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18-R It Pays to Read the Owner's Manual · !Some people–look at Ten Commandments.... 34 !The...

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18-R It Pays to Read the Owner’s Manual International English Version B 1 (Appeal song: “Nothing Between My Soul and the Savior”) !Topic tonight: “It Pays to Read the Owner’s Manual 1 !Suppose you have–new car since–cost you–lot–money–decide–save–money –on operating costs. –So you ignore–owner’s manual–take care–car –way you decide–best. –You know–manual says–should change–oil –every 3,000 miles (5,000 kilometers). –But–know–oil–expensive –so–go looking for–substitute. –One morning–spill some orange juice–on–table, –discover that orange juice–slippery–costs–lot less 2 –So, when you finally do get around–changing–oil, –you put in orange juice instead. !And–cost–gasoline (petrol)–so expensive 3 –you start putting–little water in–tank each time–fill it up. –You have–idea that over time –can train–engine–run on water instead–gas. –So little by little–increase–amount–water–mix with–gas. –Well, friends, just how long –you think–would be –before you started having major problems? 4 –How long before–car just quits running –leaves you stranded along side road? !But why is it–we usually take far better care –our cars than–do–own bodies? 5

18-R It Pays to Read the Owner’s Manual

International English Version B 1

(Appeal song: “Nothing Between My Soul and the Savior”) !Topic tonight: “It Pays to Read the Owner’s Manual


!Suppose you have–new car –since–cost you–lot–money–decide–save–money –on operating costs. –So you ignore–owner’s manual–take care–car –way you decide–best. –You know–manual says–should change–oil –every 3,000 miles (5,000 kilometers). –But–know–oil–expensive –so–go looking for–substitute.

–One morning–spill some orange juice–on–table, –discover that orange juice–slippery–costs–lot less


–So, when you finally do get around–changing–oil, –you put in orange juice instead. !And–cost–gasoline (petrol)–so expensive


–you start putting–little water in–tank each time–fill it up. –You have–idea that over time –can train–engine–run on water instead–gas. –So little by little–increase–amount–water–mix with–gas. –Well, friends, just how long –you think–would be –before you started having major problems?


–How long before–car just quits running –leaves you stranded along side road? !But why is it–we usually take far better care –our cars than–do–own bodies?


18-R It Pays to Read the Owner’s Manual

International English Version B 2

!Today–leading causes–death include –heart disease, cancer, stroke, pulmonary –lung diseases, and diabetes. –And perhaps–saddest thing of all about–diseases– –most–them–largely preventable by changes–lifestyle. –Smoking, bad dietary choices, and–inactive lifestyle –along with high levels–stress –set people up to contract one or more–these leading killers. !It couldn’t be more obvious–we–ignoring–owner’s manual –God gave us for taking care–our bodies. –And God has given us –lot–detailed information on how–have wonderful health –avoid disease.


!Some believe–Health is a matter of a chance –you roll dice–number comes up–you get sick –Sickness–God put His finger on you –cancer–diabetes–stroke–matter of fate !Today scientists understand

–health–not chance–but basic lifestyle principles


!Others think–way to health–pills and shots –Doctor–please give me a pill –pill for energy–cure heart disease–cancer !But, Doctor–I want to keep smoking–drinking


–Bible’s–health principles–better than pills !It is clear–God wants us to be healthy


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!3 John 2 says: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health...”


!He is also interested–our physical health –He is–Creator of our bodies –logical–He’s interested–our physical health


!Bible says–in John 10:10: “...I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” !Jesus wants you–have life–in all its fullness !NOT God’s plan–die young–heart attack–cancer –That’s part–enemy’s strategy


!Let’s turn–Revelation–God’s last-day message


!Revelation 14: 6, 7: “And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach


to them that dwell on the earth,to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people,


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saying with a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give glory to Him: for the hour of his judgment is come”

–It is...time of judgment, second coming of Christ –here’s a message–to give glory to God


“...and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and fountains of waters.” !God’s last-day message–calls us–worship the Creator !The symbol–worshiping Creator–is the Bible Sabbath –This last-day message–Bible says –give glory to God–in judgment hour


!How do I give glory to God? –What does God’s last-day message mean–says –give glory to Him?


!1 Corinthians 10:31 says: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” !I glorify God in my lifestyle –what I eat–what I drink–physical practices of my life


!Bible goes on–I Corinthians 6:19, 20: “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?...” !Satan’s counterfeit way–your body is a fun house –Do whatever feels good–guided by–thrill-jaded– –morally twisted–spiritually dwarfed –sex-centered generation –But God says–your body–temple of the Holy Spirit


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“...For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” !Bible says–I’m twice bought. –God created me–I am God’s by creation


!World lost–when Adam and Eve sinned –Bought back–by Christ’s death on the cross –we are God’s by redemption.


