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14 days Cuban Cardio fitness programme

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December 2016

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In order to meet the demanding workouts schedule of the Cuban Cardio abs core strength training I crunched the 12 weeks training program into a 14 days high-intensity interval intermittent training program. The result is fantastic, quick fast results and ultimate body base on real fitness plan a proven formula of nutrition and exercises workouts streamlined to make slimming down. Sculpting and building lean muscles in just 2 weeks is now a reality.

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…rapid weight loss and instant muscle toning. It can changes and transform your body. It can help you to improve the way you look before a class reunion, meeting, a family function, a swimsuit season.

The real fitness Cuban Cardio body plan program include: the perfect combination of exercises and nutrition layout food plan, day by day so there's no confusion about what to eat when to eat it, and how to fuel your body so that muscle are burning calories even after you finish your workout. Delicious healthy recipes for meals that don't weight you down but will give you all the energy you need for your daily life.

The workout includes simple, easy muscle toning exercises and step by step routines. They are integrated into a day by day two weeks program that targets specific areas while boosting overall muscular endurance:

• muscular strength• power• flexibility• coordination• body symmetric• sexy flat solid hard rock abs• energy• motivation

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I give you easy strategies for getting on track, techniques to keep you highly motivated!

You won't quit!!

I equip you with powerful tools to help you to work effectively, plan your diet, exercises and coach you how to maintain your hard earned results.

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3 reasons why you should do CC workout:1. Increases strength and boosts your metabolism2. Builds, sculpts and tones3. Improves health and fitness

Split routine workouts focusing on a different muscle group or specific body part each day instead of training all muscle groups each workout) can be beneficial if you have unlimited training time, allow for adequate recovery, or are preparing for a bodybuilding competition.

However, for most people, squeezing in several weekly split routine workouts is unrealistic and overwhelming during the season. Even if you have more time during the off-season, it's still a tight squeeze.In the next slides there are some compelling and logical reasons to make a full body weight training routine a better option for you. I also advise how to build strength and muscles.

If you miss a full body workout, you can always do it the next day without compromising your schedule unlike split routine workouts.

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Many physiologists think of the body as one muscle because all muscles are connected to each other, so splitting up the body each workout may not make much functional sense.

"You will be able to build a well-balanced body by hitting all muscle groups in one workout, which is more natural and more closely mimics real life," Full-body workouts also involve muscle movement patterns utilised in sports and involve more multi-joint exercises and therefore more muscle groups.

"Rather than thinking about body parts, I want you to think about primal, natural and athletic movement patterns that work multiple muscle groups at once,"  That creates efficiency and functional strength for everyday use. You can basically build a cutting edge fitness program using only four distinct categories of movement: two for your lower body (hip dominant and knee dominant) and two for your upper body (pulling and pushing).”

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Full body workouts generally only require a few upper- and lower-body multi-joint lifts for a few sets using moderate to heavy weight. Multi-joint bodyweight exercises such as Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Dips, Jump Squats, Burpees and Step-Ups can also be substituted in a full-body workout to build muscle and strengthen the muscle. All of these multi-joint movements target several muscles at once, reducing workout time. The full-body workouts incorporating the mostly multi-joint high energy exercises are more taxing and require greater recovery time between workouts (48 hours or more).

In my opinion full-body workouts are for athletes whose sport specific demands power and agility. These allow you to train the body as a unit athletes' moves during competition are rarely performed in isolation. They also recruit more total muscle mass during each lifting session, compares the efficiency of full-body workouts to split routines. Athletes who participate in multiple training sessions and practices per week may also perform total body workouts for expediency, as they do not have to visit the weight room four to six times per week to train in splits.

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Strength training and bodybuilding experts agree that three whole body workouts per week are "much more productive for bodybuilding and sport specific than any type of split or double-split routine. Your stimulated body needs approximately 48 hours or more between workouts for consistent recovery to occur."I recommend a full-body workout Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday workout schedule as ideal for building size and strength with the days off between workouts for recovery and enhancing growth.

