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(16th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY...

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1 (16th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ————— “QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWERS AND THEIR REPLIES” to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on Monday, the 1st December, 2014 91. *Ms. Belum Hasnain: Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state whether it is a fact that a new population census is mandatory for carrying out the delimitation of constituencies for the Local Government Elections; if not the reasons thereof? Minister for Parliamentary Affairs: Under the provisions of the existing law and the Constitution, the conduct of Population Census is not mandatory for the purpose of Delimitation of Local Government Elections. However, it would be appropriate if the Delimitation is carried out after the conduct of fresh Population Census due to heavy demographic changes since 1998, when the last Population Census was carried out. 92. *Ms. Belum Hasnain: Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that NHA has sought Expression of lntersets (EO1s) from the construction firms to extend Islamabad-Murree Dual Carriageway to Kohala and connect it with Muzaffarabad Expressway, if so, the present status of implementation thereof; (b) the time by which the tenders will be invited and the feasibility study will be completed; and (c) the expected time by which the work on the said project will be initiated alongwith the estimated cost thereof?
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(16th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Monday, the 1st December, 2014

91. *Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state whetherit is a fact that a new population census is mandatory for carryingout the delimitation of constituencies for the Local GovernmentElections; if not the reasons thereof?

Minister for Parliamentary Affairs: Under the provisions of the existinglaw and the Constitution, the conduct of Population Census is not mandatory forthe purpose of Delimitation of Local Government Elections. However, it would beappropriate if the Delimitation is carried out after the conduct of fresh PopulationCensus due to heavy demographic changes since 1998, when the last PopulationCensus was carried out.

92. *Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that NHA has sought Expression of lntersets(EO1s) from the construction firms to extend Islamabad-MurreeDual Carriageway to Kohala and connect it with MuzaffarabadExpressway, if so, the present status of implementation thereof;

(b) the time by which the tenders will be invited and the feasibilitystudy will be completed; and

(c) the expected time by which the work on the said project will beinitiated alongwith the estimated cost thereof?

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Minister for Communications: (a) NHA has invited Expression ofInterests (EoIs) for conducting feasibility study and design of the subject project.The proposals are being evaluated and are in the process of finalization. Formalitiesassociated with construction of the project will commence after completion of thefeasibility study.

(b) The timeframe given for completion of feasibility study of the projectand design is four months. Procurement process including tender with initiatedsoon after completion of feasibility study.

(c) The expected time by which the construction work on the said projectwill be initiated alongwith estimated cost will be ascertained after completion offeasibility and design of the project.

93. *Dr. Nafisa Shah:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate the present status of Iran Pakistan Gas Pipe Line Projectalongwith the implications of the termination of the bilateralcooperation agreement with Iran?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): In this regard, meeting with Minister for Petroleum of Iran has been heldon 27-28th October 2014 to discuss way forward on the Project. Iran has shownits willingness to discuss way forward at the Expert Level and Prepare workableimplementation schedule to be incorporated in the Gas Sales and PurchaseAgreement through amendment.

94. *Dr. Nafisa Shah:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the progressmade on the Pak-China Corridor and the Karachi-HyderabadMotorway projects so far?

Minister for Communications:

China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Progress on the proposed China Pakistan Economic Corridor is at differentstages.

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Raikot-Islamabad Section (437 Km) of China-Pak Economic Corridor(CPEC) was jointly identified by Government of China and Pakistan as EarlyHarvest project. Its feasibility Study has been completed.

In Phase-I, only Thakot-Havelian Section (120 Km) will be undertaken.The CDWP has cleared the PC-I of Phase-I amounting to Rs. 95.410 billionsubject to cost rationalization.

Karachi-Hyderabad Motorway

Conversion of existing Karachi-Hyderabad Superhighway into 6-lanemotorway on Built-Operation-Transfer (BOT) basis is an important part ofKarachi-Lahore Motorway (KLM) Project and carries high priority forimplementation.

Current Status Subseuest to Expression of interst (EOI), all bids were evaluatedtechnically and financing and M/s FWO’s Bid was qualified. Letterof intent as well as Leter of support was issued to M/s FWO.Finalization of Concession Agreement Negotiation is inprocess.

95. *Ms. Shazia Mari:

Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased tostate:

(a) the total number of International Conventions on Human Rightssigned by Pakistan so far; and

(b) the details of laws which have been enacted to uphold Pakistan’scommitment under the aforesaid conventions?

Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights: (a) The following8 international human rights conventionshave been ratified by the Governmentof’Pakistan:—

i. Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

ii. International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of RacialDiscrimination.

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iii. Convention on the Rights of Child.

iv. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination againstWomen.

v. International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights.

vi. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

vii Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or DegradingTreatment or Punishment.

viii. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

(b) Significant laws enacted to uphold Pakistan’s commitment under theaforesaid Conventions are as under:

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discriminationagainst Women

— the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2004 (Legislation to addressthe issue of honour killing).

— The Protection of Women (Criminals Laws Amendments) Act, 2006(Legislation regarding Hadood Laws).

— Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2010 (Legislation to address theissue of sexual harassment).

— The Protection Against Harassment of Women at the WorkplaceAct, 2010.

— Criminal Law (Second Amendment Act, 2011 (Commonly knownas acid control and acid crime act)

— Criminal Law (Third Amendment) Act, 2011 (Legislation to bananti women practices).

— Women in Distress and Detention Fund Act, 2011 (Legislation toprovide financial and legal assistance to women in distress anddetention).

— National Commission on the Status of Women Act, 2012.

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— North-West Frontier Province Establishment of a Commission onthe Status of Women Act, 2009.

— Punjab Commission on the Status of Women Act, 2014.

— Punjab Fair Representation of Women Act, 2014.

