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________________________________________________________________________ TREATIES AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL ACTS SERIES 12995 EXTRADITION Treaty Between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and PARAGUAY Signed at Washington November 9, 1998
  • ________________________________________________________________________



    Treaty Between the


    and PARAGUAY

    Signed at Washington November 9, 1998


    Pursuant to Public Law 89—497, approved July 8, 1966 (80 Stat. 271; 1 U.S.C. 113)—

    “. . .the Treaties and Other International Acts Series issued under the authority of the Secretary of State shall be competent evidence . . . of the treaties, international agreements other than treaties, and proclamations by the President of such treaties and international agreements other than treaties, as the case may be, therein contained, in all the courts of law and equity and of maritime jurisdiction, and in all the tribunals and public offices of the United States, and of the several States, without any further proof or authentication thereof.”



    Treaty signed at Washington November 9, 1998; Transmitted by the President of the United States of America

    to the Senate July 13, 1999 (Treaty Doc. 106-4, 106th Congress, 1st Session);

    Reported favorably by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations September 27, 2000 (Senate Executive Report No. 106-26, 106th Congress, 2nd Session);

    Advice and consent to ratification by the Senate October 18, 2000; Ratified by the President December 23, 2000; Ratified by Paraguay February 28, 2001; Ratifications exchanged at Asuncion March 9, 2001; Entered into force March 9, 2001.






  • ---------------------------------------

    ~' I

    The Government of the United States of America and the Government

    of the Republic of Paraguay (hereinafter "the Parties"),

    Aware of the need to update the Treaty on Extradition Between the

    United States of America and the Republic of Paraguay, signed at Asuncion

    on May 24, 1973,

    Desiring to provide for more effective cooperation between the two

    States in the suppression of crime, and for that purpose, to conclude a new

    treaty for the extradition of ofJenden,

    Have agreed as follows:

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    Article I

    Agreement to Extradite

    The Parties agree to extradite to each other, punuant to the provisions 1

    of this Treaty, p'nons sought by authorities in the Requesting State for trial

    or punishment f•r an extraditable offense.

    Article II

    Extraditable Offenses

    1. A~ offense shall be an extraditable offense if it is punishable

    under the laws i$ both Parties by deprivation of liberty for a maximum

    period of more t'1an one year or by a more severe penalty.

    2. When the request for extradition relates to a penon who has

    been sentenced 1'Y the judicial authorities in the Requesting State for an

    extraditable offense, extradition shall be granted only if the remainder of the

    sentence to be served by the penon amounts to more than six months.

    3. A• offense shall also be an extraditable offense if it consists of a

    conspiracy or attempt to commit, or participation in the commission of, an

    offense describecJ in paragraph 1 and, if applicable, paragraph 2 of this


    4. F~r the purposes of this Article, an offense shall be an

    extraditable offe .. se:

    (a) whether or not the laws in the Parties place the offense

    within the same category of offenses or describe the

    offense by the same terminology; and

    (b) whether or not the laws in the Requesting State require,

    for the purpose of establishing jurisdiction of its courts,

    evidence of intentate transportation, or the use of the

    mails or other facilities affecting intentate or foreign

    commerce, as elements of the specific offense.

    5. In: accordance with the provisions of this Treaty, extradition

    shall be granted ror offenses committed in whole or in part within the

    territory of the Requesting State. Extradition shall also be granted for

    offenses commit•ed outside the territory of the Requesting State if:

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    (a) the act or acts that constitute the offense have effects in

    the territory of the Requesting State; or

    (b) the laws in the Requested State provide for punishment

    for an offense committed outside its territory in similar


    6. Ifextradition has been granted for an extraditable offense, it

    shall also be granted for any other offense expressly referred to in the

    request, even if the latter offense is punishable by one year or less of

    deprivation of liberty, provided that all other requirements for extradition

    are met.

    Article III

    Extradition of Nationals

    Extradition shall not be refused on the ground that the penon sought

    is a national of the Requated State.

    Article IV

    Bases for Denial of Extradition

    1. Extradition shall not be granted by the Requested State if the

    offense for which extradition is requested ii a political offense. For the

    purposes of this Treaty, tile following offenses shall not be considered to be

    political offenses:

    (a) a murder or other willful crime against the physical

    integrity of the Head ofState of one of the Parties, or of

    a member of the Head ofState's family;

    (b) an offense for which both Parties have the obligation,

    punuant to a multilateral international agreement, to

    extradite the person sought or to submit the case to

    their competent authorities for decision as to

    prosecution; and

    (c) a conspiracy or attempt to commit, or participation in

    the commission of, any of the foregoing offenses.

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    2. Notwithstanding the terms of paragraph 1 of this Article,

    extradition shall not be granted if the competent authority of the Requested

    State determines that the request was politically motivated.

    3. The Requested State may refuse extradition for offenses under

    military law which are not offenses under ordinary criminal law.


