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1999 highlights Date published: 2000 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN TO SEE THE FULL TEXT Keywords : Aquaculture, Aquaculture research, Technology transfer, Annual reports, Aquaculture development, Development projects, Fishery organizations, Philippines, Southeast Asia To link to this document : http://hdl.handle.net/10862/813 Share on : This content was downloaded from SEAFDEC/AQD Institutional Repository (SAIR) - the official digital repository of scholarly and research information of the department Downloaded by: [Anonymous] On: July 2, 2018 at 6:39 PM CST Follow us on: Facebook | Twitter | Google Plus | Instagram Library & Data Banking Services Section | Training & Information Division Aquaculture Department | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) Tigbauan, Iloilo 5021 Philippines | Tel: (63-33) 330 7088, (63-33) 330 7000 loc 1340 | Fax: (63-33) 330 7088 Website: www.seafdec.org.ph | Email: [email protected] Copyright 2011-2015 SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department.

1999 highlights Date published: 2000


Keywords : Aquaculture, Aquaculture research, Technology transfer, Annual reports,Aquaculture development, Development projects, Fishery organizations, Philippines, SoutheastAsia

To link to this document : http://hdl.handle.net/10862/813

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This content was downloaded from SEAFDEC/AQD Institutional Repository (SAIR) - the officialdigital repository of scholarly and research information of the departmentDownloaded by: [Anonymous]On: July 2, 2018 at 6:39 PM CST

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Aquaculture Department | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC)Tigbauan, Iloilo 5021 Philippines | Tel: (63-33) 330 7088, (63-33) 330 7000 loc 1340 | Fax: (63-33) 330 7088

Website: www.seafdec.org.ph | Email: [email protected] 2011-2015 SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department.

1999 Highlights

Aquaculture DepartmentSoutheast Asian Fisheries Development Center




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Reaching out to the industry through 3technology transfer & demonstrationprojects

Tilapia culture in small freshwater 3reservoirs

Culture of crabs in mangrove areas 4

Grouper culture in cages 4

Rehabilitation of the kapis industry 5

Other technologies 6

Strengthening ties with the international 7scientific community

Poverty alleviation 8

Community fishery resources 8management project

Food security 9

Milkfish Chanos chanos 9

Tilapias 10

Catfish Clarias macrocephalus 12

The carps 12

Rabbitfish Siganus guttatus 12

Environment-friendly technologies 13

Mangrove-friendly aquaculture 13

Cash crops / export crops 14

Mudcrab Scylla serrata 14

Tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon 15

Mangrove red snapper Lutjanus 16argentimaculatusGrouper Epinephelus coioides 17

Tropical abalone Haliotis asinina 18

Marine ornamental fishes 18

Seaweeds Gracilaria, Gracilariopsis, 19and Kappaphycus

Larval Food Project 20

On-farm trials and verification runs 21

Shrimp culture systems 21

Pond culture of other brackishwater 21species

Seaweed culture 22

Nursery and cage culture of marine 22and freshwater fishes

Broodstock development 22

Multi-species hatchery 23

Research publications 23

Collaborators 25

Training Program 26

Information dissemination 27

Celebrations 30

Facilities & infrastructure 31

Personnel & management 31

Produced by the Development Communication StaffPublished by SEAFDEC Aquaculture DepartmentISBN 971-8511-53-4

The department chief reports

SEAFDEC/AQD in 1999The year saw AQD continue to reach out to the aquaculture industrythrough its technology transfer and demonstration projects and tostrengthen its ties with the international scientific community throughthree international seminar-workshops.

AQD likewise continued to pursue its considerable research efforts intomudcrab, tiger shrimp, milkfish, grouper and snapper, tilapia and bigheadcarp, marine ornamental fishes, seaweeds, and abalone. The seed produc-tion and grow-out culture technologies developed from research wereverified as to their commercial viability with the help of private fishfarmsand local government units in the Philippines. Packets of technology hadlikewise been extended by AQD through its training courses and informa-tion programs.

This report, 1999 Highlights, bears the results of our efforts this year. It isworthwhile noting that while most of the sites for technology demonstra-tion is located in the Philippines, this is only the initial step and the pro-gram will be expanded to other SEAFDEC Member-Countries in accordancewith the new SEAFDEC strategic plan of regional collaboration. The mecha-nism would be the respective fisheries agencies of SEAFDEC Member-Coun-tries. In addition, we are documenting the process of technology dissemi-nation and collaboration and not just the verification of technologiesalone.

The future of aquaculture would mostly include the use of biotechnologywith the possibilities of enhancing growth rate and disease resistance,hence, decreasing production costs. AQD is preparing for this challenge byestablishing the Advanced Aquaculture Technologies program. Theprogram’s facility – the biotech lab – is not yet complete, but it will beoperational by year 2000. Collaborative projects would be welcome.

This foray into high-tech approaches would not make us forget the needfor basic environment education so we can make wise use of our remain-ing natural resources and sustain aquaculture, among other human activi-ties. Young minds are so important, and they are the focus of FishWorld,essentially a teaching tool of AQD’s environment awareness program. TheFishWorld building is nearly finished.

As 1999 drew to a close, we are confident that we did our best in demon-strating that aquaculture can be a tool for eliminating poverty and contrib-uting to the food security in the country and the whole of Southeast Asia.

Rolando R. Platon, Ph.D.Department ChiefSEAFDEC/AQD





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Reaching out to the industrythrough technology transfer &

demonstration projects

This is the most popular among thetechnologies extended and picked upby local government units in the Philip-pines. Investment in tilapia culture isconsiderably less, tilapia being a low-cost commodity to culture.

The Central Panay Economic Unifica-tion Inc (CPEU) was assisted in design-ing and constructing tilapia cages inSan Julian Dam in Capiz. Some 25,000tilapia fry have been stocked and about60 tilapia breeders (SEAFDEC strain) arebeing maintained for fry production.CPEU is a consortium of five municipali-ties – Altavas, Batan and Libucao of the

Tilapia culture in small freshwater reservoirs

Tilapia netcages in San Julian Dam in Capiz, a joint project of SEAFDEC/AQD, BFAR and CPEU

province of Aklan and Tapay andJamindan of Capiz. The Philippine Bu-reau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources(BFAR) is also involved in this project.

The Panay Gulf Development Pro-gram (PGDP) received 250 pieces ofSEAFDEC/AQD’s fast growing strain of ti-lapia breeders and 3,000 pieces of tila-pia fry for dispersal to operators alongthe municipalities of southern Iloilo.PGDP is run by the local governments ofOton, Tigbauan, Guimbal, Miag-ao andSan Joaquin in collaboration with theDepartment of Agriculture, Departmentof Environment and Natural Resources,

Department of Science and Technology,Department of Labor and Employment,the University of the Philippines in theVisayas, and the Land Bank of the Phil-ippines.




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This is the most environment-friendly of the grow-out technologies so far devel-oped by SEAFDEC/AQD. Mangroves are not cleared to make way for brackishwaterponds. Instead, aquaculture is conducted within mangrove areas.

The local government units of Tangalan and Ibajay in Aklan were extended tech-nical assistance in mangrove-friendly aquaculture and community resource man-agement. The current projects include the raising of mud crabs in ponds and penswith existing mangroves, and the growing of grouper in netcages.

The Philippine Reef and Rainforest Conservation Foundation Inc (PRRCFI) wasextended technical assistance in mangrove-friendly aquaculture and fish cage cul-ture projects; and in the pen culture of king crab in mangroves. PRRCFI is providingalternative livelihood to local fisherfolk communities in five communities in NegrosOccidental, from Cauayan to Sipalay.

Culture of crabs in mangrove areas

Mudcrab culture in pens in mangrove areas:Ibajay model

This technology is most appropriate in areas with relatively unpol-luted marine waters. Grouper is a high-value commodity and is usu-ally marketed live.

Grouper culture in cages

The Food and Agriculture Organization–United Nations De-

velopment Programme (FAO-UNDP) was extended technical assis-tance when they searched for alternative livelihood for the rebelreturnees of the Moro National Liberation Front. SEAFDEC/AQDprovided training in grouper fry procurement, packaging and trans-port; stocking, sorting, and grow-out activities. AQD also assisted inconstructing ten units of floating cages for grouper grow-out inBasilan and Jolo in southern Mindanao.

The Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) was ex-tended the same assistance in their livelihood project in MaquedaBay, western Samar.

The Conception Polytechnic College and BFAR likewise receivedtechnical assistance from SEAFDEC/AQD for verifying and demon-strating in commercial scale the viability of grouper culture andmilkfish culture using hatchery-reared seeds.

SEAFDEC/AQD trained MNLF rebel returnees in marine cage farming last


SEAFDEC/AQD turnedover the managementof its mangrove-friendly aquacultureproject in NewBuswang, Aklan tolocal governmentofficials. The project isthe first model eventu-ally followed byTangalan and Ibajay,Aklan





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Grouper culture cages in Tangalan

SEAFDEC/AQD conducted a dialogue with Aklan local governments andthe local media on sustainable aquaculture and coastal resource man-agement on February 23

Rehabilitation of thekapis industrySEAFDEC/AQD assisted the local governments of Tig-bauan and Oton in Iloilo in dispersing seeds ofkapis shell (Placuna placenta) in their respectiveterritorial waters. The seedstock has been pro-duced from 1,200 wild breeders induced to spawnat AQD’s mollusc laboratory. The ultimate aim ofthis artificial reseeding is the rehabilitation of thekapis industry, a project implemented under PGDP.

Kapis shellprovidedhandsomematerialsfor whatwas once athrivingshellcraftexportindustry


helpedtownsfolk ofOton, Iloiloseed kapisbreedersnear thecoast

Landmarkfor thekapisreseedingsite inTigbauan,Iloilo

Governmentofficials ofOtonchecked outthe kapisbreeders





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Other technologies

The Western Samar Agricultural Develop-

ment Programme (WESAMAR) of the Philip-pine Department of Agriculture and the Euro-pean Union got SEAFDEC/AQD’s support in es-tablishing a multi-species hatchery, currentlyunder construction. AQD will contribute itsseed production technologies for mud crab andgrouper.

