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1992 Chimeric Study of Sodium Channels From Rat Skeletal and Cardiac Muscl

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  • 7/30/2019 1992 Chimeric Study of Sodium Channels From Rat Skeletal and Cardiac Muscl


    Volume 309, numkr 3,253-257 FEBS llSl00 1992cdcrarion of Eurqxan Biochemical Societies [email protected] September 1992

    Ckimeric study of sudium channels from sat skeletal and cardiac muscleL.-Q. Chcnb, M. Chnhinc, R.G. Kallct?, R.L, Barchicd and R. MarnM

    Received 20 July 1991Two soforms of voltngcsdcpcndcnt Na chunnclr, cloned from rat skclctvI muulc, wcrc cxprcsscd in Xwopw oocyks. The currcma of AkM t andrSkM2 differ functio nally in 4 propcrGcs: (i) tctrod otoxin (TTX) s cnriliv ity, (ii)ficono toxin (ira) sensitivity , (iii) amplitude of sin& channelcurrcn ls, and (iv) mtc of inactivnGon. rSkM I is scnsitivc to bolh TTX and /LTX. rSkM2 h rcsiaant 10 borh torins, urrcms of AkMl hrv~P higher single channel conductance and a slower rate of inactivation thnn those of rSkM2. WC conaructcd (i) chimes by inrrrc hangingdon uin1 (DI) bctwccn tbc two iroforms, (ii) block muution r of 22 amino acids in length Ihat intcrc bangcd parts of the loop kcclwccn trmsmsrnbransscgmcnts SS and S6 in both DI and 04. and (iii) point mudons in the SS? rcaion orthis loop n Dl. The IT% scnsitivi tycould k switched klwccnrhc two isofonns by the cxcbangc of inglc umino acid, tyrosinc -401 in rSkM I nnd cyslcinc.374 in rSkM2 in S52 of DI. By conlnst most chimerasand point mutants had un in&rmc dialc rcnsiliv ity topCTX when compared with the wild+@ chunncls . The point inumt rSkM1 (Y40lC) hadan inrcrmcd iatc ringlc l yM) is prcscnt in both developing anddcncrvatcd skeletal muscle as well PS n rat hsart [l&6].Adult Na channels from skclctal muscle arc alsouniquely sensitive to y-sonotoxin @-CTX), a propertynor shared either with the TTX-sensitive Nn channelsof brain or with TTX-resistant Na channels of muscle[7,8]. Accordingly the currents of rSkMI, but not ofrSkM2, arc blocked by nanomolar concentrations of,u-CTX when the cRNA is expressed in Xcwpus oocytcs[2,3]. At least two ocher functional diffcrcnscs are ob-served between the Na currents of the wild-type chan-nels txprcsscd ir: ,Ywroptrsoocytcs, namely the singlc-channel conductencc is larger in rSkM1 than in rSkM2191, nd the rate of inactivation is grcutcr in rSkM2 [2,3].

    Corrcs~ondcncc adcfrcw R, Horn. Dcpartmcn t of Physiology , J&r-son Medical Collcgc, 1020 Locust Street, Phlludclphia, PA 19107,LJ5A. Fax: (215) YS5.2073.

    WC have constructed chimeras and mutations thatexchange portions of AkMl and rSkM2 to try to idcn=tify the regions of the protein bat are rcsponsiblc fortheir sirnctionul differences. Most of the mutations wereconstruct4 in the loop between the putative transmcm-branc segments S5 and S6, either in the first (Dl) or thefourth (D4) of the four homologous domains. Portionsof the SS-S6 segment from 011 our domains have beenshown to contribute to TIX sensitivity irnd ainglc than=ncl conductance of rat brain Na channels 1101.A resentreport dcmonstratcd that full m sensitivity can bcrestored to rSkM2 by cxchangc of a single amino acidbctwccn the two isoforms [111.This amino acid, tyrosincin rSkMl and cystcinc in rSkM2, is located in the so-culled SS2 region of the SS-S6 loop of Dl. An abstractof our data hus appeared [12].

