub lord I ~lercul)' Rahu Moon II ~loon Satum Moo, III s," Ketu Jupiter IV MereuI)' Moon ,et" V Venus Rohu Ketti VI Mars MereuI)' MereuI)' VII Jupiter Venus Rahu VIlI Silturn MDon Rahu IX Silturn R

    HOMEOPATHIC '---~~~~~~-Healt" Is Mdoubt, wetllth and such wealth which stilOdson

    Job of money we

  • d;csire and sig~,ts fifth meZrlS r~or. n i~ ~ ignifirator of 5" house. fiou~e r. f rure and ele-,enth hr.:.J~e i.e. ~.r. use of fulfillment of desires. riJrther Mom is in the star of Juipter, JiJpiter is occup2'

    i I '1111 0'1' ~"'I ....

    S,NQ. m i: 21"50;" s. ~,oo 1 \'cr'.J5" Moor,

    11. ',,",rm 1 Rahu" 'kr~; 11, 1>1"".' 8 arid ~~(upant r.f first, A'I 'j"ti s indicate, that homeopathic

    meci~i~e wi ll :lOt C l ~e ~n the contrar{ it will create some comp li~atio ns.

    So i to ld him not tc wc.ste money in 110meop

  • KR I S HNAt.1 ~RTl PA:: f'D rlATl he wil l get cure ~nd when he shol;ld go for 'SCl

  • RIJUNc. Fl "' . f

    0'1$ ~f!!,jicted ~~' th(' grilCC o God, he d:ed m

  • C ..... _S_O_N_ A_L_IV_E_O_R_D_E_A_D_) A middle aged woman entered my room at about 8 p.m.

    on 28-1191 and asked me to predict the condition of his son, whethe r he is alive or dead. She further narrated that sne had been hearing about the de~th of her son from the neighbours and others. A column has been also pul:llished in the daily news paper on the same day that police has discovered a headless deadbody and is suspecting that the deild body is of her son. The dead body was not in 11 position to be recognized fully.

    When she stopped tel ling, J asked her to give 11 number between 1 to 249 and the number was given 99. Then I asked her to meet me at aoout 9 to 10 a.m. next morn ing. She left the room but again entered after few seconds to ask the consultation fee. I clearly told her that whenever any question is related '>'lith the longevity of anybody, the pro!)em Is solved free of cost, no change is needed there. At th is she smiled and left the room.

    The number was taken at 6-30 a.m. 1ST on 29-11-91 for judgemnet. The (usPS and planets were set as following . In the fourth issue this son was born. So XI house indicates the lagna of the 500.

    Our Gurujee h~s adlJised in K.P. Redaer VI Page NO.160, take that house which represents the relationship. For father and for strangers take on ly the 9'" house.

    XI Cusp Sublord is Saturn. III Cusp sublord is Jupiter.

    Planet Detail Planet Kethu Moon

    Star lord 5ublord Rahu Sun Venus Mars


    Jupiter Venus rahu Venus Mars Sdturn Soo Seturn ~1ars

    M~r5 Satur:1 MereuI)' Mercury Kethu Kethu Saturn Sco Venus Rahu Venus Mars

    '" . ! " , Kel l~' 19'

  • KRISHNAM~R'~""'~'C"""""""'""l-________________________ -'C" son is dead, without any doubts. No.,.:, for rumoor, according to Gun.Jje~ in the same book an page 171, find out the Sub lord of the 3"' cusp, note in which constel lation the sub lord is deposited , If the lord of the constellation in which the sub lord Is deposited happen to De Saturn, the report is fa lse. But if it is Mars, then it is miSChievous i:lnd fa lse otherwise t rue.

    Here the third cusp sub lord is Jupiter having no planet in its star and Jupiter is posited in the star of Venus, ~o, the report is true.

    She again came at 9.00 a.m.on 29-11-91, I replied that thEre is little chance ocyoo r~ belno;) alive but go on searching, as the son was nearly 20 years old and it was beyond coorage to declare that the son is dead before the mother. So I advised in such form. But after three or foor days of searrning, she was confirmed about the immature dealh of her son. It is K. P ...... hich can 9ive always correct resu lt and to help the astrologer the so'JI of our Gurujee is al ..... ays ready.



    My cider sister who lives in Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, had come to Bangalorc with her dlildrell to spend tI1eir summer vacation. One eVCfling, as we were conversing with each other, th subject of astrology somehow came in. Since, at tl1at time, her husband w~s interested In buying a plot of land in Kal1ch i, she asked me to find out the astrological indications for th 5ilme. Her husband (my brother-ill-Iaw) had not come with her, I had to proceed with my analysis 011 the basis of tne number she gave. The number was '117' between 1 and 249. kcording to the Krishnamurti Padhdhati horary scheme, the querent is asked to speak out a number as above, and with the help of the number a harary figure is cast for the moment ,md place of j udgcmnet and prediction arrived at. The fourlation of hocary atrology rests on the belief that a quercnt will put a qur{ only when there is a serious urge in his mind and the planets in the heavens have complete reiatioo to the matter enquired about. The traditiOllal way is to erect the horary figure for the time and place of judgement, but" the law prof. Krishnamurti found some pitfa lls in this mcthod and recommended the fixing up of the lagna for the querry OIl the basis of a number between 1 and 2.'19, the number itself meaning by itself nothing except referring to a certain part of the Niraryana Zodioc. In the scheme of Krishnamurtl Padhdhati, the number 117 carrcspgnds to the Nirayana sign Kanya (virgo) 17' 46'40" governed by Mercury (Sudha) as the rasHard, Moon (Chandra) as the nakshatra lord and Mercury

  • "WNGPLANT as the sub lo-d (lord of the sub-di>f.s ion the star). His defence in favour of this number scheme was that if the que rent is disposcd to make a querry o'-lly ac particular tillle he is ec;ua:ly disposed to give orly s'Jch a number which wi ll have absolute relevance to the query in queslion. He taught his method to others only after ~e had put it to ri9Ql"OUs test himself and found it anS'o'lering exlreillely ' .... ell. In one instance, he was reported to have asked for a numlJer from a querent and gave his prediction in ~s short a time as three minutes which caused a bit of doubt in the querenl's Illind ' .... hether tI1e late professor had rea lly applied his mind. In the words if the qucrent h!mself, t~e prediction proved right to the last letter

    'T~ both the events prcdiCKd, viz., tI1e date of bctrotl1al and tI1e date of marriage coming exact ly true to tI1e date and time. What is import~nt in all that has been said here is that tI1e prediction was based on tI1e same principles as enunciated in Prof. Krishnamurti's famous ' ... ork "Horary Astrology~ and was given by him with clear conviction.

    Since the number is given by my sister and not her husband, t~e astrolog!cal reading will have to be done assuming that the 7'" house, which rep~cscnts her husband, wi ll form the basis for prediclion. In other, ';I'C>f"d, the houses will have to be re-arranged takirlo;J the 7"ic house as the lagna, the Bth house as the 2", the gt ho~.'i' as the 3"' and so on for our purpose. On tl'is basis, the number given in bRckets indicates the ~ouse with respect to her husband.

    Fa; b'Jying land or house, we are told in Krishnamurti padhdhali, the houses Lo be considered are 4, 11 and 12. In astro logical symbology, one's residence, house, property (immovable property as distingu;shcd from movable assets or cash) are placed under the control of lhe 4'" house. The 11'" house has reference ,0 desire arK! its real izalion, and tI1e 12.'h has relation to lass, expenses including u,ose connected with invest'llents. If the contempl~tion is to buy a house al ready constructed and readi ly available, then in such a r~se in addiUon to the houses, 4, 11, and 12. spoken of earl~r lhose of the 6"' and the 9th will also have lo be perused. Why? The 7' starlds


    far the sei ler or lhe person from whom YOll are going to buy. TI'.e 6"" becomes twelfth counted from the 7"; and the 9" stands as the twelfth to the 4th In:.,,,:) the 7'" house, and so his parting away with his house, logically, il ' .... ou ld appear that the 5th (which Is the 11'" assuming the 7~ to be the lagna) as well as the 8th (the 2"" or finandal gain from the; 7"') should also be associated, standing as it does for the gain of the person descrit>ed by the /"'.

