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1R Family Recipes

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Collection of family recipes
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CREDITS 1R Family Recipes In celebration of our family histories! March 2013 RECIPE ILLUSTRATIONS: 1R students RECIPE TITLES: 1R students RECIPES: submitted by 1R families
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1R Family Recipes

In celebration of our family histories! March 2013

RECIPE ILLUSTRATIONS: 1R studentsRECIPE TITLES: 1R studentsRECIPES: submitted by 1R families

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Billy’s Family RecipeThis is Billy’s favourite cheese pasta.

Cheese Pasta Add pasta to boiling water.Add salt and lightly stir.Once boiled, pour water out, add butter and mix.Serve pasta with generous topping of Parmesan cheese.

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Hal’s delicious and good Family Recipe

This is an old family favourite.

Frances Obachan’s Pumpkin Pie(recipe from Suzanne Yoshida)

1 2lb. canned pumpkin1 big can of milk1 lb brown sugar1 tsp cinnamon1tsp salt3 tsp pumpkin spice

Thoroughly combine the pumpkin, milk, sugar, cinnamon, salt and spice. Blend in eggs and butter. Mix well. Pour into unbaked pastry shell (crimp edges, fill pie generously with filling).

Bake in hot oven 425 degrees for 10 minutes. Then turn oven down to 325 degrees for 40-45 minutes, 50-60 minutes (until done).

Makes 2 pies ( 2- 8” pies)

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Here is one of our family’s favourite recipes.

Chicken and rice porridge / Dakjuk

Main Ingredients Broth Ingredients• 1½ lb Chicken (⅔ Cup Cooked Chicken) - 6 cups water• 5 Garlic Cloves - 10 garlic cloves• ½ Cup Sweet Rice - 10 black peppercorns• 1 tsp Fine Sea Salt• Some Sesame Oil• Some Chopped Green Onions (to Garnish)


Soak ½ cup of sticky rice in water for 3 hours. You can use normal Korean rice or Japanese sushi rice, but sticky rice tastes better for porridge, and it makes a thicker broth.

To make the broth, add 6 cups of water, the chicken, 10 garlic cloves, and 10 black peppercorns. For good chicken broth, I used 2 pieces of chicken breasts with skin and bones. If you want to make a small amount of porridge like me, use the left over chicken for something else.

Boil the chicken for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the broth is reduced to about half (3 cups) on medium high. Remove the chicken from the broth.  Drain the broth. You will get about 3 cups of broth.

Remove the skin and bone from the cooked chicken. I am going to use only ⅔ cup of chicken for porridge and rest for something else: chicken salad or chicken and waffles. Shred ⅔ cup of chicken in small pieces and prepare 5 garlic cloves.

After rice has been in the water for 3 hours, drain the water and add the rice to the broth.

Add the chicken and garlic to the broth. Add 1 tsp of fine sea salt. You can adjust the amount of the salt. Cook it for 25 to 30 minutes until the rice is cooked. The first 20 minutes is on medium high, and then simmer until it is finished. Occasionally stir it so that the rice will not burn and stick to the bottom of the pan. Put some chopped green onions on top to garnish. Depending on your taste, you can drizzle a little bit of sesame oil on it before serving, but I like to skip sesame oil since I want to taste the natural chicken and garlic flavor.

Hwaji’s Family Recipe

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Johan’s Family RecipeThe rice porridge recipe is one of Johan's favourites. Norwegians traditionally eat this as dinner on Saturday. Johan’s paternal grandparents commonly use this recipe. Rice Porridge

400 ml water200 ml rice (Japanese type)1 liter milk2 spoons butterlittle salt

Boil water and rice and let it keep boiling for 10 minutes. Add milk and continue to keep boiling for 40-50 minutes. Make sure to stir regularly. Add butter and salt by tasting.

Serve with sugar, cinnamon and butter on top.

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Kyle’s Family Recipe

This is the "Orange Roll" recipe that my Grandmother used to make for holidays and other family gatherings. She was known for them and all of us expected some when we visited. They lived in Ohio, and we were living in Maine, Connecticut or Michigan so visiting was a big adventure (Kyle’s Maternal Great-grandmother).

