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  • 8/7/2019 19.IJAEST Vol No 5 Issue No 2 Numerical Simulation of Warehouses Fire Suppression 212 228


    Numerical Simulation of Warehouses

    Fire Suppression

    Essam Eldine MouguibM.Sc, Mech. Power Dept.

    Faculty of Engineering, Cairo UniversityGiza, Egypt

    [email protected]

    Mahmoud Ahmed FouadProfessor, Mech. Power Dept.

    Faculty of Engineering, Cairo UniversityGiza, Egypt

    [email protected]

    AbstractA CFD simulation has been conducted to study

    the rack storage fires and suppression means in a pharmaceuticalwarehouse. Simulations have been carried out for different firelocationsand rack storage geometries, to predict fire growth rateand spread. Also, the activation time periods of in-rack andESFR sprinklers, fire growth control and fire suppression have

    been simulated. The use of the foam-water sprinkler system hasbeen also considered. Simulations results showed that, the in-rack sprinkler would actuate faster than the ESFR ceilingmounted sprinklers. The successive operation of the adjacentnearby in-rack sprinklers has a great effect on the control on thefire growth. Also, the in-rack sprinklers have extinguished thefire faster than ESFR sprinklers, due to the fast control of fire

    growth. The foam-water sprinkler system has controlled the firegrowth in such time slightly more than the in-rack sprinklers and

    considerably more than the ESFR sprinklers. The foam-watersprinkler system has the fastest suppression, compared to othercases, due to the great effect of the foam solution on the firespread. Also, the foam-water sprinkler system does not destroy

    product, due to the lower water content. They have limited smokedamage, and because of the detergent properties of the foamingagent, they provide a self-cleaning effect. When studying theeffect of the rack storage geometry, it is found that the narrow

    vertical and horizontal flues have a great effect on the firegrowth, as they do not allow the fire spread to adjacent surfaces,

    which facilitate the sprinklers job to control the fire. Also, thenarrow vertical and horizontal flues have a great effect on thefire suppression. The storage height has a strong impact on thesprinkler activation. Upon the obtained results, the best sprinkleractivation was dedicated to the in-rack sprinklers. The best

    suppression period was dedicated to the foam-water sprinkler

    system. To get a better suppression performance for high baywarehouses fires, in-rack sprinklers can be used along with foam-water sprinkler system. But this configuration has a remarkableimpact on the economic-wise criteria. So, in order to have a

    reasonable optimal configuration, in-rack sprinklers can beinstalled along with ESFR ceiling sprinklers.

    Keywords-component; in-rack sprinklers; ESFR sprinklers;foam-water sprinkler system; activation time; fire growthcontrol; fire suppression.


    Among the most challenging occupancies from a property

    loss control viewpoint are warehouses, distribution centers andlarge retail businesses referred to as big box establishments.

    Warehouses represent a unique fire challenge to both fixed firesuppression systems and the manual firefighting forces that

    are called upon to deal with a fire. Modern warehouses andstorage occupancies are especially subject to rapidlydeveloping fires of great intensity, because complexconfiguration of storage and building layout are usually

    conducive to fire spread, presenting numerous obstacles tomanual fire suppression efforts. The only proven method of

    controlling a warehouse fire is within properly designed andmaintained automatic sprinkler systems. If sprinkler protectionis not provided, the likelihood of controlling a fire in awarehouse is minimal. Some critical elements must be

    considered when developing a comprehensive risk mitigationstrategy to protect various facilities. These elements includecommodity classification, common storage configurations,

    various protection schemes, hazards associated with some ofthe common types of warehouses and loss preventionguidelines for minimizing the frequency and severity of a loss.Warehouses can range from several hundred to more than a

    million square feet and can include among other occupanciesstorage garages, refrigerated storage facilities, isolated storage buildings, underground storage locations, and air-supported

    structures. A variety of commodities is displayed and storedwithin these facilities, including soft goods, clothes,furnishings of all types, bedding materials, paints, home repairand building materials, chemicals, and plastics. Moreover, big

    box retail spaces often have ceiling or roof heights in excess of16 feet and, in many cases, as high as 35 to 40 feet. Using rackstorage configurations, these types of retail stores willtypically display products at lower elevations and use thehigher elevations for product storage.


    A area of the plume at a given heightb width of the storage boxes.

    Cb non-dimensional constant and it can be taken as 3.4 according to

    Heskestad [12]

    CD drag coefficient of the droplets

    Cp specific heat

    CT non-dimensional constant and it can be taken as 0.12 according to

    Heskestad [12]

    Cu non-dimensional constant and it can be taken as 9.1 according to

    Heskestad [12]

    d plume diameter

    Ds drag of the spray


    Vol No. 5, Issue No. 2, 212 - 228

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  • 8/7/2019 19.IJAEST Vol No 5 Issue No 2 Numerical Simulation of Warehouses Fire Suppression 212 228


    Fig. 2 Model Description

    2.4Fire ModelingThe ignition in a warehouse initially occurs at certain

    location and then grows up at a rate depending on severalfactors such as the type of fuel, oxygen access, type ofcommodity and the configuration of storage. Subsequently, thedeveloped fire transitions to the flashover period, which is arapid transition from the growth period to a fully developedfire period, leading the total surface of the combustible

    materials to be involved in the fire. At the fully developed firestage, the heat release rate (HRR) and average temperaturereach their peaks while the fire is rapidly spreading to otherlocations through various paths. If the initial fire in the initial

    location is not discovered and suppressed in the first place, itwill eventually spread to the whole warehouse. It is assumedthat all buildings have approximately the same fire-

    development process which consists of five stages: ignition,flashover, full-development, collapse and extinguishment.