    Prior Prosecution

    1. Extradition shall not be granted if the penon sought has been

    convicted or acquitted in the Requested State for the offense for which

    extradition is requested.

    2. Ifboth Parties have jurisdiction over the acts for which

    extradition has been requested, extradition shall not be precluded by the fact

    that authorities in the Requested State have not instituted criminal

    proceedings against the penon sought for those acts. In addition, extradition

    shall not be precluded by the fact that such criminal proceedings, although

    instituted, have been discontinued, provided that the laws of the Requested

    State regarding double jeopardy would permit the reinstitution of such

    criminal proceedings.

    Article VI

    Death Penalty

    1. When the offense for which extradition is requested is

    punishable by death under the laws in the Requesting State and the laws in

    the Requested State do not permit the death penalty for that offense,

    surrender of the person sought may be refused unless, prior to surrender, the

    Requesting State provides such assurances as are deemed sufficient by the

    Requested State that the death penalty shall not be imposed, or, ifimposed,

    shall not be carried out.

    2. In instances in which the Requesting State has provided

    assurances in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, the death penalty,

    if imposed by the courts of the Requesting State, shall not be carried out.

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    Article VII

    Extradition Procedures and Required Documents

    1. All requests for extradition shall be made in writing and

    submitted through the diplomatic channel.

    l. All requests for extradition shall be supported by:

    (a) the most precise physical description possible of the

    penon sought; any known information regarding the

    penon's identity, nationality, and probable location;

    and, if possible, a photograph and fingerprints of the

    penon sought;

    (b) information describing the facts of the offense and the

    procedural history of the case; and

    (c) the text of the law describing the elements of, and the

    applicable punishment for, the offense for which

    extradition is requested.

    3. In addition to the requirements in paragraph l of this Article,

    a request for the extradition of a penon who is sought for prosecution shall

    (a) a copy of the warrant or order of arrest issued by the

    appropriate judicial authority;

    (b) a copy of the charging document, if any; and

    (c) information or evidence that provides a reasonable

    basis to believe that the penon sought committed the

    offense for which extradition is requested.

    4. In addition to the requirements of paragraph l of this Article,

    a request for the extradition of a penon who has been found guilty of the

    offense for which extradition is sought shall also be supported:

    (a) if the Republic of Paraguay is the Requesting State, by:

    ·(i) a copy of the judgment of conviction issued by

    the appropriate judicial authority;

    (ii) information or evidence establishing that the

    penon sought is the penon to whom the

    conviction· refen; and

    also be supported by:

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    (iii) a statement setting forth the portion of the

    sentence not yet served.

    (b) ifthe United States of America is the Requesting State,


    (i) a copy of the judgment of conviction or a

    statement by the appropriate judicial authority

    that the penon has been found guilty;

    (ii) information or evidence establishing that the

    penon sought is the penon to whom the finding

    of guilt refers; and

    (iii) a copy of the sentence imposed, if the penon

    sought has been sentenced, and a statement

    establishing to what extent the sentence has been

    carried out.

    Article VIII


    All documents submitted under this Treaty by the Requesting State

    shall be accompanied by a translation into the language of the Requested


    Article IX

    Admissibility of Documents

    The documents that accompany an extradition request, including the

    appropriate translations, shall be received and admitted as evidence in

    extradition proceedings if:

    (a) they are certified or authenticated by the appropriate

    accredited diplomatic or consular officer of the

    Requested State in the Requesting State; or

    (b) they are certified or authenticated in any other manner

    accepted by the law of the Requested State.

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    Article X

    Provisional Arrest

    1. In case of urgency, either Party may request the provisional

    arrest of the penon sought pending presentation of the request for

    extradition. A request for provisional arrest shall be transmitted through the

    diplomatic channel or directly between the United States Department of

    Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Paraguay.

    2. The application for provisional arrest shall contain:

    (1) a description of the penon sought;

    (b) the location of the penon sought, if known;

    (c) a brief statement of the relevant facts of the case,

    including, if possible, the time and location of the


    (d) a description of the law or laws violated;

    (e) a statement of the existence of a warrant of arrest, a

    finding of guilt, or a judgment of conviction against the

    person sought;

    (f) an explanation of the reasons for the urgency of the

    ~equest; and

    (g) a statement that a request for extradition, accompanied

    by the documents required in Article VII of this Treaty,

    will follow.

    3. The Requesting State shall be notified without delay of the

    disposition of its application for provisional arrest and the reasons for any


    4. A penon who is provisionally arrested punuant to this Treaty

    may be discharged from custody upon the expiration of sixty (60) days from

    the date of provisional arrest if the diplomatic authorities of the Requested

    State have not received the request for extradition and the supporting

    documents required in Article VII.

    5. The fact that the penon sought has been discharged from

    custody pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Article shall not be an obstacle to

    rearrest and extradition of that person if the extradition request is received


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    Article XI

    Decision and Surrender

    1. The Requested State shall promptly notify the Requesting

    State of its decision on the request for extradition.

