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1789). (Lexington, KY) 1793-12-07 [p ]. - University of...

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eJ parties so the arttcle fifth of the Convent on between the Unit- ed N'etherhn is "and the United .S'ates of AtrWiea, the article 8, of the treaty of amity and corn-amer- ce of the 8ch of October, 1782, between the laid dates, and the ion arttcu or the treity or ami ty and commerce, betwen Prmfia anit the United States, of the 10th September, 17S5. Ail vvhich treaties and conventions grant to the Consuls of the con'ncting parties, full, entire, and sole jurif-dJctionov- er the vefiels of their nations ; mutually grants. to thole parties all the advantages which either may grant to the mod favoured nations. Under the i'anction of this national palla- -' dium, I went c board of said prize; in order to cxercifs my Cjnfuiar' njithorjty, and to oppose myself to the infraction of the meft Acred treaties, which I did, until com- -' pelled tovyield to the authority of the country. Having at that timerjvena account of those tranf. actions to citizen Genner, Minister of the French Republic, I have .received from him the following inductions. Jcw-Yor- k, Sep. 18, 1793. The id year of the F Republic. Citiz-- n Gnet, Plenipotentiary. Mi- nsfter of the French Republic to the United State of America, to . Citizen Dup'aine, Vicc-Conful- the Fr-nc- v Republic 3tBolan. CiTIZEN, YQU demand prccife inflructi-en- s ofVjne, on the conducr which you are to 'o"o v n hi extrordi--lUrypofltio- u, in winch ou tiave been placed by your z al to fulfil your duties. I ney (hall be Ihort. Pei sill in the protections which1- - A you nave nuuc jdiim wua tci might in the lead degree injure the rights of the French nation, and the" character with which you are in- verted ; afterwards give yourself up without rcferve to the mvral force othcjudicial power of the- - United1 jSlates , confine yourself to the pre- ferring in one hand, our treaties of commerce and alliance, which" ought to be, for them, laws mod sat crea in. the other, the immortal hiflBryof the revolution of Amen- - ra,Svhich ought to be, for just and grabful men, the only commentary on,Vur nationjl pacts. Is you are acquitted, more than ever hlefs and aWore free governmen s, where the 'inan who acts under the protection. Ljffi" the law is always fhehered trom. WCw stroke of despotism. Is you leave to the sovereign people of France and America, to decide, through the orean of their. O reprelentatives, whether our bonds' of union are to be ftrengtheried or wholly broken, at a time when all courts have sworn the ruin of those Republics which are sounded upon the rishts of man ; and when their perfiduous policy is to effect a dis- union among them, that tliey may afterward s, with more safety, ope-ra- re thfir effectual deflruction. ' (Signed) Gfe.NET. C CCC3 OOOO OOOO rOCO OOOO COOO OOOO MOO OCOO 0060 430 C009 Lexiniogn, December 7. Lafl weeli a company of five men commit through the wildcr- - ness, w ere 111 ed on by the Indians, one of which was killed and two wounded. JU ST ARRIVED, And now openiiiK, at the fubTcri- - )f) ber's Storf in Lexiagton, J on MaimEieet, A GENERAL Afioitmcnt of l. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE and OJJEEN'S WARE ; which he will sell on the ( lowest terms for Cafli, country Li- lian Pnrlr Rnf-rc- r nnl Chefife. G.-org- e Ttga) Jen THE conrmanding Officer of the takes- - this--earl- y oppoftunity to caution the good citizens in the neighbourhood of the cantonment, againit any deal- ings with the fbldiery of thefqua-dio- n, without a wi itten permiiiiou f nnt n rnmmifiinnf'fl Ofllrer. 