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13 PLL KOCHI MOEF 2013 14 C 03 Compliance Environmental Clearance Report 31stMarch13 080413

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  • 7/28/2019 13 PLL KOCHI MOEF 2013 14 C 03 Compliance Environmental Clearance Report 31stMarch13 080413


  • 7/28/2019 13 PLL KOCHI MOEF 2013 14 C 03 Compliance Environmental Clearance Report 31stMarch13 080413


    1 Compliance report Up to 31st


    Environmental Clearance for enhancing the re-gasification capacity from2.5 to 5 MMTPA at Puthuvypeen Island, Kochi , Kerala by M/s Petronet LNG Ltd.


    Point-wise compliance to stipulated terms and conditions of the above EC &

    CRZ Clearance is as follows:


    i.. Consent for Establishment" shall beobtained from State Pollution Control Boardunder Air and Water Act and a copy shall besubmitted to the Ministry before start of anyconstruction work at the site.

    Consent to Establish isobtained from KSPCB.Consent No.PCB/HO/EKM/ICE-R/03/2013 valid up to30/6/2014. A copy isattached asAnnex ure#1.

    ii. NOC/Clearance shall be obtainedconfirming that all the fire fightingprovisions are as per standards specifiedby the Chief Controller ofExplosives/Petroleum &, Explosives SafetyOrganization (PESO) for the additionalstorage tanks.

    No additional LNG storagetank is envisaged for thisenhancement. Approval ofPESO for existing LNGStorage Tanks is attachedasAnnexure#2.

    iii. Leak detection/warning system shall beprovided at strategic locations. Necessarycontrol measures capable of remote

    operation to shut down the leakage, if any,should be provided.


    State of art fully automated

    FGS & shutdown system isinstalled to mitigate anysuch incident.

    Iv Appropriate safety devices such as masksshould be provided for use by the workershandling the products at the site and theirusage by them should be ensured.


    Safety Helmet, SafetyShoes, Safety Goggles areprovided to all workers andDust mask are provided tothe worker for such activitiesinvolving dust generation.

    V Project proponent should implement all therecommendations stipulated in the EAI, EMPand Risk Assessment reports pertaining to theproject.

    PLL will comply with therecommendation whilepreparing the EnvironmentManagement plan andDisaster Management planas contained in the EIA andRisk Analysis report of theProject.

    Vi The commitments made during the PublicHearing and as recorded in the Minutes shallbe complied with letter and spirit.

    Noted.Public Hearing commitmentsare incorporated in Final EIA

    Report for further necessaryimplementation.

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    Vii All the conditions stipulated in the earlierClearance including the recommendationsof Environment Management P lan,Disaster Management Plan shall be strictlycomplied with.


    All the conditions stipulated inthe earlier clearance includingthe recommendations of EMPand DMP are strictly

    complied.Viii The Committee noted the proponent's

    statement that augmentation of the capacityfrom 2.5 MMTPA to 5.0 MMTPA will not inductadditional environmental issues and that theplanned system will take care of the overallrequirements of the facility. However, impacts ifany arising out of increased activities to meetthe additional capacity shall be brought to thenotice of the Ministry with appropriatemitigation measures that will be put in place,

    to ensure that the given commitment of `noadditional impact' is maintained in letter andspirit.


    However, Augmentation of thecapacity from 2.5 MMPTA to5.0 MMTPA will not inductadditional environmentalissues.

    Ix At least 5% of the total cost of the project shallbe earmarked towards the Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) and item-wise detailsalong with time bound action plan shall beprepared and submitted to the Ministry prior tothe commencement of the project.Implementation of such program shall beensured accordingly in a time bound manner.

    5% of the total cost ofaugmentation of the capacityfrom 2.5 MMTPA to 5.0MMTPA project is earmarkedtowards communitydevelopment and otherinfrastructure related as wellas CSR projects.

    We have submitted item-wisedetails along with the timebound action plan vide letterNo. PLL/KOCHI/MOEF/2012-13/C-06 dated 22nd March,2013 (An nexure#3)

    X It shall be ensure that the proposedactivity shall not cause any disturbance tothe Fishing activity.

    The proposedaugmentation/enhancement of plan

    capacity do not involveany modification in currentmarine facilities. Hencewill not cause disturbanceto fishing activity.

    Xi The smooth and safe operation of thesystem will be ensured by incorporating acomputerized SCADA (Supervisor ControlAnd Data Acquisition) system. Any leakagein the pipeline shall be immediately detectedby the Computer system and product

    pumping shall be immediately cut off.


    Computerized SCADA(Supervisor Control AndData Acquisition) system isinstalled and FGS (Flame,

    Gas and Spill) detectionsystem is also installed.

