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1955 GT PTT

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  • 8/8/2019 1955 GT PTT



    (Printed in U. S. A.)

  • 8/8/2019 1955 GT PTT


    CHCAGO-DETROIT_PORTIURONMiles Table No. 1(Central ime) Daily

    20Dailyl 4


    0 . 08 . 810.319 .528.635 .15 5 . 863.97 r . r74.880.299.2100.2i04.3114.2723.2136.015 25157.5176.9194.62U2.7209.0216.5221.2223.8229.3248.7253.5

    (DearbornStation)$llTlfl"i.'lli:v"F """""' LvA[l

    10.00Ptil8.0.l.li"i: i i '

    ' ! , - -o 6 ={E EF E =19:ll;io:i;i 0i 'i :iii 'L2.45; i : i i ': : : : : : :r .40L.40' ' i ' .Lb

    Pfrl.ll.ll''li'.lq'.BEt r b E

    C Jrls':l:il.' b ' .4b4.051:f"s :04 ': l:if" s:bo'

    Ch f ,qwn (AQvl St .,t' flanf PL A v 'l LO.2LRlne TslnndOqlr GlonGrif;th fnd 11.08

    - 9 *Fs'g11.52

    3 . 1 03 1 8

    12.17112.3212.50i . i s2.23i .si

    ValnsraimTfoilell*WpllshnrnKinoshrrsr, i l l ;pl lo-liSouth end. . .. F>Mishq.wq.lrqFld*rr.l"h""o TVIinl'Cd,qsonol.isMo.rai l l t t .VickchrrrnPavilion ATLvatuerook.. . .. [H.$: jOlivetCharlnf,tcPnf.icrvillpMillett ATLva n s i n g .. . . . . . &TrowbridseHmleff,

    3 52Rq.nnrnff, Arurand29+.2302.8307.6320.5

    P o n t i a c . . . . . . . . e l . . . . . . . . . . A rHtr mr nc hc .m* 5.00* 5.23* 5.52* 6.00

    ta6.55ta7.08fa7.16ta7.45Mlrskennn A .1?.05* 1 .05 t12.01I 7 . 2 0r a n d a p i d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L r

    253.5261.72V0.4279.2W .301.?n o317.3n .aaa

    D u r a n d . . . . . . . . 1SwartzCreek.F | i n t . . . . . . . . . . . & . . . . . . . . iDavison...Lapeer.Imlay City.Capac..Emmett.G o o d e l l s . . . . . . . iP o r tH u r o n , i c h . . . . , . , , . , . . I(EasternTime)

    4.02' ' i : i64.261,50/ 6.05

    2.28"r: i i '.?:?l: : : : : : :


    6.356.487 .007 . 1 57.287.488.088 .208 .318.409 .009.35AM5.456.05PM

    (EasternTime)S a r n i a . . . . . . . ILondon.Brantford.Hamilton..Toronto.Oshawa.Port Hope..Belleville.Kineston.Brockville.Smiths Falls.Otiawa.Montreal.Q u e b e c . , r . . . . . . . . ." 6 .60 '7 .301 . 4 0PM

    6 . 77.228.509.2310.05L2.2L12.55I .553 .1 64 . 1 5

    Daily+.325.367.097.488.5510.1311.0312.5r t 22.44t 3 .40t 6.355.45i l . 10

    Daily9.+711.40t .3 l2 . 1 23.254.47r 5 . 1 35.586.597.508.{810.0010.55.30A|lil

    .BEt r b EC J



    DailyPM5.001 1 . 0 011.0012.302 .W.3.204.355.356.168.309 . 910.2012.08r .20

    PM1.32r . 5 0ort Huron, Mich. , .

    DailyAM8.003.303.304.505.556.477.48/ 8.339.0510.0010.[8r1 4312.522.0+

    AM2 . 1 62 . 3 0


    Kineston.Belleville..Port Hope..Oshawa.

    Goodells.Emmett.Capac.Imlay City.Lapeer.Davison.SwartzCreek.Durand.

    R o y a l O a k . . . . , : . .Birmingharn.