    2. MATERIALS AND METHODSChemicals and protoco ls wcrc obtained from Fkthcxla R-archLabs, Sigma, VWR. Srratagcnc Ctoning Syslcms, and Amcnham.

    2,2, Currxrruaion a/ chinwic and sits-qwcifk mulunUpSlSl and pSIS2 wcr c connruc lcd from the full-length cDNAs ofrSkM1 (SI) and rShM2 (52) by transfcrln g So/I-Sari and NlndlIl-Emiti iqpncnis iitiiii $i#i+j iii5 fii%Gi crprcwhr WSiGi5 i.qinto pSclccl-I (PSI ; Promcga), Chimeras were conswuckd from c%isbillg or newly crcutcd cndonuclcasc rcstriclion sites or wilh new sites,

    Putdished by EIsrvicr Scicncc Publl~hcrs E. V. 253

  • 7/30/2019 1992 Chimeric Study of Sodium Channels From Rat Skeletal and Cardiac Muscl


    Volume 309. number 3 FEDS LETTERS Seprcmbcr 1991Sinylc.strandcd DNA ~cmplurcsWCICrcporcd from phaycmids withthe hclpcr phugc R408 or YCS M 13 (Slmtupcnc).p!Sl-1234and pSIS2.1234 chimeras wcrcconslructcd from thefull-length cDNAs of rSkMl (SI) and r&M2 (S2 or denoted withprime symbol) by inurchanging the g/I-&oRI rnryl~rcnlsrSkMI1,778-6457; rSkM2 1.453-X076) txtwccn pSIS2 and pSK(+)SITheplesmids were linearized far transcription by EraRI and IVu/l. rcspcc-tiucly. SircqxciRc mutations wcrc introduced as follows:S21SpplI ire (undcrlinsd) S-GCTCCTCGTACGCCATTGGCCA~3utposition 1,453 n pSIS following transfer of fhc full&npth cDNAfrom pSP64T&sM? 10 pS1 to form pSiS2.Sl/.SucI she (underlinsd) 5=CACTGAAGGAGCTCAGCAG-GA.3 aI position 2,840 in pSI Sl.pSlSl.DlSS2 (block mutation of SS? Icgmcnt of domain 1 ofr&Ml to corrcspond to the scqucncc of rSkM2 pro&cd in pSISI);5.AAGAAGATCATGTAGATCITGCCCGCA~GATCGTAGGGTCTGI-TGGTAAAGGCGCTCC-CAGCAGTCCfGCGTCATGAG.3 (Oligo #?A. Y401C, N404R.F406Y, LKISQ, ABI?S. T416f); rmnscriplion from Srtrrf lincorizcdlcmplrrc.pSISI.DlSSI (block mutation of SSI ssgmcnt of domain I ofrSkMl to correspond to Ihc rcquc~xc of rSkM2 prodwcd in pSlSlR/A containing the vwfor squcncc downstcdm from 1f.c EruRl rile inthe MCS and the cDNA sequence from 138 (initir tion codon 451)throu@ Ihc Surl rite (2,w0); 5.AGffGGT

  • 7/30/2019 1992 Chimeric Study of Sodium Channels From Rat Skeletal and Cardiac Muscl


    Yolumc 09, numbsr 3 FEBS

    Fig. I, Elfcctof TTX and JI.STX on currcms of rSkM I and rSkM2.Current of (A) rSkMt und 05) r&M? nt -10 mV from il holdingpolcnlhl of - 100 mY. Supcrimpwzd wscs indiulc the clTcrtr of 100RM ITX rend 500 RM PCTX.diffcrcnsc in TTX sensitivity bctwccn rkMl undrSkM2, has the following amino acid scqucncc:

