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130323 tower and tap april 2013 4

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TOWER & TAP April 2013 SOUTH MARSTON’S COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER A Great Ofsted Result Following an inspection in Feb- ruary 2013 Ofsted have graded South Marston C of E Primary School as ‘Good’ with ‘Outstanding’ features. Behav- iour of children was singled out as a particular strength. The way schools are inspected has changed significantly since our school’s last Ofsted inspection in 2008, with much higher ex- pectations being placed on teachers and leaders than there ever was before. Ofsted said Pupils’ progress throughout the school has improved since the last inspection. Pupils’ work and the school’s current records of their progress show that many pupils exceed national expectations in reading and mathematics and, more recently, in writing, as a result of consistently good teaching.” The full report is available from the School Website: http://www.southmarstonprimary.org/Ofsted/South_Marston_Ofsted_report_-_final.pdf South Marston Primary School ***STOP PRESS*** JOBS JOBS JOBS pages 9 and 18
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[email protected]

TOWER & TAP April 2013


A Great

Ofsted Result Following an inspection in Feb-ruary 2013 Ofsted have graded South Marston C of E Primary School as ‘Good’ with ‘Outstanding’ features. Behav-iour of children was singled out as a particular strength. The way schools are inspected has changed significantly since our school’s last Ofsted inspection in 2008, with much higher ex-pectations being placed on teachers and leaders than there ever was before.

Ofsted said “Pupils’ progress throughout the school has improved since the last inspection. Pupils’ work and the school’s current records of their progress show that many pupils exceed national expectations in reading and mathematics and, more recently, in writing, as a result of consistently

good teaching.”

The full report is available from the School Website: http://www.southmarstonprimary.org/Ofsted/South_Marston_Ofsted_report_-_final.pdf

South Marston Primary School

***STOP PRESS*** JOBS JOBS JOBS pages 9 and 18

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Fully qualified primary teacher

offering home tutoring at competitive prices.

Maths from KS1 to GCSE (£25 - £30 / hour)

Literacy KS1 and KS2 (£25 / hour)

Full CRB certificate

Kirsty Feline BSc (Mathematics) PGCE

Tel: 07855 099086 [email protected]


Tel: 01793 822051

Your local friendly village pub.

Please Come Along And Enjoy


On Saturday 20th April 9 pm until 12 o’clock



The Carriers Arms are keen to start another Darts Team. We’d love to see

anyone who is interested in joining.

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[email protected] 3

Dear Friends, After the Celebration of Easter and the wonderful joy we experience in thanking God for his wonderful gift of life in all its abundance we can feel a little down. The amazing truth about Easter however doesn’t change, its only our focus. For the whole of Lent we reflect and consider our inner selves and then all our anxieties are swept away as we focus on the Christ who freely gives that pure love that cast out fear. WOW! That love is eternal, it never changes and it’s the same love now as it was that first Easter Day and it will remain the same forever. Focusing on that love enables us to have life in all its fullness. We can walk tall in times of difficulty, we can know the thrill of having prayers answered, we can have confidence and deep within us peace. Consider Mole in ‘The Wind in the Willows’. ‘Mole had been working very hard all the morning, spring-cleaning his little home. First with brooms, then with dusters; then on ladders….Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing …..something up above was calling him imperiously, and he made for the steep little tunnel which answered in his case to the gravelled carriage– drive owned by animals whose residences are nearer to the sun and air.’ Mole was busy, busy about his business until the thread snapped and something, something unaccountable penetrated the innermost springs of his soul. You and I are busy, busy, about our business, but ‘out there’, the spirit of divine discontent is stirring. A voice is calling—let that voice penetrate the innermost springs of your soul and respond. The call is to a love that gives us life in all its fullness not just at Christmas or Easter for an hour or two but for eternity. Will you answer the call? God Bless, Vicky Fleming Priest in Charge

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Church News

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[email protected] 5

South Marston Church is part of Stratton Team Ministry.

The office is located at St. Margaret’s Centre, Kenwin Close, Stratton St. Margaret and it is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8.30am to 12 noon.

Email: [email protected] or tel: 826505.