— Sindh Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act, 2013.

— Balochistan Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act,2014.

— Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Elimination of Custom of Ghag Act, 2013(Ghag is a custom under which women are forced to marry withouttheir Consent)

— Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Ombudsman Act, 2010.

— Establishment of office of Ombudsman for the Province of Sindh(Amendment) Act, 2012.

— Punjab Protection of Women against Harassment at the WorkplaceAct, 2012.

— Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Enforcement of Women ownership Act, 2012.

Convention on the Rights of Child

— Juvenile Justice System (Amendment) Ordinance, 2000.

— Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2012.

— Balochistan Protection and Promotion of Breast Feeding and ChildNutrition Act, 2014.

— Punjab Destitute and Neglected Children, Act 2004.

— Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Protection and Welfare Act 2010.

— Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Deserving Widows and Special PersonsFoundation Act, 2014.

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— The Sindh Child Protection Authority Act, 2011.

— Sindh Child Marriage Restraint, Act, 2013.

Convention aginst Torture

— The Investigation for Fair Trial Act, 2013.

International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights

— Right to Information Act, 2013 in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Convention against Torture, International Covenant on Civil &Political Rights International Convention on the Elimination of AllForms of Racial Discrimination

— National Commission for Human Rights Act, 2012.

96. *Ms. Shazia Mari:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) the district wise schedule of gas load shedding in each provinceduring winter; and

(b) the steps taken by the Government to control the gasloadshedding during winter?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a) The gas utility companies do not have district-wise gas loadmanagement schedule. However, following gas load management schedule isintended to be followed;

——————————————————————————————CNG sector Industrial Sector(curtailment days) (curtailment days)

—————————————————————————————————————Punjab 7 days/week 7 days/weekSindh 3 days/week 1 day/weekKhyber Pakhtunkhwa No curtailmentBalochistan No curtailment—————————————————————————————————————

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It is further apprised that there is no gas load management in domestic andcommercial sectors.

(b) Government of Pakistan is taking following steps to overcome theshortage of sui gas in the country.

(i) Enhancement of indigenous gas production.(ii) Import of LNG(iii) Import of gas from Iran.(iv) Import of gas from Turkmenistan(v) Promotion of LPG air mix.

97. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether is it is a fact that Pakistan and Iran are consideringsome options other rather than the Pak-Iran Gas PipelineProject;

(b) if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): Work on the Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline Project is still continuing and thecontractual arrangement with Iran in this regard is also still valid. The modus operandito implement to Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline Project is under negotiations, however, inorder to cooperate in other areas of petroleum, both the governments continue todiscuss different avenues available in the light of international sanctions.

98. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether is it is a fact that huge reservoirs of gold have beendiscovered in Gilgit-Baltistan in collaboration with USA; if so,when the same were discovered; and

(b) the estimated volume of the said reservoirs?

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Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a) As per reports of concerned organizations (Geological Survey ofPakistan and Government of Gilgit-Baltistan), no gold deposit has been discoveredin Gilgit-Baltistan in collaboration with USA.

99. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the detailof the utilization of toll taxes collected from Motorways and Highwaysin the country during the last two years?

Reply not received.

100. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased tostate the steps being taken by the Government to provide expeditiousand inexpensive justice to the people in the country?

Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights : The Government ofPakistan launched Access to Justice Program (AJP.) in 2001 with the financialassistance from Asian Development Bank.

This program aimed at introducing a number of Policy, legal and institutionalreforms to provide speedy and inexpensive ,justice to common man. Details ofreforms and future plans under AJP as follows.

1. The AJP has contributed considerably in improving the infrastructurefacilities and working environment for the justice sector. The schemeslaunched by AJP are a milestone in the history of development workfor the justice sector throughout the country. It includes constructionof 485 Court rooms and 714 residences for Subordinate Judiciary,34 judicial Complexes, 111 Public Amenities for improvedenvironment for justice seeker, 39 Police stations, 48 Barracks inExisting ,Jails and 09 new jails.

2. To improve efficiency judiciary has also been provided InformationTechnology equipment and infrastructure, It includes provision of2554 computers, 55 Laptops, 1016 Printers, 253 Scanners, 720UPS, 91 LCD Screens, 107 Typewriters and 329 Air Conditioners,6681 law books lo various implementing agencies IncludingSubordinate judiciary.

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3. A number of initiatives have been taken to enhance capacity ofImplementing Agencies. Enhancement of Management InformationSystem et Supreme Court of Pakistan, Automation of Law and JusticeCommission of Pakistan , Automation of Federal Shariat Court,Islamabad, Development of M/S software for Federal Ombudsman,Data Entry Digitalization of Complaints Record of Wafaqi MohtasibSecretariat, Strengthening and Streamlining of Sindh OmbudsmanOffice, Website for Punjab Ombudsman, Establishment of UrduTranslation Units in, Law Departments, Trial through videoconferencing between Central Jail and District Judiciary at Lahore,Automation of Prosecution Department, Punjab and PrisonsManagement information System in Balochistan are the initiativesunder AJP.

4. 394 Additional Positions for Subordinate Judiciary of KPK alongwith 1447 posts of allied staff were created and funded by AJK inKPK judiciary during, 2002-2005.

5. More then 100 training courses were conducted under the projecttitled “Capacity Building of Federal Judicial Academy, Islamabad”for judicial officers of subordinate judiciary.

6. Computer Orientation Training was imparted to 2000 judicial Officersof Subordinate Judiciary.

7. Booklets, pamphlets and brochures in the shape of Frequently AskedQuestions on 227 legal topics were prepared and disseminated atDistrict and Tehsil level through subordinate Judiciary along with otherconcerned stake holders for public awareness of masses.