    Fig.3, illustrates the fire growth behavior and thedevelopment of air temperature and heat release rate, where t1

    is the time from ignition to flashover, t2, time from flashoverto full-development, t3, time from full-development to collapseand t4, time from collapse to extinguishment. Fires can be

    t ime


    t 4t 3t 2t 1

    Q=( t ) Q=( t - t 4)

    Q=Qma x

    Fig. 3 Develop Curve of HRR of a Building Fire

    characterized by their rate of heat release, measured in termsof the number of kW (Btu/sec) of heat liberated. Previousresearches have shown that most fires grow exponentially and

    can be expressed by what is termed the power law of firegrowth model, which follows:

    ptQ (1)

    where: p equals 2.In fire protection, fuel packages are often described as

    having a growth time (tg). It is the time necessary after theignition with a stable flame for the fuel package to attain aheat release rate of 1055 kW (1000 Btu/sec). The followingequations describe the growth of design fires:






    for SI units (2)

    Equation (3.2) can be generally expressed as:2tQ (3)

    2.4.1 Fire Plume GenerationFour ignition sources were mounted at several locations,as shown in fig.2. Each ignition source consisted of a square

    burner nozzle (25cm x 25cm) located at the floor area, wherethe gas fuel is injected. The fire plume is created when the fuel(methane) injected from the burner burns in the presence of

    oxygen, high temperature and minimum concentration of thereactants. A single-step irreversible chemical reaction isassumed:

    CH4 + 2O2CO2 + 2H2O (4)

    The combustion reaction and airflow can be described by

    the conservation equations of mass, momentum, energy andspecies along with the sub-models describing the turbulence

    and combustion. The standard K-model is used to estimatethe turbulence characteristics of the gas phase flow, by solvingthe equations of turbulence kinetic energy and the dissipationrate, so as to calculate the turbulent effective diffusioncoefficient.

    2.5 Governing EquationsThe theoretical model is used to calculate the fire

    parameters in a two-dimensional rack storage configuration.The model predicts the air temperature and velocity and theflame diameter in the flues. Gas temperature and velocity are

    F # Fire hazard probability

    A # Air outlet window


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    represented by a mean value across the cross-section of theflue. The input parameters used in the model are:

    The longitudinal length of the rack (l).

    The height (s) and the width (b) of the boxes.

    The width of the vertical flue (w)

    The height of the horizontal flue (h).

    The convective heat energy released from the burner (Qc)

    2.5.1 Continuity Equation

    By using the continuity equation, we can find that:

    0,01 2mm


    iii mmm ,01 2 (5)

    nnnn mmm ,1 2

    where i = 1, , n (n = 6)

    2.5.2 Conservation of EnergyWhen the mass flow rate in the vertical flue of each tier is

    known, while the mass flow rate is constant between the baseand the top of each box, the temperature at the corresponding

    height can be calculated using the following expressions:

    )( ,, TTcmQ aipiaci

    )( ,, TTcmQ aipiaci (6)

    Accordingly, the temperatures at the correspondinglocations can be calculated as shown in the following section.Also, by using the relationship for the mass flow rate:

    uwlm (7)

    and the ideal gas law :

    TT (8)

    where the influences of pressure changes and gas composition

    are neglected, the velocity at the top and the base of each tiercan be calculated as shown in the following section.

    2.6In-Rack Temperature and VelocityTurbulent buoyant axi-symmetric fire plumes with a large

    density defect or temperature rise relative to the surroundingare known as strong plumes, while plumes with a smalldensity defect or temperature rise are known as weak plumes.Above axi-symmetric buoyant turbulent diffusion flames, thecenterline values of excess temperature and velocity and the

    plume radius obey the following relationships:




    0 1





    T c









    gCu c






    0 zzT

    TCb bT


    2.7Plume Width and Flame HeightAs a plume rises, it entrains air and widens. Generally the

    total plume diameter and height can be estimated as:

    zkd d (12)5/2343.073.3 QwLf (13)

    2.8 Modeling of Water SprayingTo a better understanding of the fire suppression, it is

    useful to consider the reaction of the flame and fire plume tothe droplet spray and to consider this situation as a

    competition between the downward momentum of the sprayand the upward momentum of the fire plume. If the downwardspray is strong enough to balance or overpower the upwardmomentum of the fire plume, the structure of the fire plumechanges. The momentum of the fire plume, Mp, is used tocharacterize the fire size. However, to characterize the

    strength of the spray, the drag of the spray, Ds, is used sincethis is the physical mechanism of the interaction between thedroplets and the gas of the plume. Thus, a spray that has a verylarge effect on a fire plume does so by creating a large drag on

    the fire plume. The ratio of the drag of the spray to themomentum of the plume, Ds/Mp, is a non-dimensional parameter that characterizes the effect of the spray on thedynamics of the fire. To calculate this parameter, the drag of

    the spray,Ds, can be expressed as:

    dddDps vvvvACnD )(2

    1 (14)

    The drag coefficient for the droplet, CD, depends primarily on

    the Reynolds number based on the droplet slip velocity:

    dVURe (15)

    The plume momentum can be calculated from the plumevelocity profile and width as


    p dArv )(2 (16)

