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1292 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 61, NO. 5, MAY 2014 Modeling Carrier Mobility in Nano-MOSFETs in the Presence of Discrete Trapped Charges: Accuracy and Issues Salvatore Maria Amoroso, Member, IEEE, Louis Gerrer, Mihail Nedjalkov, Razaidi Hussin, Craig Alexander, and Asen Asenov, Fellow, IEEE Abstract— This paper investigates the accuracy and issues of modeling carrier mobility in the channel of a nanoscaled MOSFET in the presence of discrete charges trapped at the channel/oxide interface. By comparing drift-diffusion (DD) and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results, a quasi-local mobility model accounting for the complex scattering profile associated with a trapped carrier at the center of the channel is firstly derived. The accuracy of this model is evaluated on a test-bed 25-nm MOS transistor at low drain bias condition and for several applied gate biases. The issues in extending this mobility model to high drain biases regime and to the case of randomly positioned trapped charges are then discussed in the second part of this paper. Our findings show that DD simulations can maintain computational efficiency and accuracy at low drain biases, when a proper mobility model is used to describe the impact of discrete trapped charges. On the other hand, more complex corrections, that go beyond the simple mobility modification, are neces- sary to compensate the different carrier concentrations between DD and MC approaches at high drain biases. Index Terms—Charge trapping, mobility model, MOSFETs, reliability, semiconductor device modeling, variability. I. I NTRODUCTION I N THE last few years, charge trapping phenom- ena in scaled MOSFETs have been intensively stud- ied and identified as the root cause of several reliability issues such as random telegraph noise [1]–[6], bias tem- perature instabilities [7]–[12], and trap-assisted-tunneling gate leakage [13], [14]. 3-D drift-diffusion (DD) simulation Manuscript received December 10, 2013; accepted March 17, 2014. Date of publication April 3, 2014; date of current version April 18, 2014. This work was supported by the European Commission through the FP7 Programme under Grant 261868 MORDRED and Grant 318458 SUPERTHEME. The review of this paper was arranged by Editor E. Rosenbaum. S. M. Amoroso and L. Gerrer are with the University of Glas- gow, Glasgow G12 8LT, U.K. (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). M. Nedjalkov is with the Institute for Microelectronics, Vienna University of Technology, Wien 1040, Austria (e-mail: [email protected]). R. Hussin is with the University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8LT, U.K., and also with the University of Malaysia Perlis, Perlis 01000, Malaysia (e-mail: [email protected]). C. Alexander is with Gold Standard Simulation Ltd., Glasgow G12 8LT, U.K. (e-mail: [email protected]). A. Asenov is with the University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8LT, U.K.,and also with Gold Standard Simulation Ltd., Glasgow G12 8LT, U.K. (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2014.2312820 studies the effects associated with charge trapping on the transistor threshold voltage V T degradation have been recently published [2], [4], [12], [15]. The DD approach only captures the electrostatic effects that create a local exclusion of carriers in the channel around the trapped charge and reduce the overall current flowing through the device [16]. They are, therefore, perfectly apt to study the V T degradation and vari- ability in the subthreshold regime [15], where the electrostatic change of electron density fully governs the device behavior. However, when the object of study is the MOSFET ON-state behavior, then DD simulations become inaccurate to properly describe the short-range effects related to impurity-induced modification of carrier velocities and they lead to a severe underestimation of drain current variability [17]. In this case, Monte Carlo (MC) transport simulation has to be adopted to take into account not only the electrostatic effects, but also the scattering effects that make the impact of the trapped charge stronger and more delocalized [16]. This approach is computationally expensive. Therefore, models corrections that enable the DD approach to correctly capture the ON-current variability are highly desirable. A hierarchical approach that introduces a variability term in the bulk-mobility model has been proposed in [18]. However, this methodology does not offer a physics-based model applicable for generic cases. The aim of this paper is to derive, on the basis on MC simulation results, a quasi-local mobility model for DD sim- ulations in the presence of discrete trapped charges. It is worth noting that, the nonlocality of the trap impact on charge transport [16], [17] enables us to seek for a mobility model that is not strongly confined around the trap position, avoiding therefore to invalidate the hypothesis of smooth mobility varia- tions required in the derivation of DD approximated equations from the Boltzmann transport equation [19]. In the remaining of this paper, we will present our simulation methodology and a thorough derivation of a MC-corrected mobility model for DD simulation, evaluating its accuracy, and highlighting its limitations. II. SIMULATION METHODOLOGY 3-D DD numerical simulations were performed using the gold standard simulations atomistic simulator GARAND [20] on a well-scaled 25-nm template MOSFET, featuring 0018-9383 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

    Modeling Carrier Mobility in Nano-MOSFETsin the Presence of Discrete Trapped Charges:

    Accuracy and IssuesSalvatore Maria Amoroso, Member, IEEE, Louis Gerrer, Mihail Nedjalkov, Razaidi Hussin,

    Craig Alexander, and Asen Asenov, Fellow, IEEE

    Abstract— This paper investigates the accuracy and issuesof modeling carrier mobility in the channel of a nanoscaledMOSFET in the presence of discrete charges trapped at thechannel/oxide interface. By comparing drift-diffusion (DD) andMonte Carlo (MC) simulation results, a quasi-local mobilitymodel accounting for the complex scattering profile associatedwith a trapped carrier at the center of the channel is firstlyderived. The accuracy of this model is evaluated on a test-bed25-nm MOS transistor at low drain bias condition and for severalapplied gate biases. The issues in extending this mobility model tohigh drain biases regime and to the case of randomly positionedtrapped charges are then discussed in the second part of thispaper. Our findings show that DD simulations can maintaincomputational efficiency and accuracy at low drain biases, whena proper mobility model is used to describe the impact of discretetrapped charges. On the other hand, more complex corrections,that go beyond the simple mobility modification, are neces-sary to compensate the different carrier concentrations betweenDD and MC approaches at high drain biases.

    Index Terms— Charge trapping, mobility model, MOSFETs,reliability, semiconductor device modeling, variability.


    IN THE last few years, charge trapping phenom-ena in scaled MOSFETs have been intensively stud-ied and identified as the root cause of several reliabilityissues such as random telegraph noise [1]–[6], bias tem-perature instabilities [7]–[12], and trap-assisted-tunnelinggate leakage [13], [14]. 3-D drift-diffusion (DD) simulation

    Manuscript received December 10, 2013; accepted March 17, 2014. Date ofpublication April 3, 2014; date of current version April 18, 2014. This workwas supported by the European Commission through the FP7 Programmeunder Grant 261868 MORDRED and Grant 318458 SUPERTHEME. Thereview of this paper was arranged by Editor E. Rosenbaum.

    S. M. Amoroso and L. Gerrer are with the University of Glas-gow, Glasgow G12 8LT, U.K. (e-mail: [email protected];[email protected]).

    M. Nedjalkov is with the Institute for Microelectronics, Vienna Universityof Technology, Wien 1040, Austria (e-mail: [email protected]).

    R. Hussin is with the University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8LT, U.K., andalso with the University of Malaysia Perlis, Perlis 01000, Malaysia (e-mail:[email protected]).

    C. Alexander is with Gold Standard Simulation Ltd., Glasgow G12 8LT,U.K. (e-mail: [email protected]).

    A. Asenov is with the University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8LT, U.K., andalso with Gold Standard Simulation Ltd., Glasgow G12 8LT, U.K. (e-mail:[email protected]).

    Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are availableonline at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2014.2312820

    studies the effects associated with charge trapping on thetransistor threshold voltage VT degradation have been recentlypublished [2], [4], [12], [15]. The DD approach only capturesthe electrostatic effects that create a local exclusion of carriersin the channel around the trapped charge and reduce theoverall current flowing through the device [16]. They are,therefore, perfectly apt to study the VT degradation and vari-ability in the subthreshold regime [15], where the electrostaticchange of electron density fully governs the device behavior.However, when the object of study is the MOSFET ON-statebehavior, then DD simulations become inaccurate to properlydescribe the short-range effects related to impurity-inducedmodification of carrier velocities and they lead to a severeunderestimation of drain current variability [17]. In this case,Monte Carlo (MC) transport simulation has to be adopted totake into account not only the electrostatic effects, but alsothe scattering effects that make the impact of the trappedcharge stronger and more delocalized [16]. This approach iscomputationally expensive. Therefore, models corrections thatenable the DD approach to correctly capture the ON-currentvariability are highly desirable. A hierarchical approach thatintroduces a variability term in the bulk-mobility model hasbeen proposed in [18]. However, this methodology does notoffer a physics-based model applicable for generic cases.The aim of this paper is to derive, on the basis on MCsimulation results, a quasi-local mobility model for DD sim-ulations in the presence of discrete trapped charges. It isworth noting that, the nonlocality of the trap impact on chargetransport [16], [17] enables us to seek for a mobility modelthat is not strongly confined around the trap position, avoidingtherefore to invalidate the hypothesis of smooth mobility varia-tions required in the derivation of DD approximated equationsfrom the Boltzmann transport equation [19]. In the remainingof this paper, we will present our simulation methodology anda thorough derivation of a MC-corrected mobility model forDD simulation, evaluating its accuracy, and highlighting itslimitations.


    3-D DD numerical simulations were performed using thegold standard simulations atomistic simulator GARAND [20]on a well-scaled 25-nm template MOSFET, featuring

    0018-9383 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.


    Fig. 1. DD and MC simulated ID –VG curves (VD = 50 mV left,VD = 1.0 V right) for the continuously doped MOSFET investigated inthis paper. DD mobility models are calibrated to match MC results.

    a thin SiO2 oxide with thickness tox = 1.2 nm and a metalgate. Details of the structures are reported in [21]. Conven-tional models, namely Masetti for the doping dependence,Caughey–Thomas for the lateral field dependence, and Lom-bardi for the vertical field dependence [22] are used tomodeling carrier mobility in the fresh (without oxide traps)device. The parameters of these models are calibrated tomatch the transfer characteristics obtained from the MCmodule of GARAND at low and high drain biases, asshown in Fig. 1. In this case, similar to other worksin [23]– [25], the common scattering mechanisms (acousticand optical phonon, surface roughness and continuous dop-ing distributions) are included using a scattering rates table.To properly treat the scattering from the discrete trappedcharges, we exclude the Coulomb scattering from the con-ventional scattering rate tables and introduce it throughthe real space trajectories of the electrons in the meshresolved potential of the corresponding discrete chargesadopting a particle-particle particle-mesh approaches [26].In this case, the long-range component of the Coulombinteraction and the external driving electric force are prop-erly taken into account through the mesh-based solution ofPoisson’s equation. However, at short range, the mesh forcealone underestimates the magnitude of the Coulomb interac-tion between the scattering centers and an individual carrier.Therefore, the simulated mobility will be significantly overes-timated. To avoid this artifact, a short-range force correctionto the mesh force is employed using a well-tested analyticalmodel [17]

    E(r) = qr4π�0�r

    (r2 + 2r2c

    )3/2 (1)

    where rc is a cutoff radius to which the correction reachesits maximum. Note that, at r < rc the field decreases tozero, removing the rapidly varying short-range componentand the potential singularity created by the discrete trappedcharge. In the following, we adopt rc = 0.5 nm as agood compromise between the short-range scattering resolu-tion and numerical efficiency [17]. Density gradient quantumcorrections have been also incorporated in both DD andMC modules.


    A. Low Drain Bias Regime

    We started our analysis comparing DD and MC resultsobtained for the 25-nm test-bed device at low drain biases

    Fig. 2. DD (left) and MC (right) simulation of electrostatic potential (top),electron density (middle) and current density (bottom) for VG = 0.8 V,VD = 0.05 V, at 1 nm below the channel interface. A single charge is trappedat the channel/oxide interface in the middle of the channel.

    Fig. 3. Ratio between the DD and MC simulated current density atVG = 0.8 V on a 2-D plane at 1 nm below the channel/oxide interface.

    (VD = 0.05 V). In this regime, nonequilibrium transportis minimized allowing a fair comparison between the twoapproaches. A single charge is trapped at the oxide interfacein the middle of the channel. Fig. 2 shows the comparisonbetween DD and MC simulation of potential, electron density,and current density in the channel for the 25-nm MOSFETtemplate at VG = 0.8 V. It is clear how DD simulation onlycaptures the electrostatic effect of the trapped charge, whileMC simulation is able to capture also the scattering effectassociated with the trapped charge. In DD simulation, thecurrent flow surrounds the defect: the influence of trappedcharge is very local and confined. On the other hand, in MCsimulation, the current flow is split in two main streams and,because of the scattering effects, the influence of the trappedcharge extends far away toward the drain region. This is clearlyshown in Fig. 3, where we plot the ratio between the currentdensity obtained from DD simulation and the one obtainedfrom MC simulation on a 2-D plane located 1 nm belowthe channel/oxide interface. Apart from the MC noise, theratio is practically 1 far from the defect position. Immediatelybefore the defect position, the DD simulation overestimates thecurrent value. This is even more pronounced after the defectposition, with a current ratio factor close to 2 is observed formore than 10 nm after the trapped charge. Please note thatthe device dimensions (25 × 25 nm2) have been chosen to be


    Fig. 4. DD and MC carrier concentration comparison along the channellength at 1 nm below the channel/oxide interface without (left) and with(right) trapped charge at VD = 0.05 V.

    small enough to emphasize the trap impact, but large enoughto avoid influence of boundary conditions on the scatteringcenter.

    To derive a mobility model able to correct DD simulationson the base of MC simulation in the presence of a discretetrapped charge, we need first of all to indentify the root causeleading to the difference between the two approaches. Becausewe are focusing our attention on the MOSFET ON-stateregime, we can assume, with a good degree of accuracy, thatthe current density is mainly determined by its drift compo-nent, therefore neglecting the diffusion contribution, we have

    {JDD � qnDDvDDJMC � qnMCvMC. (2)

    The difference between DD and MC current densities can bedue to both differences in carrier concentrations in the channeland carrier velocity fields. However, Fig. 4 shows that, at lowdrain voltages, nMC is practically equal to nDD (both withand without trapped charge), therefore the difference in thecurrent densities is completely due to the different velocityfield profile in DD and MC simulations. Moreover, expressingthe velocity as product of mobility μ and electric field Fand considering that the comparison of electrostatic potentialsshown in Fig. 5 allows us to approximate FDD � FMC, then wereformulate (2) as


    = μDDμMC

    . (3)

    Fig. 5. DD and MC electrostatic potential comparison along the channellength at 1 nm below the channel/oxide interface without (left) and with(right) trapped charge at VD = 0.05 V.

    Fig. 6. Mobility correction factor along the channel length at 1 nm belowthe channel/oxide interface for several applied gate voltages at VD = 0.05 V.An analytical approximation is also shown accordingly to (4).

    In other words, the current density ratio shown in Fig. 3shows already the inverse of the correction we should applyto the DD mobility field to match the MC results of trappedcharge-induced drain current degradation. Of course, Fig. 3shows a numerical ratio for one single applied gate voltage,while our aim is to find an analytical expression for a mobilitycorrection valid for all the applied gate voltages above thetransistor threshold. For this purpose, we show in Fig. 6,the DD/MC current density ratio along the channel lengthfor several applied gate voltages: the ratio barely dependson the gate voltage and therefore an analytical expression forthe mobility correction can easily be found. Please note that,the results at low overdrive voltage are intrinsically more noise


    Fig. 7. Mobility correction factor along the channel width at 1 nm belowthe channel/oxide interface for several applied gate voltages at VD = 0.05 V.An analytical triangular-shaped function approximation is also shown.

    Fig. 8. Drain current degradation due to a single trapped charge at the centerof the channel area as a function of applied gate voltage. DD, MC, and DDafter correction simulations are reported. The relative error between DD andMC and between corrected-DD and MC are shown in the inset.

    due to the stochastic nature of particle-based MC simulation.Here, we suggest a possible analytical phenomenologicalmodels for the mobility correction field � that can be readas

    � ={

    cosh(x/x0) x ≤ xTA ∗ (x − xT ) + B x > xT . (4)

    This analytical fitting is shown in Fig. 3 together with thenumerical results. Here, x0 = 7.6, A = −0.1, and B = 2 arethe fitting parameters, while xT is the trap position along thechannel length. Fig. 7 shows that the mobility correction factoralong the channel width is well approximated by a 3-nm largetriangular-shaped function, independent from the gate voltage.The same features are valid along the substrate depth directionwhere the mobility factor is approximated by a 1.5-nm largetriangular-shaped function centered at 1 nm below the channelinterface.

    B. Accuracy on Drain Current Degradation

    The analytical mobility model correction derived in theprevious section has been implemented in GARAND and DDsimulations have been carried on to evaluate the impact ofa trapped charge on 25-nm MOSFET featuring a uniformdoping and a single trapped charge at the center of thechannel area. Fig. 8 shows the comparison between MC,

    Fig. 9. Mobility correction factor along the channel length at 1 nm below thechannel/oxide interface for several applied gate voltages and VD = 0.05 Vfor a trap located close to source (left) and drain (right).

    DD, and corrected-DD simulation results. The relative draindegradation due to charge trapping decreases with increasinggate bias as a result of the increasing electrostatic screeningeffect. Due to the additional scattering effects, MC simulationpredicts higher degradation with respect to DD approach. Therelative error in underestimating the scattering effects is shownin the inset of Fig. 8 and increases from 30% to 70% withincreasing the gate bias from 0.4 to 1.0 V. In the same figure isreported the current degradation obtained by corrected-DD: inthis case, the relative error with respect MC results decreasesless than 18% with much lower dependency on the applied gatevoltage.


    In this section, we analyze and discuss the main issues thatmay limit the extension of this modeling approach to generalMOSFETs operational conditions.

    A. Impact of Trap Position

    In a MOSFET featuring nanometric size, the channel elec-trostatics is strongly nonuniform due to the vicinity of sourceand drain regions. If a trap is located close to the source ordrain region, then screening effects from these regions canreduce the impact of scattering of trapped charges. This isclearly shown in Fig. 9 where we report the mobility correctionfactor for a trap located in proximity of the source and drainregions. It is clear that the screening effect strongly reduces thelong-range impact of scattering. The mobility correction factoris reduced from 2 to 1.6 (1.4) going from a trap location at thecenter of the channel to one at the source (drain) side. There-fore, particular care needs to be taken in the implementationof such quasi-local mobility models an appropriate envelopefunction needs to be applied to describe the change in themaximum correction factor with the trap position along thechannel length.

    B. Many Traps/Many Dopants Interactions

    The analysis proposed in Section III has been carried onconsidering one single discrete trapped charge. A naturalextension is considering the case in which many discretecharges (being them oxide trapped charge or channel dopants)are simultaneously present in the device active region. A firsthurdle is represented by the overlap, at each mesh point,between the mobility correction factors coming from different


    Fig. 10. Top: DD simulated current density (arbitrary units) on a 2-D planeat 1 nm below the channel/oxide interface for a MOSFET featuring manychannel impurities. The locations of valleys are in correspondence of thediscrete impurities positions. Bottom: ratio between DD and MC simulatedcurrent densities (arbitrary units). The map is colored according to the DDdensity on the top graph to show that the maxima of mobility correction are incorrespondence of the discrete impurity positions. It is also highlighted that,for some impurities, the correction factor is not parallel to the source-to-draindirection but rather tilted by the disuniform electrostatic potential.

    discrete impurities. Fig. 10 shows the mobility correction overthe channel area of a MOSFET featuring several discretedopants in the channel. The shape of the correction betweenthe neighbors impurities suggests that the contribution comingfrom each dopants cannot be computed as a direct sum butrather using a Matthiessen’s rule-like sum such that, at eachmesh point xi


    �(xi )= 1

    �1(xi )+ 1

    �2(xi )+ · · · + 1

    �N (xi )(5)

    where � j is the mobility correction factor at the mesh pointxi coming from the j th discrete impurity.

    A second hurdle is introduced by the fact that, elec-trostatic potential fluctuations given by many randomlyplaced impurities break the symmetry of the current flowobserved in Fig. 3 along the channel width. Fig. 10 sug-gests that a mobility model correction centered at eachimpurity position can be still applied tilting the main axisalong a direction related to the carrier velocity profilebefore and after the impurity. A full solution of theseproblematics, here highlighted, require an extensive compu-tational and analytical study that is beyond the scope ofthis paper.

    C. High Drain Bias Regime

    Up to now, we have considered only the case in whichvery low voltages (VD = 0.05 V) are applied to the draincontact. Much more attention needs to be paid to the caseof high drain voltages, because nonequilibrium phenomenacan completely change the carrier distribution obtained in MC

    Fig. 11. DD and MC carrier concentration comparison along the channellength at 1 nm below the channel/oxide interface without (left) and with (right)trapped charge at VD = 1.0 V.

    simulation in respect to what is obtained by DD simulation.This can be clearly observed in Fig. 11, where we comparethe carrier concentration along the channel length obtainedfrom DD and MC simulations. While the DD simulationpredicts a very localized drop of carriers close to the drain sidedue to the pinchoff effect, the MC simulation shows a moredelocalized drop due to the proper treatment of nonequilibriumtransport effect on the associated velocity overshoot near thedrain. Moreover, the MC carrier concentration is lower, ingeneral, all over the channel region with respect to DD resultsbecause the carrier velocity is not artificially limited by asaturation velocity parameter and ballistic transport is alsopossible: in the MC case, to have the same drain currentgiven by DD simulations, a lower carrier concentration iscompensated by a higher carrier velocity. As a consequence ofthis difference in the charge distributions, also the electrostaticpotential and, in turns, the electric field obtained by MCsimulation will differ from the DD ones, as shown in Fig. 12.Because of these nonequilibrium effects, the main hypothe-ses adopted to derive the mobility correction of (4) falls.In the high drain regime, we can still plot the ratio between DDand MC current densities, as shown in Fig. 13, but this ratiocannot be put anymore in direct correlation with the mobilityratio as done, for low drain condition, in Fig. 6. As expected,the current density ratio is strongly affected by the appliedgate voltage and it may also depend on the device length.In this regime, more complex corrections, that go beyond the


    Fig. 12. DD and MC electrostatic potential comparison along the channellength at 1 nm below the channel/oxide interface without (left) and with (right)trapped charge at VD = 1.0 V.

    Fig. 13. Ratio between DD and MC simulated current densities along thechannel length at 1 nm below the channel/oxide interface for several appliedgate voltages at VD = 0.05 V. In this case, the ratio cannot be put in directcorrespondence with the mobility correction factor.

    simple mobility modification, are necessary to compensatethe different carrier concentrations between DD and MCapproaches.


    This paper presents a detailed comparison of DD and MCsimulation of trapped charge-induced drain current degrada-tion in a nanoscale MOSFET. A quasi-local mobility modelaccounting for the complex scattering profile offered by adiscrete charge at the center of the channel has been proposedand its accuracy tested for several trap position, at low drain

    biases and for several applied gate biases. The issues inextending this mobility model to high drain biases regime andto the case of randomly positioned trapped charges have beendiscussed, showing that DD simulations offer computationalefficiency and accuracy at low drain biases, whereas moreinvestigation efforts are required to find reliable and physics-based modifications of the DD approach to study the impactof discrete traps on charge transport at high drain biases.


    The authors would like to thank A. Spinelli and C. MonzioCompagnoni from Politecnico di Milano, and A. Ghetti,A. Mauri, and A. Benvenuti from Micron for bringing the issueof modeling charge trapping-induced mobility fluctuationsin nanoscale MOSFETs to our attention and for the usefuldiscussions.


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    [26] R. W. Hockney and J. W. Eastwood, Computer Simulation UsingParticles. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill, 1981.

    Salvatore Maria Amoroso (S’10–M’12) receivedthe Ph.D. degree in electronics engineering fromPolitecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, in 2012.

    He has been an Associate Researcher with theDepartment of Electronics, University of Glasgow,Glasgow, U.K., since 2012.

    Louis Gerrer was born in Amiens, France, in 1983.He received the M.Sc. degree in Strasbourg and thePh.D. degree from MINATEC, Grenoble, France,under the supervision of G. Ghibaudo.

    He is currently developing a reliability simulatorwith the Device Modelling Group, Glasgow, U.K.

    Mihail Nedjalkov received the Ph.D. and Habil-itation degrees from the Bulgarian Academy ofSciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1990 and 2001, respec-tively, and the D.Sc. degree in mathematics in 2011.

    He is with the Institute for Parallel Processing,Sofia, and the Institute for Microelectronics, TUWien, Wien, Austria, involved in modeling of classi-cal and quantum carrier transport in semiconductormaterials.

    Razaidi Hussin received the M.Sc. degree in micro-electronic engineering from Universiti MalaysiaPerlis, Malaysia. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D.degree with the University of Glasgow, Glasgow,U.K., focusing on oxide reliability issues in CMOSnanoscale devices.

    Craig Alexander received the Ph.D. degree from theUniversity of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K., in 2005.

    He is currently with Gold Standard Simulations,Ltd., Glasgow, as the Chief Monte Carlo SoftwareDeveloper. His current research interests includeMonte Carlo device simulation of variability innanoscale devices.

    Asen Asenov (M’96–SM’05–F’11) received thePh.D. degree in solid-state physics from the Bulgar-ian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1989.

    He is currently a Chief Executive Officer withGold Standard Simulations, Ltd., Glasgow, U.K.,and a James Watt Professor of Electrical Engineeringwith the University of Glasgow, Glasgow.

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