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2-Artificial Neural Network Models for Biomass

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2-Artificial Neural Network Models for Biomass
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Artificial neural network models for biomass gasification in fluidized bed gasifiers Maria Puig-Arnavat a , J. Alfredo Herna ´ ndez b , Joan Carles Bruno a, *, Alberto Coronas a a Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Dept. Eng. Meca `nica, Av. Paı¨sos Catalans 26, 43007 Tarragona, Spain b Universidad Auto ´noma del Estado de Morelos, Centro de Investigacio ´n en Ingenierı´a y Ciencias Aplicadas (CIICAp), Av. Universidad No. 1001 Col. Chamilpa, 62209 Cuernavaca, Mexico article info Article history: Received 4 April 2012 Received in revised form 16 November 2012 Accepted 10 December 2012 Available online 28 January 2013 Keywords: Biomass Gasification Artificial neural network Simulation Fluidized bed abstract Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied for modeling biomass gasification process in fluidized bed reactors. Two architectures of ANNs models are presented; one for circulating fluidized bed gasifiers (CFB) and the other for bubbling fluidized bed gasifiers (BFB). Both models determine the producer gas composition (CO, CO 2 ,H 2 , CH 4 ) and gas yield. Published experimental data from other authors has been used to train the ANNs. The obtained results show that the percentage composition of the main four gas species in producer gas (CO, CO 2 ,H 2 , CH 4 ) and producer gas yield for a biomass fluidized bed gasifier can be successfully predicted by applying neural networks. ANNs models use in the input layer the biomass composition and few operating parameters, two neurons in the hidden layer and the backpropagation algorithm. The results obtained by these ANNs show high agreement with published experimental data used R 2 > 0.98. Furthermore a sensitivity analysis has been applied in each ANN model showing that all studied input variables are important. ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Biomass gasification is a highly efficient and clean conversion process that converts different biomass feedstocks to a wide variety of products for various applications. In this context, modern use of biomass is considered a very promising clean energy option for reducing energy dependency and green- house gas emissions; biomass is considered to be CO 2 -neutral. Biomass gasification can be considered in advanced applica- tions in developed countries, and also for rural electrification in isolated installations or in developing countries. In addi- tion, it is the only renewable energy source that can directly replace fossil fuels as it is widely available and allows con- tinuous power generation and synthesis of different fuels and chemicals. Gasification conversion process can be defined as a partial thermal oxidation, which results in a great proportion of gaseous products (carbon dioxide, hydrogen, carbon monox- ide, water and other gaseous hydrocarbons), little quantities of char, ash and several condensable compounds (tars and oils). Air, steam or oxygen can be supplied to the reaction as gasifying agents. The quality of gas produced varies according to the gasifying agent used and the operating conditions selected. Consequently, it is necessary to simulate biomass gas- ification process for scale-up, industrial control strategies, performance calculation after modifying the operating con- ditions, etc. Mathematical models aim to study the thermo- chemical processes during the gasification of the biomass and to evaluate the influence of the main input variables on the * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ34 977257068; fax: þ34 977559691. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Puig-Arnavat), [email protected] (J.C. Bruno). Available online at www.sciencedirect.com http://www.elsevier.com/locate/biombioe biomass and bioenergy 49 (2013) 279 e289 0961-9534/$ e see front matter ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2012.12.012
  • lss




    Article history:

    modern use of biomass is considered a very promising clean

    in isolated installations or in developing countries. In addi-

    tion, it is the only renewable energy source that can directly

    replace fossil fuels as it is widely available and allows con-

    tinuous power generation and synthesis of different fuels and


    oils). Air, steam or oxygen can be supplied to the reaction as

    ed varies according

    erating conditions

    ulate biomass gas-

    ification process for scale-up, industrial control strategies,

    performance calculation after modifying the operating con-

    ditions, etc. Mathematical models aim to study the thermo-

    chemical processes during the gasification of the biomass and

    to evaluate the influence of the main input variables on the

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: 34 977257068; fax: 34 [email protected] (J.C. Bruno).

    Available online at www.sciencedirect.com


    b i om a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 7 9e2 8 9E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Puig-Arnavat), juancaenergy option for reducing energy dependency and green-

    house gas emissions; biomass is considered to be CO2-neutral.

