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1.the Blue Woman Has a Child in Her Belly

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  • 7/31/2019 1.the Blue Woman Has a Child in Her Belly



    The BlueWoman has a child in her belly

    at night when she wanders

    the child whispers to her

    she cannot sleep for its whispering

    like a wolf, guttural muttering,

    like a fox, some wild thing

    scratching at moss and leaves of

    the forests hide

    she is in love

    with this moving thing in her belly.

    its fists drum a beautiful drum

    against her flesh.

    Its head flickers

    with silver images of the old ones

    it is old. it is holy and speaks

    to Good and Evil.

    it is more beautiful than the Garden

    or the serpent it is a light in her

    when she opens her mouth

    to sing, to hum in the night when she

    cannot sleep because

    she thinks about it all the time.

    its petals are opening it will

    awaken in her lullaby of pain.

    it will never be hers.

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    Blue Woman always coughed

    during concerts

    the old lady

    who sat next to her (smelled of death )

    did not mind.

    she stretched out her elbows on both sides

    so the blue woman must squeeze

    her folded arms against her body

    then if Blue Woman chewed on her cough drop

    very loudly

    to annoy the old lady,immediately she was sorrowful

    the music existed

    only because of the old lady

    her elbows claiming a place

    inside the sad grey ocean

    slipping clinging

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    The Blue Womans Desire

    as if she stretched out her arm through

    a barred window begging for bread

    as if she had caught the aria of a

    scorned soprano in her fist

    as if she had no where to put her arm.

    Her desire like a slow drowning,

    choreographed of seaweed and grief

    like snowflakes, like a sacrament

    on her tongue, her desire flew

    as egrets doon unwinding ribbons of wind

    sleepwalking at a precipice


    listening to her heartbeat.

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    She crossed her legs twice and sucked on her cigarette

    The children mimicked her, cruelly.

    Why? she puzzled, her heart fragile as a white dandelion.

    The psychiatrist looked away into himself.He cleared his throat.

    Its about our shared inhumanity.

    And so the children began to see that there was meaning

    in the way she crossed her legs and they began to

    scratch at the picture of her in their minds as if to

    obtain something hoping she might uncross her legs.

    her fingernails were always broken; her hands did

    not know how to be. The children scratched

    with their small nails slowly obtaining

    her skin and her blood and her bones.

    She knew what the children wanted and smiled at them

    and gave them everything.

    to the psychiatrist she gave

    symbols, signs, trinkets he wanted.

    It was never enough so she made more out of little bits

    of amazement

    She would glance nonchalantly to see if they were all happy.

    And then when they were content for a time

    she would imagine that she was

    an icy mirror, a queen of snow

    never to be broken again.She smiled, she laughed out loud and startled herself.

    The children would be scratching at the picture of her.

    They had already poked small holes.

    She sighed in a delighted way if they took her hair,

    if they took her skin, her lips,

    it did not matter.

    She did not need that anymore. she had begun

    to live within herself and to listen to herself

    around and around

    as if she lived inside a conch

    The children yawned. the psychiatrist slumped.

    she slipped them into bed

    she wanted to sing them

    with her groaning lullaby,

    and to lift the shadows like a shade

    on the wavy window.

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    The Child

    nothing was like it not even smoking

    in the convent bathroom.

    the child touches your


    gently just as gardenia

    starts succulently then bruises

    the nuns sang behind

    a translucent intensity

    to the child but

    no the child was not a saint

    black car coming could have

    there and then

    was a hill of dandelions of cornflowers

    there was a piece of white chalk


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    The Blue Woman's Sunny Day

    probably the UPS man would come todayso she waited in a frail pretty dress

    a party dress

    to open a package

    she would need her hair cutting scissors

    and remembered to fetch them

    although she felt giddy

    The UPS man would come all in brown

    except for his endless blue eyes on her

    he would wonder why she got this package

    but not what was in it

    he would narrow his blue eyeschecking out Blue Woman

    and deciding what she deserved and what

    she would want

    If Blue Woman looked very happy

    he would be happy

    he was so handsome

    UPS man believed it was he

    who made this happiness

    since it was his job

    after all

    such a nice guy she thought

    and then she took the haircutting scissors

    and cut the tape on the package

    tissue paper puffed out like butterflies

    in a wind blowing bubbles

    the UPS box was full of light-as-nothingness

    fragile as the child holding hands

    climbing the stairs with dimpled legs

    and the child swinging higher and

    higher into the twirling sun

    calling all the birds and the bluenessof sky

    and Blue Woman's name.


