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171705_Presentation by Douglas McClure on Al Quaeda

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Presentation by Douglas McClure on Al Qaeda – a Brief Overview – 1 st delivered November 2004 and updated since Rest assured that nothing in international relations is ever clear cut and straightforward and very little of what you think you see and understand, is actually what it portends to be. Sir Winston Churchill once described the USSR as an enigma within a conundrum inside a puzzle. He might just as well have been talking about international affairs. But let us start at the beginning or at least try to find the beginning. What follows would make a great Frederick Forsyth or Tom Clancy novel! In the words of Dick Clark, from his book “Against All Enemies”, and writing as retired Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs, adviser to two US Presidents, Al-Qaeda is a worldwide political conspiracy masquerading as a religious sect. It engages in the murder of innocent people to grab attention. Its goal is a 14 th Century style theocracy in which women have no rights, everyone is forced to be a Muslim, and the Sharia legal system is used to cut off hands and stone people to death. It also uses a global banking network and financial system to support its activities. These people are smart and they are patient. Many of them trained in American and British universities and they take a very long term view. They think that it may take them a century to accomplish their goals, one of which is the destruction of the USA. They have good spy trade craft, they employ sleeper cells and front groups and plan for years before acting. They constitute the number one enemy in the Western world and they are amongst us in the US, the UK and even South Africa. Terrorism as a strategic instrument is nothing new. It makes for strange allies and curious bedfellows. As
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Presentation by Douglas McClure on Al Qaeda – a Brief Overview – 1st delivered November 2004 and updated since

Rest assured that nothing in international relations is ever clear cut and straightforward and very little of what you think you see and understand, is actually what it portends to be. Sir Winston Churchill once described the USSR as an enigma within a conundrum inside a puzzle. He might just as well have been talking about international affairs.

But let us start at the beginning or at least try to find the beginning. What follows would make a great Frederick Forsyth or Tom Clancy novel!

In the words of Dick Clark, from his book “Against All Enemies”, and writing as retired Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs, adviser to two US Presidents, Al-Qaeda is a worldwide political conspiracy masquerading as a religious sect. It engages in the murder of innocent people to grab attention. Its goal is a 14th Century style theocracy in which women have no rights, everyone is forced to be a Muslim, and the Sharia legal system is used to cut off hands and stone people to death. It also uses a global banking network and financial system to support its activities. These people are smart and they are patient. Many of them trained in American and British universities and they take a very long term view. They think that it may take them a century to accomplish their goals, one of which is the destruction of the USA. They have good spy trade craft, they employ sleeper cells and front groups and plan for years before acting.

They constitute the number one enemy in the Western world and they are amongst us in the US, the UK and even South Africa.

Terrorism as a strategic instrument is nothing new. It makes for strange allies and curious bedfellows. As Christopher Story writes in the July 2004 edition of Soviet Analyst terrorism was used by the Chaldeans, Syrians, Moabites and Ammonites against the satrap King of Judah, Jehoaikim, who was subject to King Nebuchadezzar of Babylon in 623 BC. It was deployed by the Jews against the Romans, until Rome became so incensed that it smashed Jerusalem to the ground, razed its Temples and brutally slaughtered a huge number of the city’s inhabitants utterly in AD 70, as had been predicted by Jesus Christ.

The American revolutionaries of 1776 used it successfully against the British as did the Jewish terrorists operating in Palestine following WWII. At the time in 1945-47 these atrocities and guerilla actions against an exhausted British mandated government in the region met with little or no condemnation from Washington and much tacit support culminating in the British withdrawal from Palestine and the founding of the contemporary state of Israel. Modern Islam has neither forgotten nor forgiven Washington for this. For years Israel was the predominant US ally in the Middle East but as British influence waned and following Britain’s withdrawal from east of Suez policy under Labour Prime Minister James Harold Wilson, the US moved in to fill the void seeking new Arab allies and bases.

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Under the Reagan administration US foreign policy in the Middle East required the support of an immense and powerfully oil rich Arab state for the promulgation by proxy not only of US hydrocarbon interests in the region but endorsement for covert operations round the world. Saudi Arabia, as a monarchy without the constitutional restraints that burdened the US intelligence community offered enormous flexibility to help the Reagan administration execute covert operations prohibited by a watchful and interventionist US Congress.

But Saudi Arabia came with certain disadvantages. In the first place, the Kingdom was an artificially contrived country, created not by its Arab citizens, but invented by the British under the 1920 League of Nations mandate and given real substance in 1932 when Britain carved up vast tracts of war-lord dominated real estate in Arabia. It was imagined at the time that these would be nation states devoid of the complex historical, cultural and tribal realities of the Middle East. Instead of establishing European style nation states, the strongest war lords quickly entrenched themselves with the aid of standing armies and spy networks. In much of the Middle East fealty is often given to tribal overlords and the Islamic sects they favour, rather than to the territory and people within the boundaries of the nation state. As Jonathan Rabin succinctly defines the reality, past and present of the sheikdoms: “The systems of government that have evolved in…Saudi Arabia are paranoid family dictatorships with ancestral roots in a single city or village.” At Riyadh in 1902, the desert raider Ibn Saud tossed the head of the town governor from a parapet down to the market place where his followers cheered. Thus was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia founded.

According to David Holden and Richard Johns in their 1982 book “The House of Saud”, which cost David Holden his life, the Kingdom is two thirds the size of India, holds a quarter of the world’s hydrocarbon reserves and has six times more overseas assets than the United States. It is a land of desert unchanged for centuries with wealth and power struggles to make the world tremble, governed by a feudal dynasty riddled with intrigue.

Not long after the controversial AWACs deal was approved by the US Congress, Saudi Prince Bandar thanked the Reagan administration for the vote by honouring a request by CIA Director William Casey, for a deposit of US$10 million in a Vatican bank account to be used in a campaign against the Italian communist party. Implicit in the AWACs deal was a pledge by the Saudis to fund anti-communist guerrilla groups in Afghanistan against the Soviet forces of occupation there, Angola where the Cubans were supporting the MPLA and in Nicaragua against the Sandinistas.

Saudi-American relations quickly became a densely complex web of international military and oil deals, foreign policy demarches, covert operations and compromising financial relationships. Throughout the 1980s the US assisted the Saudis in a giant military build up of airfields, ports and bases across the Kingdom, many of which emanated from construction contracts awarded to the largest construction company in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Binladen Group, belonging to Usama bin Laden’s father.

As the convoluted arrangement of these nefarious, corrupt and inter-related initiatives intensified, the US dialectical opponent, the then USSR, found it easier to exploit and accentuate their own training programme of covert terrorist training and radicalisation of Saudi and other regional structures, building upon the network of corrupted

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transactions arising, inter alia, from Washington’s shifting support, first for the Iranians, and then for the Iraqi regime of their old protégé and hired thug, Saddam Hussein.

Iraq had originally comprised part of the Ottoman Empire. During WWI Britain captured Baghdad from the Turks and Iraq was ruled from London under British mandate until 1932 when the country was granted independence. The country had been established as a monarchy by Britain and thus it stayed until the 1958 revolution which brought the Ba’ath Party to power. A number of coups occurred over the next thirteen years with Saddam Hussein becoming the Head of State in July 1976.

Although later recruited by the Soviets, Saddam was originally hired by the CIA in 1959 at the tender age of 22 to assassinate, once again as in 1947 contrary to British interests, the Iraqi Prime Minister, General Abd al-Qarim Qasim. Over the ensuing two decades the CIA considered Saddam to be a cut-throat and a thug, but at the same time the Agency thought he was their thug – even though he later did deals with the Soviets from whom he had received early terrorist training and who constructed a network of military bases in Iraq to counter the parallel network of US military bases being built in Saudi Arabia inter alia by the CIA front firm – Vinnell Corporation and other massive US contractors. At one stage the CIA’s Baghdad Residency provided Saddam with lists of communists whom he then kindly arranged to be assassinated.

The Iraqi thug began his rule in 1979 with a series of show trials and executions, purging his opponents in a bloody display of maximum terror in order to firmly entrench his otherwise dodgy authority. The idea was nothing new historically.

Englishmen familiar with King Henry VIII will know that their revered sovereign did exactly the same thing before graduating to lopping off the heads of his various unsatisfactory spouses. Indeed, Henry happily slaughtered 67 000 of his subjects while Saddam preferred to keep his military preoccupied by invading south-western Iran ostensibly to prevent the Shi’ite revolution that the Soviets directed from spreading to largely Shi’ite Iraq.

As soon as the Iranian revolution had succeeded the Soviets switched their support to the new Iraqi regime. Hussein found himself backed by the US, much of Europe and Saudi Arabia; the latter, doubtless under US encouragement, donated US$30 billion to finance Saddam’s war against Iran.

The US supported Saddam to protect the Saudis and hence their American hydrocarbon sources. The Defence Intelligence Agency provided Saddam with detailed planning for battles, air strikes, and bomb damage assessments despite repeated Iranian diplomatic presentations at the UN showing horrific photos of incinerated Iranian troops.

Not that the Iranians were themselves morally guiltless. At a later stage in the war they sent 10 000 of their own children onto the battlefield armed with crescent necklaces to be shot or incinerated by sarin, mustard gas, VX and other assorted poisons supplied to Saddam by amongst others the Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Even in 1983 when the Iraqi regime was using chemical weapons against the Iranian military almost daily, Donald Rumsfeld as President Gerald Ford’s Secretary of Defence went to Baghdad as a special Presidential envoy to meet Saddam Hussein. Although he later claimed the talks were designed to induce Hussein to stop using weapons of mass destruction, it is likely that defence contractors with his group went to Iraq to sell yet more chemicals and pave the way for the ‘normalisation’ of US – Iraqi relations. Declassified memorandums of this visit highlight the warm relations between the two countries.

Into this boiling cauldron of compromised relationships, deal-making, nefarious quid pro quos and seething politico-economic pressures stepped the ever observant Soviets in the form of one, Yevgeniy Primakov alias Finkelstein, a curious self-abnegating Jew who allegedly loathes and detests Israel but whose advice is strangely sought by the present US Government in the form of the Department of Homeland Security for their war on terror. Perhaps the idea is not so strange after all – to learn about terror why not consult one of the world’s leading exponents of the art!