    2.8.1 Calculation of the Sprinkler Actuation TimeThe heat flow into a sprinkler heat sensing element occurs

    over a period of time. The thermal response coefficient isneeded to accurately predict the heat sensing element

    response. A measure of the speed with which heat transferoccurs is currently called the detector time constant (0). Thetime constant is a measure of the sensitivity of the sprinkler

    sensing element. Upon calculating the air temperature andvelocity at the sprinkler location, the sprinkler actuation time

    (0), can be obtained using the following equation:



    o tTT




    ln (17)


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    2.9 Matrix of ExperimentsThe conducted CFD calculations have been classified

    according to the following criteria:1. The consideration of four probabilities of fire

    hazards, as shown in fig.2.2. The operation of the following systems to suppress

    each of these fire hazards:

    In-rack and standard ceiling sprinklers. Early-Suppression-Fast-Response (ESFR)


    Foam-Water Sprinkler system.3. The effect of rack storage geometrical configuration

    on fire suppression



    Rack Storage




    Probability Suppression System Used
















    Sub-Case Study Name





    (cm)fire 1 A1-1 A1-2 A1-3 A1-4

    fire 2 A2-1 A2-2 A2-3

    20 32fire 3 A3-1 A3-2 A3-3

    fire 4 A4-1 A4-3





    (cm)fire 1 B1-1 B1-2

    fire 2 B2-1 B2-2

    30 32 fire 3 B3-1 B3-2






    fire 1 C1-1 C1-2

    fire 2 C2-1 C2-2

    40 32 fire 3 C3-1 C3-2





    (cm)fire 1 D1-1 D1-2

    fire 2 D2-1 D2-2

    20 48fire 3 D3-1 D3-2

    fire 4 D4-1 D4-2





    (cm)fire 1 E1-1 E1-2

    fire 2 E2-1 E2-2

    20 64fire 3 E3-1 E3-2

    fire 4 E4-1 E4-2


    The CFD simulations and case studies performed topredict the activation times of in-rack sprinklers with ceilingsprinklers and the ESFR sprinkler system as well as the Foam-

    Water sprinkler system and the suppression efficiencies ofsuch systems are presented herein after. The activation timeswill be simulated by using a deterministic fire-waterinteraction model. The model illustrates the behavior of four

    cases of fire hazard probabilities in the warehousecompartment. Each case is subjected to different suppressionsystems including the use of the different suppression systems

    illustrated above.

    3.1Fire SimulationAt the beginning, the fire is growing exponentially with

    time and the heat release rate (HRR) takes a "t squared" shapeprofile. The phenomena of air temperature growing with time

    have been developed by using user-defined functions writtenin C++ code. When exporting these user-defined functionsinto the model, we can get a prediction of the behavior of the

    unsteady temperature rise with time. Figures 4.a, 4.b, 4.c and4.d show the simulation results for the contours of the totaltemperature, obtained after several times, along the

    symmetrical axis of the flame (fire hazard vertical center line)for the four fire hazard probabilities studied for case study A.The fire reaches the fully-developed stage, where the heat

    release rate and air temperature reach its maximum values.Fig.4.e shows the contours of total temperature of the fully-developed fire obtained along the symmetrical axis of theflame.

    3.1.2 Effect of Rack Storage Geometrical Configuration on

    Fire Growth

    Cases B1-1, B2-1 and B3-1 represent the three fire hazard probabilities studied for case study B with the vertical flue

    width equals to 30 cm. Fig.5 represents the simulation results of total temperature for case study B3-1.

    Cases C1-1, C2-1 and C3-1 represent the three fire hazard probabilities studied for case study C with the vertical flue

    width equals to 40 cm. Fig.6 represents the simulation resultsof total temperature for case study C3-1.Cases D1-1, D2-1 and D3-1 represent the three fire hazard

    probabilities studied for case study D with the horizontal fluewidth equals to 48 cm.

    60 sec 360 sec 480 sec

    Fig. 4.a Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Case A1-1

    60 sec 360 sec 540 sec

    Fig. 4.b Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Case A2-1


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    60 sec 90 sec 510 sec

    Fig. 4.c Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Case A3-1

    60 sec 180 sec 360 sec

    Fig. 4.d Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Case A4-1

    Fig.7 represents the simulation results of total temperature forcase study D3-1.

    Cases E1-1, E2-1 and E3-1 represent the three fire hazard

    Case A1-1 Case A2-1

    13.5 min 16 min

    Case A3-1 Case A4-1

    13.5 min 10.5 min

    Fig. 4.e Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Fully-Developed Fire

    60 sec 90 sec

    360 sec 660 sec

    Fig. 5 Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Case B3-1

    probabilities studied for case study E with the horizontal fluewidth equals to 64 cm. Fig.8 represents the simulation resultsof total temperature for case study E3-1.

    Cases A4-1, D4-1 and E4-1, represent the three firehazard probabilities to study the effect of rack storage heightof 10.8m, 11.60m and 12.4m respectively

    60 sec 180 sec

    600 sec 780 sec

    Fig.6 Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Case C3-1


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    60 sec 180 sec

    360 sec 540 sec

    Fig.7 Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Case D3-1

    60 sec 180 sec

    360 sec 570 sec

    Fig.8 Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Case E3-1

    Fig.10a shows the contours of total temperature of the fully-developed fire obtained along the symmetrical axis of theflame.

