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1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type...

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1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. County Agricultural Agents.; Chisholm, F. A. Publisher University of Arizona Rights Public Domain: This material has been identified as being free of known restrictions under U.S. copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights. Download date 17/01/2021 19:07:34 Item License http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/301963
Page 1: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

1922 Annual Report Coconino County

Item Type text; Report

Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. CountyAgricultural Agents.; Chisholm, F. A.

Publisher University of Arizona

Rights Public Domain: This material has been identified as being free ofknown restrictions under U.S. copyright law, including all relatedand neighboring rights.

Download date 17/01/2021 19:07:34

Item License http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/

Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/301963

Page 2: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

Form 6.Revised April, 1922.


u. S. Department of Agriculture.State Agricultural College, and

County Extension OrganizationCooperating.

States Relations ServiceOffice of Extension Wore

Washington, D� c.


State of� County of �:9-.ft_ = =: -<.d-< County Agricultural Agent.

From� ,1·/121 to ?en! 3 0I

• 1922•

If agent has not been employed entire year. indicate exact pe riod.. Agentsresigning during year should 1I'.ake out this report before quitting the service.


(For map of Sta.te showing location of county, photograph illustrat­

ing some phase of county agent work. or brief sunmary of outstand­

ing features of the work).

(Address) ---- _

Approved and fOIW'arded by:

Dare --

lO6-SRS Sta.te, Count-y Agent �ad.er ...

Page 3: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

Suggestions Relative to the Frefara.tivn of the County AgriculturalAi�en1. IS A.n."1ua1 R·3PO-rt.

The amua.I z-ep ort is a revi ew , analysis, interpreta.tion, and presentationto the j_Jeo;le of the count y , th� S�.at6 � and. tce ration of the sum tota L of t.heacttvi t Les of the cor-n cy a�:ri c:.llb.1!';;.l agerit for tlJ.� year. The making of sucha report is ot �r�ary �alue to the' county agri=ultural agent and tbe.co��tyextension organization.

!he narrative ::-eport should. be a. stat ement :'n order 1;7 fashi on, and under

a:ppropriate subheadings., of the wock done, IDs1.hvG.s us ed , and results secured-under each project, aawe Ll as of the general work acc(J;.D1?i..lsl!ed. Every state­ment should be clear-cut, concise J forceful, ana, where pcss:!.ble. rein�orcedwith ample data from the statistital surnruary.. 1:1 the pre�)&:,ation of the partof the report relating to each project, the r-esul t s repor te d in the statisticalsunnary for the project should be analyzed, conclusion drawn , and .1-!ecommenda­tions made. The report ma:," well be illustrated wi tn photogral)hs, maps , dia­

grams. blue prints or ccpies of cnar t s ani othe= f'crms 'Used in demonstrationwork. Full credit should be given to all cooperat':"ng agenci.es , The linesshould be single-spaced, with double space between the parag�aphs, and reason­

ably good margins left. The statistical summary will grow naturally out ofthe field and cffice records.

The following pLan is suggestive of how the rej;ort may be clearly and

systematically outlined.:


1. Cover' and title page •.

II., Table of contents.

III. Status of county extension organization.(1) Form of organization - distinctive features.(2) Function of local �eople. c�ittees, or project leaders

in developing the �rogr� of work.

(3) General policies, including relationshi�s to otherorganizati ons ,

IV. Program of work - methods. employed and results achieved.(1) Factors considered in determining program of work.(2) Project activities .and results-

(a) In the development of the county extension com-

mittees curing the year.(b) In soil improvement.(c) In cro� production.(d) In live stoCk production.(e) In farm economics.

(f) In marketing (buying and selling).(g) In farm heme bet tennent.

(h) In boys1 and. girls' clubs ..

(1) In other prcject �c�ivities.(3) Character ani scope of office and field service.

(4) Analysis and interpretation of t&oulat surr.n:aries.

Page 4: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

... 3 ...

v. Outlook and recommendations. including sug�estive program of workfor next year.

