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15th Sunday After Trinity

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T H E  FIFTEENTH  SUNDAY FTER  TRINITY SUNDAY On  Sundays, when the  Hour  of Terce from the  Monastic  Office  has been concluded,  Mass is preceeded by a  Procession  which begins w ith the  blessing  of the Abbey  Church  and the people with  Holy  Water  while  th e  following  Antiphon  is sung: The Asperges  Antiphon  \ised on Sunday only, for the  Blessing  with  Holy  W ater): Thou  shalt sprinkle m e, O  Lord,  with hyssop, and I shall be m ade cle an ; Thou  shalt wa sh m e, and I shall b e m ade whiter than  snow. Ps .  Ha ve m er cy on m e, O God, according t o Thy g re at m ercy. Thou  shalt sprinkle e, O  Lord,  with hyssop, and I shall be m ade clean; Thou  shalt wash e, and I shall b e m ade white r than  snow. Ps .  And according t o the m ultitude of Thy com pa ssions bl ot out m y transgression. Thou  shalt sprinkle m e, O  Lord,  with hyssop, and I shall be m ade cle an ; Thou  shalt wash e, and I shall be made whiter tha n  snow. y.  Glory  be t o the Father, an d to the Son, * and to the  Holy  Ghost. As  it was in t he beginning, both now and ever, and unt o the  ages  of  ages. Amen. Thou  shalt wash e, and I shall be m ade whiter than  snow. Everlasting  God; an d guard,  cherish, prote ct O  Lord,  shew  Thy m ercy upon us. An d  gr an t bs Thy salvation. Le t  us p ray. Graciously he a r jis, O  Lord,  Holy  Fa ther Almighty, vouchsafe to se nd Thine  Holy  Angel from H eaven, to visit, an d defe nd all  those  w ho are ass em bled in this holy habitation.  Through  Christ  O ur  Lord.  ^ .  Amen. The  Processional  Responsory used on Sunday on ly, by the  Clergy,  for th e Procession  from the  Quire  into the  Church): Honour,  stren gth and Power, and dominion, be t o the  Trinity  in Unit y, a n d  th e Unity in  Trinity,  through  endless  Ages of etern ity. Light Eternal  to the  Trinity,  ceaseless  Glory  to the Unity, throug h endless  Ages of eter nity . The  Bidding  of the Bedes from the Sacram entary of  Leofric,  Bishop  of Exeter) to be chanted by the  Celebrant  at the  steps  in front of the Rood Scree n: y^ Let us pray t he mer cy of the  Lord,  dearly be lov ed brethren, for our brothers and  sisters  from t he East and from th e West, tha t each of the m m ight also  pray for us in diverse place s.  Through  Christ  Our  Lord.  I^.  Amen. y. Let us pr ay  also  for unity in the  Church,  for th e sick, for the disabled,  for captiv es, for pen iten ts, for labourers, for them that have set sail, for  them that travel bve r  land,  for almsgivers, for the  souls  of th e depar ted, an d for  them that are n ot partaking of Comm union, that the  Lord  gra nt them to do worthy penance.  Through  Christ  Our  Lord.  I ^ .  Amen. y.  Let us pray th e erc y of t he  Lord  also  for th e  souls  of our be loved ones  passed away,  N.,  a n d  A^.,  that the  Lord  vouchsafe to  bestow  upon them a peaceful rest, and tijan slat e them unto a p lace of rep ose and refreshment by the inte rcess ion of His Saints.  Through  Jesus  Christ  O ur  Lord.  Amen. y W e offer Thee,  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  this prayer from t he rising of th e Su n  unto the settin g  [thereof,  from th e right hand  side  un to the left; to the hon our a n d  Glory  of the Divine and  Human  Natures of  Christ;  t o the honour of the celestial hierarchies, of  Michael  a n d  Gabriel  the Archangels; to the honour and glory  of th e Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, an d  Martyrs;  for all vir gins, faithful, a n d  penitents, for a  that are  married;  for the m tha t are n ot exce eding good, for the m that are not exceeding evil; for all deserv ing our prayer a nd supp lication. Through  the Sam e  Christ  Our  Lord.  Amen.
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On  Sundays, when the Hour  of Terce from the Monastic  Office  has been

concluded,  Mass is preceeded by a Procession  which begins with the blessing of

the Abbey Church and the people with Holy  Water while the following  Antiphon  is


The Asperges Antiphon  \ised on Sunday only, for the Blessing with Holy Water):Thou  shalt sprinkle me, O Lord,  with hyssop, and I shall be made clean;Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow.

Ps.  Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy.Thou  shalt sprinkle me, O Lord,  with hyssop, and I shall be made clean;

Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow.

Ps.  And according to the multitude of Thy compassions blot out my


Thou  shalt sprinkle me, O  Lord,  with hyssop, and I shall be made clean;Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow.

y.  Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the  Holy Ghost.As  it was in the beginning, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.


Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow.

Everlasting  God; andguard,  cherish, protect

O  Lord,  shew Thy mercy upon us.And  grant bs Thy salvation.Let  us pray. Graciously hear jis, O  Lord,  Holy  Father Almighty,

vouchsafe to send Thine  Holy  Angel from Heaven, tovisit, and defend all  those who are assembled in this holy

habitation.  Through  Christ Our Lord.  ^ .  Amen.

The  Processional  Responsory used on Sunday only, by the  Clergy,  for the

Procession  from the Quire  into the Church):

Honour,  strength and Power, and dominion, be to the  Trinity  in Unity,and  the Unity in Trinity,  through endless Ages of eternity.

