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1960-61_ v1,n11_Coryphaeus

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Thursday, February 9, 1961 4.00 p.m. - 5.45 p.m. University Chorus.. _. _.. .. . . .. P145 7.00 p.m. Meeting-Engineering Society.. . . . . . . Cl37 7.30 p.m. Hockey __ MeMaster University vs. Waterloo University of Waterloo.. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . Arena Friday, February 10, 1961 8.00 p.m. 199 Erb St. German Club Masquerade ..,__..... ._.. W. Waterloo Saturday, February 11, 1961 6.30 p.m. Basketball - MeMaster University vs. Seagram University of Waterloo Jayvees.. . . . . . . VOLUME Gym
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VOLUME 1 WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEB. 9 NUMBER 11 SLASH E E-ERINGENROLLMENTS? EDITORIAL Christianity Like Drinking Beer Christianity is like drinking beer. This may be a somewhat startling observation to some people, but there is correlation between the two. Just as beer A-iilkt!I-S prefer their: diflerent brands, so Christians must belong to separate denominations. And this, of course, raises a very difficult problem in the teachipg of religious knowledge in the schools. It was the Christians who first made universal the old Jewish belief that education should be the privilege of all: the Greeks and Romans had reserved it for a few ‘Philosopher Kings’ (as Plato had termed them). And now, seeing that Christiantity has extended education to everyone it is up to the Christians to make sure that education rests on Christian principles. Since it is from the teachers and parents and not from priests that children acquire most of their beliefs, the home and the school are the areas where we must concentrate in giving a Christian basis to our education. When state school were first introduced in Canada the Roman Catholics were most pessimistic about them and held that they never* would remain Christian. Thus they founded their own parochial schools. It remains to be seen whether or not theild view was correct, for OUT sake though let us hope that it wasn’t. However, the nineteenth and twent,ieth centuries have seen a fight against God, to end the power of God, which eventually culminated in the death of God. Philosophically this death of God means that man is capable of everything, there are no limits now that he cannot reach. But this victory has left man with a feeling of naught and helpless- ness, and kindled the birth of Nihilism. As a result the twentieth century has seen the birth of tyrannies and per- versions that were thought to have been centuries dead. Science has opened vistas of new knowledge too vast for man to comprehend, thus it is we cannot find a new image of ourselves. The world today is broken and incoherent; the novelists of today reflect an image of mankind lost and abandoned, their characters are never free, they dwell on the destruction of the personality of man. The greatest witness of the Western world today is the aimlessness of life herein. God is dead. In some parts of the world totalitarian regimes have risen to replace Him; they are unquestionable, they are thegood, theyrepresent absolute perfection, theyhave replaced God. The main philosophy of the Western world now is that of Existentialism :- Sarte, the expression of a recluse who has created the fantasy of absolute freedom. But this quest for freedom ends up in a frenzy of self- destruction and obscenity. Thus, what is to be the path of the Western world . . . the tyranny of a totalitarian state? Or the resurrection and re-birth of God? Or some new philosophy of purpose and reason for mankind? We will not drift aimlessly for much longer, if the salvation of the Western world is not imposed voluntarily from within it shall be imposed forcibly from without by foreign powers and ideologies. Theodore A. Rushton. WORTH NOTING From the Globe and Mail, Feb. Znd, 1961. The government estimates for 1961-62, laid before Par- liament by Finance Minister Donald Fleming, provide for an increase in spending on military defense and a de- crease in spending on foreign aid. The intention, no doubt’ is to win friends and security in a world half of which is starving and half of which is already overburdened wit,h armaments. -3Question of the Week ? 0 What is your opinion, as an Arts Student, on the question of whether or not Arts Students should wear gowns? As I have had the “privi- lege” of wearing one of these symbols of scholasticism dur- ing one school year, I pre- sume that my criticism will be of more value than mere speculation. The previous history of the gown I find in no way relevant to its present desir- ability nor will any number of gowns lend “atmosphere” to a lecture where such is lacking. As to increasing attendance - BILGE! Do gowns possess the mag- ical qualities of Fosty’s Top Hat? Is it a “privilege” to wear one? In my opinion this is mere vanity and presumptious esoterism on the part of the author of the article on Gowns which ap- peared in the January 26th issue of Coryphaeus. But will the engineer hoot or jeer? I think not; he is much more Continued - over This could be a means of solving the problem that Dr. A. Earle Birney presents in this article. ‘(There are jar too many people entering the physical and applied