VI. Summary of activities and accoroplishwents, preferably of one or two

typewritten pages only placed at the beginning or end of thenarrative report.

Statistical Summary.

To supplement the narrative part of the report, and in order that ccm­parable State and National smmart es can be made, it is necessary that each

a�nt include a statistical summary of the work in his county. The followingform has been prepared to insure unifor.mity in reporting. In addition to the

�uestions asked under each subdivision af the report, space is provided forthe State to add other questions of State-wide importance. Additional roan

is also provided for each county agent to add other important statistical i�fonnation not covered in the series of National and State questions. For thesake of clearness the questions are arranged in the same order as suggestedfor the narrative.

Extension Organization MaE-

On this page draw or attach a mal? of your county, showing boundaries ofccmmunities or other local units organized for extension work.

Locate county extension camnitteemen with an X.

Locate community extension conrnitteemen or project leaders with a dot.

Page 5: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

.. 4 -

�JIlty: Extens�on Organiza.tion ..

1. County executive committee and" county project leaders serving during 1922(list below):

Name of project or

activity of whichleader has charge.

AddressOfficers and countyproject leaders.


9 -+ ��--------------------------


2. Does the extension organization provide for -ri.(a) Heme economics work? //�(b) Beys! �� �rls' cl�-w--�-k-1----�--�-�����,�------------------�

3. Does the county extens Ion service :publish an ext�ion news or· similar

publication? . ��4. Extent of c�unity organization:



Number of camnuoities or local units in

#Cthe county recognized bythe county extension service

�__--__-- --------

NUmber of canmunities now having canmuni y committees �Total number of ccmmunityccmnitteemen or ccmnunity proj.!dtLeader-s. .




Page 6: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

- 5 -

5. Meetings relating to extension organization and at tenoence :

l'Ii.::rioer ..

(a) County extension ccnmittee meetinbs (Countyexecutive ccmnittee) _._ - - - -

(b) Community canmitteemeetings

{c} County project coomltt e e meetings

Total - - - - - - - - - - - - -



(d) Number of above meetings not attended by agents __-k!�l_j� __

List belcwi any additional'work relative to county extension organizationcover-ed by above questions:

,_? � )::;£U G U-@?�.U44/k:<A�¥- ';ili e--m&-/Q � .kLZ>not

Soil-nnprovement Projects.

In answering the following questions, report only �e�ults of the activitiesof the county agri cu'l tural agent thatare suppcr ted by records.. Answer every quetion. Use figures where work do�e can be su�ported by records for current year.Use nUnf." (unfinished) where work is unfinished or no record available; uN.A ..


(not applicable) where question does not apply; "O" {zero} where no work has beendone.

Drainage and Irrigationr

6. Drainage systems planned and adopted -

7. Acres involved in �uestion 6 - - - - -

8. Irrigation systems �lariOed and adopted - -

9. Acres involved in Q�estion 8 - - - - -


10. Farmers consulting agent regarding use of fertilizers - -

11. Tons of canmercial fertilizer included in Question 10 - - - - - -

12. Acres of clover or other legumes turned under for soil improvement

13. Farms on which sod L was tested for acidity - - - - - - - - - - -





Page 7: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

6 -

1" .l.� Farms on which lime or limestone was used - - - --

15. Tons of lime or limestone included in Q.uestion 14 -

16. List below t�e organizations or aaso�iations relating to soils that the agentassisted in fonning in 1922:

Organized in 1922•

Type of or ganizat ion Number. Members.

Drainage associations or districts - - - - - - - - -

Soil-]ffiprovement Demonstrations*- 1922.



[ResultantKind of Number Meetings at Units in Increa.sedeoonstrations , demonstrations demons tra- per acre I profit

Started I: Ccm- Num- Total tions or other . due to

1)leied ber attendance unit I increase


Fertiliz ers

Lime and limest pne

IList otners

1f2�1_e_ ./3 :i / J5-

3'5:t� rc -=5 -t'r( 7" �/ .Co 1:J.C-£ ti.


