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THE ANCHOR======== March



Building a Temple

Vol. XX No. 3



The Value of Sorority Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

National Social Service 4

"You Can Draw" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Chis Lead Honor Roll at S.S.T.C. 7

Flame of Friendship Burns Again . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Report of the Examination Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Desert Campaign 10

Collegiate Chapters 11

Alumnce Chapters .. ...... . . .... . ... ..... . -: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - •. t . .

Personals 19

Directory 20

Entered as second class matter November 25. 1937, at the post office at Menasha. \:Visconsin, under the Act of August 24, 191 2. THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau is published during the months of October, December, March, and June. Subscription price $2.00 per year. Publication office, George Banta Publishing Co., 450.454 Abnaip St., Menasha, \Vis. Editorial office: Mrs. Justin G. Doyle, 314 Walnut St .• Peekskill, N.Y.

Page 4: 1945 March ANCHOR

Building a Temple

, __ JIM __ , A builder builded a temple,

He wrought it with grace and skill ; Pillars and groins and arches

All fashioned to work his will. Men said as they saw its beauty

"It shall never know decay. Great is thy skill , 0 builder :

They fame shall endure for aye. "

A teacher builded a temple With loving and infinite care,

Planning each arch with patience, Laying each stone with prayer.

None praised her unceasing efforts, None knew of her wondrous plan,

For the_ temple the teacher builded Was unseen by the eyes of man.

Gone is the builder's temple, Crumbled into the dust ;

Low lies each stately pillar, Food for consuming rust.

But the temple the teacher builded Will last while the ages roll ,

For that beautiful unseen temple Is the child 's immortal soul.

- Author Unknown

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The Value of Sorority Life

F ROM conclusions reached through experience, observation and study, I believe that one gets out of het sorority life just exactly as much as she puts into it. The young woman who gives of her time, means, loyalty,

affection, friendship, and so on, realizes returns that are most satisfying. As I ponder, trying to decide whkh is the most worthwhile of the

possessions that I have gathered unto myself on my way through li fe, I realize that my friends are the dearest, the nearest and the best of any­thing. The sorority gives to the college woman an excellent opportunity to make friends , not only for her college life but for the days to come. Some of the dearest and most loyal friendships are developed while we are work­ing together for a common cause. In that way, the sorority with its or­ganized activities gives an excellent environment and a possibility fo r the making and the cementing of life long friendship- the most valuable of all earthly possessions.

As I look about m~, I see on every hand the results that come from competent leadership, and the disaster and the sorrow that are the out­comes of the inability to lead and to be led. It seems to me that an organized body such as a sorority, with. its offices and its committees, gives to each and every member a definite ·and a worthwhile responsibility that tends to develop leadership of the kind that carries over into life in general.

Y oun'g women who work together to arrange a social function that will be fun for all , to build up a scholarship fund for the aid of worthwhile students, to plan substantial assistance for the needy, to give to their college a material as well as a spiritual evidence of their heartfelt appre­ciation of its contribution to their lives, will certainly experience the joy and happiness that comes from a united, unselfish service. I believe that a love for service thus developed will grow into that which benefits all humanity.

The organization of a sorority group is such that the young women must work together harmoniously to carry on the activities successfully. To work together so intimately requires an unselfish attitude. To adjust so that every one is happy requires consideration of one for the others by each and every member. During this period of adjustment, the sis ters become so well acquainted that they grow to love each other and to have a tolerance for each other's shortcomings and peculiarities. There comes to them a revelation of how to get along well with other people whether they be sorority sisters or non-sorority acquaintances. One who has learned

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this lesson had added to her culture and refinement m thought word and deed.

It is always a satisfaction to me when lovely girls show by act of thoughtfulness their appreciation of the efforts and contributions made by their sisters, their leaders, their advisors and patronesses and their college. Courtesy is a manifestation of appreciation .

In summing up, I find I have mentioned the following values to be gained through sorority li fe : Friendship, Leadership, Sense of Responsi­bility, Love for Service, Appreciation, Courtesy, Culture and Refinement.

Surely, one who has acquired all or any of these qualities to a greater degree of perfection has added to her happiness and nothing is more worthwhile in this life of ours than real happiness. On with the Happiness!


E DI TOR'S 16 TE: Titis is an excerpt from an article by our fo rm er national presiden t appearing in the M arch 1929 issue of THE A NCH OR. B ecause .of the ideas therein con­tained, it was deem ed m ore than w orthy of a reprin t .

National Social Service /).LPHA SIG 1A TAU alumnre have chosen Pine Mountain Settlement 1\ School, Pine Mountian, Harlan County Kentucky to be our chie f

National Social Service Project. Pine Mountain School , a vocational school for boys and girls, was founded in 191 3 by Miss Katherine Petti t and Miss Ethel de Long.

Mr. William Creech ( 1845-1918) whose whole life was lived far back in the Kentucky mountains, where he thought out, unhelped, his ideals of education , gave one hundred thirty six acres of land for the establish­ment of the Pine Mountain Settlement School. His letters tell why, for more than thirty years, he wanted such a school. Following are excerpts from them, which advanced his hope that other people would give a! o if they knew the reason for his gift :

November 20th, 1915

To all the friends that have help the Pine Mountain Settlement School: " I was seventy years old the 30th day of last month, and I'm seeing

that goin on that I craved to see for many years. Somethin like two years ago I wrote solicitin aid for the school which we was goin to try to build. Since that time the work has progressed mightily under the management and .supervision of Miss de Long and Miss Pettit. I have invested all I have in the school and I don 't begrudge nary dollar that I put into it. The good people a helpin us has done a great thing for us, in helpin the poor and needy.

I hope our good friends will come forard and help us all they can to make better people out of our wild mountain people that has been raised up in ignorance and almost regardless of law. I see no chance to teach the old, but if the children can be teached up in a better light they can lay an example even for their parent .

I don't look a fter wealth for them. I look for the prosperity of our

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nation. The question of this world is naught. The savin of the soul is what we should seek. I want all younguns taught to serve the livin God. Of 'course they won't all do that, but they can have good and evil laid before them and they can choose which they will. I have heart and cravin that our people may grow better. I have deeded my land to the Pine Mountain Settlement School to be used for school purposes as long as the Constitution of the United States stands. Hopin it may make a bright and intelligent people after I'm dead and gone."

lly c D II ou an raw

DO YOU think that you can 't draw, that you have no artistic abilities at all? Are you one of those people who thinks that only a special few are gifted with the skill necessary for drawing? If you find you are

forced to include yourself in the extremely overcrowded category of those who do feel that way about it, if you groan at the thought of an art course, and if a drawing assignment puts you through a mental agony comparable to your worst conception of the terrors of the Inquisition, then, perhaps, you will profit by my experience and maybe you'll save yourself untold suffering.

When I learned that I had no choice in the matter of my electives because of a complicated schedule , when I was told that I must take Fine Arts, my first inclination was to stamp my foot and say, " I won 't !" But being a well mannered young lady, I merely protested meekly that I was not at all "artistically inclined." "Oh, but you don 't have to be for this course. It will be a grand experience for you," came the enthusiastic reply. I agreed weakly that I guessed art was the only solution and left the office.

In one of our first lessons, we were given a drawing board, two mammoth­sized sheets of manila paper, two thumb tacks, presumably to keep the paper from blowing, a thick drawing pencil , a soap eraser, large enough to prove that the instructor was experienced with young "hopefuls" who constantly were changing their minds or their lines, and finally a box of colored chalk crayons, depleted by many students who had either wanted a souvenier of so memorable an experience, or in searching their minds for inspiration , had nervously broken the crayons into bits.

Then, with a great deal of misgiving as to what was expected of us, we were unceremoniously herded out to an open green space, where we were told to begin drawing the model who was posed on the hill close by. She was wearing a gay, tight-fitting pair of trousers covered with orange and red and blue diamonds. Her blouse was full-sleeved , yellowish tan with a low-cut round neckline. Under a small black skull cap, rippled her hair which was arranged in a " wind-blown" coiffure. Perhaps it was her cos­tume, or possibly it was the way she stood with her left foot extending to the far left and her right hand on her hip , or more probably it was the idea that we were expected to reproduce that figure on paper, that evoked a ripple of subdued laughter from the group.