Light Eternal  to the  Trinity,  ceaseless  Glory  to the Unity, through

endless Ages of eternity.

The Bidding  of the Bedes from the Sacramentary of  Leofric,  Bishop  of Exeter)to be chanted by the Celebrant at the steps in front of the Rood Screen:y^ Let us pray the mercy of the  Lord,  dearly beloved brethren, for our

brothers and  sisters  from the East and from the West, that each of them mightalso pray for us in diverse places.  Through  Christ Our  Lord.  I .  Amen.

y. Let us pray  also  for unity in the  Church,  for the sick, for thedisabled,  for captives, for penitents, for labourers, for them that have set sail,for  them that travel bver  land,  for almsgivers, for the souls  of the departed, andfor  them that are not partaking of Communion, that the  Lord  grant them to doworthy penance.  Through Christ Our Lord.  I .  Amen.

y.  Let us pray the mercy of the  Lord  also  for the  souls  of our beloved

ones passed away,  N.,  and  A .,  that the  Lord  vouchsafe to  bestow  upon them apeaceful rest, and tijanslate them unto a place of repose and refreshment by theintercession of His Saints.  Through Jesus Christ Our  Lord.  Amen.

y We offer Thee, Lord  Jesus Christ,  this prayer from the rising of theSun  unto the setting [thereof,  from the right hand side  unto the left; to the honourand  Glory  of the Divine and  Human  Natures of  Christ;  to the honour of thecelestial hierarchies, of  Michael  and  Gabriel  the Archangels; to the honour andglory  of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, and  Martyrs; for all virgins, faithful,and  penitents, for a  that are  married;  for them that are not exceeding good, forthem that are not exceeding evil; for all deserving our prayer and supplication.Through the Same  Christ  Our Lord.  Amen.

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The  Processional  Antiptwn used on Sunday only, by the  Clergy,  to complete  theProcession  back frorn  the Church  into the Quire):

I  will get Me to the mountain of  myrrh,  and to the  hill  of frankincense,and I will say to My spouse: "Thou art all splendid. My dearest, and there is no

Lebanon,  my  spouse, come from Lebanon, come; thouIt pass on by the mountain of Shenir and Hermon, awayfrom the mountains of the leopards."days  that fall within  the Octave of the Nativity  of

i.e., from  Sept.  8/21 to  Sept.  15/28), the

following  Antiphon  is to be used in place of the  above:Thou  art all  fair,  my  spouse,  my sister, and  spot  is therenone in thee; thy lips drop as the honey-comb; honey and milk areunder thy tongui;; the savour of thine ointments is better than allspices.  For o, he winter is past, the  rain  is over, and gone; theflowers have ap]>ear-ed; the  vines  are in blossom, and  give forth

and  the voice of the turtle is heard in our  land.

Rise up, my love, my fair one; come from Lebanon, come, thoushalt be crown-ed.

spot  in thee;  come froshalt come and thou sfrom the lions-dens, an

But on Su.the  God-Bearer,

The Processional Conclusion  used on Sunday only, to conclude the Procession):

y After Child-Bearing, O Virgin,  thou didst remain inviolate.Intercede fcr us, O Bearer of God.

Let  us pra}. Almighty and Everlasting God, defend us Thy humbleservants with the Right  Hand  of Thy Majesty from all dangers; and at the

glorious intercession ofboth now and hereafteij-.and reigneth with Theeof ages.  1 .  Amen.

the Blessed  Ever-Virgin  Mary grant us joy and prosperityThrough  Our Lord  Jesus Christ,  Thy Son, Who liveth

in  the unity of the  Holy Ghost, God, through all the  ges

The Office  Introit):

Bow down, 0  Lord,  Thine Ear to me, and hear me; O My God, saveThy  servant, that trusleth in Thee; have mercy upon me, O  Lord,  for  havecall-ed daily upon Thee.

Ps.  Comfort Ihe soul of Thy servant; for unto Thee, O Lord,  do I liftup my soul.

On Sundays, there is repeated:Bow down, O Lord,  Thine Ear to me, and hear me; O My

God,  save Thy servant, that trusteth in Thee; have mercy upon me,Lord,  for I have call-ed daily upon Thee.

The Office  on all days is  concluded  in the following  manner:y.  Glory be to tde Father, and to the Son, < and to the Holy Ghost.As  it was in the beginning, both now and ever, and unto the  ges of ages.


Bow down, O Lord,  Thine Ear to me, and hear me; O My God, save Thyservant, that trustethdaily upon Thee.

n  Thee; have mercy upon me, O Lord,  for I have call-ed

The  Kyrie  should be sung  next  by the  Choir,  while  the  Clergy  say thefollowing  prayers.  Bui if there is no Choir,  these prayers may be joined in by all

present:Celebrant:  And lead us not into temptation.  All:  But deliver us from

evil.Celebrant:  0  give  thanks unto the  Lord,  for He is Gracious.

All:  Because His mercy endureth for ever.Celebrant:  I confess to God, to blessed Mary,  to Holy  Father Benedict,

to all the Saints, and to you that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, anddeed, by my fault; I  jjray Holy  Mary,  Holy Father Benedict, all the Saints, andyou, to pray for me.

AAl:  May Aliiiighty God have mercy upon thee, and forgive  thee all thysins, deliver  thee  from all evil, preserve and strengthen  thee  in  goodness, andbring thee to everlastinle life.

