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13.02.06 Tae Kwon Do Handbook

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  • 8/10/2019 13.02.06 Tae Kwon Do Handbook


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    Tae Kwon Do

    Student Handbook

    Revised 2012

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    My Journey to Black Belt

    White Belt Photo Black Belt Photo

    This handbook belongs to


    First class date________________________

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    A LIFETIME SPORT AND LIFE-SAVING COURSE ................................................................................................5

    Brief History ...............................................................................................................................................................5

    Oriental Philosophy....................................................................................................................................................5

    Objectives of Tae Kwon Do Training in Modern Society ...........................................................................................5

    Tenets of Tae Kwon Do ..............................................................................................................................................6

    KOREAN NATIONAL FLAG ......................................................................................................................................7

    Words of Wisdom from Master Pak ............................................................................................................................8

    Tae Kwon Do ETIQUETTE ....................................................................................................................................8

    Promptness .........................................................................................................................................................8

    Uniform ..............................................................................................................................................................8

    Conduct ..............................................................................................................................................................9

    Silence ................................................................................................................................................................9

    Bowing ................................................................................................................................................................9

    Sitting............................................................................................................................................................... 10

    Affirmations ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

    Jewelry............................................................................................................................................................. 10

    Leaving the Mat or Dojang (school) During Practice .................................................................................... 10

    Class Etiquette ................................................................................................................................................. 11

    Community Etiquette ....................................................................................................................................... 11

    Belt Care.......................................................................................................................................................... 11

    PATCH APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: ......................................................................................................... 13

    Stripes .................................................................................................................................................................. 13

    Student Creeds ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

    Number One..................................................................................................................................................... 15

    Number Two .................................................................................................................................................... 15

    Number Three .................................................................................................................................................. 15

    AIM HIGH ....................................................................................................................................................... 15

    Promotion Cycle .................................................................................................................................................. 16

    Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 16

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    Forms............................................................................................................................................................... 16

    Appearance ...................................................................................................................................................... 16

    Courtesy........................................................................................................................................................... 16

    Curriculum ...................................................................................................................................................... 16

    When should I expect to promote? .................................................................................................................. 17

    How much time to I get to practice at each belt? ............................................................................................ 18

    Notice of Intent to Promote ..................................................................................................................................... 19

    Korean Terms #1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 22

    White Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet ............................................................................................ 25

    Gold Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet .............................................................................................. 27

    Orange Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet .......................................................................................... 29

    Green Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet ............................................................................................ 31

    Middle Green Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet ................................................................................ 33

    High Green Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet ................................................................................... 35

    Blue Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet............................................................................................... 37

    Middle Blue Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet .................................................................................. 39

    High Blue Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet...................................................................................... 41

    Brown Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet ........................................................................................... 43

    Middle Brown Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet ............................................................................... 45

    High Brown Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet .................................................................................. 47

    Red Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet ................................................................................................ 49

    Middle Red Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet ................................................................................... 51

    High Red Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet ....................................................................................... 53

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    Tae Kwon Do:


    Tae Kwon Do means The Art of the Hand and Foot. Tae Kwon Do began as an ancient and oncesecret Korean art of weaponless self-defense, it is now a sport in which either two persons practicemethods of unarmed sparring or one person can exercise for both physical fitness and self-defensepreparation.

    Tae Kwon Do has developed as an injury-free international competitive sport, becoming so popular thatit is included in the Olympics.

    The Tae Kwon Do student, through many years of daily practice, can respond with lightening-like speedand explosive force should he be physically attacked.

    Br ief H istory

    Tae Kwon Do can be traced back as early as 18 BC as evidenced in mural paintings, stone sculptures

    and documents.

    Oriental Phi losophy

    Korean culture and martial arts were strongly influenced by Buddhism and enriched by Hwarangdo, a

    military education and social organization for noble youth. The codes of honor consisted basically ofloyalty to the nation, respect and obedience to ones parents, courage and bravery on the battlefield, and

    avoidance of unnecessary violence and killings. This is the philosophical backbone of the Korean

    martial arts. The philosophy of Tae Kwon Do is to achieve an understanding of love and benevolence,

    magnanimity, sympathy, and character. Many Tae Kwon Do programs are now teaching Christ centered


    Objectives of Tae Kwon Do Training in Modern Society

    Educational objectives of Tae Kwon Do training are: To develop an appreciation of Taekwondo as a sport and as an art;

    To achieve physical fitness through positive participation;

    To improve mental discipline and emotional equanimity;

    To learn self-defense skills; and

    To develop a sense of responsibility for ones self and others.

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    Tenets of Tae Kwon Do


    To promote the spirit of mutual concessions.

    To be polite to one another.


    To encourage the sense of justice.

    To distinguish instructor from student and senior from junior.


    Steady persistence in a course of action or purpose, in spite of difficulties,

    obstacles or discouragement.


    A serious student must learn not to be impatient;

    To continue steadfastly, to persevere.

    Conducting one-self with control whether inside or outside the dojang (school).


