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The South Asian Times excellence in journalism Vol.8 No. 15 August 15-21, 2015 60 Cents New York Edition Follow us on TheSouthAsianTimes.info
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The South Asian Times e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol.8 No. 15 August 15-21, 2015 60 Cents New York Edition Follow us on TheSouthAsianTimes.info
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 Na re nd ra Mo di on Augu st 15
 pledged to end the "termite of cor-
ruption" and tackle black money
issue, and said "Team India" -- a
team of 125 crore Indians -- will
take the nation to new heights.
Addressing the nation from the
ramparts of the Red Fort, Modi
also said in his second
Independence Day address that his
government was determined to
villages would get power within
1,000 days.
Dressed in a cream kurta-pyjama,
 be ig e wa is t co as t an d must ar d
headgear, Modi said his "Swachh
Bharat" campaign was the biggest
success of his BJP-led government
which took office in May last year.
In a first for August 15, the prime
minister did not touch upon foreign
 policy - despite his numerous trips
- and focused wholly on domestic
issues. Making it clear that there
was no place for casteism and
communalism in India, he said the
country can be free of corruption
 but we "have to start from the top".
"It can be done... Corruption is
eating up our country like termites.
If you want to get rid of termites,
you have to inject medicine every-
allegation of corruption against his
ning the nation. We have taken
steps to correct the system."
As an example of anti-corruption
Continued on page 6 
Modi vows Team India will take nation to ‘new heights’
Delivering his second Independence Day address from the  ramparts of the Red Fort, Prime Minister Narendra Modi used the refrain of Team India to denote a united nation.
 This special issue of 
 The South Asian Times
Celebrates India’s 69th
place for casteism & communalism in
India, PM Modi said the country can be
free of corruption but we "have to
start from the top.

Vol.8 No. 15 August 15-21, 2015 60 Cents New York Edition Follow us on TheSouthAsianTimes.info

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 become a part of the Indian sys-
tem, Prime Minister Narendra
 bu t we "have to st ar t from the
top", Modi said in his
Independence Day speech from
Battling corruption will "need
lots of measures", he said. "It can  be done. I am talking from experi -
of corruption against his govern-
ment since he took office in May
last year.
mite of corruption... Corruption
Contractors were running the
correct the system," the prime
minister said.
country can become free of cor-
ruption. It has to start from the
top. Corruption is eating up our 
country like termites.
mites, you have to inject medi-
coal block auction had been
undertaken by the government to
fetch the national exchequer Rs.3
lakh crore.
the tough law on black money," he
said. "It has ensured that nobody
dares to take black money out of 
the country."
One Pension scheme has been
accepted by the government "in
 pr in ci pl e" , ad di ng th at he is
expecting a "positive outcome".
would announce the implementa-
Independence Day speech, Modi
 because of the jawans. For the 125
crore people of Team India, the
soldiers are national resource,"
the Red Fort.
"Many governments came,
one... Everyone promised, but no
solution was reached," he said. Modi said even after his govern-
ment came, the problem has not
yet been resolved.
 person speaking, I am speaking on
the behalf of 125 crore people,
under the tri-colour, from the ram-
 parts of Red For t... In principle we
have accepted One Rank One
Pension. The phase of discussions
is on," Modi said.
outcome," he said.
stress and urged people and politi-
cal parties to take correctives from
the eve of the 69th Independence
Day, the president cautioned
against vested interests chipping
many centuries of secularism and
said the country's neighbours must
ensure that their territory is not
used by forces inimical to India. The president said parliament
has been converted into an arena
of combat rather than debate and it
was time for serious thinking by
 political parties.
 been converted into an arena of 
combat rather than debate. If the
institutions of democracy are
ous thinking by the people and
their parties. The correctives must
come from within," he said.
Mukherjee's remarks came
against the backdrop of the
washed out monsoon session of   pa rl ia me nt th at en de d on
Thursday. The session, which wit-
nessed suspension of 25 Congress
MPs for "wilfully obstructing the
 bu si ne ss of th e ho us e" , wa s
marked by acrimonious and per-
sonalised exchanges between
The president said the roots of 
democracy were deep but the
leaves had begun wilting and it
was time for renewal.
our constitution, India has blos- somed into a vibrant democracy.
The roots are deep but the leaves
are beginning to wilt. It is time for 
renewal," he said.
try's finest inheritance is pre-
served. "If we do not act now, will
our successors seven decades
for those who shaped the Indian
dream in 1947? The answer may
not be comfortable, but the ques-
tion has to be asked," he said. In a veiled reference to Pakistan,
he said India willingly offers its
hand of friendship but it cannot
stay blind to deliberate acts of 
 provocation and a det eri orating
security environment.
vicious terrorist groups operating
from across the borders.
and the cult of evil, these terrorists
have no religion and adhere to no
ideology. Our neighbours must
Mukherjee said.
will remain that of zero tolerance
for terrorism and it rejects any attempt to use terrorism as an
instrument of state policy.
"Infiltration into our territory
will be dealt with a strong hand,"
he said. The president said the
country's rise will be measured by
the strength of its values, its eco-
nomic growth and also equitable
distribution of natural resources.
"Our economy promises much
to be written. 'Economic reforms'
is a work in progress," he said.
 No ti ng th at th e co un tr y ha s
recovered to 7.3 percent growth in 2014-15, he said benefits of 
growth must reach the poorest of 
the poor much before they go to
the rich.
meet the 'Zero Hunger' challenge
in a foreseeable future," he said.
The president said India was a
complex country of 1.3 billion
 pe op le , 12 2 la ng ua ge s, 1, 60 0
dialects and seven religions.
capacity to blend apparent contra-
dictions into positive affirma-
tions," the president said.
The president said India's
is plural, but diversity must be
nourished with tolerance and  pa tience . "In an age of instan t
communication through ever 
overcome the essential oneness of 
our people," he said.
 ple, the rule of law is sacrosanct,
 but society is also pro tected by
something greater than law:
"guru-shishya (teacher-pupil) tra-
 pride. "Why then have we abandoned
the care, devotion and commit-
ment that is at the heart of this
relationship?" he asked.
5August 15-21, 2015TheSouthAsianTimes.info  STATE OF NATION
Prime Minister Modi giving his Independence Day address from Red Fort with the Jama Masjid in the background.
President Pranab Mukherjee addresses the nation on the eve of Independence Day in New Delhi.
“One Rank One Pension scheme” has been accepted by the government "in principle" and I am expecting a "positive outcome”, says the
Prime Minister from the Red Fort
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Website: TheSouthAsianTimes.info Updated Daily
Continued from page 3
measure, he said coal block auction
had been undertaken to earn Rs.3 lakh crore for the government.
Other steps had been taken to
tackle black money -- from the
appointment of a special probe
team to enacting stringent law.
Already several thousand crores of 
rupees had been collected from
 people who have begun to declare
their ill-gotten assets, he said.
In his speech, Modi repeatedly
used the word "Team India" - to
denote a united nation.
applause from the thousands who
had gathered to hear him on a
warm day.
radio address Mann Ki Baat.
Modi described the Swachh
ment's "biggest achievement", and
 praised children and the young for 
 be in g th e ca mp ai gn 's "b ig ge st
 brand ambassador". Citing another success of his
government, Modi said some 17
crore people untouched by any
form of financial inclusion now
had bank accounts, with deposits of 
Rs.20,000 crore, thanks to the
scheme he announced exactly a
year ago called the Pradhan Mantri
Jan Dhan Yojana.
the Ministry of Agriculture and
Farmer Welfare -- to better take
care of farmers' needs.
 brought down in flat ion despit e
 po or ra in fa ll , an d ca ll ed fo r a
restructuring of agricultural prac-
reforms in agriculture.
said, adding the new motto should
 be "Save Water, Save Fert iliz er"
and "Per Drop More Crop".
The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi inspecting the Guard of Honor at Red Fort on the occasion of 69th Independence Day in Delhi on August 15.
