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1A Chapter 5

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  • 8/20/2019 1A Chapter 5


    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 1

    Chapter Five Learning Objectives

    • define and classify energy

    • apply the first law of thermodynamics

    • define and understand enthalpy

    • use Hess’s law to determine enthalpies of


    • use standard enthalpies of formation to calculate

    standard enthalpies of reaction

    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 2

    Definition of Energy

    • The energy found in all matter can be used to

    achieve two basic types of tasks: transfer heat or

    accomplish work .

    • Define heat:

    • Define work:

    • What are the terms for the energy an object

    possesses because of its motion? its position?

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    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 3

    Classification of Energy

    • What form of energy is associated with vibrationand movement of molecules within a substance?

    Decomposition of Nitrogen Triiodide

    • Perhaps the most convenient

    form in which to store energy

    is chemical energy : a form of

    potential energy that is holding

    together atoms in molecules.

    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 4

    Units of Energy

    • SI unit of energy = J (1 J = 1 kg⋅m2/s2)

     A joule (pronounced “jool”) is not a large amount of

    energy so often kilojoules (kJ) are used when discussing

    the energies associated with chemical reactions.

    • older unit of energy = cal

    1 cal = 4.184 J (exactly)

    • unit of nutritional energy = Cal

    1 Cal = 1000 cal = 1 kcal

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    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 5

    Conservation of Energy

    • When studying the energies associated with

    chemical reactions, we are determining energy

    transfer (a relative change) not energy content

    (an absolute value).

    • Any change in the internal energy of the system

    (the chemical reaction) is accompanied by an

    opposite change in the surroundings.

    • Define a closed system:

    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 6

    First Law of Thermodynamics

    The change in internal energy (Δ E ) of a system is

    the sum of the heat (q) transferred to or from the

    system and the work (w) done on or by the system:

    wq E    +=Δ

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    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 7

    Key Concept

    The contents of the box in each of the following illustrations

    represent a closed system, and the arrows show the

    changes to the system during some process. The lengths

    of the arrows represent the relative magnitudes of q and w.

    Which of these processes, if any, have a Δ E < 0?

    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 8

    Pressure-Volume Work

    • The most common type of work encountered in

    chemical systems is pressure-volume ( P-V )

    work : the work involved in the expansion or

    compression of gases.

    • At constant external pressure ( P ), work can be

    done on the system (+w) during compression


    ) or work can be done by the system (−w


    during expansion (+ΔV ):

    V  P w   Δ−=  

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    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 9


    • Most chemical reactions are

    carried out in open containers

    at constant pressure out of


    • The heat transferred to or from

    a system at constant pressure

    is called the enthalpy change

    (Δ H ) of the reaction and is

    easily measured as a changein temperature.

    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 10

    Key Concept

    Consider the following gaseous reaction:

    (a) Has any work been done on or by the system? If so,

    then what is the sign of w?

    (b) Has there been an enthalpy change? If so, then what is

    the sign of Δ H ?

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    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 11

    Energy, Enthalpy, and P-V Work

    • The change in internal

    energy measures the

    heat transfer at

    constant volume:

    • The change in

    enthalpy measures

    the heat transfer at

    constant pressure:

    V  P  E qV  P qwq E    Δ+Δ=Δ−=+=Δ  or

     E qV    Δ==Δ v so 0   H V  P  E q   Δ=Δ+Δ=   p

    • The difference between Δ E and Δ H  is the

    amount of  P-V work, if any, done on or by thesystem at constant pressure.

    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 12

    Key Concept

    The following reaction was carried out in a closed

    container (at constant volume):

    C3H8 (g ) + 5 O2 (g ) ⇒ 3 CO2 (g ) + 4 H2O (g )   Δ E = −2045 kJ

    If the same reaction was carried out in an open

    container (at constant pressure), then what is the

    sign and approximate magnitude of Δ H ?

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    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 13

    Enthalpy Changes and

    Chemical Equations

     An enthalpy change associated with a specific balanced

    chemical equation depends on both the molar amounts and

    the physical states of the reactants and products:

    CH4 (g ) + 2 O2 (g ) ⇒ CO2 (g ) + 2 H2O (l )   Δ H = −890 kJ

    2 CH4 (g ) + 4 O2 (g ) ⇒ 2 CO2 (g ) + 4 H2O (l )   Δ H = ? kJ

    CO2 (g ) + 2 H2O (l )  ⇒ CH4 (g ) + 2 O2 (g )   Δ H = ? kJ

    CH4 (g ) + 2 O2 (g ) ⇒ CO2 (g ) + 2 H2O (g )   Δ H = ? kJ

    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 14

    Practice Exercise

    The combustion of sucrose, commonly known as

    sugar, is a highly exothermic process:

    C12H22O11 (s) + 12 O2 (g ) ⇒ 12 CO2 (g ) + 11 H2O (l )

    ΔH = −5645 kJ

    (a)What is the enthalpy change (kJ) for the

    oxidation of 0.015 mol (1 teaspoon) of sugar?