sciences,” states Dr. Birney, “we humanists should be allowed to at least catch up. Do we operate on the principle that everyone who wants to be a scientist should be?” “By international standards there isn’t one first class library in Canada, not even the University of Toronto lib- rary, sags Dr. Birney. Shown to the right is the library on his campus, the University of British Columbia. ALL FAIR IN ARTS? The University of Water- loo scholarship programme has provided well for those students who can achieve a good standing. For example, with the Tuition and Mathe- matics scholarships, the stud- ent with ability who gets the marks, automatically gets the money! But I have one criticism and one request to maked regarding this sehol- arship programme, especially as it affects the Arts students already enrolled. I think it is rather unfair and naive to assume that an Arts student can simply ge’L and 80 yc avcyage at. Univer- sity on the same basis as Science or Grade 13 students. I do not mean that Science or Grade 13 students have easy courses or tests, but rather that it is possible to have a fairly objective type of marking scheme. But in Arts, since papers and essays must be marked with a high degree of subjectivity, one cannot speak in terms of 74y0 or 797& but rather in terms of B-- or an A stand- ing. A good Arts student may get an A average, but how many professors will see an A standing in terms of SO%? I think that the scholarships for students already enrolled in Arts should be awarded on a much more realistic basis. Sinee this is the first year that the University has offer- ed an Arts Course, it can hardly be expected that smaller awards and sehola,r- ships should be established within a short time. But until the time that they will be established, the students who have “ventured” to become part of Waterloo University’s first Arts class will have only the opportun- ity of a “big scholarship or nothing.” Is it possible, Pro- fessor Batke, that a few “intermediate” awards, priz- es and scholarships could be made available to the Arts class of 63-64? We have confidence in the University and are willing to accept the disadvantages e on n e et e d with attending a newly estab- lished Arts course. Could you please give this your consideration, so that more of us may have an opportun- ity to receive some benefit from your scholarship pro- gramme? G. J. P’. A:.ts I. Photo by Rush,ton. Education and the Needs of Society One of the most basic needs today is education for work-l society, 1,-sing “society” in the broadest sense. This brings up the basic problem Facing mankind in its desire and need for a eertain kind Df unification, the need for a Common language. And there are other problems of the mre sort . . . the U. N. sent troops into the Congo, troops to enforce the peace there. But why couldn’t education- al troops have been sent in years ago, to see that people got sufficient education to run their own country on the day when they would have a chance to run it. We have a cumbersome sort of inter- national machinery to enjorce peace when pushed hard enough and under crisis, but we have never created any sort of effective machinery to educate people in peace. We need to get more of the academically capable people of Canada into the Universities ; present esti- mates show that only one in three students of University potential are in the univer- sities. It is not true that everybody who wants to attend University can, finan- cial limitations prevent many. To solve the problem of French-English unity in this bi-lingual country we also need a greater emphasis placed upon the teaching of French; understanding and speaking it as well as reading and writing. There must also be an improvement in the teaching bf English, fully twenty-five percent of Uni- versity students are not cap- able of writing simple literate English after all their years of grammar and high school training. There is too great a rush of people these days into the physical and applied sciences -a pace that is dangeroL:s. Most of the money that is spent on higher education goes for lab&atory equip- ment, and to the salaries of professors, technicians, and research men. Do we operate Contin ued - over WEEKLY EVENTS BULLETIN Thursday, February 9, 1961 4.00 p.m. - 5.45 p.m. University Chorus.. _. _.. .. . . .. P145 7.00 p.m. Meeting-Engineering Society.. . . . . . . Cl37 7.30 p.m. Hockey __ MeMaster University vs. Waterloo University of Waterloo.. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . Arena Friday, February 10, 1961 8.00 p.m. 199 Erb St. German Club Masquerade ..,__..... ._.. W. Waterloo Saturday, February 11, 1961 6.30 p.m. Basketball - MeMaster University vs. Seagram University of Waterloo Jayvees.. . . . . . . Gym 8.00 p.m. Basketball - MeMaster University vs. Seagram University of Waterloo Warriors.. . . .. . .. . Gym Sunday, February 12, 1961 8.00 p.m. Canterbury-Newman Club - Joint Renison Meeting - Refreshments served.. . . . . . . . .. . . . . College Tuesday, February 14, 1961 5.00 - 6.30 p.m. Canterbury Pancake Social Torque All you can eat for $0.50 .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. Room, W.U.C. COMING EVENTS February 20 - 24 inclusive, Co-ordination Department Industrial Interviews for Co-operative Engineering Students.