The dignitaries during the National Anthem at the ramparts of Red Fort, on the occasion of 69th Independence Day, in Delhi on August 15.
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New Delhi: India must be number 
one in start-ups, Prime Minister 
 Narendra Modi said, adding that the
government was looking for systems
to enable start-ups in the country.
"In the coming days, start-ups will
 be promoted in every corner of the
country. Start-up India - Stand up
India," Modi said in his
Independence Day speech from the
Red Fort here.
The prime minister said that in addition to the systems to facilitate
start-ups, loans would also be given
to help people in their start-ups.
Modi said that some 17 crore peo-
 ple untouched by any form of finan-
cial inclusion now had bank 
accounts, with deposits of Rs.20,000
crore, thanks to the scheme he
announced exactly a year ago.
The prime minister said these bank 
accounts have also fetched deposits
of Rs.20,000 crore, even though the
Jan Dhan scheme calls for zero bal-
ance in banks so that the poor were
not deprived of access to the baking
were closed. I said this has to change.
We wanted to strengthen financial
inclusion," he said. "Bank accounts
are essential for integrating the poor 
into the financial system. That's what
we have done."
accounts, Modi said: "If this richness
of the poor was not there, such a feat
would no have been possible."
He also congratulated the banking
system for making such a task possi-
 ble . "Openin g 17 cro re bank 
accounts is a difficult task. I congrat-
ulate the bank staf."
Modi said no person wants to
remain poor and those who live in  pov er ty want to move away to
achieved a better quality of life.
"That is why, all our programmes
must be for the poor."
The Swachh Bharat campaign was
his government's "biggest achieve-
"biggest brand ambassador,” he said.
"It was a unique thing for the country
when I announced the Swachh
Bharat Abhiyaan on last
Today, I congratulate the Team India
for the achievement of this
abhiyaan," Modi added.
He said Team India - 125 croreIndians - helped the government in
achieving the success of the Clean
Indian campaign. He praised the
young for leading the campaign.
"I salute to these children," he said.
Referring to how he spoke about
toilets and cleanliness in his first
Independence Day, he said that many
had then wondered "what kind of a
PM is he, talking about these issues".
But "if there is something that has
touched every person, it is the move-
ment towards cleanliness," he said.
"People from all walks of life, spir-
itual leaders, media friends, celebri-
ties, everyone has worked to create
awareness (about the Clean India
campaign)," he added. His government has succeeded in
 bringing down inflation, and argued
that there was a need to restructure
agricultural practices.
its to three to four percent despite the
fact that rainfall was low and agricul-
ture suffered," Modi elaborated.
reform in agriculture. "We need
change in agriculture. Agricultural
tricity, water. We have approved
Rs.50,000 crore under the Pradhan
Mantri Krishi SInchai Yojana," he
said.The prime minister said the new
motto should be "Save Water, Save
Fertiliser", and "Per Drop More
his government to tackle black 
money -- from the appointment of a
special probe team to enacting a
stringent law to prevent such prac-
tices and punish its perpetrators.
The prime minister said that when
he took over last year, the Central
Bureau of Investigation was probing
some 800 cases of black money.
 Now 1,800 cases were being exam-
ined. "Many people did not like this,"
he said, adding this had to be done
and already several thousand crores of rupees have been collected from
 people who have begun to declare
their ill-gotten assets.
over the country's reins, a Special
Investigation Team, as directed by
the Supreme Court, was formed to
 probe cases of black money and get
 bac k such weal th that had bee n
stashed away abroad.
legislation to deal with this issue was
also enacted, he said. "Even at the
G20 meeting, I raised the issue and
we have been promised coopera-
to provide electricity to 18,500 power-less villages in
the country in the next 1,000 days. "There are 18,500 villages in the country where
electricity is yet to reach. If we keep working with old
ways, then maybe we will take 10 years to get elec-
tricity poles to these villages," Modi said in his
Independence Day address.
them how to proceed in order to provide electricity
supply. "The officials replied that they can do it only
 by 2019," he said.
"The country is not ready to wait that long," he said.
"So Team India pledges today that power will reach
these villages within the next 1,000 days," Modi said.
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India
can progress only if the eastern parts of the country
also prosper. "For India to progress, West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and other eastern states have to
do well," Modi said in his Independence Day speech
from the ramparts of Red Fort. He said the region was
ignored for many years.
concentrated on eastern India. We are putting in gas
 pipelines." Modi said four Urea factories in this region
have been revived. "Due to our policies on urea and
gas supply, these companies have been revived and the
youth are getting employment," he added.
He said his government was committed to provide
electricity to all those villages that do not have power.
Modi promises power
to 18,500 villages
 within 1,000 days
India's progress
linked with
eastern India
A panoramic view from the minarets of Red Fort, while Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses  the nation on the occasion of 69th Independence Day of India in Delhi.
A host of steps have been taken by his government to tackle black money, says Narendra Modi, adding that the Swachh Bharat campaign was his
government's “biggestachievement”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi mingled with school children after his address to the nation. School children dressed in white, green and saffron rushed to him after he ended his speech at 
the Red Fort here. Modi shook hands with a few of them.
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Patna: Chief Minister Nitish Kumar 
again demanded a special category
status for Bihar and said anything
less won't help it to develop.
After hoisting the national flag
here on Independence Day, Nitish Kumar said: "Special status is a must
for the development of Bihar as it
will attract private investors on a
large scale to set up industries that
will generate jobs for youths.
"It will also speed up development
in other sectors," he said.
The chief minister said the state --
which will soon elect a new assem-
 bly -- was on the path of justice-
laced development.
law in the state that has helped in its
development with justice for all."
 Nitish Kumar also said that Bihar 
had developed in the last one decade
in all sectors including education,
health and agriculture.
 percent growth rate in the last 10 years.
The government had built 66,508
km of major and rural roads in the
last decade, he said. Similarly, 5,431
major bridges were constructed.
consumption of electricity had
203 kWh in 2015.
and development. It would continue
to do so in the coming years, he said.
Kota: Rajasthan Chief 
getting jobs for 15 lakh
youth in the state.
mark the nation's 69th
government has initiated
schemes "to improve
and road network".
the largest producer of 
try," she said at a gath-
ering of residents and school
children. "We plan to set up
schools in every gram panchayat
and are committed to providing
information technology to stu-
set a target of providing employ-
ment to 15 lakh youth. "We are
 providing skill development
she said.
campaign for a clean and green
the occasion.
Jaipur on November 19-20,
strategic conferences, panel dis-
Bengaluru, the grand event unfold-
ed at Manekshaw parade ground in
the city centre, where Chief 
Minister Siddaramaiah hoisted the
 people who gathered for the occa-
sion amid tight security.
ering rose petals around the podi-
um, cheering the crowds and evok-
ing applause.
chief minister drove around the
ground for guard of honor and
received salute from contingents of 
the three services (army, navy and
air force), state police, home guards
and fire forces. According to reports
from across the state, the national
flag was unfurled in the district headquarters by the state cabinet
ministers and deputy commission-
across the state.
Chennai: Economic freedom is foundation of independence and the
government is taking all steps for the upliftment of the poor, said Tamil
 Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa here.
She also said the state is expected to get an investment of over 
Rs.100,000 crore at the global investor meet to be held here next month.
Unfurling the national flag on Independence Day, she said: "Economic
freedom is the foundation of all types of freedom. For the past four years
the government has been taking several steps for the upliftment of the
She listed out the various social welfare measures implemented by her 
government in the field of education and other spheres.
Jayalalithaa also announced increased monthly pension for the free-
dom fighters and their families.
She also gave away the A.P.J. Abdul Kalam award to space scientist
Valarmathi. The award was instituted this year in memory of late former 
 president Abdul Kalam.
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar in Patna on Independence Day.
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah.