    Now, what is the conditiOl'1, spe~king astrologically, for one to b~y lard or house? Accord ing to the Krishnamurti Padhdhati theory, the sub-lord of the cusp of the 4'" house should not be retrograde and placed in lhe nakshillra a rebn]rooe planet and further, the sub-lord should be ~ sig nlfiCiltor of houses, 4, 11 ~nd 12 and hav:ng some corlilection with Mars, the 'grlh

    k~raka' ~';V$ 2T 4ll' ",,"210'15

    ';'W" [ " , \,.,, 21)"09 Sun 1!!'S'(2). _.'.i'5\r(:;) 1'1 ,' 1T46".O"l f,


    Kethu21' "4' ! "p ,52'

    \'. "7'59' t,Lmlier ,1/ XI16'5~'

    112) ,

    Cotie"5-1g7" : ~!r rn'~'i5: Da,: Flid8y

    V j,'59' T;rT!e'4-4:;o", Sal(R: 13' 56' (I::

    -&r,;, k?r~ X] 17'59'

    Rat! 21 '14' :61 --.- f-

    , '" "

    11 r46"'0' 16'59' 11,,', 17'59.1"1 mH,:Si 1'1

    Balance Mercury Dasa (8y-11m 3d) MoOl'1 bhuklhi (Sm-3d) untiI7101979.

    In like fashion, if a vehicle (personal convey~nce) is to be bought, such sub-lord should have connection 'Nith Venus, the 'Vahana karaka'"

  • 5? JWLlJI.'G PI..NIT l1'Ie Ho",ry CharI rOlTfling :he basis for DU' }OOgemen1 of

    the query, fr"""" Venus

    Eleventh House Moon SlIturn (R) Twelfth Hous.e Rahu S'Jn

    'rhe c,uestion is if the IlUstx.nd can buy a land or not; and If yes, when.

    Ail of our learned readers are well aware that ~10011, the renector of the mind and the sublord of the querent's ASCetICI


    Th sub occupied by it is ruloo by Jupitei" I'lhich is in 4 in th~ stJr c( S,1turn, lord of 11 ~nd 12. Mercury is cOfljuoct r~ ~rs, the Grih~k~r~k~. flence the r.ature of th q:Jerry is very clearly revea led by the ~osit:on of ~loc-n and the ~blord of l

  • " &itum.


    As J nlmber of pl~ne1.5 Ilave connection, we need to fil"ld out .... ho. among tile many, are more frui'Jul. Th is takes us to the consideration of Ruling PIlcrcul)' (Virgo) l

  • K~GIi~AIAURT, rADH[)HATI in a fixed sign, ir;dicating sufficierlt delay,

    Next bhukthi is that of Mars and it is a strong ruling planet becau~ it is me lagna star lord and aspects the l

  • RLLlNG PLANT tht!refore WE 'llust consider fts t ransit.

    ~l10Df1 stcr in Virgo) until 1:2-50 p.m. on 7-8-80; after whkh it enters Sun sub ~nd rem~ins in Sun sub throughout Mercury sooksha:na.

    Mercury :dasa lord) enters Moon sub (in Jupiter star in Gemini) ct 10-18 a.m. on 4-8-80 and stays (next) in ~lars sub (in Jupi te~ star in Cancer) unti l 9-:24 p.:n. on 5-8-80.

    ~loon is in Venus st3r (JriEs) unti l 8-42 a.m. OIl 4-8-80 whirh i~ befOre 10-18 J.m. the same d2Y. Then Moon enters own stcr (TJurus) at 7-45 a.m. on 5-8-80.

    Sun enters Venus sub (in Mercury st3r of C~ncer) Jt 7-59

    At 5-30 p.m . the ascendant at K~nrhi will be sayan

  • ~ISI'INAMUFlTI PAOitIJH,O,II 67 of Capoicom or Nir
  • C ____ A __ FE_W __ H_IN_T_S ____ ) A few hints on the fructfication of an event, mostly in

    horary preditlons In K.P. Systems 1. If the II"" (uspal sub lord Is a fast moving planet and in a

    a. MOVAB LE SIGN : f ructifies t:I1e matter within a very short period, and here move the lilgna b. in a fixed sign, the matter fructifies within Cl feY\' days and here move the Moon.

    c. in a common sign, the matter is very complicated and throws much doubt in judgement. However move Sun to find out the cor rect period.

    2. Ifthe 11'" (uspal sub lord is a slow moving planet, il . and in a movable sign move the mOCJr1 to find out the period of fructification. Here forget aOou t the lagna.

    b. in a fixed sign, move the Sun to find out me per10d of fructiflcatiDll.

    c. in a common sign it is very difficult to come to a judgement. Here move Jupiter to fl nd out the period of fructification. The lagna, Moon, Sun, and Jupiter playve!Y vita l role in judging the period offructification. It ~ I I depends upon the nature of query and the impact of the urge of the querist. The ~ ccelerati on of the lagna, Moon, Sun and Jupiter over the Signltlcators, is a decisive factor, and all these four (Iagna, Moon, Sun, Jupiter) or m~jority of them should trans it in the star of SUB of the significators and the [)

  • RU.lNG PLANT If it is ~ long short predict;on Jupiter should transit in the

    str or sub of tile si~n i rkator. If tile Dao;a bhukthi projects the rEsul-::s in on~ y~ar. Sun should transit in the star or s:.Ib of tho; i:loove si ~nificators.

    If tile resu'ts ~re to be e)(p~cted in a month of Moon SllOU:d transit in the Star and not in th~ sub of the above

    si~nifi~tor. If t~.e results arc expected in a few days lagna and Moon

    shoJld transit in both the Star and sub of the signifieators. In a.1 you must follow the VimsllOttari Dasa system fo r all

    type of prediction. 2. Till the new publ ication of Mah~bala Tcble of Hwses,

    students ~rc advised to follllVl Raphaels TJble of Houses. 3. From the Ruling Plan~ts, select the si9inriC~tors in the ;

    fo ll O\"ling ord~r of strength. ~. Ascendant - StarLord b. Ascend~nt - lord Co Moon - Star lord d. r-t,oon - Sign lord e. D,11 lord

    4. If th~ tenth (to'") and 6'" cuspal sub lords are not connected to 2, 6 or 7'" and if the person is enga~ed in bus' ness or In ser\~ces it r.1cc ns that thc horoscope if wrongly cast. Please rectify tile birth tirr.o; accordin to the principles laid down in K.P. ~nd judge the horoscop~. This will never

    m i sl e~d you. 5. A plilnet that is d;red while making judg~ment will ~ive

    res:J:t only dur:ng its direct motion ~nd mt during its retrogration. 6. Ruling plilnets ~hould be work~d out at the

    commencement time of the prediction and not at the time of the judgement ilfter ~nish i ns th~ chilrt.

  • " 7. There lire no fllst rule for transfers within the same

    building, Inside the city, or outsloe the city. If the 9'" or 12'" house a.rso>al sob lord e connecttd al50 to " . and 8" houses, the transfer wiTJ be in the same compound and same city respectively. If otherwise, it is II dist~nt place If well connected to 9" or 12'" h005e.

  • ( CHILD BIRTH - HORARY ) A relati ve of mine who was in the family way, wanted me to

    predict tne date of oonfil1ement with the help of Krishnamurti Padhdhaml.

    She gave number 150, on the 14'" of July 1973. At that time I did not have \he ephemeris and K.P. tables

    and therefore I promised hef to make the analysis later and coovey the message within II week. I tool her birth deUJils also ... /ith me to vaity my resvlt with her d'1.art.

    istarted my analysis with tf1e number given by the querent according to the rules laid :n the Krishnamurti Padhdhatl.