We were seated on the cool ground in a delightfully informal fashion under the soft warmth of the sun. If you ever get this far in a drawing

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venture, you will find yourself becoming quite confident that you can draw, that you will become overwhelmed with the potential possibilities of some heretofore undiscovered skill. This will be directly due to the definitely "arty" atmosphere and the soothing comments of the instructor.

_The first thing is to sketch the outline of the figure. This is done with the pencil held loosely in your drawing hand and the eraser in the other. There is a purpose in holding the pencil loosely; you must support the pencil, but do not obstruct its freedom by attempting to direct its motion. This is said to achieve a " more natural" effect. Since this preliminary sketch should be rough and utterly devoid of detail, I'm sure you will attain your highest degree of success here , which is no doubt a good thing because it will make the illusion that you are a " budding" artist last a bit longer. Next, you begin to fill in the detail with your chalk crayons. Keep in mind constantly that you are to put down only what you see and the result will be your interpretation. I'm sure that you will find that yours will possess a marked individuality. You must not permit your soiled fingers and ruined manicure to annoy you because these are only small sacrifices for the sake of the great masterpiece you are producing. This process of filling in detail and finishing up the figure is a long one. The one disadvantage of the artistic surroundings is that they offer too much distraction. You must not let the savage battle being waged at your side between the spider and the fly who had caught himself in the spider's web fascinate you to a degree where you begin to cheer for one or the other because you are giving that assailant an unfair advantage over his op­ponent and anyway, the task at hand is much more important and worth­while. Now that you have finished the orange and blue and red diamonds of the trousers, you must begin to think of a suitable background for so noble a figure. You may have surmised by now, tha~ contrary to what most people believe to be true, one of the secrets of art is not to complete one thing before you begin another. You still must go back and place the finishing touches on the outline and your detail work will not be quite finished yet, but go on to the background. Here is where you can really give your imagination free rein and call up all your faculties for originality.

At about this point you might find the dark coolness of the earth becoming a bit damp and the picturesque position in which you have been sitting becoming somewhat cramped, causing your arms to ache and thousands of sharp dagger points to bore mercilessly into your feet. The friendly warmth of the sun might become just plain uncomfortably hot and I guess the squashed body of the vanquished fly might be rather on the repulsive side. But sigh deeply and draw on. Your labors are almost ended ; the masterpiece of art will be your reward.

When the lesson is over, the teacher will look at it critically and, if he is kind, will say gently and knowingly that it is extremely original and presents an entirely new conception of the subject. If he is the other kind of teacher- well , I guess you're too tired and discouraged to go into that. But if this hasn 't cured you of saying you can 't draw and you are still assailed with doubts when asked to do something creative, ans\\er any too harsh criticism of your work with a merely tolerant smile and a smuo­" It ' my impression of modern art. "


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Chis Lead Honor Roll at S.S.T.C.

0 NE might almost believe that a prerequisite to making the Upper Ten list at Shepherd State Teachers' College, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, was being an Alpha Sigma Tau ; Chi Chapter can well

be proud of having captured six of the ten coveted places as well as hav­ing six other members receive honors. It is no wonder that this group was awarded our I ational Scholarship Cup four consecutive years !

Eileen Whisner, who took sec­ond place on the list, graduated in January and is now teaching in Hag­erstown, :Ylaryland. Kathryn Thom­as a senior, is majoring in Com­m~rce and Home Economics. An­other senior in the group is Anna Roulette president of Chi Chapter. Noreen Eaton, Genevieve Pitzer and Agnes Hull are Freshmen who were recently ribbon-pledged.

The six Chis who received honors were: Jean Marie Davis, Margaret Coleman, Virginia Chapman, In~z Ansel, Laurie Loughrie, and Betty June Stickles.

By way of explanation, the Up- ANNA ROULETTE per Ten are the ten highest ranking President Chi Chapter

students in S.S.T.C.- selected from aH classes. One must carry a minimum of fourteen hours to qualify ana the students having the highest number of honor points for the number of semester hours carried are on the Honor Roll.

The graduating class of '44 presented the college with a recognition plaque for the outstanding men and women, which was placed in the college library. The following Alpha Sigs are listed on the plaque: Janet Wilson, 1939-40; Mary Lynn Bane, 1940-41 ; Anna Roulette, 1941-42 ; and Lorraine Russell , 1943-44.

There's just no end to Chi 's scholastic · achievements and all chapters of Alpha Sigma Tau join in congratulating them on their splendid rec­ord. 'Tis said many a sister chapter intends, however, to give Chi plenty of competition fol' the cup this year!

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Flame of Friendship Burns Again

0 NE of the most colorful traditions on the Southeastern State Col­lege campus, home of Rho Chapter, is the Friendship Fire, which has in recent years attracted considerable attention over South­

eastern Oklahoma. The first Fire was lighted in 1924. At that time it was more or less an

out-door get-together-and-get-acquainted occasion for tudents and fac­ul•ty.

It was quite natural , since Southeastern lies in the heart of the old Choctaw-Chickasaw country, that Friendship F ire should soon become definitely linked with an ancient custom of the Indians, that of casting symbols of their hopes and aspirations into a ceremonial fire, so that the smoke might transport the es ence of their dreams to the Great Spirit for fulfillment.

Adaptation of this Indian ritual to the purpose of Southeastern began immediately, since it gave opportunity early in the school year for the various organizations on the campus to make them elves known.

Since 1924 many changes have been made, among them the location of the fire itself. The first one was held in the circle in front of the science building, now filled with shrubbery. In 1929 it was moved to the present site upon the athletic field south of the gym.

The fire was originally sponsored by the Y.W.C.A. but in time was taken over as a student council project.

In 1928 was begun the ritual of having the fire lighted by the friend­liest boy and girl from each class.

Big Chief Savage and the Rising Sun made their appearance for the first time in 1929 (because of its location in eastern Oklahoma South­eastern is called "The School of the Rising Sun").

Later came the idea of burying the hatchet to fur.ther carry out the Indian idea, for in that manner the Indian symbolized the banishment of undesirable things from the tribe.

The fall of 1931 saw practically every organization in the college contributing some significant offering to the flame of friendship which tradition holds should burn eternally upon the campus of Southeastern.

Alpha Sigma Tau offered a large emerald Anchor with the Greek let­ters of A ! T in gold as its symbol for the ceremonial fire when it was rekindled this year.

The open motto , 'Active, Self-Reliant, Trustworthy," was printed in gold on the Anchor. Mary Frances Kemp, Rho President, and Agnes Bax­ter, a pledge, carried the torches in the processional to the fire. Two pledges, Mary Mcintosh and Olavine Allen carried the emblem. Myra Jean Guthrie was the narrator for the Indian ritual.

Twelve member and pledges took part in Friendship Fire this year. PAT GREE , Rho

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Report of Examination Chairman For 1943-1944


1. Comparing this year's figures with the previous two years :

Pledge Manual Sorority Ethics Active Examinations Number Average Number Average Number Average

1943-44 225 93.98 222 92.60 199 93.85 1942-43 204 93 .24 191 91.89 229 91.27 1941-42 66 88.90 51 87.20 !52 92 .10

2. Who's ahead? a. Pledge Manual

First place- Lambda Chapter with an average of 100.00 Second place- Iota and Zeta Tau with 99.98 and 99.55 respectively Third place- Beta and Delta with 98.76 and 98.35 respectively

b. Sorority Ethics First place- Pi Chapter with an average of 97.00 Second place- Upsilon Chapter with 96.50 Third place- Rho, Alpha and Iota with 94.70, 94.44 and 94.20

respectively c. Active Examinations

First place- Iota and Rho with 98.72 and 98.70 respectively Second place- Sigma, Zeta and Zeta Tau with 97 .SO, 97.33 and

97 .08 respectively Third place- Theta with 94.5 7

3. Efficiency a. Alpha, Beta, Zeta, Theta, Iota, Omicron, Pi, Zeta Tau, Upsilon, and

Chi are the grade-A chapters this year. b. Rho and Sigma were slow. c. No tests received from Delta, Lambda and Phi. d. Psi Chapter will take their first active examinations in 1945.

Collegiate Chapters Active Examinations Pledge Examlnations

Pledge Manual Sorority Ethics No. Av. No. Av . No. Av.