The local government of Palawan and

BFAR were assured of AQD’s support in con-structing an aquaculture demonstration centerhoused within BFAR’s Inland Searanching Sta-tion in Puerto Princesa. AQD provided techni-cal assistance in designing and supervising theconstruction of the center’s multi-specieshatchery complex which, upon completion, willshowcase AQD’s technologies.

The Western Visayas Technology Promo-

tion Center (TPC) was assured of AQD’s sup-port as the center initiates ventures into aquac-ulture using AQD technologies and financingfrom LandBank. Site suitability visits has beenmade in Surigao and Agusan in Mindanao. TheTPC is also supported by the University of thePhilippines in the Visayas and the Iloilo StateCollege of Fisheries.

The Center for Renewable Resources and

Energy Efficiency (CREE), Shell Philip-

pines, the provincial governments of Pala-

wan and Batangas have likewise been as-sured of AQD support as they search for liveli-hood options for displaced residents ofBatangas City where Shell has put up an oil re-finery. In Palawan, the plan is to set-up a fishsanctuary in Malampaya Sound and provide al-ternative livelihood for islanders.

The Philippine government’s Agrikultu-

rang MakaMASA Program was assured ofAQD’s support. AQD is one of the key institu-tions involved in this banner program of theEstrada Administration on modernizing agricul-ture and fisheries. The components of the fish-eries sector program include fisheries trainingand extension services, fisheries informationand marketing support, research and develop-ment in fisheries, among others.

SEAFDEC and WESAMAR agreed on a collaborationestablishing a multi-species hatchery

The groundbreaking ceremony for Palawan’s aquaculturedemonstration center

The TPC’s multi-species hatchery complex

The first TPC field day was held in AQD’s DumangasBrackishwater Station with representatives of the collabo-rators in attendance

SEAFDEC/AQD participated in fairs and exhibits insupport of the MakaMASA program

A sample harvest of grouper from AQD’s ponds





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Workshop on mangrove-friendly aquacultureThe development of mangrove-friendly aquaculturetechniques is a response to the worldwide call for theconservation of Asia’s mangrove resources withoutnecessarily sacrificing aquaculture development orprecluding the traditional use of mangrove forests bycommunities. In practice, mangroves may either befound inside or outside the pond. Mangroves insidethe pond take up 60-80% while the rest of the area –natural canals – can be deepened and stocked withfish, shrimp, or mudcrab. If mangroves are outsidethe pond, they act as biological filters for pond efflu-ents before these are discharged to surrounding waters.

Organized with the Fish Health Section of theAsian Fisheries Society, the symposium had thebiggest contributed papers at 152 — 15 plenarypresentations by leading scientists in the fieldof aquaculture, and 79 oral and 59 poster pre-sentations. The shrimp industry was extensivelydiscussed, being one of the worst hit commodi-ties in terms of disease outbreaks. Significantshrimp diseases, and recent findings and devel-opments on the white spot syndrome, vibriosis,crustacean immunity were discussed. Even withsolutions like vaccines and high-health organ-isms bred in laboratories, the participants allagree that, in the final analysis, prevention isstill the best cure.

Seminar-workshop onresponsible aquaculturedevelopment

Strengthening ties with theinternational scientific community

Symposium on diseases in Asian aquaculture

Also dubbed ADSEA IV, this seminar-workshop has set thetone for SEAFDEC/AQD’s three year research and developmentprogram from 2001 to 2003. Inputs to this program weremade by about 150 participants. AQD programs have beenredefined according to the major aquaculture activities:openwater mariculture, brackishwater farming, freshwaterfish aquaculture and integrated fish farming, coastal re-source management and mangrove-friendly aquaculture, in-tensive aquaculture and farming in marine cages. The par-ticipants identified problems areas that AQD can prioritizeand work on.

About 240 participants attended the symposium held November 22-26 in Cebu City

ADSEA IV was held October 12-14 at Iloilo City. Simultaneous workshopsworked out the problem areas in a given culture system

Nearly a hundred participants attended the first workshop onmangrove-friendly aquaculture held January 11-15 at Iloilo City.Some visited SEAFDEC/AQD’s main station in Tigbauan after thesession.




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Poverty alleviation

Community fishery resources management project

(above)Surgeonfishand otherfishes caughtin waterssurroundingMalalisonIsland

SEAFDEC/AQD continues to monitor therecruitment of concrete artificial reefs ithad deployed with the Malalison com-munity in west central Philippines.These artificial reefs in Guiob havebeen in protective management with allforms of fishing banned for 3 years be-ginning 1997. AQD researchers com-pared Guiob Reef to the island’s com-mon fishing ground at Nablag reef. Fishwas 16 times more abundant in Guiobthan Nablag. This was evident amongsurgeonfishes (21,320 per ha versus1,040 per ha) and snappers (120 per haversus 60 per ha). Large sized surgeon-fishes (Naso lopezii, N. hexacanthus, N.thynnoides, Acanthurus mata, A. blo-chii) measuring more than 30 cm stan-dard length were clearly abundant inthe marine sanctuary.

(right)Growth ofhard corals inthe Nablagartificial reefs




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Food security


SEAFDEC/AQD continues to develop testprocedures for evaluating the quality ofhatchery-produced milkfish fry. Thesecriteria may set the standard for the in-dustry, and can be used to eliminate“poor quality” stocks. AQD researchersfirst fabricated a swimming apparatusespecially designed to test swimmingperformance of hatchery-produced andwild fry. In one study, they found that

Milkfish Chanos chanos


SEAFDEC/AQD has long developed artifi-cial diets for milkfish larvae. However,these diets can only replace the expen-sive live feeds, rotifers and Artemia,starting day 8 and day 15, respectively,of hatchery operations. This limitedsuccess is believed to be due to low di-gestive capacity of fish larvae at the

early stages of exogenous feeding. Tocompensate for this weakness, AQD re-searchers incorporated pre-digestedmaterials such as protein hydrolysates,di- and tripeptides, exogenous en-zymes, and free amino acids in artificialdiets. The larval development studiesare still ongoing.


SEAFDEC/AQD researchers are developinga nursery rearing protocol for milkfishin netcages. Nurseries can reduce therisk of high mortality while offeringnew economic opportunities for coastalcommunities that collect wild milkfishfry. Partial results indicate that milkfishfry (50%) can survive poor weather


holdsbroodstockof milkfishin 6- and 10-meterdiameternetcages inIgangMarineSubstation

hatchery fry fatigued ear-lier than wild fry, and thatswimming endurance ofsmaller hatchery-bredmilkfish is lower thanbigger fish. Researchershave also found correla-tions among growth, sur-vival, and incidence ofabnormalities.

Broodstock are periodically monitored for growth andgonadal maturation

Milkfish are raised in the hatchery Apparatus used to test swimmingperformance of milkfish fry




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For selective breeding and broodstock management of tila-pia, researchers made reciprocal crosses between an ISRAEL

and a NIFI tilapia strain to refine the collimated mass selectionprocedure. The growth and survival of fingerlings from thesecrosses were evaluated under communal and separate rear-ing in tanks and cages. Preliminary statistical analysisshowed that fingerlings from the cross between female ISRAEL

and male NIFI strain showed a 2.5% higher growth rate thanfingerlings from female NIFI strain and male ISRAEL strain un-der communal rearing in net cages in Laguna Lake. Growthunder separate rearing was comparable. High mortality dueto aggression was observed in tank reared fingerlings.

In another study, fourth generation selected breeders wascompared with that of the fourth generation control groupand with that of the parental generation for reproductive effi-ciency. Initial results after four months showed that the con-trol breeders had the most number of spawning and highestegg production (fry and eggs) in tanks. The selected and con-trol breeders showed the same number of spawning. Fry pro-duction of the parental breeders was higher than that of theselected breeders but egg production was higher in the se-

condition (turbulent waves). It also seems that the suc-cessful use of netcages is time- and site-specific. A relatedexperiment on cage sizes showed that milkfish frystocked at 600 per cage yielded the highest survival(78%) when stocked in a 2x2x0.5m cage, as compared to1x1x5m (35%) and 1x2x5m (48%) cages.


In line with efforts to promote the use of milkfish hatch-ery technology, SEAFDEC/AQD is examining the growers’negative perception of hatchery-bred fry. The first phaseof this study is assessing the collection and marketing ofwild fry. The study site is Hamtik, Antique, one of therichest fry grounds in the country. Results indicate thatmiddlemen have replaced the fry concessionnaire. Con-cession payments from fry grounds constituted 60% ofHamtik’s income. Almost 70% of ordinances passed eachyear by the municipality were on coastal fisheries, half ofwhich were on milkfish fry concession. AQD researchersrecommend that fry collectors start other livelihood meth-ods such as growing fry to fingerlings as additional sourceof income.


Production of recombinant growth hormone (GH) and in-sulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is underway. These hor-mones can eventually be used in enhancing growth ofmilkfish. A patent application is pending for the milkfishGH cDNA sequence.

Review of the national milkfish broodstock-hatchery R&Dprogram and industry has been completed. This effort ismotivated by the lack of policy-oriented studies whichpolicy makers can utilize as reference in planning for thenational R&D program.

Setup for the larval feed development trials





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Experiments on red tilapia focused on reproductive performance

lected breeders. In cages, the controlbreeders showed the most number ofspawning and highest seed production(fry and eggs). Lowest number ofspawning and seed production wereobserved in parental breeders.

Quality assessment of Nile tilapia fin-gerlings is in progress. Performance often different batches of Nile tilapia fin-gerlings were ranked based on theirbiological index scores on growth andsurvival in tanks and cages. Prelimi-nary analysis showed some correlationbetween the biological scores of severalfingerling batches and their survival af-ter six weeks of rearing in tanks. Abatch of fingerlings scored relativelyhigh at 1.54 (in a system where where2.0 is the highest score) and had thehighest survival percentage in tanks(82.5). However, there is no apparentrelationship between the biological in-dex scores and fingerling growth andsurvival in cages.

