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14334674 Divorce Advice for Men

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8/8/2019 14334674 Divorce Advice for Men http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/14334674-divorce-advice-for-men 1/15 Great Divorce Advice For Men “How You Conduct Your Divorce Will Affect The Rest of  Your Life. You Need To Take Control…or She Will” I’ve been where you are now. As a divorced man, I understand how difficult and unfair the divorce process can be for men. Since going through my own divorce back in 2003, I’ve successfully guided thousands of men just like you through the divorce process. Let me give you some free divorce advice. How you conduct your divorce will affect the rest of your life! Why do some men get a great settlement while so many others get screwed? You need to know the facts and take total control of your divorce. Let me show you how… A Lawyer Won’t Win Your Case Sadly, too many men think hiring a lawyer is the way to win a divorce. This strategy never works. It doesn’t work for the rich and famous men in Hollywood and it won’t work for you either. Divorce lawyers charge by the hour, not by the victory. If you’re using a lawyer now, you know this already. Things never seemed to go as promised or planned. I receive complaints all the time from men telling me “they’ve spent thousands on legal fees and have gotten nowhere”. If you hire an attorney, it’s only a matter of time before you experience www.GreatDivorceAdvice.com
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Great Divorce Advice For Men

“How You Conduct Your Divorce Will Affect The Rest of  Your Life. You Need To Take

Control…or She Will”

I’ve been where you are now. As a divorced man, I understand how difficult and

unfair the divorce process can be for men. Since going through my own divorce

back in 2003, I’ve successfully guided thousands of men just like you through the

divorce process. Let me give you some free divorce advice. How you conduct

your divorce will affect the rest of your life! Why do some men get a great

settlement while so many others get screwed? You need to know the facts and

take total control of your divorce. Let me show you how…

A Lawyer Won’t Win Your Case

Sadly, too many men think hiring a lawyer is the way to win a divorce. This

strategy never works. It doesn’t work for the rich and famous men in Hollywood

and it won’t work for you either. Divorce lawyers charge by the hour, not by the

victory. If you’re using a lawyer now, you know this already. Things never 

seemed to go as promised or planned. I receive complaints all the time from

men telling me “they’ve spent thousands on legal fees and have gotten

nowhere”. If you hire an attorney, it’s only a matter of time before you experience


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the expense and frustration of the legal system. This is why divorce lawyers

always demand payment upfront in the form of a large retainer. They know you’ll

be unhappy in the end…but they don’t care because you’ve already paid them

and they just move on to the next client.

The Risk of Representing Yourself 

Representing yourself isn’t necessarily a bad idea, but unless you know exactly

what you’re doing, it could backfire on you. The system has zero tolerance for 

men that don’t follow court procedures to the letter. One little mistake (like not

filing the right form at the right time) could cost you everything. Some men go it

alone without any professional legal advice. They get their advice from family

and friends…or worst of all…television shows. Divorce in the real world is

nothing like divorce on TV. Most men don’t realize how unfair and corrupt family

court can be until they’re broke, in debt to their ex-wife, and alienated from their 

children. To win your divorce, you need a winning strategy and the knowledge to

implement that winning strategy.

Use a Proven Winning Strategy that Guarantees Results

The key is to conduct what I call a “No BS Divorce”. Most people (men and

women) approach their divorce like a lawsuit instead of a business negotiation.

We’ve been conditioned by society (and the television shows) to hire a lawyer 

and sue somebody in court. Women especially are notorious for this. The billion

dollar divorce industry is geared to play into this notion that divorce is a lawsuit.

Your best defense is to follow a proven strategy that gets results, not a strategy

based on false promises, legal fees, and court dates. Easy to use common

sense strategies will always get a better result than lawyers, lawsuits, and court

appearances. In this case, the best strategy is also much cheaper.


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Going Through Your Divorce Uninformed Will Be Costly

You should never pay more that $50 for divorce advice. Why do so many men

pay lawyers $200+ per hour for legal advice that has such a well documented

track record of failure? Because they don’t know any better. Their lack of 

knowledge costs them thousands in legal fees, pointless negotiations, and

thousands more in a bad settlement for years after that.

After reading this report, you’ll no longer fall victim to that divorce lawyer scam.

I’ve advised thousands of men on divorce since 2004 and I’ve never once seen

divorce lawyers win a case for men. Not once! Yet every day men handover 

$3,500 retainer fees to legal firms with no guarantee of success and a long trackrecord of failure. Why?

Never Pay More Than $50 for Great Divorce Advice

For less than $50, I’ll tell give you all the divorce and strategic advice you need.

