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1840-1867. After the Rebellions, many immigrants came to Canada Now ↑ English than...

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After the Rebellions, many immigrants came to Canada

Now ↑ English than French-speaking people in Canada French scared…. WHY?

Form political parties to protect themselves

Upper Canada Canada West Growing very fast

Toronto became the center of business, banking , and industry

New roads = better transportation connecting towns to resources

Lower Canada Canada East

The British were losing interest in the colonies Took away or changed laws that had given

them special privileges Would not pay for new projects: ships,

canals, roads, railways, etc. Colonial governments and private businesses

had to pay

A union of all the colonies would make each colony stronger and richer

Some projects (intercolonial railway) would be easier to pay for if the colonies were together

The American Civil War posed a threat to Canada

1. Native cultures were complex and varied Traditions and cultures were passed down

orally (not written) Elders were highly respected

2. Spiritual beliefs were centered on living in harmony with nature

3. Group vs. individual orientation The well-being of the group is more

important than the individual.

4. Wealth- good health, friends and well-being was more important than possessions

5. Based on the family unit

Each First Nation had its own system of government. Leaders were often chosen on these factors:1. Hereditary leaders2. Wisdom3. Strength4. Hunting ability5. Open discussion

Pushed off their land to reserves : Land set aside for native groups (usually

far away from settlements) Forgotten or ignored unless the

Europeans wanted their lands or cheap labour

Often they were forced to adjust to European life

Traditionally hunters and fishermen Had to become fruit and vegetable

farmers with growing settlements

Had never been involved in agriculture before

Hunters, fishermen, gatherers

Resisted being forced into farming

Had been agriculturalists for a long time

Had local governments

Ready to trade with the colonists

Trespassing often occurred on native reserves to get resources (minerals, wood, etc.)

European settlements moved closer and closer to the reserves

They were often pressured to sell their best land for cheap prices Due to poverty and misunderstandings,

many Native people lost a lot of territory

Write out the following definitions To assimilate Victorian Suffrage Infrastructure

P. 59 Questions 2a, 2b, and 3.

Large houses to show peoples’ importance in the community and because of large families and servants.

Women: long dresses and aprons with high collars

Men: hats and ties, long jackets and high collars Stayed out of the sun a tan was a sign you

worked outdoors

Queen Victoria became queen in 1837 as a teenager (18)

Her tastes, values, and behaviour set the standard for all British territories

People who lived then were called Victorians

Very Christian Modest Serious Obsessed with social status Materialistic

Wanted fancy clothes, homes, churches, possessions

People with money, education, and social status: life was good No income tax

For poor and uneducated it was terrible No government assistance (health, education,

employment, etc) Reliance on family or church

Most poor from Ireland or Scotland Tenant farmers, or Had the worst land

Victorian Canadians liked to be entertained:-parties -concerts -fairs-circuses -shows -weddings

Books and magazines became popular: More people could read

Sports: Swimming Blood sports: boxing, bear-baiting; dog fighting,

Card games, checkers, chess Games to test strength and

coordination Pulling the stump Pulling the leg Kissing his thumb

There were many discoveries during this time

Began to understand disease and found cures: Developed -improved vaccinations aspirin, anti-biotics Antiseptics vitamins, hormones

Many people died from serious diseases-Cholera -Smallpox-Influenza -Typhoid-tuberculosis

Many also died during surgery: Doctors didn’t wash their hands or

their instruments, smoked in operating rooms

One of the first female doctors in the British Empire

Had to study in US because no Canadian medical school would accept a woman

As a woman, she could not practice medicine legally in Canadaset up an illegal practice

Fought for women’s rights and the right to vote: suffrage

Established a women’s medical college

People with money like to travel to Europe or the US

Invention of the steamboat Could cross the Atlantic much faster (2-3

weeks) Steam locomotives improved land travel

By 1853 trains went up to 80km/hour Canada’s infrastructure was developing

By 1850, every city and most small towns had a newspaper Dailies: newspapers published every day

By 187047 dailies More people could read, and so many people lived in


Make test corrections P. 67 questions 1-3 Read pp. 73-79 ADD THESE DEFINITIONS:

-federation -external relations-responsible government-mercantilism -Corn Laws-depression -treason-to annex -American Civil War-whip -Clear Grits