    The Herary chart for the aboVe QUery for number 150 and the Planet positions at the tirr.e of judgement, i.e. at 5.25 p.m. 0 the 22'" Ju ly 1973 in Colombo Sri Lanka in given

    boo", ,

    Moo' 2'''~ VIII :i-(j; ~1or.2Mi;: ',16-55 \' 1~16 K.e\hu 13.Q9

    Y!-4J S

  • " RIJLI"G. PU\NT

    - --

    Planetary Positions

    Planet House's House Star ,"b owned deposit Lord Lord

    Soc 10 9 Sorum Mercury Moo'] 9 5 r>lexury Jupiter

    ~lars 1&6 5 Mercury Rahu Mer~ury 8&11 8 Juptter Rahu Jupiter 2&5 3 Moon Jupiter Venus 7 & 12 9 Ketl1u S"C Satum 3&4 8 ~lars Soc Rahu 2 Keth u Mercury Kethu 8 Rahu Kethu Bhava Positions

    BhaviJ Sign lord Star lord Sub lord II Jup:ter Kethu Mooc V Jupit~ Saturn r-tercury IX Mercury Sun r-te rcliry Dasa period in operation

    Dasa Bukthi Antara Period Mercury Jupiter 1971.05.28 -

    1973.10.04 Mercury &!LUr;'l 1973.10.04 -

    1976.05.13 Mercury Jupiler Ri'hu 1973.06.02 -

    1973.lOm Mero;;ury Jupiter Saturn 1973.10.04 -

    1974.03 .07


    Position of Moon.

    According Lo the position of MOOIl, we h~\le to verify w hether the d'art l ndic~te lhe mind oftl1e querent or to say whether me querent has given thenumber when he or she is having ttle urge.


    Inth is ch

  • Hl! Ir,1; PI ANT

    For 1P (Fulfilmenl of expectction end 5" from partner) No p l~net i ~ pusiled in th is bI1a~, Moon 2nd Mars arr in thC' constC' lIat ions of Mereu!)', who is ttw ol'lnC'r of 11'''.

    So the (uta l ~ ig llifiwtor 5 fur 2, 5 & 11 are; I

  • KRlSI-1w.MURTI pr,::~.I);lATI 77

    Is in Rahu star fram 3.'18 a,m. on 20'" to 2.27 iI.m. on 21" .

    Day is ruled by Jupiter. Accordingly I dedated that the expedation will be fulfilled

    on the 20'" SeptemDer 1973 before 7.12 a.m. as Moon is transltln9 in the Sub of Rahu from 3.4B a.m . to 7.12. a.m.

    As predicted, she has giver. birtfl to a girl on the 20'" at 4.45 a,m.ln Kaoo Hospital with little surgical aill .


    "When wi ll I go abrOildr W

  • 80 RLLlNG PLANT zodiac 0: 27 constatel lc.tions into 249 parts as per vimshottari system. Each PMt bEing ru led by three planels as sig n, constellation and sub lords :-especti'lely. The numb!" "81" rlentiOOEd by the qU('.rent con espoods to 24"6'40" j:1 C
  • If the su'~lord of the J.2'" cusp is ~ot dposited in lhe star of retrograde p'(O~et a~d sign i ~es l~le 3" , 9" or 12'" house, the~ t ravel ab,oad is ce:tain. In this case sublord of the 12'" cusp is

    ~1er(Uly. The sublord MerclIIY, :ord of 3 a~d 12 ;5 i~ the 9 ' house in tJle star of Ketl u occupyi~ g 9. So oversea5 travel is promised. When win I go abroad?

    For overseas travel, ,," .. e Mve to consider the 3"', 9" and 12" 110use5 and find out the si gni~cator5 .

    3" hou5e : Only Rahu occupies this hose. r~ars is i~ Rahu's slar. r~ercur.,. owns U',is house. Su~ a~d Moon are in r~ ercury's slae. So Mars, Rahu, Sun, Moo~ and MerLUry are signir.calor.;.

    9'" house: S .. m, Mercury, Jupiter, and Kelhu are i~ the 9'" house. SU~ and Moon are Mercury's stra, Satur ~ and Rahu are in Jupiler's slar, Mercury and Ju~ier occupy Kelhu's star. Owner ofUle 9" is Jupiter. So the si~ nificalo rs are SU:1, r~~, Satum, Rabu, r~ercu,~,.., Jupiter and Kelhu.

    1Z ' hous.: : Moon a~d Saturn are occupa~t5; Venus is in Saturn's star, Mercury owns :h's house. So Ve~us, Moo~,

    Satur~ a~d ~1erc u ry signify thishouse, Hence al l planets are the sig~ifKclOls of houses 3, 9 a~d 12.

    Now we hcve to seled the fru:tru: si~n ifi(alo rs from the above. Th:s is done by using the ruling p",a ~ ets al the l ime of Judgeme~t.

    Ruling Planets: Daylord Ven ',IS Rasi r1oon Mon Star r1ercury Lagna Venus Lagna Sl~r J.Jpiter Kcthu is co~join(d with ~1erculY and Jupiter. 5aturn~spcts

    Mercury and Jupter 1::\' 10" aspect aM jons Moon. Therefore the ru l i~g p:a ~cts are Venus, Moo~, r1ercury, Jupite,: Kelhu and S

  • "' ii.U.ING PLANT

    the signifcators a~d ru ling planets) are Venus, Mooll, Kercury, Jupiter, KEthu and saturn.

    At the t ime of J~dgement the querent was running Mercury dasa and K('thu BI1u


    Mr. Samp3tn, a K.P. Student, cal led on me In the moming hours 0( tI1is Mcr.day, the 13" Instant.

    In the course 0( our t;tlk, the N.G.O. strike also fig\.J'ed wr IDples.

    The other hiend .... ilo acromp.:!niecl Sampath suddenly posed the Question tiS to oo." 'or.g will the strike continue anti when will it end, in a testing tone.

    As an ardent student of I< ,P. SJmpath took up the Issue and worked out the Ru ling Planets at 9.46 a.m. on 13.3.78 Place: madr""

    But unfortuniltl.':Y, h .. l'>

  • "ULlfiG PlANT Mo.ln tx>ing d~y lard, I rejected, it being a weak r~l iJ1g

    plalet. As Venus W

  • IIj;lSHfII,>Io' lIflT; P.wtCti.'Il &5 Now r~rting back to the worldllg of the K.P. st .Jdeut Sri

    SlImpath, he erro"leOUSly a nived at I~ lagna degr~e as 0''30' in Aries and noted dowr KeTu as star lotd and Mars as Rasj lord 01 Lag~ra, He :leVel' did such mist;akes hitherto aM it WilS u:1usual,

    As I'le all know that ~lo:1day t./'ie 13' instilnt was the last date r:I Taen;1 n101lth Mas:, under rough woridng r arri'l!! nt the lagna degree for that mO"ent (i,e. 9-46 ;a,m,) to be JIISI be9inrJng 01 Rishdba l;:,goa (Tauf'JS) (by addi.'\g in Sun rise 6-22, the durartioll of m~narr Ihr. 42 J!115 ilnd ~l&ITI Ihr 47mts,)

    So I took up to the ... ,oQ.'\(ing at 9.55 a.m. iIIld a'Ti\oed at the matter as e)(p:.aioed 3tx:M!,

    Hence coming to the point thilt, it I have not chened up and tMirdly took up the Ruling p'anets 01 my friefld we could not ha'/e arnved at the COffeet indicaton and ..... oJ ld have landl!d somewhere. so I .'1ay be aIlO .... ed to advice the K.P, follo .... ers to please

  • , __ ----'-~~-.. ... - ' O W _ _ ___ _



    Our ICIte Guruji Sothida MaMan, Jyothish Marthand Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti seJYed the noble cause of the sick, the down trodden and the cornmon man by enlightening us with the various asp;cts of life, through his meticulous astrrnogical work famed as Krishnamurti PadhdhatL The Astrology ~nd Athrishta was also founded by him. I say befits the occasion, because I managed to help an agooized parent in solving the whereabouts of his son, in a humble way of my own, and thus keepirg with the noble traits of our Gurujl, whose Sale aim of life was to serve the distressed.

    On 17-1-78, a fine morning, a respectable gentleman, with terrible anxieties on his face, called on me and reported that his ch ild aged 11 was missing from home since the previous day 5-30 p.m. The gentleman had, reported the matter to the police as well.

    Having padfld my friend with soothing words, I requested him to furnish me a number within 1 to 249 and soon the reply came as 155. It was exactly 7-20 a.m. and J took up the matter immediately and prepared the following horarychart as per K.P. USing the "Horary Tables of Houses" by R.E. Manu for the given number.