I’ll explain how the divorce system really works and provide a winning strategy

that gets results. I’ll tell you when you should and shouldn’t use a lawyer and

how to manage the lawyer effectively if you do. Unlike divorce lawyers, I

guarantee my advice will get results or I’ll give you your money back. Read myaction guide and try my advice and strategies. If you feel my advice isn’t worth

what you paid, I’ll immediately refund your money with no questions asked…

even if you come back six months from now! Your attorney will never do that.

My Strategies Are All You Need

I’ve written the very action guide that I wish somebody had written for me when I

went through my own divorce. I call it “No BS Divorce Strategies for Men”.Back in 2003, I went through one of the most complex divorces in history. I’ve

conducted years of research since. I’ve read just about all the books out there

on divorce. I’ve spoken to attorneys, legal clerks, custody evaluators, and

 judges. Over the years, I’ve also had “off the record” discussions with judges

and many so called legal experts in the backrooms of the courthouse. I’ve done


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all the research for you. I know what works and what doesn’t. As a result, I

became an expert on the divorce process. I’ve represented myself in court many

times on several issues and won. My divorce is over, but yours isn’t. I’m now

able to pass all my knowledge, research, and advice on to you. You can either 

re-create all my years of research or simply buy it for less than $50 and in a few

hours of reading you’ll know everything that took me years to learn. You’ll also

benefit from the advice (and mistakes) of many of my past customers who e-mail

me every week with their stories. They too were once where you are right now.

In my action guide, I answer common divorce questions like . . .

Common Divorce Questions

1. Who gets the house?It depends on a number of factors. Generally the courts want to see minor 

children remain in the home; so the house is awarded to the custodial

parent until the youngest child turns 18. If there are no minor children

involved, then the house will be sold and the proceeds split. Smart men

can use this to their advantage. I show you how on page 20.

2. Will I have to pay alimony and if so, how much?The purpose of alimony is to prevent women from falling into poverty

immediately following a divorce. If you earn significantly more than she

does and/or have more assets (such as retirement savings) in your name,

then you’ll be expected to pay some level of alimony. Unlike child support

which can be calculated to the penny based your financial situation;

alimony is solely up the discretion of the judge.

This can work for you if you know how the system really works. Her 

alimony award depends entirely on how you present your case and your 

strategy. You need to reduce that income gap between you as much as


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possible. There are many creative ways to do this that the courts will

allow. But you need to take the right approach. I talk about these

strategies on page 97.

3. How does child custody work?Most fathers are horrified when they discover how the game of child

custody is really played. The guidelines issued by most states are total

BS. This can be extremely frustrating to fathers that play by the rules.

Most fathers take the wrong approach. Explaining why you deserve

custody of the kids never works. Explaining why the kids deserve to live

with their father is a much more effective approach. These little details

make a huge difference. Attorneys are bound to play by the rules; I’m not.

I expose the truth about child custody starting on page 57.

4. How do I find a good divorce lawyer?Finding a divorce lawyer is easy. Managing your divorce lawyer is difficult

unless you know how. I dedicate an entire chapter to managing your 

attorney and demanding results (not hollow promises). This chapter starts

on page 33.

To find a divorce attorney in your area visit my website at:



5. How much should a typical divorce cost?I’m always amazed by the number of men that pay a $3,500 retainer fee

with absolutely no guarantee of a good result. You’d NEVER do this with

an auto mechanic or home contractor, so why do it with a law firm?

I’ve read just about all the divorce books out there, I’ve interviewed

lawyers, judges, and men like you. I’ve coached thousands of men

through the divorce process. Additionally, I’ve gone through the divorce

process myself. I’ve done all the research for you. I’ll tell you everything

you need to know and how the system really works for less than $50. To


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pay anybody more than that is complete waste of your money. Let me

help you keep your money in your pocket!

6. She/I had an affair. How does that impact my divorce?

An affair has no impact on divorce whatsoever. I don’t care if you have aDVD of her in the Dallas Cowboys locker room. No judge will even look at

it. Don’t think you’ll win custody or won’t have to pay alimony just because

she had an affair. These days, nobody cares.

7. How can I reduce the stress of my divorce?We’ve been conditioned by society and the TV shows to think that divorce

is an honest process where justice prevails. The truth is that divorce is an

ugly, corrupt business that most people know little about. When your common misconceptions meet the “buzz-saw” of divorce reality, stress

caused by all the surprises and uncertainty inevitably follows.

When things don’t go according to plan, it creates uncertainty. This

uncertainty creates stress and keeps you up all night wondering what will

happen next. I eliminate the uncertainly by explaining how the divorce

process really works. Once you understand the truth behind the system,

uncertainty and stress are eliminated because you’ll know what to expect.