    Biomass gasification can be considered in advanced applica-

    tions in developed countries, and also for rural electrification

    gasifying agents. The quality of gas produc

    to the gasifying agent used and the op


    Consequently, it is necessary to sim1. Introduction

    Biomass gasification is a highly efficient and clean conversion

    process that converts different biomass feedstocks to a wide

    variety of products for various applications. In this context,

    Gasification conversion process can be defined as a partial

    thermal oxidation, which results in a great proportion of

    gaseous products (carbon dioxide, hydrogen, carbon monox-

    ide, water and other gaseous hydrocarbons), little quantities

    of char, ash and several condensable compounds (tars andReceived 4 April 2012

    Received in revised form

    16 November 2012

    Accepted 10 December 2012

    Available online 28 January 2013




    Artificial neural network


    Fluidized bed0961-9534/$ e see front matter 2012 Elsevhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2012.12.Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied for modeling biomass gasification

    process in fluidized bed reactors. Two architectures of ANNs models are presented; one for

    circulating fluidized bed gasifiers (CFB) and the other for bubbling fluidized bed gasifiers

    (BFB). Both models determine the producer gas composition (CO, CO2, H2, CH4) and gas

    yield. Published experimental data from other authors has been used to train the ANNs.

    The obtained results show that the percentage composition of the main four gas species in

    producer gas (CO, CO2, H2, CH4) and producer gas yield for a biomass fluidized bed gasifier

    can be successfully predicted by applying neural networks. ANNs models use in the input

    layer the biomass composition and few operating parameters, two neurons in the hidden

    layer and the backpropagation algorithm. The results obtained by these ANNs show high

    agreement with published experimental data used R2 > 0.98. Furthermore a sensitivity

    analysis has been applied in each ANN model showing that all studied input variables are


    2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c tArtificial neural network modegasification in fluidized bed ga

    Maria Puig-Arnavat a, J. Alfredo HernandezaUniversitat Rovira i Virgili, Dept. Eng. Meca`nica, Av. Pasos CatalabUniversidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos, Centro de Investiga

    1001 Col. Chamilpa, 62209 Cuernavaca, Mexico

    http: / /www.elsevierier Ltd. All rights reserved012for biomassifiers

    Joan Carles Bruno a,*, Alberto Coronas a

    26, 43007 Tarragona, Spain

    en Ingeniera y Ciencias Aplicadas (CIICAp), Av. Universidad No.


  • residence time. Taking into account only these two input

    Table 1 e Characteristics of input and output variables inthe ANN model for CFB gasifiers.


    Input variables for the ANNs

    Ash content of dry biomass (g kg1) 4e33.4Moisture content of wet biomass (g kg1) 35e220Carbon content of dry biomass (g kg1) 476.6e529.9Oxygen content of dry biomass (g kg1) 383.8e435.5Hydrogen content of dry biomass (g kg1) 54.3e78.6Equivalence ratio (ER) () 0.19e0.64Gasification temperature (Tg) (C) 701e861Output variables for the various ANNs

    Producer gas yield (at 298 K, 103 kPa), (m3 kg1) 1.72e3.30Gas composition (volume fraction, dry basis)

    H2 content (%) 3.00e7.30

    CH4 content (%) 1.20e4.60

    CO2 content (%) 13.94e18.30

    CO content (%) 6.90e21.40








    Input layer

    ( i)Hidden layer Output layer













    (CO, CO2, H

    2, CH


    orGas yield)

    Fig. 1 e ANN model structure to predict producer gas

    composition and gas yield from biomass gasification in

    a CFB gasifier.

    b i om a s s an d b i o e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 7 9e2 8 9280producer gas composition and calorific value. However, the

    operation of a biomass gasifier depends on several complex

    chemical reactions, including several steps like: pyrolysis,

    thermal cracking of vapors to gas and char, gasification of

    char, and partial oxidation of combustible gas, vapors and

    char. Due to the complexity of the gasification process coupled

    with the sensitivity of the products distribution to the oper-

    ating conditions; many idealized assumptions have to be

    made in the development of these models.