I uD ,

a c. L-£i/::_e� J t5 I -4 �dL�If 'l. "" (_;. ,

* .A demonstrati on is an effort to show by exempl e the practi cal app_li cation of an

established fact. remonstr�tions may be of methods or results.lO6-SRS

Page 8: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

- 7 -

Crop Projects.

In answering the following questions, re?ort only results of the activitiesof the cO'Unty agricultural agent tbat are suppor-te d by records. A.""lsvver everyguesti on. Use figure� where wcrk done can be suppor t ed by records for current

year. Use "Unf." (unfinished) w�ere work is unfir.ished or no record avad Lable ;nN.A." (not applicable) where question does not apply; Ito" (zero) where no workhas been done ..

-�20. Farmers testing seed corn for gerinil"..ation - - - - - - - - - - - - 2:::



17. Farmers planting selected seed corn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18. Farmers selecting see d corn for next yeart s crop

19. Bushels seed corn selected - - - - - - - - - - - -

21. :Bushels seed corn tested for germfnat Ipn - -

22. Acres planted with tested seed ... - - - - - - - -

23. Other farms on which corn growing was introd�ced or farm practicerelative to corn culture improved - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

24. Acres involved in Question 23 - ...,

- ... __ ... -_

Wheat, Oats, Barley, and Rye.

25. Farmers treating seed wheat for smut - - - - - - - .... - - - -

26. Bushels seed wheat treated for smut - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

21. Acres sown with trea.ted seed - - - - -




/(028, Other faros on whi ch whea t growing was introduced or f'arm practi ce

relative to wheat culture improved - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,3

29. Acres involved.;in.1Questlon 28

30. Farmers treating seed eat a for smut




Bushels seed oats treated for �ut - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Acres oats sovv.o with treated seed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other farms on which oat gr�iing was introduced or fann practicerelative to oat culture improved - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

34. Acres involved in Question 33 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


c::1S 00




35. iarms on which barley growing was introduced or farm practice re-

/lative to barley culture improyed - ._ - - - - - - - - - - - -


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- g -.


3o� J_cres involved in Question 35 - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - -

37. Farms on which rye growing was introduced or farm practi ce re­

lative to rye culture improved -

38. Acres involved in Question 37- - - -

Beans and Po tatoes.

39. Farms on which bean growing was introduced cr farm practicerelative to bean culture improved - - -- - - - - - - - -

40. Acres involved in Questi on 39 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s3 r41. Farmers treating seed potatoes for ,iisease - - - - - - - - - - - l3 742. Acres invol-ved in Question 41 - - - - - ,/a t.O a

43. Farmers spra.ying pota.toes for Cisease - -

44. Acres involved in Q,ue sti on 43 - - - - - - 1/ 6 (!)

45. Other farms on which potato g:'owing was introduced or farmpractice relative to potato culture improved - - - - - -

46. A.cres involved in. Question 45 -

Legunes, Other Hay, and Forage •.

47. Farms on which alfalfa. gTO'.ving was introduced or ,arm pra.ctice p)/relative to alfa.lfa ctllture impr oved - - - - - - - - - - - - /'

48. Acres involved in Q;uestion 47 - 7i.LO""T.). Farms on wnich sweet clover growing was introduced or farm

practice relative to sweet-clover culture im�roved - - -




50. A.cres involved in Question 49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

51. Farms on which red, alsike, or white c.lover' '!las introduced or

farm practi ce r�la.tive to clover culture improved - 6

52. Acres involved in Question 51 - - - - - - - - - -

53. Farms 0:.:1 whl. e11. soy bean g:r cwing was intr oduced or farm prac­tice relative to soy�bean culture nnproved - - - - - - - a

54. Acres Lnvol.ved in Question 53 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o

55. Farms on which s orginm , milo, kafir. or fetexita grmving was

intDoduced. or farr!: practice relative to their culture iUJ.­

proved - - - - - - - -- - - -

56. Acres involved in Question 55 -


Page 10: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

- 9 -

57. List in the following table work done in conne ct t on with seed improvement:

Crop I'Names of varieties

I � -- +----------�------------+being standardized

I,No. offarms



LLproved seed secu�ed Improved seed for sale

Oats _ - -


No. offaIJ1ls

( c)


( 0.)

