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A TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abraded Gold, Acceptance 403 Acceptances Amount of 430 Domestic and Foreign 68 - Referred to Advisory Council 470 Regulation governing purchase of 467 Regulation pending, withdrawn 493 Accounting Forms, Cost of photor.raphing 245 Accounting System 193,205,213,345 Alternative bookkeeping systems For use of Board ,469 Report on 227,228,230 Robinson, C. C., to install 431 Adamson, W. C. 449 Advisory Council Date upon wnich terms of members begin 402 -Invitation to meeting of 438 - McDougal, James B., Letter, Fees for 485 4 Meeting of 20,426,430 Membership in 350 Method of Payment 498 - Method of Procedure 443 Qualifications of members, Report on 209,214-216 Recommendations desired 451 Report to be distributed among F.R.Agents 217 Stenographic aid for meeting 442 Agricultural Credit Piles 450 Aiken, Alfred L., Governor, F.R.Bank, Boston,Reply to 318 Aldrich -Vreeland Currency, - Co.limittee on retirement of 416 Discussion 431 Larger redemption fund 480 Aldrich -Vreeland Notes Federal Reserve notes in substitution for 86 Alien, Sherman P. Elected Assistant Secretary, F. R. Board 115,117 American Bankers Association Consultation with select committee 370 Federal Reserve Banks to refrain from membership in 377 :Ionorary Membership by F. R. Banks permitted 439 Invitation to conference 373 American Surety Company, Reply to 332 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
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Abraded Gold, Acceptance 403

AcceptancesAmount of 430

Domestic and Foreign 68

-Referred to Advisory Council 470

Regulation governing purchase of 467

Regulation pending, withdrawn 493

Accounting Forms, Cost of photor.raphing 245

Accounting System 193,205,213,345

Alternative bookkeeping systems

For use of Board ,469

Report on 227,228,230

Robinson, C. C., to install 431

Adamson, W. C. 449

Advisory CouncilDate upon wnich terms of members begin 402

-Invitation to meeting of 438

- McDougal, James B., Letter, Fees for 4854Meeting of 20,426,430

Membership in 350

Method of Payment 498

- Method of Procedure 443

Qualifications of members, Report on 209,214-216

Recommendations desired 451

Report to be distributed among F.R.Agents 217

Stenographic aid for meeting 442

Agricultural Credit Piles 450

Aiken, Alfred L., Governor, F.R.Bank, Boston,Reply to 318

Aldrich-Vreeland Currency, -

Co.limittee on retirement of 416

Discussion 431

Larger redemption fund 480

Aldrich-Vreeland Notes

Federal Reserve notes in substitution for 86

Alien, Sherman P.

Elected Assistant Secretary, F. R. Board 115,117

American Bankers Association

Consultation with select committee 370

Federal Reserve Banks to refrain from membership in 377

:Ionorary Membership by F. R. Banks permitted 439

• Invitation to conference 373

American Surety Company, Reply to 332

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Amendments to Federal Reserve Act

ConsideredMethod of procedure before Senate CommitteeProposedProposed by Hon. l'. R. SmithSection 11, AdoptedSection 16Sections 11, 13, 16, and 18 consideredSections 5208 - 5209, Bill preparedSection 5200

Amherst, Nebraska, First National Bank

Application approvedAnte-Room, For use of BoardAppeals from Decision Res. Bank Org. CommitteeAshville, N. C. American National Bank

Reduction in capitalAssessment, Call for payment of, Cost of '

F.R. Bank, New York, Power to defer payment of

Assistant Counsel, SalaryAssistant Secretary

To countersign all purchased orders

Attorney General, Report relative to Section 22

Opinion ofAudit and Examination, Division created

Salary of ChiefReport dispensed with

Report of committee on

Report on organization of Division

Austin, Richard L., P.R. Agent, Philadelphia













Balances- Method of liquidating '

Method of settling and crediting between P.R.Banks

Ballenger, Texas, First National Bank

Decrease in capital stock

BaltimoreApplications by committee for hearing

Merchants National Bank - Acceptance of grain

Bank AcceptancesBasis for the issue of

Limit ofNational Banks to receive

Regulations relating to




33drafts 412


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Bank Accentanees (Continued)Report onRequirements

Bank Examinations, Committee onBank Examiners, SalariesBank :Totes, Q5 and .40 engravings ap-TovedBank .ieorts and Statistics

Committee to report on form for handlingBank Reserves

Form for computingBank Statements, Form ofBankers Acceptances

3irculars and Regulations app:ovedPurchase of

Banks, Classification ofBedford, Pa. - First National BankBell and Ellis, Attorneys, Atlanta, Ga. - LetterBennett, R. L.

