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1969 Fall ANCHOR

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OF ALPHA SIGMA TAU FALL 1969 The South Campus Physi ca l Edu cation Complex is one of the newest buildings at West Chester.
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FALL 1969

The South Campus Physica l Educat ion Complex is one of the newest buildings at West Chester .

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West Chester State Welcomes A ST

Old Main Dormitory was the first co llege building at West Chester State .

A MONG THE NEWEST chapters On the AST roster is Alpha Phi at West

Chester State College, West Chester, Pa. This college dates back

to 1812 when it was known as West Chester Academy. In 1860, it be­came a normal school, and a few years later, a state supported school for teacher training.

Today, this college is in the process of seeking uni­versity status. It offers many varied programs in music, liberal arts and business administration.

The campus is fairly large containing a mixture of old and new architec­ture. The present enroll­ment is about 7,000, and this figure increase each year.

Many new classrooms and dormitories are being built on cam­pus. At the south end stands the new physical education complex. It includes a sports stadium, classroom buildings and a dorm.

Since the official recognition of sorori­ties and fraternities in the fall of 1967, the atmosphere at West Chester is chang­ing. The students are beginning to foster a true collegiate spirit, and the Alpha Phis are proud to be a part of this.

Lawrence Student Center at West Chester houses the din ing hall and lounge area.

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Alpha Phi Joins AST Sisterhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Alpha Chi Chapter Installed 4

New Pledging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Focus on Russian Education 6

When An AST Family Moves To Scotland 9

Alumnae In The News Suzanne Gerlt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Alpha Theta Alumna Does Her Part in Vietnam ........ . . . . . . .. 14

AST Honor Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Hats Off To . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Explore Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Chapter ews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Alumnae Chapter ews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Nati ona l Edito r Miss Nancy Patte n P.O. Bux 325 Dearborn , Michigan 4!H 2 1

Alu mnae Chapte r Edi tor

Miss Rose Marie Schmidt 5106 Harvard Road Detroit, Michigan 48224




Spring '70


February 1

Fall '69

THE ANCHOR is published in the Fall and Spring. Third class postage is paid at St. Louis, Missouri. Subscription price is $3.00 per year.

Send all editorial material to the Central Office, 6200 Hoffman Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63139. Copy should arrive not later than July 1 and January 5.

Send change of address, vital statistics, in memori am notices, and all sorority b usiness correspondence to Alpha Sigma Tau Central Office, 6200 Hoffman A venue, St. Louis, Missouri 63139.


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Alpha Phi Joins

AST Sisterhood

Dr. Charlotte King rece ives congratulat ions on her fine speech from Elizabeth Wi lson (left) and Sal ly Wales .


W EST CHESTER CAMPUS was bursting with spring and the culmination of

Panhellenic Week the weekend that Alpha Phi Colony was installed as a chapter. Activities began early Saturday, March 29, 1969 when national representa­tives Sue McBee, Margaret Macdonald, Elizabeth Wilson, Sally Wales, and Rose Marie Schmidt, assisted by members of the colony group, prepared the confer­ence room of the Student Union for the

) . Elizabeth Wilson leads the way to the buffet followed by Philadelph ia Alumnae Mabel Schreiber and Lois O'Del l.

initiation. Seventeen members were initi­ated in an impressive and solemn cere­mony. Background organ music was provided by a tape of sorority songs pre­pared by Georgia Chivakos of Alpha Chi Chapter.

The initiation of the pledge group was expertly performed by Alpha Phi officers that afternoon. As a joyful group of Alpha Phi members hurried back to the dorms through the damp afternoon to prepare for the installation dinner, Mrs. McBee led the national representatives to the country club to arrange the ballroom and the tables for t he evening's function.

It was a true family affair that evening as Alpha Phi members, families , and friends gathered in the foyer of the Penn Oaks Country Club for photographs and introductions. As guests were seated members presented their mothers with a yellow rose. The introduction of membet


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to the assembled gathering began with a processional from the main entrance. Each girl received a green ribbon lei with a yellow ribbon rose as she entered the room and joined her guests.

Among the highlights of the evening were Dr. Sykes' welcome of Alpha Phi to the campus; the charter presentation by Elizabeth Wilson, national president; the gavel and chapter plaque presentations by Mrs. Wales and Dr. Schmidt; the pres-

Alpha Phi Chapter joins hands in a circle of friendship to close the installation dinner.

There 's the tea service, being admired by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gottshall. Mr. Gottshall

is Acti ng Dean of Student Affairs .

entation of a silver tea service by Miss Macdonald as the national organization's gift to Alpha Phi; the candle lighting service by Mrs. McBee; and the presence of Philadelphia and Delaware Alumnae.

In her presentation of Alpha Sigma Tau to West Chester College, Miss Wilson em­phasized the values which Alpha Sigma Tau expresses in its Creed and program, values which complement and correspond to the values of West Chester College.

Alpha Sigma Tau members were par­ticularly thrilled by the challenging speech of Dr. Charlotte E. King. Dr. King is chairman of the elementary education department of West Chester College and an Alpha Sigma Tau alumna of Lambda Chapter.

Rose Marie Schmidt

"After the ball is over ... " National representatives Wilson. Macdonald . Wales and McBee relax at the Farmer in the Dell with birch beer and clams.


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Northwestern University in Boston is the home of the new Alpha Chi Chapter.


A lice Jeghelian Assistant Dean of Women Northeastern University

STILL ADDING TO THE LINE of collegiate chapters, Alpha Sigma Tau installed

its Alpha Chi Chapter at Northeastern University in Boston. On March 16, 35 girls accepted the pledges of their new sorority.

Formerly known as Delta Pi Alpha, this organization of girls has long been estab­lished at the University as a local sorority. They have approximately 75 alumnae in the area.

The installation ceremony was con­ducted by Mrs. Bernard McBee, expan­sion director, and Margaret Macdonald, national treasurer. A dinner followed in the afternoon at the Sheraton Motor Inn in Lexington, Mass. Among the highlights of the afternoon was the presentation of the gift from National-a lovely silver tea service.

Some of the honored guest at the ban­quet included: Prof. Charles E. Kitchin


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director of student activities; Edith E. Emery, dean of women; Alice Jeghelian, assistant dean of women; Margaret Bi­shop, assistant dean of women; Kenneth Ryder, vice president and dean of admin­istration, and Juanita Long, dean of the college of nursing.

Alice J eghelian, the faculty adviser to Alpha Chi, is Assistant Dean of Women at the University. She has been this local sorority's adviser since 1964 when she first came to Northeastern. A graduate of Mount Holyoke College, Miss J eghelian holds a Master's Degree in Education from Harvard University and is currently a doctoral student in Counseling Psychol­ogy at Boston College.

Here are a few brief facts about Alpha Chi's home. Founded in 1898, Northeast­ern is a private, non-sectarian institution of higher learning. A distinctive feature of the University is its cooperative plan.

This educational method enables stu­dents to gain valuable practical experience as an integral part of their college pro­gram and also helps them finance their own education. Under the cooperative plan a student's awareness of the real world beyond the college campus is heightened, and this awareness is brought back into the classroom.

Currently Northeastern is assisting some 40 other colleges and universities considering adoption of this plan. As the largest private university in the country and the largest cooperative institution, Northeastern draws students from 26 states and several foreign countries.

Undergraduate programs are offered in many fields including, liberal arts, engi­neering, education, nursing and business administration. The main campus of the University is located in the historic Back Bay section of Boston.

Speal< Up in Support of Your Greel< Affiliations!

As sorority members we became con­cerned when we read unfair and biased articles downgrading the college frater­nity system.

The "Greeks" (members of sororities and fraternities ) have a history of obe­dience and co-operation with college administration rules and regulations. "Greeks" never storm the president's office or barricade campus buildings de­manding to be given authority of admin­istrators. Why, then is the fraternity sys­tem attacked while other student groups (some bearded and barefooted) are al­lowed to disrupt classes, set policies and force the resignation of college presi­dents?

Today membership in fraternities to­tals over seven million. In the last six years 400 colleges asked that the "Greek"


system be established on their campuses. Reasons given for these requests were : the fraternity system improves scholar­ship, promotes leadership and good citi­zenship, and creates a loyalty to the col­lege or university. It is a matter of record that 75 percent of the individual funds contributed to colleges and universities is from fraternity and sorority members .

We think the facts should be reported fairly and completely. We are proud of our collegiate "Greeks" who consistently maintain high scholarship standing, and who encourage high moral and ethical standards. We are proud they are learn­ing to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Houston (Texas) City Panhellenic Association N ewsletter; and IRA C Bulletin, April '69


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By lillian Vogt Schippers St. Louis Alumna



During her last trip behind the Iron Curtain, Lillian Vogt Schippers took a close look at the Russian educational system. Here are her comments .

E DUCATION IN THE SOVIET UNION is more comparable to northern European

countries than to the United States. How­ever, some interesting contrasts to U. S. education are found in the following areas: the centralizing of educational con­trol, curriculum development, school hours, class size and teacher unions.

The first and most striking difference in the Soviet Union is the centralization of education in a National Ministry. This means that salaries, curriculum, textbook writing policy is centralized in a Minister of Education who is comparable to aU. S. cabinet member.

Curriculum, textbook writing and pol­icy are formulated by the Minister with the help of some teachers. When the cur­riculum has been written, it is tried out, revised and finally put into effect through­out the country. This, of course, results in great uniformity of teaching. Usually a course of study remains in effect for about five years before more revisions and re­writing are done.

Textbooks are written and published under the auspices of the Ministry and give information to implement the course of study. In the United States many pri­vate textbook companies vie with one another in content, format and illustra­tions to sell books.

Here in Russia no competition of this kind exists since private enterprise is dis­couraged. Textbooks are purely functional and directed toward a single purpose--to cover a specific subject and prepare the student for his examination.

In the elementary schools I visited, no supplementary books, library books or visual aids were evident. The teacher pre­

~ sented the lesson, using a small chalk-' board .

While touring Siberia we did find one elementary school for the personnel of the academic and science center which did have a central library. However, the books were limited in number, unattractive and tattered primarily because the binding was so poor.

Audio-visual aids are supposedly used extensively for foreign language clas es in Russia. We were told that foreign lan­guages were taught in the elementary


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schools, and English was started in grade five. Yet we saw no audio-visual equip­ment until we visited college level foreign language classes.

It is important to point out the size of the classes in Russia. We never saw a class of more than 21 students, and most classes were smaller. Language classes are never higher than 15 students.

Russian students are in class for the sg.me length of time each day as U. S. pupils. However, U.S.S.R. schools also operate on Saturdays. Many activities and clubs fill the students' after school hours. If both parents are working, Rus­sian students remain at school until the adults return home.

Parents are not involved in Soviet edu­cation in the way that parents are in­volved in the United States. The P.T.A. in unknown here. Because the mothers work and because of a difference in phi­losophy, education is left to the special­ists. Sometimes the parents are called in the evening for group instruction on child rearing. Occasionally the teachers may visit a home to discuss a special problem.

If compulsory 10-year education has not already been attained in Russia, it is well on the way. It is being extended from the eight-year school. More teachers are needed and will be needed. Teachers are trained in a network of normal schools and also at the university. They receive different training according to the kind of school they will teach in.


In addition, teachers already working in the school system have opportunities to improve their qualifications and their knowledge. They can also get help in solving special pedagogical problems en­countered in their teaching.

In-service training of teachers to a large extent takes place right in the school. Ex­perienced teachers attend each other's classes and later discuss teaching meth­ods. The oldest and best teachers help the newcomers with their work. If the older teachers do not give this help they may be severely censured.

More than 100 institutes are main­tained in the larger centers for teacher improvement. These institutes exist to help the teacher with his current prob­lems, to give him a better knowledge of his subject and to keep him abreast of the latest developments in his field. This ad­vice and information is free and partici­pation is open to any teacher who feels in need of their services.

The Soviet teachers belong to a union which combines the features of a fraternal organization, accrediting agency and a cultural and recreational club. Its prime concern is working conditions and salary.

Salary is dependent on qualifications, length of service and number of hours of work . There is no differentiation between

Sewing Class , Novasabirsk , Siberia. Note Pioneer uniform.


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Fourth Grade Classroom. Oslo , Norway .

the scale for primary and secondary teachers. Every five years an increase of from seven to ten percent is given. Extra money is earned by supervising study halls and acting as head teachers. Five to ten rubles a month is paid extra in foreign languages, mathematics and literature for marking notebooks.

Russian teachers also can draw extra pay through other activities. The teacher earns more if he works in less desirable regions, such as the far north. Starting salary is 140 rubles a month or $126. He earns 180 to 200 rubles a month ($162-$180) after 25 years. This is the basic salary and does not include pay for extra work.

At the primary level this basic salary is for teaching 24 hours a week and at the secondary level for 18 hours a week. There is plenty of time to earn extra money. This is teaching or presentation time and during this period, teachers teach and do not assign written work to the pupils.

The Teachers Union dispenses money for sick leave, maternity leave and pen­sions. Funds are obtained from the gov­ernment and from members' dues. Medi­cal care is free. Salaries were raised last in 1964, but the Union is in constant ne­gotiations with the government on this


and other matters. Rents are low-from 12 rubles ($10.80) a month.

On the whole, Soviet education has come a long way since 1917 when only 20 percent of the population was literate. Today everyone can read and write. The purpose of the schools is to perpetuate the tenets of Communism and the schools are manipulated to serve the aims of the state. In the United States our goal is to develop the individual.

One of the weaknesses of the Russian educational system is its Central Ministry of Education. It is not responsive to the needs of different parts of the country. Even though local Soviets are aware of local conditions, the purse strings are held in Moscow.

More books, more audio-visual equip­ment, higher salaries and better trained teachers are desperately needed in Rus­sia. So even though Soviet education is marching forward, it has not yet caught up with the American standard-as varied as that standard is.

Science Labora tory, Teachers Coll ege , Copenhagen. Denmark. Notice small class .


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By Kathleen Monticello

Detroit I Alumna

'' 0 H , SORRY SIR, I thought this was a group tour!"

"Madam, we are interviewing every tenth person to pass through London Air­port. Will you tell us, please, your reasons for entering Britain, and where you are going?"

"Mom, I am going to like it here! Look at all the minis! "

"Yes, we will need three taxis - two for people and one for the luggage."

Our great adventure began in May, 1968, when my husband accepted an ap­pointment as Engineering Manager of the Burroughs Corp. plant in Strathleven, Scotland. From that time we were in­volved in the "biggest move" of our ex­perience.

Our last move had been one that cov-

ered only about a mile in Redford, Town­ship, and that time we just moved everything we owned from one house to another. This time we had to sort through 16 years of accumulat ion, decide what to send by ship, what to carry with us, what to leave in our house and what to store with relatives.

In addition there was an endless list of personal and business arrangements­resign from all clubs, decide what to do about our house, sell two cars, inform cor­respondents of change of address . .. . But, like everyone else that prepares for a long distance move, we were ready when t he movers came for our 50 boxes of per­sonal belongings.

We decided not to send our furniture, as my husband had found a furnished

Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Monticello and three of their ei ght children pose for th is picture in the back yard of t heir home in Scotl and . From left to right the children are: Anne Marie , John and Dan.


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The Monticello family lives in the downstairs flat of this house.

house to rent in Dum barton. We spent the month of July resting at a summer cot­tage on Lake Huron.

All our boxes started their eight-week trip abroad on July 1. By the end of the month, we were finally ready to go--after a lovely round of farewell parties and shopping trips for traveling clothes.

The comments at the beginning of this article are typical of the humor and trials of traveling with eight lively children and two adults. There was much debate over who would get the window seats on the plane, who would be responsible for the

The majestic splendor of Loch Lomond captures the attention of the Monticello boys .


"blankies and teddies" and who would carry the umbrellas.

Even with all our careful planning, we still ended up with 9 carry-on bags and 23 pieces of luggage! Bill thought to paste a small number on each of the bags. He then made a master copy and could tell at glance the contents of a bag by its number. This was most useful for over­night hotel stays.

Allowing for the five hour time differ­ence, we finally arrived at our hotel in Renfrew, Scotland by 10:30 a.m. , after a 7 p.m. departure the night before. All of us were thrilled with the jet plane ride.

We stayed in the hotel for about a week, then decided to "camp out" in our house in Dumbarton, while waiting for the arrival of our boxes. Our decision to leave the hotel was prompted by the antics of two of our young children. One night our four and six-year olds woke up and decided to get dressed in the middle of the night and go knocking on doors to find out where Mommy and Daddy were. As might be expected, the teenagers in the same hotel rooms with "the wan­derers" slept through this episode.

The big day finally arrived. With a customs officer in attendance, the bikes, dishes, typewriter and all the other 50 boxes were unloaded, and we really were "at home" in Dumbarton.


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Dumbarton-where the River Leven meets the River Clyde-is a lovely place to live. Our house looks over the Clyde, and the parade of world shipping is a never-ending enchantment. We are two blocks from Levengrove Park, with its beautiful gardens, bowling greens, tennis courts and swings.

A short walk down a wooded lane brings us to the shores of the Clyde. This area is so removed from the bustle of living that the only sounds are the lapping of the waves, the cooing of sea gulls and the occasional chug and toot of a ship passing. A short half mile in the other di­rection, down the hill and over the Leven bridge, is the center of Dumbarton.

Learning to shop in Scotland was an adventure in itself. First I had to learn all about pounds and shillings. Next I had to decipher the new vocabulary-the iron­monger, the chemist, the draper, the newsagent and the fruiterer.

My three and four-year olds, Bob and George, accompany me everywhere. They are even becoming used to the sight of whole carcasses hanging in the butcher shop. All the meat cuts are unfamiliar, and my kind butcher has been educating me like a new bride. He has even showed me the proper cooking and serving of the traditional Scottish haggis.

The children are all attending the local schools and seem to have adjusted to the change quite well. The teenage boys are quite disappointed that the high school is not coed. Their curriculum consists of : religious knowledge, English, Latin, French, physics, chemistry, history, geog­raphy, math, music, art and gym.

Primary schools begin at age five. Our Jim is in the second primary. With only kindergarten experience at home he has some catching up to do to compete with the others in his class. Learning the letter sounds in Scotland has had a noticeable effect on Jim. He speaks American but reads with a brogue.