    rSkM 1: IULMTQDYW;NLFQLTRAAGKTYrSkM2: lJLMTQD~WE~L~Q?jTLR~AGK~-l&h isoform contains ;I single glutamate in SS2 (@).Tlziv rcriduc. when rcpleccd by glutaminc in rut brainNtl chunncls. abolishes TTX sensitivity [ 181,All but 6amino acids (undcrlincd) arc idcnticcll in this region ofDl, There is one difference in charge; a positivelycharged urgininc (R377) in rSkM2 is rcplaccd by D ncu-tral srspuraginc (N404) in rSkM 1. These residues, how-cvcr, arc not the primary dctcrminnnts for the differentTM scnsitivitics of the wild-type isoforms, Satin ct al.[ 1I] showed that the point mutant rSkM2(R377N) hasn lower, rather than u higher, sensitivity to TX thanthe wild-type isoform, WC have constructed the sumcmutation with equivalent results(data not shown). WChave also constructed the complsmcntary mutation in

    rSkM1. This mutant. rSkMl(N404R), hud little effecton cithcr TTX sensitivity, with an &,of 5724 nM. or@TX sensitivity (I& = 55*7 nM).WC also cxchungcd the tyrosinc (Y4Ol) in rSkM 1 forthe cystcinc (C374) of rSkM2 [1 11.Fig, 2 shows thut therxchangc of this rcsiduc switched t>c TTX sensitivity ofthe two isaforms. The I& for lTX block of rSkMl-(Y401C) was 1,5f0.3 PM, and for rSkMZ(C374Y) was

    TERS Scpwmtw 15%5.2&0,4 nM. rSkM2(C374Y) was cvcn more scnsitivc tomX than wildqpc rSkM I. By contrast the sensitivityto PCTX in rSkMI(Y401C) was reduced below thatfound in nutivc rSkM1 (I& = 19757 nM). but not tothe lcvcl found in native t5kM2. Convcrscly the muta=tion rSkM2(C374Y) did not rccovcr the scnsitivicy top-cTX found in native rSkM1.

    It has been postulated that the ITX binding site hwnegatively charged sites that could accumuhtc Ne ionelocally and thus increase the condustancc of the Nnchrrnncl at physiological ionicconccntrations[l5,19,20].In uccordancc with this idco rSkM1 has a larger singleshsrnncl conductansc than AkM2, cithcr in dcvclopingmuscle [L6] or when cxprcsssd hctcrologously in oocytcs[9,15]. This suggcstcd to us that TT%-scnsitirc mutantsmight IIPVC tl higher single chnnncl conductance thunthose that urc inscnsitivc to TTX. Fig. 3 shows the singlechannel current-voltugc relationship for the two pointmutants tl1ilt intcrconvrrt TTX sensitivity,rSkMl(Y40lC) and rkM2(C374Y). obtained fromoutsideout patches. Linear regressions for thcsc dataarc shown us dashed lines. For comparison, the bet-fitregression lines for the wild-type channels arc shown assolid lines. bnscd on the duttl in Gcllcns et ~11.92, Al-though the point mutation in rSkM2 had little effect onthe amplitude and conductance of single channel cur-rents, the complcmcntary mutation in rSkM1 caused tlsignificant dccrcasc in the slop condusbncc, from 32pS in the wild-type to IS pS in rSkM l(Y4olC), Our datathcrcforc show that the 7TX-scnsitivc mutant has alower single chilnnd conductonsc than the lI%rc+timt mutant, contrary to our cxpcctation.3.3. I~ructiwtion kirlcticsrSkM 1, but not rSkM2. has abnormally slow kineticsof inactivation when cxprcsscd in oocytcs, The timeconstunts of inactivetion arc prcscntsd in Trtblc I for allthe chimeras and block mutations. The wild-typeisoforms in our experiments had &fold diflcrcnccs intime constants of inactivation. Block mutations in the

    ITim COINIII~of intictivation r~ncl C, of7TX imd 1(.ffX block

    NumcWildatyp rSkM IWild-type rSkM2CllitttcrupSlS1.1234pSlS2-1234Es& ii;;:ti;rpSlSl.DSS2pSISbDISS1pS1Sl-D4552

    fnuctivation his) 71% wnrilivity j&TX sensitivity10.65 f: 0.8 34.9 f 9 nM 54 t6 nM1.2 t 0.3 3 *l PM > IO PM2.1 + 0.3 tl 22 nM 1.3 r 0.1 PM2.1 f 0.8 1 fO.lpM 0.5 z 0.3pM