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    Blue Woman's Pocket Full Of Posies

    She wanted it to always be like this

    Where the words were old and comforting

    like water in the holy water font

    filled with blessing and tears

    goodness made her cry

    people walking on the stone slab sidewalks

    in the old neighborhoods

    where grandmother sat on the porch protecting

    the chestnut trees

    from smudged little boys throwing sticks

    where small Mrs. Sabastiano

    walked to Mass every morningjust because she loved Jesus

    who was bleeding for her

    on her flowering bedroom wall.

    It would always be like this

    in a way of thinking

    that was secret and hidden in

    the fragrant pockets of her mind

    filled with icons of beloved faces

    and violets the child brought her

    from the woods.


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    His name was 'Silence'

    leaning against anywhere

    smelling of sweat and wine

    a lanky mumbling man who wore a dirty white shirtbuttoned up and sagging jacket

    used to be a doctor until innocence died

    of fever

    this is why Blue Woman loved him in an intense

    trembling way

    and bought him bread

    to make him touch her hand with his incongruous

    clean fingernails

    to make him look through and in her

    to see her bleeding

    with their gentle and strong silence

    they spoke so like prayers to each other

    this is why Blue Woman loved him

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    Sleepy Time Song

    She rocked and she sang

    to the full moon

    hanging high

    the full moon the jewel moon

    opalescent as the child's sweet face

    the owl hooted and the pussycat rhymed

    by the light of the moon

    whiteness and moonbeams

    lay downy as the pussycatwho licked the milky lips of the child


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    Water In The Desert

    as if slipping silk over her head

    Blue Woman enters

    the sun hangs cool and simple behind a knife edged dune

    all is a meditationa laughing monk in blood red garments bows

    she hears the sand whispering

    sand runs through her hands praying a million prayers

    like stars in the desert night the monk's laughter

    she bows

    does not lift her face

    because it is not her own face

    it is the changing sands of the desert

    it does not remember itself

    yet she remembers this monk and how his laughter

    is like the ocean laughing and his mindfilled with emptiness

    how lovely is his presence

    Blue Woman reaches for him with her blue spirit

    he gazes at her with solemn child eyes

    his small brown hand raises to greet her

    and to leave her

    such things have no understanding

    yearning for such emptiness as his

    he is the child whispering a million prayers for her

    laughing and



    Canticle Of Blue

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    her glitter eyelid

    blinking up at the sky

    mysterious she thought,

    how some things search you,

    blue woman wanted this, to be knownand touched by this knowing.

    beseeching this blue

    prying till it hurt

    as the searching went deep into forgotten pools

    darling reflected faces smiling

    out of depths half known


    she entered her own blueness

    as if entering a womb

    and a tomb

    a baby's wail

    and the heartbroken lullaby she sang

    taunted her delighted her ravished

    by illumination

    there were no shadows

    awful light striking her glittering eyelids

    they would not close

    so much to see

    like a river falling from her hairall her bleeding blueness

    never ending birds climbing the light

    and singing

    forest of souls ascending

    solemn paused deer the scutter of small things

    under the phosphorescent forest mulch

    fall on my knees

    there is this

    just this

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    Some Other Poems



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    woman leaning over

    the back seat of the


    air so hotdry

    and wrinkled,

    crying mama,





    as we walk by;

    still crying

    mama, mamawhen we come back


    At A Concert Of New Music

  • 7/31/2019 1.the Blue Woman Has a Child in Her Belly


    The audience is suspended as if all their long hair is floating in water

    The Orchestra seizes the trembling air and their embrace is a lament

    about rivers.

    The music knows that it is something else.

