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PMRN User’s Guide Version 11.0 Page FLKRS - Overview 15.1 15.0 FLKRS Overview This section of the PMRN User’s Guide is for Kindergarten teachers at public schools who will be administering the Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener (FLKRS) and the Data Entry Level and School Level Users at schools that serve Kindergarten students. If you are a User at a non-public school, there is a separate User’s Guide for you. The PMRN is the sole repository for the reporting of the FLKRS. There are no bubble sheets to complete, as all information is entered directly into the PMRN. The FLKRS consists of two parts: 1) the Early Childhood Observation System™ (ECHOS™) and 2) the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR). The FLKRS is to be administered to all Florida Kindergarten students who are attending a Florida public school for the first time, unless the student: has an extreme disability (SWD) was retained was already screened at another school has excessive absences (ECHOS™ only) entered the school after Instructional Day 30 There may be other reasons for not screening a student. Case-by-case situations can be addressed by the Office of Early Learning (EarlyLearning@fldoe.org or 850.245.0445). There is also a group of students who attend non-public schools who are to be screened using the FLKRS. Students who attended a Florida Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program the previous year and attend a non-public school are to be screened by the staff at their school. Users at non-Public schools have access to the PMRN for the first thirty instructional days of the new school year so that the results of the FLKRS can be recorded.

PMRN User’s Guide Version 11.0 Page

FLKRS - Overview


15.0 FLKRS


This section of the PMRN User’s Guide is for Kindergarten teachers at public schools who will be administering the Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener (FLKRS) and the Data Entry Level and School Level Users at schools that serve Kindergarten students. If you are a User at a non-public school, there is a separate User’s Guide for you.

The PMRN is the sole repository for the reporting of the FLKRS. There are no bubble sheets to complete, as all information is entered directly into the PMRN.

The FLKRS consists of two parts: 1) the Early Childhood Observation System™ (ECHOS™) and 2) the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR). The FLKRS is to be administered to all Florida Kindergarten students who are attending a Florida public school for the first time, unless the student:

• has an extreme disability (SWD) • was retained • was already screened at another school • has excessive absences (ECHOS™ only) • entered the school after Instructional Day 30

There may be other reasons for not screening a student. Case-by-case situations can be addressed by the Office of Early Learning ([email protected] or 850.245.0445).

There is also a group of students who attend non-public schools who are to be screened using the FLKRS. Students who attended a Florida Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program the previous year and attend a non-public school are to be screened by the staff at their school. Users at non-Public schools have access to the PMRN for the first thirty instructional days of the new school year so that the results of the FLKRS can be recorded.

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Assessment CalendarUsers at schools serving Kindergarten students will notice, when accessing the PMRN’s Assessment Calendar, the purple tag at Instructional Day 2 that reads “FLKRS Administration Begins.” This is the first day that the Data Entry page and K-2 EST will be open for the recording of Kindergarten student demographic information, ECHOS™ observations, and FAIR scores.

FLKRS - Assessment Calendar

On Instructional Day 30, there is another new purple tag that reads “FLKRS Administration Ends.” At the close of Instructional Day 30, the Demographics and ECHOS™ Data Entry pages close so that no additional information can be added or edited. The FAIR data will be “captured”, so that any additional scores or score edits are not reflected in the FAIR data used for the FLKRS. The FAIR can continue to be administered for the purpose of informing reading instruction.

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FLKRS - FLKRS Demographic Information

FLKRS Demographic InformationThe second difference in the PMRN that Users at schools administering FLKRS will notice is the addition of two tabs on the Data Entry page. These tabs are found after the User Signs In to the PMRN and selects the Scheduled Tasks tab and a class.

The page that is displayed will have a tab for FLKRS Demographics and a tab for ECHOS™. The User will also notice that the Summary page has additional columns of summary circles. One for FLKRS Demographics and another for ECHOS™. The status of the summary circles follow the rules on page 6.6 of the PMRN User’s Guide.

Demographic information that is Submitted to the FLDOE with Survey 2 will be used as the official data for the FLKRS. However, for preliminary reports, there is some ESE student information that is requested prior to the entry of the ECHOS™.