    11.9 & 1.2 1 2O.tpM 0.1 + 0.4pM1369 + 1 20 t Q nM 96,4 f 17 nM10.9 & 0.8 34.3 ?: 4 nM 287 f U9 nM


  • 7/30/2019 1992 Chimeric Study of Sodium Channels From Rat Skeletal and Cardiac Muscl


    Volume 30% number 3 FEES LE-lTERS September 1992

    0%Fiy. 2. Point mutunts (A) rkMI (Y4olC) and (BI tSkM2 (C374Y),The Jatn wcrc obtained under the sumc conditions PI in FiQ. 1. Therime constant for inactivation of rSkM1 04OIC) was 11 I tZ ms.andfor rSkM2 (C374Y) WYO .97fO.l ms.

    SS2 region of either Dl or D4 had no significant cffcctson the kinetics of innctivation of tSkM 1. The same wastrue for all the point mutations WC xominsd, however,the two chimeras in which Di was exchanged bctwccnthe isoforms had intermediate rates of inactivation,each tipproximately 2-times slower than that of rSkM2(Table I). Also, a block mutation in the 8Sl region ofDl in &Ml caused a slower rate of inactivation thanobserved in the wild-type isoform. These dota suggesta role of Dl in the rate of Na-channel inactivation inoocytcs.4. DISCUSSION

    We cxamincd four functional properties of NP cur-rents that differ in the isoforms rSkMl and rSkM2,when expressed in oosytcs. Thcsc properties arc TTXsensitivity, yCTX sensitivity, single channel conduct-nncc, and inactivation kinetics. Our rcsuks show that 3single residue accounts for most of the difference in theTTX sensitivity between rSkM1 and rSkM2. The otherthree propcrtics, however. cannot be explained so sim-ply, suggesting that more extensive differences bctwccnthe proteins, or difference at multiple sites, must us-count for the diffcrcnccs in function.

    Fig. 3. Sin& chenncl amplitudco, Data were obthcd from outsidc-OYI patches of the indicated mutations. and arc plotted as mean 2S.E.M., along with best-fit linear regression linca. Solid rcgrcrvionlines wcrc for the wild-type isoforrns, 85 found in Gcllcn5 ct al. [9!,

    The diffcrcnsc in TTX sensitivity between these twomuscle isoforms is primarily explained by u single rcsi-due in the W-S6 loop of Dl (Fig. 2). Our datu do notshow whether a cystcinc at this position inhibits TTXblock, or whcthcr the tyrosinc is ncccssary for block byTTX, however. other TTX-sensitive Na channels of ratbrain or clcctroplnx have either a phcnylaloninc or atyrosinc at this position [2l-231, suggesting that an are-matic group here may be ncccssary for the action ofTTX. The mutation of the cystcinc (C374) of rSkM2 tophcnylolnninc also confers lTX sensitivity to thisisoform [ll]. The aromatic group may contribute di-rcctly to the TTX binding site. as suggested by the roleof aromatic rcsiducs in the block by tctrecthylammo-nium in K channels [24] or I\& he binding of asc-tylcholinc to usctylcholincstcrasc [25]. The nature ofintcruction between the cationir toxin and the aromaticgroup is unknown, but clsctrostatic interactions arc bc-licvcd to occur between cutionic amino groups and aro-matic side chains [26]. The SS2 regions of the four do-mains of Na chunncls each cantain from one to threearomatic residues, any of which may contribute to toxinbinding. Tyrosinc-401 in rSkM 1 is the only SS2 residuewhich does not huvc a corresponding aromatic residueat the equivalent position in rSkM2. Since RkM2 hasull of the ubovcmcntioncd ncgucivc rcsiducs. as well PSall-but-one of the trromutic residues in SS2 regions, itnpparcntly bus all of the structural requirements forTTX binding, with the cxccption of the one aromaticresidue in Dl. Further mutagenic cxpcrimcnto arc re-quired to understand the roles of the ocher aromaticresidues of SS2 regions in sensitivity to TTX block.Although TTX andp.CTX show competitive binding[271. the mutations thut restore TTX sensitivity torSkM2 do not do the sums for @TX. This is notsurprising, since all isoforms of TTX-scnsitivc Na chan-nels, cxccpt those of skclctal muscle. arc insensitive top-CTX. Also y-CTX is a much larger molecule thanTTX [28], and experiments using analogs of y-CTXsuggest that widely spaced rcsions of the molecule con.tribute to its ability to block Nu channels [29,301,TableI shows, in fact. that mutations in borh Dl and D4affect @ZTX sensitivity. It seems likely, therefore, thatthe y-CTX docking site is comprised of more extensiveparts of the N;I channel thun the TTX binding site. Thecompetitive interaction between the binding of the twocompounds indicates that their binding sites may ovcr-lap, but nor necessarily thut the site arc identical. Ourdata do suggest. however, that the two sites share spc.cific amino acid residues, because the point mutationthat renders rSkM I TTX resistant also causes u3.6.foldincrease in the fC& for POX,4.2. Sing/c chrtle: c0nc/l6cru1zceModels in which TlX biocks Nu channels by cntcr-ing and plugging the pore require that the TTX binding