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    Also ESD (EmergencyShutdown system) isinstalled for safe shutdownin case of any emergency.

    Xii Regular patrolling of the pipelines needs to

    be done. This will help in identifying anyactivity that have the potential to causepipeline damage or to identify small leakswhose effects are too small to be detected byinstrument.


    The pipeline is equippedwith temperature andpressure sensor which willcause alarm, if anyabnormality is recorded.Also, pipeline is regularlyguarded with relevant safetydetectors for early sensing ofany kind of leak, thuscausing alarm and

    shutdown.Xiii The project shall be carried out as per

    international standards in vogue and dulycertified by competent authorities beforecommissioning.


    The project execution iscarried out with internationaland national standards. Allinstalled equipment areinspected and certified bycompetent third party or bycompetent authorities as perrequirements.

    Xiv Oil Spill Contingency Management Plan shallbe put in place along with the dedicated staffto deal with Oil spill in and around the portarea shall be provided in the port. No oilywastes shall be discharged into the waterbodies/mangrove areas.

    Oil Spill ContingencyManagement Plan isprepared and is part ofERDMP (EmergencyResponse and DisasterManagement Plan).

    No oily waste will bedischarged in to waterbodies/mangrove areas. Oily

    waste will be collected andsend to Hazardous wastehandling agency. We haveentered in to agreement withKEIL (Kerala EnviroInfrastructure Ltd) forhandling and treatment ofour Hazardous waste( enclosedAn nexure#4).

    Xv Regular mock drills shall be conducted tocheck the effectiveness of the on-site Disaster

    Management Plan. The recommendationsmade in the Environmental Management Plan

    Regular mock drills arebeing conducted internally

    for on-site scenarios. Mutualaid or Off-site scenario mock

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    and Disaster Management Plan, as containedin the Environment Impact Assessment andRisk Analysis reports of the project, should beeffectively implemented.

    drill will be conducted incoordination with all relevantagencies as per theERDMP. PLL has signedMutual Aid agreement inbetween FACT-UD and

    BPCL-STF to provideresources duringemergency.

    All recommendations made inthe EnvironmentalManagement Plan andDisaster Management Plan,as contained in theEnvironment ImpactAssessment and Risk

    Analysis reports of theproject are covered whilepreparation of ERDMP(Emergency Response andDisaster Management Plan)and environment monitoringplan and effectivelyimplemented.

    xvi No construction work other than thosepermitted in Coastal Regulation ZoneNotification shall be carried out in CoastalRegulation Zone area.


    Xvii The project proponent shall set up separateenvironmental management cell for effectiveimplementation of the stipulatedenvironmental safeguards under thesupervision of a Senior Executive.

    PLL will set up EnvironmentManagement Cell beforecommissioning under a seniormanagement person. PLLhave recruited qualifiedpersonnel in HSE departmentand Laboratory departmentfor monitoring.

    xviii The funds earmarked for environment

    management plan shall be included in thebudget and this shall not be diverted forany other purposes.

    Budget allocated for

    environment safeguard willnot be diverted for otherpurposes.


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    I Appropriate measures must be taken whileundertaking digging activities to avoid anylikely degradation of water quality.

    Noted.PLL is taking appropriatemeasure while undertakingdigging actiivities. We arecarrying out Ground watersampleing once in month,report of the month March-2013 is enclosed asAnnexure#5.

    Ii Full support shall be extended to the officersof this Ministry/Regional Office at Bangaluruby the project proponent during inspectionof the project for monitoring purposes byfurnishing full details and action plan includingaction taken reports in respect of mitigationmeasures and other environmental protectionactivities.

    PLL will extend full support tothe officers of this ministrysRegional Office, Banglore andthe officers of the Central andState Pollution Control Boardduring the inspection formonitoring purpose. PLL willfurnish full details of analysisreports and action plans forenvironmental protection

    Iii A six-Monthly monitoring report shall need to

    be submitted by the project proponents to theRegional Office of this Ministry at Bangalururegarding the implementation of the stipulatedconditions.


    Six monthly reports are beingregularly submitted to regionalMoEF office for all EC & CRZClearance obtained for KochiLNG Terminal project.

    Iv Ministry of Environment & Forests or any othercompetent authority may stipulate anyadditional conditions or modify theexisting ones, if necessary in the interest ofenvironment and the same shall be compliedwith.

    PLL will comply with additionalconditions, if any suggested bythe ministry or any othercompetent authority in writing.

    V The Ministry reserves the right to revokethis clearance if any of the conditionsstipulated are not complied with the satisfactionof the Ministry.

    PLL is aware about the right ofthe ministry and have notedthis condition.

    Vi In the event of a change in project profile orchange in the implementation agency, a freshreference shall be made to the Ministry ofEnvironment and Forests.