67which will be always granted in , proper cases. He hopes this friend- - ly notice will not gne olfence, as it is only intended topiefcrve the public property inviolate, and prevent any mifunderilanding be- tween the tioops of the United States and the people of Kentuc- ky. Lest any imposition should take place, the Commanding officer has thought proper to add the names of the olhccrs of the corps. Capt. Tar let on Fleming. Solonjoi. V. Renfalasi't Lieut. James Taylor, ' Leonard CovingtonK John Webb, v George H. Dunn,, Cornets. . Abraham Jones, Daniel Torrey John Pofey, William K. Blue, R. M. CAMPBELL, CafttY Commanding Dragoons. At a Courtr of Quarter Seifions ' continued' and held for the county of jeiTeifon, September Th'omasi'tanfbury, ComplainantA Pubrl'c road leading from 'to tort Wafhmgton by Hcniys Ifaae Hback,& ? Edward Williams, 5 Defendant Edward THE not having entered his appearance herein according to aw and the rules ot this Lourt, and it appealing t'o the fatisfac-tio- n of the Court, that the said Edward' is no inhabitant of this Commonwealth, it that the said Defendant Edward do" appear hero on the first day of the next February Court, and ajifwer the Complainant's bill ; and that ti copy of this 01 der be forthwith inserted in the Centucky two months fuccellively ; publish-e- d some Sunday at the front door of theMethodiilmeetinr'-houfea- t , Callowavs cnlmtv., immediately alter divine' service", and polled at the front door .of the the house now used as court-- - house in Louisville. A copy. Telle - - STEPHEN ORMSBY, The bar lately erefled a FULLING MILL, N tne waters of Hancock, two; miles fom Stroud's flation, th two llocks compleat. He attcis himf elfthat those who may hiin, may depend on having their cloth being clone in the belt man- - jier, and with dispatch and puiidlu-alit- y, by the public's fer-van- t. Daniel' Harrifhn. N. B. A' good JOURNEYMAN FULLER will meet with good en- couragement by the subscriber,and generous wages. aw D. H. ' - HERE AS the fubferibers- - of Bourbon county have" Cleave bond severally to a certain Janjcs Trabue of Charlotte of Virginia, demanding money and other trade,, payable or due Oflo-- br lad ; wc do hereby require said Trabue, his agent or afligns to come and receive their pay accord-- - ingto bond. , - William Stewart Hugh Nowell, John Bell. T y, ti r . . I W FCR SALS, ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY ACRES OF Lexington A"-ainf- t Defclldants, Gazette C.C.Q,.S.., fubferiber humble county LAND. ijflfc T AKA -- LAYING on the waters of Cr run, about five miles and a h: nrrom Lexmsfton, a part of Mr inuel Meiedith's military survey, the whole inclofed but fhrceen acres and under good fence ; about six- - ty acres of cleared land,liVe acres of good meadow, a tolerable good hewed log house joint llungle 1 oof, and an excellent bain raifedfe ver- ity by twenty se en, hewed logs; and about two hundred apple trees planted; a'neer sailing spring? An indisputable title will be made. Any person inclining to purchase may know the terms by applying to the fubferiber on the pi eimfes. JAMES PRINGL-E.- ' FOR S'ALfi, Two hundred acres of Land,' Ji-YIN- on 'he wsters of North Elkh6rn, six miles from Lexington, a part of Mr. Samuel Mere uh's rrril'tary survey ; afiout one hundred" ClAnii thirty acres under a pood fence. twenty acres cleared, five acres of which- - is excellent meadow ; two never sailing fprinq;? near to the buildings, which are a dwelling house twenty by eighteen, and two other' cabbms, the Whole of hewed- - Innc Kfirlnc tht srtanntaorp rif a Tnill that palies through the mi- - provemem the fiiuatio'i is very beautiful. Any person intlinine to purcrjafe may kno-- the" terms by applying to the fubferiber on the .remises. James Dunwiddie.- - CvvnO Strayed or Stolen from the1 fubferiber, about three or sour .vpTr nnftv rrf rinrV liav lini ft?. li rl lt.