    It is partly the souls who have died at that moment.It is partly a wolf growling for blood.

    The orchestra and the audience are luminous, pale as lovers,

    but the music is an old woman pushing naked dolls in a cart.

    She grumbles at time and her hunger is of delicate lettuce, dark soup.

    God is watching her.

    God says she is the same as the dust on her hem.

    And yet He kisses her forehead and her lips.


    A Frozen Sheet

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    The rag man lives

    with frozen bits of sheets and broken undershirts

    all wound up in raa a ggs a, raa ag ggs a

    he calls from the gypsy wagon through glacial teeth;

    clip clop

    Italian ladies give him rags;

    he sleeps in them;

    he dreams of love like snow.


    A Russian Folk Tale

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    My grandmother was Russian.

    I lie. No one in my family is Russian,only I. ..

    My children are all lilacs and Lithuanians.

    They are the color of jasper.

    My mother belongs to the Romanian Gypsy Church.She is called Queen

    or Little Holy Mother.She must cover her audacious hair

    with random wild kerchiefs,and she prays before a flame that we may be changed to swans again.

    My father wears velvet slippers and walks in the snow.

    He trudges wearily, but see how humblyhe carries the Queen's crumbling train.

    My husband went to war. There he slays

    winged dragons named in the Holy Book.

    He feeds his horses cubes of sugar soakedin whiskey, then, they ride swiftly.I would like to ride so.

    If my Russian grandmother had been a CossackI would have had a saddle trimmed with silver bells.

    My horse would stride so keen that not one bell would ring.

    Now my children have no father.

    They nod on their stems and complain like Bolsheviks.

    They would be free of their delicate dark roots;They want ponies and beribboned bridles.They forget violets in the woods.

    My grandmother, my grandfather, waltz while the doors are breaking.My mother, with narrowed queen eyes says, "I do not believe you."God, who sees all things, and wants all things,

    knows I speak in flaming tongues of truth.

    My father has beautiful bones that banish me with his tears,

    and I run out the door and down the streets crying.

    I bless him and bless him and bless himwith my lies.


    The Glitter Of The Moon Tossed Carelessly Across The River

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    To be the river

    is more beautiful than moons, more thani a beautiful drum.

    The moon is broken on the river like ourT broken god.

    Heart, do not choose the river or theH moon.

    To be small,

    to be broken as rain.

    See how the Heron is brokenS from water and air

    One foot, one foot, he liftshis tentative leg across the ashy morning.h He chooses to be small. His shadow

    so tenderly unfolded like an antiques wedding veil laid out upon the bed.

    There was a man in a brown jacket, who walked downT his street in a sweet small town carrying his groceriesh

    home in a sack, A rude pine tree scratched at his

    windows and there was no light in them at night

    His wife died and one day the man died too. His neighbors were ill at case.

    They had known his nameT and, surely they had spoken to him

    about lettuce in winter and tomatoes in summer. Still, they were ill at ease

    I want to be smaller than I am;

    my blood to be red on the white snow as them doe's blood;to cover my head with black silk,t to cover my body with yellow silk.

    This is the riddle.T What thing is one

    and cannotbe broken?

    There, his feathers riffled by air, the HeronT walks on water;

    one step, one step, trailing his crooked shadow like another Heron transfiguring in water..

    Who can bear it?

    A star is colder than winter. God is asA alone as birth.

    This is to be incandescent.T No one can bear it.

    It is better to be broken.

    The dark red heart chooses this.

    This is the riddle: What thing is one and cannot be broken?There, his feathers riffled by air, the Heron walksT on water; one step, one step, trailing his crooked

    shadow likes another Heron, transfiguring in water.


    Poem For The Sparrow

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    The people were so needy that the birds

    began to feed them,

    little by little inviolate

    visions and other colors as violent as passion

    fruit and yet minute and mustard seed

    like (as if to speak), the subtle way birds

    can minister to the needy, the heavy and cast down.

    It was only the Bird Of Paradise who wept. Still,

    others sang more sweetly and clear as if their song

    was drawn from a spring in the garden

    or through a bell flower.There was a little bird that lay, feet up, upon the cellar floor.