Corn - - -

Wheat - - -

Potatoes -


Rye - - - -

" !

Rodent and Insect Pe st Control.Number ..

61. Farms on wr.J.ch.insect-control mat.hods were followed - -


- d« yo 0;

�'# cLJ ()

58.. Farms on wbich rodent-control methods were followed -

59. Acres involved in Question 58'- __ "_ - - - - - - -

60. Pounds of pOisoned bait involved in Question 58 - -


62. Acres involved in QU83tion 61 - - - - - - - - - - -

63. Pounds cf poisoned bait involved in Question 61 - -

Frill t.

64. Farms on whi ch or char ds were planted (ap:;;_)les, peaches, pears,citrus frui ts , etc .. ) - - - - - - - - - -

-- - - - - - - I

65. Acres involved in Question 64 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ��

106- SRS

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- 10 -

Nunber .

6' I,Y. Farms on which fruit trees were pruned - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


s-67. Acres involved in Que�tion 66 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

68. Farms on which fruit trees were sprayed - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

69· Acres involved in Question 68 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

70. Farms on which bush fruits were planted. or farm practice relativeto bush-fruit cult�e improved - - - __ - _ - - _ - _ _ I

·71. Nunber .of acres involved in Question 70 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;1

72. Boys' and girls' clubs incident to crop production agent assisted.

in organizing .in 192? - ". - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Q

73. Members enrolled in above clubs 0

. 74. Members in above clubs cemp LetLng work - - - - a

75. List below the crgarri.zat Lons er a.ssociations relating to crops U..atthe agent assis�ed in forming in 1922:

Organized in 1922.Type of organization

Number Members...


Potato growers' associations - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fruit growers' associations - - - - - - - - - - - - -




-, �-.-





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- 11 -

Recor� of Crou Deffionstrations* - 1922.

ResultantKind of Number Meetings at Units in Increase profitDemonstrations demo:lstrations demonstra.- �er acre due to

Started Com- Nun- Total tions or other increase

pleted ber at.tew..aru::e: e unit

� 1- 31 /2-- 2� �_/Sof<....; ;;(

Alfalfa - - - - - - �.// ':) ('ne:> Otl'2l7_.

I {�


Clover - red,whitE;. I I

and alsike - - - - L,y{)-;(LC , !I !

�/Corn, seed se lection / , J (/ / /It..u I LU9L( 7

tJ ()Corn, varieties - - I� _,

Oat smut control - "3 3 � /.';;), / 7-- o t, ! v�o7(_��

Oat varieties - - -

!....: /J /C--L (..L I

I- -

Orchard spraying - I I C I � ::l� I(_ - -/t-n/ /tLU-/I ! I C,/? C"'7«


0rcrJ£U'd pruning - !I


IPasture seeding orI

! / / � Irenovation - - - � j

I I IPotat 0 d.i sea se contJ 01 &1 ('/ q /k-- �,__cLi.u q.� I -£LU-X i�

R7e varieties - - -I �I/1 {/ I (I

I iI J2�P�"Z-

Rodent control - - j:?- $7J '2�"rO (/ //6 /6C'cC! lULL" � ::s If) / .s>" i t I

S b ���I,

1 :

oy eans - - - - - rv - ,....... � l

I !

Silllfl o\vers - - - - / I 0 0 J- C< 64L.J Ad-/.J;/ ! /�'/A, I j (

Sweet clover - - - I I J r» f) _r6<:!.-(.� t ( t , I

I ,


V,l1eat smut control d- 0- I (�I

"'I " � "

I ,

Wh8at varieties - - �AZ I ,- t

I I!