-- I llinll i - . n n K l n -- . nfwnr linofTnrlt. branded Bon -- j 7 liis near shoulder, GS on ihis near buttock, six or seven years old One bay mare and spring colt, the" mare abchtt fourteen Hands high, ihort tail, tis thought she is brand- ed I Bon the ne'ar llioulder, about eight Or nine years old ; Likewise oite bay Filly two yxars old nei- ther branded' or dockeiL Who--ev- er takes up the' horse-- - and two mares and delivers them in Lex- ington, shall lrae two dollars a1 pfece. ROBERT BARR. Lexington, Dec. 6, 1 7 93. &'(t)&- - -- f ' - I wane a sew good B 0 AT ME ISf o' conduct my Boats to the city of New-Orlean- s. Any person de-- - igirlg Will meet with good wages and treatment. Ap- plication to be made on or before the tenth day December, as the-boat- s will sail from Frankfort shortly aster that period. CASH and MERCHAN-DIS- E. " , Will b"e given for Hog's Lard', Country Linen, Bees-Cattle- , live J'ork, Sugar, Wheat, Rye, Corn & ' Oats-- , by the fubferiber ; who ha-- - "Tforlale at this place, a neat aflbrts ment ot MhliCHAJNUlbb, luita- - bletothe present and approaching leaon, Oil the lowest tetmS for calh' the above, articles of produce. James Lcnton George Town November icT co- - TO KENT.. rpHE Store room in Lexington, - J. iiueiy uuuuicu uy xiuncroc V "C.c.cnce r wi3wing . ward, ah excellent (land for bu-catt- le is fomcthwg considerable. t finefs, for terms apply to . , November 9. .- - STEPHEN C3LLINS. Dec. j, j. Lexington, 1 'A general and -- well cfcfc Ajjottme it of'Mcrchandifc, is - noia ofened by HUGH M'lLVAIN, mnniKT fl nhhirh rrp SUPERFINE Bioad and narroy Second ditto, ... Twilled and plain Coatings v ) Coarse cloths. .''; lose, Point & Duflil Blankets. ? Tw ill'd plain & Stiip'd Tluclifets, Ditto Corduroys Sattinetts h de-- r nims, trip'd &: Corded amensy Chintzes & Callicoes, Irish Linens, Dowfas and Geiman ditto,-Stripe- Hollands, Cotton' & Linen Checks, Silk, Muslin,,, Lawn Cotton Sc Linen Handkei chiefs A veriety of Muilins ' & Muslin. Aprons, Sattins Modes and Perjians, ! With the following collection o , Boo'ks and Stationary viz. Larg family bioles & pocket do.-Bell'- s Suiveying, Marrow of modern' Divinity. Fisher on the Catechism, Confelfion of Faith Afflicted Maus Companion, . Pilgrims Progrcfs, Religious Courtihipy Brcivn on the Catechism," Brown on thevChriflian Churches Thomas a Kempis, '. Bollon's fourfold State, Spedlator, Female .ditto.-Rollin'- s Roman Hiflory, Robetfon's Chares the fifth, Childrens Friend, Friend of Youth, Culpepers PhyficianY Buchan's Family PhyficianV Harvey's W6rks ' " Beauties ol Blair, Ruflels Sermon's, Chriflian Economy,' . i Gay's Fables, v f Bailey's Dictionary Shei idan's ditto. Entick's ditto. Scott's ditto. Webfler's' Selection, American Constitution Sentimental' JoUrney, Roderick Random, Httniphre-- Cjinkerj Young marls' bell Companion Brown's Concordance,. Peter Pindar, Anftotle's norks,i Fo j1 of Quohty,- - Justice, abridgecfy Preceptor,' JLady's CittoV Milton's vorks,- - Willifcn on the Catechism,' Blair's Sermons, GoidfmithV England. , Pike's cases of conlcience, Edwards on the affections, Dodridgcs rise 'and progress Wifley's Sermons, Cheflei field's Lee's Memoirs, Rowe's Lerters, Barlow's Hlalms. Watt's ditto, Rippon's Hymrts,, Wefloy's ditto. School Books, English' ahd G'ermart' Almahacs,- - Maps of the seat of war in Franccv Ditto of Kentucky,' Blank Books, and Stationary in ge- neral. Cash, Linen,. Furs arid' Sugar will be received in payment; Cajh given for On evn & Dry ' H- - I D E S, LexinRton, Noi'e-nbe- r 30; 1793. . r A RIFLE GU;, GIVEN by afickman, between Hamilton alid'Fort Jef-ferfo- n, the lafl campain, is lest at this office, the owner may get her by applying and paying charges I ,i9Sm 5
Page 1: 1789). (Lexington, KY) 1793-12-07 [p ]. - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7g4f1mhc8w/data/0648.pdfMarrow of modern' Divinity. Fisher on the Catechism, Confelfion of Faith