    2. If the request is denied in whole or in part, the Requested State

    shall provide ail explanation of the reasons for the denial. The Requested

    State shall provide copies of pertinent judicial decisions upon request.

    3. If the request for extradition is granted, the Parties shall agree

    on the time and place for the surrender of the person sought, subject to the

    provisions of paragraph 4 of this Article.

    4. If the person sought is not removed from the territory of the

    Requested State within two months from the date of the judicial extradition

    order, that person may be discharged from custody and the Requested State

    may thereafter refuse extradition of that person for the same offense. The

    two-month period shall be interrupted, however, if the person initiates a legal

    challenge to the extradition order. At the conclusion of such legal challenge,

    a new two-month period for removal of the person shall begin.

    Article XII

    Temporary and Deferred Surrender

    1. Ifextradition is granted in the case of a person who is being

    proceeded against or is serving a sentence in the Requested State, such State

    may temporarily surrender the person sought to the Requesting State

    exclusively for the purpose of prosecution. The person so surrendered shall

    be kept in custody in the Requesting State and shall be returned to the

    Requested State after the conclusion of the proceedings against that person,

    in accordance with conditions determined by agreement of the Parties.

    2. The Requested State may postpone the extradition proceedings

    against, or surro:nder of, a person who is being prosecuted or who is serving a

    sentence in that State. The postponement may continue until the prosecution

    of the person sought has been concluded or until such person has served any

    sentence imposed.


  • -9

    3. For the purposes of this Treaty, the postponement by the

    Requested State of the extradition proceedings or of the surrender shall

    suspend the running of the statute of limitations in the Requesting State for

    the offense or offenses that gave rise to the extradition request.

    Article XIII

    Multiple Requests

    If the Requested State receives requests from the other Party and

    from any other State or States for the extradition of the same penon, either

    for the same offense or for different offenses, the competent authority of the

    Requested State shall determine to which of the requesting States it will

    surrender the penon. In making its decision, the Requested State shall

    consider all relevant facton, including, among othen:

    (a) whether the requests were made punuant to treaty;

    (b) the place where each offense was committed;

    (c) the respective interests of the requesting States;

    (d) the gravity of the offenses;

    (e) the nationality of the victim;

    (f) the possibility of further extradition between the

    requesting States; and

    (g) the order in which the requests were received by the

    Requested State.

    Article XIV

    Seizure and Surrender of Property

    1. To the extent permitted under its law, the Requested State may

    seize and surrender to the Requesting State any articles, documents, and

    evidence connected with the offense in respect ofwhich extradition is

    granted. Such items may be surrendered even when the extradition cannot

    be effected due to the death, disappearance, or escape of the penon sought.

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    2. The Requested State may condition the surrender of the

    property upon assurances from the Requesting State that the property will

    be returned to the Requested State as soon as practicable and without cost to

    the Requested State. The Requested State may also defer the surrender of

    such property if it is needed as evidence in the Requested State.

    3. The rights of third parties in such property shall be duly


    Article XV

    Rule ofSpeciality and Extradition to Third States

    1. A penon extradited under this Treaty may not be detained,

    tried, or punished in the Requesting State except for:

    (a) an offense for which extradition has been granted; or a

    lesser included or differently denominated offense,

    provided that it is based on the same facts on which

    extradition was granted;

    (b) an offense committed after the surrender of the penon;


    (c) an offense with respect to which the competent

    authority of the Requested State consents to the

    penon's detention, trial, or punishment. For the

    purposes of this subparagraph:

    (i) the Requested State may require the submission

    of the documents called for in Article VII; and

    (ii) the penon extradited may be detained by the

    Requesting State for ninety (90) days, or for such

    longer period of time as the Requested State may

    authorize, while the request is being processed.

    2. A person extradited under this Treaty may not be extradited to

    a third State for an offense committed prior to such penon's surrender,

    unless the surrendering State consents.

    3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall not prevent the

    detention, trial, or punishment of an extradited penon, or the extradition of

    that person to a third State, if that person:


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    (a) leaves the territory of the Requesting State after the

    surrender by the Requested State and, subsequently,

    voluntarily returns to the territory of the Requesting

    State; or

    (b) does not leave the territory of the Requesting State

    within thirty (30) days of the day on which that person

    is free to leave.

    Article XVI

    Simplified Extradition Procedures

    1. If the person sought consents to surrender to the Requesting

    State, the Requested State may surrender the person as expeditiously as

    possible without further proceedings.

    l. Such consent shall be directly and expressly provided to the

    appropriate judicial authority of the Requested State.