    An ability to work within ones capabilities. Modest and honest. Will continue

    without fear or hesitation when confronted with injustice.

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    The Korean flag symbolizes much of the thought, philosophy, and mysticism of the Orient. The symbol,

    and sometimes the flag itself, is called Tae Guek.

    On the flag is a circle, divided equally, and blocked in perfect balance. The upper section (red)

    represents the Yang, and the lower (blue) represents the Um, an ancient symbol of the Universe. The

    two opposites express the dual nature of the cosmos: fire and water, day and night, dark and light,

    construction and destruction, masculine and feminine, active and passive, heat and cold, plus and minus,


    The central thought in Tae Guek is there is constant movement within the sphere of infinity, but also

    balance and harmony. Three bars at each corner also represent opposition and balance. The three

    unbroken lines stand for heaven: the opposite three broken lines represent the earth. At the lower left are

    two lines with a broken line between them. This symbolizes fire. The opposite is the symbol of water.

    InstructionEmphasis is placed on controlled accuracy and focuses on the ability to pull back all offensive

    techniques. The student is very closely and attentively supervised as he learns each new skill. Tae

    Kwon Do is taught in consecutive steps which include warm-up exercise, basic defensive moves,

    kicking techniques and conditioning exercises.

    Tae Kwon Do skills can be divided into three major categories: Poomse (formal form practice), Kyorugi

    (sparring), and Kyukpa (breaking). Therefore, to achieve a balanced training program, the student must

    learn forms, sparring, and breaking techniques. Tae Kwon Do is not only excellent exercise, but also is

    an esthetical expression of the principles of human movement, skills and spirit. It is the embodiment of

    a precision drill.





    (formal form






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    Words of Wisdom fr om Master Pak

    Master Yong Chin Pak is the Grand Master of our school. In his book, Tae Kwon Do,he provides the

    following guidance:

    Unlike most other sporting activities, Tae Kwon Do promotes the improved formation of ones

    character. In the friendly yet competitive atmosphere of this amazing art form, students workout, sweat,and put out their all together, pushing each other to their upper potential and beyond - 100%, ....

    Flexibility and agility are essential.

    The Tae Kwon Do master teaches the importance of both physical and mental conditioning by building

    up his students self-confidence, self-respect, and self-discipline. The dance-like rhythm of this

    incredible art, especially during form practice, is a pleasure to watch.

    When free-sparring, punches and kicks are pulled and good technique is shown; moreover, this is not to

    be a ...brawl. After [working] out, not only does ones heartbeat and breathing rate need to be slowed,

    but also ones spirit needs to be calmed through meditation.

    Courtesy: Integrity: Perseverance: Self-Control: Indomitable Spirit:

    Tae Kwon Do ETIQUETTE

    The dojang (school) is an exercise place for those students who are serious about studying Tae Kwon

    Do. It is always to be treated with respect by all Tae Kwon Do students, their parents, and friends. This

    same respect should flow between all those in class. In being accepted as a student of the martial arts,

    one is expected to display proper etiquette both in and out of the classroom. Character development is of

    extreme importance.

    PromptnessIf class is scheduled to begin at 7:00, then everyone should be in the dojang (school) ready to workout

    by 6:50. Students should stretch-out before class begins.


    Because Tae Kwon Do is a contact sport, you should come to practice ready to learn with a fresh mind

    and clean body. In the interest of physical hygiene and mutual respect for your fellow students, you

    should wear a clean and odor-free dobok (uniform). Your fingernails and toenails should be clean and

    neatly trimmed to prevent injury to you as well as your partner. A scratch from a dirty fingernail caneasily become infected.

    UniformCare and hygiene: An all white or red dobok (uniform) is required for formal workouts. Leadership

    team members may wear a blue uniform when assisting with a class. Tae Kwon Do, a vigorous physical

    contact sport and martial art, you may perspire and feel hot. Always wear your dobok (uniform) properly

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    and treat it with respect. It should be clean and wrinkle-free. Do not roll up the sleeves or wear in a

    disarranged fashion.

    ConductThe dojang (school) is only for serious Tae Kwon Do study - not for a social gathering. While our

    dojang (school) is coeducational, it is no place for any type of affectionate display. Since the dojang(school) is to be considered a place for respect, foul language and unsportsmanlike conduct will not be

    tolerated. Whether in the dojang (school), during promotional examinations, or in tournaments, students

    should never criticize a fellow student for not moving well, blame a partner for not making you look

    good enough, or sacrifice technique in order to beat the opponent. Such behavior is not consistent with

    the basic Tae Kwon Do philosophy.

    SilenceRefrain from idle conversation while practicing Tae Kwon Do. You should come to the dojang (school)

    to practice the martial arts. When you arrive early for your class, or if you are watching the workout,

    please dont distract fellow students or the instructor.

    You should always be able to hear your instructors voice. When the instructor is talking, she/he should

    have your undivided attention. If you have a question during the workout session, do not ask a fellow

    student; instead, raise your hand, wait to be called on and ask the instructor. Talking is prohibited during

    poomse and free sparring.