8. A statutory endowment of Rs. 1479 million as an initial grant toestablish the Access to justice Development Fund (AJDF) wasprovided to law and Justice Commission of Pakistan, to addresschronic under-resourcing of justice sector, create court infrastructureand capacity building of Subordinate judiciary in under developedregions, provides for legal aid, improvement in quality of legaleducation and judicial trainings.

9. Public Information Kiosks (PIKs) setup in majority of district courts.

10. The High Courts issued and strictly enforced guidelines on reducingdelays and brought improvements in process serving systems and

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procedures. Dedicated benches were set-up for commercial casesin Sindh High Court. Lahore.

11. To reduce court case load, effective utilization of the avenues ofAlternative Dispute Resolution offered by law has been advocated.Two courses, one on family laws related ADR for 24 Judges andanother on Mediation techniques for another 24 Judges-cum-Magistrates were launched at. Karachi Centre for Dispute Resolution,The amendments to CPC (Sec 89-A) were intended to operationalizeADR mechanisms for speedy and inexpensive justice.

12. Small Claims and Minor Offences Courts were established for speedyand inexpensive justice related to small claims.

13. To enhance accountability of the district & sessions courts (lowerjudiciary) and to effectively keep a watch on their performance, HighCourts have institutionalized a monitoring system through inspectionjudges as well as Members Inspection Team (MIT),

14. AJP organized over 100 training events that included workshops,seminars associating foreign experts where possible to introduce bestinternational practices in order to build capacity for efficient and citizenoriented judicial service delivery.

15. Enactment/amendments in certain laws such as Family laws(Amendments) Ordinance, 2002, Code of Criminal Procedures(Amendment) Ordinance 2002, Local Government Ordinance(Punjab) Section 102 to 106-Anjuman Musalihat, Code of CivilProcedures (Amendment) Sec 89-A, Small Claims and MinorOffences Ordinance, 2002, Police Order 2002, Consumer ProtectionLaws, 2005/2006 and Freedom of Information Ordinance, 2002.

Future Plans

Having achieved considerable success in introducing the policy, legal andinstitutional reforms, the AJP now intends to focus on ensuring that these measuresresult in the desired impact on delivery of services. The following future initiativesare contemplated to ensure that the AJP reforms lead to a visible difference on theaccess to legal services by the common citizens.

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Pro-Poor Legislation

1. The AJP has been instrumental in facilitating legislation that hasimpacted the poor and the vulnerable as discussed above. All lawsand regulations need to be carefully reviewed to ensure that they donot contain any disabling clauses or provisions that discourage theaccessing of justice sector services by the poor. An example is thecourt fee structure that has not been rationalized overtime and leansheavily in favor of the rich.

2. Establishment of Help line for free legal advice.

3. Construction of Court Complexes at Quetta and Karachi to House.all Federal Courts at one location,

4. Automation of District Judiciary of Islamabad.

5. Establishment of Data Center at Islamabad High Court.

6. Automation of Federal Courts at. Islamabad.

101. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the time bywhich the construction work on Motorway from Faisalabad to Multanwill be completed?

Minister for Communications: Construction of Faisalabad-MultanMotorway, 241 Km is being financed by Asian Development Bank (ADB) andIslamic Development Bank (IDB) respectively as per approval of PC-Is fromECNEC. For implementation purpose, the project was divided into following fourpackages. Present status of each section is as under:————————————————————————————————

Sections Funding Status Expected Agency completion

————————————————————————————————I ADB through 85% works

Faisalabad-Gojra Loan # 2400 completed DecemberSection(58 Km) under National 2014

Trade CorridorHighwayInvestmentProgram(INTCHIP)

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————————————————————————————————Sections Funding Status Expected

Agency completion————————————————————————————————

II ADB under LandGojra-Shorkot. NTCHIP, acquisitionSection (62 Km) Tranche-IV under process

& financingIII request will be

Shorkot-Abdul made to ADB DecemberHakim Section early next 2017(20 Km) year. Expected

start date isJune 2015

IV IDB 60% works SeptemberKhanewal- completed. 2015Multan Section (57 Km)————————————————————————————————Package-IV

• Khanewal-Multan Section• Length 57 Km• Project Cost Rs. 12.9 billion• Funded by IDB (94%)• Contractor M/ s EKO-KRC• Commencement Dec 02, 2011• Completion Dec 01, 2014• Revised completion Sep 01, 2015• Physical progress 56%• Financial progress So far Rs.6850.08 million has

been spent which isapproximately 53% of Contractamout

This section is expected to be completed by Sep. 2015.102. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the percentage of work on Motorway from Lahore to Multancompleted so far; and

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(b) the estimated date of completion and the expected time by whichit will be completed?

Minister for Communications: (a) For the time being the LandAcquisition for Lahore to Multan, being a part of Karachi Lahore Motorway(KLM) project is in progress on Fast track. Meanwhile the bids for undertakingproject on BOT basis are being evaluated.

(b) The procurement process is underway and NHA is targeting tocomplete this section by end of 2017.

103. *Ms. Shahnaz Saleem Malik

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Government has decided to allowCNG sector to import LNG; and

(b) whether the interests of thousands of workers of CNG Stationshave been protected under this arrangement; if so, the detailsthereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a) Yes.

(b) The Business of CNG stations is privately run by the individuals /companies at their own commercial considerations. Therefore, the station ownersopting for import of LNG, for sustained gas supply, at their cost and risk areresponsible to protect the interest of their workers. This will be automaticallyprotected once the stations will start operating at its full capacity.

104. *Ms. Shahnaz Saleem Malik:

Will the Minister for Defence Production be pleased to state:

(a) whether the arms manufacturing factories administered by theMinistry are facing power shortage;

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(b) if so, whether our renown scientists have provided the alternatepower system i.e. Solar Energy, etc. to the said factories; if not,the reasons thereof?

