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1ontana. Friday. January 21, 19~1 - MSU Library | Montana ... ·

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f 'Iii.. XII Bozeman. :\1ontana. Friday. January 21, --1 MACHINERY FOR M. S. C. "'omen Will En te r At hl etics in N ear Fu tur e 1 Bobcats Tak Two ard-earned Victori es from Or e Diggers I 922 ANNUAL i SET IN ACTION A comprehensive plan for will be presented to the I women of :\lontana State College at an early date by members of 'I d d I the committee selected by Cap an<l Gown. } inal Staff .'\ppointmc nts . a c an . <'ontract Let to J oca l Firm for \Vonn·n of the collc"e for yca1·s ha\'C equal oppo1·tunit1es ( . t ·· \\·ith the men for partiC'i1n1tion in athletics . Inadequat e ;:rymnasium !MONTANA STATE BASKETBALL TEAM ARROW MARGIN IN THE TWO BEST GAMES SEEN IN THE DRILL HALL IN EVERAL YEARS. ANYBOD '. '8 VICTORY UNTIL THE . Fl AL WHISTLE BLEW Printing of )lontanan. on rltlu· 1 hon.., :md equipment have this A few ardent lon"rs of the out-of-doors have devised a scheme whereby girls mav ------ Long trid« are bcmg taken by the I participate in oq;anized open air contests under competent leader- I I Bl d G Id T F' t : in ship . Points will be given for winners in the different contests by A PLEA FOR FAIR I 15 I T.radz"tt"O nS ttJoroug,.n \\ ith whieh the C"}ass is tlasses and by individuals. Any girl in college may to 13. Uulucky Nun1ber J J t d providing- she is physically fit and maintains a good scholastic p "J' ., t M' e ·ho M s c standing. PLAY IN ANNUAL I at 0 I at . . . . t thnt the year rn21 will witness\ The Proposed Sports are: I Half 1ll Both Bubb CLA SS BA TILES j On Fritny Jan. 14 :he Bobca'.s Why the BE:\CH'/" Annual i 5 follow:-;: Editcil·-:n-cnici. 1 For full information and details watch bulletin board foi: notice ___ ., playi?d tht' f1rst ,:::ame or a series of 1 wonde:; h.ow many college at- '' ,,f girls c:la.:;s met·ting:-. to ht> posted by Sports follows: I . f d two wtth the State school. of :\.lines. :• .. ·rualh· appredatc the l £ rv J Uu inc-.--. .\.anagcr I \Yr1ter \sh:s that -\\ar an 1 S t ' 4 '"'" M rnll ,J. Alqubt: .\ istant .'enior. \Vhitacrl.'.'. j .. S b C d t d in The ,.,·as stagcc on a.- I inal :::;i!!.Olficanl·e. of what. we com- Junl .or. Pe". Lindsley. lnter-c ass _craps, e .. 0 n uc e urdttY enming and as the first result- 11 1 onlv a:' the Hench". •ar:.3trl'l', B'"n H Che ... tnut und Paul .... H bl \'a :'\e'.\.t '\ear ..... i:- \\ if('V :\sqociatf• Editurs, Roph. )laric Brandenburg. onora e Y • . . ed fiwornbly for the Bobcab. l dOlv expect but rather hope f\ Bohart, \Y:Jma Frosh. Ruth \VyliC'. --- . I Both teams were \'ery evenly match- that li:t.•1y"' few of you do. fur the Jon s and Emmett )fatthcw·; Kodak lt j:-; the sincere hope of all interested in this plan that the I A custom which reflects d1scred1t- e<l and playing ieatmed on abusL' it has may '' ., 1111 en of tli" "olle1Tu 1 v1'll accept 1·t and will develop a 1 l·· upon the mst1tut10n ts becom- b ti t Both ,- 3111 ,,. ,, et'" i·e l l b cd a unin E or Fcul .\1t Editors, ..- " c_..... " .Y .. o 1 eam... ,,., ..... -. " _ 11 Hn, per1np". c CXCU"' ::... - .Marv nnd 'Yo- for ,vomen until the realization of the new gym will make mg established at M. S C. In la!CI for their c.:ut play, tentwnal. .. eii; Culc:ndar Eclit(lr, .'ona Sack1.;tt. possible a physical education dcrartment wh.ich will l\I. i it has been the goveni ng ::i?'!·:t neither team losing a man m either ,.\bout mne yca;s ago, :\lr:.. Herri1:k The staff has already enkred into for women as well as for men. Until then lets show tl:" o: lie f r og-pond pull, an event ot the game for personal or technical foulR had under ller supervh;1on not more ' t.ontruct with the Courier Pul.lish- m<'n what we can do in our gym of the g-rcat .out-of-doors. I Freshman-So1:Jhomore ftght.s, The '.\Imes undoubtedly were than sixteen g irl s, a fact vrhi(·h n1ade <'ompa ·Y'· who "!I do tht print- I H:at.thc go ts I• snappiest on floor work and while il pos:-;iblc for her to deYOtt.! nrnch anrl \\'th Buckl>C'e :'oh:ar o.r Rt- I leg1t1mate to their team work \\:as also of \'ery of her spare time tv college activi - T \\ 0 will ha\ <ha•.: of the Frosh r::-'11 ake Pla ns fo r to throw all regard fot .. fair .r'.ay to' high o:-dcr, the final tell more I t.ie,. Being partic\Jlaril)' found of !l·!T-ivmg w1 rk . T c• ntr;.;.ct for the wmds. Such an ntt1tucle t:.-; unbe-1 than words as to the play mg·. dramatics, she organized a Dramatic ve cow1 fur t'w voiu•ne will be •t the Y. M. C.A . I lntramu r a/ )coming to a college an<l should be On the i\.li.nes team Ladic C.ub then known a' the .o· tn thl: near future. changed . a most consistent game on both e' e I Litntcrns''. Thi:!. new orgmn.atwn Thl· salt.·"- campa?g will begin next j As c,·eryone is awate, nings. did equally well fo1· was founded tn the year 1912 for \Jc.nrlay morning- w!u>n represent- i"ntO Camp I Ba sketba ll frog-pond pull is a tug-of-war, with the college, bemg ever present whe1' I purpose of ..;i,.ing goodandwholesome ativl's from the Yaiious fraternities the rope stretched across small the ball was dangerously near · and from Ha.milt•)n Hall and the pond of slimy the team 1 basket, and broke up at- I) During that Year an excellent cast \le .'s Ilcrn.;tory will canvn•s the The Dobkittens won !hell' fir-tJ For the past week or two Coach to be dragged through this pond. A tempts of the to score. I d i,· h d th r. t .:!> tun--of-war 1s meant to be a contest The lineu > was as follows. was se ecte w ic 1 un. er e c uec - body. A l'Ontest for highest g-ame o:.. the fl'om the local Gra\'es been cons1dermg the for- ,.. f 1 1 I orship of Denn Hernck, Rtaged nt b . ·11 b n . ,, of st1 bttween kams 0 eqnn l\I. s. c. . . b' r;e•u:mta c scr.ption wJ e ru Y. ;\1. C. A. team bv the score of :3<> 1 mation of an mtramural basketball I b 1 th f d II how ._, · , 1 C the )1umc1pal Th.eatre of the tg- u was done last vear Each of · num e1::,. n e rog-pon pu • - Kerchcncr. arren 1 1 f 1 th. s . . . b'. .b. 100 to 29. The game was hardfought kague at .i\lontana State. It is his ever this is tiue only on paper. Teams Fonvard I ge$t anc mos succes:s u ever the.se orgamzat1ons su :-.cri mg I , . ' . . witnessed at s. C.. Shcndan's P ,. 1 . coiit will be Jircsentc-d free of throughout but both teams showeu plan to haYe a league of six teams,· <•f t·\ .f,,·c men are p cke<l, but 1 Guiles .. ... . Cllrvin . d "l'h R. I·" "'" . · · f · · I famous comic rarna e 1va s . harg-c with a topy of the )lontanan Jack of team work. feature of from of_ the :ur t 1e encouraged The money , cl:eivt-d from the pro- h the na111e of tt1e the 1ra1nc :Moore's long shots. I rraten.uttes, and .:ca:1:1s iep- by the clagsme.n, _ Landwthr ,,\"i-iit:iey duction of that p1ay, which the his puhllL·atif,n will he a ::;oU\'Cnir of At tirncs it seemed that. he l'Oul<l put rcsentmg the Sho1t Com:se :students the ntll·s and te.sort to tricke1y t I Center verv fii,,._t C'tlP g-ivcn and by the very tht! year which c:mnot be them in f10111 anywhc:rc on the floor. I and .the .\ny on the be ::ure of rthe freshmen Ladic Hollister fir;t Dramatic ('lub organization in duplic-ated and it b expected thatj \\'hile the Bobkitt('n:s did not show1vars1ty will be e::-:c1mk<l from thrvuc.h the pond. \\ hat should be Guard h 11 t t ke that · · Th h h d t ·1 h · I · · ·h· ·t· f 1 ,. 1 1 t c co .('gc, spen n ma I'\ cry student will avail himself of, up, "'-S a team, as well as expeclerl It league. oug t e e a1 s a' el a ra1r cor.tcs.t, an ex ipt i?n Ila\"(')" "t:.' :ans bench to which the have at- t!'lt! opportunity of se1.:uring" .a copy still with a little they I \\:orked out,' and some s_k1IL Guard l::ithecl their title and thC' freshml!n an l at thl' :-ame Lme helpllH! the will prove an organization hanl to team \\tll p1obably de d' mto .a form of whole.a substituted for G!li'dn in stand in awe of. of in their enterprise. The I beat. 11.crmmed by the percentag-e ba:s1s. It 1s bad tor t11e morals of the last .of the second ... . I :\fr:-:. Ifon ii:k tt>lls the follow in'? b >Ok will be sold for $;}.50, of which I The lineup for the game was· Co:1ch wants the to Fr..,·J1 thu::. ushered college. life. The store was 1., to 1·> m \'ety irotercstin}! tad in reg-ard to tht., $2.00 will be payable in a(h-anee and Y. :\I. C. A. Bobkittcns and :started as soon as He liable to .become a favor of }I. S. C. of the b('nth: the remainder on delivery of the R. F. so that he tan out a s1hrit of unfairness. Jf .pullmg. h11:1 F01 !)c:ond game t!w 1i.11cu!\r'""'l.S John :\lcGraw, a member of the I ok. Ordl'rs for the Annual will be Cameron Lund of i:ramcs to not later than I through.a pond_of cold, wate1· 1 the with the exn•p tun th!lt class of 1912 and also of the Dram- taken by any of ti fol'ow;r.g ,tu-1 L. F. I February 10. It 1s proposed to have the aid of !reacher) Rouc'rtson of the collc<:e b•e!:an .the atic c'·" , , c), nts. C'ommeneing )londay morn- l\Ioore Egland two games each week,. possibly as I nncl by m1fa1r and moreover. 1 as forward II , -->J,h part m as- mg-: \1. J. Alquist. "'illard \Yotts, C. . I c·t11S·tp,i1)1 fo1· the gamlcls .. f if thl' it tolerateci. and even I ha lf. Gan;n instead of riaying :1is 1' Kennedy, Ben H. Chestnut, .-\:;.toll Pytlnan uc 1 a as shou c !=ti- ap1,l9uuNI, by the of the fa- usual position of iorward went it:to _Pan > . .. . Herbert Wildman, . ·ona Sackett, L. G. mulato con'1derablc mtercst toward cult)", the students, and the friends of the game as gunrd. When l'te team) the llme but with the help of :\Iatthew.::. Franc"s \\"o 'a$J?k. Klemme Fox on the part of the entire the inf.tttution who are the spectators, went out on the floor for the s.crond then head of the civil engineer- Jone:s. Elizabeth Bol-e 1 l\Iar-1 R. G. . I studen: body:. Intramural. a.thletics \Vhy .he .not gain ends in half Garvin went to forward \\hile ing dl·partn.ll'nt, :yorhed. fntihmull.y .,.nnt. Bohn rt. Dc:an Bnght arc cai ned out to a ex- 1 college and m hfe by unfair means? Richards. on the bem:h until he succeeded m _The group and indi\'idual p1ctu1esl Substitutes-Bunny tm Klenune, tent in. of our colleges A student who tomes to 1\1. s. r. with Both garnes showed up lioth tl'!!ms finishin,c: it. 'Vh en the form was re- w1ll b<' dunng the next Bntam for, Bunn:•. I and u111vf'rs1t1es, there is no rea- ta good conscience and high ideals as fighters. At times the core 1110,·ed and lhe wag presented "0 the engraver"' may bep:m their! Referee-Coach Timeke-ep- sen why the adoption of such a plan n.ay have the .forhlCr dulled, antl thel would achance b) one point first to to Presiden.t Hamilton on thtJ. \\ork as :-.oon as pos:s1bJe. The Joke er If .\ . at State should not be suC-, JattPr shatto·ed before he fairly enters the favor of the l\Iines then m fa,·or I of giaduatH)n, .John ).fcGraw was 111 r:ox will be in its o!d pos1t1on in the/ I The compet1t1on m such an mto c.:ollege life I of the College. 1111 the hospital and d1ed only a few Hall after next week and e>ery act1v1ty should result J!J the develop- What is bad for the indJVJdual isl During- the second ?:ame, :llcCarrcn days later . >!<>dent should drop m a contr1butwnl m•nt of a keener interest m athlet- blld [ r the group. At beet, the Fresh- hurt his knee. but lrue to his old form That bench 11as the last piece of of the .. In Lighter Vein'' variety --- i. I 1cs a11<l a better college spirit. Fur-1 men will harbor a spirit of revenge he chd not go out but fm1shed up the work he had a<:<:omplished, and 1t Pass on the good ones about the to unforseen conf licts The I thu morr, this intr amu ral league will after the null They will determine game to the great joy of all. was pronounced by Mr. Niel, who is other fl'llov.,· an<l let everyone enjoy, Fangs . dance was .scheduled be an mducement for any man who 1 to 1 ·get'' year's Freshmen. In Ray Matter, of Three Forks ie- an expert, bemg the best piece of laut:h. In connection with the) for b)11tghi has been mdefmitely post- has athletic ::ib1hty to come out and! this way the degeneracy of the frog- fcrred both games to the work of its kind that he had ever . . b . II b tl s . ·h t D poncd. Watch The Exponent for a t I h d t b k tb II d n I . . I . I f Ji>.'l.C . ox \\ 1 e .ie naps o e- ;11..w t!ate. ry lls an a as e a , an w1 pond pull may spread to other con- of all. Hts dec1s1ons be 111 g- m qut•st1on seen in 1 c. l.r·sito:y .-.\ny 'snaps' of Campu..:. aid in the development of material tests of the Freshman-Sophomore at no time. Prof. O'Gorman of the Sure!y if the ::>tudents of the ;,\I. S. 1-'l ... and trials, Lroubles, and . . I for future varsity sq uads. 1 fights. Tho spirit of unfairness may! Collcg-e act ed in thC' ('If r 1.·ould only n•alizc that bench participants will be w<'komcd gladly :\lis· Zelma Wernlcy and :\l1ss1· ·contaminate other forms of athletic.:, l:c.•.,:1 1 ,er 011 foriday 8uturt ... _ i.. od they would . Earl who has chargo of Aline Burg-ess were dinnel' guests Ha\'e you eve r spoken to some in- an d the high standard of sportsman- nights. I not so and indulcntly try to t So get out that old of the Chi Omega and wondered who ordered ship at l\I. S. C. be so lowered that On F'ri<lay nig-ht the Short Course I it Uy the of k oak and put 1t to work. ice? institution's fair name will be en- students a dance in honor of the m1tmls on such a pie1..·e 01 ait - ---- __ _ _ dangered. Evil spreads rapidly. The :\lines 11·hich was well attended. The "IT" Myst er"t' ls ' 'neart hed b'v Cau ti·ous Cub I lack of sportsmanship in connection ")!" .club ga\'e the dance after the FR.\TEH'\rn: FEED THE J LI l J with the frog-pond pull, if allowed to Saturday mght game. \1 l LT! fl DES continue, many cause irremediable Foster \Vord. of Helena, who b a W ho Discovers '' M'' c lub P lanning Daring Sh ow evils. student at the School of "fines ac- The women's fratemities took turns ------ Besides being unsportsmanlike the I companied his team to Bozeman. Let sen·ing the box Junrhcon each day present manner of cond uct ing th e iL be hoped that his story on return at the during- Farmers' MERRY MAIDS TO MAKE MIRTH IN CLEVER "M" CLUB MUSICAL MASTERPIECE. frog-pond pull is cowardly. The will aid in bringing many more of the \l'ct·k. The nowd 1·ar:ed from cighty- LOCAL ARTISTS WILL BE ASSIGNED PARTS AS SOON AS ophomores hal'e no cause for foai"ng students to the games "t Boze-I fl\·e to one hundred twenty-fJ\'c daily. ROY ALTY IS DETERMI ED. the outcome. With teams of equal man m the future. 1lany ol the prominent speaker8 as ------ number s, the Sophomores should have well a:-. tht' deleg-ates nppea1ed to This is what I meant by "IT" The I any person or organization on the I \\ 'ithin the next week or so, many a great advantage over the Freshmen.I PH I t:PSILO:\' 0}11CHO'\ enjoy the novelty fo1 they came regu- club t:s gomg to put on a play m hill Thii; c:omedy is going to need of you will no doubt be called on Lo The former would average n year. !arly . h I I L ' lTIATES I t c not far distant future for t 1e e, ·ery one of the persons mentioned in I take a part in this production, and older and five or mo1·e pounds heavi er • ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' of raising 111oney to pay for last week's story and some more who we hope that you will accept , since lhnn the latter. Moreover, they ;;; !1 i-weaters for our athletic teams of were not mentioned. It is g-oing to' you know that it is being given for have th e of organ- 1 TueYday l , ,Epsi-; JS "JT '' JN M.S. C . ! the past season. The play that has require a number of singers, bothl ·the bent'f it of the M club, in order and of tra1nmg m coll.eg.e ath- Ion Chapter of Pni J: _ : decided on the male and female and dancers for the that that organization may raise let1cs. Do not the rules hm1t the the Honorary Home B'.'onomic fra- -- iii P1ff Paff Pouf. This comedy is a different a1ts, which are in the enough money for sweaters for the weight? All this should enable the I ternitv held its in•tiation service at/ : THE JI ERO ES Tl · ; story of life at one of our most wide- comedy. I who went out night after Sophomores to win after an intc1·est- the of :\of rs .. Fred Brown. Five : . . .. - 115 corner;: ly known bathing resorts. The comedy is a sto ry of life at/ night, rain or snow and pTacticcd on ing contest, but add to their natural I new metiibers were initiated; two - 15 dedicated to the hrare Last week I heard several com- Atlantic Cit)' and as every one knows, a wet and sli ppery fiel<l in order that advantages other advantage s unfair honorary members from among the I; of -1Ionta1111 Stille who dared§ mcnts on the stor y which it was by life is both fast and furious at. a/ !\lontana State be taken. and what should be a contest, heme economics. !acuity, and arc H'Cnringa had fortune to have assigned for the place where people go for relaxation' on the football field by a team wh ich becomes a farce. Franks, and Miss Emma Tarnson ii the lutest 111 open n·orkcoi -er- week, some of which were rather un- and enjoyment. The s to1·y is not a• we were proud to back both in de- The writer is not "beefing" on ac-1 and three active from the junior i 11 u -. \ 'a /lei· Foro-e had her'; tcmplimentnry and Yerged on the vu!- cheap comedy in which the theme is feat and victory. count of being "pulled through," for,! c.lass, Mildred Myrtle Hol- hingto;, and LaFa_i ·ette; ; If any of the readers of my disjomted and the action IS slow, but This lS gomg to be a home talent although the last class fight at M. s., her and Jessie v. 1lhnms. ;;; h '1 . } J d. 1 t-tle effort have taken offense, I on the rontrarr, it abounds in cltv-er affair and many will say that it will C. was his first, he waa rated as a Before the initiation a three course t e arnt Jt!r 0 , re an want them to know that the article comedy, good snappy songs, and be like all home talent shows, not as\ sop homore and was told off as one\ dinne1· was served to seventeen per- State was written to arouse interest and clever dancing, and contains many good as the vaudeville show. of·thc soph.omorc team. After the ex-1 sons, at the home of Mrs. John Camp- 11 D.S.L · for the pu r pose of raspberrying clever jokes and laughs. I (Contmued on page 4) (Contmued on Page Four) bell. i:'1u11111 1u1u1u111 11; 1 11111•1.n •, 11: 1 111i. 1 1 11 111 1111•
Page 1: 1ontana. Friday. January 21, 19~1 - MSU Library | Montana ... ·