    3.2. Fire Suppression by Water Sprinkler Systems

    3.2.1 In-Rack Sprinklers with Standard Ceiling Sprinklers

    For case A3-2, as shown in fig.11, the first in-rack

    60 sec 180 sec

    240 sec 320 sec

    Fig.9 Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Case D4-1

    60 sec 180 sec

    240 sec 290 sec

    Fig.10 Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Case E4-1

    sprinkler (IRS-14) will actuate at t = 59 sec. The second in-rack sprinkler (IRS-13) will actuate at t = 62 sec. The third in-rack sprinkler (IRS-15) will actuate at t = 64 sec. The

    sprinklers totally control the fire after 170 sec. The totalsuppression of the fire will occur after approximately 4.75min.


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    Case B3-1 Case C3-1 Case D3-1

    18 min 23 min 14 minCase E3-1 Case D4-1 Case E4-1

    16 min 10 min 8.5 min

    Fig. 10.a Simulation Results of Total Temperature for Fully-Developed Fire

    3.2.2 Early-Suppression-Fast-Response (ESFR) Sprinklers

    For case A3-3, as shown in fig.12, the first ESFR

    sprinkler will actuate at t = 140 sec. The second ESFRsprinkler will actuate at t = 142 sec. The sprinklers totallycontrol the fire after 305 sec. The total suppression of the fire

    will occur after approximately 7.4 min.

    3.3 Foam/Water Sprinkler Systems

    For case A1-4, as shown in fig.13, the first sprinkler willactuate at t = 135 sec. The second sprinkler will actuate at

    t = 140 sec. The sprinklers totally control the fire after 255sec. The total suppression of the fire will occur afterapproximately 5 min.

    3.4. Effect of Rack Storage Geometrical Configuration on FireSuppression

    For case B3-2, as shown in fig. 14, the first sprinkler

    (IRS-14) will actuate at t = 68 sec. The second sprinkler

    (IRS-15) will actuate at t = 72 sec. The third sprinkler (IRS-13)will actuate at t = 78 sec. The sprinklers totally control the fireafter 170 sec. The total suppression of the fire will occur after

    approximately 4.5 minFor case C3-2, as shown in fig.15, the first sprinkler

    (IRS-14) will actuate at t = 72 sec. The second sprinkler(IRS-13) will actuate at t = 79 sec. The third sprinkler (IRS-15)will actuate at t = 83 sec. The sprinklers totally control the fireafter 170 sec. The total suppression of the fire will occur after

    59 sec 62 sec 64 sec

    170 sec 4.75 min

    Fig.11 Total Temperature Contours for Case A3-2

    140 sec 142 sec 305 sec

    360 sec 7.4 min

    Fig.12 Total Temperature Contours for Case A3-3

    approximately 5 min. For case D3-2, as shown in fig.16, thefirst sprinkler (IRS-14) will actuate at t = 68 sec. The secondsprinkler (IRS-13) will actuate at t = 74 sec. The thirdsprinkler (IRS-15) will actuate at t = 82 sec. The sprinklerswill totally control the fire after 180 sec The total suppression

    of the fire will occur after approximately 6.5 min


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    135 sec 140 sec 255 sec

    270 sec 300 sec

    Fig.13 Total Temperature Contours for Case A1-4

    68 sec 72 sec 78 sec

    170 sec 270 sec

    Fig.14 Total Temperature Contours for Case B3-2

    For case E3-2, as shown in fig.17, the first sprinkler

    (IRS-14) will actuate at t = 69 sec. The second sprinkler(IRS-13) will actuate at t = 76 sec. The third sprinkler (IRS-15)will actuate at t = 85 sec. The sprinklers totally control the fireafter 190 sec. The total suppression of the fire will occur afterapproximately 7.5 min.

    72 sec 79 sec 83 sec

    170 sec 300 sec

    Fig.15 Total Temperature Contours for Case C3-2

    68 sec 74 sec 82 sec

    180 sec 390 secFig.16 Total Temperature Contours for Case D3-2

    C.1 Effect of Rack Storage Height on Fire Suppression

    For case A4-3, as shown in fig.18, the first ESFR sprinkler(CS-1) will actuate at t = 30 sec. The sprinkler totally controlsthe fire after 90 sec. The total suppression of the fire willoccur after approximately 2.5 min.


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    69 sec 76 sec 85 sec

    190 sec 450 sec

    Fig.17 Total Temperature Contours for Case E3-2

    30 sec 60 sec 90 sec

    120 sec 150 sec

    Fig.18 Total Temperature Contours for Case A4-3

    For case D4-2, as shown in fig.19, the first sprinkler

    (CS-1) will actuate at t = 26 sec. The sprinkler totally controlsthe fire after 85 sec. The total suppression of the fire willoccur after approximately 3.5 min.

    26 sec 75 sec 85 sec

    180 sec 210 sec

    Fig.19 Total Temperature Contours for Case D4-2

    22 sec 30 sec 75 sec

    81 sec 180 sec

    Fig.20 Total Temperature Contours for Case E4-2

    For case E4-2, as shown in fig.20, the first sprinkler(CS-1) will actuate at t = 22 sec. The sprinkler totally controlsthe fire after 81 sec. The total suppression of the fire willoccur after approximately 3 min.


