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1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.

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  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    Christianity is about Faith & NEVER about Religionby ArtOf Nyxography on Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 12:17am

    "Christian Faith".. .."It is about Christian Faith.."This is what the Lord told me..

    or in other words.. this is what the Lord had put in my mind.

    Christianity is about Christ. Christ Jesus.

    Jesus of Nazareth. Yahushua HaMashiach.

    Christianity is NEVER about religion.

    It is about FAITH in Christ.

    Faith: [1] Isthe confidentbeliefortrustin thetruthor trustworthiness of a

    person,conceptor thing. [2] It is belief in something without thinking about its

    validility. - Wiki

    Hebrews 11:1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things

    not seen.

    Praise be to the Lord, our God who has called me, has chosen me, & has appointed me to be a watchman,

    to be a servant, a messenger of Him this Last days. I obeyed without doubting, without questioning the

    plans He has for me. Truly, my works are not in vain. For He is now showing me the fruits of my work,

    which is just faith & obedience to Him. His Spirit is now opening the hearts of many, and many would stillbe coming back to Him in the last ten days before He comes. The greatest reward for my obedience to

    Him, is to spare me & my family for what is about to come in this earth. Thank you Lord Jesus, YahuShua

    HaMashiach, YahShua the Everlasting Stone, we are sealed by your Spirit until the Day of Redemption.

    Amen & Amen.

  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    Now what about Christ Jesus?Why put faith in Christ?

    It is because the Son of God, who has NO sin was crucified for our sins.You cannot

    say that you never sinned. For everyone is a sinner.

    Now what about sin?

    The penalty of sin is death. It is not referring to physical death or our mortal flesh,but

    eternal death of our soul.

    What about soul?

    Physical death is not the end. Some have their traditions about the spirits walking on

    earth. Well, that is just made by man. The spirit, which gives life to man is brought

    back to God, our Creator. The body, turns back to dust. The soul, rests in sheol

    (grave). Man is not going to heaven or hell until the Return of Christ to get His

    Church (Bride) & the souls that accepted Christ, who rest in sheol to be given a newbody (an immortal, incorruptible one).

    Now you know the Truth. Stop living in the darkness of lies. Praise the Lord for

    this wisdom & understanding. I have been asking Him about this since last month.

    Thank God everything is almost clear to me now. ..ALMOST.. for there are still lots of

    mysteries that we can only know, if we're finally with Him in Heaven.

  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    IT IS HE! WHO WAS, AND IS, AND IS TO COME! YaHuWaH is YahuShua HaMashiach!He will be returning soon to take His Church! In the twinkling of an eye His belovedservants, would be taken up with Him to celebrate the Wedding of the Lamb.http://trumpetcallofgodonline.com/index.php5?title=The_Passion_of_the_Christ_Movie

    Now what is the faith in Christ Jesus, Yahushua HaMashiach?

    It is the faith that Yahushua was crucified to pay the penalty for our sins.He

    sacrificed Himself & His precious blood ofered as a sin ofering to God.He died. He

    was buried.But after three days, He wasresurrected by YaHuWaH.Yahushua

    overcome death. He overcome the grave.So it will also be for those who believed in

    Him (currently dead)..that they would be resurrected by YaHuWaH.And be with

    Him in heaven, just as Yahushua is with YaHuWaH in heaven.

  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    **Simplicity of the gospel of Christ Jesus that should be spread across the world.

    The focus is just about His Sacrifice & Resurrection, overcoming death bringing

    eternal life to those who will believe in Him.**

  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    That's it. That is where one would decide to follow Christ Jesus if they believed &

    accepted the gospel of Christ. It would lead in TRUE Repentance because they

    understood the gospel. The Lord sees whose hearts are true, so He knows in

    whom to give the Holy Spirit. Then it would be the Spirit of the Lord that would

    teach a believer & would make them remember the teachings of Jesus & would also

    help them to keep the commandments of the Lord (10).

    It is simple as that yet man made everything complicated by their traditions,

    rituals & doctrines. I used to think that Roman Catholic church is just the one who is

    making things complicated for people. However, I have seen that Christian churches

    today are just the same as the Roman Catholic church.