Minister Mukul Sangma said the
land agreement that was signed
 be twee n In dia and Ba ng la desh
would give a fillip to trade, com-
merce and tourism between the two
Independence Day celebration attended by thousands of people
despite rains.
taking the salute at a parade here,
the chief minister said the settle-
ment would also go a long way in
improving the law and order cli-
mate along the border besides the
 bilateral relations between the two
neighboring countries.
 benefits to the people residing in
the border areas as well as to Meghalaya as a whole," Sangma
said, adding that Meghalaya gained
240.578 acres of land, and
Bangladesh would get to retain
about 41.702 acres from the India-
Bangladesh land deal agreement.
was once a boundary of discord
will now turn into an area of 
vibrant trade and commerce to
 bui ld a bon d of fri end shi p," he
On the prevailing internal securi- ty situation, the chief minister 
admitted the security situation in
the five districts of Garo Hills con-
tinues to remain a cause of concern
as militant and criminal outfits
engage in anti-national and crimi-
nal activities.
and untiring efforts of the security
forces against the banned terrorist
outfit, Garo National Liberation
cessful resulting in the arrest of  militants and their sympathizers,
seizures of arms and equipment,
 busting of camps and hideouts and
 prevention of anti-social activities.
The Meghalaya police, Sangma
on the trans-border movement of 
terrorists from Bangladesh and has
also taken up the issue with the
central government.
upon the people of the state to join
hands with the government's con- tinuing efforts to maintain peace
and harmony and to march ahead
on the path of growth and develop-
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College students forming a human chain to form Indian Map with 6900 students to create a record on the occasion of 69th Independence Day in Coimbatore on Friday.
Boys take out a procession on the eve of Independence day
in Bhubaneswar.
Himachal Pradesh police personnel during full dress rehearsal for Independence Day at the historical Ridge in Shimla
School children perform during the full dress rehearsal for the Independence Day celebrations
at the Parade Ground in Jammu
Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji terminal illuminated for Independence Day celebrations.
Female daredevils of Jammu and Kashmir Police perform during the full dress rehearsal for
Independence Day at Bakhshi Stadium in Srinagar.
Soldiers paying tributes to patriots during Patriot Day celebration in Imphal in Manipur
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Arun K. Singh
I am delighted that 'The South Asian Times' newspaper is bringing out a special issue on the auspicious occasion
of lndia's 69th lndependence Day. Based in New York, the paper has wide readership not only in the Tri-State area
 but its online version is widely read by the global lndian and South Asian Communities. Their endeavour to report
on issues which affect the community without fear or favour and to provide , news, stories and features touching
all walks of life has made them a respected source of information for the community.
I convey my greetings to the members of the South Asian Times family and through the newspaper, the vast
lndian-American community on this proud and auspicious occasion of lndia's 69th lndependence Day, and wish
them the very best in all their endeavours and hope that they will continue to be a bridge between their country of 
origin and the country of their adoption.
On the occasion of the 69th Independence Day of the Republic of India, I extend my warm greetings and best
wishes to Indian nationals, members of the Indian community and well-wishers of India.
On this historic day, we recall with reverence and respect the courage and sacrifices of our freedom fighters who
 paved the way for realization of a great nation which we all cherish today. India occupies a distinct place in the
comity of nations by being the largest democracy that exemplifies unity in diversity and peaceful co-existence
with a flourishing multi-cultural society. India is making great strides in various fields including economy, sci-
ence & technology, education and in empowerment of its people.
Hailed as the defining partnership of the 21st century in the world, India and the US are enhancing their relation-
ship not only at the bilateral level, but also at the regional and global levels. With the historic visits of Prime
Minister Narendra Modi in September 2014 and President Barack Obama in January 2015, the leaders of both
countries have given a great impetus to the momentum of this relationship. Our bilateral trade and investment,which are reaching new heights, are encouraging us to aspire for higher goals. Our cooperation has deepened in
the established sectors while new fields are continuously added to widen our relationship. People-to-people con-
tact is one of the strongest pillars of this growing relationship.
I take this opportunity to thank Indian nationals and Indian American community for their dynamic, substantial
and continuous contribution to strengthening the relationship between the largest democracy and the oldest
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Dear Friends,
I am pleased to join all of you who have gathered to celebrate
Independence Day on Long Island.
Americans of Indian Heritage have contributed to the economic, social
and cultural enrichment of this great nation and are to be commended for
their outstanding contributions, which have enhanced numerous aspects of
heritage, history, literature and social life.
The Indian American community of Long Island is to be commended
for working diligently to heighten an awareness of India and promote positive
relations and are deserving and worthy of the esteem of Nassau County for
their relentless commitment to make the lives of men, women and families
better, which has made a permanent and positive impact on us all.
On behalf of the residents of Nassau County, I wish to extend best
wishes for a memorable event.
Mineola, New York 11501
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FIA youthful President Ankur Vaidya
Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra as Guest of Honor adds to the glamor quotient.
Cricket icon Virendra Sehwag will be the Guest of Honor.
Bollywood megastar Arjun Rampal is the Grand Marshal this year.
NEW YORK18 August 15-21, 2015
New York:  The biggest Indian Independence Day parade in the
world, the Federation of Indian Association’s India Day Parade in Manhattan as become emblematic
of the condence and growing aspi-
rational energy of Indian Americans. The parade in its 35th year is
touted as the biggest, grandest
and promises to surpass previous parades. More, this year the FIA (tristate) will also attempt to break three Guinness world records at the
 parade, namely most different ags
own simultaneously, most people
receiving henna tattoo and most confetti popped at a single event.
“We are planning to unfurl about
11,000 ags including ags of all
195 nations, ags of different tribes
of India, religious ags, sports ags
By making Zubin Mehta the Grand Marshal in 1982, FIA start-
ed a tradition of inviting prominent Indian dignitaries as Grand Mar- shals and FIA presidents as Mar- shals. Since then various Bolly-
wood celebrities including veteran actors Amitabh Bachchan, Sunil Dutt, Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand, Hema Malini, Rajesh Khanna,
Vinod Khanna, Jeetendra, and con- temporary actors such as Sushmita Sen, Saif Ali Khan, Vidya Balan, Preeti Zinta, Manisha Koirala,
Rani Mukherjee have participated in India’s independence day cel- ebrations in New York. The lm
stars ensure a throng of crowds at
the parade and the entertainmentsegment, which now runs to lakhs. Prominent sports personalities
such as Sim Bullar, Anil Kumble, Indian politicians such as Sushma
Swaraj and American politicians such as NYC mayors Edward Koch, Rudy Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg and Bill de Blasio and
state Governors Mario Cuomo and George Pataki have also partici-
 pated in the parade.
and more. We are also attempting
to break the world mehndi applica- tion record and confetti popping record,” Ankur Vaidya, FIA presi- dent, told The South Asian Times
in an earlier interview. The theme for this year’s parade
that will march down Madison Av- enue is “Unity in Diversity.” The
 parade will see Bollywood stars Parineeti Chopra as Guest of Honor and Arjun Rampal as Grand Mar- shal. Cricket icon Virendra Sewhag
will also be Guest of Honor. The tradition of India Day Pa-
rade goes back to 1981 when FIA under the leadership of Sureshwar Prasad Singh, the then president,
launched the rst India Day Pa-rade with thousands of marchers, oats, bands, and participation by
 polit ical leaders - both Indian and
American. The parade began a tra- dition, giving Indians settled here a sense of identity and pride. The India Day Parade in New York has
since become the largest street gathering of Indian peoples next to the Independence Day march in
 New De lhi, India.
In his historic visit to the US last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged Indian Americans to
 participa te in the “Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan”, the biggest ever cleanli- ness and sanitation drive in India.
A number of organizations came forward to partake in the clean In-
dia drive which Modi launched after returning to India. FIA too
 joined the movement as part of their continued support for social causes in India. FIA will use this
and more than 80 percent of households do not have proper
sanitary latrines. Worse, there has  been a steady incr ease in popul a- tion and decline in the water at the catchment areas due to de-
forestation, construction works, landslips and increase in water
runoff in these areas. Recipients will get a subsidy of
$200 per sanitation facility from FIA, which represents 57% of the total cost. Said FIA president
year’s India Day Parade to support the Darjeeling Sanitation Project.