Alpha 7 89.83 7 94.44 14 92.64 Beta 9 98 .76 9 89.22 15 91.20 Delta 10 98.35 10 96.50 No tests received Zeta 15 88 .20 15 91.93 12 97.33 Theta 26 92.73 29 89.72 21 94.57 Iota 10 99.98 10 94 .20 18 98.72 Lambda 3 100.00 3 93.43 No tests received Omicron 18 76.82 15 86.94 32 86.78 Pi 5 9 1.40 5 97.00 18 90.50 Rho 5 97.20 5 94.70 10 98 .70 Sigma 25 92.68 25 91.80 10 97.08 Zeta Tau 24 99.55 24 92.29 25 97.08 Upsilon 12 93 .1 3 12 92.04 15 92.27

Phi No tests received o tests received Chi 9 94 .83 9 91.56 9 88 .88

Psi 47 96.36 47 93 .18 Totals 225 93.98 222 92.60 199 93.85

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Desert Campaign After the long months of silence­Dull , lifele:;s days taut with fear , Your letter came-thin tissue thing Yet alive, and warm- and dear.

And as I read the single page, My heart took wings to soar Over the wild, blue crests of foam To an alien , sun-baked shore.

I heard the roll of the endless tanks, Saw smoke of the ack-ack rise And smelled the acrid pungency Of fire from earth and sky.

My mouth grew dry with the desert 's dust-

Eyes blinded by the sun ,

And my shoulder felt the weary press Of the heavy, soulless gun.

I saw your face-lean , dark and tired. There was sweat on your furrowed brow, And the gentle eyes that I had known Were hard and bitter now.

My heart went out in the desert glare And stretched a yearning hand, That reached your frightened, aching soul Alone in a foreign land.

There part of it returned to me Across the sea's deep blue. - And part of it marched stoutly on There in the ranks with you.


Can You Supply the Addresses?

M AGAZI ES mailed to the following girls have been returned to the editor. Anyone knowing the present address of any of these Alpha Sigs is requested to kindly send the information to Mrs.

J ustin G. Doyle, 314 Walnut Street, Peekskill , N.Y.

DELTA J une Burchett Margaret Riemann Dorothy Nelson

ZETA Louise Keifl Phyllis S:ewart Brown

ETA Helen Pierce Wakefield Mary Manchester Lagler


Cecil Butler Barrett Anna Mae Carey Ruth Dunlap Annabelle Morgan Spicer Martha Hall Betty Rowe Cole Betty Kiddoo Myrtle Carr Phyllis Bennies Lou ise Young Earl

OMICRON Virginia Charlton Lucille Moses Vento Ann Calfee Ruth S. Martin Ann Richards June Tate Payne

PI Virginia Ruby Cline

RHO Erma Kathryn Womble Ruth Johnson

ZETA TAu Harriet B. Major Betty Stanley Moore F rances Pritchette Laura Burrows Virginia Smith Part Dorothy Rollins Margaret Thomas

CHI Ruby Groves

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COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS BET A CHAPTER Central Michigan College of Edu­cation, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

Our first gay event this term was a hayride party after which the girls and their dates ended up at Sweeney's with dancing in "sock feet" to the "vic" and a program right from the farm called " 'Twas a Year Ago Today," starring Gwen Gwinn, Dottie Sweeney, Jackie Barret, and Joan Hanson . Climax of the evening was lunch served by Mrs. Sweeney.

Next the Betas went into a huddle over fall open rushing and came out with five new pledges. These gi rls, Marian Wilt, Jean Chisholm, June Ross, Pearl Parker, and Doris Walters, were formally pledged December 11 at the home of our patroness, Mrs. K. P. Brooks.

A special meeting was called December 6 when our natiom.l president visited us. Mrs. Staehle met all our officers the fol­lowing day during individual conferences. The next evening we were all invited once again to Sweeney's. Mrs. Staehle continued the business meeting, and we ended up with a food fest. She · also was able to attend an alumnae breakfast before leaving the next day.

With Christmas approaching we joined ranks with the Phi Delts to stage a Christmas caroling party. Anna Mary Kane, one of our alumnre, invited us to her home for refreshments following our sing. Another Christmas activity we shared was the Panhellenic sing held in the Col­lege den . Christmas meant vacation and we were glad to see Pat Ruble and "Bobby" Kane.

One of the most exciting parties held was the surprise shower given for "Stevie" Stevens who became Mrs. Glenn Hoffman, December 23 in the David Adams Me­morial Chapel, Naval Operating Base, Norfolk, Virginia. Highlight of the affair was a mock wedding. The service was con­ducted with absolute seriousness(?) and appropriate tears which Stevie's mother (Gwen Gwinn) swabbed up with yards and more yards of " jonnie paper." The minister read the vows out of his Sears

and Roebuck catalogue. The groom (Marian Pendell) stammered the "I do's" and the bride, Maggie Kaufman , was lovely to look at under her curtained veil. After the bouquet was thrown , Mrs. Sweeney served us cake and ice cream. A gift for the bride was a matching negligee set- from the Betas and invited guests.

At the present time we're getting ready to put on a comedy act for the forth ­coming vaudeville show, a scheduled col­lege function for the Red Cross drive.

To fill up that sock in our treasury de­partment a rummage sale was held in the Methodist church .

A Valentine party, sleigh ride, and spring rushing are but three of our promises for a busy new term.


DELTA CHAPTER State Teachers' College, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Taus on ISTC campus are witnessing the finalities of the first semester with sorrow that some of our sisters are leaving the campus to do their student teaching, yet simultaneously happy over the fa­miliar faces of the Delta members who have just returned to Indiana.

We have enjoyed many interesting meetings and social affairs held recently. Two of these stand out in our minds. The Taus were quite thrilled to accept an invitation to hear Dr. Rhodes Stabley, head of the English Department, give a review of Somerset Maugham's The Razor's Edge. And our Christmas party, which was held in our sorority rooms, was very much a success. Mrs. " G" was presented with a lovely pair of pigskin gloves. And everyone was very happy to receive a yellow and green pencil, with Alpha Sigma Tau stamped in gold, from our sponsor. Punch was served, and we lost no time in naming it "Mrs. G's Specialty ," not mentioning all the cookies we could eat.

Our informal rush party was held January 13 at Rustic Lodge. The party followed the theme of a Toyland and green and yellow drums were used as

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invitations. When the rushees came to the " Zoo," each was given a clown face which opened to a planned dance program. Small merry-go-rounds served as center pieces for our tables and blue, yellow and red crepe paper streamers set off the decorations. We served potato salad, hot dogs, potato chips, ice cream and animal crackers. While we were having our lunch two Art students gave Chalk Talks which entertained the Freshmen. As favors, the Freshmen were given stuffed animals with a stenciled "AST," on their backs. The members had lots of fun making these animals.

Three of our sisters were recently hon­ored by being initiated into the Delta Phi Art Honorary Fraternity. Tl:Je chapter members are Maxine Porter, Jeanne Boardman and Betty Jeanne Johnson. Congratulations!

Plans for our Formal Rush Party, in March, are under way. We hope to make it a big success.


ZETA CHAPTER Lock Haven State Teachers' Col­lege, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania

Second semester is in full swing, and although there is still plenty of snow on the ground , the first breath of spring is in the air. We have done little more than make plans as yet, but our plans are soon going to be put to test. Our first major activity of the new semester, and the new year, will be a rummage sale. Right now we are busy painting signs, collecting material, and preparing the room that we are going to use as a temporary store. The money we make is going to be put to an unusual use; the rummage sale is just going to be a stepping-stone to a Spring Festival! At our last few meetings the girls have offered wonderful ideas for a really unique event. Of course, the Festival will be for students of the entire school. Visions of fortune-~elling, flower and candy booths, and all sorts of games dance through our heads. It will be much fun as well as a profitable financial event.

Birds are indulging in the first calls of spring right outside my window. Spring fever will soon be the prevailing difficulty (for teachers at least ) so I will close with the short but eloquent phrase, "Ah, Spring."


THETA CHAPTER Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan

Theta chapter members are just a little bit relieved to note that spring is just around the corner. ot that this has been a dull winter-far from it! Sorority activi­ties have been numerous and varied.

Our hardy lovers of winter sports found the past winter ideal. Skating parties were held frequently at Belle Isle, Detroit's island playground. Others, who found that tobogganing required less effort, found good facilities for this sport at River Rouge Park. Several other sports­minded Thetas organized a vollyball team, which played other teams on campus. What's more, the Alpha Sigma Tau team won the volleyball championship. Mem­bers of this winning team included Bar­bara Jameson, Betty Reck, Genevieve Repeta , Louise Tandy , Doris Daily, Phyllis Christensen , and Pat Lewis.