!This body is His living temple –But–It’s our own lifestyle that’s killing us !For everything that God created... –Satan has a counterfeit


–Including–A plan to destroy our health –God has–plan to preserve your health –Satan has a counterfeit


!God has pure air –helps keep your body vigorous


!Devil designs–counterfeit to pure air –It is tobacco smoke! –God didn’t get you addicted !The Sloan-Kettering Institute of Cancer Research –did pioneering studies –on worst source of air pollution –cigarette smoking


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!Developed cigarette smoking machines –extracted tar from cigarette smoke –painted it–back of experimental animals


!These animals–develop cancer –indistinguishable from human cancer


!Today–it’s a known fact–cigarette smoking... –contributes–heart disease–strokes... –many forms of cancer–emphysema –premature births–poor circulation –shortness of breath–even wrinkles !Yes–for everything God has created –devil has created a counterfeit


–God created pure air –Devil created–counterfeit–cigarette smoke


!Today we know... –Smoking effects not only your health but the health of your loved ones


!Children–homes of smokers... –more colds and flu–than children of nonsmokers –more likely–born prematurely –die in childbirth


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!Newest studies link smoking to... –sudden infant death syndrome –more crib deaths–when mother smokes –Devil–wants to destroy–your babies –Only safety–reject devil’s counterfeits


!Some people–look at Ten Commandments....


!The commandments say... –“Thou shalt not kill.” (Exodus 20:13)


–conclude–“I’m not doing anything wrong” !Every time you smoke–shortens your life by 13 minutes !But, Pastor–I didn’t know how bad it was –I was young–my friends pressured me to smoke –now I’m addicted–10, 15, 20 years


!Bible says–Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things” (except quit smoking?) “through Christ who strengthens me.” !Good news–no matter how long you’ve smoked... –power of God–strong enough–get you off tobacco !If you tell me you can’t stop smoking –you’re saying God won’t help you quit. !I remember a lady–she said, “Pastor, I can’t quit” –I believe in God–but I can’t quit –I asked her–underline a Bible text–in Philippians 4:13 !Told her–amend–Bible–insert–phrase, “except quit smoking” –She said, “I’m not going to write that in my Bible.”


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!When–get outside –take–cigarettes–say, “God, they are Yours” –throw them away –When you crave a cigarette–go outside for a walk –claim promise –If you can’t handle craving–jump in the shower –you won’t smoke there

!For everything God has–devil has a counterfeit –God gave us pure water for good health


!Satan has–counterfeit beverage –Alcohol was not brewed in heaven –it was mixed–laboratories of hell –Alcohol–is Satan’s counterfeit.


!What does–Bible teach about alcohol? –It too is a counterfeit –Alcohol affects the brain !Who invented a drink–deaden brain cells –so–Holy Spirit–couldn’t communicate with–mind? –Devil himself


!Bible says–Proverbs 20:1: “Wine is a mocker...” !What’s the word mocker mean?–deceiver –Do you start drinking–to become an alcoholic? –No. Even alcoholics deny their condition! !Bible says wine is a deceiver –Those who say–“I don’t have a problem” –usually have the greatest problems “...Wine is a mocker [a deceiver], Strong [or intoxicating] drink is a brawler, whoever is led astray by it is not wise.”


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!Alcohol is deceptive–alcohol is addictive –It destroys brain cells –It dramatically effects our ability to reason !Devil created–counterfeit relaxant in alcohol –Jesus says–“Come unto me, and I will give you rest” –Devil says, “Come to the bottle, and it will give you rest” !Dr. Melvin Knisely–University of South Carolina –took–group–college students gave– –one group 3 drinks–another 7 drinks–another 12 drinks –Doctor didn’t know how much each student had drunk –Wanted to see–if he could determine it scientifically –next morning–brought to university–lie on a table –Looked into eyes–with microscope –studied agglutination–clogging–of blood vessels in–eyes –He determined–how much–had drunk by– –level of clogging–blood cells !Dr. Knisely noted–every drink–destroys brain cells –alcohol dramatically reduces–your ability to reason


!Two out of five people who begin drinking –will have serious problems with drinking. !What if your dog–bit 2 out of 5 people?


!Only safety–is to quit. Proverbs 23:31-33: “Look not thou upon the wine when it is red [that’s when it is fermented], when it giveth his color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright...”


“...At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. Thine eyes shall behold strange women...”