Quick Method Sweet Rolls Dodie Lancaster

2 packages of dry yeast (red star) 1 cup luke warm water½ cup warm water 2 eggs beaten½ cup sugar 51/4 cup sifted flour2 teaspoons salt ½ cup melted shortening

Add 2 pkgs of yeast to ½ cup of warm water. Let stand. Place ½ cup sugar, salt and 1 cup of lukewarm water in a bowl. Stir yeast solution thoroughly and add to this mixture. Add beaten eggs and ½ the flour mixture, mixing well. Add melted and cooled shortening, stirring vigorously. Add remainder of flour and mix well. Place dough on a lightly floured board and knead three minutes. Shape into ball and place in a greased bowl. Brush top with Wesson oil. Cover and let rise in warm place 45 minutes, punch dough down. Divide in two equal parts and shape into balls.

Roll out and brush each with melted shortening. Add sugar and spices or raisins. Roll up and cut off in inch pieces ? remember how it was more like a circle and she did not cut it all the way through. Let rise in a warm place for 45 minutes. Bake in moderate oven 375 degrees for 20 minutes makes 32 rolls.

Orange Filling

¼ cup of frozen juice ½ cup of sugar½ of a ¼ stick of butter.

Boil for a few (31/2 ) minutes after butter melts and cool to spread on the rolls

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Kyoka’s Yummy Family RecipeThis is a recipe for Kyoka's favorite Caesar Salad.

Caesar Salad1 clove garlic, cut in half1/3 cup olive oil1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce1/2 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon dry mustard1 large bunch romaine, chilled and torn into bite-size piecesCoddle egg1lemon, cut in halfCroutons1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheeseFreshly ground pepper1cup anchovy fillets, drained and cut up

Just before serving, rub large salad bowl with garlic. Place garlic in oil. Let stand 5 minutes. Discard garlic. Mix oil, Worcestershire sauce, salt and mustard.  Place romaine into salad bowl. Pour oil mixture on top and toss.  Break coddled egg onto romaine.  Squeeze lemon over salad. Toss until leaves are well coated. Sprinkle with croutons, cheese, pepper and anchovies. Toss.

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Luca’s GOOD Family Recipe

This meal used to be a typical Sunday menu prepared by my mother (Luca’s maternal grandmother) who was busy working six days a week. Often the ingredients would be sent or brought from the country-side where her parents, my grandparents lived and raised a few poultry and goats in the garden. They lived an almost self-sufficient lifestyle, producing their vegetables, corn, potatoes, meat and eggs by themselves. Therefore the food ingredients were very carefully used and the dishes were lovingly prepared and consumed. Poftă bună ! Bon appétit!

Chicken noodle soupPotato saladRaspberry soufflé

Chicken noodle soup - boil chicken parts with onion (whole) and carrots, pepper corns - extract chicken parts to use for the next dish and carrots - add peeled potatoes - boil noodles separately and discard boiling water- remove boiled potatoes to use for the next dish- add parsley and salt to taste- cut carrots in cubes and add to the soup- arrange noodles in serving bowls and pour soup over

Chicken Ostropel - sauté garlic and onion- add boiled chicken parts- add tomato paste to cover- simmer for 10 -20 minutes (depending on the quantity) - add salt and thyme to taste

Potato salad with hand-made mayonnaise- cube the potatoes boiled in the chicken stock- boil mixed vegetables (carrots, green peas, corn) and strain - add the liquid to the soup- add the vegetables to the potato salad- cube pickled cucumbers in small pieces- cut black olives and add- add hand-made mayonnaise, finely cut boiled egg white and salt

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Optionally you can garnish with mayonnaise, paprika sleeves, olives, etc and make colorful faces, write messages, etc

Hand-made Mayonnaise

- a boiled egg yolk- a raw egg yolk- 250 – 400 ml sunflower oil- 1 teaspoon mustard- Lemon juice from a lemon- Salt (one teaspoon of to taste)In a tall bowl crack the raw egg yolk and mix well. Add the boiled yolk and mix well. Pour oil little by little while continuing to mix in one direction only. When the desired consistency has been reached, add mustard, lemon juice and salt, continuing to mix for 5 minutes.

Raspberry Soufflé

The raw egg white is beaten stiff and raspberry jam (home-made) is added for an easy and delicious desert.

