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1«P? 22?o «i99 27«> 2a€¦ · Card o f Thanks We Wish, to extend our heartfelt 'thanks aftd...

Date post: 08-Aug-2020
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J r fLt*\ Jonas G. Monson Snc^iibf to ' - Sudden Attack of Heart ** • Jonas a. MonB6n, /Well known pio- neer* citizen of Kandiyohi I'bwnship," passed away suddenly Saturday* even- i n g fronv'heart' failure, at his home thfee mdtes southeast ofthti city. HJe hpd, been about as usual duirin^ the day and * ate a' hearty supper. Soon afterwards he was stricken. This sad news caused'taeep regftst in'a wide'cir- cle Of friends. Mr. Mohson's active interest an public affairs and his work as. auctioneer years back had made Win a familiar figure to people in all parts of the oouhttf. Jonas' Gustaf Morison watf'born at Bro,'G&l&ryd parish, Sm^land^ Swed- en, April 14, 18*Q. At the age of 20 he came to this country, landing in New York Oct. 20, 1-866. He'came to Minnesota and found Employment in Contact*: are Awarded FosGrtd- . il«^pfinli^rt»dCoeent JTi ' * ( •>>p •"*"•- ^ ^ ^* "^ ^ The (atyOoUncil"; Monday night awarded three contracts. Col. C. H> Nelson will haul'the fine, rie^ sprink- ler No, 3 aftSe*price, of' $96' * p * nforitti. ' Eftfcht^bids were " received, T&igtog front S& to ;Si4<K " v . ? The srattfii&^of streets ,in Sperry*s ^adttftton „wWawarded^.Wm..P. Pot- ter af'35c~pe'r" cifyic' yardc Two" other .bids . were jrece$$d * at 4*0>c. . •y A. P" Berjgesph A wai p warded the. ^cbftf&cf for7>3aWalK and* street ^crossings. $Hk" bid.'wjhg,. a'* follows; Sidewalks, 11.3$ 'ppr aquaife yard; tfriveways^ $2.25 net, squajre yar,d; curbing, 55 .cents per toot!; grossing*. HalghUOttcrnest The hpme : \of : -'M^::;a^>rl|r«. Robert B. Qiterness was; the v »c,ene of a very varidus capacities on farnt; railroad i pretty wedding Tuesday^ June 14, at construction, etc., at Red Wing, Car- ver and Scaiidia. In 1870 h<* purchas- ed railroad land near Wilimar where he prospered "and developed the fine farm whldh became his, home. In 1870 he married: Miss Carrie Swanson and the union' was blessed with^a large family of boys aiid girls. The wife died some years a'goV ; The chil- dren' are William G. Moiisoiv qt Irving township; Eanil P.;.Monson of Frazee; Victor J. Monson who operates the home farm; Mrs. Nels Fancbauld of Osiiabrock; tf i>.| Fdigar, Waiter, Giis- taf and Otto Monson and Mrs. Martin ft; Swenson, and Mrs. Oscar Melan- der of Wilton-ay, There are twenty- two grand children and three great grand cTHidreh: He is also Mourned by two ''sisters—»Mr-s. Em-ma Erickson and Mrs" Mathilda Lftrabn-—and one ^brother—John : Monson, and other re- latives. The "bereaved family has the sympathy of a large circle" of friends intfieir loss of a good father and in- dulgent grandfather. The funeral takes place Thursday, afternoon. Services at the late resi- dence take "place at one o'clock and at the TripoMs Lutheran church at two o'clock. Rey. Hjalmar Tillman will officiate. The six eldest sons will be the-* pall bearers. "En svensk han var, en arans man E.lka: g6A sdrh nagon ann Gud gifve oss manga med honora lika Som sjunga ut och. aldHg' svika." . Card of Thanks We Wish, to extend our heartfelt 'thanks aftd appreciation for the,kind- rvness and sympathy shown us during -i| t^st 1 ;sickness and death of a beloved 1 husband, iand father. The beautiful "floral offerings from relatives^and friends are indeed appreciated. We wish, to extend special thanks to Mrs. Fred Stromiberg for the comforting songs rendered at the home. •Mrs. Nelson Peter Bjur. A. T. B|ur. Albert Bjur. Andrew Bjur. Axel Bjur. Mrs. Emma Erickson. Mrs. Minnie Norell. Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks to those who so kindly assi-sted us dur- ing the' sickness and after the death of our .beloved son and brother. We are grateful, .to thos£ whp^contributed the beautiful flowers. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Christenson and -famiily. Card of Thanks To those who aiasiiSted and fox the many offers of assistance and sym- paitihy extended to us and'for the beau-, ti-ful floral offerings at the burial of our mother, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cogswell.^ iMr. and Mrs. F. J. Bigham. B W. and J. L. Bigham. 11 o'clock!-when their daughter, Miss Peart/was united iivjn&rriage to Jam- es L. Haigtot, siori of Mrs. Si A. Ha%ht of Minneapolis. The bride was given away by; her father, the ceremony'b^r inig, performed" by Rey. J.. Renwi«k Mc v Cullough- o^" the First! P'tfesbyterian church ^itt v the 1 presence of the imhied- iate^ faihilieft. ; "f •The bride was attired in a gown of white organdie and taffeta? She car- ried an arm bouquet- of white roses, sweet peas and swainsoh'ia'. Miss Mur- iel Otiterness, the bride!s, sister, pre- sided at theJ piano; placing Lohen- grin's weddihg march-as the bridal party entered the parlor. The' bride's father played a flute solo, "Call Me Thine Own.'' . - . The color scheme in- the rooms was carried out in pink and white, with pink and, white peonies, with a centerpiece of white roses on the din- ing room table. A waddling v dinner was served im- mediately after .the ceremony to 12- guests. \ The out of town giie/.s were: Mrs. S.. A. 1 Haight, Mr. and Mrs. . Will Haight, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutchin- son, Herbert and Sidney Haight, all of Minneapolis. »Mr. and Mrs. Haight will make their home at 28 West 40th Street, Minne- apolis, after July 15. Roy Henry Christenson (Roy Henry Christenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Chrigtensonj- 702 Litchfield' avenue East, died last Sun- day morning after an illness of three weeks with stomach trouble. He; was born August 21, 1905,--on a farm near Raymond. The deceased had attend- ed school at Raymond and three years at Wilimar. During his vacations while ^attend- ing school he worked on the Great Northern repair track, and also work- ed on the county roads. Besides his parents, he leaves; to mourn his death three brothers, May- nardj Charles and Alfred; three sis- ters, Pearl, Gladys and Violet. The funeral took place yesterday af- ternoon at the Baptist church, Rjev. E. A. Lagerstrom officiating. The pall bearers were Alfred, Spencer and Leonard Leedall, Otto, and Charley | Christenson and Raymond Essendrup. h Card of Thanks We wish to express ; our heartfelt thanks for the sympathy shown us in our hours of sorrow during and after the death of our beloved husband and fa't'her, and also for the beautiful floral offering®, and songs rendered. , Mrs. John J. Bjork. tMrs. A. F. Johnson. Mr.'Carl Bjork. ' Mr. AUbin B-jork. Mr. Eddie Bjork.' ' Mrs. R. E. McCabe. Mrs. Pete Olson. —Rev. H. C. Kishpaugh of. Raymond ,re turned Friday from Hutchinson Where he attended the District con- vention and Epworth League' meeting. .$!& per square yard; relaying o l d i ^ p^ ptt te r and highly esteemed wane, 8$ cents per square yard. The 1 ^^ *^^ only, other bid was for $2.00, $2.50, 80c. $2.90 and $1.10. for the same The further consideration of the paving project was continued to' an, adjourned meeting to be held next Monday night. A large amount of routine b u s h e s was transacted. Auto Leap^ off Bridge An automobile accident on the state road just west of Caniby a few nights ago had an unusual and for- tunate ^ending for ooenpants of the car. lit seems that Albert Berger, at the wheel, aocomiptanied by his brother, Clarence, Chas. FLckbobm and a Hud- son automobile aaleisman by the name of Ford, were returning in the Berger car from a trip to Gary., As they were approaching Caniby, a quarter of a mile we&t, a fast speeding Buick touring car whose driver failed to turn his headlight dimmers on and who is >aia^ tor hare k ^ tfiif ifid^e^ol^the ; road, met the Burger• car t ^n*the nar- row bridge just vw.est of ,']boyfn and in order to prevejat a cofllisjon .with this car AlbefM pulled too far to the ri^ht. His car leaped off the bridge andjneg- otiated a, pliinige or d^op of six" feet, landiioig forit^niately " with its- four wheel's, dovirn, the .two, rear whe.