    Discipline of the mind is a must as you learn to take control of your body.


    One of the first things you should learn is the proper bow and when to use it. Bowing is the Orientalequivalent of shaking hands in the United States. Execute a bow by bending 45 degrees at the waist;

    back straight; legs straight and together; and hands at your sides with the head down (not looking up). In

    bowing, you are showing respect for Tae Kwon Do, the instructors, fellow students, and yourself.

    Upon entering the dojang (school) (whether your home school, or elsewhere), bow towards the flag

    when you step on or off the mat and at the beginning and end of each workout session. Bow to your

    instructor and friends and introduce yourself to any new students. You should bow upon meeting your

    instructor in or outside the dojang (school). Likewise, you should bow to your partner before and after

    practicing with each other.

    When lining up for formal workouts, students should arrange themselves in descending order by belt

    rank (right to left, front row to back). Students of equal belt rank will line up with the older student to

    the right. Time in rank or knowledge stripes are not indicators of position. The instructor may adjust the

    studentspositions in class in an effort to better view each student. These rows and columns should be

    straight. When the instructor or senior student commands Kyu ng-yae, you are to bow.

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    SittingThere are two acceptable ways for sitting: Oriental and Western styles. The former is to sit with legs

    crossed and hands comfortably in your lap. Requiring greater flexibility, the latter is to kneel with the

    feet and knees together, while sitting on your heels. During the meditation period of class, only kneeling

    is used.

    When watching class, always sit on the edge of the mat and be aware of what is going on around you.

    Watching others is an important learning tool for the martial arts.


    Three Rules of Responsibility

    Do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, whether you like it or not.

    Three Rules of ConcentrationFocus your eyes, focus your mind, focus your body, sir!

    Instructor: Goals we set - Students: are goals we get.

    Instructor: Eyes on whom? - Students: Eyes on you, sir!

    Black Belt Success Cycle

    Know your goal, have a plan, get a teacher to help, take consistent action, review your progress and

    renew your goal.


    No jewelry (rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings) is allowed in the dojang (school). Neithermen nor women are exempt. Women are expected to remove hairpins and barrettes which could injure

    an eye.

    Leaving the Mat or Dojang (school) Dur ing PracticeOnce you bow onto the mat for a workout session, you are not to leave the workout or the room without

    the express permission of the instructor. This includes breaks to go to the water fountain. Since it is

    inevitable everybody will become thirsty during practice, your instructor may give time for a water

    break. If you know you will need to leave class early, you should inform your instructor before the class

    commences; and when it comes time to leave, raise your hand and ask permission once again.

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    Class Etiquette

    Please wash your hands prior to entering class and after using restroom facilities.

    Conduct yourself professionally in class.

    Be punctual.

    Respond to all questions or instructions with sir or maam.Be supportive and helpful to lower belts at all times.

    When free sparring with those less advanced, the best way to teach is by sparring just above their level.

    When working with less advanced students, use positive reinforcement at all times.

    Please refrain from attending class if you are contagious.

    No exposed blood is permitted during class. All bleeding must be stopped and cleaned by the either the

    individual who is bleeding or an instructor who is wearing gloves, prior to reentering class.

    During class always maintain one of the six positions: attention, bowing, ready stance, listening position,

    resting position or instructor directed motion.

    Bow at the beginning of class to the flags, then the instructor with, Please sir/maam! At the end of

    class bow to the flags, then the instructor with, Thank you sir/maam!, Then the senior student(s)

    with, Please sir/maam!.

    If you need to exit class raise your hand and ask permission first. Bow to the class when exiting. When

    returning to class wait outside the training area, raise your hand and wait for permission to rejoin the

    class. Bow to the class prior to re-entering.

    Class will form up with the student with the highest belt rank in the right front corner followed by the

    rest of the students in belt order highest to lowest. Students of equal belt rank will form with the

    older student to the right. Time in rank or knowledge stripes are not indicators of position. The

    instructor may adjust the students positions in class in an effort to better view each student.

    Communi ty Etiquette

    Uphold the spirit of the student tenets and creeds.

    Always show the proper respect to those around you in and out of class.

    Greet fellow students whenever you see them.

    Act in a manner that reflects positively on your school and the martial arts.

    Remember the golden rule; Treat others as you would have them treat you.

    Belt Care

    Your dee orbelt is a symbol of your learned knowledge of Tae Kwon Do. Always keep your belt tied

    properly, never draped around your neck. Never let your belts touch the ground and do not wash it.

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    1 2 3 4 5 6

    Place belt onmiddle of

    stomach andwrap the beltaround the


    Belt goesaround backand crosses.

    Both ends arebrought

    around to thefront.

    Lay the leftside of the beltdown and theright side of

    the belt on top.

    Right side ofthe belt, which

    is on top,tucks underboth layers

    and comes outon top.