    I Article XVII

    I Transit 1. Either Party may authorize transportation through its

    territory of a person surrendered by a third State to the other Party

    pursuant to an extradition request. In cases ofscheduled transit, such

    authorization shall be requested by the State to which the person is being

    extradited. A request for transit shall be transmitted through the diplomatic

    channel or directly between the United States Department ofJustice and the

    Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Paraguay. Such request

    shall contain a description and identification of the person being transported

    and a brief statement of the facts of the case. A person in transit may be

    detained in custody during the period of t~nsit.

    l. No authorization shall be required if one Party is transporting

    a person surrendered to it by a third State using air transportation and no

    landing is scheduled on the territory of the other Party. Ifan unscheduled

    landing occurs on the territory of a Party, that Party may require a transit

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    request as provided in paragraph 1 of this Article. If required, any such

    request shall be provided within ninety-six (96) hours of the unscheduled

    landing. The Party in which the unscheduled landing occurs may detain the

    person to be transported until the transit is effected.

    3. A request for transit may be denied if transit would prejudice

    the essential interests of the Party that receives such request.

    Article XVIII

    Representation and Expenses

    1. The Requested State shall advise, assist, and, to the fullest

    extent permitted by its law, represent the Requesting State in connection

    with extradition proceedings in the Requested State.

    2. The Requesting State shall bear the expenses related to the

    translation of documents, and to the transportation of the person whose

    extradition has been granted. The Requested State shall pay all other

    expenses incurred in that State by reason of the extradition proceedings.

    3. Neither Party shall make any pecuniary claim against the

    other Party arising out of the arrest, detention, custody, examination, or

    surrender of persons sought under this Treaty.

    Article XIX

    Competent Authority

    The term "competent authority," as used in this Treaty, means:

    (a) for the United States of America, its appropriate

    executive authorities; and

    (b) for the Republic of Paraguay, its appropriate judicial



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    Article XX



    I The Parties may conault with each other in connection with the processing ofCJlSes and in furthennce of maintaining and improving

    procedures for the implementation of this Treaty.



    This Treaty shall apply to requests for extndition presented after its

    entry into force, even if the offenses for which extndition is requested were

    committed before the Treaty's entry into force, provided that the conduct on

    which the extradition request is based constituted an offense under the laws

    in both Parties at the time that it occurred.

    Article XXII

    Ratification and Entry into Force ~


    1. This Treaty shall be subject to ratification. The instruments of

    ntification shall be exchanged at Asuncion u soon u possible.

    2. This Treaty shall enter into force upon the exchange of the

    instruments of ntiflcation.

    3. Upon the entry into force of this Treaty, the Treaty on

    Extndition Between the United States of America and the Republic of

    Panguay, signed at Asuncion on May 24, 1973, shall ceue to have any effect.

    Nevertheless, the prior Treaty shall apply to any extradition proceedings in

    which the extndition request and supporting documentation have already

    been submitted to the courts of the Requested State at the time this Treaty

    I I enters into force, except that Article XVI of this Treaty shall be applicable to

    II such proceedings. I I

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    Article XXIII


    Either Party may terminate this Treaty by giving written notice to the

    other Party. The termination shall be effective six months after the date of

    such notice.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undeniped, being duly authorized by

    their respective Governments, have siped this Treaty.

    DONE at Wuhington, in duplicate, this ninth day of November 1998,

    in the English and Spanish languages, both texts being equally authentic.


    liloo• I W... 0.U,,..t~ Madeleine K. Albright

    SecretarY of State


    DUl~~oMinister ofForeip Relations





    El Gobiemo de los Estados Unidos de America y el Gobiemo de la Republics del Paraguay, (en adelante "las Partes"),

    Conscientes de la necesidad de actualizar el Tratado de Extradici6n entre los Estados Unidos de America y la Republics del Paraguay firmado en Asunci6n el 24 de mayo de 1973,

    Deseando hacer mas efectiva la cooperaci6n entre ambos Estados en la lucha contra el delito, y con ese prop6sito, celebrar un nuevo Tratado para la extradici6n de delincuentes,

    Han acordado lo siguiente:


    Acuerdo de Extradici6n

    Las Partes acuerdan extraditar en forma reciproca, de acuerdo con las disposiciones del presente Tratado, a las personas que sean requeridas por las autoridades de la Parte Requirente para un proceso o la ejecuci6n de una pena por la comisi6n de un delito que da lugar a la extradici6n. ·


    Delltos que dan lugar a la Extradici6n

    1. Daran lugar a la extradici6n los delitos punibles con pena privativa de libertad cuyo maximo sea mayor a un al'lo o una pena mas grave, conforme a la legislaci6n de ambas Partes.

    2. Cuando se solicite la extradici6n de una persona que haya sido condenada por las autoridades judiciales de la Parte Requirente por un delito que da a lugar a la extradici6n, la extradici6n sera concedida unicamente si al pr6fugo le quedan por cumplir mas de seis meses (6) de condena.

    3. La asociaci6n para cometer un delito, la tentativa o la participaci6n en su comisi6n, daran tambien lugar a la extradici6n, siempre que el delito que fuera objeto de dichas acciones reuna los requisites del numeral 1, y si correspondiese, del numeral 2 de este Articulo.