eJ parties so the arttcle fifth ofthe Convent on between the Unit-ed N'etherhn is "and the United.S'ates of AtrWiea, the article 8,of the treaty of amity and corn-amer- ce

of the 8ch of October, 1782,between the laid dates, and theion arttcu or the treity or amity and commerce, betwen Prmfiaanit the United States, of the 10thSeptember, 17S5. Ail vvhichtreaties and conventions grant tothe Consuls of the con'nctingparties, full, entire, and sole jurif-dJctionov- er

the vefiels of theirnations ; mutually grants.

to thole parties all the advantageswhich either may grant to themod favoured nations. Underthe i'anction of this national palla- -'

dium, I went c board of said prize;in order to cxercifs my Cjnfuiar'njithorjty, and to oppose myselfto the infraction of the meft Acredtreaties, which I did, until com- -'

pelled tovyield to the authority ofthe country.

Having at that timerjvenaaccount of those tranf.

actions to citizen Genner, Ministerof the French Republic, I have

.received from him the followinginductions.

Jcw-Yor- k, Sep. 18, 1793.The id year of the F Republic.

Citiz-- n Gnet, Plenipotentiary. Mi-

nsfter of the French Republic tothe United State of America, to

. Citizen Dup'aine, Vicc-Conful-

the Fr-nc- v Republic 3tBolan.CiTIZEN,

YQU demand prccife inflructi-en- s

ofVjne, on the conducr whichyou are to 'o"o v n hi extrordi--lUrypofltio- u,

in winch ou tiavebeen placed by your z al to fulfil

your duties. I ney (hall be Ihort.Pei sill in the protections which1- - A

you nave nuuc jdiim wua tcimight in the lead degree injure therights of the French nation, and the"

character with which you are in-

verted ; afterwards give yourself upwithout rcferve to the mvral forceothcjudicial power of the- - United1

jSlates , confine yourself to the pre-

ferring in one hand, our treaties ofcommerce and alliance, which"ought to be, for them, laws mod sat

crea in. the other, the immortalhiflBryof the revolution of Amen- -ra,Svhich ought to be, for just andgrabful men, the only commentaryon,Vur nationjl pacts. Is you areacquitted, more than ever hlefs andaWore free governmen s, where the

'inan who acts under the protection.Ljffi" the law is always fhehered trom.WCw stroke of despotism. Is you

leave to the sovereignpeople of France and America, todecide, through the orean of their. Oreprelentatives, whether our bonds'of union are to be ftrengtheried orwholly broken, at a time when allcourts have sworn the ruin of thoseRepublics which are sounded uponthe rishts of man ; and when theirperfiduous policy is to effect a dis-

union among them, that tliey mayafterward s, with more safety, ope-ra- re

thfir effectual deflruction.' (Signed) Gfe.NET.C CCC3 OOOO OOOO rOCO OOOO COOO OOOO MOO OCOO 0060 430 C009

Lexiniogn, December 7.Lafl weeli a company of five

men commit through the wildcr- -ness, w ere 111 ed on by the Indians,one of which was killed and twowounded.

JU ST ARRIVED,And now openiiiK, at the fubTcri- -

)f) ber's Storf in Lexiagton,J on MaimEieet,

A GENERAL Afioitmcnt ofl. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,HARD WARE and OJJEEN'SWARE ; which he will sell on the

( lowest terms for Cafli, country Li-

lian Pnrlr Rnf-rc- r nnl Chefife.G.-org- e Ttga) Jen

THE conrmanding Officer of thetakes-- this--earl- y

oppoftunity to caution the goodcitizens in the neighbourhood ofthe cantonment, againit any deal-ings with the fbldiery of thefqua-dio- n,

without a wi itten permiiiiouf nnt n rnmmifiinnf'fl Ofllrer.

67which will be always granted in ,

proper cases. He hopes this friend- -

ly notice will not gne olfence, asit is only intended topiefcrve thepublic property inviolate, andprevent any mifunderilanding be-

tween the tioops of the UnitedStates and the people of Kentuc-ky.

Lest any imposition should takeplace, the Commanding officer hasthought proper to add the namesof the olhccrs of the corps.Capt. Tarleton Fleming.