    Pavillon.v i c r < s o u r s .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . :Marcellus.Cassopolis.Edwardsburg.Mishawaka.SouthBend, nd.b.Kingsbury..W " t l s b o r , i . . . . . . . . . . . . :Haskellg.Valparaiso.Grifrth.O a k G l e n ,1 1. . . .BIue sland..ChicagoLawn (63rdSt. & Cent. Pk. Av.). .Elsdon 51stSt.). . . .


    0 . 01 1 . 016.2+ .632.043.954.7

    l 5Daily

    l 7Daily


    63.372 .080.2L72.92r3,2 t 4 .50t 6.45


    6: irEEb E- '-E J7oo



    Daily6. 77.22

    * 1 .40n2.05* 2'12* 2.303A20285.0104.4109.9112.5LL7.2r24.7131.0139.1156.8t76.2181.2lW.7210.5219.5229.4233.5234.5253.5258.92&,.6269.8277.9297.6305.13t4.2323.4324.9333.7

    R,EFERENCEARKSt Dailyexcept Saturda&* Daily.t Daily exceptSunday.'g Sundayonly.O No checked aggage arriedbetweenDetroit and Pontiae.,s Drive Your Sel f Carsare availableat thesepoints for business r pleasure rips.{C.T.) Central Time.(E.T.) EasternTime.a On Sundays rrive Pontiac a|7.25 a,m,, Birmingham 7,48a.m., Royal Oak-7.45 .m., Detroit8.25 .m .

    C h i c a g o ,l l . . . . . 6 5 .(DearbornStatiou (Central Time)

    AtI. TIMETABTESd Trains 23, 44, 45,50, 51, 70, 72, 74, 75, 77 and 79 will not operateon the following Erlidays:New Yearsi Day, Memorial Day, hidependenceDay, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day andChristmas Day. Should any ol these-holidays all on Sunday, these trains will not beoperatedon the day observed s he Holiday in lieu of Sunday.e Detrains revenuepassengersrom Durand aud West. If Stopsonly on signal.k Saturdayonly.M Mixed train.s Detrains revenuepassengers,x Detrains revenuepassengersrom Chicago.Numbers ollowing certain stations efer to tablesshowingconnecting rains.


  • 8/8/2019 1955 GT PTT





    In train No. 560 rom Brockville.In train No. 22 and 122 tom Durand.

    NO. I4_"THE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED,'' DAILY /Buffet Lounge, 2 Compts, 2Sfeeping ars... . . . . .Chicago o Toronto. .. .(Car 1400)\ Double edrooms.Chicago o Toronto. ...(Car 1401)16 ec., DoubleBedrooms,) Roomettes.Chicago o Toronto . . .(Car 140P)' 4 Duplex Roomette.ParlorCars.. .. . . .. . Toronto o Montreal.Coaohes... .. .ChicaEoo Toronto.Toron[o to Ottawa-ex. Sunday.Toronto to Montreal.DiningCar. ..London to Toronto.D inet te . . . . . .TorontotoMontrea l .

    NO. 22-'MUSKEGON-DETBOIT NIGHT EXPRESS" DAtLY EX . SuN.)Sfeepingar. . . . . . . . .Chicago o Detro i t . . . (Car e0O1l6Sec. ,4oubleBedrooms,6oomettes.Coaches.. .. .Chicago o Detroit. . . . . / In train No. 6 from Chicago.Coaches. ... .Muskegon o Detroit.

    NO. 17_'THE INTEB-CITY LIMITED,' DAILYSfooping ar.... .....Montreal to Chicago. ..(Cor 1f0S)16Sec., DoubleBedroome,I Roomettes.Cafs FarlorCar. . .. .Toronto o Port Huron . .(Car 171).ParforCars.. .TorontotoChicago. ... .(Car172) Lounge.Coaches. ....Montreal to Chicaeo.Detroit to ChicaEol In train No. 21 from Detroit.DininqCar. . .LansinEo ChicaEo.Sleeperopen or occupincy l0:00-p.m. (E.T,) at Montreal.N o . l WCoaches. ... .Detroit to Durand.

    In train No. 17 rom Durand.