Letter"Bills drawn in good faith against actually existing

values", Committee to report onDefinition

Birmingham, Ala.Request to be :lade Reserve City

Blackett, B. B.Bonding

Committee onReport of committee

BondsCircular No. 14PurcJase of

Boross, Euene - Letter, Conditions in New YorkBoston, Federal Reserve Bank

Circular Uo. 10, Series 1914 - Letter

Correspondence, Class "3" Directors

Governor, Questions submitted bySalary Of

Hackney, Miter S., Vice 0:lain:Ian

:latter:3 arising in connection withReply to Federal Reserve Agent

Selection of clOvernorBoston Stock Exchange, Opening ofBradford, Pa., First National Bank of

Savings deposit methodsBradley, C. J., Salary increasedBriefs

Request for copies by Governor Strong














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Broderick, Joseph A., Chief, Division Audit & Exam. 281,286Salary, LIethod of computing 329

Brooke, H. Y. 282

Date of appointment 351

Elected special examiner 288

Leave granted 398

Salary 296

Bryan, Senator N. P., Letter - Phosphate Rock Paper 488

Budget and Expenditures, ComtAttee on 326

Burlington, Washington, National Bank of

Application approved 430

Burnham, C. E., Norfolk, Nebr.Attendance on meeting American Bankers Assn. 195

Business pending before the Board 366

Committee on 412

Business pending before the Counsel's Office

Report on 382-384

By-lawsAmendments to 245

Governing establishment of branches of

member banks 142

Governing State banks entering system 41 -48

Supplement to 49

Inquiry with regard to proposed 317

By-laws for Federal Reserve Banks

Reply to Federal Reserve Agent Curtiss 343

By-laws for Federal Reserve Board, Committee on 36,51

Committee to report later 57

Report on 72-7Y

Canadian Banks, Report on by 1.1r. Warburg 42

Capital Stock, Payment of -

Not prejudicial to right of appeal a5-486

Report on first installment 219

Central Reserve Cities, Local committees in 84

CertificatesExchange at Jubtreasuries


Notice to Kansas City regarding exchange of 334

Certificates of Deposit, Acceptance of 301

Certificates of Ilunicipal Indebtedness

Purchase of by F. R. Bank Chicago 371

Chairmen, Cammittees on Banking and Currency

Conference between 99

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Charleston, S. C.rage

_Application to be made Reserve City 303

Germania Savings Bank 253

Requests by banks to be made Reserve City 253

Reserve City 331Check Clearance

Atlanta 438

Discussion 453

Inauguration of - St. Louis Districtenecks

_Acceptance of



Clearing of, Referred to Committee No. 3. 367

Clearing of 371.Drawn by Member Banks on F. A. B., St. Louis 414

Exchange charges on Country checks 418

Receipt of - Notice to Chicago regarding 409-410

Regulation governing 327

Regulation relating to acceptance of 323

Chicago, Federal Reserve BankDirectors invited to confer 206

Federal Reserve Agent, C. H. Bosworth, elected 136

Meredith, E. T., elected third director 136

Report of Federal Reserve Bank 329

Request for Federal Reserve Notes 476

Chief Clerk 119,290

Appointment of 193

Circular No. 3., Series 1914 60-64

Circular No. 11, Otdered distributed 318

Circular No. 12 a., To supersede No. 12 364

CircularFarm Mortgage Loans, Limitations upon 488

Foreign ::ortgage Loans 492

Form of Circulars 303

Issue by Federal Reserve Banks 475

2erort on issue of 310

Recording of stock subsctiptions by Member banks 310

Circulars and RegulationsForm for publication


Report on form and style of 437,490-492

Citizens Central National Bank, New York 37

Civil Service CommissionStatus of women who took blessengers Examination


Class A and B DirectorsRepresentatives in contested cases


Class 0 Directors 116-117,122-124

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PageClass 0 Directors (Continued)

Apportionment of Districts among Board members 41-42As Counsel for Federal Reserve Banks 287Candidates favorably reported 109

Date for consideration, August 25, 1914 65Discussion 156,209Form of letters of notification 172Houston, Hon. David 3., Conferred, Dallas - St.Louls 158Letters to, approved 173Qualifications 41Report on candidates 112-114Request for list of candidates 51Jalary to be raid 163Telegrams requesting conferences 177To publisn list immediately 170

ATLANTA:Brown, Edward T., Vice Chairman 183Conference with 210deport on status 171Wellborn, i. B. Recommended 166

BWTON:Conference with Board, Personnel discussed 181


Informal conference 2,22':.:cLallen, Walter F., Elected Deputy Agent 206Report concerning appointment of 135,177

Discussion of 202,206

Informal conference 223Johnson, Homer H., Third Director 160Names of, made public 212Report by Warburg 169Treadway, Lyman H., Deputy Agent 212Wills, D. C., Conferred 166,171Wilson, Thomas H., Non acceptance of chairmanship 118

Wolfe, H. P., Elected Third Director 211Indorsed 185Record of vote on 211

DTTJAS:Llartinez, Flex , Third Director 202libealeb, W. F., Deputy Agent 202Notificatibn 202