A study to compare the reproductiveperformance of the introgressed red ti-lapia with a control (non-introgressedred tilapia) was conducted. The breed-ers were fed with SEAFDEC formulatedfeed and a commercally prepared feed.Preliminary statistical analysis showed

that the number of spawning andseed production (fry and eggs) werehighest in control breeders fed withcommercially formulated diet. Theintrogressed red and control breed-ers fed with SEAFDEC formulated dietshowed comparable number ofspawning. However, fry productionwas higher in the control breedersfed with the SEAFDEC formulated dietwhile the number of eggs producedwas higher in the introgressed red ti-lapia. The lowest number of spawn-ing and seed produced (fry andeggs) were observed in theintrogressed red breeders fed withthe commercially formulated diet.

Fourth-generation Nile tilapia breeders atAQD’s Binangonan Freshwater Station

A batch of Nile tilapia fingerlingsstocked in cages in the lake





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The carps


The bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) maturerelatively late (2 to 3 years), a fact that increasesthe cost of rearing broodstock. But since bigheadcarp can compensate for stunted growth,SEAFDEC/AQD decided to look into stunting as astrategy in broodstock development. One promis-ing result is that carp stunted in tanks for 6 and 12months attained sexual maturity when later movedinto cages in the lake and reared for 29 months.Carp weigh around 2.2 to 2.6 kg.


Artemia is expensive, so SEAFDEC/AQD research-ers continue to find alternatives. For bighead carplarvae, this could be the free-living nematodePanagrellus redivivus. Initial results showed thatwith high numbers of nematodes given to bigheadcarp larvae, growth and survival are comparablewith larvae fed Artemia.


SEAFDEC/AQD continues to screen carp speciesas to their culture potential in cages in Laguna deBay. So far, researchers have determined that thegrass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) is not suit-able. Growth rate was generally low.

Bighead carp at SEAFDEC/AQD’s Binangonan

Freshwater Station


SEAFDEC/AQD has successfully raisedcatfish fry in netcages installed intanks and ponds until the fry havereached 3-4 cm, the size for grow-outculture. Optimum stocking density isfrom 400 to 800 per m2 in tanks and

Catfish Clarias macrocephalus

1200 per m2 in ponds. Survival after 28days ranges 85-89% in tanks and 78-87% in ponds. Results of gut analysisshowed that catfish fry feed on zoop-lankton and detritus, and not phy-toplankton although all three werepresent in water samples.

Induced spawning of catfish is routinely done atSEAFDEC/AQD

Catfish fry are raised in netcages in ponds until they are the size for stocking in ponds

Rabbitfish Siganusguttatus


The larval rearing techniques for rabbitfish devel-oped at SEAFDEC/AQD were verified once(n=6). Survival rates ranged from 4.5-6.0% at day40. Researchers also noted that it is possible toincrease growth and survival with the use of thy-roid hormone (thyroxine, T4). Day 21 larvaetreated with T4 by immersion (0.01 ppm) or byfeeding Artemia enriched with T4 were biggerthan the control larvae. T4 treatment was found tohasten dorsal fin resorption.



Growth hormone (GH) was purified fromrabbitfish pituitary glands. The weekly injectionsof this GH to rabbitfish fingerlings at doses of 0.1and 0.01 μg/g BW resulted in significantly higherincreases in body weight and length compared tothe control after the fifth week. These results sug-gest that growth in rabbitfish may be improved byGH administration. On the other hand, cDNAs forrabbitfish GH and insulin-like growth factors l andll were successfully cloned. A patent application ispending for the rabbitfish GH cDNA sequence.


Different diets are being tested ingrow-out. Results after 120 days of cul-ture showed that catfish grow best –length, weight, production, feed con-version ratio – on diet containing 34%crude protein.




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Environment-friendly technologies

Mangrove-friendly aquaculture


SEAFDEC/AQD sees the mangrove clam,imbao, as a commodity that can bereared in mangrove areas by coastalcommunities. The clam is already apopular food in the Philippines.Imbao also harbors sulfur-oxidizingsymbiotic bacteria in the gills, mak-ing it a potential sediment cleaner inpolyculture with shrimp. Hence, AQDresearchers started work on imbao in1997. So far, they have successfullyinduced the spawning of female andmale adults using Serotonin. Morework on mass propagation will fol-low. AQD researchers have also char-acterized imbao’s symbiont. Bacteriaobserved from plate culture of gillisolates are gram-negative, colorlessand spherical to rod shaped. Sulfuranalysis showed highly significantamounts of elemental sulfur in thegills. Stable carbon isotope ratioanalysis also suggests that clams ob-tain their carbon through the Calvin-Benson cycle powered by the oxida-tion of sulfide (chemosynthesis) anddo not depend on plankton, sedimentor detritus.


SEAFDEC/AQD researchers are evaluat-ing the capacity of mangrove standsto absorb effluents from tiger shrimpculture ponds. They have establishedsome culture parameters, includingthe use of Rhizophora propagules in-stead of Sonneratia saplings. Theformer is more resistant to inunda-tion.

The spawning of male and female imbao

Imbao are dug from the mangrove area in Estancia, Iloilo




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Cash crops / export crops


After successfully completing thelifecycle of mudcrab in captivity,SEAFDEC/AQD is improving broodstockmanagement to enhance the reproduc-tive performance of mudcrab females.Researchers have found a combinationof natural and formulated diet to workwell in terms of increasing the numberof spawnings, total number of eggs pergram body weight of female, egg fertili-zation rate, total zoea produced, andlarval index.

SEAFDEC/AQD researchers postulatedthat nutrient profiles of organisms canbe used as basis to develop effectivefeeds. Initial studies focus on eggs andday-old zoea and their levels of freeamino acids (FAA) and protein-boundamino acids (AA). Results showed thathatched eggs have 3 to 4 times higherFAA than unhatched ones. Day-oldzoea have higher FAA than eggs, atleast for three types of FAA. The levelsof FAA are small relative to AA.


SEAFDEC researchers have found thatcaptive broodstock held for more thantwo months in tanks developed severeshell disease. Regular scrubbing anddisinfection of crab shells, not iodinesolution, can prevent the colonizationof chitinoclastic bacteria. Vibrio countin crab hemolymph has been as muchas 8.0 x 103 colony forming units (cfu/ml). Fortunately, the same was not seenin 1999. But crab broodstock recruitedduring the 1999 rainy season containvarious types of bacteria, about5.3 x 103 cfu/ml in hemolymph, ofwhich 50% is vibrio. The presence ofbacteria in hemolymph does not seemto be related to shell disease.

Researchers have shown that hatchingof mudcrab normally occurs 6-12 daysfollowing spawning at 26-29°C in 1.5-10 ton tanks. But the egg mass of some

Mudcrab Scylla serrata

Mudcrab (above) arefed a combination ofnatural – musselmeat and fish by-catch for example –and artificial diets toenhance reproductiveperformance

Megalopae (below)are grown in netcagesset in ponds withsurvival rates of 60%.The source of crabmegalopae is AQD’scaptive crabbroodstock

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females were attacked by fungal dis-ease. Low survival (0.5 to 5%) fromzoea to megalopa has also been attrib-uted to another disease agent – lumi-nous bacteria. But survival rates of

megalopa to crab juveniles is muchhigher, from 26 to 89%. Weekly sortingof crab juveniles apparently reducescannibalism.




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SEAFDEC/AQD has established the opti-mum salinity range for tiger shrimpreared in hatcheries at 28°C. For post-larvae 1 (PL 1), it is 24-32 ppt; PL 5, 24-40; PL 10, 16-40; and PL 15, 16-40. Re-searchers have also established thatoxygen consumption of shrimp weigh-ing nearly 30 g raised at 28°C is 7-13mg/h at 32 ppt, 6-7 mg/h at 4-20 ppt,and 4-6 mg/h at 0 ppt. All shrimps diedafter one week at 0 ppt. These param-eters are useful in providing the opti-mum conditions for shrimp in culture.

SEAFDEC/AQD continues to determinethe impact of semi-intensive shrimpculture on the environment. Research-ers have so far determined the nitrogenfractions of rearing water where tigershrimp have been fed two diets. ForAQD-formulated diets, NH3-N ranges0.003-0.01 ppm, NO2-N ranges 0.001-0.02 ppm, and NO3-N ranges 0.002-0.006 ppm. These values are lower –and better – than those from a commer-cial diet (0.04-0.10 ppm, 0.02-0.13ppm, and 0.02-0.06 ppm, respectivelyfor NH3-N, NO2-N and NO3-N).


Researchers continue to monitor vibrio-sis in shrimp culture. About 189 bacte-rial isolates from various locations(shrimp rearing water and near-shoreseawater) have been characterized bio-chemically. Results show that the iso-lates are luminous bacteria like Vibrioharveyi (nearly 66%), V. logei (7%), V.orientalis (1%), and Photobacterium(6%). The characteristics of other iso-lates merit their clarification into non-

luminous Vibrio groups like V. camp-belli (16%), V. mediterannei (3%), V.fluvialis (0.5%), V. cholerae (0.5%),and V. splendidus II (0.5%). Agglutina-tion tests also indicate that 72 of theseisolates are serologically heterogenousor different.

SEAFDEC/AQD has started studies on an-tibiotic-resistant bacteria isolated fromshrimp farms which now use or havepreviously used antimicrobials. Initialresults indicate that vibrios show vary-ing degrees of resistance to oxytetracy-cline (OTC) and oxolinic acid (OXA).OTC-resistant bacteria are more readilyrecovered from the water than the soil.Higher percentage of resistance to OXAwas recorded in bacteria isolated fromponds that have a history of OXA usecompared to ponds that have not usedOXA. Sensitivity tests by disc diffusionmethod showed highest incidence of

resistance to OTCfollowed by fura-zolidone (F), OXA,and chlorampheni-col. Resistance tothese antibioticsdoes not reflect thepattern of antimi-crobial use. How-

Tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon

Tiger shrimp willalways sell but theindustry istroubled by diseaseproblems broughtabout by deteriorat-ing environmentalconditions inshrimp farms

ever, incidence of bacteria with mul-tiple antibiotic resistance is associatedwith antimicrobial usage. Incidence ofresistance to both OXA and F was high-est compared to other antibiotic resis-tance profiles.