f 'Iii.. XII

Bozeman. :\1ontana. Friday. January 21, 19~1


MACHINERY FOR M. S. C. "'omen Will Enter Athletics in Near F uture


Bobcats Tak Two ard-earned Victories from Ore Diggers I 922 ANNUAL i

SET IN ACTION A comprehensive plan for athle~cs will be presented to the I women of :\lontana State College at an early date by members of

'I d d I the committee selected by Cap an<l Gown. } inal Staff .'\ppointmcnts . a c an . <'ontract Let to J ocal Firm for \Vonn·n of the collc"e for yca1·s ha\'C d~sirc<l equal oppo1·tunit1es

( . t ·· \\·ith the men for partiC'i1n1tion in athletics. Inadequate ;:rymnasium



VICTORY UNTIL THE .Fl AL WHISTLE BLEW Printing of )lontanan. on rltlu· 1 hon.., Heque~ted. :md equipment have ma<l~ this ~eC'm impos~ible. A few ardent

lon"rs of the out-of-doors have devised a scheme whereby girls mav ------

Long trid« are bcmg taken by the I participate in oq;anized open air contests under competent leader- I I Bl d G Id T w · F' t

~hn : ~fn~~!1. in Athe'"~:::ara~t' t~! ship.Points will be given for winners in the different contests by A PLEA FOR FAIR I ~:;: 15 ~o 13e:~1

d S~~~ndu;9 I T.radz"tt"OnS ttJoroug,.n ~s \\ ith whieh the C"}ass is tlasses and by individuals. Any girl in college may pt~rticipate to 13. Uulucky Nun1ber J J

t d providing- she is physically fit and maintains a good scholastic p "J' ., t M' e ·ho M s c ~ ~~~,~~" ui1:,~~·w;,~~~i.:~~=m'°:O~~:,;i-t standing. PLAY IN ANNUAL I "~:l'.:~n ~~~ at0 En~~ o~s;~rst I at . . . .

t thnt the year rn21 will witness\ The Proposed Sports are: I Half 1ll Both Game~. I ~--------------'

~:~ ~~'!la~~~i~; ::f:.h 111:1:1 l~c:~0

;:,a::: ~:if~~~'~d~;:l~:i;;:t:~ ;~l;'\n~;,.~~;i~~ ~fu~I~~~ Bubb CLASS BA TILES j On Fritny Jan. 14 :he Bobca'.s Why the ~EX!OH BE:\CH'/"

Annual i5 a~ follow:-;: Editcil·-:n-cnici. 1 For full information and details watch bulletin board foi: notice ___ ., playi?d tht' f1rst ,:::ame or a series of 1 wonde:; h.ow many college at-

'' ,,f girls c:la.:;s met·ting:-. to ht> posted by Sports mana~,:ers a~ follows: I . f d two wtth the State school. of :\.lines. t~ndants :• .. ·rualh· appredatc the orig-~ l £ rv J Uni!t~s; Uu inc-.--. .\.anagcr I \Yr1ter \sh:s that tu~-o -\\ar an

1 S t ' 4 '"'" •

M rnll ,J. Alqubt: .\ istant Ilu::-;incs~ .'enior. Glar1;1:~ \Vhitacrl.'.'. j .. S b C d t d in The ~e.:ond ~amc ,.,·as stagcc on a.- I inal :::;i!!.Olficanl·e. of what. we com-Junl.or. Pe". Lindsley. lnter-c ass _craps, e .. 0 n uc e urdttY enming and as the first result- 11

1onlv ~~o·a,·cl a:' the "'S~nior Hench".

~ •ar:.3trl'l', B'"n H Che ... tnut und Paul .... H bl \'a :'\e'.\.t '\ear ..... i:-\\ if('V :\sqociatf• Editurs, ~falter Roph. )laric Brandenburg. onora e '~ Y • . . ed fiwornbly for the Bobcab. l no~ dOlv expect but rather hope

f\ n~Nh, ~tarjcri~ Bohart, \Y:Jma Frosh. Ruth \VyliC'. --- . I Both teams were \'ery evenly match- that li:t.•1y"' few of you do. fur the

Jon s and Emmett )fatthcw·; Kodak lt j:-; the sincere hope of all interested in this plan that the I A custom which reflects d1scred1t- e<l and c:on~1stent playing ieatmed on ~at..-les., abusL' it has rc1..~J\t:>cl may

''.,1111 en of tli" "olle1Tu 1v1'll accept 1·t enthus1·,asticall\~ and will develop a 1 l·· upon the mst1tut10n ts becom- b ti t • Both ,-3111,,. ,, et'" i·e l l b cd a unin

E or Fcul Kelley~ .\1t Editors, ..- " c_..... " ~ .Y .. o 1 eam... ,,., ..... -. " _ 11 Hn, per1np". c CXCU"' ::... -

.Marv ~tranahan nnd Fran<.·1.·~ 'Yo- •~thlctirs for ,vomen until the realization of the new gym will make mg established at M. S C. In la!CI marl<~ll>!e for their cl~an c.:ut play, tentwnal.