Tenison, E. O., Conference 161

KAN;;JAZ CITY:Informal Conference 223

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RANJAS CITY: (Continued.)Invited to conferMalone, R. H., Third DirectorMiller, J. Z.jr., AgentRamsey, A. E., Deputy AgentSalaries

MINNEAPOLIS:Selection of Directors

NEW YORK:Organization discussedPeabody, George Foster, Third Director

PHILAIMPHIA:Austin, Richard L., ConferenceConference with BoardLaZonte, George W., Vice ChairmanReport on selection

ST. LOUIS:Selection of Directors

SAN FRANCISCO:Gatch, Claud, Deputy AgentHanchette, Lafayette, ConferencePeabody, Charles E., Third DirectorPerrin, John, Elected Agent

Report byTo inquire concerningTo publish names of directors

Clayton ActSec4ion 8, Report on, Referred to Committee No.Solicitor of the Treasury, Opinion

Clearance of ChecksDenverLegal questions involvedRegulations submittedSpecial CommitteeStanding Committee 110. 3, Subcommittee A

ClearingAthol°, New York Journal of CommerceProposed provisions, Outline of planTentative Plan

Clearing House AssociationInvitation to Chairmen to attend meeting-

Clearing House QuestionsClearings

By Federal Reserve BanksCommittee onExisting Situation at Federal Reserve Banks

Letter, Governor Strong







5. 374403





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PageCleveland, Federal Reserve Bank

Use of Subtreasury at Cincinnati granted 286,290Code Book

For use by Board and Member banks 245ColumbUs, Georgia, Savings Bank of 329Collection

Checks on Subtreasury New York 80Collections

By Federal Reserve banks for one another 473Committee 473

Commercial PaperAcceptance, Grain drafts 412Agricultural loans - Richmond 495Agricultural paper 427,433Circular and Regulations concerning 317Committee on - Mr. Warburg and Mr. Harding 36Communications referred 373Cotton Mill Paper, Report on 408Definition discussed 314Damand Paper, Based on Naval Stores 490Discounting of manufacturer's notes 389Draft of report 290Eligibility of 362-406Endorsement by Federal Reserve banks 423Form of endorsement by banks applying for notes 498Manufacturers' Paper 374,404Merchants Association of New York 203Paper originating with finance companios 428Phosphate Rock stored in sheds as basis for 488Publication of Circular No. 13 322Rediscounts of 362Registration of 358Replies with reference to 424Report discussed 307Warehouse receipts covering rosin 253

Committee Reports, Procedure 436Committees

Discharged 305-306Secretary to refer matters to 313

Comptroller of the Currency - Salary 309Conference of Bankers, September 4, 1914

Stenographer to report 97Cornelia, Georgia, First National Bank of

Reduction in capital stock 157

Cotton CongressLetter from President of 423

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Cotton Loan Fund


Atlanta Clearing House Association - Resolution 320

Committee 207

Communications 285,300

Conference 258

Continental Bank and Trust Company. 253For report 241Operation of - Letter 223Outline of proposed plan 207Report on progress 347

Report on status 234

Subscription comi)lete 352

Telegram to Clearing House managers 355

Territory to be covered by District No. 7 289Unofficial administrative subcommittee appointed 249

Cotton Loan Plan 246Discussion resumed 266Final form 390-397Ordered made public 283Outline of plan 259-264Plan as revised by Counsel 267-272Report on status of 273Rogers, G. 71., Little Rock, Arkansas 273Wiggin, A. H., Changes suggested 283

Cotton Notes 77

Cotton Plant Bank, Arkansas, Special examination 485Cotton Situation 248-249

Discussed 194

Statement, W. J. Wade, and George C. Simmons 181Cotton "%rehouse Receipts

National Currency Association of Georgia 185

Use of as security for currency 185

Counsel, Assistant to be appointed 239

Elliott, 7. C. 240

Employ..lent of additional 387

Salary 352

Country Banks 429

Abolition of exchange charges 429

Counterfeiting - Penalties for 252

Cramer, Sterling B., Assistant Reserve Agent, Chicago- Bond 473

Credit BureauComr:runication referred 373

Credit Situation, between Europe and United States 84-85

Crowell, J. F., Appointment to staff discussed 428

Committee No. 1 to report on 366

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PageCurtiss, Frederic H., Agent, Federal Reserve Bank Boston

Affairs of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 209Letter - Governor and members Advisory Council

Banking rooms 214


Dallas, Texas, Federal Reserve BankCoin paid at limited tolerance 300Quarters for Federal Reserve Bank 403Request to hasten organization of F. R. banks 122

Dawes, 77. R., Reply to 328Decker, M. C., Linneapolis 196Delano, F. A., Vice Governor, Federal Reserve Board

To go to Chicago relative to selection of Class 0 124Deputy Federal Reserve Agents