Reply not received.

105. *Ms. Aisha Syed:

Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased tostate the expenditures incurred to prevent the Human Rights violationsin the country alongwith the detail of expenditures incured on theHuman Rights Departments?

Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights : Expenditure incurredto prevent the Human Rights (HR) violations in the country falls in two categories.Firstly, the provincial expenditure as provinces have their own HR Departmentsfor which each province is having its own budget. Secondly, at the federal level,expenditure includes overall (administrative and activity inclusive) expenditure beingincurred by the Human Rights Wing at Ministry of Law, justice and Human Rightsand four HR offices established in the Provincial Headquarters (i.e. Lahore, Karachi,Peshawar and Quetta). All these federal offices are funded through the FederalBudget.

Overall expenditure of the Human Rights related establishments andactivities at the federal level is as under:—

—————————————————————————————————————Financial Year Budget Allocated Expenditures

—————————————————————————————————————2011-12 261672,443 247 879,782

2012-13 240804,000 239,204,614

2013-14 281,407,000 235,396,543

2014-15 334,147,000 Upto September, 2014(i.e. 1st Quarter)

39, 447 ,977—————————————————————————————————————

The detail of expenditures incurred on the Human Rights offices (at Federallevel for last four years) is at Annex.

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106. *Ms. Aisha Syed:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state the special stepstaken by the Government for the families affected by terrorism anddrone attacks in FATA during the last two year?

Transferred to States and Frontier Regions Division for answer on NextRota Day.

107. *S.A. Iqbal Qadri:

Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Government has established theNational Commission for Human Rights as required under theNational Commission for Human Rights Act. 2012 (No XVI of2012);

(b) if not the time by which such commission will be constituted?

Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights : (a) The establishmentof National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) is in process, as requiredunder the National Commission for Human Rights Act, 2012 (No. XVI of 2012).

(b) The Honorable Prime Minister in consultation with the Leader of theOpposition forwarded three names for each post of Chairperson, Member(Minority), Member (Punjab), Member (Sindh), and Member (KPK) to theParliamentary Committee on appointment of Chairperson and Members NCHRon 10th July, 2014 for hearing and confirmation of any one person for each post.The Parliamentary Committee interviewed the nominees in its 4th and 5th meetingsheld on 22" and 23rd October, 2014.The appointment of the Chairperson andMembers NCHR will be notified after procedural requirements in due course oftime.

108. *Dr. Nikhat Shakeel Khan:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the construction work on the M-9 projectstarted in 2014 if so, the current status thereof; and

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(b) the time by which the said project will be completed alongwiththe details of total expenditure incurred or to be incurred on thesaid project?

Minister for Communications :(a) The construction work has not startedon Karachi-Hyderabad Motorway (M-9) in 2014. NHA advertised the projecton 7th August, 2013 for soliciting Expression of Interest on BOT basis. Letter ofsupport has been issued to FWO. The construction work is expected to start inearly 2015 subject to the achievement of financial close by the Concessionaire.

(b) The project is expected to complete in 2017. Estimated/plannedproject cost is Rs. 44.281 billion. No Government funding is involved.

109 *Mr. Sufyan Yousuf:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is a proposal under consideration of theGovernment to launch new Housing Scheme for the employeesin the near future; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that such scheme was launched by theMinistry which has not been completed; if so, the reasons thereof?

Reply not received.

110. *Mr. Sufyan Yousuf:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the date by which the expansion/up-gradation project of KaraKuram Highway was launched; and

(b) the time by which the said project will be completed alongwiththe names of the cities to be benefited therefrom?

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Minister for Communications : (a) The commencement date of theproject “Improvement of Karakorum Highwãy N-35 (Raikot-Khunjerab) 335Km” was Ist July, 2007.

(b) The project has been substantially completed. The cities/towns whichhave benefited by the project are Raikot, Gilgit, Danuore, Aliabad, Gulmit, Passu,Khaiber, Sust and Khunjerab.

111. *Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the public vehicles have been sold to theemployees of OGDCL at less price during the last five years;

(b) the total number of said vehicles alongwith the percentage ofreduction in price made thereon; and

(c) the market price of those vehicles at that time and the price onwhich said vehicles were sold/provided alongwith the names ofemployees thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a) Entitled officers were allowed to purchase vehicles allocated to themafter 05 years of use under buy-back option in accordance with Company’s Policyduly approved by the company’s Board of Directors.

(b) 171 vehicles were sold to the entitled officers @ 10% of the originalcost of the vehicles during the last five years in accordance with the Company’sPolicy.

(c) Market price was not considered at the time of sale of the vehicles toentitled officers under buy back Option. Names of the employes who exercisedby-back option are shown in the list exhibited at Annex-I.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

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112. *Mr. Imran Zafar Leghari:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) the names of countries/companies with home the Governmentof Pakistan is negotiating for the import of LNG; and

(b) the terms and conditions alongwith rate of price fixed for theimport of LNG?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a) The Government of Pakistan has designated Pakistan State OilCompany Limited (PSOCL) to negotiate import of LNG with Qatar LiquefiedGas Company L imited (QLGCL-3), nominated by State of Qatar. Similarnegotiations are also being initiated with PETRONAS, Malaysia.