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Celebrant:  Anen.  All:  I  confess  to God, to  blessed  Mary,  to HolyFather Benedict, to al the Saints, and to  thee,  Father,  that  have  sinnedexceedingly  in thought, word, and deed, by my fault;  pray Holy  Mary, HolyFather Benedict, all the Saints, and thee, Father, to pray for me.

Celebrant:  M.iy  Almighty God have  mercy upon you, and forgive youall  your sins,  deliver ytu from all evil, preserve and strengthen you in goodness,and bring you to everlasiting life.  All:  Amen.

Celebrant:  May  the Almighty and  Merciful  God grant unto you

absolution and remission of all your  sins,  time for true repentance andamendment of life, ard the grace and consolation of the Holy Ghost.  All:


Celebrant:  Our help is in the Name of the  Lord.  All:  Who hathmade Heaven and Earth.

Celebrant:  Bl(>ssed  be the Name of the  Lord.  AM:  From  this  timeforth, now, and for evermore.

Celebrant:  Let us pray.  (Here the Clergy  approach the  Altar  while the

Celebrant  prays:) Take  away from us, we  beseech  Thee, O  Lord,  all ouriniquities,  that  we may be found fit to  enter  into the Holy of Holies with pureminds. Through Jesus Christ,  Thy Son, Our Lord,  Who iiveth and reigneth withThee in the Unity of th( Holy Ghost, through all the  ges of  ages.  Amen. In theName of the Father, and of the Son, *t and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

The Kyrie 

The  Kyrie  is sur.g without verses, as follows, while incense is offered toGod at the  Altar:










Kyrie eleison. (which means: Lord, have mercy.)

Kyrie eleison.Kyrie eleison.Christe eleison. (which means: Christ,  have mercy.)

Chrisle eleisonChriste eleison.Kyrie eleison.Kyrie eleisonKyrie eleison.

the Father,  Thou That

Thou  That  takest  awa)

The  loria  (which is sung only on Sunday):

The Celebrant:  Criory be to God in the Highest,th Peace,  good-will towards men. We praise Thee. We

bless Thee. We worship Thee. We glorify Thee. We give  thanks to Thee forThy  great  Glory.  O  Lord  God, Heavenly  King,  God the Father Almighty. OLord,  the Only-Begotteii Son,  Jesus  Christ.  O Lord  God, Lamb of God, Son of

takest  away the  sins  of the world,  have  mercy upon us.the  sins  of the world,  receive  our prayer.  Thou That

sittest  at the Right  Hand  of the Father, have mercy upon us. For Thou Only artHoly.  Thou Only art tl e  Lord.  Thou Only art Most High, O Jesus Christ, withthe Holy Ghost, in the Qlory of 4< God the Father. Amen.

The Collects:

y. The Lord  b with you.y. Let us pray

1 . And with thy spirit.Keep,  we  beseech Thee, O Lord,  Thy Church with Thy

perpetual mercy, and  because  the frailty of man without Thee cannot but  fall,

keep  us  ever  by Thy  [lelp  from all  things  hurtful, and lead us to all  thingsprofitable to our salvation. Through Our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  Thy Son, Wholiveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God. through all theges of  ages.  ^ .  Am en.

y. Let us pray.

(Here  are added any special  Collects  of commemoration. Then are added the

following  Collects:)

On Sunda^ only, the following Collect  of the Holy Trinity  isto be added:

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Almighty and Everlasting God, Who hast given unto us Thyservants grace, by the confession of the True Faith,  to acknowledgethe glory of the  Eternal  Trinity,  and in the power of Thy Majestyto worship the  Lnity,  we  beseech Thee that  Thou  wouldest keep ussteadfast  in  This  Faith,  and evermore defend us from alladversities.

On  Weekdays, the  following Collect  of the  Holy Cross

replaces the Collect above:

God, Who  hast  willed to sanctify the banner of theLife-Giving  Cross by the Precious Blood of Thine Only-BegottenSon, Jesus Chris ,  Our Lord,  grant we  beseech Thee, that they who

rejoice in the honour of the Same  Holy Cross, may also everywhererejoice in Thy protection.

On either Sunday or Weekdays, the Collects continue:

Grant,  we  besee:h  Thee, O  Lord  God, that we Thy servants may enjoycontinual  health of mind and body; and through the glorious intercession of theblessed ever-Virgin Ma-y, may be delivered from present sorrow, and may havethe fruition of everlasting joy.

Grant,  we besee<h Thee, Almighty God, that the intercession of  Mary,  theHoly  God-Bearer, and of all the holy and heavenly powers, and of the  blessedPatriarchs,  Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, martyrs, confessors, and virgins, andespecially Saints  NN. here is mentioned the Saints of both the Western and

Eastern  Calendars  whose Feast  falls  on this day),  and all Thy Saints mayeverywhere make us ghid; so that while we commemorate their memory, we maybe conscious of their asiiistance.

The following Collect for the Church  need not be added, but is added onlyif  the Celebrant wish, or if the number of  Collects  otherwise would not be

an odd number:)Mercifully  receive, O  Lord,  the prayers of Thy  Church;  that being

delivered from all adversities and errors, It may serve Thee in perfect liberty.Here  may be added up to three more Collects,  as the Celebrant  wishes, so

that  the total number of  Collects  is an odd number not exceeding seven.The Collects are ihen concluded as follows:)Through  (the Sjime) Our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  Thy Son, Who liveth and

reigneth with Thee, in tie unity of the Holy Ghost, God,

Through all the  ges of ages.  Amen.