Bonds for 319

Status of 301"Digest of Federal Reserve Act" - To be printed 358

Directors Convention, October 20-23, 1914 417

- Traveling expenses 417

DisbursementsGovernor authorized to draw checks for 309

To be countersigned by Secretary 309Disbursing Officer - Need for 273

Discount- Richmond, F. R. B, refused overloaned member bank 444

Discount Operations - Principles governing 470

Discount Rates 357

Approved 433

At opening of banks 32G

Atlanta Bank - Rates established 438,441,483

Boston, Altered 340,451,496

Charged by New York banks for accommodation to

banks in the South 428

Chicago 340

Cleveland 340

Committee on statement for press 341

Dallas - Approved 495

Discussion of 370,441,480

Fixed 339-340

Form of statement approved 342

Kansas City 320,408

Minneapolis 428

New York 463

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Discount aates (Continued)Philadelphia - Application for chanceRegular discount dayRichmondSt. LouisJan FranciscoSmith, Senator Hoke - Georgia - LetterTelegrams

Discounted Paper, Additd,nal security for,Division and distribution of work, ReportDocket, Form for BoardDomestic Exchhnge - Committee onDrafts, Alternative for= for

Form of for use by member banks


Elliott, M. C., Counsel, Federal ReserveConferred relative to assistantCounsel to Board, ElectedSecretary pro tern

El Paso, Texas, First Na .t.iunal BankLetter, Financial conditions

Examiners - Grades ofExchange ?unctions

Data to be furnished F. R. Agent CurtissDomestic and Foreign Exchange between F.Resolution discussed




on 186-19245,218-219,252,311




Farm :ortgage Loans' Circular relating to

Fayetteville, N. C. - Fourth National Bank ofFederal Reserve Act

Amendments (See Amendments)

Application of - Letters relative toFederal Reserve Agents

Bonds forChannel of communicationDuties ofForms forPower to act as agents for State banks in obtain-

ing discountsRegulations forReport by John Perrin - Duties of F. R. Agent



483. Banks 323,472








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Aderal deserve Agents (Continued)Salaries 176-177,251

Atlanta, Georgia 185Federal Reserve Bank:Directors

Boards of Directors' meetings 498Notice to Richmond of conference October 20 232Not to act as Counsel 398Entertainment of delegates 245,246Fees of San Francisco 436-Fees, Uniformity 420Preliminary Conmittee on organization to confer 10/20 239Program for conference 233,242Stenographer to report verbatim 246Participation of in otner business 349Report of committees ordered printed 252

Federal Reserve BanksAbbreviated statement of conditions 361Additional stock subscription, Form for 326Anouncement of opening 347Application by National banks for stock 314,418,499Applications, Quarterly approval sug.:ested 499Auditor, Deputy Governor ineligible 292BOSTON:

Collateral 411Condition of discussed 411

Payment of stock 468

Use of Jubtreasury 358

Certificates authorizing opening 345

OLBWMAND:As member Ohio Bankers Association 300Checks, Collecting Government 349

Communications with 299Communications referred 358

DALLAS:Agricultural loans 484

Directors and Officers 294,297,298,299

Compensation for 324,341,378,381,417

Dc.te set for Conference 211

equipment S 250

Employees, Bonding of 291Christmas fees as co.lpensation- 429,479

.Gifts and fees 498

First installment of stock, Payment of 11/2/14 238

Fiscal Year 422

, Form of call adopted 246

Functions at opening of 300


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PageFederal Reserve Banks (Continued)

Government deposits in 386Governors of reserve banks, Conference 409

Decker, a. C., Minneapolis 196Title for executive 160

Letter from Secretary Treas. Concerning opening 234-237Method of informing members of developments 359Nature of matters to be taken up with officers 297NEW YORK: •

Expenses approved 471Presence of bank examiners requested 444

Notes 20 engraving aPproved 203One Hundred dollar bank note approved 203Opening announced after October 20, 1914 239,246

Dispatches relative to 281Fixed for November 16, 1914 265-266,283Statement by Mr. LicAdoo 472

Opening of, Discussed 181,224Opinion of Comptroller of Treasury, Payment for

manufacture of notes 240Real Estate Investments 487RICHMOND:

Salaries 297,445ST. LOUIS:

Salaries 421,439Seals for 243_Statement concerning system for London Times 437Steps necessary before opening 224,241,282,290,294,311Stock Register 359Stock Subscriptions, Circular relating to 303Subcommittees on 122Taxation under new Internal Revenue Law 384Transactions of first day 347Weekly Statement 332

Federal Reserve BoardAnte-room for use of Board refused 224Bulletin for 387Business pending before the Board 492Committee on depositing of funds 414Conferences, Expenses of persons attending 437,448Examination for Appointment 348

Appointments 450Eligibility under Civil Service 386Requests for application blanks 404Staff, Organization Committee 430

Governor, Federal Reserve BoardNational City Bank, New York, Letter 57

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PageGovernor, Federal Reserve Board (Continued)

Stenographer to - Salary Z92

'illccostions to be made by 499Legal Status of 469Letter regulating correspondence with F. R. banks 418,khotographs 431Regular meetings, Time cnanged 485Status of members 469Travel order 453Vork of Board, Committee-on organization of 279-281