Solonjoi. V. Renfalasi'tLieut. James Taylor, '

Leonard CovingtonK

John Webb,v

George H. Dunn,,Cornets.

. Abraham Jones,Daniel TorreyJohn Pofey,

William K. Blue,

R. M. CAMPBELL, CafttYCommanding Dragoons.

At a Courtr of Quarter Seifions' continued' and held for the

county of jeiTeifon, September

Th'omasi'tanfbury, ComplainantA Pubrl'c road leading from

'to tort Wafhmgton by HcniysIfaae Hback,& ?Edward Williams, 5

Defendant EdwardTHE not having entered hisappearance herein according toaw and the rules ot this Lourt,

and it appealing t'o the fatisfac-tio- n

of the Court, that the saidEdward' is no inhabitant of thisCommonwealth, it thatthe said Defendant Edward do"appear hero on the first day of thenext February Court, and ajifwerthe Complainant's bill ; and thatti copy of this 01 der be forthwithinserted in the Centuckytwo months fuccellively ; publish-e- d

some Sunday at the front doorof theMethodiilmeetinr'-houfea- t,

Callowavs cnlmtv.,immediately alter divine' service",and polled at the front door .ofthe the house now used as court-- -house in Louisville.

A copy. Telle - -STEPHEN ORMSBY,

The bar lately erefled aFULLING MILL,

N tne waters of Hancock, two;miles fom Stroud's flation,

th two llocks compleat. Heattcis himfelfthat those who may

hiin, may depend on having theircloth being clone in the belt man- -jier, and with dispatch and puiidlu-alit- y,

by the public's fer-van- t.

Daniel' Harrifhn.N. B. A' good JOURNEYMAN

FULLER will meet with good en-couragement by the subscriber,andgenerous wages. aw D. H.


HERE AS the fubferibers- -

of Bourbon county have"

Cleave bond severally to a certainJanjcs Trabue of Charlotteof Virginia, demanding money andother trade,, payable or due Oflo-- br

lad ; wc do hereby require saidTrabue, his agent or afligns tocome and receive their pay accord-- -ingto bond. , -

William StewartHugh Nowell,John Bell.

T y, ti r . . I




LexingtonA"-ainf- t







LAND. ijflfc

T AKA--LAYING on the waters of Crrun, about five miles and a h:

nrrom Lexmsfton, a part of Mrinuel Meiedith's military survey,the whole inclofed but fhrceen acresand under good fence ; about six- -

ty acres of cleared land,liVe acresof good meadow, a tolerable goodhewed log house joint llungle 1 oof,and an excellent bain raifedfe ver-ity by twenty se en, hewed logs;and about two hundred apple treesplanted; a'neer sailing spring?An indisputable title will be made.Any person inclining to purchasemay know the terms by applyingto the fubferiber on the pi eimfes.


FOR S'ALfi,Two hundred acres of Land,'

Ji-YIN- on 'he wsters of NorthElkh6rn, six miles from Lexington,a part of Mr. Samuel Mere uh'srrril'tary survey ; afiout one hundred"

ClAnii thirty acres under a pood fence.twenty acres cleared, five acres ofwhich- - is excellent meadow ; twonever sailing fprinq;? near to thebuildings, which are a dwellinghouse twenty by eighteen, and twoother' cabbms, the Whole of hewed- -

Innc Kfirlnc tht srtanntaorp rif a

Tnill that palies through the mi--provemem the fiiuatio'i is verybeautiful. Any person intlinine topurcrjafe may kno-- the" terms byapplying to the fubferiber on the.remises.

James Dunwiddie.- -

CvvnOStrayed or Stolen from the1fubferiber, about three or sour.vpTr nnftv rrf rinrV liav lini ft?.

li rl lt.-- I llinlli - . n n K l n-- .

nfwnr linofTnrlt. branded Bon--j 7

liis near shoulder, GS on ihis nearbuttock, six or seven years oldOne bay mare and spring colt, the"mare abchtt fourteen Hands high,ihort tail, tis thought she is brand-ed I Bon the ne'ar llioulder, abouteight Or nine years old ; Likewiseoite bay Filly two yxars old nei-

ther branded' or dockeiL Who--ev- er

takes up the' horse-- - and twomares and delivers them in Lex-

ington, shall lrae two dollars a1


Lexington, Dec. 6, 1 7 93.&'(t)&- - --f '

- I wane a sew goodB 0 AT ME ISf

o' conduct my Boats to the cityof New-Orlean- s. Any person de-- -

igirlg Will meet withgood wages and treatment. Ap-

plication to be made on or beforethe tenth day December, as the-boat- s

will sail from Frankfortshortly aster that period.CASH and MERCHAN-DIS- E.