Primakov, Gorbachev’s special emissary to Iraq at the height of the first Gulf war, Operation Desert Storm, had visited Saddam and his Revolutionary Command Council and provoked an offer to the UN just prior to the outbreak of full blown hostilities. Saddam might be prepared to consider talking about UN Resolution 660 calling for unconditional withdrawal from Kuwait provided there was a cease-fire, all other UN resolutions against Iraq were summarily dropped, the coalition withdrew its forces and weapons including those of Israel, Israel would withdraw from all occupied territories, and, several other requirements.

The proposal was an affront to the civilized world, but Primakov was playing both sides of the street and doing it badly. If Moscow wanted Iraq out of Kuwait, it meant Saddam had to stay in power, both as a valued arms client, and a surrogate Middle Eastern representative. The diplomatic exchanges continued as Hussein became increasingly desperate to salvage his position, and the Iraqi foreign minister, Tariq Aziz, shuttled bravely back and forth between Baghdad, Moscow and the UN in an increasingly useless but frenetic effort to prevent a military defeat over Kuwait.

Before delving too deeply into that particular hornet’s nest it is worth reflecting on how Al Qaeda originated and its present role in Saudi Arabia. Milton Bearden was the Chief of the Soviet/East European division of the CIA at the time of the collapse of the former USSR. As station chief in Pakistan and later, Khartoum, he trained the Muslim Afghan freedom fighters who encouraged the Russians to leave Kabul. In his book “The Main Enemy”, Bearden describes how the US actively sought Saudi recruits to overthrow the Soviet backed Kabul regime. Thousands of young men volunteered for military training and infiltration into Afghanistan provided by covert US and UK intelligence agencies under the leadership of Milt Bearden to the tune of US$1 billion a year. The US and Saudi Arabia spent roughly US$ 40 billions on the war in Afghanistan in totality, recruiting supplying and training nearly 100 000 radical Mujahedin from 40 Muslim countries including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Algeria and Afghanistan itself. Amongst these was UBL himself.

With CIA funding UBL imported engineers and equipment from his father’s construction group to build tunnels for guerrilla training centres and hospitals, and for

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arms dumps in Afghanistan near the Pakistan border. After the Soviets withdrew from Kabul, the CIA and the Pakistani intelligence agency (ISI) sponsored the Taliban organisation, a government composed of the fanatical Wahhabi sect, the same sect that adheres to the state religion in Saudi Arabia. Although followes of the Wahhabi sect do not refer to themselves as Wahhabis, the label is useful because it applies to a single Muslim group with a set of beliefs peculiar to them alone.

The Saudi sheiks have been Wahhabis since they intermarried with the family of a puritanical Muslim scholar, Mohammed ibu Abd al-Wahhab, in 1774. Supported first by Britain and later the US, they imposed their medieval code on their hapless subjects, making public spectacles of stoning adulterers to death, maiming thieves, beheading opponents, destroying decorated mosques and cemeteries, prohibiting music, sequestering women and promoting war on perceived infidels. Members of the Wahhabist Saudi oligarchy are driven by the sometimes conflicting emotions of power lust and religious fervour. Their support of radical Islamists follows from their ambition to dominate the Muslim world, but their fear that radical Islamists might overthrow the Saudi regime at home motivates them to fund and encourage holy warriors in countries other than their own.

With the collapse of the USSR which caught the CIA completely by surprise according to Bearden to the point where Langley relied on CNN news forecasts to keep the White House up to speed with the changes in Moscow, and its withdrawal from eastern Europe as well as the pull back from Afghanistan, a mighty animus was directed against the West for abandoning the Afghans to their fate. The Taliban fundamentalist Islamic Government came to power in Kabul and the disaffected 50 000 young Afghanis and ‘Arab Afghanis’ began to return. Such human killing machines had been duly radicalised, brainwashed, trained as terrorists and released for re-integration into their communities in Saudi Arabia, Sudan and elsewhere, from where they have been wreaking havoc ever since.

These young men and women were fighting not just communism, as the CIA and Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) had thought, but atheism. They entertained an equally passionate hatred and contempt for Christianity, the West and the USA in particular.

Among them was the febrile, temperamental spoilt offspring of a hugely rich Saudi family, who distributed millions running training camps in the safety of Pakistan, funding refugee hostels, buying and distributing food, blankets and medicines to the other Mujahedin. His name was Usama.

UBL aged 47, is one of 54 children (25 girls, 29 boys). The London Daily Mail reports that 57 children were fathered by Mohammed bin Laden and Time magazine reports only 52 children – with so many offspring it is hardly surprising that there is some confusion. Usama is the 7th child of Mohammed and the eldest is Salem bin Laden, a former Arbusto Energy Inc. associate of George Bush, Snr. Mohammed built a successful Saudi construction firm which eventually made his family millions of dollars via exclusive contracts with the Saudi Royal family.

The links with the Bush family should come as no surprise. Kevin Phillips, a former strategist in the Nixon White House, writing in his 2004 book “American Dynasty”

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underscores the fact that the 20th Century rise to power of the Bush family was built on the five pillars of American global sway: in the international reach of US investment banking; the emerging world preponderance of the US military-industrial complex; the ballooning of the US intelligence community involving the CIA, the National Security Agency, the massive Office of Naval Intelligence and others; the drive for US control and domination of global hydrocarbon (oil) supplies; and, an extraordinarily close alliance with Great Britain and indeed the English speaking community worldwide.

Mohammed bin Laden died in a 1968 plane crash (Salem died the same way years later). He had started the Bin Laden Group, a construction firm which is now called the Saudi Bin Laden Group employing 34 000 people and reporting annual revenues of more than US $ 5 billions. Most of the male bin Ladens have their own ventures including Baud Telecommunications Company (BTC).

UBL inherited $ 80 millions in 1968 upon his father’s death. His Saudi nationality was revoked in 1991. Abdullah bin Laden, 27, UBL’s son, graduated from Harvard Law School in 1994, and endowed $ 5 millions to the university for the study of Islamic law. Abdullah is not to be confused with his uncle of the same name who died on 21 March 2002 aged 75. Saad bin Laden, 25, UBL’s son, is reportedly climbing the ranks of Al Qaeda’s network.

Shafiq bin Laden was in conference with George Bush Snr., James Baker and others for a meeting of the Carlyle (private sector intelligence and investment) Group, when hijackers hit New York and Washington DC. Some of UBL’s other brothers in the news include Bakr bin Laden, Ibrahim bin Laden, 57, and Yeslam bin Laden, 59.

The latter toyed with the idea of marketing a bin Laden clothing line, but Switzerland’s intellectual property revoked the trademark “bin Laden”, following 911. Yeslam, a film buff for the past forty years, now concentrates on the film industry. One of UBL’s younger brothers, Adbullah bin Laden, 38, along with Omar bin Laden, leads a youth organisation, World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) devoted to humanitarian and relief work in the Muslim world.

The bin Laden family is generally lauded in the Middle East as a highly respectable family with tremendous wealth and political connections to every industrialised nation on earth. Curiously, it is strange but true that in the aftermath of 11 September 2001 when Washington grounded all US based aircraft within hours of the attacks including stranding President Bush’s presidential father, permission was granted to fly all 27 members of the bin Laden family out of the United States as soon as the air travel flight restrictions were lifted!

As for UBL, he sought recognition as a great warrior like the famous Afghan resistance fighter Ahmad Shah Massoud, but in fact he was only involved in one scrap, in late spring 1987 and that was it. Milton Bearden dismissed him at the time as a spoilt brat but the CIA station chief should have tagged him and watched him carefully.

Washington ignored warnings not to abandon Afghanistan to its civil war after the defeat of the tough and brilliant Soviet operator in Kabul, General Gromov, but the

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euphoria as the Berlin Wall came down led to a conviction that with the USSR collapsing into chaos, the former Soviet satellites breaking westwards for freedom and world communism dead in the water, the last and final threats to the world’s greatest superpower were evaporating like mist before the rising sun.

Meanwhile having signally failed in his bid to conquer Iran, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, this time jeopardising both British and American hydrocarbon interests. Thatcher and Bush responded in kind and within 48 hours the first USAF F-15 eagles and RAF Tornados were heading for the US base at Thumrait in Oman.

A young Saudi also back from Afghanistan claiming to be the leader of a group of guerrilla fighters and an organisation calling itself ‘The Base’ offered his services to King Fahd in the defence of Saudi Arabia but his gesture was dismissed with contempt in favour of half a million soldiers and airmen from a coalition of 50 nations to roll the Iraqi army out of Kuwait and protect the Saudi oil fields. 90% of those soldiers and airmen were infidels, meaning Christians and their boots marched upon the same soil as the Holy places of Mecca and Medina. Almost 400 000 were Americans.

For the zealot this was an insult to Allah and his prophet Muhammed which could not be tolerated. He declared his own private war, firstly against the ruling Royal House of Saud that could do such a thing. More importantly, UBL declared war on America and the West in general, and he began to plan with a meticulousness and care that would have done justice to a NASA space programme.

At the same time the thirteen US intelligence agencies costing the American taxpayer US$30 billions a year entered a period of crisis. Power had passed to President William Bill Clinton and both the CIA and the FBI, entered the worst decade of their twin existences. During what should have been their hour of victory after four decades of struggle against the USSR both outfits suffered serious crises of leadership, morale and unprecedented incompetence .The new masters worshipped a new God – political correctness. The lingering scandals of Irangate and the illicit aid to the Nicaraguan Contras caused the new masters a crisis of nerve. Good men left in droves.

Bureaucrats and bean-counters became chiefs of departments. Men with decades of front-line experience were disregarded and discarded. CIA field operatives and agent handlers were forbidden to recruit as paid assets or informers any sources in suspect organisations known to be responsible for murder, criminal activities or any form of illegitimate and prosecutable conduct. Such constraints made the penetration of sinister groups virtually impossible. The handiwork of Senator Frank Church’s CIA investigating Committee in the 1970s and Congressman Otis Pike was coming home to roost.