List others - - - -



;;2�{O�AM I 0 / t c2 it (_.(_jl--o· AA.� ;-(�I {/ C/

If l



I I1

t �.; 1..1 '; '}.. � 11 I (I, & ! I.-


* A demonstration is an effort to show by exarn?le the practical application of an

establisped fact. DeQonstration� m�y bp of metb0d� or results.


Page 13: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

- 12 -

Live-StoCk Projectso

In answering the following ques txcns , report only r�sults of the activi ties

of the cOU-:n:Ly agricultural a.gent that are sUP:Jor�ed by records. Ansv-rer e\Tp.r�9.u���i�. Use figtU'es where work done can be supported by records for·.:current year.Use ilUnftl (unfinished) where work is 'U.nfinished or no record available; "N .. .A. U

(not applicable) where question does not apply; Iton (zero) where no work has been·.dmle.

(Stal:ii ons -

76. Registered horses secured ((�es - - - - - -

77. Registered bulls secured(D=.iry - -

((Beef - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • -

(Dairy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

((Beef - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(Dairy -- -

79- High-grade cows secured ((Beef - - -

18. Registered cows secured

(Rams - -

80. Registered sheep secured ((Evves -

(Boa�s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

si. Registered hogs secured ((Sows - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

82. Cow-testing associations organi�ed in 1922 - - - - - - - - - -

83. Cow-testing associa�ions in county (including Question 82 andthose previously organized) - - - - - - � - - - - - -

84. Number of members in a.bove associati ons - - - - - - - - - - - - -

85 •. Cows tested or under test in 1922 for milk pnoductd on through allsuCh associations organized in 1922 or previously - - - - - -

86. Cows tested for milk production by individuals - - - -

87. Cows discarded as xesult of test (Questions 85 and 86) - - - - 1.

.88. Farmers assisted in £iguring balanced rations (all animals) - - - -

89. Silos constructed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - -

90. Farms on which l>0ultry practice was improV'ed,.- - - - - - - - - - -


I'fumber ..

��)(/ )

, , )I , )(I

)f( )


( I)


, ,)

I / )

f( )


( I

, ,






Page 14: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

- 13 -


91. Animals tested for tuberculosis - - - - - o

I.9? .Animals treated for blackleg - - - - - --

93. Hogs vaccinated for cholera - - - - - - - - -

a94. Hogs treated for hemorrhagic septicemia - - - � - � - - � - - �


95. Farmers using self-feeders for hogs - - - - - -

96. Farmers assisted in controlling contagious abortion - -


97.. Farms on whi ch beekeeping was introduced. or the rJ8.ndling ofbees �proved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

93.. Number of hives involved in Quasti on 97 - - - - -

99. Boys' and girls r clubs incident to 1ive-stocl: product ion agentassisted in organizing in 1922 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


lCO. Members enrolled in above clubs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CJ

101. Member-s in above clubs ccmpleting work - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0

102.. List below the crginizatlons or:-aG�oHutiCl!liJc.rsl1lting.r,;tQ:llv9 stock that t�1.e

county agricultural agent assisted in forming Ln. 1922:

_____ . Organiz ed in 1922Type

Nunber Members

Bull Associations

Breeders' As s (.) ci ati ons I'21,Poultry Associations .J .J..1/(/\.1

- -

Be e Ass oci.at ions.


Sheep Associations,


Page 15: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

- 14 -

Record of Live StoCk D8ffi�n�tration5* - 1922.


ind of Nunber Meetings <'.t 1 Units in Incrtase t Resul tant

�1;-,on3trations d€;r."''!'l�B+'·i:.F:l.����"S_ demons tra- per I prod t

Started] : Ccm- Num-.

'f 0tal--r t ions unit du.e to

plet(;;d ber at teridance increasE; .


��f �attle feeding �rj/L C_-

� IIackle g control �. f

I I-

airy feeding �..4- A_J2. -

�V'c-' _.