  • 8/8/2019 1955 GT PTT



    5 7 r el E &]ailv I Sun.2 | | MilesE!ty-l-H It . { r l .. . . .| .{91 4.13t .6616.58. . . . 1 0 . 8 92.061 2.s5. . . . 11 4 . 3 22.121 7.75. . . . 1 9 . 9 0, . . . . 1 L . 2 +2.3012.3016.34. . . . 1 1 . 1 4. . . 3 3 . 2 9. . . . 1 3 4 . 3 7. . 135 .2s| 41.452.661 6.493.061 0.74. . . . 1 5 . 2 9. . . . l s z . e g3.301 6.e7Eail-o.0"

    I t .15 l .il.251{.. . . . l 4 .. - . . . . t .i l .1115.. . . . . I 6 .il.f,l l 5.. . . - l 5 .. . . . . . t .v .a4 6.a.n l 6 .. . . . l /6 .. . . . . . 1 .. . . . . . 1 /.. . . . . . 1 / 6 .. . . . . . t / 8 .12.l 8.flz.5016.. . . . . - l ."i:idlj. 1 . 4 0 1 . . . .* 7 . 0 0 1 . . . .t 2 .+o1. . . .2 .551.." " " t " "3.301. . . ." " " t " "" " " t " "+.001.." " " t " "4.271.. . .' i :so l :. : :5.40t.. .I6.45t .T--l-5 t lEx, I

    a i i : i o l : : : : : : l : : : : : :A i l l P t i l l P t l



    10 .fi0.11 .


    TABLEno.3(Eastern Time)


    Roart 22 lSun. 54Ex.Sun,

    56--(BiuslTi;EtaiiontLv Detroit,Mich.Fx... . .. .. . ArMilwaukee JctHigblandPark...Ferndale.RoyalOak. . . . .O a k w o o dl v d . . . . . . . . . , . . .Birmingham.CharingCross..,BloomfieldHills.. .Ar\Pont iac,, 6 , 8 . . . . . . . . .. . . / LvLu [ & lA rDraytonPlains... . .Waterford.

    Windiate.Clarkston.Davisburg..Eolly..Fenton...Linden..Gaines.A r D u r a n d . 2 . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . L v

    AM7.457.357.24i ' .16i:9?6.bs6.55

    AM8.258 . 1 0e 8.02' i'.sl,.i,.|?"i'.in.r....r.r.'t'i'.biI i:??" 6:i5

    AM9.309 . 1 9.f 9. t.f 9.059.0218.528.48| 8.44f 8 .378.3C8.ofl/ 8.007 .56' ' i . i ,7.437.357.267 . r87.087 . m/ 6.30| 6.24

    6.05l r C h i c a o oC . T . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

    r 5.50*l | .0 03 .40l: i? i :: : : : : :2.CI8

    ' 3 . 6*10.0lrOwossoBrrrf,nnrh'idSt..IohnrT'nwler

    PewqmoMI o n i a . . . . . .Strfe PrisonSanncnf,owellAd n Lv



    L vG r a n d a p i d 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rMe,me f 2 . '2 . "f 2 .f 2 .l . td 2 .PT

    CnnnersvillcNS ndno f .aLoF;;;;:h"';A rG r a n d a v e n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v AM Atl Atil


    D s t r o i t . . . . . . . [ vMi lwaukeect . . . . . . . . .EieblandPark...Feindale.Pleasant Ridee(1 0Mile Road). . . . . .RoyalOak. . . . .OakwoodBlvd.(1 2Mile Road). . . . . .Birmingham.Charine toss. . . . . . . . . .Bloomfield i l ls.. . . . . . . .Pont iac. . . . . . . Ar


    o79Ex.Sun.-Fil-d 8 . t06 .196.236.31


    r e l o z s l o z z lEx.sun.lx.sun.l*.sut.I l & S u n ' lT[-l-Tit'-l--Tfr-l4 . 4 5 15 . 0 5 15 . 2 5 14.5415.r51 5.3514.58t 6 .20t 6 .4116.0616.2916.5016.081.12l .$l6 1 5 13 5 1* l6.r81 6.391 .0016.3015.4616.0716.5416.6i l 6.1216.361 .53t $.151o5r45lc00ld 6.251

    2 lDaily-T-1 .40I .49f l:11

    5 7Daily-m-

    f i . 4 112.581 .05/ t .09f 1 . 1 1d t .20PM 2.30PM

    6.386.456.496.51d 7.00PM(EasternTime)

    Pont iac. . . . . . . LvBloomf ie ldi ] Is . . . . . . . . .CharineChoss.... . . .. . .Birmiryha,m.OakwoodBlvd.(12 Mile Road). . ... .RoyalOak....Plea,santRidge(10Mile Road). . .. . .Ierndde...