    Date considered Time Place

    : 17'1-78 : 7.20 a.m. : Madras 1304N.lat; 80-17 E long

  • " R\:UUG PI.JtIN1

    ,-\ "" 1, 11.J1 V !';'T, \' 1E-31

    '" Kth.I 1 t>- 1 a M .. ",. ':;'$1 '2"':~20 Jup(H)

    '''' .

    IX 1231 IV 14-Jl ~'O,,!(l MJ~ (R:.

    (.(nije."@don , .... 17;iS TIleSd.rI .

    11112-3 ~72)a-",. Sal (RJ Sun3-09 P.t.'I[.'fVoS

    '" ~n 1-5.5 X 1411 ..


    A-c ! LJran II 11 :;1 Rfol., ' 6-"0 1.1"'''''1 "",D i 2',2{i

    lc~22 tJ....,23-JO i XI :,s..:;1 :


    The r~oon refled_, the mind. Like the x ray th~t penetr~tes flesh in the body, the ray of the Moon, penetrates the mind ar.d reveals us ti':e truth. TIle Moon is posited in the 5" house wild,: shows t~lalthe querist is terribly worried aoout Ils son. Further, U':e I"oon is poised in the constellation of VerlUs t i':e lard of 3"' hOl .. se, which as sigrliflCar1Le to ~.ouses 3, 9, 12 from the boy's lagna, denoting the boy running away from home. So it is extremely dear ti':at the father is terribly worried aoout his son's sudden absence fram home.

    Now the walki:lg out of the house should be judged as per K.P. Vide houses 3, 9, 12 from tne son's !agna th


    from 15-1-78 to 9-2.-78. Butour frierrd wants

  • STELLAR ASTROLOGY RP Wh~t could ~n ~strologer fol lowing the age old lrldliln

    trilditlonal system have replied to the a msuttant when the following w~s the position of the heavens at question time' The plilc@ment of Jupi ter, lord of the 12'" in the lagM ; the oco..opatioo of the 6Y' by the I.lcy\iI lord, 5.lrum, ilssoclated with the Sun, the 8'" IOfd, ilnd Ketu, natural malefIC; arid the positioning of the marakasthar .. adhipilthi, the Moon, in the lag"a woul c1 5Ur~y have left him c.onfounded and he Vias bound to err. Tho:;e who fol loVi the stel lar system, otherwise known as I

  • 92 RULlr,G P'_""H :he hc~v~ns at 7.2.3 p.m lSI Oil 15-7-12. (Sunday) at Bhop? 1 was as unc~r :

    , ~ ~I'm , K",,"

    S'" - I

    :~c:CI.I"/ (R]

    NI ::

  • KRISHNAMI.R1I t'AfJHOtTl 9l govcmeo 'Jy t~e Suo and in the sub of ~hu. So ....neo she mO\'3 to Saturo's sub and rellche~ S_6--40fi the boy must ret-Jrn. The ITlOOO would re.:lch I"I~ point just ;;bout sunriSe on 1&7'1973. SO I predicted ~at the bOy must re~h :he hoUSE next mcrninq. i.e. on 1671 913 and the parents need not worry on any account.

    hirther, as the la~na 5Ub lord. sa twll. wa~ ~ sigroifi cator of 3" and 11'" houses, i was t'~ pea:ing lhat the OOy's retu rn would be intim


    The most important discovery of the late Shri Krishn~murti was his difference with the trad itional astrology in respect of the horoscopes of the I:wjns. The twins bom at an interval of the some minutes may have almost the same horoscopes as they may have the planets in the same house, in the same star and in the same sub so they will all signify the Sdme 'house' but slil l we see a great liirrercnce in the destinies of the twins . Vhy? Where i ~ the difference? And here comes the greatness of out Guruji. He di,mvered that ti1e difference is in sublord of the different houses as the sub Lords wi ll all be different even though me difference in the birth time is of only a rew minutes; the Great Astrologer soouleu this thing is in his e.cry reader but even to-day \/Cry fev... pay ho:x:I to th is while allotting the signiflCators.

    The horoscope should De prepareu acwnJing to the K,P. The planets should be given the diilerent star arK.I sub lord. But for al:otting the di:ferent houses wh,rn they signify divide each house in lord, star and sub lord and then according to these star and sub lord.s assigr the signif"icatms. Suppose Jupiter is at 13. 40 in AriCS7h

  • _____ _ _ _ ,-_ _ C-7,.,-....!'~"'!!!'IJ~G ;v.NT 13" Fc:b78 Is very b"d 3nc 10 ward err the calamity t"'le t-laharmr'tungaya R I''' of One Lak/1 i;'Nenr.y L~ousands m~st be perlomeThe chart is as fol lows along with the planetary pOSition.

    III Il 38 5

    " , 1'1'~


  • ;';RI~ I"jA~URTI PADH[)H..' TI "'

    ""' .... 0(1 I.e:> -1.3 L2: ~" """ Moxn

    "'''' Vi,!!" :5.12.19 r-1P.rfllf'l M~ JIri*

    ,., f'isr~s 1 ~. : 2.4

  • " P.UUNG PLA~T

    -Jupiter Mercury Mars Venus 4, 6

    6 4 -do-Ve\1US Satum Mm Jupiter

    5 7 SatUril 500 Kethu M~

    10 5,7,12 8,12 5,9

    Rahu Mercury Mooo Jupiter 5,7,12 5,9 7 .00-

    Ketu Jupiter Saturn Jupiter

    3, 11 7 .d>.

    Rahu will give the result of Mercury and Ketu of Jupiter

    The Dasa Delilil~:

    Mel"C1..lry Dasa - 27-12-33 to 27- 12-50

    27.12.33 27.4.2 M~rcury Bhukti

    24.5.36 27.1.- Ketu Bhukti

    21.5.37 .10,2 Venus Bhukti

    21.3.40 5.10 ,- Sun Bhukti 27.1.41

    5.1 Moon Bhukti 27.5.42

    27.11.- Mars Bhuktl1i 24.6.43

    18.6.2 Rahu Bhukthi

  • KRI$HNAMURTI PAi.lHI)H.o.TI 12.1.46

    6.3.2 Jupiter Bhukti 18.4.49

    9.8.2 saturn BhuktJ 27.12.50

    Tota l - 17 Years Ketu Dasa - 27- 12-50 to 27-12-57

    27.12.50 27. 4.- Ketu Bhukti

    .2..1. Venus Bhukti 24.7.53

    6.4.- Sun Bhukti 30. 11.52

    .7.- Moon Btlukti 30.6.53

    27.4.0 ~lars Bhuktl 27.11.53

    18.0.1 Rahu Bhukti 15.12..54

    6.11.- Jupiter Bhukti 21.11.5S

    9.1.1 saturn Bhukti 30.12.56 27.11.- MeralrY Bhukti 27.12.57

    Total - 7 Years Venus Dasil - 27-12-57 to 27-12-77

    27.12.S7 '1 .3 Venus Bhukti

  • '00 RLR IfiG PlANT 27.4.61

    .1 Sun el"lJkti 27.4.62

    !l.l. tloon 6hukti 27.12.63

    2.1. Mars Bhukti 27.2.65

    .3 Rahu Shukti 27.2.68

    .8.2 Jupiter Bhukti 27.10.70

    .2.3 Sdturn Bhukti 27. 12.73

    .10.2 ~lertury Bhukti 27.10.76

    .2. 1 Kelu I3hukti 27.12.17

    Total - 20 Yr.ars Sun Oolsa - 27.12.77 to :

    27.12.77 18 .3.- Sun Bhukt i

    15.4.78 ., Moon Shu\ct1

    IS. 1O.7a 6.4. 11ars Shuktl

    21.2.79 24.10 Rahu 6hukti

    15.l.80 18.9 Jupiter Bhuktl

    l . I l.AD 12. 11 Saturn Bhuktl

  • 15. 10.81 6.10 Mcr(l: ry Bhukll

    21.8.82 6.4. Kethu 6huktl

    27. 12.82 1 Ver.us 6hukl l

    27.12.83 Total - 6 Years


    I 11m 001: ~l:rtacr dil/idi"lg the Casa periods into Antilta and Sookshama as it .... iIl need mUfti space. The reilders can divide them easily by r:on5Ultirog astcologlral tille; ~or all by R. Eashar M .. nu .