A sorority with no parties would cease to be much fun, so we Thetas had several. Our first one was given for Phi Sigma Ep3ilon, our brother fraternity at Wayne, in return for one which they had given us last spring. A scavenger hunt was the main event of the evening. Fol­lowing this, we all trooped back to Lil and Rose Marie Schmid's house for re­freshments. The boys entertained us by singing and playing some of their frater­nity songs; and, in returp , we acquainted them with some of the songs of Alpha Sigma Tau.

It is a custom for the pledges to give the members a party. This semester's party was held at the home of a pledge, Carol Riedel. After a delicious chili con carne supper, we all had a good time playing pinocle and pingpong.

A pajama party always seems to be a favorite with us. Since our sorority house will accommodate only a limited number, a suite of rooms was engaged at the Book­Cadillac Hotel. About twenty gi rls were present ; and although no one got much sleep, the party was declared a definite success.

Informal initiation for our four pledges was held on February 10 at the home of Mary Lou Gauthier. Formal initation was held at the sorority house on February 2 •. Following the ceremony we took the four girls to dinner at the Ponchartrain \\ ine Cellars, a French restaurant. The new members are: Cynthia Lange, Dorothy

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Top, left to 1·ight: Helen Stephenson, president of Upsilon, is also listed in Who's Who. Marie Atwater and Aileen Rodgers, Upsilon, are listed in Who's Who in

American Colleges and Universities. Jackie Barrett and Dottie Sweeney, Betas, with President Carrie Staehle.

Center, left: Playing Rhos: Myra Jean Guthrie and Judy Powell. Right: Stevie Hoffman wearing the negligee set given her by Betas at a surprise shower.

Bottom, left: Upsilons: Left to right: Laverne Edmonds, Maxine Kornegay Eloise McCoy and Margaret Eastham.

Right: Some Phi actives and pledges. Standing (1. to r.): Helen Sassone, Norma Jean Brumfield , Ann Morgan, Leatrice Harvey, Nelda Tynes, Monte Ward, Alice Wood, Juanita Davis Dorothy Ard, Anna Duczer. Seated: (I. to r. ) Virginia Langston , Vi via Mae Byrd , Edna Jones, Miriam Sandifer, Wanda Boyles, Hilda Pittman, Marjo Simmons,

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Cope, J ewe! Mack, and Carol Reidel. Plans for spring semester rushing are

being formulated. Tentative plans call for a breakfast at the Lady Finger Tearoom, and an informal party to be held at the sorority house on March 11.

We have purchased a new studio couch for our house. If our furniture-buying spree continues, it won 't be long before even the pledges won 't have to sit on the floor.

Janice Abernathy has moved to North Carolina, and we all miss her presence at the sorority house. While she was an active member, Jan held the position of Pledge Mother. Lots of luck, Jan!

Theta chapter is now honored in having three patronesses. They are: Miss Clara Starr, Supervisor of Music in the Second­ary Schools of Detroit; Miss Eleanor Bodewig, instructor in Health Education at Wayne; and Miss Margaret Ruth Smith, Director of Women's Student Activities at Wayne.

Dorothy Harris, program chairman, has planned several informative monthly pro­grams. The general theme for all the programs is personality development. At our meeting on February 15, . Dorothy gave a talk entitled "The Development of Sorority Personality." On March 29, Miss Ruth Murray, head of the Women's Health Education Department at Wayne, will speak to us on "The Development of College Personality."


IOTA CHAPTER Kansas State Teachers' College, Emporia, Kansas

The highlight of the fall activities of the Iota chapter was President Ca.rrie Staehle's visit in November . Her time was well-filled with meetings a nd a visit of the campus. She was also the Association oi Education Sororities representative at a Panhellenic meeting. Mrs. Staehle's charm­ing personality and helpful information made clearer to us the aims and ideals of our sorority.

The chapter house was transformed into a gay "Christmas Carbaret" for the pledge party, December 16. A blue ceiling with large, silver stars, a Christmas tree, boughs of pine and holly, and the tradi­tional, Yuletide mistletoe added to the decorations. The pledges invited a group of men from the Herington Army Air

Field as guests. Mrs. Louise Duncan , popular pianist , played during intermis­sion. The entire group joined her in sing­ing Christmas carols.

Another Christmas tradition was upheld when the Iotas had their formal Christmas dinner and gift exchange on Monday evening, December 18.

After vacation and the end of finals, the girls re-decorated two of the rooms while the pledaes did an excellent job of houscleaning.

Rush week was January 24, 25, and 26, with the party on Thursday night. The theme of the party was " ight Club," and the customary floor show was part of the entertainment.

The new pledges for this semester are Mildred Cooper, Eureka; Eleanor De Graffenreid, Quincy ; Elizabeth Geist , E ureka; Lois Marcum, Turon; Doris Palmer, Jewell ; Jeane Shawgo, Emporia; Marjorie Stead, Kingman ; and Kathryn Worford, Hamilton .

Active initiation was held Monday, January 22. The new actives are Joy Branson , Sylvia; Betty Frownfelter, Wichita; Willadeane Gould, Eureka; Mildred Groendycke, Kiowa ; Barbara Liebst , ashville; and Velma Vlcek, Holy­rood.

The Alpha Taus have been active on the campus this semester. Barbara Liebst and Doris Palmer were in the Freshman play.

We are looking forward to a successful and satisfying semester at 1006 Constitu­tion .


LA,.MBDA CHAPTER Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The winter months for Lambda Chapter have been full ones. The rushing season ended, and early in December we had pin pledging. We pledged four girls-Jean Gilbert , Marie Immordino, Inez Plumely, and Doris Wetter. The pledging was fun because our prospective sisters had to wear Alpha Sigma Tau signs, one yellow and one green sock, and just one earring. The ceremony was held in our Mitten Hall and afterwards we all traipsed down to the local sweet shop for sundaes.

Later in the month we had our annual Christmas party at the home of our treasurer , Irene Wunderlich. The party began with a love! dinner and \ as

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followed by several good "'ames. The pledges were there to join in on the fun . We all exchanged twenty- five cent gifts and had heaps of fun opening packages. Some of the gifts were a picture frame, notepaper, handkerchiefs, and lots of "smell-me" goods. A choir of crepe paper angels and Christmas bells as a center­piece added to the festive evening.

A couple of weeks ago we had pin pledging which was followed by a social hour during which we enjoyed cokes, pretzels and candy.

We are just finishing exams and are beginning to breath a bit more easily. Now we are making plans for, our initiation and collecting ideas for our spring rushing parties.


PI CHAPTER Harris Teachers' College, St. Louis, Missouri

Since the last report , the Pi Chapter has had its share of parties. There was a skating party. We almost lost a few girls, but all showed up for the Thanks­giving party a few days later.

.Our money making project took the form of a book review .

Four girls, Marie Fajt, Grace Walter, J eanne -Leilich and Louise Dempsey, were initiated and we are now four stronger.

Our advisor, Miss Glatfelter, honored us December 14 with a tea all for our very own ! It took place at the Wednesday Club . Except for a few guests, the only ones we had to worry about were our­selves. As we went in , we had to pick a small wrapped article out of a box. The idea was to write a poem about the article. We were entertained wi th a reading by Miss Glatfelter's sister , Miss Alice. She chose a selection from one of her favorite books, "Alice in Wonderland." An alum read about Our Miss Boo in an adorable southern drawl. We all had a most en­joyable time.

On December 28, the pledges gave a party for the actives. How they do pamper us! They put on a thrilling play, uncovering the talents of some of our pledges, and also sang us their theme song. The song really must be hea rd to be appreciated .

The latest news is the election of new officers. Since, under a new ruling, most of our officers must go out to apprentice this semester, it became necessary to elect

new ones this January. They are : presi­dent, lisa Blankenmeister; vice-president, Grace Walter; recording secretary, Helen Rounds; corresponding secretary, Louise Dempsey; treasurer, Jean Leilich, his­torian, Avalone Borgwald ; editor, Marie Fajt; chaplain, Betty Alles.

Something wonderful has happened to us. One of our new actives has won the scholarship the college just began last year for the outstanding student in each class. The winner was J eanne Leilich. Are we proud!

'Bye till next lime after we have sewn the buttons back on our blouses that we popped off in our pride.