    AMd 7 .7 .7 .8 .8 .8 .L8 .8 .d .8 .AMd

    54Ex.Sun.--Til-8 .30I 8.37f 8 .408.48

    t 8.529.t2' i '0:ob/ 9 . 1 19 . 1 99.30AM


    BeadDownM49Mon.Wed.Fri.AMU .f 8 .| 8 . '8 .1 8 .9 .9 .tL0.t10.

    10 .10.111 .ltr.flL.'12 .


    .30.1 0.5ll.28.1 8.0 8. il.6ll.3 0.45


    Miles] Table no. 5(Eastern ine)

    17.12 L . l

    Table Xo, 7(Eastern ime)

    LvDurand, ich._ 1 , 2 , 3 @ . T . ) . . . . .t]eDton.Flushing.Brent Creek.Montrose....Burt . . .Fosters... . .Orville.?,5.n.32 .40 .53. ^.Bxlj?fit'::&i;

    0 .4 .16.21 .31 .cl .48 .56 .

    lrlo!ElJJ>gD J. zi o(5l|lEIL

    Table llo. 9Lv Detroit, Mich.1 , 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 rMi lwaukeect . . . . . .Fraser.M o u n t C l e m e n s . . . . .New Eaven.B i c h m o n d ,. . . . . . .Smiths reek.. . . . .mi ths reek.. . . . .A r P t . H u r s n . . . . . . . . L v

    tllc)E::>-s ZI o(5lrlGlL

    Lv Pontiac, ,8... . . AtEames.0.m6.219.2013.922t .2627.2822.5739.3C+2.4948.6254.7461.658+.8568.5674.ffi80.0184.8486.9091.7599.39



    PT4 .4 .4 .4 .6 .6 .


    DURANDNDGBEEI{VIILETable no. 6(Eastern ime)Ex.Sun.

    Ali6 .00 Lv Durand, Mich.6.307.15I 7.257.307.407.458.008 .108 .18

    | 8 .478.55A[lEureka lace . . . . . .Ar Grsenville,Mioh. . h

    Table no.8(Eastern ime)Jackson, ich. . . . . . .Munith.Stockbridse....Gregory...Picnkney..Lakeland..South yon....New Eudson,.Wixom.Walled Lake..Pontisc.

    d 8 ." fe . p .8 7 .88 .94 .9.35| 9.449 .5C10.2510.45dl l .15AflIPAVILIONAND KALAMAZOO

    Table No. 10


    All Sailings ubisct o cancollation ithoutnoticeFerries eaveMilwaukee8.00a.m., 2.00p.m., 7,30p.m., 11.59p.m., (C.T.) daily. I'or furtherinformation telephoneSHeridan 4-1900. After 5.30p.m. and before8.00a.m., also Sundaysand holidays, elephoneSHeridan4-7437.Ferries eave Muskogon1.00a.m., 4.00a.m., 1.00p.m., 5.00 p.m. (E.T.) dailv. For furtherinformation telephoneMuskegon3-2290.FaresbetweenMilwaukeeand Muskegon$3.75one way, berth extra. (Limited accomomdations.)Berth BatesbetweenMilwaukeeand Muskegon, ower berth $2.50,upper berth $2.25;staterooms$4.75and $5.75. (Limited acco-modations.)

    Above ares subject to U. S. taxPassage nd berth ticksts sold only on board shlp:No Motor VehiclesCarried

    ReadDownM4 aBeadUpM42Ex.Sun.PI'| .30r .05l 2 .Nflz.16r 2 . l 0t2.0111.5511.40

    11.30tr.2211.10f l l .00flo.5310.45AT8.30f 8.40


    0 .0011 5532.7337.2139.1743.2144.7551 6655 . 657.5663.4567.8770.5173. 1

    l , 2 , . . . . .Owosso. . . . .Ashley.O l a . . . .Pompei.Perrinton....Middleton..CarsonCity.Butternut.Vickeryvil le... . . . . .Sheridan.Millers.