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Maia’s Family RecipeHere is our special family recipe for corn pudding.

Gustafson Corn Pudding

2 cans of kernel corn2 cans of cream cornSaltine CrackersButterMilk

Grease a pan with butter or Crisco.

Put a thin layer of finely crushed crackers in the bottom and cover with cream corn then kernel corn. Cover with another layer of crackers and then sprinkle with milk, some of the kernel corn fluid and melted butter.

Repeat the layers until the pan is full to the top.

Bake at 190 degrees Celsius for 40 or 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the pudding comes out clean.

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Miyoko’s Family RecipeTakoyaki (たこ焼き) This is the recipe for making Takoyaki: Grilled Octopus filled balls made of pancake batter. This is typical Japanese food originally from the Osaka area in Japan. You can find it at a Japanese festival or in restaurants. We also make it at home and it’s my daughter’s favourite. Ingredients (Japanese&English): For about 60 ballsたこ焼き用プレート iron plate小麦粉 250grams flourベーキングパウダー 1 teaspoon Baking powder水もしくはだし 800cc water or dashi ( Japanese Fish Stock )卵 1/2 egg天かす Tenkasuサラダ油 Salad oilゆでたこ 50grams boiled octopusキャベツ 50grams cabbageねぎ 30grams green onionかつおぶし bonito flakes紅生姜 red gingerマヨネーズ mayonnaiseたこやきソース takoyaki sauce青海苔 green powder.Method1.Cut Octopus into size pieces.2.Cut Cabbage, Green onion into mince pieces (Mijingiri)3.Beat eggs in a bowl and added with Dashi.4.Add flour, Baking powder and Salt. Mix lightly for making batter.5. Grease iron plate with oil and heat it well.6. Pour the mix into the cups of an hot plate ( Molds ) until they are full.7. Put octopus, red ginger, green onion and tempura flakes ( Tenkasu )in each cup of an iron plate. Heat a while.8. Turn the Takoyaki balls over with a pick in the cups of an iron plate.9. Keep turning them over until they are round and brown all over. When mix on the edge of the molds become cooked, gather outside of the molds into the the center together with fillings. Use Skewer (pick) to gather.10.When mix browns turn over to form balls. Continue to heat while turning it over and over until balls become evenly browned and well cooked inside.11.Serve on a plate with sauce, mayonnaise, seaweed powder and bonito flakes.Top with sauce, powdered Katsuo and Aonori to taste desired

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Nia’s Family Recipe

This is a recipe from Nia’s Bampa. It’s one of his favourites. Rice Pudding Ingredients Small tin (150ml) of evaporated milk3/4 pint of milk2oz short grain rice1oz sugarEnough butter to grease the dish Method Preheat oven to 150 degrees Celsius for 10 mins . 1) Grease a 2 pint ovenproof dish.2) Wash 2oz’s of rice and put in dish.3) Add 1 oz of sugar to dish.4) Mix evaporated milk and milk together.5) Add the milk mixture to rice and sugar in dish.6) Put the pudding in the oven on the top shelf.8) Check pudding after 45 mins, stir, sprinkle with nutmeg and return to the oven.9) Cook pudding for a further 45 mins.

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Olivia C’s Delicious Family Recipe (and good ingredients)

This was passed down through my father's side of the family in India (Olivia’s paternal grandfather) but I believe it originates from Burma.

Chicken Kaw Swey

Ingredients1  large  jointed  and  skinned  chicken2  large  onions6  pods  of  garlic1”  cube  of  ginger2  teaspoons  of  cayenne1  teaspoon  of  turmeric1/3  packet  of  creamed  coconut  (grated)3  tablespoons  of  gram  ?lour  (sifted)I  packet  of  egg  noodles  (enough  for  number  of  servings)4  tablespoons  of  cooking  oil2  pints  of  boiling  water2  teaspoons  of  salt  to  tasteGarnish2-­‐3  spring  onions.  Chopped  in  small  pieces1  bunch  of  fresh  coriander.  Chopped  ?inely1  packet  chopsticks1  lemon  Cut  in  pieces