ZETA TAU CHAPTER State Teachers' College, Farmville, Virginia

The winter quarter found the Zeta Tau's very active, especially concerning rushing. As we did not rush in the fall quarter, everyone was very eager to get some good pledges. We found that by openiy discussing any problems that arose, we were drawn closer together and had more faith in each other's opinions.

All of the old gi rls are happy and proud of our twenty new pledges. They are: Gweneth AcKiss, Jean Camper, Josephine Cook, Alice Coon, Mildred Davis, Doro­thy Fultz, J ean Ganzert , Helene Griffin, Lorene Haynes, Charlotte Hutter, Fred­rika Hubard , Edith Jane Kirkland , Nancy Magner , Peggy Moore, Dorothy Overton , Anna Ward Peery, Louise Pegram , Betty Anne Plunkett, Jean Pritchett, and Kath­erine Rainey.

An event that brought excitement and joy to the hearts of all our girls was the annual Mardi Gras costume dance, for which we had an intermission party. Spanish senoritas gaily chatted with " Car­men Mirandas," pinafored lasses, dashing caballeros and fovely gypsies, while they enjoyed cooling refreshments and meeting each other's dates. · ..

We have had ribbon and pin-pledging for the new pledges, and are eagerly awaiting the final initiat ion ceremony.

Everyone is delighted with the plan of continuing our "coke-and-nab" parties, for that is another means of strengthening the bonds of friendship and sisterhood that we have been striving for all thi~ year.

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UPSILON CHAPTER State Teachers' College, Conway, Arkansas

With the beginning of a new semester we have added a new " R" to our readin' , ritin' and rithmetic- rushing. Hand in hand with this another " R"-something we wonder about during rushing-retiring. Plans are being made for our rush party and we are cooperating with Pledge Cap­tain Magdalene Burnett to keep those anchors with emerald and gold ribbons swinging from the hands of "prize Fresh­men ."

Even with thoughts of the new se­mester and rushing foremost in our minds, .at the end of one half of this year it is fun to reminisce over all of last semester's events of our chapter. In connection with our regular weekly meetings, I recall several enliving programs on our Person­ality Theme presented by a committee whose chairman is Madelyn Jenkins.

Another memory which isn 't entirely in the retrospective mood in our house­warming party for our sorority room be­cause we now have a new chair, lamp, two card tables and several decks of cards as a result.

With the pledging of the Honorary Scholastic Fraternity, Alpha Chi, it is nice to remember the addition of another of our members- Charlotte Barker. Char­lotte, also, was elected secretary of the fraternity later in the semester.

Still retrospecting-it isn 't hard at all to recall the selection of an Alpha Tau , Genevieve Hanson , as editor of The Echo, our school paper, to replace another of our members, Marie Atwater, who re­ceived her degree at semester graduation.

I remember reading a very interesting news letter from our Alumnre Representa­tive , Charlie Marie Bowles. It was indeed grand to know the whereabouts of our sisters and to know that they received the letter, too.

Our Christmas dinner party for pledges and members was a grand success. It was fun playing bridge, opening gifts from the Christmas tree and talking to our alumnre visitors.

In this memory there is but one shadow and that is because- we will miss our se­mester graduates-Mary Sue Walsh and Ila Rhea Lucas. The other Alpha Tau graduate is Marie Atwater, who is now an assistant instructor in our English De­partment.

Now our minds are filled with thoughts

of the new semester: new pledges, a spnu~; dance and a week-end with our mothers as our guests. Indeed, there are prospects for a semester as memorable as the last one.

B ETTE Lou RoBERTS, '-l6

PHI CHAPTER Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond, Louisiana Hello Alpha Sigs,

Here we a~e again beginning on our new semester after a nice Christmas vaca­tion and uh-exams. We have been having such beautiful spring weather here that Christmas didn 't seem the same. But will we be out done by the weather man? No , we had a very nice Christmas party on December 15. Our brothers of Sigma Tau Gamma joined with us in giving the party which we had in the Social Room. Deco­rations were made of pine needles, holly, and silver pine cones. A white fence and trellis decorated the entrance along with the gaily decorated Christmas tree and Santa Claus. An enjoyable floor show was presented followed by dancing and eats.

We "old" members were delightfully surprised one night in December with a party given by the pledges. They all worked very hard and succeeded in giving everyone a wonderful time.

Our new pledges to be initiated are: Anna Duczer, Norma Jean Brumfield, Pearl Drumwright , Hazel Bond, Peggy Youngblood, Vivia Mae Byrd, Ivel San­ford, and Virginia Stallings.

Our Alpha Sigs are entering the annual basketball tournament to be held by the Women's Recreational Association. We have some very good players and one of them is our president, Marjo Simmons. Here's hoping we come out as well in it as we did in the v-olley ball tournament last fall.

All of us, old and new , have decided to work harder this year and make better grades than ever before. And it is only determination that will do it.

Best wishes and best of luck to all of you from all of us.


CHI CHAPTER Shepherd State Teachers' College, Sheperdstown, West Virginia

On January 11, at 5 :30 the formal initiation ceremony was held 'in the recrea­tion room of Snyder Science Hall . Those

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initiated were : Jean Marie Davis, Laurie Loughrie, Noreen Eaton, Kathryn Thomas and Rosalie Moore.

A banquet followed at the Crawford House with Mrs. Hazel Newman, home economics instructor, as guest speaker. Mrs. Newman talked on the values of sorority life, which was beneficial to all members. Other guests included Mrs. A. D . Kenamond, Dr. Ruth Scarborough, Miss Sara Helen Cree, Dr. W. H. S. White and Dean A. D. Kenamond.

Being Miss Cree's birthday, a cake with candles was brought in on a musical cake tray.

Margaret Roulette, a Junior, led the "Upper Ten." Five other Alpha Sigs were included in the list, while six carried honors.

On January 1, 1945, Margaret HeRe­bower became the bride of Sgt. Joseph Cepelka. Mrs. Cepelka has resumed her college studies, while her husband is sta­tioned in Virginia. The sorority gave Mrs. Cepelka a surprise shower at the home of Margaret Hollis. After playing games, the group was invited to the dining room where the table was artistically decorated with a bride's. cake and ice cream in the shape of wedding slippers. Gingerale, cup cakes and mints were also served. The bride received many useful gifts.

Anna Roulette and Kathryn Thomas donated blood to the Red Cross in Jan-uary.


PSI CHAPTER Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia

December seemed to creep upon us be­fore we thought 'twas time so we found ourselves making plans for the holidays, for our Christmas party, and for exams.

The party was· a gala occasion with Christmas carols, refreshments, and gifts for our sponsors and our hostess, Miss Frank, Miss Marbut and Miss Gladin. The house was decorated with running cedar, holly and gay colored bells. Each of us wrapped our gift, a contribution to our piano fund , and Frances Heath and lvalou Hanna, our December graduates, presided at their opening. We were more than pleased to add over thirty-four dol­lars to this fund .

After Christmas each of us settled down to the task of meeting the girls we would want to rush the last of January. Rush

week began with a bang! Four-thirty every afternoon found all of us dating several girls over at the house, going to the tearoom for a "Dutch" treat , bowling, dancing, bridge, and just learning to know the rushees better and vice-versa. Wednes­day night we had our rush party with its Mexican theme. We called it "Lo Rosa Amarilla Night Club" and had our own Mexican senoritas, Anna Blackwell , Monty Ridenhour, Kitty Davis, and Janie Person, dance while Senorita Doris Tignor sang several Mexican songs. Senoritas Dorothy Burkeholder and Polly Van Lear, not to be outdone, also entertained with several selections. Alpha Sigma Tau sombreros as rush party invitations, and cactus menus carried out the sorority colors, emerald and golrl. Hat check girls, gaily dressed waitresses, low hung lanterns, tallow be­smudged candle holders, an adventurous fortune-teller, urns, and Mexican rugs all added up to the illusion of a real Mexi­can "hot spot."

There was dancing besides easy con­versation and cute jokes, all of which was supplemented by welcome fo od. Rushing ended on Saturday, February 3 when we ribbon pledged thirty-two girls. These gi rls are: Betty Alexander , Mary Virginia Ashby, Cornelia Austin , Nancye Brandon, Mary Budge, Catherine Clendenning, Margue1ite Coffman, Christine Davis, Louise Denham, Alice Faulkner, Mary Gore, Leslie Hall , Joan Holbrook, Betty Ann Hunter, Jean B. Jessee, Nancy Lee Johnson , Dorothy M. Mapp, Martha P . McNeer, Mildred Helen Moore, Erina Moyers, Rose Marie Pace, Margaret Ritchie, Bess Queen , Inez Queen , Nancy Mae Shewey, Patricia Sites, Helen La­verne Squyres, Dorothy Stroop, Geraldine Smith, Mary Anna Taylor, Juanita Wal­ters, and Ann Williams. After ribbon pledging a buffet supper completed the evening. Rushing was a very successful venture, we feel , and brought new blood into our sorority.