£ls^ resting, on tte very edge of a five; foot ditch;; Ou'teslde of a^bad s'haking up when th§ car hit the ground^ thotour occupants of the car were unhurt and they managed to get the auto ; back up onto the road again, whett,^ was found to be undiamlaged.—Canby News : Oil Analyzed Jacob Steffens has received word from the State University about the joil find on hi» farm. They, do not; jsay anyitMnig about the sample that was sent over for. analysis but are ianxtous to make a geological survdy 5 of the farm to find out whether fit would pay Mi*. Steffens to drill for, oiU,- The cost of such a survey wi-U he 1 over: $100 and Mr. Steffens hesitates to play out so much.i If his neighbors join Jn with him <fee survey mlay soon be made. Mr. Steffeii® WQJS over on th«i farm again this- wefek to obtain arioth' er sample of oil.—Clara City Herald. How a Noted Vet. Gets Aid of Rats— ? Farmers Keed Dr^ m H. Bjjtb?r s a y ^ "I -use M i V SNAP around my hospitals every three months, whether I see rats or not. It does the work^-RAT-SNAP gets them every time.. I recommend it to everybody having rats," Don't wait until there is a brood of rats, act immediately you see the first one. Three sizes, 35c, G5c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by F. J. Hallin and Nelson & Gabbert, Wilimar. Minn.—Adv. Jun the 2foa r Lutheran church , at this place.v Iter. Eugene Aflil performed the c«reinbjiy intfre presence oftfao immedM^ relatives and intimate Mends of the couple. Tbe brtd«praid was Miss flattie KaUberg,' of ^«Stor^ sifter' of the. groom. Alec Siewert of Bird Ssiand wa» the best man. ^ " , >., iV* w dinner was served at the home, of b^de'^parenits, after*which'the bride and groqm ;daBarted ion; their wedding trip to thfe Twin' CfiGles. They will make their home at Montevideo where- ,th# groom 'la on^ployed., _, . ~ M Jj „y '* The bride, w^tt> v i$ the'eldest da«gh- ter of Mr. .and Mra! A. H. Ahlbrecht, of thds p9ace,,£» one of Buffalo Lake'Ji; t«f, Miai Ftoxlence. to Peter H. OWdn, lop?jottlb* andL'SIn: Marcus Olson, jf this city. The ceremony way perform- e4, by Rev., & A. Lagerstrom of the Swedish, Baptist, churc^ Jin, the pre*s- ei^te,'pti a,few,mentbers 1 of the con- tracting families. ^ .The, bri.de wore a gown of white or- gandie and her flowers were a cor safe of rosjes, sweet peas and lillies of the valley. ;imihedi4tely after the ceremony'a *w M»«J wsw. «««•«. »?r< 1)T »j- ^ y«iuiuew».it3^ aitvr \ms ceremony a ^Following the ceremony, a weddfng! weMing dinner was,served to {he T|ie' Uvins room' was decorated "n peonies and^pink apd whit^, streamers were^u*!^ in, the dining, room. Th^'pewiyweds left on an auto trip to the.nojrCh^rn part, of the state and 'thru the Itasca State Park. i IMr. and: Mrs. Olson are v weir known inthjs city aj^d have a host of friends in a power ^rringer last Satunmy, ^ while wa^Jbittg cWt^eii The intsrM( hand is j e r y parnful 4>ut «t pfeserit writing to getlting along M well **l couW be expeotied: ^ * t •. —Mr. and; Mr«. Geo. GV>rdh^iner and Mln» Jessie Dowswell visited in Will- mar Monday.. • - —aflos, Anna Mattson-of Wilimar .oamehere^Simiday tpjr a^.v^tt'at. her parenltal home. - f t A - ^ r ^ ^ - ^ ^ P ^ S -^Wiarter Bakken of W11!«ar visit- ed, friends here Sunday.