.. eii; Culc:ndar Eclit(lr, .'ona Sack1.;tt. possible a physical education dcrartment wh.ich will awa~·d l\I. i y..!a1~ it has been the goveni ng ::i?'!·:t neither team losing a man m either ,.\bout mne yca;s ago, :\lr:.. Herri1:k

The staff has already enkred into ~\\·caters for women as well as for men. Until then lets show tl:" o: lie f rog-pond pull, an event ot the game for personal or technical foulR had under ller supervh;1on not more

' t.ontruct with the Courier Pul.lish- m<'n what we can do in our gym of the g-rcat .out-of-doors. I Freshman-So1:Jhomore cla~!) ftght.s, The '.\Imes undoubtedly were t~e than sixteen girl s, a fact vrhi(·h n1ade

~ <'ompa ·Y'· who "!I do tht print- I H:at.thc Fros~ ~nust go thro~1g-li..lt ts I• snappiest on floor work and while il pos:-;iblc for her to deYOtt.! nrnch

,..~. anrl \\'th Buckl>C'e :'oh:ar o.r Rt- I con~1dcred leg1t1mate to at~mth1sendt their team work \\:as also of \'ery of her spare time tv college activi-

T \\ 0 will ha\ <ha•.: of the Frosh r::-'11 ake Plans fo r to throw all regard fot .. fair .r'.ay to' high o:-dcr, the final sco~e.~. tell more I t.ie,. Being partic\Jlaril)' found of

!l·!T-ivmg w1 rk. T c• ntr;.;.ct for the wmds. Such an ntt1tucle t:.-; unbe-1 than words as to the play mg·. dramatics, she organized a Dramatic

ve cow1 fur t'w voiu•ne will be •t the Y. M. C.A. I lntramura/ )coming to a college an<l should be On the i\.li.nes team Ladic play:~ C.ub then known a' the "J~ck .o· tn thl: near future. changed . a most consistent game on both e' e I Litntcrns''. Thi:!. new orgmn.atwn

Thl· salt.·"- campa?g will begin next j As c,·eryone i~terestc:<l is awate, ~he.I nings. Hollist~r did equally well fo1· was founded tn the year 1912 for th~

\Jc.nrlay morning- w!u>n represent- i"ntO Camp I Basketball frog-pond pull is a tug-of-war, with the college, bemg ever present whe1' I purpose of ..;i,.ing goodandwholesome

ativl's from the Yaiious fraternities the rope stretched across ~ small the ball was dangerously near ti.~ play~. ·

and from Ha.milt•)n Hall and the pond of slimy wat~r. the l~smg team 1 basket, and consi~tently broke up at- I) During that Year an excellent cast

\le .'s Ilcrn.;tory will canvn•s the The Dobkittens won !hell' fir-tJ For the past week or two Coach to be dragged through this pond. A tempts of the ~Imes to score. I d i,· h d th r. t • .:!> • • tun--of-war 1s meant to be a contest The lineu > was as follows. was se ecte w ic 1 un. er e c uec -

~tudent body. A l'Ontest for highest g-ame o:.. the s~asou fl'om the local Gra\'es ha~ been cons1dermg the for- ,.. f 1

1 I orship of Denn Hernck, Rtaged nt b . ·11 b n . ,, of st1 cn~th bttween kams 0 eqnn nnnc~ l\I. s. c. . . b'

r;e•u:mta c ~u scr.ption wJ e ru Y. ;\1. C. A. team bv the score of :3<>


mation of an mtramural basketball I b 1

th f d II how ._, · ,1

C the )1umc1pal Th.eatre on~ of the tg-u was done last vear Each of · num e1::,. n e rog-pon pu • - Kerchcncr. l~ c· arren

1 1 f

1 th. ~

s . . . b'. .b. 100 to 29. The game was hardfought kague at .i\lontana State. It is his ever this is tiue only on paper. Teams Fonvard I ge$t anc mos succes:s u mg~ ever the.se orgamzat1ons su :-.cri mg I , . ' . . witnessed at ~I. s. C.. Shcndan's

P,.1. coiit will be Jircsentc-d free of throughout but both teams showeu plan to haYe a league of six teams,· <•f t·\ ~nt:, .f,,·c men are p cke<l, but 1 Guiles .. ... . Cllrvin . d "l'h R. I·" "'" . · · f · • · I famous comic rarna e 1va s . harg-c with a topy of the )lontanan Jack of team work. Th~ feature of ~nrlud1~g. ~ne from e~ch of_ the :ur t 1e ~ophomores, encouraged a~d a~- Fo1\\~ard The money , cl:eivt-d from the pro-

h ar'n~ the na111e of tt1e cr~anization. the 1ra1nc wa~ :Moore's long shots. I rraten.uttes, and p~ss1bly .:ca:1:1s iep- s1~t-.!d by the u~per clagsme.n,_ t~not~ Landwthr ,,\"i-iit:iey duction of that p1ay, which wa~ the

his puhllL·atif,n will he a ::;oU\'Cnir of At tirncs it seemed that. he l'Oul<l put rcsentmg the Sho1t Com:se :students the ntll·s and te.sort to tricke1y t I Center verv fii,,._t C'tlP g-ivcn and by the very

tht! year 1920-19~1 which c:mnot be them in f10111 anywhc:rc on the floor. I and .the Barrack~. .\ny t~ien on the be ::ure of pulhn~ rthe freshmen Ladic Hollister fir;t Dramatic ('lub organization in

duplic-ated and it b expected thatj \\'hile the Bobkitt('n:s did not show1vars1ty ~quad will be e::-:c1mk<l from thrvuc.h the pond. \\ hat should be Guard h 11 t t ke that · · I· Th h h d t ·1 h · I · · ·h· ·t· f 1,. 1 1 t c co .('gc, wa~ spen n ma

I'\ cry student will avail himself of, up, "'-S a team, as well as expeclerl It 11~ league. oug t e e a1 s a' el a ra1r cor.tcs.t, an ex ipt i?n o~ Ila\"(')" "t:.' :ans bench to which the ~eniors have at-

t!'lt! opportunity of se1.:uring" .a copy still with a little mo~·e t~ractice they I n~t ~cen comple:~ly \\:orked out,' th.~ ::->t.r_:~~t~, l"ta~11ma. and some s_k1IL :~: Guard l::ithecl their title and thC' freshml!n

an l at thl' :-ame Lme helpllH! the will prove an organization hanl to wrnn~ng team \\tll p1obably ~c de d' ;..~nudtC'? mto .a form of whole.a Robert~on substituted for G!li'dn in stand in awe of.

c:u~s of ·~2 in their enterprise. The I beat. 11.crmmed by the percentag-e ba:s1s. ~he i~a7.mg-. It 1s bad tor t11e morals of ~he the last .of the second hal~; ... . I :\fr:-:. Ifon ii:k tt>lls the follow in'?

b >Ok will be sold for $;}.50, of which I The lineup for the game was· Co:1ch wants the tc~ms to 01xr.~11zt Fr..,·J1 thu::. ushered in~o college. life. The fm~d store was 1., to 1·> m \'ety irotercstin}! tad in reg-ard to tht.,

$2.00 will be payable in a(h-anee and Y. :\I. C. A. Bobkittcns and ~el :started as soon as p(~:sstble, He ~~ liable to .become imbue~ wit~ a favor of }I. S. C. con~tiucticn of the b('nth:

the remainder on delivery of the R. F. so that he tan m~ke out a ~chedule s1hrit of unfairness. Jf .pullmg. h11:1 F01 ~t"> !)c:ond game t!w 1i.11cu!\r'""'l.S John :\lcGraw, a member of the

I ok. Ordl'rs for the Annual will be Cameron Lund of i:ramcs to be~m not later than I through.a pond_of cold, ~!:my wate1· ~s


the ~"me with the exn•p tun th!lt class of 1912

and also of the Dram-

taken by any of ti fol'ow;r.g ,tu-1 L. F. I February 10. It 1s proposed to have ~ccomphshed.w1th the aid of !reacher) Rouc'rtson of the collc<:e b•e!:an .the atic c'·" , ,

c), nts. C'ommeneing )londay morn- l\Ioore Egland two games each week,. possibly as I nncl by m1fa1r rnean~, and moreover.1 .C!'illll~ as forward al~~ ~1Jay~J Lh~ fir~~ II • , -->J,h tC:J~ ~n act~ve part m as-

mg-: \1. J. Alquist. "'illard \Yotts, C. . I c·t11S·tp,i1)1 i·ais~r~ fo1· the ~1g gamlcls .. f if thl' ~l'<.icedure it tolerateci. and even I half. Gan;n instead of riaying :1is 1' s~lstin~het b:n~~\~tl ~~g\:'l~<;erve~·~s~l ~ot \'~-aJtt:r Kennedy, Ben H. Chestnut, .-\:;.toll Pytlnan uc 1 a PI~Ject as ~his shou c !=ti- ap1,l9uuNI, by the memb~r,:; of the fa- usual position of iorward went it:to _Pan > . .. . Herbert Wildman, . ·ona Sackett, L. G. mulato con'1derablc mtercst toward cult)", the students, and the friends of the game as gunrd. When l'te team) the llme but with the help of ~Ir. Gl11.<ly~ :\Iatthew.::. Franc"s \\"o 'a$J?k. Klemme Fox l.a~kctball on the part of the entire the inf.tttution who are the spectators, went out on the floor for the s.crond ~ieL then head of the civil engineer-

~\'i~ma Jone:s. Elizabeth Bol-e 1 l\Iar-1 R. G. . I studen: body:. Intramural. a.thletics \Vhy ~hould .he .not gain h~s ends in half Garvin went to forward \\hile ing dl·partn.ll'nt, :yorhed. fntihmull.y

.,.nnt. Bohn rt. Dc:an Bnght arc be 1n~ cai ned out to a ~1eat ex-


college and m hfe by unfair means? Richards. on the bem:h until he succeeded m

_The group and indi\'idual p1ctu1esl Substitutes-Bunny tm Klenune, tent in. ma~1~ of our larg~ colleges A student who tomes to 1\1. s. r. with Both garnes showed up lioth tl'!!ms finishin,c: it. 'Vhen the form was re-

w1ll b<' t~kcn dunng the next mon~h Bntam for, Bunn:•. I and u111vf'rs1t1es, a1~d there is no rea- ta good conscience and high ideals as fighters. At times the core 1110,·ed and lhe be~ch wag presented

"0 th~lt the engraver"' may bep:m their! Referee-Coach Gra\'r~. Timeke-ep- sen why the adoption of such a plan n.ay have the .forhlCr dulled, antl thel would achance b) one point first to to Presiden.t Hamilton on thtJ. d~y \\ork as :-.oon as pos:s1bJe. The Joke er If .\. \\,~Jl!iams. at ~Iontana State should not be suC-, JattPr shatto·ed before he fairly enters the favor of the l\Iines then m fa,·or I of giaduatH)n, .John ).fcGraw was 111

r:ox will be in its o!d pos1t1on in the/ I cessf~tl . The compet1t1on m such an mto c.:ollege life I of the College. 1111 the hospital and d1ed only a few

~.a1n Hall after next week and e>ery ~OTI CE act1v1ty should result J!J the develop- What is bad for the indJVJdual isl During- the second ?:ame, :llcCarrcn days later .

>!<>dent should drop m a contr1butwnl m•nt of a keener interest m athlet- blld [ r the group. At beet, the Fresh- hurt his knee. but lrue to his old form That bench 11as the last piece of

of the .. In Lighter Vein'' variety --- i. I 1cs a11<l a better college spirit. Fur-1 men will harbor a spirit of revenge he chd not go out but fm1shed up the work he had a<:<:omplished, and 1t

Pass on the good ones about the Owi~;g to unforseen conflicts The I thu morr, this intr amu ral league will after the null They will determine game to the great joy of all. was pronounced by Mr. Niel, who is

other fl'llov.,· an<l let everyone enjoy, Fangs . dance whw~ was .scheduled be an mducement for any man who 1 to 1·get'' ~e".'.t year's Freshmen. In Ray Matter, of Three Forks ie- an expert, a~ bemg the best piece of

t~L· laut:h. In connection with the) for b)11tghi has been mdefmitely post- has athletic ::ib1hty to come out and! this way the degeneracy of the frog- fcrred both games to the satisfa~tion work of its kind that he had ever . . b . II b tl s . ·h t D poncd. Watch The Exponent for a t I h d t b k tb II d n I . . I . I f Ji>.'l.C . ox \\ 1 e .ie naps o e- ;11..w t!ate. ry lls an a as e a , an w1 pond pull may spread to other con- of all. Hts dec1s1ons be 111 g- m qut•st1on seen in 11~ 1 c.

l.r·sito:y .-.\ny 'snaps' of Campu..:. aid in the development of material tests of the Freshman-Sophomore at no time. Prof. O'Gorman of the Sure!y if the ::>tudents of the ;,\I. S.