Our long-wanted piano had become a reality just in time for ribbon pledging. For rush week we also had a new slip­cover made for a chair and added a magazine rack to th e. living room.

We extend to our pledaes a most sin­cere welcome and hope that they will be as happy and as proud of Alpha Sigma Tau as we are. Each of u is looking forward to a happy successful year in work and play with our new si ters­to-be.


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• ALUMNAE CHAPTERS • BLUEFIELD ALUMNJE Dear Sisters of Alpha Sigma Tau ,

December the ninth was about the earliest date a Christmas party could be given but the Yuletide spirit was high among our group that gathered at Eileen Richardson 's home on that day for our party. Imogene Miller and Billie Marie Tanner were hostesses with Eileen. Janet Calfee, included in her devotions, the story of Christmas, and after our regular busi­ness meeting aomi Godsey, a guest , beautifully song. "0 Holy Night." Bula McNeil's carol booklets come in handy at each year's party when we use them in singing our favorite Christmas hymns. Gifts that the gi rls had brought were numbered and each of us drew our lucky number from a hat. Romaine Kanode Robertson , a former alumnre representa­tive for Omicron , was a welcome guest at our party.

During the same afternoon, Harriet Virginia Charlton became the bride of Mrs. Terrence O'Reilly of the United States Army at the Navy Chapel in ew York City. They are at home at 140 Orange Street, Bloomfield, New Jersey.

Twenty-two members attended an an­nual Dutch luncheon January 13 , at the New Park Grill in South Bluefield. Mrs. Parkington was a grand show for a theater party afterwards.

Our February meeting will be the ninth at Wanda Shelton's in Princeton with Kitty Dave and J anet Calfee serving as hostesses with Wanda.

We sincerely hope that your meetings have been as successful and as much fun aE ours have been this year. We send you our love in Alpha Sigma Tau .

REBECCA PERRY, Omicron ' -lO

FLINT ALUMNJE Twenty-five Flint alumnre and guests

met in January at the Guidance Center. Dr. Marie Skodak, director, told of the work carried on, giving many case his­tories. On display were numerous apti­tude tests and psychology books. The Guidance Center is a public service, opened to young people of all age , and

often works directly with the public schools. The organization is financed by the Rackam Foundation.

Following the lecture, the group was served tea at the Child's Welfare Home, a neighboring building. Hazel Schultz, president , presided at the tea service. Hos­tesses included Pauline Wood, who is a secretary at the Home, Janet Beehler, and Lucille Gale.


LANSING ALUMNJE At the December meeting with Allura

Custer as hostess we were very happy to welcome our national president, Carrie Staehle. After a Bohemian dinner she gave us a brief resume of her inspection trip and a splendid inspirational talk .

In January we met with Marian Harris for dessert. After the business meeting, we enjoyed movies of Florida taken by Marian and her husband, Dr. Harris. We were happy to have two new members join our group : Mrs. Archer Fowler (Kathleen Walcott , Beta '4 1) and Mrs. Thomas Griess (Betty Bush , Beta '38).

Lansing Chapter contributed twenty-five dollars to the Leader Dog Fund. The money was raised by subscription.

We heard that Ruby Cash Tellman , Alpha '21, has a new daughter, Suzanne Victoria, born August 20, 19-l-l . Ruby was a former Lan ing alumna member and now lives in Kingsport, Tennessee. Her husband , Major Ralph Tellman, is with the army in the South West Pacific.

Allura Custer has just been hono·red with the office of Mother Adviser of the Lansing Assembly of the order for Rain­bow Girls in which her daughter, Carolyn, is an · active member.

Marian Bailey Harris and Dr. Dean Harris announced the engagement of their daughter, Martha, to Cadet E. Gibb Shar­koff , of U. S. Military Academy at \\est Point at a tea in her home on December 26. Previous to this, Marian's ounger daughter, Judy, and two friends enter­tained a Iaro-e group at a dance at the Lansin"" Countr Club on December -3. MARGARET TAYLOR RAOOOCK, .-f/p/la "1

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ST. LOUIS ALUMNJE During the Christmas holidays we again

had a delightful get-together in the rath­skellar of t he Club Shan-gri-la. So much fun did we have playing crazy "Bingo" that we kept playing, and giving and taking prizes until the waiter brought us the buffet luncheon.

We are now busily collecting white ele­phants which we hope to dispose of at our next party in t he near future .



The Sheperdstown alumnre chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau had its December meet­ing on December 9, 1944, at the Craw-

ford House, in Shepherdstown, West Vir­ginia.

A three course dinner was served in the especially prepared dining room which was arranged for the chapter. The decora­tions on each table were in keeping with the Christmas season-lighted candles based with evergreens and pine cones.

A short business meeting was held in the living room of the Crawford House immediately following the dinner.

Our chapter did not have any meeting in January.

T he February meeting will _be at the home of Miss Sara Helen Cree, faculty adviser of Chi Chapter, on February 3. The program for the evening will be a book review fo llowed by a coke party.


• PERSONALS • MARRIAGES Beta Mae J ewe) Stevens, '45, to Glenn Hoff­

man , Ensign, U.S.N.R., December 23, 1944.

Omicron Harriet Virginia Charlton to Terrence

O'Reilly, U.S .A., December 9, 1944, Navy Chapel, New York City.

Chi Margaret Hefl.ebower, '46, to Sgt. Joseph

Cepelka, January 1, 1945 . Jean Millard, '-+3, to John Ford Cussen II,

December 20, 1944.

BIRTHS Alpha To Mr. and M rs. Elton C. Twork (Mar­

garet Holcomb) , a daughter, Margaret Elaine, September 23, 1944.

Beta To Major and Mrs. Ralph Tellman (Ruby

Cash ), a daughter , Suzanne Victoria, August 20, 194-+.

Theta To Major and M rs. John Belisle (Mar­

garet Starenga) , a son, Victor Robert , August 29, 1944.

Omicron To Mr. and Mrs. Phipps (Ferne Shu­

mate), a son, January 11 , 19-+5 .

Pi To Mr. and Mrs. Phil Everett (Janice

Wrausmann), a daughter , Barbara Kay. To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher (Sally

Fleming), a son, Michael Andrew. To M r. and Mrs. John auman (Wilma

owotny), a son, John Foster, Jr.

Rho To Mr. and Mrs. George Baldwin (Pa­

tricia Garret, '43), a son, George David, February 13, 1945 .

To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jenkins (Juanita Denison, '35), twins- a boy, Michael, and a girl, Susan, April 2, 19-+-t .

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President . .. ... ... .. ...... . ........... . ..... .. . .. .. Mrs. Haswell Staehle (Alpha) 481 Torrence Rd ., Columbus 2, Ohio

Vice-Presidents in Charge of Organizing: Miss Beverly Bollard, 323 Bird Ave. , Buffalo 13, N.Y . .......... . .. (Sigm~) Mrs. Carl Robinson, 5119 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis 15, Mo .... . ......... (P1) Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 803 Broad St., Mount Hope, W.Va . ...... . ... . (Omicron) Mrs. L. J. Maher, 3005 W. Chicago, Detroit 5, Mich . . ............. (Pi )

A .E.S. R epresentative . . . ....... . ... .. . .. ..... . .. .... Miss Edith L. Mansell (Beta ) 161 Highland Ave., Highland Park, Mich.

Secretary . . ........ . ....... . .... . ................... Miss Dorothy Stadler (Eta ) 6-12 E. llSth St., Cleveland, Ohio

Treasurer . ..... ...... ....... ..... ............ Miss Margaret Macdonald (Sigma) 673 Richmond Ave. , Buffalo 13, .Y.

Editor ....... .. ... . ..... .............. .... . . .... .. Mrs. Justin G. Doyle (Theta) 3H Walnut St., Peekskill , N.Y.

Chaplain and Historian ............................ Miss Elinore De Cou (Lambda ) 219 7th Ave., Haddon Heights, N.J .