^ ^^_ , ^ , '* v" » r ± *^ —••* ; , )r —The Rev. Modig family spent Mon- day afternoon at WiHsnar., — - * —The Ajbert-S^. Anderson family spent Sunday at'Wttlimar. " '' yotnrg ladies. The groom, who was formerly from Hector, is well and favorably known, here", having pre« viously been employed at the Sander Bros, store;—Buffalo Lake News. The groom is well known in this city and. Syea and has many friends who extend to him and hi« bride con- gratulations. IMr. and Mrs. Robert E. .Kiallberg spent the latter part of the week visiting at the A. O. Nordstrom home in this city. v—»Mrs. O. Barrsten and children left Saturday for a stay at Granite Falls. —George Cole returned* to his home at Canby on Monday after a weeks Visit at the home of his son-in-'law and daughter, Mir. and Mrs. H. Zilch. —The Misses Rilth and Pneobe An- derson left' last Friday of Northfield to attend the graduation of their sis- tar, Evelyn, from Carleton College. Mjss Anderson was valedictorian. >'• .—>Peter Berg and son Clarence au- toed to Minneapolis Sunday fp r a few days vlsigat^e';Cha^ home. Mrs. Berg^ and Miss Minnie returned with : t$e*n;: sip$tj a;: weeksi, visit there. . ,—The Misses Namie Johnson, An- na McKalvie, Anna Holzinger^ Lydia Johnson of this city, and Cla|a Hau^ bjick of Olivia-rleft on Monday for St, Cloud where they will attend Summer school.'. w r ******** Who wish them happiness __ r Wedded, life, They will make, the-jr home In' Wilimar where tne grooml is an enterprising garage proprietor. [ Monso,n-F r eterson A quiet wedding was solemnized at two o'clock this afternoon'at the par- sonage' of the Bethel Li;tlheran church wnen Mass Edith M. Peterson, dadgh- te^ of'Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Peterson,'be- came the bride of Otto A. Monson of thjs, city. Rev. Jesper Holmquist per- formed the ceremony. Miss Lucy .Pe- terson was her ststfr's attendant and Roy W. Anderson attended the' grooip. The bride wore a navy blue suit with bat to match, and wore a corsage bou- quet of marguerites," sweet peas and roses. After the ceremony a wedding din- net was served at the bride's home to the^anembers of the bridal party. The rooms and tables were decorated in peonies and roses.", !.' - (Mr. arid Mrs. Monson will be at honie at 62* Second Street West. —Mfcss Delia Archer visited in Wyi- mar Monday.—Ketrkbbven Banner., f -*• ^ i Sealed bids will be 4 i*eWved by the Board of Education of Udepe^dent School District 47 of Kand^ohi^^xran- ty, up to 9tM o'clock a, m4 Jsly^2, 1^,jfor «W tens more ,or less of jYo- hogbany Screened tattqrcoalv each "told to state price per toa defhreredlat school buildrngs. Matlnaif bfds'to^, F. Olsonr Clerk, Board of Education, Wilimar, Minnesota. s . |i\- x j^ . 'BoVd^of'fiiiteatioii, >yt ,v By C*F. OtaQn, ^ - f-vt^^-t. ^ 1 We Are Featuring for Consideration the EMBEY All Wool Clothing for Men Correctly Tailored Suits Built to Fit and Hang Properly Single or Double Breasted Coats. In All Wool Cassimeres Blue Serges, Worsteds and Novelty Weaves. " EVERY SUIfT GtJAftANTEED f O WEAR 1«P? 22?o «i99 27«> 2a 80 BEST WORK SHIRTS, 85c GOOD SOCKS, 25c ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR, $1.00 NEW SHIRTS NEW NECKWEAR s OPERA HOUSE BLOCK WILLMAR, Hmk \— Here is what you have been? waiting for. You* first ch^Ce^J ; v-A TiSeafc bothAsides of the Nonpartisan League discussed W^ 1 \ \ / from the same platform A. C. Tovrnley, president, will defend the Nonpartisan League and its principles. Wilnam lliuifer* once elected attorney general by the fanners of North Dakota—now traitor to the ~ farmers' cause-twill attack the League and its leaders ,' "* i v. „"•*-&. w. Without Fail Unless Langer if *r Bring Your Fanuly Invite Ypur Neighbor* AdttuttkA ^ . ^ ,,«•...-- ^ >vt^ N Jj"lVil«Siill"i I'lliTT'l I, n l v^i i ^^^,^Y v -^^ fe ^r^*^ toa * da ^ ffifc ' g :ite8 f*" 'H1L__LAIJ '*** '\ P 1 m 1 if r " • ' • M mmmmmm**.********!******!^^
Page 1: 1«P? 22?o «i99 27«> 2a€¦ · Card o f Thanks We Wish, to extend our heartfelt 'thanks aftd appreciation for the,kind-rvness and sympathy shown us during -i| t^st1;sickness and