1-'l ... n~~ and it~ trials, Lroubles, and . . I for future varsity squads. 1 fights. Tho spirit of unfairness may! Collcg-e act ed in thC' e~1pat'ity ('If ti~11e r 1.·ould only n•alizc t~at that bench

participants will be w<'komcd gladly :\lis· Zelma Wernlcy and :\l1ss1· ·contaminate other forms of athletic.:, l:c.•.,:1 1,er 011 foriday :~.1,! 8uturt ... _ i.. od ~acrafu:e, they would

. Earl Kelle~-, who has chargo of Aline Burg-ess were dinnel' guests Ha\'e you ever spoken to some in- and the high standard of sportsman- nights. I not so (•areles~ly and indulcntly try to

t ~ departmen~. So get out that old of the Chi Omega ~irls 'fhur~<lay ~ividua l and wondered who ordered ship at l\I. S. C. be so lowered that th~ On F'ri<lay nig-ht the Short Course I ~n~p.roH it Uy the ~rmlc ~arving of

k oak and put 1t to work. evenin~. ice? institution's fair name will be en- students ~ave a dance in honor of the m1tmls on such a pie1..·e 01 ait

- ---- __ _ _ dangered. Evil spreads rapidly. The :\lines 11·hich was well attended. The

"IT" Myster"t' ls ' 'nearthed b'v Cauti·ous Cub I lack of sportsmanship in connection ")!" .club ga\'e the dance after the FR.\TEH'\rn: W~\I.E'\ FEED THE J LI l J with the frog-pond pull, if allowed to Saturday mght game. \1 l LT! fl DES

continue, many cause irremediable Foster \Vord. of Helena, who b a

W ho Discovers '' M'' c lub Planning Daring Show evils. student at the School of "fines ac- The women's fratemities took turns

------ Besides being unsportsmanlike the I companied his team to Bozeman. Let sen·ing the box Junrhcon each day present manner of cond uct ing the iL be hoped that his story on return at the barnH.·k~ during- Farmers'

MERRY MAIDS TO MAKE MIRTH IN CLEVER "M" CLUB MUSICAL MASTERPIECE. frog-pond pull is cowardly. The will aid in bringing many more of the \l'ct·k. The nowd 1·ar:ed from cighty-

LOCAL ARTISTS WILL BE ASSIGNED PARTS AS SOON AS ophomores hal'e no cause for foai"ng ~lines students to the games "t Boze-I fl\·e to one hundred twenty-fJ\'c daily.

ROY ALTY IS DETERM I ED. the outcome. With teams of equal man m the future. 1lany ol the prominent speaker8 as

------ numbers, the Sophomores should have well a:-. tht' deleg-ates nppea1ed to

This is what I meant by "IT" The I any person or organization on the I \\'ithin the next week or so, many a great advantage over the Freshmen.I PH I t:PSILO:\' 0}11CHO'\ enjoy the novelty fo1 they came regu-

~,,f club t:s gomg to put on a play m hill Thii; c:omedy is going to need of you will no doubt be called on Lo The former would average n year. !arly. h I I L ' lTIATES I t c not far distant future for t 1e e,·ery one of the persons mentioned in I take a part in this production, and older and five or mo1·e pounds heavier ~ • ' 1 • ' • • 1 • 1 1 • 1 • • • ' • • • • • • • ·~ purpo~e of raising 111oney to pay for last week's story and some more who we hope that you will accept, si nce lhnn the latter. Moreover, they ;;; !1

i-weaters for our athletic teams of were not mentioned. It is g-oing to' you know that it is being given for ~~~>U.lcl have the a.d:an~ge of organ- 1 TueYday cvenin~ : .Tan~ary l , ,Epsi-; ~WHO JS "JT'' JN M.S.C. ! the past season. The play that has require a number of singers, bothl ·the bent'fit of the M club, in order 1za.t~on and of tra1nmg m coll.eg.e ath- Ion Chapter of Pni Up~-;i!on ~micton J: _ :

~~n decided on i~ the t~1:usical con~cdy male and female and dancers for the that that organization may raise let1cs. Do not the rules hm1t the the Honorary Home B'.'onomic fra- • -- iii

P1ff Paff Pouf. This comedy is a different a1ts, which are in the enough money for sweaters for the weight? All this should enable the I ternitv held its in•tiation service at/ : THE JI ERO ES Tl · ; story of life at one of our most wide- comedy. I fellow~ who went out night after Sophomores to win after an intc1·est- the h~me of :\of rs .. Fred Brown. Five : . . .. - 115 corner;:

ly known bathing resorts. The comedy is a story of life at/ night, rain or snow and pTacticcd on ing contest, but add to their natural I new metiibers were initiated; two - 15 dedicated to the hrare bo_rs~ Last week I heard several com- Atlantic Cit)' and as every one knows, a wet and sli ppery fiel<l in order that advantages other advantages unfair honorary members from among the I ; of -1Ionta1111 Stille who dared§

mcnts on the story which it was by life is both fast and furious at. a/ !\lontana State ~ould be represen~ecl taken. and what should be a contest, heme economics. !acuity, ~liss ~dith ~cOn\·cntio11_ and arc H'Cnringa

had fortune to have assigned for the place where people go for relaxation' on the football field by a team wh ich becomes a farce. Franks, and Miss Emma Tarnson ii the lutest 111 open n·orkcoi-er- • week, some of which were rather un- and enjoyment. The s to1·y is not a• we were proud to back both in de- The writer is not "beefing" on ac-1 and three active from the junior ~ i

11u -. \ 'a /lei · Foro-e had her';

tcmplimentnry and Yerged on the vu!- cheap comedy in which the theme is feat and victory. count of being "pulled through," for,! c.lass, Mildred F~rrest, Myrtle H ol- ~TI~ hingto;, and LaFa_i·ette; ; ~ar. If any of the readers of my disjomted and the action IS slow, but This lS gomg to be a home talent although the last class fight at M. s., her and Jessie v. 1lhnms. ;;; h '1 . } J n· d.

1 t-tle effort have taken offense, I on the rontrarr, it abounds in cltv-er affair and many will say that it will C. was his first, he waa rated as a Before the initiation a three course I~ t e ~ arnt Jt!r 0 , re an ~ want them to know that the article comedy, good snappy songs, and be like all home talent shows, not as\ sophomore and was told off as one\ dinne1· was served to seventeen per- ~Montana State he~ Gu/ashes.~

was written to arouse interest and clever dancing, and contains many good as the ~verage vaudeville show. of·thc soph.omorc team. After the ex-1 sons, at the home of Mrs. John Camp- ~Boy-page 11 D.S.L · ~ n\.~t for the pu r pose of raspberrying clever jokes and laughs. I (Contmued on page 4) (Contmued on Page Four) bell. i:'1u11111 1u1u1u111 11; 1 11111•1.n•, 11: 1 111i. 1 1 11 111 1 111•

Page 2: 1ontana. Friday. January 21, 19~1 - MSU Library | Montana ... ·


(Outgrowth of Monthly Exponent, Established Januar;• 1, 1895.)


The 'Ycekly Exponent is strictly a student enterprise. 1t•s chief pur­

pose is to present to it.s renders. each week, an accurate and complete record

of the dcn:oloprnents in collcg-c aifain" during that period and to exert its full

influl'nce for the upbuil<ling- of ~fontnna State College. The paper is the

result 0f YOlunta1·y effort put forth by the students who coni11ose the staff.

Publisht·d CYl!ry FridM~ of the C .Ue~e year by the staff chosen from the

stucknts o( the Mi,nta11a .. ~tut~ Cvll ..!'e of Agriculture and 1\lcchanic ATts.

of the Uni\ t nity of .:\!ontana, Doz1 man )lout.~ma.

_.\c.., pt.anct.· t'l1r 11~lllin!-, at :-:;p!!<.:lal I\atc of Postage provided for in Sedion

110., _\ct of O.toh('r :~. l! 17, authorized Ft:bruary 17, J91H.

su;:-;CRll'TIOX R.\TE. Two Dollars rer y L'al' - - - - Ten Cents Per Copy.

.Students hL•<.'omc ~ub~LTihers upon payment of the regular Acth-ity Fee.


l'he Weekly .Ex;pone.nt .Friday, January 21, 1921

First, a soul, atune-to the high est mor al st andards of th e day . I ~~~~~~~..__~,~.._,_,~ Second . a m ind, able to cope with any problem, vocational, politi- ~

cal. ociaJ, or r eligious. Third, a body, h ealthy, graceful, and full ,,

ofrkh .red blood. LAN 0 0 HR' s ~ Lop-sidedness is t.he col lege rut. Stop ! Where a re you? The ~

breadth of our training determines our caliber. Nothing is more\' ~ inspirin g than th e trained athlete, the trained s inger , r eader , I':

speaker, or the mind that\ can handle difficult mat hematical a problems. Yet how sad if they stand alone---rnany animals are -;

athletic, the machine can sing and speak. the slide rule or add ing I G H ~ machine can o!Ye mathP .. matical problems. On the other hand, J,.; reen ouse g how wonderful is a man fully trained! . I ~ ,.

Know yourself, exert your will-power, outlme a broad syste- ;ii 1-.

ma tic study one day at a time. The problem is solved. The sen- , ~ . ~

ior year and commencement will \dtness a student that stands j1 P H ONE 95. 315 So. Tracy ~

clearll·, head ancl shoulders abo\"e ]o\\·er dassmen. A worthy ex- ~ ll'I

ample, a well-ro1[nded man, a college product, a world need. ~~~,°"~'~~,~~"'-'1'.'-~~ -Milton College Review.

The girJ ·who throws hcr~elf ut a

hry dues not always make a hit. f\ rscnally w~ think it j:; far. f~ r


~o, but s.he !"om times make~ home run.

a The win<l was shiniu~ nice and br.~ht.

l n Botanv Becker-"Green thing~ grow.1 '

I wonder?'!???

I 'rhc moon wets whbtling with all bet

might . The gras~ was rnu~h as :-i. piece

silk, The sky W::t:; blu~ as a gla~s of milk_



__ .A. E . i\kFARLIN, 122



..... EDWARD C. PRESTON, '22

Sid S. admits he should be in the movies.

Class in contempo1·ary puetty plea~ ... copy.

Geometry Prof.-'' . .\..re 1 ips parall- ··w hile going from the second to the cl?" first floor the other day, Frances .S •


Student (who has had experiences) ~~~~~~d and hurt herself on the ban­

-":\o! Par-a11el lines ncYer rneet."

FERGUS MITCHELL, '23. . RAY COULTER, '24 Paul C.-"Wise men hesitate, fools are certain".

There re ma ins one consolation to

us in our dry stage. There is lcick

in the wat er of a H ydraulic Ra:m. ALE~~ BURGESS. ·~L- LUCJLT...E STAEBLER, '2.J




Our friend Ot:'HarL (contTaction for Chis though bcca u:se we absolut ely

Dear Hart) haYh1g- coaxed his ag·i1e- refu se to te!J you in this t•olum e. Paul L. C.-"Are you sure of that? "" Paul C.-"Yes. I am certain."

brush into action for 'our benefit we Perh a ps th e P . G's. per mi t. their new~ First Frosh-" \\.'hat does R. Q. T

are pleased jndeed to blossom out es t engaged member to receive thesi' , C. stand for ?11

I under the resul1_9f hb efforts. 'Vhcn att entions bu t personally we do not .A good wa y to determine if a girl Second Frosh (Irom Livingston)-

the middle of Ja.nuary takes on a like iL And the boy is such a ha rd u~es rou ge is to offer t o take her "Roll Out Them Craps."

On another page of the Exponent \\·ill be found an articlr I sprinjl." like aspect we begin to trem- worker too. Spends moet of his spare home without an umbrella. If she

nncler rhe heading of "Traditions at M. s. C." T h is is the f ir 1 ble with fem· . n is difficult to esti- time work ing iu his fathus 'lore take you ui> he doesn't. Rumor-The porch light at u. H.

of a ,erie of articles that will nm for the benefit of all studentE mate the damajl."e done last year by, selli ng magazines and candy. ;-.;,.. we is lo be kept on at night.

and others conectep with the college. the soft winds and singing birds. I will gi'"" absolu tely no names. Elia is responsible for the above.

The traditions of our school cannot be kept alh·e by t hose and we hardly had any spTing at all. You tell 'em shotgun, my powder is If you are in doubt as to whether or not you will walk home with a

girl, give her the benefit of the doubt. who started them or those \\"ho have graduated and gone away. I1 But it is enough to strike fear into AJI is not i;old that glitter;;, and wet.

is up to each class and each indiYidual to keep these th ings goin~ the hearts of the braYest when the all is not silk that's mercerized. I Heard in English

while in school. Traditions cannot thrive and be k pt going by grass begins to turn green be- '"Coope r liked to fight so he re-

a mere handful of stude!1ts. Each studen t must take it upon him- ~ore the firs;, ?ay . o_f Febl1Jary. Mary B. thrnks that a cot lain ftoshj sign7,d fr<>m the navy a nd got mar-

self to see that these thmgs are obsen·ed. As soon as one studen1 :Someone asks, II hy is it d1ff1cut to' looks cute fo·· o·" thing in a basket- ned.

Eli and Elia..