/ J I f _5!.I _�< tOg cno'Iera control ,...�j .. �4<J -


!! ./

I�v� �I

cg feeding � 1 II

�I I:/-_I

(��/�.:dt;;-y _;culligg --:2� 1 � v:/ �H�� �A -

I <.._...- ,


ji / f


o'utry fee1ing ?1 I I � (� '( (

II I I51; ot.her s jI

f1-- _ I6 J-f i S I ltJ. I j« _.,

State Suppl�ent.

This space is left for each county agent leader to include �n.:];,pleillental �ues­t i.cns relating to live stock a_pplicable to his State:

* A demons trat ion is an effott to show by e:;:am::_:,le the practi cal a�jpli cati on of an

�Rtaclisned fact. Demonstrations may be of metGods or results.


Page 16: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

,r --

- 15 -

Farm-Economics Projects.

In answering the following questions, report only results of the activitiesof the county agri cultura.l agent that are supported by records. Answer every ques­

.li£g. US� figures where work done can be supported by records for current yea:r.USe "Unf.", (unfinished) where work is unfinished or no record available; "N, All n

4tat appli cao Ie ) wher e questi on does not apply; "0" (zero) where no work has been


Farm Management.Ntmlber.

103� Farm account books distributed - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-.- -

104. Farmers kBeping records in such account books through the year �--

105. Farmer-s assisted in summarizing and interpreting their accounts - I

106.. Farmers making changes in their business as resul t of keepingaccounts - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

107. Other farmers adopting cropping, live-stoCk, or complete farmingsyst ems according to recommendations - - - - - - - - - - - - - I

108. Farms on which buildings other than homes were constructed or re­

modeled according to plans furnished - - - - - - - - - - - - -

109.. Farm leases drawn or modified - - - - - - - - -

no. Farm Management and farm account schools held - �-------.

111. Farmers assisted in keeping cost � :p;r:-j�\let.io����q_qrds-

112. Farm laborers supplied through county extension service - IJ�113. Farmers assisted in securing tractors, sprayers, di tching

m�chinesJ or other machinery to economize labor - - - -


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- 16 -

Nur'lber ..

114. Farm Loan Associations agent assisted in organizing - - - - - - - 11�115- Other credit associations agent assisted in organizing - - - - - - II

116. Farmers involved in Questions 114 and 115 - -I'

State Su-t?plement.

This space is left for ea� �ounty agent leader to include supplementalluestions relating to farm economics applicable to his State:

List below any additional wort relative to farm-economics projects notcovered by above que stLons r

� r� :6.h=!M.& -Z�cU?/�-�-:

Marketing Projects.

Buying and Selling.

In answering the following q_uestions, report only results of the activitiesof the county sgritultural agent that


are supported by records.. Answer everv 9y_es­tion... Use figures where work done can be su�ported by records fo�. curreJ;lt"year.• It

Use."Unf. II (unfinished) wher-e work i:3 u:nfinisl1ed or no record availa.ble; liN .. A.I'(not applicable) where question does not apply; lion (zero) where no work has beenione ..

. �17. In Table I �ist the cooperative associations which the county agent has

helped·to form in 1922, and amo��t of business done:


Page 18: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

- 17 -

Tab1r-. l.�

Name of association Date formed Number of Froducts handled Value of: Saving or

members business profit

Illustrative entry$l�O�OOO�··: $5,295

Jonesville Fruit As- Au.g. 1 150 Sell apples andsociation .. peaches; buy s1.Ap:-:i





Number118. Number of other cooperative associations organized by the agent or his

predecessors previous to 1922 wi th which the county agent bas co-

operated during the year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /

119. The value of business done by associations included in Question lIB 9'2: z 0<, 0�,120. Savings or profits made by associations included in Questi on 119 ;7Lt)t!J flY CJ�121. Number of farmers assisted by agent. in buying or selling through

other Channels than cooperative associations - - - - - - - - - -

122 .. Value of b�iness done by farmers in connection with Question 121

Farm Economics and Marketing Demonstrations* - 1921.