    Vii The project proponents shall inform theRegional Office as well as the Ministry, the

    date of financial closure and final approval ofthe project by the concerned authorities andthe date of start of land development work.

    Site appraisal clearanceobtained on 28/02/2011. No

    separate land developmentalwork was required, as thisinvolved only augmentation of

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    equipment in the same land.Viii A copy of the clearance letter shall be

    marked to concerned Panchayat/localNGO, if any, from whom any suggestion/representation has been made received whileprocessing the proposal.

    PLL has written letter toconcerned Gram Panchayatvide letter no.PLL/Kochi/MoEF/GP/2013/001 dated 07/03/2013, enclosed

    as Annexure# 6.ix State Pollution Control Board shall display a

    copy of the clearance letter at the RegionalOffice, District Industries Centre andCollector's Office/Tehsildar's office for 30days.

    State Pollution control boardaction.


    Other Condit ions mentioned in the Environment Clearance dated 31st January 2013.

    These stipulation's would be enforced amongothers under the provisions of Water

    (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act1974, the Air (Prevention and Control ofPollution) Act 1981, the Environment(Protection) Act, 1986, the Public Liability(Insurance) Act, 1991 and EIANotification 1994, including theamendments and rules made thereafter.


    8 All other statutory clearances such as theapprovals for storage of diesel from ChiefController of Explosives, Fire Department,

    Civil Aviation Department, ForestConservation Act, 1980 and Wildlife(Protection) Act, 1972 etc. shall beobtained, as applicable by projectproponents from the respective competentauthorities.


    Copy relevant

    approvals/NOCs are attachedas Annexure# 7.

    9 The project proponent shall advertise in at leasttwo local Newspapers widely circulated in theregion, one of which shall he in thevernacular language informing that theproject has been accorded Environmental

    and CRZ Clearance and copies ofclearance letters are available with theKerala Pollution Control Board and mayalso be seen on the website of the Ministryof Environment and Forests athttp://www.envfor.nic.in.

    PLL had advertisedregarding environmentalclearance accorded by theinistry of Environment &Forest in two local

    newspapers widelycirculated in the regionaround the project.

    A copy of notificationpublished in localnewspapers is attached asAnnexure# 8.

    The advertisementshould be made within 10 days from the dateof receipt of the Clearance letter and a copyof the same should be forwarded to theRegional office of this Ministry at Bangaluru.

    10 This clearance is subject to final order of the

    Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the matterof Goa Foundation Vs. Union of India in Writ


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    Petition (Civil) No.460 of 2004 as may beapplicable to this project.

    11 Status of compliance to the various stipulatedenvironmental conditions and environmentalsafeguards will be uploaded by the projectproponent in its website.

    Status of the compliance of thevarious stipulatedenvironmental conditions andenvironmental safeguards will

    be uploaded in PLL website atthe earliest.

    12 Any appeal against this clearance shall liewith the National Green Tribunal, ifpreferred, within a period of 30 days asprescribed under Section 16 of the NationalGreen Tribunal Act, 2010.


    13 A copy of the clearance letter shall be sentby the proponent to concerned Panchayat,Zilla Parisad/ Municipal Corporation, UrbanLocal Body and the Local NGO, if any, from

    whom suggestions/representations, if any,were received while processing the proposal.

    The clearance letter shall also be put on thewebsite of the company by the proponent.

    PLL has written letter toconcerned Gram Panchayatvide letter no.PLL/Kochi/MoEF/GP/2013/001

    dated 07/03/2013, alreadyenclosed as Annexure# 6.

    14 The proponent shall upload the status ofcompliance of the stipulated Clearanceconditions, including results of monitoreddata on their website and shall update thesame periodically. It shall simultaneously besent to the Regional Office of MoEF, therespective Zonal Office of CPCB and theSPCB.

    This is being uploaded in thewebsite.www.petronetlng.com

    15 The project proponent shall also submit sixmonthly reports on the status of compliance ofthe stipulated Clearance conditions includingresults of monitored data (both in hard copiesas well as by e-mail) to the respectiveRegional Office of MoEF, the respective ZonalOffice of CPCB and the SPCB.


    16 The environmental statement for eachfinancial year ending 31st March in Form-V as

    is mandated to be submitted by the projectproponent to the concerned State PollutionControl Board as prescribed under theEnvironment (Protection) Rules, 1986, asamended subsequently, shall also be put onthe website of the company along with thestatus of compliance of Clearanceconditions and shall also be sent to therespective Regional Offices of MoEF by e-mail.

    Form-V (EnvironmentStatement) will be uploaded to

    website of the companyalongwith the status ofcompliance of clearanceconditions.

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