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!You become all confused–the Bible says: “...and thine heart shall utter perverse things.”


!Only safety–is to Abstain! –only safety–be done with it !Again–Satan has invented the counterfeit –God gave–unfermented–pure grape juice –Devil–created counterfeit–alcohol that destroys


!Doesn’t Bible recommend drinking a little wine? –Bible–has one word–grape juice or for wine !The Bible uses the word wine to refer to two distinctly different grape beverages, one unfermented, the other fermented !The Hebrew word yayin in the Old Testament and the Greek word oinos in the New Testament can mean either the fresh unfermented juice of the grape, or the fermented intoxicating drink !But the Bible is clear–it says drink the juice of the grape –when it’s fresh–not when its fermented !Some say–Pastor–drink just 3-5 drinks–wine-day –no problem–I’d suggest –social drinker–worse curse to young people –than drunkard


!Young people–see banker–doctor–teacher–lawyer –lying in the street–in own vomit–clothes all torn –does teenager want to be like that? Of course not


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!That young person insists–never will be an alcoholic –wants to drink–just like dad–3 or 4 glasses of wine –most young people–start drinking –getting alcohol–parent’s supply !How can you tell your kid it’s wrong–do it yourself?


–Only safety–1 Corinthians 10:13: “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will...”


“...not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make...”


“...the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” !Bible says–whatever your cravings–tobacco–alcohol –God will give you power–you can escape it


!What does Bible say about diet? –Let’s go back–days when Israel was leaving Egypt


!Bible says–Exodus 15:26: “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight,...”


“...give ear to His commandments keep all His statutes,...”


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“...I’ll put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.” !God says–follow–principles of the Bible –won’t allow–many world’s diseases–come on you


!What was–health and disease in the ancient world?


!We know a lot–diseases–killing the Egyptians –studies by Dr. Rosalie David at Manchester University –in England in 1975


!Did autopsies on mummies –looked at–veins and arteries–ancient mummies –thousands–years old–preserved under the sand !Here are–arteries of Ramses II –arteries are clogged–due to high-fat diet –heart disease–stroke–rheumatism and arthritis


!Dr. Rufe–French physician–x-raying mummies –Egyptians’ diet–high-fat–much pork and sugar


!Further evidence–they had extensive dental cavities


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!Diseases killing Egyptians included –atherosclerosis–heart disease–obesity –cancer–tooth decay–stress –immoral lifestyle led to–gonorrhea and syphilis –Here you have counterfeit diet


!When God created the human race –gave Adam and Eve–fuel for their bodies


!God instructed Adam and Eve –about diet–to sustain them in life !Bible says–God gave–fruits–nuts–grains–vegetables


!Genesis 1:29 says: “And God said, See I have given you every herb that yields seed, which is on the face of all the earth,...”


“...and every tree, whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” –God designed that Adam and Eve’s food –fruits and nuts and grains and vegetables


!After–leaving garden–humans began to eat meat


–not until–world–destroyed by the flood –did God give Adam and Eve–permission eat meat !Have you ever wondered –those long life-spans in the Bible?


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!Are they real years? Genesis 5:27 says: “So all the days of Methuselah were 969 years: and he died.” !What about those long ages? Two things: !1) They ate good diet–fruits–nuts-grains–vegetables !God didn’t create him for 969 years–but–live forever


!This chart–people different sizes representing their lifespan (not how tall they were!)–shows: –It was 7 generations from Adam to the flood –Methuselah–“when he dies the waters come” –The year he died the flood came !1st generation after flood–lifespan from 969 to 600 –immediately lost 300 years –7 generations from the flood–to Nahor –Nahor lived only 70 years!


!Interesting–human diet–changed after the flood –God gave permission–eat meat–at flood–Why? !1–humans–living longer in sin !2–during flood–all vegetation was destroyed !When God told Noah–go into the ark –He said–bring some of the animals with you


!He said–Genesis 7:2: “You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal, a male and his female;...”


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“...two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female.” !How many kinds of animals are there here? Two –Clean and the unclean !Why–God say–take 7 of the clean–2 the unclean? –Clean–to be used for sacrifice–some to be eaten –Unclean–scavengers–God’s sewage system


!Then God gave–health principles–in Leviticus !In Leviticus 3:17–God gives a health principle:


“It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood.” !God says–if–going to eat–clean meats–don’t eat–fat !Today we know–heavy fat causes–heart disease !God says–don’t eat the blood. Why? !Today we know–blood can transfer diseases –before humans discovered it–God said –I want you to be in health


!So Satan counterfeit’s God’s diet


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!God’s diet–fruit–nuts–grains–vegetables !Satan’s counterfeit diet–fat–unclean foods –Scientists say–90 to 97 percent–all heart disease –prevented with a vegetarian diet !Pastor–I don’t understand about–unclean foods


!In Leviticus 11:2, 3 God says: “Speak to the children of Israel, saying, ‘These are the animals which you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth:...” –Note: Bible does not teach–a sin to eat meat !God continues–with animals you may eat:


“Among the animals, whatever divides the hoof, having cloven hooves and chewing the cud–that you may eat.”