123· Savings or profits made by farmers in connection with Question 121

Kind of Meetings at Units in Results.Demonstrations d€IIlonstrations demons trations

Number. Number Total at-

tendanceFarm managementand farm accountv"; schoolsPur chas ing and


List others

t: L/rt ;5tJ/d2� Uzc/--YbrJ�'i, If) H;;t � / /) IJ Cr

� lJ C/,* A de.monstratlon �s an.effort to sh�v by example the pract�cal appl�cat�on of an es­

tablished fact. Demonstrations may be of methods or results.


Page 19: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

18 -

Farm-Home Projects.

In answering the following questions, report only rBsults of the activitiesof the county agricultural agent that are suppotted by records, Ans� ��!J[ S1L��­!!£n. Use �es where work done can be supported by records for current y�ar.Use "UnL" [unf tnt shed) where work is unfinished or no record available; "N,.A ..


(not aVl?licable) wher e question does not apply; "0" (zero) where no work has been

done ..

124. Water-supply systems planned and installed - - - - - - - - - - - -

125. S�wag€-disposal systems planned and installed - - - - - - - - - -I(

126. Lighting:§ystems planned and installed - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


127. Farm homes constructed or remodeled according to plans furnished -


128. Home greunds iropr oved according to p.lans furnished - - - - - - - -


129- Homes in which labor-saving machinery or equipment were introducei

1301 HousehoLd Labor er s sU}?plied through agent or t:arm bureau - - II

131. Homes improving practiee relative to gardening - - - - - - -

f f

132. Boysl and girls' clubs incident to home m3king and gardening agentassisted in organizing in 1922 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

133- Members enrolled in above clubs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I(

134. Members in above clubs completing work - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Farm-Hame Demonstrations* - 1922.

Kind of Number 'M.:;etings at Units in ResultsDemonstratd on demonstrations demonstrations

Started: Ccm- Nm-ITotal at-

'Pl�tcd ber tendance


Clothing - - - - - - - i I

f ! I IFood pr�s�rvation - - - I i ,

I I iBome gardens - - - - - I j I

I ,: I


Heme ground improvement I , I

hot school Lunch - , I :- -


Heme water systBmsr j i- - , I


. , . ;Labor savIng macr�n�ry .

end equipment - - - I--------+-------+----+----------r---------------�-----------

MiJJ::feedi}1g t=. inc.reas1-109 weIght o� chIldr�n

Ssntic tanks I--------+-------�---r----------�------------��-------

Li:t others - - - - - -1--------�----��--4---------�-------------.--�l---------­'*1 demonstration is an uffort to show oy c.xa1Jl)le L1� �ra.ctiU::il aiJjflication of a":"i ",,-S­

le�Mgl;d fact. Demons t.rat Lons may be of mcltnoas or LVSUltS.

Page 20: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

- 19 -

State Suuplement.

This space is left for each county agent leaddr to include supplemental ques­tions relating to farm-home projects applicable to his State:

List below any additional work relative to farm-home projects not covered byabove questions or in State Supplement:

Character a.�d Scope of Office and Field Service.

In answering the following questions, report only results of the activitiesof the county agricultural agent that are sU.l?ported. by re ccrds , Ansvler � �­tion_ Use figures where work done can be supported by records for curr;nt year.Use lIUnf ..

" (unfinished) where work is unfinished or no record avatLao'l e ; uN.A .."

(not applicable) where question does not ap:;?ly; non (zero) where no work has 'beendone.