Jonas G. Monson Snc^iibf to ' - Sudden Attack of Heart **

• Jonas a. MonB6n, /Well known pio­neer* citizen of Kandiyohi I'bwnship," passed away suddenly Saturday* even­i n g fronv'heart' failure, at his home thfee mdtes southeast ofthti city. HJe hpd, been about as usual duirin^ the day and * ate a' hearty supper. Soon afterwards he was stricken. This sad news caused'taeep regftst in'a wide'cir­cle Of friends. Mr. Mohson's active interest an public affairs and his work as . auctioneer years back had made Win a familiar figure to people in all parts of the oouhttf.

Jonas' Gustaf Morison watf'born at Bro,'G&l&ryd parish, Sm^land^ Swed­en, April 14, 18*Q. At the age of 20 he came to this country, landing in New York Oct. 20, 1-866. He'came to Minnesota and found Employment in

Contact*: are Awarded FosGrtd-. il«^pfinli^rt»dCoeent

J T i ' * ( •>>p •"*"•- ^^ ^ * " ^

The (atyOoUncil"; Monday night awarded three contracts. Col. C. H> Nelson will haul'the fine, rie^ sprink­ler No, 3 aftSe*price, of' $96' * p * nforitti. ' Eftfcht^bids were " received,

T&igtog front S& to ;Si4<K " v . ? The srattfii&^of streets ,in Sperry*s ^adttftton „wWawarded^.Wm..P. Pot­ter af'35c~pe'r" cifyic' yardc Two" other

.bids . were jrece$$d * at 4*0>c. . •y A. P" BerjgesphA wai p warded the. ^cbftf&cf for7>3aWalK and* street ^crossings. $Hk" bid.'wjhg,. a'* follows; Sidewalks, 11.3$ 'ppr aquaife yard; tfriveways^ $2.25 net, squajre yar,d; curbing, 55 .cents per toot!; grossing*.

HalghUOttcrnest The hpme:\of:-'M^::;a^>rl|r«. Robert

B. Qiterness was; thev»c,ene of a very varidus capacities on farnt; railroad i pretty wedding Tuesday^ June 14, at construction, etc., at Red Wing, Car­ver and Scaiidia. In 1870 h<* purchas­ed railroad land near Wilimar where he prospered "and developed the fine farm whldh became his, home. In 1870 he married: Miss Carrie Swanson and the union' was blessed with^a large family of boys aiid girls. The wife died some years a'goV ;The chil­dren' are William G. Moiisoiv qt Irving township; Eanil P.;.Monson of Frazee; Victor J. Monson who operates the home farm; Mrs. Nels Fancbauld of Osiiabrock; tf i>.| Fdigar, Waiter, Giis-taf and Otto Monson and Mrs. Martin ft; Swenson, and Mrs. Oscar Melan-der of Wilton-ay, There are twenty-two grand children and three great grand cTHidreh: He is also Mourned by two ''sisters—»Mr-s. Em-ma Erickson and Mrs" Mathilda Lftrabn-—and one

^brother—John : Monson, and other re­latives. The "bereaved family has the sympathy of a large circle" of friends intfieir loss of a good father and in­dulgent grandfather.

The funeral takes place Thursday, afternoon. Services at the late resi­dence take "place at one o'clock and at the TripoMs Lutheran church at two o'clock. Rey. Hjalmar Tillman will officiate. The six eldest sons will be the-* pall bearers.

"En svensk han var, en arans man • E.lka: g6A sdrh nagon ann

Gud gifve oss manga med honora lika Som sjunga ut och. aldHg' svika."

. Card of Thanks We Wish, to extend our heartfelt

'thanks aftd appreciation for the,kind-rvness and sympathy shown us during -i| t^st1 ;sickness and death of a beloved 1 husband, iand father. The beautiful "floral offerings from relatives^and friends are indeed appreciated. We wish, to extend special thanks to Mrs. Fred Stromiberg for the comforting songs rendered at the home.

