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15 Soft Tissue Injuries

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  • 8/8/2019 15 Soft Tissue Injuries



  • 8/8/2019 15 Soft Tissue Injuries


    INTRODUCTIONNTRODUCTION Millions of people suffer disabling injurieseach year. Thousands of lives are lost each year as a

    result of injuries.The more common injuries involve the softhe more common injuries involve the softtissues of the body. Two basic types of injuries arep j

    Soft tissue injury.Musculoskeletal injury.

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    SOFT TISSUE INJURIESOFT TISSUE INJURIES Soft tissues include the layers of skin, fat and muscle. The skin is composed of two primary layers:

    Outer (epidermis)Deep (dermis)( )

    The epidermis provides a barrier to bacteria and otherorganisms that can cause infection.The dermis layer contains thehe dermis layer contains the

    Nerves.Hair roots.Sweat.Oil glands.Blood vessels.od esse s

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    The hypodermis, located beneath theepidermis and dermis, containsFat.Blood vessels.Connective tissuesonnective tissues.

    The muscles lie beneath the fat layer andcomprise the largest segment of the bodysg g ysoft tissues.

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    WOUNDSOUNDS A wound is a physical injury involving abreak in the layers of the skin. Wounds are typically classified as either

    closed or open. Closed woundthe soft tissue damage

    occurs beneath the surface of the skin. Open woundhas a break in the skin.

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    CLOSED WOUNDSLOSED WOUNDSThe simplest closed wound is a bruisehe simplest closed wound is a bruise,also called a contusion.Bruises result when the body is subjectedruises result when the body is subjectedto force.

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    CARE FOR CLOSED WOUNDSARE FOR CLOSED WOUNDS To decrease bleeding and to help controlpain and swelling

    Apply direct pressure. Elevate if it does not cause more damage. Apply ice or a cold pack. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number if thevictim complains of severe pain cannot move aictim complains of severe pain, cannot move abody part or the injured extremity is blue orextremely pale.

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    OPEN WOUNDSPEN WOUNDS In an open wound, the break in the skin cann an open wound, the break in the skin can

    be as minor as a scrape of the surfacelayers or as severe as a deep penetration. Four common types of open wounds:

    Abrasion Laceration Avulsion


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    All open wounds need some type ofi t h l t l bl di dovering to help control bleeding and

    prevent infection. These coverings are commonly referred

    to as dressings and bandages.

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    DRESSINGS AND BANDAGESRESSINGS AND BANDAGES A dressing is a pad placed directly over a wound to absorb

    blood and other body fluids and to prevent infectionlood and other body fluids and to prevent infection. A bandage is any material used to wrap or cover any part ofthe body. A bandage applied snugly to create pressure on a wound or

    an injury is called a pressure bandage. Commonly used bandages:g

    Adhesive compress. Bandage compress.

    Roller bandageoller bandage, Elastic roller bandage.

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    DRESSINGS AND BANDAGES(CONTINUED)T l ll b d To apply a roller bandage Check feeling, warmth and color. Secure the end of the bandage.Do not cover fingers or toes. If blood soaks through the dressings, do not

    remove them. Apply additional dressingsd th b d d ti t lnd another bandage and continue to applypressure.

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    DRESSINGS AND BANDAGES(CONTINUED) Elastic roller bandages are designed to keep continuouspressure on a body part.

    If properly applied an elastic bandage can control swellingf properly applied, an elastic bandage can control swellingor support an injured limb as in the care for elapid (coral)snakebite.

    If improperly applied, an elastic bandage can restrict bloodflow and cause tissue damage if not corrected.

    Always check the area above and below the injury site forfeeling, warmth and color.

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    CARE FOR MINOR OPEN WOUNDSARE FOR MINOR OPEN WOUNDS Follow these general guidelines:

    Put on disposable gloves. Place a sterile dressing over the wound. Apply direct pressure for a few minutes. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water.

    Remove the dressing and apply triple antibiotic ointment oremove the dressing, and apply triple antibiotic ointment orcream if person has no known allergies or sensitivities tomedication once the bleeding is controlled.Apply a new sterile dressing Apply tape or bandagepply a new sterile dressing. Apply tape or bandage.

    Wash your hands immediately after giving care.

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    CARE FOR MAJOR OPEN WOUNDSARE FOR MAJOR OPEN WOUNDS To care for a major open wound:p

    Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.Use personal protective equipment.p q pTo control external bleeding, use the generalsteps below: Cover the wound with a dressing and press firmly

    against the wound with a gloved hand. Apply a pressure bandage. If blood soaks throughpply a pressure bandage. If blood soaks through

    the bandage, do not remove it; add more dressingsand bandages to help absorb the blood.Monitor ABCs Monitor ABCs.

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    Keep the victim from getting chilled oroverheatedverheated.Have the victim rest comfortably andreassureeassure.Wash your hands immediately after givingcareare.

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    CARE FOR MAJOR OPEN WOUNDS(CONTINUED)If the victim has an avulsion in which a bodyf the victim has an avulsion in which a bodypart has been completely severed: Put on disposable gloves. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.Wrap the severed part in sterile gauze or any cleanmaterial. Place the wrapped part in a plastic bag. Keep thebody part cool by placing the bag on ice.Make sure the severed part is transported with thee su e t e se e ed pa t s t a spo ted t t e

    victim to the medical facility.

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    CARE FOR MAJOR OPEN WOUNDS(CONTINUED) If the victim has an embedded object in the wound

    Put on disposable gloves.Do not remove the object Do not remove the object.

    Use bulky dressings to stabilize the object. Control bleeding by bandaging the dressing in place

    around the object. Wash your hands immediately after giving care.

    Call 9 1 1 or the local emergency numberall 9-1-1 or the local emergency number To care for a splinter

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    CLOSINGLOSING To care for a wound Control bleeding. Minimize the risk of infection. Wear disposable gloves or a barrier to avoidgcontact with blood. Dressings and bandages, when correctly

    applied, help control bleeding and minimizethe danger of infection.

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    CLOSING(CONTINUED) Caring for wounds involves a few simplesteps:

    Control bleedingontrol bleeding.Minimize the risk of infection.Always wear disposable gloves or use ab i h l ti d iarrier, such as plastic wrap, dressings or aclean folded cloth, to avoid contact withblood.Dressings and bandages, when correctlyapplied, help control bleeding and minimizethe danger of infection.