Psuedomonas may have vibriolyticproperties. “Bacteria can fight bacteria”is the premise of SEAFDEC/AQD’s studieson naturally occurring and com-

SEAFDEC/AQD shrimp research is mostly focused on diseases





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mercially available probiotics forshrimp culture. In the first study, fourisolates of Pseudomonas were grownand tested against luminous Vibrioharveyi. Vibriolytic activity based on

Pure culture ofluminous vibrio,which causesshrimp to light uplike fireflies in thedark. Vibriosis is abig problem, hencethe efforts to findantibiotic alterna-tives that can fightthe luminous bacte-ria in ponds andhatcheries


This year, SEAFDEC/AQD completedthe life cycle of snapper in captivityafter 6 years. This happened whenthe second generation of the off-spring of red snapper reared fromfry in floating net cages and con-crete tanks spontaneously maturedand spawned.

Reproduction, however, is seasonal.Spermiating males are observed asearly as January and females pos-sess mature oocytes in March. Thenumber of mature males and fe-males continue to increase untilJune when almost all of the stockare mature. The percentage of ma-ture fish begins to decline by Octo-ber. In the absence of naturalspawning from March to June,SEAFDEC/AQD researchers induce thespawning of snappers with 1000 IU

human chorionic gonadotropin perkg body weight or 100 μg luteinizinghormone-releasing hormone ana-logue (LHRHa) per kg body weight.Successful spawning, however, islow in March and high in June.Natural spawning begins in July andlasts until December.

Mangrove red snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus

Snappers are kept in floating net cages, and are induced to spawn with hormones, hCG andLHRHa. This year, SEAFDEC/AQD completed the life cycle of snapper in captivity

A spermiating male (note the whitish milt,arrow, when the belly is pressed)

Spawned eggs in the cages are collected byrotating the egg collector gear


late coded JP4. Two of these also pos-sessed vibriolytic activity. The vib-riolytic factors show optimum activityat 30°C at pH 7.0 and are heat-sensi-tive.

In the second study, the bacterial con-tent of 15 probiotic or bioaugmentationproducts available in the Philippinemarket for aquaculture was deter-mined. Bacterial colony-forming-units(cfu) obtained on agar spread platesranged from 104 to 109 per gram or milli-liter of product. The same number ofcfu was obtained on culture media withor without salt, indicating a wide rangeof salinity tolerance of the bacterial

the decrease in theoptical density of astandard V. harveyisuspension wasshown by thep s e u d o m o n a d sduring the logarith-mic phase ofgrowth. Five extra-cellular vibriolyticfactors were iso-lated from one iso-

Seven females and eight males kept in 2units of 150-ton concrete tanks pro-duced 3.38 million eggs from 25

spawns. Total egg production of 8.44million (23 spawns) was collected from10 females and 16 males kept in 2 units




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Studies on refining seed production techniquescontinue. Researchers have examined the mi-croflora of naturally spawned grouper eggs,and noted that good eggs harbor 10 to 100times less Vibrio and other bacteria than badeggs. To reduce bacterial load by a factor of10, researchers recommend disinfection ofeggs with 2 ppt Argentyne.

The use of thyroxine to improve metamorpho-sis and larval survival continues to be consid-ered in intensive seed production. Grouper eggswere directly stocked in 5 ton circular tanks.Average survival after 5 days of thyroxine treat-ment from day 21 was 53% by immersion and59% by feeding. Larval survival from hatchingto Day 35 ranged from 5.4 to 29.8%. Survivalrate at harvest (Day 55; ≥ 2" size) was 3%.


A series of experiments were conducted to de-termine the apparent protein disgestibility(APD) of selected feed ingredients in grouperdiets. White fish meal based diet had the high-est APD value (95%) followed by the control

Grouper Epinephelus coioides

(Chilean fish meal and defatted soybean meal).The APD values for squid meal, local meal andbone meal, Protamino Aqua, HP 300, and ricebran were 99.3%, 91.8, 101.8%, 95.8% and91.2% respectively.

The efficacy of low fishmeal-based diets wasdetermined for grouper juveniles. Processedmeat solubles (Protamino Aqua) was tested toreplace fish meal at increasing percentage (0,10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100%) in an isonitro-geneous diet. Results after 60 days of feedingshowed a weight gain of 300 to 554%. Bestsurvival and percent weight gain was highest at100% replacement.

Pond-reared and cage-cultured grouper col-lected from Panay were examined for parasitefauna. Fish reared in floating net cages har-bored more species of parasites with higherprevalence and intensity of infection than pond-reared grouper. Among the parasites recoveredare: the ciliates Trichodina sp., Vorticella sp.,and Ribosyphidia sp.; the monogeneans Dac-tylogyrus sp. and Pseudorhabdosynochus sp.;didymozoid digenean; and two species ofnematode. The life cycle of Pseudorhabdo-synochus sp. was examined.

Groupers are bestsellers in the live reef fish market in Asia.

This is the Epinephelus coioides, and one of the breeders being held


A diet low in fish meal – an expensive ingredient – is being tested for grouper juveniles

SEAFDEC/AQD has developed

technologies for seed production

and grow-out culture


of 6-m diameter cages. The fre-quency of producing viable eggs(those with embryo) and normal(straight and without deformities)larvae is higher for natural spawn-ing than induced spawning. Never-theless, induced spawning can pro-duce eggs and larvae when neededfor hatchery operation and can sup-plement natural spawning.

Hatchery technology is currently be-ing refined, with studies on stockingdensity and feeding. Results showedthat survival is low (2-4%) in thefirst 5 weeks of culture at stockingdensities of 1500, 3000 and 4500 lar-vae per ton and high at the laterstage of culture when densities havebeen lowered to 33, 66 or 100 larvaeper ton. Day 21 larvae can be fedArtemia alone, supplemental (LansyA2) diet, or the combination of Arte-mia and supplemental diet.


Higher growth is obtained whensnapper is fed a practical diet withmore animal protein. Growth is simi-lar in snappers fed diets containingcod liver oil or soybean oil with orwithout vitamin/mineral mix.

components in the products. Coloniesobtained by pour plate were always tentimes higher than those obtained byspread plate method.

Results also indicate that high live cellcontent (from 109 to 1010 cfu/g or ml) isone of the desirable traits of probioticsor bioaugmentation products. Low cellcounts, especially those from liquidproducts, indicate a loss of viabilityduring transport and storage. Bacterialproducts that are supplied in liquidform have a shelf life of less than 3months, while products in granular orpelleted form maintain their viabilityfrom 6 months to more than one year instorage.




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Researchers continue to investigatesuitable substrates for diatom cul-ture. Initial results showed that“hardiflex” boards (made of fiber-glass and cement) harbored the high-est numbers of diatoms such as Nav-icula. However, for Nitzschia, plexi-glass boards were the most suitablefor growth. When cultured togetheron plexiglass as substrate using theF-medium, combined cell densitycounts of Navicula sp. and Nitzschiasp. reached 0.45 to 0.66 million cellsper cm2 after 4-5 days.

In a related study, a 25% settlementrate was obtained after 10 days in dia-tom-filmed plates with addition of dia-tom slurry, but no postlarvae survivedwithout diatoms. The best settlementresults occur with diatom density of200-300 cells per cm2. Settlement rates

Tropical abalone Haliotis asinina

of abalone were also significantlyhigher when rearing tanks are aerated2-4 days after stocking.


Formulated diets were used to improvethe reproductive performance of aba-

Abalone still grows best when fed seaweeds butefforts are underway to study artificial feeds

An AQD researcher checks abalone broodstockmaintained in concrete tanks



After successfully producing second generation broods ofthe seahorses Hippocampus kuda and H. barbouri, SEAFDEC/AQD researchers are now looking into broodstock diets to en-hance reproductive performance. Partial data indicate thatseahorses fed a combination diet – DHA Selco-enrichedArtemia adults and/or mysids – have the most parturitionevents and the greatest broodsize.

The hatchery rearing protocol is also being worked out. Sofar, the best stocking density of newly born seahorses in 60

liter tanks is ≥≥≥≥≥ 5 fish per liter. Seahorses are fed a mixed dietof copepods, rotifers, and DHA Selco-enriched Artemia nau-plii. But when seahorses reach day 20, better growth hasbeen observed at stocking density of 1 fish per liter than at 5or 10 fish per liter.

SEAFDEC/AQD researchers note that nursery and grow-outculture of seahorses in floating net cages and marine pondswould require transport of young seahorses from the hatch-ery to culture sites. From results of simulated transport ex-periments, it appears that almost all seahorses (age, 12-15

Marine ornamental fishes

Two species of seahorses are bred at SEAFDEC/AQD – Hippocampus kuda and Hippocampus barbouri Tiny seahorses are fed a mixed diet




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Gracilariopsisbailinae (right)

and Kappaphycus(pictures below):

growth experi-

ments by


Seaweeds Gracilaria, Gracilariopsis,and Kappaphycus

lone broodstock. Resultsshowed that a combinedformulated diet and sea-weed gave the highestnumber of spawning andegg fertilization rate.However, broodstock fedonly seaweed gave thehighest survival.

For hatchery-bred aba-lone broodstock, the feed-ing of seaweed also yieldsthe best survival com-pared to the use of formu-lated diet or diet-seaweedcombination. But the lat-ter gave the highest num-ber of spawning (62-67



SEAFDEC/AQD researchers studied the life history of four agarophytes – Gracilaria coro-nopifolia, G. firma, G. salicornia and Gracilariopsis bailinae – in an effort to produce seedstockfrom the laboratory. Results indicate that these mature agarophytes can liberate spores whichgerminate to sporelings and grow healthily up to about 1 cm long in four months.

Similar trials are being conducted for Kappaphycus alvarezii under ambient light and tempera-ture at different levels of ammonium phosphate (1, 5, and 10 ppm).


