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1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade...

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1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll
Page 1: 1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust

1993 Federal Election

POLLARA Special Poll

Page 2: 1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust

This is the only documentation available for this survey.

This dataset contains 85 variables and 1,200 cases

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Ql MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE FACING CANADA 2 1 Unemployment 2 Deficit/Debt 3 Economy/Recession 4 Taxes 5 National Unity 6 Environment 7 Free Trade/NAFTA 8 Health Care 9 Education

10 Poverty/Welfare 11 Breakdown Morals 12 Concerns Immigration 13 Crime/Violence 14 Politicians 15 Racism 16 Equality/Equity 17 New Government 18 Legal System 19 Fisheries 20 Farming/Farmers 21 Misc. Problems 22 Children 23 Inflation 88 Other 99 Don't Know

Q2 IMPROVE/WORSEN-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 3 1 Improve Significantly 2 Improve Slightly 3 Worsen Slightly 4 Worsen Significantly 5 Don't Know

Q3 IMPROVE/WORSEN-ENVIRONMENT 4 1 Improve Significantly 2 Improve Slightly 3 Worsen Slightly 4 Worsen Significantly 5 Don't Know

Q4 IMPROVE/WORSEN-UNEMPLOYMENT 5 1 Improve Significantly 2 Improve Slightly 3 Worsen Slightly 4 Worsen Significantly 5 Don I t Know

Page 3: 1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust

Q5 IMPROVE/WORSEN-INFLATION 1 Improve Significantly 2 Improve Slightly 3 Worsen Slightly 4 Worsen Significantly 5 Don't Know


Q6 IMPROVE/WORSEN-INTEREST RATES 1 Improve Significantly 2 Improve Slightly 3 Worsen Slightly 4 Worsen Significantly 5 Don't Know


Q7 IMPROVE/WORSEN-THE FEDERAL DEFICIT 1 Improve Significantly 2 Improve Slightly 3 Worsen Slightly 4 Worsen Significantly 5 Don't Know


Q8 IMPROVE/WORSEN-NATIONAL UNITY 1 Improve Significantly 2 Improve Slightly 3 Worsen Slightly 4 Worsen Significantly 5 Don't Know


Q9 IMPROVE/WORSEN-CRIME IN COMMUNITY 1 Improve Significantly 2 Improve Slightly 3 Worsen Slightly 4 Worsen Significantly 5 Don't Know


QI0 IMPROVE/WORSEN-EDUCATION 1 Improve Significantly 2 Improve Slightly 3 Worsen Slightly 4 Worsen Significantly 5 Don't Know


Qll IMPROVE/WORSEN-HEALTH CARE 1 Improve Significantly 2 Improve Slightly 3 Worsen Slightly 4 Worsen Significantly 5 Don't Know


Q12 HOUSEHOLD INCOME VS. COST 1 More Keep Pace 2 Keep Pace 3 Fall Behind 4 Don't Know


Page 4: 1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust

Q19 1993 FEDERAL VOTE 20 1 Liberal Party 2 PC Party 3 NDP Party 4 Reform Party 5 Bloc Quebecois 6 National Party 7 Other 8 Did Not Vote 9 Don't Know

10 Refused

Q20 1988 FEDERAL VOTE 21 1 Liberal Party 2 PC Party 3 NDP Party 4 Reform Party 5 Other 6 Didn't Vote 7 Don't Know 8 Refused

Q21 WHY SWITCHED VOTE BETWEEN 1988 & 1993 22 1 Always Voted For 2 They Care People 3 Believe In Them 4 Canada Needs Change 6 Concerned About 7 Free Trade 8 Disliked GST 9 Government Overspend

10 unemployment 11 The Debt/Deficit 12 Disliked PC 13 Didn't Trust PC' 15 PC+Brian Mulroney 16 Disl. Kim Campbell 17 Audrey McLaughlin 18 Disl. Jean Chretien 19 Disliked Party 20 Only Option 21 For National Unity 22 For Stability 23 For Sovereignity 24 Strong Voice Quebec 25 To Give Chance 26 Local Candidate 27 Liked Solutions 28 Liked Reform's 29 Liked Leader 30 Liked National Party 31 More Experienced 32 NDP No Longer 33 NDP's Performance 34 No Special Reason 35 Protest Vote 36 Strategic Vote