Christianity Like Drinking Beer Christianity is like drinking beer. This may be a somewhat startling observation to some

people, but there is correlation between the two. Just as beer A-iilkt!I-S prefer their: diflerent brands, so Christians must belong to separate denominations. And this, of course, raises a very difficult problem in the teachipg of religious knowledge in the schools.

It was the Christians who first made universal the old Jewish belief that education should be the privilege of all: the Greeks and Romans had reserved it for a few ‘Philosopher Kings’ (as Plato had termed them). And now, seeing that Christiantity has extended education to everyone it is up to the Christians to make sure that education rests on Christian principles. Since it is from the teachers and parents and not from priests that children acquire most of their beliefs, the home and the school are the areas where we must concentrate in giving a Christian basis to our education. When state school were first introduced in Canada the Roman Catholics were most pessimistic about them and held that they never* would remain Christian. Thus they founded their own parochial schools. It remains to be seen whether or not theild view was correct, for OUT sake though let us hope that it wasn’t.

However, the nineteenth and twent,ieth centuries have seen a fight against God, to end the power of God, which eventually culminated in the death of God. Philosophically this death of God means that man is capable of everything, there are no limits now that he cannot reach. But this victory has left man with a feeling of naught and helpless- ness, and kindled the birth of Nihilism. As a result the twentieth century has seen the birth of tyrannies and per- versions that were thought to have been centuries dead. Science has opened vistas of new knowledge too vast for man to comprehend, thus it is we cannot find a new image of ourselves. The world today is broken and incoherent; the novelists of today reflect an image of mankind lost and abandoned, their characters are never free, they dwell on the destruction of the personality of man. The greatest witness of the Western world today is the aimlessness of life herein.

God is dead. In some parts of the world totalitarian regimes have risen to replace Him; they are unquestionable, they are thegood, theyrepresent absolute perfection, theyhave replaced God. The main philosophy of the Western world now is that of Existentialism :- Sarte, the expression of a recluse who has created the fantasy of absolute freedom. But this quest for freedom ends up in a frenzy of self- destruction and obscenity. Thus, what is to be the path of the Western world . . . the tyranny of a totalitarian state? Or the resurrection and re-birth of God? Or some new philosophy of purpose and reason for mankind? We will not drift aimlessly for much longer, if the salvation of the Western world is not imposed voluntarily from within it shall be imposed forcibly from without by foreign powers and ideologies.

Theodore A. Rushton.

WORTH NOTING From the Globe and Mail, Feb. Znd, 1961.

The government estimates for 1961-62, laid before Par- liament by Finance Minister Donald Fleming, provide for an increase in spending on military defense and a de-

crease in spending on foreign aid.

The intention, no doubt’ is to win friends and security in a world half of which is starving and half of which is already overburdened wit,h armaments.

-3Question of the Week ? 0 What is your opinion, as

an Arts Student, on the question of whether or not Arts Students should wear gowns?

As I have had the “privi- lege” of wearing one of these symbols of scholasticism dur- ing one school year, I pre- sume that my criticism will be of more value than mere speculation.

The previous history of the gown I find in no way relevant to its present desir- ability nor will any number

of gowns lend “atmosphere” to a lecture where such is lacking. As to increasing attendance - BILGE!

Do gowns possess the mag- ical qualities of Fosty’s Top Hat? Is it a “privilege” to wear one? In my opinion this is mere vanity and presumptious esoterism on the part of the author of the article on Gowns which ap- peared in the January 26th issue of Coryphaeus. But will the engineer hoot or jeer? I think not; he is much more

Continued - over

This could be a means of solving the problem that Dr. A. Earle Birney presents in this article. ‘(There are jar too many people entering the physical and applied sciences,” states Dr. Birney, “we humanists should be allowed to at least catch up. Do we operate on the principle that everyone who wants to be a scientist should be?”

“By international standards there isn’t one first class library in Canada, not even the University of Toronto lib-

rary, ” sags Dr. Birney. Shown to the right is the library on his campus, the University of British Columbia.


The University of Water- loo scholarship programme has provided well for those students who can achieve a good standing. For example, with the Tuition and Mathe- matics scholarships, the stud- ent with ability who gets the marks, automatically gets the money! But I have one criticism and one request to maked regarding this sehol- arship programme, especially as it affects the Arts students already enrolled.