Y. \\' . C. .-\ . '.\" O'l'ES

gets the id a that he is exempt from the obse_ vance of a custom 110,·e wisely, so easy to love too well'!" I ball s·l''.. ::>he cannot un,lcr<rnnd

or as soon a"" one student gets to a place where he dves not t hink And the a~swin· echoes, "Love i~ a why those h,.. _. s w: 1 not zel. out of 1 If you a re n ice and kin<l you de- To the college women who were

enough of a tradition to take it upon h imself to sec t hat other s canvas furnished by nature and pa mt-. his r< ad and It'. h m mal:., a baskot. sci ibe a person as being plump or with us last year and to t.hose wh<>

obsen·e these precedents we might as well quit t rying to keep I ed on by foolish youth." Our rate ''Now if iliat had on ly gene in .J .. nder. are new, there will be much of in­

these things ali\·e and drop back to the place we occupied twenty of morality has agam dropped back I would.,:· it have been a danclv bas- If you want to be catty say they tercst in this week's Y. W. C. A.

years ago. I to normal but with so ma ny pros- ket." · :ire heayy or thin. program. Miss Clara Taylor who

Good traditions are an essential feature to t he a ttr actiYeness pect~ 'tvandert·ihm<karobuncl inlour_midstl --- If you want to be downr ight mean was here last year and talked on Rus-

and pleasures of college life. A school with out t r adit ions is a we ita el to m ha out w iat is go- "A wo111an·s like a s!eepin~ car say they they are fat or skinny. sia where she had been during th<>

. . - . I · d d A I ] h · b f d"d mg o iappen w en it gets warm ~ war, will aniYe Werlnseday, January

'~l~. J?OOl p a~e 111 ~ ee . s~ 100 . av1ng a num er o splen l enough to sit on the senior bench un-1 In one way. "says Bill_ Hupp; .. . . 26, to be here until Saturday. 1\liss.

tiad1t1ons which aie not observed JS almost as ba.dly off. . . .


"The;- rni·cly both look <hfferent I Ted C.- Whe1e 1s the nearest Al" B. .

Montana State College has a number of Yerv beautifu l t r adi- til midmght. After The Excuse was w1;011 thev've been made up,.' I govermnent bcmded whiskey ware- ice ' 0"~· stu;~nt-se~retary will

tions. This ma,-be a surprising announcement fo a Jar e ber out last week a maiden dashed up . , . house?" I accompany er. ie co lege women

f t d ~ ~ ... . - . g n um to us with fire in her eye an<l c::aid p . . who have not already met l\1i"'s Tay-

o s u ent on the hill. " hether 1t IS clue to ignorance of the . - . Harriett (read· t f b , rof. Holmes-"Your question is 1

.ll h . "

existance of these customs or to ind ifference on the p art of th e that if we were going to gi1·e her . mg accoun o oy sl too personal. I cannot tell you." or w1 ave an opportumty t-0 do s<>

t d t · .h d t . Th f t · l <h so much publicity that we miuht •:tt 1 vocational congress) ' ·I wonder why I at a meeting for that purpose at

s u ens 1s ar o sav. e ac remams 1owe\"er tat many ~ < Ith . 1 f t --- h <1,J h ·

of our oldest and most honored traditions are consta t] b . least mention her name. In order ,"l a ways re er o ~·oung men as P. f 11 C d-"J h h ' Id t e . P a Om1crnn Pi house. Thurs-

. · · n.y emg t I h · , . d>J"· · '1he Flower of Youth" 10 · - c or o.n, w at \\OU day .f.anua1 • 9- ·t -·"OJ J ~

YJO]ated. It ls almost a daily occurrence to see some underclass- 0 J1 ease ei "e are e<1catrng _a . . " ... · . you think of a soldier who went to . ' > ." 1' a '· 0 ~ oc ..

man occupying the Senior Bench to the east of the main hall. poem to_ her this week. A certam I ~Its ... E. I tl11nk theJ are the war without his gun?" . )~1ss Ta;lor will talk _on some mdus-

Yet traditions says that none but seniors may enjoy this inYiting boy feanni; :he wrath of lhe facut!y weeds. John-"! would think he was an! :''.~I proolem.at that tune. The meet-

spot. This is but one of inany examples. w.nt mto tne pnntrng office and 1 --- J officer." ,-n~ will be mfomial and all college,

pulled out the best joke of the week. I Long time ago mnn . wi th his pow - women are urged to attend

A great deal has been said about the wearing of the green w· d · h. F I J ... h · b

cap b.\· fre~hman bo:1·s clurina the first ciuai·ter in the fall. Ther·e 1th one more complaint we will I er 111 i< gun, " ent out to get his Th'-. t d . . •rnay. anu.ny _at ere "'II ea

- ,... tm n this colume ov~r to you for the d('er. Gut now the "Dear"" "ith pow~ is 15 0 a n~e that we, the ::ign- tea at Hamilton Hall .from 3 to 5

has been a great deal of cri icism both for and against this cus- week. \Ye earnestly beg the pillars der "" hr.th cheeks. goes out to get cult ura l students, were well pleased o'dock fo1· the purpose of meeting the

1om ,-et it remains fl tradition an cl should be obsen·ed until , uch of our scanrlle to lay off for a while I her man. wll h fa rmers week, and would not two women and also of hearing ?.-!is

time as the student body as a \Yhole decides othcrwi~e. and let someone else haYe the center obi<'l"! to >01·eral a year. Brown speak at 4 o'clock All college

Kot all of our traditions, of coursl'!. hm·e heen violated. Some of the stage. Hardly a day passes Ste1·e says that chemistry is ap- wonwn, worlicu fa<ult~ •"""•rs, a~d

h_are been dropped and others have been exchanged for others a~ but whaL some body comes up and plied like love-the lower the !?OS Lhe Somebody objects to the use of the wives oi facult:: '"' mb.,is at« cordial-

(1me made the obsen·ance of them impracticable. Some of thosE whispers to us a rare bit of seandal !!l'eatcr the pressure. c word ""STUDENT" in the aboYe p2ra- ly and urgent:y :ll\·itccl ' attend

remaining arc \Yell obsen·ecl while others seem to have been :md it is imariably about a select I grnph. I this meetmg. Buth of these wome

forgotten . half Joze11 who have been monoµo- uV\'ati..:h how she falls for ., are w.e1l worth whil<~ c.nd it is a

For this reason it was deemed adv isable to run a series of lizinit this ,.olume e,·e1,- since it was quoth ~IcLa1whlin .. h bl ' n;e in i-.:achcr-'"What age are we living splendid opportun'ty to hear some

articles telling of all traditions and customs of t he school. An started. Be a sport brother. 1 pictur; atH; it fell "r~·on~ th:" d~~ss:':.' good things. Al' cc!le!'"e women

effort Will be made to get authentic information on each article I Dodo-"The awkard age." should try anrl attend at kast <>ne of

Oneh of the Exponent's best reporters and most reliable news Pass these !:iris around and let Eleanor -~f .-'"Paul, ar·e the meetings ment;oned.

gat erer~ _has been as~igned to the task of looking up all of our some of the rest of us enjoy them. - you going Hea rd at the Barracks Perhaps it will be of interest to

old traditions . In this manner ever y studen t on the h ill can to take dinnel· any place this even- the student bodv to know that our

obtai1! reliable information which will enable him to determine i1lg?"' "" Ste" ·· Avery-"Nature g"''e me local Y. w. c. ·A. has TeJl."ular cor-

for hmrnelf whether or not he is at fault for the non-obRer vance We understand that the faculty are Paul \\'.-"Why, not that r know I my face, bu t th:mk goodness she lets rcspond,r.ce from the org'anizations

of a custon1. going to make a ruling against col-1 of." me pick m) teeth-"' at Dillon, i\lissoulai ':resleyan, and

lcg-e students using intoxicating li-1 E . i\f.-" 1y. \VOn 1t you be hunA'rr --- Seattle.


Lop-sidech~ess is a grave danger to e1·ery living mortal. To h ave a hobby 1s common. That hobby is essent ia ll y our center of though t and effort. The idea of majoring has t hrust npon th e student a chance to_ bu_r y himself in a be]oved subject to th e neg­lect of all else. iYiaJormg 1s good. An objecth·e is essential. But to r efuse to develop our broadest self is suicide.

H ow does the world test a man as a wo rkman, as a .citizen , a nd throu_gh all as a Chri tian '! Roosevelt said, "Buck the line," and that 1s the world challenge to young men and young women. Any other choice is merely to exist.

Classify th e a:•erag~ student-in athletics, \'ery good; in th e class room, poor; in social life, fair. Another, in ath letics . poor ;

nev_er ~n in;m floor;. m c~ass roon:i, excellent, a regu la r book-worm ; goc~all), fa1.~ . A third, m athletics, not good: in class room, fai r· socially, a wh ll"l-wllld ." '

To live is t he ambition of all m ankind; how to li ve is m an's ?Wn choice. To be expert is the cry of the age, but to be expert is more than to know a trade or to be a machine turning out a 11erfect product.

. Man has thxee natures to be educated au<l to be used in any field of labor from a boot-black to P res ident of the Un ited States.

quors. \Ycmder what the idea is? in the morning'!'' ! DPa1· E li :

Jealousy? I C'harldte had a little bus

Down in Physics the other clay the 1t wa~ the Iknrv kind.

:students were running an egg test., And C\'e1ywh~re tl;e front wheels

.\ certain little gir l who wears G.)- went

lashes suggested that they were hnv- The rear ones jar.zed behind.

ing Ham and Eggs.

Now it is '"inter Cold hard winter.

- The <:hilling breeze Blows through the trees. You cnn see th ir bear limbs, Hear their knocking knees.

I Mi·. A.-"Sny Willie, how dues it

happen you u~-e so little gasoline when you takt• your girl out?"

· ' Villic--uOh. Cee. Dad, ain ' t love wonderful'?"

I he ld her in my arm s. She snug ­

gled her hea d close upon my nrnn ly

breast. She s poke wit h a gent lepurr.

H er eyc-s met min e with perfect con fi ­

dence. Aga in my arms en,·eloped her

J am a poet Some day Xot f r awny I will (no doubt) Have fame to shout.

1luhlenb<>rg. A grandstand with a seat:ng capacity of 2

1000 bas re­

cently been completed. Only eigb­

t<'en days were required for its erec­lion.-Deleware College Review.

~ 1 1! 1 1 1 111 1! I t I I IU l ll l Uf h l ll l UI UI Ul il f ' ll ll f! l !t l li l UUl lll ll l tl l l I II 11 l lT I UI Ul ll l UI UI Hl l l ll l ! 1 11 11 1 ll ll l tl lrl I ' 11 111 11:1 a





The above is not exactly ap1·opo

but we had to get it in before the snc.w was e-ntirely gone. Now we

W:!nt one on spring.

, A certain popular student r ays

form. DA RN THAT CAT! She is CHX.(1-(lf(>J:X!'i:>J:!-nJ:H:H:H!>l:fl)f(>J:X!'i:>J:!-nJ:H:H:>J:>l:fl)f(>J:!J:tllJ:>l:fl)H:IJ:fl;>,!X!i;>i:H:H:H:fl:fllH:H:R>i~

she<lcl ing hC'r fu r .

he ~aid to him yesterday lhat he is And then ns he turned to her with that if Pr xy does not take back what I going to leave coll ege. arms O])ened invitingly , a..ftcr ernpty-

~·~.-......,...-• .........._.._,.._._ . ...... .,.,._....,,,.,..._._ .. .,.,_..~ .. -.-.. -.... -.,...~· .. -...-...._... • .._.............,,.....,.....,,,,._.._....,..._._ ing his vest pockets of cigars and

WATERM AN IDEAL_ F OUNT.•IN P ENS < Oh, you want to know what he pens, she answered with a cold di'-" , ~~ said? W<?ll h~ just told him to leave dainful sm ile: uYou have decci\·ed


w it h Ring or Clip college. mo ... You have loved beC01·e."-The Trojan.

LOOS E LEAF NOT BOOKS Practica l courses in Architectural, Civil Elect1·1·cal an d " '!' nr C' orferin ~ n palr of hand M h '

I .d I I . ' G"orge F· .- "D1"cl 1·ot1 11 e,• r "• bout ec _anica] Engineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dair y , 1'01 )1"1,.'l en'-( c: ll C t\ e n wire hosie ry for ... .. n .. 1'-I t It Ii E th• person " ho can tell us the pn rtie• the g"irl dro,ming ai Hamilton Hall o~· icuB_uj"e, om e conomics, Industrial Chemist r y, E con--

in th~ kil"H in~ e pi <;!odc in !he m;,in b~t nig ht?' ' om1cs , l O ogy, 1\'fusic and Art .

ha 11 h't "o,•Jc No, "c refu se tn Paul C.-"'l'll bile." Beaut iful grounds, commodious buildings, complete

print tlu ir names. They harn be<.'n George F.-'"Ye>. the mattress wood an~ ITOn h ops, exten sh'e la boratories, m ode] kitchen

•lipped rr the bt'd and one or th• and sew mg r oom s, mu ic and art s tudio.

~ p H I L L I p s ' B 0 0 K s T 0 R E ~ ~~:;i.~";\:·,-~~l~h~h~~'::'..ii~,:'~~onit c::l:I~ gi rls fe ll into ~sprin~s." ALFRED ATKINSON PRESIDENml $ ~ In. fratcrnit) L'Uslom to ki~!' a hrot.h er~ \"amp 1nA.· th(' lt.>aehers is a poor . ' I

. .. ,.,-... ... ·~.i- . ~ ~1rl aR m(:'an .. t f cnn~rnt11lnion. You! sub~titnh· fo1· "tud~·. ~tot it is bcinp· Boze:man "Iontana ~ • .. .. .. ...-.""""' ................ .,,.. ................... ..., .... ..,. ..... _ .. , ...... • .. • .. - .. - .. ... 1 'II I · I k · I ' ' J.l c.