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37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 88 99

Q22 REASON 1 2

3 4 6


8 9

10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


The Reform Economy New Party Weaken Liberal Wanted A Majority Didn't Want BQ Didn't Want Reform Weak Leader NDP Performance Poor Performance Concerned Health Will Help Economy Didn't Want NDP Immigrantion policy Past Performance Law Enforcement Social Policies Friend/Relative Vote Not Like Policies Do Better Job/ Combat Bloc West A Voice Support For Aborigin Good Moral Values Other Refused

FOR THE 1993 VOTE Always Voted For They Care People Believe In Them Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust PC' PC+Brian Mulroney Disl. Kim Campbell Audrey McLaughlin Disl. Jean Chretien Disliked Only Option National Unity For Stability For Sovereignity Strong Voice Quebec Give Them Chance Local Candidate Their Solutions Liked Reform's Liked Leader Liked National Party More Experienced


Page 6: 1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust

32 NDP Alternative 33 NDP's Performance 34 No Special Reason 35 Protest Vote 36 Strategic Vote 37 The Reform Honest 38 State Of Economy 39 New Party 40 To Weaken Liberal 41 Wanted A Majority 42 Didn't Want BQ 43 Didn't Want Reform 44 Weak Leader 45 Poor NDP Perf. 46 Poor Performance 47 Concerned About Heal 48 Will Help Economy 49 Didn't Want NDP 50 Immigrantion Policy 51 Past Performance 52 Law Enforcement 53 Social Policies 55 Friend/Relative Vote 56 Not Like Policies 57 Better Job 58 Would Combat Bloc 59 The West Voice 60 Support Aboriginals 61 Good Moral Values 88 Other 99 Refused

Q23 IMPORTANT FACTOR IN VOTE DECISION 24 1 Party Leaders 2 Candidates 3 Parties 4 Don I t Know

Q24 IMPORTANT PERSONAL FACTOR IN VOTE 25 1 Personal Qualities 2 Stand On Issues 3 Don't Know

Q25 IMPORTANT PARTY FACTOR IN VOTE 26 1 General Approach 2 Position On Certain 3 Don't Know

Q26 EXPECTED ELECTION RESULT-PARTY VOTED 27 1 Form A Majority 2 Form A Minority 3 Sit opposition 4 Don't Know

Q27 EXPECTED ELECTION RESULT-LIB PARTY 28 1 Form A Majority 2 Form A Minority

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3 Sit Opposition 4 Don't Know

Page 8: 1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust

Q28 MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE IN THE ELECTION 29 1 Leadership/Fresh 2 Aboriginal Issues 3 Canadian Economy 4 National Unity 5 Change In Party 6 Deficit Reduction 7 Education 8 Free Trade 9 Rid Of The GST

10 Health Care 11 Honesty/Credibility 12 Jobs/Job Creation 13 Social Programs 14 Moral Ethical 15 None 16 Politicians' Honesty 17 Quebec Separation 18 Strengthen BQ 19 Helicopter Deal 20 The Environment 21 Party Policies 22 Providing Hope 23 Majority Gov. 24 A New Party 25 Law And Order 88 Other 99 Don't Know

Q29 PARTY W/ SAME VIEW ON ELECTION ISSUE 30 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Reform 5 Bloc Quebecois 6 Other 7 None 8 Don't Know


Q31 BEST PERFORMANCE IN THE TV DEBATE 32 1 Kim Campbell 2 Jean Chretien 3 Audrey McLaughlin 4 Preston Manning 5 Lucien Bouchard 6 None 7 Don't Know

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2 3 4 5

CONSTITUTIONAL Voted Yes Voted No Didn't Vote Don't Recall Refused


Q33 ATTITUDE-INDEPENDENCE OF QUEBEC 1 Favour 2 Oppose 3 Don't Know


Q34 CAMPBELL 1 2 3

AS LEADER-STAY OR Resign Stay On Don't Know


Q35 MCLAUGHLIN AS LEADER-STAY OR RESIGN 36 1 Resign 2 Stay On 3 Don't Know

Q36 KNOWLEDGE ABOUT HOW ECONOMY WORKS 37 1 Very Important 2 Somewhat Important 3 Not Too Important 4 Not At All Important 5 Don't Know