    It had come in through the shed door left open

    for the garden.

    I do not understand; If God observed that sparrow

    fall after flying voiceless and thumping in the cellar,

    why did He not come from the garden and open

    the cellar door and carry the small spent bird

    in His hand?


    Red Sailboat

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    In the corner

    of the picture

    a small red sail boat

    riding on pointed waves.

    The boat bleats

    in its sails like a lamb

    far from the pasturefar from the steaming barn

    and its hewn beams low overhead.

    As if it were pulled thoughtlessly

    like a toy boat, its slicked keel diving

    into fathoms.

    From shore,

    someone is watching

    crossing, uncrossing their

    arms under the racing greyclouds.


    Green RowboatG

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    There is a green buffeted row boat

    a man in it and a baby and a dog.

    They are speaking to each other

    with silence.

    What they say is very simple and tender;

    it is like the oars and the ripplesafter the boat and the resolve of the mans

    arms that feel tired but continue into

    the deep of the little boats journey.

    There are other boats of different colors,

    but all small, all flaked and beaten

    a few brave objects in them breathing

    in and exhaling the soft tenderness

    that is known and unknown.


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    hear the howling,

    its sobbing

    running in the pine wind

    what wild paces in usfear

    a ghost in the moon

    a white wolf

    hand gliding over the corse hide;

    the push of power there and weariness

    kissing our fingers.

    shall we fear him, his gaze.

    we must drum in our darkness.

    this lusting thief

    bowing down casting his shaman eyeshis velvet muzzle

    into our hand.


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    Paper flowers waiting so long.

    the mind holds the trembling hand;

    the other picking at edges

    of paint always crumbling in interesting ways

    old house flowers among a scrawled garden

    and wavy windowswhat of the

    undulating ghosts that send

    a crazed kiss waiting

    long behind that greenish glass?


    Grey Angel

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    the bridge staggers beneath

    the weight of the swaddled angel.

    The earth looks up with questions;

    boats in harbor rock on.

    The angel is

    wrestling a terrible passion.

    Beneath, the earth huddles around its people like a soft hen,

    they clap their hands to music while the beloved plays on

    a marimba full of birds.

    the beloved asks the angel to sing

    Then no one can bear the sound.

    It is like all winds, all bells, all sighs and stars shooting.



    Henry Benner

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    lurching down our stone road with his whining

    wagon and his chuckle like the rumble of doves,

    Henry hoisted us and we road higher than cattails

    to our home of summer,


    raspberry bushes, peach trees and apples.

    Barney and Queeny wheezing and snorting

    with the high song of Cicadas.

    Sometimes grinding on to fields

    of winter wheat where we opened

    kernels like rolled up babies there,

    wild strawberries deep in the hay.

    Four charmed children in sepia light of Henrys kitchen,

    a blue flame from the stove where

    we watched him heat cowboy beans

    still in Campbells Soup can.

    Want some?we put our hands tight behind our backs,

    but we did want some.

    Once when the setting sun fired the school house

    windows into gold, Henry stepped out of the burning

    globe to catch the wicked ponys reins as it galloped

    toward the highway with Sylvia holding on in terror.

    Maybe Henry was our guardian angel in those

    fading days of innocence.

    Sundays, Henry came to supper,

    stubble on his face gone and a scent ofhay and pasture about him.

    Mother made him sit alone at the small white porcelain table,

    giving my father a look and he saying nothing.

    Charlie would mimic his gimpy leg,

    the soft hummed yes,yes, yes,

    that followed Henrys speech.

    Maybe Charlie loved him most of all,

    but all of us thought we were the only one that

    loved Henry Benner.

    One day in winter, the trees moaning,

    father drove us

    to Henrys house. Strangers filled the rooms

    touching things.

    In a corner

    illuminated by a shaft of dusty light

    we found a box of letters

    tied by ribbons of curlicue words.

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    now everyone was gone

    these were all they left.