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FLKRS - Enter Demographic Information

Enter Demographic Information

To enter the demographic information for a student, select the FLKRS Demographics tab and from the Student drop-down menu, select the student for which the data is to be entered.

There are two sections that need to be completed:

• Potentially Limiting Physical Condition • Participation Status

Potentially Limiting Physical Condition

Under the Potentially Limiting Physical Condition section, at least one check box must be checked. Potentially Limiting Physical Conditions that may be selected include:

• No Potentially Limiting Physical Condition OR • Orthopedically (Ortho) Impaired • Visually Impaired • Deaf/Hard of Hearing • Dual-Sensory Impaired

Please see an example image displaying the Potentially Limiting Physical Condition section on the following page.

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FLKRS - Enter Demographic Information

At least one of the limiting physical conditions must be checked. However, both a condition and No Potentially Limiting Physical Condition cannot be selected at the same time.

Participation Status

As mentioned, some students may be excluded from a portion or all of the FLKRS.

Students who are English Language Learners (ELL) may be excluded from the FAIR portion of the screener and students who have excessive absences cannot have all of the behaviors observed in the ECHOS™. If the student has an extreme disability (SWD), the screener may not be appropriate. Students, who are returning to Kindergarten (retained) or have been screened at another school this year, do not need to be screened at the current school.

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FLKRS - Enter Demographic Information

For each portion of the screener, it must be identified if the student is participating and if not, why not. More than one reason may be selected, but both a reason for not participating and the box indicating that the student is participating cannot be checked at the same time. At least one box in each column (ECHOS™ and FAIR) must be selected. A student may participate in one part of the screener and not the other.

A notification bow will appear once each participation status box is selected, stating that by selecting the box, it is ecpected that FAIR scores will not be entered for the student or included in the FLKRS reports. Click OK to continue.

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FLKRS - FLKRS Completed

FLKRS Demographics Completed

After entering a student’s information for both sections of the FLKRS Demographics, click the Save button. You may return to edit the information on this page up until the thirtieth instructional day of the school year prior to Submission.

When the entry of demographic information is complete for a student, you may use the Student drop-down menu to select a different student, or you may click on the ECHOS™ tab to begin entering the observational data for a student.

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FLKRS - ECHOS™ Observations

ECHOS™ ObservationsAll Kindergarten students enrolled for the first time in a Florida public school are to be considered for the Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener (FLKRS). Provided on page 15.3 were directions on how to identify students for which all or a portion of the FLKRS are not appropriate. This section will provide an overview on how to record the observations from the Early Childhood Observation System™ (ECHOS™).

The ECHOS™ has nineteen benchmarks that are to be observed in each child during the first thirty instructional days of the new school year. Each area has four levels that indicate a hierarchy of benchmark acquisition. The indicators are labeled A, B, C , and Not Yet Demonstrating. There is also an option to show that the teacher did not have an opportunity to observe any indicator within the domain.

All nineteen benchmarks do not need to be observed on the same day or in a specific order. If an indicator for domain 14 is observed on instructional day 2 then it can be recorded on Instructional Day 2 and if an indicator for domain 6 is not observed until Instructional Day 29 then it should not be recorded until that day. It is possible that indicator A for a benchmark is observed one day and B or C observed on another. On the day that it is observed, the indicator should be recorded. It is possible that during the first thirty days of school no indicator for a benchmark is observed.

Only Reading Level Users (Teachers) may record their own observations in the PMRN. Data Entry Level Users may enter into the PMRN observations recorded by a teacher on a hardcopy of the observation recording form.

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ECHOS™ Observations Entry

To enter observations in the PMRN, a Teacher (Reading Level User) or Data Entry Level User will access the PMRN under the appropriate Access Level, select the Scheduled Task tab, and click on the name of the class for which observations are to be recorded.

As a reminder, before ECHOS™ observations are recorded for a student, the demographic information for the student must be complete. On the Summary page, verify that the student’s circle for FLKRS Demographics is completely filled.

If the circle is not filled, complete the demographic information (see page 15.4).

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To record the ECHOS™ observations, select the ECHOS™ tab and use the Student drop-down menu to select the student.

The ECHOS™ recording form will open with the nineteen benchmarks, the three unique indi-cators for each benchmark, the option for each benchmark to show that the student has not yet demonstrated the benchmark, and an option to record that the teacher has not had the opportu-nity to observe the student in a setting in which the benchmark would be demonstrated. To the left of each of the five options is a check box.