On 26th February 1993 four Arab terrorists, led by one Ramzi Yousef, drove a rented van into the second level of the basement vehicle park below the World Trade Centre. It contained between 12 and 15 hundred pounds of home-made fertilizer based explosive called urea nitrate. It detonated with a spectacular explosion, caused extensive damage and a few casualties. No one in Washington realised that it constituted the equivalent of the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand which had started World War I.

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According to Simon Reeve in his 1999 book “The New Jackals” the FBI discovered that Yousef had been funded by UBL and an extraordinary manhunt took FBI agents across the globe. But even with the FBI on his trail Yousef continued with a masterful campaign of terror. He bombed an aeroplane and an Iranian shrine. He tried to murder Benazir Bhutto, the former Pakistani Prime Minister, and planned to assassinate the Pope and President Clinton, and simultaneously destroy 11 airliners over the Pacific ocean using tiny, undetectable bombs. He also plotted an attack on the CIA headquarters at Langley in Virginia, using a plane loaded with chemical weapons. His pursuers dubbed him an evil genius.

UBL was expelled from Saudi Arabia for his impertinence in denouncing the monarch for permitting infidels onto sacred sand. He took refuge in Sudan where the government of the day offered to hand him over to the CIA but no one at Langley either cared or was interested. Then in 1996 he was gone, flown out incredibly via a US Hercules C-130 cargo aircraft, back to the hills of Afghanistan to work with the ultra zealous Taliban.

By the late 1990s the FBI were coming to the conclusion that they had made a terrible mistake in allowing UBL to leave Sudan. He was the most influential sponsor of terrorism in the world. In February 1998 UBL assembled a number of terrorist groups, including Islamic Jihad, and issued a fierce fatwa calling for the deaths of all Americans. When his followers attacked American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on 7th August 1998 killing 224 people, the US finally launched cruise missile strikes in a febrile attempt to destroy his highly mobile secret organisation. The nest might have been damaged but the bird had flown.

On August 20th 1998 President Clinton amended Executive Order 12947 to add UBL and his key associates to the list of known terrorists, thereby freezing their US assets, including properties and bank accounts, and prohibiting all US financial transactions with them. The US conducted a missile attack against UBL’s facilities in Afghanistan in the same year.

UBL quickly used his business expertise and contacts with Turkish officials and the Sicilian Mafia to expand the Afghan drug trade. His teams took over the opium fields, established sophisticated chemical laboratories and upgraded the Afghan drug product line from lower grade Number Three heroin (which could only be smoked or snorted) to higher grade Number Four heroin – which could be mainlined into the veins and which is worth a hundred times more than Number Three. UBL used Turkish technology, equipment and chemists from the former USSR. Within months the facilities were up and running and were swiftly capable of producing 5 000 metric tons of heroin per year – making UBL the world’s largest supplier of the new international drug of choice. By 1997 the poppy harvest in Afghanistan soared to 3 276 metric tons of raw opium, and revenues began pouring in to the coffers of Al Qaeda at a rate of US$ 5 billions to US$ 16 billions per annum.

By 1998 the US National Household Survey discovered 149 000 new heroin users throughout the USA – 80% under the age of 26, with the average addict spending $150 to $200 per day to maintain the habit. While booming in the US, it rocketed beyond belief in Europe. From 1996 to 2001, Europeans consumed more than 15 tons

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of heroin per annum – twice the US consumption levels. 75 % of all heroin used in Europe came from Afghanistan.

Even today the drug is transported by truck caravans from Afghanistan through northern Iran (due to UBLs contacts with Hezbollah, the Shiite terrorist movement) and Turkey to Sofia in Bulgaria, or via the North West Frontier province of Pakistan. – a violent lawless stronghold of criminals, warring tribal factions and terrorists, where even the Pakistani military hesitate to venture.

Ironically, Americans and Europeans were financing their own terror war via their addictive habits, and were viewed by Al Qaeda as victims of their own decadence.

On 12 October 2000 Al Qaeda struck again with suicide bombers ramming two fast inflatable boats packed with high explosive into the USS Cole moored at the old British coaling station Yemen, at the tip of the Saudi peninsula. Due to the compression between the hull and the concrete a huge hole was torn inside the vessel injuring 39 and killing 17 US sailors. To launch the attack cost Al-Qaeda approximately US$ 50 000.

Terrorism divides into five levels. At the top are the plotters, the planners, the authorisers and the inspirers. Next come the enablers, the facilitators without whom no plan can work. They do the recruiting, the training, the funding and the supplying. Third come the doers without moral scruple who pull the triggers, throw the grenades, drive the suicide cars and deposit the zyklon B crystals. The fourth group are the active collaborators – who guide the killers, denounce the neighbours, reveal the hiding places and betray the one-time school friends. At the bottom are the broad masses – bovine, stupid, saluting the tyrants, garlanding the murderers.

In the terror war against the West in general, and the USA in particular, Al Qaeda fulfilled the first two functions. Neither UBL nor his number two, the Egyptian Ayman Kawaheri, nor his Ops Chief Mohamed Atef, nor his international emissary, Abu Zubaydah, would ever need to plant a bomb or drive a truck.

The mosque schools, the madrassas, would provide a steady stream of teenage fanatics already impregnated with a deep hatred of the whole world that was not fundamentalist, plus a garbled version of a few distorted extracts from the Koran. To them would be added a few more mature converts, tricked into thinking that mass murder guaranteed Koranic paradise. Al Qaeda only had to devise, train, equip, direct, fund and watch.

America was in a new war and did not know it.

On September 11 2001 the Al Qaeda plan came together. It was not the culmination but the beginning. Over three thousand people died, the world’s financial centres were rocked, global markets imploded and like minded governments round the globe turned their attention to UBL and his teams. The cost to Al-Qaeda of launching the attack amounted to an estimated US$ 500 000. The attack inflicted US$ 80 billions worth of damage world wide and cost 11 million people in the developing world their employment.

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According to interrogated Al-Qaeda captives it was subsequently revealed that similar plans to hijack a British airways jumbo jet at 5pm British time and fly it into the Houses of Parliament at Westminster in London had to be abandoned because of the US/UK time difference allowing the British to ground all their flights after learning of the American attacks. Following at least two foiled Al Qaeda operations to bring down passenger planes over London, Israel’s Mossad intelligence service warned that sooner or later a shoulder fired missile would be fired at an El Al flight out of Heathrow. Advanced devices known as Flight Guard have been attached to Israeli airliners adapted from military systems to trigger decoy flares, in the event of such an attack.

Rohan Gunaratna’s book “Inside Al Qaeda” describes how the Indian intelligence service learned of plans to hijack an Air India aircraft and fly it into the Indian Parliament in Delhi. The same sources have revealed plans to hijack an Australian airliner and crash it on Canberra. The attacks on democratic institutions round the world were not without a clear message.

The curious Saudi connection reared its head again in the form of Islamic international charity and aid organisations when in the aftermath of 911 investigation of various Islamic charities revealed overwhelming evidence that Saudis at all levels worked in tandem with the terrorists. US News and World Report of 15 December 2003 revealed that at the Saudi High Commission in Bosnia, which co-ordinated local aid among Saudi charities, police discovered before and after photos of the World Trade Centre, files on pesticides and crop dusters, and information on how to counterfeit US State Department badges. At Manila’s international airport police stopped Agus Dwikarna, an al Haramain representative based in Indonesia. In his suitcase were C4 explosives. The inter-locking charities made it difficult to follow the money trail. Many organisations shared the same directors, office space and cash resources. For two years investigators followed the money to offshore trusts and obscure charities which according to court records indicate ties to Hamas, Al Qaeda and other terror groups.

In the subterranean labrynths of Afghanistan that passed for caves originally built by UBL’s construction company ironically financed by the CIA for attacks on the Soviet forces of occupation in Afghanistan, laboratories were experimenting with germs and gases. In Iraq and Libya the first attempts were made to produce enriched uranium for the ultimate weapon of terror – fissionable uranium to serve as the basic element of a dirty nuclear bomb. And on another level altogether another plot was hatched to knock the biggest US ally in the Middle East out of the ring – not Israel but the Saudi Royal Kingdom supplying 12% of total US hydrocarbon requirements.

Vigorous American and British reaction to 911 in the form of 6,200 troops backing the Northern Alliance obliterated the immediate threats from Afghanistan, although Operation Enduring Freedom failed to locate and destroy UBL. As Mark Nicol remarks in his 2004 book “Ultimate Risk – SAS contact Al Qaeda” the excuse of the Red Army’s defeat in Afghanistan is a poor one. “Nobody expected 620 000 allied troops to be deployed, not even 62 000, but 6 200 British and US infantry soldiers with the requisite support arms focusing on a specific area and acting on good intelligence could have made a substantial difference.” Backed by massive US airpower they certainly did.

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Libya’s Gaddaffi seeing the writing on the wall, quickly changed tack, approached the British and conceded to Washington. Al Qaeda’s response was to pour dissidents into Iraq from neighbouring Syria and Iran, numbering some 5 000. Using imported and pre-positioned weaponry they commenced a concerted campaign of extended terror and low intensity operations against the US/UK coalition forces. Wealthy offshore Al Qaeda financiers happily placed US$ 11 000 bounties on kidnapped westerners for their public display and video-taped beheading.

The war spread across the world. Since 911 there have been over 350 Al-Qaeda attacks world wide. Some of the more spectacular include the following:

Australians holidaying in exotic Bali paid the price for their 2 000 man contribution to the coalition forces in Iraq when more than one explosive device detonated with the effect of a small thermo-nuclear weapon in the Sari Club, Paddy’s Club and a small 1 kg device outside the US Consulate. Casualties amounted to 202 dead with over a thousand injured at an estimated cost to Al-Qaeda of US$ 35 000. In a November 2004 BBC documentary titled “The World Uncovered” it was revealed that two days prior to the attack the US State Department, acting on the basis of “chatter” intelligence (electronic intercepts) available to London, Washington and Canberra, warned US nationals to avoid Bali. The American tourists were described as “white meat” in these signals. The British Government did nothing. No one warned the Balinese. Australia told its tourists that Bali was “business as usual”.