SEAFDEC/AQD continues to develop culture techniques of Gracilariopsis in tanks. Researchershave so far determined that Gracilariopsis prefer (1) 25 ppt salinity; (2) NH+

4-N over NO–3-N as

nitrogen source; (3) 40 ppm ammonium chloride concentration; (4) 1 ppm phosphate level inthe form of disodium phosphate; and (5) stocking density of 2 kg per ton. Researchers alsoobserved that healthy plants have slightlyhigher gel strengths than unhealthy plants af-ter the culture period. Higher concentrations ofNH+

4-N (≥20 ppm) eliminate rotter thallus syn-drome.

For Gracilariopsis bailinae, growth rate is highin the filter tank of a recirculating water sys-tem, about 10% per day. The seaweed is ableto decrease ammonia concentration in thetank. Tissue nitrogen is saturated by the 5thday, and growth started thereafter. Agar qual-ity of G. bailinae was 2000 g per cm2.

SEAFDEC/AQD is currentlymodifying some concretetanks for the integrated re-circulating culture of sea-weed, abalone and grouper.

days) can survive a 12-hour transporttime when packed in oxygenated bags(28-29°C, 32 ppt). Older seahorses (age,35-69 days) also do as well. Generally,total ammonia levels in transport wa-ter were elevated as loading densitiesand transport duration increased.


SEAFDEC/AQD researchers continue tomonitor the gonadal development ofblue tang Paracanthurus hepatus. Ofthe 35 broodfish monitored, 15 are fe-males with pre-vitellogenic or vitello-genic oocytes (yolky eggs), while 11are milting males. Females generallyare smaller than males. Females in-jected 0.2 μl Ovatide per g body weighthave spawned 24 hours post-injection.In subsequent months, natural spawn-ing occurs for 5-12 consecutive dayswith 1-10 days interval between spaw-ning periods. About 5000 to 30000eggs have been collected per day.Larviculture is still being worked out.

times) and egg fertilization rate (51-67%). The result may be explained bythe similarity in n-3/n-6 fatty acid ratioor profile between the formulated feedand a mature abalone ovary.




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Larval Food Project

SEAFDEC/AQD’s larval food laboratory (above).

Amount of natural food in larval tanks can bevisually estimated (below). A light colorusually indicates less food

SEAFDEC/AQD continues to evaluatephyto- and zooplankton species fortheir potential use in the hatchery.Three species are under study – Pseu-dodiaptomus annandalie, Navicula sp.and the thraustochytrids found onfallen mangrove leaves.

For P. annandalie, production of eggs,nauplii and copepodite is highest at 24-27 ppt; abundance is greatest if fedChaetoceros calcitrans maintained at100,000 cells per ml; hatching is mostefficient at lower salinities of 15-25 ppt.

Researchers have also established the5-day scale-up production of P. annan-dalie, as follows: about 250 individualsper liter in 250-liter tanks, 600 per literin 500 liter tanks, 1000 per liter in 1-tontanks, 1500 per liter in 5-ton tanks, and2000 per liter in 10-ton tanks.

For the local Navicula sp., researchersstudied the effects of light intensity and

three fertilization schemes. Preliminaryresults show that cultures exposed to 1light tube grow unpredictably regard-less of fertilizer used. It seems best toculture Navicula indoors to avoid con-tamination.

SEAFDEC/AQD researchers have foundthat thraustochytrids populations aredominated by Shizochytrium spp.(>90%) and few Thraustochytriumspp. Two Schizochytrium isolates wereidentified as S. magrovei using pine pol-len culture. Abundant thraustocytridsare found on the leaves of the man-groves Avicennia lanata, A. officinalis,Xylocarpus granatum and Sonneratiaspp. collected from Ibajay (Aklan),Banate (Iloilo) and Dumaguit (Aklan).Axenic cultures are presently main-tained in the laboratory for speciesidentification and physiological screen-ing with regards to growth and DHAproduction.




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Shrimp culturesystemsSEAFDEC/AQD continues to find ways toincrease shrimp farm productivity us-ing environment-friendly techniques.In Aklan, multi-species cropping inponds is being tested. One pond wasstocked with small shrimp Meta-penaeus spp., the second with tigershrimp (Penaeus monodon) and milk-fish, and the third with mudcrab. In an-other site, shrimp and mudcrab culturewere likewise tested in coastal tidalflats with existing mangroves. Thesetrials are in progress.

In Bacolod City, SEAFDEC/AQD assessedthe use of probiotics as bio-manipula-tors in shrimp culture. The farm trialalso included the use of sludge collec-tor at the center of the pond; stockingof milkfish, tilapia and oysters in reser-voir ponds to act as bio-filters; cleaningof pond bottom; and the use of a spe-cially formulated, less polluting SEAFDEC

feed. Results showed that after 157days of culture, tiger shrimp attained an

On-farm trials and verification runs

Pond culture of other brackishwater species

The Dumangas Brackishwater Station is SEAFDEC/AQD’s brackishwater pond facilitywhere fish pond technologies are first demonstrated on commercial scale. Newly ac-quired, the facility is being rehabilitated for the trials in shrimp farming systems (asdescribed above), the high-density culture of milkfish and grouper in ponds, and thepolyculture of mudcrab, and milkfish.

Initial results in high-density milkfish culture — 2 fish per m2 — are encouragingwith an ABW of 143 grams after 98 days of culture with 90% survival of stock,and an FCR of 1.6 when fed with commercial pellets.

Grouper, on the other hand, did as well. Stocked at 1 piece per m2, grouper attainedan average body weight of 144 g after 120 days with 85% survival. In another pond,grouper attained 76g on average after 92 days with 90% survival. Grouper were fedtilapia fry and freshwater snails with trash fish given as supplemental feeds.Paddle wheels have been installed for additional aeration, and PVC pipes placed forshelter.

Polyculture of mudcrab with milkfish was also verified. Mudcrab were stocked at 0.5per m2 and after 118 days of culture, they weighed an average 250 g with 53%survival rate. Another species — the king crab — are stocked in three of the six newlyconstructed pens in the station’s mangrove area, and are being fed freshwater snail.The study is still in progress.

average body weight of 33g. The for-mulated feed worked well but its stabil-ity in ponds needs to be improved.

At SEAFDEC/AQD’s Dumangas Brackish-water Station, an environment-friendlyshrimp farming method is being devel-oped. Reservoirs are stocked with bio-manipulators – in this case, tilapia andsiganids – to provide green water in theshrimp ponds. Tilapia have beenstocked at about 2 pieces per m2 andsiganids at 0.5 piece per m2. After 70days in the reservoir, tilapia attained anaverage 80g with 85% survival; siga-nids, 71g also with 85% survival. In-side the prawn pond, a sludge collectorhas been installed and 3,000 pieces oftilapia has been stocked to conditionthe pond water. About 130,000 shrimpfry were later added (stocking densityof 20 per m2) and the level of luminousbacteria monitored. The trial is still inprogress.The shrimp pond in SEAFDEC/AQD’s brackishwater station in Dumangas, Iloilo




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SeaweedcultureThe trials on the longline andthe hanging methods to culturethe seaweed Eucheuma are inprogress at SEAFDEC/AQD’s IgangMarine Substation. The formerseems to be a more successfulmethod than the latter. About25-30g of seaweed stock hasbeen tied to 20m ropes at 25-30cm intervals. Each rope hasbeen tied to the side of cageswhich havegrouper stock.A total of 20long lines arebeing main-tained.

BroodstockdevelopmentIn anticipation of the needs of privatesector cooperators for snapper andgrouper fry, SEAFDEC/AQD is maintainingseveral broodstocks. There are four ofred snappers of sizes 2-5 kg, and an-other stock of size 300g. For grouper,there are 40 pieces of sizes 5-15 kg, anda new batch of undetermined ages. Allthese broodstocks are maintained incages at Igang Marine Substation, andfed with trash fish at 5% of the totalbiomass every other day.

Nursery and cage culture of marineand freshwater fishesThe nursery is an important phase in aquaculture as it increases the likeli-hood of a successful commercial run. For this year, SEAFDEC/AQD continueswork on the nursery techniques for milkfish, tilapia, grouper, red snapper,crabs, siganids, scats or “kikiro,” and the catfish native to the Philippines(Clarias macrocephalus). On the other hand, the cage culture of red snapper,grouper, siganids, scats and tilapia were also verified.

Produced at Igang Marine Substation around 380 pieces of small sized snap-pers (105g) and 80 pieces of big snappers (320g); a total of 336 kg of grouperweighing an average 435g each after 180 to 210 days of culture; and around200 pieces of scats (“kikiro”) weighing 120g after 110 days of culture. Astock of siganids – 30 pieces per m2 – is being held in five cages.

Nursery cages for marine fishes at Igang

Seaweed andgrouper culturein SEAFDEC/AQD’s marinesubstation inIgang, Guimaras





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Research publications

High-ranking officials visit the broodstockcages at Igang: SEAFDEC Secretary GeneralPanu Tavarutmaneegul (leftmost) and SEAFDEC

Council Director for the Philippines and DAUndersecretary for Fisheries Cesar Drilon(with glasses)

Multi-specieshatcheryThe emerging trend is of hatcheriesthat can be used for many aquaticspecies. SEAFDEC/AQD’s multi-spe-cies hatchery at the Igang MarineSubstation has already produced atotal of 400,000 tiger shrimp fryduring the preliminary runs. In ad-dition, four larval rearing tanks(size, 10 tons) have been stockedwith grouper and milkfish larvae at10 larvae per liter. The hatchery’salgal tanks has already producednatural food for the growing fishlarvae.

