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(19) United States (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 14, 2010l tocator 26 : I222 I o. QC approver routes ticket...

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US 20100010882A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0010882 A1 Nielsen et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 14, 2010 (54) (75) (73) (21) (22) (63) (60) METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF A FIELD SERVICE OPERATION BASED ON DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS Steven E. Nielsen, North Palm Beach, FL (US); Curtis Chambers, Palm Beach Gardens, FL (US); David Pennington, Juno Beach, FL (US); Jeffrey Farr, Jupiter, FL Inventors: ?led on Oct. 2, 2008, provisional application No. 61/102,169, ?led on Oct. 2, 2008, provisional applica tion No. 61/102,186, ?led on Oct. 2, 2008, provisional application No. 61/102,205, ?led on Oct. 2, 2008, pro visional application No. 61/151,574, ?led on Feb. 11, 2009, provisional application No. 61/151,578, ?led on Feb. 11, 2009, provisional application No. 61/1 84,092, ?led on Jun. 4, 2009, provisional application No. 61/220,491, ?led on Jun. 25, 2009. (Us) Publication Classi?cation Correspondence Address: (51) Int. Cl. WOLF GREENFIELD & SACKS, P.C. G06Q 10/00 (2006.01) 600 ATLANTIC AVENUE G06Q 50/00 (2006.01) BOSTON, MA 02210-2206 (US) G06N 5/02 (2006.01) Assignee; CertusView Technologies, LLC, (52) U.S. Cl. ................................ .. 705/11; 705/7; 706/52 Palm Beach Gardens, FL (US) (57) ABSTRACT Appl. No.: 12/537,894 Methods, apparatus and systems for computer-aided determi Filed: Aug. 7, 2009 nation of quality assessment for locate and marking opera Related US. Application Data Continuation of application No. 12/493,109, ?led on Jun. 26, 2009, Which is a continuation-in-part of appli cation No. 12/204,454, ?led on Sep. 4, 2008. Provisional application No. 61/076,253, ?led on Jun. 27, 2008, provisional application No. 61/ 102,151, Method 200 tions. In one example, information related to a locate and marking operation is electronically analyzed such that a qual ity assessment is made using assessment parameters that are dynamically selected based at least in part on ?rst information describing at least some aspects of the locate and marking operation as performed by a ?eld-service technician and sec ond information relating to a description of the locate opera tion to be performed. Locate technician completes ticket and provides dig arealimage APPROVED Ticket approval process J is completed @ 234 If QC approver routes ticket back to originating approver Approver views inbox and selects certain locate technician and ticket for quality control review 210 j Approver reviews dig area/image data of selected ticket oc REFERRAL 212 Ticket is routed to QC approver for review Accept QC referral? in 224 E l [220 l Approver performs I coaching activity with l tocator 26 : I222 I o. QC approver routes ticket to QC technician for execution QC technician completes ticket and provides updated iocate?mage data i f 21 8 Coaching referral routed to approver inbox _ Locator and approver sign off coaching activities l, J 50 /‘232 Originating approver r———> views inbox and reviews updated ticket
  • US 20100010882A1

    (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0010882 A1

    Nielsen et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 14, 2010









    Steven E. Nielsen, North Palm Beach, FL (US); Curtis Chambers, Palm Beach Gardens, FL (US); David Pennington, Juno Beach, FL (US); Jeffrey Farr, Jupiter, FL


    ?led on Oct. 2, 2008, provisional application No. 61/102,169, ?led on Oct. 2, 2008, provisional applica tion No. 61/102,186, ?led on Oct. 2, 2008, provisional application No. 61/102,205, ?led on Oct. 2, 2008, pro visional application No. 61/151,574, ?led on Feb. 11, 2009, provisional application No. 61/151,578, ?led on Feb. 11, 2009, provisional application No. 61/1 84,092, ?led on Jun. 4, 2009, provisional application No. 61/220,491, ?led on Jun. 25, 2009.

    (Us) Publication Classi?cation

    Correspondence Address: (51) Int. Cl. WOLF GREENFIELD & SACKS, P.C. G06Q 10/00 (2006.01) 600 ATLANTIC AVENUE G06Q 50/00 (2006.01) BOSTON, MA 02210-2206 (US) G06N 5/02 (2006.01)

    Assignee; CertusView Technologies, LLC, (52) U.S. Cl. ................................ .. 705/11; 705/7; 706/52 Palm Beach Gardens, FL (US)

    (57) ABSTRACT Appl. No.: 12/537,894

    Methods, apparatus and systems for computer-aided determi Filed: Aug. 7, 2009 nation of quality assessment for locate and marking opera

    Related US. Application Data

    Continuation of application No. 12/493,109, ?led on Jun. 26, 2009, Which is a continuation-in-part of appli cation No. 12/204,454, ?led on Sep. 4, 2008.