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    4.1. Results for Fire Simulation

    At the beginning of ignition, the fire simulation showed anexponentially fire growing with time and the Heat ReleaseRate (HRR) takes a "t squared" shape profile. For sub-caseA1-1, as shown in fig.4, the intensity and speed at which thevertical spread accelerates in the vertical flue space, allows the

    flames to reach the top of storage within 68 sec from ignition.The fire will continue to grow in intensity, involving newburning surfaces of the rack storage and releasing higher heatrates, until reaching the flashover at approximately 8 min fromignition. Results of the simulations are shown in fig.21, 22 and

    23, where the excess in air temperature, flame vertical velocityand heat release rate (HRR) are plotted against time. As shownin fig.21, the excess in air temperature increases with time, for

    all cases. Based on the temperature profiles presented insection 4, the width of the thermal plume can be determined.The results are plotted in fig.24, where the thermal plume

    width, bT, is plotted against time. If no suppression happens,the fire will spread to the nearby stock and additional stock is

    consumed and the fire is getting out of control and the rackstorage collapses, spreading the fire over large areas of thewarehouse. The fire will be on his way to develop toencompass the whole warehouse building. At this stage, the

    temperature and HRR of the building reach their peaks, Tmaxand HRRmax, at approximately 13.5 min from ignition and thefire has a strongest ability to spread outside the warehouse

    building. Then the fire exhibits an approximately fully-developed behavior, as shown in fig.21 and fig.22. Once thefire duration reaches the fire proof limit of the structuralmaterials, the building is able to collapse. After collapse, therack storage is totally consumed and with the decline of fireintensity, the ability of fire out-spreading gradually declines.










    0 200 400 600 800 1000

    t (sec)

    T (oK)

    Fig. 21 Variation of Gas Temperature with Time for Case Study A1-1









    0 200 400 600 800 1000

    t (sec)



    velocity (m/s)

    Fig. 22 Variation of flame vertical velocity with Time for Case Study A1-1








    0 200 400 600 800 1000

    t (sec)

    Q (KW)

    Fig. 23 Variation of Heat Release Rate (HRR) with Time for Case Study A1-1

    4.1.2 Effect of Rack Storage Geometry

    Fig.25 shows the temperature distributions along thevertical axis of the flame for sub-cases A1-1, A2-1, A3-1,

    B1-1, B2-1, B3-1, C1-1, C2-1 and C3-1 respectively. As thevertical flue width varies, the air entrainment into the rack

    behaves differently and consequently, the flame pattern isgreatly influenced.As the vertical flue width increases, the air entrainment insidethe flame increases, leading to more rapid fire development.

    On the other hand, as the vertical flue width decreases, therewill be less entrained air inside the flame, leading to higherflame heights.


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    0 200 400 600 800 1000

    t (sec)

    bT (m)

    Fig.24 Variation of Thermal Plume Width with Time for Case Study A3-1

    Figure 26, also, shows the temperature distributions along

    the vertical axis of the flame for sub-cases A1-1, A2-1, A3-1,D1-1, D2-1, D3-1, E1-1, E2-1 and E3-1 respectively. As thehorizontal flue width increases, more air is entraining inside

    the flame increases, leading to more unsymmetrical flame andrapid fire development in the horizontal direction andconsequently, incorporating of horizontal flues can have a

    reverse effect on the stability and the symmetry of the flames.As the vertical and horizontal flue become larger and

    larger, the flame height will become more similar to open fireplumes, which can lead to even more rapid fire growth.Thisbeing the most common known cause of fire outbreak for thestorage of bulk materials.









    0 5 10 15

    Vertical Position (m)











    Fig. 25 Comparison of the Gas Temperature along the vertical

    Centerline of flame for different vertical Flue width

    4.2Results for Fire Suppression Simulation4.2.1 In-rack Sprinklers vs. ESFR Sprinklers

    The results obtained from the CFD simulations indicated

    that, for case A1-2, two sprinklers have been actuated, the firstsprinkler (IRS-11) actuated at 55 sec, and the second sprinkler

    (IRS-12) actuated at 60 sec. For case A2-2, three sprinklershave been actuated, the first sprinkler (IRS-12) actuated at 75sec, the second sprinkler (IRS-13) actuated at 80 sec and thethird in-rack sprinkler (IRS-14) actuated at 83 sec. For case

    A3-2, three sprinklers have been actuated, the first sprinkler(IRS-14) actuated at 59 sec, the second sprinkler (IRS-13)actuated at 62 sec and the third sprinkler (IRS-15) actuated at64 sec.

    The results obtained from the CFD simulations indicatedthat, for case A1-3, the ESFR sprinkler (CS-1) actuated at 130sec. For case A2-3, the first ESFR sprinkler (CS-1) will

    actuate at 150 sec. The second ESFR sprinkler (CS-2) actuatedat 156 sec. For case A3-3, the first ESFR sprinkler (CS-1) will

    actuate at 140 sec. The second ESFR sprinkler (CS-2) actuatedat 142 sec. For case A4-3, the ESFR sprinkler (CS-1) actuatedat 30 sec. The sprinkler totally controls the fire after 90 sec.The total suppression of the fire will occur after approximately2.5 min.

    When comparing the simulation results of the ESFRsprinklers to those obtained for the in-rack sprinklers, it can benoticed that, the activation time for the in-rack sprinklers is

    much less than for the ESFR sprinklers. The in-rack sprinklersare somehow near to the flame tips and consequently are beingfaster thermally influenced.