Federal Reserve CurrencyArrangements for shipping of 343

Federal Reserve NotesAmount of gold necessary held to redeem 328Amount to be shipped to New York 365Announcements forwarded F. R. Banks 387Ap,,lications for

Chicago 365New York 376,484,488Probable 319Richmond 468Referred to Com-ittee No. 7 449San Francisco 423

Collateral to irotect - Access to vaults 323Conditions surrounding issue of 376Delivery to Agents 376Deposits on redemption fund 420Distributing, Lethod of 415-416Federal Reserve Agents to suprly :357Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 411Form of -motion relating to application for issus 365Form submitted 225Form for substitution of collateral to protect 345Form and tenor of notes 47Forms to be used in applying for 500Forms to be used upon receipt and issue of interest350,345Inquiry, Federal Reserve Agent, Bosworth 307Issue against lawful money 324Issue and collateral received for - by F.A.AL;ents 371Issue and redemption of 305,482Issue and storage 421-422Issue, Form for 415,475Issue, Division of 296Issue, TLinneapolis Bank 474Issue, Records and retirement of 423

Issue, Report on 37eIssue, Suspended 422

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Federal Reserve Notes (Continued)


Lawful money at Redemption Division, U.S.Treasury 449Legal Tender 474Uodel Forms submitted for 1.00 denomination 225Personal use Federal Reserve Board 364Redemption Fund (5%) 358,372Regulations for handling- 327Regulation relating to custody of 322Report on printing 289Renorts on, In Div. Reports and Statistics 448Requests for supply 476'Serial Numbers for, Committee to -report on 415Shippent of - • 326Shipment to New York by Parcel Post approved 494Shipping reconsidered, Method of 340,344.Silver Certificates in payment for 488Status of 326,413Twenty Dollar Uote approved 203

Federal Res5rve System:.pnlications for admission

It It

Letter regardingFiling liethodsFinancial ReportsFine, Dr. Henry D., PrincetonForeign Branches

Commercial National Bank, Wash. D. C.,Counsel to prepare letter grantingpermission for bank at BalboaOrder autLorizing establishm9nt atOrder establishing two branches inResolution of Board of Directors

National City Bank, New YorkApplication for - Beunos Aires, Argentine

Rio de Janeiro,-BrazilForm of letter to be sentOrder establishing two branchesReport of committees onSupplemental applicationTen per cent limitation for Rio de

South American branchesForeign Exchange

Bankers' Conference, Corn. to considerClearing Houses, Form of Lotter toReport to be taken up

Foreign TradeProblems arising out of documentary draftsUnited States and Italy

Tnittee No.6referred, Conapproved





BalboaBrazil -










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Forgan, J. B., ChicagoLetter of inquiry - Cotton Loan FundPresd4ent, Advisory Council

Forms and Reserves, Report by committee onForms suggested, Report of committee onFountain, L. C., Salary

Garden City, Kansas, National BankGeorgia, National Currency Association - Letter

'German Herold, TelegramGibson Arnoldi Company - LetterGlass, R. Carter, Hon. - Before committeeGloucester, Mass. - National Bank ofGold Pool

Circular relating to •Clearing House Associations, Letter toClearing House of Cleveland, ContributionCommittee to be notified dailyCompleteCompletion of arrangementsContributions on books of NationalCorrespondence submitted to BoardDes Moines, Century Savings BankDes Moines Clearing HouseDocuments furnished certain Western

New York,banks.- Participation inReport of bankers committee made publicReport, Benjamin Strong Jr.,Rue, L. L., Philadelphia - Letter fromSt. Louis Clearing House Association - LetterSan Francisco Banks - Telegrams fromScranton, Pa. Third National - ContributionSeattle Clearing Haase - InquiryState Banks - ParticipationTelegram relative to process of subscribing

TelegramsTelegrams, A. L. Mills, Portland, Oregon

Wallace, James H. - Ileather Gold 'Fund Committee

Woodard, William - ConferredGovernment Bonds - Purchase of by F.R.BanksGovernment Deposits








244120,129,137-138promised 165





Hackney, Walter S., Federal Reserve Agent, Boston 412,43033Hamlin, Governor, C. J. - Federal Reserve Board

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Henry, Robert L., Texas - Conferred with BoardHicks, R. L., Letter - Reality LoansHiggins, Col., Letter - Gold PoolHollis, Allen, Boston - Class 0Hope S: Company, A.msterdam, N. Y.Houston, David L. •Howel, Walter 7., 2:.:auntain City, Tennessee




Illinois Bankers Assn. 34,36,39,40,51,52,225,482Imlay, William, Asst. Chief, Div. Audit & Examination 470Ingle, William, P.R. Agent, 2ichmond, Bonding

VaultsInterest - LIethod of ccimuutingInternational ExchangeInternational Exchange Sitliation

Conference with British ref;resentativesspecial committee of New York bankers

Investment Bankers AssociationPowers of State banks to subscribe to F.R. stock

Island Pond National Bank, Ay)lication approvedIssue, Division of establisnedIssue (See Federal Reserve Notes)

Jacobson,. :or.L.isjemison, W. 7. - Salary increasedJoplin, - Refused reserve cityJournal of Co=erce, Board to subscribe to

Article on clearing question

Kansas City, Missouri - Federal Reserve BankClass "VCook, Thornton, Available for appointmentSawyer, Governor. - Letter - Exchange

• Special Examination ofKerst, P. E. - Deputy Agent

Order gold certificates - LetterHerve.W.