If you would like to talk to a priest or book a Christening or Wedding please contact Rev Vicky Fleming on 827021 between 6 and 7pm any evening except Fridays or Sundays.

Members of the team:

Priest in Charge Rev. Vicky Fleming 827021 Asst. Priest Rev. George Fleming 827021 Asst. Priest Rev. Richard Burston 822403 Lay Minister Mrs Christine Burston 822403 Lay Minister Mr Dan Read 763016

7th April 11.00am South Marston Family Service

14th April 9.30am South Marston Holy Communion

21st April 10.00am St Margaret’s

Team Service

with the Ven. Christine

Froude, Archdeacon

28th April 8.00am South Marston Holy Communion BCP

5th May 11.00am South Marston Family Service

12th May 9.30am South Marston Holy Communion

19th May 10.00am St Margaret’s Pentecost Team Holy

Communion Service

26th May 8.00am South Marston Holy Communion BCP

Church Services for South Marston

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Concerns have repeatedly been raised and communicated to parents and carers about the risk to children’s safety as a result of parking at the front of the school and about the speed of some vehicles.

The problems of cars parking at the front of the school has reached the point where the Police have had to attend on more than one occasion. Their observation of the situation and of the speed of cars in the vicinity of the school so concerned the police that they followed this up and in-tend to continue to do so. The Governing Body of the school are actively working with all the authorities to reduce the risk of a serious accident occurring. They will again petition for the introduction of a 20 mph speed limit having originally written to Swindon Borough Council about this in June 2012.


Please drive as you would want and expect others to do if it was your child crossing the road, crossing the entry to the car park, walking through the car park or walking to school on pathways that are part of the road.

Do not park, pull up to drop off or pick up anywhere along either side of the road in front of the school’s front fence.

Do use the car park, alongside the school or the car park at the hotel.

Do drive with due care and consideration for others. The speed limit is the absolute maximum it doesn’t mean it is safe to drive at this speed in all conditions.

Please take note of the increased danger zones around the village car park exit/entry point and the blind bend towards Pound Corner.

Please reduce your speed when approaching and leaving the school via Pound Corner and the Mercure Hotel.

Careless parking and speed, particularly when combined with impatience can cause serious injury and death, when this involves a child it devas-tates families and school communities. The South Marston School Gov-ernors are asking us all to “Please do all that you can to help us make the journey to and from school safe for all South Marston pupils.”

Help Keep Our Children Safe

School News

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[email protected] 7

Fill in all the missing letters of these TV shows and then read down the box to reveal the secret character.

By Rhiannon Donald

3 1

1 2


4 3

4 5

5 6 1 2


4 3 5

3 1 6

5 3 1

Hard Sudoku

Easy Sudoku

Jokes and riddles:

Q. What’s brown and sticky? A. A stick

Q. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it? A: Nothing

If you are really stuck then the answers are on page 23

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South Marston Parish Council

Diary Dates…Annual Parish Meeting and AGM

Come along to the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 4th June at 7pm in the Village Hall to hear about what the Parish Council has been doing throughout the year.

The Parish Council AGM will be held half an hour before the normal Par-ish Council meeting on Tuesday 21st May at 7pm in the Village Hall. You are very welcome to attend.

Meet Gemma Cheal – Clerk, South Marston Parish Council

I have been Clerking for South Marston Parish

Council since August 2010. How time flies! This

varied role has certainly kept me busy. My main

role is to provide administrative support to the Par-

ish Council. This tends to follow a similar pattern

throughout the year and involves making sure

agendas are prepared and sent out in plenty of

time, taking minutes at Parish Council meetings

and receiving and circulating emails and letters. I

also manage the Parish Council accounts, make

sure invoices are paid and that the books balance. As well as carrying

out the administration tasks, I also update the Parish Council on legal

matters and twice a year I put my wellies on to carry out an allotment re-

view with one of the Parish Councillors.

As you may have read, I am now leaving this role to Clerk for Covingham Parish Council. Clerking for South Marston Parish Council has given me great work experience, whilst enabling me to work from home which has fit in really well with family life. It has also given me transferrable skills. I have also been Clerking for South Marston Primary School Governors since September 2012. This job would be a great career development opportunity for anyone interested in supporting people whose job is to represent the interests of the local community. You certainly won’t be bored!