Results of SEAFDEC/AQD research studies are available from scientific journals and proceedingsvolume of scientific conferences. The following were published in 1999:

Ayson FG, de Jesus EGT, Amemiya Y, Moriyama S, Hirano T, Kawauchi H. 1999. Isolation and cDNAcloning of somatolactin in rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus). Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 115:292-300

Bagarinao TU. 1997. The milkfish fry shortage in the Philippines and the supply from fisheries andhatcheries. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 2:138-158

Bagarinao TU. 1998. Ecological considerations in milkfish farming in marine pens and cages. UPV J.Nat. Sci. 3:64-79

Bagarinao TU. 1999. Protected areas for biodiversity conservation and environment education inthe Philippines. Philipp. J. Sci. 128:193-211

Bagarinao T, Latin-Olaguer L. 1998. The sulfide tolerance of milkfish and tilapia in relation to fishkills in farms and natural waters in the Philippines. Hydrobiologia 382:137-150

Basiao ZU, Doyle RW. 1999. Test of size-specific mass selection for Nile tilapia, Oreochromisniloticus L. cage farming in the Philippines. Aquacult. Res. 30:373-378

Bautista-Teruel MN, Millamena OM. 1999. Diet development and evaluation of juvenile abalone,Haliotis asinina: protein/energy levels. Aquaculture 178:117-126

Bautista-Teruel MN, Subosa PF. 1998. Urease activity in soybean meal: effect on its nutritionalquality and on growth and survival of Penaeus monodon juveniles. In: Beveridge M, Fuchs R,Furberg J, Kautsky N, Reilly A, Sorgeloos P (eds.) Proceedings of the Aquaculture Research andSustainable Development in Inland and Coastal Regions in South-East Asia. Proceedings of anIFS/EU Workshop, 18-22 March 1996, CanTho, Vietnam; pp 168-176

Bautista-Teruel MN, Subosa PF. 1999. Butylated hydroxytoluene: its effect on the quality of shrimpdiet stored at various temperatures and on growth and survival of Penaeus monodon juveniles.Aquaculture 179:403-414

Caberoy N, Quinitio GF. 1998. Sensitivity of grouper Epinephelus coioides eggs to handling stress atdifferent stages of embryonic development. Isr. J. Aquacult.–Bamidgeh 50:167-173

Capinpin EC Jr., Toledo JD, Encena VC II, Doi M. 1999. Density dependent growth of the tropicalabalone Haliotis asinina in cage culture. Aquaculture 171:227-235

Caturao R, Tackyx M, Daro N, and Sanares R. 1998. Zooplankton distribution during winter usingTwo-way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis(CANOCO). In: 7th National Convention on Statistics. Phil. Statistical System & NSTCB, Manila.Vol. 11, p 87-103

Coloso RM, Borlongan IG, Blum RA. 1998. Use of metaldehyde as molluscicide in semi-commercialand commercial milkfish ponds. Crop. Protect. 17:669-674

Coloso RM, Borlongan IG. 1999. Significant organotin contamination of sediment and tissue ofmilkfish in brackishwater ponds. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 63:297-304

Coloso RM, Murillo-Gurrea DP, Borlongan IG, Catacutan MR. 1998. Sulphur amino acid requirementof juvenile Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer). J. Appl. Ichthyol. 15:54-58

De Araujo AB, Gallardo WG, Nell TW, Hagiwara A. 1998. Enzyme activity as a tool for assessing thecultured condition of rotifers and fish larvae — a preliminary study. Bul. Aquacul. Assoc. Canada(4):30-34

Duray MN, Estudillo CB, Marasigan ET. 1998. Growth and survival of milkfish (Chanos chanos),seabass (Lates calcarifer) and rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) larvae reared at the same density indifferent size tanks. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture–Bamidgeh 50(1):20-24

Emata AC, Damaso JP, Eullaran BE. 1999. Growth, maturity and induced spawning of mangrove redsnapper, Lutjanus argentimaculatus, broodstock reared in concrete tanks. Isr. J. Aquacult.-Bamidgeh 51:58-64




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Gallardo WG, Haziwasa A, Tomita Y, Snell TW.1999. Effect of growth hormone and y-amino-butyric acid on Brachionus plicatilis (Rotife-ra) reproduction at low food or high ammo-nia levels. J. Expt. Mar. Biol. 240:179-191

Garcia LMaB, Agbayani RF, Duray MN, Hilomen-Garcia GV, Emata AC, Marte CL. 1999. Eco-nomic assessment of commercial hatcheryproduction of milkfish (Chanos chanos Fors-skal) fry. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 15:70-74

Garcia LMaB, Garcia CMH, Pineda AFS, GammadEA, Canta J, Simon SPD, Hilomen-Garcia GV,Gonzal AC, Santiago CB. 1999. Survival andgrowth of highead carp fry exposed to lowsalinities. Aquacult Int. 7:241-250

Geurden I, Reyes OS, Bergot P, Coutteau P,Sorgeloos P. 1998. Incorporation of fattyacids from dietary neutral lipid in eye, brainand muscle of postlarval turbot fed dietswith different types of phosphatidylcholine.Fish. Physiol. Biochem. 19:365-375

Hurtado AQ, Ragaza AR. 1999. Sargassum stud-ies in Currimao, Ilocos Norte: I. Seasonalvariation in the biomass of Sargassum car-pophyllum J, Agardh S. ilicifolium (Turner) C.Agardh and S. siliquosum J. Agardh (Phaeo-phyta, Sargassaceae,). Bot. Mar. 42:321-325

Lavilla-Pitogo CR. 1998. Major viral and bacterialdisease problems in shrimp culture.Aquacult. Engg. (Philippines) 10:22-28

Leaño EM, Vrijmoed LLP, Gareth Jones EB. 1999.Saprolegnia diclina isolated from pond cul-tured red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) inHongkong. Mycol. Res. 103 701-706

Lebata MJHL, Primavera JH. 1999. Effect of salinityon survival of Metapenaeus anchistus juvenilesand subadults. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 2:83-90

Lio-Po G, Traxler G, Albright L. 1999. Establish-ment of cell lines from catfish (Clariasbatrachus) and snakeheads (Ophicephalusstriatus). Asian Fish. Sci. 12:343-349

Loya-Javellana GN, PJR Uwins. 1998. Early ontog-eny of proventriculus and mandible in themud crab, Scylla serrata, and its implicationson larviculture. Aquaculture Europe 23(2)

M’harzi A, Tackx M, Daro MH, Kesaulia I, CaturaoR, Podoor N. 1998. Winter distribution ofphytoplankton and distribution of phy-toplankton and zooplankton around somesandbanks of the Belgian coastal zone. J.Plankton Res. 20:2031-2052

Millamena OM, Quinitio ET. 1999. Reproductiveperformance of pond-sourced Scylla serrata

fed various broodstock diets. In: Keenan CP,Blackshaw (eds.) Mud Crab Aquaculture andBiology; Proceedings of an International Sci-entific Forum, 21-24 April 1997;Darwin,Australia. ACIAR Proceedings no. 78;Canberra:Australian Center for InternationalAgricultural Research; pp 114 -117

Millamena OM, Teruel MB, Kanazawa A, TeshimaS. 1999. Quantitative dietary requirementsof postlarval tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodonfor histidine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylala-nine and tryptophan. Aquaculture 179:169-179

Minoso MGG, Borlongan IG, Satoh S. 1999. Es-sentiality of phosphorus, magnesium, iron,zinc, and manganese in milkfish. FisheriesScience 65(5):721-725

Pangantihon-Kuhlmann MP, Millamena OM, ChernY. 1998. Effect of dietary astaxanthin andvitamin A on the reproductive performanceof Penaeus monodon broodstock. AquaticLiv. Res. 11:403-408

Parado-Estepa FD. 1998. Survival of Penaeusmonodon postlarvae and juveniles at differ-ent salinity and temperature levels. Isr. J.Aquacult.-Bamidgeh 50:174 -183

Parado-Estepa FD, Quinitio ET. 1999. Larval sur-vival and megalopa production of Scylla sp.at different salinities. In: Keenan CP,Blackshaw (eds.) Mud Crab Aquaculture andBiology; Proceedings of an International Sci-entific Forum, 21-24 April 1997; Darwin,Australia. ACIAR Proceedings no.78;Canberra: Australian Center for InternationalAgricultural Research; pp 174 -177

Peñaflorida VD. 1999. Interaction between di-etary levels of calcium and phosphorus ongrowth of juvenile shrimp, Penaeus mono-don. Aquaculture 172:281-289

Quinitio ET, Parado-Estepa F, Alava V. 1999. De-velopment of hatchery techniques for themud crab Scylla serrata Forskal): Compari-son of feeding scheme. In: Keenan CP,Blackshaw (eds.) Mud Crab Aquaculture andBiology; Proceedings of an International Sci-entific Forum, 21-24 April 1997; Darwin,Australia. ACIAR Proceedings no. 78;Canberra: Australian Center for InternationalAgricultural Research; pp 125-130

Ragaza AR, Hurtado AQ 1999. Sargassum studiesin Currimao, Ilocos Norte: II. Seasonal varia-tion in alginate yield and viscosity of Sargas-sum carpophyllum J Agardth, S. ilicifolium(Turner) C. Agardh and S. siliquosum J.Agardh (Phaeophyta, Sargassaceae,). Bot.Mar. 42:327-331

Richter H, Focken U, Becker K, Santiago CB,Afuang WB. 1999. Analysing the diel feed-ing patterns and daily ration of Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus (L.), in Laguna de Bay,Philippines. Journal of Applied Ichthyology15(6):165-170

Romana-Eguia MRR, Eguia RV. 1999. Growth offive Asian red tilapia strains in saline envi-ronments. Aquaculture 173:161-170

Ronnback P, Troell M, Kautsky N, Primavera JH.1999. Distribution pattern of shrimp amongAvicennia and Phizophora microhabittats inthe Pagbilao mangroves, Philippines. Est.Coastal Shelf Sci. 48:223-234

Sumagaysay NS. 1999. Feed ration for differentsizes of wild and hatchery-bred milkfish(Chanos chanos Forskal). Aquaculture Re-search 30(10):789-792

Sumagaysay NS, Hilomen-Garcia GV and GarciaLMB. 1999. Growth and production of de-formed and nondeformed hatchery-bredmilkfish (Chanos chanos) in brackishwaterponds. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture–Bamidgeh 51(3)