    (b)If 725 kJ of heat are released, then what is the

    mass (g) of water produced in the process?

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    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 15

    Practice Exercise

    Consider the following decomposition reaction:

    2 NaHCO3 (s) ⇒ Na2CO3 (s) + H2O (g ) + CO2 (g )

    When 0.0150 mol of NaHCO3 are decomposed,

    1.15 kJ of heat are absorbed in the process. What

    is the enthalpy change (kJ) associated with the

    above chemical equation?

    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 16

    Hess’s Law

    If a reaction is the sum of two or more other

    reactions, then the Δ H  for the overall process is

    the sum of the Δ H values of those reactions:

    CH4 (g ) + 2 O2 (g ) ⇒ CO2 (g ) + 2 H2O (l )   Δ H 1 = −890 kJ

    2 H2O (l ) ⇒ 2 H2O (g )   Δ H 2 = +88 kJ

    CH4 (g ) + 2 O2 (g ) ⇒ CO2 (g ) + 2 H2O (g )   Δ H net = −802 kJ

    Δ H 1 + Δ H 2 = Δ H net

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    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 17

    Practice Exercise

    Use Hess’s law to calculate the enthalpy change

    for the formation of CS2 (g ) from C (s) and S (s)

    given the following thermochemical data:

    C (s) + O2 (g ) ⇒ CO2 (g )   Δ H 1 = −393.5 kJ

    S (s) + O2 (g ) ⇒ SO2 (g )   Δ H 2 = −296.8 kJ

    CS2 (g ) + 3 O2 (g ) ⇒ CO2 (g ) + 2 SO2 (g )   Δ H 3 = −1103.9 kJ

    C (s) + 2 S (s) ⇒ CS2 (g )   Δ H net = ? kJ

    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 18

    Standard Enthalpies of Formation

    • The most efficient way to manage with the

    smallest number of experimental measurements

    is to use standard enthalpies of formation (Δ H ° f  ),

    where the superscript ° indicates an enthalpy

    change measured under standard conditions.

    • Define Δ H ° f  :

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    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 19

    Practice Exercise

    Write a balanced

    chemical equation that

    depicts the formation of

    one mole of aluminum

    bromide from its

    elements in their

    standard states:

    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 20

    Integrative Exercise

    For the reaction 4 CO (g ) + 2 NO2 (g ) ⇒ N2 (g ) + 4 CO2 (g ),

    use Hess’s law to calculate Δ H °rxn (kJ) given the following

    thermochemical data:

    Δ H ° f  [NO (g )] = +90.2 kJ/mol

    2 NO (g ) + O2 (g ) ⇒ 2 NO2 (g )   Δ H °rxn = −114.0 kJ

    2 CO (g ) + O2 (g ) ⇒ 2 CO2 (g )   Δ H °rxn = −566.0 kJ

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    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 21

    Standard Enthalpies of Reaction

    • If Δ H ° f  values are known for all of the reactants

    and products in a reaction, then the standard

    enthalpy change for the reaction (Δ H °rxn) can be

    determined by applying Hess’s law.

    • For the reaction

    aA + bB ⇒  cC + d D

    ∑∑   Δ−Δ=ΔΔ+Δ−Δ+Δ=Δ

    reactants)( products)(or




     f   f  

     f   f   f   f  

     H m H n H 

     H b H a H d  H c H ooo


    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 22

    Worked Example

    Calculate Δ H °rxn for the fermentation of glucose:

    C6H12O6 (s) ⇒ 2 C2H5OH (l ) + 2 CO2 (g )

    Δ H °rxn = [2 Δ H ° f  (C2H5OH) + 2 Δ H ° f  (CO2)] − [Δ H ° f  (C6H12O6)]

    = (2 mol)(−277.7 kJ/mol) + (2 mol)(−393.5 kJ/mol)

    − (1 mol)(−1273.02 kJ/mol)

    Δ H °rxn = −69.4 kJ

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    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 23

    Practice Exercise

    Calculate Δ H °rxn for the highly

    exothermic thermite reaction:

    −1669.800−822.16Δ H ° f  (kJ/mol)

     Al2O3 (s)2 Fe (s) +⇒2 Al (s)Fe2O3 (s) +

    Chemistry 1A Thermochemistry 24

    Integrative Exercise

    The combustion of C10H8 (s) to yield H2O (g ) and CO2 (g )

    releases 5156.1 kJ of heat per mole of C10H8 (s).

    (a) Write a balanced thermochemical equation for the


    (b) Calculate Δ H ° f  (kJ/mol) for C10H8 (s) using the following

    additional thermochemical data:

    Δ H ° f  [H2O (g )] = −241.8 kJ/mol

    Δ H ° f  [CO2 (g )] = −393.5 kJ/mol