    -4. Para efectos del presente Articulo, un delito dara lugar a la extradici6n

    independientemente de:

  • -2

    a. Que las leyes de las Partes clasifiquen el delito en la misma categorla, o lo tipifiquen con la misma terminologla;

    b. Que las leyes de la Parte Requerida exijan, para habilitar la jurisdicci6n de sus tribunales, la evidencia de transporte interestatal o del uso del correo u otros medios que afecten el comercio interestatal o internacional, como elementos constitutivos del delito especlfico.

    5. De acuerdo con las disposiciones de este Tratado, se otorgara la extradici6n por aquellos delitos que se hayan cometido en su totalidad o en parte dentro del territorio de la Parte Requirente. Tambien se otorgara la extradici6n por aquellos delitos cometidos fuera del territorio de la Parte Requirente si:

    a. la acci6n o acciones que constituyen el delito producen efecto en el territorio de la Parte Requirente; o

    b. las leyes de la Parte Requerida disponen el castigo de un delito cometido fuera de su territorio en circunstancias semejantes.

    6. Concedida la extradici6n por un delito que da lugar a la misma, tambien se la concedera por cualquier otro delito especificado expresamente en la solicitud, aun cuando este delito fuere punible con pena privativa de libertad de un ano o menos, a condici6n de que se reunan los demas requisitos para la extradici6n.


    Extradicl6n de Naclonales

    la extradici6n no sera denegada por raz6n de que la persona reclamada es nacional de la Parte Requerida.


    Causales de Denegaci6n de la Extradlcl6n

    1. la extradici6n no sera concedida por la Parte Requerida si el delito por el cual se solicits la extradici6n es un delito politico. A los efectos del presente Tratado, no se consideraran delitos politicos los siguientes:

    a. Homicidio doloso u otro delito doloso contra la integridad fisica del Jefe de Estado de una de las Partes, o los miembros de su familia;

    b. Delitos con relaci6n a los cuales ambas Partes tienen la obligaci6n, en virtud de algun Acuerdo Internacional Multilateral, de extraditar a la persona reclamada o de remitir el caso a sus autoridades competentes para que decidan sobre su procesamiento; y

    c. la asociaci6n para cometer cualquiera de los delitos contemplados en los incisos (a) y (b), la tentativa o la participaci6n en su comisi6n.

  • --------------·--------------

    - 3

    2. No obstante los terminos del parrafo 1 de este Articulo, la extradici6n no sere concedida si la autoridad competente de la Parte Requerida determina que la solicitud fue motivada por razones politicas.

    3. La Parte Requerida podra denegar la extradici6n por delitos contemplados en la legislaci6n militar que no son delitos en virtud de la legislaci6n penal ordinaria.


    Procesos Anterlores

    1 . No se conceders la extradici6n si la persona reclamada hubiere sido condenada o absuelta en la Parte Requerida por el delito objeto de la solicitud de extradici6n.

    2. Si ambas Partes tuvieren jurisdicci6n por los hechos sobre los cuales se solicita la extradici6n, esta no sere denegada por el motive de que las autoridades de la Parte Requerida no hayan iniciado un proceso penal contra la persona reclamada por tales delitos. Asimismo, si la Parte Requerida ha iniciado un proceso contra esa persona por esos hechos pero no lo ha continuado, la extradici6n no sera denegada siempre que conforme a las normas legales de la Parte Requerida sobre la cosa juzgada, se permita la continuaci6n o la reapertura de dicho proceso.


    Pena de Muerte

    1. Cuando el delito por el cual se solicita la extradici6n es punible con la pena de muerte en virtud de la legislaci6n de la Parte Requirente y la legislaci6n de la Parte Requerida no admitiera la pena de muerte para ese delito, la entrega de la persona reclamada podre ser denegada, salvo que, previamente a la entrega de la persona, la Parte Requirente otorgue garantras consideradas suficientes por la Parte Requerida de que la pena de muerte no sere impuesta, o de ser impuesta, no sere ejecutada.

    2. En casos en que la Parte Requirente haya otorgado las garantf as previstas en el parrafo 1 de este Artlculo, la pena de muerte, de ser impuesta por los Tribunales de la Parte Requirente, no sere ejecutada.


    Tramite de Extradici6n y Documentaci6n Requerlda

    1. Las solicitudes de extradici6n seran formuladas en todos los casos por escrito y remitidas por la via diplomatica.

    2. Las solicitudes de extradici6n iran acompal'ladas en todos los casos por:

  • -4

    a. La descripci6n flsica mas precisa posible de la persona reclamada; cualquier informaci6n conocida respecto a su identidad, nacionalidad, y probable paradero; y si fuera posible, su fotografla y huellas dactilares;

    b. La exposici6n de los hechos del delito y de las etapas procesales del caso; y

    c. Los textos de las disposiciones legales que tipifiquen el delito por el cual se · solicita la extradici6n y que indiquen la pena correspondiente.