I think it is rather unfair and naive to assume that an Arts student can simply ge’L and 80 yc avcyage at. Univer- sity on the same basis as Science or Grade 13 students. I do not mean that Science or Grade 13 students have easy courses or tests, but rather that it is possible to have a fairly objective type of marking scheme. But in Arts, since papers and essays must be marked with a high degree of subjectivity, one cannot speak in terms of 74y0 or 797& but rather in terms of B-- or an A stand- ing. A good Arts student may get an A average, but how many professors will see an A standing in terms of SO%? I think that the scholarships for students already enrolled in Arts should be awarded on a much more realistic basis.

Sinee this is the first year that the University has offer- ed an Arts Course, it can hardly be expected that smaller awards and sehola,r- ships should be established within a short time. But until the time that they will be established, the students who have “ventured” to become part of Waterloo University’s first Arts class will have only the opportun- ity of a “big scholarship or nothing.” Is it possible, Pro- fessor Batke, that a few “intermediate” awards, priz- es and scholarships could be made available to the Arts class of 63-64? We have confidence in the University and are willing to accept the disadvantages e on n e et e d with attending a newly estab- lished Arts course. Could you please give this your consideration, so that more of us may have an opportun- ity to receive some benefit from your scholarship pro- gramme?

G. J. P’. A:.ts I.

Photo by Rush,ton.

Education and the Needs of Society One of the most basic

needs today is education for work-l society, 1,-sing “society” in the broadest sense. This brings up the basic problem Facing mankind in its desire and need for a eertain kind Df unification, the need for a Common language. And there are other problems of the mre sort . . . the U. N. sent troops into the Congo, troops to enforce the peace there. But why couldn’t education- al troops have been sent in years ago, to see that people got sufficient education to run their own country on the day when they would have a chance to run it. We have a cumbersome sort of inter- national machinery to enjorce peace when pushed hard enough and under crisis, but we have never created any sort of effective machinery to educate people in peace.

We need to get more of the academically capable people of Canada into the Universities ; present esti- mates show that only one in three students of University

potential are in the univer- sities. It is not true that everybody who wants to attend University can, finan- cial limitations prevent many. To solve the problem of French-English unity in this bi-lingual country we also need a greater emphasis placed upon the teaching of French; understanding and speaking it as well as reading and writing. There must also be an improvement in the teaching bf English, fully twenty-five percent of Uni- versity students are not cap- able of writing simple literate English after all their years of grammar and high school training.

There is too great a rush of people these days into the physical and applied sciences -a pace that is dangeroL:s. Most of the money that is spent on higher education goes for lab&atory equip- ment, and to the salaries of professors, technicians, and research men. Do we operate

Contin ued - over

WEEKLY EVENTS BULLETIN Thursday, February 9, 1961 4.00 p.m. - 5.45 p.m.

University Chorus.. _. _. . . . . . . . P145 7.00 p.m.

Meeting-Engineering Society.. . . . . . . Cl37 7.30 p.m.

Hockey __ MeMaster University vs. Waterloo University of Waterloo.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arena

Friday, February 10, 1961 8.00 p.m. 199 Erb St.

German Club Masquerade ..,_ _..... ._.. W. Waterloo

Saturday, February 11, 1961 6.30 p.m.

Basketball - MeMaster University vs. Seagram University of Waterloo Jayvees.. . . . . . . Gym

8.00 p.m. Basketball - MeMaster University vs. Seagram University of Waterloo Warriors.. . . . . . . . . Gym

Sunday, February 12, 1961 8.00 p.m.

Canterbury-Newman Club - Joint Renison Meeting - Refreshments served.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . College

Tuesday, February 14, 1961 5.00 - 6.30 p.m.

Canterbury Pancake Social Torque All you can eat for $0.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room,


COMING EVENTS February 20 - 24 inclusive, Co-ordination Department Industrial Interviews for Co-operative Engineering Students.


The CORYPHAEUS Published by the undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo, under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681. The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society.