    We did not know what happened to Barney and Queeny,

    We did not know then, how we had lost a blessing of summer,

    but in the way children know things deep and blind,

    we knew then why Henry died that cold winter,

    and we would always be gilded by something golden and elegantlike the sun shining on the school house windows.


    Hearts and Arteries


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    I have performed eighteen hundred

    tangos like yours.

    I swoon with such erotic


    (He looks at his antique pocket watch)

    Ah, the chronograph, Time is lost in forgotten lives. But I must goso many


    do you have an affinity with the infinity of these arteries ?


    When I was a child,

    when they slaughtered calves in the barn.

    I wanted to touch the unbroken glassy tubes.

    The quality of crystal, of chrysalis,the tinkle of blue eyed nurses laughing.

    My children breathing



    In the x ray picture they dance

    like snowflakes.

    Is it you who makes them dance?


    I merely oil the carmine metronome. I slice with my silver baton.

    (Hello, my child, I am your doctor.

    Yes, you may touch my hand.


    How profound we are, that I may touch the apache dance of your heart.

    Yet I am not allowed to weep. My assistant will weep but she does so secretly.)



    I remember strolling with the dead and they kissing my head. They told me God waits and flees from me . Can

    you imagine such humility?

    And then we lay under fig trees eating apricots and wanted for nothing not even knowledgeor beauty or love.

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    The dead and I lying and dreaming in our one dream. We ate figs and spiced lamb.


    I was praying. Yes, often.

    You see my hands are stained.

    It was Sunday. I thought of your heart. I saw its pain.

    I wished not to seethe child that died in your heart.

    I prayed to look away, to heal with my eyes closed

    or with golden eyes like those

    the old people would place before the Virgin,

    occhi se miracle


    Yes, I remember.

    The nurses were laughing. One of them was singing old hymns as if it were a joke.It was Sunday.

    she was singing in a high dulcet amusing voice

    and the others laughing like glass bells on the Christmas tree, like my children breathing.

    I lay in the white bed and thought life

    could never be sweeter than this.



    It smells here.

    This instillation of a weary elephant

    tethered to a marble column;

    dirty straw and excrement smeared around him.

    His head sways right and left like a mad man.

    He could rage. He could pull down the marble column.

    He could rage against art. Is this art?


    It is truth.



    You have mutilated my breast. You have balanced my heart

    on the paper edge of death.

    My heart grieves.

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    I am sorry.


    Yes, I can see the adorable sorrow on your face. Your humanityhas become cosmic and unbearable. Yet you bear it. How long?


    I am sorry


    His face is like that of a newborn


    Often in the early morning

    I watch the birds carried

    on leaps of wind

    and heart stopping dives.

    If one bird should fall,

    I could lift it in my hands

    and like a surgeon

    I could open the downy breast

    and hold its heart and stroke the minute thing


    it began to beat

    the bird to sing.


    At Dusk

    Children play;

    they scream.

    Their voices clang iron doors.

    Push me


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    Touch the rotting cat

    and you can kill

    anyone with your finger.

    Youre out!

    Youre out!

    BANGThe air is empty.

    I have fallen out

    of it.

    I press my lips

    on the charred sun.


    licks my neck.

    My mother has white socks.

    Her pockets are filled with dry leaves

    and little mice.I

    will break her heart.

    If I hide,

    if I creep close to the black bark

    of sunset,

    she will search

    the dirty piece of paper street.

    She will cry

    out all my names.She will kill all the sparrows


    A Frozen Sheet

    The rag man lives

    with frozen bits of sheets and broken undershirts

    all wound up in raa a ggs a, raa ag ggs a

    he calls from the gypsy wagon through glacial teeth;

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    clip clop .

    Italian ladies give him rags;

    he sleeps in them;

    he dreams of love like snow


    Garbage Like Stars

    Rummaging and Ruminating you will say,

    my lovely wildebeest, there are things

    here that don't belong,

    picking and choosing as you go,

    as if this were some literally lousy

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    garage sale among geraniums

    on a lost rusty road.

    Oh look, my buttercup, how I have chosen

    each chosen with a caress,

    with an audible gasp and quivering hand,

    singing each one to sleep

    and staining my fingertips

    with red wild berries to feed

    the little withereds so full of cares

    grown antique beyond their years.