It is estimated that out of 1.8
million people living in Darjeel- ing in West Bengal, only 40 per- cent have sanitation facilities. Ac- cess to drinking water is a major
 problem, especially in the agricul -
tural and tea communities, where communities depend on nearby streams for their water.
Local water sources are contam- inated with waste and grey water 
Ankur Vaidya, “We have partnered with them for about 100 sanitation
 projects in Darjeeling.” The Darjeeling Sanitation Project
aims to reduce the incidence of wa- terborne disease for at least 3,500
 people in Darjeeling through access to potable water and improved sani-
tation and hygiene practice. “The idea behind providing par-
tial subsidy,” Vaidya clariedm is
to “create a sense of accountabil- ity among recipients.”
By Jinal Shah
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NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio participated in the parade last year.
FIA team and Amb. Dnyaneshwar Mulay at the parade kickoff held earlier in the Indian Consulate.
Acclaimed actress Vidya Balan was quite a draw as Grand Marshal in 2013.Saif Ali Khan strikes a princely pose at the 2012 parade.
NEW YORK20 August 15-21, 2015
E stablished in 1970, the Fed- eration of Indian Associa-
tions (FIA) of New York,  New Jersey and Connecticut is one of the largest umbrella orga- nizations of the Indian commu-
nity in America. It represents over 300,000 strong and vibrant Indian Americans, who provide signi-
cant grassroots support.Over the years FIA has repre- sented various issues that concern a growing Indian community at the local, state, and national lev-
els. It has always strived to pro- mote India and present the prog- ress and unity of Indians to the
many diversied ethnic communi-
ties. It is in this spirit that, since 1981 FIA has been organizing the annual India Day Parade in New York City, which has grown in to
a mammoth event drawing lakhs. For over 45 years FIA has grown
into an effective mouthpiece and mobilizer for the community.
In cooperation with other as-
sociations and groups, it has successfully convinced the U.S. Congress to protect the interest of legal aliens and retain family re-
unication privileges.
Other than representing issues of Indians living in the US, the or- ganization also seeks to promote
Indian culture, music and dance. To celebrate India’s Republic Day, FIA organizes a folk and con- temporary dance competition in
January, now christened Dance Pe Chance. FIA also hosts health fairs, seminars and other cultural, social, religious, educational events.
FIA has a long history of serv-
ing the community dating back to
the late 1960’s when students from India Club of Columbia Univer- sity, and the India Student Asso- ciation of New York joined hands
with the Association of Indians in America, the Bharathi Society of America and the Tagore Society in the Tri state area.
FIA came into being in the late 1970’s when the then Indian Con- sulate General Mr. Ahuja and the Tagore Society’s Prafulla Mukher-
 jee gathered all Indian groups to
develop a central committee. Their initial goal was to celebrate In- dia’s Independence and Republic days. The joint committee adopted
the constitution in 1975 and then
changed the name to Federation ofIndian Associations in 1977. Thomas Abraham was elected
as the rst President of FIA. The
FIA participated in the Parade of  Nations. The Indian contingent was the largest in the parade. India
Day celebration was organized as a major festival and fair at Colum-
 bia University’s College Campus. American political leaders attend-
ed the celebrations.
Time and again FIA has proven to be instrumental in collecting
funds for various causes and re- lief efforts in India. In1977-78 they collected over $25,000 in cash and $100,000 in medicines for the Andhra Pradesh Cyclone
Relief Fund. On October 31, 1984 Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi was assas- sinated. The FIA formed a commit- tee of “People for United India”
which included all major Indian organizations. A large condolence ceremony was organized in Central Park attended by thousands.
In 1992, the organization called for a public meeting on the Kash- mir issue and set up a Kashmir Re- lief Fund. Relief funds were also
set up for the Orissa cyclone and Gujarat earthquake (2001) and for the jawans of the Kargil war.
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FIA also organizes a dance festival every year around India’s Republic Day.
The fabulous looking film star Deepika Padukone was roped in as the Grand Marshal in 2008.
Mayor Bloomberg and film star Shilpa Shetty at the 2009 parade.
NEW YORK22 August 15-21, 2015
FIA also played a major role in  bringing the Indian American com-
munity together, not just in the tristate region but across America. It has steadily grown taking other com-
munity organizations under its
wing. In 1987-88 FIA pushed for  better representation of Indians Americans in city agencies. It par- ticipated in a series of hearings held
 by a committee of the Mayor of
 New York City and conveyed the concerns and problems of the com- munity. A positive outcome was the City increasing the recruitment of
Asian Indians in city agencies and a decision to hold a job fair to inform the community about opportunities
in city government. For the rst
time the FIA was represented on the Asian American Advisory Council of the NYV Police Department.
The same year FIA in associa-
tion with its member organization AIWA (Asian Indian Women in America) organized a job fair on Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. In
1990-92 they held a workshop on SBA Loan Programs of the city ofce of the Comptroller.
In 1991 FIA also unveiled a
FIA has been the mouthpiece
of Indians living in America. It has been in the forefront of rais- ing issues concerning Indian Americans.
In 1982-83, The Immigration Committee of the FIA played a
key role in educating the com- munity about the discriminatory
Immigration Bill, which was in- troduced by Senator Simpson and Congressman Mazzoli. The bill
 proposed restrictions on the Sec-
ond and Fifth Preferences, which went against family reunication.
The FIA together with the member organizations worked aggressively
to get the support of senators and congressmen to retain the Second and Third preferences in their orig- inal form. Links were also estab- lished with other Asian organiza-
tions. The Immigration Committee
 bronze Gandhi statue in the Union Square in New York.
The year 1994 was the turning  point for the India-US relationship. Through the efforts of Ambassa- dor S.S. Ray in Washington, with
the help of Ramesh Patel of New Jersey, Prabir Roy of New York, Swadesh Chatterjee of North Caro- lina, a strong pro-India caucus was
established in US Congress. Con- gressman Dan Burton’s anti-India
 bill received a humiliating defeat in Congress. FIA members took the initiative and through the work of
community leaders like Dr. Bhupi Patel, Dr. Navin Mehta, Dr. Sudhir Parikh, Dr. Narendra Kukar, Dr.
 Nirmal Mattu, Dr. Japra, Subhash
Kapadia, an unprecedented rally- ing took place all over the USA. As a result, the historic Larry Pressler Amendment stopped weapons
sales to Pakistan and President George Bush branded Pakistan as a sponsor of terrorism.
continued its efforts regarding the
Simpson-Mazzoli bill the follow- ing year. FIA along with several other organizations fought the ra- cially charged Dotbuster attacks in
the late 1980’s that resulted in the death of Navroz Mody. To com-
 bat the violence, FIA along with the International Mahatma Gan-
dhi Foundation took its case to the
 people of New York to demand jus- tice for violence against Indians in Jersey City. The organization also
appealed to the Jersey City courts to prosecute the four juveniles as adults in the Navroz Mody murder case. The organization also raised
over $5000 to aid the victims of a massive re in Passaic, NJ, that left
96 Indian families homeless. The FIA was also active in rais-
ing the dual citizenship issue at a
meeting with the Prime Minister  Naras imha Rao in 1993.
FIA has also started organizing visa camps in the tristate area
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Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, Grand Marshal Neetu Chandra, Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri, Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray leading the parade.
The Jai Bharat Dhol Tashaa Pathak group from New Jersey gave scintillating performance with dhol and lezim.
The spiritual group of Brahma Kumaris with their edifying slogans.
A view of the people gathered for the cultural show with booths in the background.
Telugu Literary and Cultural Society (TLCA) group led by President Raji Kuncham. One unique feature this year was that sponsors
came in special cars decorated in tricolors.
At the India Day Parade in Hicksville organized by IDPUSA, elected officials
praised the contributions of Indian community to the fabric of America.
LONG ISLAND24 August 15-21, 2015
Hicksville, NY:  On a beauti-
ful Sunday morning, the town of
Hicksville Route 107 Broadway
decorations on the stores and in Pa-
tel Brothers Plaza abounded for the
fourth consecutive India Day Pa-
rade organized by IDPUSA on Aug
9 in what has come to be known as
Little India of Long Island.