The plotters were subsequently caught, convicted and executed with the exception of one man – Ali Imran – who defected and whose life was spared. They were described by Ambassador Cofer Black of the US Counter Terrorism Division within the US State Department as a “ragtag bunch of misfits… who are a group of criminals whose stock in trade is to kill innocent people”. The bombs had been detonated by a combination of suicide bombers and cell phone text messages. 140 Australian police officers flew to Bali for the investigation with the support of President Bush, who called Australia, “his deputy sheriff.” As far back as 911 the Australian Government had been warned by the USA that soft targets involving bars, cafes and night clubs were on the hit list in Indonesia.

The FBI obtained a source within Al Qaeda which inhibited two terrorists from detonating four massive car bombs in Singapore. Mike, real name Fathur Roman Al Ghozi, notorious Al Qaeda bomb maker and trainer hailed from Indonesia and Sami, real name Mohammed Jabbarah (now known as “the source” for the FBI), a 19 yr old Canadian student, born in Kuwait and educated in Canada, the banker, were monitored by the Singapore Secret Intelligence Service when they arrived in the island state and before they could hit the British High Commission, as well as the American, Australian and Israeli embassies.

Sami provided the cell with US $10 000 to purchase four trucks and pack them with 17 tons of ammonium nitrate to be purchased from a local trader. Newspaper leaks in Singapore forced the authorities to pre-empt the lethal truck bomb operation by raiding the terrorist’s flat in which plans and videotaped recces were found for bombing campaigns planned to last for five years. The Americans found a copy of the

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video tape in Mohamed Atef’s possession in Afghanistan. The bespectacled “UBL” of south east Asia was one, Hambali, living in hiding but pulling the strings from afar.

The Singapore truck bombs would have been Hambali’s greatest coup. The bombers were members of Jamiat el-Islamiya, Hambali’s organisation for creating a global fundamentalist Islamic south east Asia reaching as far south as northern Australia. After defecting to the CIA/FBI, Sami had maintained contact with Hambali through a secret email address [email protected] and learned of his plan to launch a massive bombing campaign using as a starting point the 1 ton of high explosives he had concealed in Indonesia, thus warning the authorities.

In 2003 the British Secret Intelligence Service learned of an attempt to smuggle via shipping containers a complete radar guided surface to air missile system into the precincts of Heathrow airport to take out four or five jumbo jets at one time. Heathrow airport was saturated with troops, and for the first time since the Battle of Britain the Royal Air Force flew combat air patrols over the city of London while two RAF Nimrod reconnaissance aircraft circled the capitol hunting for the telltale electronic radar emissions.

Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan, a 25 year old engineering student from Karachi, alias Abu Telha al-Pakistani, arrested at Lahore in Pakistan during July 2004 stands accused of conducting detailed reconnaissance of Heathrow airport with a view to bombing the terminal which carries roughly 63-65 million passengers a year. The plan was to strike the airport itself or the underpasses running beneath several buildings in London, according to Pakistani intelligence sources. “The way Khan was working was absolutely astonishing. The most chilling part of all this is the fact that he located the most fragile spots for their targets during his several visits in Britain as well as the safe passage to escape after carrying out these attacks”.

In January 2003 Khan met with Al Qaeda strategist, Khalid bin-al Attash, who allegedly masterminded the attack on the USS Cole. Attash, now under arrest and in US custody, took Khan under his wing and helped him develop his already formidable skills in the art of surveillance. Another colleague was Ali Mohammed, who holds joint US-Egyptian nationalities, and who served in the US Army. He played a pivotal part in the 1998 attacks on the US embassies. He explained to Khan that bin-Laden himself had overlooked the Heathrow attack plans.

Khan had attended a number of Al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan and is known to have impressed the group’s leaders with his decryption abilities. At 6 ft 2 inches Khan visited the US, Germany and the UK on several occasions between 1998 and 2003. Britain’s Security Service (MI5) are trying to discover whom he contacted in the UK, though intelligence analysts are fairly certain that the data is on his laptop. Throughout his operational career Khan used disposable email accounts. Like Hushmail, the email accounts are accessible via a website. Khan first began communicating with Al Qaeda cells using such encrypted messages but then started leaving messages at different sites simultaneously. This was to be his downfall as the powerful computers of GCHQ and NSA eventually tracked him down.

One of the emails forwarded by Khan was to a London-based man thought to be using the codename Bilal. It was this message that prompted raids on four locations across

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the UK on 3rd August 2004. New Scotland Yard anti-terrorist officers arrested eleven men in and around London, and two men in northern England. One of those detained is the alleged leader of Al Qaeda’s British cell. These interrogations revealed that the attack on Britain was now in its advanced stages.

Mr Abu Eisa al-Hindi, a British raised Indian known as al-Britani according to the September 11th Commission Report, was arrested in Britain on 3rd August 2004. He was the surveyor of America’s financial establishments and had already been identified by British intelligence services as a 32 year old Hindi convert who had possibly given the game away by publishing under his nom de guerre a memoir of his experiences of Jihad in Indian controlled Kashmir. He is allegedly one of the main compilers of the computer files on the laptop captured with Khan in Pakistan.

Britain’s Security Service (MI5) is said to be profoundly concerned over the revelations in early 2004 of the joint Bulgarian-Rumanian (intelligence) operation to infiltrate a huge number of sleeper operatives into Britain concealed amongst genuine economic refugees. As the Economic Intelligence Review of March/April 2004 warned such infiltration may turn out to have been associated with serious corruption deep within the UK immigration service itself. Never slow to seize on an opportunity it was feared that Al Qaeda operatives would be amongst the alleged refugees.

As a consequence of the maritime threat via clandestine container traffic both the Royal Navy and the United States Navy have commenced ship interceptions at sea checking cargoes and crew manifests. Satellites linked to maritime intelligence channels closely monitor international shipping movements and confirmed ports of origin and destinations seeking irregularities and incongruities. Some 2 000 interceptions have been conducted this year alone by the United States and the UK acting under NATO aegis. As far back as 2002 it was evident to British intelligence sources that an Al Qaeda operation was in the planning to hijack a merchant or passenger vessel and use it as a deadly weapon.

More recently plans have been exposed to hijack a cruise liner in the Mediterranean packed with holiday makers. Other plans have involved using a number of rogue cargo vessels. Speaking to the maritime publication Lloyd’s List, the Royal Navy’s First Sea Lord, Sir Alan West, revealed the contents of an electronic file recovered from a computer owned by a senior Al Qaeda terrorist. The searches and interdictions on the high seas have turned up some astonishing finds.

In Canada, the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service intercepted, with the help of the FBI, an Al Qaeda team attempting to smuggle a suitcase size nuclear device into central Chicago, believed to be one of a 100 such diabolical weapons built by the KGB in the heady days of the cold war for use in Europe, of which 60 had been released to the Americans and the British for analysis and dismantling. As recently as 1998 an insider plan was hatched at one of Russia’s largest nuclear facilities to steal 18,5 kilograms of high enriched uranium. Both plots were foiled.

The Al Qaeda bomb team were intercepted before they could reach the US or link up with the cell responsible for providing the bomb. The US administration are currently holding Jose Padilla, a 33 year old Chicago gangster, trained in Afghanistan and

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redeployed in Chicago to manufacture a radiological dirty bomb using data from the internet.

On Thursday, March 11th 2004 in Madrid, at 07h37 on four separate and densely packed commuter trains a massive series of explosions triggered by cell phone detonated ten powerful bombs in backpacks killing 193 within two minutes, hospitalising 966, injuring over 2,061, collapsing the Spanish Government and leading to the withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq. It was the perfect terrorist event – unfathomable violence against numerous innocents, leading the society at large, thus thoroughly intimidated, to vote in a new government that promised to do and then did, the bidding of the terrorists.

Following the Madrid attacks Al Qaeda issued the following statement in the Arabic newspaper Al-Qudi al-Arabi: “This is part of settling old accounts within Spain, the crusades and America’s ally in it war on Islam…We announce the good news for Muslims in the world that the strike of the black wind of death, the expected strike against America is now at its final stage – 90% ready – and it is coming soon.”

Spain is Al Qaeda’s second most important target in Europe, with Turkey first, because UBL feels constrained to recover the honour and glory of the Ottoman Caliphates – lost when defeated by Western forces at the end of the 1st World War. Spain remains the second European target in order to recover the lost Muslim kingdom of Andalusia. At the start of the crusades in 1096, 75% of Spain was Muslim – but 300 years later, Ferdinand and Isabella completed the Catholic conquest of Spain and expelled all Muslims from the area. The humiliation has never been forgotten nor forgiven in the Islamic world, even 650 years later.

After Spain, according to the fatwas, the next target in Europe will be Rome, “the world centre of heresy”, because of the Vatican and the Pope. The fourth major target is Vienna, because the advancing Muslim armies were defeated there in 1643 before they could conquer the continent.

In June 2004 Al Qaeda ratcheted up the war in Saudi Arabia. Attacks were directed against Western expatriate workers connected to the defence and energy fields. The rising tension focused attention on Al Qaeda’s public face inside the kingdom – Abdel Aziz al-Muqrin. But al-Muqrin is only one piece of a much larger multi-layered structure involving thousands of Al Qaeda members deployed throughout the oil rich kingdom.

The war in Saudi Arabia entered a new phase in mid-2004, with Al Qaeda linked militants focussing on lone Westerners in Riyadh. The scene was already being set by the Saudi government themselves in January 2003 when Riyadh refused permission for Washington to use its Saudi bases in its attack on Iraq. In March 2003 the US announced that it was closing its multi-million dollar bases across Saudi Arabia and in July 2004 the US Congress voted to stop US financial aid and assistance to Saudi Arabia.

The July 12th 2004 edition of Fortune magazine describes returning US expatriates relating unprecedented harassment by Saudis, objects thrown at cars, Saudis pointing fingers out of car windows to simulate pistols, and obscenities shouted at foreigners

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with no provocation. Control Risks Group, a corporate risk consultant in London, estimates that perhaps 100 000 Westerners including 25 000 British and 20 000 to 30 000 Americans are employed in the Kingdom in industries ranging from oil to software. Companies have been re-evaluating their staffing levels and their policies on dependents. That can only hurt both American and Saudi interests.