Awards Committee .. ......... .......... .. ..... . .. . Mrs. John Maisch (Lambda) 136 Wharton Rd. , Glenside, Pa.

Examinations ...... .. ................. . .......... . ...... . Mrs. Roy Smith (Iota ) 205 Cottonwood, Emporia, Kansas

Scholarship Loan Fund .. . ................. . ....... Mrs. J . Waldo Hinshaw (Iota ) 27 Hardith Hill , St. Louis, Mo.

Life M embership ...... .. ................... . ... . .. . . Mrs. Fred R. Griffith (Iota ) 1520 Market St., Emporia, Kan.

Music ... .... ................. . .. ....... .......... Mrs. Austin Perrine (Alpha ) 807 N. El Dorado, Stockton, Calif.

Program ..... . .. ... . .. . .. .. .. . ..... .. ........ .. ... .. . Mrs. E. F . Peterson (Iota) R.F.D. 1, Crawfordsville, Ind .

Social Service ... . . . . . Mrs. Joseph Steen, 83 Woodcrest Blvd ., Kenmore, N.Y. (Sigma) Endowment .... . ..... . ................. . ... . .... Mrs. Meade McNeill (Omicron )

Athens, W.Va.

SPECIAL COMMITTEES News Agency ... ..... . . .. ... ... .. ... . ............ . .. . Miss Elizabeth Wilson (Pi )

1008 Kuhs Pl. , St. Louis 17 , Mo. Courtesy ..... ........... ............... .. . . .. .... . . Miss Dorothy Stadler (Eta )

642 E. 115th St., Cleveland, Ohio War Service .. . . .. .......... . .. .. .. ......... . ...... . Mrs. Russell Fraser (Beta )

1-1591 Ardmore, Detroit 27, Mich .


Chairman . . ............. .. ..... . ...... Mrs. Robert S. Hill , Delta Siam a Epsilon 816 Columbus St. , Rapid City, S.D.

Secretary ... . .......................... Miss Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma psilon Wesley Junior College, Dover, Del.

Treasurer .... . .. . ......................... . . Miss Edith Man ell, Alpha Sigma Tau 161 Highland Ave., Highland Park , Mich. -

Director of Local Panhellenics ............. Mrs. Fred Sharp, Alpha igma Alpha 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo.

Chairman of Publicity ......... ... .... . . . .. . . Mrs. C. P. eidia, Pi Kappa iama 1503 First ational Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio

Chairman of /nt ersorority R elationships .. Miss Mabel Lee Walton, igma igma igma P.O. Drawer 108, Clermont, Fla.

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National Panhellenic Congress Association of Education Sororities

Professional Panhellenic Association

Council Memb ers


Chairman ................ . . Mabel Lee Walton, Association of Education Sororities Secretary .... . ................ Gertrude Evans, Professional Panhellenic Association Chairman of Publicity Committee .. ... . .. .... . . ...... . ................... .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. E . Granville Crabtree, National Panhellenic Congress National Panhellenic Congress

Mrs. Irving F. Brown, 91 Burnett St., Maplewood, N.J. Miss L. Pearle Green, 13 East Ave. , Ithaca, N.Y. Mrs. E. Granville Crabtree, 85 Dean Rd ., Brookline, Mass.

Association of Education Sororities: Miss Mabel Lee Walton, P .O. Box 108, Clermont, Fla . Mrs. C. P. Neidig, 1503 First Nat!. Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo.

Professional Panhellenic Association: Miss Gertrude Evans, c/o Mrs. C. M. Sale, 3741 Purdue, Dallas, Tex. Miss Ruth Ensor, 14 Old Short Hills Rd ., Millburn, N.J . Mrs. Ruth Moorhead Hildebrand, 4501 Cathedral Ave. N.W., Washington , D.C.


ALPHA (1899)-Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich . President-Bettilou Roth, Goodison Hall , Ypsilanti, Mich. Corresponding Secretary- Mrs. Joyce Riehl, Goodison Hall , Ypsilanti, Mich. Editor-Kathleen Sanderson, 106 Goodison Hall , Ypsilanti, Mich . Advisers- Mrs. R. B. Bates, 20 S. Normal, Ypsilanti, Mich.; Miss Doris Milli­

man, 1116 Grant St., Ypsilanti , Mich. Alumnre Representative- Mrs. Wilbur Sprague, 6210 Ternes Ave ., Dearborn; Mich .

BETA (1905-1917; 19~0)-Central Michigan College of Education, Mt. Pleasant, Mich . President- Dorothy Sweeney, 315 E. Wisconsin, Mt. Pleasant , Mich . Corresponding Secretary- Beverly Preston , Sloan Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Editor- Janet Waldron, Keeler Union, Room 223 , Mt . Pleasant, Mich . Adviser- Miss Carrie Tromley, S.T.C., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Alumnre Representative-Mrs. Leo J . Gaffney, 222 E. Eldridge Ave., Flint, Mich .

GAMMA (1900-1913) - State Normal School , 'Milwaukee, Wis. Alumnre Representative- Mrs. R. P. Hammond, 2016 Underwood Ave. , Wau­

watosa, Wis.

DELTA (1916)-State Teachers' College, Indiana, Pa. President- Palma Hite, J ohn Sutton Hall , Indiana, Pa. Corresponding Secretary- Marie Groff, S.T.C., Indiana , Pa. Editor- Harriet Groff, Clark Hall , Indiana , Pa. Adviser-Mrs. Alma Gasslander, S.T.C., Indiana, Pa. Alumnre Representatives--Miss Betty Weaver, 1235 4th Ave., Ford City, Pa.;

Mrs. Harold Bee, 133 N. 6th St. , Indiana, Pa.

EPSILON (1919-1923; reorganized as Lambda 1926)- Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.

Alumnre Representative-See Lambda Chapter.

ZETA (1921)-Lock Haven State Teachers' College, Lock Haven , Pa. President-Marian MacPhee, S.T.C., Lock Haven, Pa. Corresponding Secretary-Martha Badick, S.T.C., Lock Haven, Pa . Editor- Josephine Pavlock, S.T.C., Lock Haven , Pa. Adviser- Dr. Edna Bottorf, S.T .C., Lock Haven, Pa. Alumnre Representatives- Iva Mae Van Scoyoc; 572_ E. 2nd St., Bloomsburg, Pa. ;

Mrs. E . L. Wright, 341 Hastings St. , South Williamsport 23, Pa.

ETA (1927-1939)-Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Alumnre Representative- Mrs. Albert Wick, 13820 Shaw Ave., East Cleveland,


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THETA (1923)-Wayne University, Detroit, Mich. President- Barbara Jameson, 2654 Tuxedo, Detroit 6, Mich. , . Corresponding Secretary-Lillian Schmidt, 5106 Harvard. Rd ., Detro1t, Mich. Editor-Isabelle Stirton, 6342 Burlingame, Detroit 4, M1ch. . . Adviser-Mrs. Elizabeth H . Gottlesleben, 4762 2nd Ave., Detro1t 2, M1ch . Alumnre Representatives-Mrs. C. F. Brundle, 3605 Bedford, Detroit 2-l , Mich. i

Carolyn Clayton , 5402 H ecla , Detroit 8, Mich. IoTA (1923)-Kansas State Teachers' College, Emporia, Kan .

President- Genevieve Melville, 1006 Constitution Ave., Emporia, Kan. Corresponding Secretary-Roberta Whisler, 1006 Constitution Ave. , Emporia, Kan . Editor- Doris Brunner, 1006 Constitution Ave. , Emporia , Kan . Adviser-Miss Helen R . Garman , 105 W. 12th St., Emporia, Kan . Alumnre Representative--Mrs. Clyde Baker, 1021 Mechanic, Emporia, Kan .

KAPPA (1924-1929) - Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Alumnre Representative--Isabel Finkbine, R.R. 3, Oxford, Ohio .

LAMBDA (1926)-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. President- Patricia B. Shunk, 7535 Parkview Rd ., Upper Darby, Pa. Corresponding Secretary-Helen Doerrfuss, 35 Harvard Rd., Audubon , N.J . Editor- Betty Scheerbaum , 56 Harding Ave. , Oaklyn , N.J . Alumnre Representative-Mabel Schreiber, 37 W. Winona Ave., orwood, Pa. Advisers-Elinor de Cou, 219 7th Ave. , Haddon Heights, N.J .; Mabel Schreiber,

37 W. Winona Ave., Norwood. Pa. Nu (1928-1933)-Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colo.

Alumnre Representative--Mrs. Ruth Ewer, 1145 Clayton, Denver, Colo. Xr (1929-1933)-Western State Teachers' College, Gunnison, Colo.