    Place the belton the left side

    over and ontop of the belton the right

    side, leaving ahole.

    Take the endof the belt on

    top up throughthe hole, pull

    both ends out

    to the sides.

    B 1

    1 2 3 4 5 6Hold belt at

    your waist asshown.

    Wrap beltaround yourwaist once

    And twice Pull left endup underneath.

    Place the belton the top leftside over on

    top of the belton the right

    side leaving ahole.

    Take the endof the belt on

    top up throughthe hole, pull

    both ends out

    to the sides.

    How to Tie Your Belt!The TWO most common ways!

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    Lay uniform out flat.

    Place patch.

    Protect uniform and patch with a thin piece of cloth.

    Hold very hot iron with pressure over patch for 30 seconds.

    Check placement.

    Turn uniform inside out.

    Protect uniform and patch with cloth.

    Hold a very hot iron with pressure over patch for one minute.

    LEFT CHEST: Farrells patch or Tigers patch. Only one patch in this location. If there is a logo stitched

    onto the uniform it should be covered by the patch. Left chest and right chest patch should be level and

    equally spaced from the center The patch should be placed between 2 and 4 inches from the collar

    (depending upon size of uniform), just above the V.

    LEFT SHOULDER: Leader Patch. The top of the leader patch should be between 4 and 7 inches below

    the shoulder seam, allowing room for 6 rows of tags below any uniform brand logo on blue uniform

    only. For red or white uniform, leave 3-6 inches between the patch and shoulder seam. Below any

    uniform brand logo (rank tags only on blue uniform) the top edge of the patch should be parallel to the

    shoulder seam and the patch should be centered on the sleeve.

    RIGHT SHOULDER: AIM HIGH Patch and awarded Tags. The top of the AIM HIGH Patch should be

    2 to 3 inches below the shoulder seam or 1 inch below any uniform brand logo. The lower edge of the

    patch should be parallel to the shoulder seam and the patch should be centered on the sleeve.

    FLAGS: a flag may be worn centered on the back of the uniform; no more than 1/2 below the collar, a

    second flag may be worn below the first flag. (The U.S. flag should be placed in the highest position.)

    TAGS: should be placed in rows four across, directly below the AIM HIGH patch with all edges

    touching. There is enough space for four tags per row, but the tags must be fitted together tightly with

    NO space between them.


    Stripes are rewarded during class for performance or reports as follows:

    Green stripe: for sparring, either one step or free sparring.Blue stripe: for self-defense.

    Gold stripe: for forms.

    White stripe: for board breaking (for blue belts and above).

    Black stripe: for knowledge, class attendance and participation.

    Red stripe: for evidence of indicators that the student has followed the tenets away from the

    dojang (school).

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    Positive Att itude (RED Str ipes and Patches)

    You may earn one red stripe each class and work towards a total of 9 at each belt level. For every

    3 red stripes you have earned on your belt at promotions, you will receive one RED PATCH to go

    underneath your AIM HIGH patch. There are many different ways to earn red stripes such as:


    Memorize how to tie your own belt correctly and demonstrate for the instructor.


    Memorize the 5 tenets of Tae Kwon Do (Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control

    and Indomitable Spirit).


    Memorize how to count 1-10 in Korean.


    Memorize how to count 1-20 in Korean.


    Bring in certificates of accomplishment.


    Bring in notes from home telling what a good job you are doing.


    Bring in your report card from school (all As and Bs or Ss).


    Demonstrate Black Belt level during every part of class.


    Memorize all 3 student creeds, earning a left chest patch - Tigers for 1st and 2nd graders

    and Farrells patch for 3rd and above.


    Bonus red stripes can be given at anytime for anything so make sure to always be giving

    your BLACK BELT BEST!!!

    At the end of the AIM HIGH course, along with your next belt (army/gold for Tigers and gold for

    juniors and above) you will also receive the AIM HIGH shoulder patch.

    Random Acts of Kindness (ROAK) (GOLD patches)

    If you keep track of ten random acts of kindness each month you may earn gold patches at promotions.For every RAOK you do and have written down, you will receive one gold patch. The limit is 30

    RAOK, equivalent to 3 gold patches each promotion cycle.

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    Student Creeds

    Number One

    I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth

    or my physical health, (SIR or MAAM)!

    Number Two

    I intend to develop self discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others, (SIR or MAAM)!

    Number Three

    I intend to use what I learn in class constructively and defensively, to help myself and my fellow man,

    and never to be abusive or offensive, (SIR or MAAM)!


    (Attitude in Motion, Having Integrity, Gratitude, and Humility)

    January: Goal Setting July: Responsibility

    February: Love August: Integrity

    March: Be Healthy September: Courtesy

    April: Indomitable Spirit October: Perseverance

    May: Respect November: ThankfulnessJune: Positive Attitude December: Self-Discipline

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    Promotion Cycle


    Students will need:

    Receive all of the stripes required from the instructor,

    Complete the bottom of the Promotion Letter Form (see Forms at the end of the handbook),

    Pay the belt fee,

    If school age, complete the Intent to Promote Form (see Forms at the end of the handbook) with

    signatures and comments of both teachers and parents (during non-school times, the parents

    signatures are the only requirement).