We did manage to do some sightseeing before the winter set in. Dumbarton means "the fortress of the Britons" and Dumbarton Rock, a volcanic plug of basalt, has a longer recorded history as a stronghold than any other place in Brit-


ain. A visit to the famous rock and its castle was clearly the place to start. The panoramic view from the top of the rock was a memorable sight for all of us.

We spent one Sunday afternoon driving through the beautiful Grampian Moun­tains and the Campsie Fells. Loch Lomond is only about a 15 mile drive, and the scenery well deserves to be remem­bered in song. Ben Lomond towers over the surrounding hills, the waters of the loch are clear and blue, and the green forest come right to the road.

Here in Dumbarton, as in other parts

High Street . Dumbarton. Scotland .

of Britain, there is a tremendous interest in amateur theatre . I recently attended the Western Division finals of the Scottish Community Drama Assn. in Greenock. It was a most interesting experience. The comments of the "adjudicator" provided a real education on some of the finer points of theatre arts. I have joined the Dumbarton Peoples Theatre and hope to develop my interest in dramatics.

We have met many, many friendly people here. Our neighbors on Kirktonhill have gone out of their way to make us feet at home. We have even enjoyed play­ing bridge occasionally with one of the top ranking players in Scotland.

The months ahead promise many more adventures . We are so happy that we came and I know that we will leave a bit of our hearts here when it is time to go.


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Suzanne Gerlt Keeps roungsters Moving


her teaching program at Sherman Branch school, you'll know why she was selected as one of the "Outstanding Young Women of Metropolitan St. Louis."

There's never a dull moment in this Pi alumna's kindergarten class. If the chil­dren aren't taking a field trip then some­one or something is coming to see them.

It all started almost three years ago with a train ride, and it's been "go" ever since. At that time her class was studying transportation and Miss Gerlt got the idea of taking an actual train ride.

Her next project was kite flying. It was a combination of art, reading readiness and science. "In a community park I showed that much learning can go on right in your own back yard. We were also featured on television with this activity.

During the past year the kindergarten held a "Fall-In" to observe the signs of fall and paid homage to Christopher Co­lumbus by singing songs at the base of his

statue in a local park. Since the school is lo­cated close to the busi­ness district, the class has also made field trips to a bakery, barber shop, shoe repair shop, hospi­tal and a dentist's office. " I was able to take my

class on a seven mile train trip aboard the N & W passenger train for a fare of 14 cents," she noted. The trip caused quite a stir, and it was written up in local pa­pers and appeared on

Suzanne Gerlt , Pi alumnae. was honored at tea for the " Oustanding Young

Women of Metropolitan St . Louis."

Holidays and special days have also sparked Miss Gerlt's imagina­tion. "For Thanksgiving one year, we had a feast highlighted by a field trip to the supermarket. One May Day, we walked

the three local television stations. This field trip turned out so well that

Miss Gerlt began to develop more projects along this line. "It was the best way I knew of providing the children with ex­periences and expanding their outlook on the world."


around the neighborhood hanging May baskets on doorknobs.'

When the class can not go out, activitie are brought into them. Firemen with their hook and ladder and pumper have made frequent visits. During United Nation' week, many women came in to how o -


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As one of their many field trips , Miss Gerlt's kinder·

perintendent of St. Louis public schools.," she noted.

The parents are also very appreciative. One mother's letter of praise appeared on the editorial page of a local newspaper. Another group of mothers presented Miss Gerlt with a cake and an artificial flower arrangement at the end of the school year.

Teaching kindergarten does not take all of Miss Gerlt's time. Currently she is working on a Masters degree at Webster College in St. Louis. She is on the Board of the local Association of Children Edu­cation Assn. and serves as her school's representative to the St. Louis Teachers Assn. and the International Reading Assn.

Miss Gerlt also holds membership in Harris Teachers College Alumni Assn., NEA, Missouri State Teachers Assn. and Kappa Delta Pi. She is active in the St. Louis Alumnae of Alpha Sigma Tau and currently is local program chairman.

garten class visited the St. Louis Municipal Airport . Miss Gerlt and her class made a close inspect ion of

this supermarket as they picked out items for a school party.

tumes, pictures and relics from various countries.

This Thanksgiving a live turkey became a classroom pet for two days, and this past May Day was celebrated Hawaiian style complete with the hula and a luau. A policeman, Humane Society representa­tive, mailman and a magician have all made their way at one time or another into this kindergarten class room.

To this date, Miss Gerlt's projects have appeared 13 times on local television and have been featured many times in the local newspapers. One Thanksgiving pic­ture was carried by the Associated Press and appeared in various parts of the United States.

"I'm glad for the favorable publicity for our schools. It shows the public that the teachers are really in there working. I have received several letters of congratu­lations from Dr. William Kottmeyer, su-


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Alpha Theta Alumna Does Her Part in f/ietnam

Program Director Judy Baines stops her

work to talk with a priest and a young girl. They

had come to the mess hall to pick up bits of day old

bread for a local orphanage .

F RAN JOKUBAITIS, ALPHA THETA alum­na, never was content with being just

a face in the crowd. At the University of Detroit, she was noted for her total in­volvement in sorority and school func­tions.

After graduating as a history major, Fran settled down to a career in the business world. It didn't take long for Fran to decide that this wasn't for her.

By the fall of 1968 Fran had made a


Alpha Theta alumna Fran Jokubai tis vis its with a little Vietnamese girl at Lane Field .

major decision and was ready to start on a journey to Vietnam. She had signed up to work for the Red Cross in Supplemen­tal Regional Activities Overseas.

Her Alpha Theta sisters weren' t really surprised at Fran's new career plans. She always wanted to get involved "where the action was" and the Vietnam war was no exception.

After a brief training program in Wa h­ington, D.C. , the Red Cro worker 1 ft


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for South Vietnam. One of Fran's first assignments was at Qui Nhon where she later served as Unit Director.

At the present time there are about 105 girls working in Supplemental Recrea­tional Activities Overseas. They are dis­tributed in 17 units throughout Vietnam.

An average unit consists of about six girls, but there is no such thing as an average girl. They come from a wide range of backgrounds. In Fran's unit they

The chanook. affectionately called the " jolly green giant" is a common means of transportation for the Red Cross workers .

A view from " Huey " enroute to Lane shows a wide field of rice paddies .


have majors in journalism, psychology, English and Asian History. The girls come from South Carolina, California, Massachusetts and Michigan among others.

Commenting on her job, Fran noted that as the advertisement says, 'It's not all coffee and donuts.' "It's listening to a soldier tell of his experiences in the field - emphasizing his narrow escape from death or injury. It's also talking to a young fellow who hasn't seen his six­month old baby."

One of Fran's most important duties is with the clubmobile. Each day two girls are scheduled to visit a number of outly­ing military units. Their visits constitute a clubmobile run.

"At Qui Nhon we have two such runs which means that four girls are out on the road everyday. On Friday and Saturday we only have one run," Fran explained.

Boats or aircraft are used to reach each unit depending on its location. The girls use vehicles ranging from jeeps to 2 ¥2 -ton trucks.

The roads often leave much to be desired in the way of smoothness. How­ever, Fran feels that the country's scenery makes you forget the discomfort of the roads.

"There are green hills in certain areas. Down by the coast of the South China Sea where we live, there are palm trees and wide sandy beaches. It's a completely unique and delightful experience for me," she remarked.

Clubmobile runs last an average of six to seven hours a day and cover 30 miles. The girls visit about 65 units a week with an average of 15 men per unit.

The clubmobile workers present 50-minute programs based on parlor games or quiz shows. Some deal with snorts, others music, movies, travel, history or art.

Recalling her past months of duty, Fran noted that she has worked hard, done some sightseeing and spent quite a bit of money. "But all in all my experiences have been worth every minute and dime. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to come to the other side of the world. It gives you an entirely different outlook on life."


Page 18: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

"':'Tlils rear our even~ng . party to me ude husband~ came in · April. ' We were directed ~o the Western suburbs of Haverforcl where ~etty A]Jiso!) an .co-hosted a pf the · e· ~anels • kill the uced.

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A SuNDA lhe sprin

iAthens Alumnae

Please send THE ANCHOR news about yourself, your leisure activities, your work ... or that of your fellow alumnae. A unique occurrence at an alumnae meeting, a small item in your local newspaper-any and all of these lead to lively and informative fea­tures about you for Alpha Sigma Tau. Remember­you~ Alpha Sigma Tau.

Start with the blanks below, add extra sheets as needed, and mail to:

Nancy A. Patten, Editor THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau P.O. Box 325 Dearborn, Mich . 48121

NAME (please print) . . . ....... . . . ....... . .. .

CHAPTER & YEAR . . ... .. .. . ... . ..... . ..... .

ADDRESS .. .. .. . . ..... .... . . . ... ... . . .. . .

NEWS ITEM .... ... .... . . .. ... ... . .. .. ... .

• • • • • • • 0 0 • •• • 0. 0 •••• 0 •• •• • • • 0 . 0 ••• 0 •••••

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br. ·Meade McNeill :w~ ... --~~- •• cW"'Oto~ ' to'Wn, pleale call • itiat~d four ~lumnae · ~d~.prese_nted pians CATHERINE BoNES --·----·

16 A'N HOR

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By SANDRA BYRUM, ZT National Examination Chairman

Collegiate Examinations for the past year are written, graded and filed-and for all of you a record of which you can be proud.

Alpha Sigma Tau strives to build us as individuals so that we may "contribute our share to the progress of mankind." We must first understand our ideals and through conscious effort of studying and working together to realize common goals, strengthen our sisterhood.

Following is a record of achievement on the Collegiate Examination for the 1968-69 school year. Congratula­tions are extended to the chapters listed below with an A average (90-100). All chapters not listed received a B average ( 80-89) .

Special recognition is due Alpha Nu Chapter with a 96 average and Alpha Delta with a 94. Gayle Nicklas of Alpha Nu Chapter receives top honors for a score of 99.

Theta Iota Rho Zeta Tau Upsilon

HONOR ROLL 1968-1969

Alpha Gamma Alpha Delta

Alpha Zeta Alpha Iota Alpha Kappa Alpha Mu Alpha Nu Alpha Sigma Alpha Omega


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in American Colleges and Universities Cheryl Pennington Patti Murray Wilma Hanlon Camile Thomas Linda Hudson Janet Softley Evelyn Blackman Cathy Hass Connie Tucker Carol Ann Crabtree

Iota Iota Iota Zeta Tau Zeta Tau Zeta Tau Zeta Tau Zeta Tau Upsilon Upsilon

Marlo Dunn Kitty Snyder Barbara Beacham Betty Jane Gaynor Mary Jane Williamson Jane Klein Marty DeWolfe Catherine Schmackers Gerlyn Welchans

Kappa Delta Pi - national education fraternity Mary Barney Connie Smith Joyce Petrucci Cindy Cochran Mary Nell Van Kanel Susan Dubose Patty Marsh

Chi Chi Chi Chi Alpha Gamma Alpha Gamma Alpha Gamma

Geralyn Welchans Kathy Kays Carol Marino Pamela Spencer Nancy Dykstra Barbara Faust

Alpha Beta Alpha - library science honor society Carol Noland Chi Terry Sager Chi

Chi Chi Psi Psi Psi Alpha Eta Alpha Kappa Alpha Kappa Alpha Xi

Alpha Xi Alpha Rho Alpha Rho Alpha Sigma Alpha Sigma Alpha Sigma

Alpha Lambda Delta - honor society for freshmen women J eanean Woolfolk Zeta Tau

Alpha Phi Sigma- honor society Pamela Spencer Alpha Sigma Nancy Dykstra Alpha Sigma Charlotte Myers Alpha Sigma


Ruth Angel Phyllis Scott Barbara Faust

Alpha Sigma Alpha Sigma Alpha Sigma


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Alpha Chi- scholastic honor society Elaine Mack J aniel Fortner Carol Ann Crabtree Judy Galoway

Upsilon Upsilon Upsilon Upsilon

Diane Marcum Sandra Spraggins Susan Dubose

Alpha Psi Omega- honor dramatic society Margaret Lackey Upsilon Karen Brennen Alpha Tau

Beta Beta Beta- national biological honor society Natalie Jones Alpha Kappa Debi Pfeiffer Alpha Tau

Cardinal Key- national leadership society Cheryl Pennington Iota Patti Murray Iota

Gamma Beta Phi- scholastic honor society Alice Ann Burns Debbie Connelly Nancy Crary J aniel Fortner Diane Horton

Upsilon Upsilon Upsilon Upsilon Upsilon

Sue Lee Sarah Spencer Phillis Reed Mary Jack Sturgeon Elaine Mack

Gamma Theta Upsilon- geography honor society J aniel Fortner Cathy Werts

Upsilon Alpha Xi

Upsilon Upsilon Alpha Gamma

Upsilon Upsilon Upsilon Upsilon Upsilon

Delta Psi Kappa- physical education honorary society Betty King Cathy Hass

Zeta Tau Zeta Tau

Kappa M u Epsilon - honorary math society Lynne Bollinger Iota Cathy Barker Alpha Sigma Ruth Angel Alpha Sigma

Kappa Omicron Judy Gordon Barbara Browning Sally Browning


Phi- home economics honor society Zeta Tau Chi Chi


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Lambda Iota Carol Pearson Jeanine Crum Pam Method

Tau - english honor society Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha

Lynchnos - biology honor society Evelyn Blackman Mary Chapman

Zeta Tau Zeta Tau

Pi Theta Epsilon- honor fraternity for occupational therapy Valentina Hotra Theta

Pi Lambda Theta- education Mona Glasser Claire Katz Sandra Winick

Alpha Iota Alpha Iota Alpha Iota

honor society Ellen Sacks Elyse Stoller Barbara Schwartz

Xi Phi- honorary leadership fraternity Sharon Kinzer Iota

Sigma Alpha Eta - speech pathology honor society Debra Lefkowitz Alpha Iota Gwenn Orr Alpha Iota

Sigma Alpha Iota- music honor society Nancy Brandt Ann Schultz Harriet Rubin

Iota Alpha Iota Alpha Iota

Sigma Lambda Delta - freshmen honor society Judith Sherman Alpha Iota

Phi Alpha Theta- history honor society Jane Cowan Cheryl Bambach

Upsilon Alpha Kappa

Phi Beta Kappa - scholarship honor society Ellen Charske Alpha Kappa

Phi Kappa Pi- home economics honor society Jean Sullivan Judy Brock


Alpha Xi Alpha Xi

Alpha Iota Alpha Iota Alpha Iota


Page 23: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

Phi Omicron Tau- home economics honor society Linda Snyder Psi Sherry McCraw Psi

Phi Sigma Iota- romance language honor society Mona Glasser Alpha Iota

Phi Sigma Pi- scholastic honor society Beverly Greanya Alpha Eta Jane Klein Alpha Eta Sally La Beur Alpha Eta Bonnie MacLachlan Alpha Eta

Chi Delta Phi -literary honor society Joanne Schwartz Alpha Kappa

Psi Chi- national psychology honor society Bonnie MacLachlan Alpha Eta Sally La Beur Alpha Eta Doris Friedmann Alpha Iota Claire Katz Alpha Iota

Spurs - sophomore Molly Briscoe Teri Didde Linda Standiferd Rosalind Williams

honor society Iota Barbara Holmquist Iota Jane Franz Iota Cathy Hamman Iota Pam Russell

Theta Sigma Phi- journalism honor society Lois Rosen Alpha Iota

Tau Pi Phi- business honor society Carol Seach Alpha Kappa


Iota Iota Iota Iota


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Chapter News

LaChrica Coyle of Rho Chapter was named Campus Sorority Girl of the Year at Southeastern State College ,

Durant, Oklahoma .


Page 27: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

Alpha Chapter started off the spring term with enthusiasm and high expecta­tions for a tremendous rush. We drew up a new rush procedure which brought each of our sisters into the closest bond of sisterhood that we have ever felt. Our final rush party was held at the Theta Chi house at the University of Michigan. Here we greeted the rushees Hawaiian style.

Our efforts were well rewarded, as we pledged 16 new girls. They are: Brenda Bauer, Emmy Cassetta, Kaye Cole, Rita Cole, Diane Dancer, Char Dennis, Cindy Freeman, Bev Hayes, Loresa Hill, Sue Johnson, Lynn LaForest, Cathy Pekarek, Ann Rubertschun, Beth Thomas, JoAnn Ulmer and Char Wilson.

The month of May was a hectic one as the sisters took part in Greek Week

Spring '69 Pledge Class.

activities and prepared for the annual Candlelight Ball, which was given in honor of the fall and spring pledge classes. The spring class made dance cards as mementoes of our evening at the Shera­ton-Cadillac Hotel in Ann Arbor.

Sorority weekend, held in the Irish Hills, drew our sisters together for a weekend of fun and the initiation of the pledges. After initiation the new sisters presented their songs to the sorority. The new officers presided over this ceremony. They are: President Penny Frostic, Vice


... On The Move

president Bonnie Rowse, Recording sec­retary Barb Trombly, Corresponding sec­retary Cindy Graves and Chaplain, Patti Heinricksen.

At the Scholarship Dinner, Alpha Chapter received the honor of being placed third out of all Eastern Michigan University sororities. Sandy Wasowicz was tapped for Adahi, an honorary women's organization, and was also made a member of Omicron Gamma, a Greek honorary fraternity. Marlene Bach was initiated into Kappa Delta Pi, an honor­ary education society, and was also named Business Manager of EMU's year­book, The Aurora.

The year ended on a happy note as the sisters of Alpha Chapter made plans to continue sorority work throughout the summer by participating in the Associ­ated Women Students' Big-Little Sister Program. It is aimed at orientating in­coming freshmen to the hectic and excit­ing life at EMU.

Marlene Bach

The sisters of the Alpha Chapter enjoy talking by the fireside .


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Betas Pledge 20 New Members

The Betas started off the year with a wonderful rush program led by Sue Buck­ley and Judy Conlin. Our first party was the "Tau Sweet Shoppe" with an old­fashioned ice cream parlor theme. Our rushees were served cones and our actives were dressed in green jumpers with yel­low checkered aprons.

Jo Ann Krauss Sara Nelson

Susan Hess Lyn Stewart

A week later we had our second party, "Sleepy Tau Heaven," a fun-filled pajama party at our house complete with cocoa and hot donuts. We sang farewell to our guests out on our front porch and pre­sented each with a hand-decorated pillow case.


Our final party was a night club with the theme of the "Emerald and Gold Room" . Our rushees had punch and hor d'oeuvres as they played various games and chatted with the actives.

Our program proved very successful as the Betas received the biggest pledge class at Cent ral! We are very proud of our fol­lowing new members: Jan Blake, Kathy Bothwell, Margie Clark, Terry Cole, Patsy Galvin, Mary Gregoire, Debbie Jenkinson, Sally Johnson, Cheryl Klimek, Judi Kubiak, Chris Larson, Pam Mason, Dee McMillen, Wendie Novess, Linda Puffer, Jeanne Theisen, Beth Thomas, Candy Timmer, Betsy Todd, and Karen Warner.

Later in the semester the Betas had their annual Mom's Weekend. We were lucky to have a beautiful sunny weekend and our mothers all had a wonderful time staying in the house, shopping, bowling, and being entertained by their daughters. We ended a fun-filled day by serenading our mothers and present ing them each with walnut salt and pepper shakers with the AST crest on them.

Spring also brought our formal dinner­dance at the Embers Restaurant. We all had a lovely evening together with our sisters and dates.

Greek Week was soon upon us and the Betas participated in full force. Our usual event, the Walkathon was a great success. The whole week gave us a chance to com­pete and mix with the other Greeks on campus.

This year Beta is proud to announce some of the honors its members have re­ceived. First we are extremely proud of our Top Tau, Nancy Andras. Sigma Chi Fraternity chose one of our sisters, Jeanne Miller to be its sweetheart this year. Also Sigma Epsilon crowned another AST, Lyn Stewart, as their sweetheart at its annual ball. Also were pleased to an­nounce our new top officers: Sara Jane Nelson, president; JoAnn Krauss, vice president; Sue Hess, treasurer, and Bevy Andras, secretary.

Jan Clark


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Delta Chapter opened the new spring semester with the addition of 19 new pledges. Indiana initiated a new rush system this spring which gave the Taus a chance to shine. Our final rush party, "Under the Big Top," centered around a circus theme.

The new pledges were hard working and developed a special closeness and spirit by working on several projects to­gether. Their first major project was the annual spring pledge dance, this year en­titled "The Wizard of Taus." The pledges presented their original skit and song and honored their pledge mother, Judy Baum­gardner, with a gift in appreciation for her help during their pledging period. Delta's new sweetheart, Jim Shipley, pin­mate of Sandy Yaruasi was announced at the dance.

The big sisters of the new pledge class were honored with the clever Poco-Tau­Nes party. The big sisters dressed as In­dians and were paraded down the main highway to a nearby park where they participated in a peanut eating contest and other "original" games. The little sis­ters presented their big sisters with pad­dles and poems they wrote personally.


Delta "s 19 new sisters pose for this picture following

initiation .

Shines tn Spring Rush

Especially exciting for Taus this semes­ter was University Weekend. We made a fine showing this year at the Powderpuff Football Game and are proud to display the second place trophy for our presenta­tion of a medley from the Broadway musical "Fiddler on the Roof." We were directed by our song leader Elaine Tselepis .

Taus are proud of Suzie Goldy and Connie Herald for recently being chosen ROTC Kaydeens. Pledge Janet Mastalski was chosen sponsor for the Trick Drill section of Pershing Rifles.

This year the Delta Chapter again took an active part in the cancer drive and in the Ugly Man on Campus Contest. For­mer president Marie Drag and newly installed president Val Bencivenga along with several sisters enjoyed State Day at Slippery Rock State College.

This semester closed with the initiation of our 19 new sisters and our new pa­troness Mrs. Klausing, wife of Indiana's head football coach. We are proud and happy to welcome Mrs. Klausing as our new patroness and also as a new sister.

Cathy Riester

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Zetas Enjoy Successful Spring

Zetas at Lock Haven State were kept busy from rush until the initiation of officers last spring.

Zeta's rush was very successful. The theme for the final party was "The Roar­ing Twenties." Zetas turned their imag­inations loose and showed up at the Kappa Delta Rho house as flappers , gangsters, and policemen.

The next day a pizza party was given in honor of Zeta's 12 new pledges. They are: Vivian Auker, Beverly Boice, Jac­queline Case, Maxine Cordrey, Wendy Dodson, Denise Elchak, Deborah Gore, Linda Keister, Louise Krause, Elaine Paglione, Mary Thompson, and Doris Trimmer.

The sisters kept the pledges busy by making them carry trays, clean rooms, and run errands. The pledges retaliated by greasing the door knobs to the sisters' rooms and stealing their paddles. These pranks gave them their nickname--"The Dirty Dozen!"

Informal initiation was held for the last two pledge classes at Rauchtown State Park. Pledges were put through their paces as they searched for missing articles.

Hell week was the final task for the pledges. They were kept busy by singing original songs to the sisters, cleaning rooms, wearing green and gold knee socks and fingernails, and carrying candy for the sisters.

The pledges gave a party for the sis­ters entitled, "Thursday Night At The Movies." Sisters came as their favorite television or movie characters and pre­sented hilarious skits.

Our proud pledges were formally initi­ated April 27 when a dinner was held in their honor at the Dutch Inn.


Zetas had many other activities to keep them busy. Our annual dinner dance was held in Williamsport at the Oaks Club.

For spring weekend Zetas built a booth entitled, " Please Don' t Eat the Daisies." Lollipops were given as prizes.

Greek Olympics, sponsored by Lambda Chi Alpha, was an important event for Zetas. We got our revenge over last year's winner, Zeta Tau Alpha, by beating them by four points. Barb Yoos showed that Taus are always on top as she made a record breaking high jump of 4'9" . We later celebrated with a victory dinner and party with Kappa Delta Rho, the fra­ternity winner.

Zetas were well represented at this year's State Day at Slippery Rock. Here it was decided that next year's State Day would be held at Lock Haven.

Mary Thompson

Theta Chapter Spends Busy rear

Winter quarter was a busy one for Theta Chapter at Wayne State Univer­sity. For informal rush, we had a coke and chip party. Here we wore our sorority outfits which are dark green A-line skirts and vests with long-sleeved blouses.

Our second party was a preferential formal tea. Through our efforts, we gained three pledges, Debbie Franczak, Sue Mi­halko, and Linda Wing.

We joined our alumnae for a formal dinner dance in February. This gala affair was held at the Georgian Inn.

The highlight of the quarter, was Pan­hel Sing, and Theta participated in this for the first time. After months of hard practice under the leadership of our music chairman, Mary Franzen, we pre­sented our theme, "Sing for your up­per." We were dressed as hoboes wearing


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old jackets and pants with red and yel­low patches. White gloves added a touch of ele~ance to our attire. Although we did not wm an award, we had a lot of fun performing in this event.

In March, Theta Chapter installed new ?fficers. They are: President Barbara Bo­Jakowski; Vice President Sue Tatus· Treasurer Alice Katarsky; and Recordin~ Secretary Carole Glod.

Spring quarter proved to be hectic also Our Di~t?ct Yice President, Mrs. Ralph ~ross VISited m April for chapter inspec­t.wn and to talk with us about sorority Ide.

Spring rush gave us two pledges, Linda ~uta and Sue Szeczpanski, who are a de­l~ghtful addition to our chapter. We ini­tiated our winter informal pledges into the bonds of AST, and surprised them with a dinner at the Chin Tiki.

For our social service project Theta sold tootsie pops, and we used th~ money to buy a movie screen and a playpen for the pediatrics ward at Detroit General Hospital.

We were proud to have Mary Franzen represent AST on the dream court of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity this past year. Valentina Hotra was chosen as Theta's Top Tau.

In May, we honored our mothers with a tea at the Hillberry Lounge. This gave the mothers an opportunity to become acquainted with the other girls, and to become acquainted with the activities of Alpha Sigma Tau.

The Panhellenic Honors Banquet con­cluded spring quarter. Dianne Peters was our candidate for Sorority Girl of the Year. We nominated Sue Tatus for best panhellenic representative from AST, and we presented her with a plaque. Because this was our first year on panhellenic council, we won the "baby" award for best participation on the council. In the humorous category, Sue Tatus won an award for being the most talkative.

In June, we had a luncheon for our graduating seniors, and we presented them with recognition pins. We were sad to say goodby to Mary Franzen, Sandy Kowalski, JoAnne Mirich, Dianne Peters, and JoAnne Timidanski.

Penny Olds


Omicrons Are Tops in Scholarships

After rush with a colorful Mexican theme entitled AST-iesta, Omicron Chap­ter welcomed 10 new pledges. Marceline Cassity was chosen as best pledge. The pledge period was highlighted by a big­little-sister party with a night club theme.

A Mother's banquet, held at the Town and Country Restaurant in Princeton West Virginia, was an enjoyable event: Mothers attending received long-stemmed yellow roses.

Several money-raising projects were held this semester. We sold candy, had a bake sale and a car wash and also sold sandwiches and coffee during final ex­aminations. As a result of these and other projects, Omicron Chapter was able to purchase land near the campus on which a lodge will later be built.

At the annual Concord College Spring Sing, the new spring outfits were shown. The perky yellow A-line dress was the envy of every girl on campus!

Three Omicrons will represent the So­rority next year on the cheerleading squad. They are Sherri Stinson head cheerleader, Gail West, and Barbara Shutt.

The Spring Formal, "Tau Island," was a great success. Among the awards pre-

Lou Ann Crawford Patti DiStefano


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sented were the sportsmanship award, given to Madeline Post, and the an­nouncement of our Spring Sweetheart, Glen Burtner.

Lou Ann Crawford, Treasurer, reigned as May Queen this spring and serving as one of her attendants was Patti DiSte­fano, Pledge Master.

Officers for next year were chosen. They are Carolyn Cunningham, presi­dent; Lou Ann Crawford, vice president; J o Hudkins, treasurer; Marceline Cas­sity, recording secretary, and Carol

Gentry, corresponding secretary. Concluding our year was the annual

awards assembly. We proudly received the Panhellenic Scholarship Award. This award is presented annually to the soror­ity with the highest grade average.

Another wonderful school year has ended and sad farewells were made to our many graduating seniors. Although summer vacation promises fun for all, the sisters of Omicron Chapter anxiously await the arrival of the fall term.

Debbie Farris

Spring Brings Pi 15 New Pledges Spring semester at Harris proved to

be very exciting for Pi Chapter. Spring rush with the highlight of this semes­ter. We entertained our rushees with a Western informal party. Hot dogs, beans, and square dancing made the evening fun for all.

Beginning in April with a pin-pledge pa­jama party for our 15 pledges, the se­mester got off to a great start. This pace continued through our numerous activi­ties such as our car­nival bake sale and ice cream shop.

Pi Chapter treated their parents to a meal at Flaming Pit Restaurant on June 22.

The culmination of the Pledge period came July 16 with Pi's initiation.

The Alphas also were active in many school events. We ex­changed pledges with Lambda Beta Lamb­da and Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternities and assisted the Stu­dent Congress in col­lecting canned foods for the needy.

The pledges plan­ned a pledge-active picnic for their sis­ters. All of those at­tending played ball and hiked through the park. Fran Smith , Pi Chapter 's Swing Into Spring Queen

Our President, Karen Lesmeister, was a maid in Sigma Tau Gamma ' s an­nual White Rose Prom. Fran Smith was voted queen of Pi Kappa Sigma ' s Swing Into Spring Dance.


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Jacky Hagan , Rho Chapter , was named outstanding member of the Junior Cl ass .

The Alpha Taus of Rho Chapter end another exciting and prosperous year filled with work, good times, and many honors.

Rho Chapter became 18 members stronger this year when pledge quota was met for fall and spring semesters in rush programs directed by Rush Chair­man Jacky Hagan.

Spring rush was set to the theme of Robin Hood, complete with a forest and costumes to emphasize the theme. Each rushee attending the "fun party" re­ceived a Robin Hood hat and a ring.

Rush week ended with bid house where the Alpha Taus picked up 13 new pledges. The pledges were treated to pie and coffee at the Holiday Inn after they


Gains Campus Honors

picked up their colors. Alpha Sigma Tau proved to be filled

with leaders as its members presided as officers of various campus groups . Those presiding were: Terri Chambers, secre­tary-treasurer of Panhellenic; LaChrica Coyle, president of Rho Chapter, vice president of Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary dramatics fraternity, captain of the girls drill team, and vice president of the dorm council ; Frances Doxsee, presi­dent of Savagettes; Jacky Hagan, secre­tary-treasurer of the Student Senate, secretary-treasurer of the dorm council, and outstanding member of the Junior class; Melinda Smith, Rho treasurer, secretary-treasurer of Boule Service Club, historian of Alpha Mu Gamma, national foreign language society; Diane Weger, vice president of Alpha Mu Gamma, and

Rho Chapter 's Frances Doxsee received four queen titles .


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Rho recording secretary; Dana Haggard, vice president of the Junior class.

We are proud to announce that four members of Rho Chapter were listed in Who's Who Among Students in Ameri­can Universities and Colleges. Listed were: Terri Chambers, Frances Doxsee, Nancy James and Diane Weger.

Other honors were received when Rho's Frances Doxsee was crowned Homecom­ing Queen and the AST "Track Shoe" float won third as it carried out the theme of "Summer Olympics in Mexico."

Frances Doxsee drew other honors for Rho Chapter as she reigned as White Rose of Sigma Tau Gamma, Queen of Beau Arts Ball, and Savage Queen. Linda White was named as Rosebud of Sigma Tau Gamma.

Spring semester was highlighted by the annual Panhellenic Banquet. LaChrica Coyle and Melinda Smith were named as

Zeta Taus closed the spring semester at Longwood with many new honors, two new spring pledges and a lot of happy memories.

We are proud to announce that new spring pledge, Trudy Chowns, was chosen to become a Colleague for the next year. New initiates Betsy Clay, Martha Cheva­lier, Terry Van Campfort, Harriet Car­row, Debbie Morton, and Tinker Habel were also chosen to help orientate incom­ing freshmen as Colleagues.

Chi, a secret organization that pro­motes school spirit, revealed its member­ship to include three Zeta Taus. We are proud of Camille Thomas, Anne Bowles, and Cathy Hass for exemplifying the qualities necessary to be selected for this respected group.

Scholarship is also important to Zeta Taus. Candee Dickenman and Mary Alice Elwang were tapped into Giest, a Long­wood honorary society. Beauty is also found within our sisterhood. lny Chap­man was an attendant to the May Queen.


the outstanding members of Rho Chap­ter. Jan Tidwell was named outstanding senior member, and Melinda Smith re­ceived the scholarship award. Outstand­ing pledge of the year was Linda Kirby. The Panhellenic Banquet reached its climax when LaChrica Coyle was named as Campus Sorority Girl of the Year.

For fun, relaxation, and sun, Rho Chapter traveled to Galveston, Tex., for a weekend filled with excitement for all.

Spring semester drew to an end with the initiation of pledges and the installa­tion of new officers. New officers elected are: President Melinda Smith; vice presi­dent, Martha Smith; recording secretary, Susan Wilson; corresponding secretary, Gayla Miller; treasurer, Vonne Wells; editor, Linda Kirby; historian, Linda White; chaplain, Charlotte Caldwell; custodian, Kathy Riemer.

Linda Kirby

Maxine Stone was second runner-up in the Miss Longwood Pageant.

Zeta Taus have also been very active within their classes at Longwood. Connie Williams was elected President of the up­coming Junior class and Debbie Rims berg was elected Vice President. Terry Van Campfort was elected Vice President of the sophomore class.

AST State Day was held at Longwood this year. We had a big turnout as Psi Chapter from Madison College and Alpha Lambda Chapter from Radford College attended. Besides general fun and getting to know each other, we exchanged songs and rush skits . We also had a picnic at Longwood Estate and attended the Miss Longwood Pageant together.

Zeta Tau has also been active within the city of Farmville working with a local public elementary school. Girls went to the school during the afternoons and helped the children with art, an area in which the school itself was deficient.

Suzi John on


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Upsilon Reaps Honors From Hard Work

Kaye Hawkins Sandra Spraggins Mary Jack Sturgeon Miss SCA Pageant

First Runner-Up Best Dressed Coed for 1969-70 Phi Lambda Chi Sweetheart

The second half of this year was a happy one for Upsilon Chapter at State College of Arkansas. We began by extend­ing the remainder of our open bids to two girls, Linda Dutchik and Sara Oliver.

Alpha Chi, an honorary scholastic or­ganization, received Sandra Spraggins, Elaine Mack, and J aniel Fortner as new initiates. Another scholastic organization, Gamma Beta Phi, was chartered at SCA this year. Alice Ann Burns, Debbie Con­nelly, Nancy Crary, Janiel Fortner, Diane Horton, Sue Lee, Elaine Mack, Sarah Spencer, Phillis Reed, and Mary Jack Sturgeon all became honorary members.

Honors for leadership on campus were also awarded to Upsilon girls. Thirteen sisters, the most of any Greek group on campus, were elected to Royal Rooters, an organization based on participation in campus activities, honors, and scholar­ship. In the field of drama, Margaret Lackey was chosen Best Supporting Act­ress for her role in The Insect Comedy. Mary Jack Sturgeon honored us by being selected to play in the Honors Recital presented each year by the Music Depart­ment.

All of our entries in the Miss State


College of Arkansas Pageant came back with honors. Mary Jack Sturgeon, Debbie Vantrease, and Jane Carter were chosen first, second, and third runners-up re­spectively, and Janet Wilkins was selected Miss Congeniality. Three sisters were chosen as finalists in the Arkansas Poultry Princess contest. They are Connie Collie, Kathy Harris, and Lynn Riley.

Upsilon received its share of campus honors this semester too. Sandra Sprag­gins followed Mary Tankersley in being chosen Sweetheart of Phi Lambda Chi fraternity. Linda Dutchik was elected Valentine Queen, and Kay Allen became Miss Young Democrat. Kaye Hawkins was named Best Dressed Co-ed for 1969-70. The Association of Christian Students Carnival Royalty included Kaye Hawkins and Lynn Riley as maids .

Football fans will see many Alpha Taus next fall. Among them will be cheerlead­ers Lynn Riley and Kathy Harris. Kay Allen was again chosen Captain of the SCA Stepperettes, the state's only drill team.

District President Camille Gennaro honored us with a visit this spring. She met with the sorority and then attended


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the initiation of our 16 new members. One of our main events, and major

money-raising projects is the annual Dat­ing Game. Patterned after the television show, we had a ball presenting it and it proved to be an even bigger success than last year. To earn money for the Day Care Center in Conway, we sold record albums in the Student Center. This turned out to be a very profitable social service project.

At the conclusion of this year, we again had the opportunity of showing off our new sorority room, this time at our annual Parent-Daughter Tea.

With a summer rush workshop planned for July, we are eager to begin another semester of fun and hard work next fall to keep our group on top.

Alice Ann Burns

Phis Flood Campus Dean's List

The Phi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau is proud to announce that Diane Heit­man, selected as the best all-round Alpha Sig from our chapter, graduated with a 4.0 average. Other members of the soror­ity who made the Dean's List (better than 3.0 average) are Kay Brister, Pa­tricia Cox, Mary Jane Hooper, Mary Crader, Marilyn Reso, Virginia de Bene­detto, Carol Lee DiLeo, Barbara Hymel, Theresa Rodriquez, Christina Stadler and Linda Trahan. J oanie Rester and Denise Terrobone, pledges, also had a 3.0 aver­age.

Two of our members, Kay Brister and Theresa Rodriquez, were invited to join the 13 Club which is composed of stu­dents who have maintained a 3.0 average every semester in college. Last fall semes­ter an award was presented to the Big Sister - Little Sister team- Lynn Prud-


homme and Wanda Adams for the highest scholastic average.

Phi Chapter held their annual ball on March 29. The "Camelot" theme was car­ried out with chains, torches and Old English lettering over the doorway. Inside the door guests crossed a small white bridge overlooking a man-made pond con­taining flowers and ducks. The poles were decorated with shields, the tables with candles.

We have been busy sending Easter baskets to Parkview Nursing Home, Christmas packages to three soldiers in VietNam, school supplies to Pine Moun­tain Settlement School in Kentucky, col­lecting for the United Fund at Halloween, Parents' Tea and decorating for the Southeastern Louisiana College Alumni Banquet. We won second place in the Greek Week activities and all in all this has been a great year for the Phi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau.

Carmen Acuna

Chis Take Top Awards

"Alphas on the move"-Shepherd Col­lege's campus echoed with this chant of the Chi girls.

The crowning of Barbara Stiles as Queen Shepherd was one of the happiest moments for Barb and her sisters. Barb also represented Shepherd at the Apple Blossom Festival in Winchester, Va.

Some of the other active Chi members served the campus in a variety of ways. Kitty Snyder served as a princess on the Homecoming Court. Barb McDonald helped cheer on the Rams. Carol Jones and Kitty Snyder served on the College President's Student Advisory Board, and Marlo Dunn officiated as Panhellenic President.


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Chi 's Barb Stiles reigns as Queen Shepherd.

We started the year moving by intro­ducing ourselves to the freshmen women. We gave them green and yellow octopi for their rooms. Our first event of the year was folk concert by the Newcomers, three seminary students from Dayton, Ohio.

Fall projects included a UNICEF fast -this year for Biafran children. Through the cooperation of the Shepherd students we netted over $200. We also made post­ers to support our Rams and tossed stuffed animals to the crowd on Parents' Day.

Fall rush, with a South Pacific theme, was interspersed with our own Laugh-In

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Alpha Taus at Madison College re­turned second semester to find much hard work and fun awaiting them. Spring rush was held at the end of February and we were delighted with our seven new pledge sisters. A week later we danced under winter stars at the annual Panhellenic Dinner Dance.

Throughout the beginning of the term


blackouts. Our work was rewarded with seven pledges: Judy Dawson, Renee Farmer, Kay March, Sharon Pulse, Barb Stiles, Harriet Shortley and Becky Ware.

Spring rush with our traditional Greek theme featured Alpha 'lympics. Invita­tions were in the form of golden apples and dress was patterned after mythologi­cal characters. As our prospective mem­bers were introduced to Dr. Sara Cree, our advisor, each was given a "gold" medallion. All the rushees eagerly par­ticipated in the olympics - the javelin (straw) throw and chariot (wheelbarrow) races.

From spring rush, Chi gained eight pledges : Becki Ennis, Betty Haines, Carol Jones, Mary Catherine Hendricks, V ali Muccino, Liz Moyer, Sue Papola and Vicki Shockey.

The year ended in a whirl of activities highlighted by our dinner dance, found­ers' day banquet, spring weekend and honor's day.

At our banquet, which celebrated our 30th anniversary, Kitty Snyder was hon­ored as Top Tau. Other awards went to Sharon Fulk as outstanding senior; Renee Farmer as outstanding fall pledge, and Becki Ennis as outstanding spring pledge.

Alphas literally moved Spring Weekend as two Chi cars entered the car rally, and Kay March and Esther Elliott piloted the only female powered craft in the regatta on the Potomac. Chi also won the bid for refreshments at the Queen's Ball and served more than 3,000 cookies.

Linda Riegle

Psi Celebrates Silver Anniversary

we worked on our annual Parents' Week­end, which was held in conjunction with our 25th anniversary. We honored our alumnae and parents at a tea and that afternoon presented a skit entitled "The AST Time Machine." We endeavored to take our guests back to 1944 to show the development of AST at Madison from past to the present time.


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All our time was not spent planning sorority activities. We still found time to capture third place in Panhellenic schol­arship.

Psi members received many honors during the past year. Diane Acree, Anna Lagos, Cheryl Mallory and Nancy Cor­neillussen were chosen as attendants in the annual May Court Procession. Kathy Patton was elected president of Mortar Board. Sally Crickard was elected vice president of the Honor Council, while Barbara McKnight and Sue Spain were elected president and secretary of the senior class.

Barbara Beacham made the Virginia State Lacrosse team, and Sally Crickard represented Madison at the Mid-Atlantic Lawn Tennis Association tournament. B. J . Gaynor received the Physical Educa­tion Award, and Linda Snyder received the Home Economics Award, while Keith Marston was recognized for her academic excellence.

Barbara McKnight

Alpha Alpha Aids African Missions

Members of Alpha Alpha Chapter had a busy spring quarter and merited many honors. Our chapter won third place in

Alpha Alpha 's new officers pose for a group shot .


the Theta Xi Variety Show. We presented our own version of "And The Beat Goes On."

Spring rush brought us seven new pledges. They are: Carolyn Mennen, Becky Venne, Judy Kesler, Nancy Hart, Coreene Galeziewski, Rita Ackermann and Ronda Stansbury. All six of the pledges from formal rush went active on April 21. They were: Lorrie Horner,

Dottie Griffith (above) . and Betsy Ross outstanding pledges .

Kris Pavlovich , AA 's Candidate for Home­coming Queen.


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Sherry Wunschel Candidate for Theta Xi Sweetheart .

Jeannine Crum . Clavia . Junior Marshall .

Lambda Iota Tau.

Charlene Wunschel, Candidate

for Miss Ball State .

Lorrie Horner , Highest Scholastic Average in Pledge Class .

ANCHOR Party for children at Muncie Boy's

Club with Theta Xi Fraternity .

Charlotte Conner, Betsy Ross, Bendy Kruger, Dottie Griffith and Charlene Wunschel.

Lorrie Horner won the pledge scholar­ship award for maintaining the highest scholastic average, while Betsy Ross and Dottie Griffith were chosen as outstanding pledges for the year.

We had two social service projects this year. We collected eye glasses for the missionaries in Africa and had a party for the children at the Muncie Boy's Club.

The Muncie Alumnae had a dinner for Alpha Alpha and presented Robin Gard­ner with the most improved collegiate scholarship award .

Other events during spring quarter in­cluded a rummage sale, campout at the Theta Xi house, tug-of-war and our Closed Dance at the Holiday Inn. Our parents were honored at a banquet and open house which gave everyone a chance to become better acquainted.

Individual honors coming to Alpha Tau's included: Kathi Wells elected to student senate; Pam Method and Jean­nine Crum invited to join Lambda Iota Tau, English honorary ; and Lucy Ed­wards and Pam Method nominated for the all-campus John R. Emens Service Award.

Five Alpha Tau's will serve as student orientation leaders to greet incoming freshmen. They are : Rochelle Hargis, Joyce Pankiewicz, Mary J o Mucha, Alice Nickell and Sarah Munier.

Sherry Wunschel was a nominee for Sweetheart of Theta Xi and is president of the Little Sisters of the Unicorn. She was also our candidate for Best Dressed Coed.

Rochelle Hargis

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Alpha Gamma Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau was represented in many of the campus activities this spring at Hender­son State College. Along with the other four sororities on the campus, Alpha Gamma co-sponsored the annual Panhel­lenic Dance on February 15. Marilyn Harrison, representing Alpha Gamma, was crowned "Queen of Hearts" at the dance. She was elected by the members of the five campus fraternities.

In March Alpha Gamma members gave their parents an opportunity to meet other members and parents at the Parent­Daughter Banquet. Before the banquet, parents and members attended church services together. Members also attended State Day at the North Hills Country Club in North Little Rock. Here we met our sisters from the state's other two AST chapters. We exchanged ideas about rush

Alpha Delta Selects ret/ow Rose ~ueen The highlight of Alpha Delta's spring

semester was the Yellow Rose Formal, held at the Riverside Inn. Decorations on the tables and surrounding the queen's chair were composed of spring flowers.

Music for the dance was provided by "General Scott's Limousine," a popular local band. Sandy Bishop Stonerock was named Yellow Rose Queen at intermis­sion. Sandie Staiger and Linda Robertson were selected as attendants.

Other awards presented in the course of the evening included: ideal pledge, Mary


Alpha Gamma Has ~ueen of Hearts

and enjoyed a fashion show presented by the Little Rock alumnae. Alpha Gamma also initiated six new members in March.

April was a busy month for Alpha Gamma. We were the winners of the Greek Basketball Tournament and the Veteran's Club Bicycle Race. One of the biggest events of the year was the "Spring Fling." This is a four-day carnival spon-ored by the Student Senate. Alpha

Gamma was pleased with the profit we made from our pie-throwing booth. We also participated in the Greek Games and the Song Fest at the carnival.

In May Alpha Gamma initiated five more new members. In honor of the senior members, we held a breakfast at the home of our sponsor, Miss Amy Jean Greene. Following final exams, Alpha Gamma had a "Sorority Weekend" at Lakeland Lodge near Hot Springs.

Sandra Herring

Linda Robertson Recipient of Nyda Sebring Award


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Actives and pl edges try out a sli de during Alpha Delta's picnic at a loca l park .

Sue Crane; pledge trainer's award, Donna Sloan; ideal active, Linda Robertson; and outstanding alumna, Sara Reiter.

The Mothers' Club gave an especially nice banquet for the seniors this year. Pledges, the active chapter, and alumnae also attended. At the close of the pro­gram, the Mothers' Club presented each senior with a silver dish engraved with the letters AST. The chapter adviser, Mrs. Glenn Downing, was honored at the banquet and the alumnae chapter pre­sented her with a gift. Another event of the evening was the presentation of the Nyda Sebring Award by the alumnae chapter. The plaque is not presented every year, but is awarded to a senior on the basis of contribution to the sorority, scholarship, and contribution to the col­lege. Linda Robertson was named as this year's recipient.

Other seniors welcomed by the alumnae chapter include: Sandy Bishop Stone­rock, Sandie Staiger, Ruth Ann Miller and Pam Wellhausen.

The latest rush news from Alpha Delta is a rush booklet for new Southwest Mis­souri State College students. It was put together by the Panhellenic Council. The booklet includes a general introduction to Greek life at SMS and four pages are de­voted to each sorority. The editor of each chapter constructed her own layouts, in­cluding pictures and copy. Continuity


was provided by maintaining uniform type styles and margins throughout .

The concluding activity of the year was a picnic given by the pledges for the active chapter.

Linda Robertson

Ye ll ow Rose Queen Sandy Stonerock (right) glances at her bouquet whil e her attendants Li nda Robertson

(left) and Sandie Staiger look on.

Alpha Epsilon Welcomes 28 Pledges Winter rush ushered in 28 new pledges

to the Alpha Epsilon Chapter. These pledges were to help the active chapter through very successful winter and spring quarters.

Alpha Taus maintained their top schol­astic position among the other sororities for winter quarter.

The AST candidate Sherry Donaghy brought honor to the sorority when she was crowned Greek Ball Queen.

In April we held our annual Parents' Day Banquet. The events of the weekend introduced many parents to Alpha Epsi­lon's competitive activities. The Alpha Tau's, paired with the men of Tau Kappa


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Alpha Epsilon 's 28 pledges pose in their Sigma Sing dresses for this group picture .

Epsilon, took first place at the yearly Greek Olympic events. The following afternoon we captured another first place trophy in Sigma Sing for the musical score "Gypsy".

A large turnout made our annual AST Spring Picnic quite a success. Steaks were served for dinner followed by "honors and awards" for some of the sisters and their dates.

Lake Argyle was the scene of several exchanges with the fraternities on our campus throughout the quarter.

At the close of the year we said goodby to our graduating seniors at a special picnic.

The Alpha Epsilon chapter is proud of its accomplishments during this past year. We are now looking forward to a success­ful fall rush and other events of the com­ing school year.

Suzanne Quigley


Holds Father­Daughter Luncheon

The Alpha Zeta Chapter at Queens College leaves behind an exciting, busy and a fun-filled semester.

At our first rush, "The Yellow Rose Rush," the sisters of Alpha Omega from the Brooklyn College Chapter joined us in singing sorority songs.

We gained a new pledge--Susan Shear. We entered Sue as our Pledge Queen along with 10 other pledges from the dif­ferent sororities on campus.

Hearing that the picture "Oliver" was so good, we decided to see for ourselves. So, the girls of Alpha Zeta decided to have a theater party and follow the show with a dinner. We took in the Sunday matinee in Manhattan seeing "Oliver." After "Oliver," we went to the Hawaii Kai where we all stuffed ourselves with deli­cious polynesian food.

At the College's Award Night dinner, Alpha Zeta was awarded the Scholastic Cup, for the sorority having the highest cumulative average. (2.888).

May 4, we had our annual mother­daughter luncheon. This year's luncheon was held at Burburans. We started the meal with a toast and followed with a roast beef dinner and a special cake for dessert.

Since we love our fathers just as much as our moms, it was no more than fair to treat dad to a father-daughter luncheon. The luncheon was held on Long Island at the Viking Manor. This father-daughter luncheon was a first for the chapter and a delightful first it was!

To top the semester off, we were proud of Christine Frey. Chriss was Top Tau from the Alpha Zeta.

At the end of the spring semester we said goodby to three graduating eniors. Our president, Fran Fascetta wa one of


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the graduates. Fran was a great president and I know the sorority will miss her. To Chriss Frey, we wish her much luck in her teaching career. As for Mary Haus­ner, she leaves for California where she'll be living and has a teaching position wait­ing for her this fall.

The new officers and members are look­ing forward to the new term and will continue to strive for all that Alpha Sigma Tau stands for.

Carolyn Kolar

Alpha Etas Full of Energy

After new officers were elected, the Alpha Etas of Alma College took students back to the "Gay 90's" and Dolly's Place at our annual all-campus Valentine's Day dance, "Amo Te."

Students danced to the soft music of a three-piece orchestra, rested on park benches, and refreshed themselves with cider and bagels. The sisters entertained with old, familiar tunes like "In the Good Old Summertime," "Daisy," "Ta Ra Ra Boom De-Re," and "After the Ball."

With "Hello Dolly" playing in the background, Alma College's President and his wife led the procession of couples through a huge heart. As favors we made picture hat pin-cushions out of gaily-flow­ered material.

We lost no time, for spring rush activi­ties began the following day. Rushees watched "Wednesday Night at the Movies," as we presented a 30-minute film with soundtrack of the ASTs in action-decorating and rehearsing for our dance, playing intermural basketball, and preparing for rush activities.

The actives dressed as famous movie and television stars, ranging from the


As " widdl e kids ," the excited act ives await the " AST Big Top"-a pledge party .

Beatles in "Yellow Submarine" to Julie Andrews in "The Sound of Music." Rush­ees ate candy and popcorn from a realistic concession stand.

Spring rush brought us 12 lovely pledges -Mary Kay Ariss, Jenny Branch, Laurel Braun, Emily Carter, Sue Constant, Charlene Doty, Diane D' Arcy, Betty Goodman, Debby Henderson, Sherry Leonard, Vicki McAllister, and Sheryl Robertson. Dressed as "widdle kids," we went to the "AST Big Top" for their pledge party given in our honor. On April 28 formal initiation gave us 12 new ac­tives who presented paddles to their big sisters at our initiation dinner at the Holiday Inn.

Following rush, the Alpha Etas began exercising their vocal cords for the annual all-campus competitive Song Fest. Pre­senting a program of love songs through the ages, we employed Peter, Paul, and Mary's song, "The Song Is Love," for our theme. The many hours of practice paid off, for we were awarded first place honors.

As a social service project all of the sororities on campus participated in " Ironing Day." Proceeds were given to underprivileged people in the area for clothing.

We were very proud of Jeanne Boyden and Kim Kimble who represented us on the Campus Day court.

Near the end of spring term, we pre-


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sented perfume bottles with the AST crest to departing seniors at a lovely dessert given by our patronesses.

As a very successful year drew to a close, we did not really say goodby for the summer. Sara Braun is editing a summer newsletter for our chapter. We are all looking forward to another exciting year when we return to the Alma College campus in the fall.

Alpha Kappa Says Farewell To Mom

The spring semester has brought us a new active, Barb Priscilla, as well as five


new pledges. They are: Betsy Watson, Barb Noll, Janet Fertig, Sharyn Gregory, and Mary Ellen Nuse. Together with other pledges, they collect clothes for the Goodwill Industries and also participate in the all-college pledges' Cleaning Day for the city of Marietta.

In sports events, Alpha Kappa took first place in the basketball intramural, and we have six players on the Field Hockey Team.

Our Pledge and Senior Formal was held in the Betsey Mills Club with a steak banquet at the Murphy Supper Club be­fore the dance. Our theme was "Flying High" and the pledges received gifts from their big sister during the formal. The seniors were given little kites as souvenirs.

For the annual junior skits, the Alpha Kappas put on a skit showing the first year that Marietta College became co­educational.

At the annual Senior Dessert, held at the Betsey Mills Club, we honored the seniors with silver bracelets. Wendy Barry was presented with the best pledge award, and the dessert ended with our sorority theme song, "Somewhere."

Individual Taus were honored this semester. Ellen Charske was chosen to be a member of Phi . Beta Kappa. Intaglio, women's leadership honorary, tapped Natalie Jones and Debbie Debaets for membership. Also Marti DeWolfe has been named the "Most Outstanding Sen­ior Athlete" by the Women's Athletic Association. Carol Seach was chosen to be a member of Tau Pi Phi, national eco­nomics and business honorary, while Donna J anezek was initiated by Beta Beta Beta, national biological society.

Toward the end of the semester, a fare­well party was given for Mom Miller, our house mother for the past years. We pre­sented Mom with a little gift voucher in order to show our appreciation for her service during the past years.

Spring has also brought us a lot of good news. Showers were given for Jeanne De­prefontaine, Lily Staheli, Natalie Jones, Cheryl Bambach, and Edith Lamb. That concludes our spring semester, and we are all looking forward to next year.

Peggy Hai


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Alpha Lambda Brings in Many Honors

Alpha Lambda Chapter held its annual Sweetheart Banquet at Round Meadow Country Club. Kathy Cassada was chosen as Sweetheart, and Maid of Honor was Carolyn Nuckols.

The winter pledge class was initiated on May 15. Congratulations to our new sis­ters: Suzi Bywaters, Sandi McPherson, Judy Monnie, and Pam Stanley.

Officers for the coming year were elected. They are as follows: Wendy Os-

Alpha Lambda chose Kathy Cassada as Sweetheart and Carolyn Nuckols as Maid of Honor.

tertag, president; Susan Strickler, vice president; Alice Hatcher, recording secre­tary; Barbara Josten, corresponding sec­retary; Gretchen Turner, treasurer; Kathy Goodall, chaplain; Paula Partington, edi­tor; Val Hoffman, historian; Becky Foster, pledge chairman; Susan Hoggard and Karen White, rush chairmen.

In March, eight sisters graduated from Radford. They were: Sherry Campbell, Maida Chandler, Judy Gusmerotti, Janice Holland, Billie Dawn Miller, Ann Owings, Shannon Richardson, and Martha Wise­carver.

We welcomed in five more pledges in the spring. They are: Jane Miller, Allyen


Rich, Lynn Rossi, Linda Singleton, and Candy Yale.

Radford College held its annual May Day Festival. Alpha Lambda is proud to announce that four of our sisters were on the court, including the Queen, Cheri Johnson, and Maid of Honor, Lynn Good­all. The Junior Representative was Michelle Goettel and Sophomore Repre­sentative, Candy Yale. Also, Crown Bearer for the Queen was Cheri's little 'sis', Becky Foster.

Cabin parties were held at Gimmel's Cabin on Clayton Lake. We all had a wonderful time skiing, swimming, and being with all of our sisters. The Best Pledge Award for the year was given to Suzi Bywaters.

We also bid farewell to our spring and summer graduates. Spring graduates are: Donna Burrows, Gerry Carper, Jackie Clark, Betty J o Foster, Lynn Goodall, Anita Holm, Cheri Johnson, Betsy Jolly, Judy Layman, Marge Reese, Robbie Rid­ley, Mary Kay Shea, Beth Swartout, and Jean Thorburn. Camille Walton received her master's degree. Summer graduates are: Kerry Campbell, and Janna Jones. Beth James will receive her master's de­gree.

Our Top Tau Award was given to Cheri Johnson. Congratulations should also be extended to our sisters who campaigned for various class offices-Sandi McPher­son, president of the senior class, and Susan Strickler, rules committee chair­man.

Our rush theme for fall is "Our Tau's Big Top." We have already begun work­ing, and look forward to welcoming in many new pledges.

Paula Partington


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Nu Chapter at Central Missouri State College.

Fran Morgan was our UMOC Queen Candidate during the Ugly Man On Cam­pus charity drive. We donated all of the money we collected to the USO.

During the spring we were busy with many activities including pin pledgings, a pledge scavenger hunt and a pledge party. During this time we were also honored with a visit from our National President Miss Elizabeth Wilson.

On March 16 the Alpha Nu Chapter was' proud to welcome seven new girls into its sisterhood. They are: Linda Allen, Angie Brewster, Maureen Cunniff, Barb Austin, Debi McCain, Becky Hunt and J ammie Pickrell. The Best Pledge Award was given to Barb Austin for her out­standing work.

During the spring we pledged four new girls: Jean Kuester, Linda Draffen, Linda Conley and Chris Foley. They are now working very hard and looking forward to going active in the first weeks of the fall term.

April 9, the women of Central Missouri State College attended a convocation dur­ing Womens Week. At the convocation, Judy Leeper was pledged to Tassels an organization petitioning Mortar Board. Our formal pledge class was recognized because of its grade point average was the highest of all the pledge classes. Linda Craig was also recognized for her out­standing work as a member of Delta Psi Kappa.

"Country Gardens" was the theme of our spring formal. As you stepped inside Pertle Springs Lodge, you walked beneath an archway, covered with garlands. The band was set inside a gazebo and an ultra-violet light that hung from the ceil­ing gave the room its finishing touch.

The end of April proved to be a busy time for the Greeks at CMS. During Greek Week we presented two awards: one for our Top Tau, and one for the graduating senior with the highest grade point average. At the Greek Games we won first place in the sorority tug-of-war. The members of the winning team were: Mary Mitchell, Sharon Eaton, Patti Klug, Linda Allen, Angie Brewster, Debi Me-


Cain, Annie Turner, Linda Conley, Linda Draffen and Kathy Mohr.

Some of our other spring activities were our spring rush picnic and our hymn sing at the Pleasant View Nursing Home. We also participated in intramural basket­ball, bowling, and softball.

The Alpha Nus initiated a new idea this spring with our first annual Parents' Day Picnic. With more than 100 people in attendance, we started out with a picnic lunch provided by the parents. Then we presented a skit and songs that were written especially for the occasion. Since it was Mother's Day, we had a special yellow rose presentation for our Mothers.

The last big event of the school year was a breakfast to honor the graduating seniors at Doctor and Mrs. Maxon's house. Each senior was presented with an AST charm in honor of her graduation.

This summer the Alpha Nus are plan­ning a retreat at Pertle Springs Lodge in Warrensburg. We are looking forward to getting together with all of our sisters before school starts in the fall.

Lynn Morse

Alpha Omicron Wins Greek Week Honors

The spring semester at Clarion State found the Alpha Omicron Chapter busier and more successful than ever. This se­mester's rush period was highlighted by some unique and enjoyable parties.

Our informal party had as its theme "Roaring Taus," and it featured a speak­easy, a variety show presented by the sisters, and a machine gun raid. Both the sisters and the rushees used their imagi­nations in creating flapper costumes for this event.

Our formal party "The Wizard of


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Clarion State College is the home of Alpha Omicron Chapter.

Taus," followed the story of rushee Dorothy's journey to Oz. When she ar­rived there, she was advised to follow her heart in choosing a sorority. At the con­clusion of rush, 16 girls chose to pledge Alpha Sigma Tau.

In March, the Taus held their annual dinner-dance, the "Yellow Rose Formal," at The Edge in Pittsburgh. The beautiful view from this restaurant which overlooks the city provided the romantic setting for a lovely evening. At the formal dance, we presented And or P-J obb with our second annual "Man of the Year" award. Mr. P -J obb, the husband of our advisor, has

done many things to help our chapter during the past year.

Greek Weekend brought more honors for the Taus. A patriotic theme carried out in our presentation of "This Is My Country" and "Let There Be Peace On Earth" won us a second place trophy at Greek Sing and invitations to sing for many community groups. We also won the second place honors in scholarship and third place honors in Greek Olympics.

The Taus at Clarion completed the semester with a Mother's Day Tea in May.

Nancy Granberg

The Taus at Clarion are proud of its growing campus .


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Rush activities were popular topics for discussion at State Day.

Alpha Pi Chapter experienced spring with an air of excitement which helped to complete its semester activities.

Formal rush was a busy and enjoyable time for the sisters. All worked especially hard in entertaining rushees in an Ori­ental atmosphere for our "Tau House of the August Moon" theme.

At the close of the pledging period, 22 pledges were the victims of "Fun Night" which included raw egg shampooing, ba­nana eating contests, water battles and other "hair raising" episodes. On April29, our 22 pledges entered the Tau sisterhood for life.

The pledge class presented the sisters with an AST door crest and at initiation contributed a tea service set to the chap­ter room.

Alpha Pi was honored in sponsoring a Pennsylvania State Day at Slippery Rock State College. All the state chapters were represented at this function. Entertain­ment included a noon luncheon, group discussions and singing.

During Greek Week, Tau sisters were proud to have placed first in Greek Torch Relay, second in Greek Olympics and third place in the overall standings. Tau's title of Greek Goddess was held by Joy Wagner, and Carol Joseph held Tau's title of May Queen.


Alpha Pi Top Money Raisers

Not only were the sisters proud of their Greek achievement, they were all happy with the many honors they received. Seven Taus were installed into Delta Psi Kappa: Mary J o Geyer, Janie Homer, Jan ice Todd, Karen Meyers, Tina Skol­nik and Linda Honsperger. Sue Cole was tapped by Lambda Epsilon Delta and Kappa Delta Pi.

Congratuations are also extended to Janie Bell, Claire Hoover and Carolyn Mene who were selected to be members of the Rocklette marching squad. We salute our Top Tau Sue Cole and our best

Our Taus enjoyed the luncheon at State Day.

Alpha Pis happy Olympic champions pose for the camera .

pledge JoAnn Genova who was inducted into the Sophomore Women's Honorary Society.

Our officers for the coming year are: Carol Sprague, president; Mary J o Geyer, vice president; Janie Homer, treasurer; Janice Todd, recording secretary, and Carol Joseph corresponding secretary.

Corrine Ebeck


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Alpha Xis Hold First Dinner Dance

Welcome to the Tau Cafe was the way the Alpha Xis of Mansfield State College started a busy spring semester. The Tau Cafe then turned into the Geisha Tau Pagoda House. These were the two themes for the formal rush parties that eventually gave us 15 pledges. Our pledges for the spring class were : Kenny Bankes, Marlena Baker, Ann Bentz, Bobby J o Bradshaw, Rosemary Cuiccio, Debbie Grow, Patsy Heist, Arlene Lucas, Sue Nayduch, Diane Proctor, Janice Quell, Marie Streiff, Sharon Todd, Cathy Werts and Diane Wurth.

Ten of the Alpha Xis traveled to Slip­pery Rock State College for State Day in March. The chapter won the award for the largest representation, and the girls came back brimming with ideas.

This year for the first time the sisters decided to hold a dinner-dance. Everyone was excited and full of anticipation since it was our first one. Everyone was pleased to see it be a success and it may even become an annual affair. At the dinner the award for Top Tau was presented to Jackie Zeller.

Alpha Rho Chapter at Youngstown State University looked forward to a busy winter and spring quarter. The most im­portant event for the sisters was to see their first dance get off the ground as a big success.

Following our dance, spring rush was in full swing within a few weeks. Hard work was put into the planning and preparation


The election of officers was the next event of the busy Alpha Taus. The girls elected to office were Margaret Leahy, president; Margaret Olsefski, vice presi­dent; Delmar Ratkowski, recording sec­retary; Janet Socash, corresponding sec­retary ; Cindy Mabon, treasurer; Becky Rarig, chaplain; Ellen Smith, historian ; Eileen Carlin, editor; Betty McChesney, pledge mistress; Jean Sullivan; rush chairman; and Pat Segur, custodian.

May was filled to the brim with activity. May 4th was initiation of new sisters and it was followed by a banquet. Maggie George, a senior sister, gave a beautiful and meaningful talk.

For our Founders' Day our pledges gave us a single yellow rose in green ribbon. The Alpha Xi chapter was four years old this May. On May 6th the sisters entertained the underprivileged children of Mansfield at a picnic. There were games and contests and a picnic supper. The children had a great time and so did the sisters.

Eileen Carlin

Helps Symphony

Mary Lynn Miller-Spring Weekend Cand idate


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for our parties, and we received three pledges.

The singing talent of the sorority was brought together as the sisters prepared, "Till There Was You," for the annual Greek Sing competition. Hard hours of practice were put into this event but again being only our first time in competition we will have to try harder next year to bring home a trophy.

We musn't let beauty go unspoken. Lovely Mary Lynn Miller was our candi­date for the Spring Weekend festivities. The girls worked hard and cleverly cam­paigned Mary Lynn.

The annual Miss YSU Pageant was held with two of our ASTs participating among the 15 finalists. This pageant is held in conjunction with the Miss Amer­ica Pageant. Our contestants were Carol Bradick and Kathy Onderko. These girls spent endless numbers of hours, days, and weeks preparing their talent, poise, and beauty for the final competition. Our sis­ters didn't take the title of Miss YSU, but the title of Miss Congeniality went to Kathy Onrlerko.

Elections of the year saw Alpha Sigma Tau gaining a seat on Student Council (Mary Lynn Miller) and also gaining the seat as Collegiate Panhellenic President was Carol Morelli.

Service can't be left unnoticed. The sis­ters helped with the mail and phone cor­respondence for the new Youngstown Symphony. Much more important was the project the girls executed in raising $100 for an eight year old local boy who has a rare disease. The girls worked three days raising money for Brian Cimanero. His family appreciated the kind gesture, and we had a feeling of accomplishment.

The sisters at Youngstown State Uni­versity had a very busy winter and spring and as summer progresses we are now en­gaged in house negotiations which we hope will end in our favor. This is a big step for Alpha Rho, and I believe there will be many more.

Josephine Precurato


A !ph a Sigma Wins Scholarship Cup

Dean Boucher presents the scholarship cup.

The challenges, work, and rewards of Alpha Sigma's spring term brought our first year to a close with new insights into sorority life. One outstanding honor was receiving the President's Scholarship Cup. Dean Henry M. Boucher made the pre­sentation at the annual Panhellenic Ban­quet, April 8. Alpha Sigma Tau placed first out of the six campus sororities. The Panhellenic Council award, "Miss Con­geniality," was given to Marsha Sommers.

We held the spring banquet and formal dance at the Holiday Inn, using the theme, "Moonlight and Roses." Decora­tions included a lawn scene with yellow roses, a fountain, and a suspended moon. Guests were: President and Mrs. F. Clark Elkins, Dean and Mrs. H. M. Boucher, Rita Gramann, Dean of Women, and Dr. Glenda Clyde, advisor.

Alpha Sigma's local social service proj­ects were blood donations to the Red Cross and participation in a community bread drive for the March of Dimes. We were listed among the campus organiza­tions having the highest percentage of members donating blood.


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. Du.rin? spring quarter, ASTs were ac­tive .m mfo~mal rush with skating and bowlmg parties and coffees. Michelle Bra­deen and Sandi Davidson were initiated and Judy Connor, Linda Mitchell and Dian~ Newquist became new pledg~s .

. Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity worked with ~s at a car wash and joined us the followmg day for a picnic. Other social events of the term were a Parents' Day at Thousand Hills State Park and a get­together at the home of Mrs. Terrence Boyle, alumna, during the last week of classes.

As our last sorority activity for the year, i~ was a farewell to Mrs. Boyle, who JS movmg, and to the graduating seniors: Nancy Dykstra, Barbara Faust, Gayle Houf, Ann Hunter, Marcia Irvin, Susie Myers, Carol Mosher, Gay Powell, Mar­sha Reuter, Marsha Sommers, and Pam Spencer. Seven of the graduates initiated a Kirksville alumnae chapter.

Ann Hunter was chosen as alumnae representative for our collegiate chapter. In August, Sharon Dawson represented Alpha Sigma Tau in the Northeast Mis­souri State Fair Queen Contest.

As Alpha Sigma realized more fully this year the meaning of "sisters" and the value of cooperation, the members await fall semester with many wishes, hopes, and plans.

Phyllis Scott

Sandi Davidson shows her family the AST scrapbook at. the Parents ' Day picnic .


Moves From Colony to Chapter

March 1, 1969, marked the day the six­teen original charter members of Alpha Tau Colony had been anticipating-the installation of the Alpha Tau Colony to the official Alpha Tau Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau. Consequently, the thirty sis­ters were proud, excited, and possessed an overabundance of enthusiasm. The sis­ters demonstrated their desire to establish a larger yet more intricate sisterhood of Alpha Tau by welcoming a spring pledge class of nineteen ambitious girls.

The climax of the pledge period was a formal dance in Erie at the Holiday Inn. At this time Eve Zamoski, pledge mistress, presented the Best Pledge Award to Deb­bie Young, president of the pledge class. For the first time, the sisters presented the Yellow Rose Award: a silver loving cup to the sister whom we felt had done the most for the sorority. Mrs. John Yon, our advisor, presented this exceptional honor to Linda Lafferty, Alpha Tau's first president. The pledges then pre­sented the sisters with a yellow rose lined chest which is to be used for sorority possessions. Of special interest was the presentation of a scroll to Dr. John Yon, Edinboro's Dean of Students, naming him "Alpha Sigma Tau Sweetheart of 1969." The naming of Dr. John Yon as our "sweetheart" created much attention as t?e Spectator, the college newspaper, car­ned a feature article on the event.

On April 19, 1969, the title of "pledge" was relinquished and nineteen happy girls were now sisters. Two weeks after the initiation an election of the fall officers was held. Those elected were: Debbie Young, president; Jean Berton, first vice president; Kathy Pesak, second vice president; Paula Teplica, treasurer;


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Kathy Gazvoda, recording secretary; Debi Pfeiffer, corresponding secretary; Mary Young, editor; Dale Snyder, his­torian; J o Sleva, custodian; and Ann Musolino, housing director.

During the course of the spring term, the Alpha Taus participated in various campus events. At Greek Sing, under the directorship of Sue Vickery, we sang, "Looking Forward to the Future." During Carnival Weekend we supported the Delta Sigma Phis and Sigma Alpha Nus candidate, Eileen Vukkivic, who became the 1969 May Queen. Sister Karen Bren­nan received recognition for her excellent performance as Hermia in "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Finally, four sisters par­ticipated in a tutoring program for under­privileged children in Erie. Those sisters were: Jean Berton, Dale Snyder, Mary Young, and Maureen Miller.

This summer our corresponding secre­tary, Debi Pfeiffer is tightening the bonds of sisterhood by publishing the Alpha Tau Inquirer, a bimonthly newsletter relating sorority reminders and, most important, keeping each sister informed as to what the other sisters are doing this summer. We are eagerly anticipating an exciting fall , though our chapter will regret the absence of fifteen sisters who will not be on campus due to graduation and student teaching.

Mary Young

Alpha Upsilon Receives Charter

Phi Upsilon was founded in 1951 as a local sorority at Bryant College, Provi­dence, R. I. In September of 1968 we were ribbon and pin pledged as Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau. We were initiated on March 23, 1969. All the girls


were very proud and happy that day when we all received our pins.

Some of our activities during the year included our pledge formal, our annual Parents' Banquet which consisted of the installation of new officers. Also at this banquet we honored our retiring Presi­dent Alyce Rossi.

We also had a party for the seniors. Each sister did a short skit on "This Is Your Life." Our beach party was a won­derful end of the year send-off with all the girls looking forward to seeing each other again in September.

Penny Baran

Calling All Editors •

We think we 're missing the

boat and letting a lot of AST

newsmakers go unnoticed .

We need your help. How

about periodically sending

along some extra news tips?

Tell us about the outstanding

collegiates and alumnae in

your area . Let us know about

any interesting projects you­

're conducting . We always

want to hear about unusual

hobbies , trips or careers .

Send story ideas to :

National Editor

Nancy A. Patten

P.O. Box 325

Dearborn, Mich . 48121


Page 53: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

and '-ftl4edl1te class. We are so

in scholarship on College campus.

the last week of classes, a ell was sponsored in the Din­

of the college. The money, which $300.00, was given by students

dropped coins in the well with a for good luck on their final exams.

donated to the American Cancer

Spring semester, which seemed to quickly to a close, was topped off

an after-finals camping trip to upstate York. Hiking, swimming, rowing

Alumnae Chapter News

sightseeing were only some of the activities which filled four hectic

ting days of outdoor living.

Christina Blackwood

Constance Thomas

, .. - ..... ANCHOR





for the most informative I article in the alumnae


.._ new section of , ~ this ANCHOR.

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Page 54: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

~ Buffalo . .. Welcome to Eight New Members

Two new girls being in itiated in January

Pat Willby was hostess for our Janu­ary dessert meeting. President Dolores Schmidt conducted the lovely initiation ceremony for seven new Alpha Sigma Tau sisters. We extended a warm and sincere welcome to Gloria Jean Chaves, Lillian Lewandowski, Marilyn Miller Todd, Pa­tricia O'Connor, Nancy Senn, Suzanne Smith and Sharon Wilson. Henrietta Diem was not present due to illness. Then Lewis Conte, psychologist at the Batavia School for the Blind, presented some very interesting slides and information con­cerning his work at the school.

Early in February, Buffalo City Pan­hellenic Association held an open dinner meeting at the Lord Amherst Restaurant. After the delicious buffet, Mrs. Evelyn Hawes presented a thought-provoking talk on "Sorority Life in the World Today".

Helene Blackledge was hostess for our dessert meeting in February. Mrs. Dawn Johnson demonstrated "Cake Decorating Made Easy" to our group. Norma Martin was the lucky recipient of the beautifully decorated Valentine cake created by Mrs. Johnson.

Marilyn Helmrath entertained the board members at her lovely new home in North Tonawanda later in February.

Norma Martin was hostess for our March dessert meeting. This was a work meeting as each member cut, pasted, or


assembled beautiful burlap flowers in at­tractive little pots to be used as tray favors at the West Seneca State School for the Retarded. Social Service Chair­man, Ellen Iten, reported the school greatly appreciated the fifty or more lovely flowers we completed.

Fran Plachta was chairman of our Easter luncheon held at the Little White House in Williamsville. All of us enjoyed the delicious food, the lovely flower favors made by Fran, and a chance to chat with everyone.

Seven of our eight new members wearing their ' stamps ' of membership

Dolores Schmidt was hostess for our dessert meeting in May. Mrs. J . Daniel McManus presented many interesting ideas and materials concerning interior decorating. Officers were elected and in­stalled and Kay Baxter held a board meeting for old and new members later in May.

Janet Bartlett was hostess for our annual Smorgasbord Picnic in June. Everyone enjoyed the delicious dishes prepared by the thirty-five members pres­ent. Plans for events and programs for the coming year were finalized at the business meeting.

Our annual Tau Tot Time was held on June 25th at the summer home of Doro­thea Porter at Long Beach, Ontario, Can­ada. Members and their little ones enjoy a day of swimming and fine food with games and prizes for the children.

Norma Martin


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~Denver. State Day

• •

Highlights Activities

June is upon us and Denver alumnae are busy with plans for vacations, trips to the mountains, guests, summer school classes and the myriads of activities we all try to pack into these few months.

We will bring a busy spring season to a close in June with a trip to Sunshine Farm where Lolly Pittman and Betty Englen will be hostesses for luncheon, a business meeting and installation of offi­cers for next year.

Highlight of the spring's activities was the annual State Day get-together. Eleven Denver alumnae members traveled to Greeley to meet with alumnae and active members at the home of Marianne Pul-

liam. After a lovely ceremony in which the actives were initiated into the alumnae chapter, we enjoyed a delicious luncheon and a delightful program. We're looking forward to seeing several of the new alumnae who will be located in the Den­ver area at our meetings next year.

The New Year found us meeting with Anne Todd and Betsy Rothschopf for a lovely luncheon. In February, Cherie Clark and Bobbie Lowe helped us add to our favorite recipe collections. Each mem­ber brought a favorite recipe and salad. Then Cherie gathered all the recipes, had them mimeographed, and gave us each a copy at the March meeting at Gayle Ball's. They really come in handy.

In April we met for luncheon with La­Vonne Carlton and Margaret Troisi at La Vonne's new home and made plans for State Day and a social get-together for members and their husbands in May.

After a busy year we're all looking for­ward to fall and hope that all o~r alumnae in the Denver area will join us then.

Marianne Lamberty

~ Detroit I . .. Exchange Teacher Returns Detroit I Alumnae have been rolling

along in the new year with the guidance of our capable President, Millie Cislo. January began the new year with our first meet­ing at Millie's home. The business session was spent in planning our dinner dance in February which has become an annual af­fair. Joan Dailey, chair­man of the dance, carried out the plans. The social hour after the meeting provided time for chatting over cake and coffee.

tended; of these, eleven couples were Theta Chapter collegiates.

In March, Hila Collins was our hostess.

The dinner dance held on February 8 at the new Georgian Inn in St. Clair Shores was a huge success. Twenty-seven couples at-

Dorothy Dobos, hostess Hil a Collings and President M ildred Cislo Highlights of a teacher exchange


Page 56: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

Initiation of new members

The highlight of the evening was the en­tertaining talk by our own sorority sister, Dorothy Dobos. Dorothy spent last year

~Detroit Ill ...

in England as an exchange teacher. Her color slides of her school activities and her travels throughout England were beauti­ful and lent special color, both literally and figuratively, to her talk.

We journeyed to Birmingham for our May meeting. It was a beautiful spring evening, a perfect setting to view Marjorie Snell's lovely new home. This was our an­nual meeting with election of officers for next fall the major item on the agenda.

Our spring season ended with a lunch­eon at Shepard's Inn planned by Juanita Bouffard. We were proud and pleased to have six graduates of Theta Chapter with us. After their initiation, our officers for the coming year were installed.

Emily Fitzgerald

Has Successful Social Season

As welcome as the summer hiatus is, the first hint of frost always finds AST members eagerly awaiting the coming season.

Our new officers will be planning an ex­citing program for next year.

Last season was quite successful for Detroit III. Attendance and enthusiasm were high.

In September Mary Beth Anderson held a pizza party in her lovely new home in Southfield, which made our or­ganization meeting very enjoyable.

Founders' Day planning at the home of Jean Wersching occupied us in October. Special thanks go to Kathy George for her efforts in working with Ellenjane Soltez of Detroit I in making this a memorable Founders ' Day celebration for all of us.

Before the Christmas rush set in, a number of us went as a group to see "The Subject Was Roses" at a suburban theater.

Our January outing, a basketball game


between the University of Detroit and Dayton, was especially well attended. Pat and Frank Zoch generously hosted an after-game cocktail party.

Business meetings and the election of officers occupied our February and March meetings held in the homes of Mary Kay L'Esperance and Carol Napier.

The initiation of officers highlighted our annual spring luncheon held this year at the Sheraton Inn in Warren. A special welcome was also extended to our newly initiated members, Barbara Musial and Marge McDonald.

Social notes also included best wishes to new brides, Kathy ( Ceru) Turan and Dorothy (Dowd) Robertson and congrat­ulations to proud mothers, Mary Beth Anderson and Kathy George.

We all look forward to another busy and happy year and hope that our Alpha Theta sisters in the area will join u for our activities.

Carol Napier


Page 57: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

~Flint ... Stories Thrill Guests

Flint Alums' biggest event of the spring was our annual Mother and Daughter Luncheon which was attended by more than 35 members and guests. Our second year of having Mrs. Young as our guest story teller thrilled the guests as she did the first year.

Other events of the spring included the silent auction which netted many dollars for the treasury.

Our local philanthropy is still the In­gathering which brings money and cloth­ing for those who are unable to provide for themselves. A yearly gift to either Beta or Alpha Eta provides incentive to Flint Alumnae to raise money.

Jeanne Gleason Clark

• • ~Greeley. Impersonations Entertain at State Day

Approximately thirty alumnae from the Denver and Greeley Alumnae Chapters attended the annual Colorado State Day luncheon at the home of Mary Ann Pul­liam in Greeley on May 17. Just before the luncheon, six girls from the collegiate chapter were initiated into the Greeley Alumnae Chapter. They were Jackie Dun­lap, Marty D'Buyrne, Nancy Eisenman, Kathy Kennedy, Sharon Lewis and Bar­bara Sweeney.

A delicious luncheon of baked ham, variety of salads and dessert was prepared and served by the Greeley Alumnae Chap­ter. Mrs. Donald Lebsack served as toast­mistress for the occasion. An outstanding program of impersonations and excerpts from several musical comedies was pre­sented.


The Greeley Alumnae Chapter had a final business meeting at the home of President Chita Lebsack on May 20. The following officers were elected for 1969-1970: Chita Lebsack, president; Phyllis Evans, vice-president; Gwen Boyer, secre­tary-treasurer; Dolores J amiesen, histo­rian; Carol Bohen, chaplain; Lois Brown, editor.

Lucile Anderson

~ Kirksville . • •

Alpha Sigma Graduates Initiated May 28, 1969, was a very special day

for many people at the Northeast Mis­souri State College, Kirskville, Missouri, as it was graduation day. For several members of the Alpha Sigma Chapter it was a double pleasure. At 2:00p.m. that afternoon seven members of Alpha Sigma Chapter were initiated into an alumnae chapter. We assembled in the Alumni Room of the Student Union where Mrs. Betty Shive, Alpha Epsilon's alumnae representative, conducted the initiation ceremony. She was assisted by Dr. Glenda Clyde, Alpha Sigma faculty adviser. The following girls were initiated: Carol Mo­sher, president; Marsha Sommers, secre­tary; Nancy Dykstra, treasurer; Gayle Houf, Ann Hunter, Marcia Irvin, and Gay Powell.

Ann Hunter was chosen by the collegi­ate chapter as alumnae represen~tive­adviser. Before the seniors were officially organized as an alumnae chapter, they presented the underclasswomen of the chapter with money to purchase robes.

The Alpha Sigma Alumnae Chapter has planned to meet for the informal and the formal rush parties which will be held in October. We also plan to return to the campus for the festivities of the Home­coming fall semester.

Marsha Sommers


Page 58: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

~lansing ... Lansing Alumnae are looking forward

to the usual summer activities following a very pleasant and productive year.

Under local social service, the Lansing Y.W.C.A. received a check from Alpha Sigma Tau for a two week camp scholar­ship enabling a needy girl to attend the summer day camp. Added to the regular national social service expansion assess­ment, was a check from the group as well as a box to Pine Mountain. We were also pleased to send a check to Alpha Eta Chapter for any use desirable. These proj­ects were made possible through the sale of the lovely Gwen Frostic products which our alumnae chapter sponsored under the leadership of Allura Custer.

Attendance at our meetings this year has been unusually good. Carolyn Forche

Checks and Happiness

was welcomed back to the fold as well as Nancy Rohrer Kruger, a former member. We are looking forward to the last meet­ing of the year, a bohemian, at the coun­try home of Margaret Twork.

In May Margaret Craddock showed some slides of India and Bali taken on a recent ten weeks' trip around the world, the dream of a liftetime for her.

Allura Custer reports that their daugh­ter, Mary Sue, soon to be a senior at Al­bion College and interested in dramatics, will work and take part in the Ledges Playhouse summer stock productions.

Gertrude Kimmich and husband Bob again spent the winter in Florida. Mary Walton and Isabel Welch were also visi­tors in the South.

Margaret Craddock

~ little Rock .. . Cartoonist Sparks State Day

For the Little Rock Alumnae, this year has been a busy one. Early last fall, we voted to take as our social service project "Youth Home," a home for adolescent girls with emotional problems. Each month a small cash donation was made as well as a collection of personal items to be delivered to the home.

State Day, which was held March 22, at the North Hills Country Club in North Little Rock was a huge success! Approxi­mately 110 collegiate members and alums

attended. Planned activities included a "getting to know you" period, a luncheon and a style show. George Fisher, a local political cartoonist of some renown, pre­sented an unusual program of folk music and cartooning. His sketches were the most sought after souvenirs of t he day! Outstanding collegiate members from Up­silon, Alpha Gamma, and Alpha Mu were honored with a gift.

Julia Hendrickson

~ Muncie . . . Looks Forward to Canada

Muncie Alumnae Chapter began 1969 early in January with Mrs. Vernon Fox who arranged the program, "Serving Senior Citizens." The members received many valuable suggestions for usefulness to these lonely persons.


The Panhellenic Card Party in Febru­ary was well attended. The proceeds from the party will go toward a scholarship for a deserving girl.

Mrs. Ralph Cros was ho te for the tenth annual Senior Brunch in March. It


Page 59: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

is at this meeting that the chapter initi­ates all graduating seniors into the alum­nae ~r?~P · This year it was a privilege to also tmtiate an alumnae from Delta Sigma days, Mrs. Fred Marquis .

Ap_ril found the Alumnae Chapter treatmg the actives with a smorgasbord at the Sorority Suite, Wood Hall. The program was "Slides of Pine Mountain­Youth Reports."

The group met again in May with Mrs. Darrell Jones to indulge in "Tau Talks." This gathering, when we share with each other books we have recently read is one of the highlights of the year. '

The year ended as it began, full of spirit left over from National Convention. Plans, both personal and collective were discussed at the meeting for the e~rning of money, 1969-70, in order to send a large group to Toronto for National Conven­tion next summer.

Mrs. Robert Harshman

~Newark ... Receives Charter

On February 5, the Newark Alumnae group became a chapter. Presiding at the ceremonies were Miss Margaret MacDon­ald, National Treasurer and Mrs. Bernard McBee, National Expansion Director.

The installation of the Alpha Phi col­legiate chapter at West Chester State College took place on March 29, at Penn Oaks Country Club in nearby Pennsyl­vania. Two of our members, Judy Harris and Florence Borgnis were privileged to attend the formal dinner and installation. They enjoyed meeting our National Presi­dent, Elizabeth Wilson, District II Vice­President, Mrs. Robert Wales, and Rose Marie Schmidt, National Pledge Chair­man.

Our last meeting before fall was held at the home of Pris Dunkleberger. A report on the formal installation of Alpha Phi chapter was given. Plans of the National Council for expansion in our area were also discussed.


We are all especially proud of Carolyn Burlew and Florence Borgnis who re­ceived their Masters degress this June. Pris and George Dunkleberger became parents for the second time with the birth of another daughter on June 24.

Sheila S. McBride

~ New Orleans ... Egg Hunt Entertains

Help! Help! Fire! Water! There really has been a fire , but not the

kind you're thinking of-it's the burning in the hearts of Alpha Sigma Tau's to help other people. And that is where the cold winter month of January found us­presenting a check to our collegiate sisters in Hammond for their housing fund, thus warming their future.

Under the energetic auspices of our indomitable president, Cindy Krobert, the New Orleans Alumnae Chapter showed signs of growth, progress and the usual good natured lack of prosperity.

A first for the New Orleans area was an Easter Egg Hunt for our local alumnae's children-and what makes it an encour­aging first is that our toddler set alone can fill a backyard to overflowing, and due to new arrivals there will be more invitations required for next year's Easter Egg Hunt . Camille Gennaro, our hostess for. the event, supplied such necessary items as live rabbits, swings, slides, balls, baskets and such a legerdemain talent for hiding eggs that they all but eluded the most inquisitive child, the most anxious parent and the puzzled hostess.

The spring luncheon was held at a unique restaurant which features dining in the Creole manner in a setting of Vic­tor ian elegance. Corinne Dunbar' is a place, as its brochure so aptly state

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"from the moment you touch the brass doorbell and the butler admits you ... you discover that dining at Dunbar's is a glimpse of the gracious living of New Orleans Creole aristocrats of a hundred years ago." Soft music ... candlelights . . . and maid service--we Creole Belles enjoy soaking up that antique atmosphere with the nonchalant ease and enthusiasm that is usually associated with soaking up sunshine at the beach. Luxuriating in our spree was our special guest of honor, Miss

~Norfolk ... Creating for Charity

At our January luncheon plans were made for activities for the rest of the year. February's meeting brought the good news of the highly successful results of the dinner theater sponsored by Nor­folk Panhellenic. The play, Visit to a Small Planet, and the dinner were en­joyed by all of our members who attended.

Our creative senses were stirred at our March meeting as we were privileged to have a well-known florist give a demon­stration in floral arranging at the home of Judy Johnson. The four lovely arrange­ments were taken to local nursing homes. March also brought election of officers. Elected to follow very capable and dedicated officers were President, Chry­stal Buckland; Vice President, Marjorie Creekmore; Recording Secretary, Sandra Drake; Corresponding Secretary, Sandra Byrum; Treasurer, Alma Hall; Chaplain. Judy Johnson; Historian, Marilyn West; and Editor, Nancy Creekmore, Our thanks to Marilyn West for such a suc­cessful year of leadership in our chapter.

Sandra Drake's lovely home was the scene of our April meeting. Installation of officers and intiation of three new alum­nae highlighted our evening. Thoughts were exchanged about the scholarship fund ponsored by the Panhellenic. One


Margaret Lowe, a past faculty adviser of Phi Chapter, who regaled us with tales of her many foreign travels in recent years.

Our last meeting of the season featured the installation of officers. Slated to be among the names in the news for next year are: Cindy Kobert, Camille Gennaro, Sandy Haslauer, Annette LeBlanc, J o­sephine Nunez, Patricia Roth, Jeri Jauch­ler and Anne Marie Venturella.

Annette C. LeBlanc Dianne W. Howell

suggestion was to set up individual study units for Greeks at Old Dominion.

Everyone enjoyed our Panhellenic ban­quet held in May. A picnic was held on June 14. Our gracious hostess once again was Judy Johnson. Collegiates from the Tidewater area were invited. This year has been active and productive for us. We look forward to the vacation season and many reunions in the fall.

Nancy Creekmore

Philadelphia. • •

New Uses for the Old The past year has been a happy one for

the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter. We have had most interesting meetings (as Emily Reedy Schopp has already re­ported in the Spring Anchor) , attendance has been good, we welcomed our new sisters of Alpha Phi Chapter at West Chester, and we developed a closer rela­tionship with our Wilmington alumnae sisters.

For our local social service we tried two new projects. We collected u ed hat and pocketbooks in good condition for the ladies at Riverview Home and at the arne time brought along good u ed childr n' books for the pupil of a pe ial hool


Page 61: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

for children with problems (not problem children!). Most of our members were able to ~articipate in these. projects, and our offenngs were well received.

We will plan for next year at the home of our new president, Maryland D' Ar­denne Wanek, on June 16. The planning shouldn't be difficult as many good sug­gestions for programs were made at our Spring Luncheon in May.

The only sad note at all is that one of the chapter members, Jane Messimer Howe, is moving to Florida. We'll miss her, but perhaps we will have a new chapter there as Jane will be living only a few miles from Lucille Steen.

Lois S. O'Dell

~ St. louis ... Convention Fund

Increases The St. Louis Alumnae congratulate

the collegiates of Pi on starting another successful school year. Beverly Warner deserves special mention as the recipient of the Esther Lanfersieck Award of $25. Other activities of the past year include the donated Braille subscription of Read­ers Digest, a donation to the St. Louis Peregrine Society, and the purchase of Christmas cards from the Cerebral Palsey Society. All the alums enjoyed helping the collegiates with their rush party. A Bakeless Sale was held to send two mem­bers to the convention in Toronto. Last May's Pot Luck Supper at Dorothy Meyer's was a huge success. In June, the alums hosted a luncheon for the collegi­ates at Alice Dunlap's. Newly elected officers are: Pat Hoffelder, president; Arline Clark, vice president; Pat Ives, corresponding secretary; Mary Lou Scott, treasurer; Marie Nemnich, recording sec­retary; Shirley Bird, editor.

~ Shepherdstown Books Provide

Memorials In January we met with our President,

Miss Ruth Seibert. Mr. Steven Payne, commercial representative of the C&P Telephone Company presented an inter­esting and very informative program on how to help protect our homes from the invasion of annoying telephone calls.

At our February meeting we viewed slides of the Pine Mountain Settlement School and we decided to donate money for story and music records as one of our social service projects for the year. Miss Barbara Maxwell, an alumnae member on the staff of the Shepherd College Library, gave a most interesting and thought pro­voking book review on the best seller, The Rich and the Super Rich by Ferdi­nand Lundberg.

Our March meeting is reserved as a time for visiting with our sisters on the Shepherd College Campus. Our sisters present the program and we furnish the refreshments. This is really a time for fellowship and getting to know each other better.

Shirley Bird May Initiation of Chi 's seniors into alumnae chapter .


Page 62: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

We had a fun evening in April when we met with Ann Shipley. The owner of a local wig shop presented a program on wigs. Since wigs are becoming quite the "thing" we thought it would be fun and it was-especially when we were encour­a~ed to try on the wigs!

We were delighted to be able to meet with Mrs . Justin Doyle, our District President, when she was a guest at Chi Chapter's annual spring banquet in April. We are always pleased to have her visit us.

We alumnae, and the senior girls of Chi Chapter, were guests of the Chi patronesses in May for the annual pa-

~ Tri-City ...

troness party honoring the graduating seniors. Miss Ruth Seibert initiated 12 girls into our chapter and each girl was presented a yellow rosebud.

Two books have been purchased by our chapter and placed in the Martinsburg­Berkeley County Library, in memory of deceased members. These books are Richard Strauss-The Life of a Non-Hero by George Marek to be placed in memory of Margaret Smith Farnsworth and A Portrait of Emily Dickinson-The Poet and Her Prose by David Higgins.

Dorothy LeFevre

Fun at the Flea Market The Tri-City Alumnae Chapter's spring

calendar began with a meeting at Jean Eadie's home where we elected officers for '69-'70. They are: Fran Siems, president; Judy Dean, recording secretary; Carla Young, corresponding secretary; Jean Eadie, treasurer; Jackie Willman, editor; and Nancy Hanson, chaplain.

In February we had a pizza party for alumnae members and their husbands. The decorations included red-checkered tablecloths and candlelight.

In March we met in Mt. Pleasant with Mrs. Cross to discuss the need for an alumnae advisor for Beta Chapter. We found Mrs. Cross charming and efficient.

Our local social service project for this year was Saginaw Continuation School, a

~ Washington .. .

school for pregnant girls. We donated money for one girl who had to pay tuition because she lived outside the city limits. We also donated paperback books and some clothing. Most of the girls at this school keep their babies and soon return to their regular schools. This year about twenty-five girls received high school diplomas. These girls would probably have dropped out of school if not for Continuation School.

This year we tried something different for our rummage sale. We took our wares to the Flea Market in Saginaw. Every Thursday groups or individuals may rent a space to sell their goods. It was fun to see what other people had to sell.

Fran Siems

Initiation Increases Membership The new year brought good fortune to

the Washington, D.C. Alumnae Chapter with the iniation of Mary Baker, Alpha Lambda, Debby Kahanowitz, Alpha Iota, Fran Mcisaac, Psi, Joan McWhorter, Chi,


Susan Pre sentin, Alpha Lambda, and Melba Snow, Rho. Barbara Grubb served as hostess for this meeting in Alexandria. Virginia.

Our February meeting wa held at the


Page 63: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

hot?e of .Fran Jeffrey in Falls Church. Ed1~h Ellwtt presented informative slides of Pme Mountain. . ~o that we might all become better mfo:med about current college life, Mary Lomse Doyle lead a group discussion en­titled "What is going on at the college campus today." Many members added to t~e talk by supplementing their opinions w1th newspaper clippings. . At the February Panhellenic meeting m our area, our President Betty Sue Glaeser gave a speech about Alpha Sigma Tau. It has been the practice this year to hear short speeches from five sororities at each Panhellenic meeting.

In March our meeting was held at the home of Helen Sours in Springfield Vir­ginia. Edith Elliott was our aucti~neer and we were able to raise twenty-fiv~ dollars from the white elephant sale. . The officers for the 1969-1970 year were mstalled at our April meeting. The new officers are: President, Betty Sue Glaeser­Vice-President, Ann Dey; Recording Sec~ retary, Edith Elliott; Corresponding Sec­retary, Birdalee Wagamann; Treasurer, Meda Ray Sewell; Historian, Melba Snow; Chaplain, Joan McWhorter; Edi­tor, Debby Kahanowitz; Panhellenic Rep­resentative, Rachel Yahwak; Panhellenic alternate, Hildred Wood.

Our hostess was Hildred Wood and we enjoyed a program on the S-t-r-e-t-c-h and Sew method of sewing.

In May we attended the Panhellenic meeting. The program was a stimulating panel discussion involving students and a faculty advisor from American Uni­versity.

Betty Sue Glaeser was our hostess for the June meeting at her home in Falls Church. We concluded this year's busi­ness and discussed service projects for the Fall. Dorothy Gates presented a most enlightening book review of Drew Pear­son's The Senator.

The Washington Alumnae Chapter would like to extend an invitation to any alumnae in the area to join our group. Any interested person should contact Betty Sue Glaeser at 560-3697.

Debby Kahanowitz


~ YpsHanti-Ann Arbor

Fun Produces Funds

The Ann Arbor- Ypsilanti Alumnae Chapter has had a "fun" year as well as a productive one.

Our programs included a fund raising cooking demonstration by the Michigan Consolidated Gas Company, our annual Founders' Day dinner, installation of offi­cers and the initiation of Alpha seniors into our alumnae chapter, and our Betty Crocker auction at which we auction items we made using the coupons in lieu of money in order to obtain flatware for Alpha Chapter.

In May we held our annual Mother's Day luncheon which proves to be a pleas­ant way of entertaining our mothers.

To conclude the year we held a potluck dinner at which officers exchanged note­books for the coming year after which we viewed a wig demonstration.

Our activities were interspersed with our social service and collegiate projects. We collected nylon stockings with which to stuff toy animals for the Perry Nursery School in Ann Arbor and hemmed sheets for the same school. We made favors for collegiate parties as well as desserts. Next year we hope to do more community work.

Joanne Miller

Want to form an alumnae

chapter or club in your own

area? Contact Miss Jacqueline

Hudson, 6200 Hoffmann Ave­

nue, St. Louis, Mo. 63139, for

complete information.


Page 64: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

Alumnae Groups * Chartered

*Akron-Canton, Ohio Mrs. Chester Wood , 447 Park Ave., Kent, Ohio


*Baton Rouge, Louisiana Mrs. oy Strickland, 10327 Greenwell Springs

Road 70814

Birmingham, Alabama Mrs. Alfred Robertson, 517 Bonnie Bell Lane,

Birmingham, Ala. 35210

*Bluefield, West Virginia Mrs. Joyce Buchanan, 103 Doak t. , Bluefield,

Va. 24605

Brooklyn, New York Miss Linda de Santo, 754 E. 23rd St. 11210

*Buffalo, New York Mrs. J. T. Me amara, 189 Cresthill Ave. , Tona­

wanda, N. Y. 14150

Chicago, Suburbia, Illinois Mrs. W. B. Miles, 727 No. Arlington Hts. Rd. ,

Arlington Hts., Ill. 60004

Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Chester Oetting, 21586 Kenwood, Rocky

River, Ohio 44116

Columbus, Ohio Mrs. H aswell E. Staehle, 481 Torrence Rd. ,

Columbus, Ohio 43214

*Conway, Arkansas Dr. Ada Jane Harvey, 703 Donaghey 72032

Dayton, Cincinnati, Ohio Mrs. Alva Martin, 413 Goldleaf, Vandalia, Ohio


*Denver, Colorado Mrs. Kenneth Ball, 711 Scranton, Aurora, Colo.


*Detroit I, Michigan Mrs. Dayton Dailey, 8125 Kenwick Dr., Union

Lake, Mich. 48085

*Detroit III Mrs. Don Anderson, 19760 Goldwin, Southfield,

Mich. 48075

':'Emporia, Kansas Mrs. R. McQuin, 1007 Walnut 66801

'!'F lint, Michigan Mrs. Louis Goecker, Jr. , 1120 Lafayette St. , F lint,

Michigan 48503


Fort Wayne, Indiana Mrs. Charles McCrory, 4850 Stellhorn, 46805

Flushing, New York

Linora Hoffman, 214 East 51st St., Apt. 3E, New York City, ew York 10022

*Greeley, Colorado Mrs. Donald Lebsack, 2922 W . Twelfth St. Road,

Greeley, Colorado 80631

Hammond, Louisiana Mrs. Ray Terral, 1702 Western Ave., 70401

Harrisonburg, Virginia Mrs. Wm. J. Bowman, Route 6, 22801

Huntington, West Virginia Mrs. Frank Matthews, 828 11th Ave., 25701

':'Kirksville, Missouri Miss Carol Mosher, S()7lh First Ave. .E .,

Independence, Iowa 50644

':'Lansing, Michigan Mrs. R. M. Custer, 79 G-Route #1, Lansing,

Mich. 48906

*Little Rock, Arkansas Mrs. Glenn Arnold, 9207 Victoria Dr., Little

Rock, Ark. 72204

*Los Angeles, California Ruth L. Tokheim, 16108 Citru tree Rd ., Whit­

tier, Cal. 90603

*Macomb-Carthage, Illinois M r . Richard Frowein, 506 East Carroll,

Macomb, Ill. 61455

Marietta, Ohio Mrs. Richard Hill , Box 30-B, 202 Chamberlain

Rd ., 45750

*Muncie, Indiana Mrs. F red Marquis, 203 S. Bitter weet, Muncie,

Incl . 47304

* ew Orleans, Louisiana Miss Cindy Krobert, 3213 Cleary #3, Metairie,

La. 70002

... ewark, Delaware ~Irs. John J. Harris, 20 Panorama Dr.,

Newark, Del. 19711

* orfolk, Virginia t-.lrs . R. H . Buckland, Jr. , 1309 Braddock Ave.,

Virginia Beach, \ a. 23455


Page 65: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

*Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mrs. Nicholas Wanch, 1050 Tyson Ave. #8,

Roslyn, Pa. 19001

Phoenix, Arizona Miss Joan Schipper, 3801 No. 7th, Apt. 6-A, 85013

Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Robert Ludman , 554 Carriage Circle, 15205

Port Huron, Michigan Mrs. D. N. Bantien , 1334 Wisconsin, Marysville,

Mich. 48040

*Princeton-Athens, West Virginia Mrs. Ray E. Lambert, 505 Bee St. , Princeton,

W . Va. 24740

*Shepherdstown, West Virginia Mrs. Gladys Lewis Jones, 421 S. Illinois Ave.,

Martinsburg, W. Va. 25401

Springfield, Missouri Mrs. Robert Stonerock, 2444 No. Delaware,


*St. Louis, Missouri Mrs. H . Hoffelder, 4452 So. 38th St., 63116

St. Petersburg, F lorida E llen H . Smith, 2327 Second Ave., North

St. P tersburg 33713

':'Tr i-City Mrs. Kenneth Siems, 1961 Harry, Saginaw,

Mich. 48602

*Washington, District of Columbia Mrs. Fred H . Glaeser, 8702 Lothbury Ct. , Fair­

fax, Va. 22030

Welch, West Virginia Mrs. Lena Caporossi, Box 542, 24801

*Wich ita, Kansas Mrs. Emmett Atkinson, 1921 So. Elizabeth,


Youngstown, Ohio Mrs. Keith McGowen, 5 Apache Lane, Poland,

Ohio 44514

*Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, Michigan Mrs. Don Berg, 15132 Houghton, Livonia, Mich.

48154 .



(Those deceased since the last National Convention, August 1966)

Maiden Name . ..... .. . . . ...... . .. ... Chapter .... . . . .. . . Date initiated . . ... .

Married name . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . ..... . ........ . . . .. · · · · · · · · · ·

Data of special interest ....... . .. ... . .. . .. .. . . . . ... .. .... .. ... . .. ..... .. .

Date and place of death .... . . .. . . .. ..... . ...... . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. . ... .

Reported by ....... . . . . . .... . ... . . . . .. .. . .. ... . . . Chapter ..... . . . .... . .

Address . . . ... ... .. .. .. ... .... ... . . City . . .... . ..... . .. . State

Mail to Alpha Sigma Tau Central Office

6200 Hoffman Avenue

St. Louis, Missouri 63139



Page 66: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

Directory: Collegiate Chapters 1968-1969

Alpha (1899)-Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Mich.

President-Penny Frostic, 125 orth Norn1al, E .M.U. 48197

Adviser-Mrs. Rogers, 1071 DeSoto, Ypsilanti, Mich. 48197

Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. J. B. Carpenter, 2646 Hawks Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104

Beta (1905-1917; 1940)-Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.

President-Sara Jane elson, 326 F . Deerfield, C.M.U. 48858

Adviser-Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. Wm. Bailey, 3802 Wood­

lawn, Midland, Mich. 48640

Delta (1916)-Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pa.

President-Valerie Bencivenga, 513 Elkin Hall, I.U. 15701

Adviser-Mrs. Donald B. Shank, 197 Philadelphia St. , Indiana, Pa. 15701

Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. Joan Klausing, 523 South 6th St., Indiana, Pa. 15701

Zeta (1921-1948; 1949)-Lock Haven State College, Lock Haven, Pa.

President-Cathie Dugan, Rm. 337 McEntire Hall, L.H.S.C. 17745

Adviser-Mrs. Franklin Mcilvaine, R.D. 1, Crest­mont, Lock Haven, Pa. 17745; Mrs. Werner Barth, 353 Susquehanna 17745

Alnmnae Adviser--Mrs. Chas. Schry, P.O. 135 W . Second, Cresson, Pa. 16630

Theta (1923-1964; 1968)-Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich.

President-Barbara Bojakowski, 5008 Commor, Detroit, Mich . 48212

Adviser-Dr. Arlene Jackson, 6930 North Inkster Rd., Dearborn Hts., Mich. 48127

Alu.mna.e Adviser-Mrs. Donald Bouffard, 15504 Eastburn, Detroit, Mich . 48205

Iota (1923)-Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kans.

President-Vicki Boyer, 1621 Merchant, Em­poria, Kans. 66801

Adviser-Mrs. Margaret Bocquin, 9147 Larsen, Prairie Village, Kans. 66214; Mrs. Beth An­derson, 1219 1erchant , Emporia, Kans. 66801

Alumnae Adviser-

Omicron (1930)-Concord College, Athens, W.Va. Prn ident-Carolyn Cunningham, Box C-8 C.C.

24712 ' Adviser- Miss Mildred Dransfield, 100 Cooper

St. , Athens, W . Va . 24712 Alumnae Adviser-Miss Marcella Whitlock, 1905

Dearborn, Apt. 11, Bluefield, West Virginia 24701


Pi (1930)-Harris Teachers College, St. Louis, Mo. President-Veronica Bolasina, 5836 Goener, St.

Louis, Mo. 63116 Adviser-Dr. Katherine Chambers, H.T.C., 3026

Laclede, St. Louis, Mo. 63103 Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. T. Newton Miller, 1445

Pinetree Lane 63119

Rho (1932-1948; 1949)-Southeastem State College, Durant, Okla.

President-Melinda Smith, 223 W. Olive, Du­rant 74701

Adviser-Mrs. Don E. Simpson, 202 Cornell Dr. 74701 ; Mrs. Herb Clark, 1108 Oak Ridge Dr. 74701

Alumnae Adviser-

Zeta Tau (1935)-Longwood College, Farmville, Va.

President-Carol Mitchell, Stubbs 301, L.C. 23901

Adviser-Mrs. H. R. Blackwell, English Dept, Longwood College, 23901

Alumnae Adviser - Mrs. Jesse Wm. Overbey, Route 2, Oakland Dr. , Chatham, Va. 24531

Upsilon (1935)-State College of Arkansas, Conway, Ark.

President-Elaine Mack, Box 570, S.C.A., 72032 Advisers-Mrs. Betty Young, 814 Watkins, Con­

way, Ark. ; Miss Grace Vinyard, Parkview Apt. A, Bruce St. , Conway 72032

Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. Kenneth Snow, 6606 Bluebird Dr., Little Rock, Ark. 72205

Phi (1940)-Southeastem Louisiana College, Hammond, La.

President-Kay Brister, Box 3580, College Sta., Hammond, La. 70401

Adviser- 1rs. 0 . Moore, Box 717 College Sta. 70401

Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. Ray Terral , 1702 W est­ern Ave. 70401

Chi (1940-1948; 1950)-Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

President-Mary Barney, Gardiner Hall, SC, 25443

Adviser-Dr. Sara Helen Cree, 201 Church St., Shepherdstown, W. Va. 25443

Alumnae Adviser-Miss Ruth Seibert, 446 Win­chester, Martinsburg, W . Va. 25401

Psi (1944)-Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. President-Betty Shuler, Box 2451, Madison Col­

lege 22801 Adviser-Dr. Leotus 1orrison, 428 Cardinal St.,

Harrisonburg, Va. 22801 Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. Robert Ritchie, Box 73,

Dayton, Va . 22821

Alpha Alpha (1945)-Ball State University Muncie, Ind. '

President-Cathy orn1an, Box 41 , Wood Hall, BSU, 47306

Adviser-Mrs. Vola Sin1pson, 100 So. Tall Rd. , 1uncie, Ind. 47303

Alumnae Advi er- 1rs. Robert E. mith, 2105 Belmont Dr., Mtmcie, Ind . 47304


Page 67: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

Alpha Gamma (1946)-Henderson State College Arkadelphia, Ark. '

President-Penny Adair, Box 1802, H.S.C., 71923 Adviser-Miss Amy Jean Greene, 414 Courthouse

Square, Arkadelphia, Ark. 71923 Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. Nelson Laing #15

Brandywine, Little Rock, Ark. 72207 '

; · Alpha Delta (1948)-Southwestem Missouri State I College, Springfield, Mo. \ President-Mary Sue Crane Route 9 Box 90-D

Springfield, Mo. 65804 ' ' ' Adviser-Mrs. Glenn Downing, 1000 S. Pickwick,

Springfield, Mo. 65804 Alumnae Adviser-Linda Robertson, 1217 E.

Loren, Springfield, Mo. 65804

Alpha Epsilon (1948)-Westem Illinois University, Macomb, Ill.

President-Kay Gustafson, 308 W . Adams, Ma­comb, Ill. 61455

Adviser-Miss Helen Buckley, 609 N. LaFayette, Macomb, Ill. 61455

Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. Wm. Shive, 316 North Maple, Minier, Ill. 61759

Alpha Zeta (1958)-Queens College, Flushing, N.Y. President-Susan Shear, Queens Coli., 65-30

Kissena Blvd., Flushing, N. Y. 11367 Adviser-Mrs. Margaret Franco, 29-30 214 Place

Ave., Bayside, N. Y. 11360 Alumnae Adviser-Valerie Stumpf, 207-05 33rd

Ave., Bayside, N. Y. 11361

Alpha Eta (1959)-Alma College, Alma, Michigan President-Ellen Vande Visse, Newberry H all,

A.C., 48801 Adviser-Mrs. Lester Eyers, 5355 Blue Heron Dr.

48801 Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. Fred Howes, 4206 Green­

brook, Flint, Mich . 48507

Alpha Theta (1959)-University of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan

President-Christine Schorn, 1620 Vinsetta, Royal Oak, Mich . 48067

Adviser-Mrs. Claude Bradley, 15902 Inverness, Detroit, Mich. 48238

Alttmnae Adviser- Miss Margaret McDonald, 12636 Grayfield, Detroit, Mich. 48223

Alpha Iota (I960)-Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y.

President-Sandra Winik, 760 Comstock Ave., 13210

Adviser-Mrs. J. Benderson, 301 Hurlburt Rd., Syracuse, N. Y. 13224

Alpha Kappa (1961)-Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio

President-Cheryl Ward, 215 4th St., 45750 Advisers-Mrs. Kenneth Hanson, 501 3rd St. ,

Marietta, Ohio 45750 Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. Richard Hill, 202 Cham­

berlain Rd. , Box 30-B, Marietta, Ohio 45750

Alpha Lambda (1953)-Radford College, Radford, Va.

President-Wendy Ostertag, P.O. Box 1618, R.C ., Radford, Va. 24141

Adviser-Miss Evelyn Fitzpatrick, ·1030 Calhoun St., Radford, Va. 24141


Alumnae Adviser- Mrs. Russell Sell, 50 Overland Dr. Route 3, Christianburg, Va. 24073

Alpha Mu (1962)-Arkansas A&M College, College Heights, Ark.

President - Cathy Magnini, Box 42, College Heights, Ark. 71655

Advisers-Mrs. Irene Puckett, East Gaines St. , Monticello, Ark. 71655; Mrs. Brenda Nobles, Psychology Dept. , College Heights, Ark. 71655

Alu mnae Adviser- Miss Brenda Boudreau, 140 Harmon # 10, Fayetteville, Ark. 72701

Alpha Nu (1962)-Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Mo.

Pmsident- Dolores Harshbarger, A201 Panhel­lenic Hall, Warrensburg, Mo. 64093

Advisers- Miss Martha Egelston, 706 Anderson, 64093; Dr. E. Godfrey, 502 Jefferson, 64093; Barbara Hoffm an, 308 Jefferson E-1 , 64093

Alumnae Adviser-Mrs. Gay W illerton, 3504 Ashby Rd ., St. Ann , Mo. 63074

Alpha Xi (1965)-Mansfield State College, Mansfield, Pa.

President-Margaret Leahy, Box 411, 610 Pine­crest Manor, 16933

Advisers-Miss Ruth Billings, 48 College Ave.; Mrs. C. L. Hunsicker, Old Hollow Road, R.D. 1, Mansfield, Pa. 16933

Alum110.e Adviser-Mrs. Candy Larson Walkins, Box 125, Liberty, Pa. 16930

Alpha Omicron (1966)-Clarion State College, Clarion, Pa.

President-Barbara Day, Box 222, Jefferson Hall, C.S.C. 16214

Adviser-Mrs. Suzanne P-Jobb, 41 Wilson, Cla­rion, Pa. 16214

Al·umnae Adviser- Dr. Betty Slater, 836 Wood St., Clarion, Pa. 16214

Alpha Pi (1966)-Siippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, Pa.

President- Carol Sprague, 140 Rhoads Hall , S.R. S.C. 16057

Adviser- Mrs. Mary Hannah Fox, Fairview Hall, Slippery Rock, Pa. 16057

Alumnae Adviser-

Alpha Rho (1968)-Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio 44503

President-Sue Carney, 243 orwood, Youngs­town 44504

Adviser- Miss Sylvan Einstein, 167 Upland, Youngstown, 0 . 44505

Alumnae Adviser-Th elm a E ggles ton, 2000 Monument Rd ., N.W ., Canton, Ohio 44709

Alpha Sigma (1968)-Northeast Missouri State Col­lege, Kirksville, Mo. 63501

President-Sharon Dawson, #305 Panhellenic Dorm . N.M.S.C., Kirksville, Mo. 63501

Adviser - Glenda Clyde, 615 E. Washington, Kirksville, Mo. 63501

Alttmnae Adviser-Ann Hunter, 307 South Hywy. 47, Warrenton, Mo. 63383

Alpha Tau-Edinboro State College, Edinboro, Pa. 16412

President-Debbie Young, Box 4, Scranton Hall, E.S .C. 16412

Advi.~er-Mrs. John Yon, Box 293, Edinboro, Pa. 16412


Page 68: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

Alpha Upsilon (1969)-Bryant College, Providence, Rhode Island 02906

Alpha Chi (1969)-Northeastem University, Boston, Mass. 02115

President- Sara Mason, ll Pitman St. , Provi­dence, R.I. 02906

Adviser-Mrs. Bianca Bernstein, 241 Capron Farm Dr., Warwick, R.I. 02886.

President- Susan R eyes, 91 Bynner St. #6, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 02130

AlumllOe Adviser-Betty Pembroke, 3 Everett Ave. , Dorchester, Mass. 02125

Alpha Phi (1969)-West Chester State College, Alpha Omega (1960)-Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, N.Y.


West Chester, Pa. 19380 President - Carolyn J. McGill, 622 Ramsey, W .C.S.C. 19380 Advisers-Dean Florence Inghram, Main Dorm.

Office, W .C.S.C. 19380; Dr. Madelyn Gutwirth, Recitation Hall 103, W.C.S.C. 19380


President-Maxine Blake, 1780 East 19th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11229

Adviser-Alumnae Adviser-





University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls , Iowa 50613


Salem College

Salem, West Virginia 26426





Page 69: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

Alumnae Representatives

Alpha-Mrs. J. B. Carpenter, 2646 Hawks, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Beta-Mrs. Russell Clark, 5039 East Coldwater Rd., Flint, Michigan 48605


Zeta-Mrs. Chas. Schry, 135 W. Second, Cresson, Pa. 16630

Eta-Mrs. B. L. McBee, 1183 Avon, Akron, Ohio 44310

Theta-Mrs. Donald Bouffard, 15504 Eastburn Dr., Detroit, Michigan 48205

Iota-Mrs. R. Zuvanich, 9815 West Ninth, Wichita, Kansas 67212

Kappa-Mrs. R. M. Reinert, 136 Malvern, Hamilton, Ohio 45013

Lambda-Miss Mabel Schreiber, 511 Chestnut, Lebanon, Pennsylvania 17042

Nu-Mrs. M. Todd, 3530 Lee St., Wheat Ridge, Colo. 90033

Xi-Miss Grace Quinby, 309 South Sherwood, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521

Omicron-Miss Marcella Whitlock, 1905 Dearborn #11 , Bluefield, West Virginia 24701

Pi-Miss Elizabeth Alles, 669 Bellsworth, St. Louis, Missouri 63125

Rho-Mrs. Kenneth Ball, 711 Scranton Aurora, Colorado 80010

Sigma-Mrs. Douglas Bolton, 60 Briarhurst, Williamsville, New York 14221

Zeta Tau-Mrs. Jesse Overby, Route 2, Oakland Dr. , Chatham, Va. 24531

Upsilon-Mrs. Carl Emerick, 210 St. Madeline Lane, St. Louis, Mo. 63031

Phi-Miss Joanne Brauner, 5518 Camp St., ~ JJ-New Orleans, Louisiana 70115 ()iA}J

Chi-Miss Ruth Seibert, 446 Winchester Martinsburg, West Virginia 25401

Psi-Mrs. David Douglas, 3812 Richard, Fairfax, Virginia 22030

Alpha Alpha-Mrs. Robert Smith, 2105 Belmont, Muncie, Indiana 47304


;?!~ Alpha Beta-Mrs. Spencer Gillette, 396 Forest Road;' ~

Huntington, West Virginia 25705

Alpha Gamma- Mrs. Charles Staggs, 5501 West 57th St. , Little Rock, Arkansas 72204

Alpha Delta- Mrs. Thomas Means, 1304 Runny­mead, Decatur, Ala. 35601

Alpha Epsilon-Mrs. J. W. Shive, 316 North Maple, Minier, Ill. 61759

Alpha Zeta-Miss Valerie Stumpf, 207-05 33rd Ave., Bayside, New York 11361

Alpha Eta-Mrs. Fred Howes, 4206 Green brook, Flint, Michigan 48507

Alpha Theta-

Alpha Iota-Mrs. Ira Rimmerman, 28 Fisherman's Dr. , Port Washington, N.Y. 11050

Alpha Kappa-Mrs. Richard Hill, Box 30-B, 202 Chamberlain Rd. , Marietta, Ohio 45750

Alpha Lambda-Mrs. Robbie S. Cool, 941 Bolling Ave. , Norfolk, Va. 23508

Alpha Mu-Mrs. Paul McCay, P.O. Box 214, Hamburg, Arkansas 71646

Alpha Nu-Mrs. Gay Willerton, 3504 Ashby Rd., St. Ann, Mo. 63074

Alpha Xi-Mrs. Candy Larson Walkins, Box 125, Liberty, Pa. 16930

Alpha Omicron-Or. Betty Slater, 836 Wood St. , Clarion, Pa. 16214

Alpha Pi-

Alpha Rho-

Alpha Sigma-Miss Ann Hunter, 307 So. Hywy. 47, Warrenton, Mo. 63383

Alpha Tau-

Alpha Upsilon-

Alpha Phi-

Alpha Chi-Betty Pembroke, 3 Everett Ave., Dorchester, Mass. 02125

Alpha Omega-


Page 70: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

ALPHA SIGMA TAU founded November 4, 1899-E.M.U. (formerly Michigan State Normal College) Ypsilanti , Michigan



( MRS. c. F . P F EIF F ER )


CHIEF PATRONESS '''Ada, A. Norton- Alpha

PRESIDE T EMERITA Carrie Washburne Staehle- Alpha

PRESIDE NT *Crace Erb Ritchie - Alpha *Luella Chapman -Sigma

Carrie Washburne Staehle - Alpha Dorothy Bennett Robinson - Pi Mary Alice Seller Peterson - Iota


1925-1928 1928-1934 1934-1949 1949-1955 1955-1964

President-MISS ELIZABETH WILSON (Pi), 124 Elm Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 63122

Vice Presidents-District I-MRS R. B. CROSS (A.A. ), 207 Winthrop

Rd. , Muncie, Ind. 47304-Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin

District II- MRS. ROBERT WALES (Sigma), 161 Ponderosa Dr., Buffalo, N.Y.14221- ew York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maine, New Hamp­shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island

District III-MRS. JUSTIN C. DOYLE (Theta), 3208 Patrick Henry Dr., Falls Church, Va. 22044-District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, Ten­nessee, orth Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina

District IV-MRS. JOH SIMPSON (Pi), 6535 Dev­onshire, St. Louis, Mo. 63109-Missouri

District V-MRS. J. WALDO HI SHAW (Iota) 27 Hardith Hill Ct., St. Louis, Mo. 63119-Kansas, Illinois, Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and California

District VI-MISS CAMILLE CEN ARO (Phi), 3212 St. Rene, Metairie, La. 70001-Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas

National Expansion Director-MRS. BER 1ARD McBEE (Eta), 1183 Avon St. , Akron, Ohio 44310

PC Delegate-MRS. JUSTI C. DOYLE (Theta), 3208 Patrick Henry Dr. , Falls Church, Va. 22044

National Secretary-MISS ETHEL HIMELICK (Alpha Alpha), 2300 White River Blvd. , #16 Muncie, Incl. 47303

Treasurer-MISS MARGARET MACDONALD (Sigma), 673 Richmond Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 14222


ational Council, Chaplain, Editor, Exec. Secy. and Committee Chairman)

Chaplain-MRS. JOSEPH STEEN (Sigma), 2871 No. Ocean Blvd. 311, Boca Raton, Fla. 33432

Editor- ANCY PATTE (Alpha Theta), P.O. Box 325, Dea rborn, Mich. 48121

Executive Secretary-MRS. WALTER C. MEYER (Pi), 6200 Hoffm an, St. Louis, Mo. 63139

National Committee Chairmen:

Alumnae- MISS JACQUELI E H UDSO (Pi), 8664 Bellhaven Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63114

Collegiate Records Secretary-MISS CAROL TRAUTWEIN (Alpha Nu), 6236 Kinsey, St. Louis, Mo. 63109

Constitution &--Parliamentar.ian-

Convention-MISS JU E McCARTHY (Pi), 8891 Watson Woods, St. Louis, Mo. 63126

Endowment & Life Membership-MISS JU E 1cCARTHY (Pi), Central Office

Examinations-MISS SANDRA BYRUM (Zeta Tau), 521 Piney Branch Drive, # 201 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451

Historian-MRS. WALTER C. MEYER (Pi), Central Office

Housing-MRS. E. C. PHIPPS (Omicron), 2611 Harrison Ave. , Parkersburg, W . Va. 26101

Memorial Loan Fund - MISS KATHLEE KELCHNER (Rho), 169B Wyckoff, E aton­town, New Jersey 07724

Music- MRS. GEORGE HALAS (Delta), 1219 Carman Rd. , Akron, Ohio 44313

Pledge-MISS ROSE MARIE SCHMIDT (Theta) 5106 Harvard Rd. , Detroit, Mich. 48224

Program-MRS. JOHN W . SMITH, JR. (Chi), 122 Hickman St., Rehoboth Beach, DeJa. 19971

Public Relations-MRS. JUST! C. DOYLE (Theta) 3208 Patrick Henry Dr. , Falls Church, Va. 22044

Rush-MRS. JAMES F. ALEXA DER (Pi), 6328 Potomac St., St. Louis, Mo. 63139

Scholarship Awards-MRS. THOMAS J. KI C, JR. (Psi), 1845 Lakeridge Rd. , Birmingham, Ala. 35216

Social Service-MRS. CHARLES BELK AP (Alpha), 1811 Hiawatha, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48105

Standards- 1RS. VER 0 FOX (Alpha Alpha), 610 W. entennial, Muncie, Ind. 47303


Page 71: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

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Has She Married? Or Moved?

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;, '.

Anderson Hall is the classroom building at West Chester .


The Philips Memorial Auditorium at West Chester is the former home of the Miss Pennsylvania pageant.

Page 72: 1969 Fall ANCHOR

THE ANCHOR Return undeliverable copies to Alpha Sigma Tau, 6200 Hoffman Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63139

The Francis Harvey Green Li brary was recently replaced by a newer structure on the Wes t Chester State campus .