The Epistle  except fron Wednesday to Friday,  which are given below):

Reading fromBrethren:  If we

the Epistle of blessed Paul the Apostle, to the Galatians:live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Let  us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying oneanother.

Brethren,  if a man be overtaken In a fault, ye which are spiritual, restoresuch an one in the spirit of  meekness;  considering thyself,  lest  thou  also  betempted.

Bear ye one another s burdens, and so fulfil  the law of Christ.

For  if a man lihink himself to be something, when he Is nothing, hedeceiveth himself.

But let every main prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing inhimself alone, and not in another.

For every man sliall bear his own burden.aught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in

God  is not mocked; for whatsoever a man  soweth,  that

Let  him that isall good things.

Be  not deceived;shall he also reap.

For  he that sow th to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but hethat soweth to the Spiri; shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

And  let us not le weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, ifwe faint not.

As  we have theifefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especiallyunto them who are of the household of  Faith.  Gal. 5  25, 26- 6: 1 - 10)

Vt^.  Thanks be to Goc.

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The  Gradual:

It  is better to trust in the Lord  than to put any confidence in man.y. It is better 1o trust in the Lord,  than to put any confidence in princes.It is better to trufst in the Lord  than to put any confidence in man.

The  Alleluya:

Alleluya.  Alleluyk.

y. For the Lorjd is a Great God, and a Great King over al the Earth.


The Gospel {except  frorr Wednesday to Friday,  which are given below):

The Lord  b vvith you. And with thy spirit.The Holy Gpspel according to Matthew.

Thee,  Lord.

At that time, Jesiis said unto His disciples:

"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and lovethe other; or  ls he wi I hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serveGod and mammon.

"Therefore  I sajj unto you,  'Take  no thought for your life, what ye shalleat, or what ye shall diink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.' Is notthe life more than meat and the body than raiment?

"Behold  the fow s of the air; for they sow not, neither do they reap, norgather into barns; yet Your Heavenly Father feedeth them.

"Are ye not mucJi better than they?

"Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?"And  why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field,

how they grow; they toi not, neither do they spin;"And  yet I say unto you,  'That  even  Solomon in all his glory was not

arrayed like one of these.'"Wherefore,  If (Jod so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and

tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of littleFaith?

"Therefore  take no thought, saying, 'What shall we eat?' Or, 'What shallwe drink?'  Or, 'Where pithal shall we be clothed?'

"For  after all thise  things do the Gentiles seek; for Your  Heavenly Father

knoweth that ye have med of all these things."But  seek  ye first the  Kingdom  of God, and His righteousness; and all

these  things shall be a ided unto you."  Mat. 6: 24 -33)  Praise be to

Thee, O Christ.

The Creed  which is sung only on Sunday):

The Celebrant:

All:  The Fatherbelieve in One God,Almighty,  Maker  of Heaven and Earth, and of all things

visible and invisible; And in One  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  the Only-Begotten Son ofGod; Begotten of His Either before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, Very

God  of  Very  God; Beg)tten, not made. Being of One Substance with the Father;By  Whom  all thing  were  made; Who, for us men and for our salvation, camedown from Heaven; And was Incarnate by the  Holy Ghost of the  Virgin Mary;

And  was  Made  Man; And was  Crucified  also  for us under Pontius Pilate. Hesuffered and was  Bur ed; And the  third  day He rose again according to theScriptures;  And ascended into Heaven; And sitteth  on the Right  Hand  of the

Father.  And He shalldead;  Whose  Kingdom

come again with  Glory  to judge both the quick and theshall  have no end. And I believe in the  Holy Ghost, the

Lord,  the  Giver  of life Who proceedeth from the Father; Who, with the Fatherand  the Son is Worshipped and Glorified,  Who spake by the Prophets. And Ibelieve One, Holy,  Catholic, and Apostolic  Church.  I acknowledge one Baptismfor  the remission of sins. And I look for the Resurrection of the dead. And thelife of the world * to come.  Amen.

Here  a Sermon may be given.)

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The Offertory:The Lord be with you. 1 .  .And with thy spirit,

y. Let us prayL

I waited patiently for the  Lord,  and He inclin-ed to me; yea, Hehearken-ed unto the voice of my calling, and He hath put a new song into mymouth, even a thanksgiving unto Our God.

y. He set my feet upon the rock, and order-ed my goings.And He hath put a new song into my mouth, even a thanksgiving unto Our


y. O  Lord  My God, great are the wondrous works which  Thou  hastdone, like as be  also  Thy thoughts, which are to usward; I have declared Thyrighteousness in the grek congregation.

And He hath put a new song into my mouth, even a thanksgiving unto Our


y. O Lord Gmy heart; my talk hatMy Helper and Redee

And He hath pu


L Thou  knowest:  have not hid Thy righteousness withinbeen  of Thy Truth,  and of Thy salvation.  T HOU ART

:r.a new song into my mouth, even a thanksgiving unto Our

While  the Celebrant  says some Offertory prayers quietly, a Hymn fromancient sources is now sung,  most usually the Hymn: Come, Holy  Ghost. whichis given in the Mass bock.

At the end of the Hymn, the people may join the  Clergy  in  reciting  theresponse to the Epiclesis  prayer, as  follows:

Celebrant:  Brothers and  sisters,  pray for me, that my and your sacrifice

may be alike acceptable unto the Lord Our God.

All:  May the grace of the  Holy  Ghost illuminate thy heart and thy lips,

that the  Lord  may deign to accept  this  sacrifice of praise at thy hands, for our

sins and offences.