    Different kinds of models have been implemented for

    gasification systems, including equilibrium, kinetic and arti-

    ficial neural networks. According to Villanueva et al. [1],

    equilibrium models are considered a good approach when

    simulating entrained-flow gasifiers in chemical process sim-

    ulators or for downdraft fixed-bed gasifiers, as long as high

    temperature and high gas residence time are achieved in the

    throat. By contrast, updraft fixed-bed, dual fluidized-bed and

    stand-alone fluidized-bed gasifiers should be modeled by

    revised equilibrium models or, in some extreme cases, by

    detailed rate-flowmodels. A detailed review of recent biomass

    gasification models is available elsewhere [2,3].Table 2 e Characteristics of input and output variables inthe ANN model for BFB gasifiers.


    Input variables for the ANNs

    Ash content of dry biomass (g kg1) 5.5e11.0Moisture content of wet biomass (g kg1) 62.8e250Carbon content of dry biomass (g kg1) 458.9e505.4Oxygen content of dry biomass (g kg1) 411.1e471.8Hydrogen content of dry biomass (g kg1) 56.4e70.8Equivalence ratio (ER) () 0.19e0.47Gasification temperature (Tg) (C) 700e900Steam to dry biomass ratio (VB) (kg kg1) 0e0.04Output variables for the various ANNs

    Producer gas yield (at 298 K, 103 kPa), (m3 kg1) 1.17e3.42Gas composition (volume fraction, dry basis)

    H2 content (%) 4.97e26.17

    CH4 content (%) 2.40e6.07

    CO2 content (%) 9.82e18.60

    CO content (%) 10e29.47Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been extensively

    used in the field of pattern recognition; signal processing,

    function approximation and process simulation. However,

    they almost have not been used in the field of biomass gas-

    ification modeling. Only few references can be found in the

    literature covering this field [4e6]. ANNs are useful when the

    primary goal is outcome prediction and important in-

    teractions of complex nonlinearities exist in a data set like for

    biomass gasification, because they can approximate arbitrary

    nonlinear functions. One of the characteristics of modeling

    based on artificial neural networks is that it does not require

    the mathematical description of the phenomena involved in

    the process, and might therefore prove useful in simulating

    and up-scaling complex biomass gasification process. Guo

    et al. [4] developed a hybrid neural network model to predict

    the product yield and gas composition of biomass gasification

    in an atmospheric pressure steam fluidized bed gasifier. They

    used as input variables the bed temperature and the stockFig. 2 e ANN model structure to predict producer gas

    composition and gas yield from biomass gasification in

    a BFB gasifier.

  • Fig. 3 e Comparison of the experimental results with the results calculated by ANN for CFB gasifiers.

    b i om a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 7 9e2 8 9 281

  • variables, forced the authors to develop four ANNs, one for

    each biomass feedstock considered. Even the results showed

    that the ANNs developed could reflect the real gasification

    process; it would have been more interesting to develop just

    one but more general model for the biomass gasifier in study

    and accounting for different biomass feedstocks.

    Brown et al. [5] developed a reaction model for computa-

    tion of products compositions of biomass gasification in an

    atmospheric air gasification fluidized bed reactor. They com-

    bined the use of an equilibrium model and ANN regressions

    for modeling the biomass gasification process. Their objective

    was to improve the accuracy of equilibrium calculations

    and prevent the ANN model from learning mass and energy

    balances, thereby minimizing the experimental data re-

    quirements. As a result, a complete stoichiometry was for-

    mulated, and corresponding reaction temperature difference

    parameters computed under the constraint of the non-

    equilibrium distribution of gasification products determined

    bymass balance and data reconciliation. The ANN regressions

    related temperature differences to fuel composition and gas-

    ifier operating conditions. This combination of equilibrium

    model and ANN was further investigated and improved by

    the same authors [6]. Even though the model incorporates

    ANNs, it cannot be considered a pure ANNmodel for biomass

    gasification process because the most important part of the

    model is a stoichiometric equilibrium model.

    In this study, two feed-forward ANNs models have been

    developed to simulate the biomass gasification process in

    bubbling and circulating fluidized bed gasifiers, respectively.

    The aim is to obtain twomodels that can predict the producer

    gas composition and the gas yield from biomass composition

    and few operating parameters, like thermodynamic equilib-

    rium models do, but avoiding the high complexity of kinetic

    models. The experimental data reported and published by

    other authors has been used here to train the ANNs. The

    resulting model predictions for different types of biomass,

    given by the neural networks, are investigated in detail.