Tan-Fermin JD, Miura T, Adachi S, Yamauchi K.1999. Seminal plasma composition, spermmotility, and milt dilution in the Asian catfishClarias macrocephalus (Gunther). Aquacul-ture 171:323-338

Tan-Fermin JD, Marte CL, Ueda H, Adachi S,Yamauchi K. 1999. Effect of season on oo-cyte development and serum steroid hor-mones in LHRHa and pimozide-injected cat-fish Clarias macrocephalus (Gunther). Fish.Sci. 65:865-870

Toledo JD, Golez MSN, Doi M, Ohno A. 1999. Useof copepod nauplii during the early larvalstage of grouper Epinephelus coioides. Fish.Sci. 65:390-397

Triño AT, Millamena OM, Keenan C. 1999. Com-mercial evaluation of monosex pond cultureof mudcrab Scylla serrata at three stockingdensities in the Philippines. Aquaculture174:109-118

Triño AT, Millamena OM, Keenan CP. 1999.Monosex culture of the mud crab (Scyllaserrata) at three stocking sensities withGracilaria as crab shelter. In: Keenan CP,Blackshaw (eds.) Mud Crab Aquaculture andBiology; Proceedings of an International Sci-entific Forum, 21-24 April 1997; Darwin,Australia. ACIAR Proceedings no.78;Canberra: Australian Center for InternationalAgricultural Research; pp 61-66





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• Australian Center for InternationalAgricultural Research (ACIAR) – forresearch on the mudcrab Scyllaserrata (development of broodstockdiet and hatchery techniques) andthe grouper Epinephelus coioides (de-velopment of practical diet for juve-niles; determining the environmentalfactors affecting embryonic develop-ment, hatchery, and survival of earlylarval stages of grouper; tracking thedevelopment of larval digestive sys-tem)

• European Union (EU) – for researchon the ecosystem approach to sus-tainable management of Laguna deBay, the largest freshwater lake in thePhilippines (effect of different nitro-gen-phosphorus ratios on phyto-

AQD; and the Community-basedCoastal Resources Managementproject which aims to achieve equi-table, efficient and sustainable use ofcoastal resources

• SEAFDEC Secretariat and SEAFDEC De-partments for two projects – Manage-ment for Sustainable Coastal Fisher-ies in Southeast Asia which involvesan integrated, multi-disciplinary ap-proach to resource management andthe Mangrove-Friendly AquacultureProgram which aims to reduce theadverse impact of aquaculture on themangrove resources The latter hasbeen endorsed for implementationunder the SEAFDEC-ASEAN FisheriesConsultative Group collaborativemechanism

Training and extension• FAO/UNDP for training and extension of alternative livelihood

options to Moro National Liberation Front regulars and rebelreturnees in Mindanao

• Research Institute of Marine Products of the Ministry ofFisheries (Vietnam) for the training on mangrove-friendlyaquaculture in Hal Phong, Vietnam. The training also receivedspecial funds from the Government of Japan and Canada-ASEAN Centre based in Singapore

Information• Various people’s organizations, the private sector, govern-

ment and non-government organizations

• SEAFDEC Secretariat for the publication of the quarterlySEAFDEC Newsletter and the maintenance of the SEAFDEC

website in the internet


Mudcrab Page 14


Trials on crab nursery are being conducted in20 m2 hapa nets installed in brackishwaterponds. SEAFDEC/AQD researchers are recom-mending a stocking density of 30 crabmegalopae per m2. Survival rate up to juvenilestage is nearly 60%.

A diet for nursery rearing is being developed.Initial results indicate that trash fish as proteinsource gives the best weight gain for crabmegalopae reared in tanks for 9 days although acommercial shrimp feed gives the highest sur-vival. Protein sources tested include fish meal,meat solubles, and processed soybean meal.

In another study, mudcrab juveniles stocked in60 liter tanks were fed formulated diets for 6months. It took crabs 92 to 170 days to molt 3times. Final carapace length ranged 58-88 mm.Weights measured 30 days from each moltingranged 32-116 g. Analysis of crab flesh showedmoisture content of 63-72%, protein of 84%,and crude fat of 34-43%. The exoskeleton had19-22% calcium and 0.6-0.8% phosphorus.

plankton and their utilization by Niletilapia; kinetics of dominant algalspecies in reply to different nutrientconditions) and the development ofbioencapsulated feed based on nutri-tionally enriched nematodes for carp,catfish, grouper and milkfish larvae

• Japan International CooperationAgency (JICA) for research on theculture of grass carp in cages in La-guna Lake

• Department of Agriculture (Phil-ippines) for three projects – OplanSagip-Sugpo (shrimp task force)which aims to rehabilitate the shrimpculture industry; the AcceleratedTransfer of Milkfish Hatchery Technol-ogy project which aims to intensifyadoption of technology developed at




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Training Program

SEAFDEC/AQD continues to develop human re-sources for the region’s aquaculture industry. Itruns three kinds of training program: regular(classroom and laboratory type), special (tailor-made based on the need of requesting party),and individual (for fisheries students and newaquaculturists).

In 1999, over 450 industry, academic, govern-ment and non-government personnel weretrained. Most were from the Philippines andVietnam.


Regular training course DurationNumber ofparticipants

Aquaculture management March 16 to April 6 21

Management of sustainable May 4 to June 9 15aquafarming systems

Fish health management May 19 to June 24 16

Marine fish hatchery June 15 to July 23 14

Freshwater aquaculture August 17 to September 15 16

Fish nutrition October 19 to November 24 18

1 In collaboration with FAO-UNDP for MNLF rebel returnees in southern Philippines2 In collaboration with Vietnam’s Research Institute of Marine Products, Ministry of Fisheries; venue was Hai Phong City,Vietnam. Funded by the Government of Japan and ASEAN-Canada Fund

3 With the local government units and people of two of Aklan’s towns4 Specialized course for an Indian national working for a hatchery at Chennai, India5 In collaboration with LandBank of the Philippines; venue was Bohol6 In collaboration with the provincial government of Iloilo in reseeding Iloilo with native catfish7 The project is a collaboration with the local governments of Ibajay and Tangalan, Aklan8 In collaboration with the local governments of the first district of Iloilo and Guimaras9 AQD hosted the first phase of the training as part of the Regional Molluscan Health Management Program initiated byFAO and NACA in collaboration with NIWA of New Zealand, DFO Canada, and IFREMER of France

10Conducted for fishers from Ajuy, Iloilo belonging to the Binangon-an Upac Nabaye Fisherfolk Association

There are more practical sessions and laboratory work inAQD’s regular training courses than classroom discussions

On-site training in Vietnam on mangrove-friendlyaquaculture

Philippines (316)


Others (7)India (2)

Sri Lanka (2)Brunei (3)


Thailand (14)Malaysia (13)

Special training program DurationNumber ofparticipants

Seaweeds, grouper and marine cage farming1 March 10-13 28On-site training on mangrove-friendly April 19 to 30 25

aquaculture (Vietnam)2

Roundtable discussion on aquaculture and February 23 38coastal resource management3

Shrimp hatchery operation4 April 5 to May 5 1Grouper culture in cages and ponds5 July 20 to 22 38Seed production of native catfish6 September 14 to 17 9Turn-over ceremony on mangrove-friendly February 28 47

aquaculture project7

Planning workshop on mangrove-friendly November 25 37aquaculture and coastal resourcemanagement project7

Sustainable aquaculture and coastal resource October 25 to 29 30management8

Mollusc health management 9 November 29 to December 3 16Forum on culture and post-harvest December 17 30

management of Kappaphycus10

Individual training program Number of participants

On-the-job or practicum 38Internship 26




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Activities in 1999 continue to focus on producing extension materials, maintain-ing the SEAFDEC/AQD website in the internet, instituting an aquaculture news ser-vice, and maintaining an aquaculture library.

Extension materials production

The modular method:milkfish pond culture,an 18-page manual thatdescribes a better way ofraising milkfish in brack-ishwater ponds

Pen culture of mudcrabin mangroves, a 10-pagemanual that details theoperation of net enclo-sures in mangroves formudcrab culture

Mudcrab, a 32-pagemanual that gives a gen-eral overview of mudcrabspecies of commercialvalue and their grow-outmonoculture in ponds;

polyculture with milkfish; and fatten-ing in ponds, mangroves, and cages

Mudcrab Scylla spp. pro-duction in brackish-water ponds, a 14-pagemanual that covers thespecifics of grow-out op-eration, including costs-

and-benefits analysis and a list of use-ful references

Ecology and farming ofmilkfish, a 117 pagemonograph that dis-cusses the life historyand ecology and variousaspects of the farming

industry in the Philippines

Promoting appropriateaquaculture technologyfor more fish in South-east Asia, a 24-page re-port that discusses thecommercial trial runs of

SEAFDEC/AQD-developed technologieson (1) milkfish hatchery, pond cultureusing hatchery-raised fry, and poly-culture of milkfish and seaweeds; (2)the use of environment-friendlyschemes in tiger shrimp culture; (3)mudcrab culture in ponds and net en-closures in mangroves; (4) cage cul-ture of hybrid tilapia; (5) catfish

SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture, the bimonthly newsletter on aquaculturetechnologies:


Vol. XX No. 6 The Malalison storyVol. XXI No. 1 Grouper culture and mangrove-friendly aquaculture

No. 2 Marine ornamental fishesNo. 3 Milkfish cultureNo. 4 Giant tiger shrimpNo. 5 Bighead carp and ADSEA ’99

Around 2,500 copies of the newsletter are circulated every two months.There were 105 new paying subscribers in 1999.