    Major Events : Burning - S:le was burnt baclly on 13-11-47. The burnll1g

    was snrious and sh~ was confined to bed for a 1M9 periOd. She was running Mcrru.-y Oasa Jupiter Blll.:kti Mz.rs Antara and Saturn Sookshma.

    T'(\.IhOld - 4.8.49 She was Itnning Mercury dilsa, Satu-n bhukti, Venus Antara

    and 5

  • RULING PlANT the sub of Moon whicn is the sub lord of five, seven and 12 housC'S, 12'" stands fo~ il lness, trouble, loss, hospita lization, etc. 7 stand" for ~larak~ house'. Venus is :n the sub of Jupiter which is -:he St:b lor~ of 7th house. Mars signifies 1, 2, 3, 8 ~nd 9. ~lercury ~iMarriage - the n1ilrriase took pl~ce in the last wee;': of May. She was .unning Venus D~Sil, Venus Bhukti, Rahu Antara. Venus ilm; Rahu are in the sub of Jupi:er which is the sub lore of 7'h house - the house of marr'iage and union.

    t loose constrllction, sale of P"operty - She sold many of her I~need property of more than 50 thau~and rupees r-etween 284-75 to 27-~-70i. She was running Mercury Bhukti ane r-':oon Antara. r-':ercury signifies 4, 6, H, 4 ane 1 house. r-':oon signifirs 1-1-1 houses. We know 4" housr signifies property. Hoose 6'" bendit from oitler, 11 g,,;n ilnd 1 shol'.'S self. On 10-10-75 s~w entered her n'Nly construdeC house ilnd got Rs. ~500/- on that d

  • K1IISHNAMUA'Ti ;>,\OHOHArl '" was running Mercury Shuklhi R~ hu Ant~r~ and Mercury

    SOOkshma. Rahu represents Mercury al'd Mercury signifies 4, 6, ! I, 4 and 1 house matters. All peltl lnlng 1.0 the issue.

    Therefor!! we sce th~t K.P. Hor~ ry Astrology throws light not only Ofl the partic:ular problem or question but on almost

  • '1-' ~------.


    1. There ~ re many innumerable systems of Astrology but no system is ~s accurate and perfect 'KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATHl' in the rectlfic~tlon of blri:l1-Ume, and fixing the position of lagna or Moon. This marvel was discovered by Guruji Sir K.5K by taking Ruling planets. Ru ling pl ~nets are planets ruling or governing the moment when a query is taken for judgement. He proved that the ru ling planets at moment of judgement anot those at the time of fructification of an event are the same. This too WIlS confirmed by K.P. followers in many practical cases.

    Guruji has sa id that one can consult an astrologer only at such a t ime so thM the rul ing planets at that moment agree with the ruling planets ~t his or her birth time or his or her running Dasa, 8hukthi.

    Below I have discussed the problem of fixing the lagna sign, its position witll the ruling pl~ nets and hence find the correct bi rth time. In some c~ses, which are feN, the Moon's position ~ Iso get with the very same ru ling planets; but this is not the case at all times. Ru ling Planets provide the answer only to what you want to know. So when Moon's position does not coincide with the same Ruling planets, there is no reason to get perturbed; as it can be arrived with the help of ruling planets at the next sitting.

    II. On 2-7-1978 (Sunday) at 3.05 P.M. 1.5.T. a friend of mine cameto me to know in which lagna he was bom, whether Sun Si91, lEO or Mercury sign, VIRGO. He wanted to know the exact position of his I ~gna ~nd hence his birth-time. So he said me to find it using K.P. He mentioned No.43 a number between 1 to 249.

  • 100 RlJlI\Q P\.JINT Bo .... ing to Guruji, I took. 0., the ~b)ect immedliltely at 3.06 P. ~\. I.S.T on the same day 27-1978. Sunday. Tho:! ruling planets then, were:

    DAY LORD ~ SUN LAGNA LOW - VENUS (Ubra) LAGNA STAR - JUPITER MOON SIGN LORD ~ VENUS (TAURUS). MOON STAR LORD ~ MOON. Hence the ruling planets at the moments rI Judgement

    are Sun, Venus, Jupiter, MOon. Here it l

  • KRISHNAMURn PAD~JH~n 13' -43'. The posiUoo uf his lagna is therefore LEO 13'-43'.

    According to him Il is birth dale is 23-11}-1965. The find out his birtll t ime tile Nlrayana position of the I

  • Birth Time in I.S.T. 23102 Hemce his birth-time is Zhrs 31 mins on F;i .Sat.2.2/23-10-

    1965 IV. 50 J said him he was born in LEO Sign, VENUS, STAR

    and VENUS sub, the posJtion of the L~gn~ Cusp being 13"-43'. He s

  • ( INTERVIEW :) To-day (ather of Sri K"lSoro Chandra Piltnaik asked me about

    the SUCC(!SS of his s.ofI in ~ n Interview to be held in future. When I asked iI number in between 1 to 249 as per SottIida Mannan Jyot/'1i5h MaMan K.S.KrisMilmurtl Theofy, he gave the numt)er 2-46 00 10-9-77 at 10-30 A.M. Judgment was laket'l up then and there.

    1); 1.~2>l XlIl$.J , .. )(2~33 XI 1),59 ...

    "'" -- -


    11.28 ,~ '5-~ ~.245 S."

    D.nod II).H1 ""'-~ l!i.-3Q

    '" 10971

    "" ,." lme lD-30AJ.!. S .. ....

    1'1 ~. !-3 II 1:1-59 1Y26-33 '23-20


    The 3"', house incflcates Interview. The rule is, houses 2,6,3,10 and 11 are to be jUdged.

    k, per number the Lagna is Mccna. Hoose lord Guru, Star Lord Budha and sub-lord is Ma!O' 2320

  • '" IlIJUfl.G PlNlT

    Position of t he Cusps:-Hou~(' Lad Star Lord Sub Lord

    " 5i:nha R.avi Sl.:kra

    "'" III Kanya Buaha t>loon ..,. V Vr ishchik M'~

    "" Rahu

    VI DhaniJ'; "'ru Sukra Mars , Mes~- a Mars Sukra Kt:tu XI Rishaba

    ""'" "oon Wu

    As. the father's lagn3 is Meenil, ttle san's Lagna 15 5" rhel1Ofrom, i.e,Karkata 1428. The lord of the house Is t>loon, star lord is sani and sublord is f~ oon.

    3'"', housoa is Kanya ruled Iyy Bu~hil, eudla is In sr.cond in the star of Sukra and sub of Sukra. Sukra is lord of 4 and II .Budha is Nltrograde. The ocrupant of 3" house is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Mooll al'ld sub 01 Sukra Sukra 1510:0 of'; al'ld 11 in the star of Sal'll and sW of GtJru. "loon Is lo"' Bhava - The t:ouse OOIongs to t

  • ~r(I$H~'A~' URT ' PAOHDtW m

    Position of Planets III",,,, PI ... ~ p"",,,, $t.)r lord So,hLCrl

    ,. Ka, kal;i ,,~ 15 ) (; ,,"' Q. , IUJt .. R I ~-:;O Sukca !;O,kra

    Su~ r~ ZH3 Sani GL .. " ,. Sirr. l1 a Ravi n-29 Sukra SJni

    S,. """

    P.bh;o ~o 21-4~ ..... , """ ' L Rrshllblo Milr~ II -58 S~r\l _ .

    Goru ,." ... , "'"'

    ilnd sub of Guru. Gurus in the star d Rahu. 1. TI1us the 3 ~ houS(' signifles al l the houses. The 5"' house

    cusp sub-lord is also Rahu.

    2. Moon Is transiting the $lar of the planet signifying the 11"' hoUSE. Moon is in the star of S~ni and sub of Guru.

    3 . I he S'go1itlGl tor of XI house is S"kra. It is in the sub of Budl\a, lhi! l ord d J.

    All these, signifles suC(:ess to tl~ lIim ut the native. TIll! COIllIllOfl ruli rlg pla~ are sukra and Sani. Horilry M~hdadas.a Is Sill1i having a balance of Y 1' 11 -16

    days. i.e. sanl ~lah~d


    Krls/'lnamutlii Padhdnati Is the unique scientifIC metMod of Astrology by whid'! ttle Astrologer c;,n arrive at the right condusion with out mum difficulty. I disaJss thecase offrieod of mine who owes me some mooey. Tllis has been left out for some time !lOW. I am convinced his basic honesty and believe that the default is not intentional. Though I dkl not want to remind him about the default, I had to do so due to my urgent neressitj'.