Al-Muqrin has been identified as the public face of Al-Qaeda and the military mastermind behind attacks ranging from the 1st May raid against an energy firm in Yanbu in which several workers were killed to the deadly attack and hostage incident on May 29th at a residential compound in Khobar.

Contrary to popular belief, Al-Muqrin is not the leader of Al-Qaeda. He is a popular, charismatic military commander in a highly complex jihadist network. The breadth and depth of Al-Qaeda’s presence in the kingdom is far greater than admitted by the Saudi Government and understanding the structure helps explain not only the recent attacks but also the strategic goals of the organisation.

Al-Muqrin has the street credibility and experience to lead the terror offensive having trained in Afghanistan, and reputedly fought in Algeria, Bosnia and Somalia. He is in his 30s and is known to have run a variety of combat and logistics operations in support of jihadist movements including running guns from Europe to North Africa. Known also as Abu Hajar, he served several prison terms in Saudi Arabia after being apprehended in Ethiopia. But being the face of Al-Qaeda is not the same as being the brain.

The militants active in the Kingdom are part of a loosely structured nation-wide network established over the past several years with three clear layers and thousands of members. Few people know members outside their own cell and only a select few are involved in key decisions at the highest levels.

At the top of the movement sits a committee that could be likened to the Executive Board of a large corporation. The committee is responsible for making command decisions, determining the type and extent of major attacks and target selection. This leadership presides over the entire Al-Qaeda network within the Kingdom, comprising three concentric layers that are based on seniority, experience and training. It is an elite group including religious scholars, tribal elders and sheikhs, members of the merchant and business elite and sympathizers within the military, the national guard, intelligence and other security forces – the core.

The core also provide much of the finance for terror using a well established secret underground banking network. This involves one bank in one country purchasing goods for a transaction in another on behalf of a client elsewhere. The original request becomes concealed. The blend with legitimate business activities on a world wide basis makes tracing of the original financial injections very difficult if not downright impossible.

To examine but one individual example emanating from within this core group it is instructive to examine the CV of UBL’s operational 2nd in command popularly known as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi but born Ahmed Nazzal al-Khalayleh born in 1966 and hailing from Jordan. He dropped out of school to help fight the Russians during their

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occupation of Afghanistan. Returning to Jordan he was arrested and gaoled with other militants for 7 years. Released in 1999 but rearrested for plotting to kill American tourists, he fled to Pakistan, but was sentenced to death in absentia by the Jordanian Government.

He eventually travelled back to Afghanistan and found himself fighting alongside Al-Qaeda terrorists. By 2000 as a reward for his dedication UBL gave him his own training camp at Herat where he instructed hundreds of people on the manufacture of makeshift chemical weapons, mine laying and bomb manufacturing. A few months later he was given £20 000 sterling of UBL’s money and told to attack US and Western targets round the world. He established a remote terrorist base in the mountains of northern Iraq and formed his own group – Ansar al-Islam. After 911 the CIA made strenuous efforts to uncover all associated terrorist groups and their leaders. Al-Zarqawi was already described as prominent.

When US and British forces in support of the Northern Alliance attacked the Taliban and Al-Qaeda positions, al-Zarqawi raced back to help. He lost a limb in a rocket attack and was seriously hurt. Regarded with esteem by UBL who feared the damage his capture might inflict on Al-Qaeda, a plan was drawn up to smuggle him out of the country as US soldiers quickly freed Afghanistan of foreign fighters.

Al-Zarqawi and his group, comprising mainly fighters from Chechnya, eventually found themselves in Iran. The CIA then lost track of him until one officer linked him with the October 2002 murder of defenceless US diplomat, Laurence Foley, in Amman. The elusive Jordanian was operational again. During the early stages of the Iraqi war the CIA believed that he was hiding in an apartment in Baghdad. A missile strike was ordered but due to an electronic malfunction failed to hit the target. The fugitive escaped across the Iraqi border.

Since then he has threatened to kill thousands of Israelis and intends to launch a string of attacks in Jordan of which the massive chemical finds by the Jordanian security forces recently are doubtless a component. He has threatened to detonate a chemical bomb inside Israel. The CIA is confident that he will be apprehended eventually.

He is regarded as the mastermind behind the kidnapping and brutal murder by beheading of British construction engineer Ken Bigley and his two American colleagues in September/October 2004.

The “core” originally numbered 600 to 1 000 members but has shrunk to 300 thanks to the US led international military dragnet. They might know each other but do not necessarily know that they all support Al-Qaeda. Some of them are known to Saudi intelligence and are in hiding. Others lie dormant, their allegiance unknown to Riyadh. A third set is too well connected or too powerful to be challenged by the Saudi government.

The most visibly active layer, tier two, comprises the Jihadists who are the veterans of the Afghanistan/Taliban experience. They have all pledged personal allegiance to UBL and are well trained in tactical combat operations. Known to the intelligence services of the current Afghan government, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and possibly Iran and Yemen, they remain in hiding until deployed for operations. They are the military

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hierarchy of the movement and are believed to be serving as advisers while providing logistical support.

Tier two have their own second, middle layer with the most members – 5 000 to 6 000 operatives, 80% of them in the Kingdom with the others in the Arabian peninsula, Algeria and Egypt. The second layer does not have a formal oath to UBL.

Most have had operational experience in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Balkans. Al-Muqrin seems to be part of this second layer who received military training in Afghanistan up until the US invasion following 911. The major attacks in Riyadh, Yanbu and Khobar probably emanate from this group.

The third group comprise the new recruits who have flocked to the movement since 911, and the Afghan/Iraq wars. They number in their thousands comprising madrassa (religious school) students and hundreds of younger ulema who worked for the Saudi government but were discharged for their political unreliability and loyalty to UBL. Members of this group have been involved in the individual shootings of westerners.

Training camps for Al-Qaeda have been established inside the Kingdom and this third set of militants are conducting the training. Three to four such camps have been located by the Saudi security forces but locating other small bases in the mountainous south-western region or the valleys of the north-west is a difficult task for the Kingdom’s inexperienced and ill-trained security forces. Sympathetic support from tribal groups and members of nomadic caravans provide intelligence to the militants of Saudi CI operations.

The layers of the organisation interact through a complex set of relations which is a function of the evolution of Al-Qaeda itself. The movement functions not so much as an organisation than as a university, offering military instruction to its attendees. During its peak years Al-Qaeda produced 40 000 militants in Afghanistan according to Saudi and Pakistani sources.

Between the launching of the World Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders Movement in 1998 and the 911 attacks, approximately 11 000 of those operatives returned to the Kingdom from Kabul in preparation for the current offensive. Al-Qaeda knows that it cannot control Jihadist movements everywhere so it extends great autonomy to regional and local structures and delegates responsibility. Within this web certain differences of opinion are bound to arise but the overall goals of weakening existing regimes through locally based and locally supported militancy only underscore Al-Qaeda’s efforts to destroy government opposition to its influence in the Middle East.

There are roughly 24 million people in the Kingdom, one fifth of whom are foreign workers. The country is one fifth the size of the USA. The militants are indiscernible from the rest of the native population and their numbers allow them to conduct operations throughout the kingdom. Moreover, there are sympathizers among the non-militant population who support UBL, stretching as far as the lower elements of the ruling Saudi family.

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What has been happening in Saudi Arabia is roughly duplicated in Pakistan. It has been a long time in coming and it is tapping into the intense anti-American sentiment stirred by the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and the anti-Saudi rhetoric in the US media. In the coming months the movement will only intensify its activities as more members shift to active mode even when taking action is nothing more taxing than the occasional pot shot at westerners driving their SUVs home from work. The depth and breadth of the militant movement makes predicting attacks with any precision difficult, if not impossible. Since the layers are divided and within each layer there are dozens of cells, any one of them could plan and execute an attack, while others are lying dormant or planning their own strikes.

As Larry Abrahams has pointed out this global war is what the jihadists themselves are calling the “Third Great Jihad” and in a sense history is repeating itself. They are operating within the framework of a time line which reaches back to the very creation of Islam in the 17th century. They are presently trying to recreate the dynamics which gave rise to the religion in the first two hundred years of its existence. No religion in history grew as fast in its infancy.

The rapid spread of Islam throughout the Middle East and North Africa began with the conquests launched from Mecca and Medina by Muhammed. Muhammed himself participated in 78 battles, only one of which (the battle of Ditch) was defensive. He died in 632 AD, and over the next hundred years jihad (holy war) expanded the Islamic empire from northern Spain to India. The rapid spread of Islam engulfed the Persian Sassenid Empire and much of the Christian Byzantine empire.

The Western Roman Empire was in ruins and the Eastern Empire, based on Constantinople was trying desperately to retain the power of its earlier grandeur while transitioning to Christianity as a de facto state religion. The costs to the average person were large as he was being constantly required to meet the rising taxes levied by the state with the tithes coerced by the Church. Islam offered the carrot or the sword. Convert and eliminate your taxes or die. There were very few willing martyrs and the faith spread like wildfire until Charles Martel, father of Charlemagne, stopped the invaders of Europe at the Battle of Tours in France. By 1492 the Muslims had been expelled from Spain at the battle of Granada. This was the first jihad.

The “Second Great Jihad” came with the Ottoman Turks collapsing Constantinople as a Christian stronghold and ending Roman hegemony for all time. The Ottoman Empire was Islam’s most successful expansion of territory even though the religion itself had fractured into warring sects and bitter rivalries with claims and counter-claims over who encapsulated the “ultimate truth”. Britain eventually collapsed the Ottoman Empire in WWI led by the famous Colonel T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia fame) culminating in General Sir Edmund Allenby entering Jerusalem on foot in the name of Christendom towards the end of the war.

The strategy for the present Jihad began with the toppling of the Shah of Iran in the late 1970s. As Paul Johnson wrote in “A History of the Modern World”, the Shah’s efforts to westernise his country, his ties to the US and UK, and subdued acceptance of Israel, made him a soft target. With the help of President Carter’s State Department the Shah was deposed, his armed forces scattered or murdered and the stage was set for a base of operations backed by oil wealth to establish the “Great Caliphate”.