    "For these religions, who worship false gods and idols made by hands, shall have it farbetter, in the Day to come, than you... For they shall seek forgiveness and receive it.Woe to you, who blaspheme the Spirit... Forgiveness has fled from you, and your placeis prepared in the lake of fire..."

    Christian churches is controlled by men, operated by men, led by men who

    appointed themselves. They have made traditions, rules, organizations, doctrines,

    foundations too.

    However, Catholicism is still worse for blasphemy. For putting dead Mary & Saints

    to be worthy to worship. For changing the Sabbath day of the Lord to Sun-day. For

    mixing Christianity with paganism.Therefore, they have successfully removed Christ

    Jesus in their religion.

  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    They call themselves Roman Catholics. Where is "Christ" there? They worship Mary,

    rather than Christ Jesus. Where is "Christ" there? They do not preach the True

    Meaning of the Cross, which is the sacrifice of Christ. Where is "Christ" there? They

    teach the indulgences for they think that the Christ Jesus dying on the cross is

    not enough. Where is "Christ" there?

    Why call themselves a Christian,

    ..if they do not follow Christ Jesus?

    Why call as a believer,

    ..when they have not believe in the sacrifice of Christ?

    Where is the faith in Roman Catholicisim?


    Rather, it is pure man-made religion, which is based from traditions, canons &

    dogmas of the Roman Catholic church. It is based on what the pope is saying, neverin reading the Word of the Lord from the Holy Bible. Itis worshipping the pope,

    calling him "holy father" and NOT about the faith in Christ Jesus who died to pay

    the penalty for our sins.

    "She, the harlot and mother, would have My people believe she is I, even I, yourSavior. And to My disgust and bitter sadness, has called herself by the NAME ofMy Father and APPOINTED HERSELF in His stead. She is also liken to the falseprophet, who spews FALSE doctrine and MISPLACED worship. She shall be leftdesolate... But first I shall take My people out of her, snatch them from her verybreast, for she is also liken to Babylon..."

  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    Now what about the Christian churches? What makes them diferent to Roman Catholic


    NONE. They are also based on the worldly pattern of evangelization, biblical

    foundation.. ETC. Their doctrine from human knowledge is full of error,

    misinterpretation & complication of the simplicity of what it means to be a


    Christian simply means a follower of Christ. Walk as Christ walk. Act as Christ act.

    Talk as Christ talk. See as Christ see. Give as Christ give. Love as Christ love. Serve as

    Christ serve. Fulling the will of YaHuWaH, just as Yahushua faithfully obeyed to the will

    of the Father. It is simple as that. Being a Christian is more than just believing in

    Christ, or having faith in Christ. For TrueChristian are those who follow Christ

    Jesus, Yahushua HaMashiach.

    But what is being preached in the Christian churches? Where is Yahushua there?Where is the gospel of Christ there? Where is the doctrine of Christ there? Where

    is the service of Christ there? Where is the gospel of sacrifice & resurrection?

    Where is the gospel of repentance?

    The christian churches are focused on everything in the Bible. Relying more on the

    epistles, rather than the gospel books of Yahushua,Matthew-Mark-Luke-John. Their

    eyes were closed to see that the epistles were just based on the gospel of Christ. They

    want to teach EVERYTHING. Without fully explaining the meaning of the CROSS, to

    DENY & CRUCIFY themselves daily, to CARRY their own cross. The Importance of

    HOLINESS. Because that is the CALLING, to be HOLY & RIGHTEOUS.Just as our

    Father in Heaven is Holy, Righteous & Perfect. And NOT the calling to sin & do


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  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    Yahushua did not establish religion. He did not made any tradition.He did not give

    rules & laws. Rather He just emphasized One Law,which is LOVE. Love the Lord your

    God with all your heart, soul, mind. 1st greatest commandment. Love your neighbor as

    you love yourself. 2nd greatest commandment. All the laws of the Lord, then ten

    commandments just revolve in LOVE.

