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19112012 Regio Amth Trabzon1

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  • 7/29/2019 19112012 Regio Amth Trabzon1


    Comenius Regio Project2012-1-GR1-COM13-10099 2

    East Macedonia ThraceRegional Directory for


    Trabzon ProvincialDirectorate of National

    EducationGkiouroglou Charitomeni

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    East Macedonia Thrace Regional Directory forPrimary and Secondary Education

    Local Partners 6th Primary School of Alexandroupolis

    3rd Gymnasium of Alexandroupolis

    3rd General Lyceum of Alexandroupolis

    Technical Vocational School of Special Education -1ST Level- of Alexandroupolis


    Regional Training Centre of Alexandroupolis

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    Trabzon Provincial Directorate of NationalEducation

    Local Partners Bener Cordan Primary school

    Trabzon Social Sciences High School

    Organization Association for The Support of Social Research and

    Development (TARGED)

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    Why ICTs and project-based learning?

    ICTsequip pupils with skills andcompetences which are necessaryfor their future lives and

    employability in the knowledgesociety.

    Project-based learning is an

    instructional approach whichgives students opportunities todevelop problem solving, decisionmaking, self-assessment, creative

    thinking and collaborative skills.

    Relevance to StrategicGoals of the EU

    8 Key Competences forLifelong Learning:

    1. communication in themother tongue

    2. communication in foreign


    3. mathematical competence

    and basic competences in

    science and technology

    4. digital competence

    5. learning to learn

    6. social and civic


    7. sense of initiative and


    8. cultural awareness andexpression Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    ICT use has been integrated into all levels ofeducation

    In 2001, the Cross-Curricular Single Framework for

    Study Programmes officially presents ICT skills ascross-curricular skills embedded in many subjects

    Schools equipped withADSL broadband

    connections, school equipment Development of digital education content Initial In-service Teacher-training

    Specialized In-service Teacher-training in ICTsComenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    Level 1 (since 2001)More than 100.000 state school teachers have been trained in:

    Basic skills of PC use (MsOffice, Internet and e-mail)

    Basic knowledge and skills in the educationaluse of ICTs & software.

    Level 2 (since 2008)Training of28.100 primary and secondary school teachers in thepedagogical use of the ICTs, specifically in:

    the use of the internet, digital educational material and Web 2.0 (blogs, wikis,podcasts, social networks, e-portfolios etc) in education

    the use of educational software in all school subjects

    the development of communication & collaboration skills using Web2.0 tools.

    the cultivation of new attitudes towards teaching and learning

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    National School Network(www.sch.gr) interlinks allschools and administrative structures and provides digital

    services (blogs, email, e-class) and educational material

    Educational Portal(www.e-yliko.gr) is a bank ofeducational material (lesson plans, training material etc.)

    for all grades of primary and secondary education.

    Educational software has been developed for school

    subjects and distributed to schools. Digital Schoolis a portal in which textbooks, learning &

    training material are digitized.

    Educational TV& Educational TV 2.0 (merging TV & Social

    Media for collaborative projects)Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    8/21Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    9/21Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    Innovative educational projects in the areas ofenvironmental, health (1992) and aestheticeducation (2000) in primary and secondary

    education. The Flexible Zone(2001) is a two hour curricular

    innovation: projects regarding themes, issues and

    problems of everyday life. European projects Comenius programme, e-

    twinning for primary and secondary education.

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    The school year 2011-12, research paperwasintroduced as a new subject in upper high-

    school: pupils to develop a project with the aid of modern

    media and resources.

    teacher training specialized in PBL

    New curricula with innovative teachingmethodologies are pilot tested

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    Primary and Secondary Education directors >policies and practices in ICTs and PBL at cross-regional level.

    Teacher Trainers > training material based on actualneeds

    State-school teachers of primary and secondaryeducation > training needs, good practices, in-service training.

    Pupils > improvement of the quality of teachingComenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    State-of-the art of ICTs and PBL in the Greek &Turkish education system.

    Exchange ofquantitative and qualitative data

    regarding the use of ICTs and PBL in the tworegions.

    Exchange ofmutual experience and best practices inthe field of ICTs and PBL.

    Investigation ofteacher training needs. Teacher training in groups of teachers. The use ofdigital portfolios

    Improvement of the quality of teaching & learningComenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    Questionnaire for primary and secondary school teachers

    > teacher training needs.

    Teacher training material & workshops (according to

    training needs) Collection ofgood practices (sample lesson plans that

    embed the ICTs or sample projects)

    Training in and Preparation ofe-portfolios.

    Application of good practices in schools (LPs) Day events.

    Final report.

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    three languages (English, Greek, Turkish)

    all project deliverables

    Day events open to all stakeholders News releases in local, regional media Publication of project deliverables (training

    material, day event proceedings, good practices) Local project exhibitions

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    Development of the project logo & brochure

    Development & administration of the project website

    Research for accumulation of data

    Organization & administration of activities: One Day Event & Teacher Training Workshop for Primary


    One Day Event & Teacher Training Workshop forSecondary Education

    Final Event

    Development of lesson plans in co-operation with LPs

    Reports Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    LPs: Participate in teacher-training

    Develop lesson plans Apply new knowledge in subjects

    PEK/TARGED: Organize teacher-training &develop training material in co-operation withP1&2.

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    Mobilities of Partner 1 in Turkey:

    1st Mobility, Organizational Seminar, November 2012 4



    Mobility 7 persons, Workshop on development of theportfolio study in primary and secondary schools Benefits

    for the portfolio studies for self-development of students

    3rd Mobility 7 persons

    Meeting for the monitoring the project activities and outputs Presentation of the project based learning studies

    4th Mobility- 6 persons, Final event-Project exhibition

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    Mobilities of Partner 2 in Greece: 1st Mobility, Partnership coordination

    consultation 2nd Mobility, Day Event and workshop for

    Primary Education 3rd Mobility, Day Event and workshop for

    Secondary Education 4th Mobility, Final event; Preparing the final

    report of the project

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    Aims: discussing the tasks and responsibilities

    stemming from the grant contracts discussing management and financial questions planning the project logo and brochure planning of the project platform/website planning the WBS of activities and events

    Comenius-Regio Project, 1st Meeting, Trabzon, 19-20 November 2012

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    Comenius-Regio Project 1st Meeting Trabzon 19-20 November 2012

    Lets start.