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What this design calls for is the replacement of all secular leadership in any country with Muslim majorities. This would include Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia, all the Emirates, Sudan, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Malaysia, Indonesia and the “occupied territory” of Israel.

The long range strategy of the Third Jihad relies on four strategic goals. First, the US withdrawing from the region just as it did in SE Asia after Vietnam. Secondly, the core taking control of the hydrocarbon wealth in the Muslim countries which comprise upwards of 75% of proven global reserves. Thirdly, the core using nuclear weapons or other WMDs to obliterate Israel. Fourthly, making the UN the sole arbiter in East/West relations and paralysing western resistance.

There is a fifth aspect to these objectives, less well defined or deliberate perhaps, but nonetheless frighteningly relevant. Islam is gradually, but seemingly irresistibly, taking over Europe demographically and if trends continue, will dominate the continental European heartland within 50 to 100 years. As Mona Charen wrote in The Washington Times of 11 October 2004, Russia is spiralling down into dictatorship after a brief interlude of struggling democracy. North Korea, arms salesmen to the world’s criminals, boasts of nuclear capability, thousands are dying in Darfur and innocent aid workers are beheaded in Iraq, but it is the United States which catches most of the critical flak from Europe.

She writes, “There is something sickly about the European approach to the world. There may even be something suicidal to it. Europeans excoriate America even as they stand on quicksand. In what Middle Eastern scholar Daniel Pipes calls the biggest story of our time, Europeans are disappearing. “

“The minimum birth rate to keep a society going is 2.1 children per woman. Europe’s birth rate is 1.5 and falling. The immigrants taking the place of Germans, French, Italians and others are largely Muslim. In contrast to the religious native Europeans, Muslim immigrants are passionate about their faith and highly fertile. It is estimated that in England, Muslims worshipping at mosques already outnumber congregants of the Church of England every weekend. “

About 5% of the EU is now Muslim, and historian Bernard Lewis told a German newspaper that Europe would be majority Islamic by the end of this century at the latest. At present more than 15% of the 16-24 age group in France is Muslim and Muslims also account for 25% of the population in Marseilles, and 20% in Malmo, Sweden. The current Muslim minority in Europe will double in size by 2015. Political correctness seems to inhibit the Europeans from even discussing the issue rationally and seriously.

The London based International Institute for Strategic Studies believes that Al-Qaeda is regrouping and has 18 000 terrorists available in 60 countries for operations against the West. The deployment of British and American troops has given impetus to the group’s recruiting programme. The 18 000 estimate was based on 20 000 terrorists trained in camps in Afghanistan. 2 000 Al-Qaeda operatives were known to have been killed or captured, but the overall infrastructure of the organisation remained intact and developing.

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As the Director of Research at the US International Strategic Studies Association and Head of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare of the US House of Representatives, Yosef Bodansky says, even a cursory examination of the global war on terror is not comforting. Iraq is seriously unstable, the outcome of massive infiltration and an escalating grassroots rebellion. A wave of terrorism engulfs Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan is factionalised due to revived fratricidal warfare. Pakistan teeters on the brink of civil war due to mounting grassroots opposition to President Pervez Musharaf’s co-operation with the West. The Chechens have escalated their terror war on Russia by indiscriminately slaughtering the school children of Beslan. The Hamas extremists persist in Israel, notwithstanding the extensive attrition rate of their leadership by the Israeli security forces.

On July 7th 2005 at the height of the morning rush hour, the central London underground transport system was subjected to three separate suicide bomb attacks and within the hour another explosion occurred on a double decker bus, killing 54 people and injuring over a hundred. The killers used backpacks with cell phone triggers. Within hours New Scotland Yard’s JTAC (Joint Terrorism Action Centre) knew that all the deceased bombers were British born. In days their addresses and relatives had been identified and located.

Within two weeks another series of attempted bombings occurred while security and intelligence personnel were still mopping up after the first atrocity. The second attack was a dismal failure. The actual and would-be bombers were all caught on London’s Mandrake CCTV “ring of steel” counter-intelligence and surveillance system, set up at extraordinary expense in response to the IRA assaults on the capitol. As the faces, photographs and names of the terrorists were flashed round the world, Mandrake more than paid its way. Suspects were apprehended in the United Kingdom, Rome and Zambia. The latter had fled to South Africa and worked for a brief time in Fordsburg, Johannesburg under US, UK and South African intelligence surveillance before his arrest when crossing from Zimbabwe to Zambia.

The day of the first attack a website representing the Secret Organisation of Al-Qaeda’s Jihad claimed responsibility for the bombings in revenge for British “military massacres” in Iraq and Afghanistan. The bombings coincided with the G8 Heads of State Conference at Gleneagles in Scotland.

The attack was interpreted by some as a last ditch effort to resuscitate Al-Qaeda’s terrorist offensive capability, and by others as a sign that the organization was capable of striking when and where it chooses in well co-ordinated attacks with committed personnel who are fanatically motivated to make the ultimate sacrifice as and when needed. Neither of these analyses marked the most horrific revelation of the London experience – that Muslims in Britain and doubtless elsewhere in the world were willing to die in fanatical assaults, irrespective of their nationalities or birthrights. These were not a threatened, dispossessed, disenfranchised, intimidated nor a discriminated impoverished people. They had been born in Britain, educated in Britain, employed in Britain and nurtured in a traditionally British ambience of tolerance for diversity, understanding for cultural differences, compassion for the less fortunate, subscribing to human rights and freedom of speech within the context of democratic expression. And yet, they subscribed to none of these things.

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On the contrary, without hesitation and in absolute ruthlessness they were willing to kill and maim their innocent fellow nationals and destroy themselves in the process. In other words, as one Sky TV News poll revealed, it was only 12% of British born Muslims who regarded themselves as British first, and Muslim second. For the rest, being Muslim adumbrated all other loyalties, commitments and responsibilities. The full horror of this revelation meant it had now become evident that the world faced an inherent fifth column of astronomical proportions wherever Muslim communities enjoyed citizenship and sanctuary.

This prompted thinking people in Britain to ask, with wry smiles, the question – “Did you ever think you would live to see the day that a Yorkshire man would play cricket in the morning and plot to kill his fellow nationals on the London underground that afternoon”? But it was a misleading rhetorical question. The alleged Yorkshire man did not exist. Irrespective of how many years he or she had lived in Britain or indeed his or her family had resided there, the call of the Madrassas for Jihad and the Sharia code of conduct took precedence, not in all Muslim minds but in the mass psyche of a large number of Muslims. The real question was how many “sleeper” Al-Qaeda agents and cells were still lurking in Britain and elsewhere in the world and what counter-intelligence and legislative action could be adopted to curb them.

No country was better placed to face the challenge than Britain, with many years of colonial and post-colonial exposure to terrorism (Malaya, Cyprus, Aden, Oman, Kenya, British Guyana etc…) and a renowned legacy from Northern Ireland. Not even Israel could challenge Britain’s supremacy in managing, if not restraining, terrorism on a global scale. At the sharp end, within days, British police were authorised to shoot to kill – a policy which was to have tragic consequences for a young illegal Brazilian immigrant, Jean Charles de Menezes (although his death while wearing a heavy jacket in summer, running into an underground station and failing to stop when challenged by the police was treated by the public as an understandable mistake). On the legislative front draconian legislation was urgently introduced at Westminster by the Home Secretary to curtail the activities of Muslim leaders and teachers (one of the bombers had been a teacher!) engaging in “hate speech” or incitement. The Special Branch and MI5 extended their tentacles into the British Muslim community to root out and identify future possible terrorists and their plots while at the same time Prime Minister Tony Blair launched an initiative to reassure loyal members of the British Muslim community that their lives, families and communities would be respected and protected.

Whether or not it was on its last legs Al-Qaeda had succeeded in “upping the ante” on a global basis and introducing a new element into the international war on terror – home grown kamikaze assaults by virtually unidentifiable terrorists enjoying complete freedom of movement in their own nations and societies. But even Arab governments were not immune to the disease, although the urge had to be resisted to ascribe every suicide bombing to Al-Qaeda.

On July 23rd 2005 suicide bombers attacked the Egyptian holiday and scuba diving resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in a series of car bomb attacks which killed 88 and injured hundreds. Suspicion initially centred on several groups, one with a known link to Al-Qaeda, then shifted to a Bedouin network in northern Sinai. But the modus operandi

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was little different to Muslim inspired suicide bombings elsewhere in the world – one of the three suicide bombers rammed a pick-up truck into an hotel lobby; the other two, one in a car and one on foot, were intercepted at checkpoints but detonated their explosives. DNA tests by the Egyptian police unearthed a link to the October 2004 Taba attacks by Bedouin separatists which had killed 24 people.

The size of the Islamist-Jihadist forces round the world has tripled since mid-September 2001 and the active support echelons have grown ten fold. UBL’s loyalists are constantly refining their methods and approaches. According to Josef Bodansky, the US intelligence community has repeatedly failed the White House by providing scant concrete data and wrong threat analyses.

As Mark Nicol has observed in his book “Ultimate Risk” Al Qaeda’s camps have returned to the south-east of Afghanistan, as a terrorist organisation it remains a global threat, and the majority of its leaders are still at large. Beyond Kabul’s city limits is a lawless, impoverished state, a despot’s paradise with sufficient weaponry to sustain any number of terrorists and porous borders with its neighbours. There is little that President Hamid Karzai can do about this when simply staying alive is his highest priority. Not only are old Al Qaeda camps being used again but new ones are being built in the east of the state to train new volunteers.

According to Bodansky, it has been the desperate wanting of intelligence that has made the implementation of President Bush’s policies virtually impossible, and at times has even aggravated the problems facing the US. The primary flaw, he says, is the intellectual isolationism and arrogance of the purveyors of knowledge to the White House involving the intelligence system of research and analysis.