"Lawful Y.oneyu - Report on - of

319' 356,405376,389,405









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PageLawton, Oklahoma, National Bank - Telegram 306Legal mattere in letters to be checked by Corn. No. 5 386

Status of 387Legend on checks 143Legislation, Committee on 58

Designation of chairman of Federal --ieserve banks- 144Rei,ort on proposed amendment 82To prepare amendment- 68,70

Library - Bills and reports to be obtained for- 58Liquidating Banks, Conditions under which value of

stock may be withdrawn 499Louisville, Kentucky, American National Bank - Exchange 472Low, Seth - President N. Y. Chamber of Commerce 352Lowell, Mass. Thirty-day notes purchased by F:R.BankBoston 411Lyerly, Charles A. - President, 1st Nat'l, Chattanooga 386Lynch, James K., San Francisco - Telegram 59

- LI

Madison7ille, Texas - 1st Nat'l - Reduction Capital Stock. 500Malburn, Wm. P. - Asst. Sec'y of the Treasurz7

Conferred - Oider Gold certificates 489with Secty F. R. Board - Nat'l bank notes 476

Letters - Comment 407,438Questi.,ns referred - Relations between Govt .& banks 364Report 368-370Subtreasilry - St. Louis 370,376,404

:alone, R. H. - Kansas City, lassouri - Letters 231Relative to Governor - State Legislation 376

Martin, William McC. - St. Louis, F. R. Agent 140Collections, Lettet 473Conferred concerning Class "C" 139

McAdoo, W. G., Secretary of the TreasuryFive per cent redemption fund 372Opening of Federal Reserve Banks 234-237,472

McCaleb, 7. F. - Deputy Agent, DallasLetter and telegram 422,439Retention of office,American Bankers Assn, 484

McConkey, Counsel - F. R. B. St. Louis - Salary 421McCoid, Joseph A. Gov. F. R. B; Atlanta -*Letter • 4902:10Dougal, J. B., Gov. Federal Reserve Bank - Chicago

Letter - Payment of members Advisory Council- 498Member Banks

Boston, Power to pay subscription 449Capital stock - Increase and decrease in -after six months 476

Directors and Officers - Acceptance of fees fromother sources 325

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ember Banks (Continued)Exercise of functionsForm of draft to be used byReportsStocks and bonds - As registrar ofWeekly statements

Members of Federal Reserve Boar. Cciilmunications referred 302Messenger Service, Federal Reserve Board - ReorganizedMiller, J. Z., Jr., Federal Reserve Agent, Kaisas City

Circular and regulations for F. R. BanksReply to

Mills, A. L., Portland, OregonEstablishment of branch atExchange charges

Minneapolis, Federal Reserve BankElection of Vice Chairman and Third DirectorOperati-n ofSalaries at

Minnesota, Superintendent of banks - LetterMinutes of October 24, 1914. - RevisedMinutes - Standing Committee No. 3, SubcommitteeMississippi Bankers Association

Exchange charges 011 country bank- checksMobile, Alabama, City Bank and Trust Company

Application referred to No. 6Montana Bankers Association - Letter

National BanksExaminers,


Schedule of salariesForms, for reporting condition ofPermitted to enter the system

National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' AssociationNational City Bank - Letter authorizing two branchesNebraska City National BankNebraska State Bankers Association - InvitationNesbit, Harrison - Pittsburgh - ConferredNew Orleans, Representative for Atlanta Board DirectorsNew York Bankers - Conference withNew York Chamber of Commerce - Conference with

Invitation to GovernorNew York Clearing House AssociationNew York, Federal Reserve Bank of

Kenzel, E. R. - Asst. Cashier - (SalaryQuestions submitted by Governor of bankSalaries

Strong,- Benjamin, Jr. - Elected Governor













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Norris, George .7., Philadelphia - ConferenceNote - Issue ofNotes - Secured by bank bills receivable-

Discount of


Office equipmentOffice of Board, Equipment and furnishingsOhio Bankers Association - Reply toOpen marketregulations, Draft ofOral hearingsOrder of businessOregon, Wisconsin - First National BankOrganization of Federal Reserve Banks

Employment of a special assistantPublicity concerningReport of progress

Organization of work for Federal Reperve Board, Cam.Owen, Senator Robert L., - Notep as legal tender