To keep informed of all the latest Parish Council news, including minutes of Parish Council meetings, please visit www.southmarston.org.uk and click on the ‘Parish Council’ section.

Gemma Cheal - Clerk, South

Marston Parish Council

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South Marston Parish Council

Parish Council Meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings which are held on the third Tuesday of the month, at 7.30pm in the Vil-lage Hall. There is an “Open 10 Minutes” section at the start of the meet-ing where you are invited to ask questions or discuss an agenda item. It would be helpful if you could inform the Chairman at the start of the meet-ing of any items that you wish to raise or discuss. All agendas are pub-lished on the village website and on the village notice boards, prior to the meetings.

Vacancy for Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer

12 Hours per Week, Subject to Review

Salary by negotiation depending on qualification

A vacancy exists for the position of Clerk and Responsible Finance Of-ficer to the Parish Council. Opportunity for career development in this exciting; varied role. Duties include:

Administering the Council’s affairs including - arranging and at-tending meetings; minute-taking; dealing with correspondence.

Financial management involving book-keeping and budget con-trol.

Advising the Council on procedural and regulatory issues.

Editing Tower & Tap local village publication

Applicants should be computer literate using Word and Excel, and pref-erably qualified or experienced in local council administration. Good organisational and administrative skills are essential. Training can be provided.

Please send application letter and CV to the Clerk, Mrs Gemma Cheal, Woodbine Cottage, 75 Stratton Road, Lower Stratton, Swindon, SN1 2PN, Tel. 01793 820529, Email: [email protected].

Closing date is 10th May 2013.

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South Marston Enterprise (SME) Group

The South Marston Enterprise (SME) Group is a business group that hold

regular monthly meetings at 7.30pm the first Thursday of the month. It is

aimed at people who live in the village and either run or have an interest

in running small businesses. It is an opportunity to meet other business

people the chance to chat around some of those crunchy business issues

we all occasionally struggle with.

The group meeting in March was all about Chinese medicine. It was held

at Hazel Andrews's house where she talked about the theory behind Chi-

nese medicine and how acupuncture can be used to treat a whole host of

everyday ailments. She talked about the types of conditions that she reg-

ularly sees in the clinic and demonstrated the many and varied tech-

niques which can be used.

This was followed by a general discussion about business-related issues

including recognising the need for advertising and discussing what had

and hadn't worked for us individually in the past .

The evening was rounded off over wine and snacks and a more social

chat over what future topics we would like covered in the SME meetings.

Topics that will be covered in some of the upcoming meetings are equine

Reiki, useful business contacts we can all share and business goal set-

ting. More informal meetings are also scheduled such as a summer bar-

becue and a pub quiz .

If you would like to join us please contact Hazel Andrews at [email protected] or tel 01793 827507. Meetings are generally held on the first Thursday of every month.

Songbirds required for star vocal ensemble

Local vocal ensemble, The JTPTrust Concert Choir, is looking for more songbirds to join the flock. If you’ve reached Grade 4 Singing or

above, love singing and enjoy a challenge then this could be for you. Rehears-als take place from 8-9.30pm on Tuesday evenings at Haydonleigh School. If you are interested in joining, e-mail: [email protected] for an audition.

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[email protected] 11

SMRA South Marston Recreation Association

100 Club

All profits from the 100 club go to the

upkeep of our village playing field.

New members - if anyone would like

to join the 100 club and have a num-

ber, please contact:

Julie Hatherall (07749 211867) or

Jenny McEwen (825312).

March Winners

£30 15 Rosie New

£10 28 Jenny McEwen

£10 37 Mr Yon

£10 55 Dorothy Liddiard

£10 9 Robina Taylor

Calling All Walkers! Get Walking Day Lydiard Park—Saturday 4th May

Step out with this sociable three-mile guided walk around the spring flowers at Lydiard Park to kick off ‘Get Walking Week’ and ‘Swindon’s Walking Festival Month’ this May

Visit our stalls to pick up tips and advice on getting more active and ways to be healthier, as well as information about local walking groups and routes.