•Mrs. Nelson Peter Bjur. A. T. B|ur. Albert Bjur. Andrew Bjur. Axel Bjur. Mrs. Emma Erickson. Mrs. Minnie Norell.

Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks to

those who so kindly assi-sted us dur­ing the' sickness and after the death of our .beloved son and brother. We are grateful, .to thos£ whp^contributed the beautiful flowers.

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Christenson and -famiily.

Card of Thanks To those who aiasiiSted and fox the

many offers of assistance and sym-paitihy extended to us and'for the beau-, ti-ful floral offerings at the burial of our mother, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cogswell.^ iMr. and Mrs. F. J. Bigham. B W. and J. L. Bigham.

11 o'clock!-when their daughter, Miss Peart/was united iivjn&rriage to Jam­es L. Haigtot, siori of Mrs. Si A. Ha%ht of Minneapolis. The bride was given away by; her father, the ceremony'b^r inig, performed" by Rey. J.. Renwi«k Mcv Cullough- o^" the First! P'tfesbyterian church ittv the1 presence of the imhied-iate^ faihilieft. ; "f

•The bride was attired in a gown of white organdie and taffeta? She car­ried an arm bouquet- of white roses, sweet peas and swainsoh'ia'. Miss Mur­iel Otiterness, the bride!s, sister, pre­sided at theJ piano; placing Lohen­grin's weddihg march-as the bridal party entered the parlor. The' bride's father played a flute solo, "Call Me Thine Own.'' . - . T h e color scheme in- the rooms was carried out in pink and white, with pink and, white peonies, with a centerpiece of white roses on the din­ing room table.

A waddlingv dinner was served im­mediately after .the ceremony to 12-guests. \

The out of town giie/.s were: Mrs. S.. A.1 Haight, Mr. and Mrs. . Will Haight, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutchin­son, Herbert and Sidney Haight, all of Minneapolis.

»Mr. and Mrs. Haight will make their home at 28 West 40th Street, Minne­apolis, after July 15.

Roy Henry Christenson (Roy Henry Christenson, son of Mr.

and Mrs. James H. Chrigtensonj- 702 Litchfield' avenue East, died last Sun­day morning after an illness of three weeks with stomach trouble. He; was born August 21, 1905,--on a farm near Raymond. The deceased had attend­ed school at Raymond and three years at Wilimar.

During his vacations while ^attend­ing school he worked on the Great Northern repair track, and also work­ed on the county roads.

Besides his parents, he leaves; to mourn his death three brothers, May-nardj Charles and Alfred; three sis­ters, Pearl, Gladys and Violet.

The funeral took place yesterday af­ternoon at the Baptist church, Rjev. E. A. Lagerstrom officiating. The pall bearers were Alfred, Spencer and Leonard Leedall, Otto, and Charley | Christenson and Raymond Essendrup. h

Card of Thanks We wish to express; our heartfelt

thanks for the sympathy shown us in our hours of sorrow during and after the death of our beloved husband and fa't'her, and also for the beautiful floral offering®, and songs rendered. ,

Mrs. John J. Bjork. tMrs. A. F. Johnson. Mr.'Carl Bjork. ' Mr. AUbin B-jork. Mr. Eddie Bjork.' ' Mrs. R. E. McCabe. Mrs. Pete Olson.

—Rev. H. C. Kishpaugh of. Raymond ,re turned Friday from Hutchinson Where he attended the District con­vention and Epworth League' meeting.

.$!& per square yard; relaying o l d i ^ p^pttter and highly esteemed wane, 8$ cents per square yard. The1 ^ ^ *^^ only, other bid was for $2.00, $2.50, 80c. $2.90 and $1.10. for the same

The further consideration of the paving project was continued to' an, adjourned meeting to be held next Monday night.

A large amount of routine b u s h e s was transacted.