    0 30 60 90 120 150 180

    Activation Time (sec)

    SprinklerLocation Index

    (Case A1-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A2-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A3-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A1-3, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A2-3, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A3-3, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Foam Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm









    CS-1 CS-1






    IRS In-Rack Sprinkler

    CS . Ceiling Sprinkler

    Fig.26 Activation Time for In-Rack and ESFR Sprinklers for Case studies A


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    0 100 200 300 400 500

    Time (sec)


    Location Index

    (Cases A, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm Cases A, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Cases A, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm Case A, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A, ESFR Spr inkler , v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm Case A, ESFR Sprink le r, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A1-4, Foam Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Fig.27 Fire Control Growth For In-Rack And ESFR

    Regarding the control of the fire growth and the fireextinguishment, the in-rack sprinklers control the fire growthin someway faster than the ESFR sprinklers. This can be dueto the successive operation of the adjacent nearby in-rack

    sprinklers which has a remarkable effect on the fire growthcontrol.





    0 5 10 15

    Time (min)


    Location Index


    Cases A, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm Cases A, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Cases A, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm Case A, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A, ESFR Sprink le r, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm Case A, ESFR Sprink le r, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A1-4, Foam Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Fig.28 Fire Suppression for In-Rack and ESFR Sprinklers for Case studies A

    4.2.2 Effect of Vertical Flue Space

    The results obtained from the CFD simulations indicatedthat, for case B1-2, two sprinklers have been actuated, the firstin-rack sprinkler (IRS-1) actuated at 71 sec. The second in-rack

    sprinkler (IRS-2) actuated at 76 sec. The two operatingsprinklers fight the fire growth and succeed to control the firegrowth after 165 sec. The total suppression of the fire will

    occur after approximately 6 min For case B2-2, three sprinklershave been actuated, the first in-rack sprinkler (IRS-12) actuatedat 78 sec. The second in-rack sprinkler (IRS-13) actuated at 84sec. The third in-rack sprinkler (IRS-14) actuated at 89 sec. The

    sprinklers totally control the fire after 170 sec. Totalsuppression of the fire will occur after approximately 4.5 min.For case B3-2, three sprinklers have been actuated, the first

    sprinkler (IRS-14) actuated at 68 sec. The second sprinkler(IRS-15) actuated at 72 sec. The third sprinkler (IRS-13)actuated at 78 sec. The sprinklers totally control the fire after170 sec. The total suppression of the fire will occur afterapproximately 4.5 min.

    For case C1-2, two sprinklers have been actuated, the first

    in-rack sprinkler (IRS-1) actuated at 75 sec. The second in-rack sprinkler (IRS-2) actuated at 81 sec. The sprinklerstotally control the fire after 165 sec. Total suppression of thefire will occur after approximately 6.5 min. For case C2-2,

    three sprinklers have been actuated, the first in-rack sprinkler(IRS-12) actuate at 75 sec. The second in-rack sprinkler(IRS-13) actuated at 80 sec. The third in-rack sprinkler

    (IRS-14) actuated at 86 sec. The sprinklers totally control thefire after 155 sec. Total suppression of the fire will occur afterapproximately 6 min.

    For case C3-2, three sprinklers have been actuated, the

    first sprinkler (IRS-14) actuate at 72 sec.





    0 40 80 120 160 200 240

    Time (sec)


    Location Index

    (Cases A, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A1-4, Foam Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Cases B, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 30 cm, h = 32 cm

    Cases C, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 40 cm, h = 32 cm

    Cases D, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 48 cm

    Cases E, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 64 cm

    Fig.29 Sprinklers Activation for Different Rack Storage Geometries


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    0 30 60 90 120 150 180

    Activation Time (sec)


    Location Index


    Case A1-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A2-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A3-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case B1-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 30 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case B2-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 30 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case B3-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 30 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case C1-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 40 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case C2-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 40 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case C3-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 40 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case D1-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 48 cmCase D2-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 48 cm

    Case D3-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 48 cm

    Case E1-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 64 cm

    Case E2-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 64 cm

    Case E3-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 64 cm

    Fig.30 Fire Growth Control for Different Rack Storage Geometries

    The second sprinkler (IRS-13) actuated at 79 sec. The thirdsprinkler (IRS-15) actuated at 83 sec. The sprinklers totallycontrol the fire after 170 sec. Total suppression of the fire willoccur after approximately 5 min

    When analyzing the above results, it can be noticed theremarkable effect of the vertical flue width on the activationtime of sprinklers. As the vertical flue width increases, the

    vertical flame spread is slowed down, which make someretardation on the sprinklers activation. Regarding the controlof the fire growth and the fire extinguishment, the effect of the

    vertical flue width is very remarkable on the fire growth controland fire extinguishment. As the vertical flue width increases,more air is entrained inside the flame, leading to more rapid firedevelopment and consequently, imposing more difficulty forthe sprinklers to fight the fire growth.

    4.2.3 Effect of Horizontal Flue Space

    The results obtained from the CFD simulations indicated

    that, for case D1-2, two sprinklers have been actuated, the firstin-rack sprinkler (IRS-11) actuated at 65 sec. The second in-rack sprinkler (IRS-12) actuated at 74 sec. The two operatingsprinklers fight the fire growth and succeed to control the fire

    growth after 185 sec. Total suppression of the fire will occurafter approximately 6.5 min. For case D2-2, three sprinklershave been actuated, the first in-rack sprinkler (IRS-12) actuatedat 82 sec. The second in-rack sprinkler (IRS-11) actuated at 89sec. The third in-rack sprinkler (IRS-13) actuated at 95 sec. Thesprinklers totally control the fire after 170 sec.