    3. Si se requiriese a la persona para ser procesada por la comisi6n de un delito, la solicitud de extradici6n debera ir acompanada, ademas de lo requerido en el inciso 2 del presente Artlculo, de:

    a. Una copia del mandamiento u orden de detenci6n emanado de la autoridad judicial competente;

    b. Una copia del auto de procesamiento, si existiere; y

    c. Las informaciones o evidencias que proporcionen una motivaci6n fundada para inferir que la persona reclamada cometi6 el delito por el cual se solicita la extradici6n •

    4. Si se requiriese a una persona condenada por el delito por el cual se solicits la extradici6n, la solicitud de extradici6n debera ir acompanada, ademas de lo requerido en el inciso 2 del presente Artlculo:

    a. Si la Republica del Paraguay fuera la Parte Requirente, de:

    i) Una copia de la sentencia condenatoria dictada por la autoridad judicial competente;

    ii) La informaci6n o evidencias que demuestren que la persona reclamada es la misma a quien se refiere la condena; y

    iii) Una declaraci6n en la que se haga constar la parte de la pena no cumplida.

    b. Si los Estados Unidos de America fuera la Parte Requirente, de:

    i) Una copia del fallo condenatorio, o constancia dictada por la autoridad judicial competente de que la persona reclamada ha sido declarada culpable;

    ii) La informaci6n o evidencias que demuestren que la persona reclamada es la misma a quien se refiere la declaraci6n de culpabilidad; y

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    iii) Una copia de la sentencia dictada, si la persona reclamada ha sido sentenciada, y constancia de la parte de la condena que aun no ha sido cumplida.



    Todos los documentos presentados por la Parte Requirente, en aplicaci6n del presente Tratado, deberan ir acompal'\ados de una traducci6n al idioma de la Parte Requerida.


    Admlsibilldad de la Documentacion

    La documentaci6n que acompal'\e la solicitud de extradici6n, incluyendo las traducciones correspondientes, sera recibida y aceptada como prueba en el proceso de extradici6n cuando:

    a. Se encuentre certificada o legalizada por el agente diplomatico o consular correspondiente de la Parte Requerida acreditada en la Parte Requirente; 0

    b. Se encuentre certificada o legalizada de cualquier otra forma aceptada por la legislaci6n de la Parte Requerida.


    Detenclon Preventlva

    1. En cases de urgencia, cualquiera de las Partes podra solicitar la detenci6n preventiva de la persona reclamada en tanto se presente la solicitud de extradici6n. La solicitud de detenci6n preventiva debera tramitarse por conducto diptomatico, o directamente entre el Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos de America y el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la Republica del Paraguay.

    2. La solicitud de detenci6n preventiva contendra:

    a. Una descripci6n de la persona reclamada; b. El paradero de la persona reclamada, si se conociere; c. Una breve exposici6n de los hechos relevantes del caso,

    incluyendo, si fuere posible, fecha y lugar del delito; d. Un detalle de la ley o leyes infringidas; e. Una declaraci6n de la existencia de un mandamiento de detenci6n,

    de resoluci6n de culpa, o de fallo condenatorio contra la persona reclamada;

    f. Una explicaci6n de las razones que motivan la urgencia de la solicitud; y

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    g. Una declaraci6n de que la solicitud de extradici6n se presentara posteriormente con la documentaci6n requerida en el Artf culo VII del presente Tratado.

    La Parte Requirente sera notificada inmediatamente de la resoluci6n acerca de la solicitud de detenci6n preventiva y las rezones de cualquier negative.

    La persona detenida preventivamente en virtud de este Tratado podra ser puesta en libertad si las autoridades diplomaticas de la Parte Requerida, vencido el plaza de sesenta df as a partir del momento de la detenci6n, no hubieren recibido la solicitud de extradici6n y la documentaci6n requerida en el Articulo VII.

    El hecho de que se disponga la libertad en virtud del parrafo 4 de este Artfculo no impedira que esa persona sea nuevamente detenida y su extradici6n concedida, si con posterioridad se recibiere la correspondiente solicitud de extradici6n.

    ARTICULOXI Declsi6n y Entrega

    La Parte Requerida notificara de inmediato a la Parte Requirente su decisi6n sabre la solicitud de extradici6n.

    Si la solicitud fuere denegada en todo o en parte, la Parte Requerida dara una explicaci6n de las rezones de la denegaci6n. La Parte Requerida proporcionara copias de las decisiones judiciales pertinentes si fueren solicitadas.

    Si la extradici6n fuere concedida, las Partes convendran, de acuerdo a lo previsto en el parrafo 4 de este Artfculo, la fecha y el lugar para la entrega de la persona reclamada.

    Si la persona reclamada no fuese trasladada del territorio de la Parte Requerida antes de dos meses a partir de la fecha de la sentencia judicial de extradici6n, la persona podra ser puesta en libertad y la Parte Requerida podra en lo sucesivo denegar la extradici6n de esa persona por el mismo delito. El termino de dos meses se interrumpira, sin embargo, en case de que la persona apele la sentencia. Al concluir el proceso de apelaci6n, se iniciara un nuevo penodo de dos meses para el traslado de la persona.