The Secrets (to be said quietly by the Celebrant):

special  Secrets of commemoration. Then are added the

y. Let us  prjiy. Grant,  O  Lord,  we  beseech  Thee, that This SavingOffering  may be to us both the cleansing away of our sins, and the reconciliationof  us to Thy loving-kindness. Through Our Lord  Jesus Christ,  Thy Son, Wholiveth and reigneth witli Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God,

Through all the  ges of ages.  Amen.

Let us pray.(Here  are added anyfollowing  Secrets:)

On  Sunday only, the  following  Secret of the Holy Trinity  isto be added:

Sanctify, we  beseech  Thee, O  Lord  God,  Holy  Trinity,through the invocation of Thy  Holy  Name, the offering of This

Oblation,  and through It perfect us  ourselves  to be an eternal giftunto Thee.

On  Weekdays, the  following  Secret of the  Holy Cross

replaces the Collect above:We beseech Thee, O Lord,  that This Sacrifice may purify us

from  all sin,  Vt'hich,  having  been  offered upon the  Altar  of thethe offences even of the whole world.Sunday or Weekdays, the Secrets continue:O  Lord,  and by the intercession of the ever-Virgin Mary,

I to our everlasting and present prosperity and peace.Graciously  receive, O  Lord,  the  gifts  which we offer; and through the

intercession of  Mary,  the  blessed,  and glorious, and ever-Virgin God-Bearer,together with all Thy Saints, defend us from every danger.

(The following  Secret for the Church  should be added only if the Celebrantadded the Collect for the Church  among the Collects  beforehand:)

Cross, did bear

On either

By  Thy mercy,

may This Oblation ava

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Protect us, O Lord,  we beseech Thee, as we wait upon Thy Mysteries; thatadhering to Things Divine we may serve Thee both in body and soul.

(Here  may be added up to three more Secrets,  corresponding  to the Collects

the Celebrant  added beforehand, so that the total number of Secrets is anodd number nol exceeding seven. The Secrets are then  concluded  asfollows:)

Through  (the Same) Our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  Thy Son, Who liveth andreigneth with Thee, in tie unity of the Holy Ghost, God.

y.  Through all the  ges of ages.  j^'.  Amen.

The Lord be with you. . And with thy spirit.Lift  up you  - hearts. I . We lift them up unto the  Lord.

Let  us give thanks unto Our Lord  God. I . It is meet and right so

to do.

The  Preface:

y.  It is verywe should at all  times

neet  and just, right and available for our salvation, thatand  in all places  give  thanks unto Thee, O  Lord,  Holy

Father,  Almighty and Lverlasting God.  Thou  Who dost by the gifts of temporal

goods provide us with

perdure,  and not to be

wound of sin, it is ofcreated for heav'niy th

he perception of  goods eternal, and dost grant these, and

dost freely  bestow theni; that we may begin both to be included among them thataccounted among them that  pass away. For Thine is it

that we live, and  because  it is permitted that our nature be corrupted by theThy  doing,  nevertheless,  that we of the  Earth  be rebornngs.  Through  Christ  Our Lord.  Through Whom Angels

praise Thy Majesty, Dominions adore. Powers tremble. The Heavens, and theheavenly Virtues, and :he  blessed  Seraphim unite in one glad voice in extollingThee.  Together with whom, we pray Thee, that  Thou  wouldest command thatour  voices should have entrance, humbly confessing Thee, and saying:

The Sanctus (to be chanted by all):

Holy, Holy, Holy

Hosanna in the hBlessed is He ^

Lord  God of Sabaoth.Heaven and Earti  are full  of Thy Glory.

Hosanna in the highest

Now,  while  thequietly,  a Hymn from

mortal flesh. which is

Celebrant  says the prayers of the  Canon  of the Mass

ancient sources is sung,  most usually the Hymn:  Let alliven in the Mass book.

After  the  Canon

chant:y.  Through aly. Let us pray

institution, we makeHallowed  be Thy Nami

is in Heaven.  Give us

we forgive  those  thatdeliver us from evil. A^en

the  ges of ages.  1 .  Amen.

.  Admonished by saving precepts, and guided by divinebold  to say: I . Our Father, Who art in Heaven,

Thy  Kingdom  come; Thy Will  be Done, on Earth,  as Itday our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as

tlrespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But

Then the Celebrant

y. Deliver us,future,  and, at theBirth-Giver  of God,Andrew,  (and Saint  A'

that, aided by the helpsin,  and secure fromThy  Son, Who livethGod,  through all the

y. The Peace

thy spirit.y. Bow down


hat Cometh in the Name of the Lord.

and  the Hymn are completed, the Celebrant  begins the

continues the chant of the Embolism:

we  beseech  Thee, O Lord,  from all evils, past, present,ii tercession of the  blessed  and glorious and ever-virgin

and of Thy  blessed  Apostles Peter and  Paul,  and,) with all the Saints, graciously  give peace in our days,of  Thy loving-kindness, we may both be ever free fromdisquietude.  Through  the Same Our Lord  Jesus Christ,

reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the  Holy Ghost,of  ages.  ly.  Amen.

ii»  of the  Lord  be alway * with you. I . And with




your heads for the blessing. 1 . Thanks be to God.