    2. Methods

    2.1. Experimental data selection

    Since different kinds of biomass and different gasifiers have

    different gasification behavior, two ANNmodels are presented

    in this work. The first one applies for circulating fluidized bed

    (CFB) gasifiers and the second one for bubbling fluidized bed

    (BFB) gasifiers.

    Table 3 eWeights and biases of the ANNs designed for the four major gas species of producer gas (CO, CO2, H2, CH4) andproducer gas yield for ANN model for CFB gasifiers.


    IWi,j3.2006 0.0722 0.5638 5.3061 3.7749 0.9014 0.96321.1408 1.8333 0.3493 0.1148 0.4085 3.8072 0.8495LW1,j b1j b2

    0.8706 1.9226 2.5402



    b i om a s s an d b i o e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 7 9e2 8 92825.4159 10.0337 3.60630.0732

    CO2IWi,j1.7859 3.1087 4.0413

    9.8078 9.1839 12.4537LW1,j4.6685 3.9112

    CH4IWi,j1.1889 2.4613 1.7017 4.40291.4276 3.9629 2.6406 3.0161

    LW1,j b1j1.2490 6.3563 3.8959

    5.2290H2IWi,j1.7403 3.4878 0.818516.8436 24.2709 1.2959LW1,j3.0137 1.9792

    Producer gas yield

    IWi,j6.8841 6.4443 2.34345.7169 1.6951 1.5775LW1,j0.5083 0.3425b2


    .3632 4.0765 7.8066 0.7735

    .6059 6.6673 20.5250 18.7020b2

    094 7.8781


    1.3813 3.7339 9.9848 1.42793.2875 3.6455 19.7080 6.0075b1j b2

    14.6688 2.449712.9445

    5.0279 1.9819 1.5078 0.6350

    2.3948 15.3984 9.5719 4.0890b1j b2

    7.6506 10.28002.1235

    0.2984 2.6040 2.73150.8342

  • The selection of an appropriate set of variables for inclu-

    sion as inputs to the model is a crucial step in model devel-

    opment, as the performance of the final model is heavily

    dependent on the input variables used.

    In this study, an extensive literature review was done to

    obtain experimental data that could be used to develop the

    ANNs models. Due to the different properties and behavior of

    different biomasses, and to have more homogeneous data,

    only experimental data for wood gasification in atmospheric

    pressure and inert bed reactors was considered. Data for cir-

    culating fluidized bed ANN model was obtained for air gas-

    ification of wood from Li et al. [7] (cypress, hemlock andmixed

    sawdust) and van der Drift et al. [8] (mixed wood). Published

    experimental data for bubbling fluidized bed reactors was

    found in the studies of Narvaez et al. [9] (pine sawdust),

    Campoy [10] (pellets), Kaewluan and Pipatmanomai [11]

    (rubber wood chips) and Lv et al. [12] (pine sawdust) for air

    and airesteam gasification.

    In both ANNs models, the data sets containing the infor-

    mation (the values of input and output variables) of different

    biomass gasification tests are small. The data sets for CFB and

    BFB gasifiers contain the results of 18 and36 tests, respectively.

    Due to the small size of the data sets and after some pre-

    liminary validation tests and results from the literature [5,6];

    the number of input variables was reduced compared to the

    initial available ones. Fixed carbon (FC) and volatile matter

    (VM) were considered as dependent variables because the FC

    ratio is proportional to both the H/C and O/C ratios [5,13,14].

    Considering that the gas species to be determined are CO, CO2,

    H2 andCH4;nitrogenandsulphurwerenot consideredeitheras

    input variables. In addition, their amount in wood is very low

    and, in some cases, almost negligible compared with the con-

    tent of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) andoxygen (O). For this reason,

    the input layer for the CFB ANN model consists of seven vari-

    ables: biomassmoisture (MC), biomass content of ash, C,H and

    O, gasification temperature (Tg) and equivalence ratio (ER). In

    the case of BFBmodel, the operational variables considered for

    the input layer were the same than those for CFB gasifier plus

    another variable that stands for the ratio between the amount

    of steam injected and the biomass flowrate (VB). The charac-

    teristics of these input and output variables, obtained from

    published experimental data, are shown in Table 1 for CFB

    gasifiers and in Table 2 for BFB gasifiers.

