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161214 SI2 ON-Demand

Date post: 15-Apr-2017
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1 d Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions LEVERAGING SERVICES TO WIN IN INDUSTRIAL MARKETS Rapid problem solving, insights and support for Service Leaders by Service Leaders – in remote deep dive sessions

1Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions


Rapid problem solving, insights and support for Service Leaders by Service Leaders – in remote deep dive sessions

2Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions

When you need it, we help you find answers and solve problems

Are we grasping the service opportunity? What do we need to change? Investment?

How to organise to avoid tensions with product units? Should our service strategy be independent of product units?

What’s the strategy of our competitors? Are they performing better than us? How do their offerings compare to ours

Why aren’t our advanced service offerings gaining tractions? Are we misreading customers? What’s driving buyer demand?

How to support our products globally without enough critical mass in many markets? How to expand our service network? How to deal with local low cost competitors

How to get channel partners to collaborate for better sales success with major accounts? What’s the best way to integrate channel partners into digitized service offerings?

How to best organize global multi-level product support? Should field service mngt be centralized or decentralized? Should we use field service as a sales channel?

Right pricing service contracts for market penetration? Right pricing spare parts? Should we be selling spare parts or spare parts services? How to deal with third party competitors?

How to price to reflect risk? Can we price to reflect value in competitive situations?

What are our strategic options for IoT based service platforms? What capabilities do we need? Where do we find the people? How can we train our organization? How do we integrate into our current offerings?

What are the critical touch-points in customer journeys for advanced services?

How can we make our proposal more competitive and overcome buyer’s resistance?

With new business models, how will our cost structures and risks change? What people do we need? What’s the best way to find them? How do we manage the transition?

3Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions

Get things done when you don’t have the resources or skills

Generate business plans for investments; Analyse pros and cons; Risk assessments; Create investment narrative and justification

Scout market for acquisition candidates; Assessments and evaluations

Support Due Dilligence in acquisition processes: Strategic, operationa, technical and financial assessments; Risk appraisals, quantification

Competitive analysis by service business line in local, regional and global markets; Understand and evaluate market potential

Propose how to enter a new market (rough, detailed)

Develop installed base maps and assess revenue potential (short term, long term)

Develop detailed customer profiles, buyer behaviour, sales potential and customer shares

Competitive benchmarking studies (limited, expanded)

Develop and implement spare parts pricing models and methods. Eg ABC analysis

Facilitate change management, strategy and transformation work- shops; Coaching teams to business objectives; Training development

Develop, configure service metrics, KPIs and services management accounting framework

Business Intelligence and Analysis (Newsletter): Competitive; technology; Customers; Regulations

With new business models, how will our cost structures and risks change? What people do we need? What’s the best way to find them? How do we manage the transition?

Support design of new offerings (Design Thinking)

Support development of large bids, projects or contracts:

• Opportunity development• Bid strategy• Configure, Price, Quote• Contract development and

risk assessment• Negotiations

4Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions

How ON-Demand works

Purchase ON-Demand

Interact with experts

Resolution and

ReportReview Value

Track activit



Insights & SolutionsEasy to accessFast response

Value for moneyHi controlLow risk

5Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions

Outside-In Insights… …New perspectives

Flexible capacity… ...Fast answers Validate thinking... …Confident in results

Solve problems… …More productive

Contain costs… …Reduce your risks

Define your needs… …Be in charge

WIN with

6Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions

Integrate into you every day workflow

“An outside-In perspective by an Si2 Expert allowed me to see for myself how my parts revenue growth and profitability problem was really due to a poor internal transfer pricing policy. This enabled my to quickly take action and to contribute to the 5% revenue increase I needed to make my plan this year ”Business Development Manager – National Service Division, Global Industrial OEM

“With support from Si2 On-Demand, we were able to deliver an investment proposal and business plan in a third of the time and a fraction of the effort it would have taken us to do internally. This was only possible because the Si2 Expert understood our business, was very experienced and so was able to articulate our ideas accurately. Si2 On-Demand helped us deliver a more compelling argument at a fraction of the real cost! ”Innovation Manager – Payment Services Provider