Collect a free pedometer to count your steps and the calories you’ve burned when you walk with the group*

Walk starts at 11.00am.

Meet at the visitors centre/cafe

To find out more, call Amanda on 01793 465413

Visit www.swindontravelchoices.org.uk for more on walking and active travel Or go to www.leisureinswindon.co.uk for more on walking groups and healthy life-styles

*(one pedometer per walker and subject to availability).

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Recent Events

Tuesday 12th March – At the South Marston Hotel

An interesting talk was given by Norman Jeffery on The National Garden

Scheme. He showed us slides of large and small gardens in Gloucester-

shire. The gardens can be visited under The National Garden Scheme.

Booklets were available for members to take for gardens in Gloucester-

shire, Wiltshire and Oxfordshire. The hotel provided the room and refresh-

ments free of charge. Members enjoyed the comfort of the hotel.

Future events

Tuesday 9th April – In the Village Hall at 2.00pm

A talk will be given by John James-Davidson on handwriting

Tuesday 16th April - Outing

A trip to Bristol Blue Glass & Bristol Docks. Leaving from outside the

village school at 9.15am arrival back at South Marston at 6.30pm

Tuesday 14th May– In the Village Hall at 2.00pm

A talk will be given by Wiltshire Farm foods to advise what they do. A

tasting session will be given at the meeting.

The Friendly Club

Gardening Club

Recent Events

Our meeting on Monday 4th March was our A.G.M. in which our diminishing membership was discussed. This is very unfortunate but the club will continue with some very interesting speakers this year.

Future events

Monday 15th April at 7:30pm - 'How trugs are made'.

Monday 13th May at 7:30pm - 'Summer gardening made easy'.

Monday 2nd Sept at 7:30pm - 'Field and hedgerow, wildlife and plants'.

Monday 7th October at 7:30pm - Herbs and their uses'.

Monday 2nd December at 7:30pm - 'Avebury Manor'.

All welcome to any of these talks.

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[email protected] 13

Christmas Hampers - new qualification criteria

The government has increased the State Pension age for women to 65 phased from April 2016 to December 2018. A further increase will be phased in to raise the State Pension age for all to 66 from December 2018.

In consideration of these changes, and the proposed expansion of the village commu-nity, the Trust will be making the following changes to the criteria for allocation of Christmas Hampers to senior citizens of South Marston. These changes will be im-plemented on 1st April 2016.

The changes are not subject to the exact scheduling of government criteria.

To qualify for a Christmas Hamper the recipient is required to have been in perma-nent residency in South Marston for a period of 3 years prior to submission of regis-tration.

All new applicants must be 65 years of age on 24th December 2016 to be eligible to register.

All new and existing applicants must be 66 years of age or over on the 1st January 2019 to be eligible to regis-ter.

The F & E Harris Memorial Trust

Cartoonists Artists

Photographers Article Contributors

Send your contributions to [email protected]

by the 22nd of each month

Are you 66

or over on

1st January


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April 2013

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tots ‘n’ Toddlers


Village Hall

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

SME Group 19.30-21:00 Venue tbc

Family Service 11.00

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 South Marston Hotel Coffee

Morning 10.30am-12.30 Youth Club

(12-18) 18:30-20:30 Village Hall

Friendly Club 14:00-16:00

Village Hall

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers 9.00-11.00

Village Hall Craft Company 14:00

SMRA Meeting 19:30 -21:30

Wheelie Bins Mixed Plastics

Green Waste Tower & Tap Advertisers Cut

Off Date

Meeting Point 10:00-12.30

Village Hall Free I-SPY Books 10:30-12:00

See page 18 SaturdayScene 16:00-17:15

Village Hall

Holy Communion 09:30

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Gardening Club 19:30-22:00

Village Hall

Swindon Older People’s Forum

Open Meeting 13:00-16:00 Gorse Hill Com-munity Centre

Parish Council Meeting 19.30 Village Hall

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers 9.00-11.00

Village Hall

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Youth Club (8-11)

18:30-20:00 Village Hall

Singer/ Impersona-tor at Carriers Arms


Team Service

10:00 St Margaret’s Stratton

South Marston Hotel Wedding Open Day 11.00-15.00

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Youth Club (12-18)