    2.2. Artificial neural networks topology

    An artificial neural network is a systembased on the operation

    of biological neural networks, a computationalmodel inspired

    b i om a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 7 9e2 8 9 283Fig. 4 e Relative impact (%) of input variables on the different o

    producer gas yield of the ANN model for CFB gasifiers.utputs for the four main producer gas components and

  • Matlab environment using the Neural Network Toolbox [15].

    Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 illustrate the architecture of the models for

    CFB and BFB gasifiers, respectively. Since there is no explicit

    rule to determine either the number of neurons in the hidden

    layer or the number of hidden layers, the trial and error

    method was applied to find the best solution by minimizing

    the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). In this step of training,

    a studywas carried out to determine the number of neurons in

    hidden layer which was considered to one and two neurons

    for both ANNs models. The best obtained results (data not

    show) were considering two neurons in hidden layer (see Figs.

    measured by RMSE and regression coefficient (R2), which were

    calculated with the experimental values and networks


    3. Results and discussion

    3.1. Proposed ANN model for circulating fluidized bedgasifiers

    Five neural networks with seven inputs, two neurons in the


    b i om a s s an d b i o e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 7 9e2 8 92841 and 2).

    The ANNsmodels proposed in the present study consist in:

    - CFB gasifier model: five ANNs, one for each output (CO, CO2,

    H2, CH4 and gas yield). Each ANN has one input layer with

    seven variables (biomass moisture (MC), biomass content of

    ash, C, H and O, gasification temperature (Tg) and equiv-

    alence ratio (ER)), one hidden layer with two neurons and

    one output.

    - BFB gasifier model: five ANNs with eight variables in the

    input layer (biomassmoisture (MC), biomass content of ash,

    C, H and O, gasification temperature (Tg), equivalence ratio

    (ER) and injected steam ratio (VB)), one hidden layer with

    two neurons and one output each ANN.

    To test the robustness and predict the ability of themodels,

    in both ANNs models, the data sets were divided into training

    (80%) and validation-test subsets (20%), randomly selected

    from the available database. Due to the small size of the

    database, validation and test sets were the same.

    In all models, a hyperbolic tangent sigmoid function (tan-

    sig) was used in the hidden layer and the linear transfer

    function ( purelin) was used in the output layer. The input

    parameters were normalized in the range of 0.2e0.8. So, any

    samples from the training and validation-test sets ( pi) were

    scaled to a new value pi using Eq. (1) [19]:

    pi 0:2

    0:6$pi min


    maxpiminpi (1)

    aoutput Xj2j1




    1 exp 2$




    11CCCAin the natural neurons. An ANN is composed of a large num-

    ber of highly interconnected processing elements (neurons or

    nodes) working in unison to solve specific problems. The

    neurons are grouped into distinct layers and interconnected

    according to a given architecture. Each layer has a weight

    matrix, a bias vector and an output vector.

    In this study, two ANNs models were developed in thewhere pi is the normalized input variable and pi is the input

    variable.To assess the relative importance of the input variables,

    the evaluation process based on the neural net weight matrix

    and Garson equation [18] was used [17,19]. Garson proposed

    an equation based on the partitioning of connection weights.

    The numerator describes the sums of absolute products of

    weights for each input while the denominator represents the

    sum of all weights feeding into hidden unit, taking the abso-hidden layer and one output each, was found to be efficient in

    predicting producer gas composition as well as gas yield for

    CFB gasifiers.

    Experimental and simulated values for CO, CO2, H2, CH4,

    and gas yield were compared satisfactorily through a linear

    regression model ( y a$x b) for each. The obtainedregression coefficients (R2) are presented in Fig. 3. It can be

    seen how all R2 values are higher than 0.99 except for the case

    of H2 composition that it is 0.98.

    According to Verma et al. [16] and El Hamzaoui et al. [17] to

    satisfy the statistical test of intercept and slope; the interval

    between the highest and lowest values of the intercept must

    contain zero and the interval between the highest and lowest

    values of the slope must contain one. The proposed ANNs

    passed the test with 99.8% of confidence level. This test

    guarantees that whole ANNmodel, containing five ANNs, has

    a satisfactory level of confidence.