What happens when you train intensely nearly every day without a full day of rest for recovery between workouts even if you're only training one or two muscle groups each workout (split routines)? You drain your Central Nervous System, leading to fatigue and hindering muscle growth. Thinking that training legs and arms hard at about 80-90% RM capacity for one workout and the next day training chest and back at high intensity (80-90% RM) and believing that the arms/legs are "resting" from the previous day's workout is false. The body recovers as a unit not in isolated parts.

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Day 8

Day 9

Day 7

Day 5

Day 6

Day 4

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1

Day 13

Day 12

Day 11

Day 10

Day 14

Cardio (see module


Strength (see module


Flexibility (see module

3)every day

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Pretty much any activity that gets your blood pumping is cardiovascular. When your heart rate rises, muscle cells break down sugar and fat for fuel, burning calories. Clearly there are a ton of ways to do this, but exercise physiologists lump cardio into three buckets long, slow distance (LSD), medium hard (tempo) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). What's what?

LSD No surprise, these sessions are long (45 to 60 minutes) and slow you’re creeping at a pace that you can easily sustain. The whole point is to increase your endurance, so you can build a solid foundation to prep for shorter, tougher sessions.Tempo - in these more challenging 20- to 30-minute workouts, you'll close in on your anaerobic threshold, the sweet spot where your body shifts from burning a higher percentage of fat to more carbs, which are easier to access for energy. The upshot: Calorie burn spikes.HIIT Kill it, recover, repeat, repeat. On/off bouts like this, lasting 10 to 20 minutes, activate fast-twitch muscle fibres, making you stronger, and create a huge metabolic demand on your body, incinerating calories.

So How Much Cardio Do I Need To Do?150 Minutes that’s the bare minimum for general health, so bump it to 250 because we know you also want to look good in jeans. Mix up your LSD, tempo and HIIT. High intensity counts double (10 minutes equals 20 toward your weekly total), but do no more than two HIIT sessions a week.

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The fitness definition: a muscle contracting to resist a force. Pick up a dumbbell, hop on a leg-press machine, squat and you're doing it. After a couple of reps, muscle begins to break down; your body Band-Aids and strengthens that tissue, creating definition and making subsequent sets feel less taxing. This repair process requires energy (burns calories, boosts your metabolism) even when you're at rest, which is why lifting is the secret source in body transformation.

What does a solid routine look like? An effective total-body workout should incorporate these functional movements:• Squat Include one, or a fancy variation. Bending and lifting recruits the gluteus and thighs big muscles, which

burn big calories• Lunge. Switch them up forward, reverse, side, curtsy to sculpt and firm from every angle.• Push shoulders and chest, they're impossible without exerting force forward (the up part of a push-up),

overhead (think shoulder press) and laterally (rising into side plank).• Pull For every push; add a pull to create balance. A few go to upper body firmer: rows, chin-ups and rope pulls.• Rotate Twisting your trunk (wood chops, punching) activates abs and oblique.

So How Much Strength Should I Do?2 or 3 Total-Body SessionsSome people have arm day and butt day. They're called bodybuilders. Your mission is to squat, lunge, push, pull and rotate. Choose five to eight exercises, and as long as they include these movement patterns, equipment is purely preference. Do three to four sets of 12 to 15 reps on non-consecutive days. It'll take you about 30 minutes.

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This module is your TLC, a big thank you to your body for putting up with all of that hard cardio and strength work. In terms of flexibility exercises you have two options:

• Stretching maybe in your mind it's torturous. Stretch anyway. Try to target muscles in pairs. Paying equal attention to opposing muscles keeps your body balanced. Example: Stretch your hamstring, then squads, so hips and knees stay aligned. You want to hold that or any stretch for 10 to 30 seconds. It takes at least 10 seconds for muscle fibres to relax (that is the end goal) and lengthens. Finally, make sure you focus on all of your muscles for total flexibility.

• Myofascial Release is just a fancy word for a massage, and it's easiest to do with a foam roller. Using a roller for 10 minutes after a workout reduces inflammation and triggers the production of new mitochondria, the power plants of your cells. Do small, back and forth movements over tender areas for 30 to 60 seconds to smooth knots and realign elastic muscle fibres.

So How Much Flexibility Should I Do?2 Mini-Sessions, Squeeze in 10 minutes of all over foam rolling and/or stretching post- or pre-workout to fulfil your TLC.