    I viSited him at his house thrice during a fo rtnight. I CQuid no! ~ him . Following is the harary ch~rt of the query as to when I will be able to meet ~m and OIlS() as to when I willi realize the money. I tried to SOlve the problem uSing the Ruling Planet Theory.

    Details 1. Oate of analysis - 20-81981 2. Tltne - 7-44 PM 1ST 3. Place - Trivandrurn

  • '" "'rum Rahu Kethu Fort~

    C-""" Z4';'1'


    I ~

    .~" 6"~'

    Moon Salum

    S~ Jupiter

    , , ,

    INJoo'17"24' I

    .. !

    Jupi ter Mercury

    r~ ercu ry Venu~



    2O'&'I!1al 74' p.m.

    8"30". 77' IO'E TriI""dldtUm

    Fo ri' .....

    Day Io.-d : JupltN' Mooo Sign lord: f~ a."S

    ~' oon star lord: Kethu } Aries 7'Z4' La~ lord: Satl:m


    M;w'" 7fI":",(l'

    , Ratuii'4S'

    S.., )'57' Mer 1. ',-

    v~, S"j6' SfII 13'55' .AIjl16'C1'


  • K~NAA'URTl PAO""',_,,,,-::_~-:-.;;'C,--,;.,..-:-_ _ _ '""" beoluse h~ is posited in the conste llation of Juplt~ r.

    K~!tIu represents Salum. So Kelhu IS pov..erfullhao Satum. Be;ilies il oc(Upies the sub portkm of Mm::ury. Rahu Is 10 the Star of saturn lInd sub of Merwry. Sa the power1l.J1 Ruling

    Plan~1!i acwrdiog 10 Ifleir order of Slrength are Kethu, Mars, Jupit~r, Sawrn and Rahu. Mars an(! Sawm are ilspeaing eCl(h

    oth~r. Besides t1 MS !tIrows his aspect to ~u and Jupiter. Jupiw' forms trine aspect to Kethu.

    ~"'If! hall(! to fix a sensitive point in 11l~ Zod~( ,..tlich is governed by the above ruling plan~ts. Th~ matter win matcria lire when tile luminaries wi ll pass through this poinL Since Saru-o a delaving (s!o'. ... Il)()"o,1ng) planet aspectJng Xllh house, some drlay 15 indkated. Among the I\lling pI~nets Kcthu was ~ed ilS pow~rfu l one. So Ihe event ShOUld take place in a Kethu Star day. n1E~ date of analysis was on i\.'l Aswini Star day. Next comes Makham star in Leo. ruled by Sun. Since sun is not a st ro:Jg ru ling planet we can confidently avoid fts sign. Next comes Mooiam Star In Silgittarlus. It is I\l l~ by Jupiter (I ruling Plan!'t:. Sloee a delay is Indicated as Stated earlie r, 'hl' event ( an not happen on th is Star day. On Septe'llber 16, ]981, ~l oo n tr~ :lsits i:l A~wlni St~r In Aries ruled bv ~1ars. 50 I d!'dded lhat I eM ~I my friend only on 16-91981.

    To my surpri se My friel"J(\ came to me on 16-9-1981 itself at 7-05 p.m. I.S.T. Being an cnmuSiastic admirror of K.P. 1 worked out !tie r Jling plal1ts to the above time for study purpose. The L(lgn~ w~s rising 12"35' pisces, Jupiter sign, SaLum's Star and Mars Sub. Moon ,,as posited in ArI es ru led bV Mars In Aswini Star lord of l"otlich is Kelhu.


    A gentleman had given the following birth particulars of his wife for the erection d her horoscope as per Krishnamurti

    P~dhdhaLi. Born on 7-12-1943, Tuesday at 10-28 a.m.

    Place of Birth - SRlRANGAM(Near Trichy) No other particulars were supplied. Here, a doubt arose as to the birth t ime. During 1942-1945

    Indian Standard Time was advanced by one hour fo r war purposes. Any recorded time should tI1erefore be redLlCed by one hour to get the (orrect Indian Standa rd Time. f>s no information, about this was given to me, I wanted La fIX the correct time of the preson by the K.P.Method of Ruling Planets Defore the erection of the horosoope.

    Now 10-28 a.'l1. must be either-war time or present Indian Standard Time. These are the only two possibilities.

    Taking lO-28a.m . as war Lime we have to find lhe Ascendant. Reducing the t ime by one hour and after subtracting the correction time for Sri Rangam as per Longitude, '/Ole get one local Mean Time. When the k:,c. is worked out it comes to 4"6' in Makara Rasi(Capticorn). It is in sat sign, sun star and sat sub. Let this be marked as l.

    Taking 10"28 a.m. as J~dian Stdndard Time and applying the correction for Sti Rangam, we get: the Local Mean Time.

    When Asc. is worked out, it comes to 19032' in Makara Rasi. Its position as per K.P. is, Sat Signs, Moon Star and Mercury sub. This can be marked as II.

  • 1. The I~gna combini:luOfl for I Mi:l rs - JupltEr-Mercury-Saturn -Sun

    2. The I ~gna combination tor II Mars-Jupitcr-Mf'rCIJry-Saturn-Moon


    The birth particu lar

  • KRI$HIIAML'RTI PAotIOtV.TI 119 As Moon is powerful as the star lord at the time ofjuc\gemeot,

    It Is conctucled that the t ime given is l.S.T. arKI not war-time. So Saturn can be substituted f04' Rahu Met'WfY and Moon

    are powerful In the Ruling Planets. As Ascendant agrees very well with the Ruling Planets. we h&ve to condude thon concerned for the darificatiOIl of birth time. In reply oolltirmed that Olle hour correction had been given to the recorded t ime at the time of birth Hundreds of Pra( tical example like this have prtWed the utility of K.P. system irI Astrology. In the No.1I case, Sun is weak, being date lord only. So No.1I must be the corr~ birth time.


    Every K.P. roIlower knows very well about the Ruling Planets and their utility at every stage in the predictive part Of stellar Astrology. SO, it is needless to write an additional paragraph OIl the theory of Ru ling Planets. Already a number of Articles of various K.P. follOW'ers on the subject of prediction with the help of Ruling Planets have been pLblished in various issues of this Esteemed Magazine. I wish to add a few examples on Ru ling Planets.

    I.My eldest son is a teacher in the S.E.Rly. High School, Bandamunda near Rourkcla. He wrote to me in a letter that his 5c:hool would be dosed for summer vacation from 23-5-85 and that he would corne to Khurda Road with his family on 25-5-85. He wrote in such an ambigllOUS manner that I could not understand whether they would start on 24'" evening to ream Khurda Road on 25'" Morning or they would start on 25"

    ev~nlng to arrive Khurda Road OIl 26"' . There are only two dl r~ct trains from Rourkela to Khurda Raod. One train Kalinga Exp~ess arrives K~.urda Road in the night and the other Utkal Express

  • MOOIl Star Jupiter ~~00ll Sign Lord - Mercury Day Lord - Venus


    Therefore the Ruling Planets were Jupiter, Mercury arid Venus.

    Here the question consists of two parts. The first part is whether they would come on 25'" or 26'" May, 85. The second part is at what time tIley would reach home on tIlat date.

    Regarding date of arrival: 25'" is Saturd~y and Pushyami Star day. Saturn Is not a

    Ruling Planet. 26" is Sunday and Aslesha Star day. Mercury is a strorll:l Ruling Planet. So, they should come on Aslesha Star - day on Sunday, Asl"sha Is In cancer ru led by Moon who is in the Ruling Lagna. Sun Is aspected by the strong Ruling Planet Jupiter. So, it was finallY decided thattlleywould arrive Khurda Raod on 26-5-85 only but not on 25-5-85.