    You will accuse and harangue

    and garble that this is garbage

    strewn like stars in a song

    where I stroll

    arranging just so, and tied with stained

    ribbons, love letters, leaves. livres,

    lives, plucking: he loves me, he loves me


    So, in the radiance

    with which so much verbiage ignites,

    who are you to say the unsayable,

    the unassailable love he does

    or doesn't?


    Roberts Mother

    grey or blue dripping from the letter

    that grief again and her hair I want

    to show someone what

    the eyes unavoidable like

    jealous birds watch from the struck tree

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    clouds coiling over

    the eyes so obscure closing and opening

    cannot read the sweetness if only

    when people say dear heart mean

    exactly something like fire

    oh Robert oh

    all the kids come running

    because she fell at the sink orwas it over tea

    God died and beautiful

    and dear heart it is there

    there where you, the water lapping

    the little dog looking



    Blind dolls, bald dolls,

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    dirty rubber dolls,d

    oh I wish I

    could blow my nose on my slip

    like Delores does.

    The scar-face ladyT Grant St.

    has no nose,

    has no ears,when they make her cryw

    she has no tears.

    Some days God

    is lying on His stomach lookingi down

    when I am on my back looking up.l

    (Listen Sylvia

    I wish II could die before mama doesc

    in the dark.)


    Poem For The Sparrow

    The people were so needy that the birds

    began to feed them,

    little by little inviolate

    visions and other colors as violent as passion

    fruit and yet minute and mustard seed

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    like (as if to speak), the subtle way birds

    can minister to the needy, the heavy and cast down.

    It was only the Bird Of Paradise who wept. Still,

    others sang more sweetly and clear as if their song

    was drawn from a spring in the garden

    or through a bell flower.

    There was a little bird that lay, feet up, upon the cellar floor.It had come in through the shed door left open

    for the garden.

    I do not understand; If God observed that sparrow

    fall after flying voiceless and thumping in the cellar,

    why did He not come from the garden and open

    the cellar door and carry the small spent bird

    in His hand?




    woman leaning over

    the back seat of the


    air so hot


    and wrinkled,

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    crying mama,





    as we walk by;

    still cryingmama, mama

    when we come back



    Black man under the florescent lightkicking his feet as he sits on the blue box

    outside the supermarket

    makes you want to know

    the color of his room.

    crazed china


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    at the end of the hall

    that smells of grey

    no blanket.

    Robert comes back with

    the gallon of milkin our green

    cloth bag and we drive by him

    in the dark

    on our way home


    But I Digress (Another Folk Tale)

    As the seeker in a folk tale ascends glasswithout slipping to Deaths beguiling,

    here, within this vaulted glittering with ice

    the way Gods eye might glitter watching, watching,

    through a crack in the floor of heaven

    is the impeccable body.

    It cannot be reached by senses

    nor five fragile birds on telephone wire.

    The poem is of the body

    & it is

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    the fairest of all.

    We cannot stay or rest or delight here long.


    The Boy In The Boat

    cannot find the

    wild fish


    where the pale morning heron

    marks the strange light does

    the boy see

    that word which blesses

    oh does the boy see the wild fish in

    the wild word


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    he dreams of the faucet marked