!A cow–clean animal–split hoof and chews the cud !Sheep–clean animal–split hoof and chews the cud


!What about the camel? Clean or unclean? –What does God say?


!Deuteronomy 14:7, 8 says: “Nevertheless, of those that chew the cud or have cloven hooves, you shall not eat, such as these: the camel...” –No more: baked, fried, stewed camel –You love Jesus enough–give up camel?


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“ ...the hare,...” –a rabbit–has simple digestive system –impurities stay in the flesh –God says don’t eat them “...the Rock Hyrax,...” –big rat–lives in the rocks–that’s a tough one... –No more fried rats–baked rats–steamed rats –You willing–give up rats? “...for they chew the cud but do not have cloven hooves; they are unclean for you.”


“...Also the swine is unclean for you,...” –A pig–just like camels–rats !Why does–Bible say–swine is unclean? “...because it has cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud; you shall not eat their flesh or touch their dead carcasses.” !God says–ham–pork–bacon is–Unclean –part of Satan’s counterfeit system. !If pork were good for us–God would give it to us –Because–tastes good–isn’t–good for you !Cigarette smoking–may feel good–it destroys you –alcohol may seem good–it will destroy you


!Psalm 84: “...no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.” !If pork were good–God would–give it to us –But–he tells us not to eat it


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!Any–scientific evidence–support God’s command? 1) Pork is loaded with saturated fats and cholesterol –meat–highest in saturated fats


2) Cancer in the pig’s skin, kidneys, the lymphatic system, and other internal organs is common –Cancer in animals–can affect human


3) Pork products are regularly preserved with nitrates that are known to produce cancer causing compounds


4) Pork contributes to numerous digestive and stomach problems !Most important–God says–not to eat the pork –along with camel and rats


!Under microscope–in pork–see trichina larvae –trichinosis–can be–major health problem !Eat pork–trichina larvae–enter stomach –eggs hatch–in stomach–invade –seems like–rheumatism or arthritis


!Some say–that’s why we cook pork very well –kill the germs–she was comforted –eat 58 million dead trichina larvae–not live ones –I think God’s way is so much better


!What does God say about sea life?


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!Leviticus 11:9, 10 says: “These you may eat of all that are in the water: whatever in the water has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the river–that you may eat.”


“But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are an abomination to you.” !God says–if it has fins and scales–it is clean to eat –If not–it is a scavenger


–Crabs–lobster–scavengers–eat off the bottom !I love the ocean–love to dive–see God’s beautiful creation under the sea –Seen fishermen trapping crabs –Use head of a fish–rotting is much better –Put in trap–or just on a string –Rotting fish head–attracts crab –does what God created it for –cleaning up–garbage–bottom of the ocean –Pull up–trap or string–there’s the crab holding –Fisherman immediately puts crab–pail of water –keep it alive –Catch fish–you kill them–but you keep crabs alive. –Why? –Those who eat crabs and lobster–boil them alive –Don’t want–time for poisons to go through it–it can kill you –That’s why God said–don’t eat scavengers


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!God says–don’t eat clams–or eel–or shark –It doesn’t have fins or scales


!In Shanghai China–in 1988 –nearly 300,000 got hepatitis-A from clams –with pollutants in sea–getting dangerous –eat even clean sea foods


!What about birds? !Leviticus 11:13–scavenger–bird of prey–don’t eat it:


“And these you shall regard as an abomination among the birds; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, the vulture, the buzzard,...” !God does not list chicken in this list –He does vultures–buzzards in the list


!In the Bible–there are three diets 1) Unacceptable diet–the scavengers –God’s sewage disposal system –pigs on land–scavengers in the ocean


2) Acceptable diet–clean meats –Diet God gave Noah–his family–after the flood


3) Ideal diet–fruits, nuts, grains, vegetables –Diet God gave–Adam and Eve–in Eden


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!Weren’t–health laws–nailed to the cross?