Editor-in-Chief: George Welsh Associate Editor:-Theodore Rushton

Assistant Editor: Harry Johnson Arts Editor: Sandy Sanders

Science Editor: Dennis Cann Engineering Editors: Bill Schneider, Peter Barnes

Feature Editor: Marg. Townsend Circulation and Production: Ron Mucy, Joe Eskitt, Dave Messham

Typist: Joanne Rice Photographers: Mike McBirnie, Theodore Rushton


At the time of the hawk stealing event Waterloo College didn’t hesitate to sick the dog of bad publicity onto the nearest suspeet, but it looks as though they have since reaped in part of the benefits of their action. It was rather amusing to hear announcements from radio stations, who have previously been reprimanded for referring to the University of Waterloo College, crediting our school with the bed pushing incident. I suspect that we reaped as much from that event as they did; however we realize that our name and reputation has been considerably blackened by the adverse publicity mentioned earlier.

The question that arises immediately is that of future student policy towards Waterloo College. Our administra- tion is tightening up on pranks committed against the school; and they themselves have obviously denounced any sort of sportsmanlike participation by running continually to their publicity director. One solution would be to com- pletely avoid the College. This would mean not joining with them in any social, sports, or off campus events and in assuring the ‘public that we are quite separate. This seems undesirable but is quite feasible and has been done before in situations such as ours. Another possibility would be to attempt to re-establish good relations. Any such efforts however must have support on both sides. A third alternative would be to simply let things ride and wait for someone else to take the initiative. Since we have no student judiciary committee at present, any action taken is up to the student body as a whole. In other words you are again being made aware of your responsibility in maintaining and improving the name and reputation of the University of Waterloo.

Well, the big dance is drawing closer with the Engin- eering week-end only a week away. By now you will have seen advertisements on all the events of the week-end and posters asking for help with this and that part of prepara- tion. Let us give the various committees all the help they can use to make this week-end a real sueeess.

W. Schneider. ~~

Sports Basketball

The Warriors hit the road on their annual U. S. of A. tour downing Fredonia State Teachers’ College 71 - 66 Friday night and squeaking out a 50 - 49 win over Jamestown College Saturday night. In the meantime over 14 inches of snow fell in that area and the Warriors were forced to hole in until the roads were cleared to permit their return home.

The pair of wins gives the Warriors a 15 - 2 record for the season as important games start to pop up on them thick and fast. This Wednesday they travel to Guelph OAC for a double- header with the ever-onerary Redmen while Saturday night they play host to the MeMaster Marauders in a battle for the conference leadership. This one should bulge the walls of Seagram Stadium!

Bob Pando sparked the victory in Fredonia with a 20-point effort. Ray Palmer was right behind with 18. Saturday night Tim Craig topped the scoring column for the Warriors with 15 points while Palmer kicked in with 13. Saturday’s game was a real nip and tuck

‘battle with the score tied four times in the last three minutes. Three foul shots by Dick Aldridge helped the Warrior cause considerably. So far, in seven games against U.S. college opposition, the

Warriors have won six T and in most eases much to the consternation of their Amer- ican opponents who usually figure a Canadian game a soft spot in the schedule. Times are changing.

Hockey In ease you’ve just glanced

at reports of our Warriors basketball team, we’ll have to point out all is not peaches and cream on the U of W sporting front. Our pucksters are taking their lumps and dropped a 12 - 2 decision to MeMaster for their seventh loss of the season. There have been moments of hope, they fought back from a 6 - 1 deficit against Waterloo Col- lege only to be edged out 7 - 5 and held the lead once and kept the league-leading MeMaster Marauders score- less for one frame last week, but generally things have been grim.

We haven’t heard any of the players alibing (is that a word) so we don’t propose to be their crying-towel mouth- piece. But there has been a paucity of material and prac- tice time has been almost non-existant. The team has had four practices since Christmas and two had to be held Sunday nights. Let’s not knock the players for their efforts, you can be sure they’re giving their all and are suffering enough because of defeat without having to endure the taunts of their lethargic schoolmates.

B ladminton Dave Mathies and Rick

ompkins acquired Water- lo’s first Inter-Varsity title y winning the doubles .atch at O.A.C., defeating barns from Hamilton Inst. ’ Technology, O.A.C. and IcMaster U. on Saturday, eb. 4. Dave and Rick rank- 1 first and second in our vn tournament held on Ted. Feb. 1.

of IM F( ec O\

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etters to the Editor ‘ear Mr. Editor:


lc fc a’ a: a: .

May I add my opinion to ie last editorial concerning ie value of pedagogy at niversity level.

