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16.health benefits of grape fruit By Allah Dad Khan

Date post: 09-Aug-2015
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16. Health Benefits of Grape Fruit

By Allah Dad Khan

Grapefruit may not be a miracle weight loss food as touted in some previously popular fad diets, but consuming grapefruit as part of a healthy diet may just give you a little boost. 

Weight loss

According to the American Heart Association, eating higher amounts of a compound found in citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit may lower ischemic stroke risk for women. Those who ate the highest amounts of citrus had a 19 percent lower risk of ischemic stroke than women who consumed the least.5


The powerful nutrient combination of fiber, potassium, lycopene, vitamin C and choline in grapefruit all help to maintain a healthy heart.

One study found that a diet supplemented with fresh red grapefruit positively influences blood lipid levels, especially triglycerides. Researchers concluded that the addition of fresh red grapefruit to the diet could be beneficial for people with atherosclerosis wanting to lower their high lipid levels, especially triglycerides

Blood pressure and heart health

As an excellent source of the strong antioxidant vitamin C as well as other antioxidants, grapefruit can help combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer. Lycopene intake has been linked with a decreased risk of prostate cancer prevention in several studies and foods high in vitamin C and beta-carotene have been shown to lower the risk of esophageal cancer in particular.


Grapefruit, because of its water and fiber content, helps to preventconstipation and promote regularity for a healthy digestive tract.

Digestion and regularity

As one of the most hydrating fruits in the world made up of 91% water (just below watermelon) and full of important electrolytes, grapefruit is a great snack to have on hand to prevent dehydration.


Simply eating two grapefruits a day can prevent and even reverse damage caused by gum disease. A 2005 study published in the British Dental Journal found the daily consumption of grapefruit can reduce gum bleeding for those who suffer from gum disease. The participants in the study also showed an increase in their vitamin C levels, which aids in the repair of gums. Vitamin C, according to Blake, is essential for healthy gums, which helps keep our teeth firmly in place.

Fights Gum Disease

You don’t necessarily have to ingest grapefruit to reap its benefits. The smell of citrus fruit can make a difference on curbing our stress and anxiety levels, and depression. A 1995 study published in theJapanese Journal of Psychopharmacology found citrus fragrance restored stress-induced immunosuppression, and induced calm behavior in mice.

Reduces Stress

Naringenin — known for its bitter taste of grapefruit — has been found to successfully prevent the formation of kidney cysts. According to a report by AlphaGalileo.org, the naturally occurring compound regulates the PKD2 protein that is responsible for the condition. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects not only help prevent the formation of cysts, but also reduce swelling in the kidneys that is caused by fluid retention. Drinking up to a liter of grapefruit juice daily will help reap the greatest benefits in effectively blocking the formation of kidney cysts.

Reduces Kidney Stones Risk

The antioxidant vitamin C, when eaten in its natural form (in fresh produce as opposed to supplement form) or applied topically, can help to fight skin damage caused by the sun and pollution, reduce wrinkles and improve overall skin texture. Vitamin C plays a vital role in the formation of collagen, the main support system of skin. Hydration and vitamin A are also crucial for healthy looking skin, both of which grapefruits can provide


The risks for developing asthma are lower in people who consume a high amount of certain nutrients. One of these nutrients is vitamin C, found in many fruits and vegetables including grapefruit

Asthma prevention

It is well known any fruit rich in vitamin C will strengthen and support our immune system. Vitamin C works with other micronutrients that provide good and regular nourishment for the body. Micronutrient deficiencies of vitamins A, B6, C, and E have been found to alter immune responses in animals and are thought to have a similar effect on the human immune response

Strengthens Immune System

Grapefruit is a popular diet staple among those looking to lose weight. A high metabolism can continue to burn fat in the body even when it is resting. A 2006 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found people who ate half a grapefruit before each meal, without making any other dietary changes, lost an average of 3 and a half pounds over 12 weeks.

Boosts Metabolism

Loading up on citrus and vitamin C won’t prevent colds, but high doses of C (400 to 500 mg) may shorten the duration and lessen the symptoms. One grapefruit delivers 77 mg of the vitamin.

It helps calm a cold.

Grapefruit is a rich source of flavonoids. The predominant flavonoid in it—hesperidin—is credited with boosting “good” HDL cholesterol and lowering “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Grapefruit is also a good source of fiber, including the soluble fiber that removes cholesterol during digestion. By preventing cholesterol from entering your bloodstream, soluble fiber helps lower the risk of age-related conditions like cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

It protects your ticker.

It The brilliant pink pigment in some grapefruit indicates the presence of lycopene, an antioxidant that combats the body’s cell aging triggered by harmful free radicals. Lycopene may also help lower your risk of several kinds of cancer, including prostate, colon and lung

battles aging.

Sore throats and coughs are often symptoms of an attack of cold which usually ails people with weak immune system. Frequent bouts of violent cough often result in sore throats and itchy throats.

Cures sore Throats and Coughs

Atherosclerosis is a condition of the arteries which is marked by  accumulation of fat, cholesterol and other compounds in the inner lining of arteries.

The accumulation of these deposits is harmful for the flow of blood to the other parts of the body from the heart and transportation of oxygen to the heart itself. This condition also makes the arteries inflexible due to the plaque. If this condition remains undiagnosed for long then, it can lead to fatality.

Prevents Atherosclerosis

The juice of grapefruit is extremely rich in vitamin C and potassium. It can, therefore, be beneficially used as a medicine in scanty urination caused by liver, kidney and heart disorders.

It can help in flushing out the impurities in the blood and optimizes kidney and bladder function

Scanty Urination 

A fever is again your body’s indication that it is facing fatigue and needs to relax. Drinking plenty of grapefruit juice actually relieves you of the high temperature your body is in when you are having a fever.

Cures you from fatigue and fever

Insomnia is a disorder that involves lack of sleep at night times. People suffering from insomnia try all possible ways to induce sleep, but without any positive results from it.

Helps with Insomnia