.... ~ ..... '"··· ... - ......... - ................... \\I rnq• ,, n .. "0ffi(' of th4? R1{!'ma (fll]t by lhl' hesf ur student~. ~~~-~


Dra wing Sets $7.()0 to $25.00

Page 3: 1ontana. Friday. January 21, 19~1 - MSU Library | Montana ... ·

The Weekly Exponent Friday, January 21, 1921 Paf:'! th""'

•II I If f I I I I I I I II ti I I ti I Ir ~ ":::~;;;~====~~=::;;;;;;;;;;~ :; Come to our S hop for that ~ ' I

they elected officers and discussed I problems which came up. They vot-J I e<l to affilate thcmsdves with the

1 American Fed ·rution of Farm Bur-I I eau~. The following: were e1e..:ted of-

~-;/-~7/k? Haircut or Shave SOCIETY A. B. WILLIA .. 'IIS

28 w. :'.fain '-------------------------------- ficer:;: \\-. B. Harlan, Pre::;id ... ·nt;

Shoes . 1111111I1 11I I111I11I11 1 I I I

BOZEM \ . I 'HE DIERY co. Phonr 113.

-~.,...,...,,..,,,...,.... .... .,,..,., ... ~.-......... ~ ~ ~ H. F. WEST ~ ~ Funera~n~irector ~

~ Embalmer ,.

\ 797 R Z ~ ~

Oxford~ of brown calf, Brogue pattern, low walking heel

S7.35 Ladie~ Dre~~ shoe~ of brown

and black kid, dressy Louis heels

Sale Price S7 .00 to S 11.00

Specialty Boot Shop

I D~an Herrick was a dinner guest lii !Je Cox. )larie )lvebus, Emo1ett at the Alpha 0 Ilou~c \Vedncsday )latthews, and Dud<y Farrell went

1 c\·ening. :.:ki!n~ up Bridg-er Thur~day a!tet··

)!rs. Lucien Benepe was a dinner guest. at the Phi Gamma House ::\lon­rlay e\'Cn ing.


~ 12.; W. Main ~ .. ...._ • .,,..,..,,._...,, """" • ........,,.. .._...,._ • .,,._,,,._ • .,.-.,,.,_...... I 40 W. Main

Joe Conaty John Hines

"·· 8. Duncan, head of the state Y. ~f. C. A. activities was n dinner I guest at the S. A. E. house Friday

l\ti:;;s ~Iadeline Shaw 'i\'as a dinner 'I evening.


Fountain ( hiefly

\ p ·n, holder and mk bottle (·ompl(•te- that's a fountain

pc:n. Fountain pens of the prettiest styles, in handiest

mode1s, with finest writing

points are sold by us. The goods are standard are the prices.

and so You "put


when you


buy on yourself"'

these pens.



guest at the Chi Omega House Fi:i-day evening. Kir~\!hncr, Lamlwher, Thompson ,

I and Giulio, all from the School of Dan N"oble of Poplar was a vi~itor j i\l:nes were dinner guc~ts at the Ome­

at the Sigma Chi House during Far- ga Beta House. RO\·. Smith of the )!ethodist Epis- mer," Week. I

topal Church of Bozeman will lecture --- I The guests at the Chi Omega House ~o !\liss Donaldson's class in Contem- A number of the Alpha 0 girls en- \Vednesday for dinner were Professor i:orary Poetry on Tuesday, Jan . 251 tertained friends at a fireside party and ~lr~. F . S . Cooley. Professor and

I Sunday evening. :llrs. C. M. Cobleigh and Miss Dorothy .1t 9 o'clock on the subje<:t "The in- Burgess.

Iuence of the Bible .:>n Poetry." Marie Ulmans and Vera Galliher .~!embers of the faculty and students were dinner guests at the Iota Del- Beta Epsilon held formal initiation

I particularly interested in this subject ta house on Friday. at their chapter hou se Sunday, Jan-are invited to attend. The class is uary 16. Those initiated wel'e Ray

1 held in i\lain Hall, Room 301. Bob McConnell has returned from I DickaRon, Boul<ler; Charles Schurch,

I Deer Lodge where he took Homer Deer Lodge; Richard Ross, Bi lings;

p d 1

Taylor's place as instructor in the Bert Julio, Red Lodge; Boyd Slaw-1 ur ue . ln t 1e future, as a means High School during Farmers' \Veek. son, Billings.

of eradicating- all forms of dishones-ty and cheating, names of students

I guilty of such offenses will be pub-I r=======-========-1 tores anyhow . 1 was in the land of

Clark BumJrardnl·r. Fir~t \·. Pres.; )lrs. C. J. Smith. S'-'C nd Y Pre~.:

F. S. roolcy ~cc.:rdary; \V. D. David-

n \\ I lnn· for. '' tt 1~ tit H bt·at:;

r ,,. loc.1!< r


t1a e 'l~ the onC'

..1Jl1C,; wd

\Ye can shO\\ Real Bargain;; in


See fur ~ our~elf.




:: :: :: :: : I Hoefler~---1 ~ I Centennial I ~ I Chocolates :: I



:: ~ :: = n n u = :: l: ;: 1: ::

r:===::::::::::s::~ a for Men

Pure thread silk clocked h ose; :ast eaRon 's !$3 grade

Now $2.25

Best grade thread silk h ose; last season's $2 grade.

Now SL25

Thread silk ho~e: season's $1.23 grade.

Now 75c

Silk Ii.le ho~e; season's 7 5c grade.

l\ow 40c

1866 The Willson Co.




We ham the l :N"NERSOLE black hose with the gray foot-that is, gray on the outside and white inside, so that only the white comes in contact with the foot. This is the most comfortable, sanitary and serviceable fine half hose on the market today. Last season's 75c grade. Now .toe.

Quick Sen ice in Our Cobbling Shop in the Basement

I lished in the Daily Exponent.-Dele-. dreams this morn when I was ~ucl- ~· 1 11 11 • 1 1 • • 1 • 1 M 1 • 1 • • • 1 • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.1 • • 1 • 1 · 1 11 1~

___ Q_u_a_l_it_)_' _a_n_d_s_e_rv_i_c_e ___ ,ware College Review. I DL\RY OF LEMUEL :"~'~,:~k:n~~h~:i~~i~;la~:~~~~ei~t~~~:~ i j Q at•t Stat1·oner ; 'Lrc1 • EPISLO" 'I'HE1'' I SNEEL my Kirk running frantically across ~ U I y y •

I . I -~ ' .~ ·_, __ "' _., ppar1~ef1.1tCl'obltc1'.~1·ln1:~ ltcoctu,,1,·ea!,t•~bsleona1nedsaopr·; ' ;_~ ~ ••

11\IL ISTERS OF BOZEMAN l The girls literary meeting was held /!=:=============:• , , ~ - ·

Thursday evening at the Zeta Kappa j of an cpening in the south wall of ~ ;_-. are doing noble work but we 11 house. The ,.,·e10ing was spent in a 'fhu1»dai, Jan. 13. I the Chemistry Building. Needless lo ~ c

I }la.jor Bu.lib tells me today tha_t hc l •a" his effor·t" were in \"ain, To ,_.cl :.= G H w·1 'short bu~inc~s lllC'<!ting after which h I J • eo I son ompany can Ba\'C your sole. Send your I a Russian proinam was enjoyed. . as found it necc;s•ry to scnc in a Ellen Theatre toniµ:ht to witnes. I~

fresh order for more shoes, size 10. / "Hell"s Half Acr·"', or as it is more ~- • • gJrnes to t ~iiss Dorothy . ·oule gave a t.i'k on h -1 Russia 11 <lramn an<l \Vilma Jones It se~:'l:l:::t ti.lat th:·re ~ic more ' ·s ort- eommonly known, ''Pink Acre Ranch", J


211 E. Main

ga,·e a short discu5'i C> ll of Russian homs tl.km;: drill tha :l he had plan- :\ewr >ince I fought Jess Wil!ard in Pink. George oe music. After the }JrOj...'Tam dainty ned for and h..:nce the call for rnore 1812 have I seen such a collection ~ . • • •, 1 •,,,,, 1, •, •,, 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1u • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • • 11 1 1 1.11~ refre~hments wc>rc Hff\"Cd by the lO's. ~peaking- of our army, 1 mu~t of stars.

remark that unless Buzzard ceases/ \\'ed ,., . J 19 --------------- I Zeta Kappa girls. . . . . ne~a), a n. . mu~g hl.::; r~ile to :scratch hi~ ba:k I \Veil now look what Dodo has went 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 t l' r 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 c • 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 t 1 r • • t 1 t I I 1 I I t I I I while marching, 1 fear the MaJor will an· done. AB the bovs are wearing- < •

., - - - - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - -~ promote him to buck prh•ate. ! high top 8hoes witho~t laces. Sall, ~ SPECIAL 1 Friday, Jan. 14. sad indeed. Why should these young \

t H 0 W A R D 's ' \Yept copiously upon hearing l\fr. men, the cream of the land, so to >.

: t Schurch, the boy wonder, elucidate, speak, sudden ly become too lazy to ~ Chocolate-coated Fruit Cookies

i as it were, the subje<:t of speeches lace their s.hoes just because some ~ made by some of our prominent pro- of the girls are too lazy to buckle ~\ for a few days only; fessors. His remarks centered about their g-oolla.wshes. l weep copiously f New prices on everything you wear, makes your dollar the problem of absorbing these speech· as r thmk what this fair land of ours 2 lbs. for 45c.

t worth about one forty I :~~n ::;~·~h: ~;.•:::nt~~~~r:~• ,.~;~~'~:~.must be c-omin-; to. \ THQS H REA & co l :

For instance-Sl.25 Silk Hose now 75cents • upon volumes of evidence etc., some FAR)IER • WEEK ~ • • •

I of which was taken from the latest ~ $65.00 Suits now S-10.00 Etc. chemical journals, )Ir Schurch ar- La•t week over 150 farmers from I ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 • I I 1 1 t I 1 I t t 1 t I 1 1 1 I 1 t 1 I 1 1 1 I I I t ,: rived at the conC'lus1on that these nearly eYery county in the state met



tt 0 he Hub speeches could not possibly be ab- I in Bozeman for the annual Farme1 '

1 '"·"-0'" Sh,,, ED '"' LOU HOWARD Nobby H·" , ::::::~:::~::::;:.~~:::,~:~:: ~:I ~g·:fi.~~~~~":::::~~:.::: 1 .. i ......... ..,.B ... _...,., ... ,.,j ... .,.g-.,, .... _ ... _,., ... ,., .... D.,. __ .., __ ... __ .. fr. .. ,., ....... Opio--PriCeSl ~ - - - - _.. ..., ~._..~~ _. - _,, - - - 4 !he ~bual hot tune in. ye old towne ! of the week was the sale of pure- ~ ~

this bright ~-aturday night. Eve:>'-1 bred shortho1,1s . The anim•ls en- ~ ~ ! 11111 ·11 11111 11 1 11 I 1 '11 11 I 1111 11 1' 1 l llU ll l 11 1 tt l llll l l ll l 11i'l l l Ul lt l ll l !l l ll l l ll l l l ll lU !ll l t lllll l ll l l l !l l ll l ll l ll l U One Was ChC\\IJlg gum and JUSt ha\lllgl tcred were Of the best stoc·k in the \ on ~

a wonderful time an' everything. Ac- , state and brought very good ptices ~ ~

ExrLUSIVE SHOE STORE cording to all reports Au!(ust Schneid- considering the present hard times. ~ Home=n,ade C a ndy \ lJ er became reckless a nd consequently The highest price payed for one ani- / ., \ suffered a ser:ous actidcnt. It seem::; mal was $400 and the. avera(l'e for I ~ l

120 East ~Iain Street Phone

373_1\'I • that in. the midst of all. the joy he all animals was $208_ ~ ~

was eatmg a C!ub sandwich (no'. not The pure seed show held under the 1 ~· Rest Alalted Alilks in Town = = = 20C. Is the place to buy you r shoes for the best school

Gi\·e us a trial we will please you in style and comfort

Ill the Club Caler) and ranha splmrtter direction of the ;11ontana ::;eed Crow-in hi's tongue. guess t e repo 5 ers association ('amc in for its full ~

~ are true because I saw him with his share of attention. Wlule the number ~\ T H [ s u f. A R B 0 \ll l ~ ~ tongue bandaged. of the entries was small, about 250 in ij H ;; ! Sunday, Jan. 16· all, the quality of the ""eds was ex- \

I meant to attend church this mom- ccllent. The samples were judged and \ The Home of Home l\fade Candies. < ~ J. E. LA:'\G, Proprietor. ~:~e~u:f 1~~~ ~:,~suf:t:l~'"~o:~d~'~id~i~~ ;~:~edasac~~:~'.'.;;g b:o t~l~~!r P::\~; ~~ ~._._.,... ... -.-.-.-.-..-.-..•.-.-...-. . .-.-.•.--.-..-.. .... ..-.•.-.-..-.. ... .-.. ..-.•.-...•-.-_...._._._ .... ~ 111 1 11 • • 1 1 1 11 , 1 , 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1u 1 1 1" •• 111 1 111 111 1 1 111 1. 1 11 1 n 1111 11 1 11 1 111 11 1 111 u 1 u 1 u 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 ·1 1 11 1 11 1 11 .r11 l'1111 111 111 111 11 1 11i go. That made

111c very unhappy. variety, and gerrnination. Oh well, Sunday will be around next

year again so perhaps I can go then. At the marketing forum the elC'- .• ,, 1 .11 , 1 11 11 ,11 11 1 1 • 1 , , 1 , 1 , ., 1 , , , • , 11 1 , , , 1 , , 1 •• 1 11 ·11· 1 ·1111 1 111 •11 1•1 11 11 1 111111 ,11 111 111:

, _____ ~~~~~ __ - - ,._ __ - - - Monday, .Tan. 17. ments entering- into the marketinf

t t l spent this afternoon trying to of farm produce were discusset .

