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1961-62 Annual Report

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  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


    I have much p.l eaaur-e 1n :pI'ese:nttn.g for con_siderat.ion of member s ,1:riD.anci~l1 S!~/8~tGrnGrl l~8 8.110. I~lE-)lnl)Gl'[)h:i.l) ~3t,rt-Lif:;L:LCf~;,trl1stixlg Lhat, Lhir ;Lnf'or-mat.Lon ,,1:1.11be fitudicd by eve:cyon.o vrho rSG8:L"ii8Ei a copy of our Annuallteport1>

    It! ~Jil1-evea l jU_~3t 110\0" the C:L-L-lbas JJTogr8(-~scd J . _ D . its shcrt Lif'eof i!~YOD_TSE l11d .it. i:Ji...l L a.l.so under line certD.1D_ vcr-;;t distllrbj_n[;~ trends .i.n our-l'JIernl)srshil); wh.ich Ln t.ur-n.. has 8J'f8e-t(~d OtCC f:Ln.Lu~icj.D.l poeit.i.on ,

    Prior our formation in 1 ILl_vcr \-Tore notpTot.ect~ed. by qual .._f'"ied 1.:i.fe f)D.\,i(:":re andyetr ly Lncr-eas s in. ELCt,j_\_iG I)GI"'Son.ncJ t.o1:2, -\![hich i:ocludesl1 .Jum.o.r member-a,Loday ar e pY'epEtred to offer th_Gr()_f~(-;I~\I(38

    - JTOD_ shoul.d not.e \ ' lttJl tude t.hot : b . ( - ; e:x:ccl1e:nt to t.a.l. tll:Ln ;ICDJ~ of'Thif~ proves thD.t. Lho youi.h of

    for -L I1_ i t) pub .l ...i.c [ley'V .i.ce 1-rL-t).1ol:c[ 'cons.l der-at.i.on of r8\![:"t:cd)1,.fclJ tt.l.83-. such ccr-vi.ce 'Hill Lnvolve CQX1--f3iderab1e sacr af'Lce of ;:')oc:l.aJlife. J many hour-s spent. in tI'D.in.ing and onbeach pat.roLs ~ and j_f ne ed be.~ the :chokirig of t.he.ir :Life to nD_VG ol.her-s ,'TJ.1o:3Ta.l ..so p ay a lYlGI I1rJ8r f3kLip fee t.o th.G C1lJJ) D31.d a.LL expenses when goi.ng LoHye for patrol for good mGEWU_TG,

    In corrl.r-ast , yO\J. Hi11 notice, ! T \,/ith ccncern ' J a 50%drop in11\L80ci8~te; ~f:con}63 .i.n 1 tJo J . ' " ) in. ]_ ~.r}l.iH vouId Lndicat.ethat rnan~yo.f t116 .fat11.GT'S o~f t11t~fj8young men, togetn.er ~'J~L-ttlother adu.lt ma.LesvIho enjoy t.ho saf'o su.rfir1g at 01J.rbCEtC}1, ar e not d..oi.ng t.he.i.r shar-e .inke ep.i ng th~L;=:)vJoD_d8rf1~J". OT{~(Jnj~natj"orl .i.n a sound and f=LnDJ1c:tal cond.i.t.ton

  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


    SE CR ETA HY _. TRE ASU RE HS t REPOH1 . '~~~~-~.~-,~.-~.--~-~-~_...,.._,............,.,...... (. -tr-.: ,- - 'd)OLv.u.'.U6

    at your home at once fJ(b) Organise etthe:t a card evening J bar-beque or dance

    (c) Support. all f'ut.ur-o appeals made by the Club.(d) Vo1unc,681'# to fu;;si,,;t at Car-n.i.va.Ls , Forking l i eeE3 etc,(8) If able, ;joi.n the Cornmi.tt.ee and a~jf)j_nt in runmng the

    Club.(f) Be pr-oud of your Club; encour-age your friendf3 to join;

    do all you canLo make it strong and progrcGsive.In conclusion, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I expr eas to our

    President ~ til'. A"K< JeffJ'Gf:lon J my sincere thanks for- h:1E treely givenasslstance and gu.idance over the ycani. 1;10all OVG a great debt to him"We have be en ver;y fortunate in therir.l.g together such a fine band ofoffice bearers J a ll. of uhom have given me greB,!:' support during the last12 months, I also i:,al\e pleasure .i.n acknmIIBdg:L:ng t.he help gi V(H1. to meby our Han, Auditor, lir. E J;? Parldnso:n? To work Hith and among theyounger generation has been E J. very pleasing and [,lo.t,:Lsfying GXpCriCllCG"'1'0 them all I say, thanks .

    D ~ J:/IitctlGl1i 2 .cC.Tet__Q,IL.=:~.Jr8a!?ur8T:

    DO , on ANY K INDNESS THAT T CAN SHOH '1'0 AN YLET HI!~ D O 1'1.' jiiOH;

    N OT DEFE J1 IT OFf. N iXG LECT IT., FOE . I SF[ALLI N O T PASS TH IS I , J A Y AGA IN "L~~~"~~ ..Y~ __ ~~~ __ ~~_~.~~~_._~_~_~ "~ ~~~~._,"~ __

  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


    As In pr-ev.ious year's the 1961 - 62 season commenced 'fli t.h t.ho Clubconfronted Hith the var-ious prob.lems involved in protecting the mrimmingpublic at v r Y G River" It Has appar-ent. that tHO vital requisites for a Clubsuch as ours; namely membershap and accomoda.t.ion Fore .i.n urgent need 0:['attention, Both these have been tackled v.i.gcurous.Iy by tb.e committeG \-liththe result that our main function of keep irig the Hyc River beach saf'o forbat.her-s "(.lasagain successfully sf'f'ecbed ,

    Undoubt.ed.Ly the most pleasing fea_ture on t.ne active side of theClub was the increase in membership -vJhichnot stands at 1;2. 'rile numberof bronze auardf:; gained totalled lJ;., together v.ith : 1 . C),118Jj_fy:Lngand 2il"}structor 1s ccrtificates, Congratulations are extcnded to all the novmembers on gaining their a-vrards and also to Bob Edlmrds and David -~[ynn.eon becoming instructors.