    0 5 10 15

    Time (sec)


    Location Index

    (Cases A, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A1-4, Foam Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Cases B, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 30 cm, h = 32 cm

    Cases C, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 40 cm, h = 32 cm

    Cases D, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 48 cm

    Cases E, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 64 cm

    Fig.31 Fire Suppression for Different Rack Storage Geometries

    Total suppression of the fire will occur after approximately 6

    min. For case D3-2, three sprinklers have been actuated, thefirst sprinkler (IRS-14) actuated at 68 sec. The second sprinkler(IRS-13) actuated at 74 sec. The third sprinkler (IRS-15)

    actuated at 82 sec. The sprinklers totally control the fire after180 sec. Total suppression of the fire will occur afterapproximately 6.5 min.For case E1-2, two sprinklers have beenactuated, the first in-rack sprinkler (IRS-11) actuated at 66 sec.

    The second in-rack sprinkler (IRS-12) actuated at 77 sec. Thesprinklers totally control the fire after 180 sec. Total

    suppression of the fire will occur after approximately 6 min.For case E2-2, three sprinklers have been actuated, the first in-rack sprinkler (IRS-12) actuated at 82 sec. The second in-racksprinkler (IRS-13) actuated at 90 sec. The third in-racksprinkler (IRS-11) actuated at 98 sec. The sprinklers totally

    control the fire after 185 sec. Total suppression of the fire willoccur after approximately 6 min. For case E3-2, threesprinklers have been actuated, the first sprinkler (IRS-14)actuated at 69 sec. The second sprinkler (IRS-13) actuated at 76sec. The third sprinkler (IRS-15) actuated at 85 sec. Thesprinklers totally control the fire after 190 sec. Total

    suppression of the fire will occur after approximately 7.5 min.When analyzing the above results, it can be noticed the

    small effect of the horizontal flue height on the activation timeof sprinklers. As the horizontal flue height increases, some

    flame are spread in the horizontal flue space to other adjacentsurfaces, which impedes the vertical flame spread in thevertical flue space, yielding to somehow slower activation.


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    0 50 100 150 200

    Time (sec)


    Location Index


    Sprinkler Activation, Case A4-3, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Sprinkler Activation, Case D4-2, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 48 cm

    Sprinkler Activation, Case E4-2, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 64 cm

    Fire Growth Control, Case A4-3, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Fire Growth Control, Case D4-2, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 48 cm

    Fire Growth Control, Case E4-2, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 64 cm

    Fire Suppression, A4-3, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Fire Suppression, Case D4-2, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 48 cm

    Fire Suppression, Case E4-2, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 64 cm

    Fig.32 Sprinklers Activation, Fire Growth Control and Fire Suppression for

    Different Rack Storage Heights

    4.2.4 Effect of Storage Height

    The results obtained from the CFD simulations indicatedthat, for case D4-2, the sprinkler (CS-1) has been actuated at26 sec. The operating sprinkler fights the fire growth andsucceeds to control the fire growth after 26 sec. Total

    suppression of the fire will occur after approximately 3.5 min.For case E4-2, the sprinkler (CS-1) has been actuated at 22sec. The sprinkler totally controls the fire after 81 sec. Total

    suppression of the fire will occur after approximately 3 min.Comparing these results with the results obtained for case A4-3, it is clear that the storage height has a strong impact on thesprinkler activation. As the rack storage increases, the

    activation will be faster. Regarding the control of the firegrowth and the fire extinguishment and comparing theseresults with the results obtained for case A4-3, the

    improvement of the fire growth control and the fireextinguishment due to the increase of the rack storage, can benoticed.

    4.2.5 Foam-Water Sprinkler System

    The results obtained from the CFD simulations indicatedthat, for case A1-4, two sprinklers have been actuated, the firstsprinkler actuated at 135 sec. The second sprinkler actuated at

    140 sec. The two operating sprinklers fight the fire growth andsucceed to control the fire growth after 255 sec. Totalsuppression of the fire will occur after approximately 5 min.

    Comparing these results with the results obtained for thecases A1-2 and A1-3, in which in-rack sprinklers and ESFRsprinklers are used respectively, it is noticed that the activation

    of the foam-water sprinkler system is slightly more than closeto the ESFR sprinklers activation.

    Regarding the control of the fire growth and comparing

    these results with the results obtained for the cases A1-2 andA1-3, it is noticed that the foam-water sprinkler systemcontrols the fire growth in such time slightly more than the in-rack sprinklers and reasonably more than the ESFR sprinklers.

    Also, regarding the fire extinguishment and comparing

    these results with the results obtained for the cases A1-2 andA1-3, it is noticed that the foam-water sprinkler systemextinguishes the fire in such time slightly less than the in-racksprinklers and reasonably less than the ESFR sprinklers.

    4.3 Calculated Activation Time

    The activation time of sprinklers can be calculated usingthe equation 17, knowing the air temperature and velocityaround each sprinkler:



    o tTT





    Fig.33, exhibits the calculated values of sprinkler activationtimes compared to the simulated ones, for case studies A.