I .,leep in the library but was entirel:; :\1any ~pl·~c.:iali~ls alonj..: these lines

t fi A L LA T I N f. R o c E R y r o M p A N y unsucce,sful. r often find ~fr. Leon- were brought here to talk at thi• • U lJ ard Russel ~wan 'lecping pcacefullv I forum. After the talk' the farmer> t but I <:an't ~:·c-m to S!Ct onto his S\.;- rlis_·u~gt·ed tl>t~ thini,.!s .bt"u~ht \IP .. ..

t "'111 ' 11 1111111 '



1' ~ ,i. ' \\"hi th1 sort t ' tcm. It ~<'t·m~ that every time I an:ori~ "irm "C't\'l'~. ! l :;; o -

I h:v to ~1l'C.", Art ,] •rgcn~en comes in I C"ath rin~ la 1 n~)t le <·on-idl:'r.:id a .. t A • · . tP·c·-· ti tf.;r 11.U n a .t>t r: tr011?11.::-

t -G J_G PHON"E G G I or 1 :lm ~1wak1·11C'•I i!" ~on l' otl.£'r way ... -wi'i go a lont. w:. i •her Cl,._ ..

- A I That m"~ ~ 1.11e \'·•ry un~appy.

t 5 5 5 5 5 5 I Tue>day, Jan. JS. '"f'CL:cn. f lf t' 11 I .l'P ~n the _liLrnry The Farm Bureau ht' d

~ - _ - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - ,·an in th · ; .1 ... n ,.h,·n11 lr)· lee- iii-st th C-' ,b: s cf h w


also price.


The Club Cafe PRI ·.\TE COLLEGE



Phone in and resene ~our booth for tonight •• I ! I I t t 1 J J • I ~ 1 t 1 I I I I I I I I I t I I f I I I I I I I I I I I ..... I •I I I I I I I l I j

Page 4: 1ontana. Friday. January 21, 19~1 - MSU Library | Montana ... ·

Pa ge fuu r

A SIGN ! FIC. \NT DECISION I only in view of its <ontdbution to! :I -- the student's lifo. In the multipli- ::

t\'i th in the past fow weeks, at least t ~ti~n of t·our~e:=; and dt.>~il_s of work, : few of the students of the col1ege it i..: not easy to keep v1ndly before 1 ..

have cvnsciously consitlcrc<l the mat- the mind the pcrspecib·~ that makes !! t·r of their attitude towarrl thl• L:hrb- a student con:-tantlv consdous 'that :: cian life and ha·•c derkkd for a per- Qttcr all his one busi


m.•~:s. in the world :: ~onal discipleship of .Tl·,:;u:-;. This de- is to live-to lin~ largely and fitting-1 :: •:hion LhL~) ha\'c atlempkd to make ly and hone. tly in view of all of the :: practical and eff<"cti\'e hy affi iaLir.~ f~ds relate.cl lo hi~ !if:·. llis '~O<'atio~, :-! ihcmseln>s with the church. his a\"P<"a\tons. lus fl'le~d.,Jnps, h;s ;:

, 11

cl 1

. 1 rc<:reations, his \':tdous affiliations, U Co egc -.iy;.; an: purti..:uiar .\ mar,.:- etc. are ~imply the channels through ••

·~d by the dec.:isions whiLh tilL'Y rl-'g- \\hich the life in him comt>s to self- ... i".'h:r Far mon.• than we rcalizt. this period in our li\'t:;:, dl.'velops a ''fixity'' (•xprcssion. ~ in relation$hip, attitudl~:-.. ('lt11ceptions. Bal'k of all of the courses. ha('k


ideals, vocational uutlotJk, C'tc. that of the r~uding-, ~rnd back of lht· soc;aJ t: persists with pot..:nt ir~f!m•nt•e in all conlads- anti llH'.n"<" important by far •• ~ubscqucnt expe~ il•nL'c. );oth;ng that than any one of these thing:--is . then, •• the student fat:t!:; b more important lhL" mattttr of relating a11 of thi.s ma- •• -than the prnfH'l' corrt•!ntion of the teriul to one's OY:n personal situa- tt ;o.;.ubject-maltcr of hi.:; cour~e and th<! tiun. 1...housing- lh1>t>c ,·alues which are •• 1:npre~sinns of the- colleg-e siluation mo~t highly :sl'rviccablc in life-reali- :-: with his Yitai iwrsonal decisions. 1 zation. ..

Not H cour~e i~ worth taking- for: .\nd this is just the thin,!.!' that the !! its own sake. A ~h1dy i::- of n.tlue ~tudent is ordinarily too busy to do . ..

=============== ' By lhe natun.' of the case, being so :-: ·essentially 3 mattC'r of personal judg- t:

; 1111• ' 1 • • • 1 • 1 ·11 1 •1 1 1 1

• , • 1 1

' • 1

' • ' ~I mcnl and as':')hniilntion, the ineentive !! • to this task must c:omc from within. !!

And \\.'hen dt-tails of many courses are !! .. so multiplied and pn·s:-ure f.rom with- -

ont is so ki:"cnly felt, the inner im- i: pulse is Jikl'ly ·to be cTOWLICd out. ::

.. ::\ uthing is mor~ pa.thl'til' th.'.ln a col- •• IC"g-e graduate su1 feit,.,,d with fad:c: of ::

• knowh:dg-c to which hL• ha;-; no~ in a :! ; Yitai way r1Jb.t•!cl his ll\\'11 iifC' ~nd ::

which he is hl~lple 5 to b .n;.r t(l bear •• in his bask lift> purpo.:.1.:::-: ~·m· \\.,.ho !?

~ has lt>arned a'mo.-.t <>n:>ryrhin;..; but ••

The Weekly Exponent Friday. January 21, 1921

- I! I! l!C:L::~:R I!. I! I! I! ~ I (C:::::Rf:o,:T::: l) ! o'' 'k''' 'h"" " '" '" ..... ""' 'i Big Half Price : I ""hether it i• or not r ests with you . I ~e ~ Cl s I

Frida_y Jan. 21-Fani?s Dance ~ ean Up a e of : If you get back of this thing and push ~ -. atunlay .Jan. 22-Basketba11 •• h"

and boost, we can put on a show w ich R d ;'•;; i COATS ~I. R. c. \"S Columbus (at : l will be as g-ood as many oi the nrnsi eco Columhus.) r s : cal comedies which are on the rnad "! DR

Friday Jan. 28-Basketuall ~I. ; ESSES : today. If not, then the pessimists . ..~-I S . C. Ys Sbte C. (at Boze- :: j will be right when they sny that t.herej man.l ··, 1;;;:l't enough pep in this school to ~ Are rnstantly recognized by~ ' SKIRTS

Saturday Jan. 2H-Basketball : d' ' ' s<"nre a jack rabbit. --~~. the 1scr1111inating as having:~; 1' WAISTS )J. S. C. vs Missoula, •• , 1 t b h' cl th' 1 d

Friday Pcb. ·I-Debate l\f. S. ti Let 5 a 1 ge in t$ 510

w an - SUPERIOR QU \LITIE "' -c. ,.. State U (at Dozeman.) 11 work for it's success. !fore is the op- ~ r ·~ ~ Friday Feb. 4-Afler debate ~ 1t0rtunity for the students who be ~ Compare them with others ~

:: wail the fact that t.hey aren't ath ~ ; letes to show whether that talk is ~ you have played or heard. ~ Sif,!'mn Chi dance.

Lowest prices in many years. Final sale Trimmed Hats, $2.50 and $5 .Jfonclay F'cb. 7 to Satnr<lny

Feb 12-Roundups. "Monday and TuC>c::.day Feb. 7

and R.-Baskelball ~I. S. C.

~ ju.st a st:.i11 or whether they reull) I The latest. and most popular; ,.. mean it. If you can't be a football ~ ~ W A L K £ R ' s :: I hero or a basketball artist, perhaps I ~ songs and dance hits now on ~ ' SPECJA.LT J" STORE

: you can sing or lake a part in one i sale. Come in and hear them. i --------------...; ; of the choruses which are going to ~ ~ I! be needed in this comedy. If we all E C O X - p O E T T E R E --------

Pocatello.) :: work hard and lend a helping hand ;; ;: i Thm·"lay and l"riday Feb. 10 •• we can put this .thing O\'er in the ~ D RU G C 0 M p A N Y ~ I N •t•

and 11 -Basketball :\1. S. C. l!:i' be~te::s;~~le shape. ~' """'" '"" ' """""" '" '" ' ' ' "" "" " ""'"" ' " "" '" " " '~. ecess1 1es A

,.s. 7\lines (at Butte.) Wednesday Feb. 9-Basketball

)l. S. C' . vs. Idaho Tech. (at

\'S Utnh Aggies (at Logan . - ' $alunby FclJ. 12 - Senior tt I i

dant.'e. :.: FA IR PLA y FOR THE FRESHMEN ~11 1 1 1 ·1 111 1 11 1 n 11 1 • ·1 1 u 1 11 1 u 1 •1 1 11 1 11 • 11 • 11 •11 1 11 1 11 1n 1 11 1 11 1 n 1n1 11 1 g, I And comforts £.or the man Friday Feb. 18-Raskctball .. ' FUI L VALUE " l I h" ff. •• (Continued from Page 1) ;; , ;; , w 10 S rnves !Tll e... t

M. S. C'. vs Wesleyan (at " · • Bozeman.) :: citemcnt of the pull , upon sober re ~ PRICES ~ t --- I

Saturday Feb. 19-0mega Beta · ;; ;; t S

:~~~::~;:~:::::ip:p: ~ ~¥~3}~i~~~~iZl I ~~'.'.ff f ;:~:~:g~~ I F :~::cr::::."~:::; ::: , dance. rope, who had a sense of good sports- : •• ~_ Because ,ve have co nsist- ~- A Vite have a fjne line of razors •'

Friday and Saturday Feb 25 :: ently followed a policy of ~ • of all kinds-and strops.

Clothes for

Men ... ... manship, must have had similar feel- I' ings. There is no. joy in victory un- • • t

and 26-Baskctball , :n. S. C. :::,, 1 fairly won. · ~ giving full valu e, our prices ~ ' i·ttl · h 1 f · t :: vs State l.J (at J\1isoula) ;; !i" l --- ' .'"\. 1 L' time L'a. 1 ..,.~. r qUle : This is not a preachment against ==',..,~- did not advance unjustly, nor :_,,.==~-· 1




1 irtditaLon, t!Yl'll ii jt time .. Friday :\I:n-ch -!-Chi Omega .. h · _

the funrlanH'11tJI <:•rt of ;.;,.no . ..