Paisch, Sir George- Defined

Pasadena, Cal. First National Bank - 'LetterPayette, Idaho, First NatiQnal -Banh -

Reduction in capital stockPayment of stock subscription - Method ofPennsylw.nia Society of New York - InvitationPensacola, Fla. - American National BankPerrin, John - F. R. Agent, San Francisco

Assistant toLetterNegotiationsSalary fixedStaff for FederalTelegram to

PhiladelphiaAustin and Norris to consult regardingBeneficial Savings BankDeputy Federal Reserve Agent - SalaryLa 1.:onte, George M., Deputy Agent

Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaBanking conditions inPeoples National Bank

Portland, Oregon - Letter, A. L. Lillis

- Interchange of items

Reserve banks







160,163on 119






vice chairman 159243474474



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PagePostal Savings Fund

St. Paul, Minnesota, Drovers State Bank 195Sargent, S. G. - Salem, Oregon 162

Potter Jounty, Pa. - Grange National Bank 430Preliminary Report - Reserve Bank Organization Committee '2-31Preliminary Report on organization of F.R.banks 166President Wilson - Gard of Appreciation 47Problems pending, outlined by ::r. Warburg 282

173-176Protests 32Procedure in organizing Federal Reserve Banks

Appeals 250168-169

Public depositories 468New Jersey banks Hon. Walter I. MoCoy

Purchase - Committee on 328


Ramsey, J. B. Lierciiants and Mechanics National Bank 423Rates of Discount - Changes in 398-401Rates of Interest and Usury 385Receipts and Expenditures

Status of Board according to statemdht by Comp-troller of the Treasury 273

To obtain opinion from Attorney General 273Reclassification of National bank examiners 455-457Redemption Fund - Method of disposition 389Rediscount - Character of pal,er available for 386Rediscount Rates 292

Boston 366Chicago 497Dallas 351Telegram - Federal Reserve Agent, Ingle 423

Regular Meetings of Federal Reserve Board 45Time changed 245

Regulations - Form for 317_ No. 7 Distribution 320,350

Reimbursable RollComptroller's recommendation 344Method of paying staff 348,352

Report to Congress by Federal Reserve BoardCommittee an 288Suggestions 500

Reserve Accacnts by member banks - Status of 43Reserve Bank Organization Committee

Appeals 33,40,45-46,52-54

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Pagedeserve Bank Organization Committee (Continued)

AppealsBriefs in 201For transfer 243From decision 415

Baltimore 429,435Kansas City - Granted 30 days extensi,n 433New Jersey banks 168-169

Date of nearing fixed, Stenor-rapher to report 435,448Preliminary report by 2-31Staff - Status of 219,241

Reserve Cities - Population necessary. 332aoTort on designation of 307,331

Reserve RequirementsDate of readjustment proposed 238Notice of change in - to Governor Strong 316Relation betwecn Comptroller and Board 312Reply to General :JcIntyre, Bureau, Insular AXfairs 365Westminister, :al. First National Bank_ 375

Reserves 120-121Against Pos-L.1 Savings Deposits 413Cash payment of- Circular No. 10 413Circular relating to computation of 312Committee on readjustment of 343Condition of 374,378Depositing of - in Subtreauury at Cincinnati 286,290Fiurin,L. of 319Form for commtation 315Form of payment of 285Funds for shortage 301Kansas City 320,475Kinds of money to be used in payment of 291,313Method of computing by member bLLnks 245,352Method of payl,lent 428National banks permitted to co below requirement 37Payment of - not prejudicial to ri7ht of aReal 285-286Requests for report by Clearing Houses 110-111Silver certificates in payment of 300Shortage 373Transfer of 43

Revenue Law - iroposed tax on banks • 135dhett, a. G. - Letter - Discount rates 449Richmond, Federal Reserve Bank

Governor selected 1971:oncure, James 2., Vice Chairman 156Request to hasten organization of bank 158

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Richmond, Federal Reserve Bank (Continued)Reserve notes requestedSalaries of Cashier and AuditorSavings Bank of - Application for admission

Robinson, C. C.Report on qualificationsSalary to install accounting system


St. Louis, Federal Reserve Bank ofBoehne, John W., Third directorCentral National Bank to reduce capital .

_ Salaries - Letter relating toOfficers

SalariesChecks to be drawn for - to November 1, 1914

Salisbury, N. C. - First National Bank- Savings deposits method

Salt Lake City - National Copper Bank ofSan Francisco - Federal Reserve Bank .of

Class "C" DireotorsClearing House, Draft of Telegram toExchange of Nat'l bank notes for lawful money

' Federal Reserve Agents - Salary - NotificationGovernor, SalaryKains, Archibald - Elected Governor

Savannah, Georgia - Savannah Trust Com,'any









Application withdrawn 429itiavings Accounts" - Defined 293

Letter - D. C. Wills 433Savings Deposits 375

Regulations governing 425Report regarding 312

Savings Institutions, Character of 209Schoch, A. J., Bloomsburg National Bank, Pa. 375Seals, Report on preparation of 289Seattle, Wash. Port Commissioner - Purchase of bonds 197Secretary - Federal Reserve Board 1