    More than any other exercise or drill, the practice of forms is the most important element in the

    development of proper Tae Kwon Do techniques. Required for advancement at every level frombeginner through master, forms serve a multidimensional role, aiding in the development and refinement

    of coordination, balance, timing, breath control and rhythm, all of which are essential skills to the Tae

    Kwon Do student from Tae Kwon Doby Yeon Hee Park, Yeon Hwan Park and Jon Gerrard.

    AppearanceThe full dobok (uniform) shall be worn at all promotions and public functions unless there is a specific

    uniform furnished for a demonstration (demo) team, representing the school. The dobok (uniform) must

    be clean and ironed with the appropriate patches in place. Students should arrive at the promotion

    exercises looking their best in order to show the respect they have for Tae Kwon Do, the dojang (school)and the school, as well as heir families and friends.

    CourtesyThe courtesy that is shown in every class is also followed at the promotion ceremony, but should be

    elevated to the highest level possible. Whether waiting quietly and in the proper black belt position for

    other students to complete their presentation or presenting oneself, each student is expected to maintain

    that respectful, but enthusiastic attitude throughout the promotion ceremony.


    It is important to remember that in each of the levels - beginning, intermediate and advanced - any of the skills

    and knowledge listed after the various belts might be included in lessons and practices. However, the student

    will be expected to MASTER only those listed under his or her belt level. Parents (and students) need to balance

    high expectations with patience. The values of the programthe tenetsare mastered by individuals at

    different rates. Often it may take eight months to a year before evidence of mastery is noted.

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    When should I expect to promote?

    Promotions are divided into different groups. The groups first AIM HIGH Graduation, then

    Basic and Intermediate, next Brown and Red and lastly Black Belts.

    The AIM HIGH Graduation is held at the end of the final week of the session. Typically

    there is a 6:00pm start time where families and friends may come and support the newGold Belt students in their achievements. Usually there will be some sort of reward partyfor the AIM HIGH group sometime following the graduation. The students will then belooking to attend basic level classes the following week.

    The Basic and Intermediate promotions are scheduled once every month. These areusually during the Third full week of each month. These promotions at the Waukeelocation are Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm. These promotions at the Beaverdale locationare Thursday evenings at 6:30pm. We do offer classes on the nights we have promotionsbut the class finishing at 6:15pm will be the final class for that day. There are options todo leadership training classes or special instructor class on promotion nights if offered atthat location.

    The Brown and Red Belt promotions are only scheduled quarterly. These promotions areavailable in January, April, July and October and will be Friday evenings at 6:00pm. Thestudents are required to demonstrate all of the same techniques as the Basic andIntermediate promotions plus Board Breaking, Sparring and Fitness Skills. The Brownand Red Belt promotion is designed to give the advanced ranking students an idea ofwhat kind of format to expect for Black Belt Testing.

    The Black Belt Test is available to qualified student testing for Recommended Black Beltand higher levels of Black Belt. These tests are scheduled only twice each year, once in

    April and once in October. Each test will take place on a Saturday afternoon beginning at

    2pm. This is the only cycle that requires a Monday 6:15pm preparatory class for each

    candidate for 6-7 weeks prior to the Black Belt Testing. These classes are held at our

    Beaverdale location. Black Belt packets are available for each session at least 4 weeks

    prior to the first Monday evening Black Belt Training Class.

    (If there is some reason you are unable to make your scheduled promotion please contact Mr.

    Miller at the Beaverdale school 515-255-0095 or by his email [email protected])

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    How much time to I get to practice at each belt?

    Different belts have different requirements when it comes to the length of time and number of

    classes between promotions. Of course before any belt promotion each student is required to have all of

    the curriculum stripes and will have to have a completed intent to promote sheet as well as the bottom

    portion of the promotion letter filled out with their belt fee paid. Here is a list that may help you to find

    where you are and where you will be in the future:

    Little Dragons (Preschool and Kindergarten)

    2 months of classes, 12 classes minimum (average of about 2-3 classes each week)

    Tigers (First and Second Grade)

    2 months of classes, 12 classes minimum (average of about 2-3 classes each week)

    White Belts (Beginner Level)

    2 months of classes, 15 classes minimum (average of about 2-3 classes each week)

    GoldOrange Belts (Basic Level)

    3 months of classes, 21 classes minimum (average of about 2-3 classes each week)

    Green-High Green Belts (Intermediate Level)

    3 months of classes, 21 classes minimum (average of about 2-3 classes each week)

    Blue-High Blue (Intermediate Level)

    3 months of classes, 21 classes minimum (average of about 2-3 classes each week)At least one of the classes attended each week must be a sparring class (Wednesday or Thursday) in full


    *It is important at the High Blue level to map out a plan for the first Brown and Red Promotions as it

    may be cause for a longer time between promotions due to its being held quarterly.