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For the benchmark for which indicators are being recorded, check the box to the left of the indicator that was observed (A, B, or C). If more than one indicator was observed, it is appropriate to check more than one box so that A, B, and/or C is selected. If an indicator for a benchmark is observed, the checkbox for No Opportunity to Observe and the checkbox for Not Yet Demonstrating are disabled (cannot be checked).

To enable these checkboxes, deselect/uncheck the boxes for indicators A, B, and C.

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When the appropriate checkboxes are selected, a summary statement will appear under the description of the Benchmark. The summary statement will be reported as:

• Emerging/Progressing • Demonstrating • Not Yet Demonstrating OR • No Opportunity to Observe

After all of the observations made during the day have been recorded, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Note: Remember, for security reasons, the PMRN will end your session automatically if you do not interact with the database for 20 minutes. Clicking Save will store your information for times when you are called away before you have finished entering observations.

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FLKRS - ECHOS™ Completed

ECHOS™ Completed

At any time during the first thirty instructional days of school the ECHOS™ observation recording page may be opened and observations recorded and edited. If an additional indicator for a benchmark is observed, the additional indicator can have the checkbox selected. Observations can be recorded and edited until the close of the thirtieth instructional day of school. At the end of Instructional Day 30, the ECHOS™ observation recording page is locked, and observations cannot be recorded. It is important to review the Assessment Calendar on a regular basis, as it can be modified to account for changes in non-instructional days.

It is advised that on the thirtieth instructional day, those students who do not have a completed circle on the Summary Page, have, for those benchmarks that were not observed, the No Opportunity to Observe or Not Yet Demonstrating checkbox selected. If the No Opportunity to Observe or Not Yet Demonstrating checkbox has been selected, the checkboxes for indicators A, B, and C are disabled. To enable the checkboxes for indicators A, B, and C deselect/uncheck the box for No Opportunity to Observe or Not Yet Demonstrating.

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FLKRS - ECHOS™ Progress Reports

ECHOS™ Progress Reports - School and ClassThe ECHOS™ Progress Reports display status and completion performance information for students within the school.

Note: The addition or deletion of students within the school and classes within the schools may not be reflected on the ECHOS™ Progress Reports until the next instructional day in which the change has been made.

School ECHOS™ Progress ReportThe School ECHOS™ Progress Report shows the number of total students in each class within the school and the percentage of which have completed the ECHOS™ benchmarks.

The report may be sorted in various orders by clicking on the multiple column headers. For example, if you wish to view classes in the school by their percentage of completed Benchmarks, click % Completed Benchmarks.

Clicking on the name of the class listed will allow the User to access the Class ECHOS™ Progress Report for that class.

PMRN User’s Guide Version 11.0 Page

FLKRS - ECHOS™ Progress Reports


Where to find the School ECHOS™ Progress Report

From your Home Page, click the School Reports tab.

Confirm that the correct school year is selected from the Select a Year drop-down menu.

Confirm that the correct grade level is selected from the Select a Grade drop-down menu.

Click the School ECHOS™ Progress Report link.

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FLKRS - ECHOS™ Progress Reports

Class ECHOS™ Progress ReportThe Class ECHOS™ Progress Report shows all students in the selected class and the number ECHOS™ benchmarks completed for each student.

The report may be sorted in various orders by clicking on the multiple column headers. For example, if you wish to view students in the class by their number of completed Benchmarks, click Number of Benchmarks with a rating (Out of 19).

PMRN User’s Guide Version 11.0 Page

FLKRS - ECHOS™ Progress Reports


Where to find the Class ECHOS™ Progress Report

From your Home Page, click the Reading Class Reports tab.

Confirm that the correct school year is selected from the Select a Year drop-down menu.

Confirm that the correct teacher is selected from the Select a Teacher drop-down menu.

Confirm that the correct teacher is selected from the Select a Teacher drop-down menu.

Click the Class ECHOS™ Progress Report link.

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FLKRS ReportsIn the late Fall, staff of The Office of Early Learning complete the processing of student FLKRS data, and make FLKRS Reports available to School Level Users through the PMRN.