General public andpotential aquaculturists(1,039)

Governmentextensionists (564)

Research and academiccommunity (549)

Private sector orindustry (230)

Policymakers and localgovernment executives(118)




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Booklaunching ceremonies: the first in Julyfor three of AQD’s manuals, and the second inNovember for the monograph on milkfish.Three authors helped Dr. Platon distribute thefirst copies (top); milkfish author signs com-plimentary copies (bottom)

hatchery technology; and (6) oysterand mussel culture in rafts

1998 Highlights, a 31-page report of SEAFDEC/AQD’s research and devel-opment activities for 1998

Milkfish breeding and hatchery fryproduction, a reprint of the2-page flyer that summa-rizes the integrated milkfishbroodstock and hatcheryoperation technology de-veloped by AQD

Milkfish breeding and hatchery tech-nology at SEAFDEC/AQD, a 2-page flyer

that describes the techniquesalready adopted by the pri-vate sector: broodstock man-agement and artificial diet,commercial fry production,live transport, and larval diet

The commercialization of SEAFDEC/AQD’s milkfish fry production tech-nology, a 2-page flyer that illustratesAQD’s newest hatchery facility – the In-

tegrated Fish Broodstockand Hatchery Demonstration– and the extension programthat go with it – AcceleratedTransfer of Milkfish Fry Pro-duction Technology

Mudcrab culture, a 2-page flyer thatsummarizes the available technologies

on mudcrab grow-out – mo-noculture in ponds and intidal flats with existing man-groves, polyculture withmilkfish in ponds, andmudcrab fattening

Seed production of nativecatfish Clarias macroceph-alus, a 2-page flyer that de-scribes SEAFDEC/AQD’s workon artificially propagatingthe catfish

The farming of Kappaphycus, a 2-page flyer that introduces the red sea-

weed with notes on thetypes of culture systems,the environmental factorsrequired, initial investmentneeded, and crop manage-ment

Coverage in themass mediaand theinternetSEAFDEC/AQD appeared in about255 articles in national dailynewspapers (27%), localsheets (56%), and specializedpublications (16%) in the Phil-ippines. The increase in AQDcoverage and interest by themass media may be attributedto the aquaculture news ser-vice instituted during the year.

AQD continues to maintain awebsite in the internet(www.seafdec.org.ph) whoseserver is in Iloilo. AQD activi-ties can also be accessedthrough the SEAFDEC main web-site www.seafdec.org main-tained by the SEAFDEC Secre-tariat in Bangkok.

Binangonan FreshwaterStation, a 2-page flyer onSEAFDEC/AQD’s R&D on fresh-water aquaculture and lakeecology, primarily for La-guna de Bay

Reaching out through technologyverification and extension,a 2-page flyer that presentsthe efforts of SEAFDEC/AQD tofast-track commercializationof aquaculture technologiesdeveloped

Aquaculture training pro-gram, a 20-page brochurethat introduces SEAFDEC/AQD’s short-term regularcourses

Training module on sustainableaquaculture and coastal resourcemanagement, a 2-page flyer that de-

scribes the new SEAFDEC/AQD training course, in-cluding course content,qualification of partici-pants, and enrollment pro-cess

Grouper cage culture, a 16-minutevideo documentary describing site se-lection, cage construction and grow-out culture

A CFRM experience: the Malalisonstory, a 30-minute video documen-tary that shows the processes and les-sons gained in SEAFDEC/AQD’s 7-yearproject in Antique

Milkfish hatchery operations, a 12-minute video describing SEAFDEC/AQD’s recommended mode of opera-tions for a milkfish hatchery

Ang palaabuton sang kapagangan,a 12-minute video documentary oncoral reefs

Three news feature shorties on theFAO-UNDP and SEAFDEC/AQD training forMNLF rebel returnees, the LandBank-AQD training in Bohol, and the ADSEA

gathering in October

The year that was, a 7-minute videothat described 1999 in terms of AQD’smajor activities





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Forget the old stuffy image of a library. The AQDLibrary (left) has become a dynamic place whereinformation can be accessed faster and morecomprehensively through the use of computerdatabases and the internet

Dr. Herminio Rabanal (above, on the right), fore-most Filipino scientist and aquaculture expert,donated his personal collection of nearly 5,000materials to SEAFDEC/AQD, including rare titles likethe 1900 Manual on Fish Culture, the 1929Contributions to the Biology of the PhilippineArchipelago and Adjacent Regions, and the 1939Fish Fry Industry of the Philippines

A textbook writing workshop was held bySEAFDEC/AQD on November 4 to 5, and attendedby 45 AQD senior staff involved in the pro-posed aquaculture textbook project

SEAFDEC’s DeputySecretary-General Mr.Shogo Sugiura visitedSEAFDEC in summer(right) while Dr. Platon,DA Undersecretary Mr.Cesar Drilon, and SEAFDEC

Secretary-General PanuTavarutmaneegul facedthe Iloilo media during apress briefing in July(above). Around 10,500other dignitaries,fishfarmers, teachers, andstudents visited AQD in1999

A booth in one of the 5 fairs attended by AQD.Ten of AQD’s researchers were also sent tolecture on various topics around the Philip-pines upon the invitation of local governmentsand other institutions


Library servicesSEAFDEC/AQD’s present librarycollection includes 14,848monographic volumes; 7,791pamphlets; 3,159 SEAFDEC publi-cations; and 4,657 bound jour-nal volumes. The Library servedan average of 7 readers per hourin 1999, and replied to 148 que-ries for materials on milkfish,shrimp, seabass, seaweeds,siganids, crabs, among others. Italso served 191 requests foronline searching of databaseslike ASFA, Fish & FisheriesWorldwide, and Life Scienceson CD-Rom.




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SEAFDEC/AQD welcomed the newSEAFDEC Secretary-General PanuTavarutmaneegul during its 26th anni-versary celebration in Tigbauan, Iloilo.Mr. Panu expressed his appreciation forthe Philippine government’s support ofSEAFDEC.

AQD also celebrated the 1st anniver-sary of the Dumangas BrackishwaterStation. Dr. Platon gave thanks to the

Top: Dr. Platonand, to his left,Deputy Secretary-General MasaoShimomura, Sec-retary-GeneralPanu Tavarutma-neegul andSEAFDEC CouncilDirector for thePhilippines CesarDrilon

Right: MayorRolando Disturaof Dumangas,Iloilo receives acertificate of ap-preciation fromSEAFDEC

Below: The“karpistahan”during AQD’s cel-ebration of 23years of freshwa-ter aquacultureresearch

fishfarmers who areAQD collaborators inits technology trans-fer and commercial-ization program,calling them AQD’spartners and exter-nal infrastructure.

The third celebra-tion was the 23rdanniversary of theBinangonan Fresh-water Station wherebighead carp wasgiven much public-ity through afoodfest to generateinterest in carp cul-ture and marketing.AQD has developedbroodstock andhatchery technologyfor bighead carp.




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The biotechnology laboratory – for-mally known as the Laboratory for Ad-vanced Aquaculture Technologies – isbeing set-up.

On the other hand, the construction ofFishWorld – the small eco-park dedi-cated to the environment education ofthe general public – is nearly complete.Visitors will walk through a large per-manent ecosystems exhibit that willshow the interrelations and interdepen-dence of land and water ecosystems.FishWorld will also feature an Aquacul-ture Hall with major types of aqua-farming systems and methods shown.

Facilities & infrastructure

The beginnings of a biotechnology laboratory

The nearly completed FishWorld (below, right)

As of 31 December 1999 the total number of AQD permanent staff totalled 314 with 143 in Research, 35 in Trainingand Information, 93 in Administration, 21 in Finance, and 22 in the Office of the Chief.

Personnel & management

Clarissa Marte, PhDRESEARCH HEAD


Rolando Platon, PhD








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he Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) is a regional treatyorganization established in December 1967 for the purpose of promoting fisheriesdevelopment in the region. Its member countries are Japan, Malaysia, thePhilippines, Singapore, Thailand, and recently, Brunei Darussalam and theSocialist Republic of Vietnam.

Representing the member countries is the Council of Directors, the policy-makingbody of seafdec. The chief administrator of seafdec is the Secretary-Generalwhose office, the Secretariat, is based in Bangkok, Thailand.

Created to develop fishery potentials in the region in response to the globalfood crises, seafdec undertakes research on appropriate fishery technologies,trains fisheries and aquaculture technicians, and disseminates fisheries andaquaculture information. Four departments were established to pursue theobjectives of seafdec.

The Training Department (TD) in Samut Prakan, Thailand, established in 1967for marine capture fisheries training

The Marine Fisheries Research Department (MFRD) in Singapore, establishedin 1967 for fishery post-harvest technology

The Aquaculture Department (AQD) in Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines, establishedin July 1973 for aquaculture research and development

The Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department(mfrdmd) in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, established in 1992 for the devel-opment and management of the marine fishery resources in the exclusiveeconomic zones (EEZs) of seafdec Member-Countries.

SEAFDEC /AQD is mandated to:

promote and undertake aquaculture research that is relevant and appropriatefor the regiondevelop human resources for the regiondisseminate and exchange information on aquaculture


Suraswadi BuildingDepartment of Fisheries CompoundKasetsart University CampusChatuchak, Bangkok 10900ThailandTel: (66 2) 940 6326 to 940 6329Fax: (66 2) 940 6336E-Mail: [email protected]://www.seafdec.org


Tigbauan, 5021 IloiloPhilippinesPO Box 256, 5000 Iloilo CityPhilippinesTel: (63 33) 3351009; 336 2891;

336 2937; 336 2965Fax: (63 33) 335 1008; 336 2891Cable: seafdec iloiloE-Mail: [email protected]://www.seafdec.org.ph


PO Box 97PhrasamutchediSamut Prakan 10290ThailandTel: (66 2) 425 8040 to 5Fax: (66 2) 425 8561E-Mail: [email protected]://www.seafdec.org


2 Perahu Road off Limchukang RoadSingapore 718915Tel: (65) 790 7973Fax: (65) 790 7963, 861 3196E-Mail: [email protected]://www.asean.fishnet.gov.sg/



Fisheries Garden, Chendering21080 Kuala TerengganuMalaysiaTel: (609) 617 5135Fax: (609) 617 5136E-Mail: [email protected]://www.agrolink.moa.my/dof/


March 2000

Tigbauan Main Station Igang Marine Substation

Binangonan Freshwater Station Dumangas Brackishwater Facility




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