    5.1 Conclusions for Fire Simulation

    The fire simulation showed an exponentially fire growingwith time and the Heat Release Rate (HRR) takes a "tsquared" shape profile. The intensity and speed at which thevertical spread accelerates in the vertical flue space, allows afast reaching of the flames to the top of storage. The fire will

    continue to grow in intensity, involving new burning surfacesof the rack storage and releasing higher heat rates, untilreaching the flashover phase. The fire will spread to thenearby stock and additional stock is consumed and the fire is

    getting out of control and the rack storage collapses, spreadingthe fire over large areas of the warehouse. The fire will be onhis way to develop to encompass the whole warehouse building. When considering the rack storage geometry, thenarrow vertical flue width entrains less air inside the flame,leading to higherflame heights. The wider vertical flue width

    entrains more air inside the flame, leading to more rapid firedevelopment. In the same way, the longer horizontal flueheight will have a reverse effect on the stability and thesymmetry of the flames. As the vertical and horizontal flue

    become larger and larger, the flame height will become moresimilar to open fire plumes, which can lead to a very rapid firegrowth.

    5.2 Conclusions for Fire Suppression Simulation

    5.2.1 Conclusions for Sprinkler Activation Time

    Although some trends have discussed the economical useof the in-rack sprinklers in such fire suppression and the use of

    ESFR ceiling mounted sprinklers in warehouses in place of in-rack fire sprinkler systems, the simulation results showed that


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    0 30 60 90 120 150 180

    Activation Time (sec)


    Location Index

    (Case A1-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A2-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A3-2, In-Rack Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A1-3, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A2-3, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Case A3-3, ESFR Sprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Calculated Sprinkler Activation,Case A1-2, In-RackSprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Calculated Sprinkler Activation, Case A2-2, In-RackSprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Calculated Sprinkler Activation, Case A3-2, In-RackSprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Calculated Sprinkler Activation, Case A1-3, ESFRSprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Calculated Sprinkler Activation, Case A2-3, ESFRSprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Calculated Sprinkler Activation, Case A3-3, ESFRSprinkler, v = 20 cm, h = 32 cm

    Fig. 33 Calculated Values of Sprinkler Activation Times Compared to

    Simulated Ones, for Case Studies A

    the in-rack sprinkler will actuate faster than the ESFR ceilingmounted sprinklers. When the flames start somewhere in the

    rack storage, the in-rack sprinklers are somehow near to theflame tips and consequently are being faster thermallyinfluenced and actuated. The earlier actuation of the in-rack

    sprinklers may have a great effect on the fire growth control.Although the expensive installation of in-rack sprinklers andtheir problems arising from the operational problems, whichmight prevent layout improvements from being made, in-racksprinklers still might be recommended for fire fighting of theextra-hazards occupancies and class IV commodities rackstorage. In the present study, the in-rack sprinklers orientation

    was according to NFPA13, where only two rows of in-racksprinklers are placed in the rack storage as described inchapter 3, so as to eliminate the installation cost and the

    operational problems as much as possible. Regarding the rackstorage geometry, the narrow vertical flue width has a veryremarkable effect on the activation time of sprinklers.

    Meanwhile, the narrow horizontal flue height can improve thesprinklers activation. The storage height has a strong impacton the sprinkler activation.

    5.2.2 Conclusions for the Control of Fire GrowthBy observing the above results, it is found that many

    adjacent nearby in-rack sprinklers have been actuated in asuccessive manner, which allowing more control on the fire

    growth. Furthermore, the narrow vertical and horizontal flueshave a great effect on the fire growth, as they do not allow thefire spread to adjacent surfaces, which facilitate the sprinklers

    job to control the fire. Regarding the control of the fire growthfor the foam-water sprinkler system, it is noticed that thesesystems control the fire growth in such time slightly more than

    the in-rack sprinklers and considerably more than the ESFRsprinklers.

    5.2.3 Conclusions for Fire SuppressionAs the same way discussed above, the in-rack sprinklers

    have extinguished the fire faster than ESFR sprinklers, due tothe fast control of fire growth, due to the successive actuationof the adjacent nearby in-rack sprinklers. Also, the narrow

    vertical and horizontal flues have a great effect on the firesuppression. The foam-water sprinkler system has the fastestsuppression, compared to other cases, due to the great effect of

    the foam solution on the fire spread. Also, the foam-watersprinkler system does not destroy product, due to the lowerwater content. They have limited smoke damage, and becauseof the detergent properties of the foaming agent, they providea self-cleaning effect.

    5.3 Best Results Obtained:The best sprinkler activation was dedicated to the in-rack

    sprinklers. The best suppression period was dedicated to thefoam-water sprinkler system. To get a better suppressionperformance for high bay warehouses fires, in-rack sprinklers

    can be used along with foam-water sprinkler system. But thisconfiguration has a remarkable impact on the economic-wisecriteria. So, in order to have a reasonable optimalconfiguration, in-rack sprinklers can be installed along withESFR ceiling sprinklers.

    5.4 Recommendations for Future WorkMany research points seem to be essential as an extension

    to the present work for the rack storage fire suppression. Thestudy of the effect of using fire-resistant materials, or fire- proof materials on the rack storage fire spread is essential.Also, a fully developed rack storage model (engineering

    models and/or CFD models) dedicated to predict thecompetition between the downward momentum of the waterspray and the upward momentum of the fire plume may be of

    a great importance. Also, the use of Glycerin as an antifreezefor weatherproofing residential and commercial fire sprinklersystems can be studied by CFD models. The Glycerin, have

    many advantages due to its low toxicity and its low ability tocorrode the plastic pipes and fittings.


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    Vol No. 5, Issue No. 2, 212 - 228