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The Benediction  with the Holy Mysteries:May the Omnipotent God vouchsafe you the gift of His blessing,

Who is Conscious of yobr infirmity.  Amen.y. And may Ke Who hath granted you the love of prayer, grant you the

aid of consolation.  Vt^ Amen.y.  That from Him ye may obtain assistance for both the present and the

future life, by Whose  goodness  ye truly believe that ye have been created.I .  Amen.

y Which  may He deign to grant. Whose  Kingdom  and Power remain

without end, unto the aces of ages.  R .  Amen.y. May the Blessing of God, the Fa- (*) ther, and the * Son, and theHoly (*) Ghost, and His Peace, remain with you always. I .  Amen.

The Agnus Dei to be sung by All):




Lamb of God

Lamb of God

Lamb  of God

Here  the Kiss  of  Peace

who will  offer the Peaps

person:  y. Peace bethy spirit.)

That takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon

That takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon

That  takest  away the  sins  of the world, grant us Thy

shall be brought from the Sanctuary by one of the Clergy

ce-Icon  of Our  Lord  to be kissed,  saying  quietly to each

unto Thee and unto the  Church of God. 1 . And with

y.  Glory be to

As it was in the

The Communion  to be  hanted by AM):

He that  eateth My Flesh, and drinketh My Blood,  dwelleth in Me, and Iin Him, saith the Lord

Ps.  The Bre d That  I will give is My Flesh, Which I will give for thelife of the world.

On Sundays, there is repeated:He that Eateth My Flesh, and drinketh My Blood,  dwelleth

in Me, and I In Him, saith the  Lord.

The Communion on all days is concluded in the following  manner:

the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost,

beginning, both now and ever, and unto the  ges of ages.Amen.

He that  eateth My Flesh, and drinketh My Blood,  dwelleth in Me, and Iin Him, saith the Lord,

Here  the Celebrant  turns toward the people while holding  up the Sacred  Body and

Blood  of Our  Lord.  Those parishioners  who have fasted and are prepared  for

Holy Communion then say in a speaking voice:)I  confess  to God, to  blessed  Mary,  to  Holy  Father Benedict, to all the

Saints, and to thee. Father, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, anddeed, by my fault; I p'ay  Holy  Mary,  Holy  Father Benedict, all the Saints, andthee. Father, to pray for me.

Celebrant:  Miiy  Almighty God have mercy upon you. and forgive you

all your sins, deliver you from all evil, preserve and strengthen you in goodness,and'bring you to everlasting life.  All  Amen.

Celebrant:  May the Almighty and  Merciful  God grant unto youabsolution and remission of all your sins, time for true repentance and

and  the grace and consolation of the  HolymendmentGhost.  All:

of  life.Amen.

The following  H)

Hymn IHoly God, * HoHoly God, * HoHoly God, * HoGlory be to the Fkther

ever, and unto the  ges ofHoly God, * Ho

mns may be sung after  Communion:

y Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.y Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.y Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

and to the Son, 4« and to the Holy Ghost, both now andages.  Amen. Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.y Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

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Hymn  II

It is truly meetpure  Mother of Ourcompare more gloriousGod the Word, thee.

snd right to give praise to thee, Theotokos, ever-blessed, OGod.  O higher in honour than the  Cherubim,  and beyond

than the Seraphim. Who without corruption gave birth toTheotokos, we glorify.rue

The  Post communions

sacred vessels):The Lord b with vou.

to be chanted by the  Celebrant  after  cleansing  the

Then are added

I . And with thy spirit,y. Let us pray. May Thy Sacraments, O God, ever purify and

strengthen us, and lead us to the attainment of everlasting salvation.  Through

Our  Lord  Jesus Christ,  Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unityof  the Holy Ghost, God, through all the  ges of ages.  ^ .  Amen.

y. Let us pray.(Here  are added any special Post communions of  commemoration,

the following  Postcommunions:)

On  Sunday only, the  following  Postcommunion  of the Holy

Trinity  is to be added:

May  the reception of  This Sacrament, O Lord Our God, andthe confession jof the Everlasting  Holy  Trinity,  and of the

Undivided  Unity o the Same, be profitable to our salvation both inbody and soul.

On  Weekaays, the  following  Postcommunion  of the  Holy

Cross replaces the Collect above:

Be Present with us, O Lord  Our God, and grant that thosewhom Thou makust to rejoice in honour of the  Holy Cross may alsobe defended by Its continual aid.

On either Sunday or Weekdays, the Postcommunions continue:Grant,  we  beseech  Thee, O  Lord,  that we who have received  This

Assistance towards our salvation, may be preserved everywhere by herintercession in veneraticm of whom we have presented  This  Oblation to ThyMajesty.

We  have receive , O  Lord,  This  Heavenly Sacrament, celebrating the

memory of the blessed God-Bearer, the ever-Virgin Mary,  and of all Thy Saints;grant, we  beseech  Thee, that  assisted  by their prayers, what we now do in thistransitory life, we may fulfil  in joy everlasting.