    Table 3 gives the obtained parameters (IWj,i, LW1,j, b1j, b2)

    of the best fit for 2 neurons in the hidden layer for each of the

    five ANN developed in the CFB model. These parameters were

    used in the proposed model to simulate the output values. In

    consequence, the proposed ANN model follows Eq. (2):

    b2 (2)The outputs of each ANNwere comparedwith targets from

    experimental data reported by other authors. Tominimize the

    error, the LavenbergeMarquardt backpropagation algorithm

    was used. The system adjusted the weights of the internal

    connections to minimize errors between the network output

    and target output.

    The performance of the different ANNs was statisticallylute values. The proposed equation, adapted to the present

    ANN topology, is as presented in Eq. (3):

  • Fig. 5 e Comparison of the experimental results with the results calculated by ANN for BFB gasifiers.

    b i om a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 7 9e2 8 9 285

  • Ii

















    where Ii is the relative influence of the ith input variable on

    the output variable. The relative importance of the different

    input variables, for each ANN, calculated using Eq. (3) is

    shown in Fig. 4. As it can be observed, all variables have

    a strong effect on the different outputs (CO, CO2, H2, CH4and producer gas yield). It can be seen how variables that

    account for biomass composition (C, H, O) represent be-

    tween 31.7% and 54.1% of the importance on CO, CO2, H2and CH4 prediction. However, this importance is reduced to

    25% for producer gas yield. On the other hand ER is the

    most important variable for producer gas yield prediction

    (37.6%) while it is also important for CO and H2 (31.2 and

    30.2%) and less important for CO2 (11.5%) and CH4 (12.6%).

    Gasification temperature has a relative constant importance

    in all cases (around 10%) except for CO2 where it is lower


    3.2. Proposed ANN model for bubbling fluidized bedgasifiers

    In this model, the same procedure than that applied for

    CFB gasifiers has been followed. The topology of the five

    ANNs integrated in the model is the same than in the pre-

    vious case. However, here, eight input variables are consid-

    ered instead of seven because the model also accounts for

    airesteam gasification and not only for air gasification like in

    CFB gasifiers.

    The obtained regression coefficients (R2) when comparing

    experimental and simulated values for CO, CO2, H2, CH4,

    and gas yield are presented in Fig. 5. All R2 values are higher

    than 0.99 except for the case of CO2 composition that it is


    The limits for the statistical test of intercept and slopewere

    calculated. In all cases, the slope contained one and the

    intercept contained zero. Consequently, the proposed ANNs

    also passed the test with 99.8% of confidence level.

    Table 4 eWeights and biases of the ANNs for the fourmajor producer gas species (CO, CO2, H2, CH4) and producer gas yieldfor the ANN model for BFB gasifiers.


    IWi,j0.9005 22.8979 0.3383 10.2693 13.9051 0.5125 1.2177 1.61454.0218 2.0805 0.6249 1.9391 1.0988 0.6812 0.1740 0.5222LW1,j b1j b2

    33.7782 39.6833 15.6788 12.35243.6788

    19.3959 10.3177 4.3555 12.2481

    b i om a s s an d b i o e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 7 9e2 8 9286CO2IWi,j8.6144 1.1591 9.1504 4.13210.4782 3.9688 5.2829 1.2131LW1,j b1j3.5726 2.6414 4.4389

    5.3372CH4IWi,j27.6038 30.0594 31.5068 31.934456.8348 245.3845 194.6359 29.1672LW1,j b1j0.4665 1.0988 28.9205

    79.8145H2IWi,j2.6766 3.3581 1.7070 0.71231.0173 0.0697 3.1264 1.8738

    LW1,j b1j13.8413 8.0323 1.3738

    0.7616Producer gas yield

    IWi,j5.3707 31.8927 4.4783 23.24724.1585 10.9772 2.1819 5.8447LW1,j b1j

    0.5422 1.2019 22.8709

    6.01266.7403 4.6368 4.3425 1.4914b2

    1.75170.7413 12.6004 1.6067 4.854718.4774 3.4298 6.4298 7.5909



    49.1297 85.5683 10.8387 1.0029

    243.0979 158.8235 82.2433 103.3151b2


    1.0042 1.4738 0.0854 2.39630.1026 1.6956 5.1339 6.0746



  • Table 4 shows the obtained parameters (IWj,i, LW1,j, b1j, b2)

    of the best fit for 2 neurons in the hidden layer for each of the

    five ANN developed in the BFB model. The proposed ANN

    model follows the same expression than the previous case

    but it is necessary to take into account that in this case eight

    inputs are considered as shown in Eq. (4):