    Brown-Middle Red (Advance Level)

    3 months of classes, 21 classes minimum (average of about 2-3 classes each week)

    At least one of the classes attended each week must be a sparring class (Wednesday or Thursday) in full


    During your time at the advanced level will need to keep track of your citizenship points required forBlack Belt Testing. The point requirement for your first Black Belt Test is 150 pts.

    *It is important at the High Red level to map out a plan for the first Black Belt Testing as it may be

    cause for a longer time between promotions due to its being held biannually.

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    Notice of Intent to Promote


    (Students Name)

    is scheduled to promote to the next belt rank at Farrells U.S. Martial Arts.

    Dear Parents and Teachers:

    The main objective of our Martial Arts School is to develop well rounded students, not only here

    at our school, but within society as well. Please complete the following.

    At School:

    Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unacceptable

    Student listens and follows directions. __________ __________ __________

    Student is respectful. __________ __________ __________

    Student is cooperative and helpful. __________ __________ __________

    Student is progressing academically. __________ __________ __________


    (Teachers Signature)

    At Home:

    Student listens and obeys immediately. __________ __________ __________

    Student is respectful. __________ __________ __________

    Student is cooperative and helpful. __________ __________ __________


    (Parents Signature)

    If our students receive any unacceptable marks at school, home, or at our martial arts school, we will

    hold the students ranking until there has been satisfactory improvement. Please call 255-0095 if youhave any concerns that you would like to address with us.

    Thank you for your cooperation.


    Farrells U.S.M.A. Staff

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    Date 2-3 weeks prior to promotion

    Dear Farrells Tae Kwon Do Student,

    I hope everything is going well for you on your journey to Black Belt! I wanted to let you know

    what is required for your up-coming promotion to the next belt rank onDate of Promotionat 6:30pm.

    As you know, you will need to have earned all four/five belt stripes. The gold stripe is for the

    form of your belt level, the green stripe is for one-step sparring or sparring drills depending on your

    rank, the blue stripe is for self defense techniques, the white stripe (Blue belts only) is for board

    breaking, and the black stripe signifies your knowledge of techniques and class performance.

    A Farrells or Tigers patch attached on the left chest of your uniform

    Wear your full uniform (NO T-shirts at Promotions)

    Juniors remember that on the day of your Promotion your room must be clean

    All students must be current on tuition to promote

    The number of classes you need to have attended from your last promotion is a minimum of 12

    for Little Dragons and Tigers; 15 for White belts; 21 for Gold to Blue w/Black. Please double check

    classes you have attended to your attendance card.

    Your belts are ordered in advance so please be sure to turn in your $10 belt fee early along with

    your intent to promote form (only for school age students). Failure to turn in your belt fee or your intent

    to promote form will result in waiting until next month to promote. Your $10 belt fee and your intent to

    promote form must be turned in no later thanFriday prior to promotion, 2010.


    Name: ________________________________Rank Promoting to: ______________________

    Belt Size to be ordered:

    Payment method: Cash Check

    BELT FEES AND I.T.P. FORMS ARE DUEFRIDAY, prior to promotion


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    2-3 weeks prior to promotion

    Dear Student,

    I hope everything is going well for you on your journey to Black Belt! I wanted to let you know

    what is required for your upcoming promotion onpromotion date, at 6:00 p.m. at the Beaverdale


    As you know, you will need to have earned all five belt stripes. The gold stripe is for the form of

    your belt level, the green stripe is for one-step sparring or sparring drills depending on your rank, the

    blue stripe is for self defense techniques, the white stripe is for board breaking, and the black stripe

    signifies techniques, attendance and class performance.

    Please make note of the following:

    Wear your full uniform with a Farrells patch (no t-shirts please.)

    Bring all of your safety equipment for the sparring portion of the test!

    Juniors, remember that on the day of your Belt Promotion your room must be clean!

    All students must be current on tuition.

    The number of classes you need to have attended since your last promotion is a minimum of 21.

    Please check your attendance card to verify class attendance counts.

    Your belts are ordered in advance so please turn in your $10 belt fee, the bottom of this sheet,

    and your intent to promote form (only for school age students) no later than Friday before promotions.

    Failure to complete these three steps by the deadline will result in your waiting three months topromote.