P-hmY 7 the art of caching, is not some nebu- bus talent possessed by the jrtunate few only; it is also n art which can be learned nd in addition to academic nd industrial experience it l a necessary prerequisite for :achers if our educational ystem is to achieve its goals. ‘hose that equate spoon- ceding with good teaching ) not make any sense. More Ian often, the interest one tkes in any course o f study as a direct bearing on the bility of the lecturer to lake a lecture both stimu- ting and interesting. A esirable lecturer is one who as his presentation organiz- 3, yet not so inflexible that

tz h; al rr la dc hr ec a

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few off-the-beaten-track uestions by his students ave him rattled for the rest ! the lecture. In addition, s would probably gain more restige if he were to throw )me brain-rattling questions ; us, lest we slumber. In 3st years, we have had both rcellent and lousy teachers, ut this is to be expected in

young university, such as urs. For this school my only ope is that those few teach- s who have acquired the rt of proof by evasure and Je art of evading embarass- lg questions would instead e honest and admit their lortcomings to their stud- nts and exchange these skills )r a few more tricks in the rt of teaching.

Jim Ronback, 4A Elect&al.

SWAN Cleaners and

Shirt Launderers

Same-Day Service

Cor. King & Dearborn


I)uestion cont’d ltelligent than the average rtsman will admit. But on 1 some practical considera- .on. A gown will cost $12.00 r thereabouts in addition to 1.00 for each subsequent leaning. It will soil quickly nd crease easily. It will be )st (or stolen) and torn in oorways, etc. Finally it will ot “malce” the student ap- ear neat but will only nprove on an already-neat ppearance.

C. Chattan, Arts I

MORROW’S CORE 103 Dearborn St. W. Drugs - Magazines

Smoker’s Supplies Groceries and Meats /

Education cont’d on the principle that every- one who wants to be a scientist should be? There are nine times as many scientists in the world today as in all previous world history, a lot more scientists than humanists: when you look at the world problems of today it makes you wonder if this is the right balance of experts. The expansion of the applied sciences must be held in check until we have pro- duced a sufficient body of citizens trained in the skills of preserving humanity, not destroying it. These skills are 11ot atomic physics, or ICBM’s, or newer methods of bacteriological warfare. We need more people in this world who are trained to appreciate and develop the creative potential of the human race; experts in socio- logy, in political science, in philosophy, in world history, in world culture, in econom- ies and human psychology.

We need experts trained in cultural education, inter- national cultural education : the arts are the great com- municators. When you look at the drawings of a bush- man, made 20,000 years ago in South Africa, you see at once human beings commun- icating to you. You can understand. Something hum- an, exciting, emotional per- haps, is being said to you. If one wants a feeling of identity with the people of the world, all over the world, the role of art is one of the most direct. There must be more money devoted to the arts and humanities, so that at least we have equality: funds for research into the humanities, funds for librar- ies. The most important thing for the humanist is books, and a place to look at them: a place to learn and think. By international stan- dards there is not one first class library in Canada, not even the University of Tor- onto library. But money is needed for these facilities, and money without strings attached.

Increased budgets are needed for education, but they must not be allowed to impinge on academic free- dom. Universities have a job to do in leading thinking,

ey must be ahead of and th PC he PC sit

rhaps partly at logger- tads with, the prevailing

wj ve of th to to Tl

bpular thinking. A Univeru ;y will always be in a rtain state of tension with e community outside : ithout this tension the Uni- rsity cannot fulfil1 its role

leading the country in its inking. Professors are paid help students to think, not tell them what to think.

le corollary is that profes- rs are paid to be allowed to ink, too, and not to be Id what to think by legis- tors or by anybody else.

to la

[ -


-SWEENEY’S GROCERY 170 King St. North

SH 2-19’70 Groceries - Meats


IKE wow3 Congratulations to Joe

owe on the birth of a luncing baby daughter I February 7th.

lve, then, hath every bliss in store,

H bc 01








‘is friendship and ‘tis some- thing more.

%ch other every wish they give;

ot to know love is not to live.

bciety is now one polished horde

)rmec by two tribes, the bored and the bored.

We aiways like those who lmire us: we do not always ce those whom we admire.

“Engineer’s Excuse” e who goes to bed, and goes

to bed sober

ad lil





alls as the leaves do and dies in October.

ut he who goes to bed, and goes to bed mellow

ives as he ought to do, and dies an honest fellow.


Complete Mechanical Repairs

Cor. King & Dearborn Phone SH 5-007’1