Pulverise  chopped  onions,  garlic  and  ginger  with  a  little  water,then  add  the  cayenne  pepper  turmeric  to  the  paste  and  mix  well  to  a  paste.  Heat  the  oil  in  a  large  saucepan,  and  add  the  paste,  stir  and  cook  for  about  2  minutes.  Add  the  Chicken  pieces  and  stir  and  cook  until  the  chicken  pieces  turn  white  all  over.  Then  add  salt  and  2  pints  of  boiling  water.  Bring  to  the  boil  and  simmer  for  about  40  minutes.10-­‐15  minutes  after  the  saucepan  has  been  taken  off  the  heat,  very  carefully  mix  in  the  creamed  coconut  and  gram  ?lour  and  gently  re-­‐heat  and  simmer  for  10  minutes.Prepare  the  garnish.      Cook  the  egg  noodles  by  following  the  instructions  on  the  packet.    Serve  the  chicken  and  gravy  on  the  cooked  egg  noodles  and  sprinkle  the  garnish  on  top  and  squeeze  lemon  as  required.

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Olivia M’s Family RecipeOlivia’s family have a tradition of a big party on Boxing Day (26th December) to celebrate the wedding anniversary of Olivia’s great-grandparents (Nana). This recipe was used by Nana for this occasion every year. It became famous as “Nana’s trifle” within the family!Nana is now 93 and has passed the job of trifle making down to her son, Olivia’s great uncle – he needs a little more practice to perfect the recipe!

Nana’s Sherry TrifleIngredientsSponge cakeRaspberries (fresh or tinned)Sherry (quantity according to taste)Jelly (sufficient to make a pint)Custard (approx. 1 pint)Blancmange (approx. 1 pint)Fresh Cream

Method1. Spread the raspberries on the bottom of the trifle dish. If using tinned raspberries, drain

and retain the juice, this can be used in making the jelly.2. Cut the sponge cake into small strips and cover the raspberries with a layer of sponge

cake.3. Soak the sponge with sherry – this can be omitted for an alcohol free trifle!4. Add the jelly – just enough to cover the sponge cake and seal it. Allow to cool and set.5. Make the custard – allow to cool and then spread on top of the jelly layer.6. Make the blancmange – allow to cool and then spread on top of the custard layer.7. Whip the cream to a spreadable consistency (take care not to over whip) – spread on top

of the blancmange.8. Decorate the trifle with blobs of jelly.

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Ryan’s Family RecipeWe call this "Oma (Grandma) Cookie". For these cookies we always request Oma ( Ryan’s maternal grandmother) to make the dough extra thin to have a crispy taste.

Enjoy it.


1 cup sugar2 cups flour1 cup butter1 tsp vanilla5 eggs1 tsp baking soda1 tsp corn flour1 tbsp milk powderyellow egg mixture

Mix together eggs, butter, sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl. Mix flour, baking soda, milk powder and corn flour together in a different bowl.Then combine all ingredients together.Roll the dough on a flat surface to make a thin layer dough. Using a few different kinds of cookie cutters, make as many cookies as you want to.Brush each shape of cookie with yellow egg mixture, then put it in the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes depends on the oven temperature.

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Teodora’s Family RecipeThis is a typical Croatian recipe that our family often makes in both winter and summer because it’s so good. The whole family enjoys eating it.Zelevi Sarmi (Click here for the original recipe)Ingredients2 tbsp sunflower (olive) oil 1 onion, peeled and finely diced 500g beef (or pork or combination of both), minced150g (1 cup) of any white rice 2/3 cup (150g) medium grain rice, washed and drained 3 tbsp tomato paste 1-2 tsp mild paprika 1 tsp dried peppermint 1 tsp dried savory Salt & freshly ground black pepper 20-30 pickled cabbage leaves (if too large, cut in half)1litre boiling water (or stock) For the tomato salsa (optional, for serving) 4-5 canned tomatoes a sprig of fresh dill 1 tbsp of olive oil salt & pepper to taste MethodHeat oil in a large frying pan (low-medium), add onions and a sprinkling of salt, saute without colouring (for about 5 minutes). Turn heat up, add the minced meat and cook for another 8-10 minutes, stirring from time to time. Add rice and stir until translucent (2-3 minutes). Add paprika and the tomato paste (diluted with some hot water) and cook for further 2-3 minutes. Then remove from heat and add all the remaining herbs and spices. Allow to cool a little bit so you can handle it. In a large pot, place few cabbage leaves on the base. If the cabbage leaves are too salty, soak in cold water for up to 30 minutes. Drain cabbage leaves before starting to roll them. Place a cabbage leaf on a chopping board with the thickest part closest to you, spoon 2-3 teaspoons of the mix and fold over each edge to form a neat cylinder. While rolling the cabbage leaves try to create a tight sausage-like shape. Place on the bottom of the pot. Continue until all the mix is used up, layering the sarmi (there will be 2-3 layers).When filling and rolling, follow the natural curve of the cabbage leaves. Cover with 2-3 cabbage leaves and lace a large plate on top to hold the sarmi down. Pour boiling water over them and cover. Cover with lid and bring to the boil. Lower the heat to medium and cook for 30 minutes or until the rice is cooked. While your sarmi are cooking, prepare the tomato salsa: put all ingredients in blender and whizz together. To serve, pour some of the tomato salsa on a serving plate, line 2-3 sarmi and serve. Best served hot with crusty homemade bread.