18:30-20:30 Village Hall

Tower & Tap Contributions

Cut Off Date

Ladies Who Latte

10:00-12:00 South Marston Hotel

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers 9.00-11.00

Village Hall

Wheelie Bins Mixed Plastics

Green Waste

Holy Communion 08:00

29 30

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[email protected] 15

May 2013

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 Tots ‘n’


9.00-11.00 Village Hall

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

SME Group 19.30-21:00 Venue tbc

Youth Club (8-11)

18:30-20:00 Village Hall

Get Walking Day at Lydiard

Park Meet at visitors centre/cafe 11.00am

Family Service 11.00

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Youth Club (12-18)

18:30-20:30 Village Hall

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers

9.00-11.00 Village Hall Craft Company

14:00 SMRA Meeting 19:30 -21:30

Wheelie Bins Mixed Plastics

Green Waste

Meeting Point 10:00-12.30

Village Hall Saturday Scene 16:00-17:15

Village Hall

Holy Communion 09:30

Tower & Tap Advertisers Cut Off Date

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Gardening Club 19:30-22:00

Village Hall

Friendly Club 14:00-16:00

Village Hall

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers

9.00-11.00 Village Hall

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Youth Club (8-11)

18:30-20:00 Village Hall Live Music at

Carriers Arms

Team Service

10:00 St Margaret’s Stratton

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Youth Club (12-18)

18:30-20:30 Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

19.30 Village Hall

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers

9.00-11.00 Village Hall

Tower & Tap Contributions

Cut Off Date

Wheelie Bins Mixed Plastics

Green Waste

John Denver Tribute Mercure Hotel


Holy Communion 08:00

27 28 29 30 31 Ladies Who


10:00-12:00 South Marston Hotel

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers

9.00-11.00 Village Hall

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Youth Club (8-11)

18:30-20:00 Village Hall

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What’s happening at

South Marston Hotel & Spa….

Firstly may we extend a big thank you to everyone who

attended our Mother’s Day Lunch, it was very well sup-

ported by the local community and we hope Father’s Day

in June will be equally as successful. Mums loved the

family portraits they were given at the end of their meal.

Our Sunday carvery lunch is going from strength to strength, so remem-

ber to book early. For the real ale

drinkers I am pleased to announce that following a few requests from vil-

lagers, we now have Bath Ales as a

supplier and we’re serving quintessen-tially English beer brewed in the West

Country, we have a choice of premium

amber ale and a distinctive dark bitter.

Come along and try it then give us your feedback, as you

know all of your comments gratefully received.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the “Friendly Society” for allowing us to host their meeting

here at the hotel in March, it gave us the opportunity to

show you what changes we have made and what service we can offer, we very much look forward to your returning

to us in the near future. Remember our doors are always

open and we welcome you to come and see us any time.

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[email protected] 17

Our Coffee morning in March was not as well attended as I would have liked but I’m hoping our next one scheduled for

Monday 8th April 2013 from 10.30am-12.30am is more suc-

cessful. Coffee and biscuits are provided by the hotel and as you know donations are shared between the Village Hall and

Church Funds. This is our way of giving back to the local

community so we hope you’ll join us. Any budding cake

makers in the village that want to bring along cakes to sell at the coffee morning in additional support will be welcome.

Contact Steve to arrange on 01793 833700 or e-mail me at

[email protected]

Senior Citizens Lunches

have been well support-ed last month and we of

course want to continue

with its success so re-member every Thursday

from 12.00 noon -

2.00pm a two course

lunch is served for only

£4.99 per person.

Our Wedding Open Day is on Sunday 21st April 2013 from 11.00am-3.00pm. Admission is free. Additionally we are giv-

ing someone the chance to win their wedding reception

worth up to £2500, contact for further details

Our traditional afternoon tea is being offered Monday –

Friday from 3.00pm-5.30pm from only £4.99 per person

to book call 01793 833700 press 4.

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Make money with a smile and some hard work! The Wedding Season is fast approaching and we are look-

ing for casual waiting staff to help us serve our guests,

so if you are over 16 and interested in hospitality, please contact Steve Goulding on 01793 833700 or

e-mail your CV to [email protected]

the work is mainly Saturdays and Sundays but we also

will have lots of evening work in our busy calendar.