(b) The terms and conditions are being negotiated between PSOCLand QLGCL-3. The price and terms and conditions are still to be finalized.113. *Mr. Imran Zafar Leghari:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:(a) the year-wise quantity of POL products being imported by the

Ministry and its attached departments/organizations; and

(b) the quantity of the said products being imported/shipped throughPakistani and foreign ships/tankers separately?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a) There is only one public sector company under the administrativecontrol of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources namely Pakistan StateOil Company Limited that has imported following quantities of POL productsduring last two financial years:—

(000 Tons)——————————————————————————————

Year Total imports——————————————————————————————

2012-13 10,8152013-14 10,739

——————————————————————————————(b) The detail is given as under:


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Year Through ThroughPakistani

——————————————————————————————Foreign shhips Ships (PNSC)

——————————————————————————————2012-13 7,357 3,4582013-14 2,937 7,802


114. *Ms. Asyia Naz Tanoli:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) the rate at which the prices of LPG decreased during the year2013-14; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to control the pricesat cylinder shops at district or tehsil level?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a) As per LPG (Production & Distribution) Policy Guidelines, 2013,LPG producer and consumer prices are being determined by market forces, beinga deregulated activity and GoP/ OGRA has no role in fixing/ notifying the same.The LPG Prices of domestic cylinder of 11.8 kg fluctuated from Rs. 1375 in July2013 to Rs. 1406 in December 2013 and reduced to Rs. 1134/- in June 2014.

(b) This Ministry has submitted a draft LPG Policy 2014 to Council ofCommon interest (CCI), proposing to regulate the LPG prices to ensure availabilityof LPG to domestic consumers at fixed rate throughout the year.

Under the existing Policy 2013, OGRA taking following steps to controlthe prices;

i. LPG market is monitored by OGRA and frequent visits are made toinspect LPG storage and filling plants of different companies to assessthe actual price of LPG charged by them as compared to the monthlypublished price.

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ii. In case of overcharging, the respective marketing company ispenalized/ served with a show cause notice to explain its position.Subsequently in case of non satisfactory reply, the companies arepenalized in exercise of powers conferred under rule 29 of LPG(Production & Distribution) Rules, 2001.

iii. Recently OGRA imposed penalties on 17 LPG marketing companieson this account.

iv. To control the LPG consumer prices at district/ tehsil level, OGRAfrom time to time involves local administration/district Governments.

115. *Ms. Asyia Naz Tanoli:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to start Four Countries Gas Pipe Line project;

(b) if so, the names of countries included therein alongwith the timeby which work will be started on the said project?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a)&(b) The Turkmenistan—Afghanistan—Pakistan—India (TAPI) GasPipeline Project is being actively pursued by the Govt. of Pakistan. The TAPIcountries have finalized their contractual arrangement (Gas Sales and PurchaseAgreements) with the Govt. of Turkmenistan. The TAPI countries have also jointlyappointed Asian Development Bank as the Transaction Advisor to selectConsortium Leader for the Project and prepare necessary documentation andnegotiate investment agreements. After the selection of Consortium Leader andachieving the financial close, actual field work on the project will be started. It isexpected that the Consortium Leader will be on board in 2015. The technicalstudies for the finalization of route and feasibility study are being conducted by theTransaction Advisor.

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116. *Mr. Abdul Qahar Khan Wadan:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that tenders have been invited for theconstruction of 70KM road from district Zhob to Mughal Coat;

(b) the number of companies which gave tender for construction ofthe said road;

(c) the name of successful company to construct the same;

(d) the total amount allocated for the construction of the said roadalongwith the time by which the said road will be completed;and

(e) the total number of bridges to be constructed on the said road?

Minister for Communications: (a) Bids have not yet been invited. Thedraft bidding documents of the project were sent to ADB on 12th August 2014for their review and concurrence. ADB has forwarded certain observation whichhave been addressed. Invitation for tender shall immediately be advertised afterADB concurrence is received.

(b) Not applicable

(c) Not applicable

( d) The total estimated cost of the project is Rs.6788.808 billion and itwould be completed in 3 years after the award of work. An allocation of Rs.1500million has been made against Global PC-1 of the project in PSDP 2014-15.

(e) Four bridges are planned to be constructed in the Zhob Mughal Kotsection of N-50.

117. *Syed Waseem Hussain:

Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased tostate the steps being taken by the Government to facilitate the lowincome justice seeker/commonmen under Access to Justiceprogramme?

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Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights : The Government ofPakistan launched Access to Justice Program (AJP.) in 2001 with the financialassistance from Asian Development Bank.

This program aimed at introducing a number of Policy, legal and institutionalreforms to provide speedy and inexpensive justice to common man. Details ofreforms and future plans under AJP as follows.

1. The AJP has contributed considerably in improving the infrastructurefacilities and working environment for the justice sector. The schemeslaunched by AJP are a milestone in the history of development workfor the justice sector throughout the country. It includes constructionof 485 Court rooms and 714 residences for Subordinate Judiciary,34 judicial Complexes, 111 Public Amenities for improvedenvironment for justice seeker, 39 Police stations, 48 Barracks inExisting , Jails and 09 new jails.

2. To improve efficiency judiciary has also been provided InformationTechnology equipment and infrastructure, It includes provision of2554 computers, 55 Laptops, 1016 Printers, 253 Scanners, 720UPS, 91 LCD Screens, 107 Typewriters and 329 Air Conditioners,6681 law books lo various implementing agencies includingsubordinate judiciary.

3. A number of initiatives have been token to enhance capacity ofImplementing Agencies. Enhancement of Management InformationSystem at Supreme Court of Pakistan, Automation of Law and JusticeCommission of Pakistan , Automation of Federal Shariat Court,Islamabad, Development of M/S software for Federal Ombudsman,Data Entry Digitalization of Complaints Record of Wafaqi MohtasibSecretariat, Strengthening and Streamlining of Sindh OmbudsmanOffice, Website for Punjab Ombudsman. , Establishment of UrduTranslation Units in Law Departments, Trial through videoconferencing between Central Jail and District Judiciary at Lahore,Automation of Prosecution Department, Punjab and PrisonsManagement information System in Balochistan are the initiativesunder AJP.