Hundreds walked down SouthBroadway and hundreds more as-
sembled at the parking lot across
the Asa Mai Hindu temple for the
ofcial program where citations and
awards were presented to the hon-
orees. Several elected ofcials and
dignitaries such as Congresswoman
ward P. Mangano, Town of Hemp-
stead Supervisor Kate Murray,
Continues to Page 26 
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MRS. SHARDA KOTAHWALA, President Royal India USA Inc 
NAVEEN C SHAH, President and CEO, Navika Group of Companies 
MRS. KIRTI SHUKLA, Microbiologist 
Continued from Page 24
PETER BHEDDAH, Businessman-turned-Humanitarian
The honorees with elected officials and parade organizers at the Grand Stage
Congresswoman Grace Meng walking with Nina Davuluri.
The South Asian Times group, a sponsor of the parade, marked its presence with a banner.
Grand Marshal, honorees, elected officials and parade organizers at the gala dinner on Monday, Aug 10.
LONG ISLAND26 August 15-21, 2015
..John Venditto, Town of North
Hempstead Supervisor Judy Bos-
worth, several councilmen, legisla-
and support the Indian American
community celebrating India’s 69th
Independence Day. They lauded con-
tributions of the Indian community
to the fabric of American society.
Grand Marshall Bollywood ac-
25 lms and a Taekwondo champ),
Chief Guest of Honor Nina Davu-
luri (Miss America 2014), joined
elected ofcials and community
leaders for the parade. This year’s
theme was “Women Empower-
ment & the Next Generation,”
in her speech. A unique addition
this year was the sponsors came in
their special cars decorated in tri-
colors. Several marching groups,
rade a great success.
Parade Chairpersons Indu Jaiswal
of their team, volunteers, support-
ers and sponsors, coordinated the
School of Dance. There were also
many booths, food stalls and an
activity area for children.
Parade founders Bobby Kumar
Gala Diner Reception at North
Ritz Country Club in Syosset to
honor and thank all sponsors and
honorees. Senior Councilman An-
stead Clerk Nasreen Ahmed,
Grand Marshall Neetu Chandra,
actresses Madalsa Sharma and
Karishma Tanna attended. Enter-
ed by Arya Dance Academy was
enjoyed by all.
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By Parveen Chopra 
morning, Nassau County Executive
nent community members and
Indian-Americans at the majestic
Theodore Roosevelt Executive and
Legislative building here for a joy-
ous celebration and flag hoisting to
mark the 69th Independence Day of 
India. Weather let the event to be held outdoors, a break from the tra-
dition of holding it inside the leg-
islative chambers.
of the Indian and American flags in
a grand way was led by
Champakbhai Parikh, a veteran of 
such presentations.
Day" in the county, was represented
 by Nassau County legislator Dennis
Dunne who presided over the well-
attended event. At the flag hoisting,
he was joined by Kamlesh Mehta,
 Na ssau Co un ty ’s Di rect or of 
Business and Economic
and IDPUSA founder Bobby
legislator Ed Ambrosino.
the Nassau County Seat, Mehta
states, “It was initiated by our 
County Executive. This is the 6th
year of maintaining the pride day of 
the largest democracy of the world
in the oldest democracy of the
world.” Of course, he has played a
laudable role in carrying on the tra-
dition, bringing the county and the
community closer.
Dunne congratulated the Indian community on the day that marks
independence from British rule
achieved through non-violence and
lauded the entrepreneurship and
enterprise of the community which has contributed richly to Nassau
county and America at large. An
army veteran, he recalled how an
Indian doctor operated on him and
save his leg.
their achievements and service to
trician, hematologist oncologist and
on Long Island, A native of Jaipur,
he is executive director of a 100-
 bed charitable multi-specialty hospi-tal in Rajasthan. He takes care of 
children with cancer at the Cohen
Children’s Medical Center in New
Hyde Park and teaches at Hofstra.
Dr Arvind R. Shah, MD , is a
renowned oncologist. Known for 
 past President of Gujarati Samaj of 
 New York, and past Pres iden t of 
Long Island and Queens Indian
Physicians Association.
constructions magnate who has
Trade Center – Path Train Terminal
Station at Ground Zero, World
Financial Center at Battery Park 
City, JFK Air Train Terminals. He is
Past President of Society of Indo-
American Engineers and Architects.
Wing Commander Suresh H
Butani was commissioned into
 part in the wars in 1965 and 1971
and participated in IPKF Operations
in Sri Lanka. Here, he has founded
the Indian Veterans of Tri-state
(NY) Association.
Chair-2015, has been involved with
most major Indian American social
organizations in leadership posi- tions. She has served as Global IT
Team Manager of Fortune 500 com-
 panies IBM and JP Morgan and is
currently real estate broker-agent.
Speaking after being honored,
opportunity America gave them for 
what they have achieved.
 NFIA, IALI and India Day Parade
USA, which held the fourth parade
under its aegis in Hicksville on Aug 9 where Hon. Mangano was Guest
of Honor.
Sabapathy and Indu Jaiswal.
and Kamlesh Mehta welcomed
senting a shawl.
Dhaliwal & Bittu Sidhu were spon- sors of the program. Decoration
was done by House of Dipali.A per-
formance was given by Arya Dance
Academy. The hot, sumptuous
 brunch was served by Rajbhog.
Champakbhai Parikh led the ceremonial flag march and conducted the flag hoisting of the Indian tricolor 
by Nassau County legislator Dennis Dunne representing County Executive Ed Mangano, Kamlesh Mehta,
Nassau County’s Director of Business and Economic Development,
community leaders Bobby Kumar, Lal Motwani and others.
Honorees Wing Commander Suresh Butani, Dr Akshat Jain, Dr Arvind P Shah, Bansi 
Shah and Beena Kothari with their citations from the county with the dignitaries.
(Photos: Mathew K Easow).  Many prominent members of the Indian community of 
 Long Island attended the graceful event.
Dennis Dunne receiving a Ganesha idol as memento from Lal Motwani.
Roopam Maini, Manager of Indus  American Bank’s Hicksville branch, Nimmi 
 ji Mehta & Madhu Daga at the celebrations. Kamlesh Mehta presented a shawl to Town of Hempstead Councilman Ed Ambrosino.
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Washington, DC: The US on
Saturday assured India that as it
"continues its tryst with destiny into
the 21st century, it will find in the
US a willing and able partner in the
cause of freedom, democracy and
The assurance came in a message
of best wishes from Secretary of 
State John Kerry on behalf of  President Barack Obama and the
 people of the US to the people of 
India on the country's 69th
Independence Day. "Today we com-
memorate the legacy of India's free-
dom fighters, including Mahatma
Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and
non-violence established a united,
globe," the message read.
amazed by India's rich national identity.
"From the snow-capped peaks of 
the Himalayas to the jungles of the
Western Ghats, India is a stunningly
 beautiful landscape with rich cul-
tures, histories and peoples united
under one nation.
resilient democracy in the face of 
terror, and as a strategic power that
upholds international norms," he
"As the world's largest democra- cies, the US and India stand side by
side in defending and promoting the
freedoms and values we hold dear,"
Kerry said.
Republic Day in January, the US
"takes pride in our indispensable
 partnership with India, a friendship
 built on our shared democratic val-
ues, the entrepreneurial spirit of our 
 people, and our shared interests", he
"As India continues its tryst with
destiny into the 21st century, it will find in the US a willing and able
 par tne r in the cause of freedom,
democracy and prosperity," Kerry
celebrated the successful
Business Association. The
 pa ra de , wh ic h at tr ac te d
over 38,000 people, includ-
100 organizations.
8 x 22 LED screen project-
ing images from stage,
Booker congratulated the
and commended the organ-
ization for their efforts
throughout the year, which
government agencies.