    Another notable achievement, of vh.ioh \re are par-ticul.ar-Ly proud,.is the appointment to f'u.Ll member-s of the Board of' Exanririer-s of 2 of cur-110rigi.nals11 - congr-atu'Lations Bruce Hocking arK; Brian Darin, It Ls indeedan honour for a Club the [d.ze of (,'lyo to have ti.fO roproBontat:i.vefJ on 8. bodysuch as the Board nne) full credit must go to thescbJo t:i.reless vJOrkers,

    'I'he beach Lh.i.s year was pat.ro Ll.ed from November to Har'ch as HeIlas the Easter break, this being the }ongcst perioo up to date. AttendanceOD. the ' jv11101e1'JaS good , H 1.. "1G '\lex' , efficienes" of tJ18 pat.ro Ls 1..J8.8 not a.lvaysas encourag.i.ng and although this .impr-oved cons.i.der-ab.Iy t.owar-da the end ofthe season it does give (;8.11,,:eo:c concern. Obvi.ousLy a fe,! pat.ro Imen arestill inclined to accept t.he i.r responsib:Llity lightly and J remind presenta nd inte:nding members that thei:c primary duty is patrol. _.-not carnivalparticipation or Have cr-ackl.ng , Tb.ose ulwilling .i,n 1;h5.8 regard ar-e notwort.hy of being as eoo.Lat.ed Hith an organi.sataon such as ODTS 0 Not onlycan their attitude r-esu lL in dintrcf:)s for tb.e bat.h.i.ng pub.l.i.c J out they arealso a C8)J..;o:;e of embarrassment to the Club and the movement J Lay.mg open t.heHay for unvar-rant ed cr:i.t:Lsism 1-Jhicrl a.lvays creates ill-feeling 0 The Club1 Emembership has nov reached a stage vihere "\.[ccarl afford to d.iso i.p.li.ne suchmember's if neCeSf33..ry and because of' t.h.i 8 .impr-ovemerrt Ls inevi tabJ.e,

    Neverbhe Leas J I am p.Leased to report the r-ecor-d during the BGEWOIlHas most satd sf'act.or-y , Channels and run-out s existed for pract:LcaLLy theentire patrolled pcr Lod making the beach far from f:lo;['G, Th:i.;~)linked ..liththe fact that the feH rSl3CUGS I'cqvJ.red l,-JOY"G only o.f a minor nat.ur-o J provest.he public 1'18_S Hell controlled and pr-oLected J the actlve member-s againcarrying out Lhe.i.r duty '"Jell,

    Car'n.iva.l. p8~Tt.~Lcj_pation_ \-Tas d.i.eappo.i.nt.ing '} Except. for Lho sterlirl[S'ef'f'or-Ls of the boat ere1,J tb.8TG was a defi.nibe Lack of in te:cGst (1 Desp.i tepoor 8,ttendance in this field '\,rLth the enthusiasm evident in both nev and oldmembers 1:.01-/a1'o8he end of the season) the C1LJ_bshou.Ld be more act.iV0 incompetition next year. It Has intere[~t:Lng to nato that the attitude ofmembers at Easter had .improveri 'vastly 8,S compared \-lith that shown during theChrLs'tmae bo.l.i.days and t:td.D in .itsel.f po.int.s to a more succoasf'u.l 1962 ~ 6)seasoD..;c

  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


    Speo.i.al merrl.Lon IIlUJ:;t ~bemade L o Lhose as soc.l.at.ed \'Jitll t.he boa t, ~~GEt8L0 October 1 each rnGm.r)cr of the cr ev \\ras a comp.l.eLe flo-vice to tl1.ir.-; phE1,fflrd "\" .',0a . mor-eact ive par'LicipatioD_ .i.n car-n.iva.Ls ~.Ji-tb_ pro17cr1:y t:rEtirt8d 1 1 & R . and r!it .:u:- 'Cl1 l)aBT,teams compel.Ing Q I , coJ11r1g UE~OX1 tJ1G Comnlittee \-l8 hav s a group of GZ~PGI'iGncedlDGl1 EU1d f i r : l 8 J : " " J . c : 1 . a . l 1 ; y - 1,IfC Etre sound r I f e e l -therc:COTG th[it t.ho C . l v . b CE lD . on.lyPJ~ogref3S and progre~3c~ r-apL a J : y :"> Su.rGl~y t h j _ f ) :L~3bor-ne out. by Lhe corLf ..L(J.e:(lC~~expressed in us by Stnte Centro in a:.U.ott,jng tLte .1962 V.i.ctorianCharilpiom:h:1.pE: to ".'lye H.iveT"

    .Iohn I J , J i l 1 n o t lC . 1 1 0 2 . . . ~ C ~:ps ? : t D ;:

  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


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  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


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  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


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  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


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  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


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  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


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  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report


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  • 8/3/2019 1961-62 Annual Report




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