Q37A EXPECTED INFO SOURCE ON ECONOMY-M1 38 1 The Federal Gov. 2 Businesses 3 Schools 4 Other 5 Don't Know

Q37B EXPECTED INFO SOURCE ON ECONOMY-M2 39 1 The Federal Gov. 2 Businesses 3 Schools 4 Other 5 Don't Know

Q37C EXPECTED INFO SOURCE ON ECONOMY-M3 40 1 The Federal Gov. 2 Businesses 3 Schools 4 Other 5 Don't Know

Q37D EXPECTED INFO SOURCE ON ECONOMY-M4 41 1 The Federal Gov. 2 Businesses 3 Schools 4 Other 5 Don't Know

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Q38 UNDERSTANDING ECO. ISSUES CANADIANS 42 1 Very Well 2 Well 3 Poorly 4 Very Poorly 5 Don't Know


Q40 ACTIVITIES-PERSUADING 1 Very Often 2 Often 3 Seldom 4 Very Seldom 5 Don't Know


Q41 URBAN/RURAL COMMUNITY 1 Urban 2 Rural 3 Don't Know


Q42 LIKELIHOOD OF JOB LOSS 1 Very Likely 2 Somewhat Likely 3 Somewhat Unlikely 4 Very Unlikely 5 Not Sure/Don't Know


Q43 OCCUPATION 1 White Collar 2 Grey Collar 3 Blue Collar 4 Homemaker 5 Retired 6 Unemployed 7 Student 8 Farmer 9 Fisherman

88 Other 99 Refused





OF LABOUR UNION Yes No Don't Know/Refused


Q45 AGE o Refused


Page 11: 1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust

Q46 HOUSEHOLD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Q47 PROVINCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12

Q48 GENDER 1 2

Q15A FED VOTE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Q15B FED VOTE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


INCOME 50 Less Than $25,000 $25,000 To $34,999 $35,000 To $44,999 $45,000 To $54,999 $55,000 To $64,999 $65,000 To $74,999 $75,000 + Refused

OF RESIDENCE 51 Newfoundland Nova Scotia New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territ.

52 Male Female

INTENT-SOLID & LEANING 53 Liberal PC NDP Reform Bloc Quebecois National Other Undecided Would Not Vote Refused

INTENT-POTENTIAL VOTERS 54 Liberal PC NDP Reform Bloc Quebecois National Other Undecided Would Not Vote Refused

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Q16 1

Q16 2-

Q16 3

Q16 4

Q16 5

FED VOTE 1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9


INTENT-DECIDED VOTERS Liberal PC NDP Reform Bloc Quebecois National Other Undecided Would Not Vote Refused

PROV VOTE INTENT-NEWFOUNDLAND 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 Will Not Vote 9 Refused

PROV VOTE INTENT-NS 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 will Not Vote 9 Refused

PROV VOTE INTENT-NB 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 Will Not Vote 9 Refused

PROV VOTE INTENT-PEl 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 Will Not Vote 9 Refused










Page 13: 1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust

"\1\', \~\~,,\\$~\ 'tt ~Dc\il tre'd.lt 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other "1 Un.decided 8 Will Not Vote 9 Refused

Q16 6 PROV VOTE INTENT-ONTARIO 61 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 Will Not Vote 9 Refused

Q16 7 PROV VOTE INTENT-MANITOBA 62 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 Will Not Vote 9 Refused

Q16 8 PROV VOTE INTENT-SASK 63 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 wi 11 Not Vote 9 Refused

Q16 9 PROV VOTE INTENT-ALBERTA 64 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 will Not Vote 9 Refused

Page 14: 1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust

Q16 10 PROV VOTE INTENT-BC 65 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 will Not Vote 9 Refused

Q16 1A DECIDED PROV VOTE-NEWFOUNDLAND 66 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 Will Not Vote 9 Refused


1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 will Not Vote 9 Refused

Q16 3A DECIDED PROV VOTE-NB 68 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 will Not Vote 9 Refused

Q16 4A DECIDED PROV VOTE-PEl 69 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 will Not Vote 9 Refused

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1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 will Not Vote 9 Refused


1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 Will Not Vote 9 Refused


1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 will Not Vote 9 Refused

Q16 SA DECIDED PROV VOTE-SASK 73 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 will Not Vote 9 Refused