The gravity of the crisis of the US intelligence community, particularly in view of the mounting quagmire in post-Saddam Iraq, is now widely acknowledged throughout official Washington. What is not publicly discussed is the multiple source evidence about the training in autumn 2002 of Al Qaeda terrorists by Iraqi Military Intelligence Unit 999 in Salman Pak or the current indications that Al Qaeda are planning a spectacular multi-casualty (possibly nuclear) assault on the US in the near term.

In the light of the September 11th Commission findings President George Bush has agreed to work with Congress to push through legislation to reform the intelligence services. He has also ordered the CIA to increase by 50% its number of assets (spies) and personnel trained in Arabic and WMD research.

The US/UK concern over the threat to regional hydrocarbon interests in the Middle Eastern region was given concrete expression in an article published in The (London) Guardian newspaper late in 2003. At a private summit meeting between George Bush and Tony Blair held at the President’s Texas ranch in April 2002 the US and UK governments co-ordinated and combined the hitherto separate strands of their energy and foreign policies in a frank sharing of strategic analyses and assessments. The emerging policy was based upon a report addressed to both the President and the Prime Minister prepared by Don Evans, the US Secretary of Commerce and Spencer Abraham, the US Energy Secretary.

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According to this newspaper report, the two countries have agreed a set of co-ordinated actions to help achieve their common hydrocarbon energy related objectives with the British and American oil companies having been granted favoured access to the relevant inter-govenmental discussions and participation in all the meetings. The initiative is now known as the “US-UK Energy Dialogue”. It focuses in part upon “a number of key oil and gas producers in the West Africa area upon which our two governments and major oil companies could co-operate so as to improve investment conditions, good governance, social and political stability and thus underpin long term security of supply”.

Is the nature of the threat changing? It is possible that while America is preparing for another 11th September, the real threat is perhaps less spectacular, more general and more unpredictable. It may start resembling some of the insurgencies that Britain fought in the last fifty years ranging from Malaya and Oman to Northern Ireland. As a member of the RAND corporation has observed, whereas the Brits are capable of taking a longer term view and coping with a longer term problem, Americans are fond of the short term quick fix. The appointment of a National Director of Intelligence by President Bush along the lines of the British Joint Intelligence Committee which is designed to oversee and co-ordinate all intelligence reporting may assist Washington in refining its national alert system so that the US and other publics are not sporadically unduly alarmed over perceived imminent threats to the point of “crying wolf” too often before the next big bang occurs.

The deployment of British troops in the form of the famous Black Watch Regiment (a unit earmarked by the 2004 proposed British Ministry of Defence budget cuts for obliteration) into Camp Dogwood just south of Baghdad proved revealing. There is an erroneous view that British troops in Basra have enjoyed a soft war.

In August 2004 British troops in Amarah, a town north of Basra, fired some 30 000 rounds at Shia militiamen in the space of ten days. Yet the towns of Iskanderiyah, Latifiyah and Mahmudiyah, 30 to 45 km south of Baghdad are even more forbidding. Lining the southern route to Fallujah, an important supply route for the insurgents, the towns are patrolled but not controlled by American marines. Among the many violent crimes common in the area, kidnapping is a speciality. As The Economist of October 23rd 2004 put it, the standard of view of British soldiers as smiley peacekeepers compared with America’s trigger happy killers is far too simplistic – as the expenditure of bullets in Amarah suggests. But it is true that the Brits are better at building trust with the locals, and are slower to shoot at suspected enemies and more careful to kill them when they do. These are all lessons that the US forces would find helpful.

Since September 1st 2004 when US troops were deployed to Ramadi, they have killed 400 to 500 people according to one of their senior officers. A more precise estimate is impossible because the marines seldom see their attackers. When fired upon they retaliate by blizting whichever buildings they think the fire is coming from. These actions are brutally counter-productive. But the marines are also learning. Since occupying Ramadi they have learned to patrol at high speed and on foot, Belfast style, sending snipers on to the rooftops ahead, along streets daubed with slogans: “Slow Daeth (sic)” and “America Down”. During the fighting in Fallujah 40 miles east of Ramadi the marines invented a new acronym – FISH – fighting in someone’s house –

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which involves tossing a grenade into each room before checking it for “un-friendlies” or Muj for short.

America’s newest war technology is also on display and makes for impressive results but also makes it virtually impossible for close collaboration with her less technically sophisticated allies, including the Brits. Witness the Stryker, a lightly armoured troop carrier which delivers soldiers at high speed to the trouble spots. As the Strykers make their lightning dashes, high speed computers track their movements displaying constantly updated satellite display maps of the surrounding areas; a digitising of warfare which confounds the ability of any ally to fight high-intensity battles at America’s side. US logistical support is nothing but five star first class with troops sleeping in smart heated cabins enjoying tasty food, excellent gymnasiums and internet access. Such benefits are dreams for British troops once housed in disused shipping containers while on active service in Northern Ireland.

Yet armies can be good at war fighting or good at peace-keeping, but rarely good at both. When US troops, who are well trained, superbly equipped and well fed, attempt subtler tasks such as winning hearts and minds they are often inept to the point of abject clumsiness. Even the best of them seem dismally ignorant of the people they have come to help, unsurprisingly perhaps, when practically no American fighters speak Arabic. The marine battalion in Ramadi survives with only four translators and often US troops despair of their Iraqi interlocutors observing predictably that “they are not like Americans”.

American marines and GIs frequently display contempt for Iraqis, civilian or official. Hence the 18 year old soldier from Texas in Mosul who, confronted by a group of screaming school children, returned the compliment by firing canisters of buckshot at them from his grenade launcher or the marines in Ramadi who smashed down doors of houses at random to confront terrified middle-aged women with shouts of “Bitch, where’s the guns?” Many Iraqis are probably more scared of American troops than of the insurgents.

The insurgency has deepened and spread. Original estimates put the figure at 5 000 including many foreign extremists. That figure has been revised to 20 000 with 2 000 foreigners, excluding the thousands of hostiles killed by American and British troops. The Iraqi Intelligence Minister reckoned in December 2004 that there were 200 000 activists of whom 40 000 were “hard core”, in his terms, lined up against 150 000 US troops and 10 000 British soldiers. With insurgents reportedly dispensing criminal justice and levying taxes some US officers says they are running a “parallel administration”. Towards the end of 2004 insurgents beheaded three professional kidnappers and set up VCPs (vehicle check points) attired in stolen Iraqi police uniforms. In Tal Afar, further west, they imposed a 25% cut in the meat price.

The Americans estimate that since Fallujah 1 600 of the enemy have been killed. In 14 of the 18 provinces in the country there are fewer than four attacks per month on coalition forces. It is the equivalent of having insurrection in all the US states which voted for the Democratic party in the US elections. Among the treasures found in the Fallujah operations were 400 arms caches and an ice cream van kitted out as a mobile car bomb workshop. In the last three weeks of November when the battle began, the incidence of car bombs across Iraq dipped from 44 per week to 33 and then 22. After

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a bloody September and October when the marines faced up to 9 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) a day and fought street battles with scores of insurgents at a time, the past month has rendered one IED every few days and a handful of serious ambushes. In November one in four US supply convoys was being ambushed but now softer Iraqi targets are being chosen, such as the Iraqi security forces, the oil infrastructure and Iraqis assisting the Americans and the British in their reconstruction efforts. Three months ago US officials overseeing reconstruction in Mosul were lobbied by 30 Iraqi contractors on average per day. Now they struggle to find even one brave enough to accept their dollars.

Only four provinces witness really serious ongoing assaults – Baghdad, Anbar, Salah ad Din and Ninewa. But as they include the capital city, the third biggest city (Mosul) and the homeland of most of the Sunnis, they are no small problem.

Barely six months ago Mosul was one of the most tranquil spots in Iraq. Now it is one of the most violent, and least policed. It may be no coincidence that until last January there were 20 000 US troops billeted there and led by a most dynamic commander. With troops needed elsewhere they were replaced by 8 500 troops, of whom 700 were diverted to Fallujah and Baghdad.

Western Ninewa comprises a vast region dotted with fiercely xenophobic towns and ending in over 200 miles of unfenced border with Syria. America has 800 troops there yet they are barely able to hold the town of Tal Afar, where they are based. When al-Zarqawi was said to be preaching in the town’s mosques, a battle, precursor to Fallujah, broke out in which 80 civilians were killed by crossfire and 200 buildings flattened. In November the insurgents blew up the police stations of the town. The local police chief and his bodyguards are the only policemen still working and he changes his disguise several times a day.

When US forces visited the nearby smuggler’s town of Baij where they had not been for three months, they did so in force – 1 000 troops with Apache helicopter gunships circling overhead as escort. The target comprised three houses in the town centre which signal intelligence had linked to al-Zarqawi. There was no further intelligence to support the mission other than that provided by a co-operative informant from the local Ayzidi tribe, the main US ally in the area. The source claimed that there was a wounded Yemeni rebel in the town. Women and children were found in the three identified houses, Baij’s local police station had been demolished and its police vanished. The town’s English speaking former Mayor was frank about the town’s allegiances. “There are terrorists here, not from Syria, not from Mosul, but from Baij. Some are Baathists and some are Islamists and before they hated each other, but now they work together, and they tell people that if they do not work with them, they will kill them.”

Mr Fahad, who claimed to have survived several assassination attempts and whose son had been kidnapped, refused to help the Americans on the grounds that he would be murdered if he did. When the US commander offered to protect him, he replied: “Thank you, but you are not always here. This is the first time I have ever seen you.” Whereupon the US troops labelled Mr Fahad a “bad guy” and debated whether to detain him. Instead they detained 70 people from districts identified by their informer as “bad”. In near freezing conditions they sat hooded and bound in their pyjamas.

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They shivered uncontrollably. One wetted himself in fear. Most had been detained at random, but several had been held because they owned AK-47s, which is legal. The evidence against one man was some anti-US literature, a meat cleaver and a tin whistle. US intelligence officers moved through the ranks taking mugshots – “One, two, three Jihaaad!” A thoughtful middle ranking US officer commented on the mission: “When we do this, we lose.”

American military intelligence officers admit their assessments are often little better than guesses. They have but a hazy idea of when and by whom the insurgency was planned, how many dedicated fighters and foreign operatives it involves, who they are, or how much support they command. The scores of terrorists who have blown themselves up in Iraq over the past year are invariably said to be foreign fanatics acting in collaboration with or on behalf of Al Qaeda, but this has almost never been proved.