    ARTICULO XII Entrega Provisional y Diferida

    Concedida la extradici6n de una persona contra quien se haya incoado un proceso en la Parte Requerida o· que este cumpliendo una condena en dicho Estado, este podra entregar provisionalmente a la persona reclamada a la Parte Requirente, exclusivamente para fines del ejercicio de la acci6n penal. La persona asi entregada permanecera bajo custodia en la Parte Requirente y sera devuelta a la Parte Requerida a la conclusi6n del proceso incoado contra ella, de conformidad a las condiciones establecidas entre las Partes.

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    2. La Parte Requerida poclra postergar las tramites de extradici6n, o la entrega de la persona sometida a proceso o que este cumpliendo una condena en aquella Parte. El aplazamiento podra continuar hasta que haya terminado el proceso de la persona reclamada o hasta que la persona haya cumplido cualquier condena impuesta.

    3. A las efectos de este Tratado, el aplazamiento del proceso de extradici6n ode la entrega par parte de la Parte Requerida, suspendera el plaza de las prescripciones que tuvieren lugar en la Parte Requirente par el delito o delitos que motivaron la solicitud de extradici6n.


    Concurso de Sollcltudes

    Si la Parte Requerida recibiere solicitudes de la otra Parte y de otro Estado o Estados para la extradici6n de la misma persona, sea par el mismo delito o par delitos distintos, la autoridad competente de la Parte Requerida decidira a cual de las Estados Requirentes entregara a la persona. Con el fin de realizar dicha determinaci6n, la Parte Requerida tomara en consideraci6n todos las factores relevantes, incluyendo entre otros las siguientes:

    a. Si las solicitudes fueron realizadas con arreglo a un Tratado;

    b. El lugar donde se cometi6 cada delito;

    c. Los respectivos intereses de los Estados Requirentes;

    d. La gravedad de las delitos;

    e. La nacionalidad de la vlctima;

    f. La posibilidad de extradiciones posteriores entre las Estados Requirentes; y

    g. El orden en el cual las solicitudes fueron recibidas por la Parte Requerida.


    lncautacion y Entrega de Bienes

    1. En la medida en que lo permita su legislaci6n, la Parte Requerida podra incautar y entregar a la Parte Requirente las bienes, documentos o pruebas concemientes al delito respecto del cual se concede la extradici6n. Dicha entrega podra ser efectuada inclusive si la extradici6n no pudiera llevarse a cabo par muerte, desaparici6n o fuga de la persona reclamada.

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    2. La Parte Requerida podra exigir, como condici6n para la entrega de los bienes, garantlas de la Parte Requirente de que dichos bienes seran devueltos en la brevedad posible y sin cargo para la Parte Requerida. Esta podra tambien aplazar la entrega de los bienes si se los requiriesen como prueba en la Parte Requerida.

    3. Los derechos de terceros respecto de los bienes seran debidamente respetados.

    ARTICULOXV Principio de Especialidad y Reextradlcion

    1. Una persona extraditada conforme al presente Tratado no podra ser detenida, ni sometida a proceso o pena en la Parte Requirente, salvo que se trate de:

    a. Un delito por el que se haya concedido la extradici6n; o un delito de menor gravedad o con una denominaci6n diferente, siempre que este constituido por los mismos hechos por los que se concedi6 la extradici6n;

    b. Un delito cometido con posterioridad a la entrega de la persona; o

    c. Un delito con respecto al cual la autoridad competente de la Parte Requerida autorice la detenci6n, el procesamiento o el cumplimiento de la pena de la persona.

    A efectos del presente inciso: (i) La parte Requerida podra exigir la remisi6n de los documentos referidos en el Articulo VII; y (ii) La persona extraditada podra ser detenida por la Parte Requirente durante noventa (90) dfas, o un lapso mayor si la Parte Requerida lo autorizara, en tanto se tramite la solicitud.

    2. Las personas extraditadas bajo las disposiciones del presente Tratado no podran ser extraditadas a un tercer Estado por un delito cometido con anterioridad a su entrega, salvo consentimiento de la Parte que haya efectuado la entrega.

    3. Las disposiciones de los numerales 1 y 2 de este Artfculo no impediran en ningun caso la detenci6n, el procesamiento o la pena de la persona extraditada, o la extradici6n de dicha persona a un tercer Estado, si esta persona:

    a. Luego de su entrega por la Parte Requerida a la Parte Requirente abandonara el territorio de esta Parte y, posteriormente, retomara voluntariamente a el; o

    b. No abandonara el territorio de la Parte Requirente en el plazo de treinta (30) dlas a partir de la fecha en que estuvo en libertad de hacerlo.

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    ARTICULO XVI Procedlmlento Slmpllflcado de Extradlcl6n

    Si la persona reclamada consiente en su entrega a la Parte Requirente, la Parte Requerida podra entregarla a la brevedad posible sin mas tramite.