Auto Leap^ off Bridge An automobile accident on the

state road just west of Caniby a few nights ago had an unusual and for­tunate ^ending for ooenpants of the car.

lit seems that Albert Berger, at the wheel, aocomiptanied by his brother, Clarence, Chas. FLckbobm and a Hud­son automobile aaleisman by the name of Ford, were returning in the Berger car from a trip to Gary., As they were approaching Caniby, a quarter of a mile we&t, a fast speeding Buick touring car whose driver failed to turn his headlight dimmers on and who is >aia^ tor hare k ^ tfiif ifid^e^ol^the;

road, met the Burger• cart^n*the nar­row bridge just vw.est of ,']boyfn and in order to prevejat a cofllisjon .with this car AlbefM pulled too far to the ri^ht. His car leaped off the bridge andjneg-otiated a, pliinige or d^op of six" feet, landiioig forit^niately " with its- four wheel's, dovirn, the .two, rear whe.£ls^ resting, on t t e very edge of a five; foot ditch;; Ou'teslde of a^bad s'haking up when th§ car hit the ground^ thotour occupants of the car were unhurt and they managed to get the auto ; back up onto the road again, whett,^ was found to be undiamlaged.—Canby News

: Oil Analyzed Jacob Steffens has received word

from the State University about the joil find on hi» farm. They, do not; jsay anyitMnig about the sample that was sent over for. analysis but are ianxtous to make a geological survdy5

of the farm to find out whether fit would pay Mi*. Steffens to drill for, oiU,-The cost of such a survey wi-U he1 over: $100 and Mr. Steffens hesitates to play out so much.i If his neighbors join Jn with him <fee survey mlay soon be made. Mr. Steffeii® WQJS over on th«i farm again this- wefek to obtain arioth' er sample of oil.—Clara City Herald.

How a Noted Vet. Gets Aid of Rats— ? Farmers Keed

Dr m H. Bjjtb?r s a y ^ "I -use M i V SNAP around my hospitals every three months, whether I see rats or not. It does the work^-RAT-SNAP gets them every time.. I recommend it to everybody having rats," Don't wait until there is a brood of rats, act immediately you see the first one. Three sizes, 35c, G5c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by F. J. Hallin and Nelson & Gabbert, Wilimar. Minn.—Adv. Jun

the 2foar Lutheran church , at this place.v Iter. Eugene Aflil performed the c«reinbjiy intfre presence oftfao immedM^ relatives and intimate Mends of the couple.

Tbe brtd«praid was Miss flattie KaUberg,' of ^«Stor^ sifter' of the. groom. Alec Siewert of Bird Ssiand wa» the best man. ^ " , >., iV*w

dinner was served at the home, of b^de'^parenits, after*which'the bride and groqm ;daBarted ion; their wedding trip to thfe Twin' CfiGles. They will make their home at Montevideo where-,th# groom 'la on^ployed., _ , . ~M Jj „y '* The bride, w tt>vi$ the'eldest da«gh-ter of Mr. .and Mra! A. H. Ahlbrecht, of thds p9ace,,£» one of Buffalo Lake'Ji;

t«f, Miai Ftoxlence. to Peter H. OWdn, lop?jottlb* andL'SIn: Marcus Olson, jf this city. The ceremony way perform-e4, by Rev., & A. Lagerstrom of the Swedish, Baptist, churc^ Jin, the pre*s-ei^te,'pti a,few,mentbers1 of the con­tracting families. ^

.The, bri.de wore a gown of white or­gandie and her flowers were a cor safe of rosjes, sweet peas and lillies of the valley.

;imihedi4tely after the ceremony'a *w M»«J wsw. «««•«. »?r< 1)T »j- ^ y«iuiuew».it3^ aitvr \ms ceremony a ^Following the ceremony, a weddfng! weMing dinner was,served to {he

T|ie' Uvins room' was decorated "n peonies and^pink apd whit^, streamers were^u*!^ in, the dining, room.

Th^'pewiyweds left on an auto trip to the.nojrCh^rn part, of the state and

'thru the Itasca State Park. i IMr. and: Mrs. Olson arev weir known

inthjs city aj d have a host of friends

in a power ^rringer last Satunmy, ^ while wa^Jbittg cWt^eii The intsrM( hand is j e r y parnful 4>ut «t pfeserit writing to getlting along M well **l couW be expeotied: ^ * t •.

—Mr. and; Mr«. Geo. GV>rdh iner and Mln» Jessie Dowswell visited in Will-mar Monday.. • - —aflos, Anna Mattson-of Wilimar .oamehere^Simiday tpjr a^.v^tt'at. her parenltal home. - f t A - ^ r ^ ^ - ^ ^ P ^ S

-^Wiarter Bakken of W11!«ar visit­ed, friends here Sunday.^ ^ _ ,

^ , '* v" »r ± *^ —••* ; , ) r

—The Rev. Modig family spent Mon­day afternoon at WiHsnar., — - *

—The Ajbert-S^. Anderson family spent Sunday at'Wttlimar. " ' '

yotnrg ladies. The groom, who was formerly from Hector, is well and favorably known, here", having pre« viously been employed at the Sander Bros, store;—Buffalo Lake News.