Q16 9A DECIDED PROV VOTE-ALBERTA 74 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 will Not Vote 9 Refused

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Q16 lOA DECIDED PROV VOTE-BC 75 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Social Credit 5 Parti Quebecois (PQ) 6 Other 7 Undecided 8 Will Not Vote 9 Refused

Q19A 1993 FEDERAL VOTE (RECODED) 76 1 Liberal 2 PC 3 NDP 4 Reform 5 Bloc Quebecois 6 National 7 Other

Q20A FED PARTY ALLEGIANCE/SWITCHER 77 1 Liberal Allegiance 2 Liberal To PC 3 Liberal To NDP 4 Liberal To Reform 5 Liberal To Bloc Queb 6 Liberal To National 7 PC To Liberal 8 PC Allegiance 9 PC To NDP

10 PC To Reform 11 PC To Bloc Queb 12 PC To National 13 NDP To Liberal 14 NDP To PC 15 NDP Allegiance 16 NDP To Reform 17 NDP To Bloc Queb 18 NDP To National 19 Reform To Liberal 20 Reform To PC 21 Reform To NDP 22 Reform Allegiance 24 Reform To National

Q22A REASON FOR VOTING FOR LIB IN 1993 78 1 Always Voted 2 They Care 3 Believe In Them 4 Canada Needs Change 6 Concerned About 7 Free Trade 8 Disliked CST 9 Government Overspend

10 Unemployment 11 The Debt/Deficit 12 Disliked The PC

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13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 88 99


3 4 6 7

Didn't Trust PC PC+Brian Mulroney Disl. Kim Campbell Audrey McLaughlin Disl. Jean Chretien Disliked Majority Only Option For National Unity For Stability For Sovereignity Strong Voice Quebec Give Them Chance Local Candidate Their Solutions Reform's Policies Liked Leader Liked National Party More Experienced NDP Not Alternative NDP's Performance No Special Reason Protest Vote Strategic Vote Reform Honest Economy They New Party Weaken Liberal Wanted A Majority Didn't Want BQ Didn't Want Reform Weak Leader Poor Performance Poor Party Concerned Health Help Economy Didn't Want NDP Immigrantion Policy Past Performance Law Enforcement Social Policies Friend/Relative Vote Not Like Policies Do Better Job/ Would Combat Bloc West A Voice Support Aboriginal Good Moral Values Other Refused

FOR VOTING FOR PC IN 1993 79 Always Voted For They Care People Believe In Them Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade

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8 9

11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59

61 88 99


Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment The Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust PC' PC's+Brian Mulroney Disl. Kim Campbell Audrey McLaughlin Disl. Jean Chretien Disliked Majority Only Option For National Unity For Stability For Sovereignity Strong Voice Quebec Give Them Chance Local Candidate Liked Solutions Liked Reform's Liked Leader Liked National Party More Experienced NDP Not Alternative NDP's Performance No special Reason Protest Vote Strategic Vote Reform More Honest State Of Economy They New Party Weaken Liberal Wanted A Majority Didn't Want BQ Didn't Want Reform Weak Leader Poor NDP Perf. Poor performance Concerned Health will Help Economy Didn't Want NDP Immigrantion Policy Past Performance Law Enforcement Social Policies Friend/Relative Vote Not Like Policies Do Better Job/ Would Combat Bloc Give West A Voice Support Aboriginal Good Moral Values Other Refused

FOR VOTING FOR NDP IN 1993 Always Voted For


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2 They Care People 3 Believe In Them 4 Canada Needs Change 6 Concerned About 7 Free Trade 8 Disliked GST 9 Government Overspend

Improve Unemployment 11 The Debt/Deficit 12 Disliked The PC 13 Didn't Trust PC 15 PC+Brian Mulroney 16 Disl. Kim Campbell 17 Audrey McLaughlin 18 Disl. Jean Chretien 19 Disliked Majority

Only Option 21 For National Unity 22 For Stability 23 For Sovereignity 24 Strong Voice Quebec 25 Give Them Chance 26 Local Candidate 27 Liked Solutions 28 Liked Reform 29 Liked Leader

Liked National Party 31 More Experienced 32 NDP No Alternative 33 NDP's Performance 34 No Special Reason 35 Protest Vote 36 Strategic Vote 37 Reform More Honest 38 State Of Economy 39 They New Party