Until next month …enjoy your Easter Holidays everyone

The Mercure South Marston Hotel and Spa, Old Vicarage Lane, South Marston, SN3 4SH www.southmarstonhotel.com

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[email protected] 19


PEOPLES FORUM Next Open Meeting on

TUESDAY 16 APRIL 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm


Chapel Street, Swindon SN2 8DA

Presentations and discussion on

“Housing options for Older

People” There will also be a number of information “popups”

Introduction to Healthwatch and Free IT Training

Refreshments are provided on arrival.

Transport available for those with mobility problems.

To register interest or for more information

e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01793 612037

(*) Car Parking available on site. Thamesdown bus routes 17 & 20 and Stagecoach bus routes 6 & 51 go to Gorse Hill.

Website: http://www.sopf.btck.co.uk

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Volunteer opportunities on the River Thames

Last year, the Games Makers were lauded as making a tremendous

contribution to the success of the Olympics. On the river Thames, volun-

teers were making a similar impact helping boaters at the 45 locks along

its length between Lechlade and Teddington.

The Environment Agency, which is navigation authority for the Thames,

is now recruiting for the 2013 season and are looking for volunteers who

can commit to assisting at least one day a week between May and the

end of September. Volunteers can agree their hours with lock keepers

but need to be available at least from 11 to 5. Volunteers are particularly

needed along the river between Reading and Lechlade. Volunteering is

Relief of Need Fund

Supporting South Marston residents.

The Relief of Need Fund Currently has a lim-ited amount of money available to assist resi-dents who are in genuine need. Application forms are available from Highworth Council Offices or the Lions’ Shop in Newburgh Place. Please note that documentary proof of need will be required before applications can be considered.

Educational Fund

Supporting Young People living in South Marston.

The Educational Fund currently has a limited amount of money available to assist with the education or training of young people. Application forms are available from Highworth Council Offices or the Lions’ Charity Shop in Newburgh Place, Highworth.

The Highworth United Charities

Do you want to

learn but can’t

afford the fees?

Do you



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[email protected] 21

a great way to meet people and to find out

more about the Thames, its history, wildlife

and management. At the same time volun-

teers know that they are doing something

worthwhile that is really appreciated.

Our Volunteer Assistant Lock Keepers work

alongside paid lock keepers. They help boats

pass through the lock safely: taking ropes,

directing traffic, and operating lock gates.

They help maintain the site: painting, tidying

and gardening. They provide information to

visitors, be they on foot or afloat, so that they

can make the best of their time on the river.

Visitors really appreciate the local knowledge that volunteers can provide.

All applicants are invited to an assessment at a local lock. Here they will

have the role explained to them and be shown what it involves in practi-

cal terms. They will also be assessed to decide which site may be most

appropriate for them and to ensure that they have the physical capabili-

ties required. After successful completion of the assessment, they attend

an induction course which focuses on safety and preparing them for the

lock side.

On the lock side the volunteers follow a documented training programme

before being signed off to take charge of the lock on their own. This will

only be for short periods, while the paid keeper is at lunch for example.

The volunteers are there to augment the service provided by paid staff

rather than to replace them.

Volunteers are provided with some uniform and can claim mileage for

travel to and from their lock (subject to a daily maximum). They also re-

ceive a monthly newsletter which keeps them in touch with what is going

on along the river and other activities of the Environment Agency.

If you would like to find out more about volunteering on the Thames and

to receive an information pack and application form, please contact the

Volunteer team on 01491 828360 or email

[email protected]

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South Marston Assisting Wildlife

Here’s something for young and old whatever the weather:

I-SPY birds.

See how many types of bird you can spot in a weekend.

Here’s a short list to get you started.

Score 1 for each type of bird you see from the first column, Score 2 for each type of bird from the second column, and Score 3 for each type of bird you see from the final column.

If you score a total of between 15 and 30 – well done! And if you enjoyed that, you could have some serious fun with a free I-SPY Birds book….