    BoadUpIT()EH=t Zr OC5tr|GlL

    0 .13 .18 .23 .en36 .46.50 .55 .58 .7L . M45Mon.Wed.Fri,


    l*u*leE=llLv Pavilion,Mich. . . .Ar Kalamazoo, ich..


    Rochester.Bay City Crossing...W a s h i n g t o n . . . . . . . . .Romeo..Armada.

  • 8/8/2019 1955 GT PTT


    PASSENGERTRAFFIC DEPARTMENTl ohn L, B ick ley . . . . . .PassengerTra f f ioManager . . . . . . . .Ch icago3 ' l l l .Geo.D. Nugent. .. . .GensralPassengergont. .... . . .Chicago 3, l l .

    BEPBESENTATIVESBatlle Creek,Mich. . ...G. MacDonald,Ticket Agent.. .....PassongerStationGhicago, !. . . f #d;*::$ffi fr.*F:tJm;f:...1:..)roawuut damstreerW. E. Mischnick, Ticket Agent.. . . .Dearborn StationE.C. Martin 'Agent.. ... . . .EotelTicketOfrces:Conrad Eilton HotelMorrisonHotelDrake IlotelPalmerHousekfr.n:J'"TfJli"MerchandigeMartDetroit26,Mich. . . . . . .8. G. Evans,Gen.Agt. Pass.Dept... ..... .131 W. LafayetteBlvd.D. R. Mair, Ticket Agent. . .Brusb Street StatioaFlint 2, Mich. ..J. W. Riley, City Pass.& Ticket Agent. . .. .16g9Mott FoundationBuilding

    C. G. Bird, Ticket Agent.. .. . . . .Passenger tationGrandBapids2,Mioh...O. L. Metzger,Ticket Agent... ...Passenger tatlonLansing10,Mich...... .C. E. Eamilton, Ticket Agent.. ...Passenger tationMilwaukee3, Wis... . ..8. G. Diequo,Gen.Agt. Pass.Dept. . . .....!9? $aj3g!ic Building '

    Muskeson,ich..... . .M.J.atz,TicketAgeut.. ... . . . ;H;H:;:T*"Pontiac,Mich.... . .. .. .8. F. Wright, Ticket Agent.. .....PassengerStationPort Huron, Mich. . . . . .L. L. Morgan, Ticket Agent. ,. . ..PassengerStationSouthBend21, nd.... .L. C. Bingaman, icketAgent..... . . . . . . . .Union Station

    GoIn Comlort,GoConveniently. oBTTRAIII TUDAVE TTITWrc DHYTWHENOUGETTITRIUSETHE RAIL-AUTO RAYELPIAN!-At Iow cost you can have a smart new carawaiting you when you arrive at your destina-tion, to drive as your own, _for an hour, day,week, or long as you wish. Gas, oil and properinsuranceare included in the low rate. Ask theticket seller . . . he will gladly reserve a car foryou through the famous Hertz Rail-Auto TravelPlan.

    cHlcAG0P0ilTl[cltETRolTDoily thru service

    Sleeping Cqrs GoqchesLv.Chicogo l0:00 o.m.Ar. Pontioc 5:00 p.m.Ar. Birminghom :23 p.m.Ar. RoyolOok 5:32 p.m.Ar. Detroif 6:00 p.m.

    I l :00 p.m. l [v . Detro i t l :40 p.m. I l :15 p.m.o6:55 o.m. lLv.RoyolOok 2:05 p.m. I l :41 p.m.q7:08 o.m. l tv . Birminshom:12 p.m. I l :50 p.m.o7216o.m.| [v. Pontioc 2:30 p.m. l2z2Q o.m.a7245o.m.l Ar.Chicogo 8:20 p.m. 7:00 q.m.

    q-On Sundcys Ar. Pontiqc 7225 9.m.; Ar. Birminghom 7:48 o.m.; Ar.Royol Ook 7$4 a.m.i Ar. Detroil 8:25 o.m.- 8 -