    El consentimiento debera manifestarse directa y expresamente ante las autoridades judiciales competentes del Estado Requerido.

    ARTICULO XVII Trinaito

    Cualquiera de las Partes podra autorizar el transito a traves de su territorio de una persona entregada por un tercer Estado a la otra Parte en virtud de una solicitud de extradici6n. En casos de transito previsto, la Parte a la cual se haya concedido la extradici6n debera solicitar la autorizaci6n de transito. La solicitud de transito debera comunicarse por conducto diplomatico o directamente entre el Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos de America y el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la Republics del Paraguay. La solicitud expresara la descripci6n y filiaci6n de la persona transportada y una breve relaci6n de las circunstancias del caso. La persona en transito podra estar detenida bajo custodia durante el perf odo de transito.

    No se requerira autorizaci6n si una de las Partes transportase a una persona entregada a ella por un tercer Estado utilizando transporte aereo sin haberse previsto aterrizaje en el territorio de la otra Parte. En caso de aterrizaje no programado en el territorio de la otra Parte, esta podra exigir la presentaci6n. de una solicitud de transito, de acuerdo a lo dispuesto en el numeral 1 def presente Artlculo. Si fuera exigida, dicha solicitud debera ser remitida en el plazo de noventa y seis horas contadas a partir del aterrizaje no programado. La Parte en la cual se produzca el aterrizaje no programado podra detener a la persona trasladada hasta tanto se efectue el transito.

    Una solicitud de transito podra ser denegada si el transito pudiera perjudicar los intereses esenciales de la Parte que reciba dicha solicitud.

    ARTICULO XVIII Representaci6n y Gastoa

    La Parte Requerida debera aconsejar y asistir a la Parte Requirente, y brindar a esta la representaci6n mas amplia que permita la legislaci6n de aquella, en relaci6n con los tramites de extradici6n en la Parte Requerida.

    La Parte Requirente sufragara los gastos relativos a la traducci6n de documentos y al traslado de la persona cuya extradici6n haya sido concedida. La Parte Requerida sufragara todos los demas gastos en ese Estado relacionados con los procedimientos de extradici6n.

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    3. Ninguna de las Partes presentara reclamos pecuniarios contra la otra derivados del arresto, detenci6n, custodia, interrogatorios o entrega de las personas reclamadas en virtud del presente Tratado.


    Autoridad Competente

    El termino "autoridad competente", a efectos del presente Tratado, significa:

    a. Para los Estados Unidos de America, sus autoridades ejecutivas correspondientes; y

    b. Para la Republica del Paraguay, sus autoridades judiciales correspondientes.



    Las Partes podran consultarse mutuamente con refaci6n a la tramitaci6n de los casos y al mantenimiento y mejoramiento de los procedimientos para la instrumentaci6n del presente Tratado.



    El presente Tratado se aplicara a las solicitudes de extradici6n presentadas con posterioridad a la entrada en vigor de este Tratado aunque los delitos por los cuales se solicita la extradici6n sean anteriores a su vigencia, siempre queen la fecha de su comisi6n los hechos que motivan la solicitud de extradici6n tuvieran caracter de delito conforme a la legislaci6n de ambas Partes.


    Ratlflcaci6n y Entrada en Vigor

    1. El presente Tratado estara sujeto a ratificaci6n. Los instrumentos de ratificaci6n se canjearan a la mayor brevedad posible, en la ciudad de Asunci6n, Paraguay.

    2. El presente Tratado entrara en vigor al efectuarse el canje de los instrumentos de ratificaci6n.

    3. Al entrar eh vigor el presente Tratado quedara sin efecto el Tratado de Extradici6n entre la Republica del Paraguay y los Estados Unidos de America, firmado en Asunci6n el 24 de mayo de 1973. No obstante, el Tratado anterior se aplicara a cualquier proceso de extradici6n en el cual la solicitud de extradici6n y la documentaci6n correspondiente ya se hubieren presentado a los Tribunales de la Parte Requerida en el momenta en que el presente Tratado entre en vigor, con excepci6n del Artf culo XVI del presente Tratado que se aplicara a dichos procesos.

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    ARTICULO XXlll Terminacion

    Cualquiera de notificaci6n escrita a

    las Partes podra terminar el presente Tratado, la otra Parte. La terminaci6n surtira efecto seis (6)

    previa meses

    despues de la fecha de dicha notificaci6n.

    En fe de lo cual, los abajo firmantes, debidamente autorizados por sus respectivos Gobiemos, han firmado el presente Tratado.

    Hecho en Washington, en duplicado, a los nueve dias del mes de noviembre de mil novecientos noventa y ocho, en los idiomas espanol e ingles, siendo ambos textos igualmente autenticos.




    Secretaria de Estado Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores

    12995 - Paraguay - Extradition - November - 09 - 1998.pdfPage 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8Page 9Page 10Page 11Page 12Page 13Page 14Page 15