Score 1 Score 2 Score 3

Blue Tit Jackdaw Thrush

Pigeon Robin Gold finch

Magpie Great tit Wren

Sparrow Green finch Dove

Blackbird Rook Other

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[email protected] 23

***Free I-SPY Birds books from SMAWL!*** Come along to Oak Tree Corner,

on Saturday 13th April from 10:30am - midday.

SMAWL have twelve I-SPY Birds books to give away to the first twelve children to arrive (accompanied by an adult).

Oak Tree Corner is on the left of the High-worth Road just north of Quarrybrook Close.

(I-SPY used with kind permission from Michel-in Tyre PLC, who also donated the books).

The SMAWL team is composed entirely of vol-unteers and is currently looking for more help. Anyone with a spare hour or two throughout the year will be most welcome. It’s sociable and helps to improve the look of the village. We welcome any age and ability (although children must be accompanied by an adult).

For further information, please call Chris on 829868 or Susan on 824957, or email Chris at [email protected]. You can also read more about the group on the village website, www.southmarston.org.uk.

Kids Page answers from page 7

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[email protected] 25

All prices exclude VAT (where applicable) and are valid for 30 days from

issue of this schedule.

Invoices will be issued electronically and are payable prior to publication

The South Marston Tower & Tap is a popular publication read, pub-

lished monthly with a double issue in Dec/Jan and Jul/Aug. It is dis-

tributed by hand to 375 homes in South Marston with a potential

readership in excess of 700. It is also published on our website in-

creasing its reach beyond householders.

Note: the dimensions above are based on B5 size pages. (164mmx 235mm) Your advertisement should be sent to

[email protected]

in an electronic format ie .jpeg or .tiff or .pdf

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Failure to send your files by 13th of the Month will delay publication.

Please send all advertisements to [email protected]

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For a one off ad:

£27.50 full page

£16.50 half page

£8.80 quarter page.

For one year (10 issues)

£82.50 full page

£49.50 half page

£27.50 quarter page

For a one off ad

£35.00 full page

£20.00 half page

£10.00 quarter page

For one year (10 Issues)

£100.00 full page

£65.00 half page

£35.00 quarter page

Tower & Tap Advertising Rates 2013

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Parish Council Chair Stuart Young T 828775

Parish Council Vice Chair Sylvia Brown T 823535

Clerk to the Parish Council Gemma Cheal T 820529

SMRA Chair Angie Newton T 832034

SMRA Secretary Julie Hatherall T 07857 310624

Village Hall Bookings Julie Hatherall T 07857 310624

Football Field Bookings Chris Maull T 824505

Tots & Toddlers Rachel Case T 832719

Youth Club Julie & Steve T 07923 441296

Gardening Club Mike New T 827807

Friendly Club Brian McGlone T 826243

Spitfires Football Club Bev Maull T 824505

South Marston School Mr Luke Madison T 823379

Pre–School Pre-School Staff T 07847 590601

Saplings Children’s Centre (All Sorts) T 829996

Ward Councillors Russell Holland T 07999 566623

John Haines T 07901 534640

Colin Lovell T 321634

Member of Parliament Justin Tomlinson T 522123

Priest in Charge Vicky Fleming T 827021

Church Wardens Richard Sansum T 831473

Donald Page T 825693

Website Donald Jones T 823035

Tower and Tap Hannah Jones T 823035

Useful Contacts

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28 http://southmarston.org.uk

South Marston

Village Hall

Hire Charges

All enquiries and to make a booking please contact Julie Hatherall


or email: [email protected] tel: 07857 310 624

Refundable deposit also applies for all one off bookings,

Please see website for further details. Terms and Conditions apply.


Local Village Organisation £5.00 per hour

Non-Local Organisation £8.00 per hour

Parish Council £8.50 per hour

ONE-OFF BOOKINGS e.g. Children’s

Party, Family Party, Christenings etc


Village Resident Non-Resident

Morning Session 08:30 – 13:30 £20.00 £25.00

Afternoon Session 13:30 – 18:30 £25.00 £30.00

Evening Session 18:30 – 23:30 £30.00 £35.00

Send your contributions for our May Issue to

[email protected] by the 22nd of April 2013