But gathering accurate and timely intelligence on Al Qaeda is a protracted and tricky affair at the best of times and as the UK and the US learned to their cost in Iraq, mistakes can be hideously costly. In 2002 MI6 asked its small number of half dozen Iraqi agents for information on WMD programmes. Information trickled in confirming London’s worst suspicions but later when reviewed at the inquiry by former Cabinet Secretary, Lord Butler of Brockwell, Sir Richard Dearlove, the new head of the SIS admitted that the SIS had neither the resources nor the funds to implement a new range of assessment techniques developed in 2001! These problems were compounded by Saddam Hussein’s ruthless counter-intelligence measures. Even the ever watchful Joint Intelligence Committee could not remedy the shortcomings.

Sometimes inter-agency rivalry discredits excellent intelligence. The Niger “yellow cake” report submitted to the CIA by MI6 is one such instance. The British service worked alongside two European services to discover when, where and how the ore would be extracted and shipped to Iraq. Agents in Niger reported that officials had spoken to a number of countries about supplying yellow cake enriched uranium – North Korea, Libya, China, Iran and Iraq. Ore was being excavated from abandoned mines and being shipped out. Iran, North Korea and Libya moved quickly with their nuclear projects. Guidance, technology and advice in respect of the machinery and technology for nuclear programmes came from a nuclear smuggling network headed by the brilliant Pakistani scientist, Abdul Qadir Khan. The huge clandestine operation to find the trade routes, carriers and financiers succeeded. The MI6 operation forced Libya to drop its programme and destroy its WMD stockpiles.

The CIA sent Joseph Wilson, a former US Ambassador to Niger, to check the British reports. Amazingly he carried not the MI6 report with its carefully acquired intelligence, but a set of forged Niger documents. It was a major error and led to a comical assertion by the CIA that the SIS was indulging in fantasy. His critical assessment led to the downfall of the CIA Director of Central Intelligence, George Tenet, and public condemnation of President George Bush. In another strange twist Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame was exposed in the press as a CIA officer. Wilson accused the White House of smear tactics, but lost in the melee was the fact that Niger’s biggest export is goats. There is no doubt that MI6 tracked at least three Iraqi officials who had held several meetings discussing a “trade agreement”. It is highly unlikely that the Iraqis were discussing the shipment of a herd of goats.

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Likewise, an MI6 report inadvertently helped thwart political attacks on President George Bush in the run-up to the 2004 US elections. With growing criticism over a huge Iraqi arms cache that had mysteriously disappeared under the noses of US troops, MI6 was called upon to provide the Pentagon with the detailed evidence that Saddam Hussein did indeed have materials for the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction. The weapons had been transferred to Syria by Russian Special Forces shortly before the war started in March 2003. The MI6 file allegedly says “dozens of heavy trucks were used”, in the operation. The report seen by officials in both the Republican and Democratic camps was enough to end a bitter dispute over the vanished weapons. Senator Kerry’s followers had perceived their disappearance as shoddy work and further evidence that not enough attention had been devoted to the roadmap following Saddam’s defeat. Some of the materials moved by Moscow included 30 tons of Russian manufactured RDX and HMX needed to build a nuclear bomb.

When shown the MI6 report the accusations of incompetence by Senator Kerry against President Bush melted away and the matter was quickly dropped by the media. Kerry played a respectful and pivotal role in acknowledging the report.

The intelligence revelation emerged after John Shaw, America’s Deputy Under-secretary for Defence responsible for international technology security, revealed that he had obtained “reliable information from two European intelligence sources that have detailed knowledge of what happened”. MI6 has been linked to the story because senior members of Shaw’s staff secretly visited London and met with John Scarlett, Chief of MI6. The British report detailed how Russian Spetsnaz Special Forces flew to Baghdad a full four weeks prior to the start of the conflict. Fearing an international dispute if US troops discovered the components, Russia’s President Putin ordered the transporting of the cache to Syria in a three week operation, after he had failed to persuade Hussein to submit to US/UK demands to allow unlimited inspection of Iraq’s weapons systems.

Russia supplied over 600,000 tons of conventional weapons to Iraq. The Russian special forces also engaged in a programme designed to shred tons of incriminating documents outlining the scope and scale of the chemical weapons supplied to Iraq. Ukraine and Belarus also supplied weaponry to Iraq. Shaw confirmed that the weapons were moved as part of a carefully constructed programme in advance of the conflict and in collaboration with Saddam’s plans to use Syria as a launching pad for insurgent operations in Iraq. According to the MI6 report these Russian sourced materials could already have been used by militant Islamic fundamentalist forces against American and British troops in Iraq.

On this occasion the British intelligence was confirmed by Pentagon officials using satellite photographs of truck convoys supplied by the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) showing low loaders moving arms and equipment from known sites including 380 tons of RDX and HMX from two of the 56 bunkers at the Al-Qaqaa explosives storage complex between January 2003 and March 2003. Kremlin officials deny the allegations as “far-fetched and ridiculous”.

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Documents reviewed by one defence official include specific Russian military unit itineraries for the truck convoys. Other intelligence revealed Russian soldiers were based at a computer centre near the Russian Embassy in Baghdad. The troops departed sometime before 20th March. Commercial satellite photographs taken shortly before US troops reached the outskirts of Baghdad reveal a number of Russian transport aircraft at Baghdad’s international airport. Analysts speculate that the aircraft were used to evacuate the Russian forces from Iraq before coalition forces occupied the city.

Coupled with the plots already referred to is another plan, revealed recently in a captured laptop held by an Al Qaeda team including valid South African passport holders intercepted in Pakistan. The plan involves detonating an explosive device not unlike a small thermo-nuclear bomb in the centres of finance in New York or Washington. Al-Qaeda’s intelligence is nothing if not thorough noting that 14 people a minute walk past some of the target buildings in New York, listing escape routes and studying traffic flows.

A Special Investigation in September 2004 by the US TV network CBS featured the network’s security affairs specialist David Martin saying that the CIA had identified 29 new 2nd and 3rd tier leaders of Al Qaeda with certain established followers in South Africa. 21 of these leaders were identified as being located in countries stretching from Pakistan to South Africa. The accuracy of the report was immediately challenged by the South African Minister for Intelligence, Mr Ronnie Kasrils, the political head of the South African National Intelligence Agency and the South African Secret Service. According to the CBS report the alleged South African Al Qaeda operatives were directly answerable to al Zarqawi.

The South African Government in the form of the Minister of Intelligence has made it clear that Al Qaeda will not be tolerated in South Africa. To this effect, several Al Qaeda operatives have been deported both to the US and to Jordan. A substantial Muslim community in South Africa which is predominantly if not overwhelmingly opposed to Al Qaeda’s radicalism, nonetheless remains a potentially fertile breeding ground for both recruitment and concealment. Towards the end of 2004 the South African Police air commando wing located from the air what appeared to be a new military training base in northern KwaZulu/Natal comprising accommodation, obstacle courses and a firing range. Checking with the South African National Defence Force who denied the base was theirs, a decision was taken to investigate the area using the SAPS SWAT team. What amounted to all intents and purposes to be a local Al Qaeda training base staffed by Muslim Indians from KzN was discovered and shut down.

It would seem that, as always, eternal vigilance, is the price of peace!

The African connection is thought provoking for four reasons.

One relates to the fireside chat given by Geoff Hill in this club earlier this year on the ease with which a genuine SA passport could be falsely obtained in South Africa. No sooner said than done for a mere R6 000 backhander or US$1 000.

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Secondly, the US is increasingly looking to Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea and Cabinda amongst other places to beef up its hydrocarbon sources in the event of a reduction in supply from the Middle East. Nigeria supplies 14% of US hydrocarbon requirements and the Gulf of Guinea which is growing already supplies 25% to 30% of US consumption. The whole of Africa now falls under the US European Command based in Stuttgart, Germany, which covers all Europe from the Atlantic through the eastern European former Soviet satellites to the Russian frontier, the Mediterranean and parts of the Middle East. Africa falls within the “arc of crisis” in USEUCOM and will receive considerably more attention from Washington than ever before.

Thirdly, such US interests cannot ignore the carnage in the Darfur region of Sudan where Arab Al-Qaeda sympathising fanatics have been slaughtering their own black population with gay abandon. How bad is it in Darfur? As the July/August edition of The Economist says, ask the villagers who saw their black neighbours trussed with chains and burned alive. Ask the 1.2 million black people who have fled the torched embers of their huts. Ask the aid workers who estimate that 1 000 black people are dying every day of hunger related diseases. By the end of this year 350 000 black people will die from malnutrition. Should aid not be forthcoming fast the figure will rise to one million. Darfur is so horrific that even the African Union which could see no wrong in Zimbabwe’s elections, has protested vehemently.

Fourthly, arrested alongside Mr Mohammed Noor Khan was Mr Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, a Tanzanian militant, wanted by the British and the Americans to the tune of US$ 5 millions for the 1998 bombings of the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. The African connection is already established and operational.

The United States is so concerned over the possible threat to its present and future hydrocarbon interests in the continent as well as the implications of resurgent militant Islam that the second of two conferences was held in December 2004 in Stuttgart attended by top level military representatives from the US, Canada and Europe. Known as the African Clearing House it was a two day affair designed to co-ordinate strategy, achieve consensus on tactical battle doctrine and define policy with a view to creating 5 operational brigades for rapid deployment anywhere in Africa. There were be no African representatives at this conference!

If South Africans think that the RSA can take a neutral line on Al-Qaeda and escape murder and mayhem here, they are barking up the wrong tree. What has happened in Bali, Madrid and London will, without doubt, be considered here sooner or later, indeed may even be in the planning stages now. Heaven knows, there are enough tempting targets with sufficiently high profile to earn substantial international media attention.

Black or white, we as South Africans must face these realities and adopt the appropriate measures to protect ourselves. Knowledge, or intelligence, in both senses of the word is the starting point. In that sense I trust that braving this chilly evening to be here tonight has proven worthwhile.