Once you understand the process, you’ll immediately feel much better and

be able to take control.

8. Why are divorce laws so unfair to men?Elected politicians in your state write the divorce laws. Politicians respond

to organized political groups representing large voting blocks, not to

individuals. N.O.W. (National Organization of Women) is a large, well

financed, powerful political group that politicians respond to. Men have no

such counterpart. Therefore, N.O.W. has been very successful creating

divorce laws that favor women and mothers. I explain how to side step

N.O.W and their gender biased laws on page 115.


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9. But my lawyer said I have an excellent chance to win my

case, why shouldn’t I believe him?  Of course your lawyer is

going to tell you that you have a fair chance of winning every issue. Heknows you’d never pay him to fight a case that you have no chance of 

winning. That’s why he tells you what you want to hear. If you smashed

your car into a tree and it was beyond repair, would you pay an auto

mechanic $400 upfront for a new brake job? Of course not. That wouldn’t

fix the problem. You’d be paying $400 for nothing. You’d never do that

with an auto mechanic, so why do it with a divorce attorney?

Never forget that your lawyer has absolutely no accountability to anybody.

He could care less if you win your case or not. He is paid by the minute,

not by your victory. You’re paying for his time and nothing more. If your 

lawyer thought you had a fair chance of winning, then why does he always

demand full payment up front? Why won’t he guarantee his advice and

issue a refund if he’s wrong?

10.What are some of the most common mistakes men make ina divorce?Not having a strategy and trusting a lawyer to win your divorce is the

costliest mistake. Ignoring the tax implications of your divorce is a close

second. I’m amazed by the number of men that argue over the TV,

furniture, or CD collection, and never even address taxes. Who will take

head of household tax dedication in the years ahead? Who will claim the

mortgage interest and property tax deduction for the last year you were

married? Who will claim the deduction for health and daycare costs?

These tax deductions can save you (or cost you) thousands each year in

income taxes. Are you really going to leave these things to chance? Most

men don’t think about taxes until it’s too late and few divorce attorneys


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even address the issue. It’s such an important topic that I dedicate an

entire chapter to the tax implications of your divorce starting on page 121.

11. I’m paying too much alimony and/or child support. Can Iget it reduced? If anything (such as income) has change since your 

J&D was issued, you can probably modify your existing court order and

reduce what you’re paying. If you’re paying more alimony or child support

than you should be, it’s probably because the judge made a mistake or 

didn’t believe your financial situation. You can change this simply by

going back to court and using a common loophole. I explain how to do

this on page 104.12. How does a common sense, “No BS” divorce differ from a

traditional divorce? In a traditional divorce, you pay an attorney

thousands to argue your case in court. You trust your attorney and let him

run the show. Men often have no idea why the attorney is writing letters,

negotiating with the other side, or setting court appearances. After a

while, you begin to realize that the lawyer is busy doing things that never 

get any positive results. Things never seem to go according to plan. For 

most men, this approach is stressful, confusing, and ends in frustration.

Only in the end does it become clear that you wasted thousands on an

attorney and got nowhere…and by then it’s too late…you’ve already paid.

Stop throwing your money down the rat hole! My “No BS Divorce

Strategies for Men” action guide uses common sense tactics that produce

results. You never do things without knowing why and what the outcome

will be. Every letter sent or court filing is done to achieve a specific result,

not simply for the sake of running up your legal bills. I show you how to

side step the process, not follow the herd into the slaughterhouse.


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Hot Tip: For example, many men pay $300 per year for term life

insurance to cover alimony or child support in the event their death. But

wait! These men don’t realize that Social Security will pay survivors

benefits to your children and ex-spouse. These monthly benefits from

Social Security often exceed what you’re already paying in alimony or 

child support. You don’t need to buy a life insurance policy to cover your 

child support or alimony obligations. This is a smart, common sense

strategy that nobody tells you about. This Hot Tip alone will save you

approximately $300 per year. That’s a $3,000 savings over 10 years. Is

advice like that worth $49.95? Could saving money with my no BS

divorce strategies be any easier?

Want to see more hot tips?

Some Divorce Hot TipsHot Tip #1  Your attorney wants to avoid court

and negotiate alright . . . the problem is he

wants those negotiations to last forever. I can

guarantee you that your soon-to-be ex-wife’s

attorney wants to negotiate forever too. Both

attorneys do everything possible to prolong the

negotiations. Sadly, most couples aren’t

aware they’re being played for fools. In a cruel

irony, many men even “thank” their attorneys

for fighting for them and keeping them out of 


Hot Tip #4 Make your lawyer earn his job

everyday. The single biggest mistake people

make is blindly trusting their attorney and giving

up control of their divorce. Blind trust will

almost always lead to disaster. You should

expect results from your attorney, not

mediocrity. Never accept poor performance.