,Will b"e given for Hog's Lard',Country Linen, Bees-Cattle- , liveJ'ork, Sugar, Wheat, Rye, Corn &

' Oats-- , by the fubferiber ; who ha-- -

"Tforlale at this place, a neat aflbrtsment ot MhliCHAJNUlbb, luita- -

bletothe present and approachingleaon, Oil the lowest tetmS for calh'the above, articles of produce.

James LcntonGeorge Town November icT

co- -

TO KENT..rpHE Store room in Lexington,- J. iiueiy uuuuicu uy xiuncroc

V "C.c.cnce r wi3wing . ward, ah excellent (land for bu-catt- le

is fomcthwg considerable. t finefs, for terms apply to . ,

November 9. .- - STEPHEN C3LLINS.Dec. j, j.Lexington, 1

'A general and --well cfcfcAjjottme it of'Mcrchandifc,is - noia ofened by

HUGH M'lLVAIN,mnniKT fl nhhirh rrp

SUPERFINE Bioad and narroy

Second ditto, ...Twilled and plain Coatings v )

Coarse cloths. .'';lose, Point & Duflil Blankets. ?Tw ill'd plain & Stiip'd Tluclifets,Ditto Corduroys Sattinetts h de-- r

nims,trip'd &: Corded amensy

Chintzes & Callicoes,Irish Linens,Dowfas and Geiman ditto,-Stripe-

Hollands,Cotton' & Linen Checks,Silk, Muslin,,, Lawn Cotton Sc

Linen Handkei chiefsA veriety of Muilins ' & Muslin.

Aprons,Sattins Modes and

Perjians, !

With the following collection o, Boo'ks and Stationary viz.

Larg family bioles & pocket do.-Bell'- s

Suiveying,Marrow of modern' Divinity.Fisher on the Catechism,Confelfion of FaithAfflicted Maus Companion, .Pilgrims Progrcfs,Religious CourtihipyBrcivn on the Catechism,"Brown on thevChriflian ChurchesThomas a Kempis, '.Bollon's fourfold State,Spedlator,Female .ditto.-Rollin'- s

Roman Hiflory,Robetfon's Chares the fifth,Childrens Friend,Friend of Youth,Culpepers PhyficianYBuchan's Family PhyficianVHarvey's W6rks ' "

Beauties ol Blair,Ruflels Sermon's,Chriflian Economy,' .

i Gay's Fables, v fBailey's DictionaryShei idan's ditto.Entick's ditto.Scott's ditto.Webfler's' Selection,American ConstitutionSentimental' JoUrney,Roderick Random,Httniphre-- CjinkerjYoung marls' bell CompanionBrown's Concordance,.Peter Pindar,Anftotle's norks,iFo j1 of Quohty,- -

Justice, abridgecfyPreceptor,'JLady's CittoVMilton's vorks,- -

Willifcn on the Catechism,'Blair's Sermons,GoidfmithV England. ,

Pike's cases of conlcience,Edwards on the affections,Dodridgcs rise 'and progressWifley's Sermons,Cheflei field'sLee's Memoirs,Rowe's Lerters,Barlow's Hlalms.Watt's ditto,Rippon's Hymrts,,Wefloy's ditto.School Books,English' ahd G'ermart' Almahacs,- -

Maps of the seat of war in FranccvDitto of Kentucky,'Blank Books, and Stationary in ge-

neral.Cash, Linen,. Furs arid' Sugar

will be received in payment;Cajh given for On evn & Dry

'H-- I D E S,

LexinRton, Noi'e-nbe- r 30; 1793.. r

A RIFLE GU;,GIVEN by afickman, between

Hamilton alid'Fort Jef-ferfo- n,

the lafl campain, is lest atthis office, the owner may get herby applying and paying charges