The FLKRS Reports, available for the State, District, and School level, give the most immediate information on FLKRS performance by showing the numbers and percentages of students reported. The ECHOS™ Progress Reports, available for the School and Class level, provide the most immediate progress information for ECHOS™ observations by displaying numbers and percentages of students completed. The reports only display data collected during the 30 day FLKRS Administration Period.

Types of ReportsState FLKRS Report for Public Schools: Displays data showing the performance of students on the FLKRS by District, reflecting public schools and students in that district.

State FLKRS Report for non-Public Schools: Displays data showing the performance of students on the FLKRS by District, reflecting non-public schools and students in that district.

District FLKRS Report: Displays data showing the performance of students on the FLKRS for public schools in the selected district.

School FLKRS Reports: Displays data showing the performance of students on the FLKRS in the selected school.

School ECHOS™ Progress Reports: Displays data showing the completion progress of students on the ECHOS™ in the selected school.

Class ECHOS™ Progress Reports: Displays data showing the completion progress of students on the ECHOS™ for a class in the selected school.

PMRN User’s Guide Version 11.0 Page

Accessing FLKRS ReportsAfter being processed in the fall, schools are notified that the FLKRS reports are availble. The State (for both public and non-public schools) and District FLKRS Reports are available to the public by clicking the FLKRS Reports link via the Left-hand menu bar in the PMRN.


FLKRS - Accessing FLKRS Reports

State FLKRS ReportsThe State FLKRS Report is formatted into two separate reports to reflect FLKRS administration data for both public and non-public schools.

To access the State Report for Public Schools or non-Public Schools, click the following links: • Download State Results for Public Schools • Download State Results for non-Public Schools

PMRN User’s Guide Version 11.0 Page

School FLKRS ReportEach Access Level that has privileges to view the School FLKRS Report (School Levels 1-4, District Levels 1-3, and Region Level 1) has a School Reports tab on his or her Home Page.

Depending on the Access Level of the User, he or she may first have to select a district and school before being able to select the report. District and Region Level 1 Users can access the reports of all classes in the district or region, respectively.

When the School Reports tab is populated, click the FLKRS School Report (PDF) link.

District FLKRS ReportTo access the District Report of Schools (Public school data only): • Click the drop-down menu labeled District and click the name of the District. • Click Download District Report of Schools.


FLKRS - Accessing FLKRS Reports

PMRN User’s Guide Version 11.0 Page

FLKRS Reports ComponentsThe FLKRS Reports display status and performance information on data collected in the first 30 instructional days under the following administration areas:

Early Childhood Observation System™ (ECHOS™) Status Results • Total Number Reported • ECHOS™ Status • Percent Reported (District and State FLKRS Reports only)

Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR) - Kindergarten • Broad Screen/Progress Monitoring (Letter Naming and Phonemic Awareness) • Broad Diagnostic Inventory (Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary)


FLKRS - FLKRS Reports Components

For the purposes of the FLKRS, only the Broad Screen/Progress Monitoring tasks (Letter Naming and Phonemic Awareness) are used. Both tasks have a total of 10 items. The Probability of Reading Success (PRS) is determined utilizing a lookup table.

The Broad Diagnostic Inventory tasks (Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary) are not used for determining readiness, but provide the teacher with additional information.

PMRN User’s Guide Version 11.0 Page

FLKRS - FLKRS Report Legend


FLKRS Report LegendA Report Legend, located at the bottom of each FLKRS Report page, explains the meaning for each Letter Symbol assigned in a specific reporting area:

ECHOS™ StatusND • Not Yet DemonstratingEP • Emerging/ProgressingD • Demonstrating

ECHOS™ and FAIR-K Not ReportedNS • Non-Scorable • ECHOS™: Less than 14 items were observed • FAIR-K: One or more components missing from Broad Screen or Broad Diagnostic

NP • Non-Participation • ECHOS™: Student entered on instructional day 31 or later, Student with Disability (SWD), retained, already screened, excessive absences, or other • FAIR-K: Student entered on instructional day 31 or later, English Language Learner (ELL), Student with Disability (SWD), retained, already screened, or other

M • Missing

Asterisk (*) • Less than 10 students are reported in the particular demographic area