Ambassador Singh
democracies. Both, he observed, embraced multi-
 ple languages, ethnicities,
 proud of the IBA for organ-
izing this wonderful  parade,” said Ambassador 
Singh. The beginning of 
remembrance of former 
also included several live music and dance perform-
ances. Richa Anirudh,
emceed the program.
New Zealand PM hails Indian diaspora on I-Day Wellington:  New Zealand PM
John Key on Friday hailed the
contributions made by the Indian
diaspora in his country, Indian
Weekender newspaper reported.
 pora on the occasion of India's
69th Independence Day, he said:
"As PM, I value the contributions
Indian New Zealanders are mak-
ing to the overall success of our 
country." "The annual celebra-
 New Zealanders to recognize this
important event in India's history.
It is also an opportunity to reflect
on the long-standing and broad
relationship New Zealand and
ment. New Zealand is "lucky to
have a vibrant and diverse ethnic
culture, and our Indian communi-
ties play an integral part in that",
he added.
"Alongside National (Party)
MPs Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi and Dr Parmjeet Parmar, we are com-
mitted to ensuring the voice of the
Indian community is heard," Key
said. In his message to the Indian
community, Bakshi said: "The
Independence Day signifies years
and women who stood for their 
 beliefs and values."
stand together to achieve a com-
mon goal the victory will be ours.
We should continue to keep these
core beliefs and values in our 
minds regardless of where we
choose live," Bakshi added.
Parmar said that he was very
 proud of the progress that India has made since its independence.
"While we celebrate our vibrant
culture, heritage and aspirations
during Independence Day festivi-
serving the culture and heritage,"
he added.
IBA members and guests at the event 
US vows to stand by India in its tryst with destiny
IBA celebrates with post parade banquet Senator Cory Booker and Ambassador Arun K. Singh attend
Students of Tathva International School  sing a patriotic song at I-Day celebration
at Embassy of India in Tokyo, Japan. Ambassador of India to Japan Deepa 
Gopalan Wadhwa reading out President’s message (inset).
India Day celebration at Heliopolis Cultural Center on August  4-5 in Cairo, Egypt 
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tial to become a multi-trillion
dollar economy with a per capita
income of about $ 40,000 by
2050 if it manages to grow at 7
 per cent annually for the next 30-
35 years, a top World Bank offi-
cial has said.
 per cen t for nex t 35 years, we
will not only be the second
largest economy in the world at
that time but we will also be
 prosperous and people wil l be
rich enough,” World Bank 
can have a per capita income of 
$40,000 by 2050 as against the
current $ 2,000. However, he said
that achieving and sustaining a 7
 per cent growth rate for 35 years
is “very difficult” and “would
require a lot of transformation in
the way we manage our econo-
have to transform its agriculture completely, grow its services and
manufacturing sectors and give a
 boost to healthcare and tourism.
Garg noted that a “big challenge”
will be to get people out of agri-
culture and use them in the man-
ufacturing and services sectors,
increases. He acknowledged that
manufacturing through its ‘Make
and contribute to economic
which requires another transfor-
much bigger concentration and
necessity will be to boost the
services sector. About 55 per cent
of India’s population is already working in the services sector but
the country has to aim to bring
this to 80-85 per cent of the pop-
ulation. Noting the advantage of 
demographic dividend which
to transform this young popula-
tion into extremely productive.
two million people every year 
with new skills all over the
world,” he said, adding that the
government should pursue a poli-
cy to equip its young people with
training and skills and send them
abroad to provide services in var-
ious fields. He noted that the
World Bank is working very
closely with the Indian govern-
ment and contributing to making
its vision of a strong and prosper-
ous nation a reality. Garg said
from the smart cities initiative to the Swachh Bharat campaign, the
Bank is partnering with the gov-
ernment in projects that are
aligned with its policies.
happening between the two nations
and the relationship climbing up
the ladder, India’s Ambasssdor to
the US, Arun K. Singh said at a
community reception organized at
 New Jersey, on August 9.
He noted that President Obama
went to India for a second time to
attend the Republic Day celebra-
tions earlier this year, which was a
historic event that shows how much importance the US is giving
to India.
countries in defense is growing up
and the US is the largest supplier 
of military articles. In the last 5
years India procured $10 billion
worth of military supplies from the
US. “The C 130 aircraft we
acquired from the US helped us
well during natural calamities like
in the earthquake in Nepal,” he
noted. Both countries are also
moving in the right direction as
regards technology transfer for 
India’s biggest trading partner 
while , the investment of India and
Indians in the US is also growing.
The $15 billion India invested in
the US has created 90,000 jobs.
 New Jersey ranks top in invest -
ment by Indians.
the IT sector bringing innovation
and technology. Another area that
India contributed heavily is health-
care and pharmaceutics. About 30  percent of generic drugs are com-
ing from India, which helps afford-
able care. Indian contribution in
hospitality business too is praise-
worthy. People to people contact is
what defines the relationship
than 3 million Indians are here fos-
tering the relations further.
the planning to welcome Prime
Minister Narendra Modi in
 be on the lin es of the rec ept ion
given last year at the Madison
Square Garden in New York.
Consul General Dnyaneshwar M
Mulay introduced the Ambassador 
various contributions of Singh over 
the last 35 years.
Rockland County Legislator Dr 
State Senate and House declaring
August as Indian Heritage Month.
Around 300 people, mostly com-
munity leaders and noted profes-
sionals attended the event. Andy
Bhatia, the event’s co-coordinator 
welcomed the gathering. FIA, the
organizer of the India Day Parade
in New York City on August 16,
led the event with several other 
organizations. FIA president Ankur 
Vaidya honored Ambassador Singh
Vinod Jhunjhunuwala of Ekal
the guidance of the ambassador. He
said India can count on the over-
seas Indians in time of need like
natural calamities and other things.
Dr Sudhir Parikh, publisher of 
Parikh Worldwide Media noted
about a business roundtable he had hosted earlier in the day where the
Ambassador addressed a number 
US Senator Cory Booker as they
congratulated the Indian Business
Association for the successful
India Day Parade in New Jersey.
IBA hosted an event to celebrate
the success of the parade.
Washington DC: India is set to
harness potential of its youth
under the leadership of Prime
Minister Narendra Modi, a US
Senator has said while noting that
 both the countries need to lever-
age their assets to address various
challenges they face.
our countries face in job creation,
social mobility and clean energy.
Prime Minister Modi has also
emphasized the importance of  sustainable growth and ensuring
that diversified, environmentally
While praising Modi, the
 by the Prime Minis ter commit-
ment to economic and social
 policies that not only invest in
infrastructure, but that also devel-
op India's human capacity. With
half of its population under the
age of 25 and a recent election
that saw a 66 per cent voter 
turnout, it is clear that India is setto harness the potential of its
most valuable resource - its
African-American to represent
 New Jersey in the US Senat e,
said that Modi's visit to US last year signaled a meaningful
moment in the relations between
the two countries.
greater clean energy production
take advantage of opportunities
logically advanced clean energy
economy, the US and India must
 both exp and opp or tun it ies for 
youth education and employ-
actors in our mutual developmentgoals, I believe together we can
address these challenges and turn
them into opportunities for coop-
eration," said the Senator.
Community Reception to Ambassador Arun K. Singh by Indian organizations of the Tri-state areas led by FIA at Royal 
Albert’s Palace in New Jersey on August 9.
Subhash Chandra Garg, World Bank Executive Director for India  and other countries, with Amb. Dnayneshwar Mulay at the
Indian Consulate in New York.
US Senator from New Jersey  Cory Booker welcoming 
Ambassador Arun K. Singh in New Jersey on August 9.
India set to harness potential of 
its youth: US Senator
Top World Bank official
India-US ties have moved up the ladder : Amb. Arun Singh
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Edison, NJ: Over 38,000 people
 participated in the 11th annual India
Day Parade along Oak Tree Road,
called Little India. The parade last
Sunday commenced in Edison and
concluded on India Square in Iselin,
covering a mile.
ing bands, over 20 floats and dozens
of walking groups. Six Bollywood stars, including talk show host
Richa Anirudh and ‘Calendar Girls’
star Avani Modi, attended.
ties were Prachee Shah, Madalsa
Sherma, Sameksha Singh and Sujata
Mehta. They were joined by many
elected officials, including
Thompson, Assemblypersons Craig
 Nancy Pinkin. Leading the political delegation were Edison Mayor Tom
Lankey and Woodbridge Mayor 
Edison Democrat Organization, Air 
Temple. Over 100 New Jersey based
organizations participated. There
were several dance groups as well.