    If one has fully understood the LOVE of the Lord, in everything that he do, He

    sees, He speaks, He acts, He gives, He serves is just because of LOVE.

    Understanding that the Lord loved him first, even as a sinner. Understanding that

    the Lord just not loved him, but everyone else.

    So you see.. everything is just simple, but men, being guided by theirmind & flesh

    (carnal christians)made everything complicated. They think it would please the Lordby building big churches. They think it would please the Lord, by making outline of the

    Bible..etc.They think.. They think.. They think..

    ..but what does the Lord thinks?

  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    "..Therefore, oh ignorant peoples, flee from all these pastors and run from all yourteachers... Blind guides, who closely adhere to every form of doctrine and tradition ofmen, while forsaking Me and My Word. Escape all these chains, by which you are boundby the weight of their false doctrines and their detestable traditions!.."

    1/10/11 Gnashing Childrenhttp://trumpetcallofgodonline.com/index.php5?title=Gnashing_Children

  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    The Lord's mind is not our mind.

    The Lord's thoughts is not our thoughts.

    Neither His ways is our ways.

    No one would know the mind of the Lord,

    ..unless the Lord reveals it to him.

    The Lord reveals..

    It is about revelation..

    ..not information of the written words of the Bible.

    It is by revelation that Apostle Paul learned the gospel.

    It is by revelation that Apostle John has writtenthe coming

    end of the age, the millennial reign, and the new heaven & new earth.

    It is by revelation.It is what makes me excited about YahShua.

    He reveals things..

    ..but it depends on your relationship & walk with Him.

    It is never about religion. tradition. man-made churches.

    It is never about conforming to church & standards of this world.

    It is about freedom to worship the Lord;

    ..in how He would lead & guide us by His Spirit.

    And if the Spirit of the Lord is in you.. the Lord is in you.

    The Lord is dwelling in you.. you are the church of Christ.

    Being a member, in the body of Yahushua HaMashiach.

  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    I thought I did what's right. I thought I had the answers. I thought I chose the surest road, but that

    road brought me here. So I put up a fight, and told you how to help me. Now just when I have given

    up, the truth is coming clear.

    You know better than I. You know the way. I've let go the need to know why; for You know better

    than I.

    If this has been a test, I cannot see the reason. But maybe knowing, I don't know is part of getting

    through. I tried to do what's best; but faith has made it easy. To see the best thing I can do, is to put

    my trust in You.

    I saw one cloud and thought it was a sky. I saw a bird and thought that I could follow. But it was

    You who taught that bird to fly. If I let You reach me, will You teach me?

    Better Than I - David Campbell


    Because being a follower of Christ, who denies himself each day & takes up his cross to

    follow Yahushua..That is to deny yourself.. your plans.. your dreams.. your

    desires.. your will.. but just fully surrender yourself to the will of YaHuWaH, the

    Elohim of Israel...being fully surrendered to be led by the Spirit of the Lord, each

    & every day.

    You don't plan.

    Rather you just hear His voice. You obey. You follow.

    Because you die in the desires of your mortal flesh..

    ..so that the immortality of Christ would live in you.

  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.


    And that is what makes it exciting because you never know what is coming.You never

    know what the Lord has planned for you since the beginning.And no matter what

    you do, no matter how you resist,the Lord's plan in the end will always be fulfilled.

    And that is the meaning of TRUE FAITH

    ..in Christ Jesus, Yahushua HaMashiach.

    Believing without seeing.

    Following without knowing.

    ..just pure OBEDIENCE & TRUST

    ..and of course, WILLINGNESS to surrender & turn away from sin.

    I pray that by reading this..

    ..the Lord has given you the wisdom & knowledge that He has given me.

    I pray that if you never surrendered your life to Christ,..you would surrender it to Him today..

    ..while it is still called today..

    I pray that if you never experienced being led by the Spirit..

    ..you would seek Him more & that the Lord would anoint you with His Spirit.

    Just seek the Lord more & more each day, always & every day.

    You will be so much blessed when He started to reveal Himself to you. ;)

  • 8/7/2019 1.Christianity is about FAITH & NEVER about Religion.