Different farmers visi�ed on their farms - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Numbr:06r6yOTotal number of farm visits made

Office consultations relating to extension work (do. not inc14detelephone calls) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

138. Days in field - - - - - - - -

139. Days in office - - - - - -- -

140. Farmers' Institutes held {not included under extension organization �_meetings, p.4, or demonstration meetings,pp.6,11.14,17,&nd 18.lO6-SRS

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.. 20 -

Attendance at meetings involved in Question 140 -

')+2. Extension schools or short courses held - - - - - 1/

143- Attendance a.t meetings involved in Question 142 -


144. Extension auto tours - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "

148, Grand total all meetings held during year. including organiza­tion, p.4; meetings at demonstrations, farmers' institutes,and miscellaneous. involving Questions 140, 142, l�, and146 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - k d

149. Grand total attendance all meetings involved in Question 148 - -

150. Agricultural articles written by agent and published in localpapers (do not include notices of meetings or similarbrief news items) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - -

151. Agricultural articles written by agent and published in county­extension nevITs or similal" publi cation - -

152. Individual letters written and mailed - - - -

153.. Circular letters wri tten - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /0 C5



Total number of copies of circular letters mailed - - - - - - - - / f) 0»

Number of ques·tionnaires or t other requests for information handled

by agent for U. S. Department of Agriculture or otherFederal agencies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _._ - - !


Number of questionnaires or other requests for information handled

by agent for agricultural cOllege or other State institutionor official - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

List bel�v any other work relative to· ��acter and scope of office andfield service not covered by above questions:


Page 22: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

- 21 -

Map of De!Ilons�ratio�

On this page draw or attach a map of �TOur county , showing boundar ies of com­

muni ties or other local units recogr..ized by the county extensf on servi ce , andlocate thereon demonstrations listed. or... pages 6, 11, 14, 17, and 18 of this report.In order to secure unl f'orm mc::.pp:i..ng in each State, the county agent leader will in­

dicate lines of work after ��r&c�Grs. Ins�rt extra maps if it seems desirable.

a_________________ b-- _



o £�----------------- ------------------- g�------------------ h_

Page 23: 1922 Annual Report Coconino County · 2020. 4. 2. · 1922 Annual Report Coconino County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. Form

-·22 -

Tabular Summary of Projects.


Number Approx�mate distribution of agents,l time in and field onproj ects

of com-

�pr. May Oct} Nov. IDee. I Total

Title of Project

Illustl'ative entry

) .


b (�kt��t- c9.�-\


C t/ Z"S

,h �tzJ fyrl:--{� ('..k..�c_A�_�

Da.1 Da. I Da� I Da� I Da. I Da� I Da.1 Da� I Da� I Da� I 'Da� I Da. I Da. I Days

I /�./

Poul try6 5 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 4 2 _�. 22--..-

F �Pt7 t-iuk,u-"��� �� I c :< I/ � /t- 6" 2-.

2-- 2 3 17TII $"1�,)/ . A '

t' �� �/tl;rir�;;;-- / r; {, 7 2;� "3 1" 13 L--/� -- "'5

e tZu/fAlL.I/ /T/;;h"� � /- 1- 5 3 I .2 I I / Z� I

� �dZ;;:_� _ _� 7' � -$::; 8 I II} /

(. kl(-?uftbJu-; �/J /� 0-�0 �. ¥ / e J /)- 1 I t:, t; I I I q I. '! . 1 . r

I I I I � I _Lz" J � _ I '- _$__ I _ _


J 2 :1 cZ i ! I 2_ qI ! T !

2-1 £L� I_£J_�_=J 1_ I _I_l l�_�t�


--,--- rI <.,......:I' <,�" I


I II i 1/77



M iscellaneous2 I . I I I ? I I I I £_ I I � I 31 I I L I I � I )_ I' y I i � 0'"

Days leave I I J cl'l r / tJ J 12 91 I T

To tal I 3 � T- ?_ &. 0 � " ;l{, 2 r 1.:1 SI 2) � �, .2 7 I .z, 3' "2. t c:t r �b .;z�; i .8 Ii-

1, Time includes bo th C?gent and assistants...

. . .2, tyhsc811aneo"u.s In;:;luJ.:.::s uriexoec t ed and emergency serv rce wh'ich cannot be antICIPated In advance106-ss�-