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Trenton’s Family Recipe

Trenton picked this recipe as our family recipe because we can enjoy cooking this together.

Caramel Pudding For 4 servings

IngredientsA    3 tbsp Sugar    2 tbsp WaterB    2 Eggs    2 tbsp Sugar   240cc Whole milk    3-4 drops Vanilla Extract

1. Set 4 oven safe cups aside.2. Caramelize- pour 3 tbsp sugar and 2 tbsp water into the small pan.Dissolve the sugar over medium heat until light brown. Pour caramel into the oven safe cups.3. Heat 240cc whole milk  over low heat and add 3-4 drops vanilla extract.4. Mix 2 eggs and 2 tbsp sugar in a large bowl.5. Pour warm milk into egg mixture and mix until well incorporated.6. Pour mixture into the oven safe cups.7. Place the cups into a pressure cooker steamer.8. Heat the pressure cooker steamer over high heat and apply pressure 1 min.9. Turn off heat and let pudding steam for 8-10mins.10. Let cool. Refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.

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Vi!p’s Family RecipeVidip is THE Chef in the family!Yum Yum and Vidip loves to make and eat it and everyone in family enjoys it too; if there are leftovers!

Boondi Raita

Served as: Raitas, salads and soups,yogurt

Ingredients: 2 cups chilled yoghurt, beaten3/4th cup boondi (fried chickpea-flour balls) (boondi can also be replaced by cucumber, boiled potato or any fruit)Sugar to taste1 tsp chaat masala (special masala)chopped coriander leaves to garnish (optional)

Method1. Combine 1/2 cup boondi with the chaat masala, yoghurt & sugar.2. Just before serving, top with the remaining boondi, garnish with coriander & a sprinkle of chaat masala.

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My(Yeseul) Favourite Family Recipe

Kimbap is a very popular Korean food.Last year I made Kimbap almost everyday for Yeseul's lunch box.Also when my family goes on a picnic, we sometimes bring Kimbap. In Korea, when children go on a field trip, everybody brings Kimbap for lunch. It's very easy to eat Kimbap and everyone loves Kimbap.


Ingredients : dried seaweed paper, cooked rice, cucumber, crab meat, ham, carrot, fried eggs, pickled radish You can also put other ingredients you want like sliced cheese, tuna, Bulgogi, Kimchi, green pepper. How to prepare ingredients. Just make all ingredients long!!

1. Crack the eggs into a bowl. Whisk the eggs. Pour the egg mixture into a pan and fry it thin. Slice the fried egg into long strips.2. Slice the carrots into thin lengthwise strips and fry with some oil. 3. Slice the ham and crab-meat into strips of the same size. Fry the ham.4. Cut the cucumber and the pickled radish in the same length as the seaweed paper.5. Take some sticky rice. Add some salt, sesame oil and ground sesame to it. If you prepare all these ingredients and the cooked rice,

1. Put dried seaweed on the kimbap rolling board and spread the cooked rice out equally.2. Put all ingredients on the cooked rice.3. Roll it with kimbap rolling board. 4. Make sure to roll everything tightly pushing down as you roll. 5. Now enjoy Kimbap!!!