The groom is well known in this city and. Syea and has many friends who extend to him and hi« bride con­gratulations. IMr. and Mrs. Robert E. .Kiallberg spent the latter part of the week visiting at the A. O. Nordstrom home in this city.

v—»Mrs. O. Barrsten and children left Saturday for a stay at Granite Falls.

—George Cole returned* to his home at Canby on Monday after a weeks Visit at the home of his son-in-'law and daughter, Mir. and Mrs. H. Zilch.

—The Misses Rilth and Pneobe An­derson left' last Friday of Northfield to attend the graduation of their sis-tar, Evelyn, from Carleton College. Mjss Anderson was valedictorian. >'• .—>Peter Berg and son Clarence au-toed to Minneapolis Sunday fpr a few days vlsigat^e';Cha^ home. Mrs. Berg and Miss Minnie returned with : t$e*n;: sip$tj a;: weeksi, visit there. . ,—The Misses Namie Johnson, An-na McKalvie, Anna Holzinger^ Lydia Johnson of this city, and Cla|a Hau^ bjick of Olivia-rleft on Monday for St, Cloud where they will attend Summer school.'. w r


Who wish them happiness __r Wedded, life, They will make, the-jr home In' Wilimar where tne grooml is an enterprising garage proprietor. [

Monso,n-Freterson A quiet wedding was solemnized at

two o'clock this afternoon'at the par­sonage' of the Bethel Li;tlheran church wnen Mass Edith M. Peterson, dadgh-te^ of'Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Peterson,'be­came the bride of Otto A. Monson of thjs, city. Rev. Jesper Holmquist per­formed the ceremony. Miss Lucy .Pe­terson was her ststfr's attendant and Roy W. Anderson attended the' grooip. The bride wore a navy blue suit with bat to match, and wore a corsage bou­quet of marguerites," sweet peas and roses.

After the ceremony a wedding din-net was served at the bride's home to the^anembers of the bridal party. The rooms and tables were decorated in peonies and roses.", ! . ' - (Mr. arid Mrs. Monson will be at honie at 62* Second Street West.

—Mfcss Delia Archer visited in Wyi-mar Monday.—Ketrkbbven Banner., f

-*• ^

i Sealed bids will be4i*eWved by the Board of Education of Udepe^dent School District 47 of Kand^ohi^^xran-ty, up to 9tM o'clock a, m4 Jsly^2, 1^ , j for «W tens more ,or less of jYo-hogbany Screened tattqrcoalv each "told to state price per toa defhreredlat school buildrngs. Matlnaif bfds'to^, F. Olsonr Clerk, Board of Education, Wilimar, Minnesota.s. | i \ - x

j ^ . 'BoVd^of'fiiiteatioii, >yt,v

By C*F. OtaQn, -


^ 1

We Are Featuring for Consideration the EMBEY Al l Wool Clothing for Men

Correctly Tailored Suits Built to Fit and Hang Properly Single or Double Breasted Coats. In All Wool Cassimeres Blue Serges, Worsteds and Novelty Weaves. "


1«P? 22?o «i99 27«> 2a8 0





Here is what you have been? waiting for. You* first ch^Ce^J ; v-A TiSeafc both Asides of the Nonpartisan League discussed W^ 1

\ \ / from the same platform A. C. Tovrnley, president, will defend the Nonpartisan League and its principles. Wilnam lliuifer*

once elected attorney general by the fanners of North Dakota—now traitor to the ~ farmers' cause-twill attack the League and its leaders ,' "*


• v. „"•*-&. w. <£

Without Fail Unless Langer

if *r

Bring Your Fanuly Invite Ypur Neighbor* AdttuttkA ^ . ^ ,,«•...-- ^ > v t ^


• Jj"lVil«Siill"i I'lliTT'l I, n l v^i i^^^,^Yv-^^fe^r^*^ toa*da^ff i fc 'g :ite8f*" ' H 1 L _ _ L A I J '*** '\P1 m 1 i f r" • ' • M mmmmmm**.********!******!^^