,. Do you need some work ~ ;l clothes of the good. substan- § : tial kind, the $Ort that wear~ ~and gi\"e good satisfaction"? ~

We can supply ,, o u r ~ : wants in prices th1t are the E ~ loweRt in the city. Our busi- ~ • ness ha· been built by giYing ;; ~ satisfactor,· serY!ce-selling ~ : goods worth the money. ~ • "·e hold our customer';~ : that iR the best proof of the§ : qualit_,. of ot:r goods. ~ - iiii;

r th" :: danc:e. :: azmg, which is a time-honored in- can they decline with sensa- R 0 E C H E R ' S

;:tolen from ur,"-~nt t.. : .. , . .. ..- F stitution of col lege life. How.eve1<., t' n l ·ft y ' 11 f' d t hoJ_,. labor of l'flTTehltio11 b"'tw"'•. '1 his .. , ri<hiy l\Iarch 4-Basketball !f h . . I . d , . ---_: .. _ lo a sw1 ness. ou m =•. \ D R U G S 1' 0 R E :: az10g is iazmg, an sport 15 sport . - then1 as always-reasonable. f lift) an<l tlw thing-s he is l~arning is i\L S. C. ''5 \Vesleyan (at •• T l t t t b f I Th c_'!ll inve:::.tme11t that will yield a rkh ,:',. Helena •• te wo mus no e con usec · e ~ ~ IT6 E . . Main Phone 327

Baturdny '\Iarch 5-S. A. E. :: Freshman's lot can be made, and is ; · tt A PEASE & co ~ , l1H:omc to the student who is wise dan'e. •• made, hard enough during the period'; · ii ~~..-. .... ~~~ L'n(l'l .... h nn1l :::tn ng enough Lo main- .. .. ... ~ ;: :: Saturday l\Iarch O-BaskPtbull of initiation without making an ath- ;___ 1 1 1 ;_;_ -tain it. :: l\I. S . C. \'s i\lount St. f! letic contest an additional feature of :---------------

Few >!ucknts t,nore lhe chr'stian :: •• his hazing. Every event of the for. ~ Jewelers and, Optometrists ~ !CD\ BR OH.EN attitude and the chri<tian churcb be- Charles (at Helet>a) :: ma! class fghts should be as fairlv ~ 6 W. l\Iam Street ~ • · -

•• Wednesday }larch a t(l Satu"- •• J H I s LENSES rnu>e they lrn'"e carefully measured I! clay March

12_Basketba'.I ;; conducted as any other athletic e,·ent. ~ The a lmark tore ~ ~ ''L

chris.tianity oYer ae:ain~t their lh·es _ Tourna1T:ent. :: The. development of good sports- u111 1rmm rr 1n1111tt11t't • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 111 11 u ' 1

and find no \·ilal place for it in pro- t: \VeJncsday I\!a?"t'h 2 ;~ to Fri - :: J niansl~.p , that spirit of absolute fair­moting the typt' of lile that suits !! day .J.!arc:h 2.5 Exams and ~. ne~s m sport, and of accepting de- i t1 1 1m 11 11 1 u 1 11 1 u 1 11 1 u 1 11 1 u .,11 11 1 u 1 u 1111 11 1 11 • u 1 11 1 11 11 r1 u 1 11 1 rr11.

th1~ir hh~hest c:on('C'J)tif'ns. On the •.• .-. 1 feat eheerfulli-. is the o-reatest value • registra~ ion. ,_.. lfOT' T ~ !\LES contrary, indifforcnc:c is usually due .. Saturday . larch ~~fi- R~ ... g-ist ra- :: vf athletic5 to an institution as a • A 1.. !!:

DUPLICATED THE SAME DAY. Arl kind of repairing promptly done, Jewelery or Glassel>.

to failnre to L'onsidrr thi...• fads in anv :.: tion. ;; , ,,·hole. Nothing should be allowed to ~on cold nights . Candies, ice ; ~ adequate way. Tho;:;o shu.il'n~ wh~ .. :t E'ndanger the development of that ~ [ ha,·e gh·L·n ti mt• LQ thi:0; matter and .... :: :: :.: :: :: :: ·:: •: •• _ .. ... spidt. Vv"ith this in mind, let Lis I~.- cream and sn1okes. ~'-


~ have rt'a.ched thi~ significant ilecision • - · • - - •• -1 change the. attitude of "Pull the

~ challen~E> to all of us and may the bc:-.t team stay dry"'.

J"eweler and Optician

~,are a fme example and a sh·ildng BOYS \'OC-\TLOX.1 L CO'i"GRESS Fmsh through" to Pull! boys, pull! I =~=--.. THE ELLEN ~_.=-=, , ; I (' B ~l j G B • • 1 1 • 1 11 1· r,. • 1 • 1 1 1 • 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 &%flJ£Zti' ..:>~ ~ • • •"' ep lens- La~t.. week the mn:$l successful A. '· ·

~ ~ . Saident pa>tor ~t~:ed ~-:~~i:1111;~na C:.~',~•::e of e~~: C'Lll'l'JXG FH011 LI\'I'.'\G STOX \-i=_-· PARLORS ~!-,: ' If YOU ARE PARJICULi\Rl -.J • 1 1 • 1 • • 1 1 • 1 1 • • •, 1,,, 1 • 1 , I mo~t sucte~~ful c··er held in the I NE\\'S ~ ===============· Xcrthwe•t wa, held PL l\lontor.a. tate , . . . th . f . 1 1=-· Crab Corb!v, Prop. ~-- ~ I

L· OF 'I. r.. r.. SC'ffEDl"LE I \"\'ITH YOUR DRESS ~-

rierchanhise Reduced

Our entire line t' 0- ncer-

chandise has been remarked

to the present market pr'ce

All line$ are down, come look

them oYer.

C\1ll~::re. The cumplt c r-.!:o·i:strntion ~prmgmg a surpnseon en· rtenc s J

January 1-l-l\-lount St. ('harll.'S at showL~d that ~ :l ! boy:::. r~;res....:ntinJ!:: Lut ,.:;th the kn(lwlcdj!e and consent ft1 111 111 111 1111 11 .r11'. 1 111 1 1 1111 11111111 11 111H1 111 1 1 11 1n 1:11h 1 11 1u! :=~=:" GO TO ~:~=. ~Ii~:$oUla. 81-i citi~s and towns were present. o-f their relatives. :\laxwell J. ' Yil-

January :!·J-'Vhitman at ;.\lissoula These boys all had a good wor<l. for comb. well-known local ch·fl engineer ,January 28-l\Iontana Stale Col- )!. S. c. and went home to tell thei r and Miss \-ivian Schcylt, eldest <laugh-I ~ ~

11 legJea 11a1t"· 1B)_oz_~;:_ia~Ioi·.tana S C 1

r1riends about it. Jllany of tliem said 0tefrtoh~ JICI.-. atnac11 11

0ll"'f· Lt~uis F. Scheyttth, EXTRAORDINARY 1 ~:~._ CITY DYE WORKS~ .. ~

"' " ,, · tate o - t iat they would be back again next ' rys c n ec wnery on sou I REDUCTION 1 ·•rf' at Bozeman. fall when t'L)lle-ge opened. l\!ain street, were quietly married last \ " -

Fei.>1uary J-\ra:shing-ton State Accm·din;.; to those who managed Sunday in Dillon by Lhe Rev. Mr. IN OUR 1 ~ :=' ='=' ='='=· '='="="='='='='=' ='='='='='=' =' ='='='='=:~ Collo at Pullman. this confer,•n<"e it will prom to be Smith, pastor of the ;\-lethodist church I APP AREL

February ~-l<laho at ~loscow. one of the greatest pieces of ad,·er- in that city. SECTION February 5-Iclaho fLt .'.\loscow. lb:;ing that :\1. ::;, C' . could do.· How- The happy couple n•turned home February 7-\Vhitman at \\'21la ('Yer the boys will ah;o reap much Monday nitrht, the honeymoon be-

\l{alla. benefit from the conference in their ing cut sho::t on account of the press-I I February 8-\\.hitman at \\'a.la broad<'ned outlook on life that they in;::- nature of l\Jr. \Vilcomb's busi-\ralla. would receh-e from U

1e many e.xvel- ness, being assistant to County En-

Suits now are



23 W. Main St.


February !>-Gonzaga at Spokane. lent IectuTes that they heard. p;ineer C. T. Snckcl, and in charge of

I February 1 t-Gonzaga at Mb- the county official's office during his

1:;oula. absence in California. 1 11

WESTPHALS February !ii-Mount St. Cha1·les LD!l'T DATES FOR GIRLS Mr. Wilcomb is a graduate of the Coats, including richest at Helena. -lT l 'XIV ERSITY OJ> OHIO engineering department of the State' s ilk plushes at half price I M.H. WHITE

Successor to Holloway's


February 2'.1 Montana State Col-1 lcite at Missoula.

l"eb1·uar~· 2t)-~font;ina Slate Col­l \ege at )li5'oula.

?'olar"h t-Idaho at !Vlissoula.

MARX CLOTHES I '--------,

Man:h 5-Idaho at Missoula. Tenative.

h 5

THE FASHION BARBER SHOP II I ll I 111 I/ 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 !11 lt l UI J! l ll l l !I ~I I !· 1 11. I I '· 1 1 I I 1 1 111 111 111 111 11 1 11 1 11 1 .11 11 1 11 111 11 1 UI !\I 11 &111 1' I 1 Il l UI HI 11 1 111 11 1

If you are particular, try this s ho11, OUR MOTI'O

First Class Work and Courteous Treatment

COLUMBUS, 0., )[ov. ltJ.-Girls at the Ohio State University may ha\'c but two social engagenwnts per week anc.1 mu::;t be in their roon1s bv 12 p. 111. on those occasions. Rule.s drafted and adopted by \Voman's Student Council at the University are binding upo11 all girls li\'ing in lormitories.

Friday and Saturday nights are J.llowcd ••open'' for the cv-~<l;:; each week while once per month an addit­ion al night during the week is added to the list.-The Trojan.

college of AgTiculture and )lechanic I Arts in Bozeman, and achie\·ecl quite a reputation as a stal' on the college football team during the last year of his schola1·ship.

The b1·ide 1s father was former ly


HERE ARE FINE CANDIES chief of police of th is city. =-===============



SWEET'S, BU::-<"TE'S A:-iD

The couple will make t.heir home fur the time being at the Scheytt resi <lcn('e on South Main st. The bride was in her last year of high school Both Mr. \Yilcomp and his bride ar.e very popular among the young people I --- ;\ KRAUSE'S ARE SPECIALITIES of lhe city. Photos of Student~ at

AGGIE_S_'_r _o _,_M_E_r_r )IO;\ T A.'_\. Special Prices 'I '. -At the University of Californi a a - ;I : THE. BUNf.ALOW'

11ew college organization has sp1·ung LOGAN, Jan. 13. T!1e debating l lJ STUDENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME


up called the "lapping" sisterhood. team of the Ao:ri-.ulture college· will CENTRAL STUDIO The purpose of lhis sisterhood is to meet lhe team o( the Montana tate !.....--------------"' \.L---------~---­improve the attire and deportment I colleg·e some tir~e in February at Lo of the college women. I\ ga n, it was decided· by tl:te d"bati:ng

If the girl appears on the campus committee at the c:v llege. 11 111 1 11111 1 ,1 ,1 111 1u 11o 1u 1111 11 111 11 1 1 1 11 1 . 1 11 ~l:!llil >'°• 1 • ·1 1 n 1 • 11 • • ri11 • 1 1 u 1 • • • 1 1

• i , i,1i11 ~• • 1 · ~ ===============================:! with skirts too short, peek-a-boo , The question to be debated will be ~ I

! "' '' ' ' ' " ' "'' '""" '" •'''' • • """'"'""""" •'' • '" "'' ' • • • • ' '" ' • • • sweaters, too much rouge or any "R esolve<! . that the Chinese exc!u - ARCADE POOL AND BILLARD PARLOR • • • other device "vamps" use, she is sion act should b amended to includ~ ~ . ~ . :,:1':;-~ FOR THE BEST 11' FLASH LIGHTS- ~ gently tapped on the shoulder by a the Japanese." The Utah Aggies ;; ... \V R d member of the "tapping" si.st erhood will argue the ~lf(irma.tive. The Utah ; : - e ecommen - • and asked lo cooperate to help team will be composed of Wilford J • LEAGUE GAMES MONDAY, TUESDA y and THU RSI),\ y KlGHTS

THE WINCHESTER This ha.~ many exclusive features over others that wi ll

please you. For use around the house or auto t hey are in­denspensib le.

'l'hey are made by the factory that make the famous Winchest •r rifles.


Owenhouse Hardware Co.

. • I I I ;;

I • I ;; . ~

fl•l l~Ul l ll hlUIUl ll ll! lt l U l l! l ll lU I J IUl lll ll l l! l lJ I UIJl l t I l l( l i• l \l l .l l ll l l l l ltll l 1t Ulllll l lt l l1 1ll l l l l- I l!ol ll ll ' l li l UI Hl lr l l!:

mnke t.ho campus a plate fo r seri- Merrill of Logan and Douglas Smith ~ ous stu<ly. Most of the girls need of Ilcher City. -Utha Chronicle. ~ only this suggestion , but the few who ; continue to \1iolato the rul e are eall- 'While the score against the Miners ~;=.=:

Dowling alleys now open


LAWRENCE BROS., Props ed before the women's executive board was g·r eater Saturday night than it of the st.udcnt's affairs committee.- was on Friday, it was just a s much Kan. State Collegian. anybody's game. Hard luck shots ~11 1 1 11 1 11 , 11 1 1 i u t u1 11 1 0 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 u1 1 1 11 1 11 1 u 1 11 1 11 1 u u 1 1 11 1 r1 1 n 1 11 .i . 1 11 1n-t11 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 11.1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 • 1 1 1 ~1 11 1 1 11

played a big pa rt in lhe defeat of

ye~; l ~J~\:,~~ a~h~ncr::~:11:~e1~tverth~; ~~~cceh c~!~t;~r~slo::e:n:: t~l~v~)1!~:~~! ~·:::::::iB•-o:::::eCil.£1£:0:::::!;!1rE::e·:r:·:11~•::::·tah-!li·::::e:;a•.:.::::aD .. ;:::;::#~·li!nC:::ac•:!!ea•mifiJ per cent over last year. There are t.he contest by a good margin. The &..-now 31,000 students registered in ~uard ing ..,vns closer on both sides on

the various courses at this institu- Saturday and both teams fought ART SHOE SHINING PARLOR AND P AN'l'ITORIUM tion. Columbia is now the larges t harder. But the pass ;ng- was not so FOR LADIES AND GENTS cducn ional in•tilution in the world. c·l ean. The close guarding kept the Under ' ¥estphals Chas Gross, Prop. -Deleware College Review. ball on the floor loQ rni.i 'h of the time. l..~;;;;.~;;~;;mlil!l9iQ!llll!lll!SE•iia••lllUil;..:sillli!..-:;.o:i==r•mr:j