Said Dhiren Amin, president of  IBA, thanked all for the success of 
the parade. Added Ms. Anirudh,
“This was so amazing, a real tribute
to India”. Ms. Modi commented
that she realized that “no matter 
where Indians immigrate to, they
continue to be filled with passion for 
 pa ra de wa s the Youn g
Entrepreneurial Society, a new sub-
chapter of IBA. “They are our 
future, we a building for tomor- row,” explained Chandrakant
Patel, Chairman of IBA. A cul-
tural program featuring local
artists followed the parade.
ally known business district filled
with Indian stores and restaurants.
Mahesh Shah, IBA trustee,
Square”. Asian Indians account
County's total population.
Bollywood stars were at hand  to raise the glamour quotient.
Several elected officials came by to greet the Indian American community of the state.
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dous job in his first year in
office. He has been on a mission
to enhance India's image and
his trips to other countries have
created a new awareness of India
and the co-op opportunities that
exist. To his credit, even though
he is his own man, he followed
the advice of PM Vajpayee who
had said that India and US are
natural allies. It was also echoed
 by Dr. Manmo han Sin gh who
was prime minister for two
terms before Modi.
though he had been denied a visa
to visit it earlier. That shows his
vision and agenda of enhancing India's strategic relationship
with USA but at the same time
ensuring that Russia will remain
India's most important defense
treatment at the Madison Square
Garden in New York and on his
visits to Australia, Canada and
even in Beijing.
connection with the diaspora by
listening to their concerns and
finding solutions thereby restor-
 back home. Since the BJP Government is
assured to be able to complete
its first full term in office, it is
going to do what i t takes to
make India as the place to
invest in and do business with.
Already India has received near-
ly $20 billion in foreign direct
investments as a result of Modi's
travels overseas in his first year 
in office.
time. His personality, his capaci-
ty to strike a personal rapport
and deal with world leaders with
self-assurance and a sense of 
 pride in representing India will
serve him well and take India to
greater heights.
O n a recent visit to India, I saw a small man stand-
ing in the middle of a
rice paddy. His lungi was hiked
up above his bony knees. With
one hand, he was beating his
emaciated buffalo, dragging
the other, he was screaming into
his cell phone.
 perfect metaphor for the country
whose citizenship I have carried
for the last sixty-five years.
India has always been a land of 
opposites. It reaches out from
the core of the Aravalli range,
one of Earth’s oldest mountain
ranges, to the soaring
Himalayas, the world’s
collision of 90 million years ago.
India is country whose beauty
widens our eyes in awe, and is
also the country where we
squeeze our eyes shut, so not see
the naked suffering existing out-
side our air-conditioned bubble.
This simultaneous existence of 
opposites pervades much of 
ness out of 189 countries, is also
the same country where multina-
tionals are rapidly expanding
India leads China, and the global
Manufacturers Index, for new
without i ts cit izens, Sil icon
Valley would be gutted. All tech
industries have pioneers of  Indian descent, including the
developers of the USB and Intel
Pentium processor. Satya
 jus t our new es t won der boy s.
And I haven’t even mentioned
Indian preeminence in the health
industries! So, today, on the 68th
anniversary of India’s
Independence, what should we
metaphor of i ts contrasts? I
 believe that India’s paradoxical
ability to exist within diversity is
its core strength and is at the
heart of its resilience. Once crit-
icized for its extreme conser- vatism, indeed for its paranoia
about aligning with the West,
India’s cautious banking policies
 buffere d it fro m the economic
recession which is still crippling
the economies of America and
Europe. As China’s economy
falters, and Russia heads into
recession, India is surging.
Our ancient country has
try that too often values show-
manship over substance,
formance to rock-star size audi-
ences has forced the world to see
India in new ways.
world. And we will do it in our 
own inimitable way.
to Dance?" The tango is
tangible. Foreign Policy is
streak competitive. Defense is
not reactionary. Women's Safety
into power not so long ago, the
exciting promise of a brand new
Government stewardship was
"Global Powerhouse", to shake
up a dystopian system out of its lethargy - in terms of Digital
India, Make in India, Clean
India, Smart India, India Inc. and
other such impressive calibra-
tions. Conjecture and expectation
Bollywood's "Piku" recently I
impressive stretches of Yamuna
 better than any of USA freeways
- my benchmark. Gone were the
dusty narrow roads and "sleepy
land of the snake-charmers" of 
my childhood I had left behind!
When I visited Bombay last I
was nonplussed at the massive  jam-packed food utopias sprin-
kled everywhere - from Juhu's
Trishna, from Marine Drive's
and Identity in one's culture, be it
homegrown or diasporic, first
invigorated, acculturated and
missed my markers or was I lux-
uriating out of sync? Was our 
motherland only just turning the
corner or were we truly on par 
with the rest of the developed
world? My view for today I told
myself was going to be telescop-
ic, extrapolated through our phe-
nomenal history of 5,000 years
from growth, knowledge, learn-
ing and ancient wisdom, not just
with yoga alone. And what I saw told me the rest - we had indeed
long since arrived, if only we
knew. Roadblocks are wearisome
and defeating entities. The
land acquisition, legislative
reforms, bureaucratic denseness
tributing to the stall.
recently in his first year of office,
INTACH was urged to declare over 500 French architectural
 buildings for preservation as her-
itage sites. This was heartening
news. I have fervently hoped
since to see many more charming
old rich vestiges of a long
 byg one an ti qua ted era, main-
tained and similarly declared, to
 be exp lor ed for pos teri ty in a
thriving tourism climate in many
more cities of India than just
ago described a futuristic col-
lapse of a decaying society for 
want of government interven-
awakened India impatiently
awaits modificatory "Modi-fica-
Modi, and how India and Indians are viewed abroad.
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I ndia’s Independence Day
 belongs to all Indians and all
 people who wish India well .
As an American proud of my
Indian ancestry, and my nameunchanged, I am more than mere-
ly delighted that these United
States and India have found a
durable rhythmic tune, geopoliti-
our bilateral citizenry in their 
enlightened self-interest-based
 by separated powers regimes.
sons. We overcame the unexpect-
ed bilateral pain that became
known as the Devyani incident
with Hours of Immunity success-
fully negotiated by FM Salman
Khurshid with Secretary John
rock Madison Square Garden.
Summit in India. But, then it got
 bet ter. Presid ent Obama did for 
Indian-Americans and India what
China - as he had appointed Gov.
Gary Locke as our ambassador to
China in 2011, in the past year he
appointed Senate Leader Harry
For good measure, he also
appointed talented diplomat Atul
Lanka. Recently, Nisha Desai Biswal, Assistant Secretary of 
State for Central and South Asia,
visited India’s Consulate General
in New York to personally plant
eternal-goodwill where Devyani
serves to repair even frayed feel-
ings and is worthy geometrically -
as there is an implied promise that
all will be well between our two
as Dr. Kalam - who rose to be
India’s 11th President - an Indian
Muslim - and who was so loved
 by Indians and who so loved India
- seems to me to be a clarion call
for all good people everywhere to
stand up to religious oppression
everywhere with humility-based
above all else, and with respect for 
all faiths.
home of cherished Voltaire who
 prodded many a monarch to better 
serve the public good - and Paris
 became Ground Zero for unity of 
all nations’ leaders walking arm-
in-arm seeking tolerance of free
speech as a “core” right and obli-
gation of global citizenship. Dr.