    he puts out his hand

    and holds it under the amazing


    he opens his mouth

    and tastes

    speaking in tongues

    tree frogs strum

    leaves, leaves

    across whiteness of wood

    blood, blood

    they speak

    only in darkness

    only in moonlight

    as if speaking in glass

    as if speaking in breath on broken glass

    and the riverexhales its myths

    of beasts

    the wild fish almost

    smiles waits


    in the river's bed

    the boy tastes the wild word

    it is translucent, alabaster. cold

    the heron stretches its throat

    to swallow a minnowheart

    the green beating



    the winged fish

    the boy casts a dead minnow skipping

    the beat

    far the wild fish eluding love

    loosening the hook

    oh does the boy see the moon impaled

    the star white hole the


    cluttered void

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    save the boy

    the sycamore sways

    the swan

    flaps against the water

    the sun

    breaks brilliantly

    the mind is light

    light the flesh

    of the fish is translucent

    only the moon

    without flaw

    the boy in the boat

    cannot find

    the wild fish

    he eats breadupon water

    he drinks


    nothing is


    his thirst falls

    to the bottom of


    only this

    only a boy in a boat

    assailing the curving wave

    this bamboo flute through semicircular canals

    and limpid rivers


    imagined deer

    sipping at the moon

    lie down

    pressing damp wild grasses

    the leave excrement of wild berries

    the boy in the boat is dazzled byonly morning

    the wild fish leaps


    the sun

    infuses the exploded water

    the boy is flayed

    his flesh is bruised

    but the wild fish

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    (listen the useless oriental flute and drum

    the temple bells)

    the wild fish almost smiles with desire

    we know not what we do

    what have we done

    the boy

    his alabaster fleshroses stained

    hangs above our vision he is

    only a boy

    his boat is wood

    his wounds are almondite

    or amaranth

    the wild fish leaps

    longing to speak the


    which blesses

    save the boy

    undo the ribbon

    in the hair undo

    the hair

    undo the button undo

    the lace undo

    the cord


    the boy is undoneshe lies almost smiling




    wound in the river

    see them

    such sadness imaginesnothing glittering hung in

    the void

    see them simple the boy

    and the fish the wild


    the far hills'

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    intoxicating tangles


    My Sweet Uncle

    was a young manwhen he rode my grandfather's workhorse

    naked and mad

    with syphilis

    through the small town's streets

    the church bell tolling for him

    flung himself down

    on his mother's sweet white sheets

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    too splendid to embrace death


    Forbidden Poems

  • 7/31/2019 1.the Blue Woman Has a Child in Her Belly


    for Dead Children


    A Preface

    Their light

    falls the way moonlight gentles

    the backyard in winter

    illuminating the snow from within

    and you stand there aware

    of shadowy meanings

    imagine a Gardenia

    what resolve the petals summon

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    to open in fierce increments

    of time

    the hypnotic fragrance, the perfection

    which one touch will bruise

    Their death is this imperceptible openingand light filling the room

    until in the stilled


    the incandescence of a new star

    opens where they lay

    surrender of the gardenia

    beauty and love are easy words

    but they are also flowers and death

    and stars

    and the way

    we in our myriad brilliant paths

    are redeemed


    when her child died

    she closed her lips and would

    never open them againthere was nothing and nothingness

    something happened but it was nothing

    she did not say so

    but her stomach hurt and her eyes

    were heavy not with sleep

    heavy with the burden of this nothing

    which had entered the world

    like a shadow creeping into the corner

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    under the bed or spying through

    the slit in the closet door when she had first seen

    such obsequious terror

    she did not think she was speaking

    because her lips would not say

    and they did not

    even when someone would laughat one of her absurd remarks

    but she nodded to herself

    knowing that no one could see

    where she was sitting alone

    on a huge stone and scattering


    singing with her bitter lips

    that favorite lullaby


    Before children die fearful deaths

    God comes to them and carries them in His arms

    It is only a game when death comesknock-knocking on the door,

    they all fall down

    and laugh

    and cry out Im not here


    their eyes stern with sighs

    of goodness

    so like the serpents unimaginable sadness

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    when it repented evil..

    cover them

    with leaves

    in mysterious woods

    hide the children from boots,

    from the nervous handsthe terrorist eyes, blond lashes twitching

    through the keyhole

    see how He loves the children

    who play with His rod and His staff

    on the wide green grass

    the familiar deep scent of dark loam.


    Little Girl Runaway

    for Karen

    the way her hand touched sweet deathsoft

    and unendurable holding.

    Little one traveling our street corner

    under the maple tree's profusion

    she sat on her suitcase

    filled with dolls waiting resolute

    for everything

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    innocence imagining

    some winged stranger to take her hand

    where the insane foreboding birds would chirp

    as if they knew she would come

    seducing her to run away.