4. 394 Additional Positions for Subordinate Judiciary of KPK alongwith1447 posts of allied staff were created and funded by AJP in KPKjudiciary during, 2002-2005.

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5. More then 100 training courses were conducted under the projecttitled “Capacity Building of Federal Judicial Academy, Islamabad”for judicial officers of subordinate judiciary.

6. Computer Orientation Training was imparted to 2000 judicial Officersof Subordinate Judiciary.

7. Booklets, pamphlets and brochures in the shape of Frequently AskedQuestions on 227 legal topics were prepared and disseminated atDistrict and Tehsil level through subordinate Judiciary along with otherconcerned stake holders for public awareness of masses.

8. A statutory endowment of Rs. 1479 million as an initial grant toestablish the Access to justice Development Fund (AJDF) wasprovided to law and Justice Commission of Pakistan, to addresschronic under-resourcing of justice sector, create court infrastructureand capacity, building of Subordinate judiciary in under developedregions, provides for legal aid, improvement in quality of legaleducation and judicial trainings.

9. Public Information Kiosks (PIKs) setup in majority of district courts.

10. The High Courts issued and strictly enforced guidelines on reducingdelays and brought improvements in process serving systems andprocedures. Dedicated benches were set-up for commercial easesin Sindh High Court, Lahore.

11. To reduce court case load, effective utilization of the avenues ofAlternative Dispute Resolution offered by law has been advocated.Two courses, one on family laws related ADR for 24 Judges andanother on Mediation techniques for another 24 Judges-cum-Magistrates were launched at Karachi Center for Dispute Resolution.The amendments to CPC (Sec 89-A) were intended to operationalizeADR mechanisms for speedy and inexpensive justice.

12. Small Claims and Minor Offences Courts were established for speedyand inexpensive justice related to small claims.

13. To enhance accountability of the district & sessions courts (lowerjudiciary) and to effectively keep a watch on their performance, HighCourts have institutionalized a monitoring system through inspectionjudges as well as Members Inspection Team (MIT),

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14. AJP organized over 100 training events that included workshops,seminars, associating foreign experts where possible to introducebest international practices in order to build capacity for efficient andcitizen oriented judicial, service delivery.

15. Enactment/amendments in certain laws such as Family laws(Amendments) Ordinance, 2002, Code of Criminal Procedures(Amendment) Ordinance 2002, Local Government Ordinance(Punjab) Section 102 to 106-Anjuman Musalihat, Code of CivilProcedures (Amendment) see 89-A, Small Claims and MinorOffences Ordinance, 2002, Police Order 2002,Consumer ProtectionLaws, 2005/2006 and Freedom of Information Ordinance, 2002.

Future Plans

Having achieved considerable success in introducing the policy, legal and institutionalreforms, the AJP now intends to focus on ensuring that these measures result in thedesired impact on delivery of services. The following future initiatives arecontemplated to ensure that the AJP reforms lead to a visible difference on theAccess to legal services by the common citizens,

Pro-Poor Legislation

1. The AJP has been instrumental in facilitating legislation that hasimpacted the poor and the vulnerable as discussed above. All lawsand regulations need to be carefully reviewed to ensure that they donot contain any disabling clauses or provisions that discourage theaccessing of justice sector services by the poor. An example is thecourt fee structure that has not been rationalized overtime and leansheavily in favor of the rich.

2. Establishment of Help line for free legal advice.

3. Construction of Court Complexes at Quetta and Karachi to Houseall Federal Courts at one location.

4. Automation of District Judiciary of Islamabad,

5. Establishment of Data Center at Islamabad High Court.

6. Atomation of Federal Courts at Islamabad.

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118. *Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) the total quantity of minerals exported to the foreign countriesso far; and

(b) the name of the minerals and countries thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): Mineral export figures and destination countries of significant exportsfor the year 2013-14, as per report of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, are given inAnnexure-I.

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119. *Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of projects of expressways started by theMinistry during the last two years;

(b) the locations of said expressways, present status alongwith theamount allocated for those projects so far?

Minister for Communications: (a) Nil.

(b) Not applicable

120. *Mr. Abdul Majeed Khan:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Rawalpindi-Lahore Motorway hascompleted its life span; if so, the time by which its reconstructionwork will to be started; and

(b) the total amount which will be required for its reconstruction?

Minister for Communications: (a) Rawalpindi - Lahore Motorway;formally known as Lahore - Islamabad Motorway (M-2) was opened for trafficin November 1997 and its functional design life was completed in 2007.

The contract for the Overlay and Modernization of M-2 has been awardedto FWO on BOT Basis and construction works are expected to commence inDecember 2014.

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(b) The Overlay and Modernization of M-2 will be carried out on BuiltOperate Transfer basis due to which NO EXPENDITURE on construction,maintenance and operations will be incurred to Government Exchequer. Theconcessionaire (FWO) will reconstruct M-2 at its own cost of Rs. 46.01 Billion.

ISLAMABAD: MOHAMMAD RIAZ,The 30th Novembr 2014. Secretary.

PCPPI—1352 (2014) NA—29-10-2014—650.

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(16th Session)




For Monday, the 1st December, 2014

167. Ms. Shaista Pervaiz:(Deferred during 4th Session)

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) the names, qualification and relevant experience of theGovernment officers nominated for various Boards of Directorsof companies and organizations working under the Ministryduring the period from 1-3-2008 till date; and

(b) the date-wise details of meetings attended by each one of themalongwith the remunerations received for each meeting duringthe said period?

Reply not received.

10. Ms. Munaza Hassan:(Deferred during 7th Session)

Will the Minister for Defence Production be pleased to refer to StarredQuestion No.24 replied on 16-9-2013 and to state:

(a) the name of those automatic arms in which 20% to 75% increasehas been made during the year 2013-14; and

(b) the authorities/agencies which will use the said arms?