    Provisional application No. 61/076,253, ?led on Jun. 27, 2008, provisional application No. 61/ 102,151,

    Method 200

    tions. In one example, information related to a locate and marking operation is electronically analyzed such that a qual ity assessment is made using assessment parameters that are dynamically selected based at least in part on ?rst information describing at least some aspects of the locate and marking operation as performed by a ?eld-service technician and sec ond information relating to a description of the locate opera tion to be performed.

    Locate technician completes ticket and

    provides dig arealimage


    Ticket approval process J is completed

    @ 234 If

    QC approver routes ticket back to originating


    Approver views inbox and selects certain

    locate technician and ticket for quality control


    210 j

    Approver reviews dig

    area/image data of selected




    Ticket is routed to QC approver for review

    Accept QC referral? in

    224 E l [220 l Approver performs I coaching activity with l tocator

    26 : I222 I


    QC approver routes ticket to QC technician

    for execution

    QC technician completes ticket and provides

    updated iocate?mage data

    i f 21 8

    Coaching referral routed to approver inbox

    _ Locator and approver

    sign off coaching activities



    50 /‘232 Originating approver

    r———> views inbox and reviews —

    updated ticket

  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 1 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    Ticket approval system 100

    / Managers 114

    Locate service provider l

    Work management server m

    Database 1353 Ticket 1

    _ approval Tickets lg

    application Dig Area ' E 1 image

    - data

    Processing 136 Unit __

    ‘ -

    ( COMM INT 152 150 a \154

    Netwc rk 3.28.

    QC technicians 120 160

    Locate Technicians 122 ,’


    Image capture mechanisms


  • Patent Application Publication

    Method 200

    Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 2 0f 19

    Locate technician completes ticket and

    provides dig area/image

    21 ./

    data i


    Ticket approval process is compieteci

    @ [234 QC approver routes

    ticket back to originating approver

    Apprcver views inbcx and selects certain

    21 2

    US 2010/001 0882 A1

    locate technician and ticket for quality control



    Approve r reviews dig

    areaiimage data of eeiected




    COACH ; 218 T / Coaching referral routed

    to approver inbox i l

    QC REFERRAL i 220

    I224 : ‘ Ff . . : App-rover pe orms

    Ticket '3 méjted tqeQC l coaching activity with approver or raw w .k Locator


    ‘ 222 226 i if I Accept QC _ P; Locator and approver referral? sign off coaching


    QC approver routes is (3) ticket to QC technician

    for execution

    i 530 K232 QC technician com letes . i .

    ticket and providiies Ongmatmg appmver u dated locate/ma e = views inbox and reviews p data 9 updated ticket

    FIG. 2


  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 6 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1


    328% “EVE: 833 $80 .583 ll E25 .E?b? UEPZEQZIUH H59

    O #2300 .zmmwhmmm 888% "Q6:

    80%,.“ *35 K285 @8250 225 6%: 2.10m; E63

    magma? #50:

    80%.“ $20 $253 5952. .mwmtoz 8602592105 E53 n 332 855 m 159 Eva: mobwb, "E45 nmmwmwv bus- .ztEm Hmn.w_>w_mnzJw AOEZOO b.1339

  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 8 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    Reiect QC Popup Window 300

    CROSS STREET: Harford ' - I‘

    WORK PERFORMED l! Reject Quality Control Re uest El

    MEMBER 0005s; lg _ ‘’ BGEBC_M Reason to Repot Quality Control Request: BGEBCG-NC '‘

    VBT-N 810 \812 \ v

    ‘1193? Olnternet %i00% ‘

    Additional information: This is a placeholder for additional information that was provided by the supervisor.

    FIG. 8

    Coaching Popup Window 90

    CROSS STREET: Harford V‘ v H, .7 so


    @ Coaching Reason:

    910\912\ __

    \(D Olnternet QUDOZ '

    Reasans(s) for Quality Control: Member utility not seen as noted on manifest. VBT on manifest but has not been marked.

    FIG. 9

  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 10 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    Manager Summary GUI

    Random Samples to Approve Pending Approvais

    Pennington, David (Crew #23400) (p 9 ‘a 142

    Farr, Jeff (*5?) 0 (Crew #2340004?9 12 [ij 168 Q 5 .