(The  following  Postcommunion  for the Church  should be added only if theCelebrant added tne Collect for the Church  among the Collects beforehand:)We beseech Thee, O Lord  Our God, that Thou wilt not suffer  those whom

Thou  makest to rejoice as partakers of Thy Divine Gifts to be subject to anyhuman periL

(Here  may be added up to three more  Postcommunions,  corresponding  tothe  Collects  the Celebrant  added beforehand, so  that the total number ofPostcommunions  is an odd number not exceeding seven. ThePostcommunions a -e then concluded as follows:)Through  (the Same) Our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  Thy Son, Who liveth and

reigneth with Thee, in th<; unity of the Holy Ghost, God,y.  Through all the  ges of ages.  I /.  Amen.

hehe Final  Prayer OverThe Celebrant theny. Let us pray.The Deacon (or Prf

y. Bow downThe Celebrant theny.  Grant  unto

gracious mercy, so that,from  the onslaughts broijightWho liveth and reignethall the  ges of ages.  I .


adds a Final  Prayer  over the people by chanting:

est, if there be no Deacon) then chants:heads before God.

concludes the prayer as  follows:

Merciful  God, to pray with fervant  souls for Thyhaving  been absolved of our sins, we may be rescued

by sin.  Through  Our Lord  Jesus  Christ,  Thy Son,with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through



l s

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The  Dismissal:

y The Lord be with you.On Sundays onlyf .  Go ye, MassBut on Weekdays

W.  Let us bless

The Pontifical  Blessing:

y O God, ThbuThy  Church  from manypeople may be preservedredeemed. F .  Amen.

y. And maystserve Thee together In dtvout

y.  That,  filletinflamed  with the loveof  this age, arrive at the

y.  Which  maywithout end, unto the

y. May the BlessingHoly  lii) Ghost, and His


And with thy spirit.the Dismissal  is concluded thusly:

is ended. I . Thanks be to God.the Dismissal  is concluded  as  follows:

the Lord.  1 Thanks be to God.

That  didst deign to gather  together  the members ofnations to be in One Body, we  beseech  Thee that this

by  Thy Majesty, by Whose Blood they have been

Thou  make them, who had once  been freed from sin, tolove. ly.  Amen,

with the grace of the  Holy  Ghost, they may be sof  Thy Holy  Name, so much may they, after the passingeternal inheritance, l^.  Amen.

He  deign to grant. Whose  Kingdom  and Power remainof ages.  F .  Amen.

of  God, the Fa- *) ther, and the * Son, and thePeace, remain with you always. F .  Amen.

The Blessing  and  Distribution  of the Blessed Bread:The  Celebrant  thzn silently recites the Last  Gospel  John 1:1- 14), and

then chants the Blessing  ?/ the Bread Antidoron):

y. Blessed be he Name of the Lord.  I .  From  this time forth, now.

and for evermore.The Lord be with you.Let  us pray.

bless  the five  loaves inhealth both of body andof  the Holy Ghost. 1 .

accept a piece of the b,the  Monastic  Office

are welcome  to join with

F^ And with thy spirit.Bless, O  Lord,  this creature of bread as  Thou didst

the wilderness, that all who partake thereof may receivesoul. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, andAmen.

All  present may now approach  the Rood Screen to kiss the Cross  and / or

essed bread. There then  follows  the Hour  of  Sext  fromAfter  this, the Mass and  Office  are concluded, and allthe Clergy  and Monastics  in the monastery parlor.

On  WednesdayReadings are to be used:

or, if it be not  possible,  on Thursday, the  following

he First Epistle of blessed Paul the Apostle, to Timothy:But  we know that the law is good, if a man use it

The  Epistle:

Reading fromDearly  beloved:

lawfully;Knowing  this, thbt the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the

for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane,

for murderers of fatherk and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,For  whoremongers, for them that defile  themselves  with mankind, for

menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing thatis contrary to sound dodtrine;

According  to t e glorious Gospel of the Blessed God, which wascommitted to my trust.

And  I thank  ChHst  Jesus  Our Lord,  Who hath enabled me, for that Hecounted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;

Who  was beforeobtained mercy, because

a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious; but II did it ignorantly in unbelief.

And  the grace  ot  Our Lord  was exceeding abundant with  Faith and Love

which is in Christ Jesus

Or the  following

1 Tim. 1: 8 - 24)  F . Thanks be to God.

nay be used in place of the  above:

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The Epistle  as kept at  Hereford):

A Reading from the Epistle of  blessed Paul the Apostle, to the Colosians:Brethren:  We  give  thanks to God and the Father of Our  Lord  Jesus

Christ, praying always for you.Since we heard of your Faith  in Christ  Jesus, and of the Love Which ye

have to all the Saints,

For the hope whici is  laid up for you in Heaven, whereof ye heard beforein the Word of the Truth of the Gospel;

Which is come untp you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it

doth also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in Truth;As  ye  also learned of Epaphras our dear fellowservant, who is for you a

Faithful  minister of Christ;

Who also declared unto us Your Love in the Spirit.

For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray foryou,  and to desire that te might be filled with the knowledge of His Will  in allWisdom and spiritual understanding;

That ye might walk worthy of the  Lord  unto all pleasing, being fruitful inevery good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious Power, unto allpatience and longsufferin;; with joyfulness;

Giving  thanks unto the Father, Which hath made us meet to be partakersof the inheritance of the Saints in Light;

Who  hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translatedus into the Kingdom of His Dear Son;

In  Whom  we have redemption through His Blood, even the forgiveness of

sins;Who is the Image n the Invisible God, the Firstborn of every creature;

For  by Him wereEarth,  visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones, or Dominions, orPrincipalities, or Powers;

And  He is beforeHead  of the Body, the

all  things created, that are in Heaven, and that are in

all things were created by Him, and for Him;

all things, and by Him all things consist. And He is the

J Church;  Who is the Beginning, the  Firstborn  from thedead; that in all things He might have the pre-eminence,  Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Col. 1: 3 - 18)  ly. Thanks be to God.

Or the following  may be used in place of the above:

The Epistle  as kept at Bee):Reading from the  First  Epistle of  blessed  Paul  the Apostle, to the


Brethren:  Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom

of  God?  Be not deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, noreffeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.