    Striving for excellence,

    Brandon Miller

    Director of Martial Arts

    Beaverdale Farrells U.S. Martial Arts


    Name: _________________________________

    Rank Promoting to: Brown/White Brown/Black Red Red/White Red/Black

    Belt Size to be ordered: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Payment method: Cash Check Credit


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    Korean Terms #1

    General Terms

    Uniform DobokSchool DojangInstructor Sabomnim



    Attention Cha-RyotBow Kyong Ye

    IntegrityCounting in Korean

    One Ha-na Eight Yol-dleTwo Dool Nine A-hopThree Set Ten YolFour Net Eleven Yol ha-naFive Da-sotSix Yu-sot Twenty Su-mulSeven Il-gob Thirty So-run

    Indomitable Spirit

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    White Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: One Step Sparring

    High block (left), High punch (right) N/A

    Blue Stripe: Wrist escapes

    Cross hand N/A

    Same side N/A

    Double same side N/A

    Gold Stripe: Forms

    Basic Pattern Kicho Il-Bo

    Corner Blocking (moves 1-13)

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Attention Char-yut

    Ready position Jhoon-bi

    Guarding stance

    Horse stance

    Front Snap Kick

    Rising Stretch Kick Ap-cha ol-li-gi

    Roundhouse Kick

    Low Block

    High Block

    Middle Punch

    High Punch

    Crossing kick (inside out) Ap-cha dol ri-ki

    Bowing Kyung-yae

    Horse stance punch

    Front stance

    Jab Punch N/A

    Knee Strike N/A

    Defensive Stance N/A

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    Gold Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: One Step Sparring

    Side kick (right), knife hand strike (right)

    Blue Stripe: Escape from double wrist grab: in

    response, grab attackers wrist, pivot, escape and counter

    reverse elbow strike.

    Gold Stripe: Forms

    Tae Geuk Il Jang (1)

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Side block

    Crossing kick (inside out or outside in)

    Side kick Yup cha-gi

    Back elbow strike

    Upward elbow strike

    Forward elbow strike

    Middle block Mom-tong mak-ki

    Back stance

    Skills in combination N/A

    Cross punch N/A

    Sparring block N/A

    Sparring stance N/A

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    Orange Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: One Step Sparring

    Palm heel block (left), double middle punch, single high


    Blue Stripe:

    Same side wrist grab (up close),

    Knee strike, upward elbow strike

    Review previous skills

    Gold Stripe: Forms

    All moves Tae Geuk Ee Jang

    Review previous forms

    Recommended: Tae-guek 3 (moves 1-10)

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Palm strike

    Knife hand strike

    Double knife hand down block

    Double knife hand guarding block

    Reverse knife hand strike Sohn-nal mok chi-ki

    Switchfoot roundhouse kick

    Sliding side kick

    Outer forearm block

    Double forearms block

    Fitness: 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 Han Wan Lees

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    Intermediate Level

    Green Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: Double middle block (right), low/high

    back fist (right), step out palm strike (left)

    Blue Stripe: Cross hand grab

    downward knife hand strike to inside elbow, escape

    forward elbow strike and back away

    Gold Stripe: Poom Sae

    All moves Tae Geuk Sam Jang (3)

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Back spin roundhouse kick

    Side back fist

    Ax kick

    Single knife hand block

    Forward motion N/A

    Backward motion N/A

    Front stance N/A

    Back stance N/A

    Hook punch N/A

    Reverse punch counter (requires pads) N/A

    Back fall and side fall N/A

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    Middle Green Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: Side kick (right), step together, Spin side

    kick (left)

    Blue Stripe: Single lapel grab

    Front stance+inside block (front hand)+palm strike

    (back hand), grab attacking shoulder with both hands,

    knee strike (back leg)


    Gold Stripe: Poom Sae

    All moves Tae Geuk Sam Jang(3)


    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Spin Side kick

    Switch Foot Ax kick

    Single knife hand down block

    Step back counter roundhouse (requires safety


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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    High Green Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: High block (left), two finger throat strike


    Blue Stripe: Front single shoulder grab

    Front stance + pull down at the elbow of the attacking

    arm (front hand), two finger throat strike (back hand),

    back away

    Gold Stripe: Poom Sae

    All moves Tae Geuk Sa Jang(4)


    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Chest block

    Sliding leg hook kick

    Fitness Requirement: 30 push-ups, 30 sit-ups,

    25 Han Wan Lees in 30 seconds

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    Blue Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: All safety equipment required!

    Open stance spin side counter to roundhouse kick

    Timing drills

    Blue Stripe: Double lapel grab

    Front stance outer forearm block (left), palm strike (right) to

    solar plexus, chin push (right) and leg sweep (right)

    Gold Stripe: Forms Poom Sae

    All moves, focus on stances Tae Geuk Sa Jang (4)

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Single knife hand rising block

    Single knife hand low block

    Low/high roundhouse kick

    Ridge hand

    Twin knife hand block

    Pressing block

    White Stripe: Strong kick (any type) Kyukpa

    Side, sliding side, spin side, jump spin side, 360 jump spin side

    (Board difficulty set by instructor.)

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    Middle Blue Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: All safety equipment required!

    Side step roundhouse counter to spin side kick (start closed stance)

    Timing drills

    Blue Stripe: Bear hug from behind over the arms

    Side step to horse stance, turn hips to face inside, groin slap.