“By gaining new perspectives from Si2 Experts having a 1 on 1 with another Si2 client with similar challenges, I realised I had to change the scope of my business in order to have a viable future. I was able to push my organisation and now we are developing support for a completely new product line which could develop in excess of $10million/year Regional Service Director – Global Automation OEM

“In almost real time, I was able to quickly gain information and insight about how to tackle a new market opportunity. No need to waste time or create a big project”Regional Vice President – Global Maintenance Solutions provider

“We used Si2 On-Demand to brainstorm bid strategy on a major contract opportunity, develop a comprehensive customer profile and robust sales arguments. We were shortlisted and the Si2 Expert supported the negotiations and contract development process and helped us understand and remedy risks. We closed on the deal with much more confidence” Global Business Unit Manager – Major Engineering Services Provider

7Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions

On-Demand AdvisoryLeverage Deep SmartsGet new ideasValidate your thinkingSpar and LearnSolve ProblemsTypically 1-2hrs remote sessions

On-Demand SupportExtended Workbench when you don’t have Resources Time or Knowhow

to do in-house.

Insight PlatformVirtual ecosystem of Practitioners Consultants Experts, and a Library of resources

We are building the strongest Expert resource in the market today!

A fresh new approach to unlocking management insight

8Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions

Contain your CostsAccess Deep Smarts know-how and expertise: As you need it, when you need it and just as much as you need –from anywhere in the world

Reduce your need for expensive consulting projects and additional in-house resources, while levelling the playing field or getting ahead of your competitors. Grasp opportunities and generate new business faster. And don’t forget: We’re a variable cost resource

You’re in ChargeThink of us as your resource: responsive, fast, highly experienced, knowledgeable, and very productive With Si2 ON-Demand you’re in charge of finding your own solutions – We help exactly as much as you need, not more or less

Work ProductivelyWork more productively with a nudge from us in the right direction. Let us help you understand the problem and formulate a solution – don’t reinvent the wheel and avoid mistakes others have made

Get new insights and analysis that are hard to find about customers, services, products, markets or technologies in any geography. Develop new business, sales and service channels and find potential partners

Validate ThinkingValidate your information and ideas through Outside-In perspectives: Better understand new opportunities and threats; Develop strategies, business models or new offerings. Think through new organisational designs, decide on a path to service transformation or how to go about digitizing and marketing your offerings and solutions

New Insights

“ON-Demand” Advisory Benefits

Part of your TeamThink of us as an additional cost effective resource for your team, even as part of your team, but only when you need us

Deep Smarts Know-How

9Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions

• Draft a business plan• Develop arguments for an investment decision• Monitor and report on competitive moves• Market and customer research• Market segmentation and price analysis• Evaluate customer buying behaviors

Virtual extended workbench for business development and other activities - that you need to get done, but don‘t have time, resources or knowhow to do in-house

Responsive and FastGet the work done as you need it, when you need it: High responsiveness, rapid turn-around and premium quality. Our experienced analysts speak your language and understand your business

Think of us as an additional flexible and very productive resource for your team. We are there when you need us: We can rapidly scale and multi-task and we‘re gone when you don‘t.

Fixed pricingFixed pricing (as much as possible):and we guarantee the quality of our work


“ON-Demand” Support Benefits

• Help validate or test new offerings• Support in commercial or technical due dilligence• Help design a complex bid• Risk assessments• Evaluate impact of new regulations• Identify potential partners or acquisition candidates

10Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions


Light Team Enterprise

Dedicated Advisor ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ON Demand Advisory & Support

2 credits

10 credits



Access Analyst & Research Resources ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔Number of Users 1 Unlimite



dPricing Call for pricing

Advisory:1 credit = 1 hourSupport: Fixed credits per assignment type Credits valid for 12 months


11Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions

To experience the impact of ON-Demand, sign-up for a free trial at [email protected]

Grasp the opportunity to make better decisions

Try out for free

Determine value

Integrate into every day work

12Rapid Problem Solving, Insights and Support in remote deep dive sessions


+44 208 144 6452

+352 621 215 856

+49 176 30739481

+1 26 7334 0135




[email protected]