Nor  thieves,  nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners,shall inherit the Kingdom of God.

And  such were some of you; but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, butye are justified in the Na T ie of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of Our God.

ll  things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient; all things

are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.Meats for the beUy, and the belly for meats; but God shall destroy both it

and  them. Now the bodfy is not for fornication, but for the  Lord; and the  Lord

for the body.And  God hath both raised up the  Lord,  and will also raise up us by His

Own Power.Know ye not that

Flee fornication,

that committeth1 Cor. 6: 9 - 14) ^ .

Shall  Iharlot?


your  bodies are the Members of  Christ?

take the Members of  Christ,  and make them the m.embers of anforbid.

What?  Know  ye not that he which is joined to an harlot Is one body?For two, saith He, shall be one flesh.

But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he

fornication  sinneth against his own body.Thanks be to God.

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The Gospel:

f .  The Lord  with you. 1y. The Holy GF^.  Glory be toAt  that time: It

And with thy spirit.)spel according to Luke.

Thee, O Lord.

came to pass, that on one of  those days, as Jesus taughtthe people in the Temple, and preached the  Gospel,  the  Chief  Priests and theScribes came upon Him with the Elders,

And  spake unto IHim, saving, "Tel us, by what authoritv doest Thou these

things? Or Who is He That gave Thee this authority?"And  He answered and said unto them, "I will  also ask you one thing; and

answer Me;

ohn, was it from Heaven, or of men?"ed with themselves, saying, "If we shall say,  'From

y then believed ye him not?'ay,  'Of men,' al the people  will  stone  us; for they bea Prophet."

that they could not tell whence it was.

"The baptism ofAnd  they reaso

Heaven,' He will say, '"But  and if we

persuaded that John waAnd they answer

The Lord be

1 .  Glory be toAt


shalt not forswear thysel

And  Jesus said unto them, "Neither tell I you by what authority I do thesethings."  {Luke 20: 1-8)  I . Praise be to Thee, O Christ.

Or the following  may be used in place of the above:

The Gospel {as kept at Bee):with you. And with thy spirit.

The Holy Gqspel according to Matthew.Thee, O Lord.

At that time: Jesilis saith unto His disciples:

"Again,  ye have  Fieard  that it hath been said by them of old time,  'Thou

r, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths;'"But  I say unto ^ou, 'Swear not at all; neither by Heaven; for It is God's


'Nor by the  Earth; for it is His Footstool; neither by Jerusalem; for it isthe City of the Great Kinjg.

'Neither shall thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one

hair white or black.'But let your communication be, "Yea, yea; Nay, nay;" for whatsoever ismore than these cometh cf evil.'

"Ye have heard that it hath been said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth fora tooth;'

"But  I say unto you,  'That  ye resist not evil; but whosoever shall smitethee on thy right cheek, tiirn to him the other also.

'And if any man  will  sue  thee  at the law, and take away thy goat, lethim have thy cloak also.

'And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.  Give

to him that asketh  thee, and from  him that would borrow of  thee turn not thouaway.' "  Mat. 5: 33 - 42)  F Praise be to Thee, O Christ.

On Friday,  the fo  lowing  Readings are to be used:

The Epistle  as kept at  Hereford :

A  Reading from theDearly  beloved: For

we can  carry  nothing outcontent.

But  they that will

foolish and hurtful  lusts,love of money is the rooerred  from  the  Faith, an^thou,  O man of God, fleFaith,  love, patience, mee

First Epistle of blessed Paul the Apostle, to Timothy:

we brought nothing into this  worid,  and it is certainAnd  having food and raiment let us be therewith

be  rich  fall  into temptation and a snare, and into manywhich drown men in destruction and perdition. For the

of  all evil; which while some coveted after, they havepierced  themselves through with many sorrows. But

these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness,ness.

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Fight  the good fialso called, and hastthee  charge in the SighJesus, Who before  Pon i

this commandmentJesus Christ;

Which in His timesthe King of kings, and

Who  only hathapproach unto;

Whom  no maneverlasting.  Amen,  f 1

ght of  Faith,  lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou artprofessed a good profession before many witnesses.  I give

of  God, Who quickeneth all things, and before  Christ

ius Pilate witnessed a good confession:  That  thou keepwithout spot, unrebukable,  until  the appearing of Our Lord

He  shall shew, Who is the Blessed and Only  Potentate,of  lords;

immortality,  dwelling in the  Light Which  no man canLord

hath  seen,  nor can see: to  Whom  be honour and power6  7 16)  I . Thanks be to God.im.

The Gospel  as kept at  Hereford):

y. The Lord be with you. i^. And with thy spirit,y. The Holv Gospel according to Matthew.I .  Glory be to Thee, O Lord.

At that time: Jesps saith unto His disciples:

and  His disciples were come to  Capernaum,  they thatcame to Peter, and said, Doth not  Your  Master pay

And  when Jesusreceived tribute moneytribute?

He  saith, Yes. And  when he was come into the house, Jesus preventedhim.  Saying, What thihkest thou, Simon? Of whom do the kings of the  Earth

take custom or tribute? Of their own children, or of strangers?Peter saith unto Him,  Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him,  Then are the

children free.lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast

an  hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast openedhis mouth, thou shalt  find  a piece of money; that take, and give unto them forMe and thee. Mat. 17- 23 - 26) ^ .  Praise be to Thee, O Christ.