Reply not received.

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13 Sahibzada Tariq Ullah:(Deferred during 9th Session)

Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased tostate:

(a) the total number of cases of mismanagement, irregularities andcorruption detected/registered in the Government departmentsand disposed of by each High Court including the IslamabadHigh Court during the last five years till date alongwith thedetails thereof; and

(b) the total number of cases pending in each High Court at present?

Reply not received.

142. Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub:(Deferred during 9th Session)

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) the name, designations and domicile of persons appointed inthe Ministry, SNGPL, SSGPL and OGDCL on regular, contractand daily wages basis during the last five years; and

(b) the names of persons appointed in the Ministry on deputationbasis during the said period alongwith the salaries, allowancesand other fringe benefits admissible to them?

Reply not received.

47. Shaikh Rohale Asghar:(Deferred during 14th Session)

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate the grade-wise incentives/facilities other than salary beingprovided to the employees of Sui Gas at present?

Reply not received.

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35. Ms. Shazia Mari:

Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of Bills passed by the Parliament from May2013 till date;

(b) the total number of bills were tabled by the Government as wellas by private members separately; and

(c) the total number of bills were referred to the standing committeesalongwith details thereof?

Minister for Parliamentary Affairs: (a) 11.

(b). A: SENATE

(i) Government Bills : 04

(ii) Private Members : 20——————————————————————————————

Total: 24——————————————————————————————


(i) Government Bills : 18(ii) Private Members : 62

—————————————————————————————— Total: 80

——————————————————————————————(c) A: SENATE

24 (04 Government Bills and 20 Private Members Bills) all were referredto the concerned Standing Committees (Annex-I).


80 (18 Government Bills and 62 Private Members Bills) all were referredto the concerned Standing Committees (Annex-II).

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

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36. Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate whether it is a fact that steps are being taken by the Governmentto discover new Mineral resources in the country?

Reply not received.

37. S.A. Iqbal Qadari:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state the number of personsbelonging to Karachi and Hyderabad recruited in the Military Landand Cantonment Department during the year 2012-13 on permanentas well as contract basis separately?

Reply not received.

38. Dr. Fozia Hameed:

Will the Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights be pleased tostate whether it is a fact that due to insufficient space in jails, womenare becoming victim of various types of skin and other diseases; ifso, the steps being taken by the Government in this regard?

Reply not received.

39. Mr. Abdul Waseem:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) the period for which the present Sui gas reserves are sufficientto meet the domestic requirement in the country; and

(b) the year-wise quantity of new oil and gas reserves discovered inBalochistan during the last five years till date?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a) Present reserves of natural gas i.e. 23.64 TCF are sufficient foraround sixteen years at present rate of production i.e. 3,987 MMCFD.

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(b) Two discoveries of gas have been made in Balochistan during lastfive years namely Zin X1 and Zin SML-1. Both discoveries are located in districtDera Bugti.

40. Mr. Abdul Waseem:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that at present the daily demand of naturalgas is more than its supply in the country; if so, the steps beingtaken by the Government to meet the deficiency thereof; and

(b) the time by which the load shedding of natural gas and weeklyclosure of CNG Stations will be controlled?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a) Yes, Government is taking following steps to meet the gap betweendemand and supply of natural gas.

(i) Enhancement of indigenous gas production.(ii) Import of LNG.(iii) Import of gas from Iran.(iv) Import of gas from Turkmenistan.(v) Promotion of LPG air mix.

(b) Government is planning to import LNG & natural gas to reduce loadshedding. Besides Government has also given incentives to increase gas production.

41. Ms. Shagufta Jumani:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that Engro has been given contract ofLiquefied Natural Gas LNG terminal service;

(b) if the answer to (a) above is in affirmative, the terms andconditions thereof?

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Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a) Yes, it is a fact that Engro Elengy Terminal (Pvt) Limited (EETL) hasbeen given contract to provide LNG terminal services.

(b) Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGCL) and Engro ElengyTerminal (Private) Limited (EETL) have signed an agreement whereby EETL woulddevelop an LNG import terminal. The contract was awarded through an opentendering process. EETL scope includes construction of jetty & other marinestructures, dredging in the terminal basin, storage and re-gasification of LNG onFloating Storage and Regasification Unit, and laying of pipeline upto SSGC’sexisting pipeline network. The terminal capacity will be 400 MMCFD and contractperiod is 15 years. Terminal will start operation in March 2015. Finalized terminalfee is 66 cents per MMBtu.

42. Ms. Asyia Naz Tanoli:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the number of pensioners of Pakistan Post receiving pension inthe country; and

(b) the number of Post Offices functioning in the country at presentalongwith the number of employees rendering services therein;and

(c) the steps being taken by the Government to build Pakistan Poston modern lines?

Reply not received.

43. Syed Asif Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Science and Technology be pleased to state:

(a) the number of persons recruited in all the institutions workingunder the Ministry during the last five years;

(b) whether the provincial quota and merit was observed therein?

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Minister for Science and Technology: (a) & (b) (1) The requisiteinformation of the following organizations working under MOST is attached asAnnexure-“A”.

i. National Institute of Oceanography (N IO).ii. Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)iii. STEDEC Technology Commercialization Corporation of Pakistan.iv. Pakistan Councilof Renewable Energy Technology, (PCRET)v. Centre for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB)vi. Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF)vii. Pakistan Council for Science & Technology (PCST).viii. Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, (PCRWR).ix. Pakistan Standardand Quality Control Authority (PSQCA).x. Council for Works and Housing Research, (CWHR).xi. Pakistan National Accreditation Council, (PNAC)xii. Pakistan Council of Scientific & industrial Research (PCSIR).xiii. National Institute of Electronics (NIE).xiv. Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC).xv. National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST).xvi. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT).