!When Jesus died on the cross –He died to save sinners–NOT to cleanse pigs –If before the cross something was unhealthy –Logical–also unhealthy after the cross? !Christ’s death–didn’t change–biological content–pigs


!Didn’t God tell Peter not to call any food unclean? –I remember–Peter had a dream !Peter had vision–saw animals–in a sheet –rats, snakes, lizards, alligators–God said–unclean –In dream, God says, “Peter, get up and eat” –“I don’t eat rats–snakes–pigs–they’re unclean”

–God says, “Don’t call anything I’ve made unclean –Get up and eat, Peter.” Peter’s confused

!While Peter was wondering–meaning of the vision –something important happens–in Acts 10:17:


“Now while Peter was wondering about the meaning of the vision, the men sent by Cornelius …”


“…found out where Simon’s house was and stopped at the gate. He [Peter] said to them: ‘You are well aware that it is against our law..”


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“… for a Jew to associate with a Gentile or to visit him. But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean.’” !Like all Jews–Peter considered gentiles unclean –Peter–a Jew–considered those–another race–unclean –wouldn’t associate with them !God showed him–vision of unclean foods –God said eat them –Peter said, No –I’m never going to eat it. They are unclean. –Peter asks–But, God, Why did You ask me to do this? –Knock, knock–people from Cornelius’s house– –gentiles–at Peter’s door –In vision–God showed Peter how wrong he was –God said, “Peter, Cornelius, a gentile is praying –go and see him” –He understood–“God said–don’t call–man –uncommon or unclean”


!God’s lesson to Peter–in Christ we’re all one –In Christ–no ethnic barriers–brothers and sisters –Lesson–how we should treat people–not pigs !God says–in Jesus –black–white–Hispanic–Asians–are one people


!Didn’t Jesus say that it’s not what goes into a man that defiles him? But what comes out?


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!Jesus–talking about Pharisees –When Pharisees–rub shoulders with gentiles –Come in–have to wash their hands –Believed–if they ate food–touched by gentiles –would be sinning !Jesus says –it’s not what goes into a person that defiles them –You’re not contaminated–touching sinners –Your pride and greed–in your heart–contaminates !Jesus was not eliminating–health principles –Bible says–your body is the temple of God


!You ask–how can I have victory over my undesirable habits? –How can I be free?


!God’s beautiful promise–recorded in John 1:12: “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God...”


!You can be–son–daughter of God –Tobacco–alcohol–unclean foods–need not hold you


!Satan has–counterfeit to Love –Destroy body and emotions–sexual immorality


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!Only source of joy–is to come to Jesus–and say... –I have given you–my mind–my soul–my body –In last days of world’s history –Don’t want anything–between me and my Savior !Lord–I want to be delivered from... –tobacco–alcohol–unclean food–sexual immorality !Isn’t it wonderful? –God doesn’t leave us alone–with addiction !He promises (Luke 18:27):


“The things which are impossible with men are possible with God” !Are you willing to Give God–everything in your life? –He promises to for you–that which seems impossible.


!Would you say to Him, I don’t want anything–between me and my Savior? –Please–bow your heads in prayer right now


!Listen as _______ sings, “Nothing Between My Soul and My Savior.”

!Tonight as we pray–is there some physical habit–give to Jesus?

1) Nothing between my soul and the Savior, Naught of this world’s delusive dream: I have renounced all sinful pleasure–Jesus is mine! There’s nothing between Chorus Nothing between my soul and the Savior, So that His blessed face may be seen; Nothing preventing the least of His favor: Keep the way clear! Let nothing between. 2) Nothing between, like worldly pleasure: Habits of life, though harmless they seem, Must not my heart from Him ever sever–He is my all! There’s nothing between. 3) Nothing between, e’en many hard trials, Though the whole world against me convene; Watching with prayer and much self-denial–Triumph at last, With nothing between!

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–Alcohol–tobacco–unclean foods–sexual sin? –You know–body is–temple of God–want His spirit–dwell in your body –You want–God’s way–not Satan’s counterfeit–to be God’s person –You want–the better health that comes from living God’s way

–You want–to avoid the diseases that can come from ignoring God’s laws of health

–You want–clear mind in a healthy body that helps you be your best –As we bow our heads to pray–just lift your hand up and say... –God, I’ve given You my mind–my heart–tonight–I give You my body –I want You to be the Lord of my body, as well as of my heart and mind –I want to be Your man–Your woman–final hour of earth’s history !Oh, my Father–you see hands raised here. We want–to follow God’s way, not Satan’s–follow truth–not the counterfeit. We want–enjoy the best health possible–be at our best to serve You and others. We’re weak–but give our lives to You–You’ve promised us your strength. Thank You, Christ’s name. Amen