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    Yolumc 309, number 3 FH3S UTTERS Scptcmkr 1992rite is intimately associated with the rxtraccllul~r mouthof the channel. Our data show that the point mutution,rSkMl(Y40iC). that reduces TTX sensitivity also dc-crca~scs in& chunncl conductance Also. mutcltions inhomologous regions of D3 and D4 of bruin No chmmslsaffect the monovulrnt/divalcnt sclctivity of the channel[31]. Finully, the point mutant rSkM2(C374Y) chungcsthe I&, for Cd: block [l I], which is believed to occurwithin the pcrmcation pathway 1321.The accumulateddntsr. thcrcforc. provide strong support thut SS2 regionsfrom part of the pore. and that TTX binds to P sitewithin it,

    The rtrtc of inactivation of rSkM1 Na current is ab-normnlty slow when cxprcssed in oocytcs, by compnri-son both with the situation in native tissue nnd with hctc-rologous expression in mammiiliim cells [].WC huvc found thut the two isoforms have compnr;lblcrUtcs of inoctivtltion when expressed in TSA-201 cells,LL uman kidney ccl1 lint (unpublished obticrviition). Itis not clctlr why the intrctivntion in oocytcs is abnormalfor rSkM I. It may dcpcnd on the itbscncc in oocytcs ofu necessary coftlctor, such POP subunit of the Nn chan-ncl found in mtrmm;rlitln cels [35]. Altcrnatiucly. theoocytc may not correctly proccvv the rSkM 1 protein. Itiu also not clcor why rSkM2, by contrtrst, hers rapidinactivation kinetics in oocytcs. Ncrvcrthclcss our datasuggest that Dl htls LImodcrtrtc hflucncc on the inucti-vtltion rate, since chimrrns in which Dl is swappedbctwccn the isoforms hnvc intcrmcdiutc rates of inrrcti-vution. This could be due to intcrdomttin 5~swell usincrtldomain inccructions. The intcrprctotion of thesedata will dcpcnd on bcttcr understanding of the influ-cncc of the oocytc cxprcssion system on the processingof Nn channels.Ar~rrcl~\./c~~~*~t~~~/~~C hank David Meyer and C;ltcc Da Kntlcn forIheir nrrist;mcc, Bob French und Let Chilb;ll;l for prcpubticution man-uscripls. und Chris Miller for insighlful discurrionr, The work wiIXsupportat by Amcricirn Hcurr Ar&x\ian, MulkuInr Dyr;trtiphyFoundation. Research Foundaion CI~I~CUniversity of Pcnnsytviulir.S~crling Rcrcnrch Lubontory. and NIH Grunt NS-11013 (RLB).REFERENCES[I] Kn11c11,G. Strcnp,L.H.. Yang. 1.. Chcn, LX&, Rogilrl, R.U.nnd t3tlrchi, R.L. (1990) Neuron 4, 233-242,[2) Trimmer, J.S., Coapcrm;ln. S.S.. Tomiko. %A.. Zhau. J.Y..

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