Tendered Dr. Pine 40-41Term of office 40-41To furnish members with conies of all papers 54-55Space required for office of 143

Secretary of State - Letter Foreign Trade 468Je-ction 27, F. R. Act - Counsel to report on 78Section 5200 Revised Statutes, discussed 439Securities, Custody of 327

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PageSerial numbers of Federal Reserve Banks 142Settlement plan - Explanation of 447Seymour, Llo. -Peoples National Bank 157Shafroth, Sonator J. P. - F. R. notes as legal tender 474Shea, John V. Jr. - Salary 410Shreveport, La. - Continental Bank and Trust Contuany 253Signature Card, Regulation No. 7 375Silver Certificates to reduce liability on outstanding

reserve notes issued 488Sim-Ions, Senator F. U. - Discount rates 449Simpson, J. - Central National Bank, Spartanburg, S.C. 375Smith, Hon. Hoke - Proposed bill '77

Discount rates 482,487Smith, Walter 7., St. Louis - Resigned 158,469Special Examiners - Report on appointment of 217-218Staff - Federal Reserve Board

Appointments to 193Audit and Examination, Division of 405Clerical 43-44Committee on - Appointed 200Payment of 351Report of committee on 197-200,274-278,279-281Salaries - Date of commencement 351Secretary's report on 334-339

Staff - Reserve Bank Organization Committee . 220Standing Committees

Committee to report on 345=Report of committee on 3!9,352,355

Starek, Charles - Vice Chairman, 17ew York 118State Bankers Association - Honorary membership 439State banking laws - Synopsis of to be obtained 231State Banks - Admission of 46,349,373,493

Applications referred 366,402Committee on 324Discounts obtained through Federal Reserve Agents 4971,:embershiT), Conditions for 332,487Lembership in system 121Postal Savings Depositories 413Power to withdraw from Federal Reserve System 487Regulations relating to 344Regulations revised 425Report on 302,409Report on eligibility of 415Reserve Depositories 329Resolution regarding admission 79-80

State Banks and Trust CompaniesBill proposed by Senator Hoke Smith - Georgia 77

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State Banks and Trust Companies (Continued)Conditions for membership -Dathod of handling applications

State Legislation - Data anLannesota

State 7/arrants PurcnaseStatistician for BoardStatus - Fiscal and AccountingSterling Grinding Wheel CompanyStock Exchange, Opening ofStock Subscriptions - Express charges on shipmentStock - Transfer of - Allen Hollis - BostonStrong, Benjamin, Jr., Governor New York F.Subtreasuries as members of Clearing Houses

Conditions in St. LouisUse of

Sumter, S. C. - Proposed consolidationSnyder National Bank - Payment of reserves


- T


- Foreign Branches

Telephone charges - Committee onTelephone connections with Board roomTenison, E. O., Federal Reserve Agent,

CompensationConference with BoardElection of Governor,Letter

Terminal Elevators - Loans onTexas Legislature - ResolutionThompson, William -J.:emorandumTime Deposits

RegulationReport on

Title - Cashier or SecretarySecretary preferred

Tobacco Growers, Reply toTreasury Regulations - Employees of BoardTrenton, N. J., Mechanics National BankTrustee

Committee on exercise of rower by NationalDispatches concerningExercise of function by member banks_Power to act as

TrusteeshipsFinancial banksNational banks

Tulsa, Oklahoma - Reserve City refused



- Chief












subject to 418352

0 4

banks 324315324



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United States Compiled StatutesUsury rates



Wade, Festus J., St. Louis - Letter - Cottor 207Letter to Rolla Wells referred to Committee No. 3 386

Warburg, Paul M., Member Federal Reserve BardCommercial Paper 36Discount rates - Opposed to reduction in 442

Wardrop, Robert - Conferred with Board 221Warehouse Receipts as security for notes

Florida National Bank 253Warrants

Municipal and State - Report on 410Proposed regulation approved 470Purchase of School Warrants- 429Purchase of State and ainicipal 402Regulations relating to purchase of 426Temporarily discontinued discussion on 492

Washington, D. C.Commercial National Bank (Foreign Branches) 46,50Franklin National Bank - Reduction in capital stock 359llunsey Trust Company, Application withdrawn 429

Wells, Rolla - St. Louis, Conference with Board 135,139Elected Governor 289Salary 421

Westminister, Md. - First National Bank 375Willis, H. Parker - Secretary, Federal Reserve Board

Acceptance of Secretaryship 105Elected Secretary 98Tendered Position 87

Wills-, D. C., Federal Reserve Agent, Cleveland 413L. A., Class "B" - Kansas City 433

h,* Wilson, Woodrow, Card of appreciation 47Wold, Theodore - Governor, F. R. Bank, Minneapolis 331,421Woodruff, S. C., Bank of - Application approved 166,170

- Finis -

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