    New Music For My Daughter (for two voices)

    of breast cancer 5/22/04

    And In Memorium, Adam Ross

    by Hari Kari 1988

    In heaven

    At the concert of New Music

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    it rushes like tsunami from

    the violin, cello, the flute, the flute.

    We are all drowning.

    Karen is swimming naked

    with Adam. The cello.

    Laughing among the rocks Out of the chaotic swaying and swelling

    lyrical romance and

    they navigate by a swinging electric


    to his father's kitchen

    where he committed

    Hari Kari

    its passion like flame flower

    She does not ask him

    Why?possesses us.

    But touches the small

    bleeding place and tastes.

    Red is the color of my true love's blood

    He and I are made of mud.


    Her children,

    with their stained

    eyes, like a cobra the saxophone sways,

    47. one ruby eyeundulating as it muses upon

    the unimaginable sorrow

    of innocence.

    sit at the dinner table

    eating lemon pie.

    It is good,

    The marimba, the cymbals and sticks,

    signify nothing.

    Dust in my mouth.

    He spat into the dust and made Adam,


    the little boys tell Phoebe.

    Where is the God of our mother?

    Her beauty was the sweetness

    in our mouths.


    In that place in the forest

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    The piano is a beast who lies down

    with the children

    in the dark fragrant grass

    to watch the stars.

    where we used to go,

    the darkness, mysterious

    with light,surrounds like Karen's

    wild hair.

    How mystical is the moon.

    Is it not forbidden to sing its name,

    seven veiled in beauty?

    There wild irises grow.

    Adam bends on a slender stem

    and plucks one flower for Karen.

    She holds it out to me.

    The waves lift us; we hear the screaming

    sea birds, the Iraqi woman who tears her hair;bodies of exotic children piled among

    the minor lament covered with flies...

    three quarter notes.

    They touch my tears

    and taste.

    In childhood sleep

    the children hear

    the delicate song ,

    the lullaby Karen dreamed.


    From far away she sings

    that beauty is more

    Over and over again I asked

    to play the little piece by Bach until you knew that I

    had guessed your secret face

    and you ran away among

    apple branches to hide your faceagainst Adam.

    than pain.

    Far, far away

    Karen's sweetness lives.

    And the children,


    soft as a breath

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    Saxophone, cello, violin, making a terrifying

    sickle. Tsunami!

    Passionate curverising and falling

    and the music

    stops and stops,

    the flute...

    She was the sweetnessin our mouths.

    are touched

    and taste.


    A little song for Karen

    by Evelyn Glennie on marimba

    As if during the night of fireflies

    darkness so soft your hair spread like a peacockthe echo of you laughter made large and larger O's

    and marble saints, laying down their marble hair and curled lips

    praised God in language of rain's percussion.

    They lower their stone eyes and cover their heads

    Grey clouds fly out carried by sad angels

    over rooftops closing their eyes

    remembering your name on every street.

    Your sweetness simple as a wild strawberry and you hands

    kissed by mourners

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    who listened to your story as if you floated on water

    or your sighing floated in the strange place of dreams.

    The road of morning lonely

    your slender color standing and waving as if

    we had just parted after tending the nodding garden

    lingering a little while;

    the sound of marimba played by a deaf woman;a wind winding through sedge grasses.


    Once upon a time Blue Woman

    woke and found that she was lost-

    she was not.

    Not in death, not in a dream where

    birds flew up as one angel.

    No, not in death although it was dark

    and shivering as old leaves silvering in winter.

    Blue Woman was changed into something

    formless, a swarm of golden bees, a veil

    of fog covering a breath held.

    Well, she wassomething....


    like an earring drawing blood

    it minced through her veinsan aged insect carrying its sack of

    venom to her heart. Yet the pain was soft

    like no other. Almost beautiful, almost loving

    as if she could sleep with such sighings.

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    Once upon a time Blue Woman knew

    in the vast snow falling halls of her spirit

    what must be finally done.

    She carried Pain gently and crooning

    dressed in a long white christening gown.

    Sweet rosebud Pain.

    She crossed herself seven times and rippedPain into tiny paper pieces like this...

    One does not like unhappy endings