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

44. Syed Asif Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate the number of persons recruited in the departments workingunder the Ministry during the last five years alongwith the provinceand merit-wise detail thereof?

Reply not received.

45. Sahibzada Tariq Ullah:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the names,parentage, designation, educational qualifications and place ofdomicile of the persons with disabilities appointed in BPS 1 to 20 onregular, contract and daily wages basis in said Division during the

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period from 1st January, 2008 to 1st May 2012, alongwith the detailsof present job status each of employees thereof?

Reply not received.

46. Sahibzada Tariq Ullah:

Will the Minister for Defence Production be pleased to state the names,parentage, designation, educational qualifications and place ofdomicile of the persons with disabilities appointed in BPS 1 to 20 onregular, contract and daily wages basis in said Division during theperiod from 1st January, 2008 to 1st May 2012, alongwith the detailsof present job status of each of employees thereof?

Reply not received.

47. Choudhry Muhammad Shahbaz Babar:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of cases of thefts/dacoities, committed in thePost Offices in the country during the last five years alongwiththe losses suffered by the Pakistan Post therefrom;

(b) the steps taken by the Government to prevent such cases; and

(c) whether any arrangements of security have been made in thisregard?

Minister for Communications: (a) Total number of cases of theft/docaities in Post Offices occurred during the last five years is 252, envolving anamount of Rs. 92.902 million. The incidents include cases which took place at thePost Offices as well as during transmission of cash to and from other Post Officesand Banks.

(b) Cash is conveyed amongst Post Offices as per approved standardoperting procedure. Armed guards accompany cash transmission vans. Guardsare also posted at the treasuries, Postal counters. Moreover, GPOs/ Head Officesand other important Post Offices are also “guarded” at night.

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(c) Armed guards have been hired for cash transit routes for GPO's/Head Offices and other offices, mostly in big cities. However, due to shortage offunds, the department could not cover all the routes and Post Offices in smalltowns.

48. Ms. Shazia Mari:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate:

(a) the total number of oil and gas companies operating in thecountry at present; and

(b) the profit earned and tax paid by each of the said companyduring the last five years with year-wise break-up thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): (a) Presently, thirty one (31) companies dealing with exploration andproduction of oil and gas are operating in the country, Annexure-I

(b) Tax collection is the domain of FBR therefore, the matter has beenreferred to them.


List of exploration and production companies operating in Pakistan——————————————————————————————S. No. Name of Company Origin——————————————————————————————

1 Al-Haj Enterprises Pa kistan2 BHP Petroleum (Pakistan) Pvt Limited Australia3 United Energy Pakistan Limited China4 China ZhenHua Oil Co. Ltd. China5 Eni Pakistan Limited Italy6 Heritage Oil & Gas Limited Canada7 Hycarbex Inc. USA8 MOL Pakistan Oil & Gas Co. B.V Hungary9 Nativus Resources Ltd. British Virgin Islands

10 OMV Maurice Energy Limited Austria——————————————————————————————

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11 OMV (Pakistan) Exploration GmbH Austria12 Ocean Pakistan Limited Bahamas13 PAIGE Limited Bahamas14 Petronas Carigali (Pakistan) Ltd Malaysia15 Polish Oil & Gas Company Poland16 Pyramid Petroleum Pakistan Inc. Canada17 Tallahasse Resources Inc. Canada18 Tullow Pakistan (Developments) Ltd. Ireland19 Pakistan Petroleum Limited Pakistan20 Pakistan Oilfields Limited Pakistan21 Oil & Gas Development Company Limited Pakistan22 Mari Petroleum Company Limited Pakistan23 Petroleum Exploration (Pvt) Limited Pakistan24 New Horizon Exploration & Production Limited Pakistan25 Spud Energy Limited Australia26 Saif Energy Limited Pakistan27 Dewan Petroleum Limited Pakistan28 Oil & Gas Investments Limited Pakistan29 RDC International (Pvt) Limited Pakistan30 Techno Petroleum (Pvt) Limited Pakistan31 Kirthar Pakistan B.V. Kuwait


49. Alhaj Shah Jee Gul Afridi:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state whether it is a factthat the land of Army Camp situated in Landi Kotal, Khyber Agencytaken on lease was transferred with proprietary rights?

Minister For Defence: Land at Landi Kotal Garrison was requisitionedfor Defence use as back as 1937. The land has not been transferred to anyonewith proprietary rights.

——————————————————————————————S. No. Name of Company Origin——————————————————————————————

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50. Alhaj Shah Jee Gul Afridi:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased tostate whether it is a fact that the President of Pakistan has directedto supply sui gas to FATA; if so, the percentage of work executed onthe said project so far?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid KhaqanAbbasi): SNGPL has received a directive on 18-02-2014 for provision of gas toFATA.

Surveys of different agencies of FATA has been carried out in consultationwith the FATA Secretariat and cost estimates based on unit construction cost forfiscal year 2014-15 are as follows:—

F.R. Kohat, F.R. Peshawar = Rs. 3278.127 million& Khyber Agency

Bajour Agency = Rs. 2401.047 million

Muhamnad Agency = Rs. 2279.987 million

Lower Orakzai Agency = Rs. 1924.918 million

Comprehensive programme is being checked out by the SNGPL inconsultation with FATA Secretariat for necessary security in order to carry outsurvey of remaining areas. No funds have been released so far supply of gas toFATA.

ISLAMABAD: MOHAMMAD RIAZ,The 30th November, 2014. Secretary.

PCPPI—1352(2014) NA(US)—29-11-2014—650.