Don’t hesitate to fire your attorney on the spot if 

you suspect he’s not getting you the results he

promised. One of the biggest mistakes men

make is sticking with a mediocre (or shady)

attorney. Don’t let this happen to you.

Hot Tip #2 Making sure the attorney you hire

handles every part of your divorce (as opposed

to having a team with junior associates) will

save you at least $1,000. Here’s why: If you

use a “team” of attorneys, they’ll spend (waste)

countless hours keeping each other up to

Hot Tip #6 Want to see your lawyer squirm?

Tell your lawyer you’ve heard rumors fathers

never win custody battles. If he feeds you the

standard BS on how the courts and custody

evaluators are fair and gender neutral, ask him

how many of his male clients received a


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speed on your case. This is what I call a “non-

value add process.” These attorney meetings

do absolutely nothing to help your case. They

add no value. You’ll be paying the attorney’s

on your team to speak to each other about thestatus of your case. You’re paying them big

bucks to play a game of “gossip”. How much

sense does that make?

favorable custody evaluation last month? He’ll

likely dodge the question. Ask him what

percentage of fathers in general win custody

battles from the custody evaluator? If he

claims statistics for your state are unclear or not published, ask him what percentage of his

male clients receive favorable custody

evaluations? Surely, he must know. Ask him

for the number of fathers he represented that

went through the custody evaluation process

and received a favorable recommendation from

the county evaluator. If he gives you a number,

it’ll likely be a very small one. Tell him you’d

like to speak to just one of these former clientsas a reference. If he tells you four of his male

clients received a favorable custody evaluation

report last year and 40% of fathers win custody

battles; then he has only represented 10 male

clients in the last 12 months.Hot Tip #3 Remember, everything in the

Judgment and Decree is subject to change.

You don’t have to live with a bad deal because

it’s in the J&D. Nothing is set in stone. If you

agreed to pay 75% of the children’s medical

expenses and 6 months later, you learn the law

requires you to pay only 50%, don’t be afraid to

take the matter back to court and get the J&D

changed. Just remember, she can do the

same thing.

Hot Tip #6 Never let negotiations drag on

indefinitely. Know what the laws are and stick

close to them. Don’t waste too much time

negotiating outside of the laws. It’s unrealistic

to think you’ll do much better than what the law

requires. On the flip side, your ex-wife isn’t

going to do any better than the law either.

Don’t get intimidated into engaging in

unrealistic negotiations.


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Why Struggle With The Stress, Uncertainty,and Expense Of Divorce?

I’ve done all the research for you. All you need to do is read what I’ve

discovered. Knowing what you do now, why would you ever pay a lawyer more

than $50 for divorce advice? If you’ve been paying a lawyer thousands and have

nothing to show for it, you’re not alone. Why continue down that path? It won’t

have a happy ending. Save yourself all the pain and expense and try my

common sense “No BS Divorce Strategies for Men” at no risk. With my 90-

Day money back guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose.

Get My “BS Divorce Strategies For Men” Action Guide Now For Only $49.95

Credit Card Check or Money Order Mail Check or money order to:

Commonwealth Publishing LLC16526 West 78th StreetSuite #161Eden Prairie, MN 55346

Or order by visiting: Great Divorce Advice

 Your alternatives are:

1. Pay a lawyer thousands with no guarantees and trust he’ll work with you

to obtain the best possible outcome. Knowing the dismal failure rate of 

this strategy, why would anybody do this?


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2. Go it alone and hope you don’t make a procedural error making your 

whole case invalid. She wins everything by default.

3. Go into mediation and negotiate a settlement hoping that you’ve covered

all the bases like taxes, division of assets, child support, and alimony.

Mediation is great as long as you have the knowledge to negotiate the

best deal from a position of strength.

Here Are Just Some of the Actual

Testimonials I Receive Every Week


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Knowledge Is Not Power; Action Is Power 

Nobody cares about the outcome of your divorce more than you. If you don’t

take total control of your own divorce, others will take control away from you. If 

you’ve been letting a lawyer run your case, you know this already. What are you

going to do now? How are you going to separate yourself from the pack? What

are you going to do differently than all the men that get taken to the cleaners?


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Are you going to follow the herd into the slaughterhouse or are you going to take

action by letting me show you how to get a better result for less than the cost of 

15 minutes with an attorney?

Still Not Convinced?

Read more and watch my video at: Great Divorce Advice 