Kalam, methinks, singlehandedly
Indians, Buddhist Indians, Jewish Indians and inter alia, Hindu
 Nehru rose to say these immortal 
with destiny, and now the time
comes when we shall redeem our 
 pledge, not wholly or in full meas-
ure, but very substantially. At the
stroke of the midnight hour, when
the world sleeps, India will awake
to life and freedom. A moment
comes, which comes but rarely in
history, when we step out from the
old to the new, when an age ends,
and when the soul of a nation,long suppressed, finds utterance."
Dr. Kalam answered India's
Tryst With Destiny - excellence
recall the sacrifices made by so
many to be a free nation, and live
their lives as homage to those who
sacrificed so much.
ring role in the Boston Tea party
of 1773, and today India and
United States find themselves in a
vortex that cannot be denied - of 
unity of interest - one may be for-
given to say it was so decreed
even by natural law without the need of being a Calvinist. May we
continue to be worthy of God’s
grace at the stroke of the midnight
hour and every hour thereafter.
I t is clear to me how India
has been playing a major 
role in the United States,
gaining more importance
of it can be attributed to the
leadership of Prime Minister   Na re nd ra Mo di , wh o ha s
 been empowering key sec-
His effort to reform India’s
foreign relations and to
his trip to New York and I
could sense his passion and
how much of a visionary he
truly is. The main focus of 
 prime minister ’s mandate is to modernize and improve
India to be more business
friendly, attempt to attract
These attempts have been
very effective resulting in
generating a tremendous
number of employment
 been so popular worldwide
strongly invest in Indian
I ndia's expectations of 
 becoming recognized as a
fully developed nation and
a powerful economy and
 pos sib ili ty. It too k US from
1776 to the 19th century to
 be co me po we rf ul an d gi ve
women voting rights as also
The Magna Carta of Britain in
1215 which became a gainer 
around the 18th century.
history have prevented pro-
now on its marks ready to 'get
set and go'.
 pol iti cal , cul tural and soc ial
change. His campaign prom-
sities, education, jobs through
foreign investments, safety for  women, dealing with corrup-
tion etc. which had thus far 
stunted India's growth and
ernments had been unsuccess-
challenges and needed better 
the nation’s landscape.
Swachh Bharat Mission to
ensure health and hygiene,
the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna,
implementing the Jan Dhan
gy to ensure targeted LPG sub-
sidy, launching MUDRA Bank 
for small businesses, the
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai
Yojana with The Soil Health
Card scheme to enhance farm
 pr od uc ti vi ty an d fa rm er ’s
income, possible comprehen-
life insurance schemes, setting
up the Skill Development
Ministry and initiatives like
mented coal auction where
erated, etc. are among major 
initiatives by the Modi Government.
Modi's ambitious aspirations
ernment’s challenges are the
implementation of the Land
running the parliament session
under constant disruptive atti-
nations of Sushma Swaraj,
Vasundhara Raje Scindia and
Shivraj Singh Chouhan for 
finances, high inflation, high
interest rates need manage-
ment by slashing subsidies
lem of rising bad loans at
 banks and preventing sover-
religious tensions, center state
relations and law implementa-
deals made are.
a familiar international experi-
ence with designer brand
ernized younger generation
does not seek opportunities
South Asian population world
over takes note as well as  pride in positive changes, but
there are miles to go before we
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ndia’s eventual economic
development has never been
in doubt, but has just been a matter of time. Yes, I’d say India
has turned the corner. A nation
of hard working, intelligent indi-
viduals, India has a large aspir-
ing class and has been quick to
adapt to global reform. It is
already a global favorite since
the US has recently moved back 
to a neutral stance on China.
Today, India is still classified
as part of the “Emerging world”
and not yet categorized as the
“Developed world”, economical-
to reckon with for many reasons.
India is the 2nd largest net oil
importer in the emerging world,
 bo as ts a yo un g po pu la ti on
whose educated percentage is rising rapidly and where entre-
 preneurship is alive and grow-
ing. The reform process follow-
ing BJP’s early achievements
included raising FDI caps, atten-
tion to defense, rail and road
infrastructure; increasing house-
hold access to credit and transfer 
 pa ym en ts vi a ne w fi na nc ia l
inclusion schemes. This and the
re-opening of the coal sector 
has the reform agenda seriously
moving forward in India.
Strategy overview paper).
Soon after he took office,
Modi went on his global tour, which has been hailed as a suc-
cess. In my opinion, in time he
will do much for India’s place in
the comity of nations. India's
economic progress is taking off 
 be ca us e of tw o re as ons. Th e
first, quite simply put, is that
“the time has come”. The second
is the Modi Reform Agenda,
which has met with some suc-
cess. Moreover, financial reform
valuations, particularly on a
moved higher and two more key
financial bills are expected in the
 par lia ment thi s summer. Also,
India’s financial markets are cur-
rently benefitting from the 75  bas is points of rec ent int ere st
rate cuts delivered by the RBI
early this year. The low external
debt to GDP ratio and moderate
current account deficit leave
 both exports and imports.
roadblocks will be an issue.
Simply because state elections
sentiments and an expected win
for BJP in India’s third largest
state (Bihar) this fall would be a
cause for renewed optimism in
the run up to next year’s Rajya
Sabha reshuffle. This would mean that the Modi administra-
tion can count on their new
reform agenda bearing fruit. The
funding for infrastructure and
internal development has been
ate employment across several
tar, architecture, water and elec-
tricity as well as planning and
rural and urban redevelopment.
meet young journalists and stu-
dents whom The Giving Back 
Foundation (www.
TheGivingBackFoundation. net)
supports and I see the digital
 pr og re ss is hu ge ac ro ss th e  board. People in India are con-
nected to the web and thus each
other, and socio-economic barri-
opportunities that direct foreign
investment. These growing eco-
nomic opportunities of national
and international global trade
increased national consumption.
demand and the subsequent
trickle-down effect is creating
euphoria and hope on the magni- tude never seen before.
The social security card
scheme - Aadhaar - authored by
the amazing Nandan Nilekani
has ushered in a great positive
social change. The Unique
Identification Authority of India
such project. Its objective is to
collect the biometric and demo-
graphic data of residents, store
them in a centralized database,
and issue a 12-digit ID called
Aadhaar to each resident. This
has given the “invisible” class of 
 beggars, the homeless and tene-
ment dwellers a social standing
and now they are able to bank  freely and receive pension. Even
government assistance can be
accounts eliminating the corrupt
connected to the rest of India,
they too can now demand and
have access to better living con-
ditions. Bollywood is hiring
more people than Hollywood
exponential boom in India.
ing a home, but now various
housing schemes and new devel- opments ensure this is a possibil-
ity. In short, this Independence
Day, India has a LOT to cele-
in recent times. It is contin-
uing its upward journey in
 becoming a major power. The
liberalization of its internation-
tape in permits and licenses,
and the opening up of FDI in
certain key sectors have also
created great investment inter-
est internat ionally. However,
certain industries and MNCs
ognize India as the largest con-
sumer market after China, they
are being cautious because of  the history with companies like
Vodafone, Walmart, and
developed nations, the most
current examples being invest-
ment commitments from Japan,
These countries have a com-
 bined population of three bil -
lion people or 41% of world’s
 population .
Security Council. Under the
leadership of PM Modi, Indiahas spread its wings further by
establishing cordial relation-
diate neighbors and extending
to other industrialized nations.
Many firm commitments and
agreements have been signed
infrastructure, transportation,
tries in China has been set up
and headed by India’s KV
Kamath. It is a step in the right
direction and Modi was the
main force in encouraging the idea.
Under Modi’s leadership
work has been laid out for 
infrastructure development.
eign manufacturers are eyeing
make India their export hub.
Unlike the US and other 
developed countries, India has
huge cultural divide which, inmy opinion, is hindering the
vision and progress of the
country. Corruption will take
in order for Modi’s economic
agenda to be implemented, he
needs all parties’ support to
allow it to be successful. As we
have seen in recent times, both
houses of Parliament are at a
standstil l over petty issues
rather than the national issues.
The currency has to be
strengthened and the banking
in paperwork reduction, Clean
India, efficiency in government
I visit In