Weaken The Liberal 41 Wanted A Majority 42 Didn't Want BQ 43 Didn't Want Reform 44 Weak Leader 45 NDP Performance 46 Poor Performance 47 Concerned Health 48 will Help Economy 49 Didn't Want NDP

Immigrantion policy 51 Past Performance 52 Law Enforcement 53 Social Policies 55 Friend/Relative Vote 56 Not Like Policies 57 Do Better Job 58 Would Combat Bloc 59 Give West A Voice

Support Aboriginal 61 Good Moral Values

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88 99


2 3 4 6 7 8

9 10 11

12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45



48 49 50 51 52 53 55 56

Other Refused

FOR VOTING REFORM IN 1993 81 Always Voted For They Care People Believe In Them Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Improve Unemployment The Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust The PC' PC+Brian Mulroney Disl. Kim Campbell Audrey McLaughlin Disl. Jean Chretien Disliked Majority Only Option For National Unity For Stability For Sovereignity Strong Voice Quebec Give Them Chance Local Candidate Their Solutions Liked Reform Liked Leader Liked National Party More Experienced NDP No Alternative NDP's Performance No Special Reason Protest Vote Strategic Vote Reform More Honest State Of Economy New Party Weaken Liberal Wanted A Majority Didn't Want BQ Didn't Want Reform Weak Leader Poor NDP Perf. Poor Performance Concerned Health will Help Economy Didn't Want NDP Immigrantion Policy Past Performance Law Enforcement Social Policies Friend/Relative Vote Not Like Policies

Page 21: 1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust

57 58 59 60 61 88 99


2 3

4 6 7



10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Do Better Job Would Combat Bloc Give West A Voice Support Aboriginal Good Moral Values Other Refused

FOR VOTING FOR BQ IN 1993 82 Always Voted For They Care People Believe In Them Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Improve Unemployment The Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust PC PC+Brian Mulroney Disl. Kim Campbell Audrey McLaughlin Disl. Jean Chretien Disliked Majority Only Option For National Unity For Stability For Sovereignity Strong Voice Quebec Give Them Chance Local Candidate Liked solutions Reform's Policies Liked Leader Liked National Party More Experienced NDP No Alternative NDP's Performance No Special Reason Protest Vote Strategic Vote Reform More Honest State Of Economy New Party Weaken Liberal Wanted A Majority Didn't Want BQ Want The Reform Weak Leader Poor NDP Poor Performance Concerned Health Will Help Economy Didn't Want NDP Immigration Policy

Page 22: 1993 Federal Election POLLARA Special Poll · Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Unemployment Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust

51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 88 99


2 3

4 6 7

8 9

10 11

12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

35 36

37 38 39 40 41 42 43

44 45

Past Performance Law Enforcement Social Policies Friend/Relative Vote Did Not Like Policies Would Do Better Job Would Combat Bloc Give West A Voice Support Aboriginal Good Moral Values Other Refused

FOR VOTING NATIONAL IN 1993 83 Always Voted For They Care People Believe In Them Canada Needs Change Concerned About Free Trade Disliked GST Government Overspend Improve Unemployment The Debt/Deficit Disliked The PC Didn't Trust PC' PC+Brian Mulroney Disl. Kim Campbell Audrey McLaughlin Disl. Jean Chretien Disliked Majority Only Option For National Unity For Stability For Sovereignity Strong Voice Quebec Give Them Chance Local Candidate Liked Solutions Reform's Policies Liked Leader Liked National Party More Experienced NDP No Alternative NDP's Performance No Special Reason protest Vote Strategic Vote The Reform Honest State Of Economy New Party To Weaken Liberal Wanted A Majority Didn't Want BQ Didn't Want Reform Weak Leader Poor NDP Perf.

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46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 88 99

Q40A OPINION 1 2 3

Q47A REGION 1 2 3 4 5 6

Poor Performance Concerned Health will Help Economy Didn't Want NDP Immigrantion Policy Past Performance Law Enforcement Social Policies Friend/Relative vote Not Like Policies Do Better Job Would Combat Bloc Give West voice Support Aboriginal Good Moral Values Other Refused

LEADER 84 Yes No Refused

85 Atlantic Canada Quebec Ontario Prairies BC Yukon/NWT