    The relative influence of the input variables was also

    evaluated using Eq. (3) as in the CFB gasifiers model. The

    relative importance of the different input variables for each

    ANN is shown in Fig. 6. As can be seen in the previous

    model, in this case, all of the variables also have a strong

    effect on the different outputs (CO, CO2, H2, CH4 and

    producer gas yield). Variables that account for biomass

    composition (C, H, O) always represent, like in CFB model,

    more than 25% of the importance of all studied outputs. The

    importance of ER is reduced in all cases. However, ER and VB

    together represent around 20% of importance in all cases

    except for CO.

    Results presented in this section and in Section 3.1 show

    how the percentage composition of the main four gas species

    in producer gas and producer gas yield for a biomass CFB or

    BFB gasifier can be successfully predicted by applying a neural

    network with two hidden neurons in the hidden layer and

    using backpropagation algorithm. The results obtained by

    aoutput Xj2j1




    1 exp 2$





    37775 b2 (4)

    b i om a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 7 9e2 8 9 287Fig. 6 e Relative impact (%) of input variables on the different o

    producer gas yield of the ANN model for BFB gasifiers.utputs for the four main producer gas components and

  • Very few references can be found in the field of biomass

    [6] Brown D, Fuchino T, Marechal F. Stoichiometric equilibriummodelling of biomass gasification: validation of artificial

    b i om a s s an d b i o e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 7 9e2 8 9288gasification modeling. The two ANN models developed in the

    present study for CFB and BFB gasifiers have shown the pos-

    sibility that ANN may offer some contribution to research in

    this field.

    Results presented show how the percentage composition

    of the main four gas species in producer gas and producer gas

    yield for a biomass CFB or BFB gasifier can be successfully

    predicted by applying a neural network with two hidden

    neurons in the hidden layer and using backpropagation

    algorithm. The results obtained by these ANNs show high

    agreement with published experimental data used: very good

    correlations (R2 > 0.98) in almost all cases and small RMSEs.

    According to analysis, all of the variables have a strong

    effect on the different outputs (CO, CO2, H2, CH4 and producer

    gas yield) for all ANNmodels. Biomass composition (C, H, O) in

    CFB represents between 31.7% and 54.1% of the importance on

    CO, CO2, H2 and CH4 prediction and in BFB between 28.9% and

    52.3%. In the case of producer gas yield prediction, in CFB, the

    ER input is the most important variable (37.6%) while in BFB

    model decreases down to 10.8%.

    This study is a first step and provides a good approach of

    the great potential of this kind of models in this field. How-

    ever, further additional experimental data to enlarge the

    database would be useful for further ANN training and

    improve the developed models. Finally, these proposed ANNs

    models can be used to optimize and control the process.


    The authorswould like to thank the European Commission for

    the financial support received as part of the European Project

    Polycity (Energy networks in sustainable communities) (TREN/



    ANN artificial neural network

    BFB bubbling fluidized bed

    b1, b2 biases

    CFB circulating fluidized bed

    ER equivalence ratio ()FC mass fraction% of fixed carbon in dry biomass

    IW, LW matrix weightthese ANNs show high agreement with published exper-

    imental data used: very good correlations (R2 > 0.98) in almost

    all cases and small RMSEs. However, it is necessary to have in

    mind that ANN models are limited to a specified range of

    operating conditions for which they have been trained. For

    this reason, a larger experimental databasewould be desirable

    to get improved models.

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    p input to the ANN model


    normalized input to the ANN model

    R2 correlation coefficient

    RMSE root mean square error

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    b i om a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 7 9e2 8 9 289

    Artificial neural network models for biomass gasification in fluidized bed gasifiers1. Introduction2. Methods2.1. Experimental data selection2.2. Artificial neural networks topology

    3. Results and discussion3.1. Proposed ANN model for circulating fluidized bed gasifiers3.2. Proposed ANN model for bubbling fluidized bed gasifiers

    4. ConclusionsAcknowledgmentsNomenclatureReferences