    Gold Stripe: Forms Poom Sae

    Focus on hand techniques and position

    Review Tae Geuk Oh Jang (4)

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Spear hand strike Kwon-su chi-ru-ki

    Swallow block

    Twin knife hand block

    White Stripe: Strong kick Kyukpa

    Side, sliding side, spin side, jump spin side, 360 jump spin side, front

    leg side

    (Board difficulty set by instructor)

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    High Blue Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: All safety equipment required!

    Open stance draw and counter a spin side kick Kyurugi

    Blue Stripe: Key lock from full mount, hold down, key lock

    to arm bent up

    Bottom partner, push both hands towards top of belt.

    Top partner: over and under, high block motion, trip to the

    floor, drop elbow, under and over, slide and pull.

    Gold Stripe: Forms Poom Sae

    All steps Tae Geuk Oh Jang (5)

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Sliding hook kick

    Back spin axe kick

    Fast kick

    White Stripe: Strong kick

    Side, sliding side, spin side, jump spin side, 360 jump spin side

    Fitness Requirement: 40 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, 35 Han Wan

    Lees in 45 seconds

    TechniqueMore Precision

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    Advanced Level

    Brown Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: While stepping the left foot across the

    body to the right, palm heel block (left)

    Spinning knife hand (right), change in the cadence

    should be: challenge kiap, response (Please duck,

    sir/maam) acceptance before proceeding.

    Blue Stripe: Single lapel grab

    Same side - wrist trap, stepping forward, same side

    forearm strike to the elbow and then the neck

    Gold Stripe: Forms Poom Sae

    All steps Tae Geuk Yuk Jang (6)

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Low/high X block

    Scissors block Ka-wey mak-ki

    Inside chest block

    Diamond block

    Inside forearm block

    360 roundhouse kick

    Jump spin side

    White Stripe: Board breaking Kyukpa

    Strong hand (any type)

    Punch, palm strike, forward elbow strike

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    Middle Brown Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe Middle block (right) back spin in self defense,

    back elbow (left) to solar plexus, backward elbow (right) to



    Blue Stripe: Over arms bear hug from behind side step to

    horse stance, simultaneously pushing hips back while thrusting

    arms forward.

    Gold Stripe: Forms Poom Sae

    All steps Tae Geuk Yuk Jang(6)

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Sliding axe kick

    Double kick

    White Stripe: Board breaking Kyukpa

    Strong hand

    Punch, palm strike, forward elbow strike

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    High Brown Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: right leg right kick under the arm

    Blue Stripe: Escape from side headlock:

    Ridge hand strike to the groin between the legs from

    behind, lift arm off of the head and back away.

    Gold Stripe: Forms Poom Sae

    All moves Tae Geuk Chil Jang (7)

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    360 axe kick

    Throat strike Mok chi-gi

    Hammer fist

    Flying side kick

    White Stripe: Board breaking Kyukpa

    Strong hand

    Punch, palm strike, forward elbow strike

    Fitness Requirement: 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, 45 Han Wan

    Lees in 60 seconds

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    Red Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: Simultaneous knife hand blocks arm bar, wrist

    lock, step back outside, breaking balance, take down, andfinish.

    Blue Stripe: Underarm bear hug from front: double palm strike

    to ears, two finger throat strike, stepping forward.

    Gold Stripe: Forms Poom Sae

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Knife hand low block

    Spin hook kick

    Low high knife hand X-block

    White Stripe: Soft kick (any type) Kyukpa

    Front snap, roundhouse, spin hook, axe,

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    Middle Red Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe

    Rising block (left), keeping the left hand fixed at theopponents wrist, high punch (right), open left hand,circle counter clockwise to meet the right hand at 6:00,lock wrist and continue to rotate until at 3:00, step leftfoot across to the right in front to form horse stance, stepright foot across and behind and kneel down, insidebreaking balance and FINISH!

    Blue Stripe:

    Double knife hand block and straight punch to the

    outside. Back arm goes around neck, choke until

    opponent taps.

    Gold Stripe: Forms Poom Sae

    All moves Tae Guek Pal Jang (8)

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    360 spin side kick

    Mountain block

    Inside breaking balance

    Outside breaking balance

    White Stripe: Board breaking Kyukpa

    Soft hand

    Knife hand strike or , hammer fist, ridge hand, upward or

    back elbow, reverse knife hand or spear hand

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness

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    High Red Belt Curriculum and Personal Record Sheet

    Stripe Requirements Korean Term

    Green Stripe: OSS & STD

    Demonstrate sparring skills and strategies

    Five one-step sparring techniques at level 10

    Blue Stripe: Execution of the favorite self-defense technique

    with its potential effectiveness in mind. Five different SD

    Gold Stripe: forms Poom Sae

    All Moves Tae Geuk Pal Jang (8)

    All previously learned forms with less than three mistakes

    Black Stripe: Curricula

    Individual goals in hand and kicking techniques

    White Stripe: turn in all black belt testing paperwork

    Fitness Requirement: 60 push-ups, 60 sit-ups, 60 Han Wan Lees

    in 60 seconds

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    Red Stripes

    Acts of Kindness