    Regarding time of reaching home:-The train arrival t ime is 6.30 a.m. which corresponds to

    Venus sign, Taurus, Mars St~r, Saturn Sub. Venus is a Ruling Planet but Mars and Satum ~re not Ruling Planets. So, the train should come late. Here I am not concerned with tile train alTiv~1 time but I want to know the time of the ir reach ing home. From the Ruling Planets Jupiter and Mercury are very strong . So, my son should reach home when the lagna transits Merurry sign, Gemini, Jupiter Star from 7-57 a.m. to 8-42 a.m. a long range of 45 minutes. So, the sub position should be determined. Now Jupiter is the star lord or Moon and lagna and also me l

  • KRlSI;WJ,IUFtfI PNJHDHilll 123

    position correspom:Js to 8-3-2~ a.m. to 8--4-37 a.m At that tlme Moon V-\ercury star, Aslesha.

    WMt I\

  • ,,,

    lon SUor Lord - Sun Moon ~n Lord - Ver,us Day Lord - Sun


    From the ~Doye Ruling Planets how ta arrive at the correct decisio n? At the momtl't or ':I'IalY515 scorpio L .. gna camme"ced. The next lagna is Sagittiorius ruleC' by Jupiter ..... ilo Is 1'1 srroog Runng Plaret. So, puwer should be restored during Dhanut laglla. Saglnarius contains the stars of Kahu, Ven\lS and Sun. Even though Kethu is In Venus sign I1bra, it is conjoined .... ,tf1 Satum. Therefore Kethu mainly represe:lts Saturn who is not a RuliTY,j Planet. SO Kethu star is ~iminated. Among It1e Ruling PI,lnets Venus Is the t~ oon rasi lord while Sun is me Moon star Lord and the day lord. So, Sun is StrOfl!Jer than Venus. So, Venus cannot claim the star lord-ship. Therefore Sun attains the star lordship. Now among the Ruling

    Plio~ r..amety Jupiter, ,.lars, Sur., aodVen\lS, the sign lordship lIild S[111_ Reading Home 3) OUt school reopened 00 Friday 28-6-85 after Summer Vac~tion. We te1'lC hed ChipyrujXllle Rly. St

  • '" Howr ah Janata Expre.!o whik!rcury Day Lord - Jl4Jite1 SiJ, the Ruling Planets are Mercury. Moon, Mars, Jupiter. Journey generally tilkes 1I00ut 7 hours. SO Moon star or

    Mars star in r~ ercur'i sign Virgo Is ruled out. The next Lagna is Utva rtJ led oy Venus loIIho is not a Ru ling P1anet. Then follows 5cof"p!0 Lagnil ruled by Mars, Who is Ruling Planet. So Wf!I: have to reach home in Scorpio liIgna. We ffiily t

  • ". RULING PlANT Jupiter is also a suffot' iently strOl"lg Rul ing Planet. Therefore we

    nlU~ reach horne "'11en lhe lagi'la transits Moon sub. Jupiter SU~5W or Jupiter sub, Moon sulrsub. t40w at the bme rX analysis, lagna ..,~s ;n (an(l!( and Satum was in libra. So, tt.c Lagna Vias ilSperted by Saturn. So, the earl ier chance should be omittC!d. ~toon sub, J~iter sub-sub is earlier than Jupiter w b, MoOf'l sub-sub in "".eury star. Hence [ decided that we

    ~uld rt!ad1 ~ome \Iotlef1 the Lagna transits Mars sign, Mercury sta r, Jl.Piter sub, MOOn sub-sub from 27"-22'-14" to 27.31'-07" in SCOrpiO. This position corrcspOl''.\1s to 5-21 p.m. to 5-22 at Khurada Road.

    The train arrived Chipurupal1e at 'l.a.rn. GeI1eflllly the trains halt for a minute or lWo at that 5t


    K.P. ONLY ANSWER Some family friends very dose to us have visit~d my Muse

    on the evening of 1-5-85 for astrological consultantions. One of them Is a doctor and anotller is a wife of an Inc.ome Tax Officer.

    During the course of discussions, the doctor told that though astrology is a divine science, people are root much believing as a sdene, as the predictions do not come true and every th ing becomes commercialized as business. But my husband disagreeing stated that science is a science for eyer and the results can be verified at any tim ~ and at any place Without reference to the reservatiOlls if the principles are fo llowed as propounded by Gwruji rate Prof. Krishoamurti,whose unrelcntcd search for the lacunae and missing links of traditional astrology for correct predictions and offer ilCcurate predictions, which can be verified cent per cent very very corrcctry without fall. As already told by the latc Prof. tI1at it c~n because of this science being hil!1dled by quacks to e~rn the ir IMng tI1at it lost: all its grandeur.

    My husband wanted to convince the doctor in a natural way and explained tI1at how many doctors who have obtained their d~grees and gold medals from ttle Universities have become popular and famoUf in their fields. Really speaking all are not successful In th~lr fields due to many reasons. Due to this, we cannot conclude and say that the medicine is not a

    scicnc~. Simi larly people know and speak astrology, can Vie call all of them astrologers? No Certain ly not!

  • '" R~LlNG PL'.NT

    Ano:her hend observed that now ~ dill'S I am not telling com:diy. I cuuld !lot kC!'p qu ite at th is remark and questioned her that what I have not told correctly regarding the marriage of her d~ugh t e" four year~ back. S1(, was, perhaps, !lot sat;sfied with the prediction in th is regard, rather she consulted quite a nLmber of great a~rolog('rs I'lho predicted the date of marriage 1'1llich has not materi~ l i led so far. One thino I can appredate her when ever ,he rnnsults any body, the next da,,'shc comes to my hotl$(' and infOffilS whatever the,,' to ld about the marriage of her daughter and the period they have g iven and asks me whether it is correct.

    I aWid'fS advice the' lady let us wait p

  • KAl$HNII."Ilffll I'Nl'-IOHAll I rJ...."'Vff denied h~r request at any time ane! impress them

    now alS{) to pro~e that K.P. alone can stand the test of ~((urocy and ro rre W1ess of its re!>IJlts. OI.I r GLKuji has told already In

    h(~ bo:IoI

  • '" FrJLlJllG PLA'H ~turn SQua~The theory of GU:l:a:'Qa obsavatioos if the St.tI of 101'(1 of the numt:er gi'len hapiJens to thc star lord of Moon ~ A.scendent in the ruling planets the reply is yes othwiSf: No. The rU:1n9 Planets at 1:I'l' time of jud;ment of this m art W~ Daylord Mcrrury (Wedncsoay) 2.Rasi lord-S.iU not materialize.

    The pr~iction seems to be dl~art('ning to a great extent, as the conclusion is not ilnticipatc:-d by them. 1 requested my friend nor to be upset fur this and do whetever we have to do to maxim um extent and leave tnc le5ult to got iii per the teachings of l ord Sri KrishN In Gcethol. We have to 00 our


    On 25-2-S7 at 11.00 ~ .m . a party of three gentleman from Coimbature came to my roqmk seeking ~woi09ical advice. I understand tt.gy also to some extent . I studied their dl


    depart me. At that time one genlieman asked me" si r, we war.t to meet you again. We have got tighl eng~gements for 15 days t ram now an. If time perm;ts we will come and meet you. Sir, please can you predict the date of our meeting you again as you are a staunch advocate of K.P.

    I said, "Oh, yes I can predict the date and time of your arrival . I I'lill keep it in ~ cover mentioning the time and date of arrival. Thank you we will see again" they went out with a smile. I worked ou t tI1ls chart ~ nd ~nal ysed the chart earnestly to pick up the t ime and delte of arrival, since I took it as a challenge! Cuspal SUh!ord Planetary Stilr Lord Sublord Signifi -Position Positions catots ,

    "- S~ """

    Men:lII)' Sl.01 3-5+10 , Saturn "= S,n '*r1c's "'"'

    ,., 5 "00" Ma rs Keth'J Sa:urn Ma,s 11-9-2Hi , Saturn M~ rcury RaIl'J Venus M",ulry 5-3+;.[1 5 ~" l'Jpi:er s:tl.Oll Sa:ll rn Jupiter

  • '" 1. Jfthe 7' Mp sub lurd IS dcpos:ted In the con~el I 3t1on 01 a planet Slgniry:ng J, 9, 5, 7, 4" hOU5s along with 11" house the party clime sool1l~r and it Is imrr.inent.

    2. [f the ~ sub lord is cepositcd In the constellatloo (If a plane!. signifying, 8, 12 .. long with lQ1' Muse the party will not come.

    3. If the 7'" sub lord is dClXISited In the constellation of a planet signifying 3, 4, S, 7, 9 11'" hou~ along with 10, 8, and 6'" houses the party will ( me and it denotes late

    d~ to for 6, 8,10 and 12th houses. Now Ie'; us al'lalyse the chart taken for the purpose. In thiS

    Chart thr~ext we should find out the significat0f5 fur the houses taken for ana"'1;[s.


  • '" 9 th ho use - Party 's departure S~tum, Rahu, Mercury arid Kethu.

    4"' house - MV House Satur:1, Jupl~r


    we may take this position to the moon's transit. The remaining significalars are Mercury, Rahu and Kethu. Whe~ we lake the Moon's transit to the cuspal position of the significators refEred formerly, we should wait unti l th50 we shOUld arrive tlle date anu time when the two points coincide with the Mon and Lagn~ transit. The Moon at the time of Judgement is in uthara dam slar. The Moon should move to the Jupiter star (i.e. Poorattathi). On 28287 at 2-15 p.m. the r~oon trans its in the sig n Saturn Star Jupiter (Poarattathi) and the sub Jupiter at that time. The Lagna transits in the sign Mercury, star Rahu, and the sub Kethu at 2-15 p.m on thilt day on 28-2-87 at 2-15 p.m. both the Moon and, Lagna lr


    In the present time the strength of Jupiter is waning where as lhat af Venus is waxing . This decreases the interest in Vaidheek Ceremonies, Siltya Karma etc., essentlal far Para-loka-SUka aoo more and more indulgence in Iha-Loka-Suka.

    Venus is the Karak af mUSiC, fi ne arts, Bharatha Natya, Vehicle, conveyllrlCe W'ealll'1, Ornaments, ladies etc. But here I am interested in vehide only, tile KaliJk of which Is Venus.

    Now a days it has become the matter of prestige for people to have atleast one vel1ide allhe door ol.heNilse according to them there is no regard, no hOliOur In the SOCiety.

    It Is east'{ to buy the vehicle at present as there is no need of spending money in total from their pockets rather to tilke the' help of bank whois ever ready to give financial support to the purchaser of the vehides.

    Here I am going to diSCUSS the same type of case where a man who was not capable to purchase the vehide p.3ying ful l amount from his pocket, takes the help of the bank, a ftnandng body to fulfill his desire.

    A young m~n entered my room on 26-5-85 nearly at 1 p.m. and requested me to predict the date at which a truck chassis wo~ld be handed over to him for which he was trying and seeking the help from the bank. He further said that the manager of the Bank had promised to give the draft within a week. But it is not possible for me to w~it even one week so please predict the date at which the draft will be handed ovt!r and the chasis will come in my hand.

    Ustening his story I asked him to give a number betw"eenl

  • '" Rlur/G PlANT

    to 249 and !he num!lr !;ivcn was 3. nU!n I told him to meet a~;.ln In lhe evening a!tcr I) p ,m. as he Vias to leave 5erghatl ilt g p.rn Ihc s~me dily.

    The calculaUon \"las made al 2-55 p.m. on 26-5-85 at Sherghati. The Horilry Ch~rt fer KP, NO. 3 and the Planetary poslUons for \t1e lime 2-55 p.m. are given below:


    1),,;0 I ~.$.O 11(";,0.{ \\:'tAZ; :1 IMr l1 ... '5 !io.Io " , .;Q FCCco Moon

    "', Venus Salurn

    So" Moo. Mm M.~ M'~ J",,~


    Ke7hu Jupiter ~Ioor Mercury Satum (R) Juj::iter )"pitcr Moor Venus Mercury Forttlne Rahu

    Ml!fCury Jupiter Moo"

    "'" .kiplter ~l oon


    Whether d IlOroscoiX' proml5eS v~icl~ or not is judged oy the 4"' Cu~ and Venus, If the sub lord of the 4'" cusp 01 the star lord in ~'hich sub lord Is posited Is si~niflcator of 4" wsp ane anyway connected with Venus, promises ~ vahan Joga.

    ~her\.For t~ type of vehide \'Ie SI that Venus and Moon ue ~ slgnlficators of the 4" hoJ$C ane /o1ars Is posited III the sign of V,,;'IUS, Taurus. This incEcatcs that there will be engine aoo Pe"lol or any fu2,1 will be requite(! to drive the vcl11C1c.

    ~.v the! sib lord of the 4"' CUSP is ~"lercury vbich is deposited In a mo .... able sign as ... :el: ilS a bestial Sigll Aries which Indicates 4 wheeled vehicle.

    Here it Is clear th2 t the native will have 4 wheeled Vehicle accorclng to t~e horarr' chart. No',': the th ing [eft is to calcula te the :lme only, ... 11.e1 he wi :1 have the same.

    It Is the 11" cusp ",mid : clearly indicates that wheth the desire of the native wi'J De fultliled or not in hordry. The II "' cusp sub lord IsVcnus 1"\Ihid1 is IndirM motion and Ve:"lUS Is

    posit~ ;1) tile ~r of t'-'erc,rry wh:ch is al50 Indirect mnl;lOIl hence tile desire wi'l be f"I~lle:I. Her!! sub lord venus is In tile! 12u ho use indlc~:i;1g some del ay, disa ppoi ntment and fru ~tration.

    Mor(!()YC!" the sigI1 lord of 11" cusp retrograde Saturn Is ,aspoct;n.9 \lie d-~ ;. 0lSp, 50 until OI nd unless it becomes d'rcct there is no Ch.iOCe of fulfilling the ~ of native.

  • ,,,:; RU.ING I'\.ANT

    To have a vehicle t..'ie slgnlficctors of :.n-.rses 4, 9, 10 Md 11 LiI~erl . AI. tile nine pli nets are the singificators.

    lis t~e Slgnr'icators are ali the n'ne planets so to decide the date of purch~sc, lJ:e rul:ng pI .. net Is the only aid which will give the due.

    Ruling Planets are : Da)" L

  • KRISHNAMURTl PACH)f' ATI '" 2. He submitted tile draft to the company from whe~e he \'I~S to get the chasis 00 27-7-85 on 5

    Every stuOOlt of a5\rolo9Y knows that ~ pilrticu lar ~t on any day, a certain plar'let gOlo"elTls the si!J1 (rasi) teoanted by the Hocn (Chandra), another plj the MUl)f), it third D~net the nakshta sub division (cal led \.he sub) where t1le Moon was il l the moment,

  • ,'a !1UUNC PL/I.m 3. The lord of ~ sab in nakSI'k1tTa riSing in the lagna: 4. The lord of the 51!;n in which "'oon is plact!d at the


    S. The 'ord of ttl!! asterism transited by the Hoon; 6. Tnt! 10m afthe sub division In tht: nakshatrll then occupic:d

    by the ~100n, ~rXI

    7. The lord of the week day

    If Rahu or Kclhu ',\:ere conjoined .... 1th, or OIXUpy, a sign 1T ... nr:(! by ilny of the Rull:19 Planets, the noOCs R

  • KR ISHNAMUR'"I FADHDH~~I one ned to ~ an exper ienced fo llower of Krishnamurti Padhdhati In order tounderstand the rU; in
  • 148 RUliNC I'i.J,NT

    6. Art'( other planet can .a lso be taken as il ruling planet If, alld 0II1y ir. it is aspwed by a strong ruling plallet Here, the 7'" house dSpect can a.'so be aJIlsidered in adcition to thE! special aspects.

    7. P:anets In close cOIljuocton wit:', or in close proximity (upto 5") to,the ruling plMets may also b assumed as fL' llng planets. If the former is 11 faster-mong plarJet as c,omp.ved to the la~er, it beoome5 a strong rullr.g plDnet.

    Amorg these, those .... f Hch are retrograde 1'.;11 cause oela'{

  • KRlSliNAMURll P-'Dtf";JtW! 149 anthra lord is stationed In the 12'" (sign) redmned from the sign oocupled by the Bhukthl101t1. This plindple, I must say, Is faulty. WhWler the Bhuicthl lord or anthr.il lord is in the 12'" S!g