Alumnre Representative-Grace Quinby, 1301 Monroe St., Commerce, Tex. OMICRON (1930)-Concord State Teachers' College, Athens, W .Va.

President- Josephine S. Ryan, S.T .C., Athens, W.Va. Corresponding Secretary-Janet Koch, S.T .C., Athens, W.Va . Editor-Katheryn Blanton, S.T.C., Athens, W.Va. Adviser-·Miss Mae Hunter, Athens, W.Va. Alumnre Representatives-Mrs. Garth Gunoe, Athens, W.Va. ; Mrs. Meade Mc­

Neill, Athens, W.Va. PI (1930)-Harris Teachers' College, St. Louis, Mo.

President-Mary Grace Kreiger, S324a Bancroft, St. Louis, Mo. Corresponding Secretary- Anne Schoene, 6635 Idaho, St. Louis, Mo. Editor- Betty Alles, 669 Bellsworth, Lemay 23, Mo. Adviser-Miss Edith Glatfelter, 4720 N. 20th St., St. Louis, Mo. Alumnre Representatives-June McCarthy, 4602 W. W. Florissant, St. Louis 15,

Mo.; Lois Wamhoff, 5705 Neosha, St. Louis 9, Mo. RHo (1932)-Southeastern Teachers' College, Durant , Okla.

President- Mary Frances Kemp, 62-l T. 6th, Durant , Okla. Corresponding Secretary-Betty Haggard, 1312 N . 6th, Durant, Okla . Editor-Pat Green, 131 1 N. 6th, Durant, Okla. Advisers- Miss Irene Scrivener, 912 W. Elm, Durant, Okla.; Dr. Mildred Mc­

Cracken, 912 W. Elm, Durant, Okla . Alumnre Representative- Mrs. N . E. Wright , Box 606, Durant, Okla.

SIGMA (1925)-State Teachers' College, Buffa! ~), N.Y. President- Antoinette Ciancone, 334 S. Division St. , Buffalo 4, N .Y. Corresponding Secretary- Jean Watt, 636 Minnesota Ave., Buffalo 15, N.Y. Editor- Betty Jane DeWeese, 203 Carolina St. , Apt. 5, Buffalo 1, .Y. Adviser- Dr. Margaret S. Quayle, 805 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, .Y. Alumnre Representatives-Mrs. Carl Pundt, 830 Potomac Ave. Buffalo, ~ .Y.;

Mrs. W. J . McGlynn, 2-13 Fayette Ave., Kenmore, N .Y. ZETA TAu (1935)-State T eachers' College, Farmville, Va.

President- Sally R obertson , Box 22 7, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. Correponding Secretary- Dorothy Gels ton, S.T .C., Farmville, Va . Editor- Betty Bibb, S.T.C., Farmville, Va . Adviser- Miss Virginia Bedford , S.T.C., Farmville, a. Alumnre Repre entativ harlotte Greeley, 10-l Arbutu , Roanoke, \ a .

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UPSILON (1935)- State Teachers' College, Conway, Ark . President-Helen Stephenson, A.S.T.C., Conway, Ark. Corresponding Secretary- Frances Ramsay, A.S.T.C., Con way, Ark. Editor- Betty Roberts, Box 302, A.S.T.C., Conway, Ark . Adviser- Dr. Ada Jane Harvey, 730 Donaghey, Conway, Ark .


Alumme Representative- Charley Marie Bowles, Box 67 4, Rte. 3, Texarkana, Ark.

PHI (1940)- Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond , La. President-Marjorie Simmons, College Station, Hammond, La. Corresponding Secretary- Alice Wood, College Station, Hammond , La. Editor- Miriam Sandifer, Box 37, College Station, Hammond , La. Adviser-Miss Margaret Lowe, S.L.C., Hammond, La. Alumnre Representatives-Mrs. Adrian Bloomquist , S.L.C., Ha mmond , La.; Mios

Margaret Waldrep, S.L.C. , Hammond , La.

CHI (1940)- Shepherd State Teachers' College, Shepherdstown, W.Va . President- Anna Roulette, Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, W.Va. Corresponding Secretary- Eileen Whisner, Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, W.Va. Editor- Maxine Edwards, Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, W.Va. Adviser- Miss Sara Helen Cree, S.T.C. , Shepherdstown, W.Va. Alumnre Representative--Elizabeth Millard, 604 W. King St., Martinsburg, W.Va.

Psi (1944)-Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va . President- Mary Gertrude Dreisbach, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Corresponding Secretary- Margaret Cooksey, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Editor- Alice Mae Wilds, Box 33 7, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Advisers- Helen Marbut, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va.; Helen M . Frank,

Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Alumnre Representative--Katherine W. Stokes, 714 1st Ave., Farmville, Va .


BECKLEY President- Ida Pitotti , Box 203, Glen White, W.Va. Editor- Mrs. Kathryn T. Bradley, Box 963, Beckley, W.Va.

BLUEFIELD President- Henrietta Mahood, 116 Cedar St., Bluefield , W.Va. Editor- Rebecca Perry, Athens, W.Va.

BUFFALO President- Mrs. Lucille H . Steen; 83 Wood crest Blvd., Kenmore 17, N .Y. Editor- Mrs. Gilberta N. Morran , 138 Wilton Pkwy., Kenmore 17, .Y.

DENVER President- Kay Hart , 3420 Julian St.. Denver, Colo. Editor- Juanita Keith , 3033 W. Highland PI., Denver, Colo.

DETROIT President- Mrs. Thomas Finan, 5050 Buckingham, Detroit 2-f , Mich. Editor- Mrs. Howard West , 3711 Von Stone, Milford, Mich.

EMPORIA President- Mrs. Wayne Russell , 525 Rural , Emporia, Kan . Editor- Mrs. Fred Griffith, 1520 Market, Emporia, Kan.

FLINT President- Mrs. William Schultz, 2001 Iroquois Ave., Flint 4, Mich . Editor- Miss Lucille Gale, 2701 Bonbright St. , Flint, Mich.

LANSING President- Mrs. Richard Custer, 400 S. Holmes, Lansing, Mich. Editor- Mrs. Dewey Craddock, 2507 Eaton Rd., Lansing, Mich .

PHILADELPHIA President- Emily Reedy, 7 Elm Ave., Cheltenham, Pa . Editor- Eleanor Heydrick , 4807 Garden St., Philadelphia 3 7, Pa.

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Presid·:nt- Mrs. Virginia Koontz Cosey, -l53 W. Antietam St., Hagerstown, Md. Edito1 - Ruth Seibert, 446 Winchester Ave., Martinsburg, W.Va.

ST. LOUIS President-Mildred Budde Gleason, 5663 Ashland, St. Louis, Mo. Editor- Lorraine Ulrich, 6514 Walsh , St. Louis 9, Mo.


President- Margaret Martin, Box 142, Berwind, W.Va .. Editor- Mrs. Roy Haynes, Amonate, Va.


President- Mary Leroux, 104 Beechwood Dr. , Wichita, Kan . Editor-Caroline Dawson, 1001 Riverside, Wichita, Kan.


President- Jean Dykens, 950 2nd St., Williamsport, Pa.


President- Mrs. Kenneth McLellan, 16204 Southland Ave., Cleveland 11, Ohio.

JOHNSTOWN President- Dorothy Risch, Davidsville, Pa.


President- Mrs. George Wheeler, R . R. 6, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.


President- Mrs. Linwood Roberts, 1100 An n St., Portsmouth , Va.


President- Mrs. Lena Caporossi , Welch, W.Va. Editor-Mrs. Helen B. Decker, Welch, W.Va.


President- Mrs. Keith McGowan, 2368 Midothian, Youngstown , Ohio.


First District : (central ) Michigan, TI!inois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin. Second District: (eastern ) New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maine, ew Hamp­

shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. President-Beverly Bollard, 323 Bird Ave. , Buffalo, N.Y.

Third District: (western ) All states west of the Mississippi River. President-Mrs. Carl Robinson, 5119 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis 15, Mo.

Fourth District: (southern) Virginia , West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware. Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama , Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina.

President- Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 803 Broad St. , Mt. H ope, W.Va.


481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio
