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1991 SeaWorld Permit Application For Sealand Killer Whales (No. 775)

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I Application for Permit for Public Display under the Marine ammal Protection Act I I Date o f Application: November 6 1991

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I Appl ica t ion for Permit for Publ ic Displayunder the Marine ammal Protec t ion Act

I I Date of Applicat ion: November 6 1991

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I I I . Applicant

The applicant, Sea World, Inc. i s a direc t subsidiary ofBusch Entertainment Corporation, and an indirectsubsidiary of the Anheuser-Busch companies, Inc. apublicly owned corporation. Sea World, Inc. operates

marine zoological parks located in San Diego, California;Aurora, Ohio: Orlando, Florida; and San Antonio, Texas.Address a l l correspondence regarding th is application to:

Brad f . AndrewsVice President/Zoological OperationsSea World, Inc.7007 Sea World Driveorlando, Florida 32821-8097(407) 363-2155

rv. Description of animals:

A. Number:



2 adult female ki l le r whales (Orcinys orcs)

adult male k i l l e r whale (Orcinus orca)

Progeny - th is request includes authorizationfor progeny of the female whales which appearto be pregnant, as described below. Juvenileswould be imported with the ir mothers a t a timeaf ter a t leas t twelve months of age and asprescribed by sea World veterinary s taf f .

Import for public display.

Estimatedi z ~

Est. ReproductiveAge condition

s ~ l n dIdentif icat ion


20 1

17 1n18




Haida scalf i s

expected in November of 1991.Nootka s cal f i s expected in February of 1992.

c. Dates/Locations:

Authorization i s requested as described below forthe import of the whales from Sealand of the Pacifi cLtd., 1327 Beach Drive, Victoria, B.C. VSS 2N4.


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Sealand of the Pacif ic plans to discontinue thedisplay of ki l l e r whales in i t s fac i l i ty in 1992.

Tillikum: Due to the disrupt ive and potent ia l lyharmful impact th i s male may have on the success ofmotherjcalf nursing and bonding, authorizat ion i s

requested for the relocat ion of th i s animal to SeaWorld of Florida as soon as possible .

Haida: I f Haida gives bi r th successfully , she andher ca l f would be imported to Sea World of Floridanot sooner than 12 months af ter the bi r th , and morel ike ly in ear ly 1993. I f Haida, who i s carrying herf i r s t calf , i s unsuccessful, she may remain inCanada with Nootka for purposes of companionshipunt i l import to Sea World of Florida when Nootkaandjor Nootka s cal f i f Nootka gives bi r thsuccessful ly) , are imported to Sea World of Texas(see below) unless compatibil i ty problems requirean ea r l i e r import.

Nootka: I f Nootka gives bi r th successfully , she andher ca l f would be imported to Sea World of Texas notsooner than 12 months af ter the bir th, and morel ike ly in the early summer of 1993. I f Nootka, whoi s also carrying her f i r s t cal f , i s unsuccessful,she may remain in Canada with Haida for purposes ofcompanionship unt i l import to Sea World of Texaswhen Haida andjor H aida s cal f i f Haida gives bir thsuccessful ly), are imported to Sea World of Florida(see above) unless compatibil i ty problems require

an ea r l i e r import.A descript ion of the condition of the animals a tSealand i s provided in Attachment IV Ccorrespondence from Jim McBain D.V.M.

We request tha t th i s authorization remain val idunt i l December 1993.

D Description of the s ta tus of stocks:

The s ta tus of ki l l e r whales in the North Atlant icwas reviewed in 1987 (Sigurjonsson and Leatherwood,

Eds. 1988) During postcard censuses conducted inconjunction with herring fishing in the fa l l of1982, a minimum of 284 animals were counted on asingle day, 15 October (Sigurjonsson, 1984). Allwere within a few nautical miles of shore along theeas t and southeast coast of Iceland. Scientis ts andfishermen expressed the be l ie f tha t there were manymore than 284 k i l l e r whales off Iceland, a view tha t


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as supported by the fac t t ha t the census coveredsuch a small area and shor t t ime per iod and becausewhales a re known to occur during the same per iodelsewhere off Iceland. Never theless , in the absenceof o ther informat ion, th i s count has s tood as thees t imate of the popula t ion of k i l l e r whales in

Ice landic coasta l waters .

Low e f fo r t photo ident i f ica t ion s tudies conducted in

1985 and 1986 focused on the same area of the eas tcoast represented by the postcard census.Supplemented with a few photographs from other yearss ince 1981, these s tudies resul ted in the

iden t i f i ca t ion of a t l e a s t 143 recognizableindiv idual whales and provided some ins ight in tocomposition and product ion in the popula t ion

Lyrholm e t a l . 1987; Sigurjonsson e t a l 1988).The coverage was 1 imi t ed in area and t ime andcorresponded with low l i gh t l eve l s . Many more

animals were thought seen than could bephoto ident i f ied . Thus, th i s represents a smallsubset of the 284 animal minimum count and wasconsidered by the i nves t iga to rs to be an extremelysmall propor t ion of the popula t ion of k i l l e r whalesin Ice landic waters .

In 1987, th ree Ice landic s ight ing vesse ls conducted1 ine t r ansec t surveys in and near the extendedeconomic zone of Iceland. Observers aboard the

th ree vesse ls repor ted a t o t a l of 25 s ight ings

t o t a l l i ng 177 ind iv iduals .

The animals were widely d i s t r i bu t e d around Ice land,although t he re was a notable area of concentrat ionsome 40-100 naut ica l miles eas t of Ice land. Thissurvey sample supports a s t a t i s t i c a l es t imate of6,847 k i l l e r whales in the areas surveyed, with alower 95 confidence l imi t of about 4, 000

Sigurjonsson e t a l . 1988; Gunlaugsson andSigur j onsson 1988) Surveys were conducteds imul taneously in Faroese waters . When these

f igures are included, an es t imate of 8,272 k i l l e rwhales i s obtained for these two contiguous regionsof the nor theas tern North At lan t i c coef f ic ien t of

var ia t ion 0.32) .

Christensen 1984;1988) est imated t ha t t he re was aminimum of about 1,300 k i l l e r whales in Norwegiancoas ta l waters during the same per iod the surveyswere conducted of f Iceland and t he Faroese. Evans

1988) reviewed s ight ings data for k i l l e r whales in

Bri t i sh and I r i sh waters and concluded t ha t there

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was little evidence for any change i n the s t a t us of

k i l l e r whales in those waters . There a re noes t imates for o ther areas of the North At lan t i c

al though it i s known t ha t k i l l e r whales occur in

many o ther a reas , inc luding the pe lag ic reg ions in

which few s tud ies have been conducted. Therefore,

it i s c e r t a in t ha t the surveys c i t e d above do notaccount for a l l k i l l e r whales i n the North At lan t i c .

t i s reasonable then to of fe r an es t imate o f 9,572k i l l e r whales for s tudied areas of the NorthAt lan t i c , and of a t l e a s t 4,000 for the extendedeconomic zone of Ice land.

There i s no reason to be l ieve t ha t the popula t iono f k i l l e r whales in the North At lan t i c has increasedo r deceased s ign i f i c a n t ly in r ecen t decades. Thel a rge r es t imate cur ren t ly av a i l ab le simply r e f l ec t san increased knowledge concerning these popula t ions .

E. Reason:

Not appl icable .

F. Country, Manner of Taking and Management

The male k i l l e r whale was co l l ec ted , u t i l i z i n g a

purse se ine net Asper 1975) from I ce land ic watersin 1983. The female whales were co l l ec ted fromIce landic waters in the same manner in 1982. TheIce landic Minis t ry of Fisher ies has regula ted the

co l l ec t ion of k i l l e r whales in cooperat ion wi th theMarine Research Ins t i t u t e , Reykjavik and t he S ta t e

Veter inar ian s ince 1976. Permits were i ssued on the

bas i s of the best avai lab le informat ion on s i z e ands t a tus of the Icelandic k i l l e r whale s tock s )

Sigur jonsson and Leatherwood, 1988)

Sealand of the Pac i f i c has mainta ined these k i l l e rwhales in i t s f a c i l i t y a t 1327 Beach Drive,Victor ia , Bri t i sh Columbia, Canada V8S 2N4. Theorder Cetacea a l l spec ies except those l i s t e d inAppendix I o r l i s t e d under e a r l i e r dates in AppendixI I ) were l i s t e d on the Convention on In te rna t iona l

Trade in Endangered Species CITES), Appendix I I onJune 28, 1979. Under the regu la t ions implementingthe CITES, the Canadian Wildl i fe Service , Departmentof the Environment i s respons ib le for l i censing

a c t i v i t i e s perta in ing to the t r ans fe r of cetaceans.


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v Vis i ta t ion

The educa t iona l , conservat ion and s c i e n t i f i c endeavorsof Sea World are widely known and respec ted . By the endof 1990, more than 140 mil l ion v i s i t o r s had benef i t t ed

from the exposure to Sea World s marine mammals,

inc luding k i l l e r whales, as wel l as the b i rds and f i sh .While innovat ive family rec rea t iona l programs are SeaWorld s most v i s i b l e face ts , the company s commitment toeduca t ion and conservat ion i s indisputably s ign i f i c a n t .

Sea World s formal and informal educa t iona l programs a ret ru l y representa t ive of the very bes t t ha t the zoologicalcommunity provides . Sea World publ ic d isp lays expose the

publ ic to marine mammals in an exh i l a ra t ing andeducat ional manner. This i s accomplished through avar ie ty o f media, inc luding l ive animal exh ib i t s ,

presenta t ions , demonst ra t ions, audiovisual and graphicdisplays , and narra ted tours and o ther group ac t iv i t i e s .

In add i t ion to these award winning publ ic d isp lays , SeaWorld of fe r s an extraordinary number o f specia l programsdesigned fo r v i s i to r s wishing to l earn more about marinemammals. More than one mil l ion ch i ld ren and adu l t s

par t ic ipa ted in formal ins t ruc t iona l programs a t the fourSea World parks in 1990. The cur r i cu la for these

programs are developed by ce r t i f i ed and exper iencededuca tors . These programs are designed to enhance andre inforce s t a t e academic requi rements fo r grades pre -school through col lege . Teachers whose school spar t i c ipa te in educat ional programs receive a curr iculum

aid packet developed for spec i f ic grade l eve l s .Curriculum mater ia l s enable teachers to prepare s tudents

fo r the specia l animal presen ta t ions and exh ib i t s theywil l v i s i t a t Sea World. Ins t ruc t iona l f i e l d t r i p sgenera l ly include two marine mammal presen ta t ions andv i s i t s to exh ib i t areas where spec ia l ly t ra ined educa t ions t a f f provide animal narra t ions geared to the grade l evelof the s tudents and are avai lab le to answer s tuden t s

ques t ions about the animals . This program providess tudents the oppor tuni ty to i nves t iga te the exci t ing

topic of marine ecosystem and addresses t he sub jec t s suchas natura l his tory of the animals , pr inc ip les of ecology,adapta t ions , natura l behavior , as wel l as the t imely

top ics o f conservat ion and respons ib le human behavior .

Outreach programs are made ava i l ab le for those school st ha t cannot v i s i t the parks . Schools choose appropr ia te

age l eve l s and top ics fo r the presenta t ion . Sea Worldins t ruc tors present the assembly s t y l e programs u t i l i z ing

s l ides , videos, bio logica l a r t i f a c t s , songs, sk i t s and


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animal adapta t ion dress up ac t iv i t i e s . Live marinemammals a re not presented . A number o f these programshave been recognized by na t iona l awards from the AmericanAssocia t ion of Zoological Parks and Aquariums.

All Sea World parks of f e r spec ia l ly designed c lasses ,

seminars and col lege sess ions concent ra t ing on specia ltopics requested by professors . Many of the c lasses

conducted make par t ic ipants e l i g i b l e fo r col lege c red i to r teacher re -acc red i t a t ion .

Teacher t r a in ing workshops and seminars of f e r

oppor tun i t i e s fo r school teachers to obta in profess ional

enrichment , career advancement, and col lege c red i t . SeaWorld ins t ruc tors provide s o l id fac tua l backgroundinformat ion and as s i s t teachers i n in t eg ra t ing marinesc ience i n to t h e i r own curr iculum and indiv idual l e sson

plans . These workshops and seminars inc lude va luable

informat ion , labora tory procedures and a c t i v i t i e s t ha tteachers can use in t h e i r classrooms. Outreach workshopsare also made avai lab le to school d i s t r i c t s t ha t wantt h e i r teachers t ra ined in conservat ion and marine science

in tegra ted programs.

Specia l programs are avai lab le fo r people of a l l l eve l s

and a b i l i t i e s . Programs fo r acce le ra ted s tudents focuson high l evel th inking s k i l l s and coopera t ive learn ing

a c t i v i t i e s . Disabled s tudents are offered spec ia l ly

designed programs t ha t meet t h e i r indiv idual needs.Mater ia l s are also avai lab le fo r the vis ion and hearingimpaired, inc luding a b r a i l l e book o f Sea World animal

informat ion , an animal sounds audio t ape and ac t i v i t ybook and an award winning video t ape in s ign languagefor the hear ing impaired. Several parks providebi l ingual jESL (Engl ish as a second language) spec i a l i s t sand programs t ha t enable Spanish speaking s tudents toexper ience Sea World in t h e i r own language.

Throughout the year , Sea World of fe r s a wide var ie ty of

on-s i te lec tures , classroom presen ta t ions and camp

sess ions which highl ight the marine l i f e , inc ludingk i l l e r whales, t ha t are displayed in the parks . Theseprograms are avai lab le to the genera l publ ic of a l l agesby indiv idual enrol lment .

Educat ional programs are avai lab le a t reduced r a t e s whichenable s tudents of a l l ages, a b i l i t i e s and socio-economicbackgrounds t o benef i t from educa t iona l oppor tun i t i e s .

This may give some s tudents the only oppor tuni ty they mayever have to see these animals and develop anapprecia t ion and concern fo r the marine environment and

a l l of i t s inhabi tan ts .

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Consistent with the purposes of the Marine MammalPro tec t ion Act, the educat ional programs a t Sea Worldc rea te an enthus ia s t ic , imaginat ive and i n t e l l ec t ua l l ys t imula t ing atmosphere t ha t cont r ibute to a be t t e runderstanding and apprecia t ion of marine mammal science,

research and conservat ion.

Research and conservat ion have been an in tegra l par t of

Sea World from the beginning. In 1963, the founders of

Sea World organized and incorpora ted the Mission BayResearch Foundation, a non-prof i t research in s t i tu te , nowover a quar t e r century o ld known as the Hubbs Sea WorldResearch Ins t i t u t e .

The I n s t i t u t e conducts s c i e n t i f i c research in the areas

of marine mammal conservat ion, maricul ture , resourcemanagement and marine ecology. Although operatedindependently of Sea World, i t s sc i en t i s t s work close ly

with Sea World s t a f f through f requent use of the park s

f ac i l i t i e s and zoological col lec t ions .

Nonharmful s tud ies on marine mammals, including k i l l e rwhales, maintained in Sea World zoological col lec t ionscomplement research e f fo r t s conducted in the f i e ld , andv ice versa . Research in both areas i s necessary for afu l l understanding of the biology of any species . SeaWorld plays an important ro le in the recovery of in jured

or diseased marine mammals through i t s ac t ive

pa r t i c ipa t ion in regional s t randing programs and other

federa l , s t a t e and loca l rescue and rehabi l i t a t ionprograms.

The t reatment of w i ld l i f e brought to the parks for care

and rehabi l i t a t ion , inc luding endangered and threatened

marine mammals, i s work t ha t Sea World v i s i t o r s mayobserve. In th i s way, Sea World expands not only the

knowledge of the sc i en t i f i c community, but the

understanding and concern of the genera l publ ic as well .

Furthermore, the compila t ion of basic b io logica l andmedical informat ion gathered through pa r t i c ipa t ion inf ie ldwork, involving beached and stranded animals , andthrough work conducted with marine mammals maintained a tSea World provides important data necessary for use in

conservat ion e f fo r t s .

Complementing i t s work in the recovery of in jured or

diseased animals i s the ro le the parks play through the

provis ion of sanctuary for endangered or threatened

species , inc luding the Flor ida Manatee, Cal i forn ia SeaOtter , Kemp s Ridley and the Green Sea Turt le .

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Sea World of fe r s a wide var ie ty of educa t iona l andconservat ion programs which cont r ibute to the

unders tanding and shaping of pos i t ive pub l ic a t t i t udesabout marine mammals cons i s t en t with the po l i c i e s of theMarine Mammal Protect ion Act. Furthermore, Sea Worldparks represent many years of exper t i se in and

commitment to the rescue and r ehab i l i t a t i on ofdis t re ssed marine mammals; s ign i f i can t cont r ibut ions tosc ien t i f i c research; and ongoing col labora t ions withother zoological parks, univers i t i es academici n s t i t u t ions and s ta te and federa l agencies which are

a lso engaged in educat ional conservat ion endeavorsthroughout the United Sta tes and the world.

Sea World s unique and success fu l k i l l e r whalepropagat ion program received the pres t igious Edward H.Bean Award from the American Associat ion of ZoologicalParks and Aquariums AAZPA) in 1985. Six k i l l e r whalecalves current ly represent the species in th i s success fu l

breeding program. Other breeding programs conducted a tSea World have resul ted in s ign i f i can t numbers of

capt ive-born sea l s and sea l ions bot t lenose dolphins,and Commerson s dolphins.

All Sea World parks are accredi ted i n s t i t u t ions of the

American Associat ion of Zoological Parks and Aquariums.Furthermore, the parks are open to the publ ic on aregular ly scheduled bas i s and access i s not l imi ted orr e s t r i c t ed other than by an admission fee . Operatingschedules and fees are descr ibed in the brochuresat tached. Examples of some of t he programs offered a tSea World for educat ional or conservat ion purposes are

at tached.

VI. Not appl icable

VII. Information suppl ied as appropr ia te

A. Not appl icable

B. 1 Not appl icable

2 . Not appl icable

3 . Not appl icable

4. Transpor ta t ion:

The k i l l e r whales wil l be t ransported in a spec ia l ly

designed and const ruc ted t r anspor t uni t from Sealand of

the Pacif ic to the U.S. government approved Sea Worldf a c i l i t y descr ibed in Sect ion IV C) . Mother /calf pai rs

wi l l be imported together in separa te t r anspor t uni t s .

Transpor t wil l be v ia char te r a i r c r a f t and t ruck in

accordance with profess ional ly accepted techniques and


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in compliance with a l l applicable regulations standardsand condit ions se t forth under the Marine ammal

Protect ion Act the Animal Welfare Act and the Lacey Act.Transport i s ant ic ipated to take less than 12 hoursabsent unusual circumstances.

5. Transport Supervision

The animals will be transported under the direc t

superv1s1on of Sea World professional s ta f f withextensive experience in the t ranspor t medical care andmanagement of ki l l e r whales. The names of some of theseindividuals are l i s ted below. These individual may beassis ted by additional qualif ied Sea World personnel:

Brad F. AndrewsVice President/Zoological Operations19 years of experience with marine mammals.

James E. AntrimVice President/General Curator18 years of experience with marine mammals.

w Glenn YoungVice President/General Curator18 years of experience with marine mammals.

Thomas A. GoffCurator of Mammals16 years of experience with marine mammals.

Jack c. PearsonCurator of Mammals30 years of experience with marine mammals.

Dudley WigdahlCurator of Mammals16 years of experience with marine mammals.

James F. McBain D.V.M.Corporate Director of Veterinary Medicine17 years of experience with marine mammals.

Diedrich o. Beusse D.V.M.

Veterinarian Consultant16 years of experience with marine mammals.

Michael T. Walsh D.V.M.taff Veterinarian

7 years of experience with marine mammals.


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Bi l l HughesVice Pres ident /Genera l Curator12 years o f exper ience wi th marine mammals.

Les Dalton, D.V.M.

S t a f f Veter inar ian12 years o f exper ience with marine mammals.

6. See a t tached l e t t e r from James F. McBain, D.V.M.

c. Sea World f ac i l i t i e s are l i censed under the AnimalWelfare Act . copy o f the most recent inspec t ion repor tf i l e d fo r each o f the four parks i s a t tached.

Sea World, San Diego, Cal i fo rn ia

Sea World, Aurora, OhioSea World, Orlando, Flor ida

Sea World, San Antonio, Texas



sea World c ~ r r e n t l y mainta ins the l a rges t k i l l e r whaled isp lay f ac i l i t i e s in the world. Specif ica t ions area t t ached . ) The k i l l e r whales requested can beaccommodated comfortably in the f a c i l i t i e s described ast h e i r des t ina t ion . This determinat ion i s based upon the

space requi rements o f Sect ion 3.104 of the spec i f i ca t ion

for the Handling, Care, Treatment and Transpor ta t ion o f

Marine Mammals (9 CFR pa r t 3, Subpart E) .

D Not app l icab le

E. Sea World s marine mammal inventory and necropsy

r e p o r t are cu r ren t and on f i l e with the NationalMarine Fisher i es Service .

2. The k i l l e r whale hea l th programs, as well as the

o ther marine m mm l hea l th programs prac t iced a t SeaWorld are based upon a preven t ive medicine approachth rouah the corre la t ion of o b s e ~ v t i o n l andc l i n i c a l diagnos t ic techniques . These programs are

t he r e s pons ib i l i t y of e n- s i t e a t tending

v e t e r i n a r i a n s working c lose ly with profess ional

animal care and t r a i n i n g s t a f f s . The park inFlor ida has two fu l l - t i :ne ve te r ina r i ans and onepar t - t ime ve te r ina r i an . The Cal i fo rn ia park has

twc fu l l - t ime v e t e r i ~ r i n s while Texas employs onefu l l - t ime and one par t - t ime ve te r ina r i an . The Ohio

park employs one fu l l - t ime and one par t - t ime

ve te r ina r ian .

Every k i l l e r whale i s observed per iod ica l ly

th roughout t he day y severa l members of the

pro fes s iona l animal care s t a f f for v a r i a t i o n s in


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appe t i t e and ac t iv i ty . The informat ion der ived fromda i ly observat ions i s tremendously important in theprevent ion of i l l ne s s . Sea World s prevent ionprogram includes regular phys ical examinat ions withcomplete labora tory evaluat ion of blood and o ther

specimen samples, a balanced d ie t and maintenance

of a clean sa fe environment. Disease prevent ionprograms are conducted with minimum d i s rup t ion tonormal pa t t e rns of ac t i v i t y .

hen the occurrence of a potent ia l disease or

condi t ion i s detected fu r the r d iagnos t ic techniquesare u t i l i zed in order to prescr ibe the moste f fec t ive means of in tervent ion . Every Sea Worldpark opera tes fu l ly equipped c l in i ca l l abora tor ie s .

Laboratory spec i a l i s t s are avai lab le around theclock to analyze blood samples, performmicrobiologic analys is conduct specia l d iagnos t ic

procedures; i . e . ur ina lys i s cytology, moni tor waterqua l i ty and, i f necessary, dispense medicat ionprescr ibed by the at tending ve te r ina r ian .

Complete medical records a re maintained to al lowquick access to a l l labora tory t e s t resu l t s . Thesel abora to r i e s not only support ve te r ina r ians in t h e i rcare of Sea World animals , but in t h e i r work withbeached or s t randed animals . Sea World maintainsradiography and endoscopy equipment for diagnos t ic

purposes. Furthermore, as necessary, the parksaccess the supplemental support of outs ide

spec i a l i s t s and researchers with exper t i se in

surgery, ultrasonography, thermography, fluoroscopy,and C T scans.

Marine mammal medicine i s a rap id ly developingf i e ld . Sea World ve te r ina ry s t a f f labora tory

technic ians and animal care profess ionals are

ac t ive ly involved in searching for new o r r e f ineddiagnos t ic techniques, therapeut ic appl ica t ions andanimal husbandry prac t ices in an e f fo r t to enhancemarine mammal heal th . The data col lec t ion analys is

and in te rpre ta t ions of Sea World s tud ies are

evaluated through weekly conferences of Sea Worldve te r ina ry s t a f f and fu r the r disseminated a t

s c i e n t i f i c meetings and the publ ished l i t e r a tu r e foruse by o ther i n s t i t u t i ons in t h e i r heal th programs.

Each i l l ne s s and morta l i ty as shown by recent

deaths in k i l l e r whales, undergoes an in-depthi nves t iga t ion and evaluat ion fu r the r adding to the

c l in i ca l and pathological informat ion base for t h i sspecies . Preventa t ive programs, including


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observa t iona l t echniques medical pr inc ip le s andhusbandry prac t i ces are con t inua l ly adjus ted in anat tempt to a l l ev i a t e s imi la r problems which haveresu l t ed in mor ta l i t i e s


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Cer t i f i c a t i on

B. I hereby ce r t i fy t ha t the foregoing information i scomplete, t rue , and cor rec t to the bes t of y

knowledge and be l i e f . understand t ha t t h i s

informat ion i s submit ted for t he purpose ofobta in ing a permi t under t he Marine MammalProtect ion Act of 1972 16 u.s.c. 1361-1407) andr egu la t ions promulgated thereunder , and t ha t anyfa l se s tatement may sub jec t me to the cr imina l

pena l t i e s of 18 u.s.c. 1001, o r to pena l t i e s

provided under the Marine Mammal Protect ion Act of


~ j ~ ~Brad F. AndrewsVice Pres ident

Zoological Operat ionsSea World, Inc .


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Application Attachment - Section IV c

Correspondence from Jim McBain, D.V.M.

Application Attachment - Section IV D F


Application Attachment - Section VII B. 6

Transport and Care er t i f icat ion

Application Attachment - Section VII C

Kil ler Whale Fac i l i ty Specifications

USDA/APHIS Inspect ion Reports


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~ aa o · • l® f l U .

Dr. Will iam W Fox, J r .Ass is tan t Adminis t ra tor

November 6, 1991

Nat iona l Marine Fisher ies Service

United Sta tes Department o f Commerce

Washington, D.C. 20235

RE Appl ica t ion fo r Publ ic Display

Dear Dr. Fox:

This l e t t e r i s to c e r t i f y t ha t I am a graduate ve te r ina r i an

l i c ensed in t he s t a t e s o f Oregon and Minnesota and in the provinceo f Br i t i s h Columbia, Canada. I am knowledgeable in the f i e l d ofmarine mammal medicine and care .

I fu r the r c e r t i f y t ha t t he profess ional ve te r ina ry s t a f f hasreviewed the f a c i l i t i e s and methods fo r the t ranspor t and care o f

t he k i l l e r whales Orcinus orca) r e f e r r e d to in t h i s permi tapp l ica t ion . The methods and f a c i l i t i e s descr ibed w i l l adequate lyprovide fo r the wel l -be ing o f the k i l l e r whales.


Sea World, Inc.7007 Sea World DriveOrlando, FL 32821-8097407) 351-3600

FAX 407) 345-5397

M Busch Entertainment


Sincere ly

James F. McBain, D.V.M.

Corporate Direc to r of

Veter inary Medicine

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SEA WORLD OF FLORIDA - Habi ta t comprised o f in te rconnec t ing pools .

Habi ta t exceeds MHO

Display and Breeding Pools

Pool 1

Pool 2

Pool 3

Pool 4

Two Med Pools each

Depth - 34 f t .Volume - 2 1692 1800 gal lons

3601000 cu. f t .Surface Area - 10 1000 sq . f t .MHD - i nd iv idua l pools exceeds 48 f t .

Depth - 15 f t .Volume - 436 1682 ga l lons

581379 cu. f t .Surface Area - 3 1892 sq . f t .MHD - i nd iv idua l pool exceeds 48 f t .

Depth - 15 f t .Volume - 436 1682 ga l lons

581379 cu. f t .Surface Area - 3 1892 sq . f t .MHO - i nd iv idua l pool exceeds 48 f t .

Depth - 15 f t .Volume - 706 1860 ga l lons

9 4 50 0 CU • f t • )Surface Area -   3 sq. f t .MHO - i nd iv idua l pool exceeds 48 f t .

Depth - 12 f t .Volume - 98 1511 ga l lons

13 169 CU • f t •)surface Area - 878 sq . f t .MHD - not requi red

As o f November 1 1 1991 - Ki l l e r whales presen t ly housed = 4


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SEA WORLD OF CALIFORNIA - Habi ta t comprised of in te rconnec t ing

pools .

Hab i ta t exceeds MHD

Display and Breeding Pools

Pool 1

Pool 2

Pool 3

Med Pool

Depth - 35 f t .Volume - 2,491,400 ga l lons

333,074 cu t . f t .su r face Area - 10,000 sq . f t .MHD - indiv idua l pool exceeds 48 f t .

Depth - 15 f t .Volume - 1,058,500 ga l lons

141,510 cu. f t .su r face Area - 9,000 sq. f t .

MHD - i nd iv idua l pool exceeds 48 f t .

Depth - 15 f t .Volume - 1,058,500 ga l lons

141 51 0 CU • f t • )Surface Area - 9,000 sq . f t .MHD - indiv idua l pool exceeds 48 f t .

Depth - 8 f t .Vo lu m e- 67,600 ga l lons

9,037 cu. f t .su r face Area - 1,000 sq . f t .MHD - not requi red

As o f November 1 , 1991 - K i l l e r whales presen t ly housed 3


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SEA WORLD OF OHIO - Habi ta t comprised of in te rconnec t ing pools .

Habi ta t exceeds MHO

Display and Breeding Pools

Pool 1

Pool 2

Depth - 26 f t .Volume - 511,105 ga l lons

68,329 cu. f t .Surface Area - 2,728 cu. f t .MHO - indiv idua l pool 45 f t .

Depth - 15 f t .Volume- 327,943 ga l lons

4 3 , 8 4 2 cu . f t .surface Area - 3000 sq. f t .

MHO - i nd iv idua l pool exceeds 48 f t .

Transfe r - Connect ing - Med Pools

Pool 3

Pool 4

Depth - 8 f t .Volume - 81,049 ga l lons

9, 991 cu. f t .Surface Area - 1,268 sq. f t .MHO - not requi red

Depth - 9 f t .Volume - 66,250 ga l lons

8, 660 cu. f t .Surface Area - 961.6 sq. f t .MHO - not requi red

As o f November 1, 1991 - K i l l e r whales presen t ly housed = 2


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SEA WORLD OF TEXAS Habitat comprised of interconnect ing pools .Habitat exceeds MHD

Display and Breeding Pools

Pool 1

Pool 2

Pool 3

Med Pool

Depth 35 f t .Volume 2,110,000 gallons

282,085 cu. f t .Surface Area 11,215 sq. f t .MH individual pool exceeds 48 f t .

Depth 16 f t . 9 inchesVolume 998,000 gallons

133,422 cu. f t .Surface Area 8,122 sq. f t .

MH individual pool exceeds 48 f t .

Depth 16 f t . 9 inchesVolume 998,000 gallons

133,422 cu. f t .Surface Area 8,122 sq. f t .MH individual pool exceeds 48 f t .

Depth 10 f t .Volume 60,000 gallons

8,021 cu. f t .Surface Area 800 sq. f t .MH not required

As of November 1, 1991 Kil ler whales presently housed = 3


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~ . I W rld

Appl ica t ion Attachment Sect ion IV.C.

Dr. Will iam w Fox, J r .Assis tan t Adminis t rator

November 6, 1991

National Marine Fisher ies ServiceUnited Sta tes Department of Commerce

Washington, D.C. 20235

RE: Sealand K i l l e r Whale Fa c i l i t y

Dear Dr. Fox:

The k i l l e r whales a t the Sealand park in Vic tor ia , Br i t i s hColumbia are mainta ined in a small main pool t ha t i s cons t ruc ted

of nylon ne t suspended from f loa t ing dock s t ruc tures . Thisenclosure measures approximately 100 x 70 . The s ides of the

enclosure are t i ed to pipes a l l the way around the per imete r . Thedepth of the enclosure a t the per imeter i s approximately 2 0 , whilethe depth a t the cen te r of the enclosure can be 40 1 or l e s s a t lowt i de . Attached to the main pool i s a small medical pool whichmeasures 31 1 x 23 w x 12 d . The wal ls of t he pool are s t ee l , andthe bottom of the pool i s f ibe rg ra te . The only func t ion of the

pool other than for medical procedures i s shor t - term holding (hoursnot days) . The f a c i l i t y i s moored a t Oak Bay Marina.

The two female k i l l e r whales res id ing a t Sealand appearpregnant based on serum progesterone l eve l s . One of the females(Haida) had a low progesterone on 519190 and an e leva ted progest e rone on 6 13 90. The progesterones on Haida have remainedelevated from t ha t t ime to the present . The other female (Nootka)had a low progesterone on 8110190 with a high on 1011190 which hasremained elevated to the present . Based on conception occurr ingbetween the l a s t low and the f i r s t high progesterone, and a 17-

month ges ta t ion per iod , Haida would be expected to ca lve inNovember 1991, while Nootka would be expected to calve in February1992.

ea World, Inc.7007 Sea World DriveOrlando, FL 32821-8097407) 351-3600

FAX 407) 345-5397

ra Busch Entertainmentl lCorporationONE OF THE ANHEUSER BUSCH COMPANIES

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Dr. Will iam W Fox, J r .November 6, 1991page two

The impending b i r t h s make it des i rab le to remove the male

k i l l e r whale from the Sea land f a c i l i t y as soon as poss ib le toel iminate his poten t ia l in terference in the b i r t h , bonding or

nursing process . For example, a male k i l l e r whale a t VancouverAquarium raked a ca l f during the b i r t h process . This did notd i rec t l y l ead to the c a l f s dea th t h ree weeks l a t e r , but inc idents

of t h i s type should be avoided, i f poss ib le , by removing the malefrom the ca lv ing pool . At Sea World, male k i l l e r whales are

prevented from being in the same pool with pregnant whalesapproaching b i r t h . There i s ample evidence t ha t male k i l l e r whalesand dolphins can i n t e r fe re with the nursing and bonding process .

The main problem posed by females to a b i r th ing whale i s the

s tea l ing of calves , which has been observed numerous t imes with

dolphins and has been exper ienced with k i l l e r whales. Because oft h i s po te n t i a l problem, Sea World rout ine ly separa tes the b i r th ing

female from the other whales dur ing the b i r th ing and bondingprocess . The t h e f t of ca lves by nonpar tur ient females has beenexper ienced with dolphins as wel l as k i l l e r whales. The potent ia lfor raking i s l e s s s igni f icant . These episodes are most l i ke ly i fthe b i r th ing female i s subordinate to the non-b i r th ing female.

Haida i s dominate over the o ther female, so one would notexpect Nootka to i n t e r fe re with Haida. I f Haida f a i l s to producea v iab le ca l f , she could be a problem fo r the subordinate female,Nootka, dur ing the b i r t h process . This poss i b i l i t y would l ead to

the conc lus ion t ha t it would enhance Nootka s chance of success i fHaida was moved from Sealand pr io r t o February 1991. Thisobviously would be precluded i f Haida ca lved success fu l ly . t

would be unwise to move her and her ca l f before the ca l f i s oneyear of age. However, would not expect Haida to be a problemfor Nootka i f Haida i s nurs ing a ca l f a t the t ime Nootka givesb i r t h . I f Nootka s b i r t h fa i l s , she could remain u n t i l Haida andher ca l f were ready for t ranspor t . I f Nootka has a success fu l

ca lv ing, she and her offspr ing should not be t r anspor ted un t i l the

ca l f i s a t l e a s t one year of age.


Sincere ly ,

p { t / v , ~ 7 ~ Or L;James F. McBain, D.V.M.

Corporate Director of

Veter inary Medicine

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 • I•.. , . I -


Brad F. Andrews

Vice Pres iden t /Zoo log ica l Operat ionsSea World, Inc .

7007 Sea World DriveOrlando, FL 32821-8097

Dear Mr. Andrews:

e have completed our i n i t i a l review of the ap p l i ca t i o n s

submi t t ed by Sea World, Inc . fo r permits to import up to s i x

k i l l e r whales (Orcinus orca) from Canada. Concerning the permi t

app l i ca t ion fo r impor ta t ion of the s ing le juven i l e k i l l e r whale

from Marineland o f Canada, Inc. in Niagara Fal l s , Ontar io , Canada

(P2X), we have determined the app l ica t ion complete and a re ready

to forward the not i ce of rece ip t and opportuni ty for publ iccomment to the Federa l Regis ter , as requ i red under the Marine

Mammal Pro tec t ion Act of 1972, as amended.

Before we can determine t h a t the o ther permit ap p l i ca t i o n i scomplete, i . g . , fo r importat ion of up to f ive k i l l e r whales from

Sealand o f the P ac i f i c , Ltd . , Vic to r ia , Br i t i sh Columbia, Canada

(P2W), some add i t iona l informat ion i s needed. In t h i s regard ,

please prov ide t he fo l lowing informat ion:

• A s ta tement regard ing r espons ib i l i ty for : (1) the ca re and

maintenance of the subjec t k i l l e r whales pr io r to t he i r

impor ta t ion , and (2) the decis ion regarding each an imal ' sread iness fo r impor ta t ion . In t h i s regard , p lease a l so

prov ide an update concern ing the condi t ion of Haida, who had·been expected t o de l ive r a c a l f in November;

• A d e t a i l ed desc r ip t ion of the t r anspor t method ( i .g . ,inc lud ing a d e t a i l ed desc r ip t ion of the t r anspor t

enclosure(s ) jequ ipment to be used and any spec ia l ca re

requ i red) , l o g i s t i c s , and any other spec ia l arrangements fo r

impor t a t ion / t ranspor t of the mother jca l f pa i r s ;

• A d e s c r i p t i o n of the manner in which the imported k i l l e r

whales w i l l be i so la ted /quaran t ined upon a r r i v a l a t Sea World

f a c i l i t i e s , and the manner r which . t 'lese _a_rimals wi l l . 1 ; - . { . l ~ J ........ . · · ---- ~ · B · e - r n r r a C h i c e < f ~ l . n t o · h e ~ e r i c 1 0 5 t i n d s } hoiciing · l . i 1 ~ e · a t h e f ~ K i l f e r ___ --

whales pre sen t ly on publ ic d i sp lay ; and

• A d i s cu s s i o n of Sea World 's cons idera t ion of the t r ag i c

i nc iden t a t Sealand of the Pac i f ic in which a t r a i n e r drowned

in the k i l l e r whale enclosure , and what ac t ions Sea World hastaken o r w i l l t ake to prevent a recurrence both p r i o r t o

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  ... . ......


import. :. nd a t Sea \·iorld fol lowing impor ta t ion . T h 1 ~ ;discuss ion should 1nclude: the fac to rs which Sealano of the

Pac i f i c , the involved Canadian governmental agencies , and Sea

World bel i eve wereinvolved

in the inc iden t (g .g . , plea se

submit copies of repor t s , f ind ings , e tc . t h a t a re o th e rw i se

ava i l ab le to the publ i c ) ; and the recommendat ions made byeach of these e n t i t i e s .

Following our review of t h i s i n f o r ~ a t i o n and dete rmina t ion t h a tt i s su f f i c i e n t , a not ice equ iva len t to t h a t descr ibed above fo r

P2X w i l l a l so be read ied , and both not ices w i l l be forwarded fo r

pub l ica t ion in the Federa l Regis te r .

Your quick response wi l l 3s s i s t us in our e f f o r t to process your

p ~ ~ i t app l i ca t ions . Please con tac t us a t 301/713-2289 {NEW

P H 0 ~ 1 E NUMBER) i f you have any ques t ions .

· ..

Sincere ly ,

Ann D. TerbushChief , Permits Divis ion

Off ice of Prot ected Resources

- .

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;..~ ~ SeaW rld

Anne D. TerbushChief , Permits DivisionOff ice o f Protected ResourcesNOAA/NMFS

Si lve r Spring, M 20910

Dear Ms. Terbush:

We have rece ived your le t te : r of December 17, l? 'Jl :requesti:1g

add i t iona l informat ion regarding Sea World 's a p p l i c ~ t i o n to

import k i l l e r whales from Sealand o f the Pac i f i c ( Sealand ) .Since Sea World 's app l ica t ion was f i l ed on November 7, 1991 in a

complete s t a t e and in accordance w i t ~ the NMFS requirements and

app l i ca t ion ins t ruc t ions , we understand the supplementaryinformat ion reques ted i s to c l a r i f y ce r t a in mat ters for ~ ~ F S

1 . Care and maintenance o f the whales o r io r to imoo:rta t ion.

The animals wi l l cont inue to be owned by Sealand u n t i l the

import permi t i s gran ted . Responsibi l i ty for the animals pr io r

to impor't r e s t s with Sea land. However, Sea land i s consu l t ing

with Sea World on appropr ia te care and maintenance ~ r o c e d u r e s

2. Decis ion regarding each an imal ' s read iness : o rimpor ta t ion .

As descr ibed in Sec t ion IV. A. o f our app l i ca t ion ,

importat ion w i l l be conducted in a manner p res c r i b ec by Sea World

ve te r ina ry s t a f f . The t iming o f the t r anspor t w i l l be based uponthe medica l opinion o f ve te r inar ians t h a t the animals are in good

hea l th and t h a t the move wi l l not c rea t e any r i s k to t h e i r healt hor wel l being . The determinat ion regarding t h e i r hea l th wi l l hemade by a Sea t 'lorld ve te r ina r i an exper ienced i; 1 physicn.lexaminat ion and in te rp re ta t ion o f ce tacean l abora to ry r e su l t s .

as descr ibed in Sect ion VII . B. 4. o f the app l i ca t ion , t ~ eanimals wi l l be t ranspor ted under the d i r ec t superv is ion o f theSea ~ · o r ld profess iona l s t a f f re ferenced . l\ ve te r ir .. :1r i ;u: Hi 11

accompany the animals a t a l l t imes dJr ing ~ ~ a n s p o r t

Sea World. Inc.7007 Sea World Drive

Orlando L 32821-8097407) 351-3600

FAX 407) 345-5397

1 Busch Entertainment. :__ Corporation

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As s t ~ ~ e d 1n Sect ion IV. A C., Haida appeare j to he

pregnan t .~ e

appa re:: con1i-: ion 1vas fu r the r desc:c i bed i:1correspondence from ~ r . Jim ~ c B a i n a t t ached to the app l i ca t ion asSect ion IV. C.

Haida gave 8 i r t ~ ' 1 to a l i Je vigorous c a l f on December 24,

1991, a t ap_?roximately 12:45 _? m PST. NMFS was no t i f i ed of the

b i r t h w i t ~ 1 i 1 an lour o f t ~ 1 e C:el ivery.

4 . Tra;1soort method.

Sea World has been i n s t r ~ m e n t a l in t he development o f

s u cces s fu l t r anspor t t echn iques for marine mammals. (Joseph ,Asper and Antrim, 1991). K i l l e r whales have been t ranspor ted

success fu l ly by Sea World s ince 1965 and t r anspor t o f t h i s natu rei s not wi thou t p receden t . Numerous k i l l e r whales o f the s i z e the

j uven i l e can be expected to reach a f t e r 12 months of age havebeen s u c c e s s f u l l y c o l l e c t e d and t ranspor ted by Sea Norld and

o the r s in years pas t .

As descr ibed in Sec t i o n VII . B. 4. and 5 . , the k i l l e r whalesw i l l be t r anspor t ed in s p e c i a l l y designed and cons t ruc ted

t r a n s p o r t u n i t s . Transpor t wi l l be v ia c h a r t e r a i r c r a f t and

t ruck in, accordance wi th p r o f e s s i o n a l l y accep ted techniques and

in compl iance with a l l app l i cab le r egu la t ions , s t andards and

cond i t ions se t fo r t h under the Marine Mammal Pro t ec t i o n Act , the

Animal Welfare Act and t he Lacey Act . Transpor t i s an t i c ipa tedto t ake l e s s than 12 'hours.. absen t unusual c i rcumstances . The

t r anspor t procedures were reviewed and c e r t i f i e d as appropr ia te

in a l e t t e r from Dr. McBain a t tached to t he a p p l i c a t i o n .

The p ro to co l for moving cow/ca l f p a i r s w i l l be the same asdescr ibed in t he a p p l i c a t i o r f ~ The co1v and he r c a l f w i l l be moved

a t t he same t ime to the same des t i na t i on in i nd iv idua l t r anspor t

u n i t s s ized appropr i a t e ly for each animal . The t r anspor t un i t s

w i l l b e kep t as c lo s e together as safe-and pra c t i c a l throughoutthe t r a a sp o r t . The .:.nimals w i l l be t r anspo t t ed under the d i r e c t

s u p e rv i s i o n o f the Sea World pro fe ss iona l s t a f f referenced in the

app l i ca t i on . A ve te r ina r i an w i l l accompany the animals a t a l l

t imes dur ing the move. We have a t tached for your considerat io 1i l l u s t r a t i o n s w ~ i c h d ep i c t our t r anspor t u n i t s .

Reference - -   R Handbook o f Marine Mammal Medicine:

Heal th , Disease, and Rehab i l i t a t i on : Les l i e A. Dierauf , V.M.D.,

R Pr es s Boston: 1990

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ue c '2 r: e r r) 0 l

?age 3

5. Accli'"'latiot1 i n to SeCJ l·:orL· i c o l l e c t i o n .

The ani:1als '>Jeing t r a : ~ s p o r t e d ~ 1 a v e comple te medi.c;:;.l

h i s t o r i e s . Thes2 animals :tave no ap2aren t medical c0nci t ionreq u i r in g quaran t ine upon a r r i v a l . Sea W o ~ l d per sonne l who haveex a mined the animals b e l i ev e t:1e animals a re b e h a v i o r a l l y

normal .

The animals w i l l be v i s u a l l y and physic<1.l ly sepa ra ted from

the r e s i d en t Sea World k i l l e r whales in one o f the b reed ing and

re sea rch pools s p ec i f i ed as a t tachments to Sec t ion VII . C.

Behaviora l Ol)servat ion and ap p ro p r i a t e medical evalua t ion w i l l

guide the i n t eg ra t i o n o f t ~ e e a l a n ~ animals in to r e s id en t

groups . The Sealand animals w i l l not be a l lowed to as s o c i a t e

with the res iden t Sea Norld animals i t h e re a re any s igns o f

d isease or incompat ible behavior .

Af te r the v e t e r i n a ry and t r a i n i n g s t a f f have concluded the

Sealand an imals a re ready to a s s o c i a t e with t he r e s i d en t animals ,

the animals w i l l be al lowed to e n t e r the main pool . Should anyc o n f l i c t develop o th e r than the expec ted behavior as so c i a t ed withes t ab l i s h i n g r e l a t i v e dominance wit}lin the group , Sea Norld s

r e s i d en t animals w i l l be ca l l ed t o s ep a ra t e a reas using t he

aco u s t i c s ig n a l s which t 1e animals have been t r a i n ed to folloVT.

6 . Sea World ' s Employee Tra in ing and Sa f e t y Program.

In 1987, Sea World commenced a d e t a i l e d rev iew o f i t s

employee t r a i n i n g and s a fe t y procedures . T h erea f t e r , Sea i•7orldimplemented an enhanced employee t r a i n i n g and s a f e t y program.Since implement ing t h i s program, t h e re have been no acc id en t s

invo lv ing k i l l e r whales a t Sea lvorld f a c i l i t i e s .

Although we a re g en e ra l ly f ami l i a r with t he c i r cums tances

sur rounding the acc i d en t a l dea th o f a t r a i n e r in the k i l l e r whale

pool a t Sealand on February 20, 1991, we do not have any o f

Sea lan d s r ecords o r r ep o r t s on t h i s mat t e r . Sea World urges

NMFS to reques t whatever documents NMFS-bel_ieves necessa ry for

NMFS i n f o r m a t i ~ n from the a p p r o p r i a t e a u t h o r i t i ~ s of Sealdnd and

the Government o f Canada. However, we b e l i ev e t he acc iden t was

unique to Sealand and was due to the u n fo r tu n a t e combinat ion o f a

poor pool des ign which p ro h ib i t ed e x i t from the wate r , inadequa te

energency l i f e sav ing p r o c e ~ u r e s a n ~ i n t e ~ f e r e n c e h ~ w ~ a l e sunaccustomed to the presence of people i n the wate r .

Sea World unders tands t he h i s t o r i c a l i n t e r e s t r egard ing the

inc iden t a t Sealand , bu t Sea vlorld b e l i ev es i t s p resen t employee

t r a i n i n g and s a f e t y program should be judged on i t s mer i t s a n ~ bycomparison to cu r ren t i n d u s t ry s t an d a rd s , p a r t i c u l a r l y s i nc e the

s i t u a t i o n a t Sealand i s so d i f f e r en t fr-om t h a t ·.vhich ex i s t s a t

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S : a •vorld. For example , Sea ~ · 7 o r l c : s animals ar-e a l l h i g ~ 1 l yt ~ a i n e d and are accustomed to i n t e ~ a c t i n g with t r a ine r s and

~ e ~ e r i n a r y s t a f f . Sea lan d s animals a re e s s e ~ t i a l l y u n t ra in eJ

ani wi l l be managed i n i t i a l l y by Sea World as unt ra inedanimals . F u r t ~ e r m o r e Sea World ' s f a c i l i t i e s are s t r u c t u r a l l y

d i : f e r e n t from S e a l a n d s f a c i l i t y in s ig n i f i c an t respec t s .

At Sea World, s a f e t y for bot h employees and k i l l e r whales 1 3

paramount in a l l our work.

Please l e t us know i f we can be o f fu r t h e r a s s i s t an ce 1n

exped i t ing your process ing o f t h i s app l i ca t ion .

Very t r u ly yours ,

r)/Y d ( f N ( u ~ 0 > ~Brad F. Andrews )

Vice Pres id en t

Zoologica l Opera t ions

Sea lvor ld , Inc .

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Mr. Brad F. Andrews

Vice Pres i d en t

Zoologica l Opera t ions

Sea World, Inc .

7007 Sea World DriveOrlando, Flor ida 32821-8097

Dear Mr. Andrews:

J N 992

e have completed our review of the a d d i t i o ~ a l appl ica t ion

in fo rmat ion submi t ted in your l e t t e r of December 30, 1991. With

the add i t ion of t h i s informat ion,we

have determined theapp l i ca t ions to be complete su f f i c i en t to i n i t i a t e the publ ic

comment phase o f t h e permit review process . Consequently,enclosed a re cop ies of two not ices which were publ ished today in

the Federa l Regi s t e r not i fy ing the publ ic of Sea World sapp l i ca t ions and i n i t i a t i n g the 30-day comment per iod . P lease

review these no t ices and l e t us know i f any of t he informat ion i sin e r ro r .

Although your l e t t e r o f December 30, 1991, provided add i t iona l

informat ion s u f f i c i e n t to i n i t i a t e t he publ ic comment phase o f

the permi t p ro ces s your response to our reques t fo r add i t iona l

informat ion did not provide su f f i c i en t informat ion on which to

base a dec i s ion to i ssue a publ ic display permi t . In shor t ~ ewil l need ad d i t i o n a l informat ion on a few of t he i s sues r a i s ed in

our l e t t e r o f December 17, 1991, before such a permit dec i s ion

can be made. In t h i s regard p lease provide addi t iona l

informat ion on t he fol lowing:

1. Care and maintenance o f the whales pr io r to impor ta t ion .

This i s sue i s o f immediate concern regarding the k i l l e r whaleshelct a t t he Sealand f a c i l i t y p a r t i c ~ l a r l y f o l l o ~ i n g t he

impor ta t ion of Ti l l ikum for medical t rea tment otherwiseunavai l ab le and in considerat ion of the ci rcumstances which

prec ip i t a t ed t h a t emergency (see l e t t e r to you from NancyFos te r dated January 8, 1 9 9 ~ . concern ina the emeraency

au thor i za t ion t o r the import o: T i l ~ l k u m . What are

SealandjSea World s contingency plans i f t he re are problemswith the compos i t ion / in te rac t ive behavior of these animals ,espec ia l ly l ead ing up to or fol lowing the b i r th of the

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ca lves one now born and the other b i r t h expected soon?Because long- term holding in the small medical pool a tSealand i s not an opt ion , what a l t e r n a t i v e ar rangements have

been made to address these poten t i a l problems? What a re

MarinelandjSea World 's contingency plans invo lv ing thej uven i l e male k i l l e r whale to be imported if such problemsoccur a t the Marineland of Canada f a c i l i t y in Ontar io?

2. Discussion of Sea World 's cons idera t ion o f the t r a g i c i nc iden t

a t Sealand o f the Pac i f i c in which a t r a i n e r drowned in the

k i l l e r whale enclosure [ including] t he fac to rs whichSealand of the Pac i f i c , the involved Canadian governmenta lagencies , and Sea World bel ieve were involved in t he inc iden t

~ . g . , please submit copies o f repor t s , f ind ings , e t c . t h a t

are otherwise ava i lable to the publ i c ) ; and the

recommendations made by each of these e n t i t i e s . (See NM S

reques t fo r add i t iona l informat ion da ted December 17, 1991.)

The informat ion provided on t h i s sub jec t i n your l e t t e r o f

December 30, 1991, was a genera l response in which you s t a t e d

Sea World 's pos i t ion on employee t r a in in g and sa fe ty ,

exp la ined t h a t the Sealand animals wi l l be managed i n i t i a l l yas un t ra ined animals , and s ta ted t h a t Sea World does not have

any of Sea land ' s records o r repor t s on t h i s mat te r . This

informat ion i s help fu l in our cons idera t ion o f yourapp l i ca t ion . However, t h i s inc iden t i s a s i g n i f i c a n t enougheven t and, as a r e s u l t , i s sue a r i s i n g out o f the pas t ca re and

maintenance of these k i l l e r whales t h a t it should bethoroughly addressed by Sea World p r io r to i s suance o f a

permi t fo r t h e i r impor ta t ion fo r purposes o f p u b l i c di sp lay .In t h i s regard, Sea World should obta in and c l o s e l y examine

a l l re levant r ep o r t s and documentat ion r e s u l t i n g from t he

inc iden t ; cons ider t he recommendations which were made and

whether and how t hey may apply to Sea World 's f a c i l i t i e s ,

animal ca re and t r a in in g prac t i ce s , and t r a i n e r j a n i m a l

i n t e r ac t io n s p o l i c i e s and procedures; and prov ide , fo r NM S

review, Sea World 's pos i t ion regarding each such r ep o r t andrecommendation, and, where app l icab le , t he manner in whicheach wi l l be addressed in the ca re and maintenance o f t h es e

k i l l e r whales a t Sea World fo l lowing t h e i r proposed i ~ p o r t .3. A desc r ip t ion o f the manner in which t he impor ted k i l l e r

whales wi l l be i so la ted /quaran t ined upon a r r iva l a t Sea World~ ~ i l _ i _ : : : _

In your December 30, 1991, response, you s t a t e d t h a t t h e s e

animals have complete medical h i s t o r i e s , a re b eh av i o ra l l y

normal, and t ha t t hey wi l l be v isua l ly and phys ica l ly

separa ted from the re s iden t Sea World k i l l e r whales pendingbehav iora l observa t ion and medical ev a l u a t i o n . However, you

a l so s t a t e t ha t , These animals have no apparen t medicalcondi t ion requ i r ing quarant ine upon a r r i v a l . Please c l a r i f y

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t he meaning o f t h i s sta tement . ~ ~ F S i s concerned t h a t the

animals to be imported be i n i t i a l l y i so l a t ed in a manners u f f i c i e n t to prevent t ransmiss ion of any communicable d i s eas e

pending an adequate per iod of medical e v ~ l u a t i o n On t he

b as i s of p e r i o d i c consul ta t ion with of f i c i a l s of the Animal

and Plan t Heal th Inspec t ion Serv ice we have genera l ly

i n t e r p r e t ed such i n i t i a l i so l a t ion procedures to reasonab ly

inc lude separa te water c i rcu la t ions sys tems . I f it i s not the

i n t e n t of Sea World to mainta in these animals i n i t i a l l y a f t e r

import in a manner i so l a t ed from the o ther k i l l e r whalespre sen t ly held a t Sea World s f a c i l i t i e s please exp la in why

you b e l i ev e such i so l a t ion i s not necessary o r requ i red to

p r o t ec t the hea l th and welfare of both the animals to be

imported and those now a t Sea World s f a c i l i t i e s .

re sponse which addresses thoroughly each i s sue above w i l l

a s s i s t us in our e f f o r t to process your permit a p p l i c a t i o n s .

Please con tac t us a t 301/713-2289 NEW PHONE NUMBER) i you haveany ques t ions .

Divis ion

of Pro tec ted Resources

Enc losures

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~ ® e a W rldFebruary 14 1992

Ann D TerbushChief Permits Divis ion

Off ice o f Pro tec ted Resourcesand Habi ta t Programs

National Marine Fishe r i e s Serv ice

1335 East West Highway Room 7324Si lve r Spring Maryland 20910

Dear Ms. Terbush:

This l e t t e r responds to your January 14 1992 l e t t e rreques t ing add i t iona l in fo rmat ion on three i ssues r e l a t i n g to our

pending app l i ca t ions to import k i l l e r whales. We be l i eve thefol lowing in fo rmat ion i s respons ive to your l e t t e r .

care and Maintenance o the Whales Prior to mportation

With respec t to the whales o f Sealand we prev ious ly advised

you o f the February 4 1992 b i r t h of a c a l f to Nootka. We are

cau t ious ly op t imis t i c about the cond i t ion o f the new c a l f and the

overa l l s i t u a t i o n a t Sealand. Both mother /ca l f p a i r s appearhea l thy and cur ren t ly t he re i s no i nd ica t ion o f in t e r fe rence

from e i t h e r pa i r .

As we have prev ious ly exp la ined a f t e r reaching agreementwith Sealand in mid-October on the po ten t i a l acqu is i t ion o f the

animals the management opt ions were severe ly l imi t ed . Soont h e re a f t e r on November 1 1991 we met with NM S s t a f f anddescr ibed the circumstances which ul t ima te ly p r ec ip i t a t ed the

emergency impor t o f Til ikum.

After being advised by NM S on November 1 t ha t no emergencyex i s t ed and t h a t no opt ions were ava i l ab le to address the

p o ten t i a l problems we descr ibed we submit ted our permitapp l i ca t ion on November 7 1991 and asked for prompt ac t ion to

ave r t any poss ib l e emergency.

After the success fu l b i r t h o f Haida•s c a l f on December 241991 t was necessary to expedi te the removal o f Tilikum from

the f a c i l i t y for the reasons we had prev ious ly exp la ined . Thiswas and i s the only appropr ia te cont ingency plan for dea l ing

Sea World, Inc.7007 Sea World DriveOrlando, L 32821-8097407) 351-3600

FAX 407) 345-5397

1M Busch Entertainmentll l Corporation


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Ann D TerbushFebruary 14, 1992Page 2

with the mother /ca l f pa i r ( s ) a t Sealand. Reasonable a l t e rna t ivear rangements were not , and are not , av a i l ab l e .

Given the advanced s tages of the po ten t i a l pregnanc ies , we

would not have moved the females even i f a l t e rna t ive housingex is ted . e s t a t e d in our app l ica t ion :

[ I ] f Haida gives b i r t h success fu l ly , she andher c a l f would be imported to Sea World of

Flor ida not sooner than 12 months a f t e r the

b i r t h , and more l i k e l y in ea r ly 1993. I fHaida, who i s car ry ing her f i r s t ca l f , i sunsuccess fu l , she may remain in Canada withNootka for companionship u n t i l import to SeaWorld of Flor ida when Nootka and /or Nootka s

c a l f ( i f Nootka gives b i r t h success fu l ly ) a reimported to Sea World of Texas . • • unless

compa t ib i l i t y problems requ i re an e a r l i e rimport .

I f Nootka gives b i r th success fu l ly , she andher c a l f would be imported to Sea World of

Texas not sooner than 12 months a f t e r the

b i r t h , and more l i k e l y in the ear ly summer of

1993. I f Nootka, who i s a l so carry ing herf i r s t c a l f , i s unsuccess fu l , she may remain in

Canada with Haida and /or Haida s c a l f ( i fHaida gives b i r t h success fu l ly ) . . • unless

compa t ib i l i t y problems requi re an e a r l i e rimport .

In a l e t t e r a t tached to the ap p l i c a t i o n , Dr. J im McBain

s t a t ed :

Haida i s dominant over the other female, soone would not expect Nootka to i n t e r f e r e withHaida. I f Haida f a i l s to produce a viab lec a l f , she could be a problem fo r the

subord ina te female, Nootka, during the b i r t hprocess . This p o s s i b i l i t y would l ead to the

conclus ion t ha t t would enhance Nootka s

chance of success i f Haida was moved fromSealand pr io r to February 1992. Thisobviously would be prec luded i f Haida ca lvedsuccess fu l ly . I t would be unwise to move herand her c a l f before the c a l f i s one year of

age . However, I would not expect Haida to bea problem for Nootka i f Haida i s nurs ing a

c a l f a t the t ime Nootka gives b i r t h . I fNootka s b i r t h f a i l s , she could remain u n t i l

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Ann D TerbushFebruary 14, 1992Page 3

Haida and her c a l f were ready for t ranspor t .I f Nootka has a successful ca lv ing, she and

her of f sp r ing should not be t r anspor t ed u n t i lthe c a l f i s a t l eas t one year of age.

We be l ieve we have cons idered and descr ibed in ourapp l ica t ion every reasonab le opt ion for managing the d i f f i c u l ts i t u a t i o n a t Sealand. Given the pos i t ion taken by NM S in i t scover l e t t e r to the coopera t ive agreement with Sea World dated

January 8, 1992, we are reques t ing t ha t NM S be prepared to t ake

immediate ac t ion in the event ( l ) Haida l ose s her c a l f andi n t e r f e r e s with Nootka s bonding process or (2) Nootka i sunsuccess fu l in rea r ing a viab le c a l f and begins to i n t e r f e r ewith Haida s nurs ing o f her ca l f . I f e i t h e r even t a r i s e s , the

female i n t e r f e r i n g with an es tab l i shed mother /ca l f pa i r should be

immediately removed.

Our app l ica t ion submit ted on November 7, 1991 fo r the importof a juveni le cap t ive-born male from Marineland was submit ted as

the so lu t ion to the p o t e n t i a l compa t ib i l i t y problems a tMarineland. Therefore , we reques ted and expect a dec is ion ont h i s reques t wi th in the t ime frame necessary to prov ide for the

hea l th and welfare of t h i s animal .

Discuss ion o f Sea World s Considerat ion of the Inc ident a tSealand o f the Pac i f i c in Which a Tra iner Drowned in the Ki l l e r

Whale Enclosure

We have reviewed the recommendat ions of the WorkersCompensation Board-Employer s Accident Inves t iga t ion Report andSea l an d s pol i cy s ta tements i s sued in response to various repor t s

and recommendations . This review conf i rms the determinat ion

s t a t ed in our l e t t e r of December 30, 1991 t h a t the repor t s andrecommendations made regard ing the i nc iden t o f Sealand a re uniqueto the conf igura t ion and opera t ion of the Sealand f a c i l i t y , orthey address fundamental t r a ine r and publ ic s a f e ty procedureswhich have been in e f f e c t a t Sea World for seve ra l years .

Furthermore , the documents we have reviewed do not i den t i fy anybehavioral c ha ra c t e r i s t i c s or problems unique to Tilikum or the

o ther k i l l e r whales a t Sealand which requi re spec ia l

cons ide ra t ion .

As s t a t e d in our l e t t e r of December 30, 1991, Sea Worldprofe ss iona l s t a f f have been ac t ive ly observing a l l the whaless ince November 7, 1991. These observa t ions conf i rm t ha t the

animals are behaviora l ly normal. Thus, no spec ia l ac t ions are

needed to augment regula r Sea World procedures .

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Ann D TerbushFebruary 14, 1992Page 4

the Manner in Which the Im or ted K i l l e r WhalesQuarant ined Upon Arr iva l a t Sea World

As descr ibed in our l e t t e r of December 30, 1991, the animalsto be imported have complete medical h i s t o r i e s . Based on these

h i s to r i e s and cur ren t observa t ions , the animals are in goodhea l th and the re i s no apparen t medical cond i t ion requi r ing

quarant ine . Therefore , the quaran t ine of the animals under the

def in i t ion of i so la t ion as se t fo r th in the appl icable APHIS

regu la t ions , 9 C.F.R. 1 .1 , i s not necessary or required to

pro tec t the hea l th and welfare of e i t h e r the animals to beimported or the r es iden t Sea World an imals .

e be l ieve t h i s responds to your January 14 l e t t e r and we

urge prompt and favorab le ac t ion on Sea World s pending permi t

app l ica t ions .

Sincere ly ,

Vice Pres ident

Zoological Operat ions

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  ~ .~ ® e a ~ r l dNovember 6, 1992

Dr. Nancy FosterDirector, Office of Protected ResourcesNational Marine Fisheries Service1335 East-West Highway oom 8268

Silver Spring, Maryland 20910

Re: Permit No. 774

Dear Dr. Foster:

Brad AndrewsVice PresidentZoological Operations

This letter is our notification of intent p u r s ~ a n t to PermitNo. 744 to import the three killer whales from Sealand of thePacific between December 24 1992 and January 31, 1993 dependingupon the availability of the proper charter aircraft

Transportation and Maintenance of the Animals

Condition B (1) c) requests information on the plans andfacilities for transportation and maintenance during transport Intransporting these animals, we will follow the procedures detailedin section VII. B. 4. and 5 and attachments to the applicatiOJ)submitted on November 7, 1991 and in the supplemental discussion ofthese procedures provided in our letters to you dated Decembei 301991 and February 14 1992. The procedures described above arei dent i ca 1 to those utili zed in the April 17 1992 import of thek er wha 1e, Sp1ash, transferred under Permit No. 733 and the

January 9, 1991 emergency import of Ti 1i kum transferred underAgreement No. 1Q. These imports were accomplished without incidentand without adverse impact on the animals.

Sea World, Inc.7007 Sea World DriveOrlando, FL 32821-8097(407) 363-2661FAX (407) 345-5397

a Busch Entertainment


8/12/2019 1991 SeaWorld Permit Application For Sealand Killer Whales (No. 775)

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Dr. Nancy FosterNovember 6, 1992Page Two

In addition, the transport and maintenance of killer whales bySea World complies with the U.S. Department of Agriculture sregulations and standards Specifications for the Humane Handling,Care, Treatment and Transportation of Marine Mammals.

Specifically, the animals will be transferred from Sealandusing the following procedure. The three animals will leave theSealand facility together via charter truck to charter aircraft.Each animal will be transported in individual units sizedappropriately and designed for comfort during the transport.

Illustrations of our transport units were supplied as an attachmentto our letter of December 30, 1991. The animals will betransported under the direction of a team of Sea World professionalstaff. A veterinarian will accompany the animals at all timesduring the transport. The facilities and methods for the transportand care of these animals were reviewed and certified as adequateon behalf of our veterinary staff by Dr. J. McBain as an attachmentto our application. s noted above, these procedures are identicalto those used to import Tilikum and Splash.

The animals will be maintained by Sea World Inc. Haida and

her calf will arrive at Sea World of Texas on the first leg of thetransport and will remain there. The transit time will beapproximately eight hours. The flight will continue with Nootkagoing to Sea World of Florida. That transit time will beapproximately four hours. The total transport should not exceed 12hours absent unusual circumstances. The placement of the animalshas been changed since the application was originally submitted onNovember 7, 1991. Since submitting the application, we havedetermined from observations of all the animals involved thatsocial compatibility will most likely be achieved with the animalsgoing to the respective parks as indicated above.

Medical Determinations

Condition B 1) (c) appears to require that the importationplan include a determination that the animals are ready fortransport and a determination, to the extent pract cab1e, thatlactation/nursing has ceased and the calf has been weaned. At thetime the transport is arranged, we will determine, to the extent

8/12/2019 1991 SeaWorld Permit Application For Sealand Killer Whales (No. 775)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/1991-seaworld-permit-application-for-sealand-killer-whales-no-775 62/64

Dr. Nancy FosterNovember 6, 1992Page Three

practicable, that lactation/nursing has ceased and the killer whalecalf has been weaned. This will be accomplished by comparing theobserved food consumption and absence of nursing of the calf withsimilar behavior of the six other killer whales that have beensuccessfully weaned at Sea World parks. With respect to eachanimal s fitness for transport, at this time, each killer whale isin apparent good hea1 h. At the time of transport, fitness fortransport will be determined using standard laboratory andbehavioral evaluations. A health certificate will be issued foreach animal prior to the transport.

Although Condition B 1) c), read literally, would requirethat these medical determinations be made thirty days in advance aspart of the importation plan, such determinations are prematurethirty days in advance. Responsible veterinary practice requiresthat each of the medical determinations provided for in ConditionB 1) (c) be made as close to transport as possible so that thegreatest amount of data is available and that the data on theseanimals condition is the most current relative to the time oftransport.

Assumption of Responsibility

Condition B 1) (c) requests a statement of when Sea Worldwill assume sole responsibility for the care and maintenance of thekiller whales. Sea World will assume this responsibility as theanimals are lifted from the water to be placed in the transportunits. Responsibility for the animals prior to the import restswith Sealand. However, Sealand is consulting with Sea World onappropriate care and maintenance procedures.


Sea World s importation procedures are fully adequate toprovide for the health and well-being of the killer whales to beimported from Sealand. e believe that has been established by thesuccessful transport of other killer whales using identicaltransportation methods and identical procedures for determining theanimals medical fitness for transport.

8/12/2019 1991 SeaWorld Permit Application For Sealand Killer Whales (No. 775)

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Dr Nancy FosterNovember 6 1992Page Four

If you have any questions regarding this matter please do nothesitate to call Your timely approval of this plan willfacilitate the progress of the importation.


~ v ~Brad AndrewsVice PresidentZoological Operations


8/12/2019 1991 SeaWorld Permit Application For Sealand Killer Whales (No. 775)

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F i l e No: P2W Permit No: Act ion Ind iv idua l AJ/PHB

Name of Appl ican t SEA WORLD INC7007 SEA WORLD DRIVEORLANDO FL 32821 8097

Primary Contact : ANDREWS MR BRAD Phone: 407 363 2155




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