    Smith, John ;;. 6'?) (Crew #23402) 0Q 10 El 51 ‘ 1 . O

    Doe. Mary (Q (a) 2 (Crew #23403) (P 9/@ 154 1

    .312 J14 516

    FIG. 71

  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 11 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    1216' 1807

    / / Data Indication

    Sources of Qu ulity

    1801 I

    1800 Comm.

    Interface /

    Automated Quality

    Assesment P Application 5, rocessor

    1200 /

    /” \ 1805 / \ 1803

    FIG. 12

  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 12 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    1900 \ (E

    /1901 Receive Electronic information Associated

    with o Held Servlce Operation



    Analyze Information to Automatically Generate a Quality Assesment of the Field Service Operation

    /1905 Output an indication of the Quality

    of the Field Service Operation


    FIG. 1.3

  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 13 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    Data sources 1 16

    Tickets 1220

    Textual ticket information 1222

    VWL application 13g

    VWL images £32 Automated quality assessment application

    Ticket assessment / 1200 application 1240

    Ticket assessment outcomes 1242 F

    . . = information

    Locating equipment processing data 121-5Q : component 1210

    Marking device |—-—> ‘ data 1252 ‘ Quality

    - ' assessment

    Locate receiver --_r outcomes 1212 data 1254

    Feedback EM application 1260 __ component 1214

    EM images 1262 1

    Facilities maps 1 80

    Historical tickets 1290

    Other electronic information andlor

    records 132g; 14

  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 14 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    Method 1300

    @ Receive compieted ticket and collect 1

    associated information. which may include, 13 0 originating ticket information, VWL images, J

    originating ticket assessment, locating equipment data, and/or EM images.

    Electronicaily analyze received information 312 and automatically assess quality of locate



    Categorize quality of locate


    Quality assessment Coaching referral process is completed routed to coachlng


    @ m 4 rm“ 7 Coaching personnel

    Ticket is routed i0 performs coaching _ _ 132B Persmne' for review J activity with locate

    Real-time prompt IS and a course of action technician routed to originating H’. is determined locate technician

    + I!’

    Originating locate QC personnel routes 1324 technician processes 1330 ticket to QC technician

    _ prompt, completes _/ for execution ticket, and provides

    updated ticket ' information QC technician 1326 F

    completes ticket and __.J - provides updated 1 5 ticket info rmaticn

  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 15 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    2000 C 3

    Receive First, Second, and Third Data


    Second Geographic Location within Threshold Distance

    of First Geographic Location


    Third Geographic Location within Threshold Distance

    of First Geographic Location

    Second Geographic Location within Threshold Distance

    of Third Geographic Location ?


    / 2009 Automaticaiiy

    Categorize Operation as Unsatisfactory

    Automatically Approve Operation

    \ .2011


    FIG. 16

  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 16 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    Ticket Details. 8 Virtual Manifest Ticket #: 05179-068-014 Completed By: 31279 Completed On: 6/18/2009 9:31 AM G Plucestclrnpi 53.34120, —B4.Ci3482

    a2; 2.2?

    N0 Utilities in ADC is correct. 1 certify that this information


    This image was obtained from the ticket: Lot/Long. The sketch was completed 1.8 miles from the location shown. 'The sketch was compieted 1.8 miles from the ticketuificution.

    FIG. 17


  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 17 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    i 1410 Read ticket information into scoring ,1 Method 1490

    criteria / $ 1412

    Read other information into scoring _/ criteria

    1' 1414 Generate ticket-speci?c content of /

    assessment criteria

    4' ‘i416 Generate input devices-specific J content of assessment criteria

    1 Compiie EXPECT DATA vs. 1413

    ACTUAL DATA table to be used / for generating a locate operations


    EXPECT DATA vs. ACTUAL 320 DATA comparison is performed for

    current locate operation


    Y __ 1424 99' Generate failing tocate operations _/

    ' '2 Absolute fan‘ quality assessment score


    Generate objective locate 326 operations quaiity assessment


  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 18 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    Automated ticket approvai system 1500

    Work management server _1_§1_Q

    Workforce management Automated quality ap plication 1514 assessment application

    Completed gill

    I tickets 1534 Q Li M

    Tlckets 1220 EM images ‘ 1262

    images Ticket assessment Locating application 1540 equipment data 1_2_5_Q

    One-caii centers ?g

    Tickets 1220 Image server VWL Q5

    images —= . 194,9 input Images

    1§§0 Network :

    Appiicaiion ‘ 1559

    Server l52§ Locating equipment

    VWL w /—-——-—1'5L—\ application Marking

    ‘i230 device 1520 L t Onsite computers ‘1516 ragga;

    Excavators Tickets“ 1220 Completed 1 53 - "W tickets 1234

    -images EM images -_ 1262

    Locate EM

    tecqg'fans application Locating 1250 equipment

    data 1250

    FIG. 19

  • Patent Application Publication Jan. 14, 2010 Sheet 19 0f 19 US 2010/0010882 A1

    - Method 1700

    ( Start ) 1 1710

    Excavators may generate VWL images __/ and submit locate request tickets

    " 1712 Tickets are transmitted to locate __,/

    companies and processed


    Locate technicians in the fieid receive 1714 tickets and perform locate operations -’


    ' 1716

    During locate operations, information about _/ the locate operations is collected onsite

    1 Completed tickets that include a collection 1713 of information about the locate operations _/

    are transmitted to automated ticket approval application for processing

    "' 1720 Automatically performing quality control _/

    process on completed tickets


    Store completed tickets, ticket approval 1722 outcomes, and any other associated J


